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elementzeroanyone alive that can help me boot to my normal video card?03:45
elementzeroanyone alive that can help me boot to the normal video card driver instead of the nvidia ones?03:46
gabriel...I'm looking for help or advise... my xubuntu installs keep crashing when I try to grab and move a window... I have no idea why...03:58
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jrmyhow is there so many people here but nobody talking?11:58
jrmysure its about 7:00am but11:58
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:00
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:00
jrmyi dont have a question12:02
jrmyim just suprised there is nobody talking12:02
jrmythanks anyways psycho_oreos12:02
psycho_oreosnot everyone is free and available for chat12:03
jrmy55 people that arent an op, so you'd think somebody was talking12:06
jrmyhowever we are12:06
jrmyok, so for a real question what are good music players for xubuntu/ubuntu?12:07
TheSheepI like quodlibet12:07
TheSheepand Sonata12:07
TheSheepaudacious if you like the old winamp12:08
jrmyhow about a player that supports multiple file types?12:08
psycho_oreosaudacious and xmms for me12:08
TheSheepjrmy: what do you mean by 'multiple file types'? all of them support multiple types12:09
TheSheepjrmy: mp3, wav, ogg, flac...12:09
jrmywell exaile is having a problem with playing .spc12:09
jrmyspc is the native of snes12:09
jrmyand even though i have the plugin installed from the software center it is still not working12:10
TheSheepjrmy: what plugin exactly?12:10
jrmyso the library of it12:12
jrmyidk what librarys are so much12:12
jrmybut whatever12:12
psycho_oreosthe players need to be made aware of the library for decoding the file, check under your chosen music player12:12
TheSheepthat's just a library, not a plugin12:12
jrmyand it worked with rythymbox12:12
TheSheepjrmy: then why not use ruthmbox?12:13
jrmyi wanna try some prefered music players12:13
jrmylast i remember vlc was a nice player12:13
jrmynot just for music but video too12:13
TheSheepit's mostly a video player, not so nice for music12:14
psycho_oreospreference = taste12:14
TheSheepthe playlist is rather basic12:14
TheSheepalmost as primitive as the windows media player12:14
psycho_oreostry mplayer and compare :)12:15
jrmyand how about a music player that doesnt require lots of resource?12:16
psycho_oreosconsider CLI based12:16
jrmyand what is CLI?12:16
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro12:17
jrmyah and i'd liek a player that can close out and be in the tray12:17
jrmyso i can use the terminal to play music?12:17
psycho_oreosyes, with the right program12:18
jrmyi might liek this12:18
jrmywhich programs are there?12:18
psycho_oreosyou won't like it because it does not minimise to tray as per your previous requirements12:19
jrmyjust looking at what is out there12:19
jrmyi'd prefer something that could but if it were terminal based i wouldnt care12:19
psycho_oreosafaik there are specific ones lik play or mpg123, etc12:19
psycho_oreosmplayer is another command line based as well12:20
jrmyis mplayer music only?12:20
jrmyive been wondering about a program that can use a smart phone as a web cam, is there something liek this?12:26
TheSheepjrmy: you can also use mpd12:45
TheSheep!info mpd12:45
ubottumpd (source: mpd): Music Player Daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.15.4-1ubuntu3 (lucid), package size 174 kB, installed size 508 kB12:46
TheSheepjrmy: it's a daemon, it stays in the background and plays, and you use a variety of clients, graphical or text, to control it12:46
TheSheepjrmy: I even use that to control the player from my cellphone12:46
jrmyyou'd have to explain that more and what daemon is12:47
TheSheepdaemon is a program that runs in the background without any user interface12:51
TheSheepfor exmaple, mail daemon waits for your e-mails and puts them into your mailbox when it receives them12:52
jrmythen i assume mpd uses very little resource12:55
jrmyok in the update manager its saying firefox gnome support.. i assume i dont need this since my DE is xfce correct?12:57
jrmyand does mpd require anything else?13:03
TheSheepjrmy: well, it depends on a bunch of libraries for playing music13:04
TheSheepjrmy: you will also need a client for controlling it, I like Sonata13:04
jrmyis that the recommended player?13:04
jrmyor whatever its called13:04
TheSheepthere is a howto an mpd here: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-5194.html13:05
TheSheepno, wait, that's about installing it from source, you don't want that13:05
TheSheepthis one looks ok13:07
jrmyidk if im gonna use mpd14:06
jrmyi think i'll figure that out later14:06
jrmymight go with a terminal based music player14:39
* vassi waves hi to you all14:50
ubottuHi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:53
gage.I'm looking for help or advise... my xubuntu installs keep crashing when I try to grab and move a window... I have no idea why...17:10
gageI need help...17:10
charlie-tcawhat version of Xubuntu?17:11
charlie-tcaxubuntu or lubuntu?17:12
gagethe latest...17:12
gagesorry typo17:12
gageI tried wiping and reloading it twice but it still does it whenever I try to move a window around...17:13
gageI also had this problem when I had an earlier install of Karmic Ubuntu, but an update later fixed it17:22
charlie-tcaAnd you have run the latest updates ?17:24
gageyes, yesterday, but now I see that there are 9 more...17:25
gagedoing that now...17:25
gagethese ones are just for firefox, thunderbird, apt, and something called unreadahead17:29
gageOk... i ran a check after it installed all the new updates from today and now it has added a Linux kernel image...  I need to reboot... I will test it and return with results, ok?17:36
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