
* TheMuso shkes his head. So many people filing bugs for audio using lucid's proposed 2.6.32-25 kernel series...00:03
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SpamapSis now a bad time to try and upload packages to a ppa for maverick? I am getting a lot of uninstallable stuff.. like.. cdbs and debhelper..00:53
SpamapS cdbs : Depends: intltool but it is not going to be installed00:53
slangasekSpamapS: dunno what that is, things shouldn't be problematic right now given that we just froze.  How long ago was it, can you reproduce the problem in a chroot?01:00
slangasek(I can't, but the chroot I'm in isn't a clean one)01:00
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SpamapSslangasek: I'm unable to update my chroot or pbuilder right now because my internet connection shuts itself down if I sustain downloads. :(01:11
SpamapStechnician coming tomorrow with a new DSL modem.. hopefully that fixes it. :-P01:12
SpamapSslangasek: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/55773453/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-i386.cassandra_0.6.5ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz01:12
SpamapSthere's the full failed to build log01:12
avi_Hello, can anyone tell me if there are any signals for appindicator menus themselves? Like not clicking a menu item, but clicking the indicator icon itself.01:25
persiaCould someone give-back all the failed langpacks on i386 ( http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ ) gettext seems less broken now.02:06
TheMusopersia: no shell access to mass give back here, but there are not a lot, so I'll give them back manually.02:20
persiaTheMuso, Thanks.  I was hoping a buildd-admin was around, but I figured it would be unpleasant for the Europeans to wake up to those.02:23
TheMusonp should all be back in the queue now.02:24
persiaAlso, thanks for cleaning up after me on 623242: I missed the flat volumes somewhere.02:25
slangasekSpamapS: ^^ would have been the gettext issue mentioned above, believed solved now03:17
UbuXubui would like to report a bug05:39
UbuXubui did a clean install of 10.04 a couple weeks ago and i let ubuntu have the entire disk.05:40
UbuXubuit updated and has since updated a few more times.05:40
UbuXubuthe last update was small..maybe 5-6 of them. i tokk them all as i always do. after that when i log in the panels are gone?05:41
UbuXubuso i did the terminal command and it worked but the panels are gone again everytime i log in.05:41
UbuXubusoi was given a second termal command and it worked too, but anytime i log in the problem comes back.05:42
UbuXubuso just for the heck of it i right clicked on the panels and installed one of those little widgets offered by ubuntu. i put a couple of them on each panel AND THAT FIXED IT?05:43
UbuXubu i am hoping this fix somehow leads the coders to what is wrong because i really dont want the widgets, but for now it keeps my panels frpm disappearing.05:44
TheMusoUbuXubu: If you wish to file a bug, you should file the bug on launchpad.net. I suggest you go to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+filebug to file your bug. The link I gave you is to file a bug against the component, otherwise known as package, that you are having problems with.05:46
TheMuso!filebug | UbuXubu05:46
ubottuUbuXubu: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots05:46
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MIH1406Is there a program that check my sources against standards coding?07:27
pittiGood morning07:55
pooliepitti: hi, i wanted to see about getting bzr in to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates/MicroReleaseExceptions07:56
pooliethis is basically the process we follow now, but i think it would be worth fixing any accidental divergences07:56
poolieand making it formally recognized07:56
pittipoolie: this sounds reasonable to me, given its history, test coverage, and regression potential07:56
pittipoolie: can you please mail technical-board@ about this, so that we can discuss it officially?07:57
pooliewe have put some SRUs up but in the last one someone (quite reasonably) questioned if it was ok to upload a whole minor release rather than individual patches07:57
pittithen we can discuss it next Tuesday, or on the ML07:57
pooliesure, just though i'd sound you out first07:57
pittipoolie: minor releases have always been okay as long as the individual changes all match SRU criteria07:57
pittihm, did someone already giveback all langpacks after the libunicode bug?08:01
pittilibunistring0, actually08:02
pittiah, seems so; thanks08:02
ari-tczewpitti: thanks for reject wrong file :)08:06
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pooliepitti, sent, it's currently in the moderation queue08:24
pittipoolie: I discarded the first post and accepted the second08:34
pooliewas it sent twice?08:34
pooliehow strange08:35
pittiapparently so08:36
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Foobar_Hi, I want to start programming an open source project for learning purpose and for helping the open source community09:02
Foobar_But I am confused in what type of project?09:03
Foobar_Who can suggest a project for me that is not a duplicate of any other project?09:04
primes2hpitti: I can't build apport. pastebin.ubuntu.com/494806 svg icon error.09:05
primes2hpitti: first of all, hello! :-)09:06
primes2hpitti: it seems that symlink point at the wrong dir.09:08
cjwatsonTheMuso: shell access for give-backs> you don't need it - there's an ubuntu-build program in ubuntu-dev-tools, with a --batch option09:10
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pittihello primes2h09:40
pittiprimes2h: no, the dir is correct; it rather looks like debian/tmp/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/mimetypes09:41
pittidoesn't exist?09:41
primes2hpitti: text-x-apport.svg points to ../apps/apport.svg but apps dir doesn't exist.09:43
primes2htext-x-apport.svg is into mimetypes09:43
pittilrwxrwxrwx 1 martin martin 18 2010-08-25 12:51 ./data/icons/scalable/mimetypes/text-x-apport.svg -> ../apps/apport.svg09:44
pitti-rw-r--r-- 1 martin martin 16628 2010-08-05 17:55 ./data/icons/scalable/apps/apport.svg09:44
pittiseems fine here09:44
primes2hpitti: it's present in ./data/icons/scalable/etc... but not in debian/tmp/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/09:46
primes2hpitti: just mimetype dir is present  in debian/tmp/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/09:47
pittihm, they build just fine here09:52
primes2hpitti: tried with pbuilder and debuild. Am I doing something wrong maybe?09:53
pittiprimes2h: not sure; perhaps put the complete build log somehwere?09:54
pittiI did apt-get source apport; cd apport-*; debuild -b09:54
primes2hpitti: same here, I've just modified source code a bit (two line added). dch etc..09:59
primes2hpitti: I'll try to have a deeper look into10:00
pittiprimes2h: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/tmp/apport_1.14.1-0ubuntu7_amd64.build if you want to diff the build dlog10:00
primes2hpitti: Thanks!10:01
didrockscjwatson: do you know if there will be a script to close all ubuntu bugs from the last week upload or should we care about that ourself?10:38
cjwatsondidrocks: there is such a script which I am currently running ;-)10:39
didrockscjwatson: great! thanks :-) is everything working again now?10:39
cjwatsondidrocks: (you may have noticed me closing a number of your quickly bugs ...)10:39
cjwatsonI believe so10:39
cjwatsonif it isn't, let me know and I'll escalate10:39
didrockscjwatson: right, but as there were some minutes between emails, I was hoping you wasn't going crazy closing them manually :)10:39
cjwatsonwell, not manually via a browser10:39
cjwatsonI have to pay some attention to it, as there are some cases where the bug would have been closed via the upload, but then somebody noticed it wasn't fixed after all10:40
cjwatsonso I have a script that looks for all the bugs that should be closed, then presents me all the bug comments and the proposed close message and lets me say close, skip, or open in browser10:41
