
illunaticanyone else get a problem with sound on youtube vids?00:05
illunaticwhere it skips and stutters. then if you close the tab it keeps going for a while00:05
illunaticseems like it happens have GL screen saver is run00:06
illunatici'm guess memory issue?00:06
JuJuBeeI am having issues with audio. When I log in, I hear the login sounds, but once logged in sound doesn't seem to work (Amarok or web videos...)00:15
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illunaticso nothing on that then00:17
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quintopiaWho is present to give advice?01:02
gstarx90anyone if a source of a problem if found01:02
quintopiaI'm not looking for support or to report bugs.  I just wanted some info.01:03
quintopiaI just got a eee T91 tablet netbook.  I hear 10.10 supports tablets out of the box, and the plasma-netbook style is bundled all nicely with the kubuntu distro.  I just want to know, which alpha/RC or whatever would be the best to try in terms of not having too many minor annoyances.01:05
gstarx90you could wait.01:07
gstarx90you might wanna rather01:07
quintopiaa month?01:07
gstarx90i dunno01:07
quintopiaor i could test it out now and upgrade in a month.01:08
quintopiashould i just grab the daily?01:08
gstarx90mmm, you can try01:10
quintopiawhat are the biggest things that aren't polished yet that y'all wanted to be before the release?01:11
gstarx90i would say support for products and bugs01:13
gstarx90as i do not use kubuntu01:14
odinsbanegreetings, is there a way to select which audio device to use, maybe from the mixer?01:28
odinsbanewow amorak pretty much sucks these days.01:35
odinsbaneOkay It says there were errors but I don't know what/where the errors are shown.01:38
quintopiarun in debug mode01:39
quintopiafrom a console01:39
odinsbaneas in run from a console and it will show me the errors?01:39
quintopiathere is a flag01:40
quintopiai can't remember it01:40
quintopia-help and find out01:41
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elijahHow can I make Krunner open on the same screen everytime?01:53
yvonne_question: can i have both the Kubuntu and Kubuntu netbook environments and just choose between them at login like i can between Ubuntu/U02:54
yvonne_question: can i have both the Kubuntu and Kubuntu netbook environments and just choose between them at login like i can between Ubuntu/Ubuntu-netbook?  I tried installing both but i only get one choice on the login, kubuntu-netbook02:54
yvonne_question: can i have both the Kubuntu and Kubuntu netbook environments and just choose between them at login like i can between Ubuntu/Ubuntu-netbook?  I tried installing both but i only get one choice on the login, kubuntu-netbook02:55
yvonne_and it is simply labeled "kde"02:55
yvonne_so in other words, i want two entries on the login that allow me to choose between the regular kubuntu desktop and kubuntu-netbook.  anyone have an idea how to?02:55
yvonne_oops, sorry about repeating my first line02:56
James147yvonne_: you only need to tell us once, its much easier to read if you dont spam your question...02:56
yvonne_James147: i just said i was sorry02:56
James147yvonne_: but you can switch bettwen netbook and desktop by going to workspace part of system settings and changing the "workspace type"02:58
James147(cant remember where exactly it is in kde 4.4 though)02:58
James147(alternitivly you can quit plasma-desktop (kquitapp plasma-desktop) and run plasma-netbook... but I dont think that will stick over logout02:59
yvonne_aha, James147 okay, i'll give that a go.  Thank you much.  This is Lucid Ubuntu with the Kubuntu-desktop and Kubuntu-netbook environments installed alongside (don't know which kde version it is).03:01
James147yvonne_: unless you have the backports ppa enabled it should be version 4.4.2  (any kde app > help > about kde will tell you)03:02
yvonne_James147: okay i'm using Konversation and it says KDE 4.4.203:03
yvonne_James147: thanks, i'll give that a try when i log out and switch environments after a bit.03:05
