
=== XorA is now known as XorA|gone
persiaYes!  kde4libs has made it to the install stage!01:34
GrueMasterWhat are you building on?01:39
persiaI think it's a Babbage 3.0, but that's guessing based on IRC traffic.01:44
tommdI have Alpha 1 (for 10.10) on my Touchbook but it seems to want a password - is there a default?01:46
persiatommd, How did you install?01:47
tommdpersia: With dd (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OMAPMaverickInstall)01:47
GrueMastertommd: You should be able to boot and it should run oem-install on it's own.01:48
GrueMasterWhere did you get the image?01:48
persiatommd, An image from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/ports/releases/ ?01:49
tommdGrueMaster: It didn't.  Is this a result of me using the AI kernel (not the default Ubuntu/Maverick alpha kernel)01:49
tommdpersia: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/ports/releases/10.10/beta/01:49
tommdoops, yes01:49
persiaWhere are you seeing the username prompt?01:49
tommdIts an X login prompt01:50
GrueMasterIf you are using a custom kernel and not the provided initrd, it will fail.01:50
tommdIt's off now and I'm just replacing the /etc/shadow.01:50
persiaHrm.  I wonder if there are odd board-support issues.  That oughtn't happen.01:50
tommdGrueMaster: Ah.  How is the kernel involved in first-boot setup?  I would have thought this as something user space + a flag/file.01:50
persiathe kernel has to have the right modules enabled, and the initrd needs to have the right code to set stuff up for the first-boot experience.01:51
persiaSo an arbitrary kernel/initrd ends up connecting to a half-installed system, which doesn't work.01:51
GrueMasterThere are a couple of scripts that run from initrd, one that resizes the image to fill the Sd card, the other to do some minor tweaks, like triggering oem-install to run.01:51
GrueMasterThe scripts are part of the jasper-intramfs package.01:52
persiatommd, If you must replace the kernel, try not replacing the initrd (as risky as this is).01:52
persiaI have a low confidence in that solution.01:52
persiaNext, try booting into some other working environment, and mounting the half-installed system as a chroot, and rebuilding the initramfs inside that, and then extracting that for use.01:53
persiaideally, determine what part is failing, and file some bugs so that the touchbook can be supported in the future (although with that RAM and IO, I fear it will never be well supported)01:54
tommdPerhaps I can just go with the custom mlo01:54
tommdand the Ubuntu kernel... though I bet that won't have much of the hardware supported.01:55
persiatommd, It's mostly a mainline kernel: does mainline support the touchbook yet?01:57
tommdNot really.  There are a couple issues (accelerometer, I think... some people made noise about the screen)01:57
tommdI'm going to try though01:57
persiaOnce you complete the rootfs install, you can probably swap kernels without such poor results.01:57
tommdok,  I'm giving it a go01:58
tommdugly screen.01:58
persiaWhich one?01:59
tommdIts a somewhat long story - basically my NAND is a bit screwed up so I need an mlo/u-boot that doesn't use the NAND settings.01:59
tommdThe latest AI u-boot is sufficient.01:59
tommdAnd it seems trying to boot the 10.10 kernel with the other mlo/u-boot was a bad idea.02:00
persiaUnfortuantely, it seems that uboots are even more sensitive to board changes than kernels.02:00
* persia wants EFI+grub last year more02:00
tommdyeah, I don't know much about u-boot other than I'm unhappy when I hear it said.02:00
Nekois there a big package update going on or something?02:26
NekoI can't install gnome desktop, smbclient requires samba-common of a very exacting version but the one in the pool is one version better than the smbclient wants02:26
persiaFinal Freeze was 8.5 hours ago.02:27
persiaLots of folks pushed to the hard limit for their uploads, so the queues got huge.02:27
Nekookay it's just I noticed this:02:28
persiaShould be sorted in ~30 hours.02:28
Neko[ ]samba-common_3.5.4~dfsg-1ubuntu6_all.deb16-Sep-2010 07:05 386K02:28
Neko[ ]samba-common_3.5.4~dfsg-1ubuntu7_all.deb16-Sep-2010 21:04 385K02:28
Neko.. the build times are less than 14 hours apart... which is freakish02:28
Neko30 hours is a long time to wait for the counterpart packages :]02:28
persiahttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/armel/+builds?build_text=&build_state=pending is the list of stuff needing building and the order in which it will build.  LP guesses about times, but isn't usually that far off.02:30
Nekotimes? you mean the numbers like 1755, 2505?02:31
Nekominutes or seconds?02:31
Nekooh the links tell you an hours.. and it says 16 at least02:35
Nekooh well02:35
Nekoback in a bit02:35
tommdThe TouchBook has lots of custom bootargs in the NAND.  Not sure how this compares to the BeagleBoard.  Should I wipe out the bootargs and try the Ubuntu kernel or should they remain?03:13
rcn-eetommd, last i checked the default ubuntu kernel only has what mainline support exists for the touchbook.. which isn't much, including no screen...03:15
tommdrcn-ee: Thanks, I had thought the screen made mainline.  Shows what I know.  This explains why I'm not getting any stdout...  and I thought the kernel wasn't getting loaded.03:17
tommdnot really any (easy) way to get it to configure then, huh?  No screen with Ubuntu.  No initrd (no Ubuntu initrd) with the AI kernel.  argh03:18
rcn-eetommd, i just happen to be working on it myself too..  other then the dss2 stuff nothing is too useful for end users yet.. http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~beagleboard-kernel/%2Bjunk/2.6.36-devel/files/head:/patches/touchbook/  (slowlying syncing with touchbook's git tree..)03:19
persiaDo you have any working armel environments?03:19
persiaIf so, you ought be able to reconstrut the Ubuntu initrd in a chroot.03:19
tommdpersia: I had a working OE setup and I have the TB working in conjunction with the AI kernel (and an older Ubuntu)03:20
tommdThat's it.03:20
tommdThe AI Kernel doesn't use an initrd, so I'd need to modify that slightly to begin with.03:21
GrueMastertommd: Well, you could get a copy of jasper-initramfs and read what the scripts do.  Then apply them manually to an SD card prior to booting.05:35
avinashhmhi , can we mount a directory like this .. "mount -t nfs /sys/kernel/debug/pm_debug/ /avinash/"07:05
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lagogra: Do you have sound working on your 6/8 layer?08:33
lagmopdenacker: What about you?08:33
lagprpplague: Are you around still?08:34
ogralag, not with the default setup, no08:50
ogra(8 layer)08:50
lagDo you have it working at all?08:50
lagEven with the hacky files?08:51
ograi dont fiddle with it, so no08:51
ogralet me add the files and see08:51
lagI need someone to do some tests08:51
ograwhat was the bug# ?08:51
lagThat would be great08:51
lagbug 63794708:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 637947 in linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "no sound devices on current ES2.0 boards (affects: 1) (heat: 12)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63794708:51
lagLet me know if you get sound working08:55
ograits the bottom plug, right ?08:57
ograi hear farting sounds ... and pops when the amp goes on and off08:58
ograoh, wait, i forgot the daemon.conf08:58
* ogra reboots again08:58
lagHow did you test?08:59
lagCommand please08:59
ogranone, i rebooted08:59
ograexpecting the login sound08:59
lagOh, I see08:59
ograsounds were disabled by default09:00
ograenabling them gets me the login sound with distrotion09:00
* ogra reboots again to hear09:01
ograyep, works09:02
ograbut i always get the farting sound if it initializes09:03
ogradropping the daemon.conf changes still gets me sound09:05
ograso they are not urgetnly needed it seems09:05
ograoh, fun, my USB didnt initialize this time09:06
ogra(no NIC, no kbd/mouse)09:06
ogralag, so i obviously need the default.pa and the amixer hacks to make it work, it works fine with the original daemon.conf09:11
ograbut initializing the HW is very noisy (popping and farting sounds)09:12
=== amitk is now known as amitk-afk
neil_dI am looking for a ARM board with SATA...09:22
ogragood luck :)09:22
ogralag, commented on the bug09:25
ograseems there are a lot unneeded changes in default.pa09:25
dmartlool: ping09:26
lagogra: It looks like I had network problems - did you get back to me?09:27
ogralag, commented on the bug, there are many pointelss changes in default.pa09:27
ograall i need are the three lines i pasted there plus the amixer hack09:27
ograand no changes to daemon.conf at all09:28
lagWhat application plays the login sound?09:28
ogragnome-session i think09:28
dmartogra: actually, you can probably answer my question too09:28
ogradmart, lets try :)09:29
lagogra: Do this: aplay -Dplughw:0,0 /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/desktop-login.wav09:29
dmartogra: quick one: it seems that the libmad fix works - someone got a good test result09:29
dmartogra: should I submit a merge request, and who's the appropriate maintainer?09:29
