
=== easter_egg is now known as easter_egg|off
=== Mamarok is now known as Mamarok_at_FrOSC
=== Mamarok_at_FrOSC is now known as Mamarok
vishis anyone OP around?19:42
vish-meeting is being trolled19:42
Tm_Tvish: wrong channel, and we're at it...19:42
vishcool.. ok , just that entering in -ops is scary for me :)19:43
Tm_T!ops call does the trick too, and is been used19:43
ubottuI'll remember that, Tm_T19:43
Tm_Tubottu: forget !ops call does the trick too, and19:44
ubottuI know nothing about !ops call does the trick too, and yet, Tm_T19:44
=== AndrewMC_ is now known as AndrewMC
=== McPeter_ is now known as McPeter
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
foul_owlI have a suggestion for ubuntu irc. Perhaps make various extra channels for specific support, the same way that the forums do. Networking, graphics, etc.22:14
erUSULthat have been discussed already. there is an open bug in launchpad you can go read the opinions there22:15
bazhangfoul_owl, been considered many many times22:15
erUSULfoul_owl: https://bugs.launchpad.net/empathy/+bug/39279922:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 392799 in ubuntu-community "#ubuntu too noisy to be useful" [Medium,In progress]22:16
guntbertfoul_owl: there are not *that* many helpers ...22:16
foul_owlthanks for the link. i wanted to give my input, but i never considered it would be a bug in launchpad. thanks!22:16
foul_owlguntbert: gotcha. that makes sense.22:17
erUSULfoul_owl: thanks; anyway :)22:17
guntbertyou can tell your client to ignore the join/part messages22:17
foul_owli do, i was just thinking about specific support issues, such as networking22:17
foul_owlthanks again!22:18

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