asdfasdfasdfasdfhello i installed kde and when i login at kdm i get to the splash screen for a while and then i get back to kdm.a if i choose gnome system seems to work well, where could i find some log of why kde couldn't start?03:56
James147asdfasdfasdfasdf: you could look at ~/.xsession-errors  or try running startx from a virtual terminal (after stoping g/kdm)03:59
asdfasdfasdfasdfJames147, i'm viewing Kubuntu's partition through Fedora which i also i have installed in this pc, and .xsession-errors is empty. also vy virtual terminal you mean tty1, tty2, etc?04:02
asdfasdfasdfasdfalso by virtual...*04:02
James147asdfasdfasdfasdf: yes04:02
asdfasdfasdfasdfJames147, well last time i tried switching to a ttyX my screen got weird.04:04
asdfasdfasdfasdfgreen lines and couldn't read nor see anything.04:04
asdfasdfasdfasdfi could never got back to kdm. had to reboot. is there a way to force X into vesa?04:04
asdfasdfasdfasdf( by generating a Xorg i presume)04:04
odinsbaneasdfasdfasdfasdf: do you have ati/nvidia drivers enabled?04:05
James147asdfasdfasdfasdf: you should be able for force vga via kernal option via grub04:05
odinsbaneasdfasdfasdfasdf: there is also your sys.log, or what comes out when you do dmesg.04:05
asdfasdfasdfasdfodinsbane, no, i have a Via Unichrome (crappy) Integrated Chipset ^^04:06
asdfasdfasdfasdfJames147, so i should add "vga" next to quiet?04:06
asdfasdfasdfasdfoh wait ubuntu uses grub2.. don't know how then.04:06
James147asdfasdfasdfasdf: no, cant remember exactly what was needed, looking now04:06
asdfasdfasdfasdfodinsbane, where is sys.log?04:06
James147asdfasdfasdfasdf: try adding "vga=771"04:09
James147( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Common%20Boot%20Options )04:09
asdfasdfasdfasdfJames147, ok i will.04:10
asdfasdfasdfasdfalso is there a way to generate a Xorg.conf in (k)ubuntu? if that doesn't work i'd try to change driver to "vesa".04:11
James147asdfasdfasdfasdf: "Xorg -configure" I beleave04:12
asdfasdfasdfasdfok thanks ^^04:13
odinsbaneI think you can delete xorg.conf?  That way it automatically resets to the default.04:15
James147odinsbane: you can, they everything will be auto detected, but a new Xorg.conf wont automatically be generated04:16
odinsbaneAlso the logs are /var/log/dmesg and /var/log/syslog You could probably grep through them for xorg related things.04:16
yvonneJames147: that worked.  Thanks!04:31
yvonneJames147: 4.4.2:  System Settings->Desktop->Workspace->Form Factor->(Desktop or Netbook)04:36
James147that would be it :)04:37
icedteais there an easy way to go from ubuntu -> kubuntu without reinstalling?06:11
surunveriis there away to change balance between left and right speaker07:46
surunverion kubuntu 10.04?07:46
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poosuck my dik09:01
surunveriis there away to change balance between left and right speaker09:11
surunverion kubuntu 10.04?09:11
GNUton-BNCcan anyone tell me where is KRegExpEditor in ubuntu 10.04?09:17
GNUton-BNCI cannot find it anymore.. any hints?09:17
rorkGNUton-BNC: looks like it isn't in the repositories :/09:20
rethusis there a way to use du -ch in ftp ?09:40
poosuck my dick09:43
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=== eddy is now known as NightWatch
skamsterhello all.. i've  a performance-problem.. sometimes my xorg-server got a cpu-load of 100%, then everything goes soooooo slow10:31
skamster(the word "slow" as example was written 4 seconds after typing on the screen)10:32
skamsteri've got the kde 4.5 and the binary nvidia-drivers10:33
skamsterwhat's my fault?10:33
skamsterthe hw should be strong enough.. it's a dualcore, 2x 2.2 ghz, 2gb ram..10:36
skamsterthe graphiccard is a quadro fx 1600m10:38
skamsterhope, someone could help me..10:40
skamsterand yes, i also try google, also tried the xorg-config-improvements, but it doesn't help at all..10:41
skamsterno one here who know xorg a bit? (this message isn't written while type, so really slow!)10:45
