
yofelKendalja: if you're on linux, try iotop00:01
yofeliotop -o -d 5 so it only shows actual traffic and refreshes every 5 seconds00:01
Kendaljaits still writing :P00:02
Kendaljajust checked the file it is writing to and the size is going up00:02
BUGabundoTetsuo55: nothing I do seems to improve it reliablely :/00:03
Kendaljaiotop worked00:04
Kendaljathanks yofel00:04
Kendaljagood looking out00:04
Kendaljaso it isnt stuck at 4% just working hard writing 646mb00:05
yofelneeds some better UI :P00:05
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BUGabundoand there goes flash 10.2beta taking firefox with it00:28
BUGabundoseveral pages not able to load/render flash00:28
jpdsI tried gnash on youtube last night and so did not work.00:31
BUGabundospecially sony homepages00:32
aphexff4 and x64 10.10 loving it00:37
aphexand new flash <300:37
robinsonjust installed on a Sony laptop. Worked fine in live cd mode, but once installed the touchpad doesnt respond. Got it hooked into ethernet running updates by console right now, but if updates dont fix it, what is my next recourse?00:40
aphexbeen a while since had many issues with ubuntu but a reconfig of xserver might fix it00:44
aphexsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg00:44
aphexdon't blame me if you make it more broken00:44
robinsonaphex: no prob, its a clean install with nothing important at all :) I found some other info with similar models that suggest editing grub to include  i0842.nopnp00:46
robinsonwill try that if the updates dont fix it. Jsut dont understand because it workd fine as a live cd00:46
aphexonly ever wireless work on live cd then not when installed00:47
aphexdidn't seem to be a reason for it so i just reinstalled and worked fine00:47
robinsonwhat is a pae kernel? It installed by default on this laptop. i3 cpu, if that matters00:48
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info00:49
aphexphysical address extension00:49
aphextoo use more ram than 32bit supports00:49
aphexthat could be the easy solution00:50
aphexpull some ram out and reinstall00:50
robinsononly have 4GB.00:50
robinsonEditing grub, rebooting00:50
robinsonhowever, i think i see where you are going00:50
aphexinstall with 2gb then bang the rest back in if all else fails00:50
robinsonam i accidentally running 64-bit?00:51
yofelrobinson: what does uname -a tell you00:51
aphexno you wouldn't need it with 64bit00:51
robinsonlooks like 3200:51
robinson2.6.35-22-generic-pae #32-Ubuntu SMP00:52
yofelthat's not the complete output... ok, just 'uname -m' then00:52
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robinsoni found that this laptop has an ALPS touchpad. Since it worked in live cd, that suggests the kernel should be able to handle it. Can someone confirm what kernel the live cd uses? Perhaps I should install that kernel and boot from it instead01:00
aphexjust use the generic one01:00
aphexthink thats what live cd uses01:00
robinsoninstalling the package linux-image-generic01:10
robinsonhope this works. no reason why it shouldn't really :)01:10
aphexyeah got a feeling it will01:11
robinsonjust cant help but wonder what borked in the PAE version, except for the fact that this is a beta01:11
robinsoni just thank God that I learned to use the terminal without fear01:12
robinsonhere goes nothin'01:18
robinsonstil no mouse.. Gonna try the grub edit again. Failing that, I will remove some RAM and reinstall.01:18
yofeldmesg and/or xorg.0.log should have some info about mouse initialization01:19
robinsonyofel: need some CLI help. Dont know how to use grep to search for "mouse" in the log file01:22
yofelusing case-insensitive search might help 'grep -i'01:23
robinsoni do see in Xorg.0.log   adding input device AlpsPS/2 Glidepoint (/dev/input/mouse2"01:23
robinsonalso no supported touchpad found01:24
yofelmouse2 o.O01:24
robinsonperhaps the wrong driver is loaded01:24
yofelhere I get (eeePC):01:24
yofel[    12.538] (==) intel(0): Silken mouse enabled01:24
yofel[    13.528] (II) config/udev: Adding input device ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad (/dev/input/mouse0)01:24
yofel[    14.101] (**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/mouse0"01:24
robinsonwhats the command to reconfigure xorg?01:27
bp0is upgrade from lucid to maverick beta still broken?01:28
yofelthere is dpkg-reconfigure, but I'm not sure if that does anything as we don't use a xorg.conf these days01:28
aphexudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:28
aphexwas what it used to be01:28
aphexnot had to do it since dapper i think01:29
yofelright, but with autodetection, tweaking udev is what's needed today I think01:29
robinsonjsut cant understand why somethign that worked live wont installed without tweaking :(01:31
yofelwell, you can of course create a xorg.conf and configure your mouse there, but don't ask me how to do that..01:31
yofelright, that doesn't make sense01:31
aphexyou're on the right lines though01:32
aphextrying to think what else it could possibly be01:33
aphexyou tried plugging in a mouse to see if that works?01:33
robinsonwould you believe I dont have a wired mouse at home? I do at my shop, but i really wanted to try this baby out tonght...01:34
aphexbit of a stretch but have you checked your bios?01:36
aphexunlikely but it removes a possibility01:37
tommdI've just got 10.10 alpha1 running on my TouchBook.  Is there a default password or should I replace /etc/shadow?01:38
tommd(This is the ARM build)01:38
jribtommd: what did you install exactly?01:39
aphexdid it not ask you to set a pw when you installed?01:39
aphexrobinson: you checked the Fn key on your laptop?01:40
tommdjrib: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OMAPMaverickInstall01:40
tommdI notice it claims I should have been prompted01:40
tommdBut I just booted for the first time after dd and am dropped into an X login screen.01:41
robinsonaphex: There's not a hotkey for the touchpad.01:41
jribtommd: does username "ubuntu" with blank password work?  That's the default on a the live cd01:41
tommdnope.  Neither did root/root01:41
aphexis there a mouse one?01:42
tommd"mouse one"?  I do have a mouse and touch-screen works - yay!01:42
tommdOTOH, I'm using my own kernel.01:42
jribtommd: how about ubuntu:ubuntu?01:42
tommdjrib: Just tried with no luck.01:42
tommdThink I'll just replace /etc/shadow01:42
aphexsorry tommd that was for robinson01:42
tommdoh, sorry, didn't notice another question came up.01:43
philsfhow can I clear some or all of the recent files in the new file manager UI?01:43
robinsonaphex: not sure what to do, i may try 10.04 and see if it works. Got nothing to lose and I'm out of ideas01:43
robinsonthen again, i may try the clean install of 10.10 again, but uncheck the option to run updates....01:45
jribtommd: #ubuntu-arm might know more about it01:45
jribtommd: i'm following you there because I'm curious01:46
robinsonthanks for the assist, guys. Gonna take a break and watch a movie with my daughters (all the while thinking about this @#$%!! LAPTOP)01:46
yofelheh, have fun01:46
TeslaTonyAfter upgrading to 10.10, every time I log into Ubuntu Netbook Edition, I get my wallpaper, and nothing else. I can't use alt+F2 to start programs. What gives,a nd how do I fix it?02:04
sebsebsebTeslaTony: ok02:13
sebsebsebTeslaTony: so you recently upgraded?02:13
sebsebsebfrom 10.04 to it?02:14
TeslaTonysebsebseb: Yeah. About a week ago02:14
sebsebsebTeslaTony: oh so when did the problem happen?02:14
sebsebsebTeslaTony: which graphics card you got?02:14
TeslaTonyErm...not sure...I have an HP Mini02:14
