
yvonne_i have a problem where my sound is only coming out of my right speaker in my lucid install (even though when i check it w/ the lucid liveCD both speakers work.  anyone have any ideas how to fix this?03:06
AndrewMCyvonne_: go to Sound Preferences: System> Preferences> Sound03:13
AndrewMCthen output and make sure balance is in the middle03:13
yvonne_AndrewMC: okay i'll do that now...03:14
yvonne_AndrewMC: okay, yes its in the center.  if i move it to the left i loss sound entirely.  its all coming through the right speaker right now.03:15
AndrewMCyvonne_: go to Hardware and there should be your sound card listed there.... what is currently selected in the dropdown below it03:16
yvonne_AndrewMC: checking...03:16
yvonne_AndrewMC: Analog Stereo Output03:17
AndrewMCyvonne_: huh03:18
yvonne_AndrewMC: i just tried changing it to Analog Stereo Duplex but no noticeable effect03:18
yvonne_AndrewMC: okay i just discovered something03:19
AndrewMCyvonne_: yes...?03:20
yvonne_i have two devices listed for output03:20
AndrewMCtry both03:20
yvonne_it was on LADSPA Plugin Multiband EQ on Internal Audio Analog Stereo: Stereo03:21
yvonne_When i put it on Internal Audio Analog Stereo: Stereo i get both channels03:21
AndrewMCtry the other one see if it changes anything03:21
AndrewMCyvonne_: so your all set =D03:21
yvonne_yup, that gets me going.  Thanks AndrewMC03:22
AndrewMCyvonne_: np you are welcome to come around anytime03:22
yvonne_AndrewMC: something else interesting -- when i switched it put the balance all the way to the right -- which seemed to be in fact what was happening.  So i moved to to the middle and in works.03:23
AndrewMCyvonne_: odd03:24
yvonne_AndrewMC: but even more -- now i was able to switch back to the other device and now it worked properly with both channels working.03:24
johnny_I have a question: If I have a hard drive that is already partitioned can I install a dual boot with windows on the second partition without messing up the first?03:24
yvonne_AndrewMC: i wish i knew the steps taken to get it into that bug-state.  Then i could report the bug and the work around.03:25
yvonne_maybe i will anyway.03:25
AndrewMCyvonne_: yes please do report that03:25
yvonne_thanks AndrewMC03:25
AndrewMCjohnny_: ya you can install windows on that seprate partition and use this article to recover GRUB (ubuntu boot loader): http://j.mp/ddE70i03:26
stlsaintsup folks03:27
johnny_AndrewMC: Windows is already on the first partition. Have old computer want to experiment with Ubuntu without messing up the windows install.03:28
AndrewMCjohnny_: oh ya you can do that have ubuntu install alongside windows03:29
AndrewMCare the partions already in place03:29
johnny_AndrewMC: Yes, the partitions are already in place. Did a small search and can only find stuff about resizing partitions & making new ones. I don't want to do that.03:30
AndrewMCjohnny_: let me boot a live CD and look for you... i know there is a simple way to do this03:31
AndrewMCjohnny_: i will be back soon03:32
johnny_AndrewMC: Thank you. I already have the CD ready. Just a little nervous. I know nothing about Ubuntu or Linux, but always wanted to try out.03:32
AndrewMCjohnny_: you till there?03:38
johnny_i'm here03:38
robbmunsono/ =)03:38
AndrewMCjohnny_: ok then you go in with the live CD by the looks of it you say specify partitions maunally and chose the one you want ubuntu on... back up windows to be sure but that seems to be the way to do it03:39
AndrewMCsay that its a ext4 file system and mount point is / (on the ubuntu partition03:39
johnny_ok, thanks. Is this something crucial I should know before I get started with Ubuntu?03:40
robbmunsonwell, for starters, it is most certainly not windows and doesnt try to act like it, I say this not to be rude, but just to inform you that when you first try to open up your software that "used to work"....it's probably not gonna do such now, unless you install WINE....but thats a different conversation.....03:42
* robbmunson pokes head back to my firefox =)03:42
AndrewMCjohnny_: if you just want TRY ubuntu use wubi03:42
AndrewMCthen if you like it dual boot it03:42
