
demonsporkguhcampos, I had that issue with a hardware raid recently and it turns out I just needed to wait00:01
demonsporkso let it sit for a while, it seems to be doing something that takes a long time when it is at 33%00:01
guhcamposit's taking a lot long00:01
guhcamposbut I'm wainting00:01
demonsporkyeah, it stauyed there for 45+ minutes00:01
guhcamposlet's see how long it will make me wait00:01
guhcamposoh god00:01
demonsporkof course I was formatting a 660GB partition on a 6 drive RAID 500:02
demonsporkdo any of you know how to add IP addresses without dropping all current connections on the already configured IP? I have 4 I need to add on top of the 1 that is currently configured and I would prefer that the 30 some connections that are active on the current IP do not get dropped00:07
uvirtbotNew bug: #640880 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.4~dfsg-1ubuntu6 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64088000:12
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SpamapSdemonspork: just running 'ifup eth0' should add any missing IPs from the interfaces configuration00:47
smoserhggdh, i've seen that before, but i'm not sure where it comes from.00:54
smoserdid you try more than once?00:54
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hggdhsmoser: no, I did not. Will try it again01:05
hggdhDaviey: so far 1400 instances started, 1350 success, 9 failed. So far, so good.01:06
smoserhggdh, wow. thats great.01:07
hggdhsmoser: it is... one wonders if *this* time, *this* time...01:08
smoserlet me know about trying that euca-bundle again01:09
smoseri just can't imagine what does it, but i have seen it before, and swear that its random01:09
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hggdhwill do01:12
smoserhggdh, please update bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/euca2ools/+bug/50956201:35
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 509562 in eucalyptus "euca-bundle-image returns Odd-length string error" [Medium,Invalid]01:35
smoserwith an indication that you saw it, and whether or not it goes away01:35
smoseri'll poke at it tomorrow if it is reproducibl01:35
smoseri know what it is01:37
smoseri think that this code : iv = (hex(BN.rand(16 * 8))[2:34]).replace('L', 'c')01:37
smoseris not guaranteed to be consumable by unhexlify01:38
smoserhggdh, i was right. bug updated. you can run that again, and > 99% you'll have success01:46
=== Wandrewvious is now known as WALoeIII
arrrghhhso i'm having samba issues.  my win7 laptop will randomly ask for a password when trying to get to the share, but my girlfriend's win7 laptop never does.  i'd prefer to not require a password to get into samba, assuming they're on my LAN.  I don't think samba is even accessible over the WAN, so I don't really see the need of putting a password on the share.02:04
hggdhDaviey: 2,000 instances run, .986 success rate!02:07
hggdhDaviey: will start a second run.02:08
talcitehey guys. I'm having a problem with snmpd where the agent isn't detecting any incoming snmp requests. I'm certain it's not the firewall interfereing02:19
talciteatleast, iptables. could it be comething else? Does snmp do anything weird with portmapper or something?02:19
arrrghhhcan you snmpwalk the localhost?02:20
talcitearrrghhh: nope, that's what I'm using to test, along with scli02:21
talcitesnmpd's logs don't even show that something's connecting, whereas with scli from localhost, it shows up in the log02:21
talcitehowever, it's not the firewall, since I have a rule letting it through, and when I take it out, the dropped packet messages show up in the logs02:21
arrrghhhso wait02:22
talciteand of course, when I put the rule back into the firewall, there aren't any dropped packet messages02:22
arrrghhhyou can't snmpwalk the local machine?02:22
arrrghhhi think you should be able to do that...02:22
talciteoh the local machine? yes I can02:22
arrrghhhlol ok.02:22
talcitesorry, I misread that02:22
arrrghhhjust making sure snmp works :P02:22
arrrghhhand are you on a LAN?02:23
arrrghhhor are you doing this over the internet?02:23
hggdhDaviey: \o/ 2,000 instances submitted, 1.971 successes! yay!02:23
talcitea university LAN, yes02:23
talciteI've had the proper ports opened, and my firewall test seems to confirm that there's no dropped packets02:23