ogradmart, it would have to be a final freeze exception, not sure we'll get it in09:30
ografinal freeze is in effect since yesterday ... i think the release team needs to approve09:30
ogralag, /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/desktop-login.wav: No such file or directory09:30
* ogra goes to look for a wav09:30
ogralag, aplay -Dplughw:0,0 /usr/share/sounds/speech-dispatcher/dummy-message.wav hangs09:31
ogra(with my setup though)09:31
dmartogra: since you have a workaround in place, it can go in post-release... is there a development branch, or do we just have to hold off merging it until natty gets created?09:31
mopdenackerlag: I don't have my Panda any more :-(09:32
lagmopdenacker: :(09:32
ogradmart, reopen, mark it as ubuntu-later (as milestone) and turn the bug into an SRU request09:32
ograhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates for more info09:33
ndecogra: hi! where is our daily ? ;-)09:33
ograndec, waiting for the qeue to settle09:33
ndecogra: argh...09:33
lagogra: Do this: aplay -Dplughw:0,8 /usr/share/sounds/speech-dispatcher/dummy-message.wav09:33
ograndec, https://edge.launchpad.net/builders09:33
ograndec, armel 19h behind09:33
ogralag, one sec, my ssh console hangs since the last command09:34
dmartogra: > turn the bug into an SRU request09:34
dmartogra: how does that work?09:35
ogradmart, right09:35
ogradmart, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates for more info :)09:35
dmartaha :) thanks ogra09:35
ogradmart, or more detailed https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Procedure09:35
ogralag, i think i have to reboot ... while the mouse moves still the system got unresponsive09:36
ograndec, sadly thats normal after a freeze, there were 100s of uploads the last two days09:37
ndecogra: until we give you bunch of panda ;-)09:37
ograndec, yeah, i want 50 !09:38
ograor one for each package in main ... not sure yet :P09:38
lagogra: ndec: I am fast coming to the conclusion that my board is incapable of sound09:38
ndeclag: 6 or 8 layer?09:38
ogralag, thats bad09:38
ogradidnt you have sound yesterday for a while ?09:38
lagI'd love to work on this bug, but I need a board that can cope :(09:38
lagOnly via HDMI09:39
lagI still have sound via HDMI09:39
ogradid you have the speaker output in the sound prefs then ?09:39
ograwell, HDMI should suffice for hacking on the driver09:39
lagNo, the HDMI works09:39
lagEven without the file hacks09:40
ograso you could work on this09:40
lagaplay -Dplughw:0,6 /usr/share/sounds/speech-dispatcher/dummy-message.wav09:40
lagThat will _always_ work09:40
ograhangs my board here09:40
lagNot hanging, playing?09:40
ogranot here09:41
lagMine plays the robot voice09:41
ograwell, as you see above my board hung by it09:41
lagOh, you may need the high res timers09:42
lagHang on, I'll send you my kernel09:42
ograin the kernel ?09:42
ograi should be able to dist-upgrade to it09:42
ograafaik the binary is in the archive09:42
ograone sec09:42
lagSince my commit?09:42
ogralinux-ti-omap4 (2.6.35-903.12) maverick; urgency=low09:43
ogra  [ Lee Jones ]09:43
ogra  * [Config] Enable CONFIG_HIGH_RES_TIMERS=y09:43
lagThat's the badger09:43
ograthat will take a while ...09:46
* ogra goes afk for a moment09:46
lagDear TI,09:47
lagPlease send me a 8 layer ES2.0 pandaboard09:47
lagas soon as possible. I would love to fix09:47
lagyour audio issues, but I'm finding it hard09:47
lagwithout working hardware.09:47
lagKind regards,09:48
hrwlag: I heard that at the end of month there will be next set of boards shipped to people09:48
hrwwho will get them? no idea09:49
ndeclag: ;-)09:50
ndeclag: i think HDMI does not work out of the box. i am surprised by your conclusion.09:50
ndeclag: do you confirm that flashing 20100914, booting and running the aplay command without any other config works?09:51
lagndec: I will flash a new card and tell you09:56
looldmart: pong09:58
ogralag, bah, no login sound anymore with your kernel10:14
ograwell, with the upgrade from the archive10:15
lagWhat if you apply the hacky files again?10:16
lagAnd run the *.sh10:16
ogrageez !10:16
ograand about 500 kerneloops popups on the desktop10:16
* ogra clicks madly 10:16
ogralag, which .sh ?10:16
ograwhats that ?10:17
lagThe one you ran to get sound working10:17
ograis that different from the amixer hack stuff ?10:17
lagThe amixer hacks10:17
ograah, its in rc.local10:17
ograi'm lazy ... runs automatically on boot10:18
ograhmm, hangs again10:18
ogra(without doing anything)10:18
ograi'm starting to think that this amixer carp is at fault10:19
* ogra wanted to at least see dmesg for all the oopses :(10:19
lagndec: I _can_ confirm that HDMI sound works out-of-the-box10:20
lagogra: How do you mean 'hangs'?10:20
lagDoes the screen go black?10:20
ograno, i was greeted with a ton of kerneloops messages on the desktop ... klicked them away ...10:22
ograthen logged in via ssh10:22
ogra(to easier get to the logs)10:22
ogratalked to you here10:22
ograswitched to ssh terminal and noticed it hangs10:22
ograswitched to omap desktop, clicked on terminal ... desktop hangs, mouse still moves10:23
ograbut i seem to be able to switch consoles, i got the dmesg10:23
ogradesktop hangs completely now though10:23
ogralag, http://paste.ubuntu.com/495172/ my dmesg has several 100s of these now10:25
lagI still receive the GPU hang _a lot_10:25
ograand this one at the end http://paste.ubuntu.com/495174/10:25
lagYeah, that doesn't look good10:26
ogralet me restore the configs to default10:27
ograand see whats there after reboot10:27
lagI'm not testing sound with the kernel from the 14th10:28
lagWithout High Res' Timers10:28
ograwell, i'm running the lkatest from the archive now10:29
ograi just want to make sure the oopses dont show up without the amixer crap10:29
lagI get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/495177/10:29
ografunny, i have the farting sound even without amixer stuff10:30
ogralag, yeah, seems i have both too10:30
lagAnd that's with the straight 14th kernel10:30
lagWith default.pa and the script run10:31
lagBut still no sound10:31
ografresh boot (right after booting)10:31
ograwith all ubuntu defaults restored10:31
ogranow thats worrying10:31
ograsigh !10:32
ograand a kerneloops message on the desktop for every line there10:32
lagHow did you restore the defaults/10:33
ograand disabling amixer.sh in rc.local10:33
ograoh, sweet!10:33
ograi see audio HW in the sound prefs10:33
lagAren't the amixer settings persistent?10:34
ograeven without these files10:34
lagYou do?10:34
lagOh yeah, me too!10:34
ograhmm, might be that the mixer settings are persistent10:34
lagThey are10:34
lagI think they're persistent10:34
lagHence why I was shocked that you had them in .local10:34
ograso i need a new image (which we wont have until tomorrow)10:34
ograto see the defaults10:35
lagOr reflash 1410:35
lagOr reflash 14 and apply the new kernel10:35
ograthis is my development setup10:35
ograi dont really want to trash it10:35
ogra(takes half a day to restore all the build env and chroots)10:36
ogralet me look for another SD10:36
ograargh ... and i only have 0915 here10:36
lagI am missing HDMI from Output though10:36
lagIn sound perfs10:36
ograyes, thats only provided by the default.pa10:37
lagBut I am using default.pa10:37
ograthe one from TI ?10:37
ograor ours10:37
lagOh, no I'm not10:37
lagI saved it as default.pa.new10:37
ograyou effectively only need to add the three lines i posted on the bug10:37
lagLet me try it with our one10:37
ograthey shoudl give you all devices and not disable essential services like udev10:38
ograor consolekit (thats a really bad one, not sure why TI added that)10:38
lagI'll do that10:39
lagDo you get audio now?10:39
ograi get the "farting" on boot10:39
lagThen you need to find out what changed10:39
ograwhich i guess comes from alsa restoring the mixer stuff10:39
ograwhat changed is that i restored the original pulse config10:39
lagChange it back10:39
lagTry to get sound again10:40
lagWith the new kernel10:40
ograi wont10:40
ograit will kill the kernel10:40
ograerr, the desktop10:40
lagWe need to find out why you no longer get sound10:40
ograi switched back to my hacked default.pa and am rebooting now10:41
ograbut i get the oopses in both cases with the new kernel10:41
ogralogin sound with some distrotion10:42
ograusual oopses in dmesg10:42
ograand additionally ...10:42
ogra[   51.534149] asoc: interface MultiMedia1 hw params failed10:43
ogra5 lines of that at the end10:43
ograoh !10:43
lagOkay, but the sound is there?10:43
ograin the sound prefs i have two input and three output devices now10:43
ograinstead of one input and two output which i should have10:44
lagLucky you :)10:44
lagWhat happens when you "Test speakers"10:44
lagI have loads of stuff in Sound Perfs now10:45
ograsigh, clicking around in sound prefs a bit hangs the desktop again10:46
lag[  156.123229] [<c005b9a0>] (omap_mcbsp_write+0x8/0x18) from [<c005bf90>] (omap_mcbsp_config+0x48/0x128)10:46
lagAfter changing to HDMI and clicking "Test speakers"10:47
lagogra: I want you to do something for me10:47
lagogra: It may take 10 mins and a few reboots10:48
