
micahghi dpm08:05
dpmhey micahg08:05
micahgI had to revert the brunei translation since it wasn't utf808:05
micahgdpm: did you do thunderbird also to just firefox?08:06
dpmmicahg, ah, ok, thanks for the info, I'll tell translators to look into it, although I guess it might be to late to include it even if they fix it. I did TB as well: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Wanted/ThunderbirdDesktop08:07
micahgluckily I know what Hebrew is :)08:07
dpmYeah, I was going to say that they are missing the code, but it is pretty evident which language it is :-)08:08
micahgdpm: well, not if one doesn't know Hebrew, I just happen to know it :)08:08
dpmah, cool :)08:08
* micahg tries to get TB in before freeze08:08
dpmawesome, thanks micahg08:09
micahgdpm: np08:09
micahgdpm: which editor can I use to see the languages properly?08:16
micahgIsn't gl Galecian?08:18
dpmmicahg, gl is Galician, they just copied the comment from Croatian :)08:19
micahgdpm: k, thought so :)08:19
dpmmicahg, what do you mean which editor? Does gedit not display the characters properly?08:20
* micahg was trying vim/gvim08:20
* micahg tries gedit08:20
* micahg needs to install gedit :)08:20
micahgabiword doesn't work08:21
micahgdpm: no, maybe I need a UTF-8 locale set08:22
micahgno dice08:23
* micahg tries in the Hebrew locale08:23
micahgwow, even with a Hebrew locale it won't display (menus in Hebrew) :-/08:26
dpmmicahg, oh, so you can fetch the translation but it will not get displayed in the FF menu entry? That's strange...08:27
micahgno, I'm having an issue viewing it in my editors08:27
micahgeven when the menus are in Hebrew08:27
dpmoh, that's even stranger, I don't have a Hebrew locale, and I can see them well. I just do a copy paste from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Wanted/ThunderbirdDesktop?action=raw into Gedit and they look fine (unless they are reversed and I don't notice)08:31
dpmfta, fta2, additional translations at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Wanted/ChromiumDesktop should be ready to fetch whenever you've got the time08:36
micahgdpm: how do I set my system locale08:48
dpmmicahg, you can use gnome-language-selector to do it for you by dragging the wanted locale to be above English in the list. Or you can do it manually by setting the LANG environment variable (you can also set LANGUAGE or unset it altogether if you don't need to specify fallback locales)08:51
dpmin both cases you'll have to log out and log back in after the change08:52
dpm(and choose the wanted locale in gdm)08:53
micahgdpm: it's set for English, but my locale is C08:53
dpmI don't know off the top of my head if C is set explicitly in English installations. It might be that the en language code is used instead08:54
micahgno, I think it's just me08:55
micahgdpm: not sure what to do here08:59
dpmmicahg, what's the problem exactly? Is it still that the Hebrew text is not rendered in any of your editors?09:01
micahgdpm: yes09:01
micahgso I can't edit the non-UTF-8 compliant bit09:01
* micahg has to go to sleep shortly09:01
dpmmicahg, have you tried to install the Hebrew locale, even if you don't use it? You can do it in gnome-language-selector, which will also install additional fonts. I haven't got it installed myself and I can see the Hebrew text properly in Gedit, but it might be worth a try09:04
micahgdpm: I have it installed09:04
micahgit has to be my system locale being set to C, but idk how to fix it09:04
dpmmicahg, and running 'LANGUAGE=he gedit' does not help?09:05
micahgdpm: no09:05
dpmdoes anyone in the channel has got an English locale? What's the output of 'locale'?09:06
micahgand it won't open with the Hebrew locale set09:06
* micahg tries geresh09:06
dpmmicahg, I think your locale should be set to LANG=en_US.UTF-8. Do you have LANG defined in  /etc/default/locale or /etc/environment ? You can change it manually there09:11
* micahg checks09:12
micahgset in /etc/default/locale09:13
micahgdpm: chrisccoulson should be on in about an hour, maybe he can figure it out09:23
dpmmicahg, yeah, thanks for all your help, I'll talk to Chris later on09:23
micahgdpm: here's what I have, so he has a starting point: http://paste.ubuntu.com/494631/09:23
micahgI deleted the hebrew Name line since it wasn't UTF-8 comliant09:24
micahgdpm: np, next cycle, can we plan this for beta :)09:24