cjwatsonand I apply judgement from there10:41
cjwatsonstill much faster than having to open them all up in firefox or whatever10:41
didrockscjwatson: oh ok, some pretty touchy case in it and so, long task. good luck with that! Hope it won't take too long for you :-) thanks!10:41
cjwatsonit's not too bad, I'm up to r10:41
cjwatsonbeen poking it on and off since yesterday afternoon10:42
didrocks(sweet, soon unity them ;))10:42
cjwatsonmy thought exactly.  I assume there are several bugs on the RC list that this will catch10:42
didrocksright, there are also some others with yesterday's evening release. I'm still catching up on emails on beeing away from the last 2 days and will package the new stack then10:43
didrocksit fixes also a bunch of bugs10:43
didrocksthe RC list is getting smaller for it, that's a good news :)10:43
zygawhat is bug watch updater (on launchpad)10:45
zygait has just changed the importance of a bug to critical10:45
cjwatsonzyga: see ubuntu-devel10:46
cjwatsonzyga: and note that it's changing the importance of the upstream task10:46
* zyga chcecks10:46
zygacjwatson, thanks, that explains it10:47
ttxpitti: what's the status of bug 494141, now that we reverted the cups/samba stuff ?10:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 494141 in cups (Ubuntu) "CUPS starts after SAMBA; printers are not available (convert cups to upstart)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49414110:54
pittittx: ah, that should be fixed now, let me close the bug10:54
ttxpitti: good, thanks :)10:54
pittittx: bug updated10:55
sorenThe conclusion was that Samba would reload the printers on SIGHUP, right?10:55
sorenCool beans.10:57
cjwatsondidrocks: ubiquity 2.3.19 had its bugs auto-closed, at least10:58
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didrockscjwatson: ok, thanks for the notice :)11:01
cjwatsondidrocks: should I close bug 631446 with the unity 0.2.38-0ubuntu1 upload?  there are several comments from after the upload, so I'm not clear on this11:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 631446 in Ayatana Design "launcher tile label/quicklist x position" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63144611:30
didrockscjwatson: yes please. It will be tracked in a separate bug report.11:31
cjwatsonok, done11:31
cjwatsondidrocks: same question for bug 63299111:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 632991 in Ayatana Design "launcher mouse wheel dragging elastic band jittering" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63299111:33
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didrockscjwatson: I'm asking to gord about that one, will get back to you then11:35
didrockscjwatson: don't close if for now. It will be closed by the upload I'll do in a couple of hours11:35
cjwatsonok, skippin11:36
didrocksthanks :)11:36
cjwatsondidrocks: bug 622146, you said "let the unity opened" - does that mean that you want the unity (Ubuntu) task to stay open, despite closing it in the 0.2.36-0ubuntu1 upload?11:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 622146 in unity (Ubuntu) "Add favourite launchers on first run" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62214611:38
ari-tczewpitti: could you take a look on bug 557290 ? I think that this patch is useless.11:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 557290 in gnu-smalltalk (Ubuntu) "Make gnu-smalltalk build on lucid" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55729011:38
didrockscjwatson: no, both should be stayed open, there is finally the need of a last minute patch by Jason which should be there in today's upload as well.11:39
cjwatsondidrocks: ok, skipping that too11:39
cjwatsongah, API timeouts11:40
pittiari-tczew: I didn't look at maverick build logs at all -- they could have failed for completely different reasons11:44
ari-tczewpitti: so, I'm not convinced to patching lucid, if this patch couldn't fix FTBFS for maverick. I'll unsubscribe ubuntu-sponsors, do you agree with it?11:45
pittiari-tczew: what's wrong with the lucid one?11:47
ari-tczewpitti: we are not sure whether it patch will be buildable for amd64, powerpc and sparc11:48
ari-tczewand current source package built fine on all archs11:48
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pittibut that's easy enough to find out?11:48
pittiit built fine in jaunty, but lucid has all binaries removed11:48
pittiari-tczew: and maverick amd64 indeed fails in a test case, but other arches succeeded11:49
WubbbiHey :) I wanna change the source-Code of Firefox. I want to change the default settings in about:config of firefox. Where can I find it?11:49
ari-tczewpitti: launchpad is not clear for me. 2009-10-29 18:02:30 CET  Published   Lucid   release  universe11:52
ari-tczewpitti: no words saying that it was deleted from lucid11:52
pittiari-tczew: the source isn't11:52
pittiari-tczew: but the binaries were removed obviously11:52
ari-tczewbut packages.ubuntu.com doesn't show lucid packages11:52
pittignu-smalltalk |    3.0.3-2 | karmic/universe | source, amd64, i38611:52
pittignu-smalltalk |    3.0.3-2 | lucid/universe | source11:52
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ari-tczewpitti: well, if my pbuilder will build package for lucid in i386, do  I should upload SRU for lucid-proposed?11:54
pittiari-tczew: sounds good11:54
ari-tczewpitti: I'm not convinced, but I'll do it to your command.11:55
ari-tczewpitti: and what about maverick status?11:56
diwicWubbbi, apt-src install firefox ?11:56
pittiari-tczew: I don't know; it looks like a separate problem, or the patch is already applied11:57
Wubbbidiwic: I know how to get the SC. I just want to know in which file ( in the source-Code ) I can change the default about:config. So when I build and install it, the default config is the way I did it in the c11:57
ari-tczewpitti: patch is already applied, right,11:57
pittiari-tczew: so I guess the maverick task can be closed then11:58
ari-tczewpitti: as fixed or invalid?11:58
pittifixed, if the patch is applied11:58
diwicWubbbi, okay. Sorry, I don't know that. You could try searching for a string you know exist in that file11:58
Wubbbidiwic: ok thx11:59
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ograGRRR samba12:19
* ogra starts getting annoyed by it 12:19
ogracan a buildd admin bump https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/2:3.5.4~dfsg-1ubuntu7/+build/1963227 ?12:20
ograits sitting there since two days now blocking all image builds12:20
zygahas anoyne been getting lots of rendering artefacts on lucid with compiz and GMA945 recently?12:33
zygaI managed to get a screenshot of one just now12:33
pittiogra: kicked12:39
ogra_cmpcpitti, TA12:40
elmois there any official ubuntu stance/policy on folks following up to bugs and blindly saying "is this still a problem in $latest_version?" and setting the bug to incomplete?12:55
cjwatsonelmo: I wish there were.  I complain when I see people doing it13:00
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ari-tczewpitti: could I upload a SRU which fix 2 different bugs?13:52
pittiari-tczew: sure, the policy has a section about that13:53
ari-tczewpolicy, policy, policy...13:53
hallynGAH  after about an hour of reading email etc, i just realized my mouse isn't working this morning.13:59
apwelmo, JFo spamming you  ?14:07
JFoapw, I shouldn't be... or should I?14:08
elmoapw: nah, it wasn't JFo14:09
JFooh heh, I see what you asked about now elmo :-)14:09
pittihallyn: what does "isn't working" mean?14:37
hallynpitti: can't move the mouse with my touchpad14:38
hallynjust got done with a few reboots to older kernels to compare14:38
* hallyn goes to file a bug14:40
pittihallyn: I think this could really do with a proper ubuntu-bug filed bug report, to get all the details14:40
pittiwe had a couple of -evdev and touchpad updates recently for multitouch14:40
hallynpitti: hm, ok, i'll reboot back into that kernel and try.  hopefully it doesn't present me a too crappy of a gui that i can't navigate with kbd14:40
