
rbelemthe qt guys are hungry for performance, so i think that they will make this change in a very long term00:00
* rbelem is just guessing00:00
persiaI'm not sure, and won't speculate.  I hope it to be sooner because of annoyances like the above.  I know that modern FPUs don't have significant differences between float and double operations (but that such FPUs are not commonly available retail)00:01
lex79ScottK: reject please my -workspace upload, I'd like to fix another bug before00:34
ScottKlex79: OK00:53
ScottKlex79: Done.00:55
lex79ScottK: thanks00:55
ScottKpersia: It's my understanding that the qreal/double issue on armel can't be fixed without breaking binary compatibility so it's a Qt 5 thing to change.00:55
persiaScottK, It is definitely a binary-compatibility breaking thing: thanks for the correct that this means Qt 5 vs. 4.x01:10
persialex79, Thanks.  qreal foo = (qreal) QString.toDouble() seems to work.01:11
lex79you're welcome :)01:12
lex79ScottK: uploaded01:30
* lex79 goes to bed, night01:49
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valoriehow does one figure out what repository an app is in?05:35
valoriespecifically, kaudiocreator05:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kaudiocreator05:38
persiavalorie, How do you mean "what repository"?05:50
valorieit was in beta ppa05:50
valoriebut isn't any more05:50
valorieso how can I see if it's in universe or what?05:51
valoriehave been googling, but.....05:51
persiaYou can use rmadison to see what is in the standard repositories.05:51
persia`rmadison -u debian ...` will tell you what is in Debian.05:51
valorieso rmadison -u kubuntu will do that for kubuntu ?05:52
persiaI think LP shows what PPAs are used sometimes from http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/${package} but I'm not 100% that's the right URL (you can ask in #launchpad)05:52
valorieI thought ubottu knew stuff like that05:53
valoriebut help got me nada05:53
persiaKubuntu doesn't have special repositories (except for the various PPAs).  Although the naming is sometimes frustrating, don't confuse "Ubuntu" the project with "Ubuntu Desktop", the GNOME-based flavour.05:53
valorielooks like it is just part of multimedia05:55
valorieso I'll update my blog post, and answer a question asked me with that info05:56
valorieand kde-apps updated too06:19
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jussiHrm, why is Kubuntu-desktop being kept back on maverick?10:36
persiaDoes C++ automatically call toDouble if I pass a QString into a function expecting a double?10:36
sheytanHey ;)10:37
sheytanDo we have koffice 2.3 beta ppa somwhere?10:37
persiaIs that targeted for maverick?10:48
jussiis this just broken foor now or do we need to action something to fix it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/496373/10:49
Riddellno we don't have koffice 2.3 beta and it's not in maverick10:52
* persia is very glad that koffice isn't likely to get any significant version bump for maverick, and goes back to trying to understand the MSOOXML bits.10:55
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Riddelljussi: that needs a rebuild, want to test that it sucessfully rebuilds?11:17
jussiRiddell: sure. what do I need to do?11:17
jussiRiddell: btw, I got the CD's. thanks!11:17
Riddellapt-get source kamoso; cd kamoso-<tab>; dch -i "Rebuild for new libvlc"; debuild11:18
Riddellif it works, debuild -S; cd ..; debdiff <old>.dsc <new>.dsc11:18
apacheloggerRiddell: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdebase-workspace/ubuntu/revision/42311:18
apacheloggerthough since it got in with lex79's upload yesterday I suppose the question now is whether that should be reverted ^^11:19
apacheloggerRiddell: I am not sure kamoso needs a rebuild... IIRC 1.0.5 is not compatible with VLC 1.1+11:20
Riddellapachelogger: I take it the change is well tested?11:21
apacheloggeralso not exactly intrusive :)11:21
Riddellapachelogger: how does it know where to get the wallpapers from?11:22
apacheloggerRiddell: <apachelogger> from the system's POV it is not even external since it draws the possible categories via http://download.kde.org/ocs/providers.xml  pointing at https://api.opendesktop.org/v1/ using the api defined at http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/open-collaboration-services#categories to https://api.opendesktop.org//v1/content/categories which as we can see actually gives us access to every category available on11:23
