
jcastroPici: highvoltage: file a bug on ubuntu-website00:12
jcastrothat's kind of ! that that can happen00:12
* nigelb wonders what '!' represents00:19
doctormoScottL: The device isn't a part of a workflow, the hardware should just work. If it doesn't then it's not making things, it's fixing a broken system.00:43
jcastroJFo: are fans not turning on kernel-related?00:45
doctormopleia2: ping01:12
pleia2doctormo: pong01:12
doctormopleia2: I was thinking of doing a kickstart for attending UDS since I didn't get sponsorship. What are your thoughts?01:13
ScottLdoctormo, i had expected the drivers to be a package for a discreet time until things are functional and stabilized and finally included into the kernel01:14
ScottLdoctormo, as such i expected to have to include the driver package in the ubuntustudio.seeds01:15
doctormoScottL: True enough, if we must do a workflow it has to be in a systems maintenance section.01:15
ScottLdoctormo, well, if you could add a workflow for drawing your daily sketches that would help several things:01:16
ScottL1) giving justification (based on a task) for including the driver01:16
ScottL2) giving a workflow for users to follow01:16
ScottL3) develops a framework to create documentation01:16
pleia2doctormo: ah, not a bad idea :)01:16
doctormopleia2: I wonder if we could actually organise something. did you get sponsored? Do we know who didn't?01:17
ScottLisn't kickstarter how those open source twitter guys did their funding...i forget the name, but it was slightly odd01:17
pleia2doctormo: I can't attend and I've got too much going on right now to have paid much attention to UDS planning this time around01:18
doctormopleia2: How is life? I had hoped things would be easy after the move :-)01:21
ScottLdoctormo, even if you feel that the workflow isn't required for the driver, it would still be appreciated if we could rely on your experience with tablets for documentation01:22
pleia2doctormo: great! but very very busy :)01:22
ScottLdiaspora is the project that used kickstarter for funding, and they overshoot their target funding by an order of magnitude i believe01:23
doctormoScottL: I've added an art section, full of bullets.01:24
nigelbjcastro: got a minute?01:27
ScottLdoctormo, capital!  thank you :)01:34
ScottLdoctormo, it may seem slightly trivial, but we are going to be using the task workflows to evaluate and revise the current package selections in ubuntu studio01:36
ScottLwe are trying to avoid being less of an application factory and be more lean, functional, and useful for users01:36
ScottLthanks again01:37
doctormoScottL: Brilliant Idea.02:02
greg-gso, which LoCo team will be first to set up a diaspora node for their members? http://github.com/diaspora/diaspora02:06
ScottLdoctormo, i wish i could take credit for it but it was persia's idea, i just hope that i am capable enough to effect it ;)02:20
doctormoScottL: persia is a god, there is nothing more that can be said ;-)02:47
aragood morning all!06:53
dpmgood morning everyone!08:03
jussidoctormo: +1. yes, persia is a god :D08:10
czajkowskialoha folks08:11
jussiIM going to mention it again here... for all you lovely people setting up your irc client, you can avoid the spamming of your ip and "changing host" quit messafg08:11
jussimessages by putting your nickserv pass as the server pass on freenode08:11
jussiand backspace shouldnt be near enter :P08:11
jussihi czajkowski08:11
dpmgood morning czajkowski, jussi08:12
jussiheya dpm08:13
* jussi points jcastro to the above info08:15
czajkowskidpm: howdy08:25
dpmhey :-)08:30
dpmcould someone with a default English (non-British, non-Australian, etc.) installation please help me? What's the output of the 'locale' command (without quotes) on the command line?09:07
czajkowskidpm: will paste to dm09:08
dpmgreat, thanks czajkowski!09:09
popeyMorning community!10:55
Pendulummorning popey10:57
dpmhey popey, morning11:01
nigelbmorning folks *yawn*11:32
duanedesignmorning all12:23
duanedesignpopey: ping12:36
popeyduanedesign: pong12:37