hallyn(it makes sense, though, i agree)14:40
pittihallyn: you don't have an USB mouse?14:44
hallynpitti: not handy, no14:49
hallynit's ok, it did fine.  apart from trying to pull up chrome to do the filing (for which i don't have the equivalent of vimperator plugin installed)14:49
didrockshallyn: can you check on #ubuntu-touch? those are the people who made the changes14:53
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hallyndidrocks: didn't know about that one, thanks14:55
didrockshallyn: yw :)14:55
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Sarvatthallyn: do you have an alps touchpad?15:27
Sarvattthere's discussion about it right now in #ubuntu-kernel if so15:27
hallynSarvatt: yes, i do, i'll head there, thanks.  (the ppl in #ubuntu-touchpad have been very helpful, they probably brought it up there)15:31
cjwatsondpm: is the language-selector part of bug 630924 still release-critical?15:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 630924 in Ubuntu Translations "Language packs are not downloaded during installation" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63092415:36
cjwatsondpm: (it's been fixed in ubiquity)15:37
dpmcjwatson, otp, will answer in a bit15:42
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dokoslangasek: you touched libxml-twig-perl last. b-d on libunicode-map8-perl (universe), but I can't see when this was introduced16:25
cndhow do I handle a bug where all that's needed is a package recompile due to a change in /usr/include/linux/input.h?16:34
cndthe evdev protocol version bumped, which broke lsinput, but it should be backwards compatible as far as lsinput is concerned16:35
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cndso a rebuild of input-utils would fix it16:35
cjwatsonbump the version by either one ubuntu revision (if it's already ubuntuN or buildN) or by appending build1 (if it isn't) and reupload16:35
cjwatsonso version 0.0.20051128-4ubuntu216:35
cjwatsoner, input-utils has its own copy of linux-input.h though16:35
cjwatsonyou'd need to refresh it16:35
cjwatsonthis is often the way for userspace software that uses kernel headers16:36
cndcjwatson, there's a patch that already replaces linux-input.h with linux/input.h16:36
cndso it should just need a rebuild16:36
cjwatsonso there is.  what I said above, then16:36
cndI'll test in one minute16:36
cndcjwatson, is this something I should pursue for the RC freeze?16:37
cjwatsonsounds reasonable to me16:37
cjwatsonI mean it's completely broken right now16:37
cjwatsonyou aren't likely to make it any worse16:37
cndbut there's more than one util that makes up input-utils :)16:39
cndthere's three!16:39
cndbut yeah, a rebuild isn't even like adding a patch one would think16:39
cjwatsoncnd: yes, and all three are broken16:40
cjwatsonI checked before I said anything :-)16:40
cndahh, I didn't :)16:40
pittijames_w: still online? I'm afraid I need some more help with bzr dh-make16:42
pittijames_w: so, I just created https://edge.launchpad.net/udisks-automounter and want to package it the new way16:43
pittijames_w: so I go into my ubuntu dir, and do16:43
pittibzr branch lp:udisks-automounter16:43
pitticd udisks-automounter16:43
pittibzr dh-make -v udisks-automounter 0.0.1 ~/upstream/udisks-automounter-0.0.1.tar.gz16:44
pittibut this wreaks havoc16:44
pittijames_w: this gives me http://paste.ubuntu.com/495363/16:45
pittijames_w: i. e. it removes most of the files in my upstream tarball16:45
pittioh, perhaps it's stumbling over the fact that my upstream tarball doesn't have a single toplevel dir16:46
dpmcjwatson, I think the language-selector task could be marked as fixed, as it happened to be another similar issue, but fixed in bug 61282516:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 612825 in language-selector (Ubuntu Maverick) "can't install new languages (nothing happen)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61282516:47
dpm (regarding your question on bug 630924 earlier on)16:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 630924 in Ubuntu Translations "Language packs are not downloaded during installation" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63092416:47
cjwatsondpm: ok, please go ahead and do that if you think it's appropriate then16:47
primes2hpitti: hello, no luck. Tried to download source and build it only but same error http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/49531216:48
dpmcjwatson, ok, done that then, marked as Fix Released16:48
primes2hpitti: I'm trying to fix the link advise issue, but I can't test it if I can't build it ;-)16:49
james_wpitti: wow16:50
cndis the process for RC freeze exception the same as FFE?16:50
james_wpitti: that's a good one. It might be the toplevel dir thing, but I thought it should cope with that. Are you willing to try it with a toplevel dir?16:50
cndlooks like there's a bullet point about milestone freeze exceptions on the wiki page16:50
cjwatsoncnd: upload, we'll review.  if it's non-trivial, make sure there's a bug filed and that ubuntu-release is subscribed16:50
pittijames_w: yes, I just fixed the upstream Makefile to produce a proper tarball16:50
cjwatsoncnd: not really much point doing the bug dance for a rebuild-only upload though16:51
cndcjwatson, except that I need a bug dance to upload (ubuntu-sponsors subscription)16:51
pittijames_w: looks much better already: http://paste.ubuntu.com/495367/16:51
cndunless you want to grant me core-dev status right now :)16:51
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pittijames_w: i. e. it didn't remove files, it just still complains about a "No such file or directory"16:51
pittijames_w: the two additions are fine; make dist ships the pregenerated .c files from vala, but they aren't in upstream bzr16:52
SpamapSslangasek: thanks for letting me know about the gettext issue, I'll retry the build16:53
pittijames_w: oh - that might just be because I don't actually have dh-make installed?16:53
pittijames_w: anyway, it's looking fine now, so sorry for the noise16:54
james_wpitti: yeah, that will be it. Could you please file two bugs?16:54
pittican do16:54
cjwatsoncnd: not so sure I'm allowed to ;-)16:56
cnddarn :)16:56
apwdavidm, i hear you have a busted touchpad since you upgraded ...16:59
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cndcjwatson, thanks for the help17:03
cndgot everything filed as bug 62839217:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 628392 in input-utils (Ubuntu) "lsinput protocol version mismatch error" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62839217:03
smbpitti, Would you be able to let the latest lucid kernel upload in. (its just a re-upload with security of the last proposed)17:03
pittismb: done17:07
smbpitti, thanks17:07
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apwdavidm, if so could you test the kernels here and report back, pretty urgent we get confirmation: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/64132017:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 641320 in linux (Ubuntu) "Touchpad is not working since last kernel update in maverick" [Critical,Triaged]17:12
slangasekdoko: libunicode-map8-perl> but apparently that was in main before?17:22
slangasekdoko: because the package built17:22
slangasekdoko: if I didn't document it in the changelog, it's not an intentional delta from Debian on my part :)17:23
davidmapw, pulling down now, do I need the headers too?17:35
apwonly if you have like broadcom crap17:35
davidmNope no broadcom nvidia gpu however17:35
davidmapw back in a bit, rebooting now17:38
smoseri don't really understand what 'FinalFreeze' means, and how hard exceptions are.17:40
smoseri have a complete understanding of bug 509562 and have a patch for it.  If i upload, will it get accepted ?17:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 509562 in euca2ools (Ubuntu) "euca-bundle-image returns Odd-length string error" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50956217:40
