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tarvidhow do i rescue an installation when X is out of range00:01
seduloustarvid: switch to a virtual console, Ctrl-Alt-[F1..F6]00:02
tarvidI can't get past login00:02
seduloustry it00:02
tarvidIt is set up for "Default Monitor and horiz is too high00:02
FloridaGuyChogyDan, dpkg --configure -a fixed00:02
FloridaGuyChogyDan, thanks00:03
ChogyDanFloridaGuy: cool00:03
tarvidand I get no boot options either00:03
tarvidand the 10.4 desktop cd will not boot00:03
coventryRegarding the resolv.conf issue I mentioned before... an apt-get upgrade has fixed it.  Should have tried it first, rather than in preparing to report the bug...00:04
balleynetarvid: what problems are you having booting the desktop installation? Have you tried booting your system into recovery mode through grub?00:04
tarvidi don't get a grub menu00:04
balleynetarvid: sorry, even without the desktop CD. Do you get a grub menu when you boot from the hard drive (even if you need to hit ESC to see the options)?00:05
tarvidi get the splash and then the monitor says the horiz frewuency is out of range00:05
tarvidI will try again but it goes directly to splash00:05
balleynetarvid: grub might appear for just a second or two before the splash, at least it does on my system (but I might still be using an older version of grub.. I've upgraded since 6.06, not a fresh install of lucid)00:06
balleynespitzi: did you get an answer about auto-mounting?00:07
ScoupI'm using cw23fx and my wireless dont work fine, I has read in forum to update my driver to lasted on. I'm reading http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Download to do that, but I not sure about it. Where is this ./scripts/driver-select? Have I use it?00:08
abadabad00could someone help me transfer files on my network between two Ubuntu 10.04 machines? When I try to connect to folders that are shared for everyone on the network I get "Unable to mount location" "Failed to retrieve share list from server" errors00:10
Morg0thHello, I installed Ubuntu on a friend's computer and he did some updates but after that the system can't boot. It says that a file named with hex codes (like 818ac32...) doesn't exist and I get a ash shell. I had a look at the /etc/fstab file with chroot etc and the partition name changed from "/dev/sda4" to the hex name. do you know what could have caused this problem? I changed this line...00:10
Morg0th...but I still get this error00:10
ChogyDanMorg0th: probably a UUID00:11
ChogyDan!UUID | Morg0th00:11
ubottuMorg0th: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)00:11
Morg0thok thank's I'll look into that00:11
ChogyDanMorg0th: if you pastebin the errors and fstab, Im sure someone could help out00:12
Morg0thokay I'll try to do that but I'm not on this computer now. I'll try to look for the UUID thing and if I can't figure it out I'll try to pastebin it. thanks00:13
s_ongsanyone already experienced mouse clicks issues/temporary freeze with lucid lynx? ty in advance00:13
etrnlugggh, anyone have experience with manual touchscreen calibration? Trying to figure out the logic with minx, maxx, miny, maxy values00:15
tarvidballeyne, thanks, banging the ESC key in the dark got me in00:15
balleynetarvid: nice :)00:16
tarvidHow would one fix the default monitor settings and the lack of detection on this monitor?00:16
balleynetarvid: that, I can't help you with unfortunately, because I'm not too familiar with the setup in 10.04, and I have to run. Good luck though!00:16
mark_JOIN #ubuntu00:17
iShawnWanyone in here run ubuntu on a studio15? I want to know how your battery life is00:17
mark_JOIN ubuntu00:18
balleynemark_: you're in #ubuntu already :)00:18
prayiiiShawnW: i run it on an XPS M1530 and I have a friend who runs it on a studio 15. it is comparable to windows 7 battery time.00:18
WXZcan I somehow get synaptic package manger to show the same packages even if it's different versions00:18
balleynemark_: the command you were trying to run was probably "/join #ubuntu", but no need to, you're already here :)00:18
iShawnWprayii: ok, so about 4-6 hours00:18
ComradeHaz`Hi all. Trying to install Ubuntu on a machine but having video problems. The menu to selct 'run live cd', 'install', check disc for errors' etc shows up but as soon as I select one of those the video output turns off. If I leave it having selected run from cd I get the ubuntu startup drums. Please assist! :D FWIW, Windows installs and runs fine.00:18
WXZfor example, I have karmic and maverick repositories, when I search for tomboy I don't see tomboy v.1.0 (which is in the karmic repository)00:19
prayiiiShawnW: well I get 2 hours on my XPS. I don't know what my friend gets on average. I'll ask him real quick. What size battery did you get with it?00:19
rexnanyone know of an equivalent to "Giver" that's cross platform? http://code.google.com/p/giver/00:19
iShawnWprayii: 9 cell00:19
bazhangWXZ, mixing repos is explicitly not supported00:20
mark_Help with ubuntu 10.10, installed to HDD, gives me "minimal GRUB-like" command line...i'm stuck there. Help Please.00:21
bazhangWXZ, instability and breakage00:21
bazhangmark_, #ubuntu+1 for 10.1000:21
spitziHi. Something seems misconfigured in my UBuntu: In pysdm, both partitions sda1 and sdb2 are mapped to /dev/sdb2. sda1 is in fact my WinXP partition, how can I redirect it so in pysdm ?00:21
IdleOneWXZ: because it causes things like not seeing packages you know are supposed to be there00:21
WXZok, so I'm supposed to have 1 repository at a time?00:21
bazhangWXZ, yes.00:21
mark_join/ #ubuntu100:21
WXZthat's... weird :\00:21
mark_join/ #ubuntu+100:21
bazhangmark_, /j #channel00:22
prayiiiShawnW: i think I have the 6-cell. Asking my friend what he has now00:22
WXZwhy do I even have the option to checkmark multiple repositories then?00:22
bazhangWXZ, you would not. not for that.00:22
iShawnWprayii: for comparison http://pastebin.com/0w89PFse (its new)00:22
IdleOneWXZ: there are multiple repos but you should only have the repos for the version you are running00:22
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WXZwhat if I need older versions of applications idleone?00:23
IdleOneWXZ: so you would have main, Universe, Multiverse, possibly Partner and Backports00:23
WXZwhich I do, yes00:23
WXZI also added main, universe, multiverse and partner from an old version of ubuntu00:24
crucialhoaxMy parents HDD is about to take a dump, will clonezilla image the hard drive so I dont have to repurchase windows?00:24
IdleOneWXZ: but if you are running karmic, you shouldn't mix universe from karmic and maverick.00:24
bazhangWXZ, back up your data asap00:24
WXZI'm running maverick00:24
bazhangWXZ, then in #ubuntu+1 please00:24
IdleOneWXZ: then you don't need the karmic repos and yeah #ubuntu+100:25
WXZok, non-maverick specific question then...00:25
stcrucialhoax, OEM one?00:25
bazhangWXZ, no, you are running maverick, so questions there00:25
prayiiiShawnW: my friend says he averages 6 hours or a little less00:25
crucialhoaxst: Yes. It was the OEM drive that is failing00:25
nellielooking to buy a good agp nvidia graphics card to run with ubuntu 10.04 or 10.10 and found the geforce 5200 and 6200 but need to know if there are any problems running any opengl or linux games with them00:26
iShawnWprayii: thanks dude, sounds good I may take the switch then and go back to a no windows setup.00:26
stcrucialhoax, no, but you could just clone hd and it should not invalidate activation00:26
ectospasmnellie: why such an old chipset?00:26
nellieI only have agp slot00:26
ectospasmnellie: ah, that'd do it00:26
crucialhoaxst: I know I can do that, but what software do I use? Clone Zilla?00:26
spitziAny idea about the pysdm issue ?00:37
spitziAh, is my nick identified ? Can you see what I write ?00:38
orgthingyhello, how do i change a folder's permission-settings (as in, who can write, read, who is it for..etc) using the terminal?00:38
sonerorgthingy: man chmod00:39
orgthingyah, right, chmod00:39
orgthingychmod +x i think00:39
sonerchmod +x makes a program executable00:39
ComradeHaz`Gentlemen, is there really nobody around who is able to make some suggestions about my little issue?00:39
orgthingyoh >.<00:39
sonerchmod 777 e.g. makes a file read and writable for everyone00:39
orgthingysoner: so what command do you suggest me to write?00:40
orgthingychmod <whatever> 777 ?00:40
b0tzComradeHaz` what issue00:40
sonerorgthingy: do you want to change the rights for a file or a folder?00:40
ComradeHaz`Trying to install Ubuntu on a machine but having video problems. The menu to select 'run live cd', 'install', 'check disc for errors' etc shows up but as soon as I select one of those the video output turns off. If I leave it having selected run from cd I get the ubuntu startup drums, so it's clearly booting. FWIW, Windows installs and runs fine.00:40
orgthingya whole folder with subfolders, soner00:41
b0tzAhhhh... I had the same error before.. hm00:41
b0tzi think its something to do with monitor modes00:41
b0tzi used a different monitor and it loaded & i installed just fi ne00:41
b0tzthen when i plugged in other monitor it booted into gnome perfectly00:41
ComradeHaz`It also appears to be GPU dependant.00:41
sonerthen you have to use chmod -R <permissions> <folder>00:41
orgthingysoner: ah, ok i see00:41
sonerorgthingy: just replace <permissions> with the numbers :D i don't know which permissions you want to set00:42
abadabad00could someone help me transfer files on my network between two Ubuntu 10.04 machines? When I try to connect to folders that are shared for everyone on the network I get "Unable to mount location" "Failed to retrieve share list from server" errors00:42
root_   gcqsdf00:42
ComradeHaz`abadabad00, look into nfs00:42
sonerorgthingy: I'm not really familiar with chmod myself00:43
abadabad00gee... thanks00:43
etrnlnyone have experience with manual touchscreen calibration? Trying to figure out the logic with minx, maxx, miny, maxy values00:44
ComradeHaz`lol abadabad00, look into it. Ask more questions when you get stuck :D00:44
abadabad00etrnl: look into x00:44
etrnlabadabad00: any suggestions on where to start with that? x graphics?00:45
abadabad00etrnl: ask comradeHaz00:45
ComradeHaz`abadabad00, you asked a very general question that begged a fairly general answer.00:45
ComradeHaz`No, don't, I'm too busy heloing abadabad0000:45
sonerComradeHaz`: It's night here :p00:46
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ComradeHaz`00:45 here. Morning.00:46
ComradeHaz`Very, very early morning.00:46
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lappyI just have a quick question. I need the command to check for what wireless chipset I have..00:47
etrnlabadabad00: just not sure where to start with looking00:47
sonerheh, that's kinda night00:47
abadabad00etrnl: join the club00:47
ComradeHaz`etrnl, welcome to our world!00:47
bazhanglappy, lspci if pci lsusb if usb00:47
ComradeHaz`I know, soner, but it's deffienately not evening00:48
etrnlI mean it doesn't seem like the values have anything to do with screen position00:48
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:48
ComradeHaz`and 'night' doesn't really work as a greeting.00:48
lappybazhang, Thankyou.00:48
sonerComradeHaz`: you're right. it sounds strange greeting with a "good night everybody"00:48
abadabad00etrnl: sounds like classic open source logic00:48
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* ComradeHaz` tentatively pokes b0tz00:49
abadabad00etrnl: :)00:49
spiztiHi. Can you see what I write ?00:49
ComradeHaz`Did you have anything else to add about my little issue/00:49
ComradeHaz`spitzi, Yes.00:49
Scouphow can I restart the wireless driver?00:50
sonerScoup: try rmmod then modprobe00:50
sonerScoup: tell us if it worked ;)00:51
Scouprmmod needs the module name00:51
spiztiAnd ... can you see what I wrote now ?! "1234"00:52
bazhangspizti, yes. ask a question00:52
spiztiOh good, [hew00:52
flowbeeis there a way to paste into the ubuntu command line terminal window (without using the mouse)?00:52
nogoyour capcha sucks00:52
bazhangnogo, ?00:53
sonerScoup: yeah, you need to know which module you want to unload00:53
prayiiflowbee: ctrl+shift+v00:53
sonerScoup: do you know if the module starts on boot?00:53
nogosoner, /etc/modules00:53
Scoupsoner, i dont =/ I'm trying to install a newer wireless driver00:53
flowbeeprayii, cursor changes for a second but nothing happens00:53
Scoupand my first try didnt work, i guess is because i didnt restart00:54
nogosoner, you can add what you want, if ubuntu doesn't pick them up00:54
prayiiflowbee: are you sure you have something copied to the clipboard?00:54
spiztiAnyway, the question is: why does pysdm show paritions sda1 and sdb2 to be both mapped to same device /dev/sdb2, even though sda1 is definitely my WinXP partition on another hard disk ?00:54
flowbeeprayii, yes i even right clicked copy after highlighting something on my terminal window00:55
prayiig copied to the clipboard?00:55
prayiig copied to the clipboard?00:55
prayiiwhen you right-click and Paste it works, but not with ctrl+shift+v?00:55
KageWhen ever I play a dvd the image looks very \00:55
nogospizti: maybe you can use uuid mount00:55
sonerScoup: since I am not using ubuntu I am pretty useless for you now.. perhaps someone else is able to help you here00:55
flowbeesetting up top level get repo.  any point to having the tag/branch/trunk mentality we had with subversion; or should i just put my app code in root git repo?\\00:56
Scoupsoner, ty for help, I guess I will restart the ubuntu, will restart the wireless, right?00:56
nogoScoup: so?00:56
ZekeS... question: how would I go about changing what wireless driver I use?  The system has iwlagn loaded, whereas the wiki indicates that my Intel 5300 should be using iwlwifi.  (this would also help fix my network working at 1/10 the speed it does in windows, I bet)00:57
sonerScoup: i guess so00:57
Scoupill try that ?P00:57
Evan0hi, how do you sudo an account? i have this server running and it has its own username and everything00:59
sonerEvan0: try visudo01:00
soneras root01:01
sonerEvan0: then navigate to the part commented with "User privilege specification"01:01
victorhugoHi, i used "make install" command to compile and install a program. But, how do I remove this program now?01:02
sonerEvan0: and add the user name in the exact format as the user root01:02
sonervictorhugo: did you install the program via the packet manager?01:02
Scoupsoner, no lucky with wireless, do u know if wireless kernel have a channel?01:02
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sonerScoup: I'm sorry I don't have a clue01:02
victorhugosoner: no, i didn't.01:02
crucialhoaxWhat free software e.g. Clonezilla will allow me to clone and restore a hard drive?01:02
sonervictorhugo: I'm not very familiar with the make command but I always thought make install just creates a package for your packet manager which you have to install manually01:03
prayiicrucialhoax: gparted?01:03
ethereticcrucialhoax: partimage?01:03
bazhangcrucialhoax, clonezilla remastersys01:04
victorhugosoner: thank you! but, if I use apt-get remove program, then I will remove it01:04
nogocrucialhoax: can clonezilla handle ubuntu's hard links well?01:04
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Evan0soner: thanks01:05
sonerEvan0: np01:05
nogoin ubuntu, there are so many hard links01:05
sonervictorhugo: yes you can remove the program with aptitude01:05
victorhugosoner: well, i tried it here but it did not work01:06
crucialhoaxbazhang: Will clonezilla allow me to reimage a widows hard drive? my parents windows drive is failing01:06
sonercan you execute the program?01:06
nogoaptitude, synaptic and ubuntu software center, which should we use?01:06
crucialhoaxnogo: either will work, persnally i never use aptitude I use apt-get01:07
nogocrucialhoax: did you image it in offline mode?01:07
victorhugosoner: if I install the same program via apt-get, will I have conflicts?01:08
crucialhoaxnogo: I have not imaged it yet, I am asking if it will work..01:08
bazhangcrucialhoax, windows in ##windows please01:08
nogoi guess, the clonezilla is just a dummy cloner01:08
nogofor daily backups01:09
ZekeSbazhang: look up SysRecCD?01:09
bazhangZekeS, for what?01:09
Emanonhey all trying to set up a vpn server on lucid followed instructions on ubunut wiki but i cant connect to the server any help?01:09
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ZekeSwrong hilight01:09
ZekeSI think01:09
bazhangZekeS, crucialhoax I bet01:10
sonervictorhugo: no you won't have problems because apt-get will check for conflicts with other packages (i hope.. I don't use ubuntu)01:10
ZekeScrucialhoax: try SysRecCd, it shounds like what you're trying to do01:10
Emanonoh my mistake the wiki was what i was on earlier i tried another tut01:10
Emanonstill any help would be appreciated01:10
ZekeSbazhang: yep.  Now, to fix my wifi card01:10
crucialhoaxZekeS: Ok, Ill try that.01:10
prayiisoner: what do you use?01:12
sonerprayii: archlinux01:12
prayiisoner: just bored and feel like helping out tonight?01:12
crucialhoaxZekeS: Sysreccd is a no go01:12
nogothere is a archhurd now01:12
sonerprayii: kind of :D01:12
nogothe archlinux is closed01:13
nogothe channel01:13
sonerprayii: I'm just bored ... since everyone is idling in nearly EVERY other channel I'm hanging around in a more comfortable chan like #ubuntu01:13
bazhang!ot | nogo01:13
ubottunogo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:13
spiztinogo - what's a uuid mount. And how the &^%* do I make my XChat stop telling me who joins and leaves the channel ?01:14
bazhang!blkid | spizti01:14
ubottuspizti: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)01:14
bazhangspizti, right click channel hide joins parts, or set in preferences01:14
prayiiQuestion: What would be the recommended way of removing a windows partition located after Ubuntu? Just loading up gparted and formatting?01:15
bazhangprayii, removing and then resizing ? gparted live cd? ubuntu live cd?01:16
knoedel_hi, will texlive 2010 be inluded in ubuntu 10.10?01:16
prayiibazhang: gparted live cd - not sure if i would merge with ubuntu or load a different OS yet01:17
bazhangknoedel_, #ubuntu+1 for 10.10 discussion and support please01:17
knoedel_ok, sorry and thanks01:17
bazhangprayii, gparted live cd is what I would yes01:18
prayiibazhang: could I just delete the partition and resize the ubuntu partition to include the extra space without harm to ubuntu?01:19
spiztibazhang - huhhhhhh ... much better01:19
scriptfreezehey all01:19
MarkSSWhat is a good program to teach yourself C programming language with in Ubuntu?01:21
HumleStudy the Linux kernel.01:22
etrnlwhy not?01:22
HumleBecause the Linux kernel is written in C.01:23
HumleAnd machine asm.01:23
prayiiMarkSS: the best way to learn C would be to get a good book01:23
spiztinogo - back to the original question: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/jU79tiCT01:23
HumleK&R is the book on C.01:23
benkong2hey all01:23
HumleC was invented when Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie wrote Unix, the first portable OS.01:23
benkong2I did something that causes nautilus to start up in my home directory each time01:24
etrnlReally wish I could understand how these x,y values work for touchscreen calibration01:24
KageBest way to *start* learning programming is a book01:24
benkong2I checked .config/autostart /etc/xdg/autostart and startup programs not there01:24
Kagebut you do need to study code examples of real cases01:24
sonerbenkong2: you can change the starting directory of nautilus in the settings01:24
benkong2where else can I look I am running lucid x86_6401:24
etrnlYeah its always good looking at code examples01:25
PaulBwhen isntalling ubuntu how much is a good amount of swap space to give?01:25
crucialhoaxI have Miro internet tv installed and it is now the default program that handles torrents, how do I change it back to Transmission?01:25
benkong2soner: no I don't want it to start01:25
crucialhoaxPaulB: Usually Double your ram01:25
crucialhoaxPaulB: It depends tho, if your running a high end machine with 6GB its unlikely you even use the swap space.01:25
sonerbenkong2: did I understand your problem correct? you start nautilus and each time you see your personal folder on start?01:25
frobisher MarkSS:install google chrome from the brepo's.Type in c programming.01:25
benkong2soner: no when I login in nautilus starts and I do not want that01:26
prayiicrucialhoax: right click on a .torrent file and go to Properties >> Opens With01:26
crucialhoaxprayii: Darn it, I knew it was something simple!01:26
sonerbenkong2: oh ok .. then I got your question wrong01:26
benkong2soner: ok01:27
benkong2it must be in some autostart somewhere01:27
etrnlok have my resolution at 1280x1024, and calibration at 800, 2560, 800, 204801:28
crucialhoaxprayii: I did that and it still defaults to Miro..01:29
etrnlthis doesn't make sense at all and I've googled the crap out of this01:30
prayiicrucialhoax: odd.. sounds like Miro is trying to hold onto them. See if theres a setting in Miro to turn this off?01:32
bazhangcrucialhoax, do you even use Miro? why not just uninstall it01:32
seeirHi.  I'm an Ubuntu newbie - just installed Mint, and am looking for "linux-backports-modules-jaunty" to fix a wireless problem on a Compaq CQ-61 laptop.  apt-get says it can't find the package.  :-(  Is there maybe a newer version of the package appropriate for lucid lynx?01:33
crucialhoaxbazhang: I dont use it, So I am going to uninstall it. prayii I will try that as well just to see :)01:33
bazhangseeir, check mintsupport as thats not supported here01:33
bazhang!mintsupport | seeir01:33
ubottuseeir: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org01:33
jfcaron_Is this an inappropriate channel to ask for help running World of Warcraft in wine?01:34
jfcaron_(Under Ubuntu_01:34
rusiviMay one perform an advanced Launchpad query where it filters for just 'package' (ubuntu) ?01:34
etrnlthink it would be worth it to downgrade to Hardy to see if these drivers work?01:34
etrnlfor this touchscreen01:34
bazhangjfcaron_, #winehq would likely suit better01:34
seeirThanks, all.  I'll look there for help, though I think in this case the problem is a more general one, since I've seen trouble reports on the issue relating to Ubunto:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7717667 .01:35
jk_I have an NFS problem: I'm exporting the entire directory tree of one machine specifically to another, but on the receiving machine the exported /home directory (/net/xubuntu/home) shows up as empty. All other directories show their full content; only /home seems to be blocked. It actually contains two user directories plus lost+found, and has r-x permissions for everyone. Anyone have any ideas what could be causing this?01:35
jfcaron_bazhanh: Thanks, I had tried #wine, I'll go to #winehq.01:35
bazhangseeir, you running ubuntu or mint01:35
seeirAt the moment I'm running mint.01:35
bazhangseeir, okay then check their support01:36
seeirI've tried Ubuntu and Debian also.01:36
seeirUbuntu and derivatives have a problem on this machine that seems related to BIOS support.  The machine sometimes hangs up right after login to the GUI interface.01:36
spiztiAaargh, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/raw.php?i=7vhqZM7V01:38
ralliaswhere do I find the current kernels configuration file?01:40
etrnlin xorg.conf.d/, what's the number prefix for each file? is that load order?01:42
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etrnleg: 05 would run before 1001:42
subspiderwhat prgram can i install to scashule hibernation and wake up linux01:42
ultratekwhere do i go for maverick qs?01:42
bazhang#ubuntu+1 ultratek01:42
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seekrHi.  I'm an Mint newbie - just installed Mint, and am looking for "linux-backports-modules-jaunty" to fix a wireless problem on a Compaq CQ-61 laptop.  apt-get says it can't find the package.  :-(  Is there maybe a newer version of the package appropriate for lucid lynx?01:43
bazhangseekr, please stop asking for mintsupport here.01:43
seekroooooooooooooooooops - wrong channel  --  sorry01:44
mattfuryhello i thought kernel 2.6.35 had atheros ar1xxx support?01:44
seekrbazhang - I slipped - meant to send that note to #mint...01:44
wasnikhi installed ubuntu lucid, but no sounds. system does not detect sound cards. lshw does not show up any audio hardware either01:44
lee_>> seeker < mint 7 will support laptop wifi no proplem01:44
sonerwasnik: did you add yourself to the "audio" group?01:45
sonerwasnik: gpasswd -a <user> audio01:45
wasniksoner: yeah did that too01:45
mattfuryim trying to install atheros wired eth0 support and no sucess01:45
wasniksoner: still have same problem01:46
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wasniksoner: actually i dont have a proc/asound file01:46
sonerwasnik: sry, I don't have a clue..01:46
lee_is there a site to get pre-configed compiz settings??01:46
wasnikhey guys i dont have a proc/asound file. no sound cards detected in lshw or aplay-l, just installed ubuntu01:47
lee_wasnik, you'd be best checking the forum.. with the make of your sound card..01:48
wasniklee_: I have a compaq laptop with integrated sound, how do i figure out make of soundcard01:49
lee_oh sorry,, i thought u said sound card01:49
niteshadei guess you could google your model of laptop, and find the specs01:49
niteshadethe make and model should be on the bottom01:49
wasnikniteshade: nothing comes up, all that comes up is that it is integrated sound01:50
steve3030Do I copy my .ssh folder off of my other machine if I want to have the same identity on both?  In terms of git repositories and things?01:50
mattfurywhere is the linux mint channel anyone???01:50
lee_wasnik, u get ur drivers?? graphic drivers etc??01:50
niteshadehave you already erased windows on it?01:50
bazhang!mintsupport > mattfury01:50
ubottumattfury, please see my private message01:50
wasniklee_: the compaq website has drivers only for windows01:50
niteshadeyeah, but if you go into windows, and go to device manager, it should show you what "it" sees, and if it works on windows you at least have something to go on01:51
FloridaGuyisent jockey supose to show a list of video drivers01:51
spitzi<sigh>, last attempt. http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/raw.php?i=7vhqZM7V01:51
lee_using the hardware driver search : system / Admin / Hardware Drivers <01:51
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niteshadeof course, if it came with windows, all the specs it shows you should be the right ones01:51
mattfurythx bazhang01:52
niteshadethen, you just google linux drivers for the shit you wrote down from device manager in windows01:52
niteshadeof course, that is unless you wiped out everything and installed linux overtop (idiot)01:52
IdleOneniteshade: no need to insult01:53
Trian3Hey all...01:53
niteshadeit's just that when you do that you have nothing to fall back on if the install didn't go well.01:53
niteshadeit just kinda an idiot move01:53
niteshadesorry for being harsh tho01:54
Trian3Do any of you have a few minutes to help a linux newbie having boot issues?01:54
niteshadebrb, i'm getting a soda01:54
IdleOneniteshade: be helpful without the harshness please01:54
nellieGeForce 7600 agp has opengl 2.0 support. is this any good for playing linux games and or basic ms games under wine?01:55
Trian3Nothing I've tried has worked.01:55
Trian3I'm sure it's something ridiculously simple.01:55
IdleOneTrian3: be more specific about what is not working01:55
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niteshadeit does kinda feel good when i get a question that i can actually answer tho.  It makes me feel like i'm not a total idiot01:56
bazhangnellie, sure will do01:56
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lee_nautilus restart command??01:56
Trian3IdleOne:  Upon trying to boot, I get the following error:01:56
bazhangnellie, check appdb if the game itself will run01:56
sebaSorry I have a problem with the game "Tremulous", when start it say "monitor out of range"01:57
nelliebazhang,  thanks, not playing anything too high end just simple games01:57
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niteshadeuh, how did you install the filesystems when you were installing, trihan3?01:57
Bridge|how do i find out a partitions current name the type of name that looks like 78b4bfb8b4fbb6aa??01:57
dewmanI am waiting for "floodbot4 kicks floodbot2"01:57
niteshade* trian301:57
IdleOneBridge|: sudo blkid01:58
niteshadei guess what i'm saying is: did it ever boot?01:58
lee_Trian3, try going into BIOS and setting to default setting.. might be u have a couple of hard-drives.. BIOS will find boot-able 101:58
sebaSorry I have a problem with the game "Tremulous", when start it say "monitor out of range"01:58
Trian3I've reinstalled multiple times, but as of this latest install, no it hasn't booted successfully.01:59
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Trian3I can boot off the liveCD, of course, but otherwise...01:59
niteshadeseba: it sounds like the resolution it's trying to run at is too much for your monitor01:59
brandon__anyone experiened gimp users? id like to make GIMP have a photoshop-like interface (MDI) and read a few posts about a buggy modification made a few years ago to do it, is it any better now or is there another way to do it?01:59
lee_try that tho,, BIOS to default01:59
coerciblegerm@seba: check autogen.cfg and make sure the screen resolution matches your actual resolution01:59
niteshadeIf you can find a config file for it and adjust that then it would probably fix it01:59
tensorpuddingbrandon__: there is such a thing already, called gimpshop02:00
bazhangbrandon__, there's a gimp channel02:00
Trian3Lee, I currently only have 1 drive connected.02:00
brandon__figured someone could answer here bahzang, but thanks for the info02:00
brandon__thanks tensorpudding02:00
=== Bridge|A is now known as Bridge|
lee_kk,, laptop / pc / notebook?02:01
sebaOK... It was playing good but... something hapend02:01
Trian3SATA HD's02:01
brandon__tensorpudding, have you used it?02:01
Trian3I partitioned as follows:02:01
tensorpuddingbrandon__: no02:01
brandon__thanks for the info though, hopefully its not as bug as people were saying it was in 200702:02
tensorpuddingbrandon__: actually now that i think of it, i'm not sure gimpshop is still supported02:02
Trian3boot - 100GB, root - 20GB, home - 610GB, swap - 7.7GB02:02
Trian3Boot is set as bootable02:02
tensorpuddingbrandon__: it probably is matched to a really old version of gimp02:02
brandon__tensorpudding, their forums seem semi-active02:03
bazhangTrian3, 100GB for /boot ?02:03
niteshadewhy would you set the boot partition to 100gb?02:03
Bridge|Grub2: No such device: 78B4BFB8B4FBB6AA  / Grub2 Line 2: No such partition    /    using sudo blkid confirms device name is correct, this is same name in grub.cfg, tried sudo grub-install, it findws windows 7 but nothing changes02:03
niteshadeand exactly how HUGE is your friggin hard drive!?02:03
idefixxcan anyone tell me what greeter xubuntu uses? I mean does it use the gome greeter or some other package (name would be nice if its a different package)02:03
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lee_Trian3, run in termin > sudo update-grub .. what comes up?02:03
Trian3HD is 640GB02:03
niteshadedamn, how much did you pay for it?02:04
Bridge|p.s. backtrack4 live cd is what fubars my grub02:04
lee_terminal : sudo update-grub02:04
niteshadeanyway, is boot on the start of the hard drive?02:04
Trian3"Could not find /boot/grub/menu.lst file."  Asking to create (y/n)02:04
niteshadecause you can't just partition it like any other partition02:04
Trian3BTW, I just reinstalled GRUB in an attempt to fix this.  I noticed that it installed grub, but uninstalled grub-pc.02:05
bazhangTrian3, what version of ubuntu02:05
Bridge|prob hav grub2, menu.lst is for grub(1)02:05
Trian3Ubuntu 10.0402:05
niteshadewhat i would suggest is that you boot into a live cd (maybe knoppix?) and try to install grub manually.  Never done it myself, but i think it's possible02:05
tensorpuddinggrub-pc is grub 2, you probably shouldn't get rid of it02:05
Trian3Ok, it created the menu.lst file02:05
bazhangTrian3, there is not menu.lst for 10.0402:05
tensorpuddingbecause it might well be that ubuntu's kernel packages will break in the future without grub 202:06
lee_Trian3, run : sudo apt-get install grub202:06
Trian3Bazhang: What do you mean?  It just created one.02:06
bazhangTrian3, that seems wrong02:06
i_is_brokehow do you reset the taskbars in gnome?02:06
Trian3Hold on a sec...  I'm getting help from several people at once now.02:07
bazhang!grub2 | Trian3 please have a read02:07
ubottuTrian3 please have a read: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub202:07
niteshadelee_ if his system won't boot, then how would he get into a terminal and type that?  (Let alone getting on the net with it)02:07
Bridge|anyone an idea as to why grub2 isnt finding this windows 7 partition after backtrack fubar'd it, it has the right name...02:07
bazhang!resetpanels | i_is_broke02:07
ubottui_is_broke: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »02:07
Trian3I'm going to have to zero in on one.02:07
lee_live CD02:07
tensorpuddinglee_: you'd have to chroot02:07
niteshadeeh, but that would install it to a ramdisk and not the hard drive02:07
IdleOneTrian3: see the grub2 factoid and re-install grub2 (10.04 comes with grub2)02:07
niteshadeoh yeah02:07
i_is_brokebazhang, thanks that worked.:D02:07
bazhangBridge|, you're using backtrack or ubuntu02:08
tensorpuddingwhich means, making a bunch of mount points for your partitions02:08
Bridge|i just stuck bt3 in once02:08
Trian3IdleOne:  Ok.  Installing Grub2 will uninstall Grub1, yeah?02:08
Bridge|and this is what happend02:08
IdleOneTrian3: yeah it should replace it02:08
tensorpuddinglee_: yeah, if you run that command from the live cd, it will try to install the package on the livecd02:08
bazhangBridge|, the grub2 wiki should fix that for you as well then02:08
Trian3Ok, doing that now through the package manager02:09
lee_no it wont02:09
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Bridge|i tried grub-install --recheck /dev/sdb and it finds windows 7 but nothing changes afyer02:09
tensorpuddinglee_: it won't?02:09
amtoonFor the first time try Xchat :)02:09
Bridge|i still get the cant find device: <name> // cannot find partition02:10
lee_ive used it to re-install grub02:10
niteshadewell, as much as i enjoy chatting, i'd like to go tagging.  [Look for NITE, louisvillians!]02:10
vbabiyhow can you find out how any file descriptors are being used?02:10
Trian3IdleOne:  It brought up a window, Configuring grub-pc, asking for some kind of input.  There's a line which reads "Linux command line:"02:10
IdleOneasking for what Trian3 ?02:11
younderwhy can't I enter dirsectory 'drwxrwSr-x  2 root programmer  4096 2008-05-28 17:10 lib' ?02:11
dotIs there a way to manage applications that are open and be able to force close them?02:11
lee_dont input Trian3 ,, it will do it ok <<02:11
jk_I'm exporting the entire directory tree of one machine specifically to another, but on the receiving machine the exported /home directory (/net/xubuntu/home) shows up as empty. All other directories show their full content; only /home seems to be blocked. It actually contains two user directories plus lost+found, and has r-x permissions for everyone. Anyone have any ideas what could be causing this?02:11
younderI am a member of programmer.02:11
Trian3IdleOne / lee:  It's not clear.  Above the input line, it simply says "Linux command line:"  The "Forward" button isn't greyed out, so i guess I can just push ahead without entering anything.02:12
tensorpuddingyounder: i think you need to have execute permissions on every directory along the path to that directory02:12
Cmdr_W_T_Rikeryounder: the group doesn't have eXecute permission on that directory02:12
IdleOneTrian3: yeah go forward02:12
lee_Trian3, just TAB to ok02:12
Cmdr_W_T_Rikervbabiy: lsof perhaps?02:12
younderI can enter 'drwxrwsr-x 13 root programmer  4096 2008-01-19 22:00 src'02:12
IdleOneTrian3: follow lee_ on this. he seems more confident then I do :)02:13
younderThere is something about that capital S.02:13
i_is_brokeok now how do i get the x_and folder to the right side of the top taskbar?02:13
Trian3Ok, it's asking for the install devices.  I'm selecting /dev/sda (only drive connected) and clicking Forward.02:13
Trian3Ok, thanks IdleOne.02:13
lee_top one,, SDA?02:13
Trian3Lee:  Yes, /dev/sda.  Top and ONLY.02:13
lee_pick the sda one02:14
etrnlAnyone have experience with evdev drivers and/or calibrating touchscreens?02:14
youndertensorpudding, Thanks..02:14
Trian3Ok, did that.  Now there's a checkbox - "GRUB installation failed.  Continue?"02:14
i_is_brokegot thanks anyways..:D02:14
tensorpuddingyounder: that S really is capitalized there?02:14
bazhang!controls | i_is_broke02:15
ubottui_is_broke: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side02:15
=== Bridge| is now known as Bridge|A
lee_any1 know how to get nautilus-scripts onto right click?02:15
lee_Trian3,  : sudo update-grub02:15
youndertensorpudding, It is capitalized if there is no x02:16
tripelbre dual boot: I have windows on a drive and I want to put Ubuntu on it-also. Right now Ubuntu wont boot. What could it be. The disk integrity is ok and it's new. I* began the life of the disk by partitioning and repartitioning it. Then gparted would unexpectedly quit. --- after being stuck, I installed WinXP on it. No problems. Cound I have something funny writen on the HD or in the boot secor. Please advise.02:16
bazhanglee_, there is a plugin for that iirc apt-cache search nautilus02:16
Cmdr_W_T_Rikervbabiy: when the suid bit is set (s), but the owner execute bit is off, ls will display a capital S in that case02:16
etherealiteetheretic testing notify02:16
Trian3Lee:  /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannto find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).02:16
Cmdr_W_T_Rikervbabiy: so for that directory the group lacks execute persmission02:16
etherealiteetherealitetesting notify02:16
etherealiteetherealite testing notify02:16
bazhangetherealite, please dont02:17
etherealiteit works02:17
youndertensorpudding, I Think it is to make it more obvious that it is missing. It is very difficult to see. Certainly chmod has no S option.02:17
Trian3Lee:  Any ideas?02:18
lee_is file system mounted?02:20
Trian3Lee:  It appears to be...  That is, if I'm reading this correctly.02:20
Trian3I typed "mount" and it showed me all the mounted devices.02:21
Trian3Lee:  /dev/sda1 is among the mounted partitions.02:21
veebullanyone know where to find a description or explanation of the install options presented by the Server install CD?02:22
veebullThey don't seem to be covered in the official docs, and the pages on boot options and boot parameters in the Community Docs are for the Desktop Live CD version... which doesn't appear to match.02:22
veebullSpecifically I'm curious about the 'F4 Mode' options, which used to be graphic mode options but now are labeled 'Normal', 'OEM Install', 'Minimal Install', 'Install virtual machine'...02:22
fedora_newbcan anyone tell me why when i minimize firefox it disappears off the screen...sometimes also when i open it, it doesn't appear eithe r:(02:22
lee_Trian3, have u tried before with the BIOS to default?02:23
tensorpuddingfedora_newb: what do you mean by "disappears off the screen"?02:23
tensorpuddingyou mean there is no taskbar entry for it?02:23
Trian3lee:  I'll take a look in the BIOS now and see if there's any such option.02:23
tensorpuddingfedora_newb: is it possible that it ended up in another workspace?02:23
lee_i think its f11 / f1202:24
Trian3lee:  Are we talking about 2 different things?  You mean to go into the PC BIOS, right?02:24
fedora_newbright now, i have it opened, and there is like not title for it in the bottom panel...02:25
fedora_newbsame with thunderbird as well :/02:25
fedora_newbtensorpudding, no where to be seen02:25
fedora_newbtensorpudding, nope02:25
fedora_newbbut nothing02:25
FloodBot1fedora_newb: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:25
mrcleanJust installed apache2 and not sure about document root.  Not seeing the httpd.conf file.02:25
mrcleanI see an empty httpd.conf in /etc/apache2 but....?02:25
fedora_newbtensorpudding, any idea whats going on?02:26
tensorpuddingfedora_newb: maybe it has crashed, i don't know02:26
fedora_newbsigh...always something...02:26
Trian3lee:  I can change boot order, but that's about it.  Here's the current order:  1-removable, 2-CDROM, 3-Hard Disk02:26
FloridaGuyanyone have an idea... on why jockey-gtk..isent giving me my video card drivers02:26
lee_and still no grub boot.. this the 5th time youve installed? same prob?02:27
fedora_newbFloridaGuy, cause like everything else in ubuntu... its broken l:(02:28
Trian3Lee:  Well, I'm still in the BIOS.02:28
Trian3Lee:  Saving/exiting now.02:28
lee_are u on a virtual machine?02:28
FloridaGuyfedora_newb, could be02:28
Trian3Lee:  No.02:28
whosjosequestion, http://pastebin.com/gHirRFfg how can i fix that error?02:28
lee_then how can u see the bios?02:28
Trian3Same error:  Disk boot failure, insert system disk....02:28
gwernhas anyone run into a situation where mplayer plays normally, but when a sound file is finished, mplayer seems to hang for 1-3 seconds and then exit normally?02:29
Trian3I'm on 2 different machines.02:29
Trian3I'm chatting w/ you on my laptop.02:29
Trian3Windows box.02:29
gwernmy mplayer problem doesn't seem to have anything to do with my mplayer config or options - removing them entirely or running mplayer inside another app entirely (mnemosyne) doesn't change it02:29
KDC1956trian3 what are you trying to do02:29
lee_kk,, when u put the disk in,, do a check disk.. make sure its ok.. also u can down load an iso grub-loader disk.. or install lilo from package manager to try that..02:30
Trian3KDC:  Bootup.  :P02:30
KDC1956ubuntu or windows02:30
Trian3Lee:  Lilo, hmm?  I've used that in the past.02:30
wizzhi all. anyone know how to install wireless driver into system02:31
Trian3KDC:  Ubuntu...  on my other machine.02:31
wizz!install wireless02:31
KDC1956did you use a cd or a peddrive02:31
Trian3KDC:  Getting Disk Boot Failure.02:31
Trian3KDC:  CD02:31
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:31
Trian3KDC:  Ubuntu 10.0402:31
gwernwizz: you use the hardware driver dialogue in the System toolbar?02:31
KDC1956I would do a reload make sure you boot with cd first after it is loaded take cd out befor you restart02:33
Trian3KDC:  On a previous install, it installed and booted successfully, but I decided I wanted to try to get RAID working and since then I've been unable to get it to install again even after I abandoned the RAID idea.02:33
wizzgwern, what is that? i just download wireless driver and got tar.gz package. how to install it.02:33
Trian3So, reinstall from scratch?02:33
gwernwizz: never mind then02:33
KDC1956Oh I see then you would be better or reloading it02:33
KDC1956yes reinstall02:33
lee_lol,, get news.. now u tell me raid02:33
nanzaloneHello all.  My touchpad dies whenever my laptop hibernates.  I found some doc on a similar problem fixed by upgrading grub, but it was for 9 and presumably grub is already updated w/ 10.  Anyone have any suggestions?02:33
dotLast question, Where can i find proper drivers so i can get my logitech webcam to work?02:33
Trian3Lee:  Sorry, didn't think it was part of the picture as everything is back to standard.02:34
Trian3Lee:  RAID is currently inactive.02:34
lee_is it onboard or PCI?02:35
Trian3Lee:  Onboard.  ie fake-RAID02:35
skylI lost the sound control on my panel.  What was that program?02:36
lee_i wouldnt think onboard is fake.. i mean ur motherboard was build with the raid02:36
skyldefault gnome 10.0402:36
Trian3Yes, but according to reviews it's still fake02:36
skylgwern, tyvm02:36
KageI hear that ubuntu 10.10 is switching to KDE02:37
Trian3I think I just fixed the problem.02:37
nimbioticshello ya'll. How do i find out a device's name? TIA!02:37
bazhangKage, no02:37
Kagenimbiotics: dmesg might help02:37
FloridaGuyguess fedora_newb was right..jockey was broken..i uninstalled it...reinstalled it and on reinstall it added the nvidia stuff and ati stuff...so it dident install all needed packages on install02:37
tensorpuddingnimbiotics: lspci / lsusb02:37
lee_strange.. well if its onboard ud know u have to set it up in the bios screen02:37
Trian3Although I didn't have RAID setup (no arrays established), it was still technically enabled in the BIOS.02:37
Kagebazhang: why not?02:37
Trian3After disabling that, it  now boots.02:37
tensorpuddingnimbiotics: if it is assigned a device name, it will appear in the /var/log/dmesg.log02:37
bazhangKage, feel free to discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic02:38
nimbioticstensorpudding: thanks a lot!02:38
lee_load 3rd party drivers probably02:38
TschackoHere is: The King!02:38
Tschackohello i am a profi02:38
Tschackohow are you?02:39
bazhangTschacko, support question?02:39
tensorpudding!ot | Tschacko02:39
ubottuTschacko: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:39
Trian3So I'm up and running!02:39
elijahI updated kubuntu last night and now my wifi will not list my ssid02:39
yanick_hi, I just bought a Lexmark S408 printer, and the manufacturer says that it supports Ubuntu 8.04, but I cannot seem to install it. Ubuntu sees that it's a S300-S400, but when it ask to select which printer it is, it's not in the list. Please help02:39
Trian3Damn, why is everything so difficult when you're a newb?!02:39
Tschackoyes, okay. why not? Tell me02:39
FloridaGuyI dont see a King02:39
bazhangTschacko, this is not a chat channel02:39
bazhangTschacko, #ubuntu-offtopic for that02:39
fedora_newbWell, all my programs are disappearing when I minimize them...nothing showing in taskbar02:40
fedora_newbany fix for this?02:40
whosjosequestion, http://pastebin.com/gHirRFfg how can i fix that error?02:40
tensorpuddingfedora_newb: are you sure you're minimizing them?02:40
tensorpuddingfedora_newb: and not closing them?02:40
tensorpuddingfedora_newb: can you reach them when you use alt+tab?02:40
fedora_newbnot an idiot, so yes, i know i am minimizing them02:40
Trian3Lee, KDC, LiveOne -- Thank you all for your help.02:40
FloridaGuyfedora_newb, are they showing on taskbar while maximized02:41
fedora_newbyes, i can get to them by alt-tab, but why are they not showing in taskbar?? tensorpudding02:41
TDNethello can i get help with bluray and what rpm package is availabe that conatins bluray playback software for ubuntu 10.10 beta?02:41
fedora_newbFloridaGuy, nope02:41
ThisGuyNew to Ubuntu - does anyone want to help me get setup? Send me a PM :] <-- Please? Hardy har har.02:41
Trian3Bye all...  <waves>02:41
nogonot me02:41
bazhangThisGuy, ask here02:41
* nogo runs away02:41
xanguawhosjose: right clic>properties>give it permissions02:42
yanick_Hi, can someone help me install a printer that suppose to support Linux, but Ubuntu does not have a driver for?02:42
ThisGuyHow do I get an IRC setup on the laptop with Ubuntu?02:42
tensorpuddingfedora_newb: maybe try removing the taskbar widget and then putting it back02:42
fedora_newbtensorpudding, ill give it a try...02:42
will_Hi. Installed 10.04 with an nvidia card along with the restricted drivers. But the resolutions provided isnt the native resolution of the monitor. How can I add it?02:43
FloridaGuyfedora_newb, right click on taskbar...click add to panel...select windows list...then hit add02:43
tensorpuddingThisGuy: Install xchat from the software center, then read http://xchat.org/docs/start/02:43
NiwatoriCan i install ubuntu onto a usb hdd without deleting my documents?02:43
ThisGuytensorpudding: You're a doll.02:43
whosjosexangua: You are the best! Thanks:)02:44
fedora_newbFloridaGuy, thanks, that did the trick :P02:44
tensorpuddingNiwatori: Are your documents on the USB hard drive?02:44
fedora_newbFloridaGuy, any idea how that feature disappeared from me?02:44
shadyabhiNiwatori: Which documents? Be clear02:44
xangua!usb | Niwatori02:44
ubottuNiwatori: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent02:44
tensorpuddingNiwatori: If so, you'll need to repartition, or move the documents off of it02:44
FloridaGuyfedora_newb, welcome...i fixed my problem to...i uninstalled jokey reinstalled it and it added everything that it needed02:45
mrcleanAnyone have any luck getting The Powered Access Bible to come up and run on Ubuntu's apache2?02:45
ethereticNiwatori: wubi may work. dunno.02:45
Tschackoi am the gnome of linux.02:45
fedora_newbFloridaGuy, so kinda the same fix to a diff problem ;) gj02:45
Niwatoritensorpudding: so i have to reformat, install ubuntu, then put them back on there?02:45
FloridaGuyfedora_newb, have no idea...unless you removed something from the taskbar and remove it02:45
bazhangTschacko, stop that02:45
PuffTheMagichow do i get java working in chrome for firefox02:45
PuffTheMagici have java installed02:45
tensorpuddingNiwatori: That is one way, and the easiest way if you don't mind backing up your documents to another drive02:45
PuffTheMagicbut both browsers say i dont have a plugin02:45
AreioWolfI'm having a major issue:  I just upgraded a partition on my computer from Ubuntu 9.10 to Ubuntu 10.04... and accidently replaced the "menu.lst" file that allows me to-- by default-- boot into Windows.  There also seems to be an issue booting into Ubuntu... I'm getting all sorts of errors while trying to boot into ubuntu, and my main concern is needing to get quick access to my Windows partition again for the less02:46
AreioWolflinux-savvy in my family.  Can anyone help?02:46
FloridaGuynow reboot so my nvidia driver works02:46
Tschackoin offtopic nobody answeres, thats boring and disapointing. I was looking for flirting and chatting. :(02:46
tensorpuddingAreioWolf: 10.04 uses GRUB 2, which doesn't use menu.lst02:46
Niwatoritensorpudding: how much is the installation going to occupy?02:46
tensorpuddingNiwatori: Do you have Windows installed on this drive?02:46
AreioWolftensorpudding - Ah... okay  How would I go about getting to Windows then?02:46
bazhangTschacko, again, this is not the right channel for that. please stop02:46
fedora_newbDoes anyone know if ubuntu has a feature to have like all the same apps into 1 like windows 7 has, like 3 firefox windows into one taskbar?02:47
tensorpuddingAreioWolf: If there is a Windows install on the disk, it should have been detected02:47
Tschacko:( okay.. Where can i go?02:47
tensorpudding!grub2 | AreioWolf02:47
ubottuAreioWolf: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub202:47
lee_AreioWolf, are u in windows or ubuntu now?02:47
nimbioticstensorpudding: I found the device using lsusb (Bus 001 Device 005: ID 13fe:3100 Kingston Technology Company Inc.), but i still cant determine the device name ... can you help me? TIA!02:47
tensorpuddingAreioWolf: There is a configuration file in /etc/grub.d for windows i believe, the format is somewhat similar to the old grub02:48
fedora_newbAh nm, i got it :D02:48
tensorpuddingNiwatori: Do you want to keep Windows on the drive?02:48
AreioWolftensorpudding - I'm typing here from my laptop.  I can't get into anything that's not a terminal screen.02:48
tensorpuddingnimbiotics: It looks like a USB flash drive02:48
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ThisGuyIs there anything on Ubuntu that I can use that works with an ipod touch/itunes type thing? :]02:48
tensorpuddingnimbiotics: Look in the dmesg log to see if it is assigned an sdX device02:48
tensorpuddingAreioWolf: So it doesn't boot into Ubuntu?02:49
Niwatoritensorpudding: sorry, i meant i have windows on my internal drive, my external is just storing documents, no OS02:49
AreioWolftensorpudding - I'm getting a "Undefined video mode number:  2f6" error of some sort... and when it boots into the graphical login screen, it doesn't seem to recognize either my mouse or keyboard.02:49
tensorpuddingNiwatori: Ah. Well if you back those files up elsewhere, you can reformat, and then use as much space as you want for Ubuntu when you install Ubuntu02:49
Niwatoritensorpudding:ok thank you02:50
ultratekI upgraded to maverick beta this evening and it says there is no fglrx driver and cannot detect my displays..so X will not load. anyone with similar problem?02:50
tensorpuddingNiwatori: There is a lower limit on how much space you can set aside for Ubuntu...I'd recommend at least 10 GB, generally more02:50
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AreioWolftensorpudding - Wait... I rebooted and it magically booted normally into Ubuntu.  I still can't see Windows, though.02:50
xangua!maverick | ultratek02:50
ubottuultratek: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+102:50
ultratekan so.. anyone?02:51
tensorpuddingAreioWolf: Okay, well once you log in you can fix your GRUB 2 configuration, the config files are in /etc/grub.d now02:51
bazhangultratek, #ubuntu+1 for maverick02:51
FloridaGuyanyone have any idea when ubuntu will get the nvidia 256.5302:51
AreioWolftensorpudding - Hold on, let me open that up.02:51
tensorpuddingAreioWolf: under 30_os-prober I believe02:51
tensorpuddingAreioWolf: or maybe the custom entry02:52
AreioWolftensorpudding - Okay... I see both files.  What do you recommend I do to allow the computer to boot into Windows from GRUB?02:53
lee_AreioWolf, just check that ur windows filesyetem shows in your 'places'.02:53
nimbioticshow do i look in the dmesg log??02:53
tensorpuddingnimbiotics: run 'dmesg | less' in the terminal02:53
tensorpuddingnimbiotics: you can scroll using the arrow keys02:53
AreioWolflee_ - Yep, it does.02:53
lee_k,, jus thought u might have deleted it..02:53
ThisGuyIs there anything on Ubuntu that I can use that works with an ipod touch/itunes type thing? :]02:54
bazhangThisGuy, rhythmbox and others02:54
ThisGuybahang - Thanks02:54
ThisGuybazhang* Sorry.02:54
lee_ThisGuy, > get itunes through 'playonlinx'.02:55
Tschackoinstall moorhuhn02:56
martianIs there a way to steal a process which is running via a remote terminal on a different system?.. attach it to my terminal02:56
tensorpuddingmartian: what do you mean by steal?02:56
Tschackothen it stops02:56
tensorpuddingmartian: you just want the output to be piped to your terminal?02:56
barryHello, everybody02:57
martiantensorpudding: yeah, that's all I really want. Basically I forgot to run it via screen.02:57
tensorpuddingi think there is a way to do that, but i'm afraid i don't know it02:57
nimbioticstensorpudding: i cant find it ... could it be cause i inserted the usb device after booting?02:58
tensorpuddingnimbiotics: the dmesg log will include messages from after the boot02:58
martianTschacko: unfortunately, this is something running through a Putty window on a server with no X server.02:58
tensorpuddingnimbiotics: try removing it, then reinserting it, and check 'dmesg | tail'02:58
mrcleanI'm having a hard time with apache2.  Can not get The Powered Access Bible to run on it.03:00
mrcleanAnyone know what could be the problem?03:00
tensorpuddingmrclean: there is an #apache channel i think03:00
bastidrazortensorpudding: #httpd03:01
martianmrclean: You should be more specific with your questions03:01
tensorpuddingah, but still, apache's config isn't really an ubuntu question03:01
whosjosewhat's a good IM client?03:02
tensorpuddingempathy comes with ubuntu03:02
whosjoseuh its annoying tho03:03
whosjoseanyhting else?03:03
tensorpuddingthere is pidgin03:03
mrcleanI see:  "script not found or unable to stat: /usr/lib/cgi-bin/powerbible03:03
mrcleanin error.log03:03
AreioWolfDoes anyone have any advice on how to restore a Windows XP entry into GRUB after having accidently overwritten it?03:03
vasyWas there any open source virtualization servers for hosting websites? Just like xen servers / vmware03:04
lee_AreioWolf, over written the MBR or the grub entry?03:04
nogoyou are going to wrong direction03:05
u|coreAreioWolf: what disk/partition is your win install on?03:05
nogotry chroot/bsd jails/vserver and open vz03:05
tensorpuddingvasy: xen is open source?03:05
longcatim trying to install unbuntu 10.04 on an old pc...  installing i386...  when i select 'install to hard disk' grub/bootloader says 'live-install' and never attempts to boot linux03:05
longcatthis happened with multiple versions03:05
longcatwhat's going on here03:05
longcatit has 384mb of ram03:05
AreioWolfu|core - It's on a seperate partition, on the same disk.03:05
vasytensorpudding: thanks for the reply03:05
longcathow do i make it install instead of doign nothing?03:06
elijahI am running Kubuntu 10.10 beta, everything has been working pretty well, last night I downloaded the system updates and installed then went to bed, I just rebooted for first time and now my SSID is not being identified via wireless. Any ideas on how I can get it back? I just wired to my router and downloaded latest updates for tonight but no cigar, last nights updates put a new kernel line in me GRUB too.03:06
xangualongcat: better try lubuntu03:06
u|coreAreioWolf: well i cant give you any info unless i know "witch" it is03:06
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu03:06
AreioWolflee_ - I'm not entirely sure.  I'm assuming it's just GRUB, because this happened after upgrading to Ubuntu 10.0.03:06
psycho789where is the trash folder located03:06
nogoha, lxde03:06
longcatxangua: it's not even booting the kernel03:06
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AreioWolfu|core - what do you mean by which disk?03:06
xangua!maverick | elijah03:06
ubottuelijah: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+103:06
longcatit's not even attempting to boot the kernel03:06
u|coreAreioWolf: you mean you lost the entry in your grub menu when you boot your system right03:06
elijahBtw, my Andorid identifies and connects to my SSID just fine, just me Kubuntu that won't see it nor connect.03:06
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash03:06
tensorpuddinglongcat: what is it doing instead?03:06
Adzyhello all!03:06
longcattensorpudding: a popup says, with a title, 'Boot loader' then 'live-install' for the content03:07
AreioWolfu|core - Yes.  The list that GRUB uses got overwritten while upgrading.03:07
Bridge|ok so i redid grub and when i type update-grub now i get this:03:07
elijahxangua: Thanks for the pointer!03:07
Bridge|ls: cannot access /media/WiNDoWs/boot03:07
Bridge|Boot: No such file or directory03:07
Adzyjust wondering does ubuntu 10.04 come standard with b43-fwcutter?03:07
nimbioticstensorpudding: i found this line:([124818.323892]  sdb: sdb1) but when i try fdisk -l /dev/DEVICE, OS cannot open device03:07
tensorpuddinglongcat: and then what happens?03:07
longcatwhen i select 'Test memory' a popup says 'memtest'...  it doesnt seem to actually be executing anything03:07
Bridge|where before it would find windows but still give me no should partition when i selected it from boot menu03:07
longcattensorpudding: it says a [  ok   ] and...  i pres it, and i go back to the menu i started from... try/install/check/test/boot03:07
Bridge|/media/WiNDoWs is my mounted windows fs03:08
tensorpuddingnimbiotics: are you using this command as root?03:08
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rahdukeplease someone help me out, was trying to change my DNS Server as per these instructions... http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/09/how-to-switch-to-opendns-in-ubuntu-for-faster-browsing/03:08
Bridge|anyone any ideas? p.s. this all stems from running backtrack live cd03:09
tensorpuddinglongcat: that's odd. what install media is it? the basic install cd?03:09
rahdukeonce i set the DNS and clikced apply, and apply to all users my eth0 dissapeared from network connection manager, after reset I'm on the same DNS server as before and now for some weird reason no other computers on my network can see my NFS shares03:09
elijahIs upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10 easy when it comes out?03:09
rahdukepleas help im bugging out03:09
longcatit's a cdrw...  the file i burnd was ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso...  but this happened with ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso too03:10
u|coreAreioWolf: you know how to manualy edit your grub config?03:10
edbianrahduke, I'm here man.  Reading your link03:10
rahdukealso for some weird reason I cant get into IRC using Pidgin, I'm on empathy03:10
rahdukeedbian: thank u so much man03:10
tensorpuddingrahduke: if you set your DNS server to something outside of your LAN, it can't resolve host names on your LAN03:10
tensorpuddingrahduke: which would explain why your NFS isn't working03:10
elijahIf I do apt-get clean that is safe to get rid of files I am not immediately needing to free up disk space right?03:10
edbianrahduke, What is the problem you're experiencing?  I have the guide open.  What are you trying to accomplish?03:10
rahduketensorpudding: well the problem is eth0 no longer shows up in network manager so i cant change back the settings03:10
AreioWolfu|core - Not really, no.03:11
rahdukeedbian: i just wanna go back to how it was, it was working perfectly I just hate my ISP's DNS nonsense03:11
tensorpuddingrahduke: what do you mean?03:11
tensorpuddingrahduke: you can't change your connection?03:11
rahduketensorpudding: in network connections, the little box is now empty....no eth1 no eth0 no nothing03:11
longcati even tried hitting ^M instead of enter03:11
rahdukeso i cant get into the settings for eth0 and change em back03:12
tucemiuxanyone knows how to configure cups so that the share can work for any user on any machine connected to your network?03:12
tensorpuddingrahduke: that's pretty weird03:12
nimbioticstensorpudding: nope ...got it working now ... Thanka again!03:12
u|coreAreioWolf: im not on ubuntu atm so have no clue to how its defaults are, but generaly its /boot/grub/menu.lst (it may be grub.conf) and you should only need to add a few lines to it for the windows boot part.03:12
edbianrahduke, You're going to be have to be more specific.  What is wrong with Ubuntu for you right now?03:12
rahdukeedbian: my NFS is shot03:13
bazhang!grub2 | AreioWolf u|core03:13
ubottuAreioWolf u|core: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub203:13
edbianrahduke, Your network file system is shot?03:13
rahdukenoo computers on my network can see my NFS shares anymore03:13
elijahCould I install Ubuntu 10.4 stable over Kubuntu 10.10 beta?03:13
tensorpuddingrahduke: how did you configure your NFS exports?03:13
edbianrahduke, Messing with DNS should not have messed that up.03:13
rahdukeedbian: it wasn't right before I tried changing my DNS server via that guide03:13
u|corei see, well then im not helping realy03:13
bazhangelijah, yes03:13
edbianrahduke, Can you ping the other computers from the serveR?03:13
edbianrahduke, Can the other computers ping your server?03:13
rahduketensorpudding: i configured it like a year ago, it was working fine for over 9 months03:14
rahdukeedbian: yes03:14
tucemiuxelijah, you mean you want to dual boot 10.4 and lucid beta?03:14
edbianrahduke, Yes to both?  What errors do you get when you try to mount the nfs shares from a client?03:14
bazhangtucemiux, lucid is 10.0403:14
tensorpuddingrahduke: you can hand-edit /etc/resolv.conf to point to your ISP's DNS server03:14
wizzi install lucid in my laptop. installation is worked fine, but my wireless device wont active. can someone help me?03:14
rahdukeedbian: errors say can't find share03:14
tensorpuddingrahduke: it will get reset when you renegotiate DHCP though03:14
edbianrahduke, Is nfs running on the server?03:14
tucemiuxbazhang,  semantics!  what is the lucid +1 called?03:15
elijahtucemiux: No, I don't have enough disk space for that at the moment, I just want to install Ubuntu stable right over my Kubuntu 10.10, because I need wifi right now03:15
rahdukeand i can ping from and too03:15
tensorpuddingrahduke: though more likely if you're on a LAN you were using a DNS server on your LAN03:15
edbiantensorpudding, Why would changing DNS mess with his nfs?03:15
AreioWolfu|core - I'm not sure how to do this either... the documentation that ubottu linked to mentions that the grub.cfg file shouldn't be edited.  I think I found the files... 30_os-proper and 40_custom... but I'm not sure what to add to either of them.03:15
bazhang!wifi | wizz please read this03:15
ubottuwizz please read this: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:15
elijahbazhang: Thanks, I will do that03:15
tensorpuddingedbian: because if he configured his NFS exports to use hostname-based authentication, it won't work if it won't resolve the local IP's to hostnames03:15
neoalexhi guys, I'm having some trouble with rsyslog template03:15
edbiantensorpudding, gotcha03:16
tucemiuxelijah, so youre going to get rid of kubuntu and install ubuntu stable???03:16
neoalexdo you see anything wrong with it:03:16
bazhang!meerkat > tucemiux03:16
ubottutucemiux, please see my private message03:16
neoalex$template DynaFile,"/var/log/%HOSTNAME%/%syslogfacility-text%.log"03:16
rahduketensorpudding: how do u explain the fact that im not on a new DNS server, for somereason that guide didnt work for me03:16
elijahtucemiux: Yes03:16
tensorpuddingrahduke: which guide is this?03:16
tensorpuddingrahduke: you're not on a new DNS server?03:17
rahdukeomgubuntu's guides almost always eff something up on my setup03:17
=== Bridge| is now known as Bridge|A
edbiantensorpudding, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/09/how-to-switch-to-opendns-in-ubuntu-for-faster-browsing/   his guide03:17
tensorpuddingrahduke: what does your /etc/resolv.conf say?03:17
rahduketensorpudding: no the settings didnt take, i dunno what happen but when i goto opendns to check it says im not on their server03:17
tucemiuxelijah, you can do that safely, first make sure you back up all your data somewhere, make note of what partitions kubuntu is using right now and make ubuntu use those partitions, ubuntu will install itself without a hiccup get rid of kubuntu and leave your Mac OX/Windows 98 installation intact!03:17
rahduketensorpudding: edbian: when i try to restart NFS it says command not found now03:18
edbianrahduke, sudo aptitude install nfs-kernel03:18
edbianrahduke, although it's probably because it's not NFS it's nfs03:18
rahdukeresolv.conf "# Generated by NetworkManager03:18
edbianrahduke, Use tab completion.  It's probably nfs-kernel or something.03:18
tensorpuddingrahduke: does your LAN have NAT?03:19
elijahtucemiux: Good to know! I don't really have any real data on that partition yet, it has all been a playground for me so far. But it will be nice to just install and let it wipe everything behind.03:19
rahdukeedbian: i have NFS installed03:19
rahduketensorpudding: no NAT to my knowledge at least03:19
edbianrahduke, Well then you should be able to start it :)03:19
rahdukeedbian: "sudo: /etc/init.d/nfs: command not found"03:19
edbianrahduke, I'm gonna let tensorpudding help you.  I don't wanna get in the way.  Doing 2 things at once is annoying.03:20
rahdukelol i realize that, thats why im bugging03:20
tensorpuddingrahduke: okay, so are etc. the OpenDNS nameservers, or your ISP nameservers?03:20
tucemiuxelijah, again -- the trick is knowing what partitions kubuntu is using, if you use the wrong partition then you could potentially wipe something you dont want, that is the only thing you have to worry about03:20
rahduketensorpudding: according to the guide i was using the openDNS server is at ","03:20
rahduketensorpudding: so that must be my ISP03:20
edbiantensorpudding, rahduke is correct about the openDNS servers03:21
tensorpuddingrahduke: okay03:21
tensorpuddingrahduke: can you ping other computers on your LAN by hostname?03:21
rahdukehow can it not let me start nfs, and at the same time say that its installed03:22
rahdukeyes i can ping all computers on my home network03:22
rahdukeand vice versa03:22
edbianelijah, All you have to worry about is accidentally deleting all of your data...03:22
elijahtucemiux: I know exactly what partition I am using, I am safe there.03:22
edbianrahduke, Can you ping them by HOSTNAME?03:22
rahdukeinteresting question03:23
longcat /!\ ATTN /!\  Ubuntu hates me.  I boot ubuntu-10.04.1-desktop-i386.iso and whn the cd boot it pops up a windows-esque dialog box with a title of 'Boot loader' that has a content of 'live' with an [ ok ] box, but when i press enter, it doesnt boot, just goes back to the menu.  i cant boot ubuntu.03:23
rahdukehow can i quickly pull up my host name?03:23
tensorpuddingrahduke: i think it might be /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server03:23
tensorpuddingrahduke: hostname03:23
elijahexcept it seems I am out of cds to burn03:23
elijahI have Linux Mint 9, Ubuntu 8.04 and Kubuntu 10.10 beta,, hmmm03:24
ZekeSDo wireles cards actually work properly in mint?03:24
rahduketensorpudding: pinging my host name works but the response time is a joke over 16ms03:24
tensorpuddinga computer's hostname can be set by DHCP, or it can be set locally, usually there is an /etc/hosts entry for it03:24
Flannellongcat: Are you looking to install Ubuntu?03:25
tensorpuddingrahduke: what about other hosts on the network?03:25
rahdukeand i have the nfs-kernel-server running, so thats installed03:25
elijahCan I burn a Ubuntu iso to a DVD?03:25
longcatFlannel: yeah03:25
bazhangZekeS, check mintsupport for that03:25
rahduketensorpudding: pinging from other "nodes" to my host works as well03:25
longcatnothing happens, it's like the grub/bootloader/whatever it's called is just tellng me what im telling it to do instead of doing it03:25
Flannellongcat: Grab the alternate CD instead if you can.  It'll install without having to go through the live environment03:25
bazhangelijah, sure or to usb stick if computer can boot from that03:25
=== Bridge|A is now known as Bridge|
longcatalright then ill try that03:25
rahduketensorpudding: just really slow response times03:26
foul_owlhow do i modify iso contents with ubuntu?03:26
tensorpuddingrahduke: but what about the other way?03:26
rahdukeboth ways03:26
bazhang!remaster | foul_owl03:26
s_ongsi'm in trouble : there's nothing wrong with xubuntu lucid.. it's kind of disturbing, anyone could help me create an issue?03:26
ubottufoul_owl: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility03:26
rahduketensorpudding: they work both ways just really slow03:26
bazhangs_ongs, no03:26
s_ongssigh ok ty :]03:26
tensorpuddingrahduke: okay, then i'm not sure03:26
elijahbazhang: Wow, it's working, on a 5 year old (at least) DVD-R I found!03:27
tensorpuddingrahduke: did you use hostnames or ip's when you were configuring NFS?03:27
rahduketensorpudding: its so weird, i've been cut off at the knees without my NFS shares my network is useless03:27
elijahbazhang: Not sure if I have a 1GB drive anywhere.03:27
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=== nisstyre is now known as nisstyre56
foul_owli mean i have an iso, but i need to add some files to it03:28
Bridge|ok grub2 os probe is finding win7 then appending a windows 7 entry to grub.cfg, but when i restart and select this entry grub is saying no such devie: uuid and no such partition, but the uuid and entry in grub point to the correct places (uuid is correct and hd(1,0) is correct for wind7, anyone can please help me??03:28
rahduketensorpudding: its been so long i forgot what the NFS file is called, i think its exports but i forgot where its located03:28
ThisGuy_Anyone familiar with setting up a ventirlo server with ubuntu? :]03:28
foul_owlpermissions are set to read write, but it still says readonly when i open with the archive manager03:29
tensorpuddingrahduke: /etc/exports03:29
bazhangfoul_owl, yes, please check the link I sent you03:29
rahduketensorpudding: thanks, "/home (rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)"03:29
foul_owlawesome, thanks!03:29
rahdukethats an example of what the lines look like03:29
tensorpuddingrahduke: huh03:29
stBridge|, I doubt Grub2 supports several HDs03:29
Bridge|it does03:29
tensorpuddingrahduke: and nfs-kernel-server is running?03:29
rahduketensorpudding: thats one of the lines from my exports, and yes nfs-kernel-server is running03:30
Bridge|this was working perfect for months and multi reinstalls untill backtrack4 fubar'd my grub203:30
tensorpuddingrahduke: those exports are to local ip's, can you reach those machines using local ip's?03:31
tensorpuddingrahduke: more specifically, that export line suggests you are behind NAT03:31
tensorpuddingrahduke: since those IP's aren't publically-routable03:31
rahduketensorpudding: the IP listed "" is my IP running the NFS server, and its set in a range from to this way I cover any IP that hops on my network03:32
tensorpuddingrahduke: that netmask should allow anything on 192.168.1.xxx right?03:32
rahduketensorpudding: i really dont think im on NAT man, its a junky lil linksys router and ive never setup any NAT anything03:33
rahduketensorpudding: yes thats the idea, and its always worked int he past03:33
tensorpuddingrahduke: NAT is setup on routers by default, generally03:33
rahduketensorpudding: then maybe I am, I'm really not familiar with NAT, i've never looked into it03:33
tensorpuddingrahduke: it allows you to have as many machines as you want on your local network without having to buy as many ip's from your isp03:33
tensorpuddingrahduke: but anyway03:34
rahduketensorpudding: well that would make sense, I mean I have a network setup on the*** range03:34
stdoes anyone here use gedit in maverick? can it hide tabs in recent version?03:34
rahduketensorpudding: i have 3 pcs and 4 HTPC's on the network all running Ubuntu03:34
tensorpuddingrahduke: this doesn't explain why NFS isn't working, which is odd03:34
nogorahduke: ubuntu owns you03:35
rahduketensorpudding: i know thats why im freaking out....lol03:35
tensorpuddingrahduke: since they all have local ip's03:35
tensorpuddingrahduke: and you configured the exports to work with the whole local range03:35
bazhangnogo thats not helpful03:35
rahduketensorpudding: i know this sounds n00bish but in network connections my option for eth0 has always been there, the minute i changed the DNS settings and checked "make available to all users" it dissapeared03:36
tensorpuddingrahduke: i don't actually know what the "make available to all users" option does03:36
rahduketensorpudding: yea everything worked perfect for over a year, thru upgrades on all machines from 9.11 - 10.0403:36
ThisGuy_Anyone know how to setup a ventrilo server on ubuntu? If so please send me a message... lol03:37
LinuxFetusHey.  I was ILessThan3Linux earlier today.  I am running a 64 bit Ubuntu 10.04, but free is not showing it.  All 4096 MB show up in my BIOS, and they have passed a RAM test. http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/M6zf0GiM03:38
LinuxFetusErr sorry that wasn't clear haha.03:38
tensorpuddingrahduke: hmm, but generally there is a DNS server running on the router03:38
JoeMaverickSettThisGuy_: take a look at this http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-559894.html03:38
rahduketensorpudding: all this DNS stuff is over my head, i really hate networking....03:39
hobbleHello. How to start iBus Preferences in startup?03:39
rahduketensorpudding: all i was trying to do is get off optiumonlines crappy horrible ad based DNS03:39
u|coreanyone got a nice guide to make a bootlable usb memmstick with maverick without having ubuntu installed? (im on archlinux)03:40
LinuxFetusAs of yesterday, I had a 2 GB stick of RAM in my computer.  Today, I put in a second.  The Ubuntu 10.04 64 Bit that I have wasn't showing all of it (it was acting like a 32 bit OS in regards to RAM, but uname -a was saying x86_64).  Someone suggested that I run a live copy of 10.04 64-bit to see what happens, and I have done so.03:40
ldiamondHow do I make grub load Windows by default? (other than changing the DEFAULT value to 4...03:40
ThisGuy_JoeMaversickSett - thanks i tried this and step 9 wouldn't work.03:40
LinuxFetusldiamond, Are you using Grub?03:40
tensorpuddingrahduke: i have bad residential DNS too, so i am running a caching DNS server on a machine on my LAN03:40
ldiamondyes, new install of 10.04, grub203:40
ldiamondLinuxFetus: see above03:41
LinuxFetusAlright, I'll tell you what I do, but I'm not sure if it's the "best".03:41
rahduketensorpudding: is there a way to completely remove nfs all the settings and everything and start over? and do u think that will help?03:41
ldiamondThe content of the menu seems to be dynamic with what's installed. but the default value is static :S...03:41
hobbleHello. How to start iBus Preferences in startup? Can anyone help?03:41
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rahduketensorpudding: even better is there a way to reset your DNS server from command line?03:42
AreioWolfDoes anyone know how to manually add an entry to GRUB under Ubuntu 10.04?03:42
yanick_please help ; I have a printer connected to my Wifi (even if connected via USB is the same, btw) and I/Ubuntu cannot find the driver for it, even though the manufacturer says it's Ubuntu 8.04 approved. It's a Lexmark Interpret S408.03:42
yanick_how can I install it?03:42
tensorpuddingrahduke: the first thing you need to do is figure out how to configure NetworkManager back to the way it was03:43
rahduketensorpudding: exactly, thats what i want to do03:43
tensorpuddingrahduke: you can try creating a new connection03:43
rahduketensorpudding: but without seeing my netowrk card in there is like impossible, i tried making a new conne03:43
=== disturbedmime is now known as NVI-ADMIN
longcatLinuxFetus: check ur chipset.  some computers have a 32bit chipset and 64bit cpu.  that means you cant access more memory than 32 bit cpu03:44
LinuxFetusldiamond, use a text editor to view /boot/grub/grub.cfg03:44
kisukeanyone know how to get bundler work from bash without having to type the full path03:44
tensorpuddingrahduke: it should be fine, I think03:44
LinuxFetuslongcat, It says 4096 MB in my bios03:44
rahduketensorpudding: how can i reset my connection from command line?03:44
longcati didnt ask what your bios said03:44
hobblerahduke: Can you help me to start iBus Preferences in startup? I don't know.03:44
ldiamondLinuxFetus: but that file is overwritten whenever it's regenerated by update-grub03:45
LinuxFetuslongcat, Okay, let's say what you're saying is true.  How would I verify it?03:45
LinuxFetusldiamond, I said view not edit.03:45
rahdukegarr ill just reset, brb03:45
LinuxFetusldiamond, View it... and you'll see menuentry ... {}03:45
longcatLinuxFetus: look up the chipset/mem controller of your motherboard.  look at the specs for it and it should be apparent.03:45
tensorpuddingrahduke: you can disconnect and reconnect03:45
longcatlets see... i think i945 is a chipset03:46
longcatas an example of whaT To look for03:46
ozzloyi just installed kubuntu-desktop to try kde instead of gnome.  now i have no sound.  my internet searching hasn't helped so far.  how do i troubleshoot this sound issue?03:46
LinuxFetusldiamond, Each one of those corresponds to what grub displays... to change them you have to change this file... I'm trying to find it.  I hope it's not inside root.03:47
longcatfor example, mine is 945GM chipset.  only supports 4GB ram, even though it has a 64bit cpu03:47
rahduketensorpudding: well that didnt work03:47
longcatwhich means if i put 4gb ram, i can get about 3.2GB03:47
ldiamondyou mean /etc/grub.d/... ? LinuxFetus03:47
will_longcat, Only in a 32-bit environment03:48
rahdukelol actually it did03:48
longcatwill_: ok, you're right.  im wrong03:48
LinuxFetusldiamond, Well you need too go there, too.03:48
rahduketensorpudding: i dunno what that was about or what happened but reseting both server and node worked!03:48
p1und3ris there any way to revert a package update in apt?03:48
LinuxFetusldiamond, Sorry my mind is scattered, yeah go there.03:48
longcatin a 32bit environment pae can be used to remap 4gb+.  but unless it's physicall wired, it cant be done.03:49
LinuxFetusldiamond, Open up 40_custom and put the menuentries where you want.03:49
tensorpuddingrahduke: so NFS works now?03:49
rahduketensorpudding: yup03:49
LinuxFetusldiamond, Like one after another, in whatever order.  You can also rename them.03:49
longcat945GM doesnt physicall support more than 4gb physical address space.  which means 4gb of ram will give you about 3.2GB of accessible ram03:49
tensorpuddingrahduke: heh03:49
rahduketensorpudding: so weird03:49
LinuxFetusnext back up your current boot/grub/grub.cfg03:49
tensorpuddingrahduke: but like i said, i get pretty good DNS performance running my own DNS server on my LAN03:50
LinuxFetusso like cp /boot/grub/grub.cfg /boot/grub/grub.cfg.bak03:50
rahduketensorpudding: how'd ya set that up?03:50
tensorpuddingrahduke: I used BIND 903:50
rahduketensorpudding: i tried opendns like a year ago but it was a nightmare03:50
tensorpuddingrahduke: it just caches DNS requests locally03:51
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LinuxFetusnow, use chmod to remove executable permissions for everything for 10, 20, and 30.03:51
rahduketensorpudding: u dont need a dedicated machine as a DNS server right?03:51
test34opendns redirects you to their server if the address doesnt exist... that is not good03:51
LinuxFetusldiamond, I'm not 100% sure you remove it for 10_... but I'm pretty sure.03:51
SkandranonBeen years since I got on IRC.. I am having a problem installing Ubuntu 10.04. The pc I am trying to install on had the same version working a few days ago. I decided to reinstall. Was getting a error I dont remember now. Redownloaded 10.04 and burnt a new disk. Seemed to be having a partion problem. Ran gparted and deleted all the partions on the drive. Rebooted from the 10.04 cd. Loaded to03:51
Skandranona blank (not quite blank maroonish weird design you see when you first load) with a working mouse and nothing else. No task bar or option to run from the cd or install. Before I deleted the partions I would get the option to install, after doing so, I ended up on this same screen. I can move the mouse around but do nothing else. Out of ideas. Any help would be great! :)03:51
tensorpuddingrahduke: i use it on my server, which also hosts a zfs array and a webserver03:51
LinuxFetusldiamond, so like cd  etc/grub.d/ then chmod ugo-x 10* 20* 30*03:52
rahduketensorpudding: oh thats wayyy beyond the setup that I have, just running my main comp as my network share server03:52
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tensorpuddingrahduke: bind9 isn't big on resources unless you use a lot of web traffic, or you're using it as an authoritative DNS server for a website03:52
LinuxFetusldiamond, And then run update-grub.  Then view grub.cfg again to see what the menu entries are ... to make sure I didn't give you a bad instruction and that you did everything right.03:52
tensorpuddingand said website gets a ton of hits03:53