dpmok, I'll point09:25
dpmChris to the patch09:25
micahgk, have a good day09:25
dpmyou too, thanks :)09:25
dpmwell, good night, I mean09:25
micahgactually a bzr diff09:25
fta2dpm, where are they? i just see hu10:40
fta2i see one between gl and it but without langcode10:50
fta2(most probably 'he')10:56
dpmfta2, yeah, it is Hebrew, I've now added the code10:57
dpmchrisccoulson, if you are around already, could you look into merging the translations from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Wanted/ThunderbirdDesktop ?. micahg has already provided a bzr diff as a starting point: http://paste.ubuntu.com/494631/, but had some problems with the Hebrew ([he]) translation. Could you perhaps pick it up from there?11:00
dpmI see that the existing [he] translations on the diff don't look quite right, either11:01
chrisccoulsondpm - yeah, sure11:02
dpmthanks chrisccoulson11:04
gnomefreaki miss a few days and i end up with 284 updates11:51
gnomefreakfta2: why wont chromium save passwords/forms/ect... is it a feature or bug?12:26
fta2gnomefreak, wfm, but sometimes, you have to type the 1st few letters of your login to help it refill the form12:40
gnomefreak0k thanks12:40
fta2or on google services, they like to drop the cookie to force you to retype everything, a kind of security12:41
gnomefreaki can see why they would do that, i had to start with new profile but same as above12:43
chrisccoulsoncyphermox, network problems? :)14:25
cyphermoxchrisccoulson, minor. why?14:27
chrisccoulsoncyphermox, i just noticed you keep getting disconnected ;)14:27
cyphermoxI'm killing and restarting NM too to try to understand a bug :)14:27
chrisccoulsonah, ok. that makes sense14:27
chrisccoulsonsee, it's such low traffic in this channel that i notice when people get disconnected a few times14:28
cyphermoxsorry :)14:28
fta2chrisccoulson, you can no longer see me flapping ;) i still do14:31
chrisccoulsonfta2 - no, your connection appears to be solid now ;)14:31
fta2it's not, ~40 flaps per day14:31
fta2dpm, should i consider we'll not get more translations and merge the last two?14:42
dpmfta2, yeah, I'd say go for it14:52
fta2ok, even if there're more, as there are frequent updates, i can still adopt them later14:56
Samed87ho un problema con il buffer di youtube nessuno mi può aiutare15:08
chrisccoulson!it | Samed8715:22
ubot2Samed87: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:22
Samed87sorry ... I have a problem with buffer video on firefox15:23
Samed87do you can help me to fix it ?15:24
chrisccoulsonSamed87, it depends what your issue is. but i'm pretty busy right now i'm afraid15:30
Samed87ok ... when you have a moment I can give you all the description15:35
micahgchrisccoulson: I'm running out for a few minutes, but is there anything I can help with before freeze?16:17
* micahg didn't think the tb-locales update was necessary since we didn't pick up any new languages16:17
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i think we're ok16:17
chrisccoulsonmicahg - dpm mentioned you had an issue with the hebrew translation on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Wanted/ThunderbirdDesktop16:18
chrisccoulsonwhat was the issue?16:19
chrisccoulsoni've not had a chance to look at this yet16:19
chrisccoulsonmicahg - oh, i've got the unit tests running on FF4.0 now :)16:19
chrisccoulsoni will push the changes for that in a bit16:19
chrisccoulsonwell, everything except for mochitest so far16:20
micahgjdstrand: I'm still getting a few apparmor blocks for the Firefox profile in Maverick due to stuff that's in the archive, I'll file the bugs this weekend, you're call if it's worth breaking freeze for16:22
micahgchrisccoulson: oh, I can't get hebrew in an editor to see why the translation is having UTF-8 issues16:22
micahgchrisccoulson: awesome on the unit tests16:22
jdstrandmicahg: are you user-files in /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/ubuntu-browsers.d/firefox?16:23
jdstrandare you *using* user-files...16:23
micahgjdstrand: yes16:24
jdstrandmicahg: I fixed /var/cache/fontconfig and it is in ubuntu216:28
micahgjdstrand: yes, I saw, but my stuff is for gears and firefox-notify :)16:28
jdstrandI know of ~/.fontconfig and ~/.thumbnails when not using user-files16:29
jdstrandmicahg: oh, yes, please file16:29
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