duanedesignpopey: good day. I uploaded some screencasts to static.screencasts.ubuntu.com12:37
popeynice one!12:37
duanedesignpopey: what do i need to do now.12:38
popeyone moment12:41
duanedesignpopey: no rush. thank you.12:42
nigelbugh, my fonts have changed.  why!12:43
popeyduanedesign: where'd you put them?12:44
popeyah, in your ~12:44
popeyduanedesign: lets move to #ubuntu-screencasts12:45
nigelbum, whats the default font usually?12:46
AlanBellnormally sans, which is dejavu-sans12:48
AlanBelldid it just change to the ubuntu beta font?12:48
nigelbits changed to sans12:48
nigelbcan't read irssi very clearly12:48
nigelbyay, back to normal12:57
nigelbAlanBell: thank you!12:57
nigelbAlanBell: I ended up manually correcting it.13:11
JFojcastro, fans not turning on could indeed be kernel related14:09
jcastroJFo: ok so if I see fan questions I should tag them kernel perhaps?14:11
nigelbjcastro: you've got plenty of freee time now?14:12
JFojcastro, yes please14:12
nigelbjcastro: can you pop into -classroom-backstage if you have time?14:13
nigelbbug 48845814:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 488458 in lernid "phones home (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48845814:23
jcastrodpm: thanks for that script14:56
jcastrobut mhall fixed it up so I got it all done14:56
jcastroit will be handy for future things though14:56
dpmjcastro, ah, cool, as I said, I'm happy that you didn't have to resort to it :)14:57
|izziedoctormo, you've switched alliances!!!15:17
* popey hugs jcastro 15:21
jcastrowoo, openweek call for instructors is out15:23
nhandlerjcastro: Where?15:31
jcastro-users, -classrom, and -locoteams15:31
nhandlerAlright. I'll just be patient ;)15:31
jcastromerged and pushed btw15:31
nigelbjcastro: I love you!15:32
jcastroyou're not going to love me when I put you in the lernid-dev team and take myself out. :p15:32
* nigelb takes that back :p15:33
nhandlerThanks jcastro15:33
jcastroanything else?15:33
nhandlerlol, /me just applied for lernid-devs15:33
nigelbjcastro: um, yeah15:34
jcastrojono or the other guy has to approve you15:34
nigelbjcastro: bug jono thing I told you the other day :D15:34
jcastrojust make him promote you guys and then have him unsub15:34
jcastroso you don't block on people15:34
nigelbthank you :)15:34
nhandlerjcastro: Yeah. Wait? Was your "merged and pushed" comment about nigel's proposal? If so, can you do the same for my merge proposal15:34
jcastronhandler: for yours15:35
jcastroI pushed his already15:35
nhandlerjcastro: Cool. Can you close the merge proposal then?15:36
jcastroisn't there some autoclose thing?15:36
nhandlerYou rock jcastro !15:36
nigelb(Note to self: Bug jcastro and things will get done)15:36
jcastroit seems lame to do both15:36
nhandlerjcastro: No clue. I don't do enough with merges15:37
jcastronigelb: stop spreading rumors!15:37
huatsjcastro, don't deny, we all know that here :P15:37
nigelbjcastro: I'd like some help with putting a .htaccess file on jono's server.  You agreed to help :D15:37
nigelbsince we're on a good run, I thought we'd finish off all the stuff today :p15:38
jcastronhandler: DUDE.15:38
jcastroit's "Merged" automatically15:38
jcastrof'ing awesome15:38
nigelbjcastro: It is, yes15:38
jonohey dpm16:03
jonosorry, I am going to be a few mins16:03
dpmjono, no worries!16:03
jonodpm, ok, let's do skype16:10
dpmjono, ok, logged in16:10
cjohnstonjono: any chance I could get 5 minutes of your time today?17:12
jonocjohnston, sure17:14
cjohnstonI'm fine whenever.. Just let me know when17:15
nigelboh, jono is giving out appointments.  jono I need about 10 minutes of your time too17:20
jcastroI would like a pony!17:20
nigelbjcastro: team up with amber17:21
nigelbshe wants one too :D17:21
* paultag too17:21
vishhei , i want a Narwhal! :D17:21
highvoltagebecause they are so awesome?17:24
jonocjohnston, nigelb so you both need to chat?17:25
nigelbjono: with you, yes :)17:25
cjohnstonjono: yes.. 5 minutes should be fine.. on irc is fine17:26
nigelbditto here too :)17:27