cjwatsonif you think it should be in the release and is worth the risk, upload it and we will review it17:41
cjwatsonas usual, exceptions get harder the closer to release we are17:41
apwdavidm, ... did you make it back17:52
sistpoty|workdidrocks: are you up to handle FFe delegations for netbook again for this cycle?17:53
davidmapw, that was "fun" I found out the hard way, first you remove the nvidia driver then you install kernel reboot17:53
davidmAnd no that did not work for me, the pad was still dead17:53
sistpoty|worksuperm1: are you up to handle FFe delegations for mythbuntu again for this cycle?17:53
sistpoty|workgreat, thanks! superm117:54
apwdavidm, can i get the dmesg off that machine with test kernel no pls.  pastebin perhaps17:55
ScottLsistpoty|work,  ping17:55
sistpoty|workcody-somerville, mr_pouit: are you up to handle delegations for xubuntu again for this cycle?17:55
sistpoty|workScottL: pong17:55
didrockssistpoty|work: some argued that delegations email wasn't sent, so, are not active. Consequently, I think that's a "no" :)17:55
ScottLsistpoty|work, persia tells me that you might be looking for me for ubuntu studio release17:55
cjwatsondidrocks: he means, were the delegation mail to be sent properly, would you be willing to accept the delegation17:56
sistpoty|workdidrocks: I'm about to arrange delegations ;)17:56
davidmapw, bug amended with my comments17:56
didrockssistpoty|work: cjwatson: oh ok. Of course, I'll be pleased to help there :)17:56
davidmapw I'll grab you a dmesg17:56
sistpoty|workScottL: does that mean you'll volunteer? that would be excellent!17:56
sistpoty|workdidrocks: cool, great!17:56
didrocksthanks sistpoty|work :)17:56
apwdavidm, have you tried the -19 kernel to confirm it works there ?17:57
ScottLsistpoty|work, i'm not sure what i'm volunteering for actually :P17:57
ScottLsistpoty|work, but as ubuntu studio lead i'll do what is necessary17:57
apwdavidm, for -19 read 'the previous one'17:58
davidmapw dmesg dump attached to bug now17:58
sistpoty|workScottL: if anyone wants to upload a package that falls under the ubuntu studio set, and contains features instead of just bug fixes, you'll be in charge to decide if it should be accepted or not17:58
davidmapw nope, I just got this machine yesterday first install had .2117:58
apwdavidm, could you try and older kerenel please, hallyn is reporting the revert working for him17:59
ScottLsistpoty|work, i accept that charge17:59
davidmapw if you can aim me at a URL where that kernel is at I'm happy to try17:59
sistpoty|workScottL: excellent, thanks!17:59
apwhallyn, was it -22 which broke you?  ie -21 was a good kernel ?18:00
hallynapw: hm, i don't see a -21 in /boot18:00
hallynso 20 was good, and i'm not sure about -2118:00
sistpoty|workhighvoltage, stgraber: are you up to handle edubuntu FFe delegations for this cycle again?18:00
apwhallyn, thats fine, any known good one is fine18:00
apwdavidm, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/linux/2.6.35-20.29 ... click the appropriate arch on the right ....18:01
sistpoty|workchrisccoulson: would you be willing to accept the FFe delegation for mozilla releated packages?18:02
chrisccoulsonsistpoty|work, sure, that's ok18:02
sistpoty|workchrisccoulson: cool, thanks!18:02
sistpoty|workmicahg: would you like to act as additional delegate for mozilla related packages for this cycle again?18:03
micahgsistpoty|work: sure :)18:04
sistpoty|workmicahg: excellent, thanks!18:04
Sarvattdavidm: you have a vaio F? I just came across another bug where that machine is requiring i8042.nopnp for the touchpad to work18:04
apwdavidm, that dmesg is not from the test kerenl, its from an official -21 kerenl18:04
micahgsistpoty|work: regarding my own requests, if need be, should I get chrisccoulson to ACK?18:05
cjwatsonthe delegates are additions - the release team can always ack18:05
sistpoty|workmicahg: yes, please18:05
micahgsistpoty|work: k18:05
highvoltagesistpoty|work: yes, at this stage things are looking good so I'm happy to report that we probably won't need Edubuntu FFe's this release :)18:13
davidmapw whoops, I had already rebooted, I'm about to test 20 will capture dmesg from that when I do18:13
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sistpoty|workhighvoltage: even better, thanks!18:13
DarxusAre there any stats on the number of cpu cores in machines running Ubuntu?18:13
persiaDarxus, No reliable ones: we can't even count installs, let alone be sure of the HW they run on.18:13
apwdavidm, and if -20 doesn't work either, then does booting the debug kernel with  i8042.nopnp on the kernel command line work18:14
DarxusDo you think it would be reasonable to expect people with more than 16 cpu cores to compile their own kernel for maximum efficiency?18:15
sistpoty|workoh, gotta run, bbl18:15
apwDarxus, i would think its reasonable to expect they might be doing their own tweaking if they are needing a machine that size18:15
Darxusapw: Yeah that's what I was thinking, thanks.18:16
davidmapw, no love, with 2.6.35-20-generic my mousepad still dead18:16
davidmapw so my system apparently is not regressed it's just borked.... :-(18:17
apwdavidm, and if -20 doesn't work either, then does booting the debug kernel with  i8042.nopnp on the kernel command line work18:17
apwcould you try either kernel actually with that18:17
DarxusMy questions were loaded.  The BFS CPU scheduler is faster than the mainline kernel's CFS scheduler for machines with no more than 16 CPUs.  But mainline won't accept BFS because 1) It's slower on machines with more than 16 cores, and 2) They're unwilling to allow a compile time option to select a cpu scheduler because it might devide developement time between multiple schedulers.18:18
Sarvattdavidm: i'm seeing multiple bugs from people with vaio F series machines that need to boot with i8042.nopnp for the touchpad to work if you could try that18:18
davidmapw tried that last night with a regular kernel and it did not work, nor did the longer version of that help18:18
apwi would suggest trying it with the test kernel as well in case you are affected by both18:19
davidmdid kill my on-screen FN audio volume keys though18:19
DarxusThe relevant bug is bug #424927.  And the last comment is that BFS is unlikely to be accepted into Ubuntu before mainline.  And mainline isn't going to accept it for agravating reasons.18:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 424927 in linux (Ubuntu) "include CK patch set (BFS)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42492718:19
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davidmapw the -22?18:20
apwyeah the one i gave you, try booting that with the i8042.nopnp option18:21
davidmOK I'll install that again (with headers this time) and add the command line info18:21
davidmback in a bit18:21
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davidmapw with -22 and i8042.nopnp mousepad works :-)  And I still have my FN key for audio working too.18:36
davidmSarvatt, where are you seeing folks talking about the vaio F? I still have one more bug to sort my mic does not work.  Thanks18:38
Sarvattdavidm: what does sudo dmidecode -s system-product-name give for your machine?18:38
Sarvattdavidm: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/638219 is one of them18:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 638219 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "Touchpad does not work on Sony Vaio VPCF12M1E" [Undecided,New]18:38
apwdavidm, ok great ... Sarvatt do you have a bug number for the i8042.nopnp jobbie ?18:38
davidmSarvatt, VPCF1290X18:39
Sarvattthere are a ton of VPC-F series and it looks like not all of them are affected because hallyn has one too and doesn't need it18:39
Sarvattwhich is going to making quirking fun :)18:40
apwSarvatt, is hallyn ok if he does supply it, that would make the quirk easier18:42
davidmapw am I ok to keep using the test kernel for now?  I really like having my mousepad working ;-P18:42