rahduketensorpudding: lol well I have no webserver running, I think im just gunna deal with my ISP's DNS, every time i try to change things i run into lots of issues03:54
LinuxFetusldiamond, When you install a new OS or kernel and you need to get the menuentry for that, chmod ugo+x 10* 20* 30* and update-grub, view grub.cfg and modify 40_custom as neccesary... you can't just chmod ugo+x * because if you give the README executable permissions, it doesn't like that.03:54
tank__is there a channel for FOSS gaming? if so can someone point me in that direction? ty.03:54
JoeMaverickSettThisGuy_: have you sorted it out yet?03:55
bazhangtank__, development or chat03:55
SkandranonI dont want to spam but is anyone here willing and able to help me with my problem? I dont mind waiting my turn but I just want to know someone can help sooner or later03:55
ldiamondLinuxFetus: I actually created a file 05_custom and put the menuentry for Windows there. It generated it in front of the rest. I suppose this is good. If you don't see me here again tonight it's cause it worked :p03:55
LinuxFetusldiamond, It does them in order.03:55
rahdukeSkandranon: whats your issue?03:56
LinuxFetusldiamond, So things in 10_.. then 20_... then 30_ ... etc will be displayed.03:56
test34Skandranon, be patient.. ?03:56
ozzloyi just installed kubuntu-desktop from a regular ubuntu install.  now i have no sound.  how do i fix that?03:56
LinuxFetusldiamond, Windows will not be default.03:56
Skandranonrahduke... I am having a problem installing Ubuntu 10.04. The pc I am trying to install on had the same version working a few days ago. I decided to reinstall. Was getting a error I dont remember now. Redownloaded 10.04 and burnt a new disk. Seemed to be having a partion problem. Ran gparted and deleted all the partions on the drive. Rebooted from the 10.04 cd. Loaded to a blank (not quite03:56
Skandranonblank maroonish weird design you see when you first load) with a working mouse and nothing else. No task bar or option to run from the cd or install. Before I deleted the partions I would get the option to install, after doing so, I ended up on this same screen. I can move the mouse around but do nothing else. Out of ideas. Any help would be great! :)03:56
D-coym4v, o/03:56
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LinuxFetusldiamond, To see, view your grub.cfg file and see what the first menuentry is.03:56
rahdukeSkandranon: my guess would be a bad burn, or the computer your trying to run your livecd on does not have enough ram03:57
SkandranonI have tryed two burns.. the pc was running it fine till I reinstalled (4 gigs ram) .. I could try a third burn at a lower speed03:58
test34Skandranon, install the instant-answer app on facebook03:58
tank__bazhang: chat, unless they're looking for python proggers :P03:58
Artemis3Skandranon, did you try the test disc option? and memtest?03:58
rahdukeSkandranon: maybe the drive on the install PC, try memtest or discoption03:58
bazhangtank__, /msg alis list *gameyouwant*03:58
RealOptyhow can i clone a HDD?03:58
Bithoundtry clonezilla03:58
Skandranonno artemis3.. I know how to do memtest, how do I use the test disk?03:59
ldiamondLinuxFetus: yea it's in front, so that should work03:59
Artemis3Skandranon, its in the same menu where you pick memtest, when you boot cd and press a key at the purple screen03:59
rahdukeits an option on the live cd, while its loading the disc hit the keyboard03:59
Skandranonthank you both gonna give that a shot now04:00
kisukeanyone know how to get bundler work from bash without having to type the full path?04:01
JoeMaverickSett!welcome | Vast04:01
ubottuVast: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!04:01
LinuxFetusldiamond, Sweet.04:01
LinuxFetusldiamond, Oh sorry I thought you wrote 50_04:01
LinuxFetusldiamond, That was actually very smart.04:02
tensorpuddingkisuke: you need to add the path to the bundler executable to the PATH variable04:03
kisuketensorpudding: um not sure how to do that one, the command is path right?04:03
junioralguem sabe o endereço do forum ubuntu no brasil?04:03
tensorpuddingkisuke: or better, create an executable script that points to the bundler executable and put that script in the PATH04:03
Adzycan someone help me! im trying to install b43-fwcutter and keep getting this error message  "DEPEND   dep/md5.d04:04
Adzy     DEPEND   dep/fwcutter.d04:04
Adzy     CC       obj/fwcutter.o04:04
Adzymake: *** [obj/fwcutter.o] Error 127"04:04
FloodBot1Adzy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:04
tensorpuddingkisuke: PATH is a variable, that contains a colon-separate list of paths to search for executable files in04:04
Vasti have a problem with booting into a new image of UNR.04:04
Vastmy previous image got corrupted (due to a hard quit during a freeze) and when i boot into that image i get popped into the (initramfs) screen04:04
Vastso my thought was to boot into ubuntu from another live cd, but for some reason grub isnt recognising the second live cd04:04
Vast*live usb04:04
Vastany thoughts?04:04
FloodBot1Vast: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:04
kisuketensorpudding: *shudder* it'd be easier to symlink bundler to /bin/ but that dont work to well04:04
JoeMaverickSett!br | junior04:05
ubottujunior: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.04:05
tensorpuddingkisuke: if you type something like 'bundler' into the shell, it will search each one of these paths in order until it finds an executable named bundler04:05
tensorpuddingkisuke: you installed bundler by hand, right?04:05
tensorpuddingkisuke: this is generally not so great an idea04:05
kisuketensorpudding: via gems04:05
tensorpuddingkisuke: usually install scripts will install binaries to /usr/local/bin, which is contained in PATH04:05
tensorpuddingkisuke: gem install?04:06
Vastso apperantly my messages are being interpreted as flooding. did anyone see my question, or were they fuzzed?04:06
tensorpuddingkisuke: that should put them in /usr/local/bin, I think04:06
kisuketensorpudding: "sudo gem install bundler"04:06
JoeMaverickSett!pastebin | Vast04:06
ubottuVast: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:06
kisuketensorpudding: how about i just symlink it to /usr/local/bin/?04:07
tensorpuddingkisuke: well where is the binary?04:07
monokromeHey. Has anyone had success with XFi in Ubuntu with Pulse Audio?04:08
GalikHi. I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 and my keyboard is set to US but I need UK. I added a keyboard layout for the UK and deleted the US layout in the keyboard manager. That works but when I restart the computer the UK one has disapeared again and the US one has returned. How can I make my changes permanent?04:08
avi_Is there any way I can get certain actions to be run (like bash scripts) each time a file is downloaded via a browser to ~/Downloads? I'd be happy writing something in Python/Bash script, but I just don't know if theres a way to watch for changes to the directory..04:08
tensorpuddingkisuke: generally, symlinking will work, but sometimes it does not04:08
kisuketensorpudding:  /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/bundle04:08
tensorpuddingkisuke: ugh, really? they put it under /var?04:08
tensorpuddingkisuke: i've never seen a gem do that04:08
kisukeit came with ruby-gems, and i dont think it installed right, but it wont od any thing else04:09
LinuxFetusHow can I tell if my chipset is 32 bit, or not?04:09
tensorpuddingkisuke: one option is to add /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin to PATH04:09
Vastis there any reason that grub wouldn't recognise a live usb?04:09
LinuxFetusVast, You mean you've plugged in a USB and you want it to appear as a menu entry on grub?04:10
tensorpuddingkisuke: did you install rubygems from Ubuntu's package or by hand?04:10
Vastyes, exactly04:10
LinuxFetusVast, Grub doesn't probe for things to boot when it starts up.  Grub probes for things to boot from inside an OS when you tell it to update.04:11
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kisuketensorpudding: a PPA actually04:11
Vastso how would i boot from a live usb?04:11
LinuxFetusVast, If you want to boot off of something other than your HDD, you should change your BIOS settings.04:11
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Vastoh dear. alright, thats the f2 menu?04:12
Sebass_Rebellionwhere i can ask if i have a question abuto transmission (the torrent client)?04:12
LinuxFetusVast, You have to tell your BIOS to look for a USB.  Usually it's F2, F8, F10 or F12.  Yeah, it'll say, thought, when your manufacturer logo is displayed.04:12
tensorpuddingkisuke: what does 'file /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/bundler' return?04:12
LinuxFetusVast, You're looking to change the BOOT ORDER.04:12
LinuxFetusVast, (Or something like that).04:13
divertedcan anyone read russian / kyrilic?04:13
tensorpudding!ru | diverted04:13
ubottudiverted: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke04:13
LinuxFetusVast, Should have been though, not thought.04:13
GalikWhere is my xorg.conf located in Ubuntu 10.0404:13
kisuketensorpudding: standard no such file04:13
divertedwell i can't but i need someone to do me a favor04:13
tensorpuddingGalik: by default xorg.conf is not created, it does autoconfiguration04:13
Kane_Hart_2could or anyone be willing to offer me a example of what I exactly would type to make a ramdisk of 1024mb please?04:13
Vastalright, trying that now.04:13
tensorpuddingkisuke: what?04:13
divertedi have a russian site which i wanna download something from but i cant understand anything04:13
tensorpuddingkisuke: the file doesn't exist?04:13
monokromeNobody knows about XFi / Ubuntu? :/04:14
Galiktensorpudding: Oh, thanks :)04:14
divertedtensorpudding, do you understand russian?04:14
kisuketensor not as bundler, but as bundle it does04:14
tensorpuddingkisuke: ah, that is the name of the executable?04:14
SpyderBiteGoogle translator, diverted04:14
tensorpuddingkisuke: what does file return on it04:14
divertedSpyderBite, i cant put every single link from the site into a translator..04:14
kisuketensorpudding: yep, one sec, ubuntu>win clipbord does not always work04:15
tensorpuddingdiverted: find a friend who speaks Russian? choose a different website? maybe the website comes in multiple languages?04:15
Sebass_Rebellionwhere i can ask if i have a question about transmission (the torrent client)?04:15
kisuketensorpudding: /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/bundle: a /usr/bin/ruby1.8 script text executable04:15
geoffmccdiverted: hover over link and look where directs too, sometimes filename in url - other than that, learn russian04:15
tensorpuddingkisuke: the salient part is whether it says it is an ELF executable or a ruby script04:15
tensorpuddingkisuke: there's a decent chance that if it is a script, it will fail if you symlink it04:16
kisuketensorpudding: its a script, now what?04:16
tensorpuddingkisuke: because of the filepaths04:16
kisuketensorpudding: i noticed that04:16
tensorpuddingkisuke: it might, for instance, think that it is in /var/lib when it is in fact in /usr/local/bin, and you'll get errors for things not found if it uses relative paths04:16
tensorpuddingkisuke: you can avoid this by writing a short shell script instead04:17
LinuxFetusdiverted, Have you tried Chromium?  I *believe* it can translate as you surf.04:17
tensorpuddingkisuke: or by adding that path to PATH in your shell config04:17
VastLinuxFetus, im still not able to see it. also, how do you shutdown out of an initramfs screen?04:17
Kane_Hart_2could or anyone be willing to offer me a example of what I exactly would type to make a ramdisk of 1024mb please?04:18
kisuketensorpudding: ok i get the shell script bit, but what would the contest be #!=/bin/bash <newline> /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/bundle?04:18
xxxxxcan anyone tell me how i can burn xbox 360 iso files in xubuntu04:18
LinuxFetusVast: I'm not sure what you mean, exactly.  Did you change the setting in your Bios?  Are you loading Ubuntu off a Live USB and getting that error?04:19
tensorpuddingkisuke: basically, but that should be #!/bin/sh instead04:19
divertedLinuxFetus, wow never heard of it, i will try it thanks04:19
kisuketensorpudding: thanks04:19
tensorpuddingkisuke: don't forget to make the script executable04:20
LinuxFetusdiverted, It's the version of Chrome you get when you're using Ubuntu.04:20
LinuxFetusdiverted, You should see it in the software center.04:20
=== Kane_Hart_2 is now known as Kane_Hart
VastLinuxFetus well i have a partition of linux already on the disk thats giving me that error.04:20
hobbletensorpudding: How to start iBus Preferences in startup?04:20
tensorpuddinghobble: what the heck is iBus?04:20
Vastthats why im trying to get the liveusb to work, to boot back into linux from that and fix it from there04:21
LorgonJortleI'm on a live CD right now, and I'm trying to figure out how to get GRUB back where it needs to be after a Win7 install04:21
LinuxFetusVast, okay so you have a computer with how many OS's on it and you're trying to load a Live USB instead of the OS?04:21
rahdukei just popped whats supposed to be a 2gb stick of ddr2 memory into my box and now my ram capacity is only 3.45gigs.... did i get ripped off?04:21
LinuxFetusVast, Sorry, I didn't see that (mention my name :P )04:21
rahdukei already had a 2gb stick in there04:21
LorgonJortleMany tutorials say to "find /boot/grub/stage1" but grub finds nothing04:21
tensorpuddinghobble: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup maybe04:22
LinuxFetusrahduke, pastebin: uname -a04:22
Vastlinuxfetus two, UNR and windows seven.04:22
hobbletensorpudding: System > Preferences > IBUS Preferences. I need it to active another keyboard.04:22
rahdukewhy would i need to pastebin my uname?04:22
strahduke, switch to PAE kernel04:22
rahdukeLinux rahduke-desktop 2.6.32-22-generic #36-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 3 22:02:19 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux04:22
rahdukethat just shows kernel04:22
LorgonJortleSo, can I get some help putting GRUB back into the MBR?04:22
yanick_alright, so the Lexmark S408 has no amd64 driver.... what is the best color InkJet printer to buy?04:22
kisuketensorpudding: save as /usr/local/bin/bundler correct?04:22
Vastlinuxfetus i can get into the windows seven partition just fine, but i cant work with the broken partition from there04:22
yanick_I know it's an HP... but which model?04:23
rahdukest ohh04:23
kisukeLorgonJortle: what version of ubuntu?04:23
LinuxFetusrahduke, Well it also shows your 32-bit version of Linux.04:23
nimbioticswhere can i paste graphics?04:23
LorgonJortle10.04, kisuke04:23
kisuke!grub2 > LorgonJortle04:23
ubottuLorgonJortle, please see my private message04:23
LinuxFetusrahduke, Oh sorry... yeah it's only one line.04:23
tensorpuddingkisuke: that works04:23
bazhangrahduke, linux-generic-pae to get all 4GB04:23
LinuxFetusrahduke, But yeah, i686 is what kind of processor?04:23
LorgonJortleSo I can't get help about GRUB in here?04:23
yanick_hello ?04:23
rahdukebazhang: thanks :)04:24
tensorpuddingLinuxFetus: Anything made by Intel or AMD04:24
tensorpuddingLinuxFetus: that is newer than the 38604:24
yanick_I've asked like 10 questions so far.... can anyone actually read what I write?04:24
tensorpuddingLinuxFetus: and isn't an Itanium04:24
LorgonJortleyanick_: Yeah, I can.04:24
kisuketensorpudding: mmm, after looking at what a diasapora install put there its tempting t ojust  ad /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/ to $path04:24
styanick_, you don't choose hardware to fit OS, you choose OS to work with your hardware04:24
rahdukebazhang: are there any issues with this PAE kernel? and can i switch back easily?04:24
yanick_LorgonJortle, goodie! I thought I was on mute or something.....04:25
tensorpuddingkisuke: it might be a better solution in the end04:25
bazhangrahduke, no issues here.04:25
yanick_st, I need to change my printer....04:25
divertedLinuxFetus, thanks thats exactly what i needed! Yes, it does translate the whole page if you press a button!04:25
drjoanyone using gedit-latex-plugin here ?04:25
rahdukebazhang: i'll have to reset right?04:25
yanick_st, so I need to choose a hardware for my os :)04:25
bazhangrahduke, reboot? yes04:25
LorgonJortlekisuke: I'm trying to get GRUB back on after a Win7 install. I don't see why I wouldn't be able to get help in here.04:25
rahdukesame diff04:25
LinuxFetusdiverted, Awesome.  Firefox/Iceweasel isn't best at everything.04:25
bazhangLorgonJortle, read the grub2 wiki yet?04:26
LinuxFetustensorpudding, I was asking rhetorically... I meant what is the bit (32 or 64) of i686?04:26
bazhangLinuxFetus, 3204:26
divertedLinuxFetus, yes i use firefox for default but for rare occassions like this there are better alternatives04:26
rahdukehey can i swap out my mobo and processor to another 775 asus board without any major issues?04:26
yanick_st, and I want some tips to help me choose a good printer from anyone who would coincidentally know of a good printer to suggest04:26
tensorpuddingLinuxFetus: It is for 32-bit x86-compatible processors04:26
kisukeLorgonJortle: ther should have been an mention of recovering grub in there, other wise yo ucan try openBCD04:26
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drjois there a irc plugin for empathy?04:27
rahdukecurrently using an asus 775 board now04:27
stwhatever, amd64 build sucks and should be avoided like plague04:27
tensorpuddingLinuxFetus: It works on 64-bit x86 processors also, but it is 32-bit.04:27
LorgonJortlekisuke: Alright. I appreciate it.04:27
bazhangyanick_, this is not a hardware support channel; check the hcl04:27
LinuxFetustensorpudding, Right, which is why the person I was asking wasn't seeing the full 4 GB of RAM.04:27
bazhang!hcl | yanick_04:27
ubottuyanick_: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection04:27
kisukeLorgonJortle: sure, its what we are here for04:27
rahdukedrjo: im on empathy irc right now04:28
drjohmm do i have to install anything to get that ?04:28
rahdukedrjo: just get the latest build i believe...04:28
LinuxFetusdiverted, Err.  I like the algorithm Chromium uses to resize images with [Ctrl] + [+] and [Ctrl] + [-] better04:28
drjorahduke: compile from source?04:29
rahdukedrjo: i didnt04:29
LinuxFetusdiverted, And I like that you can middle click Javascript controlled links in Chromimum and it actually loads it in a new tab... whereas firefox will just show the javascript code, forcing you to open it in a new windows instead of tab.04:29
kisuketensorpudding: man path works right?04:29
LinuxFetusdiverted, And, of course, it loads faster.04:29
tensorpuddingkisuke: what?04:29
drjorahduke: what version are you using?04:29
rahdukeEmpathy 2.30.204:30
kisuketensorpudding: for adding a dir to path04:30
MuNghow can i find my ip address04:30
LinuxFetusMuNg, I'm guessing here... but whatismyipaddress.com04:30
drjorahduke: i have the same, but no irc pane in accout setup, hmmz04:30
rahdukedrjo: have a look at this04:30
VastLinuxFetus, two; UNR and Windows Seven04:31
rahdukeI was originally having a problem finding IRC in Empathy.04:31
rahdukeBut after I added my AIM account on the initial account create, IRC became an available option when I went to add addtional accounts.04:31
LinuxFetusVast, Oh sorry I forgot about you!04:31
tensorpuddingkisuke: you can add a director to your path using something like 'export PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin' or whatever in your .bashrc04:31
LinuxFetusVast, Alright, we have you successfully changed your BIOS boot order?04:31
kisukeMuNg: inside you network or on the internet side of your router?04:31
LinuxFetusVast, *well04:31
divertedLinuxFetus, having used it for about 5 minutes now, all i can say is that i like the reduced visuals. im very.. umm i like basic stuff ;p04:31
rahdukedrjo: looks likea  bug...04:31
kisuketensorpudding: ok ty for pointer, now off to google04:31
drjorahduke: guess ill add my facebook account then04:32
LinuxFetusdiverted, Haha, that, too.  I take it you don't like KDE? :P04:32
LinuxFetusMuNg, You're welcome.  May I suggest installing Tor on Firefox for anonymity?04:32
VastLinuxFetus, yeap. but im still not booting into the liveusb. grub pops up like usual04:32
drjoim trying to force myself not to install anything outside repos or use the cmd too much, i wasted so much time on gentoo and arch, now i just want something that works, so far so good :)04:32
sttor makes browsing ultra slow04:33
LinuxFetusVast, Are you sure you made the Live USB correctly?  How did you make it?04:33
LinuxFetusst: True.  Do you know of any faster proxies?04:33
LinuxFetusst: Free ones, of course.04:33
sti think one should stop playing spies04:34
rahdukebazhang: changing kernels didnt help, even bios shows 3456mb ram04:34
MuNgand how can i find my wep key04:34
drjoanyone know how to get a symbol list in gedit-latex-plugin?04:34
VastLinuxFetus, yup, pretty sure. this is the liveusb i used to install linux in the first place, before grub. i used the ubuntu live-usb utility04:34
strahduke, bios has nothing to do with PAE, obviously04:35
rahduke3456gb cant b the limit on 32bit architecture that would be a complete ripoff04:35
rahdukest obviously04:35
divertedLinuxFetus, well i use gnome, is that kde? actually i'm quite happy with my desktop and overall screen, i have 2 slim bars on top and bottom and thats it04:35
MuNgLinuxFetus : what is Tor04:35
LinuxFetusVast, Well if you've successfully used that USB, then I don't know what the problem could be with that.04:35
yanick_is it possible to install a i386 driver into an amd64 machine?04:35
rahdukeTor is a kiddie porn palace04:35
tensorpuddingIf the BIOS shows 3456 MB RAM, then it isn't an issue of the OS.04:35
rahdukemung dont mess with Tor04:35
LinuxFetusMuNg, I'm not trying to sound rude, but have you considered Googling something instead of asking in an IRC, first?04:35
rahdukeit is the last dirty dark corner for peedos online04:36
MuNgrahduke : how can i find my WEP key04:36
VastLinuxFetus then is there any other way you know of to fix an error taking me into initramfs?04:36
rahdukemung are you kidding?04:36
sedulousrahduke: do you have an onboard gpu by any chance?04:36
bazhangMuNg, yours? you should know it. or you mean cracking wep04:36
tensorpuddingMuNg: you can find your WEP key by checking your router.04:36
rahdukesedulous: i do but dont use it04:36
sedulousrahduke: that might explain the missing RAM. check the BIOS for that04:37
MuNgI dont have a router im jacking it from my neighbor04:37
LinuxFetusVast, I have no idea how to overcome that error.  Does it even take you into the login screen?  Have you tried the safe mode choice or whatever in Grub?04:37
rahdukesedulous: good idea, didnt think of that04:37
bazhangMuNg, that is not supported here so dont ask again04:37
sedulousyou can usually configure the amount of RAM that's reserved for the onboard GPU there, rahduke04:37
sedulousMuNg: i hope your neighbor runs an upside-down-ternet transparent http proxy04:37
tensorpuddingMuNg: I'm sure your neighbor would be happy to tell it to you when you ask.04:37
MuNghe is my friend he doesnt know how to get his wep key so im trying to get it for him04:38
bazhangMuNg, stop04:38
tensorpuddingMuNg: this has nothing to do with Ubuntu04:38
VastLinuxFetus nope, it boots strait into it, even in recovery mode.04:38
rahdukechange your nick and come back then reword your question...lol04:38
drjologged in from empathy now :)04:39
rahdukedrjo: thats a weird issue04:39
drjorahduke: yeah all i had to do was add my facbook account and remove it again :p04:39
VastLinuxFetus if i had to guess, intramfs means initial ram failsafe, and its its own command line, just04:39
VastLinuxFetus 'under' the filesystem04:40
rahdukewhos using tor here?04:40
LinuxFetusVast, I would try Googling that error.  The only thing you would be able to do without loading an OS live would be to use the command-line for Grub... either that or somehow edit the Linux file system/grub from within Windows.04:40
stis it possible to fix a pendrive after it has been used as bootable media?04:40
rahdukei really can't justify any legit reason to use that thing....it should be shut donw04:40
bazhangst sure04:40
tensorpuddingI used to use Tor, but it's pretty slow.04:40
LinuxFetustensorpudding, What do you use now for the same effect?04:40
tensorpuddingthis is not relevant though04:40
rahduketensorpudding: yea i tried it too, its way to slow and it has real kiddie porn, i wrote to fbi about it never got a response04:41
nimbioticshi all. using ubuntu 10.04, ive got the partitions shown at http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2wlspjo&s=7 . i tried gparted live cd to resize sd6 (my ubuntu partition) and take all free space, but i cannot resize, nor move none of the partitions. how can i do what i want> TIA!04:41
LinuxFetusrahduke, Kiddie porn?  What do you mean?  I know Child porn is illegal, but I've never had it do anything but take me to the sites I ask it to.04:41
tensorpuddingJust because it is used by child pornographers, doesn't mean that it should be illegal, that's awful logic.04:41
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:42
LucidGuyRecommendations.. Best Single player capable Linux FPS game?04:42
kneauxwhere can i get a list of keymap names04:42
rahdukeLinuxFetus: this is real deal child porn, with like peedos describing how they molest and groom kids, pointers all sort of really messed up stuff04:42
bazhangrahduke, lets move on please04:42
rahdukelol yea 4real04:42
rahdukeLucidGuy: nexuiz04:42
rahdukeoh single player04:43
LinuxFetusnimbiotics, I presume you're trying to edit your only OS partition from a Live CD?04:43
rahdukegood luck04:43
rahdukePrey or doom 3 prolly04:43
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nimbioticsLinuxFetus: yes04:43
LucidGuyrahduke, thats new to me .. checking now.04:43
LinuxFetusnimbiotics, Good.  do you see the lock icons next to the partitions?04:43
nimbioticsLinuxFetus: yes04:44
LorgonJortleI just tried installing GRUB after a Win7 install, and when I booted back up, I had GRUB, but only the GRUB prompt, and no boot options.04:44
rahdukeLucidGuy: Wine now runs a lot of good windows FPS games, wine has gotten pretty good in 2.*04:44
LinuxFetusnimbiotics, That means the partitions are currently mounted.  Right click and then unmount and you should be able to edit them.04:44
LorgonJortle!grub > LorgonJortle04:44
ubottuLorgonJortle, please see my private message04:44
rahduke1.2 rather04:44
LinuxFetusnimbiotics, Note that you cannot resize the extended partition without first unmounting ALL logical ones.04:45
hmorelhi i am new to all this and i need some help,,,,,, can someone here didicate some time to me in private?04:45
bazhanghmorel, ask here04:46
LucidGuyrahduke, whats the best game you were able to get running on wine?04:46
LinuxFetusSince people are constantly coming and going, I'll restate my question:  Can anyone tell me how to determine if my chipset is 32-bit or 64-bit?04:46
nimbioticsLinuxFetus:i thought that by booting from live cd (on usb), none of those partitions would be mounted (not sure i do understand that concepet)04:46
rahdukesometimes i just want someone to remotedesktop and fix my problems for me....lol04:46
LucidGuyrahduke, I've had no luck with my games of interest04:46
hmorelissue one (i have a DELL D400 laptop running on ubuntu 9.10 when i close the lid the computer freezes up and i am forced to do a hard shutdown.04:47
rahdukeLucidGuy: sorry to hear that, but you will find that lots of windows games are compatiable in wine04:47
nimbioticsLinuxFetus: how do i unmount those logical partitions?04:47
LinuxFetusnimbiotics, It will automatically mount them, but don't worry; you can unmount them and they'll be fine.  Mounted just means that you can access the data on them and you can use them (like your swap is mounted so your Live CD is currently using it, I believe.  You might need to do something in the terminal before you can unmount it).04:47
extraclassicLinuxFetus: there's a program called Ailurus that'll give system settings and it'll tell you04:47
XuMuKhi there! My trouble is that after I append Pidgin Developers PPA the notifications under envelope on the top panel has disappeared! Could someone tell mi how can I fix it for get it back?04:48
LinuxFetusextraclassic, Thanks, I'll try it.04:48
LinuxFetusnimbiotics, Read what I wrote earlier.  (That means the...)04:48
hmorelOh no! am i left alone04:48
Skandranonback again... checked the cd for errors, none found, ran mem test passed 8 passes... installed from the install prompt same menu as memtest and back to the same purple maroonish screen wit lights n stuff... working mouse nothing else... cannt even clt alt del to reboot. 10.04 was working before the reinstall I dont understand the #&@! problem04:48
LinuxFetusnimbiotics, Actually, that may not have been super clear.  Right click, and you'll see a menu.  On that, click "unmount".04:49
LinuxFetusnimbiotics, There will only be a few options that aren't gray-ed out.04:49
nimbioticsLinuxFetus: thanks, will try that!04:49
hmorelsomeone? please help me04:49
LinuxFetusnimbiotics, Do that for all three.04:49
wasnikhi guys ubuntu is not detectin my conexant hd smartaudio 221 card. please help04:49
LinuxFetushmorel, When you close the lid, what do you see when you open it again?04:50
hmorelblank pc frozen unable to do anything04:50
toshiinserting an SD card gives me an error message: "unable to mount SANVOL" not authorized. google turns up nothing. 10.0404:50
wasnikhi guys ubuntu is not detectin my conexant hd smartaudio 221 card. please help04:51
toshilspci shows SD reader has been detected04:51
wasnikhi guys ubuntu is not detectin my conexant hd smartaudio 221 card. please help04:52
Kane_HartI'm guessing no one here uses xen hehe04:52
Skandranonreinstall problems... been trying to get this work all day.... need help please04:53
LinuxFetushmorel, Please address someone by using their name.  You should be able to type the first few characters and then tab until their name shows up.04:53
afzal-bigbellI want to do this chat04:54
wasnikhi guys ubuntu is not detectin my conexant hd smartaudio 221 card. please help04:54
LinuxFetuswasnik, If someone knows the answer and has time to explain, they will.  No one had joined since your first question, so reposting did nothing.04:54
XuMuKwasnik, try adding your user to plugdev group04:54
hmorelokay ut i've never done this before and its so confusing, infact i don't even know who is helping me..04:54
XuMuKwasnik, sudo gpasswd -a wasnik plugdev04:54
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hmorelsomeone please don't let me drown04:55
LinuxFetushmorel, type [L][I][N][tab]04:55
LinuxFetushmorel, Does my name show up?04:55
XuMuKhi there! My trouble is that after I append Pidgin Developers PPA the notifications under envelope on the top panel has disappeared! Could someone tell mi how can I fix it for get it back?04:55
LinuxFetushmorel, Alright do that when you're talking to someone.  We sometimes minimze the window and we will get notified when someone addresses us like  that.04:55
wasnikXumuK,  this is still what i get aplay -l04:56
wasnikaplay: device_list:223: no soundcards found..04:56
hmorel<LinuxFetus>okay i understand,,,can you please help me?04:56
LinuxFetushmorel, I'll try.04:56
GordonSheya all04:56
LinuxFetushmorel, Hold one for 30 seconds.04:56
snadg3what is the default boot option for the ubuntu 10.04 usb install, if you leave it and dont do anything.. boot from hard disk?04:57
LinuxFetusextraclassic, I'm not too good with Hardware.  From what I understand, my chipset is on my Motherboard and it can be 32-bit even though my processor and OS can be 64-bit.  When inside Ailurus, I go to Information > Hardware information, but, from what I can tell, my chipset isn't listed.  It does say 64-bit, but I believe that is only in reference to my processor.04:57
GordonSis there a way to download the various preseed files without having to pull down the whole iso image?04:57
hmorel<LinuxFetus>thank you, okay i will04:57
snadg3i accidentally left my usb key in the drive on my machine at work, and i need to reboot it, i think it defaults to booting usb :/04:57
GordonSsnadg3: and it won't fall back to other boot options?04:57
Nim_thats a prediciment, snadg.04:57
LinuxFetussnadg3, have you changed your BIOS so it looks for HD before USB?04:57
LinuxFetushmorel, Alright, So what's your issue?04:58
Nim_I think snadg is remotely accessing the pc :P04:58
snadg3LinuxFetus, i don't think so, i cant remember04:58
snadg3i think usb might be higher priority than hard drive.. from memory, im not sure :/ thats why im wondering what the usb boot does by default if you dont select anything04:58
XuMuKwasnik, sorry, I though it was some SD card...04:58
extraclassicLinuxFetus: i was talking about the listing that says "64-bit computer" but beyond that I don't know04:58
XuMuKwasnik, what do it say aplay -l04:59
LinuxFetusSnadder, Well as far as I know, from a default install, Ubuntu won't change your boot order in terms of optical/USB/Hdd/etc. so if it was USB when you left, it'll still be USB.04:59
geoffmccsnadg3: i think if it doesnt find something to boot it will move on to next04:59
XuMuKwasnik, lspci|grep -i audio04:59
toshiXuMuK, what theme are you using? it looks like an OSX rip?04:59
Skandranon10.04 reinstall weird problem.. anyone able to help?04:59
LinuxFetusextraclassic, Ahh... yeah I'm looking for my chipset; my computer is only showing 3.5 GB of RAM, even though I have a 64-bit processor and I'm running 64-bit Ubuntu.04:59
LinuxFetushmorel, Alright, So what's your issue?04:59
hmorel<LinuxFetus>okay i have a Dell Latitude D400, i can't get ubuntu 10.04 or higher isntalled so i was forced to use 9.10, everything works great but when i close the lid on the laptop the system freezes up and i am force to do a forced shutdown)05:00
XuMuKhi there! My trouble is that after I append Pidgin Developers PPA the notifications under envelope on the top panel has disappeared! Could someone tell mi how can I fix it for get it back?05:00
GordonShmorel: lemme guess, video issues?05:00
LinuxFetushmorel, Oh, and sometimes I forget what I'm doing when I'm talking to people, so if I post like 3+ times without talking to you and it's been over a minutes or two, you can post again.05:00
SkandranonLinuxFetus only showing 3.5 gigs of ram is the same thing windows xp 32 bit used to do... noob at ubuntu though05:00
FloridaGuyis there away to ujust the rss-glx screensavers in gnome like you can in kde..for there different settings05:00
LinuxFetusSkandranon, ARe you saying you or I are a noob?05:00
formolQCsomeone know if this green cable named "P4" is normally used on a standard cheap ATX motherboard http://hwt.dk/literaturedetails.aspx?TeaserID=3269 ?05:00
Skandranon<-- I05:01
LinuxFetushmorel, I've never used 9.10, so my help will be limited.  What happens when you open the lid.05:01
bazhangformolQC, try ##hardware05:01
LinuxFetusSkandranon, Ahh... yeah :/05:01
GordonSformoIQC: the connector names are not standard05:01
XuMuKtoshi, yes, it is05:01
SkandranonLinuxFetus sorry just saw your problem and I remember having it on xp b4.. guess that wasnt really helpful, sorry05:01
GordonSthat's just the labels the manufacturer picked05:01
LinuxFetushmorel, After closing it, of course.05:01
wasnikXuMuk: I dont get any output with that command05:01
formolQCthx for the answer05:01
LinuxFetusSkandranon, It's okay.05:01
hmorel<LinuxFetus> dark but turned on screen and nothing response05:01
LinuxFetusSkandranon, I'm still new, too *points to name*05:02
GordonShmorel: what did later installations do?05:02
LinuxFetushmorel, So you've tried moving the keyboard aroudn and mouse and everything?05:02
formolQCbazhang, #hardware is invite only05:02
hmorel<LinuxFetus> they would freeze when ubuntu logo shows as booting05:02
LinuxFetushmorel, Huh?05:02
bazhangformolQC, ##hardware05:02
=== Out_Cold is now known as Guest57563
hmorelyes nothing moves and later versions wont install05:03
formolQCoh, it works :)05:03
GordonSwhat do you mean by "won't install"?05:03
LinuxFetusformolQC, Sometimes ##CHANNEL is different from #CHANNEL; Sometimes it redirects.05:03
geoffmcchmorel: i had that prob b4 but couldnt rembmer why, did quick serch- is it set to hybernate when close lid?05:03
LinuxFetusgeoffmcc, That's what I was going to ask.05:03
Guest57563i'm trying to get wifi going in straight openbox. I was following this http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1176169&postcount=1 but i'm not getting a dhcp IP. any hints?05:03
hmorel<LinuxFetus> those options i have turned off05:04
Guest57563nick Out_Cold_05:04
geoffmccLinuxFetus: i knew i had that b4 but couldnt remmber how fixed and soon as saw post i remembered05:04
=== Guest57563 is now known as Out_Cold_
EdMoneyfor a laptop, should I use ubuntu netbook or ubuntu desktop?05:04
XuMuKwasnik, in fact, it doesn't recognize it... you're right. It always were so or before it was working fine?05:04
LinuxFetushmorel, What options have been turned off?05:04
GordonSEdMoney: depends on how much of a laptop it is :)05:04
XuMuKEdMoney, as you want...05:04
EdMoneyok, just trying to trouble shoot why my install isn't working05:05
Out_Cold_EdMoney, the unr has plain gnome if you want to switch between both05:05
hmorelfor the lappy to do nothing upon closing lid05:05
Nim_:D lol05:05
wasnikXuMuk: I just installed ubuntu and m havin the problem since then05:05
LinuxFetusIs there a way to have my clipboard act as a stack (first-in, first-out)?05:05
sisterdhello guys on lucid lynx here. having trouble printing -- it keeps asking me to authenticate, but all my printers are shared with everyone having permissiobn, and the authenticationr equest does not identify what user is meant to be authenticated. any clues on how to fix this?05:05
LinuxFetushmorel, In System > Preferences > Power Management what does it say it does when the lid is closed?  That entry may not exist because the menu layout may be different (i.e. it may not be called quite power management).05:06
Skandranon10.04 reinstall weird problem.. anyone able to help?05:06
rames2hi all, i am having a really hard time getting ubuntu netbook thingy booting from a usb drive... read tons of docs but i don't know how to troubleshoot bootable usb05:07
extraclassicsisterd: the user would be whoever is logged in that has access to the printer on the computer where it's installed05:07
sthow to convert pdf file to normal format in ubu ntu?05:07
Out_Cold_rames2, use unetbootin.... problem solved05:07
rames2out_cold_: is that packaged?05:07
sisterdextraclassic: that's what i would have thought. But, no user/password combination that exists on either computer is being accepted (it only asks for a pw, no username provided)05:08
Out_Cold_st pdftotext <file.pdf>05:08
Out_Cold_rames2, yes05:08
Out_Cold_rames2, unetbootin is the ultimate bootable usb creator05:08
sisterdboth computers have both users established as a member of the administrator's group on each computer. So, i'm really at a loss and confused why there is even an authetication request in the first place.05:08
extraclassicsisterd: then it's probably a user/password that you have to assign in a .conf file05:08
hmorel<LinuxFetus> the option is set to bank screen, i have already tried it with suspend, hibernate and shutdown and none of the options work....05:08
sisterdhow/where do I find that information out? never had a password for the printer in the past05:09
rames2out_cold_: i've ~burned~ 2 usb devices (master is a mac, trying to upgrade crappy netbook to ubuntu) ... dd if=... of=..., etc...05:09
extraclassicsisterd: if you're using cups then there are walkthroughs if you do a search...i can't remember the files offhand05:10
rames2out_cold_: netbook doesn't want to "take" the bootable media ... i've been in and out of bios, disabled all other devices, etc.05:10
sisterdi'm a newbie. how do i know if i am useing cups?05:10
Out_Cold_rames2, try the unetbootin... if that doesn't work then come back and work on another solution. it's possible your stick just doesn't have a boot flag05:11
extraclassicyou are i think...just find a guide for cups....search for "cups linux printing" or something05:11
rames2out_cold_: get message "Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key"05:11
Out_Cold_rames2, what are you doing to get that msg?05:12
sisterdok, i think i am using cups because when i do a system/administration/printing and check the properties/try to print a test page i get /usr/lib/cups/dnssd failed and then the same but with usb failed at the end for the other isntance of the printer.05:13
rames2out_cold_: asus eee pc 1000, go into bios, disable all built-in HD's, enable only *detected* USB device and list that as first last and only boot device / boot order / boot priority05:13
geoffmccsisterd: although i havent done printing in samba i know it supports. good thing with samba if u create a user and pw on computer a and have same on computer b u will never be prompted for a pw05:13
Out_Cold_rames2, then most likely, there is no boot flag for the usb... it's all in the creation.. i'm still recommending unetbootin..05:14
sisterdgeoffmcc: I am sorry for such a lack of knowledge. but what is samba?05:14
Arafangi1nHey, does Ubuntu 10.4 Beta 2 contain NTFS support by default in Live CD Mode?05:14
rames2out_cold_: ugh... any mac-ish ones to look for?05:14
geoffmccsisterd: file and print sharing. i use it for filesharing between ubuntu + windows05:15
rames2out_cold_: i don't have a linux gui box a.t.m... that's what i'm trying to d/l ubuntu for.  :^) ... anyway, i'll look aoround some more, thanks for the tips05:15
sisterdok. i'm doing between osx and ubuntu. i take it samba is the proper name for the protocol that begins with smb://   ?05:15
Out_Cold_rames2, it may be available in mac, i am nearly certain it is in windows05:15
geoffmccsisterd: yes05:15
hmorelokay maybe someone can help me getting school admin installed?05:15
geoffmccsisterd: looking threw smb.conf i see setting for printing05:16
Skandranon10.04 reinstall weird problem.. after installing loads a desktop picture and nothing else, mouse works, no task bar, will do nothing at all. anyone able to help?05:16
sisterdgeoffmcc: ok. right now, both of my printers are showing up automatically without me establishing the configuration manually like you have to on windows and osx. so the cups vs samba discussion was a mystery but I think I am catching up.05:16
geoffmccsisterd: then if u have an account on osx with same user and password as account on ubuntu u will get no password requests - otherwise just log in with aprop account05:16
rames2out_cold_: http://www.docstechnotes.com/2009/05/create-bootable-usb-drive-using-os-x.html05:16
Arafangi1nsisterd: Actually...  There's a bunch of names for it, but it's not samba. samba's the only widely used non-microsoft program that can service it, though. :)05:16
rames2out_cold_: this is pretty much exactly what i'm doing05:17
Out_Cold_rames2, if you dd'd the image, there may be an fdisk type util (not sure on mac) that sets boot flag05:17
hmorelhelp  installing schooltool on ubuntu05:17
sisterdarafangi1n: thank you. (there never is an easy quick true definition it seems.. but the clarification usually ends up really solving problems in the end.)05:17
rames2out_cold_: k... and actually i'm reading up at the top "some will function as usb boot some won't"05:17
Arafangi1nsisterd: The name "samba" was chosen by searching /usr/dict/words for names that contain 's', 'm', and 'b'. :)05:19
LinuxFetushmorel, Sorry, I was gone.05:19
juniorubuntu br05:19
EdMoneyI'm getting the error "The installer encountered an unrecoverable error. A desktop session will now be run so that you many investigate the problem or try installing again". When I press ok, goes to black background screen with the top line saying "(Process:325): GLib-Warning **: getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0), more errors, and then a bunch of Buffer I/O error, dev ar0...eventually05:19
EdMoneygets to purple screen, but after 50 minutes of waiting, I kill the install. Used ISO ubuntu-10.04.1-desktop-i386.iso, running Windows 7 Home Premium, Sony Vaio, 64 bit, Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T6600 @ 2.2 GHz. Any suggestions? I can post pictures of error screens on a forum if helpful.05:19
Arafangi1nsisterd: smb, netbios, and cifs are probably as close as you'll get to the proper protocol names, although each of those talk about different aspects.05:19
LinuxFetushmorel, Hmm I'm not sure.  Sorry.05:19
LinuxFetushmorel, I mean, I'm not sure what to say after that.05:19
hmorel <LinuxFetus> can you halep me install schooltoll05:19
junioralguem sabe o canal do ubuntu br05:19
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LinuxFetushmorel, Is that a windows-based program?05:20
sisterdarafangi1n: ok. well i had heard of netbios in the past, and had used but not named "samba". cifs - thjios is the first time i've heard it.05:20
hmorelno ubuntu05:20
geoffmccjunior: ubuntu-br05:20
LinuxFetushmorel, Well generally you can get software by going to the Software Center.  Try Applications > Ubuntu Software Center.05:21
juniornaum acessou05:21
LinuxFetusIf you're decent with computers and they seem to "make sense" normally, you may also want to try the Synaptic Package Manager.05:21
hmorel<LinuxFetus> it doesn't come up05:21
LinuxFetushmorel, What doesn't come up?  The software doesn't show up when you search for it?05:21
hmorel<LinuxFetus> yes05:22
bullgard4_Synaptic: "XMLStarlet is a set of command line utilities (tools) which can be used to transform, query, validate, and edit XML documents and files using {a} simple set of shell commands in {a} similar way it is done for plain text files using {the} UNIX commands grep, sed, awk, diff, patch, join, etc." How can I use xmlstarlet to search in the directory ~/abc and its subdirectories for the...05:22
bullgard4_...string "abc"?05:22
hmorel<LinuxFetus> please look at here showing my previous problem05:22
hmorel<LinuxFetus> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58280205:22
hmorel<LinuxFetus> i am cofused and not know what to do05:23
LinuxFetushmorel,  believe there should be something called "add/remove programs" for Ubuntu 9.10, from a quick Google search.  Not sure where it would be.  Maybe System > Administration.  I'll look at the link now.05:23
Skandranon10.04 reinstall weird problem.. after installing loads a desktop picture and nothing else, mouse works, no task bar, will do nothing at all. anyone able to help?05:23
EdMoneyAnyone help with this -- I'm getting the error "The installer encountered an unrecoverable error. A desktop session will now be run so that you many investigate the problem or try installing again". When I press ok, goes to black background screen with the top line saying "(Process:325): GLib-Warning **: getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0), more errors, and then a bunch of Buffer05:24
EdMoneyI/O error, dev ar0...eventually gets to purple screen, but after 50 minutes of waiting, I kill the install. Used ISO ubuntu-10.04.1-desktop-i386.iso, running Windows 7 Home Premium, Sony Vaio, 64 bit, Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T6600 @ 2.2 GHz. Any suggestions? I can post pictures of error screens on a forum if helpful.05:24
extraclassichmorel: that happens on my laptop, but I just let mine hibernate and don't close it...i just leave it sitting on table and don't take it anywhere though05:24
hmorel<LinuxFetus> <extraclassic> but i am on the go and i need to move from class to class since i am a teacher05:25
LinuxFetushmorel, Does that mean you won't be able to be here for a while/05:26
geoffmcchmorel: is this still laptop freez on lid close? and hibernation wasnt the problem?05:26
hmorelno at at home now05:26
LinuxFetusgeoffmcc, On the link hmorel gave, it appears it may be a driver issue (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=582802)05:27
hmorelyes for instance if i close the lid regardless the settings/preference i have on the system crfashes05:27
sisterdok. lucid lynx... just downloaded an hplip driver for my printer which came as a .run file it has been associated with gedit (dont know why?) and when i open a terminal and type in the command to run the shell script (as instructed at the website) i get a "sh: Can't open hplip-3.10.2.run" response.05:27
zeleftikamhow can i find out what sort of hardware my computer is running from the command line? i'd like to know the processor type and speed.05:28
xbonesxneed help stopping x-server so i can install this... http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_amd64_100.14.09.html05:28
tensorpuddingsisterd: did you do 'sh hplip-3.10.2.run'05:28
geoffmccLinuxFetus: oh ok, must be different from when i had issue05:28
rames2zeleftikam: cat /proc/cpuinfo05:28
rames2zeleftikam: i think... cd /proc and start poking around (carefully! :^)05:29
zeleftikamrames2» perfect, thanks!05:29
zeleftikammodel name: Quad-Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 2374 HE05:29
sisterdtensorpudding: yes, that is the command that generated the "can't" response05:29
tensorpuddingsisterd: are you in the right directory?05:29
tensorpuddingsisterd: i.e. are you in the directory where the file is located05:29
sisterdtensorpudding: yes, they told me to put it in my desktop and then do a "cd desktop" before executing the command. so, yes my prompt defines me as in desktop05:30
rames2zeleftikam: out of curiosity what are your bogomips?05:30
zeleftikam4400.17 per core05:30
zeleftikamwhat does that mean?05:30
Skandranon10.04 reinstall weird problem.. after installing loads a desktop picture and nothing else, mouse works, no task bar, will do nothing at all. anyone able to help?05:30
rames2i'm showing 3203 on a intel atom 1.6ghz (netbook)05:30
rames2bogomips == "bogus mips" mips == millions instructions per second05:31
hmorel<LinuxFetus> okay if my first problem can't be fixed can we please work on my second05:31
tensorpuddingsisterd: that is odd then05:31
zeleftikamrames2» ah. this is a rackspace cloud server. it seems limited.05:31
tensorpuddingsisterd: have you tried right-clicking, and making the file executable?05:31
rames2it has to do with timing loops for the kernel ... sometimes it needs to wait a second and it kindof makes up "eh: loop 3000 times and that'll be about a second"05:31
tensorpuddingsisterd: under the right-click menu, properties -> permissions tab -> check the box after Execute:05:32
sisterdtensorpudding: yes, I have. and, that's where I notice that the file has been associated with the program gedit. which doesn't seem liek what i would want if i want it to be an executable. but that's a guess.05:32
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hmorelanybody,,, help me installing a program05:32
tensorpuddingsisterd: if it is marked as executable then double-clicking should ask you if you want to execute it05:32
LinuxFetushmorel, Alright try putting this in your terminal: sudo apt-get install pastebinit | cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit05:33
tensorpuddingsisterd: it should say "do you want to run the file or view its contents"05:33
LinuxFetushmorel, That installs a pastebin program and then puts the output of that file into pastebinit05:33
sisterdtensorpudding: ok that seems to have done the trick. just wouldn't let me do it from within terminal for some reason.05:33
LinuxFetushmorel, It gives you a link, that you can then post in here.05:33
tensorpuddingsisterd: you'll want to run it in terminal05:33
sisterdtensorpudding: it doesnt let me05:33
EdMoneyCan anyone help with this install error : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=157688105:33
tensorpuddingsisterd: hmm05:34
sisterdbut, it seems to be working fine as a self-extracting doohickey05:34
tensorpuddingsisterd: okay05:34
sisterdtensorpudding: ok, installation notes tell me to enable the universe/multiverse repositories... any clue on that?05:34
hmorel<LinuxFetus> i don't know how to do it, there is a free program i use for giving support called teamviewer can you help me by giving me the support05:35
zetheroo1I am trying to use Pitivi in Ubuntu Lucid and it won't render anything ... there are no error messages either ... even when run from within the terminal05:35
LinuxFetushmorel, did you try the command I gave you?05:35
TiK_question there is no /dev/dsp so what is my soundcard? :P05:35
LinuxFetushmorel, You don't know how to do what?05:35
bullgard4_Synaptic: "XMLStarlet is a set of command line utilities (tools) which can be used to transform, query, validate, and edit XML documents and files using {a} simple set of shell commands in {a} similar way it is done for plain text files using {the} UNIX commands grep, sed, awk, diff, patch, join, etc." How can I use xmlstarlet to search in the directory ~/abc and its subdirectories for the...05:35
bullgard4_...string "abc"?05:35
LinuxFetushmorel, Please be specific (i.e. refrain from pronouns a bit more than you've been doing) as it saves time.05:36
hmoreli am a slow typer and i don't know how to use the sufu or respository i am just plain not linux smart so please forgive mehttp://www.teamviewer.com/download/index.aspx?os=linux05:37
Arafangi1nWhat's the difference between the "desktop" and "netbook" versions of ubuntu?05:37
bazhanghmorel, have a read of the ubuntu manual first05:37
bazhang!manual | hmorel05:38
ubottuhmorel: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/05:38
LinuxFetushmorel, Do you know if you're using 32-bit or 64-bit?05:38
bazhanghmorel, not a good idea to ask people to remote your computer05:38
tensorpuddingsisterd: go to Software Sources in the Ubuntu menu05:38
tensorpuddingsisterd: and check to enable those repositories05:38
lludwArafangi1n: one is optimized for a desktop and the other is optimized for a notebook.05:38
tensorpuddingsisterd: most likely they should be enabled already05:39
bazhangArafangi1n, small clickable icons on the remix, not very configurable05:39
LinuxFetushmorel, Oh wow I didn't even see what program you're trying to use.  Yeah, that's not a good idea.  I'm not going to abuse that, but I don't want you to gain a false sense of trust because of someone like me, because while most people in #ubuntu are really nice and you can trust them.. it only takes one to mess things up.05:39
sisterdtensorpudding: thank you.t hat is simpler than where i was heading (the ubuntu repositories page.. which gives me a terminal command that requires me to know the repository location....)05:39
Arafangi1nlludw: That is implied...  The question is what's the _difference_.05:40
bazhangArafangi1n, I just told you05:40
Arafangi1nbazhang: So... Different window manager?05:41
LinuxFetusbazhang, I think Arafangi1n means how is the optimization better: does it have less graphically intensive things that make it lighter, but less pretty and whatnot?05:41
bazhangArafangi1n, small clickable icons to bring up different apps05:41
zetheroo1how do you get the touchpad double-click feature work where you can double-click and dray a window or pull a scrollbar?05:42
Arafangi1nSo it's merely has a different UI that results it being more suitable for tiny screens?05:42
MTecknologyAre any of you using the 64bit flash plugin? Adobe is no longer offering it and I'd really like to get a hold of it. They offered it during a beta trial period. I linked to it on my blog and really should have uploaded the file... :(05:42
bazhangArafangi1n, right05:42
Arafangi1nbazhang: Sounds good. :)  I wonder why they don't say so on the site... "Optimised for smaller screens".05:42
[R]MTecknology: they just annouced its coming back05:43
MTecknology[R]: linky?05:43
[R]MTecknology: google.com05:43
zetheroo1drag not dray *05:43
Skandranonone last time b4 I give up for the night: 10.04 reinstall weird problem.. after installing loads a desktop picture and nothing else, mouse works, no task bar, will do nothing at all. anyone able to help?05:43
bazhangMTecknology, webupd8.org05:43
LinuxFetusMTecknology, Are you looking for a 64-bit flash plugin for firefox and Ubuntu?  Someone gave one to me the other day here.  I scanned the binary for viruses using "Virus Scanner."  The person said I could give it to someone else... do you want it?05:43
MTecknologyLinuxFetus: sure05:44
hmorelokay i understand05:44
zetheroo1Skandranon: fresh install?05:44
Skandranonzetheroo1 yes.. I went so far as to wipe the partion table05:44
zetheroo1Skandranon: looks like your profile is not loading for some reason05:44
brenthow do I stream /dev/input/js0 to the terminal window?05:44
[R]brent: stream?05:45
_raghuI am running an ubuntu server (aws machine). When I run top, load averages is always above 1, however my cpu utilization is well below 5%. How do I find out whats causing the high load05:45
Skandranonzetheroo1 total noob to linux, not sure what that means. I did check the disk for errors and run mem test, all good there05:45
LinuxFetusMTecknology, Alright I'm gonna send it to you via IRC, unless you have objections (I haven't done this in forever -- is it safe to send files over IRC?)05:45
bullgard4_What program package provides the framebuffer driver fb?05:45
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MTecknologyLinuxFetus: sure05:45
MTecknologyLinuxFetus: unless you want to email instead05:46
[R]bullgard4_: none... its the kernel05:46
zetheroo1Skandranon: can you do Alt + F1 while seeing the wallpaper?05:46
brentR: how do I print whats currently being sent to it as if it were a file05:46
Skandranonzetheroo1 let me check, brb05:46
zetheroo1Skandranon: that should usually show a menu05:46
[R]brent: cat05:46
brentcat /dev/input/js0?05:46
bullgard4_[R] Ah! Thank you very much for your help.05:46
LinuxFetusMTecknology, Here were the instructions I was given: http://pastebin.com/KBzwTU2t05:47
MTecknologyLinuxFetus: thanks :D05:47
MTecknologyLinuxFetus: btw - that's not the best place to put it :P05:47
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LinuxFetusMTecknology, you mean the directory in the instructions?05:47
MTecknologyLinuxFetus: ~/.mozilla/plugins/ :)05:47
MTecknologyLinuxFetus: the directory05:48
nimbioticsLinuxFetus, thanks again, your tips worked05:48
Skandranonzetheroo1 didnt know that.. that might help.. I rebooted to see what would happen and nothing at all did.. so I am gonna reinstall and try alt f1.. will return with an update in a bit..ty for the help!05:48
hmorel<LinuxFetus>? this is what i got when i typed in what you told me to (hmorel@hmorel-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install pastebinit05:48
hmorel[sudo] password for hmorel:05:48
hmorelReading package lists... Done05:48
hmorelBuilding dependency tree05:48
hmorelReading state information... Done05:48
hmorelThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:05:48
hmorel  linux-headers-2.6.31-14 linux-headers-2.6.31-14-generic05:48
FloodBot1hmorel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:48
LinuxFetusnimbiotics, no problem :)05:48
s14shyamhey guys05:48
s14shyamthis is my first day in linux05:48
Guest34273no terminal como eu faço para atualizar a distro ?05:48
zetheroo1Skandranon: why are you going to reinstall?05:48
linuxrunnerI am trying to switch to openDNS, but when I enter the addresses, the apply button won't activate?  Can I get an assist?05:48
LinuxFetushmorel, Don't paste long output like this.. go to pastebin.com and paste it and send the URL.05:48
brentThanks R :)05:48
MTecknologyLinuxFetus: thanks much :D - they do seem to have released the newer version here too - http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html05:49
zetheroo1how do you get the touchpad double-click feature work where you can double-click and drag a window or pull a scrollbar?05:49
nimbioticsow do i 1) delete an entry from GRUB and 2) have GRUB boot immediately to ubuntu? TIA!05:49
LinuxFetusMTecknology, Would you recommend using that link instead?05:49
s14shyamcan somebody help me with compiling software from source. i have the tarball of firefox 4 beta. please help05:49
Skandranonzetheroo1 after I took the disk out and rebooted it would pass the post line of boot from cd for some reason.. b4 it would reload to the wallpaper, but not this time05:49
Skandranonwould = would not that is05:49
LinuxFetusMTecknology, Also, the directory you gave would be user specific, since ~ == /home/[user]/05:49
hmorel<LinuxFetus>http://paste.ubuntu.com/495702/ is this correct?05:49
MTecknologyLinuxFetus: let me try it first - if it works for me - then it'll work for anyone05:50
bullgard4_[R] When I cold-started my laptop computer this morning I obtained the message: "[12.787603] fb: conflicting fb hw usage inteldrmfb vs VESA VGA - removing gen." Is my laptop computer configured all right?05:50
zetheroo1Skandranon: you should not boot with the disk in the drive05:50
MTecknologyLinuxFetus: ya, then you don't toss random files on the file system though05:50
[R]bullgard4_: what did you change05:50
Skandranonzetheroo1 that is what happened after I took the disk out and rebooted.. stuck on post05:50
LinuxFetusMTecknology, Ahhh, true.  I guess if other people use it and you're not too sure about it...05:50
LinuxFetushmorel, ctrl + shift + c is copy in there and ctrl + shift + v is paste.05:50
zetheroo1Skandranon: are you sure then that you installed Ubuntu?05:51
linuxrunnerI am trying to switch to openDNS, but when I enter the addresses, the apply button won't activate?  Can I get an assist?05:51
zetheroo1Skandranon: or were you running the Live session?05:51
bullgard4_[R]: I upgraded to Maverick Beta.05:51
LinuxFetushmorel, Do you have any other package managers open right now?05:51
xbonesxneed help installing nvidia drivers from repository.05:51
[R]bullgard4_: upgrades are evil... and betas are evil05:51
LinuxFetushmorel, You can't update software but from one package manager/terminal at a time.05:51
brentSo my laptops battery no longer holds a charge. How bad is it for the computer when it's suddenly shut down (for hardware and the OS)?05:52
AegNuddelHow do I upgrade to maverick?  I know it is still in beta05:52
MTecknology[R]: I've been on 10.10 for ~3mo now :P05:52
[R]brent: hardware doesn care... filesystem its bad when its not shutdown cleanly05:52
etrnlSo I have a script that relies on gdm being started already, what runlevel would I want to start it up in?05:52
[R]MTecknology: wow... do you want a medal?05:52
s14shyam@xbonesx : do you see a green colored icon in the top left area of your screen05:52
xbonesxI goto /system/administation/ hardware drivers/ and it has an option to install recommended driver for my card, but it just hangs and doesnt install05:52
LinuxFetushmorel, Well if you're sure, and you trust ubuntu forums (http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-157896.html) then try "sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/lock" then the command I gave you.05:52
MTecknologyAegNuddel: do-release-upgrade -d05:52
xbonesxs14shyam: no05:53
etrnlCurrently it doesn't seem like it's being run at the right time05:53
nimbioticswhere is GRUB.CFG LOCATED?05:53
LinuxFetusAegNuddel, 10.10 gave me some graphics errors.  Try running it live first.05:53
LinuxFetusAegNuddel, If you can.05:53
s14shyam@xbonesx : u sure your internet connection is fine ?05:53
etrnlAll it does is invert the x axis of my touchscreen05:53
Skandranonzetheroo1 no I dont belive so.. I had just finashed the install (for the 7th time today) wallpaper loads nothing else... although this time the install screen is telling me that there is a 10.04 installed... but it will not load.. might have gotten a bios setting changed.. gonna check that real quick make sure the disk is set to second boot device05:53
AegNuddelI will not put it on yet then05:53
LinuxFetusAegNuddel, There's a reason it's still beta...05:53
bullgard4_[R]: Yes. But I would like to talk about a Maverick feature in the local Ubuntu computer club at the Ubuntu Maverick release party next month. So I need to prepare myself with the new features.05:53
[R]nimbiotics: /boot/grub05:53
[R]bullgard4_: so file a bug report05:53
AegNuddellast beta worked out fine lol05:53
LinuxFetusAegNuddel, Windows + D is now minimize, though, that makes me happy lol05:54
nimbiotics[R]: thanks05:54
zetheroo1Skandranon: how many hdd's in that machine? Desktop ... laptop?05:54
brentR: So far I've only had corrupted files from it once... nothing I couldnt fix... I just don't want to mess up my HD or something because I'm too cheep to buy a new battery05:54
LinuxFetusAegNuddel, Well go ahead if you want (not being sarcastic), but I think it's better safe than sorry.05:54
s14shyam@xbonesx : this happens even if youre just surfing. try to stop all other netork activity and then install05:54
zetheroo1Skandranon: are you dual booting or is the whole drive being used for Ubuntu alone?05:54
LinuxFetusAegNuddel, My philosophy for stuff is if it isn't broke, don' fix it.05:54
[R]brent: well your hardware will be fine... but your filesytem CAN get corrupted05:54
AegNuddelgood point05:54
AegNuddelI will wait05:54
thune3s14shyam: you could look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingEasyHowTo , but I'd probably recommend getting a daily of firefox-4.0 from the daily-build ppa: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa , being careful not to update other software and disabling it after you are done installing.05:55
xbonesxs14shyam: i also have this file that i can run but when i do it says something about stop x server05:55
brent[R]: what's worst case with filesystem corruption?05:55
[R]brent: you loose everyhting05:55
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brent well I can always go in with a live cd and grab the files...05:55
[R]brent: grab the files?05:55
lludwxbonesx: in a terminal window type uname -r and tell me what version your kernel is05:56
isadorahey all: question. how do i set file permission rules in /sys/class/ for after reboot05:56
imagehi. does anyone know of a program that can do direct-to-dvd imaging of an entire drive?05:56
Jerk_I downloaded WUBI, which then installed Ubuntu on my desktop. so now I have a dual-boot system, with WinXP and Ubuntu. however, whenever I boot up Ubuntu, my pc reboots automatically after some time.05:56
s14shyamthune3: thanks. ill check them out05:56
brent[R]: boot with a live CD, plug in a usb drive, and transfer any files I need, to the usb drive, then reinstall the OS05:56
Jerk_so, I just wanna know, what is going on? can you help?05:57
xbonesxlludw: 2.6.28-19-generic05:57
[R]brent: what files are you going to transfer? the ones off the corrupted filesystme that won't mount?05:57
rames2image: command line would be "dd" but it is usually unlikely that  it would all fit on one dvd05:57
bullgard4_[R]: Yes, I was going to do that. My problem is that I need to know the appropriate DEB program package for fb. Is it »linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic«?05:57
LinuxFetusJerk_, Wait a bit for reposting a question, (or "bumping" it) if someone knows the answer, they'll answer05:57
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[R]bullgard4_: its the kernel05:57
MTecknologyLinuxFetus: both work great :D05:57
[R]bullgard4_: whatever package that is05:57
trelaynedoes anyone know what beam.smp is?05:57
imagerames2: dd would write to dvd?05:58
bullgard4_[R]: Thank you.05:58
lludwxbonesx: you want to update the kernel before you attempt to install the nvidia driver05:58
trelayneit seems to run every so often and take up like 98% CPU05:58
MTecknologyLinuxFetus: maybe... not able to click anything in this game...05:58
LinuxFetusMTecknology, Awesome!  I don't really use flash, except the occasional YouTube video; I think flash ads are annoying :P05:58
xbonesxi already did05:58
LinuxFetusMTecknology, On the one I gave you :/05:58
xbonesxlludw: i already did last night05:58
brent[R]: how corrupted are we talking? wost case I can imagine, you completely trash all the boot code, so the files themselves should be intact unless you somehow managed to trash the HD itself...05:58
[R]brent: corruepted to the point that you can't mount it05:58
[R]pretty sure i just said that05:59
xbonesxlludw: im running 9.04, havent upgraded05:59
[R]brent: what is "the boot code"05:59
MTecknologyLinuxFetus: must have just been the one thing - there's so many incompatibilities between flash versions..05:59
xbonesxlludw: but i installed all the updates for it tho05:59
LinuxFetusMTecknology, if it's the one I'm using, send me the URL and I'll forward it to the dude who gave it to me.05:59
brent[R]: Do you know how a computer goes from BIOS to functional OS?05:59
lludwxbonesx: ok05:59
MTecknologyLinuxFetus: I'm trying to one I grabbed - he'll be interested in the link anyway - http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html05:59
* [R] just shakes his head05:59
s14shyamxbonesx: take a look at the article here : http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=79966. It should give you a clear idea of instaklling from .run files05:59
Skandranonzetheroo1 1 drive connected.. disconnect the other.. whole drive being used for ubuntu... rebooted without the disk twice more.. once with cd then hd boot order once with hdd first... its sitting on a blank line, passed post, verifiys the drive, and pci devices, verifying DMI pool data (w/e that means) and stops on a blank line... when the cd was set to boot first, it stoped here with one more05:59
Skandranonline of boot from cd...   if I put the cd in it will boot it.05:59
* [R] wonders why people argue with him05:59
ngephartHello everyone. I'm trying to install 10.04 on a desktop machine, but when Ubiquity needs me to tell it how to partition disks, I get a screen that says "Prepare Partitions" at the top but no drives or partitions listed. Any ideas?06:00
s14shyamxbonesx: but do it onle if the beforementioned way doesnt work06:00
LinuxFetusMTecknology, I'm sure he's aware of that lol.  His job is flash.  What's the game url?06:00
lludwxbonesx: NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-100.14.09-pkg2.run requires you to change run levels before it will install06:00
MTecknologyLinuxFetus: oh!06:00
zetheroo1Skandranon: hmmm ... this sounds like something that has been happening here too06:00
=== Maco_MOTU is now known as Qwert
LinuxFetusngephart, You mean ubuntu?06:00
MTecknologyLinuxFetus: http://armorgames.com/play/6898/ninjas-vs-mafia-deluxe06:00
bullgard4_Synaptic: "XMLStarlet is a set of command line utilities (tools) which can be used to transform, query, validate, and edit XML documents and files using {a} simple set of shell commands in {a} similar way it is done for plain text files using {the} UNIX commands grep, sed, awk, diff, patch, join, etc." How can I use xmlstarlet to search in the directory ~/abc and its subdirectories for the...06:01
bullgard4_...string "abc"?06:01
MTecknologybazhang: spiffy site- thanks06:01
Skandranonzetheroo1  where is here?06:01
brent[R]: I'm not arguing with you :P I'm just trying to plan for the worst. I apologize if you think I was trying to.06:01
ngephartLinuxFetus: I do mean Ubuntu, but I'm referring to Ubiquity, the installer.06:01
[R]you asked what the worst was and i told you it06:01
zetheroo1Skandranon: I have two desktops running Lucid and both from time to time will not go into the GRUB menu or boot into Linux (for the one which is not dual booting)06:01
nimbioticshow can i make GRUB not stop or last the least possible at startup?? TIA!06:01
Skandranonzetheroo1 I might add that 10.04 was running on this same machine with the same hardware just before the reinstall..06:01
Guest34273comando para atualizar a distro no ubuntu 10.0406:01
QwertI installed bittorrent-gui package from synaptic but unable to open it. How can i open it?06:01
xbonesxlludw: how do you change run levels?06:02
[R]Qwert: what do you mean "unable to open it"06:02
lludwxbonesx: most other linux system use an xorg file but ubuntu went to an old unix system called an rc file.06:02
zetheroo1Skandranon: have you tried shutting the system off altogether and disconnecting the power, pressing the power button for 10 secs to clear the circuts and then plug in and power back on?06:02
WiesshundQwert its under the internet menu in applications06:02
Qwert[R]: Unable to see the interface - is what it would mean06:02
Skandranonzetheroo1 nope but I am about to06:02
brent[R]: I know. I'm just not sure of how the filesystem functions, as a whole.06:02
zetheroo1Skandranon: why did you reinstall? :)06:02
LinuxFetusngephart, I'm not familiar with Ubiquity.06:02
xangua!upgrade | Guest3427306:02
ubottuGuest34273: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade06:02
xbonesxlludw: rc.local?06:02
[R]brent: that sucks06:03
[R]Qwert: open your eyes?06:03
QwertWiesshund: Yeah, it usually goes there but its not present there06:03
Skandranonzetheroo1 I updated the ati drivers and then everything got all screwy... being a noob at ubuntu i decided a reinstall would be must easyer than just fixing that.. boy was i wrong :p06:03
zetheroo1Skandranon: ouch06:03
Qwert[R]: Huh?06:04
xbonesxlludw: brb restarting06:04
[R]Qwert: you said you can't see it06:04
zetheroo1Skandranon: in the future try sticking with Nvidia when using Linux ;) ... it just seems to be a smoother ride overall06:04
Qwert[R]: The interface doesn't open. Got it now!06:04
s14shyamxbonesx: this article has complete explanations06:04
[R]Qwert: how are you trying to start it?06:04
Wiesshundi dunno, ive no problems with ati under linux06:05
ngephartLinuxFetus: Okay. Well, the Ubuntu installer keeps giving me trouble. It's not giving me any errors if I try to run it from the command line, so I don't know what's up.06:05
gryllidaThe 'lshw-gtk' program lists my hardware, but USBs are seen as 'controllers', it doesn't specify the device types. Is there a way to list all mice, keyboard, scanners, printers, disks, etc. that are installed on the system?06:05
s14shyamguys please suggest a good alternative to rhythmbox thats not a kde app06:05
AthyriaThis may seem like a really strange question, but how would one go about recovering grub after installing ubuntu? I have three ubuntu installs and one of them ate the grub and I don't even know which.06:05
Athyriavlc works well for music.06:06
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.06:06
LinuxFetusngephart, Can you run Ubuntu live first?06:06
Qwert[R]: It usually available as option under internet from applications. But it wasn't there. Secondly, i tried running bittorrent-gui from console. Still no interface06:06
isadorareally no help on getting a /dev/* to change /sys/class/dev/ file permissions at boot up?06:06
Wiesshundgryllida lsusb06:06
LinuxFetusMTecknology, So you can't click on stats or inventory or anything?06:06
ngephartLinuxFetus: Yeah, I quit the installer and it dumped me in the Live CD. Everything seems to work just fine except that.06:06
[R]Qwert: so its not that the interface doesn't open... you just dont know hwo to start it06:06
[R]Qwert: which is completely differnet06:06
AthyriaI checked the grub recovery howtos; they require knowing which ubuntu ate it.06:07
Qwert[R]: Oh! Then how should I be opening it?06:07
LinuxFetusOkay, so if you're running live, what happens when you go System > Administration > Gparted?06:07
LinuxFetusDoes anything show up?06:07
[R]Qwert: you can use dpkg to list the files the pacakge installed and figure out what the name of it is06:07
gryllidaE: Couldn't find package lsusb06:08
Qwert[R]: Name of what?06:08
Skandranonzetheroo1 unpluged, 10 sec power button, turned back on.. stuck in same spot. Its my girls pc, no control over what she has in it. I just get to make it work :) So far in the past 3 days I made it go from fine to annoying to not working at all. Shes not happy, neither am I. Spent hows searching online and trying anything I could. Gotten no further in the past 2 days.06:08
gryllidaWiesshund ^^06:08
[R]Qwert: the program06:08
WiesshundQwert what client is it? transmission?06:08
ngephartLinuxFetus: It runs, it shows me partitions. I just resized an ext4 partition and created a new one for Ubuntu -- everything worked perfectly. It's the installer that seems to be on the fritz...06:08
zetheroo1Skandranon: during installation was it connected to the Ethernet?06:08
Skandranonzetheroo1 yes06:09
MTecknologyLinuxFetus: nope06:09
Wiesshundgryllida if you type lsusb in terminal it says its not there?06:09
LinuxFetusngephart, Well if gparted is showing it, then I don't know what's up.06:09
zetheroo1Skandranon: maybe try with it disconnected06:09
LinuxFetusMTecknology, I can.. maybe you should use the one I sent :P06:09
Skandranonzetheroo1 worth a shot, ty for your help either way :)06:09
MTecknologyLinuxFetus: maybe... I'm recompiling a kernel now - I'll try after that06:09
zetheroo1Skandranon: and just skip any online stuff it wants to do06:09
QwertWiesshund: Well i just want to have bittorrent gui, w/o installing transmission/ktorrent/azerus06:09
MTecknologyLinuxFetus: Hugs you you! :)06:10
zetheroo1Skandranon: did you update the drivers from the ATI website or from the System Updates?06:10
[R]Qwert: so you want bittorrent... but you dont want to install bittorrent... right06:10
LinuxFetusMTecknology, lol06:10
Qwert!info bittorrent-gui06:10
WiesshundQwert, you will have to see what the name of the gui you installed is then.06:10
ubottubittorrent-gui (source: bittorrent): Original BitTorrent client and tracker - GUI tools. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.2-11.1ubuntu4 (lucid), package size 15 kB, installed size 100 kB06:10
Qwert!info bittorrent06:10
ubottubittorrent (source: bittorrent): Original BitTorent client and tracker - console tools. In component main, is optional. Version 3.4.2-11.1ubuntu4 (lucid), package size 52 kB, installed size 300 kB06:10
datacrusheris it possible on a ubuntu server, text mode installation the resolution of the text mode passes a little more horizontally in a regular lcd monitor?06:10
=== sloopy is now known as pixelated
datacrusheri mean, theres n x server, gnome, kde... is there something as this "text mode resolution"?06:11
LinuxFetusHmm I'll ask one more time --- to #ubuntu: Can anyone tell me 1) if there'd be any reason why my 64-bit processor with 64-bit Ubuntu 10.04 run live (i.e. I haven't configured preloading or anything) is only recognizing 3397 MB of ram instead of 4096 when my bios sees 4096?06:11
Skandranonzetheroo1 ati website.. was trying to fix a problem of any and all media players randomly closing durning playback.. instead the update caused the screen to jerk when scrolling and make it so that nothing could be put into fullscreen06:11
QwertWiesshund: I have installed bittorrent-gui06:11
[R]datacrusher: framebuffer...06:11
zetheroo1Skandranon: was this with desktop effects running?06:11
datacrusherLinuxFetus, maybe because youre using an onboard vga06:11
datacrusher[R], how do i change this?06:12
WiesshundQwert yes but is that the name of the executable?06:12
LinuxFetusdatacrusher, What is that and can I fix that?  I have a PAE-capable processor.06:12
[R]datacrusher: what kind of video card do you have?06:12
QwertWiesshund: I am not sure06:12
zetheroo1Skandranon: I hate it when ppl tell me that I should just switch off desktop effects ... ha06:12
LinuxFetus[R], was that to me?06:12
zetheroo1Skandranon: whats your ATI card?06:12
[R]LinuxFetus: huh?06:12
LinuxFetus[R], OH wait nevermind...06:12
gryllidaWiesshund, I installed lsusb, and it lists the USB devices when I run 'lsusb'. Is there also a full hardware list program (not USB only)?06:13
LinuxFetus[R], If I tried to explain it, it would only further my apparent stupidity and it's irrelevant lol06:13
QwertWiesshund: How can I run the gui?06:13
datacrusherLinuxFetus, im talking about the gpu interface. maybe if you dont have a vga at all, the memory may be dedicated to that hardware06:13
Wiesshundgryllida lspci will list the others06:13
Skandranonzetheroo1 if they are on by default prolly... donno what setting she changed but guessing not that... the card is a ati 3650hd I think, not 100% but its definitly ati 36XX hd something06:13
LinuxFetusdatacrusher, I have an ATI FireGL V5200 256 MB.  I don't know if it's onboard or not.06:14
datacrusher[R], just a sec, ill ask here.. im helping a ubuntu fella in another language channel06:14
LinuxFetusdatacrusher, I think it's dedicated, though.06:14
zetheroo1Skandranon: if the card/drivers can support desktop effects then they are automatically enabled06:15
QwertWiesshund: Is the gui package used to give interface to clients?06:15
WiesshundQwert i think you just click a torrent link?06:15
datacrusherLinuxFetus, well... take a look at your bios06:15
LinuxFetusdatacrusher, notebook check says it's not shared http://www.notebookcheck.net/ATI-Mobility-FireGL-V5200.2164.0.html06:15
QwertWiesshund: I'll see06:15
=== [styx] is now known as namechange
LinuxFetusdatacrusher, What should I look for in my BIOS?  It says 4096 MB of memory under system information.06:15
nimbioticshi ya'll. How do i go about making GRUB NOT stop start ubuntu immediately?06:15
AthyriaNimbiotics - Set the timer to -1.06:16
magicLemoneveryone know what i need do to my sockets in java using netbeans ide work? i have try to execute this with a simple user, but it's not work... in the root mode it's works06:16
AthyriaIn some grub configuration thing.06:16
=== namechange is now known as [styx]
AthyriaSomewhere. *shifty eyes*06:16
WiesshundQwert try /usr/bin/btdownloadgui.bittorrent06:17
LinuxFetusnimbiotics, start stop ubuntu immediately?  Do you mean it doesn't give you a chance to select another partition to boot from?06:17
QwertWiesshund: Yes that is what it suggests06:18
nimbioticsLinuxFetus: rite. i'd like it to start ubuntu immediately. ive read its possible but all documentation i find is complicated for me06:18
datacrusherLinuxFetus, some firegl permits on bios the user to reserve more memory than its dedicated on the gpu06:18
Wiesshundnimbiatics you can edit grubs config and add a time delay06:18
datacrushersearch for something like that06:18
zetheroo1Skandranon: is ti a card or onboard?06:18
AthyriaI want to turn my server install into a workable desktop. Is there any way to do this without a display manager?06:18
nimbioticsAthyria i cant find 'timer', closest is 'timeout'06:19
LinuxFetusdatacrusher, I don't think my BIOS has that... Is it like a number you'd be able to specify?  If so, I'm pretty sure I can't do that.06:19
chelzAthyria: gnome-desktop metapackage06:19
AthyriaThat'd be it.06:19
WiesshundAthyria gnome-desktop package06:19
QwertWiesshund: The reason why i went for that is that Ktorrent use to take up 50% of memory06:19
LinuxFetusdatacrusher, But is there a way to see how much ram your GPU is using, then, like free-graphics or something?06:19
AthyriaThat's... what I'm trying to avoid.06:19
