
yofeloutstanding owl00:00
yofellol, that would certainly count as an odd creature00:01
bcurtiswxPerpetual Platypus00:01
bcurtiswxyou heard it here first folks00:01
nigelbbcurtiswx: how can you have a linux release and P without penguins :)00:02
bcurtiswxnigelb, everyone expects that..00:02
bcurtiswxmark isn't a typical person..00:02
nigelbhm, agreed on both counts00:02
nigelbok, so bug watcher mails seem to be in full flow now :D00:22
bcurtiswxOMG apport is spamming my inbox.. lol00:45
nigelbI just discovered, those bugs with 100 or so subscribes and lots of comments01:31
nigelbThose guys are going to be really pissed off today :p01:31
abhijithello all05:49
abhijitthe window where we select our username and type password after switching on ubuntu. what its called? i need submit bug for it05:49
abhijitcan i do ubuntu-bug ubuntu?05:51
abhijitPackage ubuntu does not exists!!!05:51
abhijitvish, ping05:52
abhijitkermiac, ping05:54
rusiviHello, I just did a native Maverick Beta install and mid-install it offered to download updates during the install, instructed me to choose my wireless network but no networks were shown (plenty were in the area and the switch was on :P ) what do I bug against ubuntu-bug ubuntu?05:55
kermiacabhijit: yes?05:58
abhijitkermiac, the window where we select our username and type password after switching on ubuntu. what its called? i need submit bug for it05:58
kermiacabhijit: gdm05:59
abhijitkermiac, ok. thanks mate05:59
kermiacnp abhijit :)05:59
abhijitnow sumiting. :)05:59
micahgrusivi: try the wireless-backports package06:00
rusivimicahg: ty06:00
rusivimicahg: none of those are installed on my system atm nor did I uninstall...06:01
rusivimicahg: seems Network-Manager?!06:01
micahgrusivi: I'm saying you may need to install it to get the wireless working06:02
rusivimicahg: my wireless is working fine post install06:02
rusivimicahg: it did not during, and it offered me to seemlessly download updates after installing but when it asked me to choose a network no networks were displayed06:02
rusivimicahg: and my wifi switch was in the on status and the light was on06:03
micahgrusivi: right, but after install it worked w/out installing anything?06:03
rusivimicahg: and an ethernet cable was not plugged in :P06:03
micahgok, ubuntu-bug linux I guess06:03
rusivimicahg: k ty!06:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 640184 in gdm (Ubuntu) "gdm hangs randomely (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]06:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 637965 in arora (Ubuntu) "shortcut for ibus is not working in arora (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]06:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 639689 in celestia (Ubuntu) "Celestia-gnome is laggy in ubuntu (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]06:09
micahgabhijit: why are you pasting these?06:09
abhijitmicahg, hey waigt06:09
abhijitmicahg, i want to request someone to triage these bugs06:10
abhijitmicahg, its so many days now no one looked at them06:10
micahgabhijit: ah06:10
abhijitmicahg, what happen?06:10
micahgabhijit: what do you mean06:10
abhijitmicahg, 'ah'?06:11
micahgabhijit: as in, that explains it06:11
abhijitsomeone here to triage these bugs? hello?06:11
micahg!patience | abhijit06:14
ubot2abhijit: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com06:14
micahgabhijit: it's the calm time06:14
abhijitohh ! :) ok np06:14
arahappy bug day09:17
vishoh! nice trick... dont get a bug fixed in 2days.. email Mark about it! ;p10:25
persiaI've wishlisted my own bug #640367, and wondered if someone could confirm it for me.11:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 640367 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "Manpages questionably indexed (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64036711:47
=== ivoks-afk is now known as ivoks
rusivipersia: I'll confirm that11:57
rusivipersia: done11:57
rusiviWhat do we do about bug 128165 being spammed by poster Iperbit?11:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 128165 in netcfg (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Installation of Network put a wrong DNS, crashing the Installation (dups: 1) (heat: 2)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12816511:59
vishrusivi: what was the basis for the confirmed ? :)11:59
persiarusivi, Thanks :)12:01
rusivivish: b/c I confirmed what persia was talking about. Would you like me to document in the comments?12:01
* persia doesn't see the point of documenting confirmation in comments when it's obvious12:01
rusiviI will if you like no big deal12:01
vishrusivi: ah ok.. you did check the man pages..12:01
rusivivish: yes12:02
rusivivish: I ACTUALLY confirmed it, not just marked it confirmed without checking :D12:02
vishrusivi: nah.. there have been a few new triagers who dont check bugs in their install , just just making sure ;)12:02
rusivivish: no I'm glad to be held accountable!12:02
rusivivish: accountability = integrity12:03
persiarusivi, re: 128165 : the most we can do is report it in #launchpad12:04
persiaThe usual thing is that it ends up being a launchpad question, and someone tries to clean up.12:04
vishrusivi: neat! there have been a few who are too eager just confirming bugs while not even using ubuntu.. sometimes people are too helpful ;)12:04
persiavery abusive users sometimes end up with their accounts disabled temporarily (with the time depending on their willingness to contact the admins)12:04
vishrusivi: translation == that wasnt to not-pick on you.. ;)12:06
rusivivish: please pick on me, I'm fine with it!12:06
