
stlsaintvish: ping01:29
stlsaintany admin folks around?01:32
bcurtiswxstlsaint, what do you mean by admin?01:35
stlsaintbcurtiswx: hrm, well vish is the only person ive been dealing with and others have titled him "admin"01:37
yofeladmin for what?01:38
* bcurtiswx waves to jorge01:39
stlsaintyofel: well heres my issue01:40
stlsaintbcurtiswx: ^^01:40
stlsainti have been assinged a mentor drew...01:40
stlsaintbut i cant triage any bugs as im not part of the team on lp01:41
stlsaint(though i thought i was from vish)01:41
yofeler, you don't need to be part of the team...01:41
yofel... to triage bugs01:41
bcurtiswxbugsquad is open to anyone (right?)01:41
micahgbcurtiswx: no, but that still doesn't stop triage01:42
micahgyou have to sign the CoC, it's moderated now01:42
bcurtiswxstlsaint, yeah, triage is still very possible without being a member.. your mentor will be able to explain why and how :)01:42
stlsaintwell i cant triage a bug on lp as im not part of the team01:42
stlsainti just tried01:42
bcurtiswxstlsaint, you don't have to be01:42
yofelstlsaint: do you mean 'set to Triaged' by chance?01:42
bcurtiswxstlsaint, what are you trying to do?01:42
yofelonly bug control can do thta01:42
micahgstlsaint: you can't mark a bug triaged? only bug control can, just requesto someone to mark it in here for you01:42
bcurtiswxwell don't everyone jump in at one :P01:43
stlsaintmicahg: oh hey01:43
* micahg goes back to lurking...01:43
stlsaintso i can triage it but someone else has to mark it, well will i be able to list the bug as something that i triaged?01:43
micahgstlsaint: right01:44
bcurtiswxstlsaint, triaging is the act of all the things you do to "mark as triaged", so anything that you help with you can say you helped triage01:45
stlsaintbcurtiswx: right i see alright so i guess i should post a bug here than and ask you to triage it ;)01:47
stlsainti just confirmed it01:47
stlsaintwell actually i brought the bug to the dev of it and a few others confirmed01:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 636119 in clicompanion "doesnt detect zsh as my preferred shell (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Confirmed]01:48
yofelstlsaint: erm, that's a but in the clicompanion project, not in the ubuntu project -> nothing we can do there01:49
stlsaintoh noes :(01:49
stlsaintcrap...alright, thanks guys, seems i need to go read some more :\01:50
bcurtiswxyofel likes but's :P, and yeah it has to be in the ubuntu project :)01:50
bcurtiswxstlsaint, this is the place to ask questions :) enjoy the literature01:50
espen77When i am connected to a wireless AP (wpa-psk) and AP is turned off, i get asked for password to logon even if the AP is gone. Is this a feature or a bug?02:57
espen77Also very annoying is "Broadcast accounts" wants to verify my twitter account every 2 minutes or so and brings the window front and focus, but i am on vacation behind the grate firewall of china so i cant verify.03:01
micahgrusivi: why are you still sending End of LIfe messages?  Also, why do you reference www.ubuntu.com03:21
rusivimicahg: I'll double check grammer & mislink03:22
micahgrusivi: my main question is why are you still sending those messages?03:22
rusivimicahg: which bug(s) specifically?03:23
micahgbug 13481303:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 134813 in firefox-3.0 (Ubuntu) (and 3 other projects) "Context menu key to fix spellings is on wrong line of textarea (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 32)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13481303:24
rusivimicahg: the last actual post dealing with the book was in 2007 = EoL? grammer was fine, link was fine,03:25
micahgrusivi: please update via www.ubuntu.com doesn't make sense03:26
rusivimicahg: I have fixed that03:26
micahgrusivi: also, if you looked at the upstream bug, it was fixed in Firefox 3.6.203:27
rusivimicahg: nod, I'm now following responses from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses03:27
micahgrusivi: k, good :)03:27
rusivimicahg: it has your suggestion in it03:27
micahgrusivi: right, but even then, that should only be used when there are no steps to reproduce and an upstream bug task isn't open03:28
* micahg used to do the same thing03:28
rusivimicahg: k03:29
alex_buieaww, I missed the bug day03:46
rusivialex_buie: this is bug-2-week for me so feel free to join in!03:52
micahgalex_buie: why, it's still Thursday somewhere03:54
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Tiibiidiiit seems that a old bug is happening again08:57
Tiibiidiishould i open a new one, or it is fine to reopen the old one by nominating it for maverick?08:57