ogramy board hangs hard now btw10:48
ograno console switching, no mouse movement10:48
lagfor i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; do aplay -Dplughw:0,$1 /usr/share/sounds/speech-dispatcher/dummy-message.wav; done10:48
lagBut you have to do it manually10:49
lagThat script won't work10:49
ograi'll try that10:49
lagThe script?10:49
lagYou won't10:49
lagOh, wait10:49
lagIt might10:49
ograi'm pretty sure only 0,0 and 0,7 have attached output devices10:49
lagNo, this is ALSA10:50
ogra(since thats what is defined in default.pa)10:50
lagdefault.pa is Pulse10:50
ograthe pulse config applies to the alsa stuff10:50
lagThat's at a higher level?10:50
ogrameans pulse uses this exact alsa device10:50
ograand the three lines i have in default.pa define device=hw:0,0 device=hw:0,7 and device=hw:0,210:51
ogra0,2 for input10:51
ograthey need to correspond to -Dplughw:0,7 and -Dplughw:0,010:52
ograelse i wouldnt have sound at all10:52
* ogra waits for the reboot to be done10:52
lagThen why does -Dhw:0,6 work for HDMI out of the box?10:53
ograbecause the default.pa entries are wrong ?10:53
lagWhich ones?10:53
ograthe ones provided by ti10:54
lagNope, out-of-the-box10:54
ograaplay -Dplughw:0,0 /usr/share/sounds/speech-dispatcher/dummy-message.wav works10:54
ograogra@panda:~$ aplay -Dplughw:0,7 /usr/share/sounds/speech-dispatcher/dummy-message.wav10:55
ograaplay: main:654: audio open error: Device or resource busy10:55
lagWith TI's files and *.sh?10:55
lagTry 610:55
ogrageez !!!10:55
* ogra tried 0.210:55
ograthat closed my ssh10:55
lag0,2 is input10:56
ograand hung the board hard10:56
ograstill, that shouldnt hang hard10:56
* ogra reboots10:56
lagYou just tried to play a track down an input :)10:56
ndecogra: lag: hdmi is 0,6 on current kernel, and is moved to 0,7 on the future kernel. lag is probably using the latest serie of patches from sebjan. but what is in the archive today is different10:56
ograand ?10:56
lagI told you there may be some inputs10:56
ograstill, if i send anything to a device that shouldnt hang the board10:56
ograspill an error is fine, but hard hang isnt10:57
lagNope, but we can sort that out another time10:57
lagI'm fairly sure my board is INCAPABLE of sound now :(10:57
lagNot a dicky-bird10:57
ograyou just sounded above like it would be acceptable to hang it :)10:57
lagIt's none of my concern - yet10:58
ograso 0,0 and 0,6 work10:59
ogra0,7 has no device attached10:59
lagI might try to work on these scheduling while atomic bugs until I receive a working board10:59
ogralikely because of what ndec said above10:59
lag0,0 do not work for me10:59
ograany other mnumbers you want me to try ?10:59
lagNo, but I would like you to do one more thing for me11:00
lagI think I know the answer, but I'd like to try in any case11:00
lagDo you have any way of flashing a fresh 14?11:01
lagSpare cards etc11:01
ograi need to downgrade the image i have11:01
ograi only have 15 here11:01
lagI thought 15 was broken?11:01
ograwhich is totally broken (uninstallable)11:01
ogradude !11:02
ograi build them :P11:02
lagI know11:02
lagYou're just lazy11:02
ograi'm zsyncing to the image to 14 now11:02
lagDo you want me to write you a script to flash your card too?11:02
ogratakes just a few mins11:03
ograsince it only downloads the differences11:03
ogra11min for 30% of the image apparently11:03
lagNever done that11:03
ogra30% is a lot of changes for a day :)11:03
ograi usually get 5% and 2min or so11:04
ogralag, you should11:04
ograits so much faster11:04
ograand saves badwith too11:04
ograthe only thing you need to take care of is that you keep the old img.gz around11:05
ograthen just call zsync <url to the zsync file>11:05
ogra zsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/ports/daily-preinstalled/20100914/maverick-preinstalled-netbook-armel+omap4.img.gz.zsync11:05
ograin the same dir maverick-preinstalled-netbook-armel+omap4.img.gz lives11:05
lagI think I'll give it a miss11:06
lagMy images download without me even knowing about it anyway11:06
ograwell, even your scripts will be faster using zsync :)11:06
lagIt's a non-issue :)11:07
ograit wastes bandwith canonical has to pay for11:07
* ogra makes a note to talk to pete about lag's next bonus :P11:08
lagLol - you goon!11:08
lagI'll tell them to take off the £0.05p per week11:08
ograhmm, actually if i have to write an image anyway ... i always wanted to see if zcat to mmcblk0 works instead of dd11:09
* ogra will try that11:09
ogra4min to go ...11:09
lagWith what?11:10
ograthe zsync11:10
ograor do you mean what i twiddle ?11:11
ogratoes indeed11:11
* ogra has mselly feet and needs the fresh air11:11
ograzsync done11:14
ograroot@osiris:/var/build/images# zcat maverick-preinstalled-netbook-armel+omap4.img.gz >/dev/mmcblk0 ...11:17
ograwow, that works11:17
ograand puts a lot less load on my computer than dd it seems11:17
ograi wonder if there is a sudo way11:19
* ogra will try for the next write 11:19
ograthat should make our install instructions a lot easier11:20
ograhmm, still running11:22
ndecogra: sudo sh -C 'zcat xxx > /dev/mmcblkxx'11:24
ograndec, yeah11:24
ograi was thinking about tee11:24
ndecogra: zcat xxx | sudo tee /dev/mmcblk ?11:25
ograindeed invoking a subshell will always work11:25
ograno, that doesnt11:25
ogratried that and then resorted to root to not make lag lag11:25
ograndec, so any idea why your default.pa switches off both module-detect lines and consolekit ? thats really superfluous11:28
ograyou really only need to add the sinks to make it work11:28
ndecogra: i think it used to break, but that might have been with older kernel. berco is looking at this.11:30
ograshould be fine to just have a three line change11:31
ograconsolekit should definitely stay enabled11:31
ograand module-detect wont do any harm since we define the sinks hardcoded anyway11:32
bercoogra: i'm gathering more internal information on this. From my experience, this line can be re-enabled11:32
lagogra: Have you tried it yet?11:32
ograberco, yeah, from my testing it doesnt change a thing (at least on panda)11:32
ogralag, still waiting for oem-config to finish11:33
bercoyeah, except we can get traces in syslog with this line :)11:33
lagWhen you have it working, try the aplay commands on 0,0 and 0,611:33
ogralag, without any changes  to the system ?11:34
ogra(old kernel, old pulse, no amixer hack)11:34
=== amitk-afk is now known as amitk
ograogra@panda:~$ aplay -Dplughw:0,0 /usr/share/sounds/speech-dispatcher/dummy-message.wav11:40
ograaplay: main:654: audio open error: Invalid argument11:40
ograogra@panda:~$ aplay -Dplughw:0,6 /usr/share/sounds/speech-dispatcher/dummy-message.wav11:40
ograPlaying WAVE '/usr/share/sounds/speech-dispatcher/dummy-message.wav' : Unsigned 8 bit, Rate 8000 Hz, Mono11:40
ogralag ^^^11:40
ograno output (due to missing amixer settings i guess)11:40
ograbut seems HDMI (0,6) is attached by default here11:41
ograoh, intresting11:42
ograogra@panda:~$ aplay -Dplughw:0,4 /usr/share/sounds/speech-dispatcher/dummy-message.wav11:42
ograPlaying WAVE '/usr/share/sounds/speech-dispatcher/dummy-message.wav' : Unsigned 8 bit, Rate 8000 Hz, Mono11:42
ograALSA lib pcm_params.c:2150:(snd1_pcm_hw_refine_slave) Slave PCM not usable11:42
ograaplay: set_params:1031: Broken configuration for this PCM: no configurations available11:42
ograseems there is something attached to 0,411:42
ograaha, and to 0,7 too11:43
ogralag, does that help you ?11:44
* ogra is brave and tries 0,2 again to see if the old kernel crashes too11:44
ogradoesnt :)11:44
ograogra@panda:~$ aplay -Dplughw:0,2 /usr/share/sounds/speech-dispatcher/dummy-message.wav11:44
ograaplay: main:654: audio open error: Invalid argument11:44
ograoh, i take that back11:45
lagI wonder what ALSA does to connect 0,011:45
ograhangs now11:45
lagWhat kind of hang was it11:45
lagCheck the logs11:45
ograquiet hard lock11:45
lagLogs please11:46
ograhow ?11:46
ogrademsg will be gone after reboot11:46
lagI'm assuming you haven't glued your card into your machine?11:46
* ogra nibbles on the glue to get ot out of the slot again11:47
ograbah, you got me11:47
ograthe end of syslog11:49
ogra /var/log/dmesg has no errors11:49
ograSep 17 10:40:06 sycamore kernel: [  727.309112] Wrapper Enabled...11:50
ograSep 17 10:40:06 sycamore kernel: [  727.327941] Start audio transfer...11:50
ograSep 17 10:40:27 sycamore kernel: [  747.851928] Wrapper disabled...11:50
ograSep 17 10:42:14 sycamore kernel: [  855.361022] omap_device: omap-mcpdm-dai.-1: new worst case activate latency 0: 3051711:50
ograthats the end of messages11:50
ogra(before there is only installer stuff)11:50
lagkernlog please11:51
ogranothing that sticks out there11:52
ogra(above that only hdmi init stuff and boot messages)11:52
lagYou should provide yourself with a serial console and try again11:55
ograbah, serial11:55
* ogra fiddles 11:55
ograwow !11:59
ograeven when loggin in through ssh i already get11:59
ogra[   21.537811] asoc: no valid backend routes for PCM: SDP4430 Media11:59
ograabout ten times11:59
lagYes, I know about that11:59
amitkogra: yes, the driver routes audio over ssh when it sense the tcp connection12:00