talcitedropped packets in transit by an upstream switch I should say02:23
arrrghhhhave you nmapped it?02:24
talciteyes, the port doesn't show up as open02:24
talcitewhich is a bit strange02:24
arrrghhhare you using ufw02:25
arrrghhhor iptables02:25
arrrghhhon the ubuntu server?02:25
talciteIt doesn't work even if I shutdown firehol02:26
talciteboth machines are running ubuntu server02:26
arrrghhhhuh never heard of firehol.02:27
arrrghhhis it another front-end for iptables...?02:27
talciteit's pretty handy.02:28
talciteYes it is02:28
talciteit's more or less cross-distro as well, meaning you don't need to learn more than 1 firewall syntax to administer mixed environments.02:28
arrrghhhbut if you can't nmap the port, it's probably not open on either a) the firewall on your machine or b) the firewall in your network.02:29
talciteactually I tested it from another machine on the same switch (which means it doesn't enter the university network), and it's still no good.02:30
talciteone sec, I'm going to nmap it again with different options02:30
talcitethere's several ports opened and it didn't pick them all up02:30
arrrghhhif you couldn't do it on the same switch...02:30
arrrghhhthen you've gotta have sometihng wrong in firehol.02:30
arrrghhhi'm assuming you can still poll iptables02:31
arrrghhhi think it's iptables -L02:31
talciteI stopped it completely (unloaded all the rules from iptables) and it's still not working02:31
talcitedamnit I bet you snmpd binded to the wrong interface02:31
talciteThere's multiple on these machines02:31
arrrghhhthat would do it too02:31
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pyropheliais there a "safe" way to shut a system down that is currently doing a raid rebuild?  It takes ~4-5 days to resync this raid I don't want to loose my current progress03:34
uvirtbotNew bug: #641001 in puppet (main) "cacrl should be use instead of hostcrl when generating apache2 passenger configuration" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64100103:46
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hggdhDaviey: second test is at 1,500 instances run, 10 failures. Looks good, will find how it ended tomorrow morning04:47
hggdhDaviey: in fact, it has *never* been so good :-)04:48
_Techie_when connecting to the internet via a 56k dial up modem, what is the interface name for the connection?05:01
computerwiz_222Hello, I'm having difficulty setting up a software raid1. I have an advanced format drive from Western Digital which uses 4kb sectors rather than the usual 512. Has anyone had any experience with this?05:33
netritiousis there are package available to tell me which Ubuntu mirror is the fastest from my location?08:33
Davieynetritious, There is one for the desktop, but i don't think we have this on the server :(08:36
Daviey(and TBH, the desktop one is based on ping time, rather than speed)08:36
netritiousDaviey: thanks. Was about to try and work out one with PHP or python but wanted to make sure something wasn't already out there.08:38
Davieynetritious, Sounds awesome... make sure you share it with us :)08:41
netritiousDaviey: Of course :)08:41
Davieynetritious, I would suggest python... it could even be in the Natty :)08:41
Davieynetritious, writing in PHP means we need depend on that... python is already installed.08:42
Davieyso python++08:42
netritiousDaviey: I considered that..the dependency thing08:44
netritiousBUT i'm not a python coder :)08:45
Davieynetritious, well do what is best for you :)...  Learning python could be fun :)08:45
netritiousDaviey: I completely agree08:46
netritiousi'm taking a stab at it with python first08:46
Davieynetritious, awesome!08:48
uvirtbotNew bug: #641125 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.37-1ubuntu5.4 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64112510:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #641131 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.4~dfsg-1ubuntu6 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64113110:21
maedoxHi guys, one (maybe not so easy) question: I have one server that is a SSH gateway for all the other server from WAN. I have disabled all sudo access and set a very strong root passwd. I want a script to run if someone gains root. Right now I have it in ~root/.bashrc. Any thoughts on that?10:52