Tiibiidiiuhm, since the information described in the bug would be the same... i think i'll nominate for maverick (and fix a tag: regression-potential instead of regression-release and that's it)09:01
FopperI saw a bunch of bugs that IMHO should be set to wishlist: 602293 602294 602297 602304 602309 60231112:17
yofelbug 602293 bug 602294 bug 602297 bug 602304 bug 602309 bug 60231112:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 602293 in prism (Ubuntu) "Google Maps (affects: 1) (heat: 51)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60229312:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 602294 in prism (Ubuntu) "Wikipedia (affects: 1) (heat: 51)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60229412:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 602297 in prism (Ubuntu) "Meebo (affects: 1) (heat: 51)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60229712:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 602304 in prism (Ubuntu) "Pixlr Editor (affects: 1) (heat: 51)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60230412:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 602309 in prism (Ubuntu) "Splashup (affects: 1) (heat: 51)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60230912:19
yofel5 at most, huh... bug 60231112:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 602311 in prism (Ubuntu) "Google Translate (affects: 1) (heat: 51)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60231112:19
Fopperyofel: thanks, quick learning moment for me12:20
ubot2Hi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots12:20
yofelFopper: done12:24
Fopperyofel: Thank you12:27
Hewjcastro, could you please renew my ubuntu-bugcontrol membership?12:32
Hewogasawara, could you please renew my ubuntu-bugcontrol membership?12:54
rrittenhouse_abhijit, hello13:32
abhijithi rrittenhouse_13:32
abhijitagain one more bug for mark as wishlist14:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 641289 in f-spot (Ubuntu) "f-spot dont have shortcut key for wallpaper (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]14:08
abhijitanyone free to mark?14:08
abhijitshadeslayer, you? :P :D14:09
rrittenhouse_I really need to figure out this triaging thing.. ;)14:09
WimYedemaHi all14:12
WimYedemaI just upgraded to 10.1014:13
WimYedemaI was pleasantly surprised to see that the window title bar is removed when the window is maximized14:13
WimYedemaBut now there's no easy way to close or unmaximize it14:13
WimYedemaSo... how do I make it easy, or how do I turn the title bar back on?14:14
WimYedemaIs anybody actually active here?14:16
abhijitWimYedema, why dont you ask in #ubuntu+114:16
WimYedemabecause I didn't know about that channel;)14:17
rrittenhouse_Is there a flowchart of the bug process? I think that would be extremely helpful14:55
rrittenhouse_So one can graphically see the processes and know what to do. (i'm a visual learner)14:56
tuosrrittenhouse_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage/Charts15:11
rrittenhouse_nfw.. thanks tuos15:12
tuosrrittenhouse_: np. You should also read the whole triaging guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage15:14
rrittenhouse_tuos, I did about two years ago :D Never fully understood it as I felt it was too full of gotchas at the time.15:16
rrittenhouse_I will re-read again though.. i really want to help out15:16
ogasawaraHew: sure, what's your launchpad id?15:31
Hewogasawara, hew, thanks15:31
ogasawaraHew: done, renewed for another year.15:33
Hewthanks :)15:33
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rrittenhouse_How are you to judge if a bug has a duplicate or not? I'm guessing theres no easy way to do this besides searching and taking a stab in the dark.16:16
rrittenhouse_or have things changed?16:16
charlie-tcaIf there are stack traces, they need to match16:17
charlie-tcabut, there should be enough information to determine they are the same, if there are no stacktraces.16:18
elopiogood morning.16:19
rrittenhouse_good morning elopio16:20
elopiorrittenhouse_: :)16:20
elopioI one more triaging question.16:21
elopioI see some bugs marked as "expired". But I can't do it. Is it something that requires additional permissions?16:21
yofelelopio: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status16:22
yofelnot settable by web interface16:22
elopioum, thanks yofel. Could you tell me how to set it by mail?16:23
yofelit's more of scripted use, but if you want to set it you can do it by mail or use my script in https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~yofel/+junk/lp-scripts16:23
yofelelopio: https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/EmailInterface pretty useful sometimes16:24
