
dpmhi fta, good morning. I'm not familiar with how chromium releases work. You said you had merged the translations for the desktop file. Do you know more or less when they will be available in a package?08:33
ftadpm, hi, in the next release today09:24
dpmok, thanks fta!09:27
ftadpm, no way to quickly get Name[bn] ?10:00
ftadpm, could we arrange the wiki page to be a table, with 4 columns and 1 line per lang, using a color code for the bg cells?10:02
ftaso it's easier to spot the gaps10:02
ftadpm, merged the last 210:11
ftabug 62892410:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 628924 in libvpx (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 11 other projects) "chromium update: 5.0.375.127 -> 6.0.472.53 (affects: 4) (dups: 1) (heat: 278)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62892410:26
dpmawesome, thanks fta :)10:29
ftadpm, so, what about making the wiki page a big table?10:57
dpmfta, what do you mean a big table?11:45
ftadpm, just added a proposal in the wiki12:02
ftacould be prettier though12:02
dpmfta, thanks a lot. It does look pretty, though :) For me it's fine if that means less work for you in fetching them, as they are yet another translation that cannot be translated the usual way, I just want it to require the less work possible on all sides12:06
dpmthe least, I meant12:06
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: i would rather he not ask in here, but may be better place.12:07
ftadpm, as contribs were added in the middle, or were incomplete, or full vs deltas, the table makes things easier to stop, assuming the contributors follow the color code12:08
ftadpm, well, i'm not sure i don't corrupt the wiki page, could you please check?12:41
dpmfta, I think it's only the table that's missing some cells. I would not add even more formatting to the table (i.e. making it monospace). The more formatting, the more likely people are going to get it wrong when adding translations12:45
ftathe Uyghur translation is making chromium act weird with selections, so i'm not sure12:57
dpmfta, that's because Uyghur is written with an Arabic script, so it's RTL (Right-To-Left) and the selection works the other way round13:11
ftai guessed so13:11
ftai wanted to do a macro to reconstruct the page from my latest desktop file, but well..13:12
ftadpm, updated the page with a macro13:45
dpmfta, that looks great. Where's the macro? We could use it for the FF and TB pages as well: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Wanted/FirefoxDesktop https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Wanted/ThunderbirdDesktop14:27
ftadpm, sorry, it was an emacs macro14:40
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micahgchrisccoulson: so, the FFe delegations means that I can ACK your lightning upload?18:54
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i'm not sure about that. it might be best to ask cjwatson about that18:55
micahgchrisccoulson: k, I"ll poke the release team on Monday about it anyways18:55
chrisccoulsoni don't want him to feel like we're trying to bypass his authority (i asked him about lightning earlier, and he said that somebody needs to review it)18:56
chrisccoulsonwhether that "somebody" could actually be you or not - i'm not sure ;)18:56
micahgyeah, I don't want to do that :)18:56
chrisccoulsonhmmm, even more suspicious. adobe air has a copy of nss without libnssutil.so18:57
chrisccoulsonso, if the adobe private libdir was somehow in LD_LIBRARY_PATH, that would explain why firefox still tries to use it's own libnssutil.so, with different versions of everything else18:57
chrisccoulsoni still can't recreate that guys actual problem though, and i'm starting to feel like i've wasted an entire afternoon looking at it now18:58
mc_on 10.04, upgrading via apt generated an error while upgrading xulrunner (see http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/Q387uPTD)19:17
micahgchrisccoulson: ^^ looks like more NSPR issues :(19:17
mc_micahg:  i think so, because pidgin is also complaining on startup "pidgin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libnss3.so: undefined symbol: PL_NewHashTable"19:18
chrisccoulsonmicahg - we keep seeing symbol lookup errors from the postinst script in xulrunner, not just with nspr :/19:18
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure what's causing those19:19
micahgchrisccoulson: I think people are adding xul to either ld.so.conf.d or LD_LIBRARY_PATH19:19
chrisccoulsonif libnss3 can't find PL_NewHashTable, then there is something very broken with that install19:22
chrisccoulsonaccording to our symbols file, that symbol comes from 4.7.319:22
chrisccoulsonso that install must have a very old copy laying around....19:22
ftadpm, do you have a way to make a last call for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Wanted/ChromiumDesktop ??19:22
ftajcastro, ^^ maybe?19:23
chrisccoulsonperhaps the output of ldd /usr/lib/libnss3.so would help...19:23