maedoxwhat the script does is email me some info about the login, `last` etc.10:53
uvirtbotNew bug: #641151 in multipath-tools (main) "multipath flush always returns 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64115110:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #641153 in dovecot (main) "Dovecot installation from Aptitude fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64115311:01
Davieymaedox, a pam script might be better11:36
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maedoxDaviey, thanks for the tip, I'll look into that.11:39
Davieymaedox, cool... would love to hear how you get on.11:40
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ztripezi have a server with 2 nics.. they show up in lspci but when i do a /etc/init.d/networking restart it say that eth0 and eth1 cant be found...13:02
maedoxztripez, they might not be named eth0 and eth1.13:02
ztripezmaedox,  where can i found the name of them?13:03
maedoxthey are set in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules here, your filename may be different.13:05
ztripezmaedox,  ok since i switched network cards the addressing is wrong i guess?13:07
maedoxyes that could happen13:07
ztripezmaedox, any easy way to restet or do i have to du it manualy?13:08
maedoxI think you can change the names in that file and then do sudo service udev restart and then restart networking.13:10
ztripezmaedox, ok i got one of them to work (was assigned to eth2) but the other one doesn't work13:18
ztripez dmesg | grep eth13:18
ztripez[    0.992214] 0000:00:19.0: eth1: (PCI Express:2.5GB/s:Width x1) 00:1d:09:84:59:1f13:18
ztripez[    0.992217] 0000:00:19.0: eth1: Intel(R) PRO/10/100 Network Connection13:18
ztripez[    0.992236] 0000:00:19.0: eth1: MAC: 7, PHY: 7, PBA No: ffffff-0ff13:18
ztripez[    8.894663] udev: renamed network interface eth0 to eth213:18
ztripezso it finds eth1 but..13:18
maedoxis the mac address correct in the udev file?13:19
ztripezmaedox, how do i get the mac adress?13:19
maedoxgood question, I honestly can't remember right now. give me a minute.13:25
ztripezhm.. when i do a ifconfig -a i get eth2 and eth1_rename13:26
maedoxoh yeah, doesn't the mac address get listed on ifconfig?13:27
ztripezdooh, yes it does13:27
maedoxas HWaddr13:27
Martens1984Doh, can someone tell me how I can enter #ubuntu13:29
maedox /join #ubuntu doesn't work?13:30
ztripezmaedox, got it to work now, thanks just had do edit the udev rules and restart ;)13:30
maedoxztripez, great :)13:30
maedoxztripez, it's probably some service that needs restarting, but a reboot solves it alright :P13:30
Martens1984maedox: Nah, it tells me: #ubuntu Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services13:30
maedoxMartens1984, aha, you probably need to register your nick with NickServ.13:31
Martens1984maedox: I thought I did, I get this ubuntu/unregged server witch asks me a question, if I anser it, I should be able to join #ubuntu, but no...13:34
ztripeztrying to put up a UEC.. got it controlers installed.. both nics working eth0 as public and eth1 as private.. but don't i have to configure the dhcp server to lease ip's to the private network?13:38
maedoxMartens1984, did you do /msg NickServ identify password ?13:39
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Martens1984maedox: I forgot to ferify... :(13:40
Martens1984I gues I can post my prob here aswell...13:41
Martens1984If I ping to <servername> my ubuntu tries to reach e.g. instead of, what could be wrong?13:41
maedoxwhat does host <servername> give you?13:42
maedoxok, then that's why. I'm not sure how it selects which one to ping.13:43
Martens1984thats cuz I entered in the hostfile13:43
Martens1984I gues13:43
Martens1984but how can I remove the wrong IP?13:44
maedoxthat's weird, it should use the one in your hosts file.13:44
maedoxyou have to edit the DNS server config.13:44
Martens1984the DNS server gives only the right Ip... :S13:45
maedoxthen I don't know where it gets
Martens1984and on the windows machine I'm on ping <servername>  works perfectly13:45
maedoxdo they use the same DNS server, and is your /etc/hosts file correct?13:46
Martens1984I get this reply if I ping:13:48