rusivipersia: yeah I got maimed, flamed, and blamed b/c I asked an update request to a bug that was 2 years since last comment. Granted it was triaged and medium... I stopped that but I should not be ridiculed for an innocuous inquiry.12:07
persiaIt is critically important to be precise, and ensure we discuss the details: that said, we always take care to avoid giving each other the impression that the discussion is personal.12:07
persiarusivi, Context issue: I was talking about lperbit, not you12:08
rusivipersia: I mentioned in bug about the CoC so far as I'm concerned it's squashed.12:08
persiadecent start: if it continues, escalate as indicated above.12:09
persiaIf it stops, all is good.12:09
vishlooks like lperbit has been deactivated12:09
rusivivish: ty for checking12:10
rusivivish: is that something I could have checked for myself?12:10
vishrusivi: you can check too , just click on the icon for the user and you are taken to their account12:10
vishrusivi: also the icon will be grey is account is deactivated12:11
rusivivish: k ty12:13
rusiviAnyone have suggestion on when I was downloading Maverick Ubuntu & Kubuntu the progress mid download stops but no indication download failed is a bug in firefox client or server side?12:16
rusiviQuick followup, I can get it to resume just by pressing pause then resume.12:17
rusivitrivial but buggable?12:17
persiaTo troubleshoot that, maybe try using wireshark, or comparing with other clients?  That's not near enough description to even guess at the cause (or responsible package)12:18
bilalakhtarpersia: Could you please add me to -sponsors?12:22
persiabilalakhtar, Sure.12:22
persiabilalakhtar, Seems I can't, for some reason.12:27
bilalakhtarpersia: why?12:27
persiaI no longer seem to be a member.12:27
bilalakhtarno problem12:28
persiaThat's what I thought :)12:28
bilalakhtarpersia: its not your fault :) I understand12:28
* bilalakhtar can't find Emmet Hikory in the list12:28
persianeither can I, hence the confusion12:29
vishooh! just noticed that persia made a passing comment and it was meant for me! :D  persia i just like to add the info i get and its saves me not being asked "what is the message do you get?" ;)13:14
=== ivoks is now known as ivoks-afk
persiavish, I can understand that viewpoint, which is why I don't argue against it more.  I find the bugmail containing that annoying, except when the confirmation was with an interestingly different system (and that interesting difference is noted in the comment)13:15
persiaEasy enough to ignore the comment in the bug log otherwise13:15
vishpersia: actually i dint notice rusivi's confirm until i confirmed it :)13:15
vishelse wouldnt have commented..13:16
vishpersia: we really should implement the mid air clash from bugzilla ;)13:17
persiaThere's reasons why bugs aren't kept live.13:17
persiaPersonally, I prefer them not to be live.13:17
persiaIt never hurts to have two people try to set "Confirmed"13:17
persiaBut it's a vast waste of bandwidth and CPU power to keep the bugs I have open in my browser active when I'm not looking at them13:18
vishpersia: well , it did annoy someone though ;)13:18
vishpersia: oh , i thought you were annoyed.. :)13:19
vishif not \o/13:19
persiaNo.  I'm good at ignoring mail :)13:19
persiaMind you, I'd like to be less good at it, because I know there's signal in the noise, but that's a different issue.13:20
* vish note to self dont confirm persia's bugs ;p13:20
persiaDon't worry about it.13:20
persiaNot worth a note.13:20
persiaAnyway, "my" bugs tend to be filed by other folks, and just of interest to me, so hard to identify, moreso as I'm often not subscribed (to cut down on bugmail)13:21
vishbug watch exception should have been made for fixed bugs :(13:29
vishevery bug old and new , fixed or not , is getting a priority spamm..13:29
rusiviCan someone please look at bug 98388, I looked at all the different Overviews and none of them explain what Zope is nor offer the opportunity to ask a question against it...13:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 98388 in zope3/3.4 (and 3 other projects) "missing __iro__ in interface" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9838813:32
persiarusivi, Better to ask the zope folk: that's not even our bug.13:33
rusivipersia: k np13:33
persiaLooks sorted though13:33
hakzsamHi everyone, I need some help14:13
hakzsamI fixed a bug in rhythmbox from launchpad, but I don't understand how to write changes in debian/changelog, could you explain me, please ? I read this howto https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix, but I don't understand the step #5, ("Make sure you mention the bug...")14:14
shadeslayerhakzsam: ok its like * foo (LP: #bugno)14:16
hakzsamshadeslayer: ok, but looks the last change in debian/changelog (rhythmbox) here : http://pastebin.com/82BD8nf7, could you give me an example, please ? I fixed this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/rhythmbox/+bug/40148314:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 401483 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "the party mode doesn't allow to double click on a song (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Low,Triaged]14:19
shadeslayerhakzsam: changelog needs more description14:19
shadeslayerdo something like : * Added 22_hide_on_quit.patch (LP: 401483)14:20
shadeslayerand then a - <More Description>14:20
hakzsamok, thanks14:21
zeroseven0183Hi people. Question14:24
zeroseven0183How do you treat a bug report that has spam comment?14:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 131236 in debconf (Ubuntu) "frontend crashed with SIGSEGV in abort() (dups: 5) (heat: 125)" [Medium,Incomplete]14:24
zeroseven0183comment #1414:24
zeroseven0183One concerned bug triager reported this in the Launchpad Answers section.14:25
