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micahgdo .desktop files have to be utf8?04:29
JanCmicahg: http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/ar01s02.html says they have to be  ☺04:32
micahgJanC: k, if I can't get an answer, I'll drop the translation04:32
micahgyeah for the name04:34
JanCtranslations should use UTF-8 too, I suppsoe, which shouldn't be a problem?04:35
micahgJanC: right, I think I just got a bad char, but I tried copying twice04:35
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* TheMuso -> EOD. Happy freeze day all. :)08:01
pittiGood morning08:05
RAOFHello everyone!08:54
dpmmorning RAOF08:54
dpm(or rather evening to you :)08:55
RAOFNo, morning.  I'm at XDS, in Toulouse.08:56
dpmok, :)08:57
RAOFAm I to understand that mesa 7.9 broke the world?08:58
brycehwhere world == unity09:16
ronocbl8: banshee works, libindicator bug fixed last night10:37
ronoclibindicate rather10:37
vish ronoc: hi, i dint understand your comment here> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/+bug/624610/comments/8 .. you are working[or hoping] on fixing it for Natty? and this menu-close is a temporary workaround?10:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 624610 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Media Buttons should trigger action only on button release (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 22)" [Low,Triaged]10:38
ronocvish, I would like to revisit the button implementation at some point, I think the edge detection could be improved, 0.4.8 should have this fixed. For now though i think this bug has been fixed. Any other quirks to do with the buttons should be filed as new bugs.10:41
ronocvish, thx for all the help on the bug front :)10:41
vishronoc: yea.. np.. :)10:41
chrisccoulsonam i the only person on the desktop team here at the moment?10:58
mvochrisccoulson: woah, final freeze day and you guys are all on vacation?11:03
mvochrisccoulson: amazing ;)11:03
chrisccoulsonmvo - not me ;)11:03
chrisccoulsoni really should take some vacation soon11:03
mvolast man standing11:03
chrisccoulsonwho will do firefox security updates if i go away on vacation though? ;)11:03
* mvo looks around for a candidate11:04
* mvo is not sure that would work11:04
mvochrisccoulson: but seriously, is it still so crazy with them :/ ?11:05
chrisccoulsonmvo - yeah, we've had 2 security releases for all products in the last week :(11:05
vishmvo / chrisccoulson: got a min for an upload to main?  :)11:14
vish could someone upload this for maverick? lp:human-theme fixes a small bug Bug; #553393 ..11:14
chrisccoulsonvish - it depends if i can upload it ;)11:14
vishchrisccoulson: hmm..! desktop might have had access to human theme :)11:14
chrisccoulsonyeah, it's in the desktop package set11:15
chrisccoulsoni just checked11:15
vishapparently someone still uses human theme ;p  .. they came to -artwork asking for a fix ;)11:15
chrisccoulsonit doesn't require UIF exception does it? :)11:15
chrisccoulsoni just rejected one sponsoring request because it changes a string ;)11:15
vishnope.. just fixes the bug of invisible checkmarks ..11:15
chrisccoulsonok, that sounds fine11:16
vishthanks.. :)11:16
chrisccoulsoni will do that in a few minutes, just need to grab more coffee11:17
vishhmm.. who was it who broke their coffee-maker! ;)11:18
vishoh wait that was in gnome! jimmac! ;p11:19
chrisccoulsonyeah, not me ;)11:19
vishfor some reason i thought it was pitt-i  :)11:19
chrisccoulsoni would die if i broke my coffee maker11:19
chrisccoulsonvish - ok, uploaded now11:34
vishchrisccoulson: thanks..11:34
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chrisccoulsonwtf is comment #3 in bug 638549 about?12:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 638549 in firefox-3.0 (Ubuntu) "Sound package not found another prosess in use - Package audio does not exis (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63854912:04
chrisccoulson"My blue tooth has very bad-breath"12:04
LaneyIs it intentional that f-spot got demoted?12:50
Laney(e.g.) pidgin still lives on in main12:51
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ronocshuerhaaken, ping13:27
shuerhaakenhello conor13:30
ronocshuerhaaken, hey13:31
ronocshuerhaaken, liking xnoise alot13:31
shuerhaakencan you compile now?13:32
ronocshuerhaaken, just quickly tried to compile before lunch but got that error I sent13:32
ronocgranted I didn't spend much time trying to figure out why13:32