Martens1984From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable13:48
Martens1984From <this_pc> (xx.xx.xx)  icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable13:49
Martens1984I simply gues I fuck up to much trying to integrate Ubuntu-server to W2K3-server13:50
maedoxif you type in nslookup - ip.address.for.dnsserver    and then query it for the servername, does it give the right one?13:51
maedoxyes, I don't know, this all sounds weird. I'm not sure what's up.13:51
Martens1984hah... it throws out both ip's13:51
maedoxthen there is something up with the DNS13:52
maedoxwhat's the output of the query?13:52
Martens1984Name: <servername>13:53
Martens1984Name: <servername>13:53
maedoxthen there must be two A records with same servername and different IP-addresses in the DNS.13:54
Martens1984<servername> being servername.domain.name13:54
maedoxor the DNS is doing some strange stuff :)13:54
Martens1984if I use nslookup from another pc, it only gives the right address13:55
maedoxright, you mentioned that. very weird indeed.13:56
maedoxthere should not be any caching of dns by default in ubuntu, but that's the only thing I can think of.13:57
Martens1984it runs a DHCP server... but so does the server I try to reach, this server did not lease any IP13:58
maedoxI'm out of ideas. Maybe try rebooting or at least service networking restart.14:01
sCOTTohey guys, I am setting up a ubuntu server to serve Virtual servers on inside an office. One VS will be a windows server. I have a machine with 2 x 1 TB SataII drives. Should I be striping these or Mirroring them or keeping them as two ???14:03
auI would mirror them for backup reasons14:04
sCOTToHow does that help for backup? would it not be better to have daily backups running ?14:04
maedoxsCOTTo, yeah, mirroring is the way to go if they need to be up all the time.14:04
sCOTToor does the mirror allow for Redundancy ?14:04
Martens1984tru, but mirroring... wel you just figured it out14:04
maedoxsCOTTo, backups mean you have to reinstall the backup. RAID 1 will let you change one disk while the other works. Assuming they are hot-swap disks/controller.14:05
sCOTTook so the next question... can I use SOFTWARE within Ubuntu to set up the mirror or do I need a Sata Raid Card setup ?14:05
Martens1984If one crashes, you simply replace it and continu servering14:05
sCOTTook sweet - sold on mirror.14:05
hggdhDaviey: second run: 2,003 instances submitted, 1,975 successes14:05
Martens1984A hardware raid is preferable14:06
sCOTToI dont have the raid card or ability on the MB thats all :(14:06
sCOTToits a AMD 64-but MB14:06
maedoxsCOTTo, just make sure that hot-swap is possible. ;)14:06
sCOTToI do think so...14:06
sCOTToI should GG the mb huh lol14:06
maedoxsCOTTo, If a small down-time is acceptable you can shutdown, change disk and reboot.14:07
sCOTToyeah a small downtime should not be a problem...14:07
sCOTToshould I buy a stack of the same HDDs so I ahve back up drives ??14:07
Davieyhggdh, I'm pretty happy with those stats as stress testing goes :)14:07
sCOTTohmmm it has RAID 0,1 whats that ?14:08
maedoxsCOTTo, 0,1 just means it can do RAID 0 or RAID 1. RAID 0 being striping (data divided between disks) and RAID 1 being mirroring.14:09
Martens1984http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redundant_Array_of_Independent_Disks#RAID-0 ;)14:09
sCOTTook so the MB can Mirror then yes ?14:10
sCOTTo:D I guess thats a good thing ;) now I gotta figure out HOW14:10
maedoxyes, that it the question. there is probably a hotkey for configuring it when you boot up your machine.14:10
Martens1984lol... reboot and check BIOS startup carefully.... you should enter a combination of keys to enter the raid setup14:10
Martens1984... ore there should be a driver to acces the raid setup within Windows... in ubuntu I'm not sure14:11
sCOTTofound the Manual ;)14:11
sCOTToRTFM :D14:11
Martens1984GL & HF14:11
sCOTToGL & HF ???14:12
sCOTTogood luck14:12
sCOTTohace fun14:12
Martens1984Good Luck & Have Fun14:12
sCOTTothanks :D14:12
sCOTToI am doing this one for one of the most HATED Politicians in Australia ;)14:12
sCOTToi LURVE ppl who are politically incorrect :D14:12
maedoxmake sure to put in a remote killswitch then :P14:12
sCOTTohehehe nah - I like him :D14:12
sCOTTolol how do I make a remote killswitch btw ;)14:13