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
rrittenhouse_Someone should screencast sessions of triaging sometime (that know what they are doing). Id like to see the workflows that some people use16:39
popeygreat idea!16:40
* micahg thought someone already did16:40
rrittenhouse_lol im sure someone has... they always seem to be ten steps ahead16:40
rrittenhouse_i just can't find them16:40
popeytheres one about filing bugs16:41
popeynot triaging16:41
* charlie-tca thought we had one too16:42
rrittenhouse_i'm thinking of interactive sessions with people that are doing it as they go along so others can ask questions about why they do what they do16:42
rrittenhouse_i could be off of my rocker but it sounds helpful16:42
yofelthat would be a screencast + a -classroom session16:44
yofelnow you need someone that does it :P16:44
popeycould be done at somewhere like a bug day16:45
popeyhave a few people sat around a pc, record the screen and the audio16:45
popeyso you get the discussion and why people are tagging and replying to bugs in that way16:45
popeyreal world scenarios16:45
popeys/bug day/global jam/16:46
rrittenhouse_hell even if people recorded their 5-a-day if thats still going on16:47
charlie-tca5-a-day is recorded automatically now, makes that more difficult16:51
rrittenhouse_interesting.. :)16:51
rrittenhouse_but smarter for sure16:52
neeraj_guptahow to add support for non-genuine packages bug reporting through apport. I was working on adding support for bug reporting for sucrose-0.88 package16:52
popeycharlie-tca: i think rrittenhouse_ doesn't mean what you think he means16:53
popeycharlie-tca: rrittenhouse_ means "screencasting a 5 a day session", not "record the stats of a 5-a-day session"16:53
popeyI think16:53
rrittenhouse_true popey but either way i didn't realize it was recorded automatically now16:54
rrittenhouse_it's just a classification really people can just record them doing a few each day to show the different kinds of real world scenarios you might run into or how to handle certain scenarios16:54
yofelneeraj_gupta: needs an apport hook for the package and if you keep the bugs in a seperate launchpad project a small crashdb config file16:55
yofelneeraj_gupta: did you already read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport/DeveloperHowTo ?16:56
rrittenhouse_popey, What do you think would be the appropriate next-step in seeing if something like this is valuable to people? Do I create a Wiki page and submit a blueprint or ?16:56
popeyI'd write a script, and think of bugs that you could triage, and maybe even make some dummy bugs on the staging launchpad server16:57
popeythen record the screen whilst triaging those bugs16:57
neeraj_guptayofel: yes I did. I don't know how this can happen. I had used ubuntu-bug -p for sugar-0.88 afair. at that time it was working file. I have read about apport-hook when I first went through apport.16:57
yofelneeraj_gupta: are you talking about a ppa package or the official one?16:58
rrittenhouse_popey, I don't know how to triage yet..hence why i'm even pondering it. I keep trying but keep getting way confused but like I said I am a visual learner and theres mounds of documentation to sift through to learn it.16:59
rrittenhouse_popey, I triaged a couple back in the day with my old mentor (bobbo) and done a little packaging here and there but that's been 2 years now I think.17:00
popeyah, ok17:00
neeraj_guptayofel: official17:03
yofelneeraj_gupta: it shouldn't tell you that it's a non-genuine package in this case. What's your output of 'apt-cache policy sucrose-0.88' ?17:04
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micahgrusivi: for bug 155378, that package was removed from hardy on, so it can be mark fix released17:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 155378 in tabextensions (Ubuntu) "mozilla-tabextensions is unrecommended (heat: 8)" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15537817:13
rusivimicahg: ah good call, can if you like?17:15
micahgrusivi: go for it, just explain that the package was removed in Hardy17:16
rusivimicahg: quick folllow-up, wouldn't it be better suited to "won't fix" since it was removed from Hardy?17:17
micahgrusivi: why didn't you check if the package was removed?17:17
micahgrusivi: no, the bug was it was recommended and it really should've been dropped17:17
rusivimicahg: I did check but I did not know that condition for removed packages are marked fixed.17:18
rusivimicahg: did not even know to ask17:18
rusivimicahg: sorry bout that17:18
micahgrusivi: it depends on the report ;) in this case, the issue was it wouldn't work, so needed to be removed17:18