ubot2Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.03:43
johnny_what is wubi?03:43
AndrewMCit is a good way to get to know ubuntu to see if you like it03:43
robbmunsonit stands for "Windows UBuntu Installer"03:44
AndrewMCit easier to get rid of then a dual booting03:44
robbmunson^ +103:44
johnny_So I download wubi and install it like a windows program?03:44
AndrewMCjohnny_: exactly03:44
AndrewMCthen if you like it dual boot and install on your other partition03:44
AndrewMCif you dont like it its just a matter of uninstalling it from add/remove programs03:45
johnny_so I can even install in on my computer, then if I like it I can install it as a dual boot on the old computer. right?03:46
AndrewMCjohnny_: yep if you dont like it easy to remove... love it take a live cd and do like i said and install in your other partition03:47
AndrewMCsimple as that :)03:48
robbmunsonjohnny_: of course there is always the option of getting the cd from shipit, rebooting your computer and trying it out (it wont touch your hard drive unless you specifically tell it to.)03:48
robbmunsonbut....that takes a bit of time to get the cd depending on where you live.03:48
johnny_When I use Wubi it would run like another program, but would be like an OS? Once I run it, how do I say get on the internet?03:48
AndrewMCjohnny_: do you have a downloaded live CD?03:49
johnny_yes, I've tried running that but it seemed choppy as it was always accessing the CD.03:50
robbmunsonjohnny_: have you tried xubuntu?03:50
ubot2Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels03:50
AndrewMCrobbmunson: he is talking that the live CD was slow not the OS03:51
AndrewMCjohnny_: so in nutshell.... Install Wubi... if you dont like ubuntu remove wubi from add/remove programs and it is gone03:52
robbmunsonUSB install?03:52
johnny_If I install Wubi, can I install Linux versions of apps inside it?03:53
AndrewMCjohnny_: ya ya03:53
johnny_no USB drive big enough... say i need min 2g.03:53
robbmunsonyep, wubi is just gonna give you an ubuntu install in a "windows form"03:53
robbmunsonbasically install it like a program but your computer recognizes it as another OS :)03:54
AndrewMCif you love ubuntu... remove wubi... and install on your other partition03:54
robbmunsonso when it installs and you restart...you go to Ubuntu...and you can do everything exactly like you have a working real ubuntu install.03:54
johnny_Ok, thanks so much guys. That really helps me decide what I can do.03:55
robbmunsonjohnny_: quite welcome!03:55
AndrewMCjohnny_: feel free to come back anytime03:55
robbmunson^ I second that03:55
johnny_ok, I will. nect time in Ubuntu. :)03:55
johnny_oops meant next.03:56
labowskyokay so my system menu doesnt have anything in it except help about gnome and stuff, but when i also click on applications nothing comes down.04:15
labowskyalready tried restoring it to default04:15
labowskyany ideas?04:15
rodeohello some one to help me?04:22
stlsaintrodeo: i can try and help04:22
stlsaintor not04:24
rodeoSorry I clicked somewhere and was out!04:25
rodeoI want to find my virtual disk in virtual box! I am not able to understand the location04:26
stlsaintrodeo: go to your home folder04:27
stlsaintrodeo: hit Ctrl+h to see the hidden files04:28
stlsaintrodeo: you will see a folder titled .virtualbox04:28
stlsaintrodeo: there you will see two more folders titled: Harddisk(i think) and Machines04:28
stlsaintrodeo: inside the hdd folder will be your drives04:28
rodeoLet me check out , thanks in advance!04:30
rodeostlsaint: thanks dear I found it!04:33
joelsandaHey there - trying out the Netbook Edition on my Acer Aspire One netbook. Successfully installed the OS from the iso on my usb stick but it appears (?!) my BIOS doesn't have an option for changing boot order. I've *never* seen a BIOS not present options for boot order, wondering if anyone has experience with this problem.07:59
geirhaYou have a netbook with multiple harddrives?08:01
joelsandaOne HD08:01
joelsandaNo CD08:02
geirhaOh, but it won't boot the USB-pen you put the iso on?08:02
joelsandaNo, won't boot from that. Nor can I specify booting from USB in the BIOS.08:03