Skandranonzetheroo1 card.. just restarted the install with no internet connected, and wiping the drive again. hope this works running out of time b4 I have to leave to go pick her up, was hoping to make it work b4 then hehe06:19
chelzAthyria: er actually ubuntu-desktop metapackage06:19
gryllidaWiesshund: Oh, I see, 'lsusb' and 'lspci' seem to list all hardware. Is there an X frontend for them?06:19
zetheroo1Skandranon: well it should be done in 20 min or less06:20
WiesshundQwert dunno, i use transmission, it works fine for what little i use it06:20
isadorano one who know udev rules here?06:20
chelzAthyria: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop06:20
LinuxFetusOh and here's my second question lol:  Someone suggested that the reason my 64 bit Ubuntu 10.04 isn't seeing my full 4 GB of RAM is because my chipset could be 32-bit even though my processor is 64-bit... so can anyone tell me how to find out if my chipset is 32-bit?  thanks.06:20
gryllidaisadora, #ubuntu-dev ?06:20
Wiesshundgryllida not that i know of, but that doesnt mean much06:20
zetheroo1Skandranon: are you letting Ubuntu use the hard drive automatically?06:20
AthyriaNo gdm, no kdm, just good old terminal go to shiny graphical thing that I can kill at any time and go back to terminal without some annoying gdm or kdm mucking everything up. How?!06:20
QwertWiesshund: Yeah. Thanks06:20
gryllidaAnyone: 'lsusb' and 'lspci' seem to list all hardware. Is there an X frontend for them?06:20
datacrusherLinuxFetus, go to synaptic and install hardinfo06:20
datacrusherit should give you more infos06:20
Skandranonzetheroo1 yea its pretty fast, dont think it will take that long even... I do have twon monitors connected, dont think that might be cause a problem do you? (same as last time i installed and it worked) and yes I am letting it use it auto06:21
chelzAthyria: install it all, then disable gdm. i'm pretty sure gnome's packages are set to depend on gdm, so gdm would need to be installed06:21
zetheroo1Skandranon: only have one connected06:21
chelzAthyria: i don't know for sure though, that'd be something to look into06:21
Wiesshundnimbiotics edit /etc/default/grub change the time out values, save, then run update-grub06:21
zetheroo1Skandranon: keep it as simple as you can upon installation06:21
Skandranonzetheroo1 well I alrdy started it... pull one mid install or power down and restart with only one?06:22
AthyriaGDM does not like being disabled. Not one bit. o_O06:22
zetheroo1Skandranon: just detach the secondary one06:22
JesdiscipleI wouldn't like being disabled either...06:22
zetheroo1Skandranon: where did you get the ATI driver from?06:22
zetheroo1Skandranon: do you have the link?06:22
LinuxFetusdatacrusher, What am I looking for?  PCI Devices?06:22
Skandranonzetheroo1 no, I found it on her pc and that was before I wiped the drive.. was ati site.. i will see if i can find it again06:23
AthyriaHow do you apply package changes with a gui package program thingy?06:23
zetheroo1Skandranon: ok ... so support.amd.com ... probably06:23
Jesdisciplejust hit the Apply button06:24
Skandranonzeth http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.1&product=
WiesshundAthyria Synaptic package manager?06:24
AthyriaNo... it's KDE. Everything's all scary.06:24
Wiesshundsynaptic comes in gnome only?06:25
Jesdisciplethat should be Kpackage then, I think06:25
Wiesshundyea kbuntu has synaptic06:25
Jesdiscipleyes, Synaptic is a GNOME app06:25
Jesdiscipleor at least I thot...06:25
chelzyou can run gnome and kde stuff on either gnome or kde06:25
AthyriaSo what does xfce use?06:25
chelzi just use synaptic06:25
Qwertabhijit: Namaste06:25
chelzand aptitude06:25
datacrusherLinuxFetus, most likely all stuff. you said youre not familiar with the hardware you got there06:26
abhijitQwert, hi06:26
AthyriaI'm trying to install synaptic. I can't figure out how.06:26
chelzAthyria: call up a terminal and use apt-get06:26
qwebirc74580how to download flash videos from youtube and metacafe and otheres..06:26
LinuxFetusdatacrusher, When I go to Devices > Resources, I can see the memory addresses for things.06:26
WiesshundAthyria apt-get06:26
bullgard4_Synaptic: "XMLStarlet is a set of command line utilities (tools) which can be used to transform, query, validate, and edit XML documents and files using {a} simple set of shell commands in {a} similar way it is done for plain text files using {the} UNIX commands grep, sed, awk, diff, patch, join, etc." How can I use xmlstarlet to search in the directory ~/abc and its subdirectories for the...06:26
bullgard4_...string "abc"?06:26
AthyriaI can't find the terminal, either...06:26
isadoranot really, gryllida: just need someone who knows udev rules in lucid06:26
=== qwebirc74580 is now known as uralponkhi
chelzbullgard4_: grep -lr abc directory/06:27
WiesshundAthyria term should be in your programs menu06:27
abhijitqwebirc74580, wget, xvideothief, or just play them in browser and after they fully played you can copy from your /tmp06:27
JesdiscipleI just checked06:27
nilldig  +short  irc.tor.freenode.net  cname06:27
Jesdiscipleand there is a #kubuntu channel =D06:27
abhijituralponkhi, ^^^^06:27
AthyriaWait... this menu seems to have other submenus, but clicking on them doesn't do anything. Does kubuntu have minimum system requirements or something?06:27
chelzAthyria: ctrl+alt+t might work. alt+f2 almost always works. also yeah #kubuntu06:27
abhijit!nick | uralponkhi06:28
ubottuuralponkhi: Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with Freenode.06:28
zetheroo1Skandranon: ok that's what I found too06:28
LinuxFetusdatacrusher, Here's the output: http://pastebin.com/8t5JwnaV06:28
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chelz!hi | nill06:28
ubottunill: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!06:28
zetheroo1Skandranon: and I am guessing you went through the installation instructions06:28
WiesshundAthyria i thin in kde you dont click them you just point and wait a sec06:28
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nillfree the fish06:28
Athyria...okay, it crashed. It's not supposed to do that, is it?06:29
Skandranonzetheroo1 hrm... first time seeing this: Instalation failed. The installer encountered a error coping files to the hard disk.   [errno 5] Input/Output error06:29
WiesshundAthyria what crashed?06:29
zetheroo1Skandranon: oh ...06:29
chelzAthyria: crashed how?06:29
AthyriaKDE. o_O06:29
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org06:29
Skandranonzetheroo1 wasnt that long after pulling the second monitor cable mid install... and I havent seen it b406:29
AthyriaXorg, too.06:29
chelzAthyria: you might want to start with standard Ubuntu Desktop with Gnome so you can learn some basics like terminal commands before getting into all you're getting ino06:30
martianIs there a way to attach to the stdio of a process which is not running through screen? (X-less server)06:30
Jesdisciple0_0 s/he's a newbie and doing this?06:30
AthyriaI tried that. It wouldn't install. It kept failing partway through copying. Any idea why? Wasn'T the disk.06:30
WiesshundAthyria ctrl alt f1 2 etc will give you a console prompt by the way, if you cant get to terminal in kde06:30
zetheroo1Skandranon: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/errno-5-input-output-error-639355/06:30
chelzmartian: that's process-specific, usually people just relaunch whatever with the pipes they want. btw there's nohup and dtach in place of screen06:31
datacrusherLinuxFetus, very nice. but I have to go now. try this paste in #hardware, most people there would know by memory if your processor is 32 or 64, memory, vga and stuff06:31
AthyriaThe ttyv thingies don't render for some reason.06:31
chelzAthyria: install pastebinit and pastebin the output you get06:31
LinuxFetus*##hardware lol06:31
LinuxFetusdatacrusher, I think #hardware is invite-only06:31
chelz!pastebinit | Athyria06:31
ubottuAthyria: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com06:31
datacrusherLinuxFetus, ##hardware06:31
martianchelz: I'll look into those. It's just a php script running via the commandline...looong process though, and I forgot to screen it :-/06:32
EdMoneyhow long would it typically take for ubuntu 10.04 to boot up when using "Try Ubuntu without installing" on a 2 Ghz machine with 4 GB of RAM? More than an hour??06:32
WiesshundEdMoney not unless you got a really slow cd drive06:32
chelzmartian: screen and similar tools are good for if your ssh connection dies. you might also have the php script itself write to a file instead of stdout optionally06:32
WiesshundEdMoney like 1X proprietary drive slow06:33
davefromcampif I want to start mpd when my computer starts how do I do this?06:33
vasezIs there a pacage that will check for duplicate mp3s?06:33
Jesdisciplesweet, I didn't know about the Ctrl+Alt+Fx thingy... glad I found F tho lol06:33
martianchelz: oh yeah, this is really a matter of I forgot to run the script in a better way and don't want to have to bother driving back to work over the weekend :)06:33
Skandranonzetheroo1 based on that post I am going to try with one stick on memory (they passed mem test but what the heck) and if that doesnt work I will try with a third new cd (this one passed the check) burned slower and one stick.. but unfortinily I cannt do that now... got to get moving and leave the house... thank you so much for all your help!!06:33
bullgard4_chelz: The directories which I would like to search, contain html files. I tried grep before I posted here. It produced clobbered output where I could not detect the wanted information. I cannot see how the -l switch would change the situation.06:34
chelzmartian: ah. well i have heard of some discussion out there about it. google for attaching to an existing tty06:34
chelzbullgard4_: well it'll give you a list of what files contain that string, so you can then filter just through the filename list rather than all the matches grep would output otherwise06:36
zetheroo1Skandranon: good luck!06:36
AthyriaChelz, output from what? KDM keeps crashing and the virtual terminals won't display. At least, I assume that's what's happening because it's what happened last time...06:36
WiesshundAthyria you started out with text only server right?06:37
=== Styx4542 is now known as [styx]
chelzAthyria: you said gnome wouldn't install, i mean from when you try something like   sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktiop06:37
AthyriaNo, that was a different computer. I have four computers, all of which don't work.. in different ways.06:38
davefromcampmy xmpc won't uninstall06:38
davefromcampany thoughts?06:38
chelzAthyria: that really doesn't make it easy to help you if you switch between talking about a bunch of different problems06:38
WiesshundAthyria yea i am confused now as well06:38
fedora_newbhas anyone gotten counter strike source to work on ubuntu on here? Appears as it has been done, but its really kinda laggy for me06:39
Wiesshundif you pick 1 pc at a time, we might be able to help ;)06:39
magnetronfedora_newb: there's great instructions on Wine's AppDB for getting good FPS in CS06:39
Wiesshundfedora_newb steam or retail?06:40
AthyriaOkay, the kubuntu one - it wouldn  install ubuntu, and now kubuntu, which would install, is proving... problematic?06:40
fedora_newbmagnetron, link?06:40
magnetron!appdb | fedora_newb06:40
ubottufedora_newb: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help06:40
EdMoneygoddamn ubuntu, I did "Try Ubuntu without installing", as suggested here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/ReleaseNotes if you get the error "The installer encountered an unrecoverable error...", it's been nearly an hour, and now that i see the icon "Install Ubuntu 10.04 1 LTS", I double click on it and nothing happens. Why is this so damn slow06:40
marginoferrorDoes anyone have ideas on why I might be able to access a host on Windows but be unable to connect on Ubuntu, even though they're on the same network and can access all other websites equally?06:40
=== skyred|laptop is now known as skyred
WiesshundAthyria 1st question, how old is the PC and what version of ubuntu is on it?06:40
magnetronmarginoferror: DNS issues.06:41
AthyriaAbout ten years, and I'm not even sure at this point. o_O06:41
marginoferrorI am trying to access plurk.com and on my Ubuntu clients I cannot connect reliably but on Windows I can.  I suspected DNS but they are resolving to the correct IPs - however, telnet plurk.com 80 works from Windows but does not connect from Ubuntu most of the time06:41
JesdiscipleSystem > About gives your version... in GNOME but I think in KDE as well06:41
Athyria9.04, apparently. Odd, since that's the one I've had the most luck with out of any of them...06:42
marginoferrormagnetron: are there any other possibilities?06:42
WiesshundAthyria ok, well for starters a 10 year old PC probably wont run ubuntu 10.04 very well. You might want to run a different distro of ubuntu, or possibly puppy which is based on ubuntu but tailored to lower end hardware and old hardware06:42
magnetronmarginoferror: not that i can think of now06:42
magnetronmarginoferror: it might also be temporary06:42
Olognmarginoferror: You want to narrow everything down06:43
marginoferrorIt is intermittent but a very persistent problem.  And it only affects Ubuntu, not Windows clients06:43
Olognmarginoferror: Do a "telnet IP 80" from Windows and Ubuntu06:43
=== EdMoney is now known as register
marginoferrorOlogn: From two out of three Ubuntu clients that fails (gets the IP address but stalls).  From Windows it works.06:43
Olognmarginoferror: Then you will know it has nothing to do with DNS06:43
WiesshundAthyria you might also have a hardware issue on that machine since ubuntu install failed and kbuntu is puking on itself. niether is exactly normal for either distro06:44
=== register is now known as Guest42333
=== Qwert is now known as newnick
Olognmarginoferror: Can you telnet to port 80 of other web sites from them, like www.google.com ?06:44
marginoferrorOlogn: Yes from all clients06:44
=== newnick is now known as Qwert
AthyriaFar as I can tell, kubuntu always does that. (At least around me; did it on the laptop too) The really weird thing is that it was working just fine before I made the stupid mistake of updating it and had to reinstall.06:44
chelzEd_Money: you might try the alternate installer disc06:45
AthyriaIs it a coincidence, then, that it happens now?06:45
Olognmarginoferror: Also do a traceroute and ping from the good one and the bad ones06:45
bullgard4_chelz: I followed your advice. It helped! Though it is a bit clumsy. --  Thank you very much for your help.06:45
QwertAthriya: Whats the issue?06:45
WiesshundIf you did a clean reinstall, nothing you did prior would have any bearing on its operation06:45
Jesdisciplekubuntu always pukes06:45
AthyriaUbuntu won't install. o_O06:45
QwertAthyria: Whats the issue?06:45
Olognmarginoferror: You want to narrow down every possibility06:45
chelzbullgard4_: good to hear. learning sed grep and awk is super useful. also a good stepping-stone to perl06:45
AthyriaWell, I just tried to install it on top of what I had before. Bad idea?06:46
WiesshundAthyria er yea bad idea probably06:46
Jesdiscipledid you format before reinstalling?06:46
QwertAthyria: You are trying to install ubuntu or kubuntu?06:46
marginoferrorOlogn: From Windows, traceroute gets into a loop between two hosts midway.  But again Windows is working properly.  From the Ubuntu client that is working right now, traceroute completes in ten hops properly.  From the Ubuntu clients traceroute finishes in ten hops regardless of whether the clients can actually access the site or not.06:46
AthyriaFormatting would defeat the purpose of installing it right on top.06:46
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
QwertAthyria: Format first, it usually does that06:47
AthyriaI'm trying to install ubuntu. Kubuntu is horrifying.06:47
bullgard4_chelz: Ugh! You are burden a heavy load onto my back. :-)06:47
JesdiscipleOSs can't go on top of each other unless u have a virtual machine...06:47
WiesshundAthyria its not generaly a good idea to "install it right on top" especially when the previous incarnation got messed up06:47
QwertAthyria: Why you want to install it right on top?06:47
AthyriaSo for desktop versions it does need a reformat first? I never had any trouble doing this with servers...06:47
Olognmarginoferror: Does traceroute end somewhere out there on their network side or is it all stars (*s)?06:47
chelzbullgard4_: you don't have to do it all at once :P06:47
AthyriaSo it keeps all the user informations and histories and configuration files, of course.06:48
QwertAthyria: Do you want to save data of previous installation?06:48
marginoferrorOlogn: No stars, every host shows proper times and it ends at the correct destination IP06:48
JesdiscipleI am baffled about what you mean by right on top... afaik Ubuntu won't even allow that06:48
WiesshundAthyria thats why you mount those things in separate partitions on servers06:48
WiesshundJesdisciple it will, all linux will06:48
Jesdiscipleunless u mean update?06:48
AthyriaI mean downdate. o_O06:48
JesdiscipleI might recall the Live CD option you';re referring to now...06:49
WiesshundJesdisciple you you can reinstall, but tell it not to erase the system. which isnt a really great idea06:49
AthyriaSo was that why the server had no trouble?06:49
WiesshundAthyria i cant answer that because ive not seen how the server was set up06:49
QwertAthyria: Would you please address the user you are posting to?06:49
Olognmarginoferror: Also try "telnet www.plurk.com 443", that is a different port - ssl06:49
marginoferrorOlogn: Again, works for the clients that work (windows and 1x Ubuntu), doesn't for the client that doesn't06:50
QwertAthyria: Whats the issue exactly?06:50
AnxiousNut$wc is giving me false info, when uaing -w option for counting words, it tells me ther eis 15 words only, while in gedit tells 152(true)! How can i get it to tell the correct number of words?06:51
marginoferrorOlogn: Thank you for your patience with all of this.  I am at wit's end ;;06:51
magnetronAnxiousNut: check if there is any alias for wc06:52
Olognmarginoferror: I get TTL exceeded when pinging www.plurk.com, which is a little unusual06:52
AthyriaQwert - ubuntu won't install.06:52
AnxiousNutmagnetron, what do you mean? why alias?06:52
AthyriaWhich, on second though, has nothing to do with the not formatting because it didn't even get that far.06:53
QwertAthyria: What are you trying to install? Desktop or server?06:53
marginoferrorOlogn: Yes, that happens with both working and non-working clients.  Also, the TTL exceeded message is coming from a different IP than the plurk servers supposedly are on06:53
QwertAthyria: Ok.. how are you installing it? Live CD?06:53
okapi14Hi all, I have a system that hangigng at "loading Hardware", no other error. How can I find the faulty hardware?06:53
AthyriaQwert - desktop... I'm used to the server which is all nice and friendly and doesn't do crazy crap, but sadly it doesn't work so well on desktops. *shifty eyes*06:54
WiesshundAthyria as i said, that machine could be having some kind of hardware failure. it is old06:54
Olognmarginoferror: I'd also check if I had iptables or ipchains running on the bad machines...as processes or as a kernel module (lsmod)06:54
AthyriaWiesshund - so why would kubuntu install, then? Or are they really that different?06:54
chelzAthyria: alternate installer06:54
marginoferrorOlogn: One of them is a fresh install (as in, today) and was working an hour ago.  I'll check but I don't expect they are running anything outside of what is on a fresh install06:54
QwertAthyria: No they aren't so different06:55
QwertAthyria: If you are using kubuntu, you can transform it to ubuntu06:55
uLinuxhow can I make backup of every software installed and its preferences?06:55
=== chuck__ is now known as lazyPower
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning06:56
WiesshundAthyria different installers. 2 similar but non identical apps, wont crash in the same place and time. one might make it past install then puke.06:56
marginoferrorOlogn: Nope, nothing like that running06:56
ubottusbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe06:56
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate06:56
AthyriaWait, konqueror was crashing it. Er... nevermind.06:56
chelzuLinux: google for: list all install packages with dpkg ubuntu06:57
QwertWiesshund: What is he trying to install? Desktop/server? Which OS is he on now?06:57
lazyPowerHaving an issue with the beta on updating grub-pc. the update just hangs apt. When i ps aux | grep dpkg it shows its running some kind of perl script update and never finishes.... as in i left it for a day and it never makes any progress. Not seeing the google answer if there is one readily available. Anybody have any ideas?06:57
ubottuMaverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+106:57
lazyPowersorry about being vague, its 10.10 beta, x86.06:57
QwertlazyPower: #ubuntu+106:58
WiesshundQwert his 10 year old pc flaked out after an update. but now it crashes even trying to run ubuntu install. kbuntu installed but crashes out of the kdm. I think the hardware is having issues06:58
okapi14Hi all, I have a system that hangigng at "loading Hardware", no other error. How can I find the faulty hardware?06:58
Olognmarginoferror: mail for plurk.com seems to be down06:59
AthyriaWiesshund - it was konqueror crashing it. KDE seems to actually just be fine, aside from slowness. so nevermind on that computer.06:59
QwertWiesshund: Oh.. Did he try to do complete format of it?06:59
marginoferrorOlogn: mail?06:59
chelzAthyria: you should boot into recovery mode and finish the update, if you haven't deleted yoru old system06:59
QwertWiesshund: Oh.. Did he try to do complete format of hd?06:59
Olognmarginoferror: I telnet to port 25 of each of its mail servers and it hangs...I'm just looking at their domain06:59
WiesshundQwert no06:59
Athyriachelz - Are you crazy? Updating's what got me into this mess int he first place!06:59
chelzAthyria: if you can't boot to recovery mode, boot to a livecd or alternate cd and chroot in, then finish the update06:59
chelzAthyria: well you're going to need to install those updates sooner or later, you might as well keep what you have if you can06:59
marginoferrorOlogn: Lots of stuff is weird about their setup, they have really desperate and low-budget load balancing.  I just can't figure out the discrepancy between Windows and Ubuntu results in accessing them.07:00
QwertWiesshund: Before coming to hardware fault, we need to check other things as well :)07:00
chelzAthyria: btw a good way to keep from hectic upgrades is to stay on LTSs07:00
chelzsorta ot, but worth mentioning07:00
xbonesxwhen i try to click nvidia driver rev 180 from hardware drivers and click activate, i get a error messege, http://i54.tinypic.com/2cxdcgh.jpg07:00
QwertAthyria: Have you tried doing format of your hard disk?07:00
Athyriachelz - what's lts?07:00
QwertAthyria: Complete format?07:01
QwertAthyria: Long term support07:01
WiesshundQwert when the live cd wont boot and run, there isnt alot else to check aside from a bad burn07:01
AthyriaQwert - I tried using a different hard disk, does that count?07:01
chelz!lts | Athyria07:01
ubottuAthyria: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)07:01
QwertWiesshund: There are other installation method to comment on hardware.. like the dvd player may be faulty07:02
h3ojGood night, what's is the command for suspend the ubuntu in xterm?07:02
AthyriaAnd is it a bad sign when the live cd boots into gmone and then the gnome panel crashes over and over again?07:02
QwertAthyria: Good, even that gave errors?07:02
chelzAthyria: this would also be good07:02
WiesshundQwert that is hardware07:02
chelz!manual | Athyria07:02
ubottuAthyria: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/07:02
QwertWiesshund: Yeah.. i am coming to it :)07:02
QwertAthyria: Have you checked your cd player?07:03
Dr_Willisive often seen optical disk issues.  Seems either the media is getting really cheap and flakey these days, or the drives are getting cheaper and less reliable.. or both. :()07:03
Olognmarginoferror: yes, I'm perplexed07:03
AthyriaQwert - in what fashion do you mean?07:03
WiesshundDr_Willis both07:03
Dr_WillisI tend to generate a bootable USB flash and install from that. Seems Much more reliable. and faster07:03
QwertDr_Willis: Yes that is what07:03
marginoferrorOlogn: I feel better now that I am not the only one.  Thank you =)07:03
QwertAthyria: Have you tried usb install?07:04
marginoferrorOlogn: do you know of any other places I might ask for help?  Maybe a specialized linux networking channel or something?07:04
WiesshundDr_Willis i just unetbootin the iso and bypass the whole cd burn usb thing07:04
AthyriaQwert - the bios doesn't  support that. O_o07:04
uLinuxchelz: tks07:04
WiesshundQwert the PC is 10 years old07:05
QwertAthyria: OH07:05
QwertAthyria: Yeah.. surmised it no07:05
QwertAthyria: Yeah.. surmised it now07:05
h3ojWhat's is the command for suspend the ubuntu in xterm? thx =p07:05
xbonesxwhen i try to click nvidia driver rev 180 from hardware drivers and click activate, i get a error messege, http://i54.tinypic.com/2cxdcgh.jpg07:05
QwertAthyria: Umm.. Are you sure that the disk reader is not faulty?07:06
AthyriaQwert - not entirely. But if it was, this would be some pretty selective faultiness.07:06
AthyriaQwert - Since it seems to work with everything but regular ubuntu disks.07:06
Olognmarginoferror: You can ask on Ubuntu forums...I would mention everything you did already.  I don't think they'll have a solution, but who knows.  Because it is working for everything except that one web site.07:06
h3oji found thx07:07
marginoferrorRight.  Okay, thanks.07:07
QwertAthyria: Have you burned the iso or used shipit cds?07:07
chelzxbonesx: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18007:07
xbonesxchelz: ty07:08
dooglusI'm getting pretty bad 'tearing' while watching videos on ubuntu.  any advice?07:08
AthyriaQwert - I've burnt them plenty of times. Wot?07:08
Olognmarginoferror: Also go to http://status.plurk.com first try from one of the machines it doesn't work on07:08
marginoferrorOlogn: That loads for all clients, yes.07:09
Dr_Willisdooglus:  if using compiz, theres a 'enable sync to vblank' (i think) option that helped  my system a lot.07:10
thune3dooglus: watching web videos or through a player?07:10
Olognmarginoferror: That is on their 183 subnet.  It has a lot of info on network problems, which is odd07:10
dooglusDr_Willis: I have 'visual effects' set to 'none'.  it's an old laptop07:10
dooglusthune3: local .avi files, using mplayer_nogui or totem07:10
chelzh3oj: http://www.google.com/search?q=site:ubuntuforums.org+sleep+ubuntu+terminal07:11
QwertAthyria: With proper md5 sums check? Usually it doesn't affect but..07:11
Olognmarginoferror: It says their pingable machine is ping.plurk.com07:11
dooglusDr_Willis, thune3: lspci reports I have: 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series]07:11
marginoferrorOlogn: Yes, recently the entire site was down.  The problems I have been experiencing intermittently are only since then.  But nobody else I have talked to (none of them on Linux) has experienced troubles with their network since then.07:11
marginoferrorOlogn: ping.plurk.com?  Interesting setup.  Thank you07:11
Dr_Willisdooglus:  not sure what else to tell you then. mplayer has some flitering options that may help. but ive never used them much07:11
AthyriaQwert - if that's what a check disk equates to, sometimes.07:11
chelz!bootoptions | Athyria07:11
ubottuAthyria: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions07:11
thune3dooglus: you can try the -vo gl or -vo gl2 in mplayer, sometimes the default xv gets tearing (without compiz)07:12
xbonesxchelz: after i run 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-180' then what do i do?07:12
chelzAthyria: have you tried the alternate disc?07:12
thune3dooglus: maybe -vo sdl might work, not sure.07:12
QwertAthyria: Since your bios is old, we cannot try other means07:12
dooglusgosh.  I just clicked 'cancel' in the visual-effects dialog07:12
Athyriachelz - Alternate disc?07:12
dooglusI only went there to check I had 'none' selected07:12
chelzxbonesx: after it's done you should have something telling you to restart. even if you aren't told that, you should save your open stuff and restart07:12
chelzAthyria: yes07:12
dooglusand hitting 'cancel' has killed my window manager!07:12
Wiesshunddooglus what kind of laptop? it also might be stuggling a bit to decode the video07:13
xbonesxchelz: ok ty07:13
chelz!alternate | Athyria07:13
h3ojchelz, rly thx07:13
ubottuAthyria: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can  also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal07:13
dooglusWiesshund: it's an old toshiba satellite07:13
dooglusWiesshund: an A21007:13
QwertAthyria: Yeah, have you tried that?07:13
chelzAthyria: what os was your server running before?07:13
Qwertchelz: I was trying to remember the name :)07:14
Athyriachelz - An install mode that install prettily like freebsd would? *kitty eyes* Can you tell it everything? Does it go pretty? Is it all lovely?07:14
Wiesshunddooglus you know what cpu it has? not familiar with the models07:14
chelzAthyria: it looks like the debian installer, http://www.shtylman.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/debian_installer.png07:15
Athyriachelz - Er, not the server. The server just hates me. This is the desktop. That's not working. Whereas the server is just being hateful.07:15
chelzAthyria: but still, you haven't formatted and it's just not booting from a bad upgrade, boot to the alternate disc and get a shell, then finish the update07:15
dooglusWiesshund: model name: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual-Core Processor TK-5507:15
Athyriachelz - Oh... debian... so vaguely prettily? Not gentoo pretty, but still ish...07:15
Athyriachelz - it's not an upgrade, though. I'm trying to go to an older version. The updates worked... they... did things. Horrible things. Terribly things.07:16
Wiesshunddooglus oh thats not so old and decrepid :) it should play back video fine, might just have to tweak some with what the others suggested07:16
xbonesxchelz: after i restarted i went back into /system/administration/hardware drivers and activated, do i need to restart again?07:16
chelzxbonesx: wouldn't hurt07:17
Athyriachelz - but now nothing but kubuntu or xubuntu will install, and kubuntu's too slow to change... and xubuntu just doesn'T work.07:17
okapi14Hi all, I have a system that hangigng at "loading Hardware", no other error. How can I find the faulty hardware?07:17
dooglusWiesshund: while playing, the CPU is 75% idle...07:17
xbonesxchelz: ok07:17
dooglusWiesshund: can I find out what video driver it's using?07:17
chelzAthyria: as in xubuntu won't boot? or what?07:17
QwertAthyria: Well if you can install kubuntu, i t would be better to reinstall kubuntu with proper format. And then transform to ubuntu07:18
Wiesshunddooglus you can click system > admin > hardware to see if its running propriety drivers07:18
chelzQwert: a lot of hdd space could be saved by just using the ubuntu alternate installer07:19
dooglusWiesshund: I ran the 'hardware drivers' thing from the system>admin menu yesterday.  it told me no prop. drivers we in use or available07:19
chelzi'd really recommend xubuntu if the desktop is 10 years or so old07:19
dooglusWiesshund: but there is a proprietary ATI driver isn't there?07:19
Qwertchelz: Right if my option doesn't work. Moreover, tranforming would not take disk space07:20
Wiesshunddooglus there is but it only goes back so far. the older ati hardware isnt supported by them07:20
thune3dooglus: not 100% sure, but I think your graphic X1200 is no longer supported by the proprietary driver from ATI07:20
zetheroo1where can I get documentation of devicekit in Ubuntu?07:20
Wiesshundthune3 it isnt07:20
woodyjlwanyone know a easy program to change wma into mp3 ?  kicking myself for using windows media player to rip my cd's......kicking myself for using MS to try do anything right!07:20
ibrahim-kasemsuddenly no sound on lucid and to fix this I have to restart.07:20
dooglusthune3: I'll try different -vo options then.  thanks07:20
Qwertchelz: I mean after trying your option. he may try what i suggest  (And yes if xubuntu works that's better. And if he want ubuntu, he will have to tranform)07:20
zetheroo1can you enable SHMConfig through DeviceKit?07:20
chelzQwert: i was thinking unless one does a --purge to delete all the kde files, they'd still be installed and taking up space07:20
Wiesshundwoodyjlw ffshow07:21
h3ojchelz, thanks man, or on apci or pm-suspend. Good night and thanks07:21
chelzh3oj: good to hear07:21
Wiesshundwoodyjlw windows does rip cd's in mp3 format btw. just have to change the setting in media player.07:22
armenceHello all. How do I find out where a binary is? I know it's in my path because I can just type its name, but I want to know where it is stored...07:22
chelzwoodyjlw: SoundConverter07:22
Dr_Willisarmence:  'which binaryname'07:22
chelzwoodyjlw: sudo apt-get install soundsonverter07:22
Qwertchelz: Now if xubuntu is getting installed, forget about installing kubuntu and tranforming. I would like to see if he is able to use alternate install :)07:22
h3ojGod bless, i run07:22
chelzwoodyjlw: then Applications -> Sound & Video -> Sound Converter07:23
uLinuxWhy the splash screen doesnt use 1920x1080 resolution?07:23
doogluswow, that's great.  mplayer -vo gl (or gl2) fixes it07:23
chelzQwert: oh yeah. using a xubuntu alternate disc would be ideal07:23
dooglusthanks guys07:23
Wiesshundarmence locate filename ?07:23
chelzuLinux: depends on your graphics card/hardware07:23
armencewhich worked07:23
uLinuxchelz: the splash saying Ubuntu is small for my monitor07:23
chelzzetheroo1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DeviceKit and http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/DeviceKit07:23
Qwertchelz: If that what he wants. Otherwise ubuntu alternate disc07:24
Dr_Willisarmence:  'which' specifically searxches the path. 'locate' would look everywhere07:24
WiesshunduLinux join the club07:24
Qwertchelz: You suggested him.. what did he say?07:24
zetheroo1chelz: ok thanks07:24
chelzQwert: haven't seen anything in a while07:24
armenceDr_Willis, which is what I needed, thanks07:24
QwertAthyria: There?07:24
uLinuxWiesshund: i tried to use startup-manager but it only allows up to 1600x120007:24
dooglusDr_Willis: I prefer 'type' to 'which'.  it's a builtin07:24
chelzuLinux: some nvidia gfx devices have good resolutions starting up. it really depends07:24
WiesshunduLinux the boot logo?07:25
uLinuxyes Wiesshund07:25
woodyjlwk  thanks guys now I can try to get these wma fixed :)  I knew I could switch wma to mp3 in MS but did not think it mattered till I started using linux and found MS is a pain and intentionally sabotaging files to make it harder for any one ells to use them07:25
uLinuxchelz: maybe i did something wrong but when i boot from livecd it shows splashscreen perfectly07:25
freesbieHi, is there a way to limit/restrict the directories with nautilus? Just want to have only the home directory for browsing within nautilus.07:25
WiesshunduLinux heh i couldnt get mine to go to 1440X900, so you are doing better than i am07:25
QwertDr_Willis: How to open gtk/ot applications from tty1?07:25
QwertDr_Willis: &Qt07:25
AthyriaQwert - er...07:26
uLinuxWiesshund: if i use livecd it looks nice07:26
chelzuLinux: that's odd07:26
Dr_WillisQwert:  type its name...   .. but you mean from the alt-ctrl F1 CONSOLE? and have it run on your X destop? You may need to07:26
uLinuxchelz: btw i installed ubuntu when i had another monitor07:26
Dr_WillisQwert:  export DISPLAY=:0.0   first07:26
chelzuLinux: oh! you must have an nvidia card and installed the proprietary driver07:26
QwertAthyria: Yeah.. what is your plan now?07:26
QwertAthyria: alternate disc?07:26
uLinuxchelz: i do..07:26
WiesshunduLinux yea i didnt spend alot of time fussing with it, its only on the screen for a few seconds07:26
chelzuLinux: the livecd uses the nonproprietary nvidia driver, which allows for good resolution stuff during boot07:27
QwertDr_Willis: No i mean when one uses recovery mode from boot, tty1 opens07:27
chelzuLinux: i have nvidia too, that happens to me :)07:27
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AthyriaQwert - I was going to wave a breadstick and command the spirits within to stop dithering about, but that might be a better idea.07:27
uLinux:) they could fix it :P07:27
Dr_WillisQwert:   those are 'consoles'07:27
chelzuLinux: you have to pick between having the nice boot resolution and whatever the proprietary driver gives you07:27
QwertDr_Willis: From tty1 i was trying to open network tools07:27
chelzuLinux: ehh.. i guess they're working on it. talk to nvidia :P07:27
Dr_WillisQwert:  you have X going? if not.. then you are not going to 'see' a X gui app from the consoel..07:27
zetheroo1what happens with nvidia?07:28
chelzAthyria: how old is your desktop computer?07:28
Wiesshundwoodyjlw the files arent sabatoged, its just that wm format is proprietary. mp3 didnt use to be an open format either once upon a time07:28
zetheroo1chelz: ^^07:28
QwertAthyria: Huh? I am only to trying to help. Sarcasm not the option :)07:28
bobstroWiesshund:  is it open now?07:28
zetheroo1Athyria: ha .. that may just work :P07:29
AthyriaQwert - that wasn't sarcasm. O_o07:29
QwertAthyria: Oh.. sorry i read that wrong.07:29
uLinuxchelz: im gonna send an email to them :P07:29
chelzzetheroo1: plymouth (ubuntu's boot stuff) supports high resolution splash screen stuff, while the proprietary nvidia driver doesn't (at least with plymouth)07:29
Wiesshundbobstro well kind of. you dont have to go paying mony for a set of L&H codecs anymore07:29
QwertAthyria: What about alternate install?07:29
chelzuLinux: you could try posting on the nvidia linux forums. that's actually a pretty nice place07:29
Athyriachelz - oldish. But apparently the main problem is somewhere else entirely.07:29
abhijitbye all!07:29
zetheroo1chelz: ah, yes ... I also don't get a highres boot splash image ...07:30
chelzAthyria: just see if an alternate cd works at all. if it does, you should see if ubuntu is fast enough, and if it isn't, try xubuntu07:30
QwertAthyria: Yeah.. read it wrong. What about alternate install? :)07:30
chelzzetheroo1: yeah. that's the way it is right now with the proprietary driver afaik07:30
QwertAthyria: Yes same is what i suggest as by chelz07:30
zetheroo1chelz: with Intel I always have it highres  ...07:30
AthyriaQwert, chez - actually, no. kubuntu works as an install. In other words, I give up.07:31
Wiesshundzetheroo1 yea i dont think intel has any proprietary drivers07:31
AthyriaQwert, chez - but thank you for trying.07:31
Dr_WillisPlymouth is a bit of a 'fail' with my 3 nvidia systems also.07:31
zetheroo1Wiesshund: none at all? ..07:31
chelzblame nvidia not plymouth07:31
QwertAthyria: Hey!! I guess it possible for you to use ubuntu07:31
Dr_WillisI do see the Plymouth animations when i close down :)07:31
chelzAthyria: aw, giving up's no fun07:32
uLinuxDr_Willis:  me too after fixing splash screen lol07:32
WiesshundDr_Willis i see the animations, for the few seconds that screen is up, it just wont go full screen07:32
Dr_WillisI blame the Decision to include plymouth, and not make a easy option to disable it...07:32
uLinuxor if the image was black you would think it's fullscreen07:33
Dr_WillisuLinux:  at least you can see somthing. :)07:33
QwertAthyria: As you say, you can call us back. Many from channel would be willing to help. Welcome :)07:33
Wiesshundeh its just a boot screen, not really of much importance07:33
uLinuxfor me every detail is important :p07:33
chelzAthyria: yeah, when you're ready to try ubuntu again you're welcome anytime07:33
AthyriaQwert -  what about my other computer? Can you fix that?07:33
QwertDr_Willis: Well tty1 are consoles right?07:34
Dr_WillisWiesshund:  ive seen several people in here this week that couldent 'easialy' enter their encrypted home/whatever password due to the Plymouth issues...07:34
chelzAthyria: could try07:34
WiesshundI would actualy prefer the old red hat coloured ansi text interactive type start up07:34
QwertAthyria: What you want to try on tyhaT?07:34
Dr_WillisQwert:  You have 7 consoles by default,. alt-ctrl-f1 through F7, X normally runs on 'f7' yes.07:34
chelzWiesshund: you can always customize it to that if you really want :)07:34
QwertDr_Willis: Ok.. I'll see. Thanks07:34
Wiesshundchelz hmm, i couldnt find any info on doing that07:35
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:35
Dr_WillisWiesshund:   its not real 'trivial' :) unless you use the text option, and launch gdm from rc.local. but thats a bit of a kludge.07:35
Grazihoi tem aguém aii07:35
AthyriaLaptop, newish, recently reformated. Some arbitrary number of partitions... ubuntu and ubuntu most recently installed. One ubuntu ate the other one's grub or something. But the other other one's grub is the one being used and it's pointing to the wrong things. How do I override it?07:35
Grazihafim de conversa07:36
QwertDr_Willis: Hey! Thats fine. I was thinking if there is a possiblilty to gui applications from console.(Bringing mouse in console to begin with) :)07:36
RealOptyhow can i clone a hdd? i wanna mainly backup my restore partition.07:36
rww!pt | Grazih07:36
ubottuGrazih: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em brasileiro. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.07:36
Dr_WillisRealOpty:  theres sevarl tools to do that. 'dd' can be used. but theres more dedicated tools.07:36
QwertAthyria: What is the configuration of other system?07:36
Dr_Willis!info fsarchive07:37
ubottuPackage fsarchive does not exist in lucid07:37
Dr_Willis!info fsarchivee07:37
ubottuPackage fsarchivee does not exist in lucid07:37
AthyriaQwert - what do you mean?07:37
maestrojedMy computer locked up and now boots to a bunch of errors and ends in a command line called [initramfs]. Following advice I was going to boot from a cd run fsck. But the CD won't boot. It sites on the purple ubuntu splash screen with the dots showing progress. Any help?07:37
chelzAthyria: you should reinstall grub so that it's pointing to the install you want to use primarily, then once you boot in, install Startup Manager07:37
QwertAthyria: What you want to try on it? What is the problem with it?07:37
chelzAthyria: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20from%20LiveCD07:38
Athyriachelz, Qwert - the problem is, I've tried reinstalling grub. It's not writing to the mbr or something, though, because the old one is still being used.07:38
Wiesshundmaestrojed how long did you allow it to sit?07:38
Qwert!info fsarchiver07:38
ubottufsarchiver (source: fsarchiver): file system archiver. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.8-1ubuntu0.1 (lucid), package size 94 kB, installed size 280 kB07:38
Qwert!info fsarchiver | Dr_Willis07:38
ubottuDr_Willis: please see above07:38
maestrojedWiesshund: not sure, 15mins+07:38
chelzAthyria: you need to run something like: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sdX07:38
Wiesshundmaestrojed oh :( ok that was long enough then07:39
rickmastaHey guys, I just installed webmin, does anyone know how I can go to it by just using the ip? Right now, it's saying I have to use the hostname, but I don't have a host name set up yet.07:39
chelzAthyria: see that link07:39
Athyriachelz - and I think following what that said may have been what got me into this mess in the first place... or something.07:39
WiesshundDr_Willis rather than shooting plymouth, id rather shoot UUID07:39
greezmunkeyrickmasta: try "localhost"07:39
QwertAthyria: MBR - Master boot record is for Windows. Is that dual boot?07:39
chelzAthyria: we can go through it step by step. just boot to a livecd.07:39
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greezmunkeyrickmasta: http://localhost:1000007:40
chelzQwert: MBR is what dos-type partition tables call the beginning of the disk.07:40
QwertDr_Willis: Is that what you were looking for?07:40
Dr_WillisWiesshund:  ive had very few issues with the UUID system.. in fact its saved me many a time07:40
Dr_WillisQwert:  i just dident want to flood the channel more. :) i use the app every so often.07:40
Qwertchelz: Yes07:40
chelzQwert: basically all x86/x64 computers use MBR or GPT partition tables07:40
QwertDr_Willis: Ok:)07:40
xbonesxanyone know the directory for xchat? trying to change the conf and prevent file for colors, but the websites default directory isnt where mine was put from synaptic install07:40
WiesshundDr_Willis Its not so fun when UUIDs change07:40
freesbieDoes anyone know a way to show only the home directory in the file browser or an alternative file browser which shows only the home directory?07:41
AthyriaQwert - try quadruple boot with spare hard drive with two more operating systems...07:41
chelzQwert: grub docs usually refer to installing grub on an hdd as installing it "to the mbr"07:41
chelzfreesbie: as in lock a user so they can only see their own home dir?07:41
Athyriachelz - it's booted from the live cd now. Problem is, I already tried that.07:41
Qwertchelz: Yes. Got that.07:41
Mkaysixbonesx: I think it is /home/username/.xchat07:41
abhijitm back!07:42
QwertAthyria: You want to try that?07:42
QwertHello Abhijit07:42
chelzAthyria: please pastebin the output of:   fdisk -l07:42
AthyriaQwert - no, I mean that's what it is.07:42
chelzAthyria: actually   sudo fdisk -l07:42
QwertAthyria: also dmesg07:42
freesbiechelz: not exactly. I just want to limit what's visible in nautilus. I don't mind command line usage07:42
Dr_WillisWiesshund:  change them back.   ive had to many flash/live installs that dident use UUID's that i have had to fight with,,  many more times the issue for me . then having UUID's change. Actually i cant recall the last time a UUID changed on me07:42
abhijitQwert, :D07:43
chelzfreesbie: is this just for cosmetics/looks or security?07:43
Qwertchelz: He is making it complex i guess07:43
Athyriachelz, Qwert - I can't paste; I'm on the other other machine and ubuntu versions since 9.something don't by default list universe packages.07:43
ibrahim-kasemabhijit, hi :)07:43
abhijitibrahim-kasem, hello07:43
chelzAthyria: does the computer booted to the livecd have internet access?07:44
WiesshundDr_Willis its easy to figure out whats /sda5 sdb1 etc, trying to fix something and figure out what 09820398123234 was sucks07:44
RealOptysomeone test this link for me http://realopty.co.cc/muninlite/07:44
greezmunkeyfreesbie: check here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/527876/how-to-restrict-a-linux-user-to-be-only-able-to-read-home-user-and-nothing-else07:44
xbonesxMkaysi: TY i didnt know you had to put the '~' in front... :p07:44
xbonesxMkaysi: why is that?07:44
Dr_WillisWiesshund:  ive had much more issues with /dev/sdXY changeing. but do what you want. :)07:44
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chelzxbonesx: ~ means your home directory in bash07:45
Athyriachelz... sort of?07:45
xbonesxah ok07:45
xbonesxTY! :)07:45
chelzAthyria: can you go to http://paste.ubuntu.com07:45
QwertAthyria: You simply want to use ubuntu right?07:45
GhostWolfhi all, whats the best software for ubuntu 10.04 for webcam?07:45
chelzxbonesx: you can do stuff like "ls ~" even07:45
JesdiscipleGhost: I'd like to know too, tbh07:45
greezmunkeyfreesbie: do you see the problem with locking them down...07:46
freesbiechelz: I'm preparing a locked down account (with gconf settings) for a kiosk. Just need to worry about nautilus for now.07:46
AthyriaQwert - no, I want my grub to find my ubuntus.07:46
WiesshundDr_Willis heh my dev/sdX always changes, depending on what slots i poke the drives back in07:46
okapi14Hi all, I have a system that hangigng at "loading Hardware", no other error. How can I find the faulty hardware?07:46
GhostWolfJesdisciple, i used before cheese, but i don't certain sites didn't detect i had a webcam07:46
chelzfreesbie: i would call that a security context. you should use filesystem permissions for that. that like greezmunkey said looks good07:46
QwertAthyria: Is there any data in it?07:46
greezmunkeyfreesbie: Ah, got that...07:46
xbonesxwhats the copy file command?07:46
* abhijit is busy finding new 'unique' nick! :(07:46
AthyriaQwert - it looks like a perfectly ordinary bootloader... except it's all wrong and I can't even find it.07:46
AthyriaQwert - so... er, yes?07:47
xbonesxgoogling NVM07:47
freesbiegreezmunkey: any ideas?07:47
chelzfreesbie: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/05/27/how-to-lock-down-gnome/07:47
GhostWolfJesdisciple, so i had to use it on my windows comp but since i only have one monitor and i used remote connection to connect to it, it doesn't do a good job as if i was running it without remote desktop07:47
QwertAthyria: Which system are you on now? Old or other?07:47
Athyriachelz - apparently not from the livecd...07:47
chelzfreesbie: http://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+lock+down+ubuntu+account+kiosk07:47
Jesdisciplewell I just booted a 10.04 ISO on VirtualBox and it said I had just under 6 MB on a USB device...  I have an 8 GB USB and no other07:47
AthyriaQwert - I'm trying to get the laptop to work now.07:47
Jesdisciplewut the heck?07:47
greezmunkeyfreesbie: did you check the link I posted, there are some decent ideas there, but there is kiosk software freely available, have you checked into that?07:48
chelzAthyria: how do you connect it to the internet? ethernet cable to a router? home wifi?07:48
QwertAthyria: Laptop, so it stucks at grub and cannot boot ubuntu right?07:48
GhostWolfJesdisciple, did you check to make sure nothing else was on the device? nor refortmat it to make sure its empty?07:48
Dr_Willisfreesbie:  i saw a tool called 'Ofris' the other day its a 'deep freeze' like tool for ubuntu.  used by cafes and so forth.  Ive not tried it  but it may be of use to you ---> http://www.webupd8.org/2010/08/ofris-deep-freeze-like-application-for.html07:48
Qwertchelz: You want to try network install?07:48
JesdiscipleI formatted it before booting VirtualBox07:48
WiesshundJesdisciple does your pc have one of those instant on OS's?07:48
chelzQwert: Athyria mentioned there are multiple ubuntu installs and grub is pointing to the wrong one07:48
JesdiscipleWiesshund: huh?07:49
GhostWolfJesdisciple, then i don't know sorry07:49
chelzQwert: no i'm just trying to get internet access for pastebin stuff to make the reinstalling grub2 easy07:49
Jesdisciplehere's the guide I'm foloing: http://mintarticles.com/read/operating-systems-articles/how-to-install-portable-linux-ubuntu-on-a-bootable-usb-flash-drive-from-sun-virtualbox,13641/07:49
WiesshundJesdisciple expressgate/splashtop/lenovo ?07:49
Athyriachelz - normally with whatever, but it doesn't seem to work from the live cd.07:49
Qwertchelz: Okay.. lets see07:49
GhostWolfdoes anyone else know a great webcam software for ubuntu? i am using the 10.04 64bit version07:49
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abhijitGhostWolf, cheese?07:49
Jesdiscipleno, I'm running Ubuntu07:49
Dr_WillisGhostWolf:  software to do what exactly?07:49
Jesdiscipleon the host system07:50
GhostWolfabhijeet, is that the best one07:50
chelz!usb | Jesdisciple07:50
ubottuJesdisciple: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent07:50
Dr_WillisGhostWolf:  theres 'webcamstudio' thats fun to play with...07:50
AthyriaQwert - and the grub is only messing up with the new installs; the old install and the windows are just fine; it hasn't bloody updated.07:50
chelzJesdisciple: you want a persistent usb install07:50
GhostWolfDr_Willis, everything for webcams07:50
freesbiechelz I'm using Sabayon (i.e., pessulus + couple of things) and some hand editing of gconf values. Didn't find a way to actually limit nautilus use. I'm checking your links btw. Thanks07:50
uLinuxHow can I run an executable in terminal and them minimize/hide it?07:50
chelzAthyria: if you bring up firefox, what does firefox say?07:50
Dr_WillisGhostWolf:  'everthing' tells me very little..  check out webcam studio i guess..07:50
WiesshundJesdisciple yea eh thats not what i was reffering to :) you said your showing some oddball usb storage device?07:50
GhostWolfDr_Willis, i had cheese but aslo when i use a website or even amsn to use my webcam it gave me issues07:50
Jesdisciplechelz and ubottu: Yes, I was at the Ubuntu Wiki07:50
chelzfreesbie: this channel is for Ubuntu support only07:50
Qwertchelz: Go to recovery mode and click update grub loader.. let us know what it says07:50
Jesdiscipleand it directed me to the guide I linked to07:50
freesbieDr_Willis: thanks for think. I'm cheking07:51
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GhostWolfDr_Willis, well its a webcam what do you do with webcam? take pictures, videos have video chat with other people you know. its not that complicated in my book07:51
Dr_WillisGhostWolf:  webcamstudio is designed to work as a 'middleman' btween your webcam and various chat/video chat programs to let you expand the features of the cam. or even use alterantives to a actual webcam07:51
Athyriachelz - the usual? Server not found.07:51
freesbiechelz: Yep, I'm working on a Ubuntu system. Just looking my way around. Thanks for the reminder though :)07:51
JesdiscipleWiesshund: yeh...?07:51
GhostWolfDr_Willis, ok..07:52
Dr_WillisGhostWolf:  cheese lets you take pictures and videos.. vlc can also work as a front end to the webcam.  as for the 'chatting' its all about what the chat programs support.07:52
QwertAthyria: Go to recovery mode and click update grub loader.. let us know what it says07:52
JesdiscipleWiesshund: not sure where you're going witht hat07:52
=== abhijit is now known as Abhijit
WiesshundJesdisciple if your motherboard has one of those instant on OS's embeded on it, those are usualy on a USB drive thats soldered to the motherboard. which somethimes show up as some stupid sized usb drive, to linux anyways07:52
AthyriaQwert - which recovery mode? There are three... and a cd...07:53
Ed_MoneyStep 4 of 7 on install, prepare disk space, my 2 choices are "Erase and use the entire disk" (dont want this) or Specify Partitions Manually, I get to the next screen "Prepare Partitions", not sure what to do. help?07:53
GhostWolfDr_Willis, like i said programs like msn or for linux users, amsn, those kind of things uses allows video chat and stuff07:53
uLinuxif i run a program ./program how can I close the terminal without closing the program ?07:53
JesdiscipleWiesshund: =\07:53
QwertAthyria: I mean does the grup load on starting system? Do you see recovery mode option as well?07:53
Dr_WillisGhostWolf:  so you are looking for a 'instant messaging' client then?  or a WebCam Recorder program?07:53
KritoslapHello, I'm using the latest proprietary drivers from ati and I would like to remove them and install those from hardware drivers. How do I remove them?07:53
WiesshundJesdisciple is the dumb sized drive the only one showing?07:53
AthyriaQwert - I see three.07:53
JesdiscipleSo what should I do to make my 8GB appear to VB?07:53
chelzQwert: you sure karmic has the grub option in the recovery menu?07:53
Jesdiscipleand yes it is07:54
AthyriaQwert - Well, three sets. o_O07:54
QwertAthyria: Iike what?07:54
GhostWolfDr_Willis, no im looking for a program that does like what my webcam program in windows does..07:54
hallelujahnew here07:54
Qwertchelz: Thats what i asking him now07:54
WiesshundKritoslap disable them, use synaptic to download the ones from the repository07:54
JesdiscipleHi Hallelujah07:54
Qwertchelz: as far as i remeber, it does07:54
KritoslapWiesshund,  I don't know how to disable them07:55
hallelujahhi Jes07:55
Dr_WillisGhostWolf:  i have no idea what your webcam program in windows does..07:55
GhostWolflike i said i don't know if its my webcam with the other programs like amsn or on sites that give me these errrs07:55
AthyriaQwert - Each ubuntu listed has its own set of recovery modes listed.07:55
GhostWolfnevermind then Dr_Willis..07:55
KritoslapWiesshund,  From were....07:55
Dr_WillisGhostWolf:  every pc/laptop i have.. has its own 'webcam' toy programs..07:55
Dr_WillisThe one that came ith my Toshiba - is a lot of fun. :)07:55
cyborgsmurfany program for ubuntu where you can copy sms from cellphone to PC?07:55
GhostWolfDr_Willis, im not talking about prebuilt ones into laptops..07:55
JesdiscipleWiesshund: the 6MB is the only shown USB drive07:55
AthyriaQwert - dunno if they're actually pointing to anything, though.07:55
WiesshundJesdisciple just to check, pull out the 8gb drive and see if you still see an odball drive07:56
chelzAthyria: and none of those is the ubuntu you want to boot to?07:56
QwertAthyria: Thats better. Can you choose recovery mode and inform about what happens on update grub loading option. Try it..07:56
WiesshundKritoslap synaptic package manager07:56
LinuxFetusHey, I'd like to suggested that pastebinit be include with Ubuntu by default -- where do I go to do that? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages#Requesting a new package for Ubuntu seems to be for requesting packages to be in repositories.07:56
KritoslapWiesshund,  I did it, thanks.07:56
Jesdisciplesec...  I'm having to minimize memory usage to run VB, so xchat gets cut07:56
Dr_WillisGhostWolf:  if you want to do .. webcam -> special effects --> Some IM chat program that uses the cam..      webcamstudio can do the 'effects' stuff. If the program handles 'v4l' standard devices.. v4l2 device support is comming soon to webcam studio07:56
Athyriachelz, Qwert - Oh... they do work. How odd.07:56
GhostWolfnevermind Dr_Willis07:57
KritoslapWiesshund,  I am having some major problems with latest drivers. God, never buy ati...and I made a ticket..they don't even care.07:57
QwertAthyria: Aren't you on the same system?!07:57
chelzAthyria: did they not work at some point?07:57
KritoslapWiesshund,  You pay a lot of money and for what...to only use it with wind0wz07:57
KritoslapWiesshund,  Anyway thanks very much07:57
chelzQwert: all the entries sound like kernel updates07:57
freesbiechelz: Oh, I meant the sabayon tool (a frontend to pessulus) not sabayon linux :)07:57
Athyriachelz, Qwert - the recovery modes work. They... one dropped me to a ubuntu... that... I removed? Er...07:57
WiesshundKritoslap sorry to hear that. ive got all ati though here. no troubles.07:57
chelzfreesbie: oh, i was unaware of any kind of sabayon tool07:58
Guest74926LinusFetus:also imagebinit would be good for nubs07:58
chelzAthyria: is there any os installed on that laptop besides linux?07:58
QwertAthyria: If the recovery mode is working, choose update grub menu07:58
cyborgsmurfHi everyone! Any software for Ubuntu that can copy sms to PC?07:58
Wiesshundcyborgsmurf copy sms from where?07:58
Abhijitcyborgsmurf, wammu07:58
Qwertor gammu07:59
cyborgsmurfWiesshund: from cellphone07:59
AbhijitQwert, its same07:59
chelzQwert: i'm not sure why grub would need to be updated if the recovery options boot, which really would mean that if the main ubuntu isn't booting, then the cause isn't grub07:59
AthyriaQwert, chelz - it has three ubuntus and a windows. Telling it to update grub didn't do anything.07:59
chelzcyborgsmurf: depends on the cellphone07:59
Wiesshundcyborgsmurf you got me there, it depends on the phone and how it is set up to do pc access07:59
Qwertchelz: Well i want to see the what it says07:59
chelzQwert: ah alright08:00
QwertAthyria: Its doing nothing?08:00
Abhijitcyborgsmurf, wammu has supported cell phone list on their website08:00
Qwertchelz: Which command helps to see grub version?08:00
AthyriaQwert - oh, it did update the grup. It just updated the wrong grub.08:00
freesbiechelz: it's actually pessulus + xephry plus a UI. apt-get install sabayon08:00
QwertAthyria: Could you see the grub version? Can you go to tty1 console from recovery?08:01
chelzQwert: grub --version08:01
Wiesshundcyborgsmurf the one phone ive got here that can be accessed via usb uses a propriety app to access the sim memory, and yet the SD card reads like a normal usb storage device08:01
Qwertchelz: No when in tty1 console from recovery. I hope it works there as well08:01
cyborgsmurfI will check it out, Thanks chelz, Abhijit, Wiesshund08:02
Abhijitcyborgsmurf, welcome08:02
AthyriaQwert, chelz - 1.97 beta, yes, and now grub just went away and dropped to an ambiguous maintenance shell.08:02
chelzQwert: maybe some kind of dpkg thing to list the grub installed commands08:02
WiesshundIve got a tap cell phone, and ive yet to be able to access it in linux08:02
Qwertchelz: We can suggest him to open grub.conf text from console and make necessary changes if he knows thepath08:03
QwertAthyria: Yes, hold on there08:03
chelzAthyria: so you're sure you installed multiple ubuntus on this laptop? since even if you install ubuntu again, it should put the old ubuntu in the new grub list08:03
AthyriaQwert - I don't know the path. I don't know which, if any, ubuntu this grub belongs to.08:03
Athyriachelz - I was under that impression, but that's not what happened.08:04
QwertAthyria: You still didn't say if its dual boot..08:04
QwertAthyria: Ok08:04
AthyriaQwert - I said it's a quadruple boot, three ubuntus and a windows.08:04
QwertAthyria: Ok.. yeah08:04
JesdiscipleWiesshund: Yes, I ejected the 8GB and the tiny one (536 MB I think - not 6 MB but .6 GB)08:04
Guest74926LinuxFetus:also imagebinit would be good for nubs08:04
Jesdisciplestill shows as the hard drive that I'm to partition and install onto... which is rather comical08:05
Qwertchelz: What can be suggested, installing grub2 can make problems or will it recognise all os?08:05
chelzQwert: os-prober, which is part of grub2 and would run during the install, would actually do the job just fine08:06
QwertAthyria: All the os were installed propelry?08:06
chelzAthyria: what version(s) of ubuntu are installed?08:06
Qwertchelz: Then i guess from console of recovery we can suggest about grub2 installation. Shall we?08:06
Guest74926how called cross compiler for arm I cant find in aptcache08:07
AthyriaQwert - they seemed to think so at the time, and chelz - 2 9.10 xubuntus and a 10.04 ubuntu08:07
whosjoseHow can I change the smtp port on Evolution? There is no settings to change08:07
chelzQwert: i'm thinking checking if any crucial data is in any of those installs, and if there isn't, just reinstalling ubuntu. or at least growing one of them and deleting the other two08:07
chelzAthyria: why did you install ubuntu all those times?08:07
AthyriaQwert - and grub2 is installed according to at least one of them. This I remember clearly.08:07
Athyriachelz - ...reasons. *shifty eyes*08:08
=== Guest74926 is now known as juk
Qwertchelz: Well that would not be possilbe from console of recovery if that is what he is able to access08:08
QwertAthyria: Alright.. Whats the third linux distro name?08:09
AthyriaQwert -  as in?08:09
whosjoseHow can I change the smtp port on Evolution? There is no settings to change how can i do it?08:09
QwertAthyria: No prbs. Its fine08:10
jukcan write be used for remote host?08:10
chelzAthyria: eh well wait, so what's the issue? is the ubuntu you want to use primarily not in the list?08:10
QwertAthyria: So which one is working properly?08:10
jukhow called cross compiler for arm I cant find in aptcache08:11
Jesdisciplewhosjose: I don't think anyone here knows, try ##gnome08:11
chelz!cn | juk08:11
WiesshundJesdisciple htm that is odd...08:11
ubottujuk: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk08:11
Qwertwhosjose: #ubuntu-server08:12
whosjoseI got it08:12
jukhow called cross compiler for arm I cant find in aptcache08:12
chelzjuk: consult the developer documentation for the arm device you are trying to develop for08:12
whosjosehost name ends domainname.com:port08:12
whosjoseeasiest thing feel stupid08:12
jukcan write be used for remote host?08:12
Nobody_ubottu, have ubuntu vietnam irc yet ?08:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:12
Qwertwhosjose: yes08:12
chelzjuk: depends on the host08:12
Dr_Willisjuk:  what 'write' are you refering to?08:12
ubottuĐể được trợ giúp về Ubuntu bằng ngôn ngữ Việt, xin vui lòng /join #ubuntu-vn. Rất vui lòng được giúp đỡ08:12
Jesdiscipleubottu: But it's fun to show how dumb bots can be08:13
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:13
zvacetjuk: arm-linux-gcc I think08:13
AthyriaQwert, chelz - The... vista is working properly... the ubuntus, not so much.08:13
jukDr_Willis: write(1)08:13
chelzNobody_: #ubuntu-vn08:13
AthyriaQwert, chelz - grub's not pointing to them.08:13
AthyriaQwert, chelz - properly.08:13
chelzAthyria: what happens when you try to select one of the ubuntus in grub?08:13
Nobody_chelz, ^^ , bot has anwers ^^08:13
chelzNobody_: ah yeah i saw right after i said that08:14
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
Jesdiscipleso no ideas how to mount my USB to my virtual 10.04?08:14
deusrsomeone the use pack macbuntu?08:14
Athyriachelz - some drop to maintenance shells, some complain, some do nothing, some result in a system restart. It also varies by which kernel.08:14
chelzJesdisciple: the proprietary virtualbox allows block device access to usb deices08:14
Dr_WillisJesdisciple:  you use teh Virtualbox version from the VBOX homepage, and configure it to access the real USB device. then use the  vbox menus to actually enable it.. then mount it via the mount command, or it may automount08:14
=== khaled is now known as ktiger
Jesdisciplechelz: yes, I'm on the proprietary08:15
chelzAthyria: is there any data on any of the ubuntus that you don't want to lose?08:15
Athyriachelz - three even bring up the recovery menu.08:15
Nobody_chelz, but thank for your help ^^08:15
JesdiscipleDr_Willis: I'm not sure I know how to do all that08:15
Jesdisciplefor some reason the Settings dialog doesn't even see the USB08:16
Dr_WillisJesdisciple:  one step at a time.. #1  get birtualbox from the Vbox homepage...08:16
Dr_WillisJesdisciple:  the OSE version in the repos does NOT have the feature08:16
JesdiscipleI have the proprietary ;)08:16
Dr_WillisJesdisciple:  step 2 - read the vbox docs, to see how to use the feature.08:16
Athyriachelz - are you suggesting reformatting?08:16
chelzAthyria: yes08:16
QwertAthyria: Yes, if there is no data or if you can take backup08:17
Dr_WillisJesdisciple:  ive seen some guides/wiki pages that detail how to do it with images.. but ive not done it in ages.08:17
chelzAthyria: you can boot to a livecd and recover files you want, recovering preferences is a per-application kind of thing08:17
QwertBut again window got to be installed after ubuntu else it will get messy08:17
AthyriaQwert, chelz - unfortunately, windows installs do not appreciate being moved, and I have already tried reformatting individual partitions.08:18
docbrownhey everyone08:18
WiesshundJesdisciple what ya trying to do? i dont think i saw the beginning of it?08:18
chelzAthyria: if you used ubuntu as your primary os for a while then you should try recovering that ubuntu08:18
chelzAthyria: specifically just deleting the partitions of the ubuntus you have installed manually from GParted on a livecd then when installing ubuntu select "use largest contiguous free space"08:18
docbrownhey everyone08:18
Qwertchelz: He said only windows is working08:18
chelzAthyria: make sure you're installing Lucid 10.04 too08:18
chelzQwert: we don't have to move windows08:18
JesdiscipleWiesshund: I'm installing Ubuntu 10.04 to my USB, for plug-and-play Linux action08:19
Qwertchelz: But how will he use gparted?08:19
=== DaveWM_ is now known as DaveWM
WiesshundOh making a portable linux. what os are you in now?08:20
dobakfuck windows08:20
chelzQwert: standard ubuntu livecd08:20
dobakfuck ma08:20
dobakfuck mac08:20
JesdiscipleWiesshund: I'm on 9.10 right now, the physical/host OS08:20
chelz!ot | dobak08:20
ubottudobak: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:20
dobaklunux the best08:20
Qwertchelz: Ok08:20
WiesshundJesdisciple ok in ubuntu 9.10 if you plug in usb drive, what size does it appear as in nautilus?08:21
bazhangQwert, ?08:22
JesdiscipleWiesshund: almost 8GB total08:22
Jesdisciplebut it's partitioned in two for the installation08:22
WiesshundJesdisciple have you thought about using unetbootin?08:22
JesdiscipleWiesshund: it was mentioned, but VirtualBox seemed preferred08:23
chelzAthyria: ?08:24
WiesshundJesdisciple hmm not sure why a virtualbox is preffered, must be some reason i suppose. i use the unetbootin though, great for installs where no usb or cd drive is available too08:24
QwertAthyria: Ther?08:25
jimlovell777I was using Maverick for a while and had to stop because my sound stopped working after an update. I then installed a fresh copy of Lucid. Just an hour or two ago there were a few Linux Header updates. I installed them and now don't have sound again, this time on Lucid. Any ideas?08:25
Athyriachelz, Qwert - aye...08:25
Abhijitjimerickson, same exactly same thing here08:25
Abhijitjimlovell777, ^^^^^^08:25
JesdiscipleWiesshund: from what I can see, it only does Live USBs, not full installations?08:25
QwertAthyria: Why initramfs?08:25
AthyriaQwert - that's what it said. O_o08:26
=== xx is now known as Guest43157
WiesshundJesdisciple it will let you do both08:26
=== Abhijit is now known as AbhiJit
AbhiJitjimlovell777, try insatll alsa-utils package its missing from my pc so check if its there on your pc or not08:27
chelzAthyria: were you trying to boot to a livecd? or what?08:27
WiesshundJesdisciple typicaly you do a frugal install, then boot the installed device and finish it to a full install, theres lots of diff ways to run it though08:27
chelzAthyria: also, what version(s) of ubuntu do you have installed and what version is your livecd?08:27
jimlovell777AbhiJit: "alsa-utils is already the newest version." :-/08:27
JesdiscipleWiesshund: frugal install?08:28
AbhiJitjimlovell777, but6 is it installed there? necuase after updations its automatically got deleted from my pc just 15 min ago08:28
WiesshundJesdisciple kind of a lite install, but not compressed like the live CD08:28
chelzjimlovell777: have you looked over this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting08:28
jimlovell777chelz: Yes. I did that with Maverick and it was of no help. Everything is unmuted, supported, enabled, installed and loaded, as verified following the steps listed on that very page.08:29
Jesdisciplebtw, what do you suggest for the partition sizes?08:29
Athyriachelz - I tried booting a ubuntu that had been fount more recently. It's been sunk too! And the versions are 9.10 32 and 64 and a 10.04 that I dunno, and the disc is 10.04 64.08:29
jimlovell777AbhiJit: Yes, it's installed and there.08:30
AbhiJitjimlovell777, ohh08:30
xjkxbr.archive.ubuntu.com is off, what server can i replace it for08:30
JesdiscipleWiesshund: the guide that uses VirtualBox says to limit file space to 3GB - seems small to me08:30
AbhiJitxjkx, main server08:30
=== root is now known as Guest24884
xjkxwhich is...08:30
Jesdisciplehis example device was also 8GB08:30
xbonesxhow do you set superuser inside gnome08:30
AbhiJitxjkx, archive.ubuntu.com08:30
chelzAthyria: i really recommend booting to that livecd, running a "Check disk for defects", then going into GParted08:30
xbonesxnot terminal08:30
Jesdisciplefile space = /home, etc08:31
chelzxbonesx: what are you trying to do?08:31
Guest24884 08:31
=== geowany__ is now known as Geowany
AbhiJit 08:31
xbonesxadd a theme package through the theme installer and it says access denied08:31
in5ern0hi all08:31
WiesshundJesdisciple not sure on the virtualbox guide. how come 2 partitions on the usb drive though?08:31
Guest24884Is it a Sandisk U3?08:32
Dr_Willisxbonesx:  what 'theme installer' are you refering to?08:32
xjkxAbhiJit: thanks08:32
AbhiJitxjkx, welcome08:33
JesdiscipleWiesshund: "In order to separate the operating system from the documents you would like to save on the flash drive, it is advisable that you divide your USB flash drive into two partitions."08:33
Dr_WillisJesdisciple:  those U3 gizmos can cause all sorts of annoyances. :) i always repartiion and remove the U3 stuff.08:33
chelzxbonesx: in a terminal you do   gksudo program08:33
JesdiscipleWiesshund: U3?08:33
JesdiscipleI can't see my msgs nemore...08:34
Dr_WillisI just use the installer and do a 'normal' install to my flash drives. :) but i have a 16gb flash drive.08:34
Athyriachelz - and what?08:34
Jesdiscipleonly some are disappearing08:34
=== pat|nG is now known as coolroot--
xbonesxchelz: i entered that in a terminal and it didnt do anything, it hanged for a minute but didnt do anything... ???08:34
xbonesxDr_Willis: not sure how can i tell?08:34
ish_nittiAnyone know why the Ubuntu Xchat2 package doesn't include sound for alerts?08:34
ish_nittior how i could get them installed? i tried to look for a xchat sound pack on google, but i only found other people with the same issue :(08:34
JesdiscipleWiesshund: USB 3 maybe?08:34
uLinuxany Mint users?08:35
WiesshundJesdisciple im not sure it there is alot of point into mounting /home in a spearate partion on a usb drive08:35
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »08:35
AbhiJit!mint | uLinux08:35
ubottuuLinux: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org08:35
coolroot--hi! i got a problem regarding to my ubuntu 10.04...yesterday when i try to right click my mouse i got this options....but now....when i try to right click the mouse...i can't see those options anymore...how can i get back those options?08:35
uLinuxfew ppl there :P08:35
bazhanguLinux, in the mint support channel, ie not here08:35
chelzAthyria: then deleting all the old partitions and installing ubuntu into the free space. you can resize windows in gparted at that point if you want to, also08:35
Dr_Willisxbonesx:  theres a dozen ways to install themes... start from the beginning and tell the channel in details what you are doing. personally I use the 'gnome-art-ng' program and isntall them to my users .theme directory. I DONT install them 'system wide' so I dont need root access08:35
AbhiJituLinux, then try their forum or mailing list08:35
ish_nitticoolroot--, you switched your mouse to left handed?08:35
chelzcoolroot--: those options chance depending on where you are right clicking08:35
JesdiscipleWiesshund: disk corruption is what I've seen cited in other contexts... still relevant?08:35
coolroot--ish_nitti: nope!08:36
xbonesxwell whatever is default for a ubuntu 9.04 install is what im using synaptic says gnome-theme-manager08:36
chelzcoolroot--: do you remember where your cursor (the white arrow pointer) was when you right clicked yesterday to get those options?08:36
WiesshundJesdisciple for a usb drive, not really. if they corrupt its generaly the entire thing08:36
Dr_Willisxbonesx:  and how are you truing to install these themes? where are they comming from?08:36
chelzxbonesx: gksudo synaptic-theme-manager08:36
Athyriachelz - I already did that. o_O08:36
AbhiJituLinux, 105 users there08:36
chelzAthyria: you sure stuff is the way you want it? did you hit "apply" in gparted?08:37
ish_nittiAnyone know why the Ubuntu Xchat2 package doesn't include sound for alerts? Or how i could get them?08:37
chelzAthyria: btw make sure you're not deleting stuff you want08:37
Athyriachelz - the old ubuntus went away just fine...08:37
coolroot--chelz: i still got my cursor...but i dont know what happnd...just now when i boot up i can't do the rightclick thingy...i can't find those options no more08:37
WiesshundJesdisciple http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/unetbootin/wiki/installmodes (full usb install info)08:38
Athyriachelz - But now the new ones aren T showing up on the grub anymore after the latest attempts to install one.08:38
chelzcoolroot--: those options change depending on where the cursor (the white arrow pointer) is08:38
chelz!manual | coolroot--08:38
ubottucoolroot--: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/08:38
Athyriachelz - which is a problem.08:39
greenmang0hello friends, i have multiple printers of same make in different depts over same LAN.. i am trying to add the printer in my lab through cups webinterface, cups finds all 4 printers and displays their names, since all printers are of same make their names are same, how can i distinguish printer from my lab out of them?08:39
greenmang0of course all 4 printers have different ips but i can't see those ips on cups web interface08:39
chelzAthyria: when you install ubuntu it should install grub again. backup data you want, delete the old partitions, doubleclick on Install ubuntu08:39
greenmang0any help?08:39
Jesdisciple(I just noticed that Xchat has an Open Link in Opera option...  Kinda odd since Opera's not even recognized...)08:39
chelzAthyria: then for partitioning select "use free space"08:39
chelzgreenmang0: renaming the printers "Printer-Lab01" or something would be good08:40
xbonesxDr_Willis: figured it out, when i open synaptic package manager it required my password which gavethe desktop superuser priv and then i redownload the theme file and it worked08:40
xbonesxDr_Willis: or maybe its cuz i typed 'gksudo program' in terminal... ??? idk08:40
greenmang0chelz: for that i will have to go to each dept and change the host name.. right?08:41
xbonesxDr_Willis: either way tho i got it too work, ty08:41
Dr_Willisxbonesx:  you use 'gksudo THEPROGRAMYOUWANTTORUNASROOT'   not 'programname' litterly08:41
Athyriachelz - aye, it does install grub again, but for some reason the old grub is still there. And using free space wouldn't work anyway because of another partition some idiot decided to put flat smack in the middle of the thing. *shifty eyes* But that's another matter.08:41
Dr_Willis!manual | xbonesx08:41
ubottuxbonesx: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/08:41
chelzgreenmang0: well you only do it once. depending on how the printers are shared08:42
greenmang0chelz: yeah... that's right08:42
Dr_Willisxbonesx:  you run the synaptic package manager as root.. correct... you have to be root or enter the root password to have the rights to install packages.08:42
chelzAthyria: you can move partitions around. make it so your partitions are all at the beginning or end of the disk. click and drag in GParted in the Ubuntu livecd08:42
Dr_Willisxbonesx:  theres other ways to install themes on a per user basis.08:42
billpicocom escape character is C-a, what does this mean? I cant quit picocom08:42
chelzAthyria: make sure you're actually deleting the old partitions, ubuntu adds entries to the grub menu for other OSes it finds08:43
Jontabill: C-a - Ctrl+a?08:43
Athyriachelz - while they have stuff on them? Say, windows? Without breaking the windows?08:43
xbonesxDr_Willis: correct but i dont know if it worked becuz of the entering of the password for synaptic package manager or if its cuz i typed 'gksudo program' in the terminal.08:43
chelzAthyria: is windows in the middle of the disk?08:44
billJonta, thats what I thought as well08:44
Dr_Willisxbonesx:  'gksudo program' would run 'program' as root.. what program did you run?08:44
Athyriachelz - ...maybe. *shifty eyes*08:44
Jontabill: But an escape character can be something completely different08:44
Dr_Willisxbonesx:  you could use 'gksudo synaptic'08:44
billtried many combinations08:44
Ed_Moneyduring install how can i tell which partition is my windows partition08:44
AbhiJitEd_Money, one tith fat fat16 fat32 or ntfs partition08:45
Jontabill: Tried Ctrl+x ?08:45
Jerkhello everyone. i asked a question before, but I didn't get an answer adn had to sign off anyway, so i present it again: I used WUBI to download and install Ubuntu 10.04 desktop ed. now I have a dual-boot system, but when I choose Ubuntu my pc restarts abruptly. why is this?08:45
Dr_Willisxbonesx:  the synaptic menu item is set up where it asks for the password. if you just run synapatic as a user.. it wont ask. and you can look. but  not install things08:45
billlol yea got it08:45
chelzAthyria: eh well that's not exactly bad. as long as there's a decent amount of space on either side. you can move vista then "fix" it though: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/using-gparted-to-resize-your-windows-vista-partition/08:45
billthanks jonta08:45
UbuXubuthe huge graph in ubuntu will show it too u Ed_Money08:45
billi didnt read the man page properly08:45
Jontasure bill (googled "quitting picocom" (:08:46
* AbhiJit is wondering if his is unique now!08:46
AbhiJiti mean nick*08:46
JontaHehe, they _can_ be confusing08:46
AbhiJit:D lol08:46
UbuXubuEd_Money, i just did two windows/ubuntu dual boot installs08:46
xbonesxDr_Willis: when i typed 'gksudo program' in terminal, thats all i typed nothing after it08:46
Athyriachelz - so how would that solve the whole grub not being overwritten problem?08:46
xbonesxso im guessing that typing the pass for getting into the synaptic package manager is what gave me the privs i needed to install the themes08:47
Dr_Willisxbonesx:  if you used 'gksudo program' and did it EXACTLY like that with 'program' then you basically did nothing.. Understand?  program is not a valid 'command' name.08:47
Dr_Williswillis@cow:~$ program08:48
Dr_Willisprogram: command not found08:48
chelzAthyria: well i'd make sure that all the disks gparted sees have no partitions besides the windows partition, then if somehow grub isn't installed properly after a fresh install, we'll install grub manually from the livecd08:48
Dr_Willisxbonesx:  if you do 'gksudo synaptic' then synaptic gets ran as 'root' - thats teh core of the whole sudo/gksudo thing.08:48
Athyriachelz - and if that fails?08:50
xbonesxDr_Willis: what is the difference in the gksudo and sudo?08:51
chelzAthyria: only do the vista repair if it won't boot after being moved. the gparted included with Lucid is quite new and i'm pretty sure doesn't have the issue that used to break vista08:51
Dr_Willisxbonesx:  when using X apps use gksudo.08:51
xbonesxi know that if im running things from the desktop that i will prompted for the password...08:51
Dr_Willisxbonesx:  when using console apps use sudo08:51
chelzAthyria: we'll if it fails when we try to install from a livecd, it'll output some error messages and we'll find out what those mean08:51
JesdiscipleWiesshund: How to get to Parted Magic?  The manual isn't clear...08:51
chelzAthyria: make sure you have an internet connection on your laptop08:51
coolroot--how can i disable this password confirmation everytime my laptop goes unattended?08:51
WiesshundJesdisciple you wont need that part, your not splitting a windows drive etc08:52
Dr_Williscoolroot--:  its in the screensaver/power saver settings08:52
chelzcoolroot--: System -> Preferences -> Screensaver08:52
xbonesxDr_Willis: unlike windows, a program can be installed anywhere and executed, correct? or at least for most programs...08:52
AbhiJitcoolroot--, its setting in screensaver taht when resume form screensaver ask for passworde disable that setting08:52
