
djrethey whats up01:17
djretbanned ?01:17
ubottuThe operation succeeded.01:17
h00kdjret: standby, please.01:17
djretthis is most unusual01:18
djretso Im usig a banned IP?01:19
h00kdjret: give me a second to take a look01:19
h00kdjret: What channel are you trying to join?01:19
djretwhy bis this IP anned?01:20
djretwhy bis this IP banned?01:20
Picidjret: patience.01:20
djretwhy is this IP banned?01:20
h00kdjret: You're not helping at all. You need to wait a second while I look.01:21
djretok well never mind shal go elese where01:21
djretcan you explain reason for the ban?01:22
h00kdjret: It appears we've had a lot of abuse from that range of addresses01:22
djretnever mind Ill try elsewhere01:23
h00kdjret: You're more than welcome to, I suppose.01:23
Piciokay then01:23
h00kFor the record, there appears to be a lot of abuse from that range of addresses01:24
h00kAnd it appears there is a +b on *!*@92.251.*threembb.ie01:24
Pici20:20:15 <ubottu> Match: *!*@92.251.*threembb.ie by bazhang in #ubuntu on Aug 22 2010 03:53:13 (ID: 28025)01:24
h00kfor a number of "users"01:24
* h00k shrugs01:24
elkyyep, we checked the who for a while before putting that in iirc01:50
ubottuBluesKaj called the ops in #ubuntu (ArakMotherFukker)01:59
nhandleridoru got him ^02:00
dexkt26well hello all02:16
dexkt26so whens the next ubuntu out?02:17
dexkt26told it might be in october02:18
dexkt26is this right?02:18
dexkt26hey this is ubuntu right?02:22
macothis is the ubuntu operators channel02:22
dexkt26so where am I?02:22
dexkt26if not in ubuntu02:23
macolike i said, the ubuntu operators channel02:24
macoyou were probably forwarded here due to a ban in #ubuntu, if it's not where you were aiming for02:24
dexkt26ok so how do I get into ubuntu02:25
dexkt26maco: yes just realised that   not sure why that happened02:26
dexkt26maco: banned  because???02:27
dexkt26maco: I have been here before02:28
dexkt26maco: heres what I get #ubuntu  Cannot send to channel02:29
dexkt26maco: whats with this02:33
macosorry im doing 3 things at once here. lemme check the bantracker02:33
dexkt26maco: ok thanks02:34
dexkt26maco: very quiet here02:39
dexkt26maco: I was told is fairly busy here!02:40
dexkt26maco: good place to come02:40
macohmm so what i see is that you've been banned multiple times, evaded bans, refused to acknowledge that fact, and eventually you were removed last time you visited02:43
dexkt26maco: lat time I was here I wasnt banned02:45
macoaugust 25 you were here refusing to own up to your ban evasions and eventually you were removed from this channel02:46
macoremoved, not banned02:46
macobut you're still banned in #ubuntu because you didnt resolve your august 22 ban02:46
macomy laptop battery is about to die.. :-/02:47
macoPici: ping?02:47
dexkt26maco: so how is that resolved?02:47
maconeed to talk about why you got banned in the first place and about your evasion tendencies, but my laptop is about to shut down from battery :-/02:47
macoFlannel: ping?02:47
dexkt26maco: not sure what is meant by that02:47
IdleOnedexkt26: what nick were you using the last time you were here?02:48
dexkt26maco: Ive never beened banned02:48
macoIdleOne: jusoe according to bt02:48
IdleOnedexkt26: what nick were you using the last time you were here?02:48
dexkt26IdleOne:   last time I was dexkt26 and I wasnt banned for that02:50
IdleOnehow long ago was it?02:50
dexkt26IdleOne:   my nick wasnt banned why so now?02:51
IdleOnedexkt26: Please answer my question02:51
dexkt26IdleOne:  about 5 weeks ago i was here02:51
IdleOnedexkt26: I am going to set an exemption so you can join #ubuntu.02:53
dexkt26oh what gives02:53
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines02:53
IdleOnePlease read the guidelines02:53
IdleOnegive me a moment to set the exempt02:53
dexkt26IdleOne:  this is very bizzar02:54
dexkt26IdleOne:  I havent done anything!02:54
dexkt26IdleOne:  to warrent this ban02:55
IdleOnedexkt26: I know02:55
dexkt26IdleOne: so whats it about then?02:55
IdleOneit's a long story, let's leave it at mistaken identity02:56