* amitk ducks12:00
ograi wish ... that would have made my live in LTSP a lot easier back then :)12:00
ogralag, hmm, intresting12:01
ogra[   93.762878] asoc: no valid backend routes for PCM: SDP4430 Voice12:02
ogra[  100.084808] asoc: no valid backend routes for PCM: SDP4430 Tones Playback12:02
ograand also12:03
ogra[  136.720489] asoc: no valid backend routes for PCM: SDP4430 MODEM12:03
ogra0,2 retuns Voice12:03
ograoho, 0,3 gets me an oops12:04
lagPerhaps default.pa links back and front ends12:05
ograand the hang too12:05
ogradefault.pa doesnt link a think in the default setup12:05
ograit uses what udev provides as 0,0 usually12:05
ograor falls back to static alsa detection if udev12:06
ograis missing12:06
ogralag, so [   28.112762] asoc: no valid backend routes for PCM: SDP4430 Media comes from the desktop coming up12:12
ograwhich means pulse defaults to 0,012:12
ograi can reproduce the message with aplay on 0,012:13
lagSounds about right12:15
ograso getting that connected to something by default would give us headphones by default12:16
* ogra goes to find some food ... somehow i missed breakfast again and my friday meeting marathon starts shortly12:24
lagogra: Do me something else12:26
lagRun the *.sh and try again12:26
lagIf that works, it could just be a volume issue12:27
lagIt looks like HDMI does _not_ use the CODEC12:40
lagHence why it works out of the bo12:40
lagThat wasn't a kiss :)12:40
ogra_cmpclag, will test if i'm upstairs again12:41
ogra_cmpcgeez, after i finished eating12:45
lagI mean "will test _when_ i'm upstairs again"12:46
lagI'm not rushing you12:46
lagJust correcting your England12:47
ogra_cmpcgot sound ?12:48
lagMy board doesn't do sound :)12:53
ograi hear sound12:55
ograaplay -Dplughw:0,0 /usr/share/sounds/speech-dispatcher/dummy-message.wav ...12:56
ograafter runnign the script12:56
lagJust by running the *.sh?12:56
* ogra logs out and in again to see12:56
lagWith the old default.pa and daemon.conf?12:56
lagThat's exciting12:56
lagThat means it's just a volume issue12:57
ograwell, while i see the in/output in sound prefs and also the HW i cant get system sounds12:58
ograso its a routing issue too i guess12:58
ograbut aplay definitely works with just the mixer stuff12:59
lagWe can sort that out separately12:59
lagSurely that's a userspace issue?12:59
ograaplay doesnt spit out anything anymore now12:59
lagWhat did you do?13:00
ograseems pulse grabbed the device or something13:00
ograi logged out and in again13:00
ograthen trying aplay on the ssh console ... no output13:00
ograaha, because it hangs again13:01
ograserial ...13:02
lagI'm working on that right now13:02
lagSo it's just a volume issue then?13:02
ograso i can reboot ?13:02
lagYou have to13:02
ograi know, just wanted to know if you need other info before i do :)13:03
* ogra reboots13:03
lagdavidm: ndec: Can I solder my board?13:04
diwiclag, here I am13:05
lagHi David13:05
lagThanks for coming :)13:05
lagRight, so we can get sound by only fiddling with amixer13:05
lagHow does amixer work13:06
lagWho does it talk to?13:06
diwicamixer talks to alsa-lib, which makes ioctl's to the kernel13:06
lagWhere into the kernel?13:07
lagBasically, I want to do inside the kernel what amixer is doing from userspace13:07
diwicthere is also alsactl init if you want to run amixer on startup13:08
lagI'd like to use that as a fallback13:09
diwicbut getting things right in the kernel, I assume that would work too13:09
lagI'm guessing there is no way to revert amixer settings?13:09
lagWe run a script (which I sent to you) to change them all13:09
lagI'm assuming it's not so easy to change them all back (so I can compare them)13:10
diwicrevert? Naah, but you can save and restore them with alsactl13:10
lagI need a fresh image then13:10
lagBear with me13:10
diwicin the standard ubuntu distro, this is done for you automatically13:10
ograwe noticed :)13:11
ogralag, you might be able to delete the state file and reboot13:11
diwicor...let me think...it might be that Daniel T Chen just uploaded a version which *doesn't* do that13:11
lagI think they are persistent over reboot?13:11
ograi have asouns.state here13:11
ograi think thats what stores the settings13:12
diwicjust before the Maverick freeze13:12
ograogra@panda:~$ ls -l /var/lib/alsa/asound.state13:13
ogra-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 15690 2010-09-17 14:05 /var/lib/alsa/asound.state13:13
ograogra@panda:~$ date13:13
ograFri Sep 17 14:12:53 CEST 201013:13
ogramatches my last reboot13:13
lagdiwic: What is the correct way to set ALSA state13:13
ogralook in /etc/init/alsa-mixer-save.conf13:13
lagHow about if we just had a correct asound.state file?13:13
diwiclag, good question. There is a volume database somewhere...13:13
ogralag, wont work, we'd break an existing package with that13:14
ograand it would be more hackish than the script13:14
lagAnd you think hacking the kernel isn't "hackish"?13:14
ograthe proper way for such workarounds are alsa quirks as persia said in the bug13:14
ograif we cant do kernel, we need to do quirks13:15
lagdiwic: So it would go:13:15
lagdiwic: amixer -> alsalib -> (ioctl) -> ? -> sound chip -> CODEC13:16
ograand a line in 00main to sourfce an omap4 setup13:16
ograisnt CODEC before sound_chip ?13:16
diwiclag, I'm not into soc that much, but I would say that your question mark should be replaced by "snd" or "snd-soc-core" module (if there is one of the latter)13:17
lagogra: I don't believe that to be true13:18
lagI think the volume settings are _on_ the CODEC13:18
diwicit depends on what you mean with "sound chip" I guess13:18
diwiclag probably meant the controller13:18
ograi meant physical HW13:19
lagThey are both physical HW13:19
ograwell, attached to the in/output device13:19
lagThe sound chip is connected to the CODEC13:19
diwiclag, technically, both the controller and the codec are "sound chips" :-)13:19
* ogra doesnt know much ablow alsa 13:20
diwic6-12 months from now there might be an additional component called "Use Case Manager" telling people how they should set up the mixer for different use cases13:22
diwicbut that's a different story13:22
diwicFor now I assume alsactl init (i e /usr/share/alsa/init ) should work13:23
lagndec: Why isn't the sdpXXXX mentioned on either the schematic or datasheet?13:23
diwicI guess doing it in the kernel would work as well, but I'm not really familiar with how to do it there. I assume that you could hard-code communication with the codec in the initialization.13:25
hrwdiwic: alsa scenarios got finally implemented?13:27
ograhrw, no, we're blindly poking sticks into it and see if it survives13:28
diwichrw, scenarios? Well, I assume people have talked about it before, but there is implementation undergoing development, I don't think it is merged into alsa yet13:29
diwichrw, you can search alsa-devel for "UCM" or "Use Case Manager" this month or the month before that13:29
amitkogra: getting a lot of heat from OE-apologists? :)13:47
ograamitk, yeah, enetertaining, isnt it ?13:47
pcacjr_i've customised an ubuntu livecd, i would like to know if there's any way to disable that windows which gives us these options: "Try ubuntu" or "Install ubuntu". if it's an off-topic question, please let me know.13:55
* rcn-ee has never won an argument with mru either... ;)13:57
lagprpplague: Are you around yet?14:00
amitkogra: just give him an old board and get it over with :-p14:00
ograamitk, i'd love to :)14:01
ograits just to entertaining ...14:01
ogracant stop :)14:01
zumbiis anyone here using eclipse for cross development?14:11
zumbiI am wondering which sort of plugins is people using14:11
avinashhmhi, my debug fs is mounted in /sys/kernel ... checked /etc/fstab, not moutned from here .. any hints from where it is moutned ?? script file ??14:15
zumbiavinashhm: mount helps?14:18
pcacjr__avinashhm: try "sudo mount" (that shows the current mounted file systems) and look at that one14:18
zumbipcacjr__: i believe no need sudo for calling mount14:19
pcacjr__zumbi: indeed14:19
pcacjr__zumbi: my bad14:19
zumbino prob :)14:19
avinashhmichecked mount .. its mounted in /sys/kernel .. don't know from where this is getting moutned .. not fstab ..checke tht ??14:19
pcacjr__rsalveti: wake up lazy brazilian14:19
pcacjr__avinashhm: isn't it include in the initrd ?14:20
pcacjr__Doh - included14:21
avinashhmpcacjr__, let me check ...14:21
pcacjr__avinashhm: sudo mount -o loop initrd /mnt/foo14:21
avinashhmpcacjr__, there was no initrd .. but found the file .. its mountd from mtab ../etc/mtab ...14:25
pcacjr__avinashhm: cool, good to know too14:25
lagogra: How do you run your amixer.sh?14:26
ograsudo sh amixer.sh currently14:26
avinashhmpcacjr__: thanx ....14:26
pcacjr__avinashhm: nope14:26
lagSo you're using the old version of the script?14:26
* ogra was to lazy to make it executable14:26
ograno, i copy pasted from the bug14:26
ograinto a file called amixer.sh14:26
lagWhich lines?14:27
ograthe whole sript there14:28
lagAnd you don't run amixer.sh -a?14:28
ograjust sh amixer.sh14:28
lagAnd that does what?14:28
lagI think that does the same as -a14:29
ograi guess so14:29
lagYes, same14:29