sebsebsebTeslaTony: ok well it doesn't work with Nivida for example by default, since the propritary driver isn't installed,  that gives 3D support02:15
sebsebsebTeslaTony: however it seems it also won't work with certain ATI cards either, unless they have a propritary driver installed for 3D support02:15
TeslaTonysebsebseb: The full gnome-desktop works fine, though02:15
sebsebsebTeslaTony: yes, but this is differnet02:16
sebsebsebTeslaTony: it uses Unity02:16
sebsebseb10.10 Netook Edition02:16
sebsebsebwhich is the new look, but thats not just any look02:16
sebsebsebits special02:16
sebsebsebTeslaTony: so you need a card that can support it, or well  at least a driver installed for it that can02:17
sebsebsebor yes it won't work02:17
TeslaTonyRight now it's telling me the broadcom wireless driver is working, but doesn't list any other proprietary drivers02:17
sebsebsebTeslaTony: ok run lspci02:17
sebsebsebTeslaTony: well theres a more specific command for showing the card, but not sure right now02:17
sebsebseb,but yeah lspci should list it02:17
TeslaTonyIntel 945GME02:18
TeslaTonysebsebseb: So is there a way to get my system to find the driver? Or is there one?02:22
sebsebsebTeslaTony: hmm not sure about Intel, however I would have thought it would have worked02:22
sebsebsebTeslaTony: thing is Unity is also apprently not that stable at the moment anyway02:23
sebsebsebTeslaTony: and it woudn't suprise me if it was like that when 10.10 comes out as well,  being the first offical version of it, and well what it is02:23
sebsebsebwhy did you uprade early by the way?02:24
TeslaTonysebsebseb: If I wanted stable, I'd get a mac02:24
TeslaTonyShits and giggles?02:24
TeslaTonyI usually upgrade early02:24
TeslaTonysebsebseb: Normally I find betas pretty stable...more stable than some of my experiences with Windows final releases02:26
sebsebsebTeslaTony: ok02:26
sebsebsebTeslaTony: well all the proper Mac OS X advantages, can get with Linux distros anyway basically :)02:26
sebsebsebTeslaTony: it seems you didn't really know what you would be getting with 10.1002:26
sebsebsebTeslaTony: or were meant to be getting02:26
sebsebsebso i'll give you an idea02:26
sebsebsebwith some links02:27
philsfwow, the new netbook interface was really lagging, and even freezing but the new update is great!02:27
sebsebseband as you can see this channel isn't exactly active right now except for us, and now philsf  ,but yeah someone else may be able to help when around02:27
TeslaTonyWhat directories are the settings stored in?02:28
philsfsebsebseb, I was just complementing the improvement :)02:28
sebsebsebTeslaTony: or will I bother giving links about Unity,  plus two are a bit old now anyway, but still relivent really02:29
TeslaTonysebsebseb: THis works02:35
philsfI find the speed of the new applications and files "menus" has greatly improved in the latest version of unity02:37
sebsebsebTeslaTony: what works?02:37
TeslaTonysebsebseb: Informative links02:38
IvisHi, can i upgrade to 10.10 from 10.04 ?02:38
philsfIvis, yes02:40
sebsebsebTeslaTony: oh the links aren't really helpful for your issue, they just explain what Unity is02:40
TeslaTonysebsebseb: Nevermind, then02:40
sebsebsebIvis: yes, but why do you want to?02:40
Ivissebsebseb,  just for testing02:41
sebsebsebIvis: desktop version or net book o rwhat?02:41
Ivissebsebseb, desktop02:41
sebsebsebIvis: they are still sorting out quite a lot of bugs  as far as I know,  or hopefuly anyway, but uhmm  yeah desktop would work alright at the mometn02:42
Ivissebsebseb,  hmm sounds good :) do i need upgrade from softwre source?02:42
sebsebsebIvis: however even so, may be better for you to wait until the 30th September,  to do it a bit early, since then you can with the release candidate, which will be very similar to the final02:43
sebsebseblag: also the desktop version of 10.10 offers well not that much advantage over 10.0402:43
sebsebseblag: and even though an upgrade from 10.04, would probably go alright, a more safe way to try it would be a virtual machine or just from the Live CD02:44
Ivissebsebseb, ok this sounds more reasonable, i will try it a litle bit later :) thanks for quick and smart answers.02:45
derekshello! my meekrat install is broken!!! It is similar to issue described here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9838263 except that doesn't fix mine02:45
dereksis anyone else having this issue???02:46
dereksany suggestions?02:46
sebsebseblag: and Sudnay October 10th is the final release02:47
sebsebsebIvis: instead of their useual Thursday release day, for the alphas, betas, release candidates, and finals.  It was going to be  Thursday 28th02:47
Ivissebsebseb,  nice thanks :)02:48
yofeldereks: probably unreated to ureadahead, as upsteard isn't synchroneous the last messages shown on the screen aren't necessarily releated to the problem, does pressing 'S' do something?02:49
* yofel is getting sleepy02:49
dereksyofel: have to reboot to figure it out02:50
derekshold on, bbiab02:50
dereksyofel: what should 'S' do?02:50
yofel*if* it's just hung on a broken mount entry in fstab, that should tell mountall to Skip the mount02:51
yofelyou could also try sysrq+k to kill plymouth and see if you get a shell then02:51
dereksyofel: ok02:52
KukuNutkubuntu login in a loop?  too fast but looks like segfault02:53
KukuNutlive cd showed segfault on kdinit? but was able to continue02:55
yofelKukuNut: nvidia?02:56
TsimsDoes anyone have any idea why the video on my movie player and the video on my skype are a weird tint of blue?02:56
KukuNutyofel: in vbox02:57
yofelhm, alvin posted bug 640596 about a crash with nouveau earlier02:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 640596 in xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (Ubuntu) "KDM: X crashes on login" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64059602:57
dereksyofel: thatnks. it is having trouble mounting my home directory. i booted via usb and mounted the home drive fine03:00
yofelhm, did you re-format the drive? (check if the UUIDs are right anyway)03:01
dereksyofel: haven't touched it :)03:01
yofelodd then..03:02
derekshow do i check uuids? i can check fstab, but how do i get it on the home drive partition?03:02
KukuNutdereks: what's the error msg?03:02
dereksKukuNut: it wasn't able to mount my homedrive03:02
derekswasn't an error message until i pressed S03:02
yofeldereks: 'sudo blkid' will list them03:02
dereksit goes away before i can catch it03:02
TsimsDoes anyone have any idea why the video on my movie player and the video on my skype are a weird tint of blue?03:03
myk_robinsonyofel: After a clean install, touchpad works... go figure03:03
myk_robinsonHoping it survives an update03:04
myk_robinsonliving dangerously03:04
myk_robinsoni reinstalled without going into the live mode first03:04
dereksyofel: same uuid03:04
yofelnot sure what's wrong then03:04
myk_robinsonyofel: sorry, my name before was robinson, had the Sony Vaio laptop with a non-functioning touchpad03:04
myk_robinsonyou and aphex were helping me03:05
yofelmyk_robinson: I know, just don't know what to say...03:05
KukuNutdereks: try booting to recovery mode and mount it manually03:05
myk_robinsonoh, no problem, just wanted to report back. I'm just as puzzled, but i've seen stranger things03:05
yofelTsims: check your HUE value maybe (don't know where offhand)03:05
* yofel needs some sleep, good night03:06
dereksKukuNut: i tried that, i don't get the partition in /dev.... it should be /dev/sdb1 and i jsut have /dev/sdb03:06
dereksyofel: thanks for trying :)03:07
yofeldereks: that sounds like something goes wrong when initializing the hdd, check the kernel log03:07