JesdiscipleI think it's the same scenario, just with linux instead of Windows08:52
Athyriachelz - it's not going to work. I just know it.08:52
Dr_Willisxbonesx:  depends on the program.. same goes for windows... you can make 'portable apps' for windows taht can go anywhere08:53
AbhiJit    ok08:53
chelzxbonesx: that really depends on the program. you're advised to use your package manager (synaptic, apt-get, etc) for everything. if you really want to install your own stuff you should look into stuff like checkinstall08:53
ranahello every one08:53
chelzAthyria: won't know until you try08:53
Jontarana: Hello rana08:53
ranacan any budy help to configur willowng08:53
xbonesxDr_Willis, chelz: thanks for the info!08:54
chelzxbonesx: make sure to read that ubuntu manual!!08:54
JesdiscipleWiesshund: am I correct to be reading from "Making a full, standard hard disk install if you can't use a Live USB"?08:54
Jontarana: Write your question clearly, and somebody might be able to help you08:54
xbonesxchelz: i know its so long tho lol08:54
chelzxbonesx: read only a bit of it a day then :)08:54
Jerkwas I too abrupt with my question?08:54
xbonesxchelz: and is there on out their specifically for 9.04?08:54
bullgard4_!punctuation | tensorpudding08:55
ubottutensorpudding: Punctuation is good, but its overuse hurts readability:  Please refrain from adding many ?'s or !'s to the end of your sentences.  See also !enter08:55
JesdiscipleJerk: I think you should ask again08:55
Jesdiscipleif you don't get a response, no one knows08:55
chelzxbonesx: yeah but support for 9.04 ends in Oct of this year. so you should probably think about upgrading.08:55
ranai want to configure WillowNG a content filter application08:56
JerkJesdisciple: I do that and I'll get a growl from a bot08:56
chelzxbonesx: actually it seems the main official ubuntu manual is only for Lucid atm. there are other newbie guides for older versions of ubuntu out there though08:57
xbonesxchelz: what would be the recommended version?08:57
JesdiscipleJerk: you don't have to copy-paste...08:57
Jesdiscipleshorter might be better in this case08:57
ranaplz help08:57
chelzxbonesx: Lucid 10.04, you can upgrade right now if you want.08:57
chelzxbonesx: 9.04 -> 9.10 -> 10.0408:57
xbonesxchelz: would i have to bother messing with any changes, ive already made?08:58
xbonesxchelz: themes, programs. drivers etc...08:58
chelzxbonesx: depends on the changes. stuff like themes carry over.08:58
JerkJesdisciple: all right08:58
rana i want to configure WillowNG a content filter application08:58
rana i want to configure WillowNG a content filter application08:59
ranapllllllzzzzzzzz helpp08:59
xbonesxchelz: would it be recommended to download full distro and do a fresh install?08:59
Jerkwhen I boot froM Ubuntu, mys system reboots automatically08:59
Jerkwhy is that?08:59
chelzxbonesx: drivers should upgrade fine, almost all programs are fine, but there is a chance for some issues. to avoid upgrade issues you can try sticking with LTS versions of ubuntu, which are supported for much longer than non-LTS versions of ubuntu. Lucid is one such LTS release.08:59
bazhang!helpme | rana08:59
ubotturana: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude08:59
Dr_Willisrana:  you ahve checked its docs?08:59
Dr_Willis!info willowng08:59
ubottuwillowng (source: willowng): content filtering web proxy. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4-0ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 14 kB, installed size 180 kB08:59
xbonesxchelz: would it be recommended to download full distro and do a fresh install?09:00
ranano docs09:00
bazhangJerk, you said dual boot; this is a wubi install though09:00
JesdiscipleJerk: Only other thing I know to suggest is the forums.09:00
chelzxbonesx: some people will tell you to reinstall, but i've always found that to be much more of a headache than anything. i've personally only upgraded, new installs talk so long09:00
Jesdisciplethey are a bit more reliable09:00
=== tommy is now known as Guest85069
Dr_Willisrana:  check its homepage, also check in /usr/share/docs    If theres no docs.. then  you may want to find other solutions.. also check teh package manager to see what files it installed.. there may be some doc files somewhere09:00
xbonesxchelz: is there much of a difference in the desktop?09:00
chelzJerk: you might try uninstalling the wubi thing and just installing ubuntu as a dual-boot normally09:01
xbonesxbetween 9.04 and 10.0409:01
xbonesxchelz: is it still gnome based?09:01
Jerkbazhang: yeah, I thought dual boot meant that when i started my pc, it would ask me if I wanted to boot from ubuntu or WinXP...09:01
chelzxbonesx: there are some new features and stuff. you can get all that info in the release notes. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicKoala/ReleaseNotes and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/ReleaseNotes09:01
chelzxbonesx: yes it is09:02
JesdiscipleJerk: it does09:02
Jerkchez: actually i am back from that09:02
JerkJesdiciple: So, that's EXACTLy what's happening09:02
xbonesxchelz: which one do you recommended; karmickoala or lucidlynx?09:02
JesdiscipleJerk: (Well, it doesn't have to be Linux & Windows, but that's most typical.)09:03
JesdiscipleJerk: But the restart doesn't make sense09:03
chelzxbonesx: to upgrade to Lucid 10.04 you need to upgrade to the version (which is Karmic 9.10) inbetween the version you're currently on (Jaunty 9.04)09:03
JerkJesdiciple: I know.....what to do then?09:04
ranasorry no mome page for that application09:04
chelzxbonesx: LTS ("Long Term Support") releases can upgrade directly to eachother. Hardy 8.04 can upgrade directly to Lucid 10.0409:04
chelzxbonesx: this is short, read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes09:04
Athyriachelz - should there be a partition that doesn't show up anywhere that just happens to have been deleted that just happens to still be there that just happens to look exactly like the one the grub came from?09:04
xbonesxchelz: im going to download a full version and to an install, do you know where to get 10.04?09:05
JesdiscipleJerk: What is Wubi exactly?09:05
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContentInternetFiltering/Willow rana09:05
JesdiscipleJerk: I'm not familiar with that...09:05
chelzAthyria: there shouldn't be any partitions that you don't want around anymore. delete it in gparted, hit apply, then close and reopen gparted to see if it's still there09:05
JesdiscipleJerk: duh *searches*09:05
coolroot--xbonesx: better to do it on terminal....from my experience on the update manager...i get mostly errors...and i dunno....but in terminal...u can go smoothly...u'll just have to wait until it's done.....09:05
JesdiscipleJerk: Oh yeah09:06
chelzxbonesx: ok, just so you know, you have to do all the tweaks you've done so far again. also make sure to back up any data you don't want to lose.09:06
xbonesxchelz: ok understood09:06
xbonesxchelz: link for 10.04 release plz?09:06
Athyriachelz - It doesn't show up in gparted. Yet... somehow... I just mounted it.09:06
JesdiscipleJerk: I remember it now, and I know it's not recommended09:06
chelzxbonesx: http://www.ubuntu.com/ - click on the "download ubuntu" button. using torrents is preferred but you can use the normal links if you want.09:06
AthyriaI'm so confused.09:06
JesdiscipleJerk: You might try to get a Live CD or Live USB09:07
xbonesxchelz: i dont want the beta09:07
JesdiscipleJerk: Or you can use unetbootin as I'm in the process of doing09:07
chelzxbonesx: 10.04 is not the beta09:07
coolroot--xbonesx: it's not a good thing to install fresh copy of 10.04 lucid...u'll just end up regretting to what u've done...u'll have to config all back to zero..if u'll just have to upgrade it...nothing much change except u'll have to do those tweaks....09:07
xbonesxchelz: that download button will get me the 10.4 one?09:07
chelzxbonesx: yep!09:08
chelzAthyria: in the upper right of gparted there are two arrows, one pointing up and one pointing down, this is how to select between the harddisks and disk devices gparted sees09:08
JesdiscipleJerk: But I'm really not the best person to be giving advice, I'm just following a lead that was given by someone else09:08
xbonesxcoolroot--: its ok i havent done much tweaking, i only installed 9.04 like yesterday or the day efore09:08
=== Out`Of`Control is now known as Viper
maitreyhi guys, question. How is the situation around ati drivers, did it improve a bit with 10.04? I have ati hd 4350.09:08
xbonesxcoolroot--: worst thing will be getting my wifi card working again but i have that figured out now so it will be a breeze...09:09
chelzAthyria: if you have internet access in your livecd environment, please pastebin the output of:  sudo fdisk -l09:09
chelzxbonesx: your wifi card might "just work". you'll know when you boot the livecd09:09
Jontababtux: hi babtux09:09
coolroot--xbonesx: that's what i'm talkin...but as far as u know how to handle then...go on! #ubuntu is the best place if u're out of track hehehe09:09
chelzxbonesx: once you have lots of data in ubuntu you'll probably find it's a lot easier to just upgrade than backup everything and do a new install each time, especially since there aren't many clear gains09:10
chelz!hi | babtux09:10
ubottubabtux: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!09:10
xbonesxchelz: i have 64bit system is this 'ubuntu-10.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent' what i want to get?09:11
chelzbabtux: for ubuntu iran, fyi, #ubuntu-ir09:11
babtuxmy graphic is nvidia geforce 7600gt i installed driver from nvidia but now why quality of most pictures is very low also most of fonts what do  i have to do?09:11
coolroot--for me i can't make my built-in wifi card work...wew...still dunno...hehe...i got a dell 1545 inspiron...up until now i can't work with a wifi...not unless if u'll use my vbox ubuntu on my win7...haha09:11
chelzxbonesx: yes, you can run 32bit if you want though, you don't have to get the 64bit.09:11
coolroot--32-bit works fine09:12
xbonesxcoolroot--: i figured that card out want me to tell you how09:12
xbonesxcoolroot--: i have the 1505 one09:12
coolroot--mind to tell me how then?09:12
xbonesxcoolroot--: PM easy09:12
coolroot--just paste it all on how to config then09:12
coolroot--but for now09:12
chelzcoolroot--: are you on lucid?09:12
coolroot--chelz yup09:12
coolroot--xbonesx just do first ur thing09:12
coolroot--we still got more time for my wifi to work09:13
Shvonderpeople what is the correct way to install a theme from gnome-look.org. I can't do it.09:13
coolroot--i can still wait09:13
xbonesxcoolroot--: its kool i have to wait for it too download, i can help you in the meantime...09:13
chelzShvonder: System -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Theme (tab) -> Install... (button)09:13
coolroot--but im still busy for now..hehe..i'm at work09:14
Dr_WillisShvonder:  depends on what the theme is for also.. you can drag/drop the archives onto that appearance-theme tool   for most of the theme parts09:14
coolroot--in 2mins i'll be back again for work it's just my breaktime for now09:14
chelzxbonesx: please keep discussion that might be useful to other ubuntu users in the main channel and not pm09:14
xbonesxcoolroot--: just a quick question, whats the bcm43xx number for that card???09:14
Athyriachelz - urg.09:14
chelzcoolroot--: you gotta figure out how to stay on irc while working09:14
chelzAthyria: pastebin?09:15
xbonesxchelz: ya ok sure, i was thinking about submitting a tut on how to get those cards to work properly09:15
Shvonderchelz: Dr_Willis that isn't work for me. (there is started Compiz & emerald)09:15
chelzxbonesx: sure. the ubuntu forums have a great place for that stuff09:15
xbonesxchelz: k when i get a chance i will09:15
chelzShvonder: are you on Ubuntu Lucid? or xubuntu or kubuntu?09:16
chelzfor the people i'm helping - i'll brb in a sec09:17
Dr_WillisShvonder:  emerald has its own theme stuff.. and gui tool.. personally.. i wouldent bother with emerald any more09:17
Athyriachelz - I plead incompetence.09:17
babtuxmy graphic is nvidia geforce 7600gt i installed driver from nvidia but now why quality of most pictures is very low also most of fonts what do  i have to do?09:17
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com09:18
Shvonderchelz: I use ubuntu 9.1009:18
alex_718need tech support09:19
Jontaalex_718: Just post your question09:19
dooglusoh, I have another question...09:20
dooglusthere's a dial on the front of this laptop that turns the volume up and down.  I keep knocking it accidentally, so would like to disable it completely09:20
alex_718regarding sound issue in ubuntu 10.04. No sound at all, but think has to do with my graphic card ATI HD Radeon 4200, when OS uses it as sound output.Need sound.09:21
dooglusI've removed the binding in 'keyboard shortcuts', but it still affects the mplayer volume.  is there any way to stop that?09:21
=== dani is now known as Guest36921
chelzAthyria: that's no defense! never give up, never surrender!09:24
dooglusnow answer my question, dammit!  ;)09:24
chelzdooglus: hmm well something is recognizing the input from that dial. you have to find it and destroy it09:24
babtuxmy graphic is nvidia geforce 7600gt i installed driver from nvidia but now why quality of most pictures is very low also most of fonts what do i have to do?09:25
Jonta!repeat babtux09:25
doogluschelz: I have an input.conf for mplayer that defines all the inputs - '9' turns the volume down, and there's a line: "9 volume -1" making that happen, etc.09:25
sheepzanyone got any ideas? http://superuser.com/questions/189360/aptitude-package-manager-randomly-opens-up-nicotine09:26
babtuxJonta: my graphic is nvidia geforce 7600gt i installed driver from nvidia but now why quality of most pictures is very low also most of fonts what do i have to do?09:26
dooglusI changed all the 'volume' lines to 'ignore', but the dial still affects the volume, so I'm lost now09:26
alex_718Sound issue in ubuntu 10.04. No sound at all, but think has to do with my graphic card ATI HD Radeon 4200, when OS uses it as HDMI sound output.09:26
Jontababtux: Type "!repeat" into this channel09:26
Jordan_Uwieshka: Did you ever get Ubuntu installed successfully?09:26
Athyriachelz - Too late. But thank  you for trying... at least this isn t as far gone as the time my filesystem riddled itself with holes, anyhow.09:27
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com09:27
babtuxJonta: !repeat09:27
dooglussheepz: while nicotine is running, open a terminal, and do: ps -Hef > ps.txt09:28
dooglussheepz: then pastebin the ps.txt file09:28
Jontababtux: Read ubottu's message to you (:09:28
dooglussheepz: I mean while nicotine is running as started by aptitude, of course...09:28
ReadPleasecan anyone tell me how to increase default font size in terminal from terminal?09:28
sheepzok, that will be a little bit more difficult to reproduce09:29
ReadPleasegoogle, vim, linux, bash, and vim haven't been any help, so far. XD09:29
sheepzi'll try, dooglus09:29
=== andi is now known as Guest75910
tensorpuddingReadPlease: Have you tried the Edit menu?09:29
ReadPleaseThere's no edit menu in my terminal.09:29
tensorpuddingWhich terminal is it?09:29
Jontadepends if that can change default tho09:29
ReadPleaseit's the one that's built into the mini cd.09:29
dooglusReadPlease: can you run 'gconf-editor'?09:30
JontaReadPlease: You mean live-cd?09:30
JontaJust checking09:30
ReadPleasemini.iso installed, not live.09:30
Guest75910good day09:30
chelzAthyria: eh, well i would help as i can, out of curiosity, what's the issue you're currently encountering?09:30
dooglusReadPlease: oh, so not a gnome-terminal, but a console?09:30
dooglusReadPlease: like the whole screen is just text?09:31
tensorpuddingdooglus: i don't think you can change the font size in the terminal09:31
dooglustensorpudding: I'm not sure what mini.iso is - are you?09:31
tensorpuddingerr, console09:31
=== GoneHome is now known as Home
tensorpuddingi don't know either09:31
tensorpuddingbut "built in" seems to imply that it's the console09:32
Athyriachelz - the hard drive has too many partitions for the number of partitions it has. Which brings me back to I give up.09:32
=== Home is now known as hg1
chelzAthyria: well do you need or want all of them? can't they just be combined and/or deleted?09:33
Athyriachelz - as far as gparted is concerned, the odd one isn't even there... so hell if I know.09:33
dooglustensorpudding: you can specific vga= to the boot loader to get a different video mode, I think09:34
ReadPleasedooglus, yes.09:34
=== sdx24 is now known as sdx23
ReadPleaseIt's console only.09:34
sheepzdooglus: http://pastebin.com/jGM59Xf909:34
chelzAthyria: did "sudo fdisk -l" (without the quotes) list it?09:34
dooglusReadPlease: http://wiki.antlinux.com/pmwiki.php?n=HowTos.VgaModes talks about the various vga= values for different screen resolutions.  if you use a lower resolution, the text will be bigger09:35
sheepzok, so I get a tree of which process start what?09:35
sheepzand check those?09:36
Athyriachelz - I m not sure. Either that or the contents of the dev directory were what revealed it, though.09:36
dooglusReadPlease: try vga=768 for example.  that should make the text big09:36
sheepzok, looks like the updatemenus command triggers nicotine09:36
ReadPleasei'll bsee if i can09:36
chelzAthyria: did you ever get internet access on your livecd'd computer?09:36
dooglussheepz: right, it should be indented to show what ran what09:37
ReadPleaseIs that going to cause a conflict if I am using a virtual machine?09:37
dooglusReadPlease: I think you'll need to do something as soon as you boot, to set the vga= option - in the boot loader or some such.  do you see a grub screen?09:37
chelzReadPlease: any reason why you're using the minimal cd over say the alternate or desktop cd?09:38
dooglussheepz: is that how it's written?  "updatemenus"?09:38
Athyriachelz - not under livecd.09:38
sheepzhmm, dunno where its conf file is though09:38
chelzAthyria: say you were going to connect to the internet with your vista, what would you use?09:38
Athyriachelz - same thing as I'd use with a ubuntu with the drivers.09:39
chelzAthyria: which would be?09:39
dooglussheepz: it's certainly weird that it would run nicotine09:39
Athyriachelz - wired or wireless?09:39
chelzAthyria: which do you use more often?09:40
dooglussheepz: google is amazing, eh?  I just found your pastebin that you did 6 minutes ago...09:40
dooglussheepz: didn't see you already pasted the link to it...09:41
Athyriachelz - either...09:41
sabgenton i want to modprobe loop max_part=6309:41
sabgentonbut it looks like loop is a builtin09:41
chelzAthyria: so say when you plug in an ethernet cable, what would Network Manager say?09:41
sabgentonas it doesn't show in lsmod09:42
sabgenton can I achive this?09:42
AthyriaFrom the live cd, nothing, since it cannot find the network card. It's apparently a problem with this computer.09:42
etherealitehey so is it better to mount partitions using the UUID?09:43
chelzAthyria: same with the wifi card?09:43
Dr_Willisetherealite:  yes09:43
dooglussheepz: what's the name of the package with nicotine++ in it?09:43
chelzetherealite: in order of best to worst: uuid, label, sdaX09:44
etherealiteDr_Willis how do I get the UUID of my partitions?09:44
=== No_one|gone is now known as No_one_at_all
chelzsabgenton: that is a good question. i'm googling around but not coming up with much. i would like to know the answer though09:44
chelz!cn | freeast09:44
ubottufreeast: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:44
dooglussheepz: ok09:45
sabgentonchelz:  recompile your kernel probabley :(09:45
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)09:45
Athyriachelz - it's the same thing on this thing.09:45
chelzsabgenton: maybe, but i'm not sure09:45
ytaewsI'm following this (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449) guide and I get to the general help step 3, where it asks to find which ALSA driver is appropriate for my soundcard, but the link it gives doesn't work, how do I find which driver I need?09:45
xbonesxhow do you change the splash screen in ubuntu 9.04?09:45
zetherootrying to run Openshot and suddenly it's doing this in the terminal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/495772/09:45
dooglussheepz: what happens if you run: sh -c /usr/share/menu/nicotin09:45
dooglussheepz: (with an 'e' on the end, sorry)09:45
xbonesxi have this file 'Splash-DarkCleanLinux.png'.09:46
chelzAthyria: that is pretty tricky. do you have a usb stick around you could use?09:46
sheepzsurely it opens up nicotine09:46
dooglussheepz: is this ubuntu 10.04?09:47
sheepzyes, dooglus09:47
Athyriachelz - I just realised... I'm going about this all wrong. gparted may not find the thing, but it was probably partitioned with the windows one. So...09:47
dooglussheepz: can you paste the 1 line of output from: ls -l /usr/share/menu/nicotine09:47
sheepz-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8189 2010-02-18 05:45 /usr/share/menu/nicotine09:48
chelzzetheroo: are you on karmic or lucid?09:48
chelzAthyria: if the partition is there, gparted should see it09:48
dooglussheepz: that's weird.  you should reinistall nicotine I think09:48
sheepzweird in what sense?09:49
dooglussheepz: mine is tiny: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 254 2009-11-07 01:59 /usr/share/menu/nicotine09:49
zetheroochelz: lucid09:49
dooglussheepz: and looks like this: http://pastebin.com/W5xQQdJd09:49
chelzzetheroo: did you install any openshot stuff from a ppa?09:49
dooglussheepz: it's 8189 bytes long, and executable.  it should be 254 bytes, and not09:49
dooglussheepz: can you pastebin the file?09:49
sheepzwhatversion are you running?09:50
zetheroochelz: let me check09:50
sheepzit's a python script09:50
zetheroochelz: if so?09:50
dooglussheepz: 10.0409:50
chelzzetheroo: well i have a command that'll work either way09:50
sheepzof nicotine I mean09:50
dooglussheepz: try: ls -l /usr/share/menu/n*09:50
sheepzthere's nano and nautilus09:50
dooglussheepz: you should see all the files are around 200 bytes long.  your nicotine one is 8000 though09:50
zetheroochelz: looks like I got it from the main repos09:50
chelzzetheroo: sudo apt-get --reinstall install libcairo2/lucid frei0r-plugins09:50
dooglussheepz: see the numbers after 'root root' and before the dates?09:51
chelzzetheroo: alright. that should fix the issue i think.09:51
dooglussheepz: that's the file sizes09:51
sheepzyeah, I get it :D09:51
Athyriachelz - it didn't, though. Neither did the file browsers and whatnot, but anyhow. It's solved now. Good old kill everything methods...09:51
sheepzbut is that the contents of the file you pasted?09:51
dooglussheepz: that's right09:51
zetheroochelz: ok ...09:51
sheepzbecause mine is totally different09:51
dooglussheepz: what's the contents of yours?09:51
sheepza whole blown python script09:51
sheepzi'll paste it09:51
chelzAthyria: huh interesting. well move windows then install ubuntu. :)09:51
dooglussheepz: right.  I've no idea why - it's meant to be just the details about the menu entry for running nicotine09:52
zetheroochelz: nope ... still get Seg fault09:52
ashwinhey anyone well versed with qt-octave ?09:52
XuMuKHi there! Could somebody tell me how to add some command on the boot line? Thanks09:52
Dr_WillisXuMuK:  to do what exacly?09:52
sheepzdooglus: http://pastebin.com/5aaVz8H209:52
sheepzmaybe i'll just replace it with yours?09:53
XuMuKDr_Willis, it's about acpi on acer...09:53
chelzzetheroo: sudo apt-get install frei0r-plugins09:53
Athyriachelz - I still need three ubuntu installs, so why move it? They can go all around or something. Anyhoo.09:53
dooglussheepz: "sudo apt-get install --reinstall nicotine" I think09:53
chelzAthyria: you need three?09:53
Athyriachelz - Yes. For... reasons.09:53
zetheroo chelz: frei0r-plugins is already the newest version.09:53
zetheroofrei0r-plugins set to manually installed.09:53
ashwinAnyone know why in qt_octave I keep getting undefined at line 22 when the code is just 3 lines long ?09:53
XuMuKDr_Willis, I need to add this 'acpi_apic_instance=2' at boot...09:54
stevenhow do i get my web cam to work i just installed two days ago09:54
dooglussheepz: did you install it from somewhere other than the official repos?09:54
sabgentonchelz: any revelations?09:54
Sakethey guys i running lucid and it is not detecting my broadcom wifi driver09:54
stevenits a dv4-2169r09:54
sheepzyes, dooglus09:54
sheepzfrom the site09:54
Athyriachelz - okay, I deleted that. I definitely deleted that. Why is that still there?!09:54
sheepzbecause the one in repos was crashing09:54
Dr_WillisXuMuK:  edit /etc/default/grub09:54
dooglussheepz: I guess that's the problem then.  you can install it from aptitude09:54
dooglussheepz: oh, I see09:54
Jordan_USaket: Are you offered anythin to install by System > Adminstration > Hardware Drivers?09:54
dooglussheepz: I didn't use it for years now09:54
Sakethey guys, how can i make my lucid to detect the drivers?09:55
TomassoSKHi all, I have problem with framebuffer in lucid, I have kernel 2.6.32 and when I wrote to grub higher resolution, I have no screen when kernel boots.09:55
steveni am running ubuntu 10.04 and thats the last thing to fix09:55
XuMuKDr_Willis, and where exactly should I put it there?09:55
chelzAthyria: boot to a livecd, do "sudo fdisk -l | tee ~/Desktop/fdisk.txt" (without the quotes) then copy it to a usb flashdrive, then plug the flashdrive into the computer you're on now and pastebin it09:55
SaketJordan_U: nope, nothing is shown09:55
Athyriachelz - It's hopeless. It's definitely hopeless. I'ma go do something less futile. Toodles.09:55
chelzsabgenton: not just yet09:55
Dr_Willis!grub2 | XuMuK09:55
ubottuXuMuK: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub209:55
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dennis_can anyone help me with this error im getting while trying to install an app: Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libc6 (>= 2.11) ... but when I check package manager it says the latest version is 2.10.1 ?09:56
dooglussheepz: so the answer to your question of why it's running nicotine is that you installed a buggy nicotine package which has a python script where the menu file should be...09:56
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Dr_WillisXuMuK:  theres some default entry that gets adeed to the end of every kernel line in that config. You want to add it there. and rerun update-grub09:56
chelzhaha wow that was a waste09:56
chelzsabgenton: not yet09:56
jribdennis_: what exactly are you attempting to install?09:56
chelzzetheroo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openshot/+bug/61746909:56
jrib!away > macode09:56
coz_dennis_,  which applicatoin is this?09:56
ubottumacode, please see my private message09:56
dennis_im trying to install Xplico09:56
matejanyone know of good shoutcast radio app that would let me save songs that I like? I use Exaile but it won't let me do that :(09:56
coz_dennis_, ok and is this from the repository?09:56
XuMuKDr_Willis, ok, thanks!09:57
dennis_no its off the web09:57
coz_dennis_,  do you have alink to this application09:57
Dr_Willismatej:  streamtuner/tunapie/streamripper can save streams.. but they may not do it exactly how you like.09:57
Jordan_USaket: What is the card's PCI-ID? (explanation on how to find it here: http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#Known_PCI_devices )09:57
SaketJordan_U: when i tried to see the hardware drivers by running the live cd of lucid i got to see the drivers as broadcom b43, broadcom sta09:57
dennis_coz: http://www.xplico.org/download09:58
sheepzdooglus: guess so, a bit weird that this behavior ensues even though I changed the config file09:58
sheepzwith yours09:58
matejYeah, I want it to work like old analogue radios did it, just more modern :)09:58
jribdennis_: please pastebin the output of: sudo apt-get update && apt-cache policy libc609:58
Jordan_USaket: Can you connect to the internet via ethernet temporarily?09:58
coz_dennis_,  ok did you download the ubuntu 10.04 package?09:58
chelzsabgenton: what do you get from:  sudo modprobe -r loop && sudo modprobe loop max_part=6309:58
dennis_coz: im on ubunto 9.10 and downloaded that package09:58
SaketJordan_U: nope, even the ethernet is not working09:58
coz_ah ok09:58
coz_dennis_,  ah ok09:59
dooglussheepz: did you build it from the .tar.gz file yourself?  or did you find a .deb somewhere?09:59
jribdennis_: well you can't use it on 9.10....09:59
sheepzdooglus: I think it was a deb09:59
dooglussheepz: at http://nicotine.thegraveyard.org/#download I'm not seeing any .deb package09:59
sheepzdon't remember building09:59
dennis_jrib why?09:59
sabgentonchelz: is that a website on mounting lvm?09:59
Mugambomy cd/dvd drive is not working properly in ubutnu 10.04 , what i should do now ?09:59
jribdennis_: because it's for 10.04.  Isn't that what the site says?09:59
dennis_jriib there are versions for ubuntu 10.04 and 9.10 (scroll down)09:59
Jordan_USaket: Is your ethernet card listed at all in "ifconfig"?09:59
coz_dennis_,   ok this is a .deb package  open a terminal   cd to it's location   sudo dpkg -i  nameofpackage   if the erros occure try   sudo apt-get install -f10:00
sheepzdooglus: that's the old version10:00
chelzsabgenton: yes. i'm curious if loading the module would work, even if lsmod doesn't list it10:00
jribdennis_: are you using the version for 9.10...?10:00
sabgentonchelz: and it won't work cause loop is not comipled as a modual10:00
dennis_jrib: yes10:00
jribdennis_: what exactly did you download?10:00
SaketJordan_U: i followed the instructions in the readme file when u download the 32 bit version of the driver but still nothing works10:00
chelzsabgenton: what do you get from    sudo modprobe loop max_part=6310:00
SaketJordan_U: yes, i get to see the Auto eth0 when i do ifconfig10:01
sabgentonchelz: if the site is http://www.thegibson.org/blog/archives/467  I just happend to be folloing it when this problem occurred10:01
dennis_jrib : the "Ubuntu 9.10 package"10:01
jribdennis_: there's more than one.10:01
coz_dennis_,  make sure you download the .deb package10:01
sabgentonchelz: FATAL: Module loop not found.10:01
dennis_jrib: oh the most recent one, and yes the .deb package10:01
jribdennis_: just tell us the name of the file.10:01
dooglussheepz: still not finding .deb files?10:01
SaketJordan_U: right now i am on my winblows10:01
jribso we can stop playing guessing games...10:02
sabgentonchelz: as I said I think ubuntu distros comiple it as a modual10:02
sabgentonfor some forsaken reason10:02
dennis_jrib: xplico_0.5.8_i386.deb10:02
jribdennis_: k, now look at http://www.xplico.org/download.  That's a package for 10.0410:02
Jordan_USaket: Assuming your network has a DHCP server, what happens when you run "sudo dhclient eth0"?10:03
sabgentonchelz: sory they compile it as a builtin10:03
dennis_jrib: i am on ubuntu 9.1010:03
sabgentonkernel built in10:03
coz_dennis_,  ok open a terminal  cd to that location of the file....  sudo dpkg -i xplico_0.5.8_i386.deb10:03
jribdennis_: I know.  And you downloaded a package for 10.04.10:03
sabgentonI WISH the comipled it as a modual10:03
coz_dennis_,  if that error shows up again  do   sudo apt-get install -f  and let me know what happens10:03
Jordan_USaket: It's incredibly uncommon for an ethernet card to not be supported out of the box.10:03
jribdennis_: xplico_0.5.8_i386.deb is for 10.04, NOT 9.1010:03
sheepzdooglus: thanks so much10:03
sabgentonchelz: looks like older ubuntu verrsions   had it as a modual but not anymore10:04
sheepzdooglus: well, the weird behavior is gone at least10:04
SaketJordan_U: i have not executed that command10:04
dennis_jrib: then their website is pointing to the wrong file? that is what is listed for 9.1010:04
dooglussheepz: you're welcome.  I still don't really understand though...10:04
SaketJordan_U: even i am amazed why my ethernet card is not being detected10:04
Saketi am on my windows machine so i have to reboot and chk with that command10:05
chelzsabgenton: well i found someone saying this: "howdy.  I installed ubuntu 10.04 server 64-bit last night and given they compile the loop module into the kernel I added loop.max_part=63 to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub and ran sudo update-grub2.after reboot I'm stuck at a grub prompt;  ls shows my partitions and ls (hd0,2)/ shows the root of my /boot partition but ls (hd0,2)/boot says "error: out of disk".which I gather actually mea10:05
chelzns that grub can't access that far into the filesystem.what's the best path forward here?"10:05
jribdennis_: no, the website says: xplico version 0.5.6 has a 9.10 package.  Here is the directory: (sourceforge link).  Then you didn't click 0.5.6, you clicked something else.  All the packages are in the same directory10:05
sabgentonchelz: sudo modprobe -l |grep loop  doesn't return anything usefull either10:05
SaketJordan_U: what is supposed to happen after executing that command?10:05
chelzsabgenton: you could try that but it might make your system unbootable, so you might try adding that line in grub itself. pressing e while highlighting the entry you want to edit10:05
chelzthe edits are temporary btw10:05
SaketJordan_U: tell me so that i can verify when i am on lucid10:05
sabgentonchelz: exellent I wil do that10:06
Jordan_USaket: You should have a working connection after running that command.10:06
dennis_jrib: thanks lol..10:06
jribdennis_: so either go with 10.04 or attempt to build the latest from source (http://wiki.xplico.org/doku.php?id=doing_a_deb_package)10:06
SaketJordan_U: hmm, okay, any thing else u want me to try ?10:06
chelzsabgenton: this has some more stuff: http://www.google.com/search?q="loop.max_part%3D63"10:07
dennis_thanks guys, appreciated10:07
chelzsabgenton: so apparently that's how you pass options to nonmodule things10:07
Jordan_USaket: I can give you instructions for getting your wireless working without an internet connection now if you'd prefer, but it's somewhat complicated.10:07
xbonesxchelz: what can i type to find out what version of grub i have?10:08
sabgentonchelz: yeah I never new that was possibal10:08
chelzxbonesx: grub --version10:08
sabgentonfor builtins10:08
chelzxbonesx: --version and --help are pretty universal commands10:08
Sakethmm okay, i can giv you my email id, will you mail me the instructions?10:08
Jordan_Uxbonesx: chelz: grub-install --version10:08
chelzsabgenton: yeah i've only added a few things to the linux line in grub and i don't think any were for builtins10:08
SaketJordan_U: hmm okay, i can giv you my email id, will you mail me the instructions?10:09
sabgentonchelz: I thought if you compiled the thing as a builtin instead of a modual you were stuffed10:09
chelzoh that might be the way for grub2, i personally am still on grub1 ;/10:09
chelzsabgenton: heh well rebooting isn't exactly ideal in a lot of environments, but i guess it's better than recompiling10:09
Jordan_Uchelz: grub-install --version works for both grub legacy and grub2 wheras grub2 has no "grub" command.10:09
chelzJordan_U: good to know, thanks10:10
sabgentonyeah unless you run gentoo or somthing10:10
Qwertchelz: Was the problem solved?10:10
sabgenton(and gentoos a  hastle)10:10
Jordan_Uchelz: You're welcome.10:10
xbonesxchelz: grub (GNU GRUB 0.97), so i have grub1?10:10
chelzQwert: no.. that person gave up pretty epically. wouldn't pastebin anything either. seemed really against solving their problem or some reason.10:10
Qwertchelz: Oh..10:11
chelzxbonesx: grub2 was added in karmic, the version right after the one you have, which is jaunty10:11
Jordan_USaket: Yes, give it to me in a PM to keep it from the email harvesting spam bots.10:11
xbonesxok then10:11
ashwinAnyone can help me with octave ?10:11
chelzxbonesx: when you install lucid, it will install grub210:11
SaketJordan_U: okay10:11
chelzashwin: the octave mailing list would probably be the best place for help. you can feel free to try in here though :)10:12
shaiHi :) I connected my cell phone to my Ubuntu 10.04 and while I'm able to send an SMS using this cmd (sudo gsmsendsms -d /dev/ttyACM0 +972xxxxxxxxx "test") ; I can't seem to do the same with Hebrew fonts. 1. When I swith the layout to Hebrew, the text is typed backwards in the command line. 2. The SMS does get sent out, but arrives in gibirish. Can anyone help me out with this?10:12
Qwertashwin: Yes..10:13
chelzshai: you need to make sure whatever you're doing supports unicode10:13
ikoniashai: I'd bet it is s simple bug/limitation you'll need to log a bug against the package for that10:13
chelzashwin: please keep stuff in the main channel. and no problem. :)10:13
shaiI see....10:14
shaitoo bad then...10:14
SaketJordan_U: how can i send you a PM?10:14
chelzshai: it might work with what you have, you just need to use a special flag or something10:14
Saketis it /msg?10:15
chelzsabgenton: if you're doing that stuff now i'd be curious if that line worked for you10:15
sabgentonsorry haven't got there10:15
Jordan_USaket: Type "/msg Jordan_U hi"10:15
sabgentonhold on10:15
chelzSaket: /query opens a new window/tab thing, /msg sends individual messages10:15
chelzsabgenton: sure, no rush10:16
SaketJordan_U: did you get it?10:16
Jordan_USaket: Yes.10:16
sabgentonheres another question how do i know what the loop modual = at the moment?10:16
shaichelz, yea... gsmsendsms doesn't have that option ..10:16
chelzshai: i found this "The GSM default alphabet is used for encoding. ASCII and Latin-1 characters that can not be encoded using the GSM default alphabet are converted to the GSM delta character (GSM code 16)."10:18
shaichelz, what does it mean?10:18
chelzshai: if hebrew characters aren't part of the GSM default alphabet, it can't send them.10:19
chelzshai: you might try asking on some hebrew-oriented ubuntu or linux mailing list10:19
rocket16how can i limit the number of virtual consoles in Ubuntu 10.04?10:21
Jordan_Ushai: The hebrew channel for Ubuntu support might be helpfull. /join #ubuntu-il10:22
Dr_Willisrocket16:  edit the proper /etc/init/ files.10:22
rocket16Dr_Willis: Thanks, :).10:22
Dr_WillisQwert:  Huh? accept what file?10:22
lixujiaHello guys10:23
chelz!hi | lixujia10:23
ubottulixujia: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:23
Dr_WillisQwert:  most irc clients have 'dcc' commands to send files. I never use the feature.10:24
lixujiaHI chelz10:24
Dr_WillisQwert:  pastebin is much easier to use10:24
rocket16Dr_Willis: Should I delete the number of tty3.conf to tty6.conf files, to take away 3rd to 6th consoles?10:24
chelz!cn | lixujia10:24
ubottulixujia: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:24
Dr_Willisrocket16:  or rename them to tty3.DONTSTART10:24
Dr_Willisrocket16:  but i dont see the reasons for it..10:24
rocket16Dr_Willis: Oh, thanks.10:24
rocket16Dr_Willis: Just for a possible small speed-boost.10:25
lixujiahow are you doing chelz10:25
chelzrocket16: it's almost always better to rename than to delete, a lot easier to revert10:25
Dr_Willisrocket16:  i doubt if it will matter.10:25
chelzlixujia: pretty good. welcome. this channel is for support stuff only though. to talk casually please go to #ubuntu-offtopic10:25
rusiviWhat package allows ./configure ?10:25
ikoniarusivi: none, configure is normally a script10:26
Dr_WillisI imagine the cpu used by a login: on a console.. is rather minimal.10:26
ikoniarusivi: what are you trying to build10:26
lixujiaOh thanks10:26
rusiviikonia ty10:26
rocket16chelz: Sure, thanks.10:26
chelzrusivi: configure scripts are almost always bash or sh scripts and the ./ means "run the script in this directory" since random directories aren't in one's $PATH10:26
coz_hey guys I have a question.. on Edubuntu/lucid  and noticed an old problem from years ago...menus dont always update when installing new application...there used to be an update-menu command  apparenlty not there there now...any other solutions ?10:26
rusivichelz: ty10:26
chelzcoz_: System -> Preferences -> Main Menu10:27
coz_chelz,  yes I am aware of that and of course I can untick and re tick the missing app menu item but wanted a  command to refresh menus10:28
SaketJordan_U: hey, i tried sudo dhclient eth0 but it was just giving outputs like ping10:28
norenhi all, i m having trouble connecting to internet from the newly created login how to chare internet here10:28
doogluscoz_: /usr/bin/update-menus10:28
chelzrusivi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall10:28
coz_doobeh,  ok let me try that10:29
rusivichelz: ty10:29
dooglusdoobeh ?10:29
coz_dooglus,   sorry that was for you  but  none avialable here10:29
xbonesxwhats the keyboard shortcut to switch desktops?10:29
coz_dooglus,  /usr/bin/update-menus is not onboard10:30
magnetronxbonesx: ctrl+alt+left10:30
No_one_at_allchalcedny? chalcedony?10:31
chelzcoz_: are you on lucid?10:31
coz_chelz,  yes  edubuntu / lucid10:31
noreni created a new user in ubuntu but cant access internet from it ?? how to solve please10:32
chelzcoz_: make sure you have the menu packages installed10:32
chelzcoz_: sudo apt-get --reinstall install menu10:32
iShawnWanyone have win7 and try to ftp/smb into 10.10? mine fails with path was not found even though its correct10:33
xbonesxmagnetron: sweet thank you i love keyboard shortcuts, almost dont need a mouse10:33
jribxbonesx: you'll probably enjoy  using a tiling window manager then10:33
chelziShawnW: smb between linux and windows is an art10:33
coz_chelz,  ah ok menu wasnt installed  let me check now10:33
chelzcoz_: that package contains the update-menus command10:33
iShawnWchelz: no its finger painting with xp10:33
magnetronxbonesx: also try ctrl+alt+shift+left/right, it moves the current window to another desktop10:33
coz_chelz,  never even corssed my mind...thanks  :)10:33
chelzcoz_: i found that through http://packages.ubuntu.com/ at the bottom10:34
iShawnWwin7 is a Special ED student10:34
chelzcoz_: "Search the contents of packages"10:34
chelzcoz_: i just left everything as default and put in the box:   update-menus10:34
coz_chelz,  understood    I will book mark that for later use  ...thanks again :)10:35
xbonesxmagnetron: very nice is there a list of keyboard shorcuts somewhere?10:35
sabgentonchelz: worked a charm!10:35
chelzcoz_: np thanks for using ubuntu10:35
r45c4lhello, here is the o/p of my lspci of xubuntu 10.04, i am not able to connect it to my wifi10:35
sabgentonjust stuck it on the boot line before quiet10:35
chelzsabgenton: great to hear! i was afraid it wouldn't boot or something. so that guide is working?10:35
coz_chelz,  ok and thanks for using compiz and cairo-dock :)10:35
r45c4lcan anyone help me please10:35
sabgentonchelz: I just edit the boot line in the boot menu at start up10:35
Jordan_Uxbonesx: One of the popular tiling window managers is even called "ratpoison" :)10:36
sabgentondidn't grub-update10:36
sabgentongurb2 still confuses me a bit10:36
magnetronxbonesx: it's in the keyboard shortcuts in the system menu10:36
sabgentonso just did the easy way10:36
rocket16If any contact is shown "not authorised", does this mean, that I have been blocked by that user? Or has he/she removed my contact? I suspect the same, but still, just for confirmation.10:37
rocket16In Pidgin.10:37
chelzr45c4l: are you on lucid?10:37
chelzsabgenton: ah, well that one line i found where you add it to the /etc/grub/default i would think would work fine10:38
r45c4li am not sure i just know i am on xubuntu 10.0410:38
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chelzr45c4l: oh right. yes 10.04 is lucid.10:38
r45c4lthis is the o/p of lspci http://dpaste.com/245356/10:38
chelzrocket16: some IM networks require you to get approval from a person before you can add them to your buddy list or talk to them, i think that means that the request is pending10:38
r45c4lokk okk chelz i was not aware of that, thanks10:38
sabgentonchelz: well I only need a one shot anyways but yeah now I know how it works the worlds my oyster :)10:38
SaketJordan_U: hey, did you mail me?10:39
norenmy nm-applet not working when logged in with new user !!10:39
chelzr45c4l: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:markus-tisoft/rt309010:39
rocket16Oh, thanks chelz. But till yesterday, he was there, and I added him as well. From today, I can see it to be "not authorised"10:39
amanita_Anyone using dual cpu servers (like HP Proliant) with standard Ubuntu here?10:39
r45c4lok chelz let me try that10:39
chelzr45c4l: sudo apt-get install rt309010:39
chelzrocket16: he might have removed you10:40
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rocket16Thanks chelz.10:40
chelzr45c4l: do those in order10:40
chelzrocket16: i'm not sure though. you could try the support for the IM network you're using10:40
r45c4lok chelz10:40
Jordan_USaket: No, since you're here and dhclient eth0 failed I might as well just tell you (the instructions aren't that long).10:40
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SaketJordan_U: okay10:40
rocket16chelz: Thanks again.10:40
Guest76361I have a problem with empathy and {internal} microphone10:40
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Jordan_USaket: How comfortable are you with the terminal?10:41
r45c4lchelz, i am getting this on ur second command10:41
r45c4lr45c4l@h4ckb0x:~$  sudo apt-get install rt309010:41
r45c4lReading package lists... Done10:41
r45c4lBuilding dependency tree10:41
r45c4lReading state information... Done10:41
r45c4lE: Couldn't find package rt309010:41
FloodBot1r45c4l: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:41
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SaketJordan_U: i am not that bad with terminal10:41
SaketJordan_U: u can tell me10:41
chelzr45c4l: sudo apt-get install rt3090-dkms10:42
chelzr45c4l: sorry about that10:42
sahili can not believe you guys are talking about the rt309010:42
chelzsahil: is that why you're here?10:42
sahilchelz: I have read tons of forums on this very issue tonight10:42
r45c4lokk thanks chelz10:42
Jordan_USaket: Download these and extract them to /lib/firmware/ http://jordanu.dyndns.org/b43-firmware-lucid.tar.gz http://jordanu.dyndns.org/b43legacy-firmware-lucid.tar.gz10:42
ashtray¶Ô aaronyy ˵: .10:43
chelzsahil: we're currently trying a ppa10:43
dr0idguys my system has gone pretty slow, can't understand why so , can anyone help me out ?10:43
sahilchelz: I was going to build something similar10:43
chelzsahil: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:markus-tisoft/rt309010:43
chelzsahil: sudo apt-get install rt3090-dkms10:43
chelzis what i'd say you should try10:43
sahilchelz: question is isn't there support for rt3090 in the kernel?10:43
chelzsahil: no idea10:43
chelzsahil: i would guess not10:44
SaketJordan_U: okay, as i am on my windows machine, i ll copy every step u tell me and then execute them on my lucid10:44
sahilchelz: from my reading there is...10:44
sahilintegrated with the rt2860pci driver-I was going to compile a kernel with it working10:44
Jordan_USaket: That's actually basically the only step, if you're already familiar with using the tar command.10:44
SaketJordan_U: i am familiar with tar command10:45
dr0idguys my system has gone slow, can anyone help me out ? extremely slow10:45
SaketJordan_U: :)10:45
sahilchelz: if the kernel didn't work i was going to follow the howto build the RaLink guide and build a deb10:46
chelzsahil: eh well you could try the ppa first. should be quick test.10:46
Jordan_USaket: Ok, once you've checked that the directories /lib/firmware/b43 and /lib/firmware/b43legacy exist run "sudo rmmod b43; sudo modprobe b43" (or reboot).10:46
amanita_dr0id what cpu do you have and how many gb ram?10:47
sahilchelz: ppa is fine but i'm interested in this for two reason-i sell these laptops to customers so i need a longterm solution10:47
dr0idquad core 2.33ghz and 2gb ddr2 ram I hope10:47
amanita_dr0id try install htop, then run it in a terminal to see what hogs your sys10:47
chelzsahil: make sure maverick gets support for it then get a package for it released in lucid-backports10:47
dr0idI executed this command -> top10:48
dr0idand this is what I got -> http://pastie.org/private/g1pewb6ak0xn37qjzi7rg10:48
sahilchelz:im concerned about maverick not lucid10:48
SaketJordan_U: okay10:48
chelzsahil: or maverick is frozen actually, so maybe make sure natty gets it10:48
SaketJordan_U: anything else?10:48
coz_dr0id,  you will get better info and more options with htop10:48
Jordan_USaket: Most of the people who I've explained this to needed the exact command for every step, including mounting their windows partition. That's the only reason why I said that it was complicated / long :)10:48
chelzsahil: LTS releases have a much longer support lifecycle than normal releases, depending on who your customers are it might be better to keep them on LTS releases10:48
dr0idcoz_: I have it, executed10:48
dr0idgot some similar things :P I don't understand all those lol10:48
sahilchelz: desktop-endusers -they're laptops10:49
SaketJordan_U: oh okay, i am not that bad :)10:49
coz_dr0id,  well you could screenshot what it is reporting now and upload to picpaste.com for us to look at :)10:49
chelzsahil: eh well for lucid users i sure hope it get a backport10:49
coz_dr0id,  i would full screen that first10:49
r45c4lchelz, i am getting this http://dpaste.com/245364/10:49
Jordan_USaket: That's should be it, though you might run into the same problem with DHCP with the wireless card as you had with the wired connection.10:49
amanita_dr0id: hey you run virtualbox?10:50
dr0idcoz_: it's a huge list how do I show you everything ?10:50
SaketJordan_U: Thanks for the help, i ll be right back and let you know the result, thank you very much10:50
dr0idamanita_: yeah, virtualbox ose10:50
Jordan_USaket: You're welcome.10:50
dr0idafter starting it, my system went slow10:50
chelzr45c4l: sudo apt-get install rt3090-dkms10:50
chelzr45c4l: rt3090-dkms not rt309010:50
coz_dr0id,  just screenshot that at fullscreen  the main culprits will be at the top of the list anyway10:50
r45c4lohh sorry10:50
amanita_dr0id: and do you wonder why your sys is slow dude.10:50
chelzr45c4l: sure np10:50
dr0idno, I don't know10:51
coz_dr0id,  uploaded yet ? :)10:52
dr0idno, picpaste is slow10:53
coz_dr0id,   try speedyshare.com10:53
r45c4lchelz, now see this http://dpaste.com/245365/10:53
coz_dr0id,  I cant read that one :)  way too small10:53
chelzr45c4l: oops sorry about that10:53
chelzr45c4l: run this:    sudo apt-get update10:53
chelzr45c4l: then run that apt-get install again10:54
coz_dr0id,  full screen htop  hit printscreen and upload to speedyshare.com10:54
sahilthe smallest steps chelz10:54
r45c4lokk chelz thanks :) let me do that10:54
dr0idcoz_: ^^10:54
coz_dr0id,  according to that snapshot cpu is at 0%10:55
dr0idcoz_: did you see my top results?10:55
coz_dr0id,  ok that one says virtual box + a few other things have cpu at 10%10:56
coz_dr0id,  thats not much of a cpu load10:56
dr0idcoz_: lol, things are getting hanged here, just pidgin is running barely10:56
coz_dr0id,   ok what do you have running other than virtual box....compiz?  ???10:57
chelzr45c4l: after those you have to reboot i think10:57
r45c4lsure chelz10:58
coz_dr0id,  out of curiosity    in terminal   lspci | grep -i vga10:58
r45c4lthanks for all the help chelz :)10:59
chelzr45c4l: sure. as soon as you reboot plz tell me if it fixed it or not.10:59
norencant get nm-applet to work with different login?? some d-bus error !! help needed here10:59
chelznoren: what error do you get?11:00
r45c4lsure chelz i will sure tell u11:00
eiseHi guys after restart i can't get any sound out of this... it has worked perfectly before.. http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/UDJv2SkA11:01
coz_eise,  first thing to check is in terminal     alsamixer   see if any sliders are down or muted11:02
dr0idsorry coz_ system crashed at last :P11:02
dr0idI think I need to move from kde to gnome :(11:03
coz_dr0id,  yikes... oh kde is definilty a hog at times11:03
SaketJordan_U: thanks, everything is working fine11:03
eisecoz_ ; canno open mixer...11:03
amanita_dr0id: wise man use gnome only11:03
coz_dr0id,  if you like kde apps but want gnome I suggest trying edubuntu  nice mix of the two11:03
coz_eise,  oooo11:03
SaketJordan_U: i am on lucid11:03
coz_eise,  see if you have alsa-uitls istalled11:03
dr0idthe thing is so much projects and so many things goin on, and I am on kde11:04
dr0idshifting to gnome would be easy ?11:04
bazhangdr0id, sure11:04
coz_dr0id,    sudou apt-get install  ubunt-desktop11:04
dr0idbtw, seems like vista is more stable than kubuntu11:04
bazhangdr0id, got only kde installed now?11:04
dr0idkde and gnome, bnoth11:04
bazhang!puregnome | dr0id11:05
ubottudr0id: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome11:05
bazhangdr0id, follow that link on how to make it gnome only11:05
eisecoz_ when i check Hardware through the speaker (the small icon) he list no availible hardware..11:05
dr0idI would'nt want to do that now, I am afraid, as I said, too many things here, I can't even think of taking backups :P11:05
dr0idmay do that later, for now some quick fix maybe helpful heh11:05
bazhangdr0id, okay, well bookmark it for when you do11:05
eisecoz_ alsa-utils give me: Usage: /etc/init.d/alsa-utils {start [CARD]|stop [CARD]|restart [CARD]|reset [CARD]}11:05
dr0idsure :)11:06
coz_eise,  ooo  thats not good...11:06
r45c4lhey chelz it worked perfectly11:06
eiseBut i can see it in the list of lspci...11:06
r45c4lmy wifi is working now :)11:06
r45c4lthanks a lot11:06
Spyzerhi all, can gwibber manage system based accounts. I mean suppose i have more than one user account on my pc, so shall all of them receive their own personal updates??11:06
Spyzerand not the updates of others11:06
eisecoz_ and i know, when i try to restart the laptop some times.. i may work11:06
coz_eise,   ok I am not always the best for sound issues  ,,,,if no one here knows the next troubleshooting steps you couls try either #pulseaudio or #alsa channels11:06
chelzr45c4l: great to hear :)11:06
r45c4lthanks chelz :)11:07
dr0idafter this crash google toolbar on firefox is entirely broken, can't see any options :(11:07
dr0idlike the quick search, page rank, and most of them, can see just 4 options no11:07
dr0idgmail and other 311:07
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miyamotoaudio out put is not workin in my dell inspiron n4010 laptop so can any one help me..........11:09
airtonixSpyzer, sorry i can't understand you, it seems all the keys on your keyboard just print exclamation marks11:10
Spyzerumm okay i shall then write it again11:10
kaikan blom len11:10
Spyzercan gwibber manage system based accounts. I mean suppose i have more than one user account on my pc, so shall all of them receive their own personal updates??11:10
vasezwhere does wine install icons into?  I deleted .wine and now I have links that obviously won't work11:10
Spyzerairtonix: please wud u tell me??11:11
airtonixSpyzer, you should probably ask the gwibber author(s)11:11
Spyzeri am behind a proxy so am unable to utilize gwibber functionalities11:11
chelzvasez: http://wiki.winehq.org/FAQ#head-9893ae50079ca7a959258f0bc9a17aaf2e69b39111:12
antivirtelnetwork proxy setting is equial with apt-cacher server?!11:12
airtonixvasez, when you install windows programs on linux and you have wine installed, it contains a helper app that will create .desktop files in your ~/.local/share/applications11:12
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vasezchelz, airtonix thank you11:12
airtonixantivirtel, you need to provide more information11:13
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antivirtelairtonix in the end of ubuntu setup there is "Advanced", then: http proxy field... this http proxy is an apt-cacher server? or it isnt..?!11:14
airtonixantivirtel, no. it is merely the network proxy setting that you will have if you went to system > preferences > network proxy11:15
airtonixantivirtel, also, I do not recall such a setting during install are you sure you are using Ubuntu Lucid (10.04) ?11:15
antivirtelairtonix yeah lucid :D what other?! sry, not "advanced" but "other"11:17
airtonixantivirtel, i think you can safely assume it is a normal proxy is it auto fills the port number with 808011:18
abhi_Hello, Ubuntu One Service is not running as expected. Files and notes are not able to synchronize. Any help regarding this is appreciated11:18
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antivirtelok, thanks11:18
airtonixantivirtel, as far as i know, apt-cacher and apt-proxy work on another pport by default11:18
antivirtelyeah really...11:19
shaiJordan_U, chelz: I decided to give 'gnokii' a try, and it works great with Hebrew... the only problem I have now, is that Hebrew, when typed in the console, is backwards ... But even when sent, it arrives correctly.11:22
shaiAny thoughts?11:22
shaiThe Hebrew channel is kinda dead... no-one talks there (yet)11:22
abhi_Hello, is the Ubuntu one service down right now? I am not able to sync the files. Somebody please check it...11:22
datuneI have a file with the following permissions: -rw-------  1 postgres postgres 13081 Feb 16  2010 I874894.JPG, I am trying to access this file via http, but obviously apache does not have the correct permission. So I figured I could just add www-data to the group postgres, but that does not work either. The problem: Changing either file permissions or the fileowner is not an option. How can I solve this?11:23
will_datune: Looks like the user only has access to read and write11:26
airtonixdatune, out of luck then11:26
will_datune: Interesting that the postgres user owns a JPG...11:27
datunewill_: I know, it's a very complex story, trust me when I say I can't do anything about that...11:27
will_You can make it world-readable...11:27
alexb_can symbolic links have different permissions from there target?11:27
datunewill_: Like I said, I can't...11:28
will_oh sorry11:28
will_You can't solve it with the given statements... though, maybe it would be interesting to hear the whole story...11:29
Jordan_USaket: You're welcome.11:30
iShawnWokay wtf does it take to just ftp/smb from win7 into 10.1011:30
iShawnWeven mac can connect, xp can connect, I have no vista so didn't test that11:30
guntbert!language | iShawnW11:31
ubottuiShawnW: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.11:31
iShawnWguntbert: I refrained from dropping the full out fbomb11:31
guntbertiShawnW: even so11:32
airtonixiShawnW, i guess that question depends on what software you are using... (it's my assumption that every iteration of windows undergoes enough changes to make it incompatiable with other OS)11:32
sheepzany reason why there's no main.cf in my /etc/postfix?11:32
airtonix!bots > Qwert11:33
ubottuQwert, please see my private message11:33
guntbertalexb_: the permission of the link files don't matter (they are 777 usually), only the permission on the original count11:33
Gneasheepz: it was never delivered11:33
iShawnWairtonix: its really felling like Bill blocked like smb port11:33
FusionXi recently installed xubuntu 10.4 using wubi under my windows C: drive (4 GB). Now sometimes after booting up xubuntu, the screen crashes at random times and starts blinking white stripes on half of the screen. And also when xubuntu boots up the logo appears very pixelly and looks as if it is run in safe mode and after the logo disappears a quick green color flashes on the screen. My xorg.0.log --> http://pastebin.com/uAy3NS4f . I use Samsung syncma11:33
FusionXster 794mg monitor and my driver is intel 82845G11:33
sheepzGnea, what do you mean?11:33
airtonixiShawnW, why?11:33
Gneasheepz: well, what created /etc/postfix in the first place?11:33
sheepzi installed via apt11:33
iShawnWairtonix: every other box i have can connect but yet win7 can't11:33
Gneawhat did you install, exactly?11:33
alexb_thanks guntbert11:34
guntbertalexb_: you're welcome :-)11:34
hiexpomorning all11:34
airtonixiShawnW, you must be forgetting a step, because i have win7 clients at work that make use of a ubuntu 10.04 ebox server11:34
iShawnWairtonix: 10.10, I'm begining to regret it11:34
airtonixiShawnW, ok you need to ask in ubuntu+111:35
iShawnWairtonix: do you know how to purge every part of samba? every dependancy?11:35
airtonixiShawnW, normal ubuntu channel is just for current release candidate. and #ubuntu+1 is for upcoming releases11:35
Gneasheepz: well, according to my 10.04 system, /etc/postfix/main.cf is not part of the postfix package. have you ran through the mail server setup?11:35
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airtonixiShawnW, apt-get purge packagename ?11:35
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iShawnWthat leaves the dependancies11:36
Gneasheepz: try the postconf command11:36
iShawnWI need to get rid of it all11:36
sheepzGnea, i'm on 10.04 as well, i'm just following a tutorial on setting up a mail server11:36
Gneasheepz: cool11:36
iShawnWit was a 10.04 upgrade and I think it sees packages from 10.04 and they must not be workign11:36
djordjehi, i have problem with update on 10.04, rhytmbox update is grayed so i cant check it, it says LP-PPA -eugenesan11:36
sheepzpostconf: fatal: open /etc/postfix/main.cf: No such file or directory11:37
airtonixiShawnW, upgrades are bad, repeat after me.11:37
guntbert!fud | airtonix11:37
ubottuairtonix: Please do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt11:37
iShawnWairtonix: it was first time thing, I was feeling to lazy to download the iso... it cam back to bite me in the butt11:37
airtonixguntbert, its the truth. viz the scenario many fall into when they come here with problems caused by failed upgrades11:38
iShawnWguntbert: ... fud yourself, it cases issues. isssues that have come back to bite me in the butt11:38
airtonixguntbert, denying it is mis-information11:38
Gneaairtonix: that's quite enough out of you.11:39
babtuxi want change my resulation when i tupe gnome-display-properties from ctrl+f2 and select 1920*1080 it dont appear and this error appear could not set the configuration for crtc 434 how solve this problem?11:40
Gneaairtonix: if someone has issues with their upgrades, help them solve the problem please, don't talk trash about them.11:41
airtonixGnea, i wasn't, maybe you mis interpreted what i said.11:41
sheepzGnea: any ideas?11:42
Gneaairtonix: I'm sorry, there's no other way to interpret this: 05:37 < airtonix> iShawnW, upgrades are bad, repeat after me.11:42
Gneasheepz: on? you haven't told me what you've done11:42
iShawnWGnea: it is a fact though, the upgrade causeed huge issues11:42
sheepzGnea: haven't done anything really besides installing the postfix package via apt-get11:42
iShawnWGnea: so many packages say they are there and don't work11:43
sheepzaccording to the tutorial which I think is a bit dated11:43
sheepzit should be sufficient11:43
Gneawell, I upgrade all the time and very rarely do they lead to small, medium or huge issues11:43
GneaiShawnW: file a bug.11:43
Gneasheepz: url of the tutorial?11:43
Gnea!bug | iShawnW11:43
ubottuiShawnW: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots11:43
airtonixiShawnW, for a long time now i make it a point to never upgrade, and to help with clean installs, i assign partitions to directories that i want to retain during a clean install, (a common one is to make /home use the majority of a hard drive)11:44
GneaiShawnW: what did you upgrade from-to anyway?11:44
sheepzGnea: http://flurdy.com/docs/postfix/11:44
iShawnWairtonix: I do have a seperate /home, I was to lazy to boot to a live cd/usb11:44
iShawnWGnea: 10.04 to 10.1011:44
GneaiShawnW: you ought to be asking for help in #ubuntu+1 then, since 10.10 isn't a final release yet11:45
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airtonixiShawnW, just a note though, if its a server with something like apache or mysql running you'll want to do the same for the /var directory11:45
iShawnWairtonix: it was my desktop, trying to use smb/ftp to copy files to new lappy11:46
ubottuMaverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+111:46
Gneaairtonix: and you should know better than to carry on anymore talk about the upgrade in here11:46
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unimatrixis it possible to use bind9 to redirect a website for a specific client inside the local network?11:48
joecamelrunning latest ubuntu, plug in iphone, several options come up to listen to music and view photos, iphone icon appears on desktop.  None of the options work right.  Amorak comes closest by listing .m4a's, but doesn't recognize them or play them. directly clicking on the iphone results in an error.  what am i missing?  gtkpod doesn't see the device at all.11:48
Gneasheepz: okay, that tut isn't too terribly dated (7/10), so if postconf doesn't do anything, try this:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix11:48
sheepzok :)11:49
Gnea!iphone | joecamel11:49
ubottujoecamel: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod11:49
hiexpowant it right do a fresh install > backup all files > you will loose anything not installed by synaptic with an upgrade11:49
iShawnW...... iPhone has its own bot tool?11:49
Gneahiexpo: or just keep /home on its own partition :)11:49
hiexpoGnea, yup11:50
dennis_lol.. this is good.. I went to chmod 777 /var/run/file and accidentally typed chmod 777 / var/run/file  .. notice the space...  im not sure how many hundreds of files it changed before i aborted it but now I cannot SU ...11:50
dennis_is there a way to revert all system files back to their normal attributes?11:50
Gneadennis_: livecd11:51
dennis_meh.. i guess ill just reinstall.. i wanted to upgrade to v10 anyways11:51
Gneadennis_: and you technically only changed /, not any other files (you didn't use -r)11:51
dennis_oh yea... I used -r :)11:52
Gneaoh snap lol11:52
Gneauhm, backup the imnportant files and, yeah, reinstall11:52
kartheeHi ..  fdisk -l giving me error .. /dev/sdb doesnt contain valid partitioning table ..   http://pastebin.com/td1ivn7q   .. Any ideas ??11:55
vu1kanpidgin fail?11:56
An_Ony_MooseIs it at all possible to use a wacom bamboo pen&touch in ubuntu 10.04? it worked before I upgraded, but now I can't compile linuxwacom because it complains of a newer X server version.11:56
hiexpopigin fail never11:56
AbhiJitafter latest upgrade i dont have sound! help11:56
ytaewsIs there any way I can force a monitor resolution to one that isn't detetected by Ubuntu?11:56
vu1kanah...it said 0 people in the room...just pidgin lag11:56
Dr_WillisAn_Ony_Moose:  some people where her yestarday with the same problem. No idea on a fix. Other then suggest checking the forums.11:57
Dr_Willisytaews:  you could put a modeline in the xorg.conf but its been years since ive had to do that.11:57
An_Ony_MooseDr_Willis, it suggests to me  xf86-input-wacom. That's installed but nothing happens :/11:57
ubottuA Modeline is a config line in the X server configuration file that gives info about a connected display and how to drive it at a specified display resolution. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XFree86_Modeline for more details. Here are 2 links to generate modelines which fit your monitor: http://bohne-lang.de/spec/linux/modeline/ and http://xtiming.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/xtiming.pl11:57
AbhiJitsound pleasee!!!11:58
Dr_WillisAn_Ony_Moose:  means very little to me. :) i looked at thse tablets befor.. and recalled people having issues with them. so i never bought one.11:58
synackfingrub-mkconfig hangs for me when I have raid+lvm partitions;  anyone know how to fix this?11:58
Dr_Willis!sound | AbhiJit11:58
ubottuAbhiJit: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.11:58
An_Ony_MooseDr_Willis, ok. thanks anyway  :)11:58
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent11:58
vu1kandoes <sudo apt-get update> do the same thing as the update manager in system>admin?11:58
* Gnea looks oddly at AbhiJit 11:58
joecamelread the ipod/phone faq, watched the video..  still no go,  here's what i get when i click on the iphone icon:  Could not display "afc://c5818e5dfc4ad24f4fc8566bf115b8231562ab2d/".11:58
Dr_Willisvu1kan:  the tools do the same jobs. yes.  that updates the package list for all the package manager tools11:59
AbhiJitDr_Willis, Gnea cant launch gnome-volume-control it says waiting for sound system to respond and thats it the msg box stays there11:59
ytaewsDr_Willis I have tried this and I don't seem to have an xorg.conf file in the first place to edit... is it a case of adding a single line or creating an entire config file from scratch?11:59
GneaAbhiJit: right, so follow the directions that ubottu provided to you for diagnosing your sound system please.11:59
AbhiJitGnea, that is the first direction ubottu tells me about troubleshooting - launch gnome-vlume-control12:00
Dr_Willisytaews:  ive not had to mess with it in years..  back when xorg.conf were common. Theres a 'x modeline generator' web site i used years ago.  you just cut/pasted to the xorg.conf. you will have to make one i imagine.12:00
GneaAbhiJit: there are more steps, try them.12:00
* Gnea hates it when people give up easy12:00
Dr_Willisytaews:  theres ways to have it auto make an xorg.conf but i dont recall the 'proper' way to do it now a days.12:00
ytaewsDr_Willis : Alright thanks I'll search around for one of those and see if it works12:01
frag4nowhi all. how can i see last packages installed by ubuntu's package system?12:02
joecameli have no idea how to even begin troubleshooting this.  would like to sync my iphone with my box though.12:02
An_Ony_Moosefrag4now, you can't unless synaptic installed them12:03
An_Ony_Moosefrag4now, if they were installed via synaptic you can find it in synaptic's history12:03
frag4nowAn_Ony_Moose: synaptic installed them12:03
Dr_Willisfrag4now:  That is a feature in the new 'software center in 10.10' i saw today. :) a 'history'12:03
frag4nowwhere i can find synaptic history?12:03
samfisherHello. I have a Vodafone 3G / k3520 modem with builtin drivers only for windows. I'd like to use it on slack. Any idea?12:05
GneaAbhiJit: any luck?12:05
AbhiJitGnea, tried reinstalling alsa-utils no luck12:05
Dr_Willisfrag4now:  file -> history12:05
AbhiJitGnea, something wrong in latest headers update12:05
GneaAbhiJit: okay, were you able to locate the sound troubleshooting procedure?12:05
AbhiJitGnea, yes12:05
GneaAbhiJit: I see. are you on 10.04 or 10.10?12:05
frag4nowDr_Willis: i don't get it12:05
frag4nowthere isn't12:06
AbhiJitGnea, lucid12:06
frag4nowmaybe i'm using an old version12:06
Dr_Willisfrag4now:  no idea. Im on 10.10 on this box.12:06
Dr_Willissynaptic --> File -> History is right there for me.12:06
GneaAbhiJit: can you pastebin the entirety of the headers update please?12:06
AbhiJitGnea, how? i just done apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade12:06
wer_Does Kubuntu/ubuntu DVD contains packages such as build-essential etc ?12:07
Gnea!pastebinit | AbhiJit12:07
ubottuAbhiJit: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com12:07
frag4nowDr_Willis: ok thanks anyway12:07
AbhiJitGnea, system is not detecting my sound card12:07
wer_I need those packages in offline mode and have been trying for a month now...kubuntu dvd is my last hope12:07
GneaAbhiJit: you don't need sound to use pastebinit.12:07
wer_please help12:07
AbhiJitGnea, no i am telling you about the procedure i am following: aplay: device_list:223: no soundcards found...12:07
wer_otherwise I have no choice but to go to windows and try to build linux enviro in there12:08
AbhiJit!offline | wer_12:08
ubottuwer_: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD12:08
GneaAbhiJit: clearly you don't need my help.12:08
AbhiJitGnea, indedd i need!12:08
GneaAbhiJit: then please stop arguing.12:08
DeeTahI lack one printing option from windows. on windows, my HP DeskJet driver could allow me to do manual duplex printing - it printed odd pages, then showed a dialog "now please put the pages again upside-down" and printed the even ones. any way to add something like that in ubuntu?12:08
AbhiJitGnea, system is not detecting sound card how to install driver?12:08
joecamelany idea on this error?  generated by plugging in iphone and during picture discovery, i select open folder instead of a photo app.  Error: DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name :1.353 was not provided by any .service files12:09
joecamelPlease select another viewer and try again.12:09
AbhiJitGnea, so whats your suggestion?12:09
wer_AbhiJit: it says no matches found for "build-essential"12:09
* Gnea proceeds to get up to walk away.12:09
=== Pricey_ is now known as Pricey
wer_AbhiJit: does kubuntu dvd contrains precompiled packages ?12:09
GneaAbhiJit: I'll ask you one more time: what is the output of the failed install error?12:09
AbhiJitGnea, the installation was not failed12:09
AbhiJitit was successfull12:09
BlueEaglewer_: It does.12:10
AbhiJitwer_, dunno12:10
GneaAbhiJit: don't play games with me:  06:05 < AbhiJit> Gnea, something wrong in latest headers update12:10
AbhiJitGnea, i mean the latest updates contains the bug which causes my sound to vanish12:10
wer_BlueEagle: it gives no result found for me12:10
GneaAbhiJit: and so, I need to know what got upgraded, exactly. providing a log of the entire update would provide such information.12:11
wer_BlueEagle: inface going to that site says: No handler matched request to /ljl12:11
BlueEaglewer_: I am sorry. Were you looking for a particular package? I may have missed the earlier discussion.12:11
AbhiJitGnea, but i dont know how to get that log thats the problem12:11
wer_BlueEagle: yes, build essential12:11
GneaAbhiJit: is the terminal you made the log with gone?12:11
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)12:11
wer_BlueEagle: does kubuntu dvd contains precompiled packages12:12
AbhiJitGnea, it was ctrl alt f1 session12:12
BlueEaglewer_: The Kubuntu DVD does contain precompiled packages for a whole host of software. It does also contain precompiled packages for build_essentials12:12
GneaAbhiJit: have you rebooted since?12:12
AbhiJitGnea, yes12:12
BlueEaglewer_: complete helps12:13
GneaAbhiJit: is there anything from this command:  cat /proc/asound/cards12:13
zioxHello /b/12:13
AbhiJitGnea, --- no soundcards ---12:13
wer_BlueEagle: ah ok...I have been facing problem in installing build-esential in offline mode for a month now..and have tried kubuntu, ubuntu, opensuse, debian, mandriva, fedora12:13
wer_BlueEagle: and only mandriva detected my network card12:13
GneaAbhiJit: and can you pastebin the output of this command please:  lsmod12:13
wer_BlueEagle: so when would one expect the driver to be in kubuntu release ?12:14
wer_any idea12:14
AbhiJitGnea, http://pastebin.com/Bnx9S0Qe12:14
GneaAbhiJit: do you know what soundcard youhave?12:15
AbhiJitGnea, conexant (i think)12:15
BlueEaglewer_: That would entirely depend on which network card you are using.12:15
GneaAbhiJit: k, try this:  lspci | grep audio12:15
AbhiJitGnea, no output12:16
wer_BlueEagle: dell 802.11n I guess12:16
BlueEaglewer_: lspci |grep net12:16
GneaAbhiJit: ah, lspci | grep Audio12:16
AbhiJitGnea, 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 04)12:16
bazhang!hdaintel > AbhiJit12:17
ubottuAbhiJit, please see my private message12:17
wer_BlueEagle: Atheros AR8152 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller12:17
AbhiJitbazhang, ok will look at it12:17
joecamelwell.. solved the problem.  i rebooted, now it's all good.12:17
hiexpomagine that12:18
wer_BlueEagle: moreover the driver requires linux kernel source also..which increases the list of dependency and my problems12:19
GneaAbhiJit: gotta run out for a bit, be back in a few12:19
AbhiJitGnea, np12:19
BlueEaglewer_: Not really. You may download the .deb-files from the repositories using another computer (or OS for that matter) and install them manually.12:20
BlueEaglewer_: That appears to be your best bet. According to the post I found on google you need wireless-compat [sic]12:20
BlueEaglewer_: Sorry, compat-wireless12:21
BlueEaglewer_: May I suggest http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1505697.html12:21
QwertAbhiJit: Try the following: wget ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/driver/alsa-driver-1.0.16.tar.bz212:21
Qwertwget ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/lib/alsa-lib-1.0.16.tar.bz212:21
Qwertwget ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/utils/alsa-utils-1.0.16.tar.bz212:21
Qwertwget ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/firmware/alsa-firmware-1.0.16.tar.bz212:21
FloodBot1Qwert: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:21
AbhiJitQwert, all of them?12:21
wer_BlueEagle: problem is there..as generally another m/c with that OS and a working internet connection has internet connection which updates libc6 on that12:21
QwertExcluding first as you are with it12:22
wer_BlueEagle: thanks, but I am following that thread for over a month now12:22
QwertAbhiJit: Excluding first as you are with it12:22
=== No_one_at_all is now known as No_one|gone
AbhiJitQwert, ok first one done12:22
QwertAbhiJit: Move with rest three12:22
jrib!away > No_one|gone12:22
wer_BlueEagle: and got error that no linux kernel source found12:22
ubottuNo_one|gone, please see my private message12:22
AbhiJitQwert, ok12:22
wer_BlueEagle: tried on a debian installation then but then also this creeps up and I am stuck: man:  cannot write to /var/cache/man/cat7/atl1e.7.gz in catman mode  atl1e.12:23
BlueEaglewer_: Then you need to install the kernel sources. Download the .deb-files for that aswell from the repositories using another computer and transfer it using a USB drive or CD to the linux computer.12:23
Crash2108What does it mean when your .bashrc file has a word and ()?  How are you to execute that function?12:23
jribCrash2108: pastebin what you are talking about12:23
lonelyibexhi everyone12:23
Crash2108It's just "extract () { ..."12:24
wer_BlueEagle: well the problem with other computer is that all these packages have libc6 as there dependency and when I try to install the .deb from other PC I get some error related to version of libc612:24
jribCrash2108: it's a function named "extract".  I don't understand your question.12:25
wer_BlueEagle: on my fresh installation12:25
Crash2108But how do I use it?12:25
jribCrash2108: like any other bash function12:25
jrib!cli > Crash210812:25
ubottuCrash2108, please see my private message12:25
wer_BlueEagle: i hope kubuntu dvd contains linux headers also12:25
lonelyibexwhen I download intel fortran complicer,it give me three choice: IA-32,Intel® 64 and IA-64,my computer is X86_64, which one should i use? help!12:25
jribCrash2108: i.e.  extract arg1 arg2 ...12:25
QwertAbhiJit: Done?12:25
Crash2108Yes, I do use the CLI.  But it says command not found.12:25
AbhiJitQwert, no last one in progress12:26
Crash2108In fact I ONLY use the CLI, as I'm SSHing.12:26
AbhiJitQwert, done12:26
AbhiJitQwert, what next?12:26
QwertAbhiJit: tar -xvf /home/<username>/alsa-driver-1.0.16.tar.bz212:26
kapcom01hello, i am using ubuntu and i have ATI X800 GT which is not supported by the proprietary drivers. I am about to buy a used one for a little gaming and fast HD video playing. I am between 9800 GT, 4650, 3650 all of which are inside my bugdet of about 40 euros. Can you help me decide? Thank.12:26
BlueEaglewer_: No, I think you misunderstand. What you do need to do is to go to the repositories and get the .deb-files from the repositories and then transfer them to the computer. If the files you get from the repositories require an updated libc6 then I do suggest getting the libc6 from the repos aswell until all dependencies are satisified. You could also grab an alternative network card that is supported out of the box and use that to install the12:26
jribCrash2108: your bashrc is likely not sourced when you ssh12:26
HaldHowdy folks12:26
macoBlueEagle, wer_:  NO12:27
Crash2108jrib, what do you mean not sourced?12:27
lonelyibexanyone konw the differences between  IA-64 and  Intel® 64 ?12:27
AbhiJitQwert, done12:27
jribCrash2108: bash doesn't read it...12:27
macoBlueEagle:, wer_:  if you change libc6 version just about everything needs to be recompiled12:27
ikoniaswapping libc out is not a good idea12:27
AbhiJitlonelyibex, ##hardware12:27
QwertAbhiJit: tar -xvf /home/<username>/alsa-lib-1.0.16.tar.bz212:27
HaldI just upgraded to 10.4 and see now a problem with compiz enabled. I get a nother pointer, its huge, black and ugly. Where do I change it?12:27
lonelyibexAbhiJit: yeah12:27
AbhiJitQwert, done12:27
AbhiJitlonelyibex, ask in channel ##hardware12:27
ikarhi, what's the best c++ compiler for Ubuntu?12:28
wer_maco: ikonia BlueEagle hm..then kubuntu dvd seems to be my best choice ?12:28
ikoniaikar: best ?12:28
lonelyibexAbhiJit: thanks12:28
ikoniaikar: the gnu compiler "GCC" is the standard12:28
AbhiJitikar, gcc12:28
QwertAbhiJit: tar -xvf /home/<username>/alsa-firmware-1.0.16.tar.bz212:28
AbhiJitlonelyibex, np12:28
ikoniaQwert: you've said that 3 times now12:28
AbhiJitQwert, done12:28
AbhiJitikonia, total four files12:28
erUSULwer_: maybe your card is supported by atl1c driver? have you tried?12:28
ikoniaAbhiJit: I know, but I think we get the message12:28
Crash2108jrib, how do I ensure that that funciton is always available for all methods and users?12:28
Qwertikonia: driver, lib, firmare12:28
AbhiJitikonia, hmm12:28
AbhiJitQwert, all four done?12:29
QwertAbhiJit: Donw with firmaware?12:29
AbhiJitQwert, yes12:29
QwertAbhiJit: Any errors till now?12:29
AbhiJitQwert, no12:29
ikarikonia, ok, so that mean i can compile c++ in the terminal?12:29
QwertAbhiJit: tar -xvf /home/<username>/alsa-utils-1.0.16.tar.bz212:29
jribCrash2108: put it in a file that gets sourced system-wide.  What do you mean by "all methods"?12:29
ikoniaikar: yes12:29
LiL_AndreWhello, I want to update the bios because I have problems reading network appear to have been resolved .. how to update the bios from ubuntu 10.04??12:29
wer_erUSUL: not yet....didn't try when I had debian and can't try now until I have build-essential on kubuntu12:29
HaldIts like I have two cursors... Why?12:29
ikarikonia, ok, thanks for the info12:30
AbhiJitQwert, done12:30
erUSULwer_: the driver is included with ubuntu12:30
blue112Hi here.12:30
erUSULwer_: « sudo modprobe atl1c »12:30
QwertAbhiJit: Check your home folder, there must be four folders12:30
AbhiJitQwert, yes there are12:30
blue112What can I do to solve the black moving stripes problem with Flash Player on 10.04 (an probably before) ?12:30
QwertAbhiJit: sudo apt-get install build-essential12:30
wer_erUSUL: ok..trying and would get back in a few moments12:30
LiL_AndreWhello, I want to update the bios because I have problems reading network appear to have been resolved .. how to update the bios from ubuntu 10.04??12:30
Crash2108jrib, as in, having that function available if I'm SSHing, or using GUI or PHP's method to execute system functions, etc.12:31
AbhiJitQwert, its allready installed build-essential12:31
QwertAbhiJit: cd /home/username/alsa-driver-1.0.1612:31