cjohnstonIt can be posponed to next week also.. not a rush.17:27
pleia2jcastro: thanks for including -classroom on your call for instructors :) I added you to Accepts on that list18:02
pleia2and added to fridge18:16
dpmok, done the share for the day18:22
dpmbye everyone18:22
nigelbok, jcastro, since I love you, I just recruited first session leader for UOW :)18:53
jcastroI like how you roll18:53
* nigelb should think of a session himself18:54
jcastrohey paultag18:58
jcastrothought you'd get a kick out of this: http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2010/09/go-that-way-really-fast.html18:59
nigelb"help lead the world away from the ancient, creaky, horribly broken bulletin board model of phpBB and vBulletin" <#19:00
jcastrois it me or is http://www.ubuntu.com/community a little bit full on?19:18
* jcastro makes a mental note and finds the info he needs19:18
akgranerpaultag, did you hear from kara?  If not I have a link for you will email it if you still need it19:21
highvoltagejcastro: a few images would brighten it up already :)19:29
highvoltageor maybe tabs. what the world needs is more tabs.19:30
Technovikingweird, SLC to MCO this summer Delta was only 21,000 Skymiles, for a for the week of UDS it is 32,500, ok plan B:)20:03
* Pendulum has no financially viable plan B. stupid medical expenses that keep popping up.20:06
Technovikinggoing to see if my work would be willing to send me.20:07
nigelbomg.  OMG.20:37
nigelbjono: does tomorrow hold any particular significance?20:37
nigelblike you know, birthday20:38
cjohnstonjcastro: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityContributePages20:38
cjohnstonworkin on the /community page20:39
jononigelb, indeed :)20:39
jonotomorow I am 31`20:39
nigelbjono: Happy Birthday :)20:39
jonothanks nigelb!20:39
akgranerjono, don't forget to take you Geritol....20:41
nigelbAlso, akgraner's birthday falls while she's at UDS, just fyi ;)20:42
jononigelb, woo!20:42
akgranernigelb, the sad thing is I just realized I am 10 years older than jono...20:43
jonoakgraner, you are not ten years older than me, I am just ten years younger than you20:43
cjohnstonbut you seem so much younger20:43
nigelbok then I should probably keep quiet about my age20:43
* nigelb waits for somone to say 'GET OFF MY LAWN'20:43
akgranercjohnston, yeah he does doesn't he I was going to say 12 is about the right age for jono...20:44
cjohnstonI was saying you20:44
akgranercjohnston, ok you can be my new best friend if you thought I was in my 20's20:44
nigelbBecca's 16? ;)20:44
akgranergoing on 1620:45
cjohnstonI was gonna say 1220:45
cjohnston15 going on 21?20:45
Pendulumakgraner: going on 16 or going on 25 and 12 all at once? ;-)20:45
akgranerPendulum, yes20:45
nigelbPendulum: +++20:45
akgranerPendulum, nigelb chatted with her last night for a few minutes while I was in the Kitchen20:46
akgranershe thought that was cool20:46
* nigelb too20:46
akgranerand I found out she has a LP id and and IRC nick20:46
Pendulumyou didn't know?20:46
nigelbakgraner: #blame-JFo20:47
macohey maybe i can take the blame on that.... i was urging her to join #ubuntu-women at SELF20:48
akgranermaco, she told me20:48
macoshe said she doesnt know how to use IRC. i asked her if she knew how to IM20:48
akgranershe was like  - I like maco20:48
akgranershe just likes knowing people she can rat me out too20:48
macoand who give her free clothes?20:48
nigelbakgraner: haha20:49
akgranershe already wore them to school20:49
nigelbThe only difference between akgraner and her daughter - look for smileys :-) vs (:20:49
akgraneryeah she does those backwards not sure why20:50
nigelbTm_T does them backwards too :p20:50
Pendulumso what's her IRC nick? UbuntuOrphan1?20:50
akgranerPendulum, hahaha no don't give her ideas20:51
akgranershe told me it was ragraner20:51
macoso have any of you ubufolks setup diaspora seeds yet?20:51
nigelbmeh, rails no love20:51
macoi put the maverick version of rubygems in my ppa for lucid so lucid users could use it20:52
nigelbmaco: ok, that definitely deserves hugs :)20:52
