
ScottKdantti_work: Why is that?00:00
dantti_workScottK: app-install db00:00
dantti_workit's an sqlite db generated from app-install-data00:00
dantti_workwhich probably will be used into next USC when it's a bit more mature00:01
lex79ScottK: we can wait if on amd64 there will be the same problem for now, maybe soyuz screwed up something00:15
ScottKI suspect soyuz.  I pinged one of their developers to look.00:32
claydohOk now I see akonadi startup errors in maverick :(00:46
lex79dantti_work: what is needed for kpk? packaging a new version and upload it?00:52
danttilex79: yes, though a patch must be changed and you need to include a sqlite db00:55
lex79uhm I've no confidence with sqlite dbs :(00:57
danttilex79: the db is to fetch information about application vs packages01:00
lex79got it, but I never touched a package with db :)01:02
ScottKdantti: That feels like uploading a binary blob.  It should be buildable during the build or after installation.01:23
ScottKlex79: Retried it.01:23
lex79I saw thanks01:24
lex79ScottK: same problem on amd6401:34
lex79bah :(01:34
lex791970-01-01 01:00 ./usr/include/qt4/QtCore/QtConfig01:34
ScottKlex79: I've no idea how that's even possible.01:36
danttiScottK: it can be buildable during the build01:36
danttiScottK: but this would mean also packaging app-install01:36
ScottKdantti: From a policy perspective if I can't build it with stuff in the archive, it's really not Free.01:37
lex79I build again in local since I deleted the package, to see if it happens here01:37
ScottKlex79: Can you try a local test build of Qt and see if it happens then (look at the date of the file).01:38
lex79it's what I tried to say before ^ :)01:38
ScottKYou got it to happen?01:39
* ScottK is confused.01:39
lex79I'm going to try a local test build01:40
danttiScottK: right, well I really don't know what's best for you, you can build it toghether with kpk, you juse need http://github.com/hughsie/app-install/tree/APP_INSTALL_0_1_001:42
danttiI just thought creating a new package now wasn't so good, but I don't know packaging policies ...01:43
ScottKIt has to be buildable from stuff in the archive.  Same as Debian.01:43
danttiScottK: right, app-install just requires a few g* things and app-install-data package to create that db01:44
ScottKdantti: That's not a problem for a build-depends.01:45
danttiScottK: ok, is there anything that I can do to help?01:47
ScottKdantti: Package app-install.01:47
danttiScottK: well I don't actually know from where to start :P02:05
lex79ScottK: same problem also in local, usr/include/qt4/QtCore/QtConfig [Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970]03:12
lex79go to bed now, night :)03:12
ScottKlex79: OK.  Thanks for testing.03:19
ScottKRiddell: ^^^ no idea what to do about that.03:19
persiaRiddell, You seem assigned 635888 : do you have something near-done, or shall I post a --without-kate patch?03:35
apacheloggerScottK: I do not think that buildability is any thing to go by08:38
apacheloggerby that reasoning we shouldn't allow PNGs but require them to be built from SVGs at build time08:38
apacheloggeragateau: how come our dbusmenu is now cut back?09:18
apacheloggerdantti_work: the snapshot I took yesterday fails to build :(09:19
apachelogger/tmp/buildd/kpackagekit-0.6.1+svn20100916/AddRm/CategoryModel.cpp:92: error: 'AI_CATEGORIES_PATH' was not declared in this scope09:19
* apachelogger wonders who broke the topic09:24
apacheloggersomeone not using unicode, eh? :P09:24
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Maverick Beta released! | Todo: http://ツ.tv/4c | Milestoned bugs tagged Kubuntu http://tinyurl.com/33p7vu3 | quick package before freeze: AppGet | Final Freeze in Effect
apacheloggerRiddell: pingy ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/495160/ ... smaller diff for kdi09:30
agateauapachelogger: what do you mean with "cut back"?09:31
apacheloggeragateau: from the most recent changelog I gather that you patched away external contributions09:31
agateauapachelogger: yes, was requested to do so09:32