Sarvattapw: here is another with the same model davidm has from JFo - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/64132418:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 641324 in linux (Ubuntu) "Sony Vaio touch pad is not working" [Undecided,New]18:43
Sarvattalmost all vaio F series18:45
davidmthe bug JFo filed the bug for me, LP was timing out18:52
ogasawaradavidm: care to post a quick comment to bug 641320 that the test kernel indeed does work for you18:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 641320 in linux (Ubuntu) "Touchpad is not working since last kernel update in maverick" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64132018:53
davidmogasawara, done18:55
davidmnow if I can find something on my internal mic and external mic in not working I'm gold18:56
davidmcan't use mumble without a mic of some sort18:56
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mathiazrmcbride: hi - re bug 63976819:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 639768 in samba (Ubuntu Maverick) "[Maverick] Samba process gets hung on maverick update - waiting on cups to start" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63976819:06
mathiazrmcbride: where does it hang?19:06
rmcbridemathiaz: at "Generating /etc/default/samba" near as I can see after 3 attempts19:06
rmcbridemathiaz: how can I help get more detail?19:07
mathiazrmcbride: is there a "start smbd" process on the system?19:07
rmcbridemathiaz: Hmm, actually not in this case (it was doing that before I think) seems to be samba.postinst configure in two processes19:08
mathiazrmcbride: ok - so you're probably seeing a different bug/issue19:08
rmcbridemathiaz: oh goodie :)19:08
davidmapw thanks for the help, and I think I found a fix for my mic but it won't be built for about 6 hours yet19:08
rmcbridemathiaz: I'll amend my comments in that bug and check for/file a new one as needed.19:09
mathiazrmcbride: great - thanks19:09
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WillyantI recently upgraded to Maverick and these are the bugs ive found when installing: Samba's "nmbd" process cannot be killed so i had to manually kill it using gnome-system-monitor.20:19
WillyantThe postinst script therefore fails.20:19
WillyantMy updatemanager crashed when i clicked on it as well.20:21
Willyant(The icon)20:21
WillyantDo i have to login to send the apport bugreports or is that only if i want to discuss them ?20:21
micahgWillyant: bug 63976820:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 639768 in samba (Ubuntu Maverick) "[Maverick] Samba process gets hung on maverick update - waiting on cups to start" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63976820:24
WillyantThanks micahg20:24
WillyantThe last poster in that thread has narrowed it down somewhat "Actually it seems to be hanging during 'samba.postinst configure' which is a different thing apparently."20:27
WillyantThe bug is in that package "samba" for ubuntu must kill "nmbd" but fails since itll not die. Maybe the smbd process keeps it alive and so smbd must be killed first ?20:29
micahgWillyant: well, there could be more than one issue, IIRC the upgrade to ubuntu7 fixed it for me20:29
WillyantHehe, theres an ubuntu7 ?20:29
micahgWillyant: 2:3.5.4~dfsg-1ubuntu720:29
Willyantah, the samba package you mean ?20:30
WillyantOk, but i also tried updating to the new samba version and it also hung at postinst20:31
WillyantIll see what version i have now20:31
micahgWillyant: did you upgrade cups as well?20:31
WillyantI upgraded everything, or tried to. Theres nothing more to install now.20:32
WillyantI think samba came before cups though...20:32
WillyantCups should come before samba because its a dep of samba (if it matters)20:33
WillyantBut thats not the problem.20:33
Willyanttry to kill "nmbd", youll have to do it quite a few times before it dies20:34
WillyantMine wont die if i issue a "killall -9 nmbd" for atleast 20 tries20:35
micahgWillyant: why not just stop it?20:35
WillyantSomething is restarting it. Yep, ill have a look at the init script to see whats going on20:35
WillyantAha, its also handeled by upstart20:38
WillyantSo the postinst script could be designed only for sysinit20:39
WillyantPossible reason No1 :)20:39
Willyantmicha: "stop nmbd" in the postinst for samba kills it right away.20:41
Willyantmicha: Maybe you can add that in the thread ? -> "stop nmbd" in the postinst for samba kills it right away. Ive got to get coding.20:42
WillyantAlso put that "Using killall -9 or kill -9 pidof nmbd" wont kill it anymore.20:43
WillyantSeems to also be an upstart bug to me. It should honour kill commands.20:44
mathiazWillyant: if you have issue with nmbd it's not bug 63976820:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 639768 in samba (Ubuntu Maverick) "[Maverick] Samba process gets hung on maverick update - waiting on cups to start" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63976820:48
mathiazWillyant: please open a new bug rather than tagging along exisint Fixed Release bug20:49
WillyantThe normal PowerOff button has changed to a wall-eletricity switch. Hard to find and is different from all other Off-Switches. (Minor detail though)20:49
mathiazrmcbride: ^^ was Willyant report similar to what you've experienced with the samba stalled upgrade?20:50
rmcbridemathiaz: reading scrollback20:50
rmcbridemathiaz: yes, and in fact the comment referred to regarding "actually it seems to be..." was by me.20:52
WillyantNice work!20:52
Willyantmathiaz: Thanks, but i had hoped someone could pitch in my experiences and atleast a working solution to the problem.20:52
rmcbridemathiaz: I had written #641519 on the new behavior20:52
mathiazrmcbride: great thanks20:53
WillyantIt seems to be upstart that refuses to let it be killed by signals.20:53
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rmcbridethat fits20:53
mathiazWillyant: is bug 641519 what you're experiencing too?20:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 641519 in samba (Ubuntu) "samba install hangs in 'samba.postinst configure'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64151920:54
mathiazis there any messages in /var/log/samba/log.nmbd?20:54
mathiaz(as it seems that it is nmbd that blocks)20:54
WillyantNope, the issues i had where all releated to a perl/dpkg command that hung because nmbd refused to be killed.20:55
rmcbridenothing here either20:56
mathiazrmcbride: hm ok.20:56
WillyantIt hung the entire install process so thats not so good.20:56
mathiazrmcbride: are you able to reproduce it?20:56
WillyantOtherwise everything was fine at install20:56
mathiazrmcbride: if so, could you add a 'set -x' in samba postinst script?20:56
mathiazrmcbride: it should be in /var/lib/dpkg/info/samba.postinst20:57
rmcbridemathiaz: Yep. every time. I'll do that now20:57
WillyantHe can check that nmbd refuses to be killed20:57
mathiazrmcbride: that way we should be able to see where the postinst script hangs20:57
WillyantI saw that in gnome-system-monitor (enable the command view)20:58
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rmcbridemathiaz: well... in order to get back to a state where I can install, I have to apt-get purge samba, which nukes the samba.postinst that I edited :/21:00
rmcbrideah Willyant I'll look at that21:00
mathiazrmcbride: hm right.21:01
rmcbridewell this is frustrating. nmbd is not active on my system.21:02
Willyantnmbd -D21:03
Willyantcjwatsons comments about it beeing a cups error seems entirely wrong. If you kill something with a signal of "-9" it should just die, always.21:03
mathiazrmcbride: you may wanna look into /var/log.samba/log.nmbd21:03
mathiazWillyant: you're seeing a different bug21:04
rmcbridemathiaz: no such animal in this case21:04
rmcbrideI have /var/log/samba/log.everylastmachineI'vesmbconnectedto21:04
rmcbridebut no nmbd21:04
Willyant#639768 (Sorry cjwatson) ... wrong bug21:05
mathiazrmcbride: hm - I can properly install samba on a test vm here21:05
persiamathiaz, Can you upgrade it?21:05
mathiazpersia: I'm gonna try that now21:06