micahgchrisccoulson: I'll upload the TB .desktop translations w/out the Hebrew in about 40  minutes, we'll get the Hebrew in later/next cycle if need be16:38
* micahg will bbiab16:38
chrisccoulsonmicahg - cool, thanks16:38
micahgchrisccoulson: I'll get to gnash this weekend, I think we can probably still get lightning in as well17:04
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i'm not sure about lightning, nobody from ubuntu-release has commented on the bug yet17:05
micahgchrisccoulson: I'll start poking next week if no one replies by monday17:05
chrisccoulsoni asked pitti, but he wanted somebody else to comment really, and i asked in #ubuntu-devel17:05
micahgit's going in universe, so we should be able to get a pass17:05
chrisccoulsonit seems there is a large pile of FFe requests with no comments17:06
chrisccoulsontbh, i'm tempted to just upload it17:06
* micahg thinks they're just busy17:06
chrisccoulsonyeah, most likely. i hate being always blocked on other people though ;)17:06
micahgah, the nature of collaborative efforts17:06
ftajdstrand, just uploaded .59 to maverick. do you want it for lucid, or do you want to wait for .55?17:11
ftajdstrand, i feel there's another sec update near the horizon..17:12
jdstrandfta: if possible, for lucid. maybe we can just reuse the bug you have for .5917:12
jdstrandfor .5517:12
ftawhy? there's also bug 63873617:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 638736 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) "6.0.472.55~r58392 -> 6.0.472.59~r59126 upgrade (affects: 1) (heat: 3699)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63873617:13
jdstrandfta: I was not aware of that bug. we can just invalidate the other one when .59 is in -proposed17:14
ftayou were in Cc17:14
ftajdstrand, next one has 3 sec bugs (2 high, 1 critical)17:16
jdstrandwell then I forgot about it17:16
jdstrandregardless, it would be great to have .59 for -proposed unless the next one is imminent17:17
ftait is17:17
jdstrandthen let's not bother-- it won't make it to -security before a week anyway17:18
ftaok, so when it's out, i'll re-update maverick, and merge the last 3 updates for lucid17:18
jdstrandfta: sounds perfect17:18
ftaexpected tomorrow17:19
fta(i'm trying to be proactive here)17:19
jdstrandfta: your proactivity is appreciated :)17:19
fta<fta> what does it take to have bug 636894 fixed??17:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 636894 in libvpx (Ubuntu) "please sync libvpx 0.9.2-1 from debian experimental (main) (affects: 1) (heat: 3448)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63689417:30
micahgfta: a cupcake for an archive admin?17:31
ftamicahg, remotely, it's not easy17:32
micahgfta: would be better to get in now, maybe ask in -devel before Final Freeze17:32
micahgwhich is in 27 minutes :)17:33
ftai really considering moving back to in-source libs17:36
ftauhh, fta2 flapped??17:37
micahgfta: it actually needs a core-dev ack17:38
* micahg forgot about that17:38
ftamicahg, didrocks asked me to do it the way i did17:40
micahgfta: hmmm, well, is he ack'd it, that should be in the bug17:41
micahgso the AA knows17:41
ftahe's not there atm :(17:42
micahgfta: yes, on vacation, seb128 as well, you can paste the chat log if you have it where he said it's ok17:43
nxvlchrisccoulson: hi, where can i find information about mozilla addons?17:47
nxvlchrisccoulson: i need to update a couple of addons from 3.0 to 3.617:47
nxvlchrisccoulson: and i've no clue of how to do that17:47
ftamicahg, done17:50
ftanow what?17:50
chrisccoulsonnxvl - https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Extensions is a good start17:51
nxvlchrisccoulson: thanks!17:51
chrisccoulsonmicahg - it seems i'm the only person left on the desktop team ;)17:51
micahgfta: just getting someone to do it, maybe ask in -devel17:51
micahgchrisccoulson: really?17:52
ftamicahg, already did, nada17:52
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, everyone's on holiday or at conferences17:52
micahgchrisccoulson: k, I guess you have to hold down the fort17:52
micahgfta: in progress :)17:56
micahgfta: might want to thank cjwatson when he's done17:56
chrisccoulsonactually, cyphermox is here too, so i'm not the only person :)17:57
chrisccoulsonhmmm, we're not frozen yet18:14
chrisccoulsoni thought it was meant to be 1700UTC18:14