zeroseven0183And he's here in the channel :-(14:25
zeroseven0183I believe14:25
shadeslayerzeroseven0183: id say that is a mistake on https://edge.launchpad.net/~brokenthorn part14:27
shadeslayerhe might have accidently mailed it14:27
hakzsamhow to revert a commit with bazaar, please ?14:27
zeroseven0183shadeslayer: I think so too :-)14:28
shadeslayerhakzsam: already pushed?14:28
hakzsamI don't know, I used 'debcommit'14:29
persiaThat's a commit: it's only a push if the branch is bound.14:30
persiaAsking in #bzr might get more useful responses14:30
shadeslayerhakzsam: you can use bzr revert i14:30
shadeslayeror wait14:30
shadeslayerits bzr uncommit14:30
* shadeslayer keeps mixing git and bzr14:31
hakzsamthanks :)14:32
abhijitanyone can mark this bug as wishlist?14:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 640498 in getdeb.net "f-spot needed (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]14:34
shadeslayerabhijit: sure14:35
abhijitshadeslayer, :D14:35
* shadeslayer doesnt have rights to do that14:36
shadeslayerwhich is werid14:36
jibelabhijit, this is not an Ubuntu bug14:36
abhijitjibel, i know. its get deb wishlist.14:37
shadeslayeroic thats why14:37
hakzsamhow to generate a patch with bazaar ? sorry for the inconvenience, but I know git, svn but not bazaar14:45
hakzsamperhaps, bzr diff > my_patch.patch ?14:46
hakzsamshadeslayer: just to be sure, I wrote a description in debian/changelog, then run 'bzr diff > debian/patches/my_patch.patch' and debcommit, it's okay for the steps ?14:51
hakzsamand I'm going to push the branch in launchpad14:52
shadeslayerhakzsam: looks ok, but ive never used debcommit14:52
hakzsamshadeslayer: mhh, do you use bzr commit -m "..." ?14:53
hakzsamI'm a new contributor, it's not trivial at the start...14:54
hakzsamshadeslayer: ok, I pushed my branch on launchpad, and now I must to click on 'Propose for merging', right ?15:01
pedro_i'm starting to hate the bug watch updater...15:05
pedro_got like 13000 new emails15:05
hakzsamokay, I fixed my first bug in ubuntu, I'm happy :)15:09
pedro_congrats hakzsam :-)15:10
vishhakzsam: well done!15:10
pedro_hola vish15:10
rusiviCan someone view bug 640528 for wishlist status?15:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 640528 in launchpad-gm-scripts "firefox-lp-improvements confirmation of +reload+ (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64052815:11
vishpedro_: hey , bug watcher is checking the importance for fix released bugs , why ? or why? make it stop ! :(15:11
pedro_vish, :-(15:11
pedro_vish, got 13000 emails since yesterday15:11
nigelbpedro_: ok, you're much much worse than us :p15:12
pedro_nigelb, vish i can forward all those to you though ;-)15:12
* nigelb got only 250 to 300 (so far)15:12
nigelbpedro_: I'll pass15:12
pedro_so we can share the pain15:12
vishgah! , looks for knife!15:12
pedro_oh come on15:12
pedro_moi hggdh15:12
pedro_hggdh, feeling the pain with the bug watch updater?15:12
hggdhmoi pedro_15:12
vishseriously , it is a bug in the bug watcher , it should _not_ look at fix released bugs.15:13
jpdsmoi? quoi?15:13
hggdhjust a few batches with a few hundreds emails ;-)15:13
hggdhjpds: moi is 'good morning' in Pomerodin, a dialect of German15:13
jpdsOh, I thought you were speaking French.15:14
pedro_I'd pay for see seb128 face when checking his email ;-)15:14
nigelbpedro_: me too :p15:14
nigelbespecially when he's back from vacation15:14
hggdhPomerode is a town in southtern Brazil, mostly colonised by germans15:14
pedro_i'm laughing already haha15:14
pedro_nigelb, yeah ! hah15:14
nigelbpedro_: did we ever tell hggdh the secret?15:14
* hggdh feels the pain...15:15
pedro_nigelb, course not! that's why it's a secret15:17
pedro_this isn't fair, just checked out my email again, 1500 new bug mail15:23
charlie-tcaBugDay for Brasero! Everybody is welcome to help out if possible - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/2010091615:30
shadeslayerhakzsam: yes15:30
hakzsamyes, it's done, my branch has a merge proposal15:31
shadeslayeroh great :D15:33
nigelbpedro_: #blame-bdmurray and #blame-bryceh :p15:41
bdmurraynot it - its really bryce15:45
nigelbWe're just being on the safe side :)15:47
hggdhrusivi: please do not change status on tasks or bugs not for Ubuntu -- like Madriva16:00
hggdhrusivi: also please subscribe to bugs you ask questions on16:01
rusivihggdh: sorry which question did I not subscribe to?16:02
rusivihggdh: which bug regarding Mandriva?16:02
vishhehe! everyone is whining about the bug mail and jolly charlie-tca is worried about bug day ;p16:03
hggdhrusivi: bug 5338816:03
vishcharlie-tca: didnt you get spammed?!!!!16:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 53388 in coreutils (Mandriva) (and 3 other projects) "du reports existing files as missing (heat: 12)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5338816:03
rusivihggdh: regarding that bug, it seemed very appropriate to ask the reporter to report to Mandriva w/ his Mandriva bug, especially since the issue seemed resolved16:05
rusivihggdh: seemed resolved = bug already marked fixed in Ubuntu before I looked at it16:05
rusivihggdh: still no change on bug status for that bug at least?16:06
pedro_rusivi, doesn't make sense to triage bugs that are from Mandriva in LP16:07
pedro_rusivi, i think that's the point hggdh is trying to make here16:07
pedro_rusivi, we triage Ubuntu bugs in LP so may you please keep it that way?16:07
rusivipedro_: sorry I did not make that connection. I won't touch upstream links if it causes so much consternation :)16:08
=== ivoks-afk is now known as ivoks
pedro_rusivi, Thank you16:09
charlie-tcaI was kind of happy to see bugzilla finally giving us anything!16:10
micahgcharlie-tca: we've been getting status from bugzilla for almost a year16:11
