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Ciminjpatel: ping09:21
njpatelCimi, pong, I'm just going through the morning meetings then can ping09:21
Ciminjpatel: I want to patch unity this morning09:22
Ciminjpatel: could you point me to the code/file/whatever09:22
njpatelCimi, create a branch and go crazy, the cairo code is in lp:unity and then go to unity-private/panel/panel-indicator-object-entry-view.vala09:23
Cimiok cool09:23
Cimithank you dude09:24
CimiI'll make your unity rocks09:24
Ciminjpatel: I can't see any cairo code there :)09:36
Cimiok seen :D09:36
Cimiopened wrong file09:36
* Cimi hides09:36
Ciminjpatel: static colors??09:38
njpatelCimi, yes, the panel never changes colour09:38
Cimiwhy not grabbing gtk+ colors?09:38
njpatelat least for this release09:38
Cimidavidbarth: do you have something in opposite if I work a bit in fixing unity's theming? it's not one of the tasks I was assigned09:42
davidbarthCimi: it's not themeable, by design09:43
Cimidavidbarth: I mean09:44
davidbarthCimi: if there are color/style adjustments, they should have been tracked by christian, and in this case you should look at the bugs we have in https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+milestone/backlog09:44
Cimidavidbarth: I'm for example fixing the panel09:44
ubot5Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list.index(x): x not in list (https://launchpad.net/bugs/611967)09:46
njpateldavidbarth, it would be useful if Cimi fixes the panel menus and some other bits in places, do you mind if I steal him for a while today?09:55
davidbarthnjpatel: not at all09:57
njpateldavidbarth, awesome, thanks!09:58
davidbarthnjpatel, Cimi: are there clear design guidelines or bugs tracking the issues?09:58
njpatelCimi, your all mine....muahahaha09:58
njpateldavidbarth, yep, also, there's some untracked niceness that needs to be done09:58
davidbarthCimi: make sure that for each changeset you have a bug and something linked to ayatana-design09:58
CimiI need to buy a new computer if I'm going to work on those things in the next months, the netbook takes ages to compile unity09:58
Cimidavidbarth: for sure I will09:59
davidbarththe release team won't let that pass without some review, and rightfully so09:59
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davidbarthCimi: ping?13:07
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Cimiiainfarrell: "in the week in design" you can see a bounch of updates for unity's rendering are arriving :)16:41
Ciminot see16:42
iainfarrellCimi: thanks!16:42
iainfarrellyou want to take some screen shots? ;)16:42
Cimidon't have time16:43
Cimicurrently working on 3 branches at the same time16:43
Cimi(2 PCs, 1 mind)16:43
Cimiit already happened to write "make" in chat and say "hello" to the text editor :)16:43
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CybolicDoes anyone know how to use markup in an appindicator menu-item, or if its even possible?21:07
meebeyjcastro: wasnt there a wiki page that lists application thats have ayatana support?21:59
meebeyjcastro: I was unable to find but I am sure I have seen it...21:59
meebeythere was like 3 or 4 applications listed22:00
jcastrofor the messaging menu22:00
jcastrothere's really no list for overall "ayatana support"22:00
meebeydo you have the URL? I wanted to enhance the list22:00
meebeywell it was the messaging menu list then22:00
jcastroany help there would be <322:00
meebeythats the one22:01
meebeywell, I accidently know a pretty cool application that has messaging menu support ^^22:01
meebeyand is not on that list yet22:01
meebeyjcastro: a bit off-topic, do you know how a launchpad owner can be changed? I noticed there is https://launchpad.net/smuxi but thats not me, and has an outdated description which I wanted to update22:05
jcastroI'm your man22:06
meebeyjcastro: so do you need any further details from me or should I be just patient22:10
jcastronormally I can just switch it22:10
jcastrobut this appears to be a super project so I need an admin to do it22:10
jcastroI'm on it22:10
meebeyok cool22:10
jcastroit might not be today, depends on who's around from lp22:10
meebeyno biggy, its not time critical or anything22:11
jcastrooff to dinner, I'll follow up with you tomorrow22:11
meebeyk thx22:17

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