IdleOnePlease join #ubuntu now so we can make sure you can join02:56
dexkt26IdleOne: so Im not totally banned?02:57
IdleOnedexkt26: provided you use this same nickname every time you try to join #ubuntu, you won't have any problems02:57
dexkt26IdleOne: is this some other IP address problem02:57
IdleOnedexkt26: I am quite busy at the moment if you could please join #ubuntu02:58
dexkt26IdleOne: oh so iuts my IP adress really   and not me   correct?02:58
dexkt26IdleOne: makes sence then02:59
IdleOnedexkt26: Please join #ubuntu so I can be sure I set the exempt correctly02:59
IdleOneset exempt on the nick dexkt2603:02
IdleOneHe will be back under a different nick, soonish I'm sure03:02
IdleOnehe joined #ubuntu for 1 minute and quit03:07
IdleOne091510-[22:03:02] * dexkt26 (~dexkt26@ has joined #ubuntu03:07
IdleOnejust like the last time we wasted an hour03:07
* IdleOne goes back to Star Trek03:07
brianbanned fron ubuntu?03:50
brianhey wht is this?03:51
brianhey why is this?03:51
h00kbrian: Standby, let me check.03:52
brianheres what I get  #ubuntu Cannot send to channel03:52
brianno proper03:53
h00kbrian: There appears to be a lot of abuse from that range of addresses03:53
brianthought It wes a freenode room03:53
brianwhat does that mean?03:54
h00kbrian: The room is on a Freenode server, if that's what you're asking. The bans for that channel aren't handled by Freenode, they're handled by #ubuntu-* operators03:54
Flannelmaco: What's up?03:55
brianso why the has freenode banned me03:55
h00kbrian: that range of IPs has been banned multiple times for abuses and ban evading03:56
brianok so what for me?03:56
brianmy ISP has not banned me03:58
brianso is my ISP banned  is that what it is?04:00
h00kYes, it looks like we have a ban on that address range04:00
brianstill I get this #ubuntu Cannot send to channel04:02
h00kbrian: standby, please.04:02
h00kbrian: you should now be able to join04:03
briannot understand why Im banned  please explain04:03
h00kbrian: I explained that that range of addresses was banned. That includes your address.04:04
brianwell maybe I should go where somewhere Im not banned04:04
h00kSo...okay. I did temporarily unban him, gave him the opportunity to join, but he did not, so I re-banned that range.04:08
h00kIt was suspiciously similar to the previous visitor.04:08
IdleOneh00k: next time /mode +e nick!*04:09
IdleOneallows the nick to join and keeps the ban04:09
h00kmakes sense, yeah, I don't know why I didn't think of that04:09
h00kI'm silly.04:10
IdleOnehow often do we set +e anyway04:12
popeymaco: got a (grumpy) reply from the ubuntu-help.com guy. its not a phishing site, it was an 'experiment' with apache proxy. he's taken it down now07:53
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening
macopopey: mmmk.... id say any site masquerading as another, particularly when passwords are involved, are phishing though14:04
ikoniait's still a phising site as it's coverting passwords intentionally or not14:13
jpdsWe need ubuntu-help.com when we have help.u.c ?14:17
elkyFor personal experiments.14:52
elkyThat resemble remarks about phishing.14:52
popeyi haven't bothered reply, felt he was too grumpy and wouldn't realise I was alerting him for the right reasons15:19
ubottuLynoure called the ops in #ubuntu+1 ()15:50
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (Priceyyy appears to be abusive - 4.5)17:11
PiciYou know, I was just going to say its quiet, but now someone in -ot is making me explain why saying 'seig heil' is a bad thing.18:09
jpdsPici: Victory hail, hmm.18:12
Picijpds: After someone mentioned nazis.18:13
PiciWhats up?20:09
jribwhy do I keep being disconnected :(20:11
PiciMax SendQ exceeded20:11
jribweird, I'm not actually doing anything different20:12
ubottuIn #ubuntu-irc, charlie-tca said: !no, !triage is Triage means there should be enough information for the developers to start working on your bug, when they have time.21:27

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