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skamsterno one alive?11:03
zegenie_skamster: it's a common problem11:11
zegenie_especially with nvidia mobile devices11:11
=== Mamarok is now known as Mamarok_at_FrOSC
zegenie_try turning off desktop effects (SHIFT+ALT+F12), and also running the fix explained in this blog post may help:11:12
skamsterwithout any solution?11:12
zegenie_the solution is for nvidia to fix their drivers11:12
zegenie_but unfortunately, that isn't happening anytime soon11:12
zegenie_also, you can try switching from oxygen to a different widgets / window decoration style, that also sometimes helps11:13
skamsteris the nouveau-driver faster?11:13
NightWatchcan i talk here ducth or only English? is there also a dutch channel?11:15
Walzmyn!de | NightWatch11:19
ubottuNightWatch: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.11:19
zegenie_skamster: depends on your usage11:19
zegenie_it may be and it may not be11:19
WalzmynNightWatch: which means, you can talk dutch, but you'll be alone :)11:19
zegenie_it'll most likely run, and in 2d mode (without desktop effects) it is at least comparable11:19
NightWatch:) good one]11:19
rork!nl | NightWatch11:20
ubottuNightWatch: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl11:20
skamsterthe script from your url is building now.. i think, i test this first.. :)11:20
zegenie_skamster: run "sudo apt-get purge nvidia-current && sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf ~/.xorg.conf.backup" and have a go if you want to try the nouveau driver instead11:21
zegenie_it does improve things, but in general, nvidia drivers on mobile gpus with kde 4 = teh shitz11:21
zegenie_(pardon my french)11:21
zegenie_it's not desirable. with "standard" gpus it's better, but still often not perfect11:21
zegenie_I have a mobile gpu on my laptop and the performance is in 90% of the cases horrible, but on my desktop machine (with a standard GTX260 chipset) it flies11:22
NightWatchIk ben vrij nieuw met kubutu11:23
NightWatchdus ik ben wat rond aan het kijken11:23
zegenie_!nl | NightWatch11:23
ubottuNightWatch: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl11:23
skamstermh, i've got now the 260-driver instead of the 190-one.. may this with the new oxygen could do the trick, what do you think? but if not, i will try it :)11:23
zegenie_I'm also running 260 on my laptop11:24
zegenie_sometimes performance is acceptable (and not opening firefox+thunderbird) helps a *lot*, but often it is simply unusable11:24
zegenie_turning off desktop effects makes it better to the point of being usable, but it is still far from optimal11:24
NightWatchHow do you made thes orange background here?11:24
zegenie_NightWatch: what orange background? :)11:25
WalzmynNightWatch: when you use someone's name, it highlights it11:25
skamstermh, ok, i will try.. after run and install the oxygen from script, i just have to select oxygen as my theme again?11:28
skamsterand, if yes, is it also needed for icon-themes? or just for kwin's things?11:29
zegenie_skamster: no, you don't have to reselect it, it will replace the existing one11:30
skamsteryeah, but i took once another theme..11:31
zegenie_so basically anything that loads up after you ran the script (and remember to cd build; sudo make install when you're done, as it says) will use the new oxygen11:31
zegenie_ok, then you have to reselect oxygen11:31
skamsterin diffrent cases (icons, workspace-design, window-design, etc)11:32
skamsterwhich ones i have to change? icons also, as example?11:32
skamsteror just the window-related things?11:32
NightWatchmy wireless networkspeed is verry slow, it's about 75%. Whe a use cable there is no broblem.11:33
skamstermmh, i try it with a reboot for now.. zegenie_: many thanks! the idea with this script is something i didn't found before :)11:34
NightWatchcan some one help me with this wireless network problem?11:38
TorchNightWatch: what's the nominal network speed and what's the throughput you see in practice?11:39