joelsandaI know this is more of an Acer BIOS question, but figured someone with Ubuntu experience may have seen this before08:04
geirhaThere's no boot menu either?08:05
geirhaLike, instead of entering the bios setupt, there's usually another button that will trigger a boot menu08:06
hobgoblintry F1208:06
joelsandaNot that I've seen, but I'll google that and try F12 at boot. It's Win 7 Starter Edition - maybe they stripped that out, too :-)08:07
geirhaCheck the manual08:08
hobgoblinI got f12 from looking on google ...08:08
joelsandaOK - thanks, geirha and hobgoblin. gonna reboot now and give F12 a shot. Thanks :-)08:09
=== elfy is now known as hobgoblin
change_of_heartHey guys :)10:04
change_of_heartim backing up my home folder to reinstall my OS10:04
change_of_heartim going to install win 710:04
change_of_heartso i can easily play windows games10:04
change_of_heartand then ubuntu beside it10:04
change_of_heartAny wise words ?10:04
seidoseven a fool can appear wise by being silent.10:07
seidossomething like that?10:08
duanedesignmorning all11:36
JoeMaverickSetthey, morning, duanedesign.11:37
duanedesignhello JoeMaverickSett11:39
JoeMaverickSetthow do you do, duanedesign? :)11:40
duanedesignJoeMaverickSett: I do well. I am trying to get my desktop/theme/icons bach to default so I can do some screencasts11:46
JoeMaverickSettduanedesign: oh, cool. :)11:47
geirhaduanedesign: Just create a new user and do the screencast with that user ;)11:48
duanedesigngeirha: d'oh11:49
* duanedesign slaps forehead11:49
JoeMaverickSetthehe! :)11:49
duanedesigngeirha: ty11:50
JerkI recently downloaded a Ubuntu 10.04 iso file preloaded with apps, and burned it on a DVD. I am attempting to boot the pc from it, but it just hangs, or restarts automatically. I am running WinXP currently, so can someone please tell me how to install Ubuntu from the DVD WHILE running my windows session?15:49
stlsaintJerk: you are wanting to do a whube install15:50
Silver_Fox_Did you burn it as an image ir data disk ?15:50
stlsaintlol....whube...i so meant wubi15:51
Silver_Fox_stlsaint,  Jerk requires assistance now while s/he is running windows.15:52
stlsaintJerk: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide15:52
stlsaintJerk: ^^15:52
Silver_Fox_No need for wubi...15:52
stlsaint how to install Ubuntu from the DVD WHILE running my windows session?15:53
stlsaintSilver_Fox_: ^^ i figured that meant wubi15:53
stlsaintah shucks15:54
* Silver_Fox_ waits for goblins comment ;)15:56
hobgoblinjerk - is this actually an ubuntu iso?15:56
hobgoblinyou have two options - install while inside windows or install when you boot with it15:57
hobgoblinoh they've gone15:57
Silver_Fox_Welcome back Jerk_  :)15:58
Mohan_chmlhobgoblin: there you go.. =]15:58
hobgoblinjerk - is this actually an ubuntu iso?15:58
hobgoblinyou have two options - install while inside windows or install when you boot with it15:58
hobgoblinJerk_: what are you actually after achieving?15:58
=== Jerk_ is now known as Jerk
Jerkhobgolin: option 2 is invalidated :(15:58
GaleoHi. I'm trying to install a D-Link DWA-125 wireless adapter to my computer, but I just don't know how to deal with it15:59
hobgoblinJerk: not really - at least not yet ;)15:59
JerkSIlver_Fox: thanks :).....I saw a friend using Ubuntu and I can't wait to have it15:59
Jerkhobgoblin: I just want to install Ubuntu while I run my Windows session16:00
hobgoblinJerk: well you can only do that by installing inside windows - that is called wubi - and I only recommend that under very specific circumstances16:01
Jerkhobgoblin: as to your earlier question-- it was an ISO but I burned it on a DVD, and made a booting dis outta it16:01
Jerkhobgoblin: I have wubi, but what special circumstances?16:02
hobgoblinI only ever recommend that if you have 4 primary partitions and are not willing to move stuff16:02
hobgoblinand if you say that is the case now I'll not believe you lol16:03
Jerkbelieve me, I have SEVEN partitions :p16:03
hobgoblincool - so you are no stranger to logicals :)16:04
Jerkso, what exactly do we do?16:04
hobgoblinwell I would look at why it doesn't boot - were you originally looking to install it as a 'real' dualboot?16:05