macowell my server runs lucid :P20:53
macoim not /that/ stupid20:53
nigelbto run maverick? or to run debian unstable? ;)20:53
* highvoltage is!20:53
highvoltage(well, not production, but sitll :) )20:54
akgranerI haven't switched to Maverick yet... :-(20:54
* nigelb is on Lenny :p20:54
* highvoltage wonders if anyone will notice that the edubuntu installer background colour is #42424220:54
macoim running maverick, but thats on my laptops20:54
macoservers get lts20:54
nigelbhighvoltage: OMG20:54
* cjohnston has been running mav on production machines since a120:55
akgranerI'll switch mine over once I get the heat issue fixed...20:55
highvoltagenigelb: and there's "101010" written very small in one of the slides :)20:56
nigelbHardware Destroyer! :p20:56
jussiso... Im on the stand by list...20:57
nigelbhighvoltage: don't tempt me :p20:57
nigelbjussi: a week more to go?20:57
akgranerjono, will there be a London release party and will you be there?  If not I need to find someone who will be at the release party who can get me some pictures from there20:57
highvoltagenigelb: heh. and there's bigger ones but I'll only reveal after release :D (mhuhahahahaha)20:57
jussinigelb: I was talking about uds :D20:57
nigelbjussi: I know, but I wasn't ;)20:57
jussihehe yeah, 1 weekish20:57
jussiMum and Dad arrive in the mornin...20:58
akgranerI got more feedback today on my OLF talk - I was worried about being so honest about my personal burnout - but the feedback has been awesome...  Best comment of all "The problem isn't that your son unplugged your server to get you off the computer.  The problem is you have a server room for him to go to in the first place."21:01
nigelbakgraner: hahaha21:01
akgranerI think I just take it for granted that *everyone* has a server in their house21:02
* cjohnston wants a server21:02
akgranermaybe not rack mounted ones..21:03
* JFo drop ships servers to cjohnston 21:03
cjohnstonhey JFo !21:03
JFotake them... get them out of my way21:03
nigelbakgraner: pleia2 is the only other person I know of.21:03
JFohey cjohnston21:03
czajkowskiJFo: but they are nice toys to break21:03
nigelbI think she had a cluster at her house :p21:03
czajkowskior when you're really cranky great to kick!21:03
akgranerJFo, podcast in the am?  how does 9am sound to you21:03
nigelboh no....21:04
JFohmmmm, works for me21:04
JFolong as we have some sort of outline21:04
nigelbI'm going to get hurt laughing again...... :D :D21:04
JFoI have no idea what you are talking about nigelb :-|21:04
JFowe are serious about our podcasts21:05
akgranerJFo, you do the outline - I'll squeak through it...21:05
nigelbJFo: just like beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, comedy is too21:05
pleia2nigelb: hey, I work from home :) I need this server21:05
nigelbpleia2: haha, you had 4 or 5 earlier right?21:05
* JFo unplugs pleia2's server21:05
pleia2well yeah, but I've cut back21:05
JFojust for fun though21:05
nigelbJFo: http://xkcd.com/705/21:06
nigelbJFo: just remeber when dealing with pleia2, she's a sysadmin :D21:07
jcastroIf I told you guys I am listening to linkin park would you think less of me?21:07
JFojcastro, nope21:07
akgranerjcastro, my daughter loves them21:07
macojcastro: no21:07
nigelbjcastro: I <3 linkin part21:07
nigelbIn the End is one of my favorites :)21:08
akgranerI have nail polish called Lincoln Park after dark :-)21:08
nigelbjcastro: jono might fire you though21:08
macoi havent heard much new music since i stopped listening to radio, but what i remember of them from like 6 years ago, i like them21:08
jcastroI got their new single21:08
jcastroit's pretty good21:08
JFosnerk* akgraner, check this out (via twitter) @manjo3 Having indian food ata restaurant across the street from the hotel. @jeremyfoshee @manjo3 dude, you're Indian... just call it 'food' ;-)21:09
nigelbJFo: hahaha21:10
nigelbAlso, I didn't know manjo3 was indian :)21:10
akgranerOh I can't wait til UDS I <3 you guys!21:10
JFojono, what are we smoking? :-) oh... it is the FDA you want to be smoking. :)21:10