NightWatchhow can is ee that?11:41
skamster_zegenie_: on the first look, it seems like it's a success.. :) it's on 25% when i scroll like wild in ff and hide/show yakuake at the same moment..11:45
skamster_many times, of course :)11:45
zegenie_skamster_: awesome :)11:48
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TorchNightWatch: if you claim you only get 75% throughput  -- of what? what are the real numbers?11:54
NightWatchhow can i see the real numbers Torch?11:55
TorchNightWatch: as long as you don't know that you apparently have no problems ;-)11:56
NightWatchhahaha, the same networkcard is faster with MS windows.11:57
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TorchNightWatch: you have no idea how fast it is now, but it's faster under windows? that doesn't sound very reliable.12:01
NightWatchmy network signal strength is 75% en my bitspeed is 54/54Mbits/s12:06
NightWatchsometime de bitspeed drop down to 6/54Mbits/s12:08
NightWatchThis is what i get with sudo iwconfig12:20
NightWatchBit Rate=54 Mb/s   Tx-Power=20 dBm12:20
NightWatch          Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off12:20
NightWatch          Encryption key:off12:20
NightWatch          Power Management:off12:20
NightWatch          Link Quality=54/70  Signal level=-56 dBm12:20
FloodBotK2NightWatch: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:20
NightWatch          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:012:20
t3nforceram i alonnneeeeeeaarr??12:26
rork!ask | t3nforcer12:27
ubottut3nforcer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:27
NightWatchThis is what i get with sudo iwconfig http://paste.ubuntu.com/495244/12:27
t3nforceranyone know alternative for cisco packet tracer for ubuntu?12:28
shadowhywind_hay does anyone know whats up with the kubuntu homepage?12:58
zegenie_shadowhywind_: it seems to be ok13:01
shadowhywind_well seams to be the case, just kind of wondering why its just 'OK'13:02
michel_wafter upgrade to 10.10 beta I can no longer play MP3 files. wav files work, so no problem with audio output, but only with codecs. which packages do I have to install?13:03
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shadowhywind_michel_w: try looking at this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats13:04
michel_wthanks shadowhywind_13:04
pape29lord t'e la?13:05
jaldharThe Touchpad on my Acer laptop has stopped working in KDE.  It works at the kdm login screen so its not hardware.  Where are the KDE specific settings located?13:06
zegenie_jaldhar: system settings -> input devices -> touchpad13:08
jaldharzegenie_: That's where you set things yes but I meant the actual configuration.  Somewhere underneath ~/.kde I suppose?13:21
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Jojoaxanyone on, who maintains kdepim/kontact/akonadi on ppa ?14:14
JojoaxApplication: Kontact (kontact), signal: Segmentation fault14:22
Jojoax[Current thread is 1 (Thread 0x7fac6c36d780 (LWP 10605))]14:22
Jojoax 14:22
JojoaxThread 2 (Thread 0x7fac44c44710 (LWP 10648)):14:22
FloodBotK2Jojoax: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:22
BluesKajhowdy folks14:35
surunveriis there away to change balance between left and right speaker14:39
surunverion kubuntu 10.04?14:39
olskolirc_hey how do i kill my other nick on the server so that I can use my other one?15:04
olskolirchow do I install a .plasmoid widget please?15:21
QwertLike Synaptic shows size and percent details before and during package installation, can Kpackageedit be configured to display like that?15:40
speartHello evreybody15:46
spearta great way to get kubuntu15:46
speartor linux15:46
whitepheasantWhy not just the official site?15:47
bazhangspeart, please dont advertise here15:47
speartbecause when it's busy you can't get it fast15:47
whitepheasantI've always been able to get my things no matter what.15:47
whitepheasantI'mma go getter!115:48
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dv__hello people17:01
dv__any one17:01
