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persiaCould someone look at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/4:4.7.0~rc1+git20100916-0ubuntu1/+build/1963274 and https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/4:4.7.0~rc1+git20100916-0ubuntu1/+build/1963272 ?  0:00 1 Jan 1970 is a very suspicious date.03:26
wgrantpersia: Local builds exhibit the same problem.03:27
wgrantSo it's a package bug.03:27
persiawgrant, Thanks03:30
=== poolie_ is now known as poolie
poolieis launchpad just catching up on ancient bug watches now?06:09
pooliei'm getting mail changing the severity of things fixed years ago06:10
nigelbpoolie: heh, join the club06:10
nigelbpedro got around 13000 mails yesterday he said.06:10
wgrantpoolie: Bugzilla importance conversion has been implemented, and some status conversions fixed.06:13
wgrantEvery bug watch is being reprocessed.06:13
wgrantSo potentially every Bugzilla bugwatch will generate mail.06:13
wgrantBut I think they might have been turned off until they can supress the mail.06:13
=== bpeel_away is now known as bpeel
EliovirSince the 2010-09-08, there is no more translation update in my branch, is there any problem with the automatic integration?10:03
EliovirAs I have to go, I wrote a question at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/12577510:18
warp10I was wondering what's the difference (if there is any) among staging.l.n and dogfood.l.n. Anybody knows about that?10:42
bigjoolswarp10: dogfood is for soyuz testing and frequently out of date/unstable.  Don't use it.10:46
warp10bigjools: great. I need it for a live bug reporting demostration with other guys, so thank you for this head-up :)10:48
bigjoolswarp10: yes, use staging10:48
* warp10 nods10:48
huatsI have  question : I try to publish a package on my ppa since yesterday evening, but it is not published / built. In fact I don't see the sources to be uploaded, and I never get an emai back saying if I have been rejected / accepted11:01
huatsany idea ?11:01
bigjoolshuats: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+faq/22711:01
huatsbigjools, I have published many times with this ppa without any issue11:04
bigjoolshuats: what is your PPA and package name, I'll check the logs11:05
huatsand the package is videoenpoche11:05
huatsbigjools, thanks11:06
bigjoolsgive me 10 minutes11:06
huatsbigjools, sure11:06
bigjoolshuats: "Unable to find mandatory field 'Files' in the changes file."11:12
huatsI'll check what was wrong11:12
huatsbut I haven't received an email about that11:12
bigjoolswe should ideally reply in email with that, it's a bug that we don't11:12
huatsbigjools, thanks !11:12
bigjoolsFWIW I updated that FAQ to mention checking the changes file for missing mandatory headers11:17
huatsbigjools, I have reuploaded the package11:18
huats(and checked before that there was  a Files in the source.changes)11:19
huatsI'll let you know if everything goes well11:19
huatsbigjools, it has been accepted11:22
huatsthanks !11:22
playya__anyone can help me? i want to overtake a dead project with the same name: https://launchpad.net/cornucopia11:22
huats(I don't understand why it was not there first)11:22
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ftabigjools, hi, did you manage to find what went wrong with my lost sftp upload yesterday?12:51
ftabtw, i had a batch of upload bouncing from builder to builder for several hours yesterday12:52
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hrwwhat will happen when I will upload srcpkgA which generates binpkgA, binpkgB, binpkgC and then srcpkgB which will generate binpkgD, binpkgE, binpkgC (same version as one from srcpkgA)?13:17
wgranthrw: The second upload should be rejected.13:18
wgrantSo the build will complete, but Launchpad will reject it because it contains a different binary by the same name.13:19
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macojust to be sure, this is lp's fail, not my fail, right?  https://launchpadlibrarian.net/55784584/buildlog.txt.gz the only error i see is something about "502 bad gateway"13:41
wgrantmaco: Yes, Launchpad fail.13:43
wgrantShould work if you request another build.13:43
macookiedoo thanks13:43
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bigjoolsfta: no, I need you to upload to ppa.launchpad.net instead and then I can investigate14:17
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=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: abentley | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
ari-tczewhow can I change my email adress which bzr push use?15:57
salgadoari-tczew, ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf16:03
oskudehello, excuse me for my "stupidity" but i forgot my password and email i registered for launchpad.net (but not username) so i just registered new. requested to join a team. and after a second, i remembered my old email... merged my old account to the new (or what the recommended way was)... now "im" in the team, but its not the (merged) account im now using... :/ what should i do ?16:03
salgadoari-tczew, but that's used when commit, in fact, and I don't think you can change the email that was used in previous commits16:03
ari-tczewsalgado: it's enough for me, thanks.16:04
* oskude goes try that "If this is blocking your work, let us know by sending an message to..." message :)16:07
ftabigjools, any idea what's making most of my builds bounce for hours between builders? (there's none atm but there were a dozen last night, and a few the night before that)16:19
bigjoolsfta: yes, it's the bug I've told you about befoire16:19
bigjoolsthe build does not start on the builder, it just looks like it does16:19
bigjoolsit should all be much better at the next LP release16:20
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ftacould someone please speed up those builds, they are security related but are held back in the q since yesterday: https://edge.launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/stable/+packages17:51
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=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
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nekohayohey there, LP is really slow for branching branches from it (ex: time bzr branch lp:arista = 20 seconds)20:39
nekohayois there any way to make it go faster, by using bzr:// or something?20:39
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barryanybody (code hosters) know what this failure means?21:47
barrybzr: ERROR: Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', '<Fault -1: "Unexpected Zope exception: CannotHaveLinkedBranch: <Distribution \'Ubuntu\' (ubuntu)> cannot have linked branches.">')21:47
barry 21:47
barryrockstar perhaps?21:47
jcastronormally I have permissions to edit lp projects, but seem to have lost this ability?22:08
jcastroI need to hand https://launchpad.net/smuxi-project to the proper maintainer22:08
jcastrooh, I think because it's a super project22:09
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=== jcsackett is now known as jcsackett|afk

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