Willyantcan anyone paste the output of that samba postinst ?21:06
WillyantOr tell me how i can obtain it...21:06
mathiazWillyant: this is what I see on the terminal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/495508/21:06
mathiazWillyant: it's a successfull install though21:07
WillyantIm very sure it tries to kill the nmbd process by a signal but that doesnt work because upstart refuses that and or just restarts it again21:07
mathiazrmcbride: from which version were you trying to upgrade from?21:07
rmcbrideWillyant: here's my output with the hung install http://paste.ubuntu.com/495509/21:07
mathiazrmcbride: you should be able to get the information from /var/log/dpkg.log21:07
rmcbridemathiaz: at first I was trying to upgrade yesterday21:07
rmcbridemathiaz: looking21:08
rmcbridemathiaz: today I'm just trying to install it after purging21:08
mathiazrmcbride: I'd like to know the last two versions of the samba package that have been installed21:08
mathiazrmcbride: so that I can reproduce an upgrade21:08
WillyantHmm, are old apport things stored somewhere ?21:08
rmcbridemathiaz: 2010-09-10 16:36:30 status half-installed samba-common 2:3.5.4~dfsg-1ubuntu321:08
rmcbridemathiaz: that may not be the last though, still looking21:09
WillyantAww! The apport bugreport has been converted to my language so its useless for you21:10
Willyant(Or... ehem: /var/crash/samba.0.crash)21:10
rmcbridemathiaz:  2:3.5.4~dfsg-1ubuntu4 is the version fron yesterday21:10
rmcbridemathiaz: or rather Wednesday21:10
WillyantThats me killing the post installation script though21:10
mathiazrmcbride: so IIUC you tried to upgrade from ubuntu4 to ubuntu721:11
mathiazrmcbride: ubuntu4 was working correctly21:11
rmcbridemathiaz: ubuntu521:11
mathiazrmcbride: and the upgrade to ubuntu7 fails21:11
mathiazrmcbride: ah ubuntu521:11
rmcbridemathiaz: I hadn't gotten close enough int he log21:11
rmcbrideubuntu4 was back on the 10th21:11
WillyantTags: maverick21:12
WillyantTitle: update-manager crashed with TransactionFailed in _run()21:12
mathiazrmcbride: so no 2:3.5.4~dfsg-1ubuntu6 ?21:12
WillyantThats the update icon i pressed21:12
WillyantIts a segfault btw21:12
rmcbridemathiaz: I do see ubuntu6 in the log from yesterday, but hte behavior was no different (in that the install hung)21:12
mvo_Willyant: could you please report a bug?21:13
mathiazrmcbride: ok thanks21:13
mvo_Willyant: about the u-m crash with the backtrace?21:13
mathiazrmcbride: I'll try to reproduce it here21:13
Willyantmvo_: Yes, i have the backtrace21:13
rmcbridemathiaz: OK. If I can help in any other way, do re-ping me. I'm highly motivated to help fix this :)21:13
mathiazrmcbride: cool - thanks!21:14
Willyantmvo_: I can ul it so you can get it if you want ?21:14
mvo_Willyant: please do , the full backtrace is important to fix the bug21:14
WillyantWill do, hold on21:14
mvo_something like paste.ubuntu.com is fine as well for now, but a real bugreport is better21:15
WillyantDo with it as you like: http://mange.dynalias.org/linux/misc/ubuntu_Maverick_Update_manager_Crash/_usr_bin_update-manager.1000.crash21:16
mathiazrmcbride: is cups running on your system as well?21:17
rmcbridemathiaz: it is21:18
mvo_Willyant: yes, thanks21:18
mathiazrmcbride: ok - thanks21:18
* mathiaz installs cups as well21:18
sistpotyhey siretart, around? what do you think about bug #588203?21:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 588203 in emacs23 (Debian) "[FFe] Please merge emacs23 23.2+1-4 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58820321:25
sistpoty(I just don't know enough about the state of rdepends nor about emacs in general *g*)21:26
ScottKMaybe barry knows.  IIRC he's of the church of emacs.21:27
* barry wakes up21:28
barryyep, i heart emacs21:28
barrysistpoty: you want me to look at that bug?21:28
sistpotybarry: yes, was about to write that :)21:28
sistpotybarry: please keep a special look out on (build)-rdepends21:29
barry:) looking...21:29
barrysistpoty: you mean that differ from the current package?21:29
sistpotybarry: or could be broken by the update21:29
barrysistpoty: gotcha21:30
barrysistpoty: i'll investigate and comment on the bug, okay?21:30
sistpotybarry: that'd be great :)21:30
Willyantmvo_: Another suggestion is to recompile gadmin-dhcpd with ./configure .... DHCPD_CONF="/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf" instead of what it has now: DHCPD_CONF="/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd/dhcpd.conf" (Im not sure how this happened)21:30
sistpoty(if (true) (print "sistpoty no good at emacs-lisp) (print "upgrade rejected"))21:31
WillyantHmm, i have won something called The Famous Why award. Is that any cool ? :)21:31
barrythis one is interesting: * Use -O1 rather than -O2 on ia64. Fixes a build failure (looks21:31
barry     like a broken byte compiler) with newer versions of gcc21:31
barry     (c.f. #207580).21:31
barrymaybe not related, but we've just gotten reports today of python being broken by some versions of gcc on 10.04.121:32
sistpotybarry: I doubt ia64 should be much of a problem :)21:32
Willyantbarry: Optimisations other then those the sources are packaged with is always risky.21:32
sistpoty(of course if it's a genuine gcc problem not only on ia64, than that's very noteworthy)21:33
barryWillyant: yep, and it's probably not related, it just caught my eye ;).  we don't know enough about the python problem yet, but we think it's gcc related.  let me see if i can dig up the python issue21:33
barrygcc 4.6 == bad apparently21:34
barrydoesn't affect mav, but it's still interesting21:35
gesersistpoty: you sure you used enough brackets? :)21:35
Willyantbarry: Is this the python version used ?:  /usr/local/src/python-2.7... or it it a case of mixed /usr/lib links because its installed in a different location ?21:37
WillyantHighly probable21:37
barryWillyant: OP was building python 2.7 from upstream svn head.  there was an email thread on python-dev about it, and i could not reproduce no matter what pythons i had installed locally.21:38
barryWillyant: i think the mixture isn't the problem.  python should be good about isolation there.  at least, it was not a prob for me21:38
WillyantI see. Also watch aout for version changes, because pythons installer isnt exactly very good :)21:39
barrydoko has actually made py2.7 available in mav, which is nice (not officially supported though - wait til natty!)21:39
sistpotygeser: no idea, I don't have vim bracket highlights in kvirc :P21:40
gesersistpoty: all I know about lisp is that you need many, many brackets :)21:41
mr_pouitsistpoty: yeah, sure (about xubuntu delegation)21:41
sistpotymr_pouit: cool, thanks!21:41
sistpotygeser: heh21:41
WillyantIve built many B/LFS systems and i see the weaknesses in python. One is that for each new version it installs to different dirs and sometimes its failed to symlink. Not to speak of the addon things for python that must be recompiled to be linked to the new python directory. Seems like a pain.21:41
ScottKIt is.  Python 3 will be better.21:42
Willyantgtk-clutter was also a pain to be fair21:42
barrywhat ScottK said21:42
WillyantCan the same packages be recompiled again once frozen ?21:44
sistpotyWillyant: sure21:45
WillyantGood... See my post on gadmin-dhcpd above^21:46
WillyantSteps to reproduce the mal configured path: 1. Install and lauch gadmin-dhcpd 2. Watch it suggest the wrong default dhcpd config dir.21:48
WillyantSo the users will need to go into the settings and select a new path. Irritating.21:48
sistpotyWillyant: I guess "--sysconfdir=/etc/dhcp3" might be at fault?21:49
sistpoty(together with no additional flags passed)21:49
WillyantYep, it should be "/etc" and this should be set to the conf path DHCPD_CONF="/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf"21:50
WillyantJust change that conf path and set sysconfdir to /etc21:51
Willyant### Debian/Ubuntu/etc ###21:52
Willyant# ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc \21:52
Willyant# --localstatedir=/var/lib/dhcp3 --sbindir=/usr/sbin \21:52