Jerkyeah, I was....you know, when i booted up, two options would show up, asking me if I was going to run WinXp or Ubuntu.....is this what you meant?16:06
Jerkyeah, I was originally looking to install it as a 'real' dualboot :p16:06
Jerkit that naive?16:06
hobgoblinnope - that is normal :)16:06
JerkI take it it is possible, then?16:07
hobgoblinJerk: so we are back to specs - graphics - RAM - disk space availability - make/model if possible16:07
Jerkokay.... I gave AMD Sempron 2.2 ghz, 1.5 Gb DDR2 RAM, 1Gb 94 GT nVidia graphic card and 580 Gb HD--divided between two HD's, one of 80Gb and the other of 50016:10
hobgoblink - the nvidia card is what model?16:10
Jerk9400 GT16:10
hobgoblinso I assume that you managed to get the machine booting from the cd - but that the cd did nopt work correctly16:11
hobgoblinok - when you downloaded did you do it directly or did you torrent it?16:12
Jerktorrent download16:13
Jerkwas an iso file16:13
Jerkdid I mention it had some preloaded apps?16:13
hobgoblinyea - but I was not sure what you meant - do you have a link?16:17
JerkI might have16:17
Jerklemme see.....16:18
hobgoblinanyway - that aside if you torrented it then it should be a good download16:18
JerkI guess we might assume that16:18
hobgoblinso - when it boots - press any key when you reach the screen that has a man and keyboard at the bottom - then in the menu you'll see there is an option to verify the disc - all a bit pointless tryin to see what is going on if we don't know that the /download/burn is good or not16:19
Jerktell you what16:20
Jerki think it is16:20
Jerkseeing that it did boot up once16:20
Jerkit was when i first tested out the DVD16:20
hobgoblindoesn;t prove it to be a good burn - all you need is a few bits wrong and it could fail further on16:21
Jerkthat would make sense16:21
hobgoblindo you also still have access to the downloaded iso? and a link or name to where you got it16:22
JerkI'll have to dig it up16:22
Jerkhttp : / / www. linuxnopc. com. br / dist / ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386-Custom-LPC.iso16:24
Jerkhere it is!!16:24
hobgoblinJerk: did you get it from - though I am looking at a translated page http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=en&langpair=pt|en&u=http://linuxnopc.com.br/lpc/index.php%3Foption%3Dcom_content%26view%3Darticle%26id%3D22%26Itemid%3D29&rurl=translate.google.com&client=tmpg&usg=ALkJrhhayYZApIdyKD6hsp17hHF6i3ZKPQ16:28
hobgoblinif you did then that is not a torrent file16:29
hobgoblinjerk in which case you need to make sure the download was good - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM#MD5SUM%20on%20Windows16:30
Jerkyou're right16:31
Jerkit was a direct download--I'd forgotten16:31
Jerklink to a direct download16:31
hobgoblindo you still have the iso ? if so go to the md5sum page I linked and follow the instructions to make sure the download is good16:32
hobgoblinI'm a bit on and off for the next 45 minutes - I'm sure someone is watching and able to help if needed16:32
hobgoblinJerk: if you don't have the iso available try rebooting with it in and then verify the disc from the menu as I described earlier16:34
Jerkchecksum check?16:34
Jerkno menu16:34
JerkI never get any menu16:35
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Jerkand I think I deleted the iso16:36
hobgoblinJerk: you have to press a key when the man and keyboard are at the bottom of the screen as it boots16:36
Jerkman and keyboard?16:36
Jerknever saw such a thing16:37
JoeMaverickSettJerk: when you boot the CD/DVD look at the bottom of the screen there is a man and a keyboard.16:38
Jerkoh yeah16:38
Jerkyou mean the figurines16:38
hobgoblincool - pick the verify disc option16:39
JoeMaverickSettyou can say that. :)16:39
Jerklooks like I have to reboot then16:39
hobgoblinif that passes - reboot and then F6 and you can add nomodeset to the boot option16:39
hobgoblinbut I have to go for a while now16:39
Jerkcan't stop you, can I :p16:40
Jerkthanks for the helo16:40
Jerkgoing now too16:40
Silver_Fox_Hello .17:09
johnny_I'm having trouble installing wubi. Can anyone help me?17:26