dv__how activate the webcam17:01
dv__in kopete17:01
dv__for msn user17:01
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sauloI can not install audio on the notebook hp compaq17:19
ikoniasaulo: audio should already be installed on a kubuntu install17:20
sauloikonia: yes17:21
sauloikonia: is installed but no sound comes out17:23
ikoniaah, that's a different situation, I'm not really up to speed on the kde audio system these days17:24
surunverihi is there any additional way of slowing down mouse sensitivty on kubuntu 10.0417:39
surunveribesides the normal keyboard/mouse at settings17:39
surunveriis it possible to change the speaker left/right balance somehow17:39
=== v3n``afk is now known as v3nd3tta``
James147surunveri: alsamixer can change the left/right volumes (commandline util)17:48
surunverikk thx17:48
James147surunveri: you should also beable to do taht in kmix but rightclicking the slider and selecting split chanels17:50
James147by ^^17:50
surunverioh thx17:52
dasKreechsurunveri: how much do you want to slow it down?17:57
surunverinto sure maybe twice slower or fourtimes slower17:58
surunverisomewhere aroudn there17:58
surunveriquite a bit if it was just a bit too fast then i wouldnt bother18:00
surunverito go through so much trouble for it18:00
surunveriwhy so?18:04
dasKreechTrying to find out where I turned it down18:05
dasKreechI remember once I did something and the mouse was so slow it seemed it had a minus translation of space18:05
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soo_highhello all20:23
=== soo_high is now known as skamster
skamsterhello with the right name :)20:24
skamsterehm, i've got 2 displays here, which i like to use with a ati-graphiccard..20:25
skamsterthis works also well, there's just one problem: the primary key is the wrong monitor.. i'm simply want to use monitor 1 as monitor 2 and the same thing for the other one..20:26
skamstercould someone tell me, how i could tell this to xorg?20:26
skamsteri already try it with amdcccle and the kubuntu-settings20:27
skamsterwithout success20:27
skamsterthey're multi-display desktop with display(s) 120:28
skamsterand the same with 220:28
Walzmynskamster: does ati come with some kind of configuration app?20:28
skamsteri also find a lot of good things there20:29
skamsterbut nothing to change the primary screen20:29
Walzmynskamster: with nvidia, the settings for primary / secondary screens would be in there20:30
Walzmynskamster: have you looked in System Settings>>Display & monitor?20:31
skamsteryes, i've got a nvidia-card on my laptop (this is a computer of my friend)20:31
skamsternvidia is great in that case..20:32
skamsterand yes, i looked there20:32
skamsteri've got kde 4.520:32
skamsteralso with that hope :)20:32
Walzmynskamster: well, I don't have any experience with ATI, so I'm afraid I'm not going to be much help20:32
skamsterthanks anyway :)20:33
skamsterthe most things do also work, but it's not so funny, if the most app's come to the off-turnet tv-screen (also login as example)20:34
=== HerraSiili is now known as HerraSiili-
netherlandHi guys, I just got a (old) laptop from my friend, installed Kubuntu on it, but it's asking for a password, tried Kubuntu, Ubuntu & root, but none of them works20:36
Walzmynnetherland: did you provide a password when you installed the OS?20:37
netherlandIt didn't ask for anything20:37
Walzmyn?? It has to, when you create the primary user account20:38
netherlandMeh, I'm a bit new to computers, just got 3 PC's and 2 laptops from a friend20:39
dasKreechnetherland: :-)20:39
dasKreechIt boots up and asks for a password?20:39
netherland(Lucky me)20:39
dasKreechok I'm assuming that you are not using this computer now?20:39
netherlandit's standing next to me20:40
netherlandWaiting for a usercombination :)20:40
dasKreechok reboot it and right after post it should have a short timers that says press Esc to see menu or some such20:40
dasKreechPress Esc when you see that20:40
netherlandSecond, going to do that20:40