lagCan you reflash?14:29
lagWith 1414:29
lagThen do sh amixer.sh -s?14:29
* ogra has to prepare for a meeting but i'll try to do that on the side14:30
lagMuch appreciated14:30
ograzcat running14:31
lagOnce you've done it, see if you can get sound without rebooting14:32
lagI think amixer should turn the volume up without the need for a restart14:32
ograyes, it applies immediately14:32
rsalvetihm, lots of audio stuff for today14:32
lagRemember to forget to copy over the other files (that we don't need)14:32
* lag has no hair left14:32
ograrsalveti, and flamewars in #beagle14:33
rsalvetiwhat reminds me we should try to ping persia14:33
* rsalveti looks at #beagle14:33
ograsurely #beagle is the more entertaining channel today :)14:33
* ogra never saw amitk getting rude before 14:33
ogralag, the script definitely applies immediately, i dont need to test that, i can tell you14:34
persiaogra, If you need root to run amisxer.sh something is wrong: it ought just work.14:35
ograthe thing is that it clashes with pulse as soon as you restart the session (or reboot)14:35
ograpersia, i didnt check :)14:35
ograjust ran it with sudo14:35
amitkogra: sometimes an offence is the best defence14:35
ograamitk, yeah ... :)14:35
rsalvetipersia: there you go14:36
rsalvetigood "morning"14:36
* persia claims to be in UTC-7 today14:36
ograamitk, i liked it :)14:36
davidmlag, if you need to. Why?14:38
lagprpplague: Thinks my audio filter may be broken14:39
lagdavidm: prpplague thinks my audio filter may be broken14:39
lagI need to turn this: http://imagebin.ca/view/C-Otvqp.html14:39
ograNCommander, around already ?14:39
lagInto this: http://imagebin.ca/view/rVkPnEG.html14:39
davidmi you are comfortable trying the fix have at it14:39
ogranow i understand why they made the board balck !14:40
lagWell it doesn't work in it's current state14:41
lagIt can't get any worse?14:41
lagI need an 8 layer really14:41
lagThere is no filter on the 8 layer14:41
davidmSo you need to remove L2814:42
davidmAnd C20514:43
avinashhmping GrueMaster14:43
lagI think just L2814:44
lagBut I will clarify with prpplague14:45
rsalvetiogra: indeed a flame14:47
amitkogra: don't do this, ubuntu will get blamed if he quits computers ;)14:47
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
zumbiogra: yes, that is not good way to clean (improve) your employers name15:04
amitkzumbi: I have a minimal kernel for the efikamx15:09
amitkzumbi: working on the ethernet support since I like doing nfsroot15:10
zumbiamitk: those are great news, is it published?15:10
amitkzumbi: I'll post patches soon, perhaps this weekend if I get around to hacking15:10
zumbiamitk: i do not mind to do some early testing15:11
amitkthe damn thing has ethernet hanging off of usb, so it needs usb initialisation to get ethernet working15:11
zumbiyes, that is why uboot is borked15:11
amitkzumbi: will email you an early bird patch to 2.6.36-rc315:12
amitkyeah :-/15:12
zumbiamitk: i'll be happy to build and test15:12
armin76amitk: aren't all armv7 boards the same?15:13
armin76except dove15:13
armin76and no clue about omap415:14
zumbiarmin76: what are you talking about?15:14
armin76zumbi: needing usb init for eth15:14
armin76since eth is usb based15:14
zumbioh! yeap! I was planning to move to barebox at some point15:15
amitkarmin76: not really15:15
armin76amitk: examples?15:16
amitkarmin76: most SoCs have ethernet IP on them, e.g. the imx51 has a FEC IP15:16
amitkbut that isn't being used on the efikamx (it is used on the babbage though)15:16
amitkmuch simpler init when usb is not involved15:16
amitkthe efika has BT, WLAN and ethernet hanging from usb. So no connectvity unless usb works15:17
* amitk gets signs of life from the usb driver15:17
zumbiuhm... i had no idea, wlan and bt hanged on usb, maybe that explains wlan failures15:18
zumbiwell in any case, mainline kernel is good news :)15:19
ograndec, http://imagebin.ca/view/C-Otvqp.html -> http://imagebin.ca/view/rVkPnEG.html15:31
rsalvetiremoving is always easier15:32
diwiclag, anything else? I'm about to call it a day15:34
prpplaguelag: yea just remove L28 and short across the two sets of pads15:36
ograprpplague, oh, you are up15:37
prpplagueogra: just got to the office, forgot to log off irc last night15:37
ograwe're just discussing possible fixes in the call15:37
ograsinbc eit seems ndec's team sees the same issues15:37
prpplagueogra: ahh ok15:37
prpplagueogra: basically L28 needs to be removed and the two pads shorted across15:38
prpplagueogra: i thought all the 6-layer boards had been done that way15:38
ograseems lag's board looks slightly different though15:38
prpplagueogra: than the picture i posted?15:39
lagWhat about the surrounding components that you've removed?15:39
Martynwe mande a fun little discovery this week.  u-boot doesn't invalidate dcache .. so if you aren't using the arm monitor (or other very early bootrom to setup the a9) kernel dies when it enables the MMU15:39
prpplaguelag: the other components don't need to be removed, that board was one of my test boards that i was testing some noise issues with15:39
prpplaguelag: L28 is the only item that you should have to change15:39
Martynwhich board is this that needs the rework?15:39
prpplagueMartyn: 6-layer boards15:40
* lag warms up the iron15:40
Martynprpplague: I meant, which manufacturer/platform15:40
* Martyn has a desk full of boards.. everything from those lange boards, to the tegra 250 boards, to the new omap 4xxx boards.15:41
lagMartyn: Panda15:41
prpplagueMartyn: sorry, panda board15:41
MartynSTE U8500 arrived today.15:44
MartynCan't even think about looking at it until next week15:44
=== zyga is now known as zyga-food
Nekohttps://launchpad.net/builders there are only 9 armel buildds??15:48
ograno, 715:48
lagprpplague: I managed to bridge one pair, but not the other15:53
lagHow did you do it?15:53
prpplaguelag: just removed the filter, cleaned the area with solderwick, then flux it16:06
prpplaguelag: then solder bridge across16:06
* Martyn will use some 0 ohm resistors16:11
prpplaguehas anyone been seeing gfx underruns on some of the older builds of ubuntu rootfs?16:49
ogranot only on the older ones16:50
ogramy screen usually turns black once every two days or so16:50
ograand i have to switch consoles to get it back16:50
prpplagueogra: anyone looking at the root cause?16:50
ograniocolas said someone at TI is16:51
=== zyga-food is now known as zyga
* prpplague wonders who16:53
rsalvetiprpplague: maybe mythripk should know better16:55
GrueMasterThis could be an issue where the monitor is in deep sleep and the system isn't sending a wakeup before reading edid.  I'm not seeing it here, but I am only on a DVI monitor.17:02
=== amitk is now known as amitk-afk
ograGrueMaster, no, it happens even while i use it17:03
GrueMasterOh.  That is strange.17:08
rsalvetiargh, apt, dpkg, logrotate, man-db, mlocate, just some of the daily process that consumes all your io17:17
rsalvetican't use my beagle while running these services :-(17:17
=== hrw is now known as hrw|gone
devilhornsogra, got a minute ?17:31
rsalvetidevilhorns: not sure if ogra is on-line still, but who knows17:35
devilhornsahh ok17:35
devilhornsrsalveti, ok, maybe you can answer this quickly for me then ...17:35
devilhornsI have more patches for the netbook-launcher-efl ... but "Bugs" do not exist for these patches ... should I add new bugs ? or just email the patches to someone ?17:35
rsalvetidevilhorns: if we plan to add this fixes for the release, than we should have bugs for every fix17:36
rsalvetiso we can try to make exceptions and get into our release17:36
rsalvetiif they are fixes for the next one, than you could just maintain them at your own tree17:36
rsalvetiand let us know about it17:36
devilhornshrm ... but I don't know what the "plans" are :)17:37
persiadevilhorns, Please create new bugs.17:37
rsalvetimaybe creating a ppa or something like that to help us testing17:37
persiadevilhorns, The "plan" is to make everything shiny and nice.  Extra points for feature-equivalence for 3D and 2D solutions.17:38
rsalvetiI'd say it all depends on the kind of fixes you have17:38
devilhornswell, in the grand scheme, they are fairly minor really ... (currently does not handle some background options correctly (scale, zoom, wallpaper, etc), and also does not install the schema file either)17:38
rsalvetiif you rewrite everything, than just a bug to create a new release :-)17:38
devilhornsrsalveti, well, also doing that on the side :)17:38
devilhornsnew version will have both 2d and 3d17:38
rsalvetiand now we can test 3d with sgx17:39
rsalvetiefl should just fly with sgx17:39
rsalvetiat least raster did some work with it17:39
devilhornsrsalveti, efl flies on anything :) ... my toaster is proof :P17:39
rsalvetiyeah... you're right :-)17:39
persiaprocedurally it might be easiest to file two bugs: one for everything that simply *must* be fixed to be release-quality in maverick, and one for an upgrade that should happen when natty opens17:39
rsalvetiyep, probably the best option17:40
rsalvetithen we can try to still push some fixes for the release17:40