* chrisccoulson should go on a last minute uploading frenzy18:15
chrisccoulsonoh, actually, we are18:15
chrisccoulsonwas looking at the wrong bit in launchpad18:15
ftajdstrand, just read your last post to the t-b, maybe you can add the current situation of 3 sec updates in row hold back by the SRU process.. just to give a clear real-life example18:19
jdstrandfta: that is a good point18:19
ftajdstrand, also, regarding future libs, ch is considering libjpeg-turbo (which will require yasm >= 1.0.1)18:20
fta"in a row, held back"...18:21
ftai really need more sleep18:21
micahgfta: as a runtime dep or a build-time dep?18:22
ftamoz wants it too18:23
ftamozilla 57394818:23
micahgfta: ah, might be able to work around that then since builds are done in the security PPA18:23
micahgfta: yes, I know :)18:23
micahgfta: syncing is blocked on a soyuz bug ATM, but cjwatson made a note and will sync as soon as he can18:24
ubot2Mozilla bug 573948 in ImageLib "Replace libjpeg with libjpeg-turbo" [Normal,Assigned] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=57394818:24
* micahg got yasm 1.1.0 in maverick18:25
* micahg has to run now, will bbiab18:25
micahgdpm: thunderbird was uploaded w/out the Hebrew, we'll have to figure it out later18:26
* micahg is really off now18:26
dpmmicahg, sure, thanks for taking care of this!18:27
* dpm is off as well18:28
ftahttp://dailyshite.com/2010/08/if-dinosaurs-had-twitter/  :)18:31
sebnerfta: hilarious, trying ff4.0b6 upstream binary from mozilla and then it doesn't even start xD missing libxul.so, even if it's present18:39
ftasebner, you're supposed to use the wrapper, it sets a LD_LIBRARY_PATH18:42
sebnerfta: you mean run-mozilla.sh?18:43
sebnerfta: run-mozilla.sh: Cannot execute .18:43
ftasebner, hm, iirc, it's firefox. the real bin being -bin18:43
chrisccoulsonsebner, just running the firefox wrapper should take care of all that18:43
sebnerfta: that starts ubuntu ff 3.6.1018:44
chrisccoulsonsebner, anyway, why are you downloading from mozilla? whats wrong with the daily builds? ;)18:44
ftasebner, go to that unpacked dir, and ./firefox18:44
sebnerchrisccoulson: just a quick test, adding PPA is too slow :P18:45
sebnerfta: ehm, I know ;) Don't think I'm a noob that typed "firefox" into the terminal18:45
ftasebner, sorry ;)18:45
sebnerheh, np18:46
ftano offense intended18:46
sebnerfta: nah, really no problem .. I'm sure you have to deal with such people a lot so nvm18:46
sebnerfta: any other suggestion I should try?18:52
ftasebner, iirc, it's an issue with the code trying to resolve the symlinks18:54
ftaor maybe not. try running the wrapper in trace mode (sh -x ./firefox)18:55
ftaand paste what you get18:55
sebnerfta: http://pastebin.com/k850Q79E18:58
ftahm, nothing's wrong in there18:59
sebnerfta: ah, error found. It can't be run parallell to ubuntu firefox19:00
ftaoh, right19:00
ftaforgot about that one19:00
sebnerfta: is ff4b6 supposed to support <canvas> from html5 already?19:01
fta3.5/3.6 too iirc19:02
nxvlchrisccoulson: just found a bug in /usr/share/mozilla-devscripts/xpi.mk19:02
ftai use it in my own webapps19:02
nxvlchrisccoulson: there is something that says # clean build and remove all .xpi in top-level if a MOZ_XPI_BUILD_COMMAND is defined19:02
sebnerfta: kk, thanks a lot for your help! :)19:02
nxvlchrisccoulson: and in the top of the file you have: MOZ_XPI_BUILD_COMMAND ?= xpi-pack $(CURDIR) $(MOZ_EXTENSION_PKG).xpi19:02
nxvlchrisccoulson: so it doesn't matter if i defined MOZ_XPI_BUILD_COMMAND or not it will clean the .xpi anyway19:03
ftajdstrand, you asked about the number of users of ch, i used to follow the evolution of our debs vs the google ones: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/popcon-20100915.png   but i don't have the repartition by PPA/dists (yet)19:05
ftain 2~3 days, we should re-gain the 1st place19:06
yofelhm, how does firefox identify what files it can open by itself? on launchpad apport attachments have <text/plain; charset="utf-8"> as type which it opens fine, but the retracer attaches files with <text/plain> as type and ffx tells me to open it in gedit. Any way to make firefox open those in a new tab too?20:39
yofel(firefox 3.6)20:40
jcastrofta: whoa, nice growth20:57
jcastrofta: that's -browser just what's in the archive right? no dailies?20:57
ftajcastro, nope, all merged. popcon is not smart enough20:58