=== soo_high is now known as skamster
dasKreechyou should get a short menu of choices20:41
skamstersorry, i was short away -> x-server restart20:41
dasKreechskamster: No Walzmyn was speaking with you :)20:42
skamsterwhat's a walzmyn? ok, when it was not for me, i've just think about my question before.. :)20:44
skamsterah.. ^^20:44
silkroadselam genclik20:55
=== soo_high is now known as skamster
silkroadkanalin hepsi ecnebi yane?20:56
zegenie!tr | silkroad20:59
ubottusilkroad: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.20:59
silkroadnegsel bi olay teşekkürler20:59
zegenie!tr | silkroad21:00
ubottusilkroad: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.21:00
dasKreechzegenie: he was telling you thanks21:01
zegeniedasKreech: that is very nice of him, but how on earth would I know? I don't speak turk ;)21:01
dasKreechzegenie: he can't possibly know that :)21:02
zegeniethat's true21:02
dasKreechHe said somethign and you responded with turkish21:02
zegenieand it was a shot in the dark about the turkish21:02
zegenieI can recognize language fairly well - I was actually going to google translate it to see what he said, but for some reason google was unreachable :/21:02
dasKreechlol :)21:03
=== soo_high is now known as skamster
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surunverianyone got any idea how to slow down mouse sensitivity futher than what the settings panel allows21:35
surunveriwith kubuntu 10.0421:35
kelsanghi yall21:35
kelsang_hi yall21:39
kelsang_just started with ubuntu21:39
kelsang_loving is so far21:39
kelsang_hvaing a bit of a problem actually with the wifi button21:39
kelsang_it keeps blinking, even if i'm connected21:39
kelsang_blinking non-stop. anyone know any solution to it?21:40
=== v3nd3tta is now known as v3nd3tta``
surunverigah =|21:43
kelsang_anyone home????21:44
surunveridoesnt seem to be21:45
dasKreechI'm at home21:45
kelsang_hi, i have a problem with ubuntu21:46
kelsang_not sure who to ask21:47
kelsang_tried some online forums but wasnt able to find any21:47
macoubuntu or kubuntu?21:47
kelsang_uh...i installed wubi21:47
macois it brown or purple or blue?21:47
macothere's both ubuntuforums.org and ubuntu.stackexchange.com for forum-type question answering, btw21:47
dasKreechkelsang_: What's the question?21:48
kelsang_ok thanks!21:48
surunveriyeah at least i've been trying to fidn a solution from google21:48
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
surunveriso it returns the forum threads a lot but21:48
surunverithere doesnt seem to be anything21:48
macokelsang_: this is a help spot also though21:48
kelsang_ah right, the questions is. the wifi button on my hp dv6t keeps blinking when i'm connected to the internet21:48
macodoes it do anything *bad* or are you just annoyed by the blinkenlights?21:48
kelsang_and the volume light next to it is always turned to red,21:48
kelsang_yeah just annoyed21:48
macoelectrical tape :)21:49
kelsang_everything works great21:49
kelsang_haha thanks, i did think of that, thakns mac21:49
kelsang_guess i'll check out the forums you suggested. see you guys thanks for your help!21:49
mikeosi'm on kubuntu maverick beta, in powermanagement the option "Turn off display" on lid close. It works fine except from when I reopen the lid the display stays blank until i switch to another TTY and back. Any hints?21:51
fserverhow change display color bit in kubuntu 10.0421:51
surunveriis there any other way of adjusting mouse sensitivity in kubuntu 10.04 than systemsettings/keyboard&mouse/etc21:52
surunverii'd need to slow down the mouse sensitivity quite a lot because it's hard to draw with this sensitivity21:52
surunverilike i adjusted the settings to minimum but it would still be better off at least 2x slower21:53
Walzmynmikeos: try #ubuntu+121:53
mikeosWalzmyn:  ;-) didn't know there's an extra channel for ubuntu betas, thanks21:54
* Walzmyn nods21:54
fserverhow change display color bit in kubuntu 10.0422:02
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