devilhornswondering if it's really worth it for these 2 small patches tho ... considering that I am rewriting it anyway ... hrm17:41
devilhornsI mean, apparently these 2 minor bugs have not bitten anyone yet17:41
persiathe archive is Frozen, so if something isn't release critical it's not going to be approved anyway.17:41
rsalvetipersia: am I wrong or we're the only ones who should provide an image with the efl interface?17:41
devilhornsas there are no existing bugs for it17:41
persiarsalveti, Doesn't matter: the same release criteria apply for everything.17:42
rsalvetipersia: I know that, just wanted to know if we'd affect anyone else17:42
devilhornspersia, ok, I'll just wait then. If they have not been previously reported then apparently they are not "show stoppers" :)17:42
persiaI know there are some folks who keep trying to make an enlightenment flavour, but I haven't heard much from them this cycle.17:42
persiadevilhorns, makes sense.  Best to focus now on critical fixes *OR* reinventing the world for next time.17:43
devilhornspersia, indeed :) I've been fixing everything ogra has assigned to me so far (plus some things not assigned) ... but I'm fairly new to *buntu development so not sure what proper procedures are, or even what is "critical"17:44
devilhornsbut seeing as how these 2 issues are minor, I'll just go back to recreating the wheel :)17:44
persiaMuch of it is a matter of conscience, but generally "critical" falls into categories like "significant regression", "potential for user data loss", "potential for failed upgrade", "security issue", etc.17:45
devilhorns(for next release)17:45
devilhornspersia, yea, these 2 don't fall into any of those categories imo :)17:46
persiadevilhorns, In that case, yeah, don't worry about them if you're rewriting the entire thing anyway.17:47
devilhornsindeed :)17:47
devilhornsnew one is much nicer so far :)17:47
devilhornsyea :) uses less memory already, is faster, and does things correctly17:49
rsalvetidevilhorns: any chance to test at a real arm board?17:50
rsalvetilast time I saw you requested a beagle but don't know the current status17:50
devilhornsrsalveti, not yet ... I am supposed to receive one, but has not arrived yet ... and I don't know the current status of that "issue" (meaning I don't know if it was sent out or anything)17:51
rsalvetidevilhorns: ok, np, just wanted to know17:51
rsalvetiso we can then ping davidm later17:52
devilhornsrsalveti, no worries :) believe me, when it gets here I'll be testing it :)17:52
persiaIsn't EFL sufficiently ported that we oughtn't expect significant differences?17:52
devilhornsyea, should not be any major issues17:52
rsalvetipersia: yep, but it'd be nice to see it running faster on beagle17:52
rsalvetibecause then you can really know if the code is actually faster17:53
devilhornsI know for fact that some high-up efl developers (myself included) do work for another company that is putting efl on arm based phones17:53
persiaI guess.  beagle doesn't meet minimum Ubuntu specs anyway (mind you, I'm using one for porting, but still...)17:53
devilhornsso I don't see efl having any major problems on ARM hardware :)17:53
rsalvetidevilhorns: yeah, I know many hehe17:53
devilhornsrsalveti, ok, so you already know what's going on then ? :)17:54
rsalvetinot every details, but I do sometimes get some updates :-)17:54
rsalvetimost of the time when drinking beers with the right people ;-)17:54
devilhornsrsalveti, gotcha :) well sadly I'm under nda and cannot say a whole lot about the issue ... other than "I don't see efl having problems on arm arch" :)17:55
rsalvetidevilhorns: yep, understandable :-)17:55
devilhornsrsalveti, ahhhh, so you know some efl devs personally then ? :)17:55
rsalvetidevilhorns: for now most of the people at profusion and some others that doesn't actually do much work nowadays17:56
devilhornsrsalveti, ahhh, gotcha17:56
rsalvetipersia: I know beagle doesn't meet minimum Ubuntu specs, but would be nice to see it running there17:56
devilhornsI miss rephorm :(17:56
rsalvetias efl should just fly on it, even with lower specs17:56
devilhornsyup :)17:57
rsalvetidevilhorns: we had some nice people working on efl at indt, but then nokia decided to buy qt...17:59
rsalvetibut now at least we have some other companies putting money on it17:59
devilhornsahh yea, I remember indt ... started the original webkit-efl stuff17:59
rsalvetiyep, canola, webkit-efl and other cool stuffs that didn't turn into "products" :-(17:59
rsalvetinow it's just qt hehe18:00
devilhornsif I wanted something to run slow, I'd just stick with Winblows :)18:00
rsalvetidevilhorns: and about efl, any news when we're getting the real "1.0" release?18:03
rsalvetimaybe then the final e1718:03
devilhornswell work is happening now to make elm 1.0 alpha18:06
devilhornsafter that happens "officially", then it should be a matter of a week or two for "beta"18:06
devilhornsand I'd imagine "release" will be shortly (couple weeks to a month) after that ... of course all this is assuming no major issues arise18:07
devilhornsrsalveti, but that's not an "official" timeline or anything, so don't quote me on that ;)18:07
Nekoyay enlightenment18:08
Nekowhen are we getting eubuntu-desktop? :)18:08
devilhornswell, we had one a couple years back w/ gOS .. but bad management killed that18:09
Nekothat horrible emachines thing?18:09
devilhornswell, we were not responsible for the hardware they chose :)18:10
Nekoindeed it never got much traction outside of $199 walmart specials.. I did try it and was impressed with how it looked and felt18:10
devilhorns:) and that was with an early efl too18:11
Nekois all that work sitting in some git repo or openembedded thing somewhere?18:11
Nekoor rolled into e17 libs now? :)18:11
GrueMasterActually, I had some non-linux users test that here (before I found Ubuntu), and they had a hard time with some basic operations.  That was on real hardware.18:12
devilhornsNeko, no, gOS is as dead as can be ... I have some iso's that we made still lingering around here somewhere but that's about it18:12
devilhornsNeko, some stuff got rolled back into efl, yes18:12
Nekothe one thing I always hated about enlightenment, despite it being totally awesome, it had a penchant on the default build and themes and things for everything being black on dark grey, with medium grey highlights, 7 point bitmap fonts, and everything being in a 900-item cascading context menu18:12
persiaNeko, Making an enlightenment flavour is mostly a matter of coming up with all the right bits: feel free to do it if you're sufficiently interested :)18:12
NekoI am sufficiently interested to do it on something other than ubuntu :)18:13
devilhornsGrueMaster, yea, think that was the biggest complaint that we had ... but again, that was with an early efl ( & E) that really wasn't ready for a desktop yet18:13
devilhorns(yes I was on the gOS team too) ... not proud of that, but hey I look @ it like "eh, it was experience in making distros" :)18:15
GrueMasterAt the time, my main distro was Mandriva.  Same group had no complaints with it.  I use them for some UNE testing now and again, but haven't in 6 months.18:15
GrueMasterI usually do it when one of them hosts a game fest.  But the last few fests I have been OOC.18:16
* rsalveti out for lunch18:16
devilhornsahh games ... I miss those18:16
devilhornshaven't had time for em lately18:16
GrueMasterSame here.18:16
GrueMasterI hope to have a fest post-release.  Really feel the need to shoot my fellow man - virtually of course.  :P18:17
rsalvetihum... games18:20
rsalvetimy ps3 is off for weeks18:20
devilhornsmine too :(18:21
rsalvetiI'd like to play SC2, but gets very slow with wine on my current machine18:21
* rsalveti needs a faster machine18:21
GrueMasterGreat.  After my power glitch (affected the neighborhood), my XM has 12 crash reports.  Trying to run apport-bug on them...crashed.18:30
persiaExtra points!18:31
devilhornsyou get to keep the extra parts ;)18:33
persiaAnd we have a bot again!18:34
persiaOh, I guess we've had it for a while.18:34
GrueMasteron this channel.18:34
persiaThere were a few days we didn't have one, and I just saw the join.  Clearly I have to read backscroll more carefully.18:34
persia(note the change from "4" to "2")18:35
tgrimleyany beagleboard users able to help with a boot issue?18:52
persiaWhat seems to be the problem?18:53
Neko"it doesn't boot" :D18:57
tgrimleyEverything was happy until yesterday, where I now get: ** Unable to use mmc 1:1 for fatload ** at boot18:59
tgrimleyI'm guessing corrupt SD card..18:59
persiaHrm.  I've not seen that one.19:00
tgrimleythis is from a ubuntu-10.04.1-minimal-armel image if that gives any clues19:01
Nekoogra, ogra_cmpc, I noticed you were somehow involved with the blueprint etc. on the "make maverick filesystems for boards with crappy storage that are just like the ones the installer makes"? rsalveti too? is there something I can look at that describes the stuff the installer does post package install (like that bit where it restores settings and makes the font terminus or that slightly more wiggly ubuntu one, or whatever..)?19:02