agateauapachelogger: but I distro-patched them back09:32
apacheloggerthat is what I have a problem with :P09:32
agateaucan you explain?09:32
apacheloggerfrom a distro POV we do not have a problem ;)09:32
apacheloggerso if anything the tarball would have to be cut and we (Ubuntu) patch in the external contributions09:33
agateauapachelogger: yes, I hope people either sign the CA or I rewrite the missing parts to reduce/remove this patch in the long term09:33
apacheloggeragateau: I am more concerned with short term (10.10) :)09:34
apacheloggeragateau: who asked you to remove the parts?09:34
agateauapachelogger: my manager09:34
agateaudavidbarth: you may want to join the discussion09:34
apacheloggerRiddell: if that is still not acceptable diff then I could still extract the relavant code fixes (which is every code change in the diff anyway)09:38
davidbarthagateau: yup, thanks for pinging09:45
* davidbarth reads the log09:45
agateauapachelogger: what is your short term concern?09:47
agateauapachelogger: as far as 10.10 is concerned, dbusmenu-qt works as before09:47
apacheloggeragateau: that our dbusmenu does not have tiles anymore09:47
agateauapachelogger: it does, that's part of the distro-patch09:47
apacheloggeragateau: so what exactly changed?09:48
davidbarthapachelogger: right, i asked agateau to remove the commits because they had not been integrated according to our process09:48
agateauapachelogger: upstream tarball is external-contribution free09:48
davidbarthapachelogger: prior to taking this step, we checked that the tree was still building without those patches09:48
agateauapachelogger: the ubuntu debian package reintegrate these contributions as a distropatch09:48
agateauapachelogger: because distropatch does not require CA09:48
apacheloggernevermind me then09:48
apacheloggerthat is exactly what I wanted :P09:48
apacheloggersorry, I must have misunderstood the changelog :)09:49
davidbarthapachelogger: all good?09:50
apacheloggeryep, thanks09:50
* apachelogger found away to add kubuntu wallpaper support10:01
debfxkubuntu wallpaper support?10:06
apacheloggerdebfx: in get hot nu stuff10:07
debfxto insall the wallpapers package?10:09
apacheloggerdebfx: what wallpapers package?10:10
apacheloggerthe deb you mean?10:10
apacheloggerno :P10:10
apacheloggergetting stuff from opendesktop I mean10:11
apacheloggerabout that package foo10:11
apacheloggerhow about adding a button "Install defaults"?10:11
apacheloggerfor 11.0410:11
apacheloggerleft of the open button10:12
apacheloggerif the package is installed hide it10:13
debfxyes, that would be most useful10:14
debfxseems like stat ./src/corelib/global/qconfig-medium.h fails in the qt build10:20
CIA-116[kdebase-workspace] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100917092111-4rdts3ipvdr73brg * debian/ (3 files in 2 dirs) Add kubuntu_01_kubuntu_knewstuff.diff to introduce Kubuntu Wallpaper support in Plasma Wallpaper's get new stuff feature. i.e. listing content from kubuntu-art's: http://kubuntu-art.org/index.php?xcontentmode=780010:21
apacheloggerRiddell, ScottK: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdebase-workspace/ubuntu/revision/423 yay or nay?10:22
=== Mamarok is now known as Mamarok_at_FrOSC
CIA-116[libqapt] sitter * 1176312 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/utils/qapt-batch/main.cpp - put the batchinstaller dialog on the stack so it gets cleaned up - exec() the dialog rather than the kapp11:21
CIA-116[libqapt] sitter * 1176313 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/utils/qapt-batch/qaptbatch.cpp on error do not simply close but return with code 111:23
CIA-116[libqapt] sitter * 1176314 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/utils/qapt-batch/qaptbatch.cpp more returning with code 111:26
CIA-116[libqapt] sitter * 1176316 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/utils/qapt-batch/ (main.cpp qaptbatch.cpp) Harald should read documentation before doing things ... QDialog's return codes are all turned around, so instaed of calling done(1) on error, we let close figure it out and then trigger appropriate returns in the main11:37