yofeland now bye03:07
KukuNutdereks: when you did blkid did you see it there?03:08
KukuNutdereks: it should list all the partitions03:11
dereksKukuNut: yeah03:11
derekshad it correct03:11
KukuNutdereks: you mean you see /dev/sdb1?03:12
derekswell, not in recovery console03:12
derekson this livecd03:12
dereksneed to reboot to test that03:12
dereksjust searching the logs a little before i reboot03:12
dereksok rebooting ;)03:12
Tsimsthats not working03:13
Tsimsif it was a hue problem, wouldnt that affect everything? not just skype and my video player03:13
Tsimslol i thought this was a support room!!!03:18
KDC1956will the ubuntu 10.10 have better wirelessdrive with it03:22
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dereksAhh, i found out my problem. I am running into the "ureadahead-other main process terminated status 4" issue03:41
dereksanyone know how to get around that? :(03:41
bp0uhg, maverick not ready03:53
myk_robinsoneach time I reboot, my clock is off by one hour. How can i permanently correct this?04:03
myk_robinsonwhat is a command to check current cpu speed in the terminal?04:10
bp0cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq might do it04:17
white_magicso ubuntu told me it wants to do a partial distribution upgrade (i have 10.10 beta right now) and it just now failed to do so05:23
white_magicit said 'size mismatch'05:23
white_magicfor each package it had to download05:23
aboSamoor1I have a problem with tty, they stop responding randomly once I press ctrl+s05:57
* white_magic rings the bell06:32
white_magicanyone here?06:32
white_magicubuntu 10.10 started a partial upgrade process but the fetch part failed06:32
white_magicnow i wonder what to do at this point06:33
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WubbbiMarkDude: Hey :) awake? ^^08:14
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MarkDudeNot fully08:15
MarkDudehello Wubbbi08:16
Wubbbihehe ^^08:16
MarkDudeMy wifi was slow with or without ac08:16
WubbbiWell it seems like my powersamemode bug is still not fixed. Have you created a bug report or do you even know how to fix it? Cause the non-powersave mode it making my battery empty very fast08:17
WubbbiMarkDude: Duh! for real?08:19
MarkDudeI might be able to file a bug on it, Im not sure how to fix it, I think there is a chance it is acpi08:19
WubbbiMarkDude: ok .. well that would be great if you can do it. May someone fix it then ^^08:20
MarkDudeIts ppossible, the problem would be that the kernel triage person will want to ask follow up questions08:23
MarkDudeTo fix some bugs it can take 2 or 3 follow ups - asking for parts of your logs. Since my computer only has Atom in common, my ability to answer regarding your hardwarequestions is limited08:27
avis-just like the man who murdered the atheist woman, there is a great satisfaction, when i recall the night that i went head to head with stumbleupon, me, and the secret service, and the reaction when we called them on harboring spies and feeding pedophiles made them cower.  they gave up.  they no longer could have anything to say after that.  nothing is sweeter08:48
WubbbiMarkDude: ahh ok ... well is the report created. Then I can attach my log08:48
MarkDudeYou dont have a launchpad acct?08:53
WubbbiMarkDude: sure08:55
WubbbiMarkDude: Well I mean ... I have one xD08:55
WubbbiBut I dont know how to report a bug that well ^^08:55
MarkDudeOk no problem08:57
MarkDudeIm checking to see if there is a bug that has the words ac power bug  maverick wlan08:57
MarkDude32 of those08:58
MarkDudeOk, I dont think there is a duplicate of what your issue is Wubbbi09:10
MarkDudeSo let me see if I can help you file a bug09:11
WubbbiMarkDude: ok09:14
Wubbbithank you09:14
WubbbiWell I have to go to work ( again -_- ) ... So I cant be here anymore. I'm sorry ^^09:14
MarkDudedid you have anything in your file system in var/crash?09:15
Wubbbilet me see09:15
WubbbiMarkDude: I have "plymouthd", "gnome-langue-selector", "bin_mutter" and "_usr_lib_indicator-sound_indicator-sound-service" ... I dont think that will help us?09:18
WubbbiMarkDude: can you give me the like to the bug please?09:20
MarkDudeWubbbi, - I can help you later on it- is 1:30 here. The issue is that I want to make sure that the proper package is named :)09:29
MarkDudeWaiting a day or 2 to file a bug, but filing it under the correct package will help09:30
WubbbiMarkDude: ok ... I will be onloy later ( around in 9-10h ) because I have to go now too. Thank you for your support to me ;D09:30
MarkDudeOf course, good day to you :)09:30
Wubbbithx and good night to you xD09:31
mkulkehello, since yesterdays updates on 10.10 i have the problem that docky hangs when starting programs from it (on my netbook w/ intel hardware).10:00
mkulkeanyone else having the same problem?10:00
zj3t3mjuhello, I had filed bug #64068210:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 640682 in ibus-unikey (Ubuntu) "Patch for some bugs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64068210:02
zj3t3mjuwill it be fix???10:03
Ian_corneNo idea10:05
Ian_cornewait I guess10:05
yofelzj3t3mju: if you want the package uploaded, you have to subscribe ubuntu-sponsors to the bug, and since we're in final freeze now maybe additional things, ask in #ubuntu-motu10:48
zj3t3mjuyofel: thanks10:50
valentino_tugahi. i have ubuntu netbook edition. what should i do to update the system to 10.10 beta?11:10
bazhang!upgrade| valentino_tuga please read this11:10
ubottuvalentino_tuga please read this: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade11:10
valentino_tugathanks bazhang but there is no information about updating from 10.04 to 10.10 beta11:12
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaverickUpgrades  valentino_tuga that link in the first one does11:14
valentino_tugabazhang My ubuntu is netbook edition. will it upgrade to ubuntu netbook 10.10 or ubuntu desktop edition ?11:16
bazhangvalentino_tuga, what ever you have will be upgraded11:18
bazhangxubuntu, kubuntu, ubuntu, une, lubuntu, etc11:18
valentino_tugaok bazhang, i just wanted to be sure it will update to the netbook edition because the computer iḿ using is a netbook and i love netbook edition11:19
bazhangvalentino_tuga, yes it will.11:19
yofelUNE will be updated to unity I assume11:19
ubottuUbuntu Netbook Remix is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR - support in #ubuntu11:20
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WubbbiHey :) I wanna change the source-Code of Firefox. I want to change the default settings in about:config of firefox. Where can I find it?11:51
gnomefreakWubbbi: in the address bar type about:config11:53
Wubbbignomefreak: yeah I know this. I DL the source-code of firefox., and I want to change the default about:config in the source code. So when I build it it should include it.11:54
gnomefreakWubbbi: you are better off getting the source and changing /debian/rules but if you do not know what you are doing i dont suggest changing anything11:54
gnomefreakWubbbi: you dont knnow where the source code is?11:55
Wubbbignomefreak: I know where the source code is. But I dont know where the file is, where I can change it ( In the source-Code! ).11:56
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yofelWubbbi: someone in #ubuntu-mozillateam might know that11:57
gnomefreakWubbbi: there is no file for it. you need to change a few of them including /debian/rules. you are best to ask in #ubuntu-motu11:57
gnomefreakyofel: no one is there this early11:57
Wubbbignomefreak: ok thx11:58
gnomefreakfta may be there soon but he is not likely to help.11:58