charlie-tcahmm, well, my gnumeric bugs just updated16:11
charlie-tcastatus and importance both, and that is bugzilla16:11
pedro_charlie-tca, status was working sort of fine with Gnome's Bugzilla but the importance wasn't16:12
vishpedro_:  <vish> bryceh: have mercy on us! bug watcher is on a rampage.. :(  it is checking status for old fix released bugs too16:12
vishjoin me :D16:12
pedro_now it's updating both for every bug there16:12
charlie-tcastatus for gnumeric wasn't updating16:12
charlie-tcaPlease work on BUGDAY instead of whining. It is much more productive16:13
pedro_vish ^16:13
vishi wannaaa cry!16:13
charlie-tcaWell, maybe cry first, then work on BugDay ;-)16:13
pedro_reboot brb16:13
* vish pff! sulks and goes bug day hunting! hope someone is happy! 16:18
hggdhrusivi: it is not consternation, it is not messing with what we do not have the right to mess. We have rights to Ubuntu bugs (or tasks). Anything else is not ours16:28
charlie-tcapedro_: many of the incomplete brasero bugs request the reporter send the bug upstream (for jaunty). Should these be closed now?16:28
charlie-tcaExample is bug 32990516:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 329905 in brasero (Ubuntu) "Brasero burns corruptly (heat: 5)" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32990516:28
hggdhrusivi: we *can* go upstream (to Madriva, or Gnome, or KDE, etc) and comment on the bugs *there*16:28
pedro_charlie-tca, yeah those are ok to close16:29
pedro_you're welcome16:29
pedro_btw is somebody else getting no bugs with the hugday tool?16:30
Tetsuo55noooo, empathy crash isnt fixed :(16:30
pedro_Tetsuo55, which empathy crash?16:30
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rusivihggdh: the only reason I touched it (will not moving forward) is because there Mandriva bug linked16:30
Tetsuo55unicode one in butterfly that was fixed yesterday16:30
rusivimggdh: there Mandriva bug link = there was no Mandriva bug linked16:31
Tetsuo55im opening a new ticket16:31
hggdhrusivi: yes, but it is a Mandriva bug, not Ubuntu. If you think a comment/question is needed, you have to go to the Madriva BTS and do it there16:31
Tetsuo55pedro_:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/telepathy-butterfly/+bug/59738116:31
rusivihggdh: k np16:31
ubot2Tetsuo55: Error: Bug #597381 is private.16:31
Tetsuo55This report is public16:32
pedro_Tetsuo55, that's still not fixed though16:32
pedro_not in Ubuntu at least16:32
Tetsuo55oh so it was another butterfly crash that got fixed yesterday?16:33
Tetsuo55bbl dinner16:33
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
vishcharlie-tca: are you able to close? i get bug not found! o.016:36
yofelpedro_: right, hugday list returns nothing16:36
pedro_same here16:36
pedro_thekorn, are you around ? ^16:37
charlie-tcaI don't use the hugday tools16:37
* charlie-tca still does everything the old-fashioned way, "edit"16:37
yofelhey, they're cool, I even made the script put a link to my LP profile instead of just the id :P16:38
charlie-tcaIt says pedro_ has the page locked16:38
* pedro_ checking16:39
pedro_charlie-tca, does it works now?16:40
charlie-tcaThis page was opened for editing or last previewed at 2010-09-16 08:39:08 by Pedro Villavicencio.16:40
charlie-tcaYou should refrain from editing this page for at least another 9 minute(s), to avoid editing conflicts.16:40
charlie-tcaTo leave the editor, press the Cancel button.16:40
charlie-tcafail, huh?16:41
thekornpedro_: yes, what did I broke?16:41
pedro_i'm pretty sure i'm not editing anything16:42
pedro_thekorn, nothing :-)16:42
pedro_thekorn, may you have a look at the hugday tool? is returning 0 bugs and not finding anything16:42
thekornsure, give me a sec16:43
pedro_thank you thekorn16:44
charlie-tca5 more minutes16:45
rusiviIn bug 139558 it seems it is a bug that is dependent on another but not a formal duplicate, is it appropriate to mark this bug as a dup of the dependency?16:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 139558 in telepathy-butterfly (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "telepathy-butterfly crashed with UnicodeDecodeError in _signal_text_received() (affects: 68) (dups: 1) (heat: 342)" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13955816:46
thekornpedro_: found the issue: the hugday tool searches for bugurls with pattern 'https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/<ID>', but today the Bug column has urls like "https://launchpad.net/bugs/502612"16:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 502612 in brasero (Ubuntu) "Session error : unknown (brasero_burn_record brasero-burn.c:2811) (affects: 7) (heat: 36)" [Low,New]16:51
thekorneasiest fix would be to adjust the urls on the wiki, but I can change it in the script too16:51
thekornbut then everybody has to update their checkouts16:52
pedro_charlie-tca, how did you generated the list of bugs?16:52
charlie-tcaOO.o manually16:52
pedro_like manually manually?16:52
charlie-tcaI did not want to have to install bzr again16:52
charlie-tcalike copy from launchpad to abiword to Open-Office calc?16:53
pedro_:-P you could have told me about it16:53
hggdhrusivi: no, you should not make it a dup -- it depends on, but it is not the same issue16:53
hggdhrusivi: we should have dependency handling on LP in a few weeks16:53
charlie-tcadid what the wiki said to16:53
pedro_charlie-tca, it says use bughelper :-P16:54
pedro_ah let's fix the bug url it should be easy to do16:54
pedro_thanks thekorn16:54
thekornno problemo16:54
pedro_charlie-tca, i'm pretty sure that vish wrote that16:54
rusivihggdh: k ty for checking!16:54
pedro_charlie-tca, is always his fault16:54