rusivimicahg: ahhhh sorry your right this one should be marked fixed (took a little to sink in)17:19
rusivimicahg: just marked as fixed17:23
yofelmicahg: any progress on bug 630789 btw?17:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 630789 in ubuntu-mozilla-ppa-bugs "firefox ppa apport hook crashes with KeyError: 'ubuntu-mozilla-ppa-bugs' (affects: 1) (heat: 15)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63078917:23
micahgyofel: sort of, I still have to talk to chrisccoulson about implementation17:26
yofelmicahg: the config file would look like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/495388/ (doesn't use the ubuntu bugpatterns though)17:27
micahgyofel: that's the part I know :)17:28
micahgyofel: the question is how to handle it for multiple sources where we just need 1 copy in the crashdb dir17:29
yofelmicahg: every hook needs to have the CrashDB set to the same value17:29
yofelor every source package needs a symlink to the same hook17:29
micahgyofel: right17:29
yofelah, I think I got what you mean :/17:30
micahgyofel: it's not ubuntuone where there's one source -> one project ;)17:31
yofelright, I wrote one for project-neon, there we'll probably put it in a meta package (probably together with the xsession configuration)17:31
neeraj_guptayofel: ok. my bad. I had installed the new package after building the package and so the *upgraded version* was technically not a genuine Ubuntu package. ty for ur pointers :)17:36
micahgrusivi: please stop asking people to test when there are steps to reproduce17:45
rusivimicahg: may I please have an example?17:46
micahgbug 156615 and bug 15564817:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 156615 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) "sound notification does not allow to specify a custom wav file (affects: 3) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15661517:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 155648 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) "Regression: Thunderbird New Mail sound cuts off before end (heat: 3)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15564817:46
rusivimicahg: well looks like my new bug zapping has come to a conclusion. Moving forward, I'll review the ones I have posted to and see what I can do with them!17:48
micahgrusivi: your choice17:49
rusivimicahg: Well I have a difference in opinion that I'm not going to challenge. I believe in the quantity + quality policy. You want quality. Not a choice but not a big deal.17:50
rusivimicahg: ty for your guidance if I have any further questions I won't hesitate to ask!17:51
micahgrusivi: k, we appreciate the effort17:51
hggdhI am not sure I understand it18:05
micahghggdh: the last conversation?18:06
nigelbmicahg: heh, that was confusing ;)18:12
hggdhat least he stopped18:15
nigelboh, true.18:15
nigelbI need to check my mailbox now to try and figure out which among the 100s there are one thata need to be checked18:16
chrisccoulsonmicahg - you noticed rusivi asking for information on bugs that are obvious too?18:43
micahgchrisccoulson: was a big problem, I commented on it several times18:44
chrisccoulsonbug 155378, asking to test on the latest version18:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 155378 in tabextensions (Ubuntu) "mozilla-tabextensions is unrecommended (heat: 8)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15537818:44
micahgchrisccoulson: right :)18:44
chrisccoulsondespite the extension being removed from the archive ;)18:44
chrisccoulsonalthough he did realise in the end, unless somebody prompted him18:44
* micahg coughs18:44
* micahg points to scrollback 90 minutes ago18:45
chrisccoulsoni give up on bug 641294, i've honestly got no idea what is going on18:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 641294 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Error loading the runtime (/usr/lib/firefox-3.6.10/libnssutil3.so: undefined symbol: PL_ClearArenaPool) (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64129418:47
* yofel managed to freeze nouveau solid on maverick and apport seems stuck collecting information18:48
yofelgreat :/18:49
micahgchrisccoulson: you seem to have checked everything, maybe the ldd output will be a smoking gun18:49
micahgchrisccoulson: have you written bugpatterns before?18:49
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i've not written them before18:50
chrisccoulsoni wanted to write one for the ubufox upgrade failures coming from ubuntu ultimate edition users18:50
micahgchrisccoulson: I'm thinking of writing one for the ubufox/ubuntu ultimate issue18:50
chrisccoulsonheh :)18:50
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm sick of collecting those reports now18:50