gnomefreakhe has chromium to work on. micah is best to ask but he wont be there for a few hours or longer11:59
* gnomefreak goes for smoke12:00
valentino_tugawell, the system is updating. i have to wait 1 hour. lets see how ubuntu netbook 10.10 is :)12:33
alvinLet us know :-)12:34
valentino_tugaok alvin :)12:34
alvinIsn't it the same installer for kubuntu and kubuntu-netbook?12:35
gnomefreakalvin: im fairly sure there is a kubuntu netbook installer12:41
gnomefreaknot sure about xubuntu12:41
yofelno there isn't for 10.1012:42
yofelwhether to use desktop or netbook by default is decided by screen size and a few other factors now12:43
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mewshihello everyone! :)O13:37
Dr_WillisHas the netbook interface gotten to a 'useable' state? :) Last review i read of it a few weeks back. said it had some 'issues'13:58
Dr_WillisIm thinking it may be a good thing for the wifes pc however.13:58
DinkDr_Willis, I have been using since pre Alpha and haven't much on an issue on my netbook. Couple of bugs here and there which got fixed pretty quickly14:00
Dr_Williscusious as to the package naming.. im seeing  several ubuntu-netbook-* things14:00
Dr_Willisit reccomends  ubuntu-netbook-unity-default-settings   when i try to install ubuntu-netbook, but if i try to install both of those packages.. it wont let it.14:01
DinkRunning it on an aod250. There is a "slight" jerkiness on video playback14:01
DinkI removed the ubuntu-netbook meta package since I did not need all of it.14:03
Dr_Willisi need to see if the icons are REAL big.. :) the wife likes real big icons..14:03
DinkNo they are not REAL big14:03
Dr_Willisit just basically needs to be able to load her browser, and 2 games.. thats all she needs on  her listing. :)14:03
Dr_Willisshe even sets her fonts to be like size 16+14:03
Dr_WillisIn the past she would set her desktop res down to like 600x800 to enlarge everything..14:05
Dr_WillisI had to show her how to tweak her fonts.. and scale the icons on gnome14:05
myk_robinsonmorning, all. How can i set the CPU scaling governor to default to the "on demand" profile?14:11
Dr_WillisWell that goofed things up. :) I get a white screen now when i login to the netbook intface.. and the gnome interface.. heh14:14
bp0known problem? http://picpaste.com/help_menu_text_problem-PkhdQJLP.png14:15
bp0myk_robinson, it will change to ondemand after 60 seconds14:15
myk_robinsonoh. That's good to know. I have been manually chaning it because all 4 cores are running full bore on boot.14:15
myk_robinsonguess I'm just impatient14:15
myk_robinsonthank you14:16
Dr_Williswonder if upstart is spreading the load out so it boots faster. :)14:17
WimYedemaHi all14:17
* abhijit just come to see whats going on!14:18
WimYedemaCan anyone here tell me how to make closing/unmaximizing maximized windows in 10.10 easy?14:18
WimYedemaor How to turn the titlebar back on when a window is maximized?14:18
kklimondait shouldn't disappear in the first place.14:19
Dr_WillisUnless its using the netbook stuff and using that Maximus program?14:20
WimYedemahmmm... it does though... I played around with unity a few months ago, maybe somehow this got turned back on?14:20
WimYedemaHow do I check whether this Maximus is running?14:21
Ian_corneWhat package contains the workspace switcher applet?14:21
Dr_Willisps ax | grep maximus14:21
Dr_WillisI cant get the netbook interface working right. :()14:21
Dr_Willisget a white screen when i login to the netbook item in the gdm menu.14:21
WimYedemawell... it is running indeed14:21
WimYedemahow did that happen... and how do I turn it off?14:22
Dr_Willisits added to teh auto start as part of the netbook stuff i recall14:23
Dr_Willisyou could just remove  the package.14:23
WimYedemaIt's actually quite nice, if the panel buttons included the window decoration buttons...14:23
Dr_WillisYea. theres panel addons that can show those buttons14:23
Dr_Willisi set up the whole global-menu and that stuff once.. but it was annoying in ways14:24
WimYedemaWell, that would do to:) How do I get them?14:24
Dr_WillisIm not even sur if they are in the default repos.14:24
Dr_Willisseen them at the OMGubuntu and other ubuntu news sites. webup8 perhaps14:24
Dr_WillisI never can rember their names14:24
WimYedemahmm.. if it's not in the standard repos I won't bother.. too much of a fuss14:25
Ian_corneare there any other descent sites then omgubuntu, without duplicating the news to much, aimed at ubuntu?14:25
bazhangIan_corne, webupd814:25
RajasunIan_corne: unixmen, techdrivein, kabatology14:26
bp0according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundMenu there is supposed to be a way to remove rhythmbox from the sound menu14:30
bp0but I can't find it14:30
bp0anyone know?14:30
Dr_WillisNever tried.14:31
Dr_Willisevery web site is going so rabid about it being in there.. :)14:31
Dr_WillisId perfer to have some player buttons that go in the panel...14:31
bp0"A compliant player should not insert itself into the menu merely because it is installed, but should insert itself as soon as you start actively using it (e.g. playing something with it for the first time, or adding music to its library). The player’s own settings interface should also have a checkbox for whether to integrate the player into the sound menu: ☑ Show FooPlayer in the sound menu "14:32
bp0not follwing their own rules there14:32
Dr_Willisi dont get what the little > arrow in the Volume settings thing is telling me...14:35
Dr_Willis> Musical Note "Rythem Box"14:35
* Dr_Willis wonders when it was decided that right click menus on items in the panel cant do anything usefull also.. . Oh well..14:36
Dr_Willisat least not with apps that use that notify- thing. :) GUess its the new 'way'14:36
Dr_WillisI see no setting in rythmbox to not show itself in that menu either.14:37
Dr_WillisI was thinking that > arrow was a 'expand/colpase' item. but its not14:37
coz_installing backported rythmbox on lucid to see14:37
bp0yeah, i wondered about the arrow too14:38
bp0and about the right click thing14:38
bp0the right click thing is confusing14:39
bp0other stuff still uses the old right click to show/left click for menu way14:39
bp0better imo14:39
Dr_Willisyea that whole new  system-tray methodology (what do they call it now)   (notfication aware?)   has it where the icons dont have any right click meny. You see the 'remove from panel' and it removes them ALL...14:39
bp0for instance transmission, there is no way to make it show the transmission window with one click if it is already open somewhere14:40
Dr_Willisthe panel is/was/growing into a confuseign mess.. kde had a similer issue.. but  still from a 'users' point of view.. it seems that a lot of their 'icons' dont have a proepr right click menu now. :)14:41
coz_bp0,  transmissioni notification may be a result of transmisson developers  ..you might have to discuss that with them...14:41
coz_bp0,  I didnt test it in maverick but let me check there hold on14:41
bp0well, the new standard interface only allows left click, so the old left click shows window/right click menu thing wont work14:41
Dr_WillisIs there a panel 'applet' that puts a play/pause/next item in the panel?   searching for one in the ubuntu software center now.14:41
coz_Dr_Willis,   Music applet ??14:43
Dr_Williscoz_:  let me see.. :)14:43
coz_nevind  it is now Panflute14:43
Dr_Williswell looking to see whats included by default in the repos14:44
Dr_WillisIt is nice that  the software center tells you where to find somthing in the menus now...14:44
Dr_Willisbut its search feature seems to miss a lot of things14:45