CIA-116[libqapt] sitter * 1176317 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/utils/qapt-batch/main.cpp streamline code11:37
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: it would be very nice to have the batch dialog as part of the lib12:10
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: that way one can use it in C++ projects without using the binary which is not only faster but also more dynamic ... i.e. the whole attaching argument can be handled internally + dialog modality can be used to block the caller (which is what I would like to do right now ;))12:11
shadeslayerRiddell: back??12:22
apacheloggernow qaptbatch always returns with 112:27
apacheloggersilly thing12:27
* apachelogger goes lunching12:27
oxymoronDoes someone fixed the freaking resolution problem with xserver yet in Kubuntu Maverick?12:55
apacheloggerwhat freak?12:58
apacheloggerqapt is mocking me13:08
apachelogger    case Cancel:13:10
apachelogger      emit cancelClicked();13:10
apachelogger      reject();13:10
debfxapachelogger: do you have enough cpu power to testbuild qt?13:10
apacheloggergeneral thinking...13:10
apacheloggerif a dialog is done13:10
apacheloggerdo I want it to reject?13:10
apacheloggerstupid qaptbatch13:10
* apachelogger gets a falme thrower13:11
apacheloggerdebfx: I have so much cpu free I have ktorrent build in a loop13:11
* apachelogger imagines that this were actually pretty cool ^^13:11
ulyssesonly ktorrent?13:12
apacheloggerwell, builds faster that way13:12
* apachelogger throws the flame thrower after kprogressdialo13:16
apacheloggerthis is all totally full of butterflies13:16
apacheloggerdebfx: so what is to build?13:19
* ulysses seal apachelogger into the Pandorica to protect the world13:20
debfxapachelogger: a ftbfs fix, I'm building the source package right now ^^13:22
CIA-116[libqapt] sitter * 1176350 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/utils/qapt-batch/ (qaptbatch.cpp qaptbatch.h) (log message trimmed)13:23
CIA-116overload kprogressdialog's reject function and introduce a boolean member to13:23
CIA-116track whether the qaptbatch is done, if it is and the user clicks close (which13:23
apacheloggerrecordmydesktop does not want to record my desktop13:26
apacheloggerepic one ^^13:27
debfxapachelogger: http://people.ubuntu.com/~debfx/qt4-x11_4.7.0~rc1+git20100916-0ubuntu2.debdiff13:34
oxymoronIs it possible to install rhythmbox on Kubuntu?13:46
debfxoxymoron: sure, I see no reason why it wouldn't be installable13:49
oxymorondebfx: I installed it now but I cannot found the icon for it :P13:50
dantti_workapachelogger: fixed that, though you should enable these build options -DAPPINSTALL=ON -DDEBCONF_SUPPORT=ON -DEDIT_ORIGNS_CMD="/usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kdesu software-properties-kde" -DEDIT_ORIGINS_ATTACH=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr14:13
dantti_workthe last one not :P14:13
apacheloggerdebfx: http://aplg.kollide.net/images/avatar/snapshot47.png http://aplg.kollide.net/images/avatar/snapshot48.png http://aplg.kollide.net/images/avatar/snapshot49.png http://aplg.kollide.net/images/avatar/snapshot50.png http://aplg.kollide.net/images/avatar/snapshot51.png14:14
debfxapachelogger: nice, does it also install kdebase-workspace-wallpapers?14:17
apacheloggerthat is only a technicality though14:18
apacheloggerdebfx: you know if you uploaded debian.tar.gz and dsc I would not have to buid a source package you already have :P14:21
debfxapachelogger: have you already built it?14:21
apacheloggergpg: [stdin]: clearsign failed: secret key not available14:22
apacheloggerone of these days I will have to report a bug14:22
dantti_workapachelogger: yesterday I fixed one thing on pk-qt that breaks translations in package descriptions, can you add these patches too? PackgeKit is on gitorious now, but if you prefer I can send you patches14:23
apacheloggerdantti_work: DEDIT_ORIGNS_CMD looks fishy, why dont you launch that thing via kservice or whatever one would use14:37