micahgthat and the ubuntuzilla upgrade failures18:51
chrisccoulsonyeah, i was thinking of that one too ;)18:51
chrisccoulsonit would be good to have bug patterns for those, as those issues aren't going to go away any time soon18:52
micahgchrisccoulson: k, I probably won't get to it until after maverick release though18:53
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=== bilalakhtar_ is now known as bilalakhtar
mc_is this an appropriate channel to ask about errors when upgrading packages? #ubuntu was not too helpful19:12
mc_specifically http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/Q387uPTD19:13
mc_the error came configuring xulrunner and friends19:14
yofelmc_: ask in #ubuntu-mozillateam, they maintain that iirc19:15
mc_yofel:  great, thanks19:16
=== ivoks is now known as ivoks-afk
mc_yofel:  thanks again, problem solved19:30
nigelbcharlie-tca: um, not many folks with access to -meeting?19:31
* nigelb didn't want to linger in -ops19:31
charlie-tcaI suppose. I will keep trying though19:31
nigelbgreat, thanks for being on the case :)19:31
charlie-tcaah-ha. Ops are on it19:32
nigelbwhat the....19:33
annonhi. I just installed 10.04.1 LTS with full disk encryption, but every time it boots up my monitor says "video mode not supported" before I can even enter the password to unlock /. what can I do about it? it has to be a setting in /boot since this is the only partition not encrypted at this point.19:37
charlie-tcastill trying19:38
charlie-tcanigelb: no ops available that can do anything in there19:40
nigelbcharlie-tca: none from concil is around? Pici ?19:41
nigelbor even popey19:41
rrittenhouse_annon, have you tried asking in #ubuntu ?19:41
charlie-tcadoesn't seem to be19:41
hggdhwhere are the ops when we need them?19:41
rrittenhouse_hggdh, why, whats wrong?19:42
hggdhon #ubuntu-meeting, rompeculos and Ubunterito19:42
rrittenhouse_oooh ok.19:42
charlie-tcaapparently, you almost never need them there19:43
nigelbcharlie-tca: sigh, that access list needs expanding if you ask me.19:44
nigelbI should raise that with ircc19:44
charlie-tcathat list is almost obsolete. That is part of the problem19:44
* nigelb growls19:45
nigelbfrustrating to feel so helpless19:45
annonrrittenhouse_: yes, about 4 times, no reply. it's a bug, isn't it?19:45
* nigelb hugs Pici :)19:46
rrittenhouse_annon, I have no clue - I was just thinking that's where they did support moreso than here. (correct me if im wrong)19:46
charlie-tcarrittenhouse_: correct19:47
charlie-tcaannon: sounds like a bug in xorg; have you checked launchpad for one?19:48
annoncharlie-tca: is xorg in /boot? I have no clue to be honest, but since /boot is the only unencrypted partition at this point, and I don't think /boot contains xorg, I don't think xorg is the problem here.19:49
rrittenhouse_annon, I asked you for more details in #ubuntu (unless they want to talk about it here)19:50
annonrrittenhouse_: rather here :-)19:50
rrittenhouse_annon, what kind of graphics card do you have?19:50
charlie-tcarather there. This is not support, but rather to discuss bug triage issues19:51
annonnvidia gt 220.19:51
hggdhKMS, probably19:51
annoncharlie-tca: oh!19:51
annonsorry then.19:51
rrittenhouse_k. ill search around and get back with you in #ubuntu if I find anything19:51
prekhello guys i wan19:54
preki whant report a bug on 10.10 beta but not much time... can i report here ?19:54
charlie-tcaprek: If you want to see it fixed, it needs to be reported to launchpad19:55
prekbut need register etc right ?19:55
prekim runing out o battery laptop ...19:55
charlie-tcaright. Here is the howto - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs19:55
charlie-tcaHmm, recharge then report?19:56
prekits just ubuntu crash on loading and give this fb: conflicting fb hw usage radeondrmfb vs VESA VGA - removing generic driver19:57
prekhp g62-a10ep .... hybrid grafic card...19:58
charlie-tcaThen you will be the one with the information they need, not someone else.19:58
prekok i gonna try register...19:59
prek15% bat ;D20:00
charlie-tcathanks. If I reported it, it would record against my nvidia card, which would be wrong.20:00
prekbut im at windows right now ...20:01
prekbecause dont instaled 3g card yet20:01
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rusivimicahg: hey quick question while I'm diving into all the bugs I touched, it seems once I am done if I want to continue bugging I should put a small disclaimer in my initial posting that I am a new bug zapper. What do you think about that?21:01
rusivimicahg: Couple responses I have read the people seemed a little salty....21:02
yofelwell, the people don't care if you're new or not, and telling them you're new won't make them happier IMHO21:02