Dr_Williswhat 'department' would 'panel applets' be under. :) is there a 'gnome' department? i dont see one..14:45
* Dr_Willis digs in deeper14:45
Dr_WillisI also wonder why the 'controls' for rythembox are so far down the menu item.  seems im hgaving to move my mouse a lot to just play the next tune.. :)14:49
bp0is there a rhythmbox channel i could grip in14:50
bp0or is this ubuntu only feature14:50
coz_bp0,  I dont see one14:50
bp0channel? I found one on gimpnet14:51
bazhang /msg alis list *rhythmbox*14:52
avis--->  freeze !   police !  ^Shaggy (~catholic@139-69.127-70.tampabay.res.rr.com) has joined #catholics14:53
bitplaneHi, did they get rid of that awful updates popup in 10.10?14:53
bitplanethere's nothing more irritating than that thing forcing itself to the front and stealing your input at every stage of the update14:54
bp0Dr_Willis, there is a plugin in rhytmbox called status ico15:10
bp0...status icon15:10
bp0that put a regular good-style notify icon in the tray that you can use15:10
apwbac, about ?15:36
bachi apw15:37
apwbac, i think you had the macpro, i posted a test kerenel and wondered if you could try it out15:37
bacapw: i have done no further testing15:37
bacapw: i can in a bit.  i've installed the nvidia driver, though, so i'll need to disable it at boot to test your fix, right?15:37
apwbac, yeah that'd be great.  we have a very small window to get this in, probabally if i have it today i can get it in15:38
bacapw: can you give me exact instructions on what the boot parameters must be?15:38
bacalso, do you have the bug number handy?15:39
apwbac it should require no parameters15:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 546393 in linux (Ubuntu) "MacBook Pro 5,1 / 5,2 / 5,3 / 5,5 fails to boot into 10.04 desktop" [High,Confirmed]15:39
bacapw: but won't it simply load the nvidia driver?  or are you saying i must uninstall it first?15:39
apwahh i see, erm, we would need to disable it yes ... let me ask15:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 641357 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "Required method to remove rhythmbox from soundmenu does not exist or is not obvious enough" [Undecided,New]15:42
bp0someone confirm15:42
apwbac i am told if you find the blacklist for nouveau in /etc/modprobe.d and comment that out, and add 'blacklist nvidia-common', and do "sudo update-alternatives --config gl_conf , pick mesa, sudo ldconfig, reboot"15:44
apwbac, its not clear disabling it in jockey isn't easier though15:45
bacapw: i disabled nvidia in jockey and it booted fine to your new kernel15:50
apwbac thank you -- could you say that in the bug, then i can use that as evidence for merging15:52
prep_Having issues with printer, found driver that's near, but quality is less than desired. Found some info in the Ubuntu board, need help installing.15:53
fluffmananyone tested the new netbook with a dell mini 9?16:05
fluffmanit's sooo sloooow for me. did an upgrade from 10.0416:05
fluffmanin fact, the gui is pretty much unusable with the slow moving mouse and freezing. I'm using irssi from a VT now...16:06
senseThe different categories in the Unity Applications and Files Places don't work. The Files Place even says I don't have any files. Is that a (known) bug, or an issue on my system?16:13
fluffmanhow do you add an application to the favorites list in unity?16:15
Dinksense, might be you works here. Haven't looked at bug report.16:20
WubbbiMarkDude: Awake? ^^16:20
senseDink: OK, then I'll take a closer look at my local system.16:20
Dinkfluffman, open the app a lot of times ? I don't think you can.16:21
fluffmanseriously? you can't customize the menu? you can remove stuff...I was able to remove cheese and evolution and crap. but can't remove firefox and chromium apparently16:22
Dinkfluffman, yeah don't think its customizeable in the way people want yet.16:22
fluffmantime to find my old 10.04 usb :( I was totally looking forward to unity, too, but that's a deal breaker. it's too slow to go to all applications all the time.16:23
fluffmanhow about ubuntu light? is there any way to test that out?16:23
Dinkfluffman, You can add apps to the menu launcher on the left.16:23
Dinkfluffman, well some apps :p16:24
fluffmanDink: how?16:24
fluffmani've tried dragging/dropping and right clicking16:24
fluffmanneither does anything... :(16:24
Dinkfluffman, again on some apps, if you open it you can right click the icon on the menu and select stay in doc of something like that16:25
Dinkfluffman, I have had times where I have to left,right click couple of times for the menu to show up16:25
fluffmanokie dokie, will try that16:25
fluffmanthanks Dink16:25
Dinkfluffman, Again not all apps was able to add to the doc/menu/launcher16:26
Dinkfluffman, I think the desktop file for the app or something needs to be built a certain way for it to work properly16:26
myk_robinsonyofel: Morning. Figured out the issue with the Sony Vaio touchpad16:33
myk_robinsonyofel: filing a bug report now. There is a regression in the kernel upgrade16:33
myk_robinsonsticking with the base kernel, everything works as it should16:33
yofel_great time for a connection reset *-.-16:35
yofel_myk_robinson: can you repeat that?16:35
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
myk_robinsonthe kernel update to 2.6.35-22 breaks the alps glidepoint trackpad.16:35
myk_robinsonMy problem yesterday was I ran the updates during installation so i had nothing to fall back on16:35
yofeloh :(16:35
myk_robinsonClean install with no updates, and everything works, until the kernel update16:36
myk_robinsonboot from the old kernel in GRUB, touchpad is back up16:36
myk_robinsonfiling a bug report now16:36
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots16:44
myk_robinson!bug #64140616:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 641406 in linux (Ubuntu) "Alps Glidepoint Touchpad Not Detected after Kernel Update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64140616:44
domjohnsonAre there any major bugs with 64bit 10.10 beta?17:09
KukuNutyes a lot especially kubuntu17:09
KukuNutlogin looping and segfaults of kde daemon17:09
domjohnsonBut with Gnome?17:10
yofelworks fine here... except for the occasional krunner segfault17:10
KukuNutkubuntu is all messed up right now17:10
domjohnsonAlso - how do I get the checksum?17:10
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:10
domjohnsonNo, I mean, how do I get the official one.17:11
domjohnsonFrom the Ubuntu site?17:11
yofelchecksum for what?17:11
domjohnsonI think its the daily yesterday's daily build17:11
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/17:12
yofelthe checksums are on the iso download pages17:12
domjohnsonNo, might just be the beta, then17:13
domjohnsonI can't get the normal page up?17:13
domjohnsonOnly the DVD page.17:13
* yofel goes looking17:13
yofelthe beta cd's are here for example: http://ubuntu.intergenia.de/releases//10.10/17:14
yofelusing the link from http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/maverick/beta17:14
domjohnsonThink mines dodgy, then17:15
domjohnsonUnless it was the Daily Build from the 15th...17:15
domjohnsonCan't seem to mount it, anyway17:16
oxymoronDoes anyone know this guy Matt Colyer (http://matt.colyer.name/) who is inventor of imobiledevice?17:16
Dr_Willisif we all say No.. what will you do then? :)17:17
U-b-u-n-t-uhows 10.10 beta working out17:17
vic20gmrany1 here know the last ver of ubuntu to have fglrx that still supports radeon9600?17:18
U-b-u-n-t-uDr_Willis, there is a lot of feed back here thanks for telling me to ask here17:19