Martens198420 pounds of TNT next to the server...14:13
Martens1984or C414:13
sCOTTothat would work14:13
sCOTTotee hee hee14:13
Martens1984Windows, and your switch in instantly killed14:14
sCOTTothats why I am VIRTUALISING the windows server they want to run hehehe14:14
sCOTToits a LOT safer :D14:14
Martens1984so... thats what's going wrong here... I got w2k3-server and am running Ubuntu virtualy14:15
sCOTTooh dear...14:15
sCOTTothats BLASPHEMY!14:15
Martens1984I know... but it's out of my hands14:16
sCOTToif you have the KB... then it aint ;)14:16
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Martens1984DOH, my unconfigurable DNS-server is f****d up14:19
sCOTTounconfigurable ?14:20
Martens1984Yeah... it's inside the router14:20
sCOTToupgrade the firmware14:20
Martens1984modem/router ADSL internet thing14:20
sCOTTojust reboot it. that normally clears it14:21
Martens1984yeah... gonna try that now14:21
Martens1984how do I kill a zombie process14:25
aups x14:25
aukill process14:25
au23:25 < au> ps x14:25
au23:25 < au> kill process14:25
maedoxyou can't kill a zombie. it's already dead.14:39
maedoxno pun intended :)14:39
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
Ethoshi guys, I've installed fail2ban but I'm receiving "Restarting authentication failure monitor fail2ban                           start-stop-daemon: Unable to set gid to 0"15:06
EthosAny ideas?15:06
hurrawhen will there be a kernel update for 10.04?15:12
smoserkirkland, ping15:23
smoseror maybe daviey or ttx know.15:23
smoserhow is /etc/motd.d/* executed on login ?15:23
ttxsmoser: ask and you shall find15:24
smoseri can't trace this.15:24
ttxI think it's through pam-motd15:24
smoseri suspect pam_motd.so, but nothing says that it should update that.15:24
* ttx looks15:26
smoserso something updates /etc/motd, and i can't find what15:26
smoser(it does so by runparts of /etc/update-motd.d)15:26
Davieyand people don't see the point of shipping the server guide on the install....15:27
Davieysmoser, $ w3m /usr/share/ubuntu-serverguide/html/C/pam_motd.html15:27
ttxhttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/maverick/man8/pam_motd.8.html sounds a bit out of date15:28
smoserso pam runs (as root) stuff in /etc/update-motd.d on *every* login ?15:30
Davieydon't think it does15:31
smosernot root. you're right.15:33
smoseras root15:34
Davieydave@bootie:~$ cat /etc/update-motd.d/100-date15:35
Davieyecho "*** test"15:35
Ethosany of you chaps using fail2ban?15:35
Daviey*** test15:35
DavieyFri Sep 17 15:32:12 BST 201015:35
mdeslauryes, it's in a ubuntu-specific patch, guys15:35
DavieyEthos, yes15:35
EthosFinding it good? :)15:35
smoseryeah. daviey, i just did the same thing.15:36
smoseras root, and every time.15:36
DavieyEthos, functional :)... I actually use that and Denyhosts depending what the server is, what i'm in the mood for, if it's raining or sunny  :)15:36
Davieysmoser, heh15:36
EthosCool, I've just thought about security on my linode and realised I was a bit slack with it15:36
maedoxThere is also sshd-autoban, which can add IP-addresses to either hosts.deny or iptables.15:38
thafreakEthos: I just switched to fail2ban from denyhosts15:39
ttxSpamapS: ping15:39
thafreakIt seems to use a constant ammount of ram, where denyhosts slowly used more15:40
thafreakI was wary of using something that messed with iptables at first, but it runs well15:40
Ethosinteresting :)15:43
EthosI'll check out the alternatives too15:43
MTecknologyHow do I reload an apparmor profile?16:17
MTecknologyfound it16:18
SpamapSttx: pong, sup?16:52
ttxSpamapS: dude!16:53
ttxSpamapS: was wondering if you wanted to try to sneak a fix for bug 624361 before release. If yes, i'll target it against Maverick.16:53
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 624361 in openssh "service ssh restart does not test the configuration file" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62436116:53
ttxSpamapS: but then another bug surfaced...16:53
ttxthat might require even more of your attention...16:53
ttxbug 64138416:53
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 641384 in memcached "memcached binaries seeded in Ubuntu.Maverick supported-misc-servers seed" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64138416:53