erUSULLiL_AndreW: depends on the motherboard manufacturer. it provides the tools12:31
jribCrash2108: put it in /etc/profile or similar.  No idea what php does12:31
AbhiJitQwert, next?12:31
almoghey all. i have a problem. i have an ati card and i want to make a screencast. for some reason with every program i find, as soon as i start the reccording my desktop performance lowers drasticaly (to the point it seems like 2-3 fps) when i type commend TOP it sais my Xorg uses 100% of my ram, why is that? how can i fix it?12:31
magnetronblue112: if you are using 64-bit ubuntu, i suggest you try replacing the 32-bit flash that is in the repositories, and instead install the experimental 64-bit flash from Adobe's website12:32
blue112magnesium, I'm using 32bits ubuntu.12:32
erUSULCrash2108: in ubuntu/debian ~/.profile sources bashrc already. if the remote system does not do that is easy to add12:32
QwertAbhiJit: We need to configure after installing it12:32
QwertAbhiJit: ./configure --with-cards=ICH612:32
LiL_AndreWerUSUL, I have an Acer Aspire One Netbook d250 .. you can help me?12:32
QwertAbhiJit: make12:32
Qwertmake install12:32
spiztiHi. Does anyone know what winetricks is and where do I get it from ? All the links I foudn through Google were broken.12:33
macoQwert: make install will need sudo12:33
QwertAbhiJit: Done12:33
erUSULLiL_AndreW: as i said. check the manufacturers site. and see what is needed to the the bios flashing12:33
QwertAbhiJit: No12:33
AbhiJitQwert, make gives this error http://pastebin.com/HXR4vYT012:33
poseidonSo me and my friends are planning on having an "installfest" at my university.  We are going to have ubuntu as the main option for us to install.  Does anyone know of a way to automate installing so that I can have added software included (like codecs, jre, flash, etc.)?12:34
magnetronspizti: i tried the first hit on google, seems to be up12:34
QwertAbhiJit: Do we untar dbe files?!!12:34
QwertAbhiJit: *deb12:34
magnetronposeidon: it's called an OEM install12:34
AbhiJitQwert, dont know12:34
QwertAbhiJit: Well you understood the logic but one think went wrong12:34
AbhiJitQwert, which one?12:35
LiL_AndreWerUSUL, I looked on the manufacturer's website but it provides only an exe file for windows ..12:35
macoposeidon: you could put those debs on a flash drive and sudo dpkg -i *deb12:36
magnetron!automate | poseidon12:36
ubottuposeidon: Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning12:36
erUSULLiL_AndreW: you have to use the DOS utilities12:36
=== lee_ is now known as trojan_spike
AbhiJiti am not.12:37
erUSULLiL_AndreW: you can create a floppy disk image in linux with freedos ( or other msdos ) see step by step here http://www.linuxinsight.com/how-to-flash-motherboard-bios-from-linux-no-dos-windows-no-floppy-drive.html12:38
Dr_Willisposeidon:  theres various ways to remaster/make your own release also that include things. but it can get annoying. You can also just make a scritpt you run on each box that installs the extras you want12:38
LiL_AndreWerUSUL,  excuses are not very familiar .. so I can not do it on ubuntu?12:38
LiL_AndreWerUSUL,  sorry for mistakes i m italian12:38
blue112What can I do to solve the black moving stripes problem with Flash Player on 10.04 (an probably before) ? Looks like a vertical synchro problem.12:38
erUSULLiL_AndreW: you have to use a freedos livecd of sorts12:38
erUSUL!it | LiL_AndreW12:38
ubottuLiL_AndreW: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:38
magnetronblue112: did you try the solution i suggested earlier?12:39
blue112magnetron, I'm using ubuntu 32 bits12:39
kapcom01hello, is 9800GT well supported by proprietary drivers? thanks12:40
AbhiJit!hardware > kapcom0112:40
ubottukapcom01, please see my private message12:40
jukblue112: where you watch movies, give me link to check12:40
=== _pg__ is now known as _pg_
Gneakapcom01: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCardsNvidia12:41
blue112juk, it's not on movies, it's on games. I'd like to make a video or a screen capture, but I can't : On the screen capture everything is normal, and when I try to make a video it slows down my computer so much I can't do anything.12:42
blue112juk, it happens on embedded youtube videos, for instance (every one).12:42
spiztiAh, found winetricks through the package manager, makes sense. Bye.12:42
magnetronblue112: if all you want to do is to download youtube videos, there are simpler solutions12:43
Gneablue112: wait - you're trying to do a video capture of a youtube video?12:43
jukblue112: hang on, you making video?12:43
blue112magnetron, I don't want to download capture video12:43
coolroot--can anyone take a screenshot of their desktop? and put it on http://uppix.net ? pls?12:43
blue112The problem happens when I'm WATCHING flash animations (game, video etc...), not when I'm trying to capture it.12:44
Gneablue112: I was going to say, there's a FF plugin that works great for it called Youtube Download12:44
jukblue112: imagebin some please12:44
blue112juk, the problem doesn't happens when I'm making a screen capture12:45
blue112It looks like a vertical synchro problem12:45
yoki_hi guys. i have a some trouble... i have unstable buildd of google-chrome and he generated flash crash on my pc. i fix it by create simlink in directory google. but in update it link was be changed again ... what can i do for fix it permanently12:46
blue112Then, any tip, solution, workaround ?12:47
jukblue112: update flashplayer, out of ideas12:47
blue112juk, I'm using the very lastest version.12:48
blue112I happens on all my linux computer on many flash animations.12:48
jukblue112: so perhaps hardware issue12:48
blue112juk, I don't have the same hardware on all my linux computers ._.12:48
blue112juk, I succeed scrren caputre one "stripe" : http://s.blue112.eu/233c94bade6e.png12:49
jukblue112: all of them running ubuntu?12:49
blue112juk, yep.12:49
coolroot--can anyone help me on my applets? i need a good sysinfo applet...12:50
blue112It's the black strip in the 2/3 of the screen12:50
Crash2108jrib, http://pastebin.com/pLAhQ7rx12:50
blue112(the very black, not the alpha one)12:50
pc01hola elo12:50
frag4nowwhat's last linux-image available?12:50
blue112They are flickering very fast, it hearts my eyes12:50
frag4nowi'm using 2.6.32-24-generic12:51
frag4nowis it last available?12:51
jukblue112: it's scary12:51
blue112frag4now, you're looking for a kernel ? Then you can go to kernel.org12:51
blue112juk, it's boring, really boring.12:51
frag4nowi'm looking to see it synapic installed linux-headers only or linux-image too12:51
frag4nowas i can't find it12:51
llutzfrag4now:  telnet kernel.org 7912:52
frag4nowllutz something is kernel.org and something else is last ubuntu-kernel package available12:52
jukblue112: bug adobe12:53
blue112juk, let's try.12:53
PommesAfter the latest 10.04-xorg-update my X-Server doesn't come up. It crashes at boot-time with "Segmentation fault".12:54
PommesAnyone with that problem?12:54
blue112juk, I really don't know how to describe my problem, is that flickering black stripes ?12:54
pc05hola agua12:54
pc05hola bambi12:54
blue112Is there a way to take a movie of my desktop so I can so you, juk ?12:54
aguahola que tal?12:55
bazhang!es | pc05 agua12:55
ubottupc05 agua: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:55
jukblue112: mobile phone12:56
bazhang!screencast | blue11212:57
blue112juk, I can't record movie on my mobile phone >_<12:57
ubottublue112: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.12:57
blue112thanks bazhang12:57
bazhangpc05, agua english here12:57
spoolhi, I've just run into this bug on my server and I'm not sure how to fix it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tar/+bug/53981412:57
spoolthe problem is that when tar is broken, you can't install any .deb, because they are all compressed12:58
POVaddctspool: tar does not compress, it uses external programs like gzip or bzip2 for that12:58
spoolPOVaddct: right sorry yes, but .debs are in an archive format12:59
POVaddctspool: yes. and tar is broken in current ubuntu?12:59
spoolPOVaddct: and I don't know how to install a fix without invoking tar12:59
mr_haihello im having problems as stated in this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=af75a6379d4679f8ab6df823b449a595&t=128517212:59
spoolPOVaddct: indeed13:00
reeniginEesreveRmy nginx server is oddly serving binary files as  text/plain so that browser tries to display it within it13:00
yuvatejamy pendrive is not been detected. whats the way out??13:00
POVaddctspool: ugly :/13:00
mr_haiim chrooted into the OS and ready to perform a restore13:00
spoolPOVaddct: indeed. shall I paste bin?13:00
mr_haiany help ?13:00
POVaddctspool: let me read the bug report first13:00
spoolPOVaddct: cool. Thanks very much :)13:00
AbhiJitafter latest updates ubuntu unable to find sound card!13:01
Nece228what dependiences are required for pyjunior?13:01
mr_haiAbhiJit, at least its abale to fdind your hard drive!13:01
mr_haimy update killed my boot13:01
yuvatejai am able to see my pendrive in System>Administration>Diskutilities, but i am unable to see the content. What shall i do??13:01
AbhiJitmr_hai, yah latest updates having so many bug in them13:01
POVaddctspool: so the kernel on your system is < 2.6.22?13:02
mr_haiim currently on a live disk trying to restore it13:02
s000501Having a problem ("Huh, no eprom present", "Invalid EEPROM", "Encoder mailbox not found") with my Hauppage PVR-500 tuner card after installing a new motherboard, any tips to resolve these issues?13:02
AbhiJitmr_hai, i am thinking for ubuntu reinstallation13:02
spoolPOVaddct: yeah. I'm fairly certain13:02
POVaddctspool: uname -a will tell you13:02
mr_hainaw lol im going to try for a chrooted update13:02
spoolPOVaddct: was double checking :)13:03
spoolPOVaddct: yeah 18-813:03
yuvatejai am able to see my pendrive in System>Administration>Diskutilities, but i am unable to see the content. What shall i do??13:03
spoolPOVaddct: err.. 18.813:03
POVaddctspool: 2.6.18? that was never an ubuntu kernel13:03
AbhiJiti think i shutdown the compute while it was installing updates. does this cause any probleM?13:03
mr_hairoot@ubuntu:/# dpkg --configure -a13:03
mr_haidpkg: unable to access dpkg status area: No such file or directory13:03
spoolPOVaddct: that might be the problem....13:04
POVaddctspool: ah okay13:04
zulaxi just made my menu bar disappear from terminal13:04
zulaxhow to get it back13:04
mr_hai:( *cries*13:04
bazhanglose the caps mr_hai13:04
* AbhiJit cries with mr_hai 13:04
POVaddctspool: so you basically need someone to extract the new tar binary from the fixed .deb13:05
magnetronzulax: right click on the terminal13:05
magnetronzulax: click show menu13:05
spoolPOVaddct: I can do that myself...13:05
spoolPOVaddct: and then just replace the old binary with it?13:05
Gneamr_hai: do you have a /var/apt/ directory?13:05
POVaddctspool: yes, maybe rename the old binary first13:05
zulaxah, thanks magnetron ,13:05
Gneamr_hai: sorry, /var/cache/apt/13:06
zulaxmagnetron, how to make it wrap lines?13:06
rockhopperhi, when i try to update or install someting, the downloads are stalling in the middle!13:06
rockhopperwhen i try it in ubuntu netbook remix..13:06
spoolPOVaddct: right sure. When you say the new binary, do you mean the new debian unstable 1.23?13:06
mr_haiGnea, on the live system or the failed system?13:06
Gneamr_hai: failed13:06
spoolPOVaddct: or a patched 1.22?13:06
mr_hailemmie check13:06
magnetronzulax: that's a feature of the software you are running in the terminal13:06
rockhopperBut the other updates for the jaunty're downloading finr13:06
mr_haiGnea, no i do not13:07
POVaddctspool: the one from the fixed ubuntu package13:07
rockhopperdoes anyone know what the problem might be?13:07
Gneamr_hai: oh my... what about /var/ itself?13:07
zulaxmagnetron, ok, its vim then13:07
mr_haiyes it exists13:07
Gneamr_hai: and /var/cache/ ?13:07
mr_hai:O MY WWW dir :(13:07
mr_haithat exists too13:07
Gneamr_hai: is /var on its own filesystem or the same as / ?13:08
spoolPOVaddct: I think the fixed ubuntu package is either the current release with the patch from the bug report (which is why the report remains open), or new package from maverick13:08
alexb_depends on your setup Gnea13:08
Gneaalexb_: I wasn't asking you.13:08
mr_haiGnea, lemmie check to make sure i havent mounted /ver as the / accidently lol13:08
Gneamr_hai: okay13:08
alexb_oh read fail13:08
mr_haiyes i have mounted the / correctly13:09
rockhopperDoes anyone know the problem's solution?13:09
mr_haiGnea, yes i have var on a seperate partiton13:09
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Gneamr_hai: k, and what filesystem is it formatted as?13:09
spoolPOVaddct: oh and just to ask-> does this imply that my kernel is frozen to what my hosting company has chosen?13:09
mr_haiGnea Ext413:09
QwertIf there is an error of: No soundcard found, what should be done?13:09
POVaddctspool: xen and other paravirtualized environments have to use special kernel versions13:10
spoolPOVaddct: thank you so much for you help btw, I've been working on this for a few days now13:10
Gneamr_hai: have you attempted to fsck it while it's not mounted?13:10
wer_erUSUL: Hi, tried modprob, it does nothing on my system13:11
QwertOn following command: cat /proc/asound/cards. If there is no soundcard as output, what should be done?13:11
erUSULwer_: eth0 does not appear?13:11
spoolPOVaddct: yeah that's what I was afraid of. So upgrading my ubuntu distribution won't upgrade my kernel...13:11
mr_haiGnea, i just mounted /var onto the FS and ran the dpkg command and it did not give a return status13:11
wer_erUSUL: no13:11
POVaddctspool: right13:11
mr_haiGnea, no i have not13:11
GneaQwert: make it so there is a soundcard present when doing that command.13:11
Gneamr_hai: okay, I would unmount it and fsck the partition, just to be on the safe side13:12
root_i don't log into my sql server13:12
POVaddctspool: btw, according to the bug description, tools like cp are also affected (cp -a ...)13:12
* AbhiJit thinking for another distro13:12
spoolspool: ah, therein lies the rub. And all I really wanted was a more recent version of git :( ah well13:12
spoolPOVaddct: see that's not the case for me13:12
GneaQwert: are you still helping someone with their sound setup?13:12
mr_haiIm reinstalling Udev13:12
spoolPOVaddct: which is a little strange13:12
spoolPOVaddct: touch works13:12
QwertGnea: Yes13:12
POVaddctspool: try the steps in comment #4213:13
GneaQwert: oh, thought you knew how to fix it13:13
AbhiJitQwert, yah13:13
QwertGnea: Tried it a lot, ask AbhiJit13:13
=== root_ is now known as koukou
QwertGnea: The problem is basic13:13
experiMENTALis there any xorg configuration guide in pdf format?13:13
=== Guest33775 is now known as claudio66
AbhiJitQwert, what happen? leave it13:13
* Dr_Willis is so popular people ask for me by name...13:13
spoolPOVaddct: crap you're right.13:13
mr_haiGnea, I had let the OS do a FS check the thime i booted it that lead to me updating the system13:14
AbhiJitwrong name i.e.13:14
koukouqwert :13:14
koukouqwert : i need help13:14
Dr_WillisState the actual question/problem and see who can help.. just asking 'help' dosent really do much13:14
POVaddctspool: i knew the change of the libc wouldn't go without pain...13:14
belgianguydoes anybody know the difference between GRUB and a system called Anaconda?13:14
Gneamr_hai: I understand that, but for now it would be a good sanity check to make sure it will fsck without providing any other error before continuing13:14
koukouqwert : i dont can logg into mysql13:14
POVaddctspool: i still don't understand why debian changed to eglibc anyway..13:14
koukoudr_willis :13:15
Dr_Williskoukou:  I Dont use MySql.13:15
koukoudr_willis : i dont can logg into mysal13:15
spoolPOVaddct: well, when I ran gentoo a few years ago on ppc, I ended up in a glibc gcc catch-22 when the versions got out of sync13:15
dr0idDr_Willis: why not ?13:15
koukoudr_willis : i use it13:15
dr0idmysql is good :)13:15
Dr_Willisdr0id:  err... befause i dont have a use for it...13:16
Dr_Willisdr0id:  :)13:16
dr0idso you arnt into programming13:16
dr0idsorry ;)13:16
spoolPOVaddct: that was the end of my gentoo days, went ruefully back to ubuntu, though I learned a lot in the process13:16
Dr_Willisall my leet coding needs. i can do in Perl. :)13:16
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koukoudr_willis : i use it i dont logg into it using ubuntu on flash disk13:16
xbonesxtrying to change my splash for gnome13:17
xbonesxrequires the image be in .so format <--- how do i do this?13:17
Dr_Willisxbonesx:  latest ubuntu uses Plymouth for the main fancy animations13:17
belgianguyis there a 'sure' way to drop to command line on each and every Linux version on boot?13:17
Dr_Willisxbonesx:  what version of ubuntu are you using?13:17
xbonesxim still donwload ing the new one13:17
koukoudr_willis : i see this ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)13:17
Dr_Willisbelgianguy:  append 'init=/bin/bash' or similer to the kernel option normally works.13:17
coolroot--is lxde working on ubuntu 10.04 lucid13:18
SomelauwWhen downloading by torrent, can I watch part of the serie before the download has finished?13:18
mr_haiGnea, it returns clean13:18
Dr_Willisxbonesx:  10.XX dont use the old method. so you may as well save your time.13:18
belgianguyDr_Willis: I can't access anything, it's a SIP server and it locks up on boot13:18
belgianguyDr_Willis: ACPI error13:18
Gneamr_hai: alright, go ahead and mount it again and see if you get anymore errors while trying to install/update13:18
xbonesxwaiting for it too download, i have nothing but time13:18
Dr_WillisSomelauw:  ive seen torrent clients that can download eposiodes in order.  by default you would get ep 1 done in theory befor the rest.. but that often dosent work that way.13:18
Dr_Willisxbonesx:  read up on the ubuntu manual perhaps. :)13:19
koukouhow use mysqlon ubuntu13:19
Dr_WillisSomelauw:  i tend to just set the first 5 eps to High Priority, and then  the rest to low.. and stagger them as they get done13:19
koukouhow use mysql on ubuntu13:19
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)13:19
xbonesxjust need to know of a program that converts images to .so ext.13:19
koukouya mysql13:19
ubottuTo change the Gnome splash screen, use gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.13:19
magnetronSomelauw: i use Deluge, but Transmission works too. what you do is taht you set the first episode to the HIGHEST priority, while letting the final episodes have a lower priority13:20
craigbass1976Anyone know how to get a pdf to somehoe print to scale?  I've got an architect's plan and I'm struggling to put a kitchen in it because all the dimesnions aren't in there.  GIMP works, but is a wicked pain to make do this.13:20
Dr_Williskoukou:  so you have  - 0 - knowledge of MySql ?13:20
mr_haiGnea, update-initramfs suceeded13:20
Dr_WillisBBL wife is calling.. shes been sick.13:20
Gneamr_hai: awesome13:20
SomelauwDr_Willis, magnesium I use Transmission and I will try changing priority.13:20
mr_haiGnea, udev reinstalled sucessfully13:20
koukouya  i tip mysql 'ipadreese'13:20
magnetroncraigbass1976: which PDF reader are you using? evince?13:21
mr_haiGnea,  how do i check to make sure it will boot?13:21
astrojpWhat's the command to get ubuntu to show those scrolling boot up messages?13:21
AbhiJit!info alsa13:21
ubottuPackage alsa does not exist in lucid13:21
Gneamr_hai: make sure your /etc/fstab is set in order13:21
craigbass1976magnetron, yes13:21
nothingspecialastrojp: after it`s booted13:22
rockhopperHi, can someone help me with the updates download please!13:23
SomelauwI didn't know you can change the priorities of specific files. (I used (mu)torrent before)13:23
AbhiJitdont download. latest updates have loooooots of bugs13:23
rockhopperAbhiJit, my problem's not exactly with the new updates13:24
astrojpnothingspecial: all linux distros use to do this, while booting up it would show scroll up the boot up process.13:24
ikarhi, what program do i need to open a f.eks test.o ?13:24
rockhopperAbhiJit, Even when i try to download any app, like vlc.. The downloads stall in the middle for sometime13:24
AbhiJitrockhopper, i am thinking for life withouth comptuer13:24
belgianguyanyone have an idea how I 'drop to cmd line' when booting _any_ linux?13:24
rockhopperAbhiJit, when i download updates for jolicloud, which's based on ubuntu jaunty, it downloads fine13:25
* Gnea facepalms13:25
nothingspecialit`s hidden in Ubuntu, type dmesg, or do you want to disable the boot splash13:25
belgianguyis there something like 'hit Esc'?13:25
astrojpI'm thinking you have now set some flag options for Grub to enable this.13:25
SomelauwIs it safe to try playing a movie if I don't know whether the movie is complete?13:26
magnetronbelgianguy: ctrl+alt+f1 usually works (ctrl+alt+f7 to get back)13:26
rockhopperAbhiJit, only problem's with this UNR (lucid) Can there be a problem with the repository archive?13:26
nothingspecialyes, have a look at the grub2 wiki13:26
AbhiJitrockhopper, dunno13:26
belgianguymagnetron: ah thanks, I'll try that13:26
rockhopperSomelauw, Yes it is! unless if you're torrenting13:26
astrojpnothingspecial: I just want to see a black screen with all of the boot messages. The splash screen hides this, right?13:27
Somelauwrockhopper, of course I am torrenting.13:27
younderI am having trouble with the stabillity of the system after a kernel update today13:27
nothingspecialyes, you can disable it though13:27
astrojpnothingspecial: thanks.13:27
QwertGnea: What do you say then?13:27
younderI get a lot of fork: resource temporarily unavailable13:27
rockhopperSomelauw, then you can play the movie! if its downloading as one file, unlike downloading a file with multiple connections per download13:27
GneaQwert: huh?13:27
astrojpnothingspecial: Ah, this? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub213:28
QwertGnea: About the last method not being non-ubuntu.13:28
rockhopperSomelauw, it'll play till the movie's downloaded! try playing it with vlc and don't repair the file when it asks for it!13:28
younderHow do I revert to an older version? It seems all the older kernel versions are deleted.13:28
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GneaQwert: are you illiterate? I told you the conversation was over.13:28
QwertGnea: You seems to be to end w/o proper query.13:29
GneaQwert: don't make me have to /ignore you here, too...13:29
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:29
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines13:29
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QwertGnea: Here TOO! as in?13:30
GneaQwert: welcome to /ignore13:30
QwertGnea: you as well13:30
BlueEagleQwert and gnea: Please take it somewhere else.13:30
GneaBlueEagle: please to be minding your own business.13:30
Qwertignore Gnea13:30
IdleOnelet's all be nice please13:31
AbhiJitQwert, its /ignore13:31
=== King is now known as Guest30217
QwertSorry channel13:31
GneaIdleOne: got a minute in PM?13:31
mr_haiGnea, it didnt work13:33
yuvatejamy pendrive is detected when using command SUDO FDISK -L but not display on desktop .13:33
astrojpHrm, was hoping that there was a key I could just press during boot up to show this (I think Suse use to let you do this). I don't really care to start screwing with the boot loader options, it's not that important. Thanks for the info, I appreciate it!13:34
magnetronyuvateja: is it formatted?13:34
BlueEagleyuvateja: Are you a member of the group plugdev?13:35
nothingspecialmagnetron: is nautilus configured to show mounted drives?13:36
Qwertnothingspecial: Yes13:36
coolroot--does anyone here uses lxde?13:36
nothingspecialmagnetron: is it mounted?13:36
nothingspecialcoolroot: yes but only for a day13:37
BlueEagleyuvateja: Well if you ´ls -l /dev/sd*` you may find that the drive is in the plugdev group. You would then have to add yourself to that group to be able to use it.13:37
BlueEagleyuvateja: Please note that you may need to log off and back in for the changes to take effect.13:39
spoolPOVaddct: thanks so very much for your help. I'm creating a patched 1.22 deb now on my vmware lucid install13:41
POVaddctspool: no problem13:41
spoolPOVaddct: which will will then install, then cp the created tar binary to my server13:41
spoolPOVaddct: then use that to fix the installations of everything else13:41
Gneamr_hai: can you pastebin your /etc/fstab ?13:42
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spoolPOVaddct: do you think it's worth trying to get a different hosting service? I'd rather not have this be a constant problem.13:43
claudio66Hi, problem with printer epson stylus D92. It doesn't work. No one page I've printed at now. Is there anybody who shared the same problem and can help me?13:44
spoolPOVaddct: constant in the sense that by being forced to run an older kernel, I'll run into other incompatibilities down the road13:44
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Dr_Willisclaudio66:  check the cups.org site to see how well supporrted the printer is for starters.  - has it EVER worked?13:44
Gneaclaudio66: have you checked the status of it on http://linuxprinting.org ?13:44
mr_haiGnea,  http://pastebin.com/5zgC2Yhe13:44
=== Prof_BiG_BanG is now known as prof_away
Gneamr_hai: okay, looks good, you ought to be able to reboot and it should still work fine13:45
st__what is an address of gdm background?13:45
POVaddctspool: i don't know xen very well. maybe some other hosting service is using kvm?13:45
AbhiJitcat: /proc/asound/card0/codec#*: No such file or directory help13:45
mr_haiGnea, thats EXACTLY the same thing it sshowed the last time13:45
Gneamr_hai: then it looks right.13:46
mr_haiGnea,  i get this specific  errror on boot http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=807930213:46
AbhiJiti dont have /proc/asound directory. why?13:46
spoolPOVaddct: mmm... kvm is a virtual machine I assume... which would allow the kernel to be upgraded by the user?13:46
GneaAbhiJit: because someone had you do something wrong.13:47
mr_haiGnea, im sorry thats page 2 of the thread13:47
POVaddctspool: yes. you run your own kernel in kvm. btw, kvm is part of the mainline kernel, which xev isn't.13:47
Gneamr_hai: should I go to the start of page1?13:47
mr_haiGnea, yes13:48
AbhiJitanyone help?13:48
spoolPOVaddct: mmm cool that's very useful. Right now for the moment of truth!13:48
Gneamr_hai: oooooh, I think I see... so it's barfing at the blkid of /var?13:49
Kangarooohello i cant install java.. sun-java6-jre has no cadidate versions13:49
mr_haiGnea, I think it might be /var I didnt record the UUID unfortunaltey13:49
GneaAbhiJit: can you back your /home up somewhere?13:49
mr_haiGnea, is there a way to replicate the error in a chroot?13:50
Gneamr_hai: that's okay, we can work around it.13:50
=== prof_away is now known as Prof_BiG_BanG
claudio66Dr_Willis, on the cups db the never worked...13:50
AbhiJitcat: /proc/asound/card0/codec#*: No such file or directory help13:51
GneaAbhiJit: can you read what I'm typing?13:51
NullProphecyHi all. I have one of these awesome devices: http://www.quaduro.com/en/gb/products/src.php?id=6, which I'm planning to use as the basis of an embedded appliance. I've got 10.04 installed and all works great, with the exception of the touchscreen. It shows up as /dev/input/mouse1 (verified with sudo cat /dev/input/mouse1), and registers input (ie. moves the mouse). I'm running into problems13:51
NullProphecytrying to calibrate it using the evtouch drivers. I've made all the required changes to my xorg.conf, but neither the evtouch calibrator, or the one from chapter7.ch works! Any ideas?13:51
FloodBot1NullProphecy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:51
spoolPOVaddct: huzzah!! thanks so much. Worked a charm :)13:52
PrinceKapHotHi there ?13:52
GneaPrinceKapHot: Hi, haven't done the touchscreen yet, but this is where I'd start: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15866613:53
PrinceKapHotI'm having trouble with adobe flash on xubuntu 64, videos are sluggish...13:53
NullProphecythats for the microtouch driver - afaik this is egalax based (possibly)13:54
GneaNullProphecy: see ^^^13:54
claudio66Gnea, on open printing the a printer compatible seems present. But actually I'm using cups for printing. How can I set the open printing drivers?13:54
GneaPrinceKapHot: sorry, wrong person13:54
PrinceKapHotGnea, I know :-)13:54
Gneaclaudio66: cups uses open printing drivers13:54
GneaPrinceKapHot: okay :)13:54
claudio66gnea, http://www.openprinting.org/printer/Epson/Epson-Stylus_D92 seems to work fine....13:55
viralhey, anyone around that can help me with grub2?13:58
Jontalightweight program for viewing *.ppt?13:58
Gneaclaudio66: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=491972 seems to point to the use of the turboprint driver13:59
Gnea!info pptviewer13:59
ubottuPackage pptviewer does not exist in lucid13:59
Gneaoh, heh13:59
Gnea!info pptview13:59
ubottupptview (source: pptview): view PowerPoint presentations. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 8.0-6 (lucid), package size 1752 kB, installed size 3684 kB (Only available for i386)13:59
Gnea!info ppthtml14:00
ubottuppthtml (source: xlhtml): A program for converting Microsoft Power Point Files .ppt. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-6ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 18 kB, installed size 116 kB14:00
PrinceKapHotif anyone's interested : I managed to solve my "flash player is sluggish" problem by installing the (experimental) 64bits version14:00
Gneaviral: there might be, if you state what your problem is14:00
jordi__Q: how do i mount my mint partition to ubuntu : sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/luxmint doesnt works14:01
viralmm sorry, just installed ubuntu on a 3rd harddrive, except now my comp automatically boots to this.14:01
chibihogoshinoanyone having internet problems ?14:01
magnetronchibihogoshino: yes, i guess you are?14:01
virali want to add an entry to the grub menu to get myself into it but i haven't quite worked out how to do it despite lots of googling14:01
mr_haiviral, run update grub and grub install14:02
viralin addition, taking out the hard drive with linux doesn't work either, it gives me some grub info14:02
mr_haithats should fix it14:02
viralthen puts it in grub_recovery14:02
chibihogoshinomagnetron: yes.. im connected to im and irc but cant access any web sites.14:02
erUSULjordi__: how it fails?14:02
chibihogoshinocan ping google and any thing else, just no more than that14:02
viralmr_hai, got the commands? I'm _very_ new to linux.14:02
mr_haiviral, you need to "update-grub" and then "grub-install /dev/deviceid"14:03
NullProphecyright. the touchscreen is apparently a D-WAV Scientific Co., Ltd eGalax TouchScreen - am I better off using the evtouch drivers, or the specific eGalax ones?14:03
mr_haiviral find the device id with "sudo fdisk -l"14:03
viraldo i want to remove the entry i put in?14:03
jordi__says /mnt/luxmint does not exist14:03
mr_haiviral do not add entries manually, this will make a new boot list with all the found OS's on your HDDs14:04
JontaGnea: Thanks. (Had to reboot there)14:04
alexandru1994199my computer  screen freezes and green dots start apearing on it14:04
erUSULjordi__: create it; « sudo mkdir /mnt/luxmint »14:04
mr_haiviral install it to the master HDD14:04
erUSULjordi__: mount points must be alredy existing ( ideally empty ) directories14:04
GneaNullProphecy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91649314:04
GneaJonta: cheers14:04
mr_haiGnea,  its not making a menu.lst14:05
mr_haithis is odd14:05
NullProphecydnea - cheers :)14:05
jordi__k thx erUSUL14:05
viralerr.. honestly not sure which i'm looking for? assume it's sda1 hpfs/ntfs?14:06
mr_haiviral pastebin the results of "fdisk -l"14:06
viralthen there's sdc1 which looks almost identical, just no star next to the boot14:06
viralguess storage drive14:06
Gneamr_hai: grub2 doesn't, it makes a grub.cfg14:07
barryHello, everyone14:07
mr_haiviral, sdc is the first scsi disk14:07
barryMay I help you?14:07
mr_haiviral can you tell me how you have your hard disks installed in your computer?14:07
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub214:07
viralhow do you mean14:07
felixalHi, if I boot from an ubuntu liveCD and install it onto a usb flash drive, will it work?14:08
AbhiJitfelixal: yes14:08
alexandru1994199my computer freezes and green dots appear on ecran.can anyone help me?14:08
mr_haiviral, im assuming you have windows on /dev/sda , linux on /dev/sdb , and windows on dev/sdc?14:08
felixalnice, thanks AbhiJit14:09
viralsuppose so yeah14:09
alexandru1994199my computer freezes and green dots appear on the screen .can anyone help me?14:09
virali have 3 HDDs, one with windows, one for storage (which i guess makes it windows too?) and one i just installed linux on14:09
viralthe storage one and linux one is the same type, but they all have the same storage capacity14:09
mr_haiviral Which device is the storage disk14:10
AbhiJitfelixal: np14:10
viralhow do i find out14:10
mr_haimount it and give me the device id14:10
juk_____5hi, how to create scalable icons, do I need to put each of size at /hicolor/ with respective size, or just one in /pixmaps or /hicolor/scalable how to convert to svg, i tried with convert but it rendered png in black14:11
mr_haiviral "mkdir /mnt/sda ; mount /dev/sda /mnt/sda"14:11
viralwhat does mounting do (and how do i do it?)14:11
viralkk ty14:11
mr_haiviral "mkdir /mnt/sda ; mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda" i meant14:11
viralthat won't affect it when i use windows will it?14:11
mr_haiviral no it wont14:12
younderI am having trouble with the stabillity of the system after a kernel update today14:12
younderI get a lot of fork: resource temporarily unavailable14:12
mr_haiviral is that showing the windows OS when you open the folder?14:12
erdnaseExcuse me, is there a channel for python support? Or just python? I need to ask them something regarding gasp.14:13
viralgot this when i tried to mount: http://pastebin.com/gb9nz9Kh14:13
juk_____5im using docky and some pics are looking shiny, some not even if same size14:14
AbhiJityounder: todays updates are giving lots of problem to many users14:14
bazhangerdnase, /msg alis list *python*14:14
mr_haiviral...... how did you shout down windows the last time you booted it?14:14
liujunHI, how are you ,everybody14:14
sanderAnyone know about a good accounting program?14:14
viralshut it down via the menu?14:14
virali believe14:14
erdnasebazhang, oh, handy tool, thanks.14:15
mr_haiviral... you have RAID setup?14:15
viralmaybe it's something do with me trying to open my manual thingo of it before trying to open this?14:15
viralnot sure14:15
viralmy brother is the tech guy14:15
IdleOneAbhiJit: Please stop blaming the updates on your problems14:15
virali honestly know verrry little14:16
AbhiJitIdleOne: hmm14:16
IdleOneAbhiJit: half compiling alsa drivers when you didn't need to is what is part of your issue14:16
AbhiJitIdleOne: ok14:16
IdleOneAbhiJit: I recommend you backup your /home and do a clean install14:16
IdleOne!separatehome > AbhiJit14:16
ubottuAbhiJit, please see my private message14:16
AbhiJitIdleOne: yah i m doing that only14:16
mr_haiviral... you need to boot into windows and let checkdisk run14:17
younderAbhiJit, How do I revert to a older version of the kernal? It seems to have deleted my older versionsin /boot? Do I have to git mad make a older version?14:17
viralthat's the whole problem14:17
virali can't boot into windows14:17
AbhiJityounder: dunno14:17
GneaAbhiJit: I'm sorry about what that other fellow had you do, I had no idea that someone would do that14:17
rapagehey guys14:17
rapagehow to load ubuntu is terminal mode14:17
AbhiJitGnea: ok14:18
GalikHi. Is it possible to change the Chat program in the Indicator Applet to launch a different chat program rather than empathy? I want to use Gajim. If it can't be made to point to Gajim is there a way to disable the chat option from the Indicator Applet?14:18
bazhang!nox | rapage14:18
ubotturapage: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode14:18
mr_haiviral, try "update-grub ; grub-install /dev/sdb1"14:18
viralrm: cannot remove `/boot/grub/915resolution.mod': Permission denied14:19
user001hello. what do i have to do be able to input "thai" characters please?14:19
mr_haiviral follow this tutorial and use the /dev/sdb device bhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub214:19
bazhang!ibus | user00114:19
ubottuuser001: IBus is used to allow multilingual input such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean (CJK), Devanagari and Dravidian characters in !GUI applications - see also: !SCIM. For more info on Ibus see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ibus14:19
marcoceppiI'm having a hard time finding the defaults.conf file for GDM in 10.10 - has it been (re)moved?14:20
GneaAbhiJit: most of the time, people are pretty good about following the Ubuntu-way of solving problems around here. this guy came along from out of nowhere, it seems, and fed you some misinformation. I would not have had you do that.14:20
bazhangmarcoceppi, #ubuntu+1 for that14:20
marcoceppibazhang, thanks!14:20
AbhiJitGnea: i having blucid14:20
liujunHi , Do you know "qq"?14:21
mr_haiAbhiJit, i have a blucid too :(14:21
GneaAbhiJit: had all standard methods had been exhausted, and if your soundcard was truly non-functional with what already exists, then yes, I would have had you download the latest alsa drivers, but there were several more things that could have been done first.14:21
HRH_H_Crabhi, im running maverick and i have an m-audio audiophile. after rebooting following an update i seem to have lost sound, ive looked at alsamixer and gui controls and cant seem to find anything muted, can anyone assist?14:21
AbhiJitmr_hai: :D14:21
=== william_ is now known as ahaz
bazhangHRH_H_Crab, #ubuntu+1 for maverick14:22
AbhiJitGnea: yah now reinstalling os14:22
viralmr_hai, from the very start when using sudo aptitude install grub-pc14:22
viral i don't even get a prompt14:22
albechwhat is the opensource alternative to the Zeus Loadbalancer? I forgot the name14:22
GneaAbhiJit: awesome14:22
AbhiJitGnea: :(14:22
TanLizxxxIs that possible to encrypt a file folder without encrypting the files which under the directory?14:23
GneaAbhiJit: I mean, awesome in the sense that it's being fixed, but not awesome that you have to reinstall just to fix it14:23
mr_haiGnea, hd,0,4 is the fifth partition right? it starts at 0,0?14:23
Gneamr_hai: correct14:23
jribTanLizxxx: umm, what?14:23
AbhiJitGnea: ohhhh :)14:24
mr_haignea..... THATS WHY :D :D :D14:24
Gneamr_hai: :)14:24
mr_haiset root='(hd0,4)'14:24
ahazMy desktop won't load after I completed an update and restarted. I can still run firefox and access the filesystem though.14:24
mr_haiits should be 0,414:24
TanLizxxxjrib: i want to encrypt a file folder14:24
jribTanLizxxx: what do you mean by "file folder"?14:24
Gneamr_hai: watch out - logical partitions skip a number somewhere14:25
Gneasince the extended partition itself can never be used14:25
dunithdCtrl+C doesn't work on my Gnome terminal, what should I do?14:25
TanLizxxxjrib just a folder....14:25
Gneadunithd: ctrl+z14:25
jribdunithd: what do you expect ctrl-c to do?14:25
mr_haiGnea, .... I have the extended at the physical start of the drive does that matter?14:25
IdleOnedunithd: to copy?14:25
jribTanLizxxx: ok, well use gpg or see ubottu I suppose14:25
jrib!encrypt | TanLizxxx14:26
ubottuTanLizxxx: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory14:26
dunithdto terminate a running shell script, Im on lucid14:26
Gneamr_hai: should be fine, as long as you never reference 0,014:26
jribdunithd: how are you coming to the conclusion ctrl-c doesn't work?14:26
Gneadunithd: have you tried ctrl-d?14:26
TanLizxxxthanks man14:26
dunithdcoz I tried to shutdown several servers by pressing Ctrl+c as usual, but it didnt work14:27
younderFor oe home is per default not on a seperate partion two. to restore the partion you cant be looged in as a user under home. That leaves root. And per default ubuntu doesn't have a root passwd. third you need to mkfs.ext4 8or ext3 depending on what your other partions are formatted as). I restored home from backup a week ago but it is not trivial.14:27
jrib!who | dunithd14:27
ubottudunithd: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:27
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jribdunithd: so if you type "cat" at an empty prompt, press enter, and then ctrl-c what happens?14:29
Gnea!pm > ahaz14:29
ubottuahaz, please see my private message14:29
younderfourth. Now the Disk ID in /etc/fstab is wrong and you need to manually mount it then change the entry in fsab to reflect the new ID14:29
Gneaahaz: was this a normal system update or did you upgrade to a different version altogether?14:29
dunithdjrib: nothing happened14:30
jribdunithd: "nothing" is too vague.14:30
jribdunithd: if you're not sure how to describe something with more detail, just pastebin everything in your terminal14:30
dunithdjrib: it was there as it is and cat command didnt terminated14:30
annonHey! I want to change some GRUB settings (the ones that you can edit by pressing e in Grub), but /boot/grub/grub.cfg warns me I should not edit the file directly. Any way to do this correctly?14:30
viral__noo mr hai left14:31
viral__anybody else able to help me get grub to allow me to boot back into windows?14:31
jribdunithd: is this behavior present for a freshly created new user?14:31
Gneaviral__: was it with grub or grub2?14:31
TanvirDoes 7zip has GUI support in ubuntu?14:31
jrib!7zip | Tanvir14:31
ubottuTanvir: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression14:31
dunithdjrib: yes, I installed lucid recently as a fresh installation14:32
histoTanvir: yes14:32
ahazGnea, it was a normal system update.14:32
jribdunithd: create a new user and verify that the behavior exists there14:32
Tanvirhisto, can you give me the command to install it, please?14:32
Gneaahaz: what programs are not working right?14:33
mrhaiGnea, it worked :D14:33
dunithdjrib: ok I'll do it! many thanks!14:33
histoTanvir: thats what the link from ubottu was about.14:33
Gneaviral__: what do you have setup so far?14:33
Chr|sI am trying to install Ubuntu. I have a clean install of Win7. Trying to dual boot. I also have 3 hard drives, 2 500gb and 1 TB. I want to install Windows and Ubuntu on the same drive, but whenever I try to do that, it the partitioner wants to put it on the TB drive. Have no idea what to do.14:33
histoTanvir: let me check it14:33
Tanvirhisto, yeah, got it.14:33
viral__Gnea: In terms of?14:34
histoTanvir: p7zip is the package you need for archive manager to support it14:34
GneaChr|s: you should be able to choose like an 'advanced' selection and forcefully choose which drive/partition it installs to14:34
mrhaiChr|s, you must manually partition the drives before you install14:34
viral__probably nothing in all honesty14:34
NullProphecyGnea: I've followed those instructions, however the TouchKit driver complains that it can't find the controller. I've sure I've set up my xorg.conf correctly. Any ideas?14:34
histoTanvir: so doing the command sudo apt-get install p7zip     in a terminal will work14:34
Katsumi32Chr|s, under windows make free partition boot up live ubuntu and chosse the new created partition it wokred for me14:34
mrhaiChr|s, I would recommend you partition before installation14:34
viral__i really have no idea what i'm doing, i assumed linux would just add an option to boot into windows14:34
IdleOnemrhai: not exactly true, the partitioner should see all 3 drives and he can select14:34
GneaNullProphecy: none, I've never done it before... you could try posting a follow-up to that article, or making a whole new post on ubuntuforums.org14:34
Gneaviral__: your grub.cfg14:35
Chr|sKatsumi32, mrhai thanks14:35
histoviral__: it should have created a menu entry to windows14:35
ahazGnea: I am still able to open application by selecting their executable file. I am running firefox as we speak. I cannot load desktop icons or the menu that is normally at the top of the screen.14:35
Tanvirhisto, yes, it's working.14:35
NullProphecyGnea: ok - will do. Thanks for your help all the same :)14:35
viral__histo: well apparently it didn't. :(14:35
histoviral__: assumi9ng you didn't remove windows and use the entire disk for linux14:35
Gneaahaz: is the bar across the top of the screen?14:35
viral__histo: installed on a seperate HDD14:35
viral__Gnea: where abouts is that located, and what am i looking for in it?14:36
ahazGnea: nope :/ .14:36
Tanvirhisto, can you help me on running IBUS on startup? I don't know how to do it.14:36
Gneaviral__: /boot/grub/14:36
Gneaviral__: can you pastebin it?14:36
histoTanvir: what is IBUS?14:36
Tanvirhisto, I need to run IBUS to use different keyboard.14:36
histoTanvir: yeha sure let me find some info for ya14:37
Tanvirhisto, System > Preferences > IBus Preferences14:37
Gneaahaz: does alt-f2 bring up a run dialog?14:37
Tanvirhisto, the problem is I don't know the command of this application.14:37
Kangarooohello in xubuntu i installed vino and cant connect unles i open vino-preferences in terminal .. is that solvable? how?14:37
ahazGnea: yes. I'm glad to see something of that sort.14:38
Gneaokay, now type this in the run dialog:  gnome-panel14:38
mickeyAnyone know how to connect a ubuntu computer to a bt home hub? i cant get it to connect even if i disable the security14:38
histoTanvir: go to system > Preferences > Startup applications and click Add.  then name it something like ibus daemon and the command should be /usr/bin/ibus-daemon -d14:38
viral__Gnea: http://pastebin.com/DNxSz1ev14:39
histoTanvir: make sure that /usr/bin/ibus-daemon is the actual path14:39
histoTanvir: try something like locate ibus-daemon   in a terminal14:39
Katsumi32mickey, are you trying to connect wifi or direct ?14:39
histoTanvir: yeah nvm thats where it is.14:40
ahazGnea: it doesn't seem to respond to the command.14:40
Katsumi32mickey, if you wifi card inside or its usb>??14:40
Gneaahaz: try xterm14:40
Katsumi32mickey, type in terminal lsusb and tell me name of your card14:41
histoTanvir: this thread has a lot of info about it.  Youc an change your default input and ignore all this starting on boot etc.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=792203214:41
Gneaviral__: so you're using the second partition of the second hard drive?14:41
viral__should be first partition of 3rd HDD14:41
viral___should_ be14:41
viral__i don't think i screwed it up that badly lol14:41
Tanvirhisto, looking.14:41
mickeyi cant as i have ubuntu and windows on the same computer14:41
ahazGnea: the terminal is up now.14:41
mickeycant connect at all on ubuntu14:42
histoviral__: can you pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l14:42
Gneaahaz: alright, try this:  ps axf | grep gnome-panel14:42
histoTanvir: there are also IRC channels in different languages if soemthing else is your native language.14:43
Katsumi32micky boot up ubuntu and connect directly internet or check what card do you in control panel device manager network14:43
arunkumar413i friends, i'm trying to make notepad application using MonoDevelop. I'm writing the backend code in c#. i want to know the classes and methods used to change font parameters like colour,size and type14:43
ahazGnea: would you like the output from that?14:43
Gneaahaz: if it's more than 2 lines, in a pastebin please14:43
viral__Gnea: http://pastebin.com/DqqC0NfM14:43
histoarunkumar413: wrong channel for that. this is ubuntu support14:43
ahazGnea: okay14:43
histoarunkumar413: I would try the mono chanel14:44
Tanvirhisto, is there a channel for Bengali language? It's my native lang.14:44
histoTanvir: let me check14:44
Kangarooohello why in ubuntu cant install sun-java6-jre ?14:44
Kangarooono candidate available14:44
arunkumar413histo: there are only few members in it14:44
IdleOneKangarooo: Did you enable the Partner repository?14:44
=== mrhai is now known as hellz_bellz
Gneaviral__: http://blogs.koolwal.net/2008/12/28/windows-xpvista-dual-boot-does-not-boot-from-grub2-or-grub-pc/14:45
arunkumar413histo: moreover i'm working on ubuntu14:45
KangaroooIdleOne: whats that? if not by default then not. i have clean install14:45
viral__gnea: tried that earlier14:45
IdleOneKangarooo: in System > Administration > Software Sources. enable the Partner repository and then sun will be available14:45
Gneaviral__: I'm not seeing a windows entry in your grub.cfg14:45
mickeynvidia nforce networking controller14:45
LinuxGuy2009Ive got an error after trying to install some packages and I have no clue how to fix this one. E: Could not perform immediate configuration on already unpacked 'base-files'.Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. I checked that man page and it doesnt really say how to fix it. Is my system broken and I need a clean install?14:45
viral__Gnea: I removed it under the advice of mr_hai14:46
viral__something about it being added to all HDDs or the like14:46
viral__can't remember exactly what the reason was14:46
viral__i'll do it again.14:46
mickeyor do you mean N61 802.11n wireless usb adaptor14:46
Tanvirhisto, p7zip installation completed. But I can't find it. Where it is?14:46
^wizardi have a Q how can i make my laptop auto shutdown when it reaches some temp?14:47
Gneaviral__: okay. try adding it back, making sure you have the correct drive listed there. notice how it's using (1,1) for your ubuntu stuff - that's the second partition of the second hard drive14:47
ahazGnea: I am embarrassed to ask, but how do I copy from the terminal.14:47
Katsumi32mickey, are you able to connect internet directly using wire ? instead wifi? if so boot up ubuntu and connect directly14:47
histoTanvir: it installed the command line version; however, now you can just click on a 7zip and use archive manager that will pop up14:47
viral__Gnea: Yeah, I had (hd0,1) at first, which i think gave me a 'no such partition error', then tried (hd0,0) which said invalid signature14:48
Gneaahaz: no problem - just select it with your mouse using the left-drag method, then right-click on it, select copy, then paste it into the webpage14:48
mickeyi cant as the computer is in opposite side of the house to the home hub14:48
Gneaviral__: okay heh, do you recall which drive you installed windows to?14:48
viral__i know it's the samsung one...14:48
IdleOnethat's a start14:49
histo!bn | Tanvir   is that bengali?14:49
ubottuTanvir   is that bengali?: Bangla te Ubuntu bishoyok alochonar jonno #ubuntu-bd te ashun. Dhonnobad!14:50
Katsumi32mickey cant you move your pc for one hour? its important cuz we need to find what chip does your card have and if ubuntu recognise your card at all.14:50
adacWondering where is the crontab file? NOrmally you do crontab -e to edit it...but where is it written?14:50
Tanvirhisto, yes, it is.14:50
ahazGnea: I had been trying that. I can highlight the text, but right-clicking doesn't bring up anything. Strange, no?14:50
histoTanvir: then #ubuntu-bd should be in your native language14:51
Gneaahaz: try highlighting it again, then just go to the webpage and middle-click to paste14:51
Tanvirhisto, and I'm there now. :)14:51
llutzadac: /var/spool/cron/crontabs14:51
mickeynot really :S14:51
viral__Gnea: If it helps, windows was the first OS I installed, before I added any other HDDs or OSs. I think (physically) it's the middle of the 3 drives, if that helps at al14:51
adacllutz, thx a lot14:51
Tanvirhisto, the 7zip issue. It didn't work.14:51
Katsumi32mickey and it will be a way easier to insteal driver for your card under ubuntu instead downloading to windows than boot ubuntu try to install it etc etc lot of problems better if you could find some wire and connect ubuntu directly for 30 or somthing min14:51
Gneaviral__: well, not sure how it would be on a 'middle' partition..14:51
viral__not partition14:52
Katsumi32mickey there is info about your card on your card tell me what it is ?14:52
viral__3 separate HDDs14:52
ahazGnea: sorry, no luck with that method.14:52
Gneaviral__: well as I see it, if you have 3 hdds, you've got ubuntu on the middle drive already14:52
mickeyi dont know how to find it14:52
Tanvirhisto, see the error message. http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/nj8hXVgu14:52
mickeyim a noob14:52
mysteryguyHello, i've been trying to do an ubuntu update for the past 2 days, leaving the pc on all the time, but it stopped here: "Unpacking replacement gzip ..."14:52
Gneaahaz: okay, let's try something else... try running this:  gnome-terminal14:52
Katsumi32mickey, on your card are symbols and card name i need to know what card do you have14:53
viral__Gnea: I'm finding with that tutorial you linked, when updating grub2 I don't get the 'adding windows' echo, That a problem?14:53
viral__wait nvm14:53
viral__got it14:53
rapageI have a questione14:53
Katsumi32rapage, hola senor14:53
viral__chmod didn't have permission apparently.14:53
Gneaviral__: the idea isn't to paste in all of that code - it's only use is for the specific application being used - obviously, you'll want to use only the portions specific to grub.cfg14:53
histoTanvir: have you tried any other 7z files? maybe that one is bad.14:54
^wizardcan anybody help: how can i make my laptop auto shutdown when it reaches some temp?14:54
Gnearapage: ask it14:54
rapageI've like to knwo if it's possible for someone to hear what you type on your keytboards and know what keys \were pressed or determine it bythe little electrical current14:54
Tanvirhisto, yes.14:54
viral__i'm not sure which ones are needed14:54
bazhangrapage, that has nothing to do with ubuntu14:54
viral__aren't they all specific to grub?14:54
Gnearapage: it probably is, but that's beyond the scope of #ubuntu, might want to try #linux or #hardware14:54
Katsumi32rapage, yes14:55
mickeydo i need to open up the computer to see the card?14:55
bazhangrapage, #ubuntu-offtopic14:55
rapageKatsumi32, pm me is important14:55
viral__it seems to be working now!14:55
Katsumi32mickey, get your wifi card to your hand read the info on it and tell me whats the model etc14:55
viral__..in that case i have no idea why it wouldn't work earlier when i tried it.14:55
viral__many, many thanks gnea14:56
ShredMasterI have a new idea......14:56
viral__saved me a huge headache14:56
viral__appreciate it mate14:56
ahazGnea: here is the output from the command you gave me: http://pastebin.com/DPPE2y7V14:56
Gneaviral__: cheers14:56
mickeysorry if im being stupid but im using a usb sitck to connect to the internet14:56
viral__now my windows thinks it's 2pm14:56
viral__either way14:56
viral__it's working14:56
FloodBot1viral__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:56
IdleOnemickey: the computer Ubuntu is on with no wifi is the same as the one you are using now with windows correct?14:56
Gneaahaz: okay, looks like it's already running.... weird...... do you have a panel running on the bottom of the screen?14:57
viral__i'll be off then. thanks again Gnea. :)14:57
mysteryguyHello, i've been trying to do an ubuntu update for the past 2 days, leaving the pc on all the time, but it stopped here: "Unpacking replacement gzip ..."14:57
IdleOnemickey: do you have a USB stick you can save info to and then come back to windows and give us that info?14:57
ShredMasterHey, My internet is very very slow. So , I was thinking that if I could work with OPERA-MINI Mobile version. Because that would reduce the overall size of the page..14:57
liujunIs someone from china?14:58
Katsumi32mickey can you get the usb dongle to your hand and check what model it is ?14:58
swamptHow do I list what interrupts are assigned to a list of devices?14:58
IdleOnemickey: ok boot Ubuntu then in a terminal type: lsusb   copy the output and then come back here and give it to Katsumi32 so he can continue helping14:58
bazhangliujun, in #ubuntu-cn14:58
Gnea!cn | liujun14:58
ubottuliujun: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:58
ahazGnea: no, there is no bar running bottom of the screen. That is pretty fun that I have it running though.14:59
mickeythe model is vigor N61 802.11n wireless usb adaptor14:59
Gneaahaz: okay, let's try something else then... when you move your mouse cursor to the top and bottom of the screen all the way, does it scroll more of the whole desktop?14:59
mickeywill i go onto ubuntu now to get the stuff from the lsusb thing15:00
IdleOnemickey: hold off15:01
IdleOnemickey: I assume Katsumi32 is googling a little bit now15:01
mickeyok thank you15:01
IdleOneKatsumi32: mickey> the model is vigor N61 802.11n wireless usb adaptor15:01
ahazGnea: my mouse cursor is completely displayed when at both the bottom and the top of the screen.15:01
Gneaahaz: okay, go back to the gnome-terminal and type this:  killall -9 gnome-panel15:02
Katsumi32mickey, i think your card has rt2870 and its very useless chip at the moment to new for ubuntu there is driver rt2870sta u have to get it install it and even than it will have prblem with wpa key etc my advice change card15:02
Katsumi32mickey, i had the same card took me long time to set it up install driver and even than it didnt work properly15:03
mickeyok thank you for your advice15:03
Katsumi32mickey, wait sec15:03
bahranybody who can help me adjusting the brightness of my Sony Vaio computer? I managed to get it working by installing latest nvidia drivers from their site, but the screen is using full brightness, and the gnome applet does not work either.15:03
Chr|swhy does it seem more difficult to dual boot now with 10.04?15:03
ahazGnea: That command restored the bars.15:04
Chr|sis it more confusing when I have more than 1 drive?15:04
Gneaahaz: awesome15:05
Katsumi32mickey, check up argos or pcworld any none N card will work with ubuntu they cost about from 10£ some N cards work some not if you want soemthing with better range try hawkingHWU8DD i have that one it has zd1211 chip and work out of the box with ubuntu 10.04 also u can attach external antenna15:05
Le_woofis ther a reason why Ubun desktop edition 64 bits is not recemmended for daily desktop usage?15:06
=== Prof_BiG_BanG is now known as prof_away
bazhangLe_woof, poorly worded, its fine15:06
Katsumi32Le_woof, the same reason as windows less support less drivers etc15:06
bazhangKatsumi32, thats not correct15:07
ahazGnea: the bottom bar isn't displaying what windows I have open. That isn't all that important, but just a note.15:07
Le_woofah gotcha, im just thinking i have 8 gigs of ram on my box so 32bits wouldnt read it all now would it (in 7 64 atm)15:07
Katsumi32bazhang, could you tell me where could i download catalyst for card ati hd4850 ubuntu 64 ?15:08
bazhangKatsumi32, I dont have ati so no15:08
Gneaahaz: try logging out, then login again to see if it changes anything15:08
ahazGnea: Is there a way to correct this so that it the top bar loads correctly on startup.15:09
IdleOneKatsumi32: ati issue has nothing to do with 64bit. That is ati.15:09
ahazGnea: I will do that first. thank you.15:09
Gneaahaz: yes, but we need to see how the system is reacting now15:09
Katsumi32bazhang, thats only example im saying 64 is less supported than ubuntu 32 am i wrong ? thats what i learned15:09
Le_woofis ther a ram cap in linux for 32 bits like windows, (4 gigs)15:09
IdleOneLe_woof: 3.2gigs15:09
IdleOne!pae | Le_woof15:09
ubottuLe_woof: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info15:09
Katsumi32Le_woof, install 32 kernel pae and it will recognise no matter how much ram u have got15:10
Le_woofthanks, very helpfull fellaws15:10
CkhiKuzadIs there a way to allow Wine to use GTK icons, and possibly my mouse cursor?15:11
CkhiKuzadI'm going to ask again because i think i might have been in a netsplit:15:12
CkhiKuzadIs there a way to allow Wine to use GTK icons, and possibly my mouse cursor?15:13
IdleOneCkhiKuzad: ask #winehq15:13
CkhiKuzadthanks IdleOne.15:13
anon33_i'm having trouble installing dockbarx - i've added the ppa to my system but it says it can't find the package. i'm on 10.1015:14
Katsumi32anon33_, ask on #ubuntu+115:14
anon33_Katsumi32: alright.15:14
anon33_i'm having trouble installing dockbarx - i've added the ppa to my system but it says it can't find the package. i'm on 10.1015:14
anon33_whoops - sorry!15:14
ahazGnea: I have returned. The top bar works fine. The bottom bar still doesn't display open or workspaces. I of course still can alt+tab to change windows.15:15
NullProphecyGnea: FYI I got it all working using the newest drivers from the eGalax website. Although the config utility is pretty flakey!15:15
ahazGnea open windows*15:15
Gneaahaz: alright, you ought to be able to right-click in a clear space on the top bar and add a new bar or panel to the bottom15:15
GneaNullProphecy: awesome!15:16
eeemanguys i need help with me ubuntu netbook15:16
Gneaeeeman: please state the problem15:16
Katsumi32eeeman, ask question15:16
=== mcmlxxi is now known as suigeneris
eeemani installed 10.4 netbook remix and others say it fits on there hdd perfectly but when i try it after a day it complains the hdd is almost empty is there a way to either slim it down or install it on a external hdd and use it that way15:17
swamptHow do I list what interrupts are assigned to a list of devices?15:17
ShredMasterhey, I want to use UBUNTU for coding and Windows for Flash, photoshop, sound editing which are not in UBUNTU. how do I do it?15:18
ahazGnea: thanks. I am going to restart the machine and see if it will behave.15:18
Le_woofadobe software should run in wine15:18
Katsumi32eeeman, sure you can insatll it on external hdd or usb etc   the min size for 10.04 i would say 10gb15:18
IdleOne!dualboot | ShredMaster15:18
ubottuShredMaster: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot15:19
turtle_has anyone else had any wireless network issues with the beta?15:19
bazhangturtle_, #ubuntu+1 for that15:19
IdleOneturtle_: #ubuntu+1 for 10.1015:19
eeemanhow do i do this every time ive tried it either screws up the netbooks default os or dosent wanna boot15:19
Katsumi32eeeman, install grub2 on the hdd where is your windows cuz if u want to have windows on internal hdd and ubuntu on external hdd if u unplug external hdd u wont be able boot up windows15:20
rockhopper /close15:20
EvilPhoenixhow do i change the default java compiler / runtime being used15:20
erossi notice the latest kernels are  i'm at  does that mean ubuntu lags behind in any security hole fixes and will go thru a slow down before the 'speed up' fix was found in 2.6.35?15:20
eeemankatsum can i pm you to explain more about my setup15:21
Katsumi32so either keep external hdd conected none stop or install grub on the same hdd where windows is15:21
Katsumi32eeeman, the latest kernel is 2.6.35 ubuntu 10.04 ppa15:21
goliathey people. Im having issues with my wireless on my dell inspiron laptop. my killswitch on the keyboard is not responding. Any suggestions on whats wrong?15:22
bazhang!ppa | Katsumi32 eross15:22
ubottuKatsumi32 eross: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.15:22
Katsumi32bazhang, yeah youre right :)15:22
bazhangKatsumi32, so dont recommend it as the latest, as its not the supported latest15:22
erossjust wondering why it's slow to update15:22
Katsumi32bazhang, i didnt recomend it15:23
Katsumi32did i?15:23
coolroot--eross: maybe it's from ur connection?15:23
bazhangKatsumi32, you said it was the latest. its not15:23
jigaHello MaMoUs and welcome to #ubuntu15:25
Katsumi32the latest from synaptic is 2.6.32 and it will always be the latest for 10.04 forever if someone want newer kernel than he need to use ppa maverick has 2.6.35 and 2.6.35 is stable the thing is that canonical wont support it cuz thats how it work new ubuntu release new kernel15:25
jigaHello IdleOne and welcome to #ubuntu15:25
MaMoUsI install Creative Sound blaster 2day, i can hear from movie player but i cant hear from Firefox15:25
prowerhello :> does anyone know how i could determine what package provides libgtkembedmoz.so?15:29
sedulousprower: apt-file is your friend15:29
IdleOne!find  libgtkembedmoz15:30
ubottuFile libgtkembedmoz found in kompozer15:30
prowersedulous: Thanks I'll have to take a look at the documentation for it15:31
MaMoUsCan some one help me?, I installed Creative sound blaster, All work oky, But Firefox sound not working, Ubuntu 10.04 please help me :(15:31
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nakhlawiMaMoUs: did you try closing the movie player then playing the firefox sound?15:34
MaMoUsnakhlawi: yes i did, No luck (i think that Firefox still useing other sound card old one, but is there a way to change it ?)15:35
MaMoUsnakhlawi: yeb i was right Firefox is still using the old build in Sound card, how to make it using the new one ?15:36
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nakhlawiMaMoUs: I am not sure, maybe you should ask the firefox developers.15:37
nakhlawiover at irc.mozilla.org15:37
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zaidausanyone know a better irc client than xchat on ubuntu15:37
Katsumi32MaMoUs, i think there is some sort of bug it was like that always everytime u play youtube u hear sound and if u start play something at the same moment from your desktop it wont work sometime u will have to kill firefox.bin before youre able to use mplayer and hear anythig check up system monitor if there is anything to kill like mplayer or vlc15:37
LantiziaHey does anyone know if there is a ~130mb-style netinst ISO for 10.04.1 ?15:38
bribroderMaMoUs, try going into your sound preferences and setting everything to ALSA15:38
Qwertzaidaus: What problem are you facing with xchat-gnome?15:38
erUSUL!minimal | Lantizia15:38
ubottuLantizia: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:38
LantiziaI see a ~15mb one for 10.04 already15:38
MaMoUsbribroder: i did no luck15:38
LantiziaerUSUL, as I just said I've already seen that one15:38
MaMoUsKatsumi32: well my problem is FireFox is still useing old sound card not new one15:39
erUSULLantizia: afaik; there is nothing like yu describe. you have livecd alternate and minimal.15:39
LantiziaerUSUL, ok just used to the debian netinst discs thats all... they come with the entire set standard packages15:39
bribroderMaMoUs, try using the terminal to run: sudo killall pulseaudio && sudo alsa force-reload15:40
LantiziaerUSUL, with the alternate ISO can I deselect all tasksel package sets? or do I need the server ISO for that?15:40
skjoedtI get an error in apt-get when trying to install a package: Its about a wrong kernel version and can be seen here: http://pastebin.com/y90HiqQ5 - Help is appreciated15:40
MaMoUsbribroder: i did try that no luck, i put a speaker in the old output , It give me other the sound of Firefox, And the other speaker is connected to the new sound card is working as well15:41
erUSULLantizia: dunno; been a long time since i used alternate iso to do a install15:41
MagicJwhat is the file name that contains desktop background15:41
bribroderMaMoUs, frequently you can disable onboard sound chipsets from the BIOS15:41
jukhow to set particular font for each language in system?15:41
bribrodertry rebooting and look through the BIOS for a way to disable the chip15:42
MaMoUsbribroder: but if i disable it, the firefox will not give me sound any more, i try that 215:42
bribrodersounds like you need to talk to mozilla then... or install chrome ;)15:42
cikeALC889A sound card,i can't find the driver15:43
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Katsumi32cike problem with sound>? no sound at all ?15:44
nakhlawiMaMoUs: just ask the question in irc.mozilla.org15:45
nakhlawiMaMoUs: they might help15:45
MaMoUsnakhlawi: oky i will thx very much15:45
nakhlawiMaMoUs: good luck15:45
coolroot--does anyone knows how to bypass isp security? i mean they're blocking some sites here....is there any ways to bypass their security regarding to this?15:46
MaMoUsnakhlawi: thx man, i hope 215:46
cikeKatsumi32:Motherboard ma785gt-ud3h15:46
cikeKatsumi32:sound card ALC889L15:46
Katsumi32cike, i didnt ask about your motherboard i asked if you have any sound or no sound at all?15:46
jukwhere to change system set language?15:46
erUSULjuk: System>Admin..>language support15:47
Lantiziadoes anyone know if either the alternate or server ISOs allow you to deselect all/some of the tasksel package sets?15:47
LantiziaI just want the standard packages basically15:47
Resnikanyone so kind that could help me with samba conf on my ubuntu?15:47
esfahankidshi frends15:48
jukerUSUL:i mean, 'system set' font15:48
Katsumi32cike type in terminal alsamixer and unmute everything15:48
esfahankidsi installed apache15:48
esfahankidsbut now i wabt to run script on apache15:48
esfahankidswhere i copy my files?15:48
venky10Hi. Where can I find the linux kernel .config file for lucid lynx on my system?15:48
erUSULjuk: sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup ?15:48
jukerUSUL: and how it works that all languages using same font?15:48
Krishnanduesfahankids, /var/www15:48
erUSULvenky10: /boot/config15:48
venky10erUSUS: Thanks!15:49
cikeKatsumi32:no, i think driver15:50
Katsumi32cike so if no driver follow this tutorial http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1417864&highlight=acl+120015:50
Praveencan someone tell me the permissions for the /usr/bin folder15:52
Katsumi32anyone know how to move grub from one hdd to other ? is it possiblet to install ubuntu on external hdd and grub on internal ?15:52
Praveeni accidentally changed it to 75515:52
cikeKatsumi32:thank you15:52
Praveenand i want to change it back to the original permission settings15:52
Katsumi32cike you welcome15:52
chibihogoshinois something broken in iwlagn ?15:53
lubun2Katsumi32, grub-install15:54
jukerUSUL: how make it use custom font for language globally15:54
lubun2Katsumi32, grub-install /dev/dev-name-here15:55
Katsumi32tnx lubun215:55
jorge__lalala (8)15:56
MagicJhello, what file contains the image used as the desktop wallpaper/background, thanks in advance15:56
lubun2Katsumi32, np.. shud be /dev/sda or sdb  not sda1 nor sdb115:56
EtheraelHi all, I've just done a full clone of my old computer's filesystem on a completely new computer, the restore went fine, I'm just wanting to know what I need to change with regards to grub to tell the mbr that there's now a linux partition that it needs to boot.15:56
skjoedtI get a kernel error when using apt-get install. It appeared after I installed 2.6.33-020633-generic kernel. The terminal output: http://pastebin.com/nbys7nDf And the make.log: http://pastebin.com/bB8stkh3 Help is appreciated.15:57
lubun2Etherael, you need to edit /etc/fstab for the new UUIDs, might need to regenerate initrd's, etc15:58
skjoedtIt comes up with /var/lib/dkms/fglrx/8.723.1/build/2.6.x/firegl_public.c:31:28: error: linux/autoconf.h: No such file or directory etc.15:58
Etheraellubun2: How do I know what the new uuids are, and how do i redo initrd's?15:58
Katsumi32skjoedt, install it using synaptic install headers and image15:58
zaidausQwert, i'm not having problems with xchat. just wanted to see if anyone thought they knew a better program.15:59
zaidausQwert, so far it seems good, although i've only started using irc frequently just recently.15:59
lubun2Etherael, sorry but you would have been better of with a new install15:59
bribroderEtherael, I think you just need to install grub to the mbr. sudo grub-install /dev/sda in most cases, but choose the /dev which matches your boot drive15:59
Etheraeli'd rather not go through the whole rigmarole of that.16:00
xbonesxSo i have finally downloaded 10.4 and would like some installation advice?16:00
bribroderI second lubun2, fresh install is less trouble than troubleshooting a clone16:00
Etheraelbribroder: I have 2 drives, windows drive /dev/sda which is the boot drive, but linux drive is /dev/sdb2 (sdb1 is swap) does that matter?16:00
MaMoUsoky now it is fixed every thing is Using one sound card, But now i cant run Firefox sound and movie player at same time16:00
xbonesxrunning in the live cd right now16:00
skjoedtKatsumi32: In synaptics it says I have both header and image for the current kernel16:00
Qwertzaidaus: I cannot say about a better program. I guess this may help: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Internet_Relay_Chat_clients16:00
bribroderEtherael, if you install grub to sda it will take over the windows bootloader and should offer you both OSes16:01
nakhlawiMaMoUs: you mean you can run either but not both?16:01
skjoedtKatsumi32: "linux-image-2.6.33-020633-generic" and "linux-headers-2.6.33-020633" is marked as installed16:01
Etheraelbribroder: Yep that's fine, thanks.16:01
Etheraeland blkid is to get the disk uuid if anyone was curious16:01
MaMoUsnakhlawi: yes i have to choose only 1 now16:01
bribroderbut windows will be pissed if you ever try to get rid of grub16:01
Katsumi32skjoedt, type uname -a16:02
bazhangQwert, /msg ubottu16:02
nakhlawiMaMoUs: that is normal. sound card is being blocked by one of them until it finishes.16:02
BlaDe^is there a way to check which ip's are available on my server?16:02
BlaDe^im not sure if I have more than one ip or not16:02
skjoedtKatsumi32: 2.6.33-020633-generic16:02
MaMoUsBlaDe^: it was not like that before i change my sound card16:02
QwertIdleOne, a moment again?16:02
bribroderBlaDe^, type sudo ifconfig to see your configured network connections16:03
ericubuntuI'm running 10.04 by CD. I've got 10.04 installed but just did kernal updates and after rebooting it gets stuck after the fifth red dot on the loading screen16:03
IdleOneQwert: sure16:03
BlaDe^bribroder: is it possible I could have additional ip's and they would't be configured?16:03
BlaDe^the server is in a co-loc i dunno if I have multiple ip's or not - if not I need to buy some16:03
Katsumi32skjoedt,  so its installed right ? whats the problem ?16:03
skjoedtKatsumi32: I got an error earlier that /usr/src/include/linux/version.h was not found, so I copied the version.h from "/usr/include/linux/" there. Now I got these other errors16:03
bribroderBlaDe^, it's possible that you have additional network devices that aren't configured and so can't get an IP16:03
BlaDe^ah there's 5 ips there16:04
xbonesxI have ubuntu 9.04 and windows 7 installed on seperate partitions. I was wondering if I should keep my current ubuntu and make another partition from free space on windows for 10.4? Any suggestions?16:04
bribroderBlaDe^, count the number of ethernet cables and wifi cards attached to your computers... that's the total number of IPs you could have, barring logical devices or some other software jazz16:04
deathbyliqourhi guys i want to ask sth16:04
deathbyliqourwats the best application to create a thumbdrive bootable linux16:05
jukxbonesx: go for it16:05
bazhangdeathbyliqour, unetbootin16:05
BlaDe^bribroder:  I have no idea -- it's in co-loc in another country -- it's not my server16:05
bribroderdeathbyliqour, I second bazhang16:05
deathbyliqouris it possible for me to install linux on a thumbdrive and be able to configure it before installing it on the netbook16:05
BlaDe^but there's xx.xx.xx.26 -> xx.xx.xx.30 and for eth0:1> eth0:516:05
bazhangdeathbyliqour, you'd need to remaster the iso16:06
xbonesxcan i have three partitions, two ubuntu's and a windows?16:06
bribroderthat's them, then16:06
CookiemadXbonesx: if you want ubuntu to have more space, enlarge its partition16:06
xbonesxjuk: can i have three partitions, two ubuntu's and a windows?16:06
Marine_Marine is gaming.  !gameinfo for more info.16:06
bazhangxbonesx, as 9.04 is end of life very soon no point16:06
deathbyliqourbazhang, remaster the iso?16:06
jukxbonesx: yes, even more16:06
Trian3I hear Linux is king when it comes to automating pretty much anything, but is there a tool that allows you to create automation scripts graphically similar to WinAutomation in windows?16:07
bazhangMarine_, wrong channel for that16:07
bazhang!remaster | deathbyliqour16:07
skjoedtKatsumi32: Here is the terminal output: http://pastebin.com/nbys7nDf  And here is the log file: http://pastebin.com/y90HiqQ516:07
xbonesxya figured that much, going to backup files and delete info on partition then fresh install ubuntu 10.4 :D16:07
ubottudeathbyliqour: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility16:07
bribroderTrian3, you will need to learn new ways of doing things than you did on windows16:07
nakhlawiTrian3: learn perl16:07
Trian3Bribroder:  Oh, I'm aware of that.  Best place to start?16:07
jukTrian3:automagick wont lead you to light16:08
Trian3Juk:  Huh??16:08
deathbyliqouranybody uses easypeasey?16:08
skjoedtAnyone else able to help?16:08
xbonesxQuick question tho, i just came from 9.04 where the minimize and close buttons on the windows were on the right side and now there on the left side. Can i change this, not used to the MAC style window LOL16:08
deathbyliqouri want to install ubuntu on my netbook but considering sth other than UNR16:08
zoopphello..could someone recommend me an instrument emulator that runs on ubuntu?16:08
bazhangdeathbyliqour, as thats not supported here no telling16:08
bribroderTrian3, depends on how seriously you're automating. A lot of typical OS maintenance, like backups, transcoding jobs, etc, can be scripted in bash and then scheduled to execute at X time16:08
Trian3Nakhlawi:  Perl, huh?  Glad I held onto those books from years ago.  Is it a steep learning curve if you're not a programmer?16:08
=== sarah is now known as Guest15181
zooppwhat i ment was 'instrument simulator' meh :)16:09
jukxbonesx: right click, change desktop background, themes16:09
Trian3I never got very far when I was trying to learn it before, but now there's a real business need.16:09
nakhlawiTrian3: I recommend perl for automating administration tasks on Linux.16:09
cybrocopHello, I have an EcryptFS issue....   I changed my password using the passwd command, but it seems that it didn't update the wrapped-passphrase file16:09
cybrocopI also did something else afterwards which I hope didn't kill my data.16:10
deathbyliqourk thanx a lot bazhang16:10
cybrocopCan someone help me get out of this mess?16:10
deathbyliqourwill check out unetboot16:10
nakhlawiTrian3: and perl documentation is comprehensive and easy to follow16:10
bribroderdeathbyliqour, that's unetbootin16:10
skjoedtIs there a safe way to recompile my kernel without loosing data? I installed 2.6.33 but has some trouble using apt-get. I get an error: "kernel includes at /lib/modules/2.6.33-020633-generic/build/include do not match current kernel." and can't seem to fix this.16:10
loln-at-freenode!ops NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! loln-at-freenode Out_Cold odinsbane Scarface tul jiga cybrocop zoopp Cassy_ jagan185 rallias schlaftier SirDidi joy Trian3 ThomasB2k WinstonSmith deathbyliqour tempeldirne MaximLevitsky mue r007 ericubuntu Cookiemad lukaszg erle- dtownhero Calinou darkmag Lorenc-Ubuntu-Li pinoyskull wildc4rd shredder12 Adremelech djed jorge__ jean-claude ZykoticK9 Etherael britta pipe16:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:11
odinsbaneIs there a way to upgrade packages that are being held back from the apt cmd line?16:11
Calinoufail of freenode o_o16:11
bazhangodinsbane, dist-upgrade16:11
Calinoucan't you ban them permanently? :(16:11
ericubuntumy ubuntu 10.04 install is getting stuck at the loading screen after kernal updates16:11
bribroderodinsbane, -dist-upgrade16:11
Trian3Nakhlawi:  Can you automate 3rd party programs via Perl?  Or apps through Wine?  Create reports in a variety of different formats (.txt/.csv)?  Create tables?  Pass variables to different programs?16:11
odinsbanebribroder: I don't think thats what I want.16:11
MaximLevitskyCalinou: two words, dynamic ips...16:12
bazhangodinsbane, thats the method16:12
odinsbaneIsn't that for upgrading distributions?16:12
bribroderbazhang and I think it is16:12
bazhangodinsbane, no16:12
cybrocopcan someone direct me to any help resource on this issue?16:12
bazhang!dist-upgrade | odinsbane16:12
ubottuodinsbane: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper way to upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu.16:12
Out_Coldso i somehow think i may have unloaded or switched wifi drivers and now i am stuck to the router with a 6 ft cord...16:12
nakhlawiTrian3: perl is made for text processing, so yes. As to your first part, I am not sure.16:13
bribroderOut_Cold, I would try out wicd instead of network-manager16:13
nakhlawiYou might ask the folks in #perl. They'll give you a better idea.16:13
Out_Coldbribroder, i was trying to get it going with air-utils and cli..16:13
ericubuntuubuntu stuck on loading screen after updates. someone please help16:14
Trian3Was just looking up the channel name.  Thanks.16:14
r007ericubuntu can you not select the previous kernel from grub?16:14
deepanya me too got struck !16:14
odinsbaneThanks, the cmd line -help sounds like a distribution upgrade, while the man pages seem to say other wise.16:14
ericubuntur007: i was reading about grub but im not sure how to access it16:14
Marine_I'm back from the game!16:14
bazhangericubuntu, shift at boot16:14
bribroderOut_Cold, what changes were you making to your config?16:14
r007ericubuntu press esc during boot16:14
bazhangMarine_, stop that16:14
bribroderericm|ubuntu, choose recovery mode from grub16:15
ericubuntur007, bazhang: as soon as it starts booting? like where i would enter bios? or loading screen16:15
bazhangericubuntu, after post hold shift16:15
r007ericubuntu just after post16:15
r007ericubuntu just after pos16:15
ericubuntur007, bazhang: thank you16:16
prowerhmm...apt-file seemed to freeze up on creating the cache for me, weird :/ is there any other way to determine what file a package is located in (with a specific path)?16:16
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Out_Coldbribroder, i was changing /etc/.../interfaces but after the fail, i reverted to just auto wlan0 & auto wlan0 inet dhcp16:16
Lantiziahey I'm reinstalling ubuntu - all my sata cd drives and hard disks in the bios show as IDE (when they're not - so must be backwards compatibility) and I have the option of turning on AHCI?  should I bother and if so why?16:16
ShredMastercan i use Virtualbox instead of the daunting process of DUALBOOT????????16:16
=== nakhlawi is now known as nakhlawi_away
bazhangShredMaster, yes16:17
jribShredMaster: sure, why not16:17
IdleOneshredder12: sure16:17
=== mlodywyksztalcon is now known as ```
jrib!away > nakhlawi_away16:17
ubottunakhlawi_away, please see my private message16:17
deepani'm having dual boot(windows,ubuntu)..........plz tell me how to uninstall ubuntu ?16:17
Out_ColdShredMaster, vbox is a great tool16:17
mitologymy lingue it italy16:17
jrib!it | mitology16:17
ubottumitology: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:17
IdleOne!it | mitology16:17
r007deepan format the partition resize in winshit and then configure the windows boot loader16:18
Out_ColdShredMaster, the only problems i came across are network settings and guest additions16:18
bazhangmitology, #ubuntu-it for italian16:18