dantti_workapachelogger: hmm so do you suggest patting the path of a kservice or name?14:38
dantti_workapachelogger: the only problem is that it wouldn't be parented to kpk14:39
apacheloggerI suggest doing whatever kickoff would do to get something started and have that cmake option only define the name too look for14:39
apacheloggeri.e. software-properties14:39
apacheloggeri.e. software-properties-kde14:39
dantti_workapachelogger: better? -DEDIT_ORIGNS_DESKTOP_NAME="software-properties-kde"15:01
apacheloggerdantti_work: yeah15:02
apacheloggermuch ^^15:02
dantti_work:D k, commited then 15:03
apacheloggerdebfx: it is buildy buildy and now?15:49
debfxapachelogger: check the timestamp of /usr/include/qt4/QtCore/QtConfig15:50
debfxand /usr/include/qt4/QtCore/qconfig.h15:51
debfxif it is != 1970-01-01, upload :)15:51
dpmRiddell, apachelogger, do you happen to know where in kdelibs there is that call that overrides the qt translate() method by gettext?15:54
* dpm hopes he got the terminology right15:54
lex79ScottK: can you accept qt4 please?16:01
apacheloggerdpm: good question indeed16:09
apacheloggerrandom guess would be that KDE has their own QTranslator and installs that in every qapp with kglobal association (i.e. mostly a kapp)16:10
* apachelogger goes looking for details16:10
apacheloggerdebfx: -rw-r--r-- root/root        21 2010-09-17 15:33 ./usr/include/qt4/QtCore/QtConfig16:10
apachelogger-rw-r--r-- root/root      4453 2010-09-17 15:36 ./usr/include/qt4/Qt/qconfig.h16:10
apacheloggerlooking good, no?16:11
apacheloggeralso, before uploading I think you should push that foo to the Qt branch :P16:11
lex79apachelogger: my qt4 upload needs an archive admin16:11
lex79that bug is already fixed in my upload16:11
lex79please don't upload anything16:11
apacheloggerdebfx: you work was in vain16:12
apacheloggerline 164 installs a KDE version of a QTranslator into an available qapplication16:14
apacheloggerthat nice bugger is defined here http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kdecore/kernel/kglobal_p.h?view=markup16:14
apacheloggerusing translateQt of KLocale16:14
apacheloggerwhich is implemented at line 838 of http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kdecore/localization/klocale_kde.cpp?revision=1172687&view=markup16:15
apacheloggerdpm: ^16:15
apacheloggerso that last thing is probably what you want16:15
apacheloggerdepending on what you are looking for16:15
dpmapachelogger, thanks a lot, I'm looking at it right now16:15
apacheloggerSput: ^ maybe to get gettexty support you should clone klocale a bit and have an own translator16:16
apacheloggerthat concept seems rather nicely16:16
Sputthought about that, but seemed infeasible, as klocale drags in a whole bunch of other stuff16:16
Sputalso, we're pretty gettexty already16:16
apacheloggerstill completely eliminating qtranslate would be cool :P16:17
Sputtell that to the trolls!16:17
dpmapachelogger, yeah, that was the background of my question, not for quassel, but for another project. I was thinking if it would be possible16:17
Sputit certainly is an option I kept thinking about until we managed to get the gettext thing going16:17
Sputbut you'd also have to implement all the i18n string stuff, and some other things16:18
apacheloggerSput: copynpaste from klocale16:18
apacheloggeractually you do not need to implement that, since you only need translatefromraw16:18
apacheloggerdpm: seems very possible, initial effort could be a bit high though ... that is if one wants to do it right so that it can be reused for other Qt apps16:19
Sputwell, patches welcome :)16:19
SputI think a lot of people would be pretty glad to be able to properly use gettext in Qt apps16:19
Sputcould even go upstream, who knows16:19
dpmapachelogger, thanks a lot for the help that was very useful indeed16:20
apacheloggeryou're very welcome16:20
apacheloggerSput: I think basic support should not be *that* difficult to archive (i.e. without catalog management and what not) since you really just need to look up the Qt strings in a gettext mo 16:23