Dr_Willisglad i dident finish my message to him..17:20
charlie-tcaDid we miss the two minute response time again?17:20
Dr_Willis9600 is a very old ati card isent  it - like 5 yrs ago?17:21
Dr_Willischarlie-tca:  we only had to tell him 4 times to ask about 10.10 in #ubuntu+1 .....17:21
charlie-tcaWell, he did wait for a response, right? Looks like a good two minutes...17:22
oxymoronDr_Willis: I guess I try to hunt him down, code my own library for iPhone or maybe find a better solution somehow :P17:22
Dr_Willisoxymoron:  check facebook. :) everyones on facebook...17:23
charlie-tcaor even google17:23
oxymoronDr_Willis: Hehe good idea :P17:23
oxymoronDr_Willis: Dough, there is 5 Matt Colyer on FB :D17:24
oxymoronI just want a freaking solution to copy files to my iphone with ios 4.117:25
oxymoronI Googled several hours several days in a row now17:25
Dr_Willisapple says 'no files for you!'17:25
oxymoron.I tried everything17:25
Dr_WillisNo idea. sorry. only apple device i have is an old iMac that works very well as a Door Stop17:26
oxymoronI did Vbox with Windows, ITunes on Wine, libmobiledevice and iFuse libraries and so on. Linux found the device but I cannot do a freaking shit with it xD17:26
Dr_Willissad that apple couldent just let it be seen as a usb device...17:26
Dr_Willisand work as a flash drive17:27
Dr_Willisbluetooth? oh wait.. did they include that.. sd slot? oh wait....17:27
oxymoronDr_Willis: Yes, to sad :/ Thats the only thing left, then it would be like the ultimate phone.17:27
Dr_WillisI will pass on the ultimate phonebill :)17:27
oxymoronI had an Android phone earlier, but iOs is much better IMO.17:28
Dr_Willisnever had either. yet. Due for a new phone at xmas. will see whats out then.17:30
Dr_WillisI want to have an affordable way to get my laptop to the internet from  everywhere. :)  yes.. its a dream...17:31
Dr_WillisHmm. Thwe Fonts in Ubuntu Software Center are messed up for me.. the main Package name font is ok. but the mini description below it is 1/2 cut off..17:32
oxymoronDr_Willis: Its not entirely the truth, but if you like to have devlopment rushment and problems buy Android phone :P And btw, I havent owned a single laptop my entire life, just waste of money on a clumsy device with crappy battery and very bad ergonomy.17:33
Dinkvic20gmr, bit late but I think it was Hardy.17:35
DinkWhenever 9.3 was available17:36
Dr_Willisive trimmed down to only one desktop machine. rest are laptops now.17:36
Dr_Willis!info mutter17:44
ubottumutter (source: mutter): lightweight GTK+ window manager. In component main, is extra. Version 2.31.5-0ubuntu7 (maverick), package size 296 kB, installed size 812 kB17:44
=== Nix is now known as Guest68495
Guest68495su and gksu not working , but gksu or sudo workin ..18:16
=== Guest68495 is now known as anirban111
yofelanirban111: did it work in lucid? (if you mean su to login to root, doesn't work, root doesn't have a password)18:17
anirban111yofel, but some program like gdebi calling gksu not gksudo ..18:18
anirban111how can make app like gdebi to use gksudo instead of gksu18:19
yofelhm, gksu works fine here, then again, I have a root password18:19
yofelbut it asks me for *my* password, so it shouldn't require a root password :/18:20
anirban111yofel same here .. but authengation faliour18:20
yofelhow do you blank a password again...18:21
yofelah -d18:21
anirban111or single user mode18:21
anirban111comd not found ah -d18:22
yofelno that was me, going 'ah' when finding 'passwd -d'18:23
yofelmeh, now gksu has the password cached and doesn't ask me :/18:24
anirban111drop he key18:24
anirban111sudo passwd root -d18:25
anirban111that i do18:25
anirban111passwd: password expiry information changed18:25
yofelI did that, but gksu still doesn't ask me, so I guess it has *my* password cached after all18:25
anirban111yofel u delete root pass by useing yofel pass18:26
anirban111root@Agani:/home/ani#   got it thank u yofel ..18:28
yofelhm, can't reproduce it, now it asked me, but accepted my password18:29
anirban111did u try>sudp passwd root18:30
=== anirban111 is now known as super_anix
yofelI did sudo -i to login as root, and then passwd -d root18:30
super_anixworking for me now18:31
yofelgood :)18:31
super_anixi did passwd -d root18:32
super_anixthen sudo passwd root18:32
super_anixi am using kubuntu version of 10.10 now its only openbox with slim18:34
super_anixiwill try kubuntu again but in stable version18:34
Dr_WillisOk. Got the netbook interface working on my Desktop. :)18:36
super_anixDr_Willis, netbook remix18:38
Dr_Willisactually its just the gui to it :)   it seems.. quirky..18:50
Volkodavis samba still not behaving ?18:50
Dr_WillisIt started working for me today Volkodav18:51
Dr_Willisthis morning.18:51
* Volkodav installing18:51
Dr_Willisheh - netbook interface crashed. :()18:55
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=== bilalakhtar_ is now known as bilalakhtar
yofelyay, I froze nouveau :( bug 64150619:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 641506 in xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (Ubuntu) "X froze when trying to switch windows too fast." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64150619:20
BUGabundohey guys19:25
charlie-tcaHello, BUGabundo19:26
area51pilotupdated 10.10 this morning and it wont boot19:27
area51pilotinstalled on a Win7 host19:27
BUGabundoI've got a toshiba laptop, running Maverick, with a ATI Radeo HD 4500, with stock drivers19:29
BUGabundowhen plugged VIA HDMI to a 37" Pionneer LCD/TV the colors are bloated, turning green and magenta19:29
vishit^^ just turned out to be BUGabundo's confusion of the new wallpaper!19:34
* vish hides again!19:34
* BUGabundo slaps an HAM in vish mouth19:34
vishnom nom!19:34
BUGabundoso the question is, are their any other drivers that I could test?19:36
BUGabundothis ones work so well, other the descoloration19:37
duffydackanything I can do yet with this always-on fan on my laptop ATI19:37
duffydacktill fglrx comes out, and makes it quiet19:37
yofelnot sure, afaik the open source drivers don't support power management19:39
=== AndrewMC_ is now known as AndrewMC
area51pilotwhat is syntax to run a prog from terminal?19:48
charlie-tcahit enter19:49
BUGabundo$ man man19:50
charlie-tcaman man ???19:51
BUGabundoman man :P19:52
charlie-tcaOkay, man man19:52
BUGabundothat was how ppl would start learning about linux, 15 why ago19:52
charlie-tcaOh, that is outdated/old-fashioned now. Instead it called "The Ubuntu Manual", isn't it?19:53
BUGabundoand you kwno what : GOOGLE :P19:53
charlie-tcaYay! google19:53
yofelthere's also man intro, but man man is more classic :D20:01
nigelbyofel: amen20:01
nigelbman man is awesome20:01
* charlie-tca is glad he answered the question before the discussion happened20:04
duffydack'Rubbish Bin'   hmmmm20:06
BUGabundoC̳̺ͬ͒̕O̷̖͍̰͎͓͓̗̎͐͞M̸͇̬̙̯̫̓̓ͭ̉ͩ̿̔ͅẼ̼̥͈͖̦͍̞̩̂̒̑͂͢S̡̬̬̠̭̻̫̘̐ͫ̒ ̡̹̫̗̝͚̙̣͇ͧͤ̎͋̓͆͂̾Z͎̼̭͖̜̫̦ͯ̍̊͢Ă̸̢͓ͪ͊͛̚L̢̦̤ͬ͒̕G̘̖̭̳̹̣̹̥ͬͨ͐͛̑̚͡O̲̽̏͢͞20:15
BUGabundonot that20:15
BUGabundohow can a 1 week upgrade take over one hour !?20:15
charlie-tcaWhy would it be faster than that, if you waited a whole week to upgrade? How many updates is that, close to one-thousand, right?20:17
BUGabundono idea20:18
BUGabundoI'm doing the "human" thing on that one20:18
BUGabundousing Upgrade manager lol20:18
BUGabundoand not aptitude alias I have on my laptop20:18
charlie-tcagonna be a while, then.20:19
BUGabundoits still on empathy20:19
charlie-tcaI use update-manager every week or two, just to see if it works. But I upgrade daily with apt-get20:19
* yofel tries to upgrade with muon for a change..20:21
BUGabundois VLC (or codecs) broken?20:22