JFoakgraner, :-/21:10
nigelbJFo: ah, that manjo :)21:11
JFonigelb, yeah21:11
nigelbjono: frget the cake song yet?21:11
JFonah, It's a piece of cake...21:11
akgranerJFo, I hate you21:11
JFoakgraner, :-D21:12
akgranerI had almost forgotten that sone21:12
* nigelb got corrupted by JFo 21:12
akgranernow I am singing it again21:12
nigelbgreat, now I'm listening to the cake song21:13
nigelbsign, nothing better to listen at 2 am to stay awake21:14
czajkowskispilling a pint glass of water on laptop is not good21:52
nigelbI'll repeat what dpm said :p21:52
nigelbczajkowski: You aren't supposed to feed these things!21:52
czajkowskiI know :(21:52
akgranerczajkowski, no - but I spilled a pint of beer in Pete's and once it dried out it was fine21:52
czajkowskithe mothership called it sounded urgent I got up and ran21:52
czajkowskishe was just giving out I turned off the lights21:52
* czajkowski mutters21:53
jcastroEOD in a few minutes, see ya'll tomorrow!21:53
nigelbjcastro: g'nite21:53
czajkowskijcastro: toodles21:53
akgranerjcastro, laters!21:53
czajkowskigrrrr so help me I may actualy throttle her one day !21:53
akgranerczajkowski, who your mother or me :-P21:53
czajkowskithe mothership21:53
highvoltageczajkowski: I once saw someone run with a laptop and tripped and then they dropped he dropped it in a swimming pool, so you don't have to feel so bad :)21:54
akgraner:-)  whew I was trying to figure I what I did this time :-P21:54
czajkowskihighvoltage: laptops do not swim21:54
nigelbakgraner: haha21:55
akgranerI am gun shy these days  - I have PTSD now from czajkowski  threatening to throttle me :-P  (just kidding)21:57
cjohnstonI'm not gun shy..21:58
highvoltagewhat's the opposite of gun shy?21:59
vishgun friendly?21:59
cjohnstonthe answer to your question is me22:00
highvoltageit was weird for me when I came to Canada and saw that you can buy guns at the supermarket :)22:00
czajkowskiaye tis a bit frigging oddd22:01
* cjohnston wants to go to canada!22:01
* akgraner checks into the reciprocal conceal carry laws 22:03
cjohnstonFL kicks butt22:03
nigelball these army folks in here22:04
* cjohnston wishes FL had openc arry tho22:04
akgranernow if we could only schedule a skynyrd concert one evening after UDS - life would be so awesome22:04
akgranerand complete22:04
cjohnstonakgraner: you have an sc or nc license?22:05
akgranernc and va22:06
cjohnstonyour good here22:06
nigelbok, this has reached her higher level of geekery than I can keep up22:06
nigelbWhats ccw?22:06
cjohnstononly places you cant carry are ca, or, mn, ia, il, wi, ny, me, dc, md, nj, ri, ct, ma22:07
akgranercjohnston, I knew there was more than I big eared mouse I like about FL22:07
cjohnstonflorida is cool.. you honor ours, we honor yours22:07
nigelbhaha, took a minute for disney to come into mind22:08
cjohnstonyou can carry in one more state than i can22:08
akgranerwhich one is that VA?22:08
JFohe means numerically22:09
* JFo goes to get the cluebat22:09
cjohnstoni cant in you can carry in nv22:09
cjohnstonI cant22:09
cjohnstonVA is OPEN CARRY!!!!!!!!22:09
cjohnstonI want to move to VA so bad22:09
cjohnstonFor my non english statements, I can't carry in NV, but you can.22:10
* czajkowski wants to go shhooting again 22:10
cjohnstonczajkowski: I'm sure we will22:10
czajkowskidamn straight22:10
cjohnstonim not sure I want to go shooting with you22:10
nigelbcjohnston: haha22:10
akgranercjohnston, I loved living in Virginia - we lived in Charlottesville and Herndon.. Love it!!!22:10
* czajkowski peers at cjohnston 22:10
cjohnstonwe talked about moving to cville22:11
cjohnstoni would love to22:11
nigelbcjohnston: Now, I'm sure you don't want to go shooting with czajkowski :p22:11
akgranerczajkowski, I believe itnet7 is looking into places to go shoot....22:11
cjohnstonakgraner: I didnt realize that NC was open carry22:11
cjohnstonI don't know of any places down by where we are going22:12
cjohnstonthere is a really big place up by me22:12
akgranerI'll touch base with him again about it... and find out what info he got for me22:13
