
progre55hi guys. when running an instance, I get these exceptions (http://pastie.org/1160744) on the node logs, and the instance instantly terminates. Any suggestions please?09:26
progre55anybody? after I restarted my nc, it's not discovered by the cc anymore.. in the cc logs I get this "could not be invoked (check NC host, port, and credentials)"10:44
progre55and also this "netInitTunnels(): in MANAGED-NOVLAN mode, priv interface 'eth0' must be a bridge, tunneling disabled"10:44
progre55any suggestions, please?10:44
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duxbuzhello.... waht is ubuntu cloud13:22
smoserprogre55, do your node controllers have hvm support ?13:44
smoseryou can check by 'kvm-ok' on them13:44
progre55smoser: hey man =) thanks for the reply, I've been able to fix it already..13:57
progre55but honestly, no idea how13:57
progre55it got fixed on its own somehow =)13:57
progre55I was restarting it several times, deattaching and re-attaching the node, etc13:58
progre55but now I have another problem =)13:58
progre55I'm running an instance, and it's getting a public IP
progre55but actually, my local IP range in the office is 172.16.xx.xx13:59
progre55so I dont have access to the instance from anywhere, and the instance doesnt have connection to the internet =)13:59
progre55I can only ssh into it from the eucalyptus server machine14:00
progre55I'm guessing it's because I had VNET_PUBLICIPS="" in the conf14:01
progre55but now I've changed it to 172.16.xx.xx-... and even restarted the cc machine after it, but the instances are still assigned
progre55smoser: any suggestions, please?14:02
smoserwell, the instances get their address via dhcp14:03
smoserso if you have a dhcp server on that network, it can be a race14:03
smoserand you instance might not even have the ip address that euca says it has.14:04
progre55oh.. and how do I check the actual IP address?14:04
smoseri'm not sure14:04
progre55and the dhcp on the network would not assign 192.168, cause the invalid IP range in the network starts with 172.1614:05
progre55how do you download an EMI from a command line?14:51
progre55cause I had downloaded it from the web-UI, and now it says it's "Installed", but I had "disabled" it from the Images tab14:51
progre55and it's not there anymore14:52
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progre55my instances are running and everything is okay, but they do not have internet connection, and cannot be reached from outside the cc machine..16:06
TeTeTprogre55: you can grab an EMI from http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/ and then use uec-publish-tarball to upload it16:49
progre55TeTeT: yep, I've done that already =) thanks16:51
veenenenrandom bug21:18
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veenenenwhen I launch an auto scaling group on ec2, the second one I launch goes down after 10 minutes21:18
veenenenand it's complete unreponsive21:19
veenenenthe only indication the server gives is generating 2 ssh server keys21:19
veenenenoh yeah, and this is uec 32bit maverick running on ec221:31
smoserveenenen, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/56733421:33
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 567334 in linux "blocked tasks delay cloud-init for 240 seconds" [Medium,Triaged]21:33
smoserif you reboot it might come back up21:33
smosers/might/likely will/21:35
veenenenthe instance is actually available at first21:37
veenenenbut after 30 minutes the load drops to 0 suddenly21:38
veeneneni know I said 10 minutes before, but I just got around to checking the graph and it was actually 30 minutes. Well, 31 minutes to be exact.21:39
smoserwell, its the same bug. those messages are not good.21:39
smoseri'd say it started after about 32 minutes of being up21:40
smoserto be more precise21:40
smoser1920.220071 seconds21:40
veenenenhaha, sorry.21:41
veeneneni just got back from a meeting to this21:42
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smoserveenenen, what image were you booting ?21:52
veenenenthe same one from yesterday21:52
smoseri'm being asked if you have console=hvc0. on /proc/cmdline.21:52
smoserso you probably dont21:52
veenenenhow would I check that?21:53
smosercat /proc/cmdline21:53
smoserbut you wont have it21:53
veenenenok, yeah21:53
smoser(you should add that if you want to maintain this image, add it in /boot/grub/menu.lst21:54
veenenenjust add that anywhere?21:57
smoser## additional options to use with the default boot option, but not with the22:03
smoser## alternatives22:03
smoser## e.g. defoptions=vga=791 resume=/dev/hda522:03
smoser# defoptions=console=hvc022:03
smoseryours probably has empty 'defoptions'22:03
smoseradd that, then run 'sudo update-grub-legacy-ec2'22:03
smoserveenenen, ^22:08
veenenenis cloud-init uncommenting that line?22:11
veenenenSorry if this is rudimentary. I haven't worked much with grub directly.22:12
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