charlie-tcabughelper wanted to install bazaar again. I did not want that again16:55
charlie-tcaWell, vish should take the blame then :-)16:55
charlie-tcaobviously not my fault16:55
charlie-tcaOh, I see now. Yes, my fault.16:57
charlie-tcaI guess I will fix the organizing page, then16:58
pedro_links fixed, could somebody try to close a bug there?16:59
charlie-tcapedro_: that is probably why it was so difficult to follow those directions.17:01
vishpedro_: hmm , what did i write?17:01
pedro_charlie-tca, yeah17:01
pedro_vish, could you try to close some bugs with hugday tool?17:02
vishworks now!17:03
charlie-tcaSorry. Corrected the organizing page, too.17:04
thekornhugday current17:04
thekornups, sorry17:04
pedro_charlie-tca, thank you !17:04
charlie-tcano problem17:04
charlie-tcaAt least we found it17:04
pedro_indeed :-)17:05
vishhmm , btw, what got pinned on me this time ?  :D17:05
pedro_vish, ah it's a secret :-P17:06
* vish duck-tapes pedro_'s finger ;p17:06
vishno more pointing for you! ;)17:06
charlie-tcavish: does it matter? I heard you did it, no matter what "it" is?17:10
* vish very bad fella .. o.017:11
charlie-tcaI wouldn't say bad, but very considerate, taking blame for things.17:12
Tetsuo55ok im back17:13
Tetsuo55whats keeping bug 597381 fix from becomming available on updater?17:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 597381 in telepathy-butterfly (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "telepathy-butterfly crashed with UnicodeDecodeError in _signal_text_received() (affects: 70) (dups: 1) (heat: 316)" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59738117:13
pedro_Tetsuo55, i'll check it in a few17:14
Tetsuo55pedro_: thanks17:14
pedro_you're welcome17:16
vishpedro_: btw, what happened to hggdh's secret ? ;)17:17
vishdid anyone crack under his pressure?17:17
fuorviatosHello there17:17
pedro_vish, no one :-)17:17
* hggdh points out to vish that there will be a reckoning during UDS >->17:17
vishoh oh!17:18
fuorviatosmicahg: thanks for your help on puching forward the bug related to  samba hang :)17:18
fuorviatosmicahg: I'm glad it's been fixed so fast17:18
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micahgfuorviatos: np17:20
micahgfuorviatos: once can be written off as a fluke possibly, twice with so many reports is a chronic issue17:21
Tetsuo55pedro_: FYI, the behaviour has changed now, after todays update it now occurs on every message sent, instead of once in a while17:22
pedro_Tetsuo55, ok, looks like it's fixed in butterfly 0.5.1417:24
pedro_Tetsuo55, yesterday update was for papyon17:24
fuorviatosmicahg: I'm not sure I got you :)17:24
pedro_Tetsuo55, i've pinged the maintainer to have a look and include the fix in the ubuntu package17:24
pedro_Tetsuo55, thanks for raising it17:24
micahgfuorviatos: happening on two successive upgrades implies a larger issue17:24
fuorviatosmicahg: yeah, you're right17:25
Tetsuo55pedro_:  thank you, can i get another packadge updated while we;re at it? cppcheck, it doesnt seem to fall under formal ubuntu maintenance though17:25
pedro_Tetsuo55, better to ask that in #motu17:26
Tetsuo551 user there? lol17:26
micahgTetsuo55: #ubuntu-motu :)17:27
pedro_bha ubuntu-motu17:27
pedro_what micahg said ;-)17:27
cjohnstonIs there anyone around who could take a few minutes and work on finishing the Contributions page for the bug squad please? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityContributePages#Bug Triagers17:41
pedro_cjohnston, i'm working on it17:44
cjohnstongreat pedro_.. Thanks!17:44
MichealHcjohnston: I could but Im not a traiger? What needs doing?17:44
pedro_you're welcome17:45
cjohnstonThere are still some areas that need to be written MichealH.. Sounds like pedro_ is on it though..17:45
MichealHcjohnston: Okay17:45
* MichealH wants to be bugsquad, but I got denied?17:46
MichealHbugcontrol, sorry17:46
charlie-tcaMichealH: I think you need more experience17:50
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MichealHcharlie-tca: Okay17:53
MichealHcharlie-tca: As in?17:53
charlie-tcatriage some more bugs, lots more17:54
nigelbcharlie-tca: erm, abiword?17:56
charlie-tcauses its own bugtracker17:56
nigelboh, ok17:56
* charlie-tca doesn't even get his own messages back that fast17:57
charlie-tcaMichealH: you will do fine, but just need to keep triaging to gain experience17:59
* MichealH searches for triageable bugs and tests them18:02
MichealHCan I focus on Lucid bugs?18:03
charlie-tcaYou can.18:03
nigelbok, so UOW calls are out and who wants to do the bugs talk? /me looks at hggdh18:03
* MichealH disappears18:04
nigelbbdmurray: you could have warned that one would need to be lp beta tester to see those comments18:07
nigelbI was thinking I can't see18:08
bdmurraynigelb: Oh you need to be a member to see them on the web page?  I'd just thought it was only sending mail to beta testers.18:11
devildanteyay, vish assigned me two students :)18:11
bdmurraynigelb: if you've found the launchpad bug please comment on it to that affect18:11
nigelbbdmurray: I talked to dereck, he'll file the bug for it :)18:11
bdmurraynigelb: there is a bug about it already18:12
nigelboh, there is? ok18:12
bdmurraythe switch that will fix bug 639736 will fix the web issue to I imagine18:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 639736 in malone "imported bug comments email not sent to everyone (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63973618:13
nigelbaha, that one18:13
devildantebtw, hi everyone :)18:14
vishmaybe gnome desktop bugs could also get comments imported18:14
vishmost of it is from upstream..18:14
devildantevish, I'd like that18:14
vishpedro_: what ya think^?18:14
devildanteand thanks for assigning me students, vish :)18:16
vishdevildante: you'are welcome :)18:16