BUGabundoI only get shutter audio, and slow video20:22
BUGabundocharlie-tca: I *never* used UM in my laptop20:22
BUGabundowell at least no in the last 2 years or so20:23
charlie-tcaHow would I find out it broke if I never use it?20:24
BUGabundoI remember when UM upgrades would actually brake the system20:25
charlie-tcame too20:25
charlie-tcaThat's why I test it, but I figured I don't want to know everyday20:26
BUGabundoI even have an alias20:27
BUGabundo$ grep apti .bashrc20:27
BUGabundoalias aptitudeupgrade='sudo aptitude update ; sudo aptitude safe-upgrade ; sudo aptitude full-upgrade'20:27
charlie-tcaI use update20:28
charlie-tcaupdate = sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:28
yofelalias getupdates='sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade && sudo aptitude full-upgrade'20:33
BUGabundocopy cat20:36
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svuanyone getting funny autotools warnings with 10.10?21:39
svu warning: AC_INIT: not a literal:21:39
zoraelsamba keeps failing to upgrade. The prerm script hangs and blocks the upgrade process (from continuing to other packages). Is this a known thing or should I file a bug?21:39
DarthFrogDoes anyone know if rekonq supports kioslaves?21:39
yofelshadeslayer: ^21:42
yofelzorael: we had bug 639768 as a common samba issue, that's supposed to be fixed though21:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 639768 in samba (Ubuntu Maverick) "[Maverick] Samba process gets hung on maverick update - waiting on cups to start" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63976821:46
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
zoraelyofel: That looks very related to what I'm getting (http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/495533/). I'll subscribe to it, thanks21:50
yofelhm, that was fixed though and that was about *starting* smbd, not about stopping it, so you might have another issue21:52
mikeos i'm on kubuntu maverick beta, in powermanagement the option "Turn off display" on lid close. It works fine except from when I reopen the lid the display stays blank until i switch to another TTY and back. Any hints?21:54
veenenenHey everybody. Anyone know what's going on the apple magic trackpad drivers? They've been working fine in maverick until this afternoon's updates, now the configuration tab in mouse preferences is gone and tap to click isn't working.21:56
mikeosgoogle gives no results;  before filing a bug I'd like to identify the component at least - KDE, powerdevil, nvidia card, Xorg21:56
mikeosveenenen: perhaps you upgraded to 2.6.35-22 kernel.  If you didn't purge the previous one, try to boot 2.6.35-21 and rerport the result..21:58
yofelveenenen: try to boot an older kernel, someone else had touchpad problems with -22, different hardware though21:58
mikeossomeone running 4.5.1 on maverick on laptop could try the "Turn Off Display" on lid close whether the display comes back on lid reopen?22:03
yofeloh, KDE?22:09
* yofel goes trying..22:09
yofelmikeos: stays off until I press a button or move the mouse22:10
yofeland get's locked :/22:10
SarvattBUGabundo: have you tried booting with the hdmi plugged in from the start, or are you always just hotplugging it?22:10
BUGabundolet me try that22:11
mikeosyofel: thanks for the test; my behaviour:  stays off until I press a button or move mouse; when I do that, the display gets backlit but stays blank :-/  what could I try to do in order to get  some more (debug)info?22:11
BUGabundolol there goes sarvatt22:12
yofelmikeos: not sure, not an X debugging expert..., check dmesg and xorg log for once22:12
yofelmikeos: and maybe look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/ if there's something useful22:13
yofeloh nice, my nouveau lockup from today is even documented lol https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/Freeze#Problem:%20%20Log%20shows%20%22[mi]%20EQ%20overflowing%22%20and%20X%20freezes22:14
yofelgrr... powerdevil changing hdd powermanagement values is making me mad *-.-22:15
yofel(and giving a single checkbox to set it to 254 or to 1, very usefull)22:16
mikeos"xset dpms force suspend" and "xset dpms force on" both work as expected, switch off then switch back on the display, so I don't think Xorg is an issue..22:16
yofelmaybe the driver doing some internal madness then22:16
yofelor bios22:16
BUGabundonow my sound died22:16
BUGabundodarn it22:16
BUGabundohow do we restart sound this days?22:17
mikeosyofel: right, maybe... unfortunately I can't test neither with NV or NOUVEAU since the only driver working for my HW is the proprietary ;-(22:17
BUGabundopulseaudio -k ?22:17
mikeosBUGabundo: AFAIK if you're on KDE there's also Phonon wrapping the audio services22:18
veenenenok, quick stupid question. how to you tell maverick to boot to another kernel. I see the kernel in the boot folder, but I never get a chance to hit esc on boot.22:18
yofelBUGabundo: I think, it should auto-respawn22:18
BUGabundomikeos: Worse22:18
BUGabundognome with a chroot and nexted X to KDE apps22:18
mikeosveenenen:  grub2 uses SHIFT to pop-up the boot menu22:18
veeneneni use luks, so do I just hold down shift after I enter my key?22:19
yofelmeaning: start holding shift during the bios display, it should come up then22:19
veenenenalright, thanks22:20
mikeosBUGabundo: nested X plays no role thus I suppose that I would look at pulse audio..22:21
BUGabundosound broke after kmail open22:21
BUGabundoand it asked for sound devices22:21
veenenenyeah, that didn't work22:22
veenenenit just booted up normally22:23
mikeosyofel: what gfx card do you have?22:24
yofelhere a Quadro NVS 3100M22:25
mikeosveenenen: i use right shift, don't know if it makes a difference;  push it as soon as your PC completes with POST22:25
mikeosyofel: well nvidia; my drivers are 256.5322:26
mikeosyofel: are you on proprietary drivers?22:26
charlie-tcahold the shift key22:26
yofelmikeos: I am, 260.19.04 though (x-updates ppa)22:27
mikeosyofel: this one? https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates22:28
BUGabundocan anyone tell me from the top of their head what I need to migrate from one laptop to another to move Kmail ?22:28
yofelmikeos: right, that one22:28
mikeosyofel:  my Xorg comes from Xorg edgers repo, didn't know about this multipuropse "edgers" PPA ;-)22:29
yofelBUGabundo: .kde/share/apps/kmail and one more folder IIRC22:29
yofelmikeos: ah, I don't use edgers here22:30
BUGabundomajor bug22:31
BUGabundoanyone here on gnome/nautilus?22:31
BUGabundoseems nautilus doesn't like '~'22:32
mikeosyofel: drivers dont't install:22:32
mikeosThe following packages have unmet dependencies:22:32
mikeos  xserver-xorg-core: Breaks: xserver-xorg-video-6 which is a virtual package.22:32
yofelI would blame edgers22:32
yofelas x-updates is built against the official archive22:33
yofelmikeos: you could try to build the package yourself, pretty easy22:33
mikeosyofel: yeah, me too :-/  aptitude does not propose a downgrade option.. a tough work in front of me22:33
mikeosyofel: you mean the package from nvidia.com?22:33
yofelmikeos: no the nvidia-current package from x-updates, needs a simple rebuild I think22:34
veenenenalright got it switched back to 2.6.35-21 and no change22:34
veenenenthe trackpad pad still isn't working right22:34
yofelmikeos: from https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates/+sourcepub/1289885/+listing-archive-extra download the 3 files at the bottom somewhere22:35
mikeosyofel: what's your output of "Xorg -version"  ?22:36
* BUGabundo tries a symlink maildir setup 22:38
BUGabundojust hope it won't break all my emails :S22:38