ttxapparently we are short of a few MIRs there16:54
SpamapSttx: No, that one has no real easy solution w/ upstart. :(16:54
ttxSpamapS: I thought so.16:54
ttxWill keep it out of scope for the moment then.16:54
ttxSpamapS: could you debunk bug 641384 ?16:54
SpamapSttx: I think long term the answer is going to be to add a "verify" capability to upstart jobs16:54
SpamapSttx: weird, don't they see the LP bug numbers *in the commit logs* ?16:55
ttxSpamapS: "see" ?16:55
ttxSpamapS: "they" ?16:56
ttxSpamapS: "weird" ?16:56
ttxSpamapS: "numbers" ?16:56
ttxSpamapS: "logs" ?16:56
ttxSpamapS: ?16:56
* ttx is in a playful mood16:57
* SpamapS is in an "annoyed with AT&T mood"16:57
ttxSpamapS: I'm not sure I got your last question rigth16:58
ttxSpamapS: do you mean "shouldn't LP autoclose bugs based on LP bug numbers in debian changelogs" ?16:59
SpamapSoo AT&T is here16:59
* ttx hands SpamapS a mask16:59
SpamapSttx: I told you I'm not going to your weird party in the countryside17:00
SpamapSactually, the bug #'s aren't in the commit logs17:02
SpamapSjust the blueprint names17:02
SpamapSwe really do need to fix the seed management process17:02
zuli think ttx started a bit early this weekend17:02
ttxI'm already 2 minute IN my weekend.17:02
ttxSpamapS: assigned.17:02
SpamapSComment added w/ pointers to the MIR's17:03
ttxSpamapS: I think doko's point is that the dependencies were not MIRed17:05
SpamapSttx: err, all of those are from the libmemcached source package17:07
ttxSpamapS: just a sec17:09
ttxSpamapS: you need a MIR filed for each and every dependency17:15
SpamapSttx: MIR's are by source package. Yes?17:16
ttxah, you mean all thise are binaries from libmemcached ?17:16
* ttx looks with more attention17:16
SpamapSall from libmemcached source17:17
SpamapSBuild-Depends: debhelper (>= 7.0.50), perl, memcached (>= 1.4.1), automake (>= 1.10), autoconf, libtool17:18
SpamapSAll of those are covered..17:18
SpamapSso .. yeah I think Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 6), libevent-dev, quilt (>= 0.46-7)17:18
SpamapSSo yeah, I think we're all good17:18
ttxthey must have missed promotion.17:20
ttxSpamapS: feel free to ping some MIR team member about that.17:20
SpamapSHonestly, the whole MIR process and promotion issue for non-dependencies is really confusing.17:22
SpamapSttx: Aren't you supposed to be enjoying your friday evening by now?17:37
uvirtbotNew bug: #641468 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.41-3ubuntu12 failed to install/upgrade: Paket ist in einem sehr schlechten inkonsistenten Zustand - Sie sollten  es erneut installieren, bevor Sie es zu entfernen versuchen." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64146818:11
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* cloakable grins18:23
blackxoredhi guys, i have a openvpn setup which is supposedly pushing dns information pointing to itself since I have dnsmasq installed on that server, but i'm somehow still using my company's dns, i want to know why and how to solve this???19:15
MaharaI'm trying to install Nginx following the instructions from http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxInstall , after I refresh the repos and run apt-get install nginx it gets the stable version instead of the ppa version why ? is the ppa broken or what?19:16
Maharathe stable version from the standard repos not that ppa19:17
Maharanvm I need some sleep :D I need to replace /stable with /development19:21
Davieybeawesomeinstead, Really, Really not appropriate for here.19:21
beawesomeinsteadi know know know\19:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #641519 in samba (main) "samba install hangs in 'samba.postinst configure'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64151919:21
Davieysmoser, awesome! bug #50956219:21
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 509562 in euca2ools "euca-bundle-image returns Odd-length string error" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50956219:21
blackxoredi have a openvpn setup which is supposedly pushing dns information pointing to itself since I have dnsmasq installed on that server, but i'm somehow still using my company's dns, i want to know why and how to solve this???19:22
smoseryeah. once i took 10 minutes to actually look at it, it was obvious that only 1 thing could really be causing the failure.19:22