Sputapachelogger: as I said, patches welcome :)16:24
Sputmy short venture in this area was cut short by dpm and al figuring out how to do it without me reimplementing kdelibs16:24
apacheloggerquassel with KDE enabled is actually an easy target16:24
SputI already reimplemented KStatusNotifier and friends in pure Qt!16:24
apacheloggeryou'd just need to get yourself a kglobal and ensure the locale is called so you get a klocale object to install a mo file in :P16:25
apacheloggergotta run16:26
=== Mamarok_at_FrOSC is now known as Mamarok
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
debfxlex79: how is qt4 already fixed?16:59
lex79I uploaded a new tar this morning17:00
lex794.7.0 is tagged now17:00
* shadeslayer scratches his head...17:05
shadeslayerwhut happened.. why was i disconnected 0_o17:05
yofel[15:31:00] <-- shadeslayer (~shadeslay@ubuntu/member/shadeslayer) has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)17:06
yofelsounds like connection loss17:06
shadeslayeryofel: this is a quassel core.. isnt really supposed to do that :P17:06
shadeslayerjefferai: ^ what happened? :D17:07
KukuNutgetting segfault from kde daemon17:07
yofelwell, I get that once a day thanks to my ISPs 'people shouldn't hog IP addresses' policy -.-17:07
yofelquassel reconnects immediately though17:08
KukuNutlooks like some Obex stuff?17:08
jefferaishadeslayer: either postgres or qpsql shat itself17:08
shadeslayeri wonder why i have no composting in KDE SVN17:09
KukuNutlooks like the bluedevil is messing up the latest kubuntu?17:16
KukuNutsegfault from Obex stuff17:16
oxymoronDoes anyone know this guy Matt Colyer (http://matt.colyer.name/) who is inventor of imobiledevice? 17:16
ScottKapachelogger: Did you reach a decision on that workspace revision?17:19
ScottKKukuNut: Please file a bug against bluedevil on bugs.kde.org.17:19
KukuNutScottK: i sent the backtrace report17:20
KukuNutlooks like some Obexftpdaemon17:21
lex79ScottK: did you see my message?17:25
ScottKlex79: Yes.  I'm looking at it now.17:25
ScottKlex79: You verified this fixes the date problem?17:26
lex79yes, it's fixed17:26
lex79also looks like they updated the license headers17:26
ScottKI see the fix for the date problem in the diff.17:27
ScottKapachelogger: Which graphicssystem is default for us (or anyone)?17:30
shadeslayerScottK: id say not raster (whatever the other one is)17:31
ScottKThe problem is that there are (were) three.17:32
ScottKopenvg, runtime, and raster.  This update appears to drop runtime.17:32
ScottKI had a vague recollection that this was the default.17:32
shadeslayerme too17:32
ScottKlex79: Do you know about this?17:32
shadeslayerbut im not sure either17:32
lex79the default graphicssystem is X1117:33
lex79what is runtime?17:33
lex79you can switch to raster, opengl do nothing I think since qt is not build with opengl17:34
apacheloggerSput: openvg? :O17:36
apacheloggerScottK: ^17:36
apacheloggerSput: sry17:36
apacheloggerSput: OTOH... I think I am close to simple gettexting :P17:36
apacheloggerderived QTranslatr with a simle gettext(str) call for its translate function17:36
apacheloggerScottK: AFAIK openvg was never supported on linux17:36
apacheloggernot desktop anyway17:37
apacheloggermaybe mobile foo17:37
apacheloggerdesktop only does xrender, raster and opengl17:37
debfxlex79: where did you pull that new snapshot from?17:37
ScottKlex79: Did you run this new update in addition to building it?17:37
apacheloggerScottK: didn't reach a decision on the workspace revision17:37
lex79ScottK: nope17:37
ScottKlex79: I'd like some runtime tests before I accept this.  Can you do that?17:38
apacheloggerScottK: also I tried to get an upstream opinion on the places file17:38
apacheloggerno luck yet17:38
ScottKapachelogger: Thanks.17:38
lex79ScottK: ok17:38
apacheloggergnu gettext is a monster17:39
lex79debfx: from git, 4.7 releases17:39
ScottKlex79: I also notice this update drops some symbols from libqt4-declarative.symbols.  Need to see if that affects anything.17:39