* JFo is safe on third22:13
cjohnstonakgraner: I didn't know you carry.. But I guess it kinda makes sense22:14
akgranercjohnston, I don't most of the time - but there are times when it is better and easier that way22:14
akgranermost of the time everything is locked safely in the cases when traveling...22:15
cjohnstona locked gun is a useless gun22:16
nigelbakgraner: you always carry a gun?22:16
akgranerwe have one speaker who will only speak at events where he can carry his weapons too22:16
cjohnstonthats awesome22:16
akgranernigelb, nope not always - but sometimes - it's a right I have and if I don't exercise that right I am afraid my government will try to take it away22:17
akgranerso I encourage everyone to get their conceal carry permits whether they intend to use it or not22:18
cjohnstonyay for akgraner !22:18
* cjohnston found a new best friend22:18
* cjohnston needs to do better at carrying all the time22:19
paultagakgraner, still don't have it :(22:19
akgranercjohnston, I hope I never have a reason other than sport shooting to use it22:20
cjohnstonI agree..22:20
cjohnstonbut id atleast like a chance if needed22:20
paultagakgraner, still not on her flickr :(22:21
macoakgraner: oh i know who you mean there. he's from salamanda town an they call it salanda town on accoun o they only gots salamandas an snakes an if  they called it snake town aint nobody wanna live there...22:21
akgranerI drew my handgun one time on a kid that was breaking in our house - Pete was deployed - and if I hadn't looked twice and noticed that this kid (I later found out he was only 15) only had a crowbar in his hand I would have shot him...22:22
akgranerpaultag, they are on her FB page22:22
paultagakgraner, Awwwww!22:22
cjohnstonI've never drawn..22:22
* nigelb plants to wears kelvar suit to UDS, espcially UWN session22:23
cjohnstonIn my neighborhood, I could really care less their age... based upon the crimes that happen here and the age of the offenders22:23
akgranerit was enough to make me learn other ways to feel safe at home22:23
cjohnstonHope normally sleeps with a gun when im not home22:23
* JFo has his arsenal^Wguns loaded up and ready for UDS22:23
macoif i ever have an armoury in my home, it will be stocked with crossbows22:24
macoand maybe an english longbow for good measure22:24
akgranerI don't ever want to be in that position again  - and I will exhaust all other options before reaching for a gun 1st ever again22:24
macothough i havent the muscle for a lonbow (yet)22:24
cjohnstonwhat other options? expecially when in house22:24
akgranerpaultag, nomorenegatives is the FB account22:24
macocjohnston: karate22:24
paultagthanks akgraner :)22:24
macobrasilian jujitsu... aikido22:25
macoactually aikido is a great one for women22:25
nigelbmaco: wait you know karate?22:25
maconigelb: no i dont22:25
maconigelb: cjohnston asked what else you can defend yourself with in a house22:25
paultagakgraner, I'm hoping the black panther photo of me is not lame, me crosses fingers!22:25
cjohnstonshe'll karate chop you tho22:25
akgranerpaultag, let me know if that doesn't work for you and I will just download them and post somewhere else for you22:25
paultagI'm all set akgraner :)22:25
nigelbmaco: ah22:25
macoaikido is great for women because you can be becca-size and throw jfo over your hip22:25
nigelbcjohnston: haha22:25
JFonot if you tried that on JFo22:25
nigelbakgraner: might wanna look into that :p22:25
JFoI know a few things myself22:26
* cjohnston sees no reason (expecially when home) to try any other defense tactics first... cause you never know what they have22:26
* cjohnston had a date end when she found out i was armed.22:27
macocjohnston: maybe because you dont want to kill?22:27
akgranercjohnston, NC has some crazy laws about castle domain22:27
cjohnstonI dont want to be killed22:27
nigelbheh, maco & cjohnston: Stop ;)22:27
akgranerand even if you are in the right - there is still a trial22:27
JFo"Rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6"22:28
