
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
progre55hi guys. running an instance, but cannot connect to it. euca-get-console-output says "mount: mount point /dev/pts does not exist ... etc etc ... Mount of root filesystem failed. "08:49
progre55any suggestions, please?08:49
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
progre55hey guys. I'm trying to run an image, 10.04 64bit, but not able to connect to it ("ssh: connect to host xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx port 22: Connection refused"), although it's status is "running". here is the end of the console output http://pastie.org/1165183 any suggestions, please?17:39
progre55and then I tried to get a clean 64bit lucid UEC image. I get the same problem, although "euca-get-console-output" is a bit different http://pastie.org/116520117:44
smoserprogre55, where are you running this ?17:53
progre55smoser: what do you mean this?17:53
smoseri suspect that the kernel crash is transient.17:53
smoserbut the other, i suspect is routing issues17:54
smoseris that ec2 or uec17:54
progre55both uec17:54
smoser(sorry to have forgotten what you were doing)17:54
progre55but the first one is a converted AMI image17:54
smoserso, i suspect that in the first log the instance is up, but you can't get to it because something is busted in routing.17:54
smoserconverted ami as in from amazon ?17:55
smosermake sure /etc/fstab is clean17:55
smoser, that it only has /dev/sda1 in it17:55
progre55oh I see17:55
smoser(that might cause boot hang)17:55
smoserbut i don thtink you're hitting that17:55
progre55no actually I was having a problem with mountall before17:56
smoserwell, that isn't actually an error17:56
progre55getting "mount: mount point /dev/pts does not exist, etc"17:56
progre55but that was with another image17:56
progre55and how come I cant even run a clean official uec image..17:58
progre55that's the second log..17:58
smoserwhat is the NC ?18:13
smoserwhat kind of system ?18:13
smoseri suspect if you run it again, it will be fine.18:13
progre55NC is also ubuntu uec18:17
progre55smoser: which one should I try to run? the clean image?18:18
smoserwell the one that kernel crashed18:18
smoserwhat kind of hardware is NC18:18
progre55hmm.. it's a server, but with an old hard drive18:20
progre55the only weakest point is the hard drive in the NC18:20
progre55let me try to rebundle and re-run it then..18:20
progre55smoser: wow, actually both of them work now! =)18:42
progre55I suppose that's my NC machine18:43
progre55will change the HD I guess18:44
progre55smoser: thanks a lot, man! appreciate18:44
progre55well, time to go home now =)18:44
marruslsmoser, thanks for the ttylinux.  I am able to ssh into the instance.  So I still kinda think it's a network issue of some type, but my setup is basically good, so it's weird.19:03
smoserinside the ttylinux do you have access to the metadata service ?19:03
smoserwget -q -O -; echo19:04
smoserthat should show you your instance id19:05
smoserthat is what the lucid images are trying to do.19:05
marruslsmoser, Ah, see right after I got the instance up on the node controller, we kind of had a tornado or close to it in queens.19:08
marrusland I lost my internet.19:08
marruslI'm still using mobile broadband, so I can't really check now!19:08
marruslSeriously, it looks like a disaster movie outside.19:09
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== maedox is now known as maedox|afk

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