rusiviCan someone please review bug 148659 for wishlist?18:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 148659 in scrot (Ubuntu) "scrot can't save files without extension (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14865918:25
charlie-tcarusivi: do we know if scrot now gives an error if no extension is used?18:28
charlie-tcarusivi: this needs to be tested in Maverick, I think. According the the user in comment #5, he experienced something different18:28
rusivicharlie-tca: ah ty for reviewing18:29
charlie-tcano problem18:29
elopiohello squad.18:37
elopiomy evolution is crashing a lot. I debugged it and found that this is the cause: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33072818:38
ubot2Gnome bug 330728 in Gal "Crash in ETable a11y code" [Critical,New]18:38
elopiobut I'm wondering why apport is not launched when it crashes. Evolution just disappears.18:38
yofelelopio: which release are you running?18:40
elopioyofel: maveric beta.18:40
yofelany crash indication in dmesg?18:40
elopioyofel, yes: [90717.567425] evolution[31786]: segfault at 7b1eac00 ip 00007fa09d0d1a80 sp 00007fff2aff3560 error 4 in libetable.so.0.0.0[7fa09d061000+90000]18:41
yofelok, that should trigger apport, and you really have nothing in /var/crash/ ?18:42
elopiolet me see...18:42
elopioI have a _usr_bin_evolution.1000.crash, from about 11 hours ago.18:44
yofelthat should probably be the crash, as apport ignores repeated crashes IIRC18:44
elopioum, got it.18:45
yofelnot sure why it didn't notify about the crash18:45
elopioso if I remove that file, next crash should trigger apport.18:45
yofelI think yes, but I'm not sure18:45
elopiolet's wait :)18:46
elopiothanks yofel18:46
hggdhnigelb: what bug talk?18:47
elopiooh, another question. The bug is already on the upstream tracker. But I didn't found it on launchpad.18:47
* hggdh was busy elsewhere...18:47
elopioshould I add it to launchpad and link it to upstream?18:47
nigelbhggdh: oh the usual, how to contribute :)18:47
hggdhnigelb: and where/when/how/why. Also, what is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything?18:48
* hggdh feels that one more question would not hurt...18:48
nigelbhggdh: #ubuntu-clasroom, you decide, irc, because you're hggdh, and 4218:48
hggdhwow! The guy *is* good!18:49
hggdhas an aside, '42' is the most important answer in the universe, but nobody knows to *which* question...18:50
nigelbhggdh: yes, but I'd recommend "how many steps a guy should take"18:51
hggdhnigelb: OK, I bite18:51
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
pedro_vish, for new bugs sure, but not from *all* otherwise we're going to end up with a huge pile of emails19:03
pedro_vish, like for emails filed there this year19:03
vishyeah , that would be crappy.. new bugs atleast or atleast only new comments for old bugs19:04
devildantevish, or new comments for all bugs19:05
devildante(not all of them)19:06
vishmail from lp also goes out to bugzilla?19:07
vishthat would be super awesome! ,esp for bugs which get too many comments on lp! will drive gnome mad :p19:07
vishwe need not say, the "bug is upstream comment there"  ;p19:08
pedro_they would kill me19:08
pedro_i'd be banned from guadec for ever19:08
nigelbwait, you aren't yet? :p19:09
pedro_not yet, but working hard on it :-P19:09
vishcasualties in war is acceptable ;p19:09
* nigelb ^ 5 vish 19:10
pedro_but would be nice to have some kind of a 'switch' to say ok i'd like these comments to go into the upstream bts19:10
pedro_rather than doing the copy & paste19:10
nigelbpedro_: the pedro script that bryce did!19:10
pedro_because seriously there's plenty of terrible comments on bugs reports19:10
pedro_from spam to "why is this not fixed yet"19:11
pedro_nigelb, haha yeah something like that but in lp :-)19:11
pedro_and restricted to the bug contact or bug control19:11
devildantepedro_ yes, that would be great if it was restricted19:18
hakzsamwho is the main developer in rhythmbox ?19:20
nigelbcheck in #rhythmbox on gimpnet, there are 3 I think19:22
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* yofel would like to see that switch auto-hide comments on the launchpad UI too, so you only see useful ones by default19:25
yofelI think many upstream devs (like Ted) would be happy about that19:26
intraderAll, since 11:27 I have not seen any activity; is there a problem somewhere?19:36
yofelintrader: there has been a lot of activity here, see the logs19:38
yofelalso, 11:27 -> which timezone?19:38
intraderyofel, 11:27 pacific19:39
intraderyofel, Los angeles CA (PST)19:39
PiciYes, nothing new was said since then.19:40
yofelk, I assumed UTC, sry19:41
intraderyofel, np - still I have only seen your comment and brianchidester quiting19:42
intraderPici, thanks19:44
intraderyofel, is there something wrong? No activity19:55
vishintrader: well , we dont simply chat.. if we are chatting something *is* wrong :)19:58
intradervish, I have the activity simply vanish - it has been 15 minutes with only you and yofel around19:59
vishintrader: you are asking about the irc chat having no activity, right?20:00
intradervish, yes #ubuntu-bugs irc  - I just saw jrib joining, did you?20:01
PiciIs there something else that you're expecting to see here?20:02
charlie-tcaintrader: there will be periods of no activity. sometimes we go an hour or more with nothing, too.20:02
intraderPici, charlie-tca: thanks. I wanted to bring up the issue of but 63113020:03
vishbug 63113020:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 631130 in opensuse (and 3 other projects) "In all apps, slow UI since 10.04 install (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 18)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63113020:03
