
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
Jordan_UI wrote a specification page on the wiki a few weeks ago but I can't find the page anymore. How can I tell if/why it was deleted (my username is jordanu)?04:17
zkriessegimme a sec..do you remeber what the page was about?04:17
zkriesseand which wiki was it04:17
zkriessehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com or https://help.ubuntu.com/community04:17
zkriesseJordan_U: ?04:21
Jordan_Uzkriesse: It was a specification for making restoring grub after a windows install easier, and I think it was wiki.ubuntu.com but I'm not sure. I didn't realize they were separate, which may be the entire problem.04:23
zkriesseYeah the wiki.ubuntu.com is for ubuntu teams/projects04:24
zkriessehelp.ubuntu.com/community is where all the help pages go04:24
zkriesseIf you need wiki advice please don't hesitate to gimme a ring...i'm a wiki guru/nut/admin so I can help ya out if you need it04:25
Jordan_Uzkriesse: Thanks for the offer.04:25
zkriesseNo problem04:26
Jordan_Uzkriesse: Is there a way to just view what pages I've authored / edited?04:27
zkriesseAh like a list?04:27
zkriesseI dont know for sure...i'd think there would be but I don't remember04:28

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