persiaNeko, The jasper-initramfs package is what does that.  I was to review it at one point, but have been advised that the code is painful to examine.19:04
Neko<-- masochist for this stuff19:05
persiaIt then calls into the oem post-install configuration tool (part of ubiquity) for the final configuration and tweaking.19:05
NekoI'm already looking through the oem post-install stuff but it's very light on changing things that aren't usernames, passwords and timezones19:05
Nekoit's just from the installer /etc/default/console-setup gets tweaked and I don't know where that is19:05
Nekothere has to be a few things it does besides, too19:06
persiaCheck the code, but jasper-initramfs does the make-the-image-seem-like-it's-kinda-installed bit, and then calls the oem interface.19:06
persiaThere shouldn't be any other moving parts.19:06
Nekoalles klar19:06
NekoI'm also kind of looking for the reason oem-config-gtk doesn't run on my rootstocks19:07
Nekoit just sorta spools up gdm and xfce regardless of what I do.. even oem-config-prepare doesn't do anything19:07
persiaProbably something in rootstock that tries to make the image think it's installed.19:07
NekoI was thinking, does it require a ramfs?19:07
Nekobecause we don't do that on the efika yet it needs some hardcore uboot changes and I'm scared to even change a variable19:08
persiaNo, but I think it's mostly untested without one.19:08
Nekowhat I did was grabbed rcn-ee's beagle image and it ran the curses one just fine19:08
persiaYou're running Ubuntu on the efika?19:08
Nekowithout initramfs or anything but it's ugly as sin19:09
Nekosince the dark ages yeah19:09
NekoJaunty, Karmic, Lucid, take your pick...19:09
persiaI wish I'd known: I wouldn't have supported the removal of the imx kernels if someone who is reliably around was using them.19:09
Nekooh believe me, it would have happened anyway19:09
persiaOnly reason it was dropped was because nobody seemed to be maintaining it, and it wasn't known to work on any retail HW.19:10
Nekobecause I don't think you guys want to maintain a userspace for 2.6.35 where everyone else is, when mx51 is stuck on last year's kernel19:10
Nekothe amount of work to push efikamx support into the ubuntu kernel would have meant pulling a new bsp patchset too.. you're 9 months behind19:10
persiaJust needs someone to do it, really.  the 9 months mostly reflected nobody working on it.19:11
Nekowe're working on 2.6.35.. we'll provide an ubuntuized kernel, then we can work out what we do for Narwhal19:11
persiaWho is "we" in that context?19:11
Neko<-- product manager for efika mx19:11
persiaOh!  Just the right person then :)19:11
persiaSo, yeah, if you're interested in having Ubuntu work, and you have a kernel that works, it's relatively easy to get that kernel building and into the archive.19:12
Nekoyou'd think. I might have appreciated an email about it to be honest, amit and lool knew about us :D19:12
persiaBut it does require someone to maintain it, and the processes for granting direct upload rights takes several months of continued work.19:12
Nekothat's fine, as long as it doesn't cost a ton of money for us unfortunatelt19:13
Nekowe don't really have the resources of ARM or Freescale to throw a bunch of money at a distro that we won't get for 6 months.19:13
persiaThere's no monetary cost for bits in the archive: the cost is entirely in engineering.19:13
persiaIf you can maintain it, it can be there.19:13
Nekoit basically comes down to how much we want ubuntu and how many people we can throw at it19:14
Nekobut we have a bunch of guys (well, one main one) who are doing some debian work who are willing to maintain ubuntu stuff too19:14
Nekodid you see the armhf port? :)19:14
persiaI have, and am very excited by it.19:14
Nekoany chance it'll get into Obtuse Orangutan or whatever it's going to be called? :D19:14
persiaNo idea.19:15
persiaNew ports require infrastructure resources, which are mostly limited to Canonical right now, so it's a matter of what ends up being supporting in the Canonical DC.19:15
Nekowe're pretty stoked that stuff is getting done. we bought the debian-ports guys some big disks for their servers so they had space for armhf19:16
persiaSaw that, and lots of talk about hardware being handed around.19:16
Nekohttp://buildd.debian-ports.org/status/architecture.php?a=armhf&suite=unstable lots of packages done :D19:17
Nekoif we throw another 5 boxes at it we'll rival the ubuntu armel build farm :319:17
persiaYep.  Prospects look really good for Wheezy19:17
armin76Neko: bah, you can't compare debian with ubuntu..ubuntu is the best </spam>19:18
persiaErr, Debian and Ubuntu have such wildly different foci that they can't usefully be compared19:19
Nekohe was being facetious19:19
Nekowe just figured the ubuntu guys would not bite considering the nightmare of lpia in the past, until it was at least in debian-testing19:20
persiaIt's not about that: it's all about what ends up in the infrastructure.19:20
persiaBack when we were working towards feisty, a bunch of us tried to get an "arm" port (this is pre-armel), but ended up having issues because of hardware availability and supportability for delivery to the DC.19:21
Nekoback then there were no bloody boards :]19:21
persiaThings have changed since then, but you'd really have to talk to #canonical-sysadmin about if/whether DC stuff could be supported, and you'd first want to have a significant number of Ubuntu Developers ready to support the port.19:22
Nekostill waiting for beagle and buying $6000 fsl dev kits was the task du jour.. dark, dark times..19:22
persiaThere was plenty of ARM5 hardware back then :)19:22
Nekobut nothing as cool as a sheevaplug19:22
persiaBut I'll be the first to admit I'm much happier with the current port than what we would have produced then, as specifications are now much more acceptable.19:23
Nekowhere is jasper-initramfs built from19:23
persiajasper-initramfs source :)19:23
Nekono such package19:23
Nekoalso "jasper" is definitely not the same thing, seems some jpeg viewer or so19:24
persiaOn an Ubuntu maverick system, `apt-get source jasper-initramfs` doesn't work?19:24
Nekooh shit okay. you know. I realized I am still running Lucid19:24
Nekonew thing?19:24
persiaYeah, new for maverick.  Lucid beagle images installed to NAND+USB (like the world should be).19:25
persiaAt maverick UDS, folk were talking about boards shipping with no NAND and no ability to boot from USB, meaning that one had to have install media be the *same* as runtime media.19:25
persiajasper-initramfs was created to handle that.  I think it was switched for beagle mostly because nobody had the hardware described when it started getting written.19:26
Nekoahaaaaa.. I notice it uses a uboot boot.script19:27
Nekoman this helps a lot trying to wrangle this work19:27
Nekomkdir -p /root/var/lib/oem-config19:28
Nekotouch /root/var/lib/oem-config/run19:28
Nekois that all oem-config really needs?19:28
* persia doesn't remember, having not looked at that since ~jaunty, but wouldn't be surprised19:29
NekoI don't like the idea of flash-kernel. we want our images on pata, in an ext2 or vfat partition :)19:31
persiaThen don't use flash-kernel.19:31
Nekoit seems to be the default19:31
persiaIt's a workaround for devices that can't boot off a mountable /boot19:31
persiaThat's because most devices suck :)19:32
Nekodo you want to make a list of ubuntu people who would like a current Efika MX with working NEON? :)19:32
persiaI have a shortlist of folk I'd like to have one, which I'd be happy to send you :)19:33
GrueMasterNeko: You can disable flash-kernel in /etc/kernel-img.conf19:33
NekoI know :)19:33
persiaBut in fairness, I think it would probably be better to have some sort of public offer, and have folk send you a note suggesting what they might do with it, etc.19:33
prpplaguelag: you get your board modified?19:33
persiaYou can just not install flash-kernel in the first place.19:34
persia(or purge it)19:34
Nekopersia, done19:34
Nekohttp://projects.powerdeveloper.org/program/imx515/accepted actually that is a better page to look at :D19:34
persiaNeko, So I should tell the folks on my list that if they want one, they ought register there?19:34
Nekoyes at least create an account, give me user id numbers, propose a project.. if it's just "we're ubuntu guys and we want to play around" then get a lead to make a project and I can add developers into the same project group19:35
NekoI have to insist on at least a paragraph like a university thesis introduction on the whole thing, one liners make me sad :D19:36
persiaWould you prefer several submissions e.g. "working on Ubuntu Haskell porting for armel", "working on improving Ubuntu armel Qt support", etc. or one big one?19:37
Nekoif it is seperate subsystems or teams I'd prefer seperate19:38
Nekofor instance the debian guys we special cased, but there is debian-edu, debian-x11 etc. and they should have all made projects if we weren't in a rush to get them boards for debconf19:38
persiaI'll say that folks were very happy to all have boards at debconf :)19:38
persiaSo, yeah, I'll pass the word around to folks who aren't always in this channel to submit stuff then.19:39