JoeMaverickSettjohnny_: have you taken a lok at this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wubi17:29
johnny_give me a minute to look at and I'll get back with you.17:31
Mohan_chmljohnny_: what is the issue actually?17:31
johnny_I run wubi, answer the install stuff, and then it tries to download the iso. After 35 it appears to download it, but then the time left goes up to 2hr 45min left.17:33
johnny_left it for six or 7 hours overnight and it only got to 1hr 30min left17:34
johnny_I downloaded the iso manually, put them alone in the same folder and it still did the same thing.17:36
Mohan_chmljohnny_: newer versions of m$ is having issues with wubi I think. I had the same problem before 6 months while I was installing it along with win &. I suggest you to install it as dual boot instead of install inside windows17:37
johnny_i'm on a netbook with windows xp... I really wanted to try it before taking the risk of a dual boot.17:38
johnny_i do have an iso cd that i can try instead of the download if you think it may work that way.17:39
Mohan_chmljohnny_: you can try using Live USB then17:40
Mohan_chml Live USB/ CD17:40
johnny_ok, i'll try the cd.. thank again you guys have been most helpful.17:41
Mohan_chmljohnny_: ygood luck =]17:41
BGL-[d]hooray google earth crashes back to the desktop and appears to leave no log file17:55
BGL-[d]fresh install17:55
PeterKhello ubuntu beginners17:57
=== PeterK is now known as Guest39503
BGL-[d]"If you are fast enough with the mouse to uncheck "Show tips on start up" and click the close button in that window, before the app disappears, you should then be free of the signal 11 crash. "18:01
BGL-[d]well that was a cute little problem18:01
BGL-[d]turns out that WAS the problem, displaying startup tips18:02
BGL-[d]literally never would've guessed that18:02
BGL-[d]took about 4 times to beat it to the punch of crashing18:02
hobgoblinnot quite fast enough the first 3 times then :)18:03
BGL-[d]hey i'm on a trackpad ffs heh18:04
hobgoblinI'd never do it then - I take a mouse with me if I have to use a laptop18:04
Jerkback again18:10
Jerkwith Ubuntu pain18:10
BGL-[d]i wish every laptop had a stick mouse18:12
Jerknow that I finally am ready to download Ubuntu from Ubuntu.com18:14
JerkI have a question: can I still play games on it?18:14
hobgoblinhi there jerk - welcome back18:18
hobgoblinsome games work - some games will work in wine - some games do not work18:18
hobgoblindid you check the cd?18:18
Jerkhad errors in sedder files18:19
hobgoblinthere are 2 sub forums dedicated to gaming and wine on the forums18:19
hobgoblinJerk: you can get the proper ubuntu as a torrent - http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04.1/18:20
Jerknice nae18:20
Jerkalready got it18:20
Jerkbut thanks18:20
JerkI gotta find some apps fast18:20
hobgoblinjerk it is a way to get SOME windows things working in linux but Wine Is Not an Emulator :)18:21
Jerkguess I'll keep windows too18:23
Jerkjust in case18:23
Jerkis there some sort of "perfect emulator"?18:26
Jerkwhich can run all sort of windows apps as well?18:26
BGL-[d]supposedly wine can run steam/counterstrike and a couple other things but i didn't feel like spending 2 hours to get it working18:31
BGL-[d]and just installed windows :>18:31
hobgoblinI'd be inclined to just play in windows till you got it working - but I'm no ganer18:32
JerkI'll just like not to install my OS every 2 months or so, and be constantly "bugged"18:33
Mohan_chmlJerk: when you have new things to learn, you will never look into gaming =]18:33
Mohan_chmlI was a perfect gamer before two years. But stopped it when I entered into Ubuntu and started exploring many =]18:34
Jerkbut I am not quite there yet18:34
JerkI fouund about Ubuntu, like, last week18:35
Mohan_chmlJerk: My suggestion is, dual boot it for a month(Its not Installing inside Win X with wubi) and shift over completely after some months18:36
JoeMaverickSettJerk: you will stop gaming in about 2 or so months, if you stick around in IRC channels and do as Mohan_chml as suggested. :)18:36
JoeMaverickSettthat's what happened to me though. ;)18:36
Mohan_chmllol :P18:36
JerkJoeMaverickSett: wonder what I'll do instead...18:37