charlie-tcasometimes using the standard responses (copy and paste) helps21:03
rusiviyofel: duly noted more of something like I'm a newer volunteer perhaps or just stock responses as charlie-tca suggests?21:04
yofelrather try to stick to our usual process, meaning first try to check if you can reproduce the bug and only if you're unable to do so ask the reporter questions. And leave the bug alone if you don't have the environment to test the bug21:04
yofela tent to agree with charlie-tca21:04
rusiviyofel: then I agree too21:04
rusiviyofel / charlie-tca: ty21:07
charlie-tcaOf course, we all get snapped at too21:09
rrittenhouse_popey, (referring to the live screencast+qa thing). I need to find someone that wants to experiment with this. Is the technical infrastructure already ready?21:12
popeyit probably needs two people sat next to eachother21:13
rrittenhouse_how so?21:13
rrittenhouse_You could possibly use the IRC chat combined with a live video service (if youtube live was out this might work?). I think a text chat with people watching a live screencast + voice would suffice, would it not?21:15
devildantehello everyone :)21:15
rrittenhouse_hello devildante21:15
devildanteand most importantly, hello samwho :)21:15
samwhoMohammed! :)21:15
devildanterrittenhouse, hi :)21:16
devildantesamwho, sorry I haven't been available earlier21:16
samwhoLikewise ^_^21:16
samwhoUnfortunately you jut caught me as I was about to go food shopping but I should be back in roughly an hour :)21:16
devildantesamwho, take your time :)21:17
devildantejust ping me when you're done21:17
samwhoDo you have IM or anything?21:17
devildantesamwho, google talk21:17
samwhoThat's cool, I'll email you :)21:17
devildantesamwho, okay :)21:18
rusivihey major security issue with bug 1068621:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 10686 in gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu) "No GUI method to disable screen lock on lid close event (affects: 6) (dups: 1) (heat: 62)" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1068621:20
rusiviresume from suspend does not prompt for password as per two different parties21:20
rusiviok, maybe not major but significant...21:20
rusivicharlie-tca: just resume from suspend on my laptop got prompted for password, now trying to do so by lid closing21:23
rusivijust resume from suspend = I just resumed from suspending21:23
micahgrusivi: I don;t think a disclaimer will matter21:23
rusivimicahg: I agree21:23
charlie-tcaNot security issue because the original reporter filed a wishlist bug to have a gui to disable screen locking21:23
rusivicharlie-tca: sorry bud21:24
charlie-tcaHis system locked automatically when suspending and he wanted to disable that21:24
* micahg is off21:24
rusivicharlie-tca: misread I thought it did not21:24
popeyrrittenhouse_: possibly21:26
rusivicharlie-tca: your totally right21:26
charlie-tcacomment #29, it works as the user wants it to, when the lid is closed. However, gconf editor is a gui that can be used to change the behavior ( comment #19)21:27
charlie-tcaI would put that back to confirmed and let the design team work it. You could tag it "usability"21:28
charlie-tcaRather, according to the last two comments, the original bug as reported is fixed in lucid21:29
charlie-tcaSo, a note that the bug no longer exists as filed, if there are other options desired to lock the screen, please file a new bug.21:30
charlie-tcarusivi: You could get to close the oldest bug of the month21:32
rusivicharlie-tca: woot woot21:33
charlie-tcaGood work on that one.21:33
rusivicharlie-tca: seriously, it was an example of where I was right for the wrong reason hehe21:34
BUGabundowhy have so many of my OLD OLD bugs (gutsy) been marked as medium or HIGh?21:46
rusivicharlie-tca: quick follow up on bug 10686, in Maverick went into System -> Preferences Screensaver, and into System -> Power Management and could not find the option to do what the bug requester suggested. Seems we should mark as a wishlist?21:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 10686 in gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu) "No GUI method to disable screen lock on lid close event (affects: 6) (dups: 1) (heat: 63)" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1068621:46
yofelBUGabundo: do you mean the Bug Watcher emails?21:48
yofelthat one got an Importance sync feature recently and is updating all bugs whether fixed or not fixed21:49
charlie-tcaThe only place you will find "lock screen" is in Screensaver preferences, but if you follow the procedure in comment #8, you should be able to set the options using gconf editor.21:50