ronocshuerhaaken, i need 0.1.11 to test right ?13:32
shuerhaakenbetter tip13:33
shuerhaakeni have an old computer now with maverick for testing13:33
ronocwill I cloned tip at 12 noon gmt, and get that error13:34
shuerhaakenthere is something wrong with my mpris v213:34
shuerhaakeni compared to rhythmbox' implementation13:34
shuerhaakenbut I have difficulties to get this done via dbus-glib-113:35
shuerhaakend-feet shows me more than one Object path in org.mpris.Mediaplayer2.xnoise13:36
shuerhaakenthere is org/mpris/Mediaplayer2 and org/mpris/Mediaplayer2/Player13:37
shuerhaakenfor rhythmbow the ../Player is available under org/mpris/Mediaplayer213:37
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ronocbl8: hey14:20
mvojcastro: should I act about the discussion on featured applications? i.e. should software-center get a update for some new/removed ones?16:18
ronocTheMuso, crimsun_ late in the day pulse bug coming from netbook editions -> #63979316:25
ronoccrashing the sound-service :/16:25
ronocthere was a new pulse went in in the last few days ?16:25
jcastromvo: participation doesn't seem as great as last time16:28
jcastrokenvandine: what do you think?16:29
jcastrocalibre and pdfmod seem like nobrainers to me. (But, I did add them, heh)16:29
kenvandinejcastro, dunno...16:29
jcastromvo: we have like what, 45 minutes left?16:30
jcastromvo: just add those three on the page, and if someone complains then they should have participated. *shrug*16:31
mvojcastro: we can still try to get a exception16:31
mvojcastro: its just data, no risk of regression16:31
jcastrobut it's not that important if everyone trying to get real fixes in16:31
mvojcastro: I just wanted to make sure I was not blocking something16:31
mvojcastro: well, yes and no, trivial for the release-manager to review and iimportant for our users to see new items (to see that we garden the list)16:32
jcastrowell, all we have are those three new ones, so might as well do it16:33
jcastroand then at UDS figure out how to make it work better for next time16:33
mvojcastro: ok, thanks16:34
mvojcastro: I will prepare a update with those, I need to merge another fix in anyway16:34
mvojcastro: what about moovida, someone raised concerns about that in the ML iirc?16:35
pedro_kenvandine, may you please look at bug 597381 later?17:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 597381 in telepathy-butterfly (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "telepathy-butterfly crashed with UnicodeDecodeError in _signal_text_received() (affects: 70) (dups: 1) (heat: 316)" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59738117:23
pedro_kenvandine, looks like it's fixed in butterfly and not in the papyon 0.5.117:23
pedro_that'd be nice to have fixed17:23
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kenvandinepedro_, i'll look in a bit17:27
pedro_thank you kenvandine17:27
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chrisccoulsonexcellent, the status bar in firefox 4.0 has gone away now \o/17:38
nigelboh, nice17:38
chrisccoulsonit disappeared in the latest nightly17:38
* dobey wonders if there's an archive rebuild going on right now17:57
vishchrisccoulson: but the statusbar could be disabled earlier too.. only then you wont get statuses ;)18:07
chrisccoulsonvish - you still get statuses now18:08
vishyeah.. the new one is kinda nice18:08
vishbut sometimes distracting .. its too pretty!!!18:08
chrisccoulsoni'm looking forward to getting this in to natty18:08
tremoluxheyyy devildante!18:23
tremoluxdevildante: how's it going18:23
devildantehey tremolux18:23
devildantetremolux, all is fine :)18:23
tremoluxdevildante: thx for your fixes, they got in before freeze  \o/18:23
tremoluxwell, some did, the fixes with string changes have to wait18:23
devildanteno problem :)18:24
tremoluxand it turns out the history fix broke the unit test so we have to debug that18:24
tremoluxbut, the history fix did work in the UI, so..18:24
tremoluxdevildante: but it was great to have them for freeze-time18:25
asachmm. where can i set the AutoLogin user etc. in gconf for gdm?18:26
asacafaik gdm reads gconf, but how do i add that in postinst ;)18:26
devildantetremolux, thanks :)18:26
tremoluxdevildante: the thanks go to you!18:27
tremoluxdevildante: it feels like a really nice release18:27
tremoluxdevildante: give it a shot when you can18:27
devildantetremolux, no, they go to you for merging :p18:27
tremoluxdevildante: haha!18:28
devildantetremolux, give a shot for what?18:28