Willyant# DHCPD_CONF="/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf" \21:52
Willyant# DHCPD_BINARY="dhcpd3" \21:52
Willyant# SYSINIT_START_CMD="update-rc.d -f dhcpd defaults" \21:52
Willyant# SYSINIT_STOP_CMD="update-rc.d -f dhcpd remove" &&21:52
Willyant# make && make install21:52
WillyantSais so in the package as well.21:53
WillyantLatest is: http://mange.dynalias.org/linux/gadmin-dhcpd/gadmin-dhcpd-0.4.9.tar.gz (Also asks to update remote failover pool configurations:)21:54
sistpotyWillyant: hm... not too sure if this won't break the upgrade path: configure:default_settings_path=`eval echo $sysconfdir`"/gadmin-dhcpd"21:54
sistpotyWillyant: how about just adding DHCPD_CONF="/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf"?21:55
Willyanteval echo $sysconfdir will evaluate to /etc (Or should)21:55
Willyantsistpoty: Will be much better as itll work out-of-the-box then.21:56
sistpotyWillyant: sure it *should*, but did it for the last release?21:56
WillyantShow the configure script for gadmin-dhcpd...21:56
WillyantOr a cmd to let me view it21:57
sistpotyWillyant: dget -x http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/gadmin-dhcpd/gadmin-dhcpd_0.4.7-1.dsc (for lucid)21:58
Willyantwget :)21:59
Willyantsistpoty: E_NO_CONFIGURE_PARAMS :)22:00
sistpotyWillyant: look at debian/rules22:00
WillyantUrl ?22:01
WillyantThe packager is doing military service atm :(22:02
sistpotysistpoty: just call dget (as found in devscripts)... it will download and extract the package22:02
sistpoty(it's not a typo for wget :P)22:03
WillyantAha! :)22:03
sistpotyhm? you'll need the url to the .dsc file as argument to dget22:04
sistpotyWillyant: devscripts22:05
cjwatsonWillyant: FYI, upstart doesn't and can't affect how a process deals with signals sent by kill22:06
WillyantSomething is ignoring the kills signals it recieves, maybe smbd restarts it ?22:07
WillyantOr its a bug in nmbd22:07
cjwatsonthe only way that upstart is involved in that is that it becomes the parent of processes which don't have a parent of their own22:07
barryinteresting.  sbuild is barfing on trying to install mailx package22:07
cjwatsonI have no idea, just letting you know that it's quite inaccurate to point at upstart for this22:07
cjwatsonand regarding cups, that wasn't a guess, we had debugged that problem very precisely.  I assume you're seeing something else.22:08
Willyantcjwatson: Good to know. Then the nmbd process itself will not accept a kill signal or the smbd will start it up again.22:08
cjwatsonprocesses are entitled to wait for a while when they receive SIGTERM22:09
WillyantBut what kill signal does upstart emit ? (stop nmbd) ?22:09
WillyantSIGKILL is instant22:10
Willyantgive or take a few microseconds22:10
cjwatsonassuming that the process isn't in uninterruptible sleep22:10
cjwatsonSIGKILL is an unfriendly way to stop a process anyway22:10
cjwatsonpostinst scripts shouldn't use it22:11
WillyantIts there because its a --force'd kill.22:11
WillyantIt should override everything as far as the kernel is conserarned22:11
WillyantIt should override everything as far as the kernel is consearned22:12
cjwatsonyou need a copy of Stevens :)22:12
cjwatsonanyway, upstart sends SIGTERM, waits a while, then sends SIGKILL if it has to22:12
WillyantI am a copy of brilliance. I feel no need to know more copies of excellence ;)22:13
WillyantSo, then somehow SIGKILL doesnt work on "nmbd"22:13
cjwatsonstop(8) is probably the right way for the postinst to stop nmbd, unless there's some reason to do otherwise22:13
WillyantGood, we have narrowed it down22:13
cjwatsonbut if SIGKILL doesn't work, then the process is in uninterruptible sleep and there is no guaranteed way to stop it, at all22:14
WillyantNaah, it must adhere to the KILL signal22:14
cjwatsonguess you've never used NFS :)22:14
WillyantI have :)22:14
cjwatsonthen you've almost certainly encountered situations where the NFS server fails and all the clients go into uninterruptible sleep22:15
WillyantSomewhat a mess of about 10 services (daemons including portmap)22:15
WillyantThat need to be started in order22:15
cjwatsonunless your experience is recent enough that all the mounts were with intr22:15
Willyant"If something isnt restarting nmbd, like upstart then its a bug in samba"22:16
WillyantAgreed ?22:17
Willyant"Hmm, it could also be smbd that keep-alives the nmbd process"22:17
cjwatsonno, that's not a given either22:18
cjwatsonkernel bugs can leave a process stuck in uninterruptible sleep22:18
WillyantTell me what you think then ... Nope, thatd be a nmbd bug as well.22:18
WillyantYoure talking zombies, this is not the case. Checked that.22:19
cjwatsonuninterruptible sleep != zombie.22:19
cjwatsonplease, find a copy of "Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment" before using these terms22:19
WillyantIf i make a program and it goes into what you call "Uniterruptable sleep" itll be an infinite timout value or a spinloop.22:20
WillyantDont need one. I have several C books22:20
cjwatsonthey're not telling you the right things; this is I/O wait *inside the kernel*22:21
cjwatsonit is a detail of Unix, not a detail of C22:21
WillyantA linger you mean ?22:21
cjwatsonOK.  So.  Where is the evidence that the samba postinst is trying to kill nmbd?  It's not clear from your bug report.22:21
cjwatsonthere's no process tree or anything in there, or strace of what the postinst is doing22:21
WillyantWell, i tried to do as apport suggested. I opted to send a bugreport for that too, but im not sure it got thru because i was presented with a launchpad login. Forgot the user/pass22:22
cjwatsonthe script that emits the last message in your bug report does not even try to stop nmbd, although it does try to start it22:23
cjwatsonI'm reading bug 64151922:23
sistpotycjwatson: btw, I think that bug #544139 might affect me too (xdm + fluxbox). Strange thing is that sometime if things get screwed up and I login, start konsole then any command seems to be mirrored to the first getty (and hence executed twice), howerver the first getty captures the plain output (e.g. of ssh-add's password, not a thing I like to have in any log)22:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 641519 in samba (Ubuntu) "samba install hangs in 'samba.postinst configure'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64151922:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 544139 in consolekit (Ubuntu Lucid) "Active VT tracking can fail at startup" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54413922:23
rmcbridecjwatson: 641519 was written by me22:23
cjwatsonsistpoty: right, it *is* on my to-do list but other things keep bumping it off22:24
sistpotycjwatson: of course it might be an entire separate bug though22:24
cjwatsonrmcbride: ah22:24
cjwatsonWillyant: ok, so how did you arrive at the conclusion that it's trying to kill nmbd?22:24
sistpotycjwatson: if I can help in any way (unless it involves the kernel), feel free to ask :)22:24
cjwatsonsistpoty: an extra four hours per day would be nice22:25
cjwatsonsistpoty: or maybe babysitting22:25
* sistpoty changes the time zones with his magic hand :P22:25
* Willyant Goes away like Obi Wan - I guess the bug wasnt important :)22:26
cjwatsonWillyant: um?  I'm trying to get to the bottom of what you reported22:26
cjwatsonbut it's important to do it step-by-step and logically22:27
cjwatsona good start would be to at least see a transcript of what's happening in your case22:27
WillyantWell, a dpkg command was run as seen by a launched instance of gnome-system-monitor with the process command column enabled and i thusley saw: perl something .. dpkg ... nmbd stop/wait something. When i manually killed nmbd the install process continued.22:29
cjwatsonno terminal output from dpkg?22:29
Willyantthis stop/wait comes from upstart22:29
cjwatsonif you mean "stop/waiting", that actually means that as far as upstart is concerned the process isn't running and nothing has told it to start it22:30