Davieysmoser, now you mention it.... replace('L', 'c') <-- LOL :)19:24
Davieysmoser, I guess that should have jumped out at us sooner :)19:24
smoserwell, the 'L' being replaced is the last letter of 0xABCDEF....GBL19:25
smoser(ie, 'Long')19:25
smoserand they "fixed" that issue that they were no doubt seeing 1 in 10 times or so by adding the replace19:25
smoser(it just bought them an extra digit)19:25
Davieysmoser, Are you planning to SRU that?19:25
smoserwell, we'll see if they let it into maverick19:26
smoseri uploaded.19:26
Davieyi saw it in the queue... i would imagine that will get through19:26
smoseri guess the replace would buy make it 16x less likely to occur19:28
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RoyKwhat sort of backup software do you guys (or girls) use?19:32
Davieysmoser, well... it seems saner than it is now...19:34
incidenceRoyK: Script called rsync-backup =)19:34
MaharaRoyK, Bacula ( http://www.bacula.org/en ) , KLEO (http://www.kleobackup.net/), RedoBackup ( http://redobackup.org/ )19:34
smoserwell, now i think it should never fail19:34
Davieysmoser, Trying your patch now :)19:34
smoserbut without their replace, i think it was probably failing like 1/10 or something19:35
smoserwith replace it goes to 1/160 or so19:35
incidenceCan I get more than 1 IPv6 address from tunnelbroker? Confused with those.19:36
Davieysmoser, i'll try your test bash script shortly19:36
RoyKMahara: I guess I'll do some more testing on Bacula...19:36
smoseryeah, i even uploaded an image (only once) and ran it to make sure that there was no hidden issue with what i was doing.19:37
Davieysmoser, It looks very logical... I'll test it here.. update the bug report... Then it seems even more likely it'll get through... But tbh, it looks good as it is :)19:38
aubrehow can I change the IP address on a network interface ?19:51
pmatulisaubre: with the 'ip' command19:52
aubreI know - I was just showing the power of the irc channel and you helped19:52
SpamapSpmatulis: thats not permanent tho19:52
SpamapSaubre: you probably want to change it permanently yes?19:52
SpamapSaubre: if its static, it should be defined in /etc/network/interfaces19:53
aubrethanks !19:53
* pmatulis is singing the blues19:53
ruben23 i have a full HDD, now i have an extra HDD can i add it up so i can copy the files there for backup..? any solutions20:16
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ttxSpamapS: yes, I am.21:08
smoserttx, go to bed21:24
_Techie_anybody here using ubuntu-server setup as their router with a 100mb network21:45
Patrickdktechie, no, but I am with gigabit21:46
_Techie_can i get you to get me some numbers21:46
_Techie_i need you to use traceroute on your sever to anywhere and get me the hop time between server and modem21:47
Patrickdkdunno why 100mbit is required for that though :)21:47
_Techie_well im usin 100mbit21:47
Patrickdkwell, you better hurry up and tell me, or I will have to leave :)21:48
_Techie_so i wanted to try keep it as close to my network as possible21:48
_Techie_but a gigabit readout wl do21:48
Patrickdkwait, you want to compare my hop times, from server to modem to your server to modem?21:48
Patrickdkcause I have no modem21:48
PatrickdkI'm on fiber21:48
Patrickdkdirectly plugged into my server21:49
_Techie_stupid NZ internet21:49
_Techie_were still on ADSL21:49
Patrickdkcable modem? or dsl?21:49
_Techie_nto een ADSL2+21:49
Patrickdkdunno much about dsl, well, I know about it, but don't use it :)21:49
_Techie_oh well21:49
_Techie_thanks for your time anyway21:49
Patrickdkbut cable, adds 10-30ms of delay21:49
Patrickdkpastebin your results21:50
_Techie_Patrickdk: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/vQ56zhS0   from a mac laptop inside my network conected to wireless21:52
Patrickdkhmm, alittle high, but that depends on your dsl people21:52
_Techie_immore interested in my LAN rather than my WAN atm21:53
Patrickdkthe 2.3ms?21:53
_Techie_#1 is laptop to roter, #2 is router to modem21:53
Patrickdkwhat is laptop to router? wifi?21:54
Patrickdkthat would be the issue there :)21:54
Patrickdkya, wifi is normally +2ms21:54
Patrickdk54mbit max, so 22mbit usable21:55
_Techie_so you dont think that my server s taking an excess amont of time to route packets?21:57