tremoluxdevildante: I just mean, play around with software-center when you get the update (or just in trunk)18:28
devildanteokay :)18:28
tremoluxdevildante: stuff is working really well18:28
* tremolux knocks on wood ;)18:29
devildantetremolux, yes, the 10.10 release is gonna live to its perfect expectations :)18:29
tremoluxdevildante: I hope so18:29
devildantetremolux, I also find the default wallpaper is really cool18:29
devildanteditto for the updated themes18:29
tremoluxdevildante: yes!  totally agree18:30
tremoluxdevildante: I am really loving 10.1018:30
devildantetremolux, my only complaint is that jockey-gtk is slow at researching drivers, but that's an old bug :p18:31
devildanteI'll give a shot at accelerating it for 11.0418:31
tremoluxdevildante: nice  :)18:31
kenvandinebigon, any plans to update telepathy-butterfly ?19:46
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DrGrovI am having the following problem. "Active VT tracking can fail at startup", https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/consolekit/+bug/544139?comments=all21:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 544139 in consolekit (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 3 other projects) "Active VT tracking can fail at startup (affects: 47) (dups: 6) (heat: 226)" [High,Triaged]21:06
DrGrovPerhaps someone got a good workaround for this issue since it is really difficult to do my work? Greatly appreciated any type of help to get rid of the problem somehow.21:07
DrGrovNobody has that same issue as I have?21:12
DrGrovCan that be true? :)21:12
cjohnstonkenvandine: 22 days since last facebook update :-(21:13
kenvandinethere has to be a way to fix that...21:13
DrGrovHow do I downgrade to the version 173 Nvidia drivers?21:14
cjohnstonI've actually been looking at your post for 22 days21:14
kenvandinecjohnston, it really should work at least intermittenly21:14
DrGrovI hope that I can try to downgrade the nVidia drivers and hopefully that will help21:14
kenvandinelike in the morning it should work better :)21:14
cjohnstonsounds like you might spend uds looking at my laptop again21:26
vishhmm.. twitter doesnt update here.. but i'm using the maverick version on lucid ;p21:40
vishit worked for a while and then has stopped since 2weeks21:40
cjohnstonvish: I also have that problem21:56
vishcjohnston: its all kenvandine's fault ;p21:57
cjohnstonpoor kenvandine21:58
vishwhy'd he have to make gwibber so awesome that we _want_ to use it !21:58
vishits his fault ;)21:58
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chrisccoulsoni'm sure launchpad has sent me thousands of mails over the last couple of days22:17
nigelbchrisccoulson: I'd pay to see the look on seb's and didrocks' face when they get back22:19
chrisccoulsonyeah, i think i've probably deleted 3000 mails today22:20
nigelbchrisccoulson: pedro got 1300022:20
chrisccoulsonnot cool22:20
nigelbso, we're never going to match that.22:20
* cjohnston thinks he just read that if he buys kenvandine a beer kenvandine will teach him how to program22:48
devildantedang, tremolux is not here :(23:06
devildantebut mvo is here :)23:06
devildantemvo: ping23:06
tremoluxdevildante: who says I'm not here  ;)23:07
tremoluxdevildante: what's up?23:07
devildantemy eyes are failing me :p23:09
devildantetremolux, bug 634324 is not fixed23:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 634324 in software-center (Ubuntu) "software-center python-launchpadlib dependency (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63432423:10
devildantepython-launchpadlib needs to be in depends, not in suggests23:10
tremoluxdevildante: yep, mvo felt it should be in suggests23:10
tremoluxdevildante: reason is that it's not a feature that anybody will use by default, it has to be enabled with a switch at startup23:11
devildantetremolux, problem is the user reports that software-center crashes with normal options when python-launchpadlib is not present23:12
tremoluxdevildante: ah, ok23:14
devildantetremolux, so, is it a dependency problem, or can it be fixed with some code?23:15
* devildante wonders why he is asking this, we're in FinalFreeze :p23:15
tremoluxdevildante: heh23:16
devildantetremolux, is there a list of bugs for USC that could get an exception for FinalFreeze?23:17
tremoluxdevildante: right now, there is no known bug like that, but that's at this moment23:17
devildanteokay :)23:17
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