ftajcastro, i keep asking the lp guys about the ppa stats, i'm even ready to code that in python if the api has what's needed, but i never get any answer20:59
jcastrofta: out of curiosity are you measuring the lag time between an upstream chrome release and how long it takes for an equivalent chromium release to hit the archive?21:00
ftajcastro, yes, somehow. my bot populates the -stable ppa within a few hours of google (tracking releases on http://omahaproxy.appspot.com/), or even sooner if i'm available when my tracker detects it and i force it manually, then I merge what needs to be merged and if that's fine (build + some tests), i can push to maverick21:05
ftajcastro, that could happen within a day, if there are build resources available21:05
* jcastro nods21:08
ftagrrr, disconnected21:09
fta<fta> jcastro, that could happen within a day, if there are build resources available21:10
fta* Disconnected ().21:10
ftajcastro, as for lucid, i usually prepare the debs at the same time as the maverick ones, and hand them over to jdstrand21:10
fta(did i miss something?)21:10
jcastroabout how long does it take after you hand it to jdstrand?21:10
jdstrandI get it building in ubuntu-security-proposed immediately21:11
jdstrandwell, after review21:11
jdstrandbut then it might be the next day before it gets pocket copied to lucid-proposed21:12
jcastrook, so it's not like a week or anything crazy like that?21:12
jdstrand(it has been longer in the past, but that is usu. the case)21:12
jdstrandwe mostly are waiting for the build to finish21:12
keesjcastro: we need to get jono to record a song in death-metal style titled "CRUSHING THE BUILDDS!"21:12
jdstrandjcastro: fta is keen to remind me if it starts to slip :)21:12
* jdstrand appreciates that (really :)21:13
jcastrook so it's the same problem everyone else has, buildd's are slow21:13
jcastrothere's nothing broken with the process itself is what I am getting at.21:13
jdstrandjcastro: well, yes, but our buildd is special21:14
jdstrandjcastro: so we get put to the front, but arm is still arm21:14
ftajcastro, there's a problem with SRU, it's too slow21:14
jdstrandour *ppa* is special (we don't have dedicated buildds)21:14
jdstrandjcastro: that is the issue-- the SRU process because chromium hasn't been given a micro/macro release exception21:15
jdstrandjcastro: it is being discussed in TB, but still not resolved21:15
jcastroyeah I was just going over the mail archive21:15
jcastrois there anything I can do to help?21:15
jcastroI feel bad when fta has to flail21:15
jdstrandjcastro: I don't think so. I poked kees (hi!) this week and it started a new exchange. I imagine it will be discussed at the next TB meeting21:16
jcastroI think we should make the chromium guys ubuntu developers and give them all the work. But evan wasn't keen on that when I proposed it, heh21:17
jcastrois the tb aware of them switching to a 6 week release cycle?21:18
ftait's in one of the emails to the t-b ml21:18
keesI'm hoping to just drop the waiting period21:18
jcastroah "Another piece of information worth noting is that upstream has been releasing so fast that the SRU 7 day period is blocking new updates."21:18
ftabut it doesn't really matter, really. it doesn't make any difference, almost all stable updates are security updates, or regression fixes21:19
ftaonly a few are big jumps21:19
jcastroit's web-like deployments except with an application. Just when you think we've got The Debian Way(tm) all sorted out.21:20
jdstrandthat's out the window with browsers these days21:20
jcastroyeah, then you find out they're probably going to do their entire OS like that.21:21
* jdstrand notes his improper use of "'" in that email :(21:23
jdstrandat least we don't have to provide security updates for that OS21:23
ftabeen disconnected again and my bnc sucks, no backlog21:39
ftaand irclogs.u.c is not realtime :(21:39
=== micahg changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Mozilla Team: | Mailing List: http://is.gd/83fnr | Firefox 3.6.9 in Hardy-Lucid 3.6.10 in Maverick | Thunderbird 3.1.x Now in Maverick/Daily PPA, Coming to Stable PPA Soon | Firefox 4.0 Beta PPA http://is.gd/f6TM4 | Report Mozilla PPA bugs here: http://is.gd/dPMLv | Help test Mozilla prerelease updates http://is.gd/dsudW
ftairclogs.u.c is only updated once an hour :(22:16

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