persiaAnd anyone in this channel who has a good idea should go get a board if they want one :)19:39
Nekowe might cut you off at like 10 boards or so :) but we can also drop some older boards with busted NEON for compile farm stuff.19:40
persiaAll I can do is make sure your program gets noticed by folk I know what HW.  You'll have to decide the value of each proposal :)19:42
prpplaguefor anyone that wants to start doing notes/wiki posts on the panda - http://www.elinux.org/PandaBoard20:09
suihkulokkican someone add a "buy here" link? :)20:12
fredimHi, Good afternoon.20:13
fredimBeagleBoard plugin on a pc (ubuntu) but nothing appears in dmesg20:13
persiaUSB connection?  Which dmesg has no output?20:13
fredimyes, usb20:17
fredimIt has no output20:18
persiaOn the beagle?  On the host?20:18
persiaYou're running Ubuntu on the host: what are you running on the Beagle?20:19
fredimIn my notebook using ubuntu.20:21
fredimI called the BeagleBoard with USB cable, use dmesg to see what was connected and nothing appears.20:21
fredimI called the BeagleBoard with USB cable on notebook (ubuntu), use dmesg to see what was connected and nothing appears.20:26
fredimsry 2 msg20:26
persiaNo, that7s fine.  I'd actually like to understand.20:27
persiaSo, what are you running on the Beagle?20:27
fredimBeagle --> USB --> Notebook20:28
fredimBut there is no recognition20:28
fredimI use the command dmesg new hardware plugged20:31
fredimbut there is no line of response20:31
fredimsry , my english =/20:31
persiaWhat OS do you run on the Beagle?20:34
fredimI want to install ubuntu-arm20:35
fredimin my / dev shows nothing20:35
rsalvetifredim: well, plugging your beagleboard into your notebook could mean that you want to power it or use it as a gadget20:37
persiaand if it is to be used as a gadget, the Beagle needs to have gadget-supporting software running at the time it's attached.20:39
persiaIf it's just power, no response is expected.20:39
rsalvetiyep, do you have any software already running on your beagle?20:39
persiaIf the goal is to *install* Ubuntu, put the available image on an SD card, and boot the Beagle from SD.20:39
GrueMasterfredim: Download http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/ports/releases/maverick/beta/ubuntu-netbook-10.10-beta-preinstalled-netbook-armel+omap.img.gz and follow the instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OMAP20:41
GrueMasterWe can help from there, but  that should get you started.20:41
fredimI have to install some software to appear /dev/mmcblk020:47
GrueMasterfredim: On your laptop?20:47
persia/dev/mmcblk0 isn't the beagle: it's the SD card (if you have one built-in).20:48
GrueMasterLook at dmesg.  if your SD reader is usb based, it will show up as /dev/sd? (i.e. /dev/sdc).20:48
persiaIf you are using a USB card reader, you'll end up with /dev/sd${something}20:49
fredimMy SD card is plugged in beagle ... Still have to appear in / dev / sdx?20:52
fredimWhy is there no line in dmesg20:52
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persiafredim, You need to attach the SD card to your PC *without* the beagle (unless you have special software to make the Beagle an SD reader, but I don't know of any such software)20:56
fredimHow do I connect SDcard directly on the notebook/computer, what means?20:59
fredimmy laptop has the card reader but the computer does21:00
persiafredim, Most folk use either a built-in card reader or a USB card reader21:01
GrueMasterThe beagle won't work until an image is on the SD card.21:04
fredimNow I understand, thank you.21:06
prpplagueGrueMaster: ping21:35
prpplagueGrueMaster: is the kernel defconfig that is being used for the ubuntu panda builds posted somewhere?21:36
GrueMasterI have no idea.  lag would know.21:36
persiaIt's in both source and binary packages.21:36
persiaI'd recommend checking the source21:37
prpplaguepersia: where can i get the source package?21:37
* prpplague is not an ubuntu person21:37
GrueMasterapt-get source <package>21:37
prpplagueok, whats the name of the package?21:38
prpplaguethere isn't a git repo somewhere?21:38
persiakernel.ubuntu.com has heaps of git repos21:38
* prpplague looks21:39
prpplaguepersia: thanks21:39
persiahttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-ti-omap4/ has the tarball of the source21:39
prpplagueahh ok thanks21:39
GrueMasterThe source package is linux-ti-omap4-source-
GrueMasterThat will pull the tarball, any external patches, and the dsc file to build the .deb with.21:40
GrueMasterAlso, apt-cache show <binary-package-name> will show you the name for the source package.21:41
persia(really, it looks stuff up in a database, and downloads all the files from the URL I just posted, but it always has the right place, instead of needing to hunt about)21:41
persiaGrueMaster, apt-cache show won't work for packages not available on that architecture21:42
rsalvetiprpplague: tarball is easier than just looking for the config file at the git tree21:43
rsalvetias it's broken into common and specific configs depending on the machin21:44
rsalvetibut for omap 4 I believe it should be fine, as it's just one machine...21:44
rsalveti1 sec21:44
prpplaguersalveti: yea grabing it now21:44
rlameirois there already some package or script to setup ARM cross compiling toolchain easily on ubuntu?21:45
rlameirothat would be awesome :D21:45
rsalvetiprpplague: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-maverick.git;a=blob;f=debian.ti-omap4/config/config.common.ubuntu;h=8d46b556e09697138c3a2b8b975c9f519b901856;hb=refs/heads/ti-omap421:45
rsalvetifor omap421:45
rsalvetias this kernel supports just one machine, there's only the config.common21:45
rsalvetirlameiro: I believe there are packages already for maverick21:46
rsalvetihrw|gone: did the work21:46
rlameirorsalveti: really:D21:46
rsalvetiwas in a custom repository, but he was going to push it before the freeze21:46
rsalvetijust don't know if it's compiled already21:46
rsalvetiprobably it is, as we have more builders for i38621:47
rlameirose we can compile the kernel like make CROSS-COMPILE ARM=arm bla bla bla21:47
prpplaguersalveti: thanks21:48
rsalvetirlameiro: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/gcc-4.5-armel-cross21:49
rsalvetithere's also the 4.4 packages21:49
rsalvetirlameiro: yep21:49
rlameiroWOW that is awesome21:50
rlameirothe IGEPv2 comes with a VM for vmware with things almost ready21:50
rlameiroit will be awesome to have it already on the repos21:50
rlameirothey use ubuntu as their SDK21:51
rlameirowhat is the best filesystem for the rootfs sd card?22:12
persiaDepends on the card.22:12
rlameirowell, kingstom sdhc22:13
persiaBut typically any journalling filesystem will be fine.22:13
rlameiroext3 or 4?22:13
persiaI have no idea which FTL is in that (and I doubt it's enough info, FTLs tend to be swapped out within a single product without model changes)22:13
persiaThere should be no benefit to ext3 or ext4 specifically for it being on an SD card, unless you have a very fancy FTL that happens to have ext4 support.22:14
rlameirohow can i know that?22:14
persiaI don't know of any reliable way :)22:16
persiarlameiro, By the way, we tend not to cross-compile stuff: everything in the archive is native-compiled.  If you're working on something, it's worth doing a native-compile test every once in a while, even if you usually cross-compile: we've seen a number of issues where something will cross-compile but not native-compile or vice-versa.22:17
rlameiropersia: ok, but that was for the kernel22:18
rlameirocompiling kernel natively takes a long time :D22:18
rsalvetiand it's always handy to have a cross compiler :-)22:18
persiarsalveti, Only if your hardware isn't very good :p22:19
rsalvetino need to get them from CS is even better22:19
rsalvetipersia: true, the good thing is that this is going to change probably next year :-)22:19
rsalvetipanda itself is going to rock already22:19
persiaPeople keep saying "This will change".  I purchased a perfectly acceptable-performance laptop running armel about a year ago, but people still talk about the future.22:20
persiaThe key to having it happen is for someone to just do it.22:20
persiaOne of my ARM boxes is 1.2Ghz, which is plenty fast.  Doesn't happen to support Ubuntu, so it runs Debian.22:21
jayabharathdavidm: ping23:14
davidmhi jayabharath23:26
prpplaguedavidm: greetings23:26
davidmBoard away, thanks23:27
prpplaguedavidm: get your boards picked up?23:27
davidmprpplague, yep, Home - TI - FedEx - Home :-)23:27
prpplaguedavidm: did you get washed away?23:28
prpplague*cough* sent one to RoHS, and got nada23:29
davidmNope made it back home before this storm blew in23:29
jayabharathdavidm : good to know you got the board.23:30
jayabharathdavidm: we were trying to test the audio.. to ensure its working... but could NOT as you came in just on time :(23:31
jayabharathits a new board and tested during production so mpoirier_should have no issue23:31
davidmjayabharath, thanks for the heads up, I'll let mpoirier know to check it23:33
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