
EmerlingHi pleia201:29
pleia2hi Emerling :) if you're looking to get an ubuntu member cloak just link to your launchpad profile and folks will help you out02:58
Emerlingthanks pleia202:59
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vishoh heh! seems Emerling dint actually spell out his request ;)10:14
vishmaybe jussi / topyli / Pici want to just look into the cloak ? .. or wait for Emerling to actually say the magical words :)10:16
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=== Mamarok is now known as Mamarok_FrOSCamp
IdleOnePici jussi can you please get Emerling cloaked.14:37
IdleOne091710-[22:02:07] <Emerling> https://launchpad.net/~emerling14:37
topyliany staff? could we have an ubuntu/member cloak for Emerling please?14:55
topylithanks niko14:59
nikoyou're welcome14:59
ubot2In #ubuntu-bugs, charlie-tca said: !triage is <reply> Triage is there should be enough information for the developers to start working on your bug, when they have time.15:08
charlie-tcahmm, how do I get this approved now?15:13
bazhangcharlie-tca, just for that channel, right?15:13
bazhangnot sure if I have editing rights with ubot2 , though jpds surely does15:14
charlie-tcaI keep trying :-)15:14
bazhangubot2 !triage-#ubuntu-bugs is <reply> Triage is there should be enough information for the developers to start working on your bug, when they have time.15:15
ubot2bazhang: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:15
bazhangguess not15:16
charlie-tcathanks for trying15:16
bazhangor I messed up the syntax15:16
nhandlercharlie-tca, bazhang: ubot2 syncs its factoids from ubottu. Also, the factoid doesn't feel grammatically correct. Are you trying to explain the bug status of 'Triaged' ?15:23
charlie-tcaTrying to explain what triage means, when we tell someone "we triage the bugs"15:24
nhandlerAh, ok.15:24
charlie-tcaor rather, "That bug is triaged"15:24
nhandlerubottu: triage-#ubuntu-bugs is <reply> Triage means ensuring that a bug has all of the necessary information for a developer to start working on it when they have time.15:25
ubottuI'll remember that, nhandler15:25
charlie-tcanhandler: Thank you15:25
charlie-tcathat sounds right!15:25
nhandlerYou are welcome charlie-tca15:25
gnomefreakthat looks better15:29
nhandlerubot2 syncs from ubottu every hour, so it might take a little bit for the factoid to show up15:43
ubot2nhandler: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:43
charlie-tcaOkay, I got that part already. Thank you again!15:45
ubottuTriage means ensuring that a bug has all of the necessary information for a developer to start working on it when they have time.15:45
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jpdsnhandler: Every 10 minutes. :)16:52
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nhandlerjpds: Then the wiki is out of date. Care to update it?18:56
highvoltagethe whole wiki!?19:28
Tm_Thighvoltage: yes, he is well capable of getting it all updated19:29
nhandlerhighvoltage: The Bots page on the wiki ;)19:40
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