intraderPici, charlie-tca: sorry bug 63113020:04
charlie-tcaWhat is the question?20:05
yofelthis channel has sure gotten busier in the last few months though, when I joined you could easily spend half a day here and then ping the bot to make sure your client isn't broken ^^20:06
vishyofel: yea.. ! its been better since we joined BC ;)20:06
vishbrought some life in here ;p20:06
yofelright :D20:07
intradercharlie-tca: no activity in bug report except for mine. I feel extremely frustrated with 10.04 - barely usable - mostly now using Windows XP20:07
charlie-tcaintrader: There is no point adding tasks for other distributions unless you have a bug number from their bugzillas. We are not going to fix them20:07
intradercharlie-tca, all those distributions have the same problem on this computer. so something in common is wrong20:08
charlie-tcaSome things go that way. If no one else is having that issue, they don't comment on it.20:08
charlie-tcaThe fact that they all have the same issue for you does not mean we want them added to the report as separate projects. Just commenting that you tried them all and it is the same is enough20:09
charlie-tcaThe added project is used to track a bug in their systems, not to say "I have this in these too"20:09
intradercharlie-tca, thanks, I thought that by adding the distributions, it would add information to bug report.20:10
charlie-tcaall it does is leave us wondering why there is no bug report added to them.20:10
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charlie-tcaWhat we need, is to know what the common application/library in use is in all distros it is happening in for you.20:12
intradercharlie-tca, now, what would you recommend? It started in the timeframe of the 9.10 release20:12
charlie-tcaHave you run memory and drive checks?20:12
yofelbtw, is it expected behaviour, that when I tell apt: 'apt-get install pyroom/lucid' it installs the version from lucid-proposed if I have the repos added?20:13
yofelfiled that as bug 640703 if anyone can confirm it or wants to close it20:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 640703 in apt (Ubuntu) "apt-get selects version from wrong release when installing a package and a specific release is requested (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64070320:13
intradercharlie-tca, yes, I have run memory and drive checks.20:14
charlie-tcaIt is also possible something in /home that was carried forward is causing it. I could not use gnumeric in Maverick when I carried the conf files forward20:14
charlie-tcaTry a new user, without carrying anything forward. See if it changes the behavior.20:15
vishyofel: afaik , the latest version will be installed if you have the repo active20:16
charlie-tcaBryce marked it as in the graphics driver, it is a start.20:16
intradercharlie-tca, machine still runs Windows XP splendidly - using firefox, eclipse, mono develop, etc - I will create a new user; how do I prevent to carry anything forward?20:16
vishirrespective of it being -proposed or any other ppa20:16
vishyofel: if you dont want that then apt-pinning is best way to avoid..20:16
charlie-tcaYou just create the new user and restart. Log in as the new user, and try things to see how it works.20:16
charlie-tcaAnd, yes, restart, not log out/log in20:17
yofelvish: well, aptitude works fine, it's just that apt doesn't like me20:17
yofelalso, apt does ignore the maverick version and selects lucid-proposed, just not lucid as I requested20:17
intradercharlie-tca, I will do so, and report back20:17
yofelvish: http://paste.ubuntu.com/494904/20:18
* yofel forgot to add that to the report20:18
njinpedro_: hello20:25
pedro_hey njin20:25
njinpedro_: a bug related to tap-touch can be assigned to xserver-xorg-input mouse ?20:26
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pedro_no idea, which bug?20:26
pedro_njin, somebody here in the channel might help you with that , just paste the link20:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 638025 in ubuntu "Cannot disable 'tap to touch' on touchpad Dell Inspiron 15R or machines without synaptic touchpad driver (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]20:27
pedro_folks , we are more or less done with our section at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityContributePages#Bug%20Triagers20:55
pedro_Please have a look and tell us what you think, would be nice to check for typos ;-)20:55
bdmurraypedro_: looks good thanks!21:07
intradercharlie-tca, about bug 631130 - tried another user after reboot - same21:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 631130 in opensuse (and 3 other projects) "In all apps, slow UI since 10.04 install (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 18)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63113021:08
pedro_thanks for checking bdmurray :-)21:08
pedro_vish, charlie-tca and hggdh contributed to it21:08
charlie-tcaintrader: comment so on the bug, please21:09
intradercharlie-tca, I will do that21:11
charlie-tcaintrader: let me know when you do, I  will triage it21:11
elopiopedro_, I read the triage section and it seems good to me.21:12
elopioI just don't understand this: "There is no requirement to only triage when someone says okay. The only time required is what you are able to give. "21:12
pedro_thanks for checking elopio!21:12
elopioI don't know if it's because of my lousy english, or because it's not clear.21:13
charlie-tcaBugDay is progressing well, now that bugs can be completed on it!21:13
pedro_maybe we could rephrase that21:13
yofelThe first scentence is ok IMHO, but the I don't quite get the 2nd one either21:13
charlie-tcaIt reads bad, maybe21:13
charlie-tcaRemove that 2nd sentence21:13
