
bjfcjwatson: i'm going to leave this system in this partially installed state in case you need any other info00:01
LaneyI didn't know f-spot being demoted to universe was part of the plan.00:01
lamontdoko: that guarantees at least 6 months of running an unsupported kernel, you realize.. building jaunty today on intrepid's kernel would be such a case00:05
* lamont will ponder00:05
dokolamont: would you care, if you could run it on a virtual buildd?00:06
bjfcjwatson: bug 64003300:07
ubot4bjf: Bug 640033 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/640033 is private00:07
dokolamont: and why not use the distro kernel once a release is released?00:07
bjfhmmm, it shouldn't be00:08
bjfcjwatson: bug 64003300:10
ubot4Launchpad bug 640033 in grub-installer (Ubuntu) "maverick daily server iso (Sept. 15, 2010) fails to install grub on raided drive set (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64003300:10
lamontdoko: we already know that several packages do not build in virtual builders00:13
lamontanyway, family calling me to dinner00:13
dokolamont: -> UDS00:14
wgrantUh, ew.01:28
wgrantEw ew.01:28
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cjwatsonbjf[afk]: you didn't tell me you had dm-raid, rather than proper raid :-)  that's known-broken right now11:24
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bjfcjwatson: sorry about that :-)14:01
bjfcjwatson: when will that be fixed? :-)14:02
cjwatsonit regressed due to an lvm2 update; reverting that wouldn't be a good plan, so we need to adapt14:03
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robbiewFYI.../me will be requesting a freeze of the archive VERY soon ;)15:11
nhandlerDo you guys think we could squeeze in an upload of lernid before the release? It is in universe and not seeded. Changes are also pretty minor.15:13
cjwatsonuniverse stuff that isn't on CDs can keep going in for a while yet15:14
cjwatsonright, apparently bug auto-closing is fixed.  now I guess I get to write a bit of launchpadlib to go and look for all the stuff that wasn't auto-closed ...15:15
ograrobbiew, dare you !15:17
cjwatsongoodness me there have been a lot of uploads in the intervening time, he says as it hasn't got out of the 'a's yet15:18
cjwatsonwait, no, wrong date15:18
* ogra wants that armel queue to go on a diet !15:21
DavieyHow much time do we have before final freeze? :)15:23
ttxdepends on how hot the coffee can stay in robbiew thermos15:24
* Daviey will buy robbiew a new kettle if it helps! :)15:24
robbiewDaviey: technically it was at midnight UTC today15:24
ttxright, we all know whath /that/ means15:25
Davieyrobbiew, not what i wanna hear! :O15:25
robbiewDaviey: would 17:00 UTC work for you?15:29
Davieyrobbiew, If that isn't causing problems for anyone, then yes, it really, really would15:30
* Daviey has been fixing a "5 minute" bug, that has been taking hours.15:30
robbiewDaviey: okay...17:00 UTC it is15:31
* robbiew will send an email 15:32
Davieyrobbiew, Let me know when you want to collect the beer.15:34
ttxI thought it was a kettle.15:34
ograwith beer ?15:35
* ogra imagines a big cannibal tribe kettle15:35
skaetrobbiew,  17:00 UTC is only for Daviey?  or are others permitted?15:38
robbiewothers are permitted15:38
robbiewthe freeze will go into effect at 17.00UTC for all15:39
robbiewI mean I like Daviey...but he's not THAT special15:39
ograunless someone else bribes more :)15:39
Davieymy mummy said i am special.15:39
robbiewand you are....to her15:39
ograDaviey, http://image22.webshots.com/23/1/76/80/355917680EWuyhU_fs.jpg15:41
iulianHmm, my mum thinks I'm stupid.15:41
thisfredWe (canonical online services) have a rather important bugfix for couchdb that we'd still like to get into maverick. Bug #42217815:42
ubot4Launchpad bug 422178 in couchdb (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "CouchDB needs to properly enable SSL support (affects: 2) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42217815:42
thisfredA new package is building on LP with that bugfix15:42
Davieyogra, \o/15:43
robbiewthisfred: okay15:45
robbiewif you don't make it by 17.00 utc, it can still be considered for the release, but would need review/approval by the release team15:45
iulianthisfred: Looking.15:46
thisfredawesome, we should be able to make that15:46
iulianHave you got a package ready to upload?15:46
iulianAh, it's still building.15:46
thisfrediulian: it's building now15:47