valindil89_anyone know how to deal with windows in irssi?19:25
Mohan_chmlvalindil89_: you looked at http://www.irssi.org/?19:27
stlsaintvalindil89_: hey what type of help do you need?19:29
valindil89_yeah I looked at irssi19:32
valindil89_nvm I found somethinglol!19:32
=== AndrewMC_ is now known as AndrewMC
duanedesignvalindil89_: /1219:59
valindil89_opps wrong window lol!20:01
stlsaintbgs100: ping20:12
bgs100stlsaint, pong20:12
stlsaintbgs100: sup man how ya been, long time no see :P20:12
bgs100Good; I usually log on every day... :P20:13
bgs100How are you?20:13
stlsaintbgs100: you log on but never say anything..BUST! :P20:13
bgs100meh :p20:14
stlsaintbgs100: still writing python bots? :D20:15
bgs100Not lately. Been messing with mail.20:15
stlsaintbgs100: mail server...yea im slowly making my way there for my server20:16
stlsaintbgs100: you making your own mail server?20:17
bgs100one sec20:18
hobgoblinhi duanedesign20:18
bgs100I've mostly been messing around on the client-side. I found out about Mutt, tried it, and liked it, and set it up with gmail. I tried OfflineIMAP but there was some annoying things with message duplication due to labels and if you, for example, "starred" a message and then removed it from a folder, then offineimap syncs and gmail only sees the message as being removed from the folder/label, so the message as it is in other labels is not starred20:19
bgs100/marked-as-read/etc, so I tried IMAP, but for whatever reason found a similar annoyance, and that, compunded with the fact that I'd need the web interface to add filters if I was using IMAP, tried POP,20:19
bgs100but then fetchmail acted weird so I tried getmail (+ procmail) which does a good job but I realize I miss having something like labels (being able to have message in multiple folders/labels), so tried implementing a system that did that with symlinks and folders, then realized it wouldn't work, and am now still on this problem.20:20
bgs100Done :P20:20
bgs100stlsaint, consider yourself compensated for when I was not talking on this channel :P20:22
=== elfy is now known as hobgoblin
stlsaintbgs100: HA...very well :D20:23
duanedesignbgs100: i have been wanting to try mutt...20:24
bgs100Mutt is quite nice.20:24
ibuclawoh wait - only nhandler can handle flags :-)20:29
Verminatorcan other distros, including the ubuntu derivatives (lubuntu, kububtu, etc), use the ubuntu one features to sync files, contacts, calanders, bookmarks, etc?20:35
AndrewMCVerminator: they should yes20:37
duanedesignVerminator: nUboon2Age set up Ubuntu One on his Kubuntu install and did a forum post about it20:38
Verminatorduanedesign, sweet, thx20:38
duanedesignVerminator: the part I am not sure about is the GUI. i know you can run it using the commandline on *buntu20:38
duanedesignVerminator: let me find the link20:38
Verminatorduanedesign, thx, that would be awesome20:39
duanedesignVerminator: ok20:46
duanedesignit looks like from the forum post they are using this guide  http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-ubuntu-one-on-kubuntu-9-10-karmic.html20:46
Verminatorduanedesign, thank you VERY much.  I had not seen any discussion of it on the forum previously, thx, I really appreciate it20:47
duanedesignVerminator: based on what i know about ubuntu One I would start with this command:  sudo apt-get install ubuntuone-client-gnome ubuntuone-client* python-ubuntuone-storage*20:48
=== pedro_ is now known as pedro3005
duanedesignVerminator: their is instructions for an alternate install here. this install ubuntuone-kde instead of ubuntuone-gnome   http://newyork.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=152213720:50
Verminatorduanedesign, I have ubuntu on both desk and laptop currently.  Thinking of running something lighter on my laptop and wanted to see what functionality I might loose in the swithc.20:50
duanedesignVerminator: one of the members of the Ubuntu One team is puting together a blog post on installing Ubuntu One on a server20:52
duanedesignVerminator: This setup puts the credentials in a config file using config-glue, i think. Which means you do not nead gnome-keyring20:53