apachelogger any opendesktop site (such as kde-look, kde-apps, kde-files, gnome-look, xfce-look...)11:23
apacheloggerthe change just adds the kubuntu wallpaper cateogry additionally to the ones KDE uses11:24
Riddellapachelogger: ah, nice11:24
apacheloggeroh, and I chose to implement this as patch rather than in kds so that we do not miss out if KDE changes the categories list11:24
jussisigh, I havent set this environment up yet... lot of things to install11:25
Riddelllex79: that qt4-x11 upload you did, is that 4.7.0?11:26
jussiRiddell: it failed: http://paste.ubuntu.com/496389/11:28
jussimind, I goot a giggle out of the line number that had an issue :D11:28
jussidpkg-buildpackage: error: debian/rules build gave error exit status 211:28
jussidebuild: fatal error at line 1337:11:28
Riddelljussi: so the package probably needs removed, please file a bug saying so and subscribe ubuntu-archive11:29
jussiRiddell: sure thing11:29
Riddellyou could also check with upstream if there's any fix or update11:29
* jussi goes to look at upstreams page11:30
jussihrm, the only mention of vlc in the commit log is:11:33
jussiAlex Fiestas pushed 8 commits to kamoso/mainline:vlc11port11:33
jussivlc11port changed from bea08b6 to 9108ce911:33
jussiRiddell: bug 642705 filed :)11:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 642705 in kamoso (Ubuntu) "Please remove non building package Kamoso" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64270511:36
jussiRiddell: thanks for the refresher course on some package stuff. :)11:37
persiajussi, If you're feeling especially excited, you could try backporting the vlc11port bits, getting it to build, and then you get to keep it :)11:41
apacheloggerjussi, Riddell: wouldnt it make more sense to fetch a snapshot of the vlc11port?11:43
apacheloggerah ^^11:43
persiasnapshot runs the risk of upstream features and a FFe, but yeah, that works too :)11:48
KRFapachelogger, trying to compile amarok on maverick. libtag1-dev doesnt have ASF support compiled in. is that intended?11:52
KRFapachelogger, ugh. nevermind, didnt installed other required dependencies12:19
* apachelogger blings KRF12:19
apacheloggerpersia: I think the overall risk is lower with taking something that someone (upstream) already used rather than having us fiddle with code we do not know the next thing about :)12:20
* apachelogger dances12:21
persiaI can appreciate that viewpoint.  I don't subscribe to it (or I wouldn't have a 90K patch for a programming language I don't know in progress), but there are reasons I'm not in release management :)12:21
shadeslayerjjesse_: pingly13:00
shadeslayerjjesse_: i answer your call for docs packager :D13:00
shadeslayerjjesse_: please mail the details, since jeffrai's core is down... i think.. :(13:06
lex79Riddell: yes, it's 4.7.014:54
JontheEchidnaRiddell: would you mind taking a look at bluedevil in approval queue please?15:01
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ScottKJontheEchidna: Just approved it.15:52
ScottKRiddell: I've just uploaded a kubuntu-meta that incorporates rbelem's feedback on -mobile seeds.  Would you please review/accept and then respin mobile once it's published (a respin would also catch the kwin fix that was causing X crashes yesterday on mobile)16:41
QuintasanMamarok: ping16:43
MamarokQuintasan: pong16:43
QuintasanMamarok: Do you know if there are any hacks required for Amarok from SVN or we can just go ahead and package it in project-neon?16:44
* ScottK 's irony bell goes off.16:45
Mamarokouch, no idea about neon TBH, also it would be Git, not SVN, we don't use SVN anymore since more than a year16:45
MamarokJontheEchidna: btw, I like muon a lot! Good work :)16:46
MamarokQuintasan: why not asking apachelogger? He is the one who would know best about neon. I can only tell you about building from git16:47
QuintasanMamarok: That's what I want to know exacly :) I'm the new maintainer of Neon with shadeslayer and yofel_16:47
QuintasanMamarok: and I'm wondering if we should already start bugging LP devs if something "extra" is required16:48
MamarokQuintasan: for all dependencies, you can see here: http://blogs.fsfe.org/myriam/2009/09/compiling-amarok-from-git-locally-full-summary/ Despite the blog date, it is up-to-date16:48
shadeslayerQuintasan: btw amarok also is in git.kde.org now, moved over from gitorious16:48
* shadeslayer wonders if anyone knows what happened to jefferai16:49
Mamarokshadeslayer: well, read that blog post, it is up-to-date as I just said :)16:49