ograit really adds more excitement to just upload it without testbuild at 16:58 UTC :)15:47
thisfred(The only reason for that is that the bug number wasn't in the changelog yet)15:47
thisfredogra: hopefully we can arrange something like that for natty, unfortunately this time the fix came in too early ;)15:48
ogragah, yeah, your team seems to be not busy enough !15:48
* ogra makes a note to add a lot of armel specific requests for online services during natty15:49
thisfredI'll forward that as a suggestion to my evil overlords15:49
iulianthisfred: Is chef-server-api affected by this change?  I see that python-couchdb only suggests couchdb so it shouldn't cause any trouble.15:56
thisfrediulian: I have not looked at chef-server, but i doubt it, since that uses couchdb as a local datastore it looks like?15:57
ogasawararobbiew: I was waiting to upload linux-meta till armel and powerpc finished building (which will be a while).  But I can upload it now if that's preferred, else I can ping the release team for approval after.15:57
thisfrediulian: so it should not have run into the original problem15:57
iulianthisfred: Alrighty.15:57
thisfrediulian: the bug this fixes is that replication from a couchdb on another machine over SSL was broken15:58
iulianthisfred: OK, I'm fine with it then.  Approved.16:00
thisfrediulian: awesome, thank you!16:01
iulianthisfred: Don't mention it.  Please upload it asap.16:02
thisfredas soon as it's built, I will get someone to do just that16:02
* cjwatson writes a little launchpadlib program to go through all bugs that were closed since the Launchpad breakage that stopped bug auto-closure, check if the appropriate bug task isn't fix-released, and present him a bug log and the option to close each one16:03
cjwatsonthis won't do my karma any harm16:03
cjwatsonbug 502871> example of results16:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 502871 in alarm-clock (Ubuntu) "Invalid MimeType in desktop file (affects: 1) (heat: 20)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50287116:04
* ogra hand closed most of his 16:04
cjwatsonso did I, but it gets tedious and I bet many people didn't16:05
cjwatsonso I'll clean up after everyone in bulk16:05
cjwatson(the reason it has to be interactive is that I need to catch the situation where there's been chat on the bug after the point when the bug ought to have been auto-closed which indicates that the bug needs to stay open)16:09
* iulian likes robbiew's e-mails. :)16:16
robbiewiulian: heh16:18
robbiewogasawara: hmmm....not sure which would be better, tbh.16:22
ogasawararobbiew: it might be less work for the release team later if I just upload it now16:24
robbiewogasawara: go ahead16:25
robbiewwho cares about armel anyway16:25
robbiewbut seriously, I agree...upload away16:25
ScottKrobbiew: I like how you avoided using the wrong release name by not using one at all.16:28
robbiew:)...I'm learning16:28
nigelbScottK: He's smart, we all agree :D16:35
thisfredok, couchdb is built (though not yet published) which brings me to the next issue: I don't have a sponsor with bandwidth to do the upload for me. Seems like everyone's busy for some reason...16:35
nigelbScottK: Also, now that mail can be reused without changes except date :D16:35
iulianthisfred: What about the last uploader?16:36
thisfredactually it *is* published now16:36
thisfredI think that was statik, he's since ascended...16:36
evanyone mind terribly if I kick off new desktop CDs?  There's a bug in today's that prevents bootloader installation.16:40
cjwatsonfine by me16:40
evokay, cool, on it now16:42
thisfrediulian: yeah, both statik and kenvandine are overloaded with other things atm.. :(16:45
thisfredalso statik is no longer on our team16:46
robbiewthisfred: but he still has the "power" :)16:46
thisfredrobbiew: he does, but he's off "managing" ;)16:47
cjwatsonactually, I could do with a new server build too.  I'll kick that off in parallel16:49
iulianthisfred: Arghht.  You need a core-dev then.  I don't have upload privileges to main.16:51
thisfrediulian: statik is doing it after all16:51
iulianthisfred: Excellent.16:51
iulianHeh. :)16:51
robbiewyeah..."managing" isn't THAT hard16:51
thisfredjust call him a manager to his face, and he'll get mad and do it ;)16:51
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robbiewt-minus one hour17:01
cjwatsonogra: FYI, queuebot should no longer have the bug where it only notices the first version of a package in the queue17:03