charlie-tcacause I don't know how to re-word it so it reads good21:14
charlie-tcaJust trying to say you can triage anytime you want to21:14
nigelbcharlie-tca: which one?21:16
charlie-tca "There is no requirement to only triage when someone says okay. The only time required is what you are able to give. "21:17
intradercharlie-tca, added comment to bug 631130. What does triage mean?21:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 631130 in opensuse (and 3 other projects) "In all apps, slow UI since 10.04 install (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 18)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63113021:18
charlie-tcaTriage means there should be enough info for the developers to start working on it, when they can.21:18
nigelbcharlie-tca: ok, the entire sentence looks confusing21:18
yofelsomeone should write a 'triage' factoid for ubot2 ..21:20
charlie-tcayofel: what would it say?21:21
intradercharlie-tca, I suspect that something occurred during the timeframe of release of 9.10 which affected 9.04, 9.10, and 10.0421:21
* charlie-tca slaps head21:23
ubot2Factoid 'triage' not found21:24
charlie-tca!no, !triage is Triage means there should be enough info for the developers to start working on it, when they can.21:24
intradercharlie-tca, further, it seems to me it is in the kernel or in Xorg perhaps dealing with multiple gesture handling21:25
charlie-tcaIt is in the video driver, perhaps, or xserver-xorg21:26
intradercharlie-tca, same video driver (and version) - could be xserver-xorg as you said21:27
charlie-tcayofel: submitted factoid21:28
yofelah, thx :)21:28
charlie-tcaNow have to wait to get it approved21:28
intradercharlie-tca, from the other distributions, Open Suse 8.2 and the earlier 9.04 (I still have the CD for that), worked fine with that driver. So what changed?21:29
charlie-tcaThere are many changes between versions, kernel, Xorg, drivers, etc21:29
ubot2Factoid 'triage' not found21:29
intradercharlie-tca, I am sure it is very many changes. But significantly, new multi touch was added (this is guess)21:32
charlie-tcathat should not have been until now, in maverick21:33
intradercharlie-tca, maybe my 10..04 has some of that code, or the update process run after install picked it up by mistake (my 9.04 that worked Ok was hosed after the update)21:35
charlie-tca!triage is <reply> Triage is there should be enough information for the developers to start working on your bug, when they have time.21:35
ubot2Factoid 'triage' not found21:35
charlie-tcait won't be found until they approve it21:36
intradercharlie-tca, ah! - how approves such things?21:37
charlie-tcaI don't know for sure. I just know it happens21:37
vishintrader: the irc admins check and add it when they are free21:38
intradervish, thanks for info21:38
intradercharlie-tca, the history, Suse 8.2 Good, ubuntu 8.04, Good, ubuntu 9.04 Good (but no Skype), ubuntu 9.10 Bad, ubuntu 9.04 Bad (and no Skype), ubuntu 10.04 bad (but now I have skype)21:41
charlie-tcaOkay, we just have to wait for the developers to get to it now21:42
vishintrader: it is reasonable for bugs to take a considerable amount of time to get fixed..21:42
vishintrader: some bugs are not even triaged for months together, there are not enough people to look at all bugs that a filed.. you are lucky though ;)21:44
valsumpedro_, maybe this could be said easier: "There is no requirement to only triage when someone says okay"21:44
valsumbut overall it's good21:44
pedro_thanks valsum21:44
pedro_what do you guys think about that sentence ^21:44
vishpedro_: its already been fixed ;p21:45
vishwiki now says "You can do it anytime - You can triage anytime you want to. "21:45
vishwho dunnit!21:46
* vish checks info21:46
vishcharlie-tca holds the smoking gun!21:46
* pedro_ looks21:47
* charlie-tca hides21:47
pedro_well, if it sounds good to all , let's go for it21:49
pedro_i'd remove the first part and just leave "You can triage anytime you want to" though21:50
vishor "Triage at leisure - You can triage anytime you want to"21:50
* charlie-tca thinks "sure...", as long as he doesn't have to change it again21:51
pedro_vish "Triage at your convenience" ?21:52
vishooh nice!21:52
vishcharlie-tca: , hggdh: ^ fine with you21:53
pedro_charlie-tca, does good to you?21:53
pedro_does that sounds good to you :-)21:53
pedro_darn keyboard/brain21:53
hggdhexpand a bit21:53
vish"Triage at your convenience - You can triage anytime you want to"21:54
hggdh'triage at your convenience, any time is OK'21:54
pedro_can't believe that line is taking us so long haha21:54
hggdhvish +121:54
pedro_vish, that's what i'm telling :-P21:54
hggdhyou should see discussions on the US Senate...21:54
pedro_we have the same, it took like 3 months to discuss the next country holidays here21:55
vishpedro_: yeah , but hggdh is getting lazy because of us! , we need to put two lines together and make it easier for him to read ;p21:55
pedro_ok doing the change21:55
hggdhvish: two line is too long for me to pay attention to ;-)21:56
charlie-tcaIt sounds great to me21:57
pedro_done, thanks folks21:57
charlie-tcaHm, we had a new guy in here yesterday, wanted to work on the bugday. Is that person around today?22:00
vishcharlie-tca: rusiv-i ?22:00
hggdhheh. http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20100916/01021811036.shtml22:00
charlie-tcano, somebody else22:00
=== devildante[afk] is now known as devildante
charlie-tcaand, of course, my log doesn't show it. What a day!22:03
* devildante is back into action... did he miss something important?22:03
nigelbcharlie-tca: irclogs.ubuntu.com? :)22:03
nigelbhggdh: lol, he's right.  Open means *MS* is incompetent :p22:04
pedro_gotta run, see you guys!22:08

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