WillyantI think i have submitted 2 apport bug reports, unless you have to have a valid login to actually submit those ?22:30
cjwatsonyou need a valid login to submit bugs to Launchpad, yes22:30
WillyantCrud, ok. Then ive only shown you the bugreport on the crashing update manager22:31
WillyantI can probably reproduce the thing, hold on...22:31
Willyantapt-get remove samba ; apt get install samba and this is what i see to begin with: "smbd start/running, process 413322:36
Willyantstart: Job failed to start"22:36
Willyantsmbd isnt running after a reinstall22:37
Willyantehm, i mean "nmbd"22:38
Willyantnmbd -D22:38
Willyantroot      4172  0.0  0.2  12268  1476 ?        Ss   23:38   0:00 nmbd -D22:38
Willyantroot      4174  0.0  0.1   5168   740 pts/1    S+   23:38   0:00 grep nmbd22:38
WillyantThen its running22:38
cjwatsondid the samba installation complete?22:39
WillyantYes, but previously perl and dpkg tries to run postinst and fails. Thats for sure.22:40
cjwatsonif not, was it with a hang, and if not a hang, was there an error message after "start: Job failed to start"?22:40
cjwatsonit's best to post an exact transcript to e.g. paste.ubuntu.com22:40
cjwatsonor pastebin.com or whatever floats your boat22:40
WillyantStäller in samba (2:3.5.4~dfsg-1ubuntu7) ...22:40
Willyantupdate-alternatives: använder /usr/bin/smbstatus.samba3 för att tillhandahålla /usr/bin/smbstatus (smbstatus) i automatiskt läge.22:40
Willyantsmbd start/running, process 413322:40
Willyantstart: Job failed to start22:40
cjwatsonplease don't ever paraphrase error messages, it's the number one way to get developers not to look :)22:40
WillyantDont translate bash then :)22:41
cjwatsonis that the last text on the screen?  is it hung at that point?22:41
WillyantNope, it didnt hang22:41
cjwatsonso what do you mean by "perl and dpkg tries to run postinst and fails"?22:41
cjwatsonif the installation completed, then they succeeded22:41
WillyantSo the new version seems to be ok, but not the current Beta of Maverick. Checking to see if samba.conf is the same22:42
Willyantsmb.conf is the same.22:42
WillyantSo the new samba version seems to be ok.22:42
cjwatsonif the new version is working, great, we don't have to worry.  It will supersede the beta22:42
cjwatsonwe do know that we've fixed bugs since beta ;-)22:42
WillyantGood, but why wasnt this picked up before beta release ? /Just wondering22:43
cjwatsonthat I can't tell you22:43
WillyantOk, can you diff the postinst scripts with current and prev versions for me ?22:44
cjwatsoner, I suppose I could, but it's already quarter-to-eleven on a Friday night for me.  You could do it yourself :-)22:44
Willyantcjwatson: Okies, go out and party! :)22:45
cjwatsonsadly, I have three more bugs to fix22:45
WillyantOk, well we have solved this i think. It would have been a bad one.22:45
Willyantcjwatson: Saw the crash i posted on update manager ?22:46
cjwatsonnot really likely to be involved in that22:46
WillyantHere you go: http://mange.dynalias.org/linux/misc/ubuntu_Maverick_Update_manager_Crash/_usr_bin_update-manager.1000.crash22:46
WillyantI just clicked the icon22:46
cjwatsonUbuntu is a big project, not every developer does everything22:46
WillyantBut some can tell others to fix things to make things solid22:47
WillyantI like all dists. I dont like bugs.22:47
cjwatsonI could, but the developer working on update-manager is already working as hard as he possibly can22:47
WillyantOk, good.22:47
WillyantI like the new icon theme in Maverick, but the "Shutdown-switch" is far worse then the old one that was actually very good.22:54
WillyantMelts into the panel and becomes almost invisible.22:55
WillyantIn contrast, the old switch had a nice graphical layout, but was a few pixels too high and wide.22:56
WillyantBut waay better22:57
WillyantShow Icons in applications is back (Very good). I didnt like that.22:58
Willyantcjwatson: Cant there be an "Anonymous submitter" for the apport bugs ?23:00
cjwatsonno, because then we would be unable to contact submitters for clarification23:01
cjwatsonbugs aren't fire-and-forget kinds of things23:01
cjwatsonwe often need to find out more detail about something or other that apport doesn't capture23:01
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WillyantBut they are generated by apport and i think it could be good to read if many applies to the same package.23:02
WillyantOtherwise discarded23:02
WillyantMake anonymous bugreports, have an evaluation script see if many are the same and then move to anonymous-reports23:03
WillyantIm making a gui for torque cluster atm. Would this be a welcome addition granted its good ?23:07
Willyantcjwatson: NFS guis are hard to make because of the many portmapper binaries needing to be started first. What are those used for ?23:13
cjwatsonno idea23:13
WillyantIts the only application that requires them23:13
cjwatsonI try to avoid knowing about its intricacies23:13
Willyantxinetd is also useless and i think it should be phazed out by patching the last thing requireing it (tftpd)23:15
WillyantOr just run: in.tftpd ... There no server requires it.23:16
WillyantIt was meant to save a few kb of ram, but it makes servers suffer because they cant use all the features then.23:16
Willyant(When not used)23:17
WillyantAnd the servers get a bit slower23:17
WillyantIn terms of usability xinetd have done more bad then good.23:19
Willyantcjwatson: This comes from 15 years of coding with many server developers.23:20
cjwatsonI'm not involved with that23:22
cjwatsonI do installer and bootloader work23:23
cjwatsonthe only reason I chipped in on your samba problem was because you mentioned my name in connection with it23:23
Willyantcjwatson: Do you have an oppinion on the matter ?23:23
Willyantcjwatson: Yes, i noticed that. Ok23:23
Willyantcjwatson: Who can i speak to for dropping the obsolete xinetd package ?23:24
cjwatsonfile a bug23:24
cjwatsonIRC is a hopeless way to report bugs, generally23:25
WillyantFor a 386 computer it could possibly be of use23:25
WillyantNaah :)23:25
WillyantIve done it for many many years. Someone is always listening23:25
cjwatsonif you like having your bugs forgotten because the person who might deal with it happens not to be around, it's great23:25
cjwatsonplease do not use this channel as a bug reporting channel23:26
cjwatsonwe don't mind the odd comment alerting us to something serious23:26
cjwatsonit's primarily for discussion among developers23:26
cjwatsonif it became a bug reporting channel we would never get anything done23:26
WillyantSo developers doesnt like to fix bugs ?23:26
WillyantCrusial bugs23:26
cjwatsonwe are entirely happy to fix bugs reported through the system designed to help us track them23:26
WillyantAha, so then you think i cant report bugs on irc at all ? /We can talk about other things if you like. What do you suggest ?23:27
WillyantCamping experiences ?23:28
cjwatsonyou don't need to talk about anything if you have nothing on-topic to say.23:28
cjwatsonyou are dangerously close to being asked to leave.23:28
WillyantMy name is danger in that case. Now get back on topic please23:28
cjwatsonwe welcome bug reports via our bug tracking system.23:28
Rankor"Please see that not everyone going against your beliefs is a troll"23:36
cjwatsonthis has nothing to do with going against my beliefs; it is to do with retaining the purpose of the IRC channel23:37
Rankor"Development of Ubuntu"23:37
cjwatsonand I can't say I'm hugely impressed with nick-morphing either23:37
sistpotyRankor: that's a development channel nonetheless, we *need* to keep the discusssion more or less focussed on development23:37
cjwatsonyou were advised that bug reports should go to the bug tracking system, multiple times23:38
RankorIm not sure where i digressed23:38
cjwatsonit's a perfectly simple thing23:38
cjwatsonUbuntu is far too big a project for bugs to be reported just as a single giant stream of stuff on IRC23:38
* Rankor goes Obi Wan ... And like that... Pfsst23:38
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