BUGabundoso why aren't they EOL?21:50
yofelBUGabundo: it shouldn't touch the ubuntu task, only the upstream task on the bugs21:50
macoand its not just importance thats being updated21:50
macoLOTS of comments being added into the bug reports too21:51
BUGabundo** Changed in: gparted21:51
BUGabundo   Importance: Unknown => Medium21:51
charlie-tcaThe issue as originally filed is to be able to suspend without the screen locking. Does unchecking the "lock screen" option in screensaver allow that?21:51
ubot2Ubuntu bug 137872 in gparted (Baltix) (and 5 other projects) "please add support for ext4 (affects: 9) (heat: 13)" [Undecided,New]21:51
charlie-tcaBUGabundo: does the baltix image have that yet?21:52
ubot2Ubuntu bug 193195 in trickle (Debian) (and 1 other project) "trickle defaults to 10KiB/s for upload/download limits (heat: 10)" [Unknown,New]21:52
charlie-tcathe english image does21:52
BUGabundothis one was fixed long ago :\21:52
ubot2Ubuntu bug 206583 in libgksu (Ubuntu Hardy) (and 5 other projects) "System Monitor crashes when lowering nice value of process (affects: 34) (dups: 12) (heat: 254)" [Medium,Triaged]21:53
BUGabundo** Changed in: gnome-system-monitor21:53
BUGabundo   Importance: Unknown => Critical21:53
BUGabundolol critical21:53
yofelBUGabundo: right, it's updating the *upstream* bug tracker links, there was some talk about why it didn't exclude fixed bugs though, didn't track it21:54
charlie-tcaYou kept the trickle bug active, and never commented it was fixed for you. How would they know?21:55
* yofel got over 100 such mails so far...21:55
* charlie-tca got over 100 too21:56
BUGabundo167 right now :\21:56
BUGabundocharlie-tca: I did ??21:56
charlie-tcaI didn't even know I was tracking so many gnumeric bugs!21:56
BUGabundoI was under the impression I did :\21:56
charlie-tcaBUGabundo: everytime anyone tries to close that bug, you tell them it is still valid21:57
hggdhBUGabundo: only 167? Lucky you21:57
* hggdh got a few thousands21:57
BUGabundoI lost track of it in 200921:58
charlie-tcaMaybe they got tired of closing it?21:58
* BUGabundo retests21:58
BUGabundoits working21:59
BUGabundowait... not it aint22:00
BUGabundoand now I can't test22:00
BUGabundodarn transmission22:00
BUGabundoanyone else cares to try that one ?22:01
BUGabundoyep, still not fixed22:05
ubot2Ubuntu bug 345215 in gdm (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Ubuntu 8.10 running in low-graphics mode with AST2000 (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Low,Invalid]22:09
BUGabundowhat should be done with this bug?22:09
BUGabundomarked as fixed?22:10
yofelBUGabundo: that's already marked as invalid22:11
greg-gand the gnome bug is "Resolved NOTGNOME"22:13
* BUGabundo 100 bug mail to go22:24
charlie-tcaAt the rate we are going through them, that is many days, isn't it/22:28
BUGabundoI hope I have bug mail done TONIGHT22:29
BUGabundoeven if I have to delete them all22:30
BUGabundojk jk22:30
rusivibug 12613 should be set to low importance due to other alternative packages available22:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 12613 in xpdf (Debian) (and 2 other projects) "Xpdf renders really slow, non-responsive (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1261322:30
rusivithat work waayyyyyy better (no offense if any devs for xpdf here)22:31
charlie-tcarusivi: actually, the importance for the xpdf (Ubuntu) is already set.22:31
rusivicharlie-tca: I'm suggesting reset it to low22:31
rusivicharlie-tca: super-cede the remote tracker22:32
rusivicharlie-tca: k np22:32
charlie-tcathe remote tracker will set it's own importance. We only set it for Ubuntu sources22:32
charlie-tcabut, you are right, low is valid for us22:32
rusivicharlie-tca: sorry miscommunication i'm saying low on the ubuntu part only22:32
rusivicharlie-tca: I thought that the remote tracker places the same importance on the ubuntu part as the remote part22:33
charlie-tcaNo, we set the ??? (Ubuntu) status and importance.22:33
rusivibug 15019 should be marked as "won't fix" if he wants to downgrade his entire distro he should install an older version then :P22:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 15019 in synaptic (Ubuntu) "Difficulty downgrading packages with dependencies (affects: 5) (heat: 36)" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1501922:52
rusivihe can use virtualbox or whaver virtualization program-dejure22:53
rusiviwhaver = whatever22:53
yofelIMHO this should be possible anyway, ok, with ppa-purge in the archive now we have one use-case less, but I don't see why it should be won't fix22:54
micahgrusivi: not your call, the maintainer accepted it22:54
rusivik np22:55
