
Mahmoudcharlie-tca: then how does the latest version organize the menu?01:27
charlie-tcacomplies with freedesktop.org standards now01:37
charlie-tcalooks to me like it is all in /etc/xdg/menus01:42
Mahmoudyeah, lots of files01:48
Mahmoudcharlie-tca: the actual thing that I had to change was in /usr/share/applications dir01:48
Mahmoudi wanted to place thunderbird under Office01:49
charlie-tcahmm, those are the .desktop files used to build the menu01:49
Mahmoudhow does xfce build the menu so rapidly?01:49
Mahmouddoes it cache?01:49
MahmoudI didn't refresh anything myself. I just edited a file, and boom menu modified01:49
charlie-tcaNormal method to change them is to copy to /home/USER/.local/applications and change it01:50
jrmywhere can i get a list of applications and such that are preinstalled with xubuntu?03:53
jrmyon top of that how do i delete all the stuff that came with ubuntu so i just have xubuntu?04:02
Balsaqi booted up my 10.04 computer and the panels are gone hehe?07:22
Balsaqwhat is the fix for that one?07:22
Balsaqoh i just googled it and found it, hope it works...i just installed this a week or so ago and it was running fine until todats update.07:28
jrmyi had a prob with my gnome panels with ubuntu 10.0407:35
jrmyeventually fixed it with a reinstallation of the desktop07:36
Balsaqi just fixed it but everytime i log on the problem is back?07:55
Balsaqis their a permanent fix?07:56
Sysipanels should be permanent..07:56
Balsaqi iknow but its not07:57
Balsaqtried 3 times..the fix works, until i turn it back on07:57
Balsaqis there more than one fix?07:58
Balsaqgotta feelin im screwed07:58
Sysitry to runt that command on terminal07:59
Balsaqi ran it in terminal it worked but it comes back08:00
Balsaqsomone in ubuntu gave me a slightly differnet command ill run downstairs and try it08:01
Balsaqis there something special i have to do to save these changes i have made...because both command i have used work...until i turn on and power back on?08:08
Balsaqis there a special way i have to leave terminal when i am done to keep the commands in effect?08:08
Balsaqgotta a funny feeling im gonna have to reinstall08:09
Sysiuse alt+f208:10
Balsaqyes i did that08:10
Balsaqdo u mean use alt f2 when i am done to get out of terminal?08:10
Sysialt+f2 keeps things running without terminal open08:11
Sysiyou maybe could add panels to start on session08:12
Sysisettings → sessions&startup08:12
Balsaqtthis seems rather odd08:13
Balsaqthis OS has been out 5 months you would think thay would have fixed this08:14
Sysii've seen panels disappearing since hardy..08:16
Balsaqi have heard many ppl talk about it but i have never heard of the fix not working08:21
Balsaqhmm maybe if i just install a custome desktop it will fix it?08:28
Balsaqi see an article on AWN08:29
Balsaqlooks like a nice desktop08:29
Balsaqjust seems like i should be able to make the change in terminal and then save it08:30
Balsaqi'd like to report a new way to fix the disappearing panels09:57
Balsaqthe terminal commands i was given here and in the ubuntu channel were both different. they both worked until i logged out. then the problem came back. this happened 3-4 times and it never fixed it permanently. so i finally used the command 1 lat time and this time i added a couple items to the panels. that fixed it...adding little gadgets to the panels?09:59
Balsaqi can't say i am happy abut that10:00
Balsaqmakes no sence10:00
knomeBalsaq, if the panel was not launched when you logged in, it's about your saved session and panel not being there10:06
Balsaqhmmm i didnt save any session or i just dont know what that means exactly10:07
Balsaqbut never did i ever remove any panels10:07
knomeBalsaq, when you log out, you'll have a check box to ask whether you want to save the session10:07
Balsaqor save it like that10:07
Balsaqok well i never check a box ever10:08
Balsaqi simply turn it off10:08
Balsaqi accepted 5-6 updates and i turned the computer off after the updates like i always do and then it happened10:08
knomeBalsaq, that's checked by default. AND, if the checkbox was checked the last time on a session where the panel was crashed... then you'll keep getting that session10:08
Balsaqwell as i say there was never a seeion where the p[anel crashed10:09
Balsaqeverytime i used it the panels were always there10:09
Balsaqso i dont see how i saved a session where they crashed10:09
knomeanyway, i have to10:09
Balsaqi never have to check off anything10:10
knome... go10:10
Balsaqi just click on the lil power button and it asks me if i want to shut down ...and i do.10:10
knomemaybe ask in #xubuntu-devel10:10
Balsaqit happened after an update...immediatel y after the update.10:11
Balsaqand now i had to add lil gadgets tothe panels to make the problem go away10:11
Balsaqbut i really want to fix it the right way10:11
Balsaqi feel like i have a corrupted OS now10:12
=== Balsaq is now known as Guest76677
phil42ircbot help10:51
Sysi!investigation > phil4210:52
ubottuphil42, please see my private message10:52
Oph5pr1n6how much less resouces does xubuntu use than regular ubuntu?12:13
phil42idunno,  try the live cd and see  :)12:22
phil42i am running it diskless now12:22
gnomefreakwhat is the file browaer used in xfce?12:34
knomegnomefreak, the file browser is thunar, about browaer i don't know ;]12:36
gnomefreakmenu entry would bre great but i can look for it as long as i have the name12:36
gnomefreakmorning bazhang12:36
bazhanggnomefreak, hey12:36
gnomefreakknome: thanks i thought so12:36
knomegnomefreak, np12:36
jrmyany of you know how to remove the ubuntu installation from my computer?13:01
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome13:02
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »13:02
jrmyeither way thanks13:02
bazhangwhoops sorry13:03
jrmyso does xubuntu come with firefox?13:05
jrmyperhaps you can direct me to the list of programs that come with xubuntu?13:06
bazhangjrmy, the puregnome link has a lot of them13:08
jrmywell time to try it13:10
jrmythis is gonna take awhile isnt it?13:19
jrmyall done13:27
jrmytime to relogin13:27
Pres-GasHello, slow-motion14:31
knomeslow-motion, did you get my message about removing your automatic join "message"? please do it, since it is obtrusive and leads people thinking somebody needs help in the channel even if they don't.14:33
subspidermy wireless just heve wpa-personal14:36
subspiderhow do have wpa-enterpreise14:36
Pres-Gassubspider, I think we need some clarification.  Do you want your computer to connect to a wireless network that uses wpa enterprise?14:37
Pres-GasWhat version of Xubu are you running, subspider?14:38
subspiderwait let me see14:38
subspiderPres-Gas, Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS14:40
Pres-GasYou know for sure the wireless network you want to connect to is wpa enterprise?14:42
subspiderPres-Gas, yes15:44
subspideris my university15:44
subspiderwpa entreprise15:44
subspiderdoes anyone knows how to eneble wpa enterprise ??17:47
Sysiit isn't in dropdown menu?17:48
subspiderHello Sysi17:48
subspidercan you help me17:48
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:49
subspidercus university conection uses wpa enterprise17:49
charlie-tcaI wonder if the name changes in windows vs linux?17:49
Sysihave you tried to connect woth passwd?17:50
subspiderno didn't tryed17:52
subspideri saw no wpa entreprise i just went out17:53
subspidercus i needed wireless17:53
knome!u | subspider17:54
ubottusubspider: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.17:54

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