paultagOK guys, what do ya'll think about me setting this as my photo -- http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs336.ash2/61596_427394601965_283317221965_5081184_2922654_n.jpg22:28
cjohnstonakgraner: really? here in my home if I feel threatened I'm allowed to use force.. on the street is a different story22:28
cjohnstonJFo: +122:28
akgranerFL is very different in those respects22:28
nigelbpaultag: Noooooo22:28
nigelbIts a Kubuntu T-shirt22:28
paultagnigelb, don't make me22:28
akgranercjohnston, I'll bring you the rule book22:28
akgraneryou can read it and be glad you are in FL22:29
cjohnstoni need to get an updated one for here22:29
cjohnstonbut you can open carry!22:29
nigelbpaultag: Its a seriously good photo :)22:29
cjohnstonakgraner: I've heard horror stories of people OCing in C-Ville... Cops will harass you from what I hear... I didn't try when I visited22:30
akgranerC'ville is terrible for that kind of stuff22:31
akgranerbut great if you want to visit UVA22:32
cjohnstonwhich sucks... cause if somethings legal you shouldnt be harassed22:32
nigelbC'vile? OC? UVA?22:32
JFoCharlottesville VA22:32
cjohnstonCharlottesville, VA, Open Carry, University of VA22:32
JFoOpen Carry22:32
akgranerpaultag, I like the pics of the group22:32
paultagakgraner, me too22:33
cjohnstonHope doesnt think we can afford c-ville or va in general22:33
akgranerand the one of you out front is a good one22:33
paultagakgraner, I'm about to see if I can use them for some things :)22:33
macocjohnston: wait you moving up by me?22:33
cjohnstonI want to22:33
akgranerand the kid's reaction to the swag bag was great22:33
akgranerdarn she did get the pic of me making faces at jcastro22:33
paultagakgraner, hahahaha22:34
nigelbakgraner: whre?22:34
akgranerpaultag, did you see it  - I am sticking my tongue out at him22:34
paultagakgraner, I'm looking for great ones22:34
akgranernigelb, pic 189 of 199 in the 1st Sat group of pictures22:35
nigelbakgraner: ahem, where are the pictures?22:36
akgranerpaultag, pic 192 where I am behind you please tell me I am not flipping you off22:36
paultagakgraner, let me find it first22:36
paultagakgraner, I'm guessing you are22:36
jonojcastro, akgraner, nigelb ok, you all wanted calls with me22:37
jonowho wants to go first?22:37
* cjohnston is gonna cry22:37
jonooh, and cjohnston22:37
jonocjohnston, want to go first?22:37
jonocall or IRC?22:37
cjohnstonsure.. irc is fine..22:37
jonocool :-)22:37
akgranernigelb, you wanna go next after cjohnston since it's late where you are?22:38
jonocjohnston, want to ping me?22:38
paultagakgraner, omg wow!22:38
paultagakgraner, you totally are!22:38
nigelbakgraner: I'm going to be up all night, you go ahead22:38
akgranerok -- jono I got dibs after cjohnston :-)22:38
akgranerpaultag, oops sorry about that22:40
paultagakgraner, :P22:40
paultagjcastro, awww! -- http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs648.snc4/60826_427356896965_283317221965_5080414_1997192_n.jpg22:40
jonoakgraner, cool22:40
akgranerpaultag, she got some great pics22:43
paultagakgraner, for sure22:43
paultagakgraner, can you thank her for me? She never got back to my email22:43
akgranerpaultag, I sure will and I'll give her the link to your post once you have it published22:44
paultagakgraner, thanks! :)22:44
jonoakgraner, ok, cjohnston is all set, give me 2mins for a bio break and then let's roll22:46
akgranerpaultag, look at pic 75 in out of 199 the guy in the center is holding a copy of Art of Community22:46
paultagakgraner, I saw that, that rocks :)22:46
jonoakgraner, ok all set, but only have a few mins - skype?22:49
akgranerjono sure signing in now22:49
jononigelb, want to go next?23:15
nigelbjono: yep23:15
jononigelb, want to ping me?23:15
jonojcastro, ok, are you still around?23:23
jonoguessing he is away23:24
duanedesignhttp://ubuntuone.com/p/G0A/   Artist: NVIDIA 8400 during XV output with nouveau drivers :)23:47
JanCthat's pretty cool23:59
JanCbut not very practical, I assume  ;)23:59

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