lex79debfx: http://qt.gitorious.org/+qt-developers/qt/releases/commits/4.7.017:39
ScottKAnd some others too.17:40
debfxlex79: ah so that malicous commit never made it to the 4.7.0 branch17:41
lex79debfx: right17:41
lex79ScottK, debfx: simple, yesterday I uploaded the wrong tarball :)17:41
lex79ScottK: that explain why we don't have those symbols now ;)17:43
* debfx doesn't understand why the qt release branches are in a different repository17:43
lex79me too17:43
ScottKThen I'm glad yesterday's failed to upload.17:43
lex79debfx: I think because they are close to release, so they move the branch in another repo17:44
lex79release due in one week maybe btw17:45
ScottKI'm starting over diffing from qt4-x11_4.7.0~rc1-1ubuntu317:47
macoScottK: my netbook was working with the new mesa and original kwin last weekend, but yesterday kwin forcibly disabled desktop effects and wont allow me to reenable17:53
macothough i should note that i didnt install updates yesterday17:54
mgraesslinmaco: kwin crashed while enabling desktop effects, you need to modify kwinrc17:54
macomgraesslin: it didnt crash while enabling. they were enabled, then it shut them off and refused to let me turn them back on17:54
ScottKOdd.  That may be due to a workaround for clutter that was introduced in mesa and then not removed after clutter was fixed.17:54
mgraesslinmaco: do you have a message in systemsettings that desktop effects cannot be enabled for a reason and no reason is given?17:55
mgraesslinconfig file :-)17:55
* mgraesslin will add a gui option for 4.617:56
mgraesslinit's something like OpenGLissafe17:56
apacheloggerdpm: http://paste.ubuntu.com/495411/ << as for the general possibility18:02
apacheloggerSput: ^18:02
persiaSo, I actually don't know C++, and would appreciate some help understanding how to deal with a porting issue.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/495409/ contains the compiler error and the relevant bit of the .h file.  koffice in general, and krita specifically is flooded with false assumptions that qreal == double.  Do I want to change the declaration, or deal with the masking, and cast results somewhere else?18:03
apacheloggerpersia: for correctness sake I would fix the declaration18:08
rbelemapachelogger, i have one friend that works with openvg18:08
apacheloggerrbelem: on buntu?18:08
persiaapachelogger, So virtual "quint8 valueAt(qreal x, qreal y) const;" ?18:08
apacheloggerpersia: yep18:09
rbelemapachelogger, directly with upstream18:09
persiaThank you.18:09
apacheloggerpersia: IMO the only reason not to fix it that way is if BC needs to be maintained18:09
rbelemapachelogger, but he is interested in doing these stuff on ubuntu too18:09
apacheloggerotherwise people will look at the header and go ... ah yeah, it is a double obviously...18:10
apacheloggerrbelem: oh yeah, well, I am all for better systems ;)18:10
* apachelogger thinks we should switch to raster for 11.0418:10
Sputal: ^^^18:11
apacheloggerapps that do not work with raster should be fixed18:11
Sputthere's apps that don't work with raster?18:11
persiaapachelogger, My expectation is that once I finish the porting patch, it can be sent upstream, and just be the right way.18:11
apacheloggerSput: openoffice-kde18:11
SputI've been using raster for at least a year and never noticed that18:11
apacheloggerSput: in general anything that requires X foo but doesnot explicitly set the render plugin to X1118:12
Sputand how do you notice that it doesn't work?18:12
apacheloggerit goes down :P18:12
apacheloggeror blank18:12
Sputhm, I sure am using openoffice with KDE integration18:12
apacheloggerthen maybe you are not really using raster :P18:12
Sputquite sure I am18:13
SputI built Qt with raster as default18:13
apacheloggerI looked at the source and it does not explicitly set the plugin to X11 even though it requires it 18:13
apacheloggerSput: use my supreme probing tool and better check :P18:13
Sputsure, got an ebuild for it?18:13
apacheloggeryou could make one :P18:13
Sputyeah, I could.18:13