cjwatsonwhich you reported in the beta cycle17:04
ograah, sweet17:04
\shrobbiew: would you like to make the Maverik +2 Release an "Ubuntu 11.11.11 -> The "Cologne Carnival" Release? ;)17:25
robbiewwhat cjwatson said17:25
\shthat's sad...we could have celebrated the release in Cologne starting at 11:11am german time with a lot of Kölsch ;)17:27
ogra\sh, i doubt non germans understand the pun :)17:33
\shogra: well, yes :)17:34
cjwatsonI think I must be missing it too17:37
nigelb\sh: that needed a little googling17:39
\shthe carnival season starts on the 11th of November at 11:11am German Time...and most people in cologne are starting to getting mad, drunk and happy :)17:42
Davieyrobbiew, You have my permission to freeze the archive :P17:47
robbiewDaviey: heh17:48
skaet5 minutes to go....17:55
* ogra shivers17:55
\shogra: Don't Panic !17:56
ograwell ... i have the feeling io forgot something important all the time17:57
ograi got my towel though17:57
\shogra: your mice ;)17:59
* ogra hears the chruchbell outside 18:00
* skaet waiting for Robbie to be official...18:01
robbiewI can feel it coming in the air tonight, Oh Lord18:02
robbiewI've been waiting for this moment, all my life, Oh Lord18:02
robbiewCan you feel it coming in the air tonight, Oh Lord, Oh Lord18:02
skaethold on?18:02
\sh"Shout It Shout It Shout It Out Loud!" ;)18:02
ograno more "putting tongue tip on pole" now :'-( sniff18:03
kenvandineyay... now i can go to lunch :)18:04
evCan someone let ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu 25 through?  I forgot to update the pot files before uploading the freeze-approved version 24.19:00
* highvoltage wonders if anyone will find the hhgttg easter eggs hidden in edubuntu19:16
highvoltagerobbiew: btw, did you know that Phil Collins played that to Richard Branson on a tape he recorded while he was still a taxi driver?19:17
robbiewhighvoltage: no...no I did not19:17
highvoltagerobbiew: yep, he forced him to listen to it and RB liked it and signed a record deal. that was quite lucky :)19:18
slangasekI didn't know Richard Branson was a taxi driver19:19
highvoltageno, I meant when Phil Collins was a taxi driver19:19
slangasekoh ;)19:20
robbiewslangasek: hey...can you tend to poor ev's request about ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu 25? :)19:20
sbeattieWas that before or after Phil Collins was in Genesis?19:20
highvoltagemy english seems to have gotten even worse among the french canadians :)19:20
slangasekrobbiew: ooking19:20
slangasekrobbiew: looking19:20
robbiewslangasek: thnx19:20
skaetsbeattie,  got to have been before...   no need to taxi drive after Genesis.19:21
slangasekin the beginning there was the cab19:21
highvoltagesbeattie: I'm not sure, pity they don't mention it on Phil's wiki page, I read about it in Richard Branson's book, "Screw it, let's do it again"19:21
sbeattieskaet: right, but "In the Air Tonight" was post-Genesis... /me smells an urban legend, of which there are a few about that song.19:21
highvoltageskaet: yeah I believe that was the start of his musical career19:22
highvoltage(and sorry for all the noise on the channel :) )19:22
* skaet suspects urban legand too...19:22
highvoltagethey don't mention it on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_the_Air_Tonight ... weird, I wouldn't suspect that they'd lie in the book. I'll have to look it up again and mail the publisher a [citation needed] :)19:24
slangasekev: accepted19:30
evslangasek: I owe you liquor19:40
slangasekheh :)19:40
ScottKNo queuebot?19:45
cjwatsonit's here; I'll have to look at why it isn't picking anything up19:47
robbiewwhew...thought I forgot to do something again :P19:48
cjwatsonScottK: seems to be nothing in the unapproved queue ...20:22
ScottKcjwatson: Not at the moment.  I've processed the ones that have arrived.20:23
ScottKThat and slangasek got one.20:23
cjwatsonwell, I don't see why it wouldn't be working; so I'll check next time I notice that the queue's non-empty20:25
ScottKcjwatson: Queue is non-empty.21:18
dokoScottK: please approve python3-defaults and python3.121:37
cjwatsonScottK: ah, stale lock.  cleared, should sort itself out soon21:37
dokoor cjwatson ;)21:37
slangasekI can take the python review21:39
slangasekyuck, ntfs-3g soname change in NEW?21:40
cjwatsonpitti gave it an FFe21:43
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