mikeosyofel: we've got pretty the same Xorg, just the packaging is different. I'll compile the nvidia from x-swat and I will see. If ok, i'll purge Xorg, remove the edgers repo and reinstall default maverick Xorg22:39
BUGabundohumm I better make an extra , local , backup22:39
veenenenAnyone else have any ideas on the trackpad issue?22:40
* yofel looks at his tiny 750MiB .thunderbird folder...22:40
BUGabundothat's just *some* accounts22:40
BUGabundoI have one on imap with 80GBs22:40
yofelveenenen: can you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log?22:40
mikeosyofel: i'll need to kill X in order to compile nvidia.. bbl;  thanks so far22:40
yofelmikeos: why are you compiling nvidia??22:41
mikeosyofel: i'm compiling the driver from source as you suggested22:41
BUGabundokmail is the last thing I have to migrate from my old HD to the new SSD22:41
BUGabundobut its SO BIG I has to stay on an external disk22:41
mikeosyofel: in fact the script does teh compilation for me22:41
yofelmikeos: I said rebuild the package, not compile the driver22:41
mikeosyofel: oh22:41
BUGabundoeither that or I need to start deletign 20GBs of email22:41
yofelmikeos: do you have the 3 files downloaded?22:42
mikeosyofel: just the gzipped tar; you're suggesting just to repackage the deb?22:43
yofelmikeos: open a terminal, go to the place you downloaded them to and run 'dpkg -x nvidia-graphics-drivers_260.19.04-0ubuntu0~xup2.dsc ' go into the folder that was created and run 'sudo apt-get build-dep nvidia-current' and then 'dpkg-buildpackage' - that will create a new nvidia-current.deb in the folder above22:43
yofelerr wrong22:43
mikeosyofel: clear now22:44
yofeldpkg-source -x nvidia-graphics-drivers_260.19.04-0ubuntu0~xup2.dsc22:44
htorquemaybe with --no-check ;)22:44
yofelwhich *should* install from what I know22:44
yofelveenenen: erm, line 720-722 don't exacly sound good...22:45
yofelveenenen: do you have xserver-xorg-input-evdev installed?22:46
mikeosyofel: the driver is in :-)  killing X22:46
veenenenno, i do not22:46
yofelinstall that and see if it helps22:47
veeneneni'm assuming I should restart?22:49
yofelat least restart X (logout)22:49
mikeosyofel: 260.19.04 active;  the problem with blank screen persists.  If I knew how KDE 4.5 Power Management module handles display on/off...:-/22:51
yofelthen I'm out of ideas (maybe someone in #kubuntu-devel knows the latter)22:51
yofelveenenen: better? or even more broken?22:55
veenenenwell, got rid of that first error, but it's still the same22:56
veenenenupdated output22:58
yofelhm, bug 637430 was fixed yesterday, maybe that's what's causing your problem23:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 637430 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev (Ubuntu) "Magic Trackpad should default to evdev instead of synaptics" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63743023:00
yofelxserver-xorg-input-evdev (1:2.3.2-6ubuntu3) maverick; urgency=low23:01
yofel  * Set default input module to evdev for Apple Magic Mouse (LP: #637430)23:01
yofel    - Add debian/local/60-magictrackpad.conf23:01
BUGabundoguys allow me a bit of offtopic23:02
BUGabundoanyone here is able to recommend a good remote, offsite, domestic user oriented, backup solution ?23:02
mikeosyofel: those devel guys are ignoring me (obviously;);  btw KDE behaves funny as to power management. When I first lock my session, then lid close does nothing. The same for suspend key combination - does not work when the screen is locked...  stuipd I think23:02
yofelveenenen: maybe go to #ubuntu-x mentioning your problem, Xorg.0.log and the bug I referenced23:03
veenenenok, thanks23:04
BUGabundoguess no one does backups then23:04
yofelif you get no answer for a while, file a bug with 'ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg-input-evdev' and add the regression-potential tag if apport doesn't add it23:04
yofelBUGabundo: rsync is fine for my needs23:05
BUGabundoyofel: sure... but *where* to23:05
BUGabundoI already have 2 local disks23:05
BUGabundoI want an offsite solution23:05
yofelI rsync over the network on another PC23:05
mikeosBUGabundo: i prefer duplicity; very versatile command line tool for simple backups23:05
mikeosBUGabundo: "duplicity" is the name of the tools, so far the best I have seen23:06
veenenenBUGabundo: I use s3cmd and backup stuff to s3 for my off site23:07
BUGabundodeja-dupe is nice too23:07
BUGabundoveenenen: yeah I looked into that23:07
BUGabundobut 100GBs with 3 years storage would amount to 400US$23:07
mikeosBUGabundo: isn't it a GUI over duplicity?  If i'm not mistaken from what I have seen I wouldn't recommend it23:07
BUGabundothink so23:08
BUGabundohow IO and CPU heavy is duplicity algorithms compared to EncFS or trucrypt?23:10
yofelveenenen: added my 2 cents, as I said, it nobody answers for a while, file a bug so it doesn't get forgotten (apport will add your xorg log to the report)23:11
yofel*if nobody answers23:11
veenenenyofel: thanks23:11
mikeosBUGabundo: i think google gives an answer about your quesion; i switched from EncFS to ecryptfs thanks to it's great integration with the login process to the machine, e.g. automount home23:13
mikeosBUGabundo: oops you asked about duplicity, i believe it uses gzip23:13
BUGabundomoving this to #ubuntu-offtopic23:15
BUGabundoif you care to join me23:15
BUGabundosince ill be meaning comercial products23:16
mikeosyofel: thanks for your support, time for sleep23:18
=== mikeos is now known as mikeos_away
* mikeos_away is away: Gone away for now23:19
nigelb!away mikeos_away23:19
* nigelb nudges ubottu 23:19
duanedesignhas anyone had the Broadcast Accounts dialog continuously opening every 15 minutes or so?23:26
vlcncan someone explain what is going on here? http://hostthenpost.org/uploads/3a9c031b8277037d79554aed1bf5711a.png23:32
vlcnwhy are there two drives?23:32
dholbertvlcn, I can't explain it, but that's not two drives23:34
dholbertthat's one drive, and its partition23:34
dholbertsda = the hard drive device, sda1 = the first partition on the drive23:34
=== maedox is now known as maedox|afk
Jordan_Uvlcn: You most likely want to select sda only.23:42
white_magicanyone here?23:52
white_magici'm having constant trouble upgrading 10.10 beta. it fails at the 'fetching' part23:52
ChogyDanwhite_magic: is there a more specific error?23:54
Dinknetwork issue ?23:55
white_magici am on wireless23:55
white_magichowever, it works fine for web browsing23:55
white_magicthe message is really just that 'failed to fetch ... blah blah blah package'23:55
Dinklook at /etc/apt/sources.list.d/prerequists-sources.list and see if you can ping that url23:55
white_magicsame message for like 100+ packages23:55
LBoSorry for the question but I can't find the answer23:57
LBoIs sun-java removed from maverick?23:57
LBoI can't apt-cache search it23:58
yofelLBo: no, it's simply not there yet23:58
white_magichmm, on a different note, i tried pinging google.com for a few seconds, and i had 28% packet loss..that can't be good, right?23:58
yofel(not removed as in: it never was there)23:58
LBoyofel: thanks. That's what I wanted to know. I'll install the lucid for now then23:58
Dinkwhite_magic, you are having some sort of network issue.23:58
white_magicyea, it's called wireless...23:58
yofelLBo: there is a bug open requesting it and it should be there soon, use the lucid package or help testing openjdk ;)23:58
DinkLBo, use lucid partner repo23:58
LBoWill do. Thanks for the help. I'm trying this new php ide23:59
LBoWe're still on Zend 5.5 and I'm now trying phpstorm23:59

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