chrisccoulsonmc_ ^^19:23
mc_chrisccoulson:  a moment19:23
jcastrofta: dang I didn't even know we were doing that19:23
dpmfta, sure, the easiest thing is to send an e-mail to translators. When would you want to fetch the last round?19:24
micahgjcastro: yeah, we did it for Firefox and Thunderbird as well (translations already in Maverick)19:24
mc_chrisccoulson:  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/37iJZH6X19:24
micahgthere we go :)19:24
chrisccoulsonmc_ - you have a local install of nspr in your home folder, that is being picked up by the linker19:25
chrisccoulsonthat's what has broken it ;)19:25
mc_hmm...wonder how i did that? :)19:25
chrisccoulsonnot sure ;)19:25
ftadpm, asap ;) if possible, before universe freezes19:25
micahgchrisccoulson: does ldd do realpath?19:26
mc_how would i figure out who's linked to those local versions?19:26
chrisccoulsonmicahg - what do you mean?19:26
ftadpm, btw, you're mentioning moz in that page...19:27
dpmfta, translators just need to know a deadline, asap might be confusing for them. If you can tell me a date or a time, I can send an e-mail.19:27
chrisccoulsonmc_ - basically, everything on your system that links against nspr will pick up the nspr lib in the first path the linker finds it in19:27
micahgchrisccoulson: can a symlink path be displayed in the output of ldd?19:27
chrisccoulsonmicahg - oh, i'm not too sure19:27
mc_i see the path in /etc/ld.so.conf.d/libc.conf19:27
mc_should i remove that?19:28
chrisccoulsonyeah, you can do. it's not there by defauly19:28
dpmfta, good catch, we're now mentioning chromium :)19:28
mc_chrisccoulson:  winner winner, chicken dinner!19:29
mc_much appreciated19:29
chrisccoulsoncool, i'm glad that's sorted :)19:30
dpmfta, http://identi.ca/notice/50979588 - if you can tell me a concrete deadline, I'll send it to the translators list as well19:34
s595731If I wished to mention a packageing issue with mozilla products, who would I mention to? (Not Ubuntu specific, but applies to Linux distros)19:38
s595731I submitted a bug report labelled minor, figure it'd be good to notify the particulars to whom it concerns19:38
micahgs595731: you can mention it here, but if it's not Ubuntu specific, it'll need to be fixed upstream19:38
ubot2Mozilla bug 595731 in General "Dangling shell processes in run-mozilla.sh and the like; use exec" [Minor,Unconfirmed]19:39
s595731I've never dealt with upstream, I assume some here have19:39
ftamicahg, what's the last call for universe?19:42
micahgfta: probably the last monday before release19:43
ftamicahg, when is that?19:43
micahgfta: probably Oct 4, but at that point it's relaly hard19:44
micahgfta: I'd say shoot for the RC release which is the 30th19:44
ftadpm, ^^, Sept 30th19:44
micahgfta: you're lucky chromium isn't seeded yet, otherwise, you'd be OOL19:45
ftamaybe we'll have chromium 7 by then ;)19:45
micahgcould very well be :)19:45
dpmfta, do you think it would be possible to run your macro on the FF page and get it nicely formatted as a table as the Chromium one :) ? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Wanted/FirefoxDesktop19:58
ftadpm, well, i lost it, emacs macros are volatile, but it's kind of easy to redo..20:01
ftai'm busy atm, maybe later20:01
dpmfta, ok, whenever you've got time, if you could do it and doesn't take you much time, that'd be awesome20:02
ftamaybe a little perl script could do.. like desktop2wikitable, so it could be re-run when needed20:05
ftamicahg, is the wiki ff page all merged in bzr?20:06
micahgone of the translations had an issue, so I didn't merge it20:06
ftamicahg, which branch is the most uptodate?20:08
micahgfirefox-3.6.maverick (ubuntu2 was the translations)20:08
dpmHebrew was the one not merged (the one without code in that page)20:08
micahgdpm: that was for Thunderbird20:09
micahgdpm: I think Brunei was the one lacking for Firefox20:09
dpmmicahg, ah, yes, but in FF it must have been Bengali [bn]20:10
micahgah, bn is bengali :)20:11
ftaoh my, i branched lp:ubuntu/firefox, it's over 600MB20:25
micahgfta: that includes the source and we don't use it20:26
ftayeah, it has the tarballs20:26
micahgah, that's probably why it's so big20:26
micahgfor N+1 I think we'll create an .orig.tar.lzma or something instead of the embedded tarball20:27
ftadpm, lp:~fta/+junk/desktop2wiki20:42
ftajust run that on a desktop file as mentioned in the header20:42
ftamake sure the initial desktop file is in sync with the wiki 1st20:46
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dpmthanks fta!21:14
ftamicahg, (maybe you can do it for ff/tb) ;)21:23
micahgfta: thanks, I"ll look over the weekend21:24
ftamicahg, it's just a 5sec task21:24
micahgfta: sorry, I have to run, I"ll look later21:24
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ftajdstrand, as expected: [Branch ~chromium-team/chromium-browser/channels] Rev 305: linux/stable (6.0.472.59 -> 6.0.472.62]23:36

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