shadeslayerMamarok: i have it bookmarked :P16:49
Mamarokshadeslayer: why? Did you try to ping him in #amarok?16:49
shadeslayerMamarok: well... i cant connect to his quassel core16:49
shadeslayerand i thought he idled here as well16:50
shadeslayerand hes not there too ;)16:50
Mamarokthe core is down AFAIK, write a mail16:50
Mamarokbut it is Sunday at his place, maybe he is just out for the day16:50
shadeslayer*shrug* ... ill wait a few days and then ask :)16:51
* Quintasan forgets all those project-neon's in package names16:51
* shadeslayer tries to figure out QSignalMapper16:51
shadeslayerwhat would be the best class for a configuration dialog? like.. my config dialog will have loads of checkboxes to tick and un-tick options16:54
shadeslayerQuintasan: :P16:55
shadeslayerhttp://api.kde.org/4.x-api/kdelibs-apidocs/kdeui/html/classKConfigDialog.html \o/16:56
Quintasanshadeslayer: what are you plotting btw?16:56
shadeslayerQuintasan: plotting?16:56
Quintasanshadeslayer: doing16:56
shadeslayerim trying to make a zsync Qt/KDE UI16:56
* shadeslayer pokes jjesse16:56
shadeslayerQuintasan: because i can?16:57
Quintasanleave zsync alone16:57
shadeslayerwhai? whats the problem?16:57
Quintasanyou take away one command from my show-off list ;P16:57
shadeslayerQuintasan: you can still use it from a terminal16:57
Quintasanlike: look guys, I'm t3h master of zsync'z16:58
shadeslayerQuintasan: http://gitorious.org/qzsync16:58
Quintasanshadeslayer: yeah, but if it is a gui then everyone can use it :P16:58
shadeslayeri havent gotten very far16:58
* Quintasan implements some buffer overflows and commits16:58
shadeslayerQuintasan: dont tell them about the app then :P16:58
* Quintasan puts some memory leaking magic in there as well17:00
shadeslayerhmm... question is ... do i *need* a config dialog?17:00
Quintasandunno lol17:01
Quintasanask some generic users17:01
shadeslayerdude there are like only 7 options to pass to zsync17:01
QuintasanThen you want it17:01
shadeslayerand the only usefull one is :        -A hostname=username:password17:02
shadeslayerQuintasan: the rest are quite implicit17:02
Quintasanshadeslayer: Taking options aways from users I see :>17:02
Quintasanlets pray that kdeedu will compile17:03
shadeslayer-i inputfile << that i plan to implement during the "Specify Download link"17:03
* Quintasan notes he should do his homework in near future, like in 20 minutes17:04
Quintasanmy todo is unusually large, I'd better sort it out17:04
ScottKnixternal: Can haz powerpc?17:17
nixternalScottK: ppc firing up now17:23
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CIA-116[muon] jmthomas * 1177180 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/ (libmuon/MuonStrings.cpp muon/FilterWidget.cpp) Add a new filterable status, "Residual Config" showing uninstalled packages that still have config files lying around, and can be purged.18:08
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CIA-116[muon] jmthomas * 1177182 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/ChangeLog ChangeLog++18:17
CIA-116[muon] jmthomas * 1177184 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/libmuon/MuonStrings.cpp SVN_SILENT: Include cleanup18:26
sheytan_Hey guys18:29
sheytan_need some opinions on this http://i.imgur.com/cdCyg.jpg :D18:29
shadeslayersheytan_: nice18:30
sheytan_shadeslayer thank you :)18:32
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sheytan_Riddell ping pong18:58
sheytan_Riddell dantti said something about kpk in you ppa18:58
CIA-116[libqapt] jmthomas * 1177190 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/ (backend.cpp backend.h) Add a markPackagesForAutoRemove() method that acts like apt-get autoremove18:58
sheytan_may i have it for testing? ;)18:58
CIA-116[libqapt] jmthomas * 1177191 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/backend.cpp Emit packageChanged so that the current system knows that something has changed. I think we're going to change packageChanged behavior in the near future, though19:02
ScottKnixternal: Thanks.19:16
CIA-116[muon] jmthomas * 1177196 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/muon/ (MainWindow.cpp MainWindow.h muonui.rc) Add a menu item to trigger the new QApt::Backend::markPackagesForAutoRemove() function19:17
maksbotanhi people19:47
maksbotancan u help with pykde?19:47
maksbotanwhat args must be passed to KAuth.HelperSupport.helperMain?19:47
ScottKnixternal: All done.  Thanks.20:16
ScottK(I shut it down)20:16

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