Verminatorduanedesign, thats cool, but possibly beyond my skill at this point, plus I have no dedicated server currently, just 2 machines20:53
duanedesignVerminator: you could use the same setup on your desktop and run Ubuntu One from the command line20:54
duanedesignthe commands are easy. u1sdtool -c to connect, and u1sdtool -q to quit20:55
Verminatorduanedesign, hmm, I'll have to look into this, thx this is great help.20:55
duanedesignVerminator: definetly. I idle in #ubuntone along with all the Ubutnu One developers if you ever need any specific Ubuntu One help20:56
Verminatorduanedesign, excellent, I guess I should have known there was a ubuntuone irc20:57
hobgoblinthey hide there20:58
DaidHello there21:29
stlsaintDaid: howdy21:29
DaidDoes anyone feel super courageous and wanna try helping me out? LOL21:30
hobgoblinI feel super courageous21:31
hobgoblinon account that I'm off shortly :D21:31
stlsaintDaid: i feel ub34 courageous!!21:31
Daidwell, a number of friends use Linux, so I thought I'd give Ubuntu a shot21:31
DaidI THOUGHT I was installing it to dual load, but apparently I failed in that department21:32
hobgoblinoh no21:32
Daidso, now I've lost Windows, though I'm confident it's still there21:32
Daidwhen I installed, I created a 200gb partition, which is where I'm pretty sure I put Ubuntu....but there's no option to dual load.  Hence, my problem21:33
hobgoblinwhat partition option did you use21:33
seidosDaid, \o/ on having friends.21:33
Daidyus, friends are good. Friends who use ONLY linux and don't dual boot, aren't exactly helpful in this situation :P21:33
hobgoblinDaid: assuming you are in ubuntu now - open a terminal from apps -accessories21:33
Daidyeah, I'm in ubuntu on irssi21:34
DaidI've got another terminal window open and I'm in the grub directory21:34
hobgoblinthen run this command - the last bit is a lower case L not a 121:34
hobgoblinsudo fdisk -l21:34
stlsaintirssi FTW!!21:34
hobgoblinthen tell us if it says only linux or linux-swap21:34
Daidunder system, it says Linux21:35
DaidI'm guessing that's bad :(21:37
hobgoblinthere are no mentions of windows or ntfs or anything ?21:37
Daidno :(21:37
hobgoblinthen you are running a linux only install just like your friends21:37
hobgoblinstop using the pc and only boot with the livecd21:37
hobgoblinyou might be able to retrieve the partition table and/or some of the data21:38
hobgoblinnow I will ask you if you have backups ....21:38
hobgoblinDaid: do you have backups?21:38
Daidnah, there wasn't anything really THAT important on here :)21:38
DaidI kinda went into this knowing that if I wiped everything out, it was no big loss :)21:39
hobgoblinwelcome to linux :)21:39
DaidI WILL have to fix this, at some point...but, meh21:39
hobgoblinyou could try to fix it - but I am seriously off - been up for hours21:40
hobgoblinI'll try and find a link21:40
DaidIt's ok.  I've got a friend that might be able to help me21:41
Daidunfortunately, he lives on the other side of hte world and is asleep :P21:41
hobgoblinok then21:42
hobgoblinbut the more you use the machine the less chance there is of retrieving stuff21:44
hobgoblinwell good luck Daid - I'm away now21:47
Silver_Fox_Welcome back nhandler :)23:22
duanedesign'lo Silver_Fox_ \23:23
Silver_Fox_Hello duanedesign ,  good day / bad day ? or average ?23:24
duanedesignSilver_Fox_: started off OK. Went Bad, and now it is back on the up and up23:25
duanedesignboy, I am moody23:25
Silver_Fox_Heh,  sounds like you are leaning towards average23:26
duanedesignhahaha. Right. Keep It Simple Stupid :)23:27
Silver_Fox_KISS often is the best way23:28
nhandlerThanks Silver_Fox_. I didn't really leave, just got disconnected (and automatically reconnected)23:29
Silver_Fox_Well in the microseconds that you were disconnected some of us missed you23:30
Silver_Fox_ @ nhandler23:30
nhandlerAw, I missed you too Silver_Fox_23:30
duanedesignRunning Maverick, has anyone had the Broadcast Accounts dialog continuously opening every 15 minutes or so?23:44
lukjadHeya Silver_Fox_23:52
Silver_Fox_Hello lukjad ,  keeping well ?23:52
lukjadSilver_Fox_ Better. :)23:53

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