
=== teknico is now known as teknico_away
duanedesignmorning all12:23
ryeduanedesign, morning!12:29
mandelduanedesign, morning12:39
duanedesignmandel, hello12:39
ryeso, the feature freeze is today13:02
duanedesignrye: final freeze is 19th13:04
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=== teknico_away is now known as teknico
jdstrandhi! so, I have not been able to use ubuntuone on maverick for a while now (music). aiui, there were several issues, one of which being the server needing to be updated. has this happened and if not is there an eta?15:12
duanedesignhello jdstrand15:13
duanedesignjdstrand: their were a few bugs. The fixes made it to the nightly PPA last week. I think by now the fixes should of made the Maverick Repository15:15
duanedesignjdstrand: are you findingg that U1 will not connect. In the Preferences, under 'Devices', it just says <Local Machine> instead of your computers name?15:16
jdstrandduanedesign: let me make sure I am up to date15:24
jdstrandduanedesign: ok, I am up to date. UbuntuOne still does not show up in the me menu15:37
ryejdstrand, bug #626659 :(15:38
ubot4Launchpad bug 626659 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "[maverick] Ubuntu One entry is not present in MeMenu (dup-of: 627483)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62665915:38
ubot4Launchpad bug 627483 in indicator-me "Maverick me menu is missing the Ubuntu One link (affects: 8) (dups: 1) (heat: 32)" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62748315:38
jdstrandduanedesign: UbuntuOne preferences does say <LOCAL MACHINE>15:38
duanedesignjdstrand: ok15:38
ryebug #627483 to be precise15:38
duanedesignjdstrand: what do you get when you run from the Terminal: u1sdtool -s15:38
jdstrandState: AUTH_FAILED15:39
jdstrand    connection: With User With Network15:40
jdstrand    description: auth failed15:40
jdstrand    is_connected: False15:40
jdstrand    is_error: True15:40
jdstrand    is_online: False15:40
jdstrand    queues: WORKING_ON_BOTH15:40
duanedesignjdstrand: ok15:40
jdstrand(this was working with lucid)15:40
ryejdstrand, please remove the old token from seahorse, killall ubuntu-sso-login, close preferences and reopen them15:40
duanedesignhas fix for bug 627700 made it to the Maverick repo15:41
ubot4Launchpad bug 627700 in ubuntu-sso-client (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) "pinging of ubuntuone url is done using http address resulting in 403 FORBIDDEN response (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62770015:41
jdstrandrye: I have several ubuntuone items under 'Passwords'15:42
duanedesignjdstrand: is their an 'Ubuntu One Token'15:42
ryejdstrand, hm, "UbuntuOne token for https://ubuntuone.com" and "Ubuntu One" are the ones that you might want to remove - is there anything else?15:42
jdstrand'ubuntuone', 'UbuntuOne token for https://ubuntuone.com', 'Ubuntu One'15:42
ryejdstrand, i guess you tried to authenticate using a broken client version15:43
jdstrandI upgrade to maverick many weeks ago, so probably15:43
jdstrandthis was running lucid prior to that15:43
jdstrandrye: so which to remove?15:43
ryejdstrand, i'd say that all of them15:46
ryejdstrand, you may look at the authorizations from sso at https://login.ubuntu.com/+applications15:47
jdstrandrye: I have two listed there. ubuntuone and Ubuntu One15:49
jdstrandrye: well 'Ubuntu%20One' to be specific15:49
jdstrandI'm going to delete both and start over15:50
jdstrandthat seemed to work15:55
jdstrandI deleted my keys from seahorse, my applications, logged out and back in, connected to ubuntuone-preferences, logged in to uone and it works15:55
jdstrandI logged out and back in and rhythmbox now works too15:55
jdstrandrye, duanedesign: thank you15:56
jdstrandI guess it is because I had a broken client for a while15:56
jdstrandso hopefully lucid users upgrading to maverick won't hit this15:56
ryejdstrand, the users who tried to use updated client when server was not ready received a token which was in SSO but it was not in Ubuntu One. So it is all great now15:57
* jdstrand goes to buy some music15:58
duanedesignrye: have  you ever encountered hyperlinks breaking in the web UI16:05
ryeduanedesign, in the notes?16:05
duanedesignrye: yes. A user had an issue with notes uploading. After re-authenticating none of his new notes have working links16:06
ryeduanedesign, frankly speaking, /notes/ ui will need a rewrite to be able to parse tomboy XML properly. What is the bug # for that question if you have one? There was a definite issue with monospaced text in links that could prevent it from working16:09
duanedesignwasn't sure how to proceed. https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+question/12364616:09
duanedesignthank you16:09
duanedesignuploading some files to my server. The lag is terrible :P16:10