IamReckHi I am looking for help getting 10.04 to syslog to Centos 5.5.22:06
guntbertIamReck: you will have to debug that on the centOS side I'm afraid, as syslog requires no acknowledgement from the syslog server ( if I remember correctly )22:07
IamReckQuestion for the Ubuntu one, though, if I edit the /etc/syslog.conf, will those settings be obeyed by rsyslog/22:08
RoyKIamReck: just log to @your.centos.box22:08
IamReckRoyK, that's what I'm doing.22:09
RoyKobviously the centos box will need to listen to 514/udp22:09
IamRecksyslog is listening.22:09
Four2zeroi did a mistake on a command, and removed a initrd.image from ubuntu-server by mistake how can i retrieve this file back ?22:12
RoyKIamReck: that should be all iirc22:12
RoyKIamReck: can you try to sniff outgoing udp traffic from the ubuntu box?22:13
Four2zerothis is the command i accidently used sudo rm -rf /initrd.img22:14
Four2zerois there any way to retrieve this file back ?22:14
guntbertFour2zero: I don't think you can -- so learn to be *very* cautious when working with root rights22:14
nakhlawiFour2zero: http://www.debian-administration.org/article/293/How_Do_I_Make_an_initrd_image22:15
Four2zerohow important is /initrd.img ?22:15
guntbertFour2zero: very, see ^^22:15
Four2zeronakinak im showing that link is dead on my end.22:16
maswanFour2zero: you won't be able to boot. dpkg-reconfigure on the kernel package should fix it up22:16
Four2zerounable to connect22:16
RoyKFour2zero: if the system is up and running, just reinstall the kernel package of choice22:16
RoyKthen you're fscked22:16
RoyKFour2zero: the initrd contains all loadable modules for the kernel, and in most distros, that also includes the sata/ata/scsi/whatever drivers, and without those, the kernel can't find its drives22:17
Four2zerooh snaps....!22:18
guntbertFour2zero: why are you unable to connect?22:18
Four2zeroRoyK, when i ran dpkg-reconfigure it says please specify a package to reconfigure ?22:19
Four2zeroguntbert Firefox cant establish a connection to the server at www.debian-administration.org22:19
Four2zeroproblem loading page.22:20
Four2zerogunthber and im not using proxy22:20
Four2zeroalso with chrome with same issue22:21
Four2zeroguntber and same with IE22:22
guntbertFour2zero: and from where do you chat?22:23
guntbertFour2zero: no, how do you chat/irc if you have no network connection?22:23
Four2zeroguntbert oh...just specific page i cant load22:24
Four2zerointernet connection is fine22:24
Four2zerohahahah...i had program running peerblock22:24
Four2zeronow im able to access the page22:25
guntbertFour2zero: how is that specific page related to your problem? you should be able to reinstall the kernel as Royk suggested22:25
Four2zerothat's fixed now, so anyhow im doing what he suggested.22:26
uvirtbotNew bug: #641632 in samba (main) "[maverick] upgrade process cannot stop smbd, prerm script hangs and blocks upgrade process" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64163222:26
guntbertFour2zero: Good luck :-) I'm off22:26
Four2zerobut im getting a /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: please specify a package to reconfigure22:26
guntbert<RoyK> Four2zero: if the system is up and running, just reinstall the kernel package of choice22:27
Four2zeroyes, the system is up and still running. im googlining that info right now22:28
Four2zeroso basically need to reinstall the kernel ?22:29
Four2zeroIs what im looking for: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31115822:37
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uvirtbotNew bug: #641647 in vsftpd (main) "package vsftpd (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64164722:51
Four2zerookay i repaired it.22:52
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uvirtbotNew bug: #641657 in openssh (main) "SSH connections freeze after a period of time" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64165723:12
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lapsusbrutusanyone knows id chmod 644 on the /dev/mem file will crash anything?23:47
RoyKlapsusbrutus: not unless you let me into your system23:51
RoyKor any other - or you have a faulty php script - or ......23:52

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