pepperhey guys :) i'm having some trouble booting ubuntu (10.04) after a system crash. grub works fine, but when i want to boot my linux partition, i recieve the following error: http://dobbod2010.blogspot.com/2010/01/ubuntu-no-init-found-try-passing.html . right now i'm trying the workaround mentioned in this blog, but when i start e2fsck or fsck from a recovery disc, i'm told that: fsck.ext4: Device or resource is busy while trying to o16:18
annonr007: winshit, haha16:18
Katsumi32deepan, is ubuntu on the saem partition? if so boot windows and delete the partition ubuntu is installed than extend windows partition and dont reboot just find tutorial how to repair windows partition16:18
IdleOneannon: keep the l;angauge clean please16:18
annonIdleOne: …16:18
ShredMasterOut_cold: I just want to use windows software not related to internet. Is that ok ?16:18
IdleOneannon: use your words, I don't speak dot16:18
annonIdleOne: I was quoting someone, read up.16:18
deepank thx16:18
IdleOneannon: bad language is bad wether you are quoting someone or not16:19
bribroderLantizia, you should look in the BIOS for the IDE/AHCI toggle; your hard drive read/writes will be faster16:19
annonIdleOne: what's bad about 'shit'?16:19
Out_ColdShredMaster, of course... i am currently running a ubuntu host with virtual box, a win 7 guest and several other guests16:19
bazhangannon, stop it16:19
r007deepan winshit is not a swear word16:19
annonI'm serious. it's not like it's racist or anything like that.16:20
bazhangr007, you too16:20
Out_ColdShredMaster, i use the win7 seamlessly and i pretend that at work i'm as silly as all the other windows users16:20
IdleOne!guidelines > annon16:20
ubottuannon, please see my private message16:20
r007it would be if it was hyphanated16:20
ShredMasterOut_Cold: it say's ' Package Virtualbox has no Candidates' in terminal.16:20
deepanmmmm.............i like both win and ubuntu16:20
annonI love how I get the blame and not r007.16:20
mitologyok tanke16:20
l0deHi, is there any interest for a hebrew-specific ubuntu port I'm working on? I call it Ubuntjew16:20
r007anon sorry16:20
bazhangl0de, no16:20
IdleOne!guidelines > r00716:21
ubottur007, please see my private message16:21
deepanin terms of security i go with ubuntu16:21
l0deWhy not bazhag16:21
jribl0de: http://www.jewbuntu.com/16:21
bazhangl0de, lets move on16:21
Out_ColdShredMaster, always gotta watch your capitalization16:21
bhahi'm jewish, i'd love that port16:21
r007!Idleone dictionary16:21
l0deyeah bha16:21
l0deThe existing jewbuntu is a lousy hackjob16:21
QwertHello bazhang16:21
ShredMasterout_cold: ok16:21
l0deIt doesn't even have modules for denying access on the sabbath etc16:21
black-eaglewhat are you talking about?16:21
aguitelgmar jativa tova for all16:21
bazhangl0de, lets get back on topic16:22
bhahthere's a topic in here?16:22
Gneabhah: there is.16:22
black-eaglewhat's the topic16:22
bhahoh yeah, beefing up bazhang's and IdleOne's egos, i forgot16:22
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic16:22
bhahthat's the topic16:22
ShredMasterout_cold: not solved. same error16:22
Gneathe topic is Ubuntu.16:22
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jribLet's get back to ubuntu *support* everyone...16:23
bribroderjewbuntu sounds tangentially related at least16:23
l0debazhang don't try to censor me please16:23
Out_ColdShredMaster, possibly you do not have the repos for it... enable multi and universe16:23
l0deI asked for interest, and people messaged me. My work here is done16:23
Gneal0de: if you stay on topic, no one will care.16:23
ShredMasterout_cold: i don't get it. I think i will use synaptic16:23
Katsumi32l0de, no it isnt16:24
l0deGnea you're off topic by continuing to bother me about the issue16:24
perlsyntaxHow long is 9.04 update good for16:24
bazhangperlsyntax, until 10/2316:24
perlsyntaxcool thank16:24
Out_ColdShredMaster, in synaptic, it still may not be available.. the solution, is to open 'repositories' from one of the menus and enable universe and multiverse16:24
Gneal0de: nice try.16:24
bribrodercease fire boys, remember that you're arguing on the internet16:24
pepperhow do I force checking the file system via fsck, when there is no partition mounted and I am told that "Device or resource is busy while trying to open /dev/sda5"?16:24
l0deWelcome to my ignore list gnea, please stop trolling16:24
Out_ColdShredMaster, and reload after16:24
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haywardgbanyone recommend a cheap but decent enough "usb" wireless dongle to use with Aircrack on Ubuntu for vulnerability testing? cheers.. Btw, I'm based in London..16:25
ShredMasterout_cold: haha, I don't know about 'repos', I will google it first. then, ok..thanks16:25
bribroderpepper, fsck -f Force16:26
Gneal0de: lol! btw, http://www.jewbuntu.com/16:26
level09i have a shared dir in my ubuntu machine and my xp machine, what is the easiest way to find out the ip of my xp machine that connects to the ubuntu one16:26
bribroderlevel09, log into the windows machine16:27
level09i'm on it16:27
Out_ColdShredMaster, a repo is a list of packages that you can install.. by default ubuntu only gives you a small amount of packages to choose from.. mostly 'safe' and 'free' but you can enable proprietary and non-free lists that are sorted as universe and multiverse16:27
pepperbribroder: thank you. but I am still getting "Device or resource busy while trying to open /dev/sda5"16:27
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Gneaif something is a 'lousy hackjob', then stop complaining and go about fixing it the right way.16:27
bribroderlevel09, lol yes16:27
annonIdleOne: since this is obviously a hot topic in this channel, can I PM you regarding a question about the rules?16:27
bribroderpepper, reboot and retry?16:27
IdleOneannon: join #ubuntu-ops please16:27
level09bribroder: so the ip is the ethernet adapter of the local area connection16:27
level09okay thanks16:27
level09let me try that16:28
ShredMasterout_cold: thanks, u explained in a sentence. great16:28
Katsumi32annon, stop it please16:28
GneaKatsumi32: may I PM you?16:28
ShredMasterout_cold: is that 'repos' syntax played in terminal window??16:28
Hutlol religious distros are fun xD16:29
Out_ColdShredMaster, there is both gui and cli16:29
Out_ColdShredMaster, the cli is /etc/apt/sources.list i think16:29
HutShredMaster: /etc/apt/sources.list16:29
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pepperbribroder: I'm in a live mode (system rescue cd) - ubuntu does not boot any longer (grub shows up!) and i rebootet several times, cold and warm restart.16:29
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ShredMasterout_cold: i want to try gui first..16:29
Hutthere should be a list of servers your linux will check if you want to download something16:29
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bribroderpepper, the drive isn't mounted, correct?16:30
newknoHi.  I've managed to make my system unbootable - trying to use http://ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - but Grub-rescue mode on my machine does not include all the commands described in that article (e.g. "linux," "cat," or "help").16:30
pepperbribroder: that's right16:30
skjoedtHelp! apt-get install shows an error no matter what I install. It seems to be related to fglrx or kernel. "Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 2.6.33-020633-generic (x86_64)" See http://pastebin.com/nbys7nDf16:30
Out_ColdShredMaster, it's in the menu selection 'software sources' or from inside synaptic as 'repositories'16:30
ShredMasterout_cold: ok16:30
Out_ColdHut, there is..16:30
Chr|sHaving a weird error, can't install my proprietary drivers. I have before recently on this PC. "SystemError:installArchives() failed"16:30
Katsumi32Chr|s, drivers for what ?16:31
Katsumi32graphic card Chr|s ?16:31
HutOut_Cold: good been some time since i used ubuntu and i didnt know if the location was correct16:31
Chr|sKatsumi32, ATI graphics card. Worked flawlessly before16:31
deepanhow to download compiz as a package,to install it in offline?16:31
pepperbribroder: file -sL /dev/sda5 tells me: ext4 filesystem data (needs journal recovery) (errors) (extents) (large files) (huge files)16:31
bribroderpepper, you could try setting fsck for the next boot: sudo touch /forcefsck16:32
Katsumi32Chr|s, you have got ati card? what one ?16:32
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Chr|sKatsumi32, it shouldn't matter which one I got, its a fairly newer one16:32
Out_Coldoh sorry Hut i misread and thought you were saying "there should be" as in there isn't lol16:32
pepperbribroder: does that affect my installed system, because atm I'm in a console of some rescue cd?16:33
Katsumi32Chr|s, it very matter what u have u can trust me16:33
Chr|sKatsumi32, Im good thanks :)16:33
jukdeepan:try apt-get | grep 'Download only'16:33
Katsumi32the older one only work with OS drivers and never one are supported by AMD so better is to get catalyst cuz more features better 3d support etc16:33
Chr|sKatsumi32, what part of it worked within the last month don't you understand? Im pretty sure nothing has changed since then. Something is wrong when it tries to pull the software from the server, because its not working16:34
bribroderpepper, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-force-fsck-on-the-next-reboot-or-boot-sequence/16:35
Katsumi32Chr|s, my dear cant you tell me what ati card do you have ? please16:35
bribroderpepper, if you can mount the drive and create the force file, that might work16:35
euptcI unintentionally caused an error in a program and it had shortly begun to tax up my processor16:36
bribroderdid you boot into the cd and immediately try to run fsck? didn't browse the drive or anything?16:36
pepperbribroder: i can't mount, but I'm not getting any error messages either. it just takes forever, nothing happens, no hard drive sounds etc16:37
Out_ColdChr|s, things break on linux.... we don't pay techs millions of dollars to produce shoddy patches and updates like another well known OS... Our techs produce shoddy patches and fixes for free :D16:37
newknoAmending my earlier cry for help with correct URL:  Hi.  I've managed to make my system unbootable - trying to use http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - but Grub-rescue mode on my machine does not include all the commands described in that article (e.g. "linux," "cat," or "help")16:37
wieshkahey folks - i have question/problem - how can i route all network over VPN ppp016:38
wieshkabut keep existing routes active16:38
wieshkatehre is my rout -n output16:38
peppernewkno: have you tried "super grub disc"?16:38
pepperbribroder: no, i didn't do anything else16:39
Chr|sOut_Cold, I am familiar with Ubuntu and how it works. Thanks.16:39
Chr|sJust posted the crash/bug on launchpad16:40
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skjoedtNeed Help! apt-get install shows an error no matter what I install. It seems to be related to the new kernel I installed. "Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 2.6.33-020633-generic (x86_64)" See http://pastebin.com/nbys7nDf16:40
ericubuntuubuntu is getting stuck on loading screen after updates. ive tried using an older kernal with grub. just before the rebooting after updates, i did xrandr --newmode... not sure if that would cause it addmode wouldnt work though16:40
perlsyntaxin ubuntu 9.04 i was thinking is there gcc update i hope.16:40
elliehello ppl16:41
pepperbribroder: i even told "system rescue cd" to put all files into cache, so there should not be any "blocking" of my hdd16:41
ericubuntuubuntu is getting stuck on loading screen after updates. ive tried using an older kernal with grub.16:41
level09juk: seems like netstat works16:41
level09what does nmap do16:41
newknopepper:  I have not - didn't know about such a disk.  But I have Knoppix, which lets me look at grub.cfg.16:42
maitreyHi, can you please help me with this. I have out of box support for my ati hd 4350 in ubuntu 10.04 but my modem is not supported. would i get the same support for my ati when using the ubuntu 9.04 since I know that the modem is working on 9.0416:42
newknopepper:  I'm looking for a quick and easy solution for now - just to get the system booted.  I can fix things properly later.16:42
ellieI've got a serious problem...I've 10.04 Lucid Lynx, and sometimes (too often now) it freezes, and the only thing I can do is to press the on/off button to restart...can somebody help me?16:43
newknoThere should be a series of commands to let me boot.16:43
U-b-u-n-t-uok so I installed wine through the synaptic package manager but its not in the menu and the folder is not in /home/me/ but synaptic package manager shows it is installed ... why16:43
nsdWhat's the best location to put third party software on a ubuntu machine such that it would be accessible to all users, and should I change ownership to root? Furthermore, where would I put symbolic links to the executable?16:43
jlarochehow can I change the sound theme in ubuntu 10.0416:43
annonellie: which graphic card have you got?16:43
jribnsd: I use /usr/local/ if it has a unixy structure and /opt otherwise16:43
newknoThe file systems on my primary drive got renamed when I repartitioned to take some space from the swap partition to give it to /boot, which I had made too small.16:43
ericubuntuubuntu is getting stuck on loading screen after updates. ive tried using an older kernal with grub.16:43
bribrodernsd, /opt or /usr/local16:43
elliemmm... How can I know that?16:43
nsdjrib, bribroder: thanks16:44
newknopepper: The file systems on my primary drive got renamed when I repartitioned to take some space from the swap partition to give it to /boot, which I had made too small16:44
Katsumi32jlaroche, right left corner u see sound icon go to preferneces there u can change so sound or use synaptic and install some extra themes16:44
nsdmaitrey: 9.04 will probably give you older ATI drivers; however, you can download and install the latest from AMD's site (AMD owns ATI)16:44
euptcdid ubuntu issue recently security updates for linux headers?16:44
elliemsg->Annon i don't know16:44
odinsbaneIs there a way to get x to dump a current xorg.conf16:44
annonellie: I'm just asking, because I had the same problem with an ATI graphic card. the drivers where somehow faulty. but there could also be a multitude of other causes.16:44
peppernewkno: super grub disc might be the proper tool. it has some repair-automatically-stuff : http://www.supergrubdisk.org/super-grub2-disk/16:44
ericubuntuubuntu is getting stuck on loading screen after updates. ive tried using an older kernal with grub.16:46
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Chr|sanyone have any idea about Bug #64214316:46
saji89_jlaroche, please see these post at ubuntuforums-http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1325612 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=107712416:46
bribroderericubuntu, did you try recovery mode?16:46
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newknopepper:  I don't want to go that route right now.  There is a much easier fix - I just need to find the right commands.16:46
jlarocheKatsumi32: I have a strong feeling that the sound theme selection is not really instantiated16:47
pepperbribroder: do you have any other ideas?16:47
jlarocheKatsumi32: have you seen system-->preferences-->sound ? You can't do anything in there16:47
newknopepper:  For starters, I'd like to know why I don't have all the commands described in the article in grub rescue mode.16:47
newknopepper:  I'll try your suggestion later if all else fails, though.16:47
bribroderpepper, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59534516:47
euptcyes, or no16:47
Katsumi32jlaroche, i know the sound themes ar useless :) sorry u can instal some ppa sound themes i think16:48
xnqp19!ops NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! xnqp19 kj4ohh Scunizi FireTalon FrozenFire TanLizxxx stanislaw Erikw odinsbane Torianna kaziem jlaroche nsd kancerman_ DBO newkno ellie U-b-u-n-t-u sluttyduck perlsyntax maitrey Stoil89 Verminator kdog jaykub Dave123 ericubuntu dgm_077 zerok_ wieshka jblphx denny pizzledizzle tank_ zachlr MadRobot Flamesman Rynor IdleOrange [1]SDE Chr|s gattor ben_q Ilay test34 level09 lous16:48
xnqp19!ops NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! skjoedt jOZe l0de Kurogane LeSilmarillion pepper billyMaze aguitel Robert_Zenz skunkworks lrb Katsumi32 jrib Lenin_Cat PresuntoRJ Scarface jiga Cassy_ rallias schlaftier SirDidi ThomasB2k WinstonSmith tempeldirne MaximLevitsky mue lukaszg dtownhero Calinou pinoyskull wildc4rd shredder12 djed jorge__ jean-claude ZykoticK9 Etherael britta pipeep benpro songer LiudvikasT Mavri16:48
xnqp19!ops NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! FunnyLookinHat kondores onlydesi erikja F4RR4R Neo-- themill Andycas jerone-mobile Lantizia _KAMI_ armitage _16BitSoft dobran Qwert jareth_ Wiesshund oblu_ Cain Vanadis HinHin venky10 choronzon spinningcompass FotoPhocus StrangeCharm prower fcuk112 xover IdleOne changx juk bribroder mbroeker linze Tadys matt_ octanium radioman-lt turtle_ sa`tan ilovefairuz anon33_ kishon av16:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:48
jlarocheKatsumi32: It says "Sound Theme: Ubuntu" but you can't change any individual sounds for any individual instanaces16:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:48
bribroderwell that was delightful16:48
bribroderpepper, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59534516:48
newknopepper:  I don't want an auto repair anyway - I know it's just a matter of telling grub where the boot device got moved - it's now in a partition with a different name (moved from /dev/sda6 to /dev/sda7)16:49
jlarochewell... it looks like Ubuntu fails again... and on something as simple as changing my startup sound (not to be confused with the user login sound)...16:49
bribroderwho is fuhrer lorez?16:49
jribbribroder: ignore them please16:49
shane__Hello everyone.16:49
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shane__How experienced is everyone here with WINE?16:50
jribshane__: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)16:50
bazhangshane__, #winehq is very much so16:50
csmith1994Hey guys my dad's winblows computer got completely full and now it won't start i'm trying to get in by making a live usb out of my ipod touch how can i do that16:50
bribrodershane__, a glass with dinner, nothing more than $1016:50
csmith1994briboder: ha!16:50
peppernewkno: okay, good luck, don't know why there are not all of the commands :)16:51
jrib!install > csmith199416:51
ubottucsmith1994, please see my private message16:51
euptcdid ubuntu issue recently security updates for linux headers? Yes or No16:51
jribeuptc: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn16:51
jribeuptc: if you want to check packages, look at packages.ubuntu.com16:51
dennyjlaroche: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/43742916:51
Resnikany easy way to install webmin on version 9.10 ?16:51
jrib!webmin | Resnik16:52
ubottuResnik: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.16:52
Scunizijrib: did you notice he wanted to make a live cd out of his "iPod Touch" ... nothing ubuntu related about that question.16:52
jribScunizi: if he can use the ipod touch as a plain usb disc (don't know if you can) I guess it would work ok16:52
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox16:52
Scunizijrib: hadden't thought of trying that.. using it like a usb drive.. means wiping out most everything on it though..16:53
bribroderpepper, so you get to grub, at what point does the system freeze?16:53
karlocan you put website in ubuntu one cloud ?16:54
pepperbribroder, it does not freeze, i get the following: http://dobbod2010.blogspot.com/2010/01/ubuntu-no-init-found-try-passing.html16:54
pepperbribroder: i get error messages like that and that initramsfs shell is dropped16:55
Milos_SDIs there a way to get Sis Mirage 3 M672 to work on Ubuntu?16:55
bribroderpepper, I would definitely first try this from a real live cd16:55
bribroderif you're in busybox16:55
PyjamaSpanki left my pc locked and i came back and it had frozen, anyway to look at logs to see when it froze?16:56
pepperbribroder: i am in a real live mode, :) bootet from usb "system rescue cd"16:56
bribroderpepper, cool tool16:57
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.16:58
pepperbribroder: yeah, it has all that rescue/check/whatever commands, so i thought i'd give it a try :)16:58
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Resnikhmpf, any idea why apt-get would not want to find ebox package?16:58
bribroderpepper, this looks promising: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk16:59
OneMillionDollaris there any app that i can use to extract webstie data ?16:59
jribOneMillionDollar: too vague17:00
bribroderyou can extract website data with your mouse17:00
bribroderor your printer17:00
OneMillionDollarok in windows there's a software called web extractor17:01
OneMillionDollarit is for extracting info automatically and then i save the info17:01
pepperbribroder: thanks, it's included in systemrescuecd, i'll give it a try17:01
jribOneMillionDollar: you're still being too vague.  What exactly do you want to "extract"?17:02
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jribOneMillionDollar: say what you would want to extract from "google.com" for example17:02
bribroderjrib, i think he wants metadata17:02
RaptorsDoes anyone know how to embed a image in a comment on a disqus site?17:02
bazhangweb scraping OneMillionDollar for a blog?17:02
bribroderurls, emails, phone numbers17:03
prowerjrib: The program he's talking about is for scraping personal info from websites and storing it automatically..."marketing purposes"17:03
prower(i.e. spammage)17:03
bazhangah then yes17:04
bribroderyou should print out the websites and scan them into your computer17:04
bribroderjust use a highlighter to mark the SSNs, phone numbers, addresses, etc17:04
studentzHi there I  `rm` an app from the CLI. But it also delete other dependent  libs. I cannot recall the others libs from synaptic How i can recall the dependent libs that i erase?17:05
OneMillionDollarso what app allow datamining in ubuntu17:05
bribroderstudentz, reinstall the app17:05
jribstudentz: what exactly did you execute?17:05
jribOneMillionDollar: wget and grep17:06
studentzjrib sudo apt-get remove app17:07
bribroderstudentz, just type the command to reinstall the app17:07
jribstudentz: I guess « apt-cache depends PACKAGE » would give you some hints at least17:07
bribroderit'll tell you what dependencies it needs to install17:07
studentzbribroder  But I do not want  install the app again17:08
studentzjrib let me try17:08
bribroderyou don't have to actually install it17:08
bribroderjust answer N when it prompts for confirmation17:08
fedora_newbhey guys, if i were to buy a flash drive, what would be a good size for running ubuntu off it? I am a web developer and what not, so would like 4 gigs be big enough?17:08
bribroderyou'll see the list of packages it will install listed17:08
bribroderfedora_newb, a live cd or a full installation?17:09
fedora_newbfull install, bribroder17:09
bribroder8 would be better, but you can squeeze it in17:09
fedora_newbhow much space does ubuntu take? on full install?17:10
bribroderdepends what you put in it... I build up mine from the minimal install and it's quite a bit smaller than the general distribution17:10
bribroder2-4gb i would say though--anyone else?17:11
seanhHey, I'm trying to burn an ISO file to a CDRW on Ubuntu 10.10, but every time I try to blank the disc Brasero says "Unknown error"17:11
bribroderfedora_newb, you want some space for /tmp files and new software, though17:12
jrib!10.10 | seanh17:12
ubottuseanh: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+117:12
jribbribroder: that's probably a good guess, though I don't remember exactly how much space a fresh install occupies at the moment17:13
studentzjrib It works. But how I know which of them are installed and which are not (30 in total)? (I mean  no one by one using synaptic)17:13
bribrodergood morning!17:13
chibihogoshinowere would i find what the kernel updates are ?17:13
DarrowMorning. :D17:13
jribstudentz: aptitude search magic?17:14
jpdschibihogoshino: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade ?17:14
chibihogoshinodoes that include the change log ?17:14
studentzjrib which is the command?17:14
wildc4rdafternoon all17:14
AbhiJiti need to reinstall ubuntu. so which way i go? install 10.04 and do update or download 10.04.1 and do update? because my speed takes me 7 hours to downlaod one cd17:14
jribfedora_newb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent has some advice17:14
fedora_newbbribroder, yea, i have it installed on an external usb hdd thats a 150gigs, but think it would be faster on a usb flash drive, so i might just get the 8 gigs so i have enough space17:14
bribroderAbhiJit, why wouldn't you download 10.4.1?17:15
jribAbhiJit: if you already have 10.04 just use that and upgrade17:15
AbhiJitbribroder, i said that in question = needs 7 hours to download17:15
AbhiJitjrib, ok17:15
seanhjrib, sorry, I meant 10.0417:15
seanhHey, I'm trying to burn an ISO file to a CDRW on Ubuntu 10.10, but every time I try to blank the disc Brasero says "Unknown error"17:15
studentzjrid  aptitude search magic <PACKAGE>  It is correct?17:15
bribroderAbhiJit, try a different mirror17:15
seanhHey, I'm trying to burn an ISO file to a CDRW on Ubuntu 10.04, but every time I try to blank the disc Brasero says "Unknown error"17:15
AbhiJitjrib, can you tell me whey i am being sent to #ubuntu-unregged? while i have registerd nick?17:15
AbhiJitbribroder, no its my speed problem17:15
jribAbhiJit: your client tried to join the channel before you were identified17:16
AbhiJitjrib, ok.17:16
guest0001hello everyone17:16
bribroderget thee a nickname17:16
guest0001ok hold on17:17
=== guest0001 is now known as krogers0001
bribroderAbhiJit, maybe go for 10.04 if it's a faster download17:17
bribroderyou can install more quickly and then let it update from the desktop17:17
krogers0001ok i changed my nickname17:17
AbhiJitbribroder, i alrready have 10.04 cd with me17:17
bribroderAbhiJit, well if installing is your priority, go ahead with the cd and do updates over the next few hours17:18
AbhiJitbribroder, yah17:18
LokratHello, I've deleted my sound icon from the top bar near the clock...and the envelope. How do I get them back?17:18
krogers0001can someone help me change my login theme on ubuntu 10.04?17:18
bribroderkrogers0001, type: gksudo -u gdm dbus-launch gnome-appearance-properties17:19
krogers0001thank you so much17:19
bribroderhave fun17:19
bribroderLokrat, right click on the panel, click add to panel17:20
PotcFdkHello. I want to know how to host Ubuntu applications on launchpad. I've read several tutorials already, but I somehow don't understand them.17:21
bribroderLokrat, it's the Indicator Applet17:21
Lokratbribroder,  Can't find volume and envelope there.17:21
PotcFdkLaunchpad seems to need source-packages or sth. like that, but how/when are they going to be compiled?17:21
AbhiJitPotcFdk, try in #launchpad17:21
Lokratbribroder,  I got it, thanks so much17:21
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.17:21
PotcFdkI know!17:21
jribPotcFdk: the packages get built after you upload them17:22
krogers0001bribroder it opened my appearence theme window do i just drag and drop a gdm theme  into that window?17:22
nakhlawiLokrat: I think it is called "Volume Control"17:22
Lokratnakhlawi,  I found it, thanks as well17:22
ColonelC81I need hardware Driver advice please?!17:23
PotcFdkHmm. Okay. So my problem is creating the source binaries.... It looks so complicated, with the makefiles and so on.....17:23
bribroderlol ColonelC8117:23
Tasmanis there any alternative for opensssh-server?17:23
PotcFdkAnybody who is ready to help me step-by-step?17:23
jribPotcFdk: "source binaries" erm17:23
bribroderkrogers0001, I haven't tried that, go for it17:23
jrib!packaging | PotcFdk17:23
ubottuPotcFdk: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports17:23
c4181Can i get some help?17:23
U-b-u-n-t-uok I installed wine and it wasnt in the home/user folder until I typed winecfg then the folder showed up but its still not in the menu17:23
bribroderkrogers0001, whatever changes you make to this window will show up on your login screen17:24
jribPotcFdk: this is only if you want a ppa.  You can just use launchpad's bzr services for hosting code too17:24
sedulousTasman: dropbear17:24
Dr_WillisTasman:  busybox can do a ssh server.. but i dont see why you would want to use that.17:24
AbhiJitPotcFdk, someone in #ubuntu-packaging may be?17:24
krogers0001ok thank you17:24
krogers0001goodbye everyone17:24
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)17:24
ibrahim-kasemkrogers0001: bye17:24
TasmanDr_Willis, because it is giving some problem..17:24
Thingymebob!ask | c418117:24
ubottuc4181: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:24
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Dr_WillisTasman:  thats odd.. its proberluy one of the most used packages out there for linux.17:24
ColonelC81The hardware drivers app only shows my graphics card, it doesn't show the usb DVB dongle I have. Any thoughts?17:24
c4181I'm having a problem upgrading from Ubuntu 8.04.17:25
Tasmani am telling my friend to install it.. so that i can ssh into him... but he says some problem saying unsatisfied dependence openssh-client17:25
Tasmani will call him.. here.17:25
PotcFdkjrib: Yes, I want a ppa. I've read that tut already, but I can't get it working / its too compicated. Are there automatic .deb builder programs (like assistants), or do you know somebody who could help me step-by-step?17:25
Dr_WillisTasman:  i would say do a 'sudo apt-get update' 'sudo apt-get upgrade' then try install ing it again.17:25
jribPotcFdk: follow the examples there first. Create a hello world, etc.17:25
PotcFdkthat was my first try - a hello world program ... :(17:26
TasmanDr_Willis, another problem.. no good bandwidth. is there anyway to upgrade only openssh-client?17:26
Tasmanhe said it says openssh-client is of some older version than required version for openssh-server17:26
jribPotcFdk: well what's the issue?  Can you not create a package on your own machine or did you create the package but can't upload to the ppa/17:26
Dr_WillisTasman:  the whole ssh/client/server package isent very big.17:26
ColonelC81anyone willing to help an IRC and Ubuntu n00b?17:26
Dr_Willis!info openssh-server17:26
ubottuopenssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell (SSH) server, for secure access from remote machines. In component main, is optional. Version 1:5.3p1-3ubuntu4 (lucid), package size 278 kB, installed size 760 kB17:26
Dr_Willis!info openssh-client17:26
ubottuopenssh-client (source: openssh): secure shell (SSH) client, for secure access to remote machines. In component main, is standard. Version 1:5.3p1-3ubuntu4 (lucid), package size 743 kB, installed size 1872 kB17:26
PotcFdkjrib: I wrote it in c, so I had a .c source file. My problem are: makefiles, the whole .deb package thing, and the uploading17:27
AbhiJitColonelC81, directly ask your question in one line with details17:27
Thingymebobc4181, What exactly is the problem you're experiencing17:27
Dr_Willisc4181:  state the problem to the channel and see what people can do17:27
jribPotcFdk: well forget about the ppa.  Concentrate on learning to create a package first.  There's a hello package in the repositories that the docs should talk about.  Start by understanding that.  The packaging guide is not difficult to follow, just long17:27
TasmanDr_Willis, yes.. 1:5.3pl-3ubuntu3 in his. and aptitude says it needs to be 1:5.3pl-3Ubuntu417:27
Dr_WillisTasman:  i would still say the update/upgrade is the best way to fix the issue17:28
Dr_WillisTasman:  or remove/reinstall both the client and server perhaps...  but no idea if thats the issue or not with his stuff17:28
ColonelC81I have a DVB dongle plugged into my pc via a hub. I was hoping the Hardware Drivers application would show it and help my install relevant drivers. However the only pievce of hardware on the list is my graphics card which is enabled and working. why isn't the usb dongle there?17:28
Dr_WillisColonelC81:  try plugging it in directly and see if it shows up.17:29
AbhiJit!hardware > ColonelC8117:29
ubottuColonelC81, please see my private message17:29
AbhiJit!tv > ColonelC8117:29
TasmanDr_Willis, ok thanks.. will tell him to try that17:29
Dr_WillisColonelC81:  check the lsusb command also.17:29
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erUSULColonelC81: maybe the needed drivers are already installed.17:29
ColonelC81me tv and myth tv can't detect the dongle17:30
jribPotcFdk: so... you should go step by step, and if a particular step doesn't do what you expect, then ask about that.  But just asking for someone who can read the guide to you, well I don't expect too many people willing to do that.  #ubuntu-motu is a great resource for packaging questions17:30
erUSULColonelC81: do this in a terminal « tailf /var/log/messages » then plug the dongle and see the new messages that appear in the terminal. if the srivers are present you should see something about a /dev/video0-1-2 created17:30
Dr_WillisColonelC81:  its possible its just not supported by linux also.17:30
PotcFdkjrib: Just in case I still won't get it: Do automatic .deb builders exist?17:30
jribPotcFdk: not ones that create proper packages, no17:31
bribrodergutentag, DragonKeeper17:31
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PotcFdkhmm okay.17:31
PotcFdkjrib: What about source-packages? They need makefiles, don't they?17:31
DragonKeeperi know in ubuntu you can have multiple monitors but can you stretch 1 window across all monitors ?17:31
jribPotcFdk: not necessarily, and a source package is what you are creating17:32
ColonelC81no new message in terminal17:32
PotcFdkjrib: Then how does launchpad know how/what to build?17:32
c4181I am trying to upgrade from Ubuntu 8.04 to 10.04 and I keep getting this message. Error during commit 'E:Couldn't configure predepend jre for openoffice.org-writer2latex, probably a dependency cycle.' Restoring original system state What does this mean and how do I fix it?17:32
jribPotcFdk: you tell it in the source package :/17:32
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=== saji89 is now known as IAmThatGuy
jukc4181: I heard it's impossible to hop over17:34
bribroderc4181, BFR17:35
c4181juk: Upgrade manager says that I can upgrade to 10.0417:35
seanhHey, anyone know about getting Microsoft Word and PowerPoint to work on Ubuntu 10.04? I'm reinstalling a friend's OS, would like to give him Ubuntu, but he has MS Office stuff and I don't want to just give him Open Office as there may be formatting issues etc17:35
PotcFdkjrib: but in the example hello .tar.gz there IS a makefile...17:36
Dr_Willisseanh:  see the wine app database..17:36
Dr_Willis!appdb | seanh17:36
ubottuseanh: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help17:36
DragonKeeperi know in ubuntu you can have multiple monitors but can you stretch 1 window across all monitors ?17:36
erUSULc4181: sudo dpkg --reconfigure -a17:36
bribroderseanh, you should virtualize windows in ubuntu and get the addons working so you can make it blend with ubuntu17:36
Dr_Willisseanh:  personaly i woudl stick with openoffice... but i dont have any word stuff at all to have issues with.17:36
c4181bribroder what?17:36
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NemesisDanyone using google-chrome-stable? google just "built-in" chrome support to the browser, which means that not only does flash no longer work, but adobe's site scrapes my user agent and says i already have it17:36
bribroderc4181, backup your data, format your hard drive, and reinstall 10.0417:37
erUSULc4181: then do a sudo apt-updater && sudo apt-get upgrade cycle. repeat sudo dpkg --reconfigure -a repeat untill done ?17:37
bribroderNemesisD, I use -unstable and it's working perfectly17:37
PotcFdkjrib: Even for this hello-world example it is freakin' BIG. And contains things such as "DISTFILES = $(DIST_COMMON) $(DIST_SOURCES) $(TEXINFOS) $(EXTRA_DIST)", I mean what the f***?17:37
jukc4181: get CD it's LTS17:37
xangua"built-in" chrome support NemesisD¿¿17:38
NemesisDbuilt-in flash support, i misspoke17:38
c4181erUSUL terminal says sudo: dkpg: command not found17:38
erUSULc4181: is dpkg; sorry typo17:38
seanhDr_Willis, I don't see anything about Word or PowerPoint in the wine database17:38
c4181erUSUL Ok. Will try again.17:39
DragonKeeperseanh WORD works under PlayOnLinux17:39
bribroderseanh, you should virtualize windows in ubuntu with virtualbox and get the addons working so you can make it blend with ubuntu17:39
DragonKeeperi have MS Word on ubuntu so i know it works17:39
seanhbribroder, that's a good idea, his laptop only has 512mb ram though17:39
bribroderseanh, get him to use google docs :p17:40
sillypenguinhey, can anyone tell me if the chromium browser is used as default in other ubuntus other than lubuntu?17:40
Dr_Willisseanh:  i dont use eitehr.. and im sure theres mention of MS word/office in there somewhere. perhaps see the #winehq channel17:40
AbhiJitsillypenguin, firefox is the default browser17:41
seanhI would like to get him using Ooo, but the problem is that they use MS Windows at his school, I don't want him having issues when he makes a presentation of whatever (he's a teacher) at home and takes it into school17:41
c4181erUSUL Could you start again. I think I'm confused.17:41
bribroderc4181, seriously, just backup your data, format your hard drive, and reinstall 10.0417:41
sillypenguinAbhiJit, not in lubuntu, it's not17:41
c4181bribroder 10.04 is not installed17:42
bribroderwell that's the idea, right?17:42
sillypenguinchromium doesn't work right for me so installed firefox... don't know why a distro would use it as the default browser when it's buggy17:42
bribroderc4181, ok, BFI then :017:42
erUSULc4181: at present you are stuck. run in a terminal « sudo dpkg --reconfigure -a » when it finish run  « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » if it get stuck again run the dpkg again. repeat that until buth commands do nothing ( which means the upgrade is complete )17:43
NemesisDbribroder: isn't unstable supposed to be way faster at some 2d graphics benchmark17:43
NemesisDsince its 7.017:43
JamaKrisneed help with a problem17:43
PotcFdk@jrib and all others: I think this is senseless, I won't understand it.... I think I'll just tarball them, and upload it to rapidshare or whatever.17:43
jribPotcFdk: are you reading the makefile or something?  The tutorials don't explain how to use autotools nor create makefiles, that's a separate issue.  Assume the software already has the Makefile and follow the tutorial17:43
bribroderNemesisD, I'm not really sure, but I think that they've got hardware acceleration working17:44
PotcFdkjrib: but When I start my own project, I won't have a makefile.17:44
c4181erUSUL the first part isn't doing anything17:44
JamaKrisneed help with installing abgx360 and imgburn through wine17:44
bribroderNemesisD, but it's really not unstable for me at all. 10.04 64 bit17:44
jribPotcFdk: how do you build the software?17:44
erUSULc4181: and the second?17:44
sillypenguinlook at this:  http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/8231/chromiumg.png17:44
PotcFdkjrib: code::blocks + gcc17:45
c4181erUSUL Haven't gotten there17:45
sillypenguinbut lubuntu ignores it..17:45
AbhiJitsillypenguin, what is your actual question?17:45
jribPotcFdk: write a makefile or learn to use autotools I guess.  You can't use code::blocks in a deb package17:45
sillypenguinAbhiJit, my question is why would they use a buggy browser as default?17:45
Katsumi32silly penguin what one browser is buggy ?17:46
JamaKriscan someone help me17:46
jribPotcFdk: maybe #ubuntu-motu can give you additional tips as I generally just package python stuff17:46
Katsumi32JamaKris, ask question17:46
sillypenguinKatsumi32, chromium... it's a joke17:46
PotcFdkjrib: I know, but I can write the software... And when it's okay, I got a .c/.cpp source file. I just need a makefile for there, right?17:46
AbhiJitsillypenguin, ask in #Lubuntu17:46
Katsumi32no penguin dont be silly17:47
sillypenguinAbhiJit, I did...but, they don't answer17:47
bribroderNemesisD, in fact i've been installing the dev channel build on pretty much every computer in my office and it's never been a problem17:47
jukhow to set splash pic?17:47
Dr_Willislubuntu has their own forukms also that may be more active17:47
sillypenguinlubuntu has no forum17:47
sillypenguinwhat are you talking about?17:47
jukI have put one in /usr/share/pixmaps/splash/ubuntu-splash.png17:47
Katsumi32sillypenguin, #lubuntu17:47
xanguasillypenguin: are you using an adblock plugin for chromium¿17:47
PotcFdkjrib: Is there a tutorial that starts from the BEGINNING? Something that starts just after I wrote my hello-world program in C/C++?17:48
sillypenguinxangua, i don't think so17:48
c4181erUSUL second part didn't install anything17:48
jribPotcFdk: ask #ubuntu-motu what the best approach would be17:48
jukand in gconf-editor same value /splash/ubuntu-splash.png however i didnt notice my pic at boot time???17:48
PotcFdkjrib: okay.17:48
JamaKriscan someone help me17:49
xanguasillypenguin: surelly you are since you can see fx with adblock and chomium also with adblock but disabled > http://img842.imageshack.us/my.php?image=tmpjo6zna.png17:49
c4181JamaKrs What is the problem17:49
JamaKrisneed help with installing abgx36017:49
Katsumi32JamaKris, stop trolling17:49
experiMENTALwhere is xorg.conf file on ubuntu 10.04.1?17:49
NemesisDbribroder: yeah flash works for me with -unstable. good enough. thanks :D17:50
jukexperimental: find /etc -name 'xorg.conf'17:50
JamaKrisand how to install imgburn through wine17:50
c4181Can someone just help me upgrade to newest verison Ubuntu 8.04 can upgrade to?17:50
ZykoticK9experiMENTAL, there is no xorg.conf by default, if you need/want to create one see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/create-an-xorg-conf-file17:50
Katsumi32JamaKris, wine question here #winehq17:51
jukc4181:why dont you just get a CD?17:51
JamaKrisok how about the abgx36017:51
xangua!upgrade | c418117:51
ubottuc4181: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade17:51
sillypenguini think it was adblock17:51
xanguaJamaKris: what's that¿17:51
ARTSIOMHi All! I have a source code for a driver for my hardware. Can someone please give me a guide of how to build a kernel module ouf this code and add it to the kernel.17:51
c4181juk How do I upgrade with CD. Ubuntu is installed on external hard drive and don't want to unhook internal again17:52
Katsumi32JamaKris, whats abgx360 ?17:52
sillypenguinxangua, I didn't know adblock works like that.17:52
experiMENTALZykoticK9: i don't really need to create one if it is possible to fix my problem without that. i have problem with monitor detection.17:52
lrbc4181: try removing the problem package, then upgrade to 10.04 and reinstall that package. sudo apt-get remove openoffice.org-writer2latex17:52
sillypenguinI thought not all images were blocked17:52
experiMENTALZykoticK9: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=157652617:52
ZykoticK9experiMENTAL, what graphics card are you using?17:52
xanguasillypenguin: yo can define your adblock rules or use another adblock list17:52
sillypenguinxangua, yeah, just discovered that... :-/17:53
experiMENTALZykoticK9: moment, plz. i'll check.17:53
sillypenguinI installed the adblock button extension17:53
ZykoticK9experiMENTAL, "lspci | grep -i vga" if you aren't sure17:53
sillypenguinto select what pages to allow adblocking... *slaps forehead*17:53
Dice-Manhello i'm looking for the dev of the iat packet if he is here please highlight me17:53
odinsbanecan I change the default image editor for Eye of Gnome to be Gimp?17:54
xanguain fx you can also disable adlbock for certain sites, no idea if that option is also aviabl for some adblock addon in chromium sillypenguin17:54
cowboy79Hi everybody first time on IRC found it a bit confusing to set up on empathy to xchat it is17:54
sillypenguinwhen it installs, does it give the options or just block everything?  i can't remember17:54
elijahIf I am running Maverick beta, when stable comes out, do I just apply the updates or do I need to do something else to stay at stable?17:54
David-SDXhey, guys someone help with netbook problems?17:54
pipeepI like the new spam-bot prevention channel thing17:54
David-SDXnetbook edition17:54
Katsumi32elijah, just updates17:55
ZykoticK9elijah, #ubuntu+1 for beta questions - but yes, you can just update files to get to final17:55
xanguaelijah: yes, no; for more go to #ubuntu+117:55
juk!10.10 | elijah17:55
ubottuelijah: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+117:55
David-SDXanyone has netbook edition that is on?17:55
c4181Irb Thanks! Hopefully that will fix the problem.17:55
sillypenguinxangua, i don't remember it working like that...but, I'm not as familiar with chrome/chromium browsers17:55
Katsumi32xangua, your answer is the best17:55
David-SDXanyone with netbook experience please im me17:55
experiMENTALZykoticK9: 00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82810E DC-133 (CGC) Chipset Graphic Controller (rev 03)17:55
David-SDXand wine experience :)17:55
David-SDXneed help with that also17:55
Dice-Manoh wine is cool17:56
Katsumi32David-SDX, yeah many people got laptop17:56
txt-fileDavid-SDX: what do you want to do?17:56
Dice-Mannot really difficult to approach17:56
c4181David-SDX I have a little bit of wine experince17:56
Katsumi32David-SDX, about wine ask on #winehq17:56
David-SDXwell, first i want to remove the sub menus17:56
David-SDXokay well i will go there after i remove my sub menus17:56
lrbc4181: see this post if you are going that route. http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153333617:56
ZykoticK9experiMENTAL, sorry man, i can't really help with intel or ati issues, not familiar enough with using them.  best of luck.17:56
=== AbhiJit is now known as Guest10982
Livingroomo hai fellow ubuntuans17:57
c4181Irb Thanks! So far so good.17:57
=== AbhiJit_ is now known as AbhiJit
Solvedmy live cd keeps freezing for 10.04 LTS help!17:57
David-SDXwinhq is dead lol17:57
David-SDXsomeone that has time and wants to help me im me17:57
Katsumi32David-SDX, no theyre still alive just wait few secs17:57
ARTSIOMI have a source code for a driver for my hardware. Can someone please give me a guide of how to build a kernel module ouf this code and add it to the kernel. Ubuntu 10.04.17:57
Thingymebobodinsbane,  gconf-editor change apps->eog->ui->external editor to gimp.desktop17:58
AbhiJitDavid-SDX, its #winehq17:58
Solvedmy live cd keeps freezing for 10.04 LTS help!17:58
David-SDXi got it17:58
Dice-Mandoes anyone here use iat for converting bin images to iso ?17:58
gagzillawhat's the best way to create a live-usb distro from the running set of packages? In other words I'd like to create a distro from just the packages I have running right now. Thx in advance17:58
David-SDXsomeone with netbook experiene im me17:58
Katsumi32ARTSIOM, what driver ? what for is it ?17:58
Dice-Mani'm using it and i havce the matrix on my terminal17:58
Dice-Manthat's is crazy17:58
AbhiJitDavid-SDX, taking help in main channel is recommended17:59
ARTSIOMKatsumi32: it is SAS conroller driver. Originally it is available inly as RPM, but in SRPM folder there is a source code.17:59
David-SDXwell, how do i remove the sub menus and how it normal so i can add things to my desktop?17:59
xbonesxFinally running 10.04 :D18:00
experiMENTALZykoticK9: ok, ty.18:00
David-SDXtell ,me what do you know what it18:00
Katsumi32ARTSIOM, there should be installation txt with the driver you have got normally its included or there should be info on the web you have got the driver from18:00
m0ej0eHello, I am having an issue with Rhythmbox, I get feedback enven when I have all input devices disabled. any ideas?18:01
Katsumi32ARTSIOM, sometimes u have install drivers in different ways18:01
m0ej0e*even when18:01
Katsumi32xbonesx, im happy for you18:01
xbonesxruns a lot faster than 9.0418:02
AbhiJitxbonesx, glay do know! :)18:02
Katsumi32AbhiJit, only english is allowed18:03
xbonesxKatsumi32: ;p;18:03
ARTSIOMKatsumi32: do you think it will work like this?: -  I have a source code (with makefile and so on). How to build *.so lib out of it, and than how to include it as a kernel module?18:03
xbonesxhahaha lol*18:03
AbhiJitKatsumi32, :D18:03
ARTSIOMKatsumi32: does it makes sence at all?18:03
AbhiJit===== glad === to know!18:03
xbonesxi got it lol18:03
David-SDXis it possible to remove the sub-menus?18:03
Katsumi32ARTSIOM, normally u have to cd to the folder with the driver u have got sometimes u have to configure before u make and install the driver18:04
DarsVaedahi, in windows i can press shift + ` then a to get the graph above the a, how does that work in ubuntu? because apparently it doesnt18:04
flux_hi - i just missed the software selection part at ubuntu minimal - how can i fire it up after reboot? was it dselect?18:04
Katsumi32ARTSIOM, thats why you should find there should be installation txt file together with the driver  u can try first cd to the folder than make and sudo make install18:05
flux_at ubuntu minimal installation18:05
elijahWhat is the difference between apt-get clean vs apt-get autoclean?18:05
jukelijah: apt-get | grep clean18:06
m0ej0eHello all, anyone found a means to correct audio feedback within Rhythmbox?18:06
erUSULflux_: probably tasksel ?18:06
erUSULelijah: clean removes all deb packages in cache. autoremove only the obsolete ones18:07
alainghi i have just installed 10.04 server edition how do i setup my wifi. I can see wlan0 whe ni do ifconfig -a18:07
flux_yes just googled it ty18:07
xbonesxI noticed the scrolling of the mouse when hovering over the background doesnt switch between workspaces anymore :(18:07
DarsVaedahow do i get the accent above the a letter?18:07
erUSULalaing: http://wiki.debian.org/WiFi/HowToUse#wpasupplicant18:08
Katsumi32elijah, my advice install BleachBit to clean your ubuntu18:08
elijahjuk: I should clarify my question better. What is the difference between apt-get clean vs apt-get autoclean? Further, what clarifies a file as an "old" downloaded archive files?18:08
erUSULflux_: google before asking. not after ;P18:08
Katsumi32clean remove junk only autoclean will remove on top of it not used packages18:08
alaingi dont want to enable wpa just yet18:08
elijahKatsumi32: I think I get it now, thanks18:09
erUSULalaing: so it is wep? open?18:09
SomethingISoddHello all, quick question every package i try to install including wine i keep getting a error stating package operation failed. and it doesnt matter what i try to install either by the software center or apt-get i get the same error18:09
mithridatesHey guys, I get "Bad magic number in super-block" error from my external usb hard drive, I am wondering how can I completely format it and make the file system from scratch because I don't have any data on that18:09
Solvedmy live cd keeps freezing for 10.04 LTS help!18:09
erUSULSomethingISodd: paste the errors you get in a pastebin18:09
alaingits open at the moment i wanto install gnome desktop18:09
flux_i did - but i thought it was dselect. then i searched for minimal installation guides, found a screenshot and then could google the right way. i apologize18:09
jukelijah: man apt-get18:09
erUSULSomethingISodd: sudo apt-get install somepackage18:09
xbonesxDoes someone know how to make the mouse scroll switch workspaces again?18:09
Katsumi32elijah,  you welcome next satisfied ubuntu customer :)18:09
SomethingISodderUSUL,  ya i get the error with that as well18:09
SolvedMy Ubuntu 10.04 LTS live cd keeps freezing!18:10
erUSULalaing: if it is open just « sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid YOUR_SSID » followed by « sudo dhclient wlan0 » should work18:10
David-SDXanyone help?18:10
Katsumi32Solved, what you mean ? screen freeze ? or cd stop working ?18:10
David-SDXanyone help18:10
erUSULSomethingISodd: we need to see that error18:10
erUSUL!paste | SomethingISodd18:10
ubottuSomethingISodd: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:10
David-SDXtrying to remvoe sub minues18:10
SomethingISodderUSUL,  this is the error through the softare center http://pastebin.com/GrzHge5618:10
Katsumi32David-SDX, ask18:10
Solvedscreen freezed18:10
m0ej0emithridates: look into a program called 'gparted'18:10
Solvedand I have to reboot18:10
David-SDXtrying to remove my sub-menus18:10
DragonKeepercan you stretch 1 window across all monitors ?18:10
mithridatesm0ej0e: I've done that, didn't work18:11
erUSULSomethingISodd: run  « sudo dpkg --reconfigure -a »18:11
David-SDXhow do i remove the sub-menus on a netbook edition?18:11
Katsumi32Solved, is your live cd persistant?  are you planning to install ubuntu on hdd? did you try to activate drivers in hardware drivers?18:11
m0ej0emithridates: could you please expand on 'didn't work'18:11
jukelijah: to not get overeaded in manpages use ?foo it highlights in green light, saves time18:11
SomethingISodderUSUL,  ok18:11
derknechthi. i installed ffmpeg from trunk, and have no wmv module on ubuntu 8.04 and debian5. on my gentoo ffmpeg has wmv1 and wmv2 module. there is no --enable-wmv flag i can use wenn configuring ffmpeg source. so what do i need to install to have wmv encoder in ffmpeg compiled? thanks18:12
SolvedI have allready installed ubuntu, but I need to use gparted and I dont have full access without live cd18:12
tdnichogood morning...trying to install FreeFileSync in UBUNTU 10.04 but every time I try to run it I get an error while loading shared libraries:  libgtkmm-2.4.so.1:  cannot open shared object file:  No such file or directory18:12
vladiojoin #ubuntu18:12
tdnichoI'm stuck....pls help18:12
madjoehow could I upgrade my PHP to the most recent stable version?18:12
David-SDXanyone help, im trying to remove my sub-menus18:12
madjoeshould I avoid doing that manually?18:12
SomethingISoddwith that commend i get unknown option --reconfigure18:12
jorge__anyone here like metal?18:12
erUSULtdnicho: how did you installed it?18:12
bribrodermadjoe, install php518:12
bribroderand apt-get update18:12
erUSUL!ot | jorge__18:13
ubottujorge__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:13
SomethingISodderUSUL, (Sorry i forgot to put your name first last time) with that commend i get unknown option --reconfigure18:13
madjoebribroder: I already have it installed... but it's 5.2.10ubuntu6418:13
tdnichoerUSUL, I downloaded a .tar.gz file, unpacked it and moved the contents to a ~/FreeFileSync directory...I'm trying to execute it from that directory from a command line18:13
Katsumi32Solved, do you have internet access? did you check hardware drivers?  if you cant use internet cuz of screen freeze try boot ubuntu in recovery mode minimal resolution18:13
madjoebribroder: if I run sudo apt-get update, nothing happens18:13
erUSULtdnicho: you will have to install the needed libs manually18:14
mithridatesm0ej0e: let me see the disk utility, I guess something is changing there, I'll be right back18:14
SolvedYes I have internet access, and I can boot ubuntu regularly but I just cant boot live CD without it freezing18:14
m0ej0emithridates: Ok, good luck!18:14
Katsumi32tdnicho, with the file come almost always installation txt file read it18:14
erUSULtdnicho: install libgtkmm18:14
tdnichoerUSUL:  I have libgtkmm-2.4-1c2a installed via the Ubuntu Software Center....isn't that it?18:14
erUSULtdnicho: the package name is libgtkmm-2.4-1c2a18:15
vladioHi everybody, I am wondering if there is a good backup utility for ubuntu. My drive is getting bad clusters and will be replaced later. Is there something that would backup all my settings, games, internet links and stuff like that so that I would not have to reinstall everything?18:15
erUSULtdnicho: yes and that package provides /usr/lib/libgtkmm-2.4.so.118:15
bribrodermadjoe, try uninstalling and purging18:15
mithridatesm0ej0e: It solved, I had to creat the partition by disk utility, I tried all ways by cfdisk, gparted, even acronis in windows. I don't know what was the problem but it solved finally18:15
erUSUL!backup | vladio18:15
ubottuvladio: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning18:15
David-SDXanyone help18:15
David-SDXive been asking, how do i remvoe sub-menus18:16
David-SDX\and use normal desktop?18:16
madjoebribroder: purging? how?18:16
vladioerUSUL thanks18:16
bribrodermadjoe, actually, http://nixcraft.com/ubuntu-debian/11815-how-upgrade-php.html18:16
erUSULSomethingISodd: is --configure -a sorry about that18:16
tdnichothanks, erUSUL, I'm just not sure why it keeps coming up with that error when I have the library installed...18:16
m0ej0emithridates: Good to hear! thank you for the update as well :)18:16
Katsumi32David-SDX, i dont know ask EroKaos18:16
xbonesxDoes someone know how to make the mouse scroll switch workspaces again?18:16
David-SDXerokaos, can you help18:16
erUSULtdnicho: rtried to find a deb package ?18:16
SomethingISodderUSUL,  thank you18:17
tdnichoerUSUL, not sure how to do that...google search?18:17
madjoebribroder: that's a turorial if I want to upgrade my PHP from PHP4 to PHP518:17
m0ej0eAnyone here able to help a newbie with audio distortion issues?18:17
David-SDXanyone here with good netbook experiences?|18:17
Katsumi32m0ej0e, describe your problem18:18
SomethingISodderUSUL,  http://pastebin.com/4RHEK62R18:18
alainghow do i enter in my essid if its two words18:18
bribroderperhaps you can extend it to upgrading from 5.2 to 5.318:18
suprengrsorry about the sporadic 'partial' callouts just now... xchat tab auto complete stopped... now ok. Again, sorry.18:18
David-SDXanyone with netbook experience contact me18:18
alaingwassup David-SDX18:19
Dr_WillisDavid-SDX:  that rarely happens.. if you have a question.. ask in the channel18:19
Katsumi32David-SDX, how to contact you? over phone? or mail ?18:19
erUSULtdnicho: looks very similar to grsync ( which is in the repos ) maybe that will fulfill your nneds?18:19
m0ej0eKatsuni32: Rhythmbox has intermittent distortion when playing songs. these files work fine in VLC. I have tried to lower the volumes and disable all unused audio related items. This has not worked.18:19
alaingerUSUL: how do i enter in my essid if its two words?18:19
David-SDXalaing, how do i remove sub-menus18:19
Dr_WillisDavid-SDX:  what submenus are you refering to?18:20
alaingyes what sub-menus?18:20
David-SDXthe ones on netbook edition18:20
tdnichoerUSUL:  thanks...i'll check it out.18:20
erUSULSomethingISodd: you shoud chack what went wrong with fglrx « /var/lib/dkms/fglrx/8.723.1/build/make.log »18:20
erUSULalaing: quote it? "MY ESSID"18:20
m0ej0eKatsumi32: Version information -Rhythmbox 0.12.8-18:20
alaingoh notebook edition sorry I've never used netbook edition i've always used the full version18:20
alaingerUSUL: thansk I'll try that18:21
Dr_WillisDavid-SDX:  try the alacarte program to edit menus18:21
intraderUbuntu 10.04 on boot has the microphone live in feedback loop with speakers - what could be wrong?18:21
Dr_WillisDavid-SDX:  the menus for applications are generated from the various .desktop files on the system18:21
David-SDXbecause it is just menus18:21
David-SDXno desktop\18:21
Dr_WillisThere is a desktop. :) its just under everything, because that launcher app stays above it.18:21
SomethingISodderUSUL,  this is what the log says http://pastebin.com/cSQSxAJ918:22
David-SDXhow do i remove it lol18:22
Dr_WillisDavid-SDX:  stop using the netbok interface.. and use the gnome desktop interface i guess...18:22
Dr_WillisDavid-SDX:  install ubuntu-desktop package, select the gnome desktop at the GDM login.18:22
David-SDXDr_Willis, throught terminal?18:23
erUSULSomethingISodd: you are sure you have the headers for the kernel installed?18:23
Dr_WillisDavid-SDX:  or via whatever package manager you like.18:23
alaingerUSUL: didn't work. SET failed on device wlan0. Operation not permitted18:23
Katsumi32m0ej0e, there can be few issues i would say vlc use dofferent codec than  Rhythmbox but dont know much about how to help you maybe u could try #videolan #alsa18:23
Dr_WillisDavid-SDX:  if you wanted the normal gnome desktopp and not the netbook edition. you should of just isntalled the normal ubuntu .18:23
David-SDXcan you give me name of it lol18:23
SomethingISodderUSUL,  no. this is a new install and i know nothing about ubuntu.18:23
erUSULalaing: you used sudo ?18:23
David-SDXi shouldve, but my comp is old18:23
Dr_WillisDavid-SDX:  i allready did;  its 'ubuntu-desktop'18:23
doobienDr_Willis, used peppermint-linux, which is loosely based on lubuntu lucid18:23
alaingerUSUL: DOH!!! missed the sudo part18:24
SomethingISodderUSUL,  everything thats been installed has been done through apt-get or the software center.18:24
Katsumi32m0ej0e, also u can try to upgrade  Rhythmbox if possible it may help18:24
Dr_Willisdoobien:  i dident like pepermint.. it left a bad taste in my mouth. :P18:24
m0ej0eKatsumi32: Thanks, I find it rather strange as it is only with Rythmbox. I have an iPhone and the distortion also transfers to the device.18:24
Dr_Willisdoobien:  most of the ubuntu-spinoffs are lacking in many ways.18:24
doobienDr_Willis, everything worked afaik, and the cloud stuff was cool18:24
sisterdhello i'm on lucid lynx and having trouble with passwords and keyrings. No matter whatI do, it will not accept my chosen passwords, and i'm stuck always figuring out which passoword callis associated with which prior not-my-chosen-password option I chose at that time (eg one password was in use only once, one password ita ccepts was 3 times ago, one password is the one i choselast. i can never tell which it wants until it accepts one18:25
erUSULSomethingISodd: maybe we should try to remove the packages that is giving problems « sudo aptitude remove fglrx-amdcccle fglrx »18:25
intraderAll, if I don't get any answers/suggestions should I repeat request?18:25
David-SDXDr_willis its installing, what do i do after its finished?\18:25
sisterddesired endstate: one password to rule them all, and that one not to require 3 or more different character types. I don't want to be typing and capsing and numbering and hyphenating etc every goddamn time i login or wake from sleep....18:25
Dr_WillisDavid-SDX:  install ubuntu-desktop package, select the gnome desktop at the GDM login.18:25
Katsumi32intrader, yeah18:26
David-SDXGDM login?18:26
Dr_WillisDavid-SDX:  'gdm' login screen.. select gnome from the menus at the bottom... yes.. 'gdm' is its name18:26
David-SDXsorry i just got linux lol18:26
Dr_Willis!manual | David-SDX18:26
ubottuDavid-SDX: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/18:26
SomethingISoddok seems to have removed fine let me try installing something small like the flash player18:26
SomethingISoddand see what happens18:26
intraderAll, Ubuntu 10.04 on boot has the microphone live in feedback loop with speakers - what could be wrong?18:26
Dr_WillisDavid-SDX:  time to read the manual a bit i guess.. :)18:26
David-SDXDr_willis ive read some18:26
Dr_Willis!info gdm | David-SDX18:26
erUSULSomethingISodd: install ubuntu-restricted-extras you will want that ( includes flash )18:26
ubottuDavid-SDX: gdm (source: gdm): GNOME Display Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 2.30.2.is.2.30.0-0ubuntu3 (lucid), package size 716 kB, installed size 7664 kB18:26
Dr_WillisDavid-SDX:  gdm is what handles the initial login.18:27
David-SDXokay its finished18:27
alaingerUSUL: it recons no DHCP offers18:27
SomethingISodderUSUL,  not to sound like a complete noob. but how do i do that??18:27
David-SDXshould i restart or jsut logout then in?18:27
alaingbut its seems to be looking on instead of
Dr_WillisDavid-SDX:  dosent matter.. you can just logout18:27
erUSULSomethingISodd: with the software center for instance. search for ubuntu-restriced-extras package18:28
* Dr_Willis changes nicks quickly18:28
DragonKeepercan you stretch 1 window across all monitors ?18:28
erUSULSomethingISodd: or in cli « sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restriced-extras »18:28
haywardgbdragon.. i can ;)18:28
Dr_WillisDragonKeeper:  i could with the nvidia drivers.. if i was carefull.. :)18:28
Dr_WillisDragonKeeper:  with out them.. it tended to do it by default...18:28
DragonKeeperi have ati hd 577018:28
Katsumi32Dragnslcr, for sure u can i dont know how didnt need to do that18:28
erUSULalaing: :/ « iwconfig » shows wlan0 associated to the ap ?18:28
SomethingISoddthanks erUSUL18:28
umashanthiI've installed Ubuntu 9.04 in my machine and now I installed WIndows 7. Now Ubuntu is not shown in the boot list. Any help?18:28
erUSUL!grub2 | umashanthi18:29
ubottuumashanthi: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:29
Dr_WillisDragonKeeper:  i couldent use the 'fullscreen' button. but i could drag the window half way tween the monitors.. then resize it to fill up both.18:29
Dr_WillisDragonKeeper:  with compiz you could proberly do it also18:29
erUSULubottu: in the wiki page there are instructions to recover grub18:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:29
Katsumi32umarmuha, remember ubuntu after windows first install windows than ubuntu18:29
MaMoUsWhat is the defult Asound.conf file ? i Remove my file and now, no mixing, Ubuntu 10.0418:29
experiMENTALhow to install vusb on ubuntu 10.04.1?18:29
erUSULumashanthi: in the wiki page there are instructions to recover grub18:29
DragonKeeperdam caps18:30
Katsumi32DragonKeeper, u have got ati card doesnt catalyst have some features to do that ?18:31
david__Dr_willis thanks i got it18:31
umashanthierUSUL: they've mentioned to use a live CD. If I have the version 9.04 installed, do I need the same version of the live CD?18:32
erUSULumashanthi: eerm... 9.04? then you need the grub1 instuctions sorry18:32
erUSUL!grub | umashanthi18:32
ubottuumashanthi: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.18:32
lrbmadjoe: You are restricted to whatever php version is in the repo. To get latest php you need to compile from source.18:32
erUSULumashanthi: yes; same version is best18:32
DragonKeeperkatsumi32   it just lets me have 2 monitors but  wont use it as 1 screen  but as  Dektop 1  i  ii   Desktop 2  i ii18:33
David-SDXDr_willis it works now :)18:33
Trian3Hello again...  I have a question pertaining to visual effects in Linux.  I've enabled the Extra effects under Appearance Preferences and it's nice and all, but I'm only seeing a few wobbly windows, open/close effects, etc.  I'm looking for the cube or sphere.  Do I need to install/setup Compiz for this?  And are the visual effects found under Appearance Preferences a dumbed down version of18:33
Trian3Compiz or is it something else entirely?18:33
MaMoUsWhat is the defult Asound.conf file ? i Remove my file and now, no mixing, Ubuntu 10.0418:33
Katsumi32DragonKeeper, what about compiz ? it has a lot of this sort of futures did you check it up?18:33
Maahes_Trian3, you must install compiz config settings manager18:33
Maahes_which will install compiz as well18:33
Dr_WillisDavid-SDX:  there may be some quirks from doing it this way. if the windows fullscreen and lose the title bar. its the 'maximus' program thats doing it..  You might want to disable or remove maximus18:33
DragonKeeperkatsumi32 lookin now18:34
haywardgbTrian3: yes, you need compis!18:34
Maahes_also I recommend the extras package18:34
Dr_Willisnight all...18:34
haywardgbTrain3: I've got it installed, it's SICK!! Love it soooo much!18:34
haywardgbTrian: not train, my bad ;)18:34
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:34
Trian3Maahes:  Ok, if I do that, should I disable the effects under Appearance Preferences due to a potential conflict?18:34
Katsumi32DragonKeeper, ask on #compiz18:34
skrite1hey  all18:34
Maahes_anyone have any information about securing a liveusb install? That is, replacing gdm's insistence on the "nopassword" user group, and replacing the ubuntu user?18:34
vladioDr_Willis nite18:34
Trian3Haywardgb:  SWeet!  Can't wait!18:34
haywardgbTrian3: it does it for you..18:34
AbhiJithello erkan^ long time? where were you? :)18:34
Maahes_Trian3, no, not necessary18:35
erkan^hey AbhiJit no long see :)18:35
Katsumi32AbhiJit, this is Ubuntu support channel not a dating channel18:35
Trian3Awesome, thank you both18:35
erkan^I was a holidays18:35
Maahes_bear in mind, the configs for compiz are a little daunting18:35
erkan^how are you, AbhiJit18:35
AbhiJitKatsumi32, what? really? its not dating channel? oh my god!18:35
thedude42anyone have a link for a quick fix for the 2.6.32-25-generic #44-Ubuntu kernel + fglrx?18:35
Trian3That's what tutorials are for, eh?  ;)18:35
AbhiJiterkan^, fine18:35
erkan^cool :)18:36
haywardgbI never had any issues with compiz, it just installed the gui and extras.. then used the gui to configure it..18:36
Trian3There's a youtube series of videos on setting up Compiz by some chic.  Going to see if those will get me what I need.18:37
ComradeHaz`Hi all. I am having some trouble with running the install as as soon as I select run from live cd or install, or indeed check cd for erros my display goes blank. That said, I know the sstem boots as if I select run from cd I eventually get the drums. Can someone assist, please?18:37
ComradeHaz`(FWIW, Windows installs and runs fine)18:37
xuewho is in?18:38
Katsumi32ComradeHaz`, try to make new live cd or usb to do that use lili18:38
Maahes_anyone have any information about securing a liveusb install? That is, replacing gdm's insistence on the "nopassword" user group, and replacing the ubuntu user?18:38
karloI make "website" for terminal.. open it like this:  lynx --source http://ubuntuone.com/p/GZB/18:39
GaleoHi. I'm trying to use a wireless, I used Windows Wireless Drivers to install a driver, which is recognized as proper and notifies the Hardware as beeing present. But I still can't pick up a network.18:39
karlocan somebody visit it so I can see if it works..18:39
Galeokarlo : I checked the link, and I get a blank page with the webiste adress on it18:40
karloin terminal..18:40
karlolynx --source http://ubuntuone.com/p/GZB/18:41
ComradeHaz`Katsumi, tried 218:41
ComradeHaz`Katsumi32, rather.18:41
intraderkarlo, if I may ask, what are you doing with ubuntuone and the website as terminal?18:42
karlojust testing :D18:42
karloit's cool to have website in terminal .. xD18:42
Katsumi32ComradeHaz`, so after you selecting start live usb your screen goes blank ? can you access terminal or anything ?18:43
ComradeHaz`No, no TTYs work18:43
GoliatHey anyone know a good media player that supports MKV?18:43
intraderkarlo, like vnc in a webpage?18:43
erUSULGoliat: vlc? mplayer?18:43
=== n0sq_ is now known as n0sq
ComradeHaz`And when I say blank I mean my monitor goes into standby18:44
GoliatI tried Mplayer but i got an error when i tried to run an MKV18:44
intraderkarlo, remote access to your linux desktop18:44
erUSUL!codecs | Goliat18:44
ubottuGoliat: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:44
karlointrader, visit it .. so you will see :D..    lynx --source http://ubuntuone.com/p/GZB/18:44
m0ej0eKatsumi32: Just letting you know I performed an upgrade to the latest stable release and still have the same issue. Will keep searching :)18:46
intraderkarlo, nice, mostly blank page with 'http://ubuntuone.com/p/GZB/' displayed18:46
karloin terminal type:18:46
karlo* apensi5 (~apensi5@p5B3E120A.dip0.t-ipconnect.18:46
karlolynx --source http://ubuntuone.com/p/GZB/18:47
Katsumi32m0ej0e, what the version you have got >? and what ubuntu do you have?18:47
xdudeDidn't he say the latest?18:47
AbhiJit!hi | ashu18:48
ubottuashu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:48
Katsumi32m0ej0e, i found 0.13.0-1 ver Rhythmbox18:48
ashuhi abhijeet,18:48
AbhiJit!tab | ashu18:48
ubottuashu: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:48
m0ej0eKatsumi32: I have 10.04 Ubuntu Rhythmbox was just upgraded to 0.13.118:49
Katsumi32m0ej0e, and still the same problem ?18:49
ComradeHaz`Does an ubuntu live cd have a running ssh server by default?18:50
m0ej0eKatsumi32: I am wondering if it is a codec issue with Rhthmbox.18:50
Sia--ComradeHaz`, no18:50
m0ej0eKatsumi32: Yup, still the same issue, it is like I have a remix collection of my music :p18:50
Sia--ComradeHaz`, install it or use ubuntu server with VNC ..etc18:50
ComradeHaz`Yeah, easier said than done. :D18:51
erUSUL!ops | karlo18:51
ubottukarlo: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!18:51
haywardgbanyway of getting genius mixes "style" thing on Rythmbox?18:51
nikoHals karlo18:52
tonghuixhi, every one18:52
tonghuixhappy SFD today!18:52
intraderkarlo, I tried lynx, but it just gives a wellcome page and quits.You are having am issue with ubottu?18:52
codiI have a server with two domain names. Should both be in my hosts file?18:52
erUSULintrader: is a troll of sorts. ignore the request18:53
Maahes_I found a guide for enabling no password, which gives me some of the info I need, but the live session is installed in such a way as to *require* the user to have no password, any idea how I change this?18:53
intradererUSUL: thanks18:53
ComradeHaz`is tty1 enabled on a live cd?18:53
erUSULjpds: you are wellcome18:53
Sia--Maahes_, just disable password in login or let sudo running by user without password18:54
AmaranthThat was certainly in interesting way to advertise18:54
AbhiJitif i half installed a update. then how to search back which was they and how to reinstall them?18:54
Maahes_Sia--, no, that's what I wan't to disable. I want there to be a password login. GDM is preventing me from logging in with a password login18:54
alaingerUSUL: iwconfig says wlan0. what is it that I'm looking for ie ap?18:55
Sia--but you can let user login without typing password18:55
erUSULalaing: the first line should read « wlan0     IEEE 802.11bg  ESSID:"Your ESSID here" »18:56
QwertHow can I have multiple OS in USB for installation purpose?18:57
Maahes_Sia--, I'm using a persistent live USB install, I want to secure it, i.e., make the ubuntu user have a real password, I tried creating a different user in the admin group with a password, and logging in as them, gdm kicks them back out as they are not in the "nopassword" group (although neither is the ubuntu user, its in the ubuntu group, so I don't understand what's going on.)18:57
alaingerUSUL:  it says that18:57
erUSULalaing: and still « sudo dhclient wlan0 » fails ?18:57
ComradeHaz`Guys, if there is noone here who can assist with my issue, can you at least suggest some people that might know? I'll repeat my issue:18:58
erUSULalaing: are you sure no password is needed or that MAC filtering is not enabled or something?18:58
ComradeHaz`Hi all. I am having some trouble with running the install as as soon as I select run from live cd or install, or indeed check cd for erros my display goes into standby. That said, I know the system boots as if I select run from cd I eventually get the drums. Tried multiple CD's. Can someone assist, please?18:58
DJonesQwert: I've not tried it, but this sounds like what you need http://www.pendrivelinux.com/boot-multiple-iso-from-usb-multiboot-usb/18:58
ComradeHaz`FWIW, winodws installs and runs fine18:58
Kaspican I route packets between ethernet and a wlan?18:59
Sia--Maahes_, in gdm list just click on the user and you login if you created the user with nopassword required! or use the Guest session18:59
alaingerUSUL: I'm just running it again18:59
boss_mcComradeHaz`: Have you tried md5ing the disk you've burned (you can do it from a windows/other linux machine)?18:59
AbhiJitif i half installed a update. then how to search back which was they and how to reinstall them?18:59
Maahes_Sia--, I Don't want a user with no password. I want a user *With* a password, and I want to delete the ubuntu user who has no password. GDM will not let a user with a password log in. I am running off a persistent live usb19:00
ComradeHaz`boss_mc, I have tried 2 Ubuntu and 2 mythbuntu discs and have run check disk for errors on other machines on both of them19:00
ComradeHaz`Also, as I said, they clearly work, as the drums are heard.19:00
Sia--Maahes_, user userdel19:00
KaspiComradeHaz`: you should check the image you have downloaded itself19:00
Sia--man userdel19:01
ComradeHaz`Yeah, I have. Also fine.19:01
KaspiComradeHaz`: you can do it by checking it's MD5 sum, search the internet for a how-to19:01
boss_mcComradeHaz`: what graphics card?  If you can use the motherboard's one, use that for the install19:01
ComradeHaz`Yeah, yeah. I do that by default with my download manager.19:01
AbhiJitno one answering! :(19:01
alaingerUSUL: yes still the same thing19:02
Maahes_Sia--, I know how to delete users yes, but you see I tried creating a user, with a password right, in the administrators group, When I tried to login with them via the user startup page, GDM not only wouldn't log me in, it crashed pretty hard. So until I can make a user account with a password log in, I can't delete the ubuntu user19:02
ComradeHaz`boss_mc, yes, onboard card works but then I get errors later.19:02
boss_mcwhat errors?19:02
boss_mcComradeHaz`: ^19:02
ComradeHaz`Stuff crashing with apparently meaningless stack traces19:02
QwertDJones: Thanks19:02
elijahI just installed Kubuntu 10.04 stable and have no audio with Flash (Pandora and YouTube), I do get startup sounds, Flash sound works with Meerkat but that is all. Any ideas?19:02
Sia--Maahes_, hmm!? the n check the bugs in GDM19:02
ComradeHaz`I just stuck in a Debian netinstall cd, that's crashed with an error....19:03
boss_mcComradeHaz`: this all sounds like you've got hardware issues, broken disk or ram... have you tried memtest?19:03
Maahes_Sia--, I doubt its a bug, I believe it's a configuration setting19:03
ryenelijah: funny question, but did you check if your output is actually set up in the settings?19:03
erUSULalaing: then i dunno; you can try to assing the ip netmask gateaway by hand19:03
elijahryen: No, where do I do that?19:03
ComradeHaz`boss_mc, yeah, seems like some sort of incompatability between mo-bo and gpu19:03
ryenelijah: look in the bottom-right hand corner for the speaker icon, goto output, and make sure everything look allright.19:04
boss_mcComradeHaz`: checked your BIOS settings to make sre they're set right for the GPU?19:04
ComradeHaz`Well, the BIOS settings are pretty minimal. Not really any options to set.19:05
alaingerUSUL: my network is open I just checked as I do have mac filtering and the address is there and I assign it an ip address19:05
boss_mcComradeHaz`: so have you tried memtest?19:05
AbhiJit!register > ashu19:05
ubottuashu, please see my private message19:05
alaingwhy is it looking on when my subnet is
elijahryen: You da man! Somehow my PCM channel was all turned down, default install!19:06
AbhiJitif i half installed a update. then how to search back which was they and how to reinstall them?19:06
alaingmy ssid is hidden if that makes a difference19:06
elijahryen: You just saved me an hour or two!19:06
ryenelijah: Haha, yeah that happened to me when I installed Ubuntu my first time. No problem!19:06
erUSULalaing: is broadcast; isn't it ? ( not that networking is my forte )19:06
elijahryen: I hope that is fixed when Meerkat stable comes out!19:07
alaingdont know19:07
ComradeHaz`boss_mc, running now19:07
erUSULalaing: no is not ...19:07
ryenelijah: Just remember to check that, that always seems to mess a lot of people up.19:07
alaingcan i not just manually set the ip the ip will always be the same and my dhcp server (router) sets it with my mac filtering19:08
boss_mcComradeHaz`: it takes ages, the longer you can run it for the better19:08
ComradeHaz`Yeah, I know.19:08
boss_mcComradeHaz`: overnight is best...19:08
elijahryen: Yeah, that is a usability issue and should be filed as a bug.19:08
erUSULalaing: yes you can 20:03 < erUSUL> alaing: then i dunno; you can try to assing the ip netmask gateaway by hand19:08
ComradeHaz`I don;t need to do this19:08
alaingerUSUL: how do i do that?19:08
ComradeHaz`the machine works fine in other OSes19:08
erUSULalaing: use "ifconfig" and "route" or "ip"19:08
ComradeHaz`and the GPU has been working fine in another box.19:08
ComradeHaz`and this machine runs fine without this GPU in19:09
=== ryen is now known as Ryen
ComradeHaz`(under Ubuntu)19:09
=== Pathoschild is now known as slavie|out
alaingifconfig route ip?19:09
ComradeHaz`It is clearly the combo of this GPU and MoBo19:09
erUSULalaing: sudo ifconfig wlan0 ip.goes.here.x netmask net.mask.here.x19:09
QwertIs it possible to use package usb-creator from other Linux distribution?19:09
alaingok let me try that19:10
xanguaQwert: better try unetbootin19:10
Qwert(to install Ubuntu eventually)19:10
Qwertxanga: Yeah.. but is it available in other package manager?19:10
Qwertxanga: Thanks. Got it19:11
intraderAll, Ubuntu 10.04 on boot has the microphone live in feedback loop with speakers - what could be wrong?19:11
alaingerUSUL:  i tried sudo ifconfig wlan0
erUSULalaing: for gateaway is « sudo route add default gw ip.of.gw.here wlan0 » (have to chack that out )19:12
alaingrecons invalid argu,ent19:12
=== gunbritt is now known as inteallahonsen
chris_osxanyone with eeepc 1000 here?19:13
erUSULalaing: « sudo ifconfig wlan0 netmask »19:13
erUSULalaing: « sudo ifconfig wlan0 netmask up »19:13
AbhiJit!bot > ashu19:13
ubottuashu, please see my private message19:13
erUSUL!anyone | chris_osx19:15
ubottuchris_osx: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:15
alaingso if my router is i would do sudo route add default gw wlan0?19:16
neurolysisHi, can anyone think of what a clicking sound when listening to audio means if it's not a buffer underrun?19:16
QwertWhat is Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud?19:16
onaoghhi aaron1119:17
alaingif i did ifconfig should bcast be my routers ip?19:18
aaron11I want to know where my phone is located. I plugged it in the usb port now i want to know where it is. ttyUSB0 and that sorta thing.19:18
SomethingISODDdoes anyone know about installing fglrx fglrx-amdcccle when ever i try to i keep getting this error http://pastebin.com/RL7icabB19:18
onaoghalaing, afaik, no19:19
AbhiJitif i half installed a update. then how to search back which was they and how to reinstall them?19:19
Katsumi32Someone67, u have got ati card right ?19:19
onaoghalaing, your gateway is your router19:19
alainghow do i test if i can access the net from server edition?19:19
Katsumi32SomethingISODD, you have got ati card ?19:19
alaingand bcast?19:19
SomethingISODDKatsumi32,  ya ati 435019:20
aaron11Hehe sorry for being informal19:20
onaoghalaing, ping your gateway, if ok, ping internet i.e. google19:20
chalcedonywhat software do i need to play an mp4?19:20
chalcedonywhat software do i need to play an mp4? video?19:20
AbhiJitchalcedny, vlc19:20
aaron11chalcedny, I preffer vlc19:20
xanguachalcedony: have you already installed restricted-extra19:20
aaron11AbhiJit, Lol19:20
onaoghalaing, bcast is the network i.e.