SputI'd rather wait until my perfectly configured intel box comes back from the shop though18:14
apacheloggerbuild with -DBUILD_PROBER=ON18:14
apachelogger!find gettext.h18:14
ubottuFile gettext.h found in bash-builtins, doc-linux-ja-html, gettext, gnulib, lazarus-doc, libdar-dev, pike7.6-reference, poedit, python-htmltmpl, python2.6-doc (and 3 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=gettext.h&mode=&suite=lucid&arch=any18:14
apacheloggerwth is it in usr/share18:15
rbelemapachelogger, but when openvg have all spec implemented it will work better than raster?18:20
apacheloggerraster is still around longer :P18:20
* rbelem just guessing18:20
debfxObexFtpDaemon crashes when booting the livecd18:37
debfxis that a known bug?18:37
dasKreechOr feature.... ?18:40
debfxyes it is, kde bug #25135918:43
ubottuKDE bug 251359 in Daemon "KDE daemon craching on login" [Crash,New] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=25135918:43
shadeslayerseems jeffrai's core went down again :P18:44
lex79<afiestas> I've spot a few bugs in the kio_obexftp... but well, I will provide a patch to kubuntu when I fix them18:44
lex79debfx: ^18:44
lex79afiestas is a bluedevil developer18:45
shadeslayerapachelogger: how do i seprate KDE SVN and KDE 4.5.1 cache?18:49
shadeslayerKDE SVN screws 4.5.1 if i start svn first and then switch to 4.5.118:49
apacheloggersee project neon18:49
shadeslayeryour r00by scripts?18:50
debfxlex79: thanks, good to know that it's taken care of18:51
jefferaishadeslayer: more issues -- working on it18:53
jefferaiSput: halp18:53
shadeslayerjefferai: ok.. :)18:54
apacheloggershadeslayer: amongst other things19:02
apacheloggergnu's gettext is one super PITA19:02
shadeslayerapachelogger: i cannot get debug output with kde svn.. i have compiled with dbg 19:09
shadeslayerapachelogger: <pinheiro> well i will switch from mandriva to somthing else sooninsh :>19:09
yofelDCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debugfull ?19:09
shadeslayeryofel: aye19:09
shadeslayerthere was this sudo tee command that i had to run19:10
shadeslayerdont remember what it was :P19:10
yofeloh that, mom19:10
shadeslayerand on top of that kwin is crashy as hell19:10
yofelsudo sysctl -w kernel.yama.ptrace_scope=019:10
yofelworks without tee19:10
dasKreechapachelogger: for translation?19:11
dasKreechgettext pain19:11
apacheloggerno, generally19:11
yofelshadeslayer: and go to kees and ask him why it doesn't work out of the box...19:11
dasKreechoh ok19:11
apacheloggergnu's gettext is a PITA19:11
apacheloggerdoesnt look for the domain I tell it to look for19:12
apacheloggerfor no reason whatsoever19:12
apacheloggerfor no reason whatsoever19:14
* apachelogger has too many open windows19:14
shadeslayerbacktraces \o/19:15
* shadeslayer hugs yofel and stores the command in a file19:15
* yofel has an alias for that :P19:16
apacheloggeryou bun too - we only like opportunistic developers19:18
shadeslayeropportunistiK 19:21
shadeslayeryofel: i just made one too... gimmebactrace :P19:22
yofel_managed to freeze nouveau on my server -.-19:23
debfxyou run X on a server? :O19:23
shadeslayerapachelogger: plazma crashes left right and center : http://paste.ubuntu.com/495451/19:24
yofel_debfx, well, it's my broken thinkpad working as a home server and part-time desktop :P19:24
yofel_(broken as in: screen cracked - using an external monitor)19:24
ScottKlex79: Did you try running this new Qt yet?  The diff is large enough that it's effectively unreviewable.19:25
debfxyofel_: so you tortured that poor thing? :P19:26
ScottKIt does look like there are still some symbols that have gone missing and patches dropped that (IIRC) aren't mentioned in debian/changelog.19:26
ScottKlex79: Also the license changes should be reflected in debian/copyright.19:26
yofel_debfx, erm, I don't really want to talk about it :'(19:26
apacheloggergettext.h did some crap that broke gettext19:38
apacheloggerpure gettext call with 'hello there' >>>>> bye there 19:53
apacheloggerQt tr for 'you' with comment 'comment' >>>>> "THEY!!!" 19:53