ryeduanedesign, "It seems to be the case that the old notes which had been synced previous to the problem developing still retain hyperlinks." - they are most likely stored as HTML - see http://groups.google.com/group/desktop-couchdb/browse_thread/thread/b7171f3113b29b1216:13
duanedesignrye: thank you for the link, very informative16:19
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OpenSourceWayHello world !17:01
duanedesignhello OpenSourceWay17:07
OpenSourceWayI have a question...17:14
OpenSourceWayWhat is the command which is running on the computer startup if Ubuntuone was correctly installed ?17:14
duffydackyou mean the startup entry?    its /bin/sh -c '[ -d "$HOME/Ubuntu One" ] && ubuntuone-launch'17:38
=== AJenbo is now known as AJenbo_awfk
OpenSourceWayI need help for reinstall ubuntuone,20:32
OpenSourceWaysomebody can help me now ?20:32
ryeOpenSourceWay, reinstalling will not really help since if you haven't changed anything in the sources then there are only configuration items than can be tweaked20:35
ryeOpenSourceWay, what issue are you having?20:35
OpenSourceWaySo I have some problems on the contextual menu of file and folder of my computer !20:35
OpenSourceWayNothing appear20:35
OpenSourceWayI have problem on auto start of ubuntu at computer startup.20:36
OpenSourceWayAnd I haven't icon on file to help me about their status (sync...)20:36
ryeOpenSourceWay, when you call menu on Ubuntu One nothing appears at all or no UbuntuOne entries?20:36
OpenSourceWaySorry but I'm a french and I don't inderstand all :D20:37
OpenSourceWayOn Applications menu or on file contextual menu ?20:37
ryeOpenSourceWay, what version of ubuntu are you running?20:37
OpenSourceWayI haven't Ubuntu One on Application>>Internt20:38
OpenSourceWayIn alacarte, none items are hidden20:38
ryeOpenSourceWay, Ubuntu One preferences is in System / Preferences now20:39
OpenSourceWayYes I have it.20:40
OpenSourceWayI'm connected on my online account.20:40
ryeOpenSourceWay, do you have ubuntuone-client-gnome package installed?20:41
OpenSourceWayBut I don't have ubuntuOne items on file's contextual menu.20:41
dobeyon what files?20:41
OpenSourceWayOn all my computer files20:42
OpenSourceWaySo I'm publishing creenshots...20:43
OpenSourceWayPackage I have installed : http://ubuntuone.com/p/GN7/20:43
OpenSourceWayContextual menu bug : http://ubuntuone.com/p/GN8/20:44
dobeyyou can only publish files that are already synchronized with ubuntu one, and you can only synchronize folders with ubuntu one, which are under your home directory20:44
ryeOpenSourceWay, is Desktop folder a UDF ?20:44
dobeynothing outside of $HOME should have any Ubuntu One context menu items, in nautilus20:44
OpenSourceWayYes, but see the screenshot, My desktop is on my /home/ folder20:44
OpenSourceWayrye: What ?20:45
OpenSourceWayUDF ?20:45
dobeyis ~/Desktop folder synchronized on Ubuntu One?20:45
ryeOpenSourceWay, could you please pastebin ls -l ~/Desktop ?20:45
ryels is enough20:45
dobeyrye: what good would that do?20:46
ryedobey, checking that ~/Desktop contains these folders that on the screen and that's not $HOME on the desktop20:47
OpenSourceWaydobey: Is ~HOME/UbuntuOne/ Who is sync.20:47
OpenSourceWayI have a soluce !!20:48
ryeOpenSourceWay, for the emblems to appear, open Nautilus, navigate to your home folder and then click on Bureau, click Ubuntu One, Share this folder and it should work!20:48
ryeOpenSourceWay, not share, but SYnc the folder on Ubuntu one20:48
OpenSourceWayWhen I'm on /home/me/Bureau/ cpntextual menu is Ok !20:48
ryeOpenSourceWay, hmmm20:48
OpenSourceWayMy bug :20:50
OpenSourceWayI have creat a 'link' of Ubuntu One folder on mmy desktops.20:50
OpenSourceWayI think is not the good manpulation.20:50
OpenSourceWayWhat is the good manipulation ?20:50
dobeyi don't think that's the problem20:51
OpenSourceWayIf I haven't problems now !20:52
OpenSourceWayJust one gug to fix, If I right-clic on files on my Desktop without open it on nautilus, Ubuntu One doesn't appear on contextual menu !20:53
OpenSourceWayThat's all.20:53
OpenSourceWayHow can I move my /home/me/Ubuntu One folder on my desktop ?20:55
ryeOpenSourceWay, i believe i may know whats happening but I need to wait for my sync to be finished before adding Desktop UDF21:06
ryeOpenSourceWay, i will add this to my TODO list now and will check that tomorrow - if you visit us here tomorrow you may ping me to see what are my findings21:07
OpenSourceWayThanks !21:08
OpenSourceWayI don't know you are an active member of UbuntuOne priject !21:08
ryeOpenSourceWay, i am aiming to be one21:09
ryeOpenSourceWay, and now i need to mark it as end of day and continue poking the software tomorrow21:09
ryeso bye all!21:09
=== AJenbo_awfk is now known as AJenbo

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