elijahI thought Google Chrome was supposed to include Flash now? Or does that not apply to GNU/Linux version?19:20
AbhiJitaaron11, ??19:20
chalcedonyxangua, i think so19:20
aaron11AbhiJit, Same time19:21
AbhiJitaaron11, ohh ok np19:21
lifc_31 elijah:supports flash.19:21
xanguaelijah: did you installed chromium or google chrome¿ i preffer the first19:21
lifc_31 elijah: also chromium supports...19:21
chalcedonylet me try with vlc, mplayer didn't support the video19:21
Katsumi32SomethingISODD, is your card supported by catalyst?19:21
alaingnope still not working Destination host unresolverable19:21
AbhiJit!restricted | chalcedny19:21
ubottuchalcedny: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:21
xanguachalcedony: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras19:21
Katsumi32SomethingISODD, did you check AMD website ?19:21
elijahxangua: Google Chrome19:21
wx9jmy grandson got a download on his win box while on toontown, says it is a pdf but looks like a script of some sort I an unaware of. any admin types like to talke a look at it ?19:21
alaingdestination host unreachable19:22
aaron11wx9j, Hi19:22
elijahlifc_31: I am getting plugin not found19:22
chalcedonyxangua, it works! i have vlc :)19:22
aaron11wx9j, That could be an exe embed pdf19:22
xanguaelijah: ask google what's the problem then19:22
elijahlifc_31: Hmm, oh wait, this is shockwave19:22
Katsumi32wx9j, you grandson ? how old are you ?19:22
aaron11wx9j, What file is it19:22
HorfeQui a un channel français a disposition? x)19:22
xangua!fr > Horfe19:22
ubottuHorfe, please see my private message19:22
wx9jhaha I am 6119:22
SomethingISODDKatsumi32,  no but this isnt an unboard video card19:22
onaoghalaing, what u are trying to ping, before you do any testing, make sure your network interfaces are configured propery19:22
elijahxangua: I just realized I watched a YT video 5 min ago, duh.19:22
wx9jis that too old for linux ?19:22
QwertWhat is Ubuntu rescue remix?19:22
elijahIs Shockwave on Ubuntu?19:23
wx9jit is called asshole.pdf19:23
aaron11wx9j, Keep this support related19:23
xanguaQwert: no idea19:23
aaron11wx9j, Mind your language19:23
Horfe!fr yo19:23
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:23
alaingerUSUL: ?19:23
aaron11wx9j, Well please tell me. Whats the file name?19:23
luckyonehello all - I just upgraded one of my machines from 9.10 to 10.04 and wired eth0 doesn't seem to work anymore19:24
Trian3Ok, I'm trying to install Cube-Atlantis, and discovered I need the "compiz-fusion-plugins-unofficial" package, but I'm being told it can't be found.  It guess it's on tuxfamily.org?  Do I need to add tuxfamily.org to a list or sites that apt-get checks for packages?  If so, how do I do that?19:24
alaingonaogh: I'm trying to ping my router19:24
aaron11Guys dont forget my question that i asked19:24
aaron11I want to know where my phone is located. I plugged it in the usb port now i want to know where it is. ttyUSB0 and that sorta thing.19:24
alaingonaogh: I'm trying to ping my router (
luckyoneifconfig can see it, but it doesn't seem to get an ip address19:24
erUSULalaing: 20:16 < alaing> so if my router is i would do sudo route add default gw wlan0? <<< yes19:24
onaoghwhy does GParted telling me, "Failed to mount "volume name" - the enclosing drive for the volume is locked".19:24
wx9jaaronll you asked the name of the file and that was the name bet you where a hall monitor as well19:24
AbhiJitaaron11, use wammu to access mobile phone on linux'19:24
Katsumi32SomethingISODD, i know it isnt onboard graphic check up amd website for the corect driver19:24
aaron11AbhiJit, Im trying to use minicom19:24
alainghow do i stop the ping?19:25
onaoghalaing, Ctrl+C19:25
AbhiJitaaron11, then look at their documents or wiki19:25
sisterdpassword management in lucid lynx: is there a way to get a SINGLE password for everything, one that doesnt have to be 3 or more different kinds of characters?19:25
onaoghalaing, configure your network adapter properly19:25
aaron11AbhiJit, :-|19:25
onaoghalaing, paste your network configs to paste.ubuntu.com19:26
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:26
aaron11AbhiJit, This is linux related19:26
Trian3Can anyone help with some package management issues?19:26
AbhiJitaaron11, hmmm19:26
onaoghalaing, !paste19:26
AbhiJitTrian3, ask19:26
aaron11AbhiJit, Im talking about my device location19:26
Trian3AbhiJit: Ok, I'm trying to install Cube-Atlantis, and discovered I need the "compiz-fusion-plugins-unofficial" package, but I'm being told it can't be found.  It guess it's on tuxfamily.org?  Do I need to add tuxfamily.org to a list or sites that apt-get checks for packages?  If so, how do I do that?19:26
aaron11AbhiJit, like /dev/ttyUSB019:26
AkshayAm i on the right channel to get some help on ubutnu servers? or is there another dedicated channel?19:27
onaoghalaing, use ifconfig <interface> to see the configs of network interface19:27
rbastichey all19:27
aaron11Akshay, Wow your new19:27
onaoghAkshay, i dont know :P19:27
aaron11Akshay, Ur on the right channel19:27
Akshayaaron11, thanks19:27
AbhiJitaaron11, i dunno19:27
AkshayI wanna install UEC on Virtual Box19:27
=== rrohitiit is now known as jjokocha
onaoghAkshay, what problem u have got ?19:28
Akshayonaogh, ^^19:28
AbhiJit!ppa | Trian319:28
ubottuTrian3: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.19:28
aaron11Akshay, Whats that?19:28
rbasticis VirtualBox really the best available? i've had problems getting Win XP SP 3 to work on it (awful that i want it on my box, i know, but i need it for testing certain browsers)19:28
Akshaymy problem is that I'm unable to get the node to recognize the cluster19:28
AbhiJitAkshay, #ubuntu-server for server19:28
rbasticcan't seem to get it to run my ISO file19:28
Trian3AbhiJit:  Thank-you!19:28
SomethingISODDKatsumi32,  thanks downloading updated drivers from there website now19:28
Akshayrbastic, try the new one.. its really good now19:28
aaron11Akshay, Oh Server related19:28
NiwatoriHow do i install ubuntu onto a usb hdd?19:28
rbasticAkshay, the new proprietary one or the new -ose?19:29
aaron11I want to know where my phone is located. I plugged it in the usb port now i want to know where it is. ttyUSB0 and that sorta thing.19:29
aaron11Someone who knows19:29
Akshayits owned by oracle now unfortunately, but its still open19:29
rbastici've got 3.1.6 installed, isn't that the same19:29
erUSULaaron11: « dmesg | tail -n25 »19:29
AbhiJit!usb | Niwatori19:29
ubottuNiwatori: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:29
lifc_31what is this error : Sorry, 'bleachbit-bonus' is not available for this type of computer (i386). ?19:29
Akshayrbastic, I'm on 3.2.x19:30
rbasticIt means there aren't any 32-bit packages available19:30
rbastic(re: lifc_3119:30
Niwatorinot installing from a usb, installing to a usb AbhiJit19:30
xangualifc_31: ask to bleachbit developers19:30
AbhiJitlifc_31, you trying to install 64 bit versino on 32 bit operating system19:30
lifc_31rbastic:  sorry ?19:30
rbasticAkshay, where did you download/install it from19:30
rbasticlifc_31, listen to AbhiJit, he's correct19:30
alaingonaogh: wha tdetails do you need from my ifconfig wlan0? inet bcast mask
AbhiJitNiwatori, use unetbotin19:31
onaoghaaron11, you can check it from logs, $tail -f /var/log/syslog, then plug ur device19:31
lifc_31xangua: they say to ask ubuntu ?19:31
Akshayrbastic, virtualbox.org19:31
rbasticelijah, vmware is industry standard, closed source is kind of irrelevant... granted it sucks that they charge $4k for cert19:31
alaingI'm trying to setup my wifi with the help of erUSUL19:31
AbhiJitNiwatori, also you can do the regular installation process and at the time os partition select pen drive as installatino target19:31
rbasticbut yeah, whatever works is all i care about. spose i could try kvm ;-)19:31
lifc_31AbhiJit: i have 32 bit system. i am getting this error from "software center". how can i solve it ?19:31
alaingon server edition19:31
erUSULalaing: any progress ?19:31
elijahrbastic: Oh wait, don't they have an open source version for *nix?19:31
AbhiJitlifc_31, whats the name of the software?19:31
AkshayYeah Vmware is awesome.. but its not free :(19:31
rbasticlifc_31, You will need to attempt to compile from source.19:31
lifc_31rbastic: i have 32 bit system. i am getting this error from "software center". how can i solve it ?19:31
alaingi ran that command19:31
onaoghalaing, use paste.ubuntu.com to paste text, i want you to copy the output of your network interface on your server that you want to connect to internet19:31
rbasticlifc_31, what package is it you are trying to install19:31
root_whoa! its flooding19:32
erUSULalaing: can you ping he gateaway?19:32
alaingtried to ping my router another nothing destination host unreachable19:32
lifc_31 AbhiJit: bleachbit ( but the extara package)19:32
root_aladilas, Whats your problem19:32
NiwatoriAbhiJit, i cant install it because i cant make a cd, im running a emulated iso19:32
lifc_31rbastic:  why from source ? i have to install from software center.19:32
AbhiJitNiwatori, then you need unetbootin19:32
alaingonaogh: sorry i'm not good with the commandline and my machien is not connected to the net19:32
AbhiJitlifc_31, dunno it should install actually19:32
lifc_31 rbastic: 'bleachbit-bonus'19:32
NiwatoriAbhiJit, where would i find that?19:32
root_I must ACK this is a very busy channel19:33
rbasticyou don't *have* to install from software center.19:33
AbhiJitNiwatori, sudo apt-get install unetbootin19:33
alaingonaogh: I'm using another machine to connect here19:33
onaoghalaing, you are connecting your server to internet over wireless ???19:33
AbhiJitroot_, yah! its ubuntu channel!19:33
rbasticlifc_31, it would be IDEAL if you could install from Software Center, but that is not necessarily the case19:33
lifc_31AbhiJit: it should. it is impoosible. :( but when i try to install form a deb packege it works.19:33
NiwatoriAbhiJit, im runnning windows, not linux19:33
lifc_31AbhiJit:  but i am not sure if it si stable :(19:33
root_AbhiJit, Im aaron1119:33
AbhiJitlifc_31, hmm19:33
alaingonaogh: yes19:33
alaingi want to19:33
lifc_31AbhiJit:  what is the reason i want to install from software center19:33
AbhiJitNiwatori, then get it from their web site19:33
functorI keep getting drm:edid_is_valid errors19:33
AbhiJitroot_, ohhh19:33
functormajor version is 0 instead of 119:33
AbhiJitlifc_31, ?? you are asking me ?19:34
functorsomething about "SAMSUNG LCD"19:34
NiwatoriAbhiJit, thats what im asking, where is it?19:34
onaoghalaing, ok, what is your gateway IP ?19:34
root_Anyone need help?19:34
AbhiJitNiwatori, http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/19:34
AbhiJitroot_, i do!19:34
functoryes, me19:34
alaing192.168.123.254 (wifi router)19:34
NiwatoriAbhiJit thank you19:34
AbhiJitNiwatori, welcome!19:34
root_AbhiJit, You look as smart as me19:34
rbasticHrm. Ubuntu Software Center doesn't appear to properly respect dkpg lock19:34
AbhiJitroot_, when it comes to unsolvable problems - no! I am not smart! :P19:35
rbasticIf you run Synaptic first and then attempt to run Ubuntu Software Center at the same time, it just appears to hang while installing. I assume this is because it isn't properly respecting the package lock. Can anyone confirm?19:35
A71KR117Should I upgrade to Maverick?19:35
lifc_31 AbhiJit: i am asking you what is the problem. :(19:35
lifc_31 AbhiJit: i dont know what to do :(19:35
alaingerUSUL: I'mm not getting anythign back from the router19:35
rbasticlifc_31, relax19:35
AbhiJitlifc_31, i also dont know whats the problem!19:35
rbasticlifc_31, i will help you if you will calm down ;)19:35
lifc_31rbastic:  sorry i am relax :)19:35
rbasticokay so19:35
* AbhiJit is relaxed! 19:35
lifc_31AbhiJit: no problem... someone will solve :)19:35
lifc_31AbhiJit: thank you anyway :)19:35
AbhiJitlifc_31, ok19:35
mernilioGreeting and salutations fellow crabfishermen from the harsh sea of bearing sea!19:35
rbasticlifc_31, click Applications->Accessories->Terminal19:35
luckyoneafter a sudo do-release-upgrade -d to 10.04, networking on eth0 no longer works...19:35
AbhiJitlifc_31, np19:36
root_Ok I want to know if theres a page for linux security h0l3s19:36
lifc_31 rbastic: yes?19:36
NiwatoriAbhiJit, working like a charm so far, thanks for the help19:36
=== Viper is now known as Out`Of`Control
rbasticlifc_31, when the black screen pops up , type 'uname -a' (and press enter), copy paste the line into chat that shows up19:36
FlannelA71KR117: Maverick is still beta software.  So probably not.19:36
AbhiJitNiwatori, welcome!19:36
rbasticlifc_31, this command will tell me what version of the Linux kernel and what type of CPU you have19:36
=== jjokocha is now known as sheldor
luckyoneifconifg sees the interface, it gets an IPV6 address, but IPV4 is
A71KR117Flannel, is it stable enough for daily usage?19:37
lifc_31rbastic:  Linux fabelli-desktop 2.6.32-24-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Aug 20 14:24:04 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux19:37
FlannelA71KR117: #ubuntu+1 would be the place to ask that.19:37
luckyoneA71KR117: I am running it on my netbook right now19:37
AbhiJithello mernilio19:37
rbasticlifc_31, Okay. So you're running a 64-bit processor. That was concern.19:37
rbasticlifc_31, Now, when you try to install bleachbit, it whines with that error message saying you don't have the right kind of computer?19:37
lifc_31 rbastic: yes 64 bit cpu but 32 bit os.19:37
rbasticlifc_31, 64-bit cpu but 32-bit OS is *probably* your issue.19:37
=== sheldor is now known as drcooper
A71KR117Flannel, thanks for your help. Goin' to #ubuntu+1 now.19:38
root_Ok does anyone know the comand that tells me where my usb phone is located? Like ttyUSB0 is my modem so whats my phone (modem not connected atm)19:38
rbasticlifc_31, how come you are not running Ubuntu 64-bit on a 64-bit CPU?19:38
AbhiJitthats why i was no going to suggest him! install 64 bit os lifc_3119:38
luckyoneroot_: lsusb19:38
AbhiJit!64 | lifc_3119:38
ubottulifc_31: AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/3jkole and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.19:38
h1kar1Is there anyone that can give me a hand i am having trouble getting a recurrently cron job working ubuntu 10.419:38
rbasticlifc_31, i am running 64-bit 10.04 on Linux 2.6.32-24-generic with x86_64 and bleachbit installs fine.19:38
lifc_31rbastic:  it is possible to install an 32 bit os, to 64 bit cpu. like me :)19:38
root_luckyone, That just gives vendor and product id19:38
rbasticlifc_31, regardless that is what is causing your problem. i don't know any easy way to fix it other than to install the correct version of ubuntu onto your machine.19:39
lifc_31rbastic:  i have no problem on my any but any software. just this eroro i am getting..19:39
studentzHi there I install Flash plug-in square 64 bits. Opera works fine but in Chromium I only have audio. Any idea?19:39
h1kar1one time cron job works fine but recurring does not19:39
rbasticstudentz, square is a preview release19:39
kian_How I can change permission on a flash memory in linux19:39
rbasticstudentz, do you need square for a reason, was the previous stable release from Adobe not working for you19:39
root_noone knows??19:39
lifc_31rbastic: but this error which i am getting is something impossible. i mean this error can not be getting from a 32 bit os :(19:40
thedude42root: lsusb is where to start19:40
lifc_31rbastic: am i right ?19:40
AbhiJit!permissions | kian_19:40
ubottukian_: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions19:40
root_luis_lopez, Hey! Hows tony19:40
thedude42root_: lsusb is where to start19:40
merniliowhere is the offtopic ubuntu channel?19:40
AbhiJit!ot | mernilio19:40
ubottumernilio: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:40
h1kar1has anyone run into this issue before?19:40
rbasticlifc_31, You have a 32-bit OS but a 64-bit processor. I'm not an expert but I only have seen that error you're getting with Ubuntu Software Center when trying to install a package that is only available for one type of CPU.19:40
elijahI can't get my laptop mic to pickup sound, any ideas? I tried adding the mic boost mixer column to my mixer (Kubuntu), but they are locked, implying their is no mic.19:40
elijahMy webcam and speakers work great19:41
rbasticelijah, What laptop model is it19:41
root_thedude42, ACK: other than lsusb19:41
studentzrbastic No I was using the wrapper from 32 bit - which worked perfectly , but I remove to install square19:41
root_thedude42, that doesnt tell me where its located19:41
alainghow do i scan for wifi network from commandline?19:41
rbasticstudentz, regardless 'square' is a preview release, i would google around and try solutions, if you can not get it working at all then report the bugs to Adobe.19:41
luckyonealaing: iwlist19:41
thedude42root_: you need to usb ID's first, that will help you identify the other device nodes that relate to that USB hardware device19:41
sisterdubuntu 10.04 password help needed. I want to set my login password and my root password andany other password required by the system (not email etc.) to the same thing. login keyring and password apps in system do not do this. Anyone have any suggestions?19:41
h1kar1cron help please...19:41
rbasticstudentz, try to downgrade to the previous stable release of adobe flash player also (it comes in ubuntu-restricted-extras package, google if unfamiliar)19:41
rbastici have had no problems with the previous stable from ubuntu-restricted-extras19:42
root_thedude42, Ok19:42
rbasticon 64-bit machines at least19:42
xbonesxwhat repositories am i to add to synaptic package manager so that i have access to all the apps that i can?19:42
lifc_31rbastic: but i have installed many applications properly from software center. just on this package i am getting this error.19:42
elijahrbastic: HP Pavillion DV 6775us19:42
thedude42root_: on the contrary, lsusb tells you EXACTLY where the device is located, what you're looking for are other device nodes that ilink to that device19:42
xbonesxi remember someone saying something about the multiverse?19:42
rbasticlifc_31, like i said, you're doing something wrong. install the 64-bit OS and i bet you will be fine.19:42
AbhiJitxbonesx, universe19:42
rbasticxbonesx, Synaptic, Preferences->Repositories, Other Repositories, enable everything via checkboxes19:42
ZaehlasGreetings all.  Looking for 64 bit server help in setting up connection sharing, dhcp, firestarter.  I fcan get it up and running, but NOT keep it running through a reboot..  and it's frustrating.19:42
AbhiJit!cron | h1kar119:43
ubottuh1kar1: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm19:43
sisterdubuntu 10.04 youtube-dl help: how do I set what the filename should be, so my filenames arent gobbledygook from youtube?19:43
root_thedude42, the "serial device"19:43
alainglwlist returns no results19:43
studentzrbastic why the difference btw Opera and Chromium About:plugins show they are using the same flashplayer.so version ?19:43
root_thedude42, I want to write AT commands to it19:43
lifc_31 rbastic: i can not install 64 bit os. :(19:43
rbasticstudentz, probably because of a bug in Chromium. How does Firefox work?19:43
h1kar1yes my problem is that recurring tasks do not owkr but oen time works fine19:43
rbasticlifc_31, how come19:43
lifc_31 rbastic:anyway thank your interest...19:43
thedude42root_ if you expect a device node in /dev to be created when you plug in the device and it's not, then likely you lack a udev rule for your device19:43
Aemaethwhy aren't blueman packages installed in ubuntu by default?19:43
root_thedude42, For that im using Minicom19:43
h1kar1cant figure out why one works and not the other19:43
sisterdubuntu 10.04 printing help: how do I create a uri for my hp printer such that my networked mac can print to it?19:43
AbhiJitAemaeth, ask in #ubuntu-devel19:44
studentzrbastic Firefox has the same problem :(19:44
rbasticstudentz, then it is a bug in the latest version of the Flash plugin for your architecture. Report all details and other things to Adobe directly, as I'm assuming you must've installed this from them.19:44
AemaethAbhiJit, kk, thanks, i'll complain there ^_^19:44
xbonesxrbastic: I only have two in the "Other Software" tab, is that right?19:44
rbasticelijah, have you tried enabling ALSAMixer and messing with the mod probe configuration19:44
QwertHow to encrypt my /home directory?19:44
rbasticbrb, sorry all19:44
thedude42root_: it sounds like what you want to do requires you to do a bit more research fist because it's not going to happen automatically without explicit device support19:44
root_thedude42, When i ls /dev i get tty,tty1,tty2 etc and many many more yellow stuff19:44
AbhiJitAemaeth, be sure to read that channel's topic19:44
elijahrbastic: No, I don't even know what they are.19:45
rxdusb stick installation is a read-only system, anyone has ever done a read-only system on the hard drive?19:45
AbhiJitQwert, use truecrypt19:45
Aemaethi'm often sarcastic about how i'm going to act19:45
thedude42root_ yes the /dev directory is where the device nodes are kept19:45
alaing_i'm back19:45
studentzrabstic Yes I tried different option. Download from adobe, using sevenmachine ppa19:45
AemaethAbhiJit, how do you truecrypt the /home/ ?19:45
root_thedude42, What are the chances of one of them being my phone19:45
AbhiJitAemaeth, never done it! but i know that truecrypt can be used for tha purpose!19:46
thedude42root_ probably zero19:46
alaing_would it maybe be easier to bridge a connection between my other machien the this using a wire. I just wantot install gnome desktop on my server19:46
root_thedude42, :(19:46
Aemaethkk, i guess something to look into, i know you could encrypt an entire mini-rar-like thing19:46
root_thedude42, Anything i can do?19:46
ZaehlasIs there a topic for more detailed technical help with my server configs?  or just hold in here until someone has the time?19:46
xbonesxrbastic: I only have two in the "Other Software" tab, is that right?19:46
thedude42root_ your best bet is to start searching for articles and howtos related to linux and your phone19:46
root_I want to minicom it19:46
* alaing_ is getting really annoyed with server edition19:47
h1kar1yha i am stumped on this cron bug..19:47
studentzrbastic; funny with the wrapper 32 chromium and firefox worked but opera did not19:47
NiwatoriAbhiJit, it installed the installer, i want it to make a bootable OS19:47
AbhiJitNiwatori, it is bootable os only19:47
=== alaing_ is now known as alaing
thedude42root_ at this point you don't even know if the phone provides an accessable serial interface for you to communicate without special hardware19:47
rbasticstudentz, like i said -- is there a specific reason why the latest version of Adobe is no good for you?19:47
rbasticstudentz, square is a *preview* release19:48
h1kar1has any one had issues with recurring cron jobs in unbuntu 10.4?19:48
* alaing is getting really annoyed with server edition19:48
NiwatoriAbhiJit, when i used UNetbootin it just put the install files on the usb so i can install ubuntu, it didnt install the os onto the usb19:48
xangua!persistent | Niwatori19:49
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rbasticFor the record, you all should make sure that your SATA mode in the BIOS is set to Compatibility. I had serious problems with Ubuntu on 64-bit architecture until I changed that setting. Not sure if it still matters.... Can anyone confirm?19:49
xangua!usb | read the persistent part Niwatori19:49
ubotturead the persistent part Niwatori: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:49
alaingerUSUL: any ideas?19:49
studentzrbastic thanks, just a comment if somebody else have the same issue.19:49
Cable|Dancehaha awsome bot19:49
frank63Hi, I have a problem with graphics effects: Iǘe tried with both nvidia-current (195) as well as with nvidia 256 driver: 3d acceleration seems on, but can enable graphic effects19:49
erUSULalaing: "sudo ifconfig wlan0 up"19:49
rbasticfrank63, how did you uninstall the previous driver, do you see a green nvidia logo at any point during bootup etc19:50
frank63no, i dont19:50
Zaehlasrbastic: which issues?  I am running 64 bit server with SATA raid, mirrored, and although made a few errors so had to reinstall a few times, my system seems stable for the moment..  would it be obvious, or just corruption on SATA over time, or slow access?19:50
avi_hello all! So I download quite a lot of files to ~/Downloads, many of which should go directly to certain locations upon arrival, which I end up doing manually. I was wondering, is there any way to "watch" that folder for new files, and then move them based on various rules to various locations? I'm comfortable writing in Python and Bash, but I don't know if there's any capacity for the OS to do what I'm looking to do. Links are appreciate19:50
avi_d! Thanks in advance!19:50
oasikI am trying to install new intel graphics drivers from source19:50
oasikI do not know where /etc/X11/xorg.conf file19:51
alaingerUSUL: done19:51
rbasticZaehlas, it was pretty obvious for me, i ran desktop 10.04 LTS and my login screen would stop displaying, just the regular GUI boot process would occur but never any login screen after 3 days of use19:51
oasikit does not exists but it works how19:51
Katsumi32oasik, the one in hardware drivers doesnt work ?19:51
erUSULalaing: any change? can you ping router?19:51
rbasticZaehlas, also I was running via WUBI at first, once I started running natively after wiping Vista off completely, PLUS changing SATA BIOS settings, i had no issues.19:51
alaingno still say destination host unreachable19:51
Zaehlasrbastic: ew.  next reboot I'll check settings,.  I'm still on day 1 of install19:51
alaingmy wifi worked without any issues when i had 10.04 desktop edition19:52
rbasticZaehlas, yes it took me 2 failed WUBI installs before I decided to risk it, change SATA BIOS, wipe Vista, and format+ install Ubuntu *only* on the machine.19:52
drjoanyone with git skills here, im stuck19:52
rbasticAnyone: How do I install a .deb package? I want to install VirtualBox on Ubuntu19:52
avi_rbastic, Double click it.19:52
erUSULrbastic: double click on it19:52
drjorbastic: aptitude install virtualbox-ose19:52
oasikKatsumi32: actually it works, but some rendering errors (buffer error) with a specific 3D app, webots19:52
alaingdrjo ask on #jqueyr i know a few people on there use git19:52
Aemaethrbastic, double click, click "Install"19:52
A71KR117rbastic, double click on it.19:52
rbasticdrjo, No, the packaged virtualbox-ose is over .1.0 revisions old19:52
rbasticdrjo, I have been having problems with the packaged virtualbox-ose running a Win XP SP 3 ISO19:53
Aemaethi like that we know this19:53
drjorbastic: gdebi then19:53
erUSULdrjo: /join #git19:53
A71KR117drjo, what do you need help with?19:53
rbasticnodnod, I am going to try the latest virtualbox from the site for AMD64 to see if that helps19:53
litropyHi, peeps - is there a command out there that usually frees up the cursor? Sometimes upon bootup, I have keys, but no touchpad.19:53
Katsumi32rbastic, why?19:53
frank63i used sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia* to remove prev drivers (I followed instruction on ubuntu help pages)19:53
Katsumi32rbastic, sorry not you19:54
drjoi have a setup where i want to of my machines synced, one is at school and one at home, i pulled the school repo from home, made some changes and pushed it back, but it dosent appear in the repo on school19:54
rbasticKatsumi32, haha k19:54
suprengrAnyone tried CLIcompanion... as in: is it suitable/safe for a terminal command 'learner'? First appearance looks ok but not heard of it before.19:54
Katsumi32how to pause xchat to many questions here :)19:54
rbasticfrank63, what nvidia drivers did you install? I am running nvidia-current (which supported my GeForce 9800m GS)19:54
luckyonecan anyone point me at a network troubleshooting wiki?19:54
Aemaethtab button helps me learn cli19:54
dadush777Hello, I'm using PyLOTRO and i'm having the *** Finished *** crash... anyone knows what can I do ?19:54
A71KR117suprengr; clicompanion is really useful. install it!19:54
drjoA71KR117: forgot to add your name, my post is above19:54
rbasticfrank63, but i also blacklisted 'nouveau' via the CLI *then rebooted* before installing the nvidia stuff.19:55
suprengrA71KR117: cheers & thanks.19:55
Katsumi32luckyone, what the problem with networking ?19:55
litropyFurthermore, Unity seems to like to crash randomly. What log should I start with?19:55
ZaehlasAnyone: Anyway...  trying to setup my server using Firestarter to handle dhcp, 2 network cards, internal and external network.  Muy problem is that after a reboot, it nakes a few times of /etc/init.d/networking restart or rebuild the dhcpd settings using apt.  I can't hold a good config through a reboot, and don't know why.  except firestarter I've uninstalled all GUI networking, and am just using /etc/network/interfaces, and files genera19:55
Zaehlasted by dhcpd and firestarter19:55
frank63I've also remove and blacklisted nouveaut19:55
ComradeHaz`boss_mc, Katsumi32 thought you might be interested to know debian graphical install works for me but their normal install fails with an error. Does the shed any light on what might be wrong?19:55
myth41My server only have a serial port and a bios that does not support serial output. Is there still a way to install ubuntu server? An alternate cd or something?19:55
A71KR117drjo; sorry i can't help you with git. maybe the git channel?19:56
luckyoneKatsumi32: I upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 with a sudo do-release-upgrade -d and after everything finished, eth0 no longer gets an IP address19:56
frank63but not sure about the sequence: at a given moment xorg wasn starting anymore19:56
frank63so I reinstalled xorg and then nvidia-current again19:56
myth41I mean, the cd is autobooted and I don't really need to access the bios, and I can't se why the ubuntu server install shuldent be able to use the serial19:56
glaucousIs there a way to limit the bandwidth used by specific program? I need to limit the upload rate on VirtualBox.19:56
luckyonefrank63: sudo apt-get remove nvidia-*19:56
rbasticfrank63, you should uninstall everything, blacklist whatever current graphics driver you were using, reboot again, THEN install nvidia-current, THEN reboot again. *I think* anyway. Pretty sure that's what worked for me19:56
luckyonefrank63: then sudo apt-get install nvidia-current19:57
dadush777I'm desperate for help :( I'm running PyLOTRO , enter my Login details, connecting and then the Game Crashes and shows only ***Finished*** ... I really don't know what to do :(19:57
rbasticAlso, maybe nvidia-current is no good for you. Maybe you need the drivers direct from nvidia.com19:57
Katsumi32luckyone, you know that eth0 is ethernet and eth1 wifi? if you want type dmesg and paste it http://paste.ubuntu.com/19:57
Ichatglaucous: -  look for  QoS19:57
rbasticWhat model machine/model graphics card do you support? If you look on nvidia.com there is a Linux section and they detail every model the drivers support. Also, Ubuntu does not package the absolute latest drivers from Nvidia.19:57
luckyoneKatsumi32: yeah, I am just trying to get ethernet working19:57
frank63I 'm currently running the drivers from nvidia (256-53)19:57
xbonesxhow do i setup compiz to enable mouse scroll to switch workplaces?19:58
frank63graphics card is the 8600GT19:58
shcherbak how many brute-force attack on ssh you can have in 24 hours?19:58
Katsumi32luckyone, sorry you dont have any internet in ubuntu at the moment right ?19:58
frank63it was working fine 3 or 4 month ago, with compiz etc19:58
xbonesxfrank63: i have that same card19:58
luckyoneKatsumi32: not on the machine in question, correct19:58
rahmuhey everyone. I have just installed Ubuntu (Lucid) and sound is not working. I have installed it on an HP laptop. Any help? Thx.19:58
Ichatshcherbak:  - as many as your line (bandwidth)  and  your  firewall ... permits it19:58
xbonesxfrank63: what laptop do you have?19:58
rbasticxbonesx, maybe you can help him -- I use nvidia-current and have no problems with a newer card19:58
frank63itś a desktop19:58
allu2Hello, i have a rather odd problem, i can't get gwibber authorized with facebook because after i press authenticate there reads success and then window suddenly goes endlessly down under my screen preventing me to press apply or add (info: fresh install of ubuntu 10.04(with omnibook module) (HP Omnibook XE-GF)19:59
luckyoneKatsumi32: the same upgrade worked great on the exact same type of machine (Acer Revo 1600) in the kitchen19:59
dadush777I'm desperate for help :( I'm running PyLOTRO , enter my Login details, connecting and then the Game Crashes and shows only ***Finished*** ... I really don't know what to do :(19:59
xbonesxallu2: same here19:59
allu2xbonesx, you got omnibook too?19:59
A71KR117Hi everyone. I added the canonical de ppa and installed unity. When I start it all I see is a white screen. Any help?19:59
frank63it seems that the problem is with jokey19:59
allu2xbonesx, i got used to that all my pb are because of my hw :P19:59
Ichatshcherbak:  -  im not kidding,  - if you feel that someone is trying to bruteforce you  set sshd  to  drop connections from that given ip after  say  5 failed attemts19:59
frank63because if I run sudo jockey-text --list19:59
luckyoneKatsumi32: what should I be looking for in dmesg? Network tools can see eth020:00
frank63I get: nvidia_current - nvidia_current (Proprietary, Enabled, Not in use)20:00
Katsumi32luckyone, if you want boot up ubuntu type in terminal dmesg and lsusb and lspci copy everything to usb or cd boot up windows connect to internet than paste it to ubuntu paste bin and post that link here im guessing u lost wifi and ethernet firmware20:00
brontoeeeis there something i can use to convert coreldraw to eps ?20:00
xbonesxfrank63: what version of ubuntu are you running?20:00
Katsumi32dmesg will show you all errrors and missing firmwares luckyone20:00
jackcJoliCloud rox!20:00
frank63but nvidia X server settings as well as 3d games  seems fine20:00
luckyoneKatsumi32: that box doesn't have windows on it20:00
SomethingISoddHello is there anyway to find out what video drivers are installed?20:00
SomethingISoddi just want to make sure that the new drivers are actually being used20:01
frank63I'm running ubuntu 10.020:01
shcherbakIchat: just got annoyed and insalled fail2ban (i am by nature lazy), but was more curious y so many orginate from china.20:01
allu2is there any fix for gwibber or should i try download/(compile)/install it from source20:01
Katsumi32luckyone, u have to boot up ubuntu than dmesg and lspci and lsusb and pste it to usb than boot whereever u have got internet20:01
frank63quite likely it stopped working when I upgraded from the beta to the release version, but not sure20:01
xbonesxfrank63: you probably need to run the apt-get to have the current nvidia driver redownloaded and installed20:01
luckyonelsusb won't show anything20:02
frank63Iǘe tried reinstalling it several times20:02
xbonesxfrank63: one sec ill get the line for you20:02
Katsumi32luckyone, it should lsusb will tell you everything u need to know about your usb ports20:02
Ichatshcherbak:  -  not to be discriminating but  in poorer countries theres is more warez.  and thus more virusses (botnets).  - thus more  hack- attemts from there..   - i guess20:02
Katsumi32Ichat, i agree last time one guy from england broke in to FBI database did you hear about it ?20:03
shcherbakIchat: ..now i am watching my log and feel lonely20:03
Ichatlol yah i was in the UK at that time :$20:03
Katsumi32ichat the english are really bad at hacking viruses etc20:04
Ichatno just that20:04
Ichat kid was\20:04
Katsumi32ichat now back to topic20:04
frank63is there someway to get some more details from jockey, to understand why the driver isn in use?20:04
xbonesxfrank63: how are you trying to install the driver for nvidia?20:04
Aemaethi hear the chinese will hack anything20:05
haywardgbthey'll eat anything as well.. go figure!20:05
xbonesxfrank63: are you using hardware drivers GUI to get it or synaptic or apt-get?20:05
Katsumi32Aemaeth, #ubuntu-offtopic20:05
rxdshould be a restricted driver20:05
IchatAemaeth:  -  that topic should be talked about in ubuntu-offtopic20:05
oasikI cannot see grub menu20:06
frank63Iǘe actually installed them (download of NVIDIA-Linux-x86-256.53.run from nvidia direclty), but no difference from the one that I can get from apt-get20:06
oasikthe first item in grub.cfg is loaded20:06
xbonesxfrank63: ?20:07
Ichatfrank63:  -  why didn't you just use  sudo apt-get  install  nvidia-current20:07
xbonesxhow do i setup compiz to enable mouse scroll to switch workplaces?20:07
Katsumi32xbonesx, ask on #compiz20:07
haywardgbthrough compiz config settings tool..20:08
xbonesxKatsumi32: ok ty20:08
haywardgbit's under system -> preferences20:08
shcherbakhaha, but it bothers me, y in terminal (no x) only rsa_id will make u log, if to use different name I can  still use xterm or terminal, but vt do not conect (ssh), what to configure?20:09
drjo #git did the job :)20:09
step21Hi, any idea how to make the whole filesystem of a hfsplus partition available on ubuntu? Somehow ubuntu blocks access to the important parts of the home dir, uid/gid/umask don't seem to work20:09
Aemaethxbonesx, do you have cube on?20:09
drjomy network manager applet is cut in half since last update o_O20:10
frank63I tried that first - as well as the other instuctions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia#NVIDIA%20driver%20activated%20but%20not%20currently%20in%20use%20in%20ubuntu%2010.0420:10
haywardgbdrjo: you mean the icon? mine does that too.. weird!20:10
frank63but did't worked so then Iǘe tried directly nvidia driver20:11
xbonesxAemaeth: idk one sec20:11
fuorviatosIf I chroot, when I'm not able to use internet connection?20:11
mitoslogin password20:11
drjohaywardgb: yeah it happened after reboot from updating the kernel today20:11
Aemaethxbonesx, cause if you didn't find it yet, i know at least one way to get what you want, but i use cube, i can check for what you have activated if you tell me which plugin you're working with20:11
myth41is it possible to install ubuntu server over console?20:12
frank63moreover now jockey keeps saying nvidia-current and not nvidia 256-53 or something like that20:12
haywardgbdrjo: it did the same for me, but i get around it by starting Rythmbox and leaving it open.. lol.. i guess it'll fix itself in a later release :)20:12
xbonesxAemaeth: wall20:12
xbonesxand i looked in the viewpoint switcher and its keybinded to button 220:13
Aemaethkk, xbonesx you just probably need to change the key in bindings20:13
Aemaethxbonesx, test the buttons, sometimes 3 or 420:13
luckyoneKatsumi32: so strange - working now20:14
Aemaethxbonesx, since just middle mouse wheel does things in other programs, you might need to set it for the top of the screen, or use ctrl/alts20:14
luckyoneKatsumi32: I ran dhclient3, didn't get an address, pluged the cord into my netbook to make sure it still had a link that worked and it wasn't my switch, then I plugged it back in and connected instantly20:15
mitosopencmd dir20:15
Katsumi32luckyone, very good :) be happy20:15
AbhiJitashu, ping20:15
Aemaethxbonesx, i have mine set so when i left click on top of screen i move around in my cube, click bottom of screen and it rotates through my open windows20:15
Aemaethadd in screenlets and it's way better than mac20:16
Katsumi32myth41, any questions ?20:16
onaoghalaing, u fixed it ?20:16
myth41Katsumi32, yes, can I install ubuntu-server over console/serial terminal?20:17
haywardgbhas anyone else noticed that the wifi manager icon in the taskbar gets cut in half since the recent updates this weeks?20:17
=== myth41 is now known as lo127
Jordan_Uoasik: Hold shift during boot.20:17
xbonesxAemaeth: i have to update firefox, then i will show you a screenshot20:17
frank63xbonesx: probably I missed your question. I installed nvidia 195 using apt-get,  since that didn worked, I then removed them, quite likely didn reboot and installe nvidia 256 driver from it's own semi-graphic tool20:18
onaoghmyth41, u mean install ubuntu-server remoyely ?20:18
Aemaethbut really if you mess around with the bindings long enough you should be able to get an effect close to what you want20:18
lo127<- myth4120:18
Aemaethhaywardgb, mine does weird things all the time, it likes to disappear on me and still run20:19
lo127yes, remotely20:19
xbonesxfrank63: have you gotten it to work yet then?20:19
rbasticAnyone have any advice for getting VirtualBox 3.2 to run XP SP 3 in desktop 10.04?20:19
lo127I have a backup server hooked up to the console20:19
rbasticIt keeps saying FATAL: Could not read from boot medium20:19
Aemaethrbastic, you have the image loaded into the virtualbox cddrive?20:19
Aemaethor it's your harddrive image failing?20:20
Katsumi32rbastic, install vbox get xp iso and load it thats all20:20
rbasticAemaeth, what do you mean ? I have the ISO selected in the Devices menu20:20
rbasticand It won't get the virtual machine running20:20
oasik>Katsumi32 what do you mean the one in hardware drivers20:20
rbasticOr should I actually have a DVD with the ISO burnt onto it and inserted into the machine?20:20
Aemaethno, all you need is iso20:21
oasikthe installed driver which is intellinuxdriver package 2009q4 does not work for webots20:21
winterelfhe there, i just installed ubuntu tcl (or somehting :)) 10.4 , and wanted to know if anyone knows how can i get the "show desktop20:21
oasikthe error seemed a simple buffer management error20:21
Katsumi32oasik, where have you been? i talking aabout you going first to system administration hardware drivers and check if there is nothing to activate20:21
saikatis it true that ps shows average CPU utilization since the process started and top shows more real-time utilization over a shorter sampling period?20:21
xanguacontrol+alt+d winterelf20:22
winterelfhe there, i just installed ubuntu tcl (or somehting :)) 10.4 , and wanted to know if anyone knows how can i get the "show desktop" option under compiz... it's seems like missing20:22
Aemaethrbastic, so in the settings of the machine, in preferences, and under storage you have the iso loaded20:22
oasikthere is nothing in hardware drivers section20:22
rainraintrying to get my laptop to output svideo like it did when i was running windows - could anyone help me20:23
oasikjust two wireless driver that does not work20:23
Katsumi32oasik,  and u have graphic problems right ? do you know the graphic chip you have got ?20:23
soreauwinterelf: Try #compiz20:23
xbonesxI've gotten the view point switcher to work thanks to the #compiz room, its a bug, all you have to do is "Desktop-based Viewport Switching->Move Next/Move Prev to Button4/Button5 respectively"20:23
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frank63xbonex: no, it doen work. Iĺl try one more time20:23
rbasticAemaeth, I don't know. I can't just boot directly off of an ISO file? I keep trying to select the boot medium (with the ISO file selected under Devices->CD/DVD Devices) and it keeps saying Boot medium failed20:23
zr0i cannot ping a computer on my local lan (wireless router) from my linux machine, but it can ping me -- the linux machine has a static ip.. i get 'destination host unreachable' as the error msg from ping20:24
rbasticSeems like I actually need a DVD with the ISO burnt onto it20:24
usserzr0, windows machine?20:24
Aemaethodd, i would try another disk to troubleshoot for that image, but then again idk why the image would fail20:24
Katsumi32rbastic, did you make this iso yourself ? i had the same issue use dirrerent software to burn iso20:24
rbasticHow would I make a Windows XP ISO myself? :P20:24
rbasticThis file comes direct from Microsoft as it is a corporate edition of XP.20:25
Aemaethpeople do it, look at crystal20:25
usserrbastic, mkisofs :)20:25
rbasticIt was sarcasm guys20:25
Katsumi32rbastic, if u hvae win installation disk u can easy make iso20:25
onaoghzr0, that machine on your lan might be blocking pings, firewall20:25
rbasticKatsumi32, I see20:25
zr0onaogh: i can ping it from my laptop, which is also on the lan20:25
rainrainwhen i go into display and click detect monitors nothing happens - what would this mean typically20:25
rbasticKatsumi32, Regardless VirtualBox doesn't seem to like booting off of the Microsoft-provided ISO file.20:25
usserraindog, you dont have any monitors.20:25
Aemaethare you sure rest of system is setup for xp?20:25
usserraindog, pastebin the output of xrandr command20:26
onaoghzr0, that is strange20:26
rbasticAemaeth, no?20:26
rainrainusser: do you mean me ?20:26
usserrainrain, oops sorry yea, pastebin xrandr20:26
AbhiJiti have separate /home. when i reinstall ubuntu will my xchat settings and all other settings will be same?20:26
AbhiJitas of now?20:26
xanguaAbhiJit: yes20:26
usserrainrain, is the monitor connected?20:26
onaoghAbhiJit, yes20:26
Aemaethyou should have selected "Windows" "Windows XP" when making the virtual machine20:26
usserrainrain, what videocard are you using?20:26
zr0onaogh: i think it has to do with dhcp and using a static ip.. how can i be absolutely sure i'm not running a dhcp service?20:26
AbhiJitxangua, onaogh ok thanks20:26
rainrainusser: yes - it;s svideo not crt or lcd20:26
rbasticAemaeth, Yes, I selected Windows XP when making the VM.20:27
usserrainrain, still xrandr should detect it20:27
rainrainusser: dont know20:27
rainrainusser: yes getting that now20:27
Katsumi32rbastic, it worked very well for my everything depends what iso u have got i used fist some software to make iso out of my win installation cd than booted ubuntu and it didnt work at all vbox didnt recognisse it than someone told me about other software i burned it again and it worked i tested vbox with win7 and xp both were working20:27
rainrainusser: problem - i am on a windows machine now because ubuntu m/c not on net yet20:28
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rbasticKatsumi32, the ISO file works when using VIrtualBox on Windows. Can't see a reason this should make a difference on Ubuntu. It's the same machine. Maybe a different version of VirtualBox though.20:28
rainrainusser: i can see output though - what should i look for20:28
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Katsumi32rbastic, if it work under win it will under ubuntu what the error youre getting ?20:28
onaoghzr0, i dont think so, if all machines you ur lan have correct ips of your network, either acquired by dhcp or static, all should be able to ping each other, (when firewall allows responding to pings)20:29
rainrainusser: doesnt seem to mention any video card - it's a fujitsu amilo laptop with the standard card20:29
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usserrainrain, do you see multiple inputs or is it something like this http://pastebin.com/hnk11cPS20:29
savidHi, I'm trying to install a .deb package which depends on libbluetooth-dev,   and I get this error:  "Depends: libbluetooth-dev but it is not going to be installed".   I tried installing libbluetooth-dev manually but got this error:   "libbluetooth-dev: Depends: libbluetooth3 (= 4.60-0ubuntu8) but 4.61-0ubuntu2 is to be installed" .   How do I resolve this?20:29
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Katsumi32rbastic, just tell me what the vbox says when youre trying to play xp ?20:29
usserrainrain, run lspci | grep VGA, that should tell you what videocard you're using20:29
ussersavid, sudo apt-get update and try again20:29
xanguasavid: better install from repository20:30
onaoghsavid, tryed to use synaptics to install that package ?20:30
rbasticKatsumi32, I set the media source to the ISO file in the New Virtual Machine wizard20:30
savidusser,  yeah, tried that.  xangua,  I am installing from a repository.20:30
rbastic"First RUn Wizard" rather20:30
xanguainstalling what savi20:30
savidxangua,  I'm using this repo:   deb http://android-notifier-desktop.googlecode.com/svn/deb-repo stable main20:30
xbonesxfrank63: i dont think your installing the correct driver, one sec ill check my version20:30
savidxangua,  android-desktop-notifier20:30
rbasticKatsumi32, then it says FATAL: No bootable medium found! System halted.20:31
rainrainusser: says ... VGA compatible controller: intel corp. 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE chipset inte graphh dev rev 0320:31
SolvedWhenever I boot my computer using live CD, the screen freezes and I have to reboot. What do I do?20:31
rbasticI will mess around with this further later on. Maybe I can burn a DVD of the ISO file and then get VirtualBox to boot off of that. Anyway, thanks for all your help20:31
rallias0what is an appropriate shell script to run "./adb devices" indefinately?20:31
onaoghSolved, any error msg ?20:32
Katsumi32rbastic, so it isnt bootable if it says no botable than it isnt bootable u may try to get newer vvbox from the web i have got the latest one in synaptic vbox is bit old20:32
alaingonaogh: nope. still cannot connect20:32
onaoghSolved, where exactly it freezes ?20:32
rainrainusser: also checked under drivers and it said it wasnt running any proprietrary drivers20:32
alaingi've just rebooted the server20:32
Katsumi32rbastic if you have any questions about vbox join #vbox20:33
Solvedit freezes randomly20:33
Solvedwhenever I make it do something too quickly20:33
Solvedor even just open an application20:33
Katsumi32Solved, it still freeze ? i thought its Solved no?20:33
Solvedno, its not solved, it still freezes, I have no Idea how to fix it20:34
RuiOreyhi  i got an update stopped and now everytime i try to update i get this error "unable to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/user/ppa-name/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz "20:34
boss_mc!cron | rallias20:34
ubotturallias: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm20:34
RuiOreyanyone knows how to solve this?20:34
usserrainrain, hm, intel should be ok.20:34
usserrainrain, what about glxinfo | grep -i direct do you get DirectRendering Yes?20:35
steve__hello all, I have aquired a 64gb flash disk for free, shows device errors and will not mount in windows, I am not trying to mount it in ubuntu and it will not show up as /dev/sd? which i would expect. Is there anyone that could guide me on how to further troubleshoot? dmesg is showing me "usb 2-2: string descriptor 0 read error: -110" and lsusb is showing "Bus 002 Device 006: ID 1b1c:0ab1" (both clipped for easy reading) I am guessing20:35
steve__ that the drive is not returning a proper string descriptor but Im not sure if that is a the problem or symptom...20:35
Katsumi32Solved, can you tell me ones more about the issue?  u boot up ubuntu and the screen freeze ?20:36
savidxangua,  any ideas why libbluetooth-dev won't install?20:36
rainrainusser: direct rendering yes but it says get fences failed : -120:36
ArunomiI wonder if there is any one out there that has hade mouse problem on there lapptop20:36
thedude42anyone else having fglrx module build problems?20:36
steve__nb: sorry for the essay20:36
lafa_arcan someone tell me a application for unistalling the packages properly also with temp files ?20:36
allu2xbonesx, hey i got my gwibber account authenticated :)20:36
Katsumi32steve_ type lsusb and see if thre is your flash drive20:36
savidI get this odd error when trying to install libbluetooth-dev -- I'm not sure how to interpret it:  "Depends: libbluetooth3 (= 4.60-0ubuntu8) but 4.61-0ubuntu2 is to be installed"20:36
KeGeeST123Hello ima new at here lol20:36
trismrallias0: you could do: watch adb devices; and it will continually run the command and print the output to the screen20:36
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=== IAmNotThatGuyToo is now known as AbhiJit
allu2xbonesx, i just needed to get older package from debian repos and authenthicate on it and then use aptitude to upgrade to the ubuntus newer version and it had the details and authentication done already :)20:37
ArunomiMy problem is that the mouse is living it's own life from time to time.20:37
steve__Katsumi32, the only new entry that appears when the drive is inserted is "Bus 002 Device 006: ID 1b1c:0ab1  "20:37
usserrainrain, hm, something is not right. if you could pastebin the entire output of glxinfo that would be great20:37
lafa_arcan someone tell me a application for remove the packages (or softwares we can say) properly also with temp files ?20:37
Katsumi32Arunomi, how does she do that ?20:37
rainrainusser: i will log off this mc and get the amilo on the net and log back on20:38
Acidphasemaybe someone can give me a hand here the fglrx will not install20:38
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SolvedKatsumi32: I boot ubuntu, and as soon as I open an application or even just move the mouse sometimes, the screen freezes, and I have to reboot20:38
thedude42Acidphase: I have the same issue20:38
Katsumi32steve_ so it isnt recognised do you know the name of this stick ?20:38
ArunomiThe pointer starts vibrating and can some time jump from one side of the screen to the other20:38
Solvedand it only happens when I boot using live CD20:39
thedude42Acidphase: what kernel version are you using?20:39
Acidphasebasically saying I have dependency issues just wish I knew which ones, fglrx was working I used the recent update now no go...20:39
Katsumi32solved did you try to boot in recovery mode  minimal graphic and than check hardware drivers ?20:39
Acidphase2.6.32-25-generic #4420:39
obaid_Solved, when you boot from CD, it takes time to load the programs from CD, specially if the CD is scratched or the Cd drive is old, dont load the programs quickly so it wont hang20:39
Acidphase(64 bit version)20:40
SolvedKatsumi32: How am I supposed to boot live CD in recovery mode20:40
steve__Katsumi32, yes, it is a corsair survivor, but the usb VID/PID shows it as a "Corsair Flash Voyager USB Device"20:40
funkiwanBoot help needed: I can't seem to boot my system when i remove a drive that used to be part of a raid1 array, but has since been removed via mdadm. The grub2 menu loads, and the Kubuntu loading image displays briefly, and then the screen goes blank aside from a blinking cursor in the upper left corner.20:40
ArunomiIt often happen when the comp has been one for a while.20:40
steve__Katsumi32, when I have looked it up on the net that is20:40
rallias0trism: i specifically need a shell script because it needs to be a somewhat high speed access. Is there a way to accelerate watch?20:40
thedude42Acidphase: same thing happened to me, and I also used the swat PPA for bleeding edge xorg drivers, and same problem20:40
Solvedobaid: If I wait 15 minutes and then open an application or do something else, it still freezes20:40
Acidphaseyou using Lucid?20:40
ArunomiIt often happen when the comp has been own for a while.20:41
thedude42Acidphase: yes, Lucid 64 bit as well20:41
ArunomiIt often happen when the comp has been on for a while.20:41
Acidphasehmm I'm going nuts  try to purge and install20:41
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Katsumi32Solved, do you have flash drive or other cd ? burn it again20:41
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Acidphasedoes anyone know if there is a way to rebuild the fglrx from the install image?20:41
SolvedKatsumi32: Its the cd I got from ubuntu, not one I downloaded of the internet20:41
thedude42Acidphase: I've resolved to shut off my second monitor, run in low graphics mode until they push out a fix... and resolve to not do kernel or video updates the first day they are released20:41
savidWell, I guess I just had to downgrad a version of my currently installed libbluetooth3.  Not sure why libbluetooth-dev requires an exact version (=) instead of >=.20:42
AcidphaseI dont understand why I cant roll it back20:42
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Acidphaseit was working and now it's not20:42
rallias0how do i fix an unexpected end of file error when running an sh script?20:42
obaid_Solved, live cd isnt meant to be used for productivity, just diagnostic, rescue, installation..etc20:42
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Katsumi32Solved, im not sure but if it was me i would burn it again cuz if u got from ubuntu it maybe scratched if you burned it  yourself maybe other issue just tyr make new live cd20:42
thedude42Acidphase: if you're totally up on your dpkg-fu I think you could use some pinning tricks to get the old packages back, however I am far below that level of competance20:42
Acidphaseya me to20:43
funkiwanWould love some help with my boot problem. Anyone?20:43
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Acidphasewhat if we were to build the packages from an older driver version?20:43
Katsumi32steve_ and your usb is recognised when you click on places do you see new  hdd or anything ?20:44
SolvedKatsumi32: but I downloaded ubuntu off it and it works fine20:44
theixleI'm having trouble printing to a shared printer on a windows machine. I've read all the how-to's on the forum but A) They don't match my kubuntu printer setup options and B) If the windows printer is shared in samba by default I don't know the smb:// address.20:44
thedude42Acidphase: I was poking around launchpad looking at bugs and it seems like there's a boatload of auto-generated crash reports created in the last 24 hours for fglrx-installer20:44
Acidphasehalf of them are problem from me LOL20:44
ArunomiDoes any one had this problem20:44
trismrallias0: you can use the -n argument to specify the seconds, the default is 2s though, I can't imagine you change devices quicker than that. For a shell script, you could use an infinite while loop and sleep, but you can't sleep less than second precision anyway, and you will be limited to out fast the interpreter starts and stops anyway20:44
Katsumi32Solved, so its working or not? if one cd doesnt work and other do work whats the problem ?20:44
rainrain__usser; back again ... http://pastebin.com/KRihPJPS20:44
lee_how do i install awn extras?20:44
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SolvedKatsumi32: I need to use gparted but I dont have the administration rights to do without live CD20:45
obaid_funkiwan, whats problem with ur booting ?20:45
jrib!software > lxlee20:45
ubottulxlee, please see my private message20:45
rallias0trism: i'm not switching devices. I'm rooting my phone20:45
lafa_ar can someone please tell me a application for remove the packages (or softwares we can say) properly also with temp files ?20:45
funkiwanobaid_: I can't seem to boot my system when i remove a drive that used to be part of a raid1 array, but has since been removed via mdadm. The grub2 menu loads, and the Kubuntu loading image displays briefly, and then the screen goes blank aside from a blinking cursor in the upper left corner.20:45
Acidphasehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/FglrxInteferesWithRadeonDriver <=== I tried that bs as well with no avail..20:45
thedude42Acidphase: yeah I don't really know the root cause of this.... I went and fixed the problems in the source file that the apt-get messages pointed to in the make error log, and the build still didn't go through which makes me believe that there are more things afoot20:45
valentino_tugahi. how do i install the login window on ubuntu netbook edition?20:45
Acidphasefor some reason I think it's  a kernel header problem20:46
Katsumi32Solved, does it ask you for password? and if you want to resize partition and u have got windows already installed u can do it under windows very easy in control panel20:46
skritevalentino_tuga: install gdm20:46
usserrainrain, hm looks ok, did you try plugging it the external monitor and restarting xorg?20:46
thedude42Acidphase: yeah that tutorial is pretty old and the problems it resolves only apply to older versions20:46
usserrainrain, sometimes it doesnt detect it until you restart x server20:46
rainrain__usser, sorry - how do i restart xorg20:47
xbonesxallu2: ya me too suddenly it jjust worked ??? lol :p20:47
Katsumi32Acidphase, what card do you have?20:47
Katsumi32i know its ati what ver Acidphase ?20:47
thedude42Acidphase: yeah the make errors seem to also say it possibly has an issue with the newer kernel, and the bleeding edge PPA stuff only seemed to break for the older kernel module build, but broke in another way for the newer kernel20:47
AcidphaseI have a HD587020:47
trismrallias0: if you need it as fast as possible: while true; do adb devices; done;20:47
rainrain__usser, the ext monitor is s-video20:47
valentino_tugaskrite gdm is already installed20:47
Katsumi32Acidphase, i have good news for you :)20:48
Katsumi32Acidphase,  go to amd and get propper driver for your card it will work perfect trust me20:48
AcidphaseI did that20:48
allu2xbonesx, :D i was too impatience to wait  :P20:48
Aemaethwhat about my intel card?20:48
lafa_ar can someone please tell me a application for remove the packages (or softwares we can say) properly also with temp files ?20:48
Acidphasestill having problem20:48
Aemaeththey never have anything for intel :(20:48
thedude42Acidphase: yeah the ati catalyst NEVER works for me, ever20:48
Katsumi32Acidphase,  can you show me the web you have got your driver from ?20:49
Aemaethlafa_ar, synaptic?20:49
csmith1994hey guys how can I network my ubuntu machine to my stand alone win98 machine20:49
AcidphaseI got it from ATI20:49
valentino_tugawhat is the shell name of the login window?20:49
AbhiJitvalentino_tuga, gmd20:49
AbhiJitno i think not sorry20:49
Katsumi32Acidphase, there is many drivers for different cards wait sec20:49
lafa_arAemaeth: synaptic can not clean the temp files. i remove many thinks with it. example : wine. but now when i check for wine files on my filesystem i see many many temp files...20:50
AcidphaseGameBeast:~/catalyst$ ls20:50
FloodBot3Acidphase: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:50
Ichatlafa_ar:  -  you can do that with synaptic,   'by forcing removall   -      reed the help file20:50
csmith1994so I can transfer files between them20:50
Katsumi32acid you have got desktop pc right ?20:50
Katsumi32ok wait20:50
lafa_arIchat: it cleans the other temp files from fileysystem or just from home directory ?20:50
csmith1994can anyone help me?20:51
lafa_ar Ichat: because i know that force removal is to remove the home directory files...20:51
AcidphaseI even tried GameBeast:~/catalyst$ ls20:51
FloodBot3Acidphase: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:51
Katsumi32Acidphase, one more question is your ubuntu 32 or 64 ? a20:51
obaid_csmith1994, yes20:51
Padsterhas anyone had the copy window stop when it's done and just stay up?20:51
AemaethKatsumi32, anything about those intel cards?20:51
valentino_tugain ubuntu login window is located in administration. in ubuntu netbook remix i cannot find it20:51
xbonesxanyone bothered to try and get evolution to use pop3 for yahoo email?20:51
Katsumi32Acidphase, one more question is your ubuntu 32 or 64 ? a20:51
AcidphaseI have 64bit20:52
Katsumi32ok sec20:52
csmith1994obaid_ I have a win98 stand alone machine and a laptop running ubuntu I want to connect the two so I can transfer a file without a disk20:52
Acidphasebtw I even tried this - sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite fglrx*.deb20:52
Acidphaseand this.. sudo apt-get -f install20:52
obaid_csmith1994, you have got a network ?20:53
Katsumi32Acidphase, this is your driver and it work download that one and if you have any problems ask me    http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.1&product=
Anom01y_hey I am trying to install Xubuntu on this Acer Aspire computer designed for MS vista, but the keyboard / mouse fail to work when I try "try ubuntu" or "install ubuntu".   They work however to access the bios settings, and they also work at the startup menu of the xubuntu 9.10 live-cd.   Just wondering how to get them to work ?20:53
Katsumi32acid to install it u have to just click on it and u dont need to uninstall anything20:53
Acidphaseya thats the one I downloaded =P20:53
thedude42Acidphase: are you getting the error saying 'Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 2.6.32-25-generic (x86_64)20:53
csmith1994obaid_ I have an ethernet cable and a network but the win98 isn't on the network. my main problem is that I have files on my flash drive but cant transfer them because win98 doesn't have the necessary drivers20:53
Acidphasethedude no20:54
Acidphaselittle different I check in a second20:54
Anom01y_I have tried several keyboards so that makes me think it is USB drivers for this computer that are the problem20:54
csmith1994i'm using the transfer to move a driver file so I can use the flash drive20:54
thedude42Acidphase: do a apt-get remove --purge on all your fglrx packages20:54
obaid_csmith1994, you can install usb flash drive drivers on win9820:54
CrazyBoyname !!20:55
thedude42Acidphase: find the packages using dpkg -l | grep fglrx20:55
CrazyBoynombrenme !!!20:55
Acidphaseok one sec20:55
Katsumi32Acidphase,  the driver should work with your card for sure i have hd4850 and it work perfect20:55
marloshi everyone.. :)20:55
thedude42Katsumi32: what kernel version are you running?20:55
thedude42Katsumi32: we're on 2.6.32-2520:55
obaid_csmith1994, http://www.technical-assistance.co.uk/kb/usbmsd98.php20:56
xbonesxNeed someone to help me get evolution using pop3 and getting ubuntu chat to accept my facebook account for chatting??? please someone!20:56
Katsumi32it does work on 2.6.32 too thedude4220:56
Katsumi32i tested it on 2.6.32 and 2.6.3520:56
Padsterubuntu chat? there is none20:56
thedude42Katsumi32: we both started this issue after a recent (yesterday) kernel update20:56
Anom01y_LIghts don't even come on20:57
Anom01y_hello ?20:57
marlosWhat do you think of the Ultimate Edition?20:57
Katsumi32thedude42, i know one thing i tested both catalyst and os driver and the os doesnt work well it use more cpu and 3d isnt good with catalyst i cant change whatever i want to when idle the cpu stays 0 gpu load 0 temp 35C20:58
AcidphaseI'm going to rebuild the packages just for you20:59
Katsumi32thedude42, if u have 2.6.32-12 and u upgrade to 2.6.32-15 there is nothing differentt between those kernels mean your driver wont work diferently20:59
AcidphaseI even replaced the downloaded file maybe it's corrupt21:00
thedude42Acidphase: unlikely21:00
Acidphaseya I know =P21:00
Aemaethis there any easy way to figure out the path to a usb device? say if i plug in my phone and i want to know where it's represented?  i know lsusb will list the devices, but it's in a form i don't understand how to access in other programs21:00
Acidphase(got to humor him)21:00
Katsumi32Acidphase, see me on prv i will try to help you if u want21:00
thedude42Acidphase: I think the script even has an embedded md5 that it checks itself against21:00
Acidphaseya it does21:01
erUSULAemaeth: in a terminal « tailf /var/log/messages » then plug the phone. the devices ( if any ) should appear in the terminal debug messages21:01
obaid_tail -f21:01
thedude42Aemaeth: do you even know whether your phone presents a serial console interface via the hardware you're plugging in?21:01
Aemaeththedude42, yea, ive no trouble with my phone, that was an example21:02
ubottuHi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots21:03
thedude42Aemaeth: device nodes are created typically by udev, but scripts can also add them.... but if there are no udev rules for the USB device then only scripts or manual intevention will create /dev device nodes21:03
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com21:04
ubottuLinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as a kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux21:04
AemaetherUSUL, ehci_hd?21:04
trism!msgthebot | neriukas21:04
ubottuneriukas: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".21:04
Jesdiscipleo, I c - Neriukas is the reason it's spamming so much =p21:04
Aemaeththedude42, kk, good to know, thanks. so how hard is it to just test if something can be used like that?21:05
erUSULAemaeth: no that's the driver. paste the complete output to a pastebin21:05
erUSUL!paste | Aemaeth21:05
ubottuAemaeth: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:05
rainrain_usser, restarted xorg but no change - i am now thinking that if i could just get some way of doing the 'fn + F4 key' to switch displays then it might work because maybe it 's not going to see the s-video - do you know how i could do this from a menu or something - FN + F4 is setup on the laptop for switching display but on linux is seems to do something else21:05
thedude42Aemaeth: since the usb id's are unique to the device you can typically google for them to see what support is out there21:05
=== zz_Darky is now known as Darky
thedude42Aemaeth: and if you haven't run the command 'dmesg' after plugging in the device, you'd want to do that to see what the kernel thinks21:06
AemaetherUSUL, http://paste.ubuntu.com/496056/21:07
erUSULAemaeth: well now we know there is a problem «  cdc_acm: probe of 2-1:1.0 failed with error -2221:07
xbonesxIs there a way to remove workspaces?21:07
Aemaethdmesg does little i understand right now21:07
xbonesxI only need two...21:07
coolroot--erUSUL: bro...why is it that everytime i restart my laptop all my screenlets are gone and my background changes? in my screenlets i actually check the box saying autorun on start or something like that?21:08
Aemaethxbonesx, its in compiz, towards the top21:08
thedude42Aemaeth: all you care about in the dmesg output is what pops up in the minute or so after you plug in the device21:08
xbonesxAemaeth: ty21:08
Aemaethxbonesx, general options, not sure how low you can go21:08
Aemaethand then desktop size21:08
theixleI'm having trouble printing to a shared printer on a windows machine. I've read all the how-to's on the forum but A) They don't match my kubuntu printer setup options and B) If the windows printer is shared in samba by default I don't know the smb:// address (smb://<local ip> didn't work)21:09
thedude42Aemaeth: so unplug the device, wait a bit, run dmesg, see what it looks like, plug the device back in, wait a minue, run dmesg again, see if anything new popped up21:09
xbonesxAemaeth: got two too work... ty :)21:09
erUSULAemaeth: unfortunetly searching google with the error does not shed any ligt ....21:09
Aemaethxbonesx, i use 6, did you know in compiz you can make unique wallpapers for the different backgrounds?21:09
xbonesxAemaeth: no i didnt how?21:09
ActionParsniptheixle: does Linux have a driver for the make / model ?21:09
AemaetherUSUL, thanks, you and thedude42  pretty much gave me what i need to work on this21:10
PadsterAemaeth: you can? since when?21:10
Aemaethsince forever, but you have to go into gconf settings and turn off nautilus's control of desktop21:10
ActionParsniptheixle: does the windows system's firewall permit local traffic (if one exists)21:10
Aemaethyou lose icons and mount points on desktop but gain different wallpapers21:10
theixleactionparsnip: I thought that was part of the benefit of printing to a windows shared printer. That you don't have to have the drivers on linux.21:10
Andre_Gondimhi, I did a installation by wubi and when I pass from gdm, my ubuntu just crash, and I only have reboot to do, any tip?21:10
ActionParsniptheixle: yep, you need the driver21:11
AemaethThen you just use compiz's wallpaper plugin to list the wallpapers in order21:11
theixleactionparsnip: No firewall on the windows machine, and I can print to that windows printer from another windows amchine on the network.21:11
Aemaethlearning how to do that in compiz let me learn gconf settings, and now i have some cool settings for different programs21:11
PadsterAemaeth: oh, well, i'd rather have my usb sticks then different wps21:11
coolroot--why is it that everytime i restart my laptop all my screenlets are gone and my background changes? in my screenlets i actually check the box saying autorun on start or something like that?21:12
ActionParsniptheixle: because the driver will be the same so it will copy across nicely21:12
theixleactionparsnip: what do I do to check the drivers?21:12
Aemaethjust can't see the mount points, Places works fine for me, Paddy_NI21:12
ActionParsniptheixle: what make / model is the printer?21:12
rainrain_i think i need  a program to assign hotkeys in ubuntu - could anyone recommed a really easy to use one for a linux newbie - gui please21:12
theixleactionparsnip: hp psc 50021:12
ActionParsniptheixle: it'll work, hp love linux21:12
AbhiJitrainrain, you can do that from system-->preferences-->keyboard shortcuts?21:13
PadsterAemaeth: ? i mean the usb sticks showing up on the desktop.21:13
Aemaethand since i have to hide the data drive from relatives, it kills two birds with one stone, even though i have them locked out anyhow21:13
ActionParsniptheixle: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPPrinter21:13
erUSULcoolroot--: really dunno; i do not use them myself sorry21:13
AemaethPadster, then we are on same page, yes this is not for you21:13
ActionParsniptheixle: make sure the share name of the printer has no spaces (makes life easier)21:13
YerushalmiHey folks. Today I turned on my computer to discover an "initramfs" prompt and the multiple "No such file or directory" error messages on mounting root/dev, root/sys, and root/proc. Help!21:13
Aemaethi hear kde can do it easier21:13
Aemaethbut then you're stuck in kde :(21:13
rainrain_AbhiJit: i though i looked there - i am needing the switch on external display21:14
theixleactionparsnip: I tried that tutorial, but it doesn't match with my Kubuntu printing setup screens21:14
AbhiJitrainrain, dunno what you want. i am goign now. try asking in channel if anyonw knows then they will answer. by have a good day!21:15
=== obaid_ is now known as onaogh
neriukas?? Alt + Print Screen21:15
rainrain_AbhiJit: thanks anyway21:15
AbhiJitrainrain, bye21:15
AbhiJitbye all gn sd! :)21:15
Somtinanyone know of an irc channel where i can get help setting up jackd under ubuntu 10.04?21:16
Aemaethnetwork printers show up supa easy in ubuntu21:16
theixleactionparsnip: Well, when I click Browse, it doesn't find the printer named hppsc500.21:16
ActionParsniptheixle: if you open the computer in the samba browsing method that kde uses, when you see all the shares, can you see the printer too?21:16
theixleactionparsnip: hrm, i don't know if i'm familiar with the samba browsing method you mean21:16
rainrain_my fn and f4 key combination doesnt switch external display like it did in windows - any one know how i can turn on/off the ext display21:17
ActionParsniptheixle: in the address bar of (I guess) dolphin, type: smb://servername      do you see all the shares?21:17
Lollipop56rainrain_, check my pm21:18
theixleactionparsnip: I'm trying smb:// and it's not working. That is the ip of the windows box with the hp psc 50021:20
erUSULSomtin: #ubuntustudio ?21:20
ubottuThe short life and hard times of a Linux Virus http://librenix.com/?inode=2121:20
Somtini'm not using ubuntustudio, just plain ubuntu with jackd installed, but i'll give it a try, thanks.21:20
ActionParsniptheixle: ok try adding a printer, then select smb printer and fill in the details. I'd also ask in #kubuntu21:21
theixleactionparsnip: Error msg from dolphin: "Unable to find any workgroups in your local network"21:21
Aemaethneriukas, but i have heard of scripts that can be loaded in a normal web browser and without elevated privileges do some bad21:21
ActionParsniptheixle: you may have to edit /etc/samba/smb.conf to make sure the system is in the same workgroup21:22
theixleactionparsnip: Isn't this what I tried first?21:22
neriukasaemeath block flash and java ;)21:22
theixleactionparnsip: Is the printer shared in samba by default? I didn't set up samba on the windows computer ever. I just shared it like the ubuntu help tutorial said.21:23
neriukasaemeath it is possible21:23
ethereticI have a wireless connection which partly works - irc and p2p does, www amule ping doesn't. Anyone hazard the cause?21:24
ComradeHaz`etheretic, no dns....21:24
Aemaethneriukas, already block everything, but to ignore it would be like big companies that deny flaws21:24
Aemaethor not flaws...21:25
g0bl1nin Maverick 10.10, Netbook edition, how can one change the left icons menu ?21:25
ethereticComradeHaz`: do have dns, but can't ping them.21:25
YerushalmiToday on booting up I got a series of three "mounting failed: no such file or directory" error messages, "target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init", and an "(initramfs)" prompt. Can someone help me?21:25
ActionParsniptheixle: can you ping the IP?21:25
ActionParsnip!10.10 | g0bl1n21:25
ubottug0bl1n: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+121:25