apacheloggerQt tr for 'you' without comment >>>>> "we???"19:53
apacheloggerSput: ^19:53
apacheloggerstill I think something more klocale-like would be good 19:53
apacheloggergnu gettext is rather limied19:53
yofelodd, everytime I try a full upgrade in muon it insists on installing 'diff' 'mktemp' and 'sysvutils' which are all transitional packages... no other package manager does that. (maverick)20:25
ScottKyofel: See what aptitude why [pkgname] tells you about them.20:42
yofelScottK: diff: http://paste.ubuntu.com/495498/ no reason for the other two20:53
yofelmaybe thanks to me having too old sources enabled20:54
* yofel goes disabling some20:54
yofelhm, aptitude why stays the same, I'll re-test muon once there are new updates20:59
rbelemhi mgraesslin 21:15
lex79ScottK: Qt runs well, can we fix the license issue in the final release?21:16
ScottKlex79: OK.21:16
lex79ScottK: thanks21:17
rbelemmgraesslin, could you help me with blacklisting swrast? :-)21:17
ScottKlex79: Accepting.21:17
lex79thank you21:17
ScottKlex79: Could you help rbelem work with mgraesslin on getting a -workspace patch to fix this swrast problem.21:18
lex79tomorrow, not now :(21:19
rbelemoh! for to say kwin :-)21:19
rbelemlex79, np21:19
lex79rbelem: is there a patch ready?21:19
rbelemlex79, not yet21:19
lex79rbelem: If I just have to add the patch, building and upload, it's not a problem. But if it needs more works I can't do now21:20
rbelemlex79, i will start to take a look to find the piece of code that needs to be fixed21:22
rbelemso tomorrow is ok21:22
ScottKmgraesslin: It was suggested that we blacklist OpenGL renderer string: Software Rasterizer, OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 7.9-devel fro using kwin effects by our X people.21:26
mgraesslinScottK: Sofware Rasterizer should be hardcoded to no compositing in kwin22:06
mgraesslinif not it is a bug22:06
ScottKOK.  Then I tink we have a bug.22:07
ScottKrbelem: ^^^22:07
ScottKmgraesslin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/495500/22:07
ScottKThis is with plasma-mobile if tha matters.22:08
sheytanhey guys: http://pastebin.com/SHKB8pSM22:09
mgraesslinScottK: seems to be a regression since svn rev 107991922:12
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=1079919&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 1079919 | Remove OpenGL driver whitelist; Add protection against crashy glXQuery functions and share the value with the KCM; Fallback to XRender compositing ...22:12
mgraesslinyour bot is rather useful22:12
mgraesslinI'll have a look at it tomorrow - should be easy to reproduce with a livecd22:13
ScottKmgraesslin: Thanks.22:14
mgraesslinScottK: are you still backporting stuff from svn branch for maverick?22:15
mgraesslincause I'd recommend to include svn rev 117611022:16
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=1176110&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 1176110 | Disable Lanczos filter while moving windows in present windows. Thanks to the movement the change of quality is hardly visible.22:16
ScottKmgraesslin: We are  (from the 4.5 branch) if it's important.22:16
ScottKOK.  Thanks.22:16
ScottKlex79: If you're still up could you have a look at ^^^22:35
ScottKRiddell: Could you have a look at 1176110 ^^^22:43
* ScottK needs to head out.22:43
mikeoshi,  i have "Turn off display on Lid Close" activated, when the display wakes on lid open, just the backlight is on but it's blank otherwise.. switching to a different TTY and back helps or forcing manually "xset dpms force on".  Any hints how KDE Power Management module controls display on/off?  Direct calls to ACPI?  Situation is the same with PowerDevil enabled or disabled.22:55
mikeosAnd I am on Kubuntu Maverick KDE 4.5.122:55
mikeosThe driver (nvidia proprietary;  2 versions tested) seems to be ok,  since laptop suspend/resume works normally22:56
Riddelldantti_work: ping23:02
=== mikeos is now known as mikeos_away
* mikeos_away is away: Gone away for now23:19

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