rusivimicahg: would it be unpro to respectfully mention my belief on virtualization?22:55
micahgrusivi: well, sometimes an upgrade breaks things and a downgrade helps22:56
rusiviI have experienced the opposite of him, I tried to cheat a little by downloading more updated packages for Ubuntu in Debian then install in Maverick/Lucid22:56
rusivithen package dependency issue22:56
micahgcomment 5 is a good example22:57
micahgtest proposed and find a bug and want to downgrade22:57
micahgrusivi: I thought you were going to stop touching confirmed bugs22:57
rusivimicahg: uhhhh I did?!22:57
micahgoh, this is old22:57
rusivity for 2x'ing22:58
rusivibut bug 15019 boiled down to user error but still marks an important issue that do we make it "easy" to downgrade parts/portion of the OS, I firmly believe no due to well documented alternatives.23:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 15019 in synaptic (Ubuntu) "Difficulty downgrading packages with dependencies (affects: 5) (heat: 36)" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1501923:00
rusiviIMO, there's only so much to cater too that's not one of them23:01
micahgrusivi: that's why it's low importance23:02
micahgit's wanted, but no one has time ATM, so opportunistic developer can supply a patch23:02
rusivimicahg: ahhh k np23:03
micahgrusivi: we have a great use case in people testing -proposed (Debian also has this)23:04
rusivimicahg: np I adopted your perspective on it23:06
rusiviquick question on bug 18125 when the package bugged hasn't been added to since Hardy is this a Invalid/Won't Fix?23:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 18125 in hwdb-client (Ubuntu) "hwdb raises Exception when looking up route (dups: 11) (heat: 105)" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1812523:22
rusiviOr does it stay open for server hardy/dapper?23:23
rusiviopen = as is23:23
charlie-tcaIf it is fixed in maverick, it can be closed23:25
charlie-tcaWe can mark it fix-released, as long it is is fixed in maverick23:26
yofelcharlie-tca: rmadison hwdb-client:23:26
yofelhwdb-client | 0.6-0ubuntu10 |        dapper | source, all23:26
yofelhwdb-client |     0.6.14 | hardy/universe | source23:26
yofelthe package doesn't exist since hardy23:26
yofeland even there it was removed it seems23:26
charlie-tcaThen it should still be invalid now23:26
rusivicharlie-tca / yofel: Would you like me to mark as invalid?23:31
charlie-tcaMake sure you comment why, though23:31
rusivicharlie-tca: i'm a little lost no such package in Maverick?23:33
rusiviname@name-laptop:~$ apt-cache policy hwdb N: Unable to locate package hwdb name@name-laptop:~$ apt-cache policy hwdb-gui N: Unable to locate package hwdb-gui name@name-laptop:~$ apt-cache policy hwdb-client N: Unable to locate package hwdb-client23:33
charlie-tcaThe package was removed from Hardy 8.04 and all future versions of Ubuntu to date.23:33
rusivicharlie-tca I don't understand what comments in input for "invalid"23:34
charlie-tcaThe package was removed from Hardy 8.04 and all future versions of Ubuntu to date. Therefore this bug is being closed. Without this package, this is no longer an issue23:34
rusivicharlie-tca: I need a spoon feed moment if you don't mind23:34
charlie-tcano problem23:34
Nafalloehrm, isn't hwdb renamed to checkbox?23:35
rusivinever heard of either23:35
charlie-tcacheckbox is automatic testing, hwdb was ???23:35
charlie-tcaI thought a hardware listing23:35
rusivicheckbox looks fancy though as I look at it23:36
Nafallothe first desktop testing thing. playing sounds and asking the user if they heard it and stuff like that.23:36
charlie-tcaIt's okay. The issue has not surfaced in any version since hardy23:36
charlie-tcaWe can still close with that comment. If it is a problem in checkbox, that is a new bug23:37
Nafallookidoki :-)23:37
NafalloI just skimmed my channels and thought I'd give the little input I had on the subject ;-)23:38
rusivicharlie-tca: so the comment you think is good "This package was removed from Hardy 8.04 and all future versions of Ubuntu to date. Therefore this bug is being closed. Without this package, this is no longer an issue."23:38
charlie-tcaThat will work23:38
rusiviRegarding bug 18593 do we mark Invalid for the same reasons as bug 18125 ?23:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 18593 in vnc (Ubuntu) "[vnc] can't find fixed font (affects: 2) (heat: 20)" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1859323:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 18125 in hwdb-client (Ubuntu) "hwdb raises Exception when looking up route (dups: 11) (heat: 107)" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1812523:58

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