g0bl1nActionParsnip, ty21:25
theixleactionparsnip: yes21:26
ComradeHaz`Then you need to find out why. I'm afraid I'm not the man to ask though really. But certainly if you cann'e piong 'em ya cann'e use 'em!21:26
Paddy_NIetheretic, firewall, port...?21:26
erUSULetheretic: what is the error from ping ?21:26
Paddy_NI!amule | etheretic21:27
ethereticComradeHaz`: raht. any way to force other dns'es?21:27
ProNihilistmy touchpad has a function key combo to disable it (acer laptop) and it's usually disabled, but I'm trying to use it now and even when I enable it (and get the OSD message to show it is enabled) it wont work, still acts like it is disabled21:27
ethereticerUSUL: host unreacable.21:27
ComradeHaz`depends how things are set up, can be defined in your interfaces file.21:27
neriukasaemeath you don't block flash you block that you don't need, linux or another os in universe isn't safe never be safe21:27
erUSULetheretic: something odd in the routing table?21:27
step21_hey, someone know how to umask locked directories on an os x part. for the normal user? or if not umask something else that works?21:28
* etheretic doesn't rememer how to suppress irc sever messages (leavejoin) ... ?21:28
Corruptorhi all!! =)21:28
erUSULetheretic: depends on the irc client21:28
ProNihilistetheretic: /ignore #ubuntu joins parts quits21:28
Aemaethneriukas, yeah, there was that adobe thing going around right? so anything running the official software was at risk, ever hear anything on that? all news said was it existed21:28
ActionParsnipetheretic: what client?21:28
coolroot--is there any apps like screenlets?21:29
ethereticerUSUL: pidgin atm.21:29
Aemaethlike screenlets? there's screenlets21:29
ActionParsniptheixle: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-409593.html21:29
Paddy_NIcoolroot--, gdesklets, cairo-dock, awn, google gadgets21:29
Aemaethi like awn better than docky21:30
ethereticActionParsnip: can't www, othervise I'd search. :*)21:30
erUSULetheretic: i think pidgin needs extra plugins for that ... but i really dunno21:30
ActionParsnipetheretic: if you bring up the main pidgin screen, press CTRL+U   and turn on the "Join / part hiding" plugin21:30
zaidkahi. my ubuntu has a loud and weird beep sound.. hwo can i fix that?21:30
ActionParsnipetheretic: if you can't www how are you on here???21:30
erUSULstep21_: moun it with the correct uid gid dir_mask etc options21:30
erUSULstep21_: see "man mount"21:30
neriukasaemeath, you can be safe if you are not stupid and don't open all files like linuxvirus, or something, but you can relax because visurs for linux are very little, but remember you need antivisus and firewall21:31
erUSULstep21_: hfs section btw21:31
ethereticActionParsnip: beats me. read back.21:32
step21_erUSUL: I tried but it does not seem to be recognized. umask=000,uid=1000,gid=100021:32
shugartanyone have any thoughts why I can't get a dell vostoro 200 to boot from CD (tried CD drive and USB-CD drive, runs memtest86+ just fine from CD) but won't load kernel ?21:32
Aemaethneriukas, yeah, i know mang, and i'm not even sure how complicated they could make that html script, might be able to do little21:32
ComradeHaz`Gentlemen, is there a graphics safe mode for ubuntu installer as mentioned in this post: http://tb-nguyen.blogspot.com/2010/03/ubuntu-install-error-blank-screen.html21:33
guntbertetheretic: see http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Hide_join_part_messages#Pidgin.2FGaim21:33
ActionParsnipetheretic: tried adding the google DNS instead of your iSPs?21:33
ethereticActionParsnip: has happened before.21:33
ComradeHaz`Pressing f4 on my install media for 10.4 doesn't yield such an option21:33
Jordan_Ushugart: Has any distro booted on this machine? What happens when you try to boot?21:33
erUSULstep21_: :/21:33
ethereticActionParsnip: no - howto?21:33
ActionParsnipetheretic: in network manager (or whatever you use) set the interface to use DHCP for addres only then set the DNS servers to and
shugartJordan_U: I got FC9 to boot on it, when I boot it it just hangs with the cursor blink21:34
=== Granis` is now known as Granis
Jordan_Ushugart: What graphics card?21:34
step21_shugart: sounds like it does boot (memtest) but that somehow the kernel can't access it. maybe try some boot options at the boot prompt?21:34
neriukasaemeath i am not surry, but i think web browser can open danger code, like java application witch can scan files like online antivirus or delete or spy files, just look from practise21:35
shugartJordan_U: intel intergrated 256MB chip21:35
shugartstep21_: any suggestions ?21:36
CamFox"/set beep_when_window_active ON"21:36
CamFox"/set beep_when_away ON"21:36
CamFox"/set beep_msg_level MSGS NOTICES DCC DCCMSGS HILIGHT"21:36
FloodBot3CamFox: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:36
CamFoxOoops, sorry21:36
theixleactionparsnip: Ok followed the instructions there but the printer and/or samba share still isn't getting found.21:37
theixleactionparsnip: Like I said I never set any samba settings on the windows machine. Just enabled sharing in the printers properties.21:37
shugartstep21_: turning noapci off seemed to do the trick21:37
ropeanyone know about mod_wsgi?21:38
Vbitzabout 2 times in the last month my hp mini 211 netbook has droped into low graphics mode, this seems to be caused by gnome-terminal since it has been open when this happens, i am unable to restart x from this state and just shut it down21:38
step21_shugart: :)21:39
ActionParsniptheixle: what windows version is sharing the printer (please not win7)21:39
shugartstep21_: thanks, I should have caught that, didn't remember apci21:39
becomingGuruHow do I crop an image, on Ubuntu... Efficiently, to a fixed size21:40
theixleactionparsnip: nah, xp21:40
toxictuxbecomingGuru, using the shell?21:40
YerushalmiToday on booting up I got a series of three "mounting failed: no such file or directory" error messages, "target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init", and an "(initramfs)" prompt. Can someone help me?21:40
llutzbecomingGuru: convert (imagemagick)21:40
ActionParsniptheixle: good, win7 has a new samba, its weird21:41
becomingGurutoxictux, llutz here is the detailed question: http://superuser.com/questions/190177/crop-image-to-a-fixed-size-on-ubuntu21:41
becomingGuruI want to be able to select the appropriate portion21:41
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!21:41
ActionParsniptheixle: http://www.willmer.com/kb/2005/05/printing-to-windows-xp-printer-from-ubuntu/21:42
rizzuhsudo rm -Rf /21:42
toxictuxbecomingGuru, you can use gimp21:42
rizzuhYou've all been deleted.21:42
ActionParsniprizzuh: don't bother21:42
toxictuxbecomingGuru, the cutter tool is quite powerfull21:42
becomingGurutoxictux, No, The number of clicks and mouse operations will make me retarded, by the time, I do for all... Gimp has no easy way21:42
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!21:43
Trian3Oh, joy.  I just rebooted Ubuntu to find that upon logging in all I have access to is a terminal screen inside of a non-functional GUI.  Between reboots, I installed KDE.  Could that be related?21:44
theixleactionparsnip: This is where my settings differ from the posted instructions. From system->printers->add printer->windows printer via samba dialog window The only text entry box is a "smb://" box21:44
theixleactionparsnip: No WORKGROUP or HOST text entry box21:45
ActionParsniptheixle: can you send a screenshot of the printer config window. I dont use kde (too slow for my taste)21:45
theixlewell, i've got xfce running21:46
ActionParsniptheixle: in the smb:// bit try typing hostname/sharenameofprinter21:46
ActionParsniptheixle: or ip address istead of hostname21:46
theixleactionparsnip: I've tried "smb://<name of windows machine>/<name of shared printer>21:47
ActionParsniptheixle: try setting the printer as a network printer, put in the IP and then click probe. It may find it21:48
NotBanditIs there a keyboard shortcut to restart GDM?21:48
haywardgbAny recommendations for usb wifi dongles that support injection for Ubuntu ?21:49
erUSULNotBandit: sysrq + k21:49
ubottuIn an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key21:49
erUSULNotBandit: Alt + PrintScreen + k21:49
NotBanditThanks guys :D21:49
ComradeHaz`Crtl + ALt + Backspace not work?21:49
ActionParsnipyou can reinstate the old CTRL+ALT+BackSpace in keyboard settings too21:49
erUSULComradeHaz`: not anymore21:49
ActionParsnipComradeHaz`: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-enabledisable-ctrlaltbackspace-in-ubuntu-9-10-karmic.html21:50
ropecan anyone point me to some tips on ubuntu + mod_wsgi21:50
spid3rxxi use back track ubuntu21:50
ComradeHaz`Why did they disable that?21:50
erUSULNotBandit: note that Alt + PrintScreen + k will kill all userspace processes not just X windows21:50
ActionParsnipspid3rxx: it's not supported here21:50
jribrope: nothing really special to do afaik, just make make sure you install it21:50
ActionParsnipComradeHaz`: because people were losing work or something. I have no idea.21:50
ActionParsnipspid3rxx: because its not ubuntu21:51
ComradeHaz`lol, fools.21:51
erUSULComradeHaz`: to avoid accidental "ooops i lost my work!!!!"21:51
NotBanditThanks erUSUL21:51
spid3rxxno  it is21:51
ActionParsnipComradeHaz`: i know, go figure21:51
ActionParsnipspid3rxx: no, its backtrack21:51
ActionParsnip!backtrack | spid3rxx21:51
ubottuspid3rxx: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)21:51
* ComradeHaz` can't even install Ubuntu21:51
ComradeHaz`Debian and windows both work21:51
tank_hey all, i have a question regarding x sessions: I would like to know how to run a full screen application (nexuiz for now, hopefully wine games down the road) in its own X session. I have heard that this gives better performance, but I mainly want to do it so I can switch between the fullscreen app and my main x session21:51
ComradeHaz`but Ubuntu refuses to show me a display output21:51
spid3rxxok but i need some help21:51
ActionParsnipspid3rxx: backtrack is only based on ubuntu, ust like ubuntu users do not get support in debian channel21:51
tank_how would I go about doing that21:52
theixleactionparsnip: Find network printer with me just putting the name of the windows machine doesn't find it21:52
ActionParsnipspid3rxx: ask in #backtrack-linux then21:52
spid3rxxno they dont toke like ...21:52
ActionParsnipspid3rxx: if you want help in the official channel you must install an official canonical release rather than some homebrew release21:52
Katsumi32spid3rxx, what sort of help do you need?21:52
Aemaethwhat was spid3rxx question?21:53
=== brebrebrebre is now known as |_ocke
spid3rxxi need to get conncted using vpn21:53
spid3rxxon back track 421:53
ActionParsniptheixle: have you asked in #kubuntu21:53
theixleHow do I post screenshots easily again?21:53
erUSUL!screenshot > theixle21:53
ubottutheixle, please see my private message21:53
theixleactionparsnip: Not yet, I didn't want to have to start over with someone21:53
ActionParsniptheixle: press printscreen :)21:53
jlarochei am trying to modify my choices in grub 2, but am having trouble. I simply want to remove something that the grub auto-os locator thingy insists on putting in my boot menu21:53
Katsumi32theixle, use take screenshot21:53
Aemaethand then host on any image hoster21:53
Katsumi32u can paste it at picpaste21:54
theixleI have the files, what site is the one for posting tho21:54
=== Warlord711 is now known as zz_Warlord711
Aemaethany image host21:54
haywardgbtheixle: http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add21:54
spid3rxxi need help21:54
winterelfhey there, i just installed ubuntu 10.04 , and install the "docky" ... i understand that it is not the same as gnome-do, but there is nothing on the web about it, i have no idea how to add "google search" like we have in gnome-do , and stuff like that, there is a build in programs and that's it, it's very minimal21:54
winterelfhave any idea?21:54
Aemaethspid3rxx, i don't really know vpn, if you use the nm-applet then it has settings there21:54
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.21:55
connie|help user21:55
connienet stat21:55
Aemaethand check apt for vpn software if you're lacking it21:55
conniex |name21:55
=== connie is now known as xport
xport|port x21:55
xportchannel admin21:55
xportport canevral21:55
thecdggwinterelf, use awn is better21:55
xportpassword = netwerk21:55
ComradeHaz`[21:55:03] <ubottu> Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it. <--- I'll upload a black rectangle if it will get someone to actually give a monkeys about my issue! :D21:55
ActionParsnipthecdgg: better is an opinion so isnt concrete21:55
spid3rxxwell this is the true21:55
theixleactionparsnip: http://imagebin.org/11466721:55
winterelfthecdgg, i'll check thanks21:56
spid3rxxi dont wante been tracable21:56
thecdggActionParsnip, sorry21:56
jlarochei am trying to modify my choices in grub 2, but am having trouble. I simply want to remove something that the grub auto-os locator thingy insists on putting in my boot menu21:56
theixleactionparsnip: http://imagebin.org/11466821:56
tank_REPEAT: hey all, i have a question regarding x sessions: I would like to know how to run a full screen application (nexuiz for now, hopefully wine games down the road) in its own X session. I have heard that this gives better performance, but I mainly want to do it so I can switch between the fullscreen app and my main x session. How would I go about doing that?21:56
ActionParsniptheixle: looks like the one in LXDE too21:56
]Spectre[hi,I've installed 10.04 on an asus x51r with ati xpress1100,it freeze up on the dm login,can you help me ?21:56
spid3rxxby the what you love guys on ubunttu21:56
spid3rxxi have try it for coupl days21:57
spid3rxxi found back track more scure21:57
hihihi100i need help with this:; hihihi100@hihihi100-laptop:~$ cp Downloads/alsa* /usr/src/alsa21:57
hihihi100cp: cannot create regular file `/usr/src/alsa/alsa-driver-1.0.23.tar.bz2': Permission denied21:57
hihihi100cp: cannot create regular file `/usr/src/alsa/alsa-lib-1.0.23.tar.bz2': Permission denied21:57
hihihi100cp: cannot create regular file `/usr/src/alsa/alsa-oss-1.0.17.tar.bz2': Permission denied21:57
hihihi100cp: cannot create regular file `/usr/src/alsa/alsa-utils-1.0.23.tar.bz2': Permission denied21:57
FloodBot3hihihi100: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:57
guntbertspid3rxx: this channel is not for discussions21:58
kreepermy sound on my computer is not working and when i try to go to the sound settings it just says "Waiting for sound system to respond"21:58
tank_hihihi100: SUDO!21:58
kreeperwhat do i do21:58
]Spectre[no ma'am,we're musicians+21:58
hihihi100is anythin wrong with that connad kine?21:58
llutzhihihi100: sudo cp ....21:58
]Spectre[sudo ma godo21:59
hihihi100hihihi100@hihihi100-laptop:~$ sudo cp Downloads/alsa* /usr/src/alsa, like that? it appears to do nothing21:59
YerushalmiToday on booting up I got a series of three "mounting failed: no such file or directory" error messages, "target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init", and an "(initramfs)" prompt. Can someone help me?21:59
vacuoustruth_join #javascript21:59
hihihi100i mean the next line shows just hihihi100@hihihi100-laptop:~$21:59
hihihi100is it done?21:59
llutzhihihi100: yes22:00
Aemaethspid3rxx, to me for desktop use ubuntu offers a more well rounded setup, can still install everything backtrack has, it's just preset for their goals22:00
spid3rxxandthe command are they the sam22:01
spid3rxxor not22:01
ComradeHaz`Guys, is there another channel I can ask in for my issues with the insteller not displaying?22:01
=== vlk4n_ is now known as vlk4n
spid3rxxi meen if i coulde loge into mysql22:01
theixleactionparsnip: any ideas?22:01
hihihi100   tar jxvf alsa-driver-xxx.tar.bz2, do i have to put sudo too?22:01
=== obaid_ is now known as onaogh
guntbertspid3rxx:  Do you have an ubuntu support question?22:02
ActionParsniptheixle: if you install samba on the client, it may help. It may add the samba option in the printer setup22:02
hihihi100it says tar: alsa-driver-1.0.23.tar.bz2: Cannot open: No such file or directory   tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now   tar: Child returned status 2  tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors22:02
llutzhihihi100: your user won't have write-access to /usr/src22:02
c4181What does it mean if scroll lock and caps lock are flashing on my keyboard?22:02
SubnucleoticPartanyone here use oss the channel is deceased22:02
haywardgbc4181: self destruct sequence :(22:02
hihihi100so what do i have to do?22:02
Aemaethspid3rxx, we can talk in pm, but no, i can't say for certain everything will work the same, and some of the software is hard to find off the backtrack install, so if it works for you keep it22:02
erUSULc4181: "kernel panic" aka "BSOD of Linux"22:02
theixleactionparsnip: the client is the kubuntu machine right?22:02
c4181erUSUL What does that mean?22:02
ActionParsniphihihi100: why not just use the PPA?22:03
ActionParsniptheixle: yes, trying to print to the print server22:03
spid3rxxbut i love now more22:03
guntbert!ot | spid3rxx22:03
ubottuspid3rxx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:03
erUSULc4181: the OS hanged; hard.22:03
spid3rxxi search for the secure and22:03
hihihi100ppa, will i find that in the software center?22:03
erUSUL!sysrq | c418122:03
ubottuc4181: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key22:03
ActionParsniphihihi100: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ricotz/unstable; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade22:03
spid3rxxthe asy to install22:03
theixleactionparsnip: What more do I need to do to setup samba in ubuntu than is setup by deafult?22:04
ActionParsniphihihi100: a PPA is a 3rd party repo, someone has already compiled it so you dont have to22:04
tank_hey all, i have a question regarding x sessions: I would like to know how to run a full screen application (nexuiz for now, hopefully wine games down the road) in its own X session. I have heard that this gives better performance, but I mainly want to do it so I can switch between the fullscreen app and my main x session. How would I go about doing that?22:04
c4181erUSUL Is this a big problem and if so how do I fix it?22:04
ActionParsniptheixle: edit /etc/samba/smb.conf to make sure the system is in the same workgroup as the windows system22:04
YerushalmiCan somebody help me? My computer won't boot up and keeps giving me cannot-mount messages.22:04
shcherbaktank_ simple22:04
provInstallation is becoming a problem for me in ubuntu and the best way I can describe it is just to paste the error output to paste bin-http://paste.ubuntu.com/496077/ Python has not given me problems before and I know it is installed or at least was at some time but I did nothing to remove it. Anyone have any leads for me as to what is going on? I am using ubuntu 10.04.22:05
Aemaethspid3rxx, really with apt-get you should be able to get everything anyone else has22:05
erUSULc4181: when it happened? happened more than once?22:05
shcherbaktank_ go to console (alt F6 or sth) and type xinit -- :1 vt822:05
ActionParsnipYerushalmi: boot to livecd and fsck your partitions22:05
ComradeHaz`Guys, my graphics card keeps dropping to a mode that is outside the displayable range of my monitors. It does this during install for ubuntu and after install  in debian but is fine under Windoze. PLEASE can I have some help with this. Been tryiong to sort this for hours :'(22:05
kreeperI think I may have uninstalled my sound package what would the package name be?22:05
spid3rxxlet try22:05
shcherbaktank_ it will open xtem with new server22:05
shcherbaktank_ run whatever u want22:05
tank_shcherbak allright, lemme try that.22:06
ActionParsnipComradeHaz`: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html22:06
Jordan_UComradeHaz`: What graphics card?22:06
spid3rxxnothing all22:06
c4181erUSUL I was here earlier because of a problem upgrading from 8.04 to 10.04 and I have no clue how long it has been like that. I saw that, left it like it was, and came here.22:06
hihihi100im a noob22:06
tank_shcherbak, do I have to switch to a terminal session to do that, or can i do that in bash?22:06
shcherbaktank_ ups Alt Ctrl F6 !!!22:06
YerushalmiActionParsnip: *worried* Last time I did that it found a huge number of errors and asked me hundreds of times to y/n corrections. I yessed them all and still couldn't boot up at the end. Had to wipe my hard drive. Is that usual?22:06
ActionParsnipComradeHaz`: windows is a different OS so what it does or doesnt do is of zero value22:06
spid3rxxi back track 2 the was vpn22:06
ComradeHaz`Of course it is of value. It tells us the GPU isn't hosed.22:06
erUSULc4181: so what is the problem ; exactly? you can not reboot the machine?22:07
ActionParsnipYerushalmi: sounds like a bad drive, the fsck may help. I'd also get the ultimate boot CD and test the drive with the manufacturers tool22:07
spid3rxxbut now its harder to get it22:07
ActionParsnipComradeHaz`: very unlikely as you can see the bootup before the OS even loads22:07
kreeperi g2g i'll bbl22:07
ActionParsnipComradeHaz`: the system wont even POST if the GPU is fried22:07
c4181erUSUL I have no control over it. Should I shut it down by holding in the power button/22:07
spid3rxxi was booting my ubunttu on vmare player22:08
shcherbaktank_ u may do in from gnome or kde but u need change configuration22:08
erUSULc4181: yes or try the key combo i told you earlier22:08
spid3rxxlike that i dont need for22:08
erUSUL!sysrq | c418122:08
guntbert!u | shcherbak22:08
ubottushcherbak: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.22:08
c4181erUSUL Thanks! Will try.22:08
erUSUL!sysrq | c418122:08
ubottuc4181: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key22:08
erUSULc4181: there22:09
theixleactionparsnip: How do I found out what workgroup the windows system is in?22:09
shcherbakubottu y?22:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:09
YerushalmiActionParsnip: It's not really a drive per se, I run my computer off an SD card.22:09
SubnucleoticPartreisu and b22:09
SubnucleoticPartwhile holding alt + prsc22:09
xbonesxare there any backend programs you have to have in order to get pop3 to work with evolution?22:09
theixleactionparsnip: And is this what I modify in smb.conf? " workgroup = WORKGROUP "22:09
ActionParsniptheixle: right click my computer -> properties -> computer name tab22:09
cautionwhat version of python does ubuntu 8 have?22:10
cautionis there a site where I can find that out?22:10
erUSUL!info python hardy22:10
ubottupython (source: python-defaults): An interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is important. Version 2.5.2-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 137 kB, installed size 600 kB22:10
ActionParsnipYerushalmi: its the same to Linux, its a block device just like a platter based drive.22:10
shcherbakhoe to make alias in irssi to convert u in you?22:10
Jordan_UYerushalmi: SD cards can often go bad fairly quickly, you might just have a bad card.22:11
caution!info python 922:11
ubottu'9' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, partner, stable, testing, unstable22:11
caution!info python jaunty22:11
ubottupython (source: python-defaults): An interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is important. Version 2.6.2-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 138 kB, installed size 624 kB22:11
ActionParsnipYerushalmi: the boot option should make the video failsafe and should boot ok22:11
=== richard is now known as Guest29401
theixleactionparsnip: Ok, the winXP computer is in workgroup: WORKGROUP22:11
euptcdoes ubuntu take advantage of multi-core processors?22:11
theixlesame as what's in smb.conf22:11
AemaethJordan_U, i have an sd card that likes to scramble my mp3's into each other :D FUN!!22:11
theixleactionparsnip: Didn't have to change anything22:12
guntbertshcherbak: please don't use abreviated english - thats why I told ubottu to send you a factoid22:12
caution!info python hardy-backports22:12
ubottuPackage python does not exist in hardy-backports22:12
euptc!info multicore22:12
ubottuPackage multicore does not exist in lucid22:12
=== connie is now known as dispewtyik
dispewtyikchek markz the spot22:12
dispewtyikx c v radio22:13
dispewtyikescape velocity22:13
dispewtyikshrew city22:13
guntbertdispewtyik: wrong window?22:13
dispewtyiklsd chemyc!22:13
Aemaethtell me more, dispewtyik22:13
c4181erUSUL Shut down by power button. Result [        2.796364] Kernal Panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)22:13
dispewtyikuki.net |oleilw*PHONE22:13
ActionParsniptheixle: ok thats cool, has the samba print been added to your print options now?22:14
dispewtyikpower werth |wraith,22:14
shcherbakgnutgert is picky, but ok. no more "u"22:14
guntbertdispewtyik: stop that please22:14
dispewtyikdrug hinesty22:14
dispewtyikshrew grew22:14
erUSULc4181: :( maybe something wrong with grub conf22:14
dispewtyik|procrat, x22:14
Stas797Hi all I`ve a mayb22:14
dispewtyikuki.net.com* 909-999922:14
dispewtyikadmin register access pro22:14
guntbert!ops | dispewtyik won't stop22:14
ubottudispewtyik won't stop: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!22:14
dispewtyikorp ssecca retsiger22:15
dispewtyikpro crate | phl!p rar*,ikp.win22:15
dispewtyikskat puild |px22:15
YerushalmiActionParsnip: What do you mean, video? I'm afraid I didn't understand that sentence at all...22:15
c4181erUSUL What do I do about it. The first thing happened sometime during or after upgrade. If you know how it will make this a whole lot eaiser if you can tell me how to install 9.04 from CD to external hard drive.22:15
theixleactionparsnip: If by "has the samba print been added to your print options" you mean, does system->printing->add printer->windows via samba find the windows samba share, then no.22:15
tank_shcherbak: you're the man. now just for learning purposes, i know what the rest of the command means, but whats vt8?22:16
erUSULc4181: i think that you are booting with hardy ( 8.04 ) kernel and that's why it fails... can you check in grub menu what kernel do you use to boot ?22:16
xbonesxis there a command line for listing hardware drivers installed???22:16
c4181erUSUL Sure.22:16
craigbass1976I'm trying to plan out an app I'm writing, and my whiteboard isn't big enough.  Are there any apps in the repos that will allow me to do something like a bunch of sticky notes that I can draw lines to and from22:16
Aemaethcraigbass1976, there are a couple sticky note programs22:17
haywardgbcraigbass1976: just google mind mapping for ubuntu ;)22:17
c4181erUSUL There is a lot of 10.04 kernals22:17
ActionParsnipYerushalmi: does the install CD boot to a black screen?22:17
erUSULc4181: 2.6.32.something?22:18
craigbass1976haywardgb, mind mapping...22:18
Stas797hi all, i`ve a question, looked up but fount nothing - i have an aspire one but no bluetooth, but still i have a bluetooth led and the most interessting a bar (button) to turn bluetooth on and off- when i use the bar my screen gets lighter - so my question is - is there a way to controle whats happening when i use the button (e.g. start terminal)?22:18
haywardgbcraigbass1976: mind mapping software does exactly what you're looking for!22:18
c4181erUSUL That is at the top22:18
xbonesxI've been reading loads of threads with this same problem but their all out-dated and for versions other than lucid??? help please22:18
ActionParsnipYerushalmi: if the device is making noises about data loss it may be failing, SD cards only have a limited number of writes, is the card old?22:19
shcherbaktank_ vt - vittual terminal -- from 1 to 6 for text (mostly) 7 and rest for x (mostly)22:19
pys_enammy ubuntu failed on updates. so what should i do now ? i have to format it ?22:19
YerushalmiActionParsnip: Haven't tried it yet, but it never did before.22:19
haywardgbcraigbass1976: you might also consider open source project management software?22:19
craigbass1976haywardgb, It sounds it, I'd just have never thought those were the words I'd be searching for.  I was thinking markerboard.  :)22:19
ActionParsniptheixle: if you are using xfce you could ask in #xubuntu too22:19
=== geowany_ is now known as geowany
YerushalmiActionParsnip: Yeah, it's pretty old. And this happens every so often. It could seriously be dying?22:19
craigbass1976haywardgb, I don't think it's ready for project management yet; I'm still in the "pull things out of ...." stage22:19
tank_shcherbak: so I should incorporate that into launch scripts for my fullscreen programs?22:19
haywardgbcraigbass1976: the application I use is called Freemind22:20
Aemaethi know one of the popular sticky note programs had a line feature, so you can get that schizophrenic beautiful mind thing going.22:20
YerushalmiThe reason I use the SD card rather than the internal drive is that the internal drive is too small to have both my OS and a swap file, and Ubuntu refuses to use a swap file on an SD card.22:20
shcherbaktank_ xinit - start x (! check man) -- :1 sending x to new display (echo $DISPLAY)22:20
theixleactionparsnip: Yeah, but shouldn't this be pretty standard across WM's. The ubuntu/kubuntu tutorials are all identical for finding shared windows printers.22:20
ActionParsnipYerushalmi: could be, they only have so man writes (but unlimited reads)22:20
spid3rxxwhen i coulde found ubuntu totu22:21
tank_shcherbak: whats that? and wouldnt startx start gnome?22:21
ActionParsniptheixle: do you have smbclient installed22:21
c4181erUSUL 2.6.32-21-Generic is at the top.22:21
YerushalmiWikipedia says 100,000 times.22:21
YerushalmiI'm trying to figure out if that's a lot or a little...22:22
craigbass1976haywardgb, That's what I was about to install.  We sell 4x8 foot sheets of markerboard at the lumber yard where I work, I just hadn't gotten round to stuffing one in my chevy cobalt yet...  THank you, in advance, for the app idea; this might be what I'm after22:22
erUSULc4181: i've seen people fixing it by installing grub2 ...http://wwww.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=977740422:22
ActionParsnipYerushalmi: depends how much hammer you give it etc22:22
theixleactionparsnip: samba is already the newest version.22:22
YerushalmiMaybe I'll buy myself a new one and do a simple copyover of everything...22:22
erUSULc4181: from a livecd chrrot into the install22:22
ActionParsniptheixle: what about smbclient22:22
shcherbaktank_ well, if you need, to start second gnome type startx22:22
haywardgbcraigbass1976: good luck, glad I was of some help.  i love mind mapping :)22:22
c4181erUSUL I might try it but I think I just go from CD and hope it work.22:22
AemaethYerushalmi, luckily flash cards are getting cheaper, look into setting them up in a raid array if you can get more than one installed at one time22:23
erUSULc4181: ok22:23
shcherbaktank_ that what?22:23
theixleactionparsnip: Yeah, already newest version too22:23
tank_shcherbak: xinit - start x (! check man) -- :1 sending x to new display (echo $DISPLAY)22:23
craigbass1976haywardgb, well, eventually sticky notes come unstuck and blow away (dogs and kids in the house) so this will be better anyway.22:24
samuelkadolphAnyone know why my vim would start inserting newlines after I type a space then start typing again?22:24
Stas797where to start if i want to disable or reconfigure some hardware buttons on my netbook? (ubuntu 10.10)22:24
ActionParsniptheixle: hmm, i'd ask in #xubuntu they may know a thing or 322:24
ActionParsnip!shortcuts | Stas79722:24
ubottuStas797: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts22:24
erUSULsamuelkadolph: #vim ?22:24
tank_shcherbak: also, something weird is going on with this. now ive launched nexuiz in another x session, and it works. problem is, sound doesnt play in its xsession, instead, it seems to be playing in my current session22:24
YerushalmiHmm. I'll think about it. Thanks for the help :)22:24
Aemaethcan't wait to see what freemind is22:25
shcherbaktank_ just explanation xinit is starting server, -- :1 direct it to new display (if you try 0 then server will terminate)22:25
Stas797ActionParsnip - No I mean HardwareButtons - e.g. WiFi button22:25
realubotHow do I get the deafult Ubuntu window borders working on Wine applications too? The option in winecfg doesn't seem to work.22:25
haywardgbAemaeth: It's a mind mapping tool for linux !22:25
xbonesxSIGMATEL STAC 92XX C-Major HD Audio <---- need help getting any kind of driver to work with this22:25
tank_shcherbak: kk22:25
erUSULxbonesx: laptop ?22:25
shcherbaktank_ vt8 in the end saying where your new server is (Alt Ctrl F8)22:26
ActionParsnipStas797: if you run: xev   does it make an event?22:26
xbonesxerUSUL: yes22:26
ActionParsniprealubot: i'd ask in #wine22:26
d4v1d04Anyone here got an n680-based motherboard with SATA harddrives?22:26
erUSUL!intelhda | xbonesx22:26
ubottuxbonesx: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto22:26
ActionParsnip!anyone | d4v1d0422:26
ubottud4v1d04: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:26
shcherbaktank_ you can run as many x as you want22:26
hihihi100i installed the ppa, does that mean I dont have to follow the instructions found at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php/Quick_Install ?22:26
anygivennamehi....when I click a file & it opens a window so I must select the right application to run that file....how do I reach the exe file of that application ?22:26
tank_shcherbak: kk, thanks very much so far, but now theres this annoying sound issue22:26
BLZbubbais it possible to install ubuntu onto an iscsi device that can boot via PXE?22:26
Stas797ActionParsnip - yes22:26
ActionParsniphihihi100: its installed and ready to rock22:26
erUSULxbonesx: also installing « linux-backports-modules-alsa-lucid-generic » wont hurt22:27
d4v1d04Ok, does anyone here have any issues running ubuntu on an nvidia n680-based motherboard with sata hdds?22:27
tank_shcherbak: all the sound from both sessions (main session and nexuiz session) is playing in the main session, and theres no sound in the nexuiz session22:27
ActionParsnipStas797: then you can jump into the keyboard settings and apply the press to one of the items in there22:27
hihihi100k, action, but I still have the problem that prompted me to reinstall, I cannot hear any sound,a dn it seems ALSA does not recognize my SIS azalea soundcard22:27
tank_shcherbak: what can be the problem there?22:27
guntbertd4v1d04: don't ask if others have issues, tell us your problem22:27
hihihi100could u take a look at http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=cdee2e41f06f41f9f47daf0ca11ff9e28190b132 ?22:28
shcherbaktank_ yes, have same trouble.22:28
erUSULtank_: everytrhing is being routed through man session pulseaudio22:28
shugartBLZbubba: look into etherboot.org22:28
anygivennamehi....when I click a file & it opens a window so I must select the right application to run that file....how do I reach the exe file of that application ?22:28
ActionParsnip!sound | hihihi10022:29
ubottuhihihi100: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.22:29
d4v1d04guntbert: I don't have a problem at the moment, I'm wondering if it's worth downloading/installing knowing that I've had SRST failures on boot before with older versions of ubuntu22:29
shugartBLZbubba: you can do it with a little tuning and gPXE from the etherboot guys22:29
macohihihi100: reinstalling wont fix a lack of driver support. you can try installing linux-backports-modules-alsa-lucid-generic (assuming 10.04 or -karmic-generic if 9.10)22:29
shcherbaktank_ b4 playing have to kill flash plugin and restart pulseaudio, still searching for a sound fix22:29
theixleactinoparsnip: Should wins support be enabled in smb.conf?22:29
realubotActionParsnip: Ok, thanks.22:29
ActionParsnipanygivenname: there is no exe, that is a windows construct. Linux has binarys and most are present in /usr/bin22:29
xbonesxerUSUL: figured it out, but do you know how to get pop3 working with evolution?22:29
tank_shcherbak: k thx dude. ill try to help as much as I can.22:29
anygivennamei meant the file liek the exe in windows22:29
BLZbubbashugart: is it part of the install process, or do i have to install a system and then cobble together the rest?22:30
tank_erUSUL: know any fixes?22:30
theixleactionparsnip: (I'm asking in #xubuntu #kubuntu as well atm)22:30
macohihihi100: that package will pull in a newer alsa driver which *may* add support for the device22:30
s3ain thunderbird, what does "use global inbox" mean?22:30
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:30
hihihi100linux-backports-modules-alsa-lucid-generic, thats what I need, cause no matter what, the sound icon always appears as muted, and it still doesnt recognize my sis azalea soundcard22:30
erUSULtank_: no; sorry.22:30
BLZbubbashugart: ah nice22:30
ActionParsnipanygivenname: its a binary in linux. its also what they are in windows but people call them exes as that is the file extension, file extensions dont mean much in linux22:30
tank_erUSUL: ty anyway22:30
shugartBLZbubba: you basically will make a bootable ubuntu image and then use PXE to direct it from the DHCP host.22:30
erUSULxbonesx: should just work... gmail account?22:30
xbonesxerUSUL: yahoo22:31
guntbertd4v1d04: I see - I only can tell you that I haven't heard of any problems but that doesn't mean there aren't any - ask in the forums - or just try it out :-)22:31
xbonesxi got the address for incoming and out going but it doesnt sync any of the mail22:31
erUSULxbonesx: yahoo allows pop3 access now?22:31
Jay-after upgrading to 10.10 my wireless card stopped being able to connect to my home network (worked previously in 10.04) according to lspci i have a RaLink RT286022:31
ActionParsnip!10.10 | jay-22:31
ubottujay-: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:31
oTeam0what extension have an exploit?22:32
BLZbubbashugart: nice, you can replace the built in PXE22:32
d4v1d04ok guntbert, I'll see if I can get a USB-based ISO, thanks22:32
xbonesxit works from my palm pre... which is linux based...22:32
xbonesxerUSUL: it works from my palm pre... which is linux based...22:33
shugartBLZbubba: yep, and get really custom with it, such as iscsi, AoE, FC, or http22:33
Jay-ActionParsnip, that would mean something if people were talking in that channel22:33
guntbertd4v1d04: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick22:33
hiexpoola all22:33
ActionParsnipJay-: maverick is offtopic here22:34
guntbertd4v1d04: or better https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent22:34
Jay-ActionParsnip, ok well thanks for nothing then22:34
ActionParsnipJay-: no problem22:34
FlannelJay-: People are in that channel, they may be AFK at the moment, or asleep, or whatnot.  But you'll eventually get an answer.22:34
erUSULxbonesx: accornding to the web it should just work (tm)22:34
erUSULxbonesx: http://www.simplehelp.net/2007/08/11/how-to-set-up-evolution-for-email/22:34
ActionParsnipJay-: it even told you in the room message when you joined...22:34
d4v1d04guntbert: thanks very much :D22:35
tank_shcherbak: do you think theres a way to just have it play all sound on all x sessions?22:36
tank_shcherbak: instead of just doing it session by session?22:36
sh4d3sl4y3r_Is there any website which provides access to the official kernel configuration files of Ubuntu?22:37
EvilPhoenixhow can I have something load so it shows in lsmod even if the corresponding device is not connected22:37
Gneash4d3sl4y3r_: what for? they're in /boot/ already22:37
GneaEvilPhoenix: what's the point?22:38
tank_sh4d3sl4y3r_ Gnea: yeah they don't call it an open source OS for nothing22:38
MerrittUpdates seem to have frozen setting up a new kernel. Can anyone tell me the safe way to deal with this? Just kill it and restart updates, or..? http://picpaste.com/pics/update-fail-iBPioYNV.1284845951.png Thanks!22:38
sh4d3sl4y3r_no I am asking an archive of all the versions. like Debian does22:38
ActionParsnipEvilPhoenix: its a waste of resources but you can modprobe the modules you wish22:38
EvilPhoenixGnea:  USB device that I might plug in after boot22:38
shcherbaktank_ some player works below x (mocp mpd), so no problem with it, but some application need to be stopped (flash gnome-player)22:38
erUSULEvilPhoenix: sudo modprobe something22:38
ActionParsnip!hi | a22:39
ubottua: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:39
aI need help with ubuntu 10.04 and an ati xpress110022:39
GneaEvilPhoenix: you could write an rc.local to load them, or add them to /etc/modprobe.d/22:39
sh4d3sl4y3r_Gnea: something like this I am looking for. http://merkel.debian.org/~jurij/22:39
aRunning ubuntu 10.04 in video safe mode ubuntu works ok22:39
ActionParsnipa: you will get notified every time someone says a sentence like the one I am typing as it has a in it22:39
aguitelwhrn i launch hardware drivers it say:Downloading package indexes failed, please check your network status. Most drivers will not be available. how fix this ?22:39
aWhen I run it in normal mode,the dm freeze up22:39
ActionParsnipa: does the screen go black?22:40
aActionParsnip,no it freeze up on the dm login22:40
xbonesxerUSUL: evolution says error while fetching... ?22:40
erUSULxbonesx: really dunno; works for me with gmail account22:41
ActionParsnipa: what video card do you use?22:41
aAti xpress110022:41
Gneash4d3sl4y3r_: that's a good question. I'm not sure if one exists, and if it did, what the url would be.22:41
sh4d3sl4y3r_this thing is very useful who wants to see how the stocks are made of22:42
hiexpohello ActionParsnip  / Gnea  / guntbert22:42
aguitel erUSUL ,launch hardware drivers it say:Downloading package indexes failed, please check your network status. Most drivers will not be available. how fix this ?22:42
ActionParsniphiexpo: yo22:42
aActionParsnip,it would be ok for me to run ubuntu in the fail safe x video mode,but I don't know how to configure it in the ubuntu "normal mode"22:42
ActionParsnipa: if you install the proprietary driver then reboot, is it ok22:42
* Sansui350A = ShawnDBruce in the forums.. you all suck.. xD22:42
TheLimeRunnerI like chicken22:43
Gneahiexpo: good evening22:43
guntbert!ot | TheLimeRunner22:43
ubottuTheLimeRunner: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:43
TheLimeRunnerHow do I cook chicken with Ubuntu?22:43
aAcionParsnip,so System>Administration>Synaptic>fglrx,and reboot ?22:43
hiexpotha\nx all back atcha22:44
TheLimeRunnerNo help?22:44
GneaSansui350A: we do? :)22:44
guntberthiexpo: :)22:44
coafcvI want to update from 9.04 to 10.04, however, I will make a fresh install and copy the application-specific folders from my old home folder to the new one. could this cause problems (e.g. if the format of config files changed from app versions in 9.04 to 10.04)? I'm talking about Apps like Firefox, Opera, Mozilla Thunderbird, XChat, etc.22:44
TheLimeRunnerYou fucking cunt heads.22:44
erUSUL!ot | TheLimeRunner22:44
ubottuTheLimeRunner: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:44
GneaTheLimeRunner: we don't need you.22:44
erUSUL!ops | TheLimeRunner22:44
ubottuTheLimeRunner: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!22:44
user01hi i thought id try a fresh install, and i forgot my home directory was encrypted . . . how do i decrypt it after a fresh install?22:44
erUSULtsimpson: sorry22:44
tank_shcherbak: http://www.nexuizninjaz.com/forum/Thread-How-to-Running-Nexuiz-without-a-Window-Manager.html22:44
songera: no escribas todo en mayusculas, va contra las normas. La proxima vez seras expulsado.22:44
Sansui350AGnea, most of the support for Ubuntu sucks.. or they just don't care...22:44
macoa: please don't do that22:45
tank_shcherbak: think i found something regarding our sound issue in there22:45
GneaSansui350A: really? that's a fact?22:45
EvilPhoenixusing modprobe... is it just modprobe <mod name> to load it, or is it something else22:45
guntbertuser01: I hope you recorded the passphrase22:45
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:45
fuorviatosCan anybody help me with chroot?22:45
tank_shcherbak: xterm -e alsamixer22:45
Sansui350AGnea, yup.. seen it happen MANY times.. heh22:45
user01guntbert: i know what it was i think yes22:45
GneaSansui350A: then you haven't been on irc much, have you?22:45
jlarochedoes anyone in here use cairo dock by any chance?22:45
tank_shcherbak: put that into a startup script, perhaps?22:45
jribI AM YELLING22:45
[thor]jlaroche: i am using it,ues22:45
Sansui350AGnea, I used to sit in here days on end.. IRC isn't THAT bad.. forums SUCK though..22:46
ActionParsnipEvilPhoenix: modprobe will load the module you name, the opposite is rmmod22:46
GneaSansui350A: if you only rely on one or the other, yes22:46
guntbertuser01: I'm not talking about the user password, the passphrase is a verylong, random sequence of characters22:46
EvilPhoenixgot it22:46
user01guntbert: ah no  . . . probably not then22:46
shcherbaktank_ worth to try, thx a lot22:46
macoActionParsnip: i thought "modprobe -r" was more recommended because of dependency resolution... same reason for modprobe over insmod22:46
songerIdleOne: no escribas todo en mayusculas, va contra las normas. La proxima vez seras expulsado.22:46
erUSULmaco: it is;22:47
ActionParsnipmaco: wasnt aware, thought it was synonymous22:47
maco!es | songer22:47
ubottusonger: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:47
macoIdleOne: what are you doing?22:47
Sansui350AGnea, meh.. I said my qualms on the forum.. and I run Arch and Fedora 13/14 now.. though I DO have Mint 9 Gnome on one machine..22:47
guntbertuser01: then you are out of luck - sorry22:47
yaccHmmm, any known problems with firefox in Lucid? I'm getting Inconsistency detected by ld.so: ../sysdeps/x86_64/dl-machine.h: 466: elf_machine_rela_relative: Assertion `((reloc->r_info) & 0xffffffff) == 8' failed!22:47
guntbertSansui350A: please keep to the topic22:47
tank_shcherbak: imma use the script they put up, see if it works.22:47
yaccinstead of a firefox when I try to run it.22:47
Sansui350Aguntbert, eat me22:47
mattgyverjust bought a laptop with an ati radeon card inside, graphics and desktop effects work fine, any reason to install the proprietary drivers?22:48
ActionParsnipyacc: tried the mozilla ppa?22:48
GneaSansui350A: you know, if something works for you, then stick with it and enjoy. maybe if you didn't have such a bad attitude people would respect you more. sadly, you have not earned mine.22:48
ActionParsnipmattgyver: if its not broke, dont fix it22:48
mattgyverActionParsnip, you think like me :)22:48
symualrhi.. anyone can explain what is lsmod22:49
macosymualr: lists all currently loaded kernel modules22:49
yaccActionParsnip, I'm just doing that now, no it's the standard ff from lucid 10.04.1 that bombs for me :(22:49
user01guntbert: so it wouldnt be in the "wrapped-passphrase" file?22:49
mattgyversymualr, it lists modules in use.  check man lsmod22:49
Sansui350AGnea, I used to be nice about Ubuntu's stuff. .bit ubu-fail pissed me off.. meh.. judge all you want.. you'll never have the pleasure of knowing who I really am22:49
tsimpsonSansui350A: keep on topic or move the discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic22:49
symualroh. thx22:49
guntbertuser01: it would be there - I didn't know that you had that :-)22:49
NAetoi have big problem22:49
erUSULSansui350A: modest type you are ;)22:49
ActionParsnipyacc: no idea about the error, i ditched firefox years ago22:49
NAetoanyone speak italian?22:50
GneaSansui350A: I can see why you had problems with it now.  anyway, you know where the door is. :)22:50
ActionParsnip!it | NAeto22:50
ubottuNAeto: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:50
oTeam0how i can make my ip static?22:50
IdleOneerUSUL: could you please join -ops22:50
Katsumi32Sansui350A, everything ok ?22:50
Sansui350AGnea, meh..22:50
Sansui350AKatsumi32, noes22:50
yaccActionParsnip, so what are you using then?22:50
Sansui350AKatsumi32, thanks for asking though.. xD22:50
Katsumi32Sansui350A,  see my prv message22:50
notworkingmy tunapie2 isnt working right... It downloads all music but I cant hear anything 10.04 vol up22:50
notworkingvlc in preferences22:51
ActionParsnipyacc: arora and chromium daily22:51
guntbertuser01: please see http://www.linux-mag.com/id/7568 for a really nice tutorial22:51
yaccActionParsnip, well chromium is not that bad, although the adblock support is still not that good, ...22:51
spid3rxxhow to use vpnc on back track or ubuntu22:51
eneticHello everyone :) im new here :P22:51
spid3rxxhelp pro22:52
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:52
hiexpoenetic, ask you ? all in one line thanks22:52
user01guntbert: all i did was rename user01 to olduser01 then nuked every thing not on the home partition22:52
spid3rxxhow to use vpnc on back track or ubuntu22:52
ActionParsnipyacc: not sure what that is but its not for everyone. Just got sick of appauling flash cpu / ram use, arora and chromium use a lot less resources in flash22:52
=== oxidkor is now known as sl8t0r
spid3rxxi a user to22:52
symualrmaco, mattgyver : explain this for me please..22:52
spid3rxxhow to use vpnc on back track or ubuntu22:52
ActionParsnipspid3rxx: backtrack isnt supported here22:52
enetichiexpo, sorry, what?22:52
hiexpospid3rxx, #backtrack-liinux22:53
spid3rxxgod plese22:53
spid3rxxi now22:53
guntbertspid3rxx: you have been told repeateldy that we don't support backtrack here22:53
spid3rxxbut gest help me22:53
ActionParsnipspid3rxx: so why are you asking in here?22:53
spid3rxxhow to use vpnc22:53
jhamboWhen USB fat32 drive is mounted through device notifier , it is mounted read-only.  I can't write to the drive even with sudo.  What is the command to mount the drive so that I can write to it??22:53
spid3rxxthat all22:53
andaiHow is WMA file played?22:53
=== Aaron5367 is now known as Aaron5367|detach
hiexpoenetic, just ask your ?22:54
macospid3rxx: you run "sudo vpnc" and give it the info it asks for22:54
ActionParsnipjhambo: you may need to use some UIDs when mounting so that it isnt mounted writable by only root22:54
jhamboActionParsnip: how do I do that22:54
spid3rxxi give the info but i stay in my location22:54
mattgyversymular, its basically showing that two modules 3 modules are curerntly loaded, I can only assume (and thats dangerous) from the description that its due to a usb device you have configured22:54
ActionParsnip!mount | jhambo22:54
ubottujhambo: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount22:54
mattgyversymualr, this might help; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lsmod22:55
andaiVLC, Movie Player and Rhythmbox can't play my wma files. Why not?22:55
jhamboActionParsnip: seems very odd that the ubuntu default is to mount it read only...22:55
ActionParsnipandai: if you install w32codecs and ubuntu-restrictd-extras you should be ok22:55
symualrthx mattgyver22:55
MerrittUpdates seem to have frozen setting up a new kernel. Can anyone tell me the safe way to deal with this? Just kill it and restart updates, or..? http://picpaste.com/pics/update-fail-iBPioYNV.1284845951.png Thanks!22:55
andaiActionParsnip I have both22:55
ActionParsnipjhambo: root does the mounting, so it is owned by root22:55
mattgyversymualr, np, just curious; what are you trying to figure out?22:56
hiexpo!media > andai22:56
ubottuandai, please see my private message22:56
ActionParsnipandai: mplayer should be able to play it fine22:56
fuorviatosWhy I don't have any connectivity when chrooting to an existing ubuntu installation from Live cd?22:57
ActionParsnipfuorviatos: you didnt copy your /etc/resolv.conf over, you can populate the one in the chroot with: nameserver   and it should be ok22:58
BFPHm, I installed the newest fglrx from x-swat and the install failed. Now I can't even remove it and use the version from the Ubuntu repositories, and get a "Bad return status for module build on kernel: 2.6.32-24 generic" error. What do I have to do to get this working again?22:58
fxwhat are the steps to manually boot the system from initramfs (my root isnt mounting)22:59
notworkingI cant get my tunapie t work.. settings vlc but no sound.. vol up.. downloads all stations23:00
fuorviatosActionParsnip: So, you mean you must copy the resolve.conf always with chroot?23:00
MaMoUsFirefox sound stopped working with Music player, Ubuntu 10.0423:00
[R]fx: if you cant mount your root... how do you expect to boot?23:00
ActionParsnipfuorviatos: or you can populate the current one yourself manually23:00
d4v1d04is there a command to grab a package from launchpad, or do I need to find it manually on the site?23:00
fx[R], i mean it wont mount by itself, if i do mount /dev/vda /root from initramfs it mounts23:01
MaMoUsFireFox sound Stopped working with Music player or any thing, i have to run them each one alone, Ubuntu 10.0423:01
hiexpowget the link23:01
[R]fx: so do that23:01
fuorviatosActionParsnip: Just with a random IP address?23:01
symualrmattgyver, im trying to figure out which module is uselees23:01
theixleactinoparsnip: I've gotten no help from #kubuntu or #xubuntu, but I've been playing around with samba. When I run the command ' smbclient -L <windows name> ' it shows the windows machine and the printer. But it doesn't actually connect to the samba share.23:01
ActionParsnipfuorviatos: no, with ACTUAL DNS server IPs23:01
d4v1d04Never mind, I found it... (bzr) :P23:01
ActionParsnipfuorviatos: is google's publi DNS server23:02
fx[R], then im stuck, /root/vmlinuz says permission denied (its chmodded -x for some reason), what do i do? should i be running /init at some point?23:02
fuorviatosActionParsnip: Great. So, how come chroot doesn't provide this function?23:02
[R]fx: what do you mean vmlinuz is permission denied...?23:02
ActionParsnipfuorviatos: its not chroots job, chroot just changes to the different environment. If there are no DNS servers defined there then that is not chroot's job to resolve23:03
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[R]fx: you're not trying to execute the kernel are you...23:03
erUSULmattgyver: no23:03
erUSULmattgyver: sorry; misstyped23:03
fx[R], errrr...I came here for help, and your making me look like an idiot (its even worse because im not sure what i should be doing *with* the said kernel)23:04
MaMoUsany one please ?23:04
[R]fx: why would you do anything with a kernle... the kernel is already running23:04
ActionParsnip!sound | MaMoUs23:04
ubottuMaMoUs: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.23:04
fuorviatosActionParsnip: I get you, but why does the connection work with LiveCD and won't with chroot?23:04
guntbertuser01: sorry, it took a while -- http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2009/03/mounting-your-encrypted-home-from.html  helps you to access the directory from another /a new system23:04
[R]fx: you should just be abel to exit out of the shell once you mmounted it properly23:04
fx[R], ^D ?23:05
ActionParsnipfuorviatos: the dns has been applied to the livecd environment via dhcp, the OS you are chrooting to has not got the dhcp set dns, the resolv.conf is setup by network manager which isnt running in the chroot23:05
[R]fx: thats one way23:05
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fx[R], its ok if i mount it ro? right? thats how its supposed to be?23:05
ActionParsnipfuorviatos: if you use a static IP you will need to also define the DNS servers manually too, if you then chroot into this system the DNS servers will already be set23:06
[R]fx: it can be eitehr way23:06
=== alinef is now known as AlineDevil
fx[R], i should probably mention that i swapped disks on this machine, (pervious disk was sda, and boots fine, new one is vda)23:07
[R]fx: ubuntu uses uuid... so i dunno waht kind of broken hardware you have that its not "just working"23:07
fx[R], it might use UUIDs in fstab, but lilo still wants sda23:08
ActionParsnip[R]: it can use /dev/sdaX etc, it doesn't have to use UUID, it just solves a lot of headaches if you do23:08
[R]uh... a) lilo? b) lilo doesn't care what the hard drive is called... the kernel does23:08
ubottulilo is an alternative [Li]nux Boot[Lo]ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead.23:09
[R]fx: and somethign is seriously wrong if you are not using uuid on your kernel command line23:09
jinxxAfter installing ubuntu 10.04 updates just now, update-grub seems to have seriously messed up my triple boot.  It used to go: Ubuntu, Fedora, and Sabayon (edited in my /etc/grub.d/40_custom because ubuntu wouldn't detect it).  Now, it's pretty much all sabayon and my Fedora 13 kernels are listed as sabayon as well (and it tries to boot sabayon to a fedora kernel).  My /boot/grub/grub.cfg: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/nSpcLepQ -- can anybody help?23:09
test34what type of disks use VDA?23:09
andaiis there any way to play wma files on x64 (without chroot etc?)23:09
fxok back to beginning, i install 10.04, remove the disk, insert a different type of disk (with copied contents) and it drops me to initramfs (last time i fixed it by somehow booting the system and rerunning lilo with config root=/dev/vda1 and that)23:10
fxits pretty much vanilla install23:10
Aemaethi found a program that will track pc if it's stolen, but problem i see with that is if it's stolen they wont be able to log into my system to activate program :/23:11
[R]Aemaeth: if its run from init... it doesnt matter23:11
Aemaethwhat thief will boot up linux at all?23:11
[R]Aemaeth: how would they know?23:12
ComradeHaz`!nvidia binary23:12
Quantum_IonAemaeth, It is so eay to break into an Ubuntu Linux system23:12
Aemaethbut i figure a thief would install a copy of windows to sell it23:12
[R]Aemaeth: AFTER trying to boot it and steal your data23:12
Aemaethmaybe, i had one stolen by someone, they pawned it, didn't even check the system23:12
tank_ andai: vlc media player plays everything23:12
test34r, if they boot with a live cd it wont load23:13
tank_andai: sudo apt-get install vlc23:13
[R]Aemaeth: then that was a stupid theif23:13
Aemaeththey have to steal, they're not smart enough for that23:13
Quantum_IonAemaeth, A thief would steal your computer and part it out on Ebay23:13
Aemaethtry saying "live cd" in the streetz, i don't think people will suggest distros23:14
test34Aemaeth, just keep an eye on your laptop or insure it somehow23:14
Quantum_IonAemaeth, Thieves are smarter than you think23:14
LemanHTCAnyone got a lenovo ideacentre with ubuntu?23:14
tank_Aemaeth: do what I do. handcuff yourself to it.23:14
Aemaethi put an RFID tag in my wrist, my computer doesn't unlock unless my wrist is near it23:15
test34Aemaeth, you could make it blow up if it's 20ft or more away23:15
test34(or when it looses RFID signal23:15
Quantum_IonAemaeth, All a thief needs is your hard drive and a screw driver23:15
ComradeHaz`Better still, make it 3 feet with a 3 mega-tonne explosion.23:15
ComradeHaz`Do us all a favour.23:15
Aemaethwell, it was a rhetorical question anyhow23:16
test34hehe ComradeHaz`23:16
ComradeHaz`Oh good. Can we ignore you then?23:16
Aemaethi think thermites enough23:16
Aemaethyea sure, mang, whatever you like23:16
Quantum_IonAemaeth, A thief would rather have an Android device nowadays lol23:16
ComradeHaz`Hi guys, just need a bit of a reminder on how to install nvidia binary drivers using command line only.23:17
test34Aemaeth, you would probably be better off with a gps tracker installed inside23:17
willHow safe is a LiveCD when it comes to viruses/trojans/etc.?  Is it safer than an installed Ubuntu?  I know that few viruses are written for Linux (last I checked).23:17
downloadfrenzyhi all23:17
[R]will: nothing practical23:17
thecdggserieshow to inactive the touchpad?23:18
[R]will: and a livecd is a read-only (with an in ram r/w overlay) environment... so even if you get osmehting... reboot, boom its gone23:18
Aemaethhttp://adeona.cs.washington.edu/ this is the program i was talking about...23:18
tank_will: don't be so paranoid. unless its a persistent live cd, you can't write to it23:18
ComradeHaz`[R], rootkits?23:18
Quantum_IonAemaeth, Ubuntu Linux really isnt all that secure try an OS like OpenBSD23:18
[R]ComradeHaz`: a rootkit isn't a virus...23:18
[R]ComradeHaz`: its you being a moron and doing things as root that you shodu'nt be23:18
ComradeHaz`A virus can run in a livecd environment and install a rootkit23:18
Quantum_IonAemaeth, Blame the Grub2 bootloader23:18
test34ComradeHaz`,  sudo apt-get install nvidia-173 ? maybe23:19
AemaethQuantum_Ion, wut? i didn't say anything i don't think23:19
thecdggserieshow to inactive the touchpad?23:19
fxdoes fstab get touched during initramfs stage?23:19
[R]fx: fstab isn't used until init runs23:19
fxwho runs init?23:19
test34Quantum_Ion, there is no secure OS23:19
[R]fx: the last thing in the intramfs23:20
fxthen who mounts root fs?23:20
Quantum_Iontest34, OpenBSD is pretty secure when configured right23:20
[R]fx: the initramfs...23:20
andaiI can't get WMA9 to playback on VLC (or mPlayer with medibuntu) on Lucid x64. But it works in VLC in WINE, lol.23:20
[thor]thecdggseries: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad23:20
will[R]:  can I remove the overlay environment?  Make it so NOTHING can be changed in system/application dirs (even in RAM)?23:20
test34Quantum_Ion, if you have physical access to a computer, it's not an OS that will stop someone23:20
[R]will: you can do whatever you want23:20
Aemaethlol, i like that page, simply uninstall touchpad support, it's THAT EASY!23:21
Quantum_Iontest34, I can get root on an Ubuntu Linux system in 5 seconds if it is front of me23:22
Quantum_Iontest34, All I have to do is change a line in the Grub2 boot system23:22
will[R]:  I've successfully followed the LiveCD cusomization page to make my own LiveCD.  Is there some simple command I can run while chrooted, to remove the overlay environment?23:22
fxhaha, booted the system, all i had to do is 'ln -s /dev/vda1 /dev/sda1 :P23:22
test34Quantum_Ion, thats what I just said.. you can do the same with any OS23:22
guntbert!ot | Quantum_Ion23:22
ubottuQuantum_Ion: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:22
AemaethQuantum_Ion, but can you access my encrypted home drive? not even i know how to get to that sometimes23:23
[R]will: the initramfs is what sets it up... so you'll hav eto look into how it does it and if there is a switch to turn it off23:23
Quantum_IonAemaeth, lol23:23
histoAemaeth: no one can get in your encrypted drive even with physical access to the machine23:23
douglasi want to join #thegeekgroup23:24
Aemaeththere was that code i was supposed to write down, i lied to my computer when i said i would23:24
yeastwarsis there a way to disable the bright red "!" notification icon for updates?23:24
[R]yeastwars: you want to run an out of date and vulnerable system?23:25
yeastwars[R]: no, I want gnome to stay out of the way and stop annoying me with visual clutter23:25
dotIs there a way i can change the screen alignment of my monitor in ubuntu?23:25
akshayany body working with AI bots23:25
yeastwars[R]: I update from the command line when I want to23:25
Aemaeth[R] i could see that happening, admins who say "NO MORE"23:25
douglasim using smuxi how do i join rooms23:25
civiswelcome everybody23:25
douglasor find rooms23:25
civisi have a question23:25
douglasi want to join #thegeekgroup23:25
Flanneldouglas: `/join #thegeekgroup` should work23:25
guntbertAemaeth: but you can have it write the passphrase to a file any time you want (as long as you are "in" it)23:25
fxnext question, in standard install of ubuntu-server 64bit, i get 'init: plymouth-log main process (509) terminated with status 1', considering this is  aheadless machine, i wouldnt mind plymouth gone.23:25
douglasthank you23:26
civishow can i reinstall grub on livecd?23:26
Aemaethguntbert, how that?23:26
yeastwars[R]: there's a "Show notifications" thing in the right click menu, but it's already unchecke23:26
[R]fx: so remove it23:26
[R]yeastwars: in the "software sources" config23:26
Aemaeth[R], i know an admin who wouldn't update pidgin for his kids, he had that on lockdown23:26
fx[R], apt-get remove plymouth -- Bad Idea (tm)23:26
[R]yeastwars: there is a thing for automatic updates23:26
[R]fx: then ignore it23:26
yeastwars[R]: it's also off23:26
coafcvHow would I reinstall grub after Windows selfishly placed its own 512 bytes in the MBR and make GRUB detect both my Linux and Windows partitions?23:27
[R]yeastwars: there might be an option in gconf for update-notifier23:27
d4v1d04why remove plymouth,  it's a nice place :P23:27
fx[R], everything seems to depend on it, but it still errors it23:27
yeastwarscoafcv: from a live cd23:27
erUSUL!grub2 | coafcv23:27
ubottucoafcv: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:27
[R]fx: so ignore it23:27
akshayany body has knowledge on AI bots23:27
notworkingtunapie   Your input can't be opened:23:27
notworkingVLC is unable to open the MRL ''. Check the log for details.23:27
notworking  can someone help me23:27
fx[R], if you had a broken leg would you just 'ignore it' ?23:27
[R]fx: its not a broken leg...23:27
fx[R], then its a wood splinter23:28
[R]fx: remove quiet splash from the kernel line... it should stop plymouth23:28
rogeriocan someone help me23:28
guntbertAemaeth: type ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase23:28
=== douglas is now known as speedrunner
rogerioI want to insttal games 3d23:29
ComradeHaz`Guys, I need to stop X but everytime I kill it (it's running at 100% cpu) is just comes back23:29
yeastwars[R]: I think I found it - "Update notifier" in startup applications. Not sure if it'll work, but it seems like a plausible solution (then again, unchecking Show notifications and Automatic updates also seemed like plausible solutions)23:29
ejcwebCan anyone tell me of a free font editor for Ubuntu? I just want to be able to view the individual glyphs.23:29
step21notworking: probablzy a network or server error? did you check the log_?23:29
yeastwarsComradeHaz`: kill gdm / kdm too23:29
fx[R], its suppose to be in /etc/lilo.conf right?23:29
erUSUL!info fontforge23:29
ubottufontforge (source: fontforge): font editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.0.20090923-2 (lucid), package size 1022 kB, installed size 6228 kB23:29
guntbertAemaeth: see http://www.linux-mag.com/id/7568/2/ (you must register and login to see that page :-(  )23:29
ComradeHaz`I tried stopping gdm, but says stopping/waiting and doesn't seem to stop23:29
notworkingstep21 Im sorry but I dont know how23:29
erUSULComradeHaz`: add a « sudo pkill X »23:29
yeastwarsyou could always -9 it23:30
robinbowesWhere's the firewall (iptables) configured in 8.0.4 ?23:30
rogeriocan someone help me I'm new user Linux23:30
erUSUL!ufw | robinbowes23:31
ubotturobinbowes: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.23:31
yeastwars[R]: yep, that did it. Thanks I guess23:31
ComradeHaz`still doesn't die :D23:31
erUSULrobinbowes: but the firewall is disabled by default23:31
rogerioI want to install games 3d, but with apt-get  or deb packag23:31
yeastwarsComradeHaz`: pkill -9 gdm;pkill -9 Xorg doesn't do it?23:31
notworkingstep21 and wouldn't know what Im looking for if I could.. Is there a step process that I can follow to fix this23:31
erUSULrogerio: playdeb?23:32
robinbowesI have a firewall in place (iptables-save shows the rules)23:32
yeastwarsComradeHaz`: as root, that is23:32
step21notworking: try running it from a terminal, then you should be able to see output.23:32
robinboweserUSUL: thx, btw23:32
ComradeHaz`Ay, yeas yeastwars, thanks23:32
robinbowesI have a firewall in place (iptables-save shows the rules) but I want to add another port23:32
step21accessories > ternminal type: vlc23:32
step21then try the stream23:32
yeastwarsnp :)23:32
erUSULrobinbowes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo#Saving%20iptables23:33
step21there is no step process because just from what you said it could be anything23:33
yeastwarsIs there a way to make the Network Manager applet stop disappearing and reappearing randomly? It's extremely distracting, to say the least...23:33
robinboweserUSUL: OK, so this stuff is not configured by default?23:33
W43372Hi everybody!23:34
zireanyone with wine savvy available to answer a question in #winehq?23:34
erUSULrobinbowes: iptables save restore ? no. afaics23:34
W43372I have brushes for GIMP but I don't know where to put them. Where is it located in the filesystem?23:34
[R]W43372: ~/.gimp-2.623:35
llutzW43372: ~/.gimp-2.6/brushes23:35
step21notworking: if I try your url it says that the connection did not get accepted. so it does seem to be on the server side23:35
Utentehi whenevere i place a symbolic link to a script in rcS.d it's executed twice at boot how do i make it run once ? thx23:35
* enyone_ français ici?23:35
step21nothing you can do23:35
erUSUL!fr | enyone_23:35
ubottuenyone_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.23:35
dotIs there a way i can change the screen alignment of my monitor in ubuntu?23:35
notworkingstep21 I was trying to look up on google how to run in terminal but I am getting frustrated23:35
tank_dot: are you talking rotation, things like that?23:35
step21notworking: it'a server problem, not ubuntu's or vlc's fault23:36
dotno, like the monitors screen is going left, almost covering the ubuntu logo on the applications tab23:36
W43372llutz: ~/. ?23:36
llutzW43372: ~ is users home23:36
notworkingoh ok so If I try another station it should work23:36
civisHow can I reinstall GRUB on LiveCD?23:36
tank_dot: hmm. thats odd. check your resolution perhaps?23:37
step21notworking: yes I think so23:37
W43372llutz: OH! So it is in the home folder. That's what I thought.23:37
tank_dot: or the settings ON YOUR MONITOR (not computer)23:37
W43372llutz: the brushes I have are .abr. I was told that they should work with GIMP.23:37
civisDoes anybody have idea? How install GRUB on LiveCD23:38
llutzW43372: sorry, i'm a gimp-noob,23:38
jrib!grub2 > civis23:38
SuspectZerohey there, quick question, im in a bit of a conundrum, my wireless nic wont work on my host so i was gonna install ubuntu 10.4.0 (i htink thts the latest one) as a guest. now would it be possible to connect to the internet in the guest then use that connection on my host as well?23:38
ubottucivis, please see my private message23:38
SuspectZeroalso the wireless nic is usb23:38
W43372so, does anybody know if brushes that are .abr will work in GIMP?23:38
dothm still the same thing23:39
jribSuspectZero: probably not, but check with #vbox23:39
SuspectZerokk thnx23:39
jrib!who | dot23:39
ubottudot: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:39
civisjrib: I've installed GRUB123:39
jribcivis: so what is your question?23:39
songerwhre can i see the settings of the mouse23:40
icedteaanyone know if there's an easy way to go from ubuntu -> kubuntu23:40
jrib!kde | icedtea23:40
ubottuicedtea: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde423:40
civisjrib: I dont know how can I reinstall that GRUB on /sda (not like now /sdb)23:40
jribicedtea: you'll have kde and gnome as an option at login if you install kubuntu-desktop23:40
jrib!grub > civis23:41
ubottucivis, please see my private message23:41
icedteajrib: cool, many thanks23:41
willW43372:  http://www.google.com/search?q=gimp+abr+brush23:41
willfirst hit23:41
civisjrib: mm, ok, I'll try23:42
aarcaneis there a landscape-client available for debian systems ?23:44
bazhangaarcane, yes, its in ubuntu repos23:45
bazhang!info landscape-client | aarcane23:45
ubottuaarcane: landscape-client (source: landscape-client): The Landscape administration system client. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.4-0ubuntu0.10.04.0 (lucid), package size 31 kB, installed size 216 kB23:45
aarcanebazhang, is there one that will install onto a debian system (not ubuntu), and I ask mainly because I found landscape and I love it, but I'm not about to gut my router and replace it with ubuntu right here and now.23:46
=== _pg__ is now known as _pg_
bazhangaarcane, unless you mean debian, for which you should ask in #debian23:46
civisjrib: thanks! that site helped me very much23:47
bazhangaarcane, no idea about debian, this is ubuntu support23:47
aarcanebazhang, I'm asking here because landscape is a service from ubuntu.23:47
jinxxAfter installing ubuntu 10.04 updates just now, update-grub seems to have seriously messed up my triple boot.  It used to go: Ubuntu, Fedora, and Sabayon (edited in my /etc/grub.d/40_custom because ubuntu wouldn't detect it).  Now, it's pretty much all sabayon and my Fedora 13 kernels are listed as sabayon as well (and it tries to boot sabayon to a fedora kernel).  My /boot/grub/grub.cfg: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/nSpcLepQ -- can anybody help?23:47
bazhangaarcane, but debian would package it, not ubuntu; ask there23:48
jribcivis: no problem, thanks for taking the time to read :D23:48
* aarcane facepalms23:49
masalgun server de arch en español??23:51
BellinXFelonis there a program in xubuntu i can use to free up hard disk space23:52
CamFoxBellinXFelon: rm?23:52
ThisPersonHello.  I am having trouble with grub.  I installed Ubuntu 10.04 then Ubuntu 8.04 along side of it.  8.04 replaced the grub but it does not understand how to start into 10.04.  How can I repair this?  I am currently booted from the 10.04 live disk.23:52
BellinXFelonCamFox : what is that23:52
CamFoxBellinXFelon: Sorry, it was a joke. Ignore me23:52
[R]CamFox: how is that a joke...23:52
* CamFox shuts up23:52
[R]BellinXFelon: sounds like you should be reading an "intro to linux" book23:53
BellinXFelon[R]: im pretty familiar with linux, there are just some fundamentals i dont understand yet23:53
buzzard32this person do you want the grub 1 or 2?23:53
[R]BellinXFelon: you are "pretty familiar" but you don't even know what rm is?23:53
BellinXFelon[R]: correct. is that a problem or something?23:54
[R]very much so... because its a very basic command23:54
[R]so you are not "pretty familiar"23:54
[R]if you dont even know what that is23:54
BellinXFelon[R]: thats why i am here asking for help23:54
[R]which brings me back to23:54
[R][03:53:10] [R] BellinXFelon: sounds like you should be reading an "intro to linux" book23:55
buzzard32thisperson do you know what version of grub you prefer?23:55
maco[R]: could be pretty familiar with gnome or kde but not with bash23:55
CamFoxBellinXFelon: try 'man rm' at the command line23:55
ThisPersonbuzzard32; I have no preference as long as it is configured to work properly.23:56
CamFoxBellinXFelon: Although I suspect you're looking for a program to find 'wasted' disk space23:56
BellinXFelonCamFox : yes23:56
=== Darky is now known as zz_Darky
trakinashi fellas! Ive already followed the instructions on ICS, but I keep getting connect/disconnected blinking on my ubuntu screen. and I didnt get ho0w should I configure winXp23:57
ShwaiilQ: I've installed ubuntu first time, wirless is not working. Trying to fix it, but there's a dependency error DKMS. The computer has no internet connection, no ethernet available. What the hell is DKMS ? Any tip ? tks23:58
trakinaswinxp I put,, my ip for the gw, my ip for the dns23:58
smegzorHELP!  I just deleted some files and folders accidentally.  Is there any way to undelete in Ubuntu?  I did not use the trash as I routinely bypass that.23:58
oasikI have compiled a new kernel from git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/ickle/drm-intel23:58
erUSUL!undelete | smegzor23:58
ubottusmegzor: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel23:58
buzzard32thisperson if you fix it with 10.04 live cd you have chosen version 2 of grub. the commands are Grub 223:58
buzzard32Boot live cd with grub 2, ubuntu 9.10 or newer23:58
buzzard32                                                                                                    ## find drive and partition with linux23:58
buzzard32sudo fdisk -l23:58
buzzard32sudo mkdir /media/sda2                                                           ## make a mount point23:58
FloodBot3buzzard32: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:58
buzzard32sudo mount /dev/sda2 /media/sda2                                         ## mount the linux to the mount point23:58
buzzard32sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/sda2 /dev/sda      ## installs grub to the mbr on /dev/sda23:58
oasikbut I do not know to change grub.cfg to work with this new kernel23:58
smegzorthe files were on an ext4 partition if that helps23:59
CamFoxsmegzor: how did you delete the files exactly?23:59
erUSULoasik: if you copied the files to /boot/  "sudo update-grub" should work23:59
ShwaiilError: dependency is not satisfiable: dkms23:59
uLinuxI got to System > Preferences > Preferred Applications > Multimedia: select Custom and put vlc %U for default player but it doesn't do nothing. help23:59

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