
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php00:00
jribuLinux: what exactly do you mean by "doesn't do nothing"?00:00
uLinuxjrib: doesnt open videos with VLC by default.. already tried to logout00:00
bazhanguLinux, this is using mint?00:00
jrib!defaultapp | uLinux00:01
ubottuuLinux: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.00:01
trakinasno one?00:01
kreepermy sound on my computer isn't working, when i click on system/prefrences/sound it just pops up an error box saying "Waiting for sound system to respond"00:01
uLinuxjrib: that way works.. but the other way doesnt00:01
trakinaskreeper: was it working before?00:01
uLinuxi need to select manually for each format sucks00:01
jribuLinux: I'm not familiar with the other setting00:01
kreepertrakinas: i think i may have uninstalled the sound package00:02
jribuLinux: I *think* the general setting you are talking about is more for things like when you put in a dvd, etc.00:02
ring1uLinux, you could check out ubuntu tweak, which lets you configure all formats at a time00:02
trakinaskreeper: try to restart the sound services00:02
uLinuxring1: thats what im doing ;)00:02
=== compromised is now known as Guest1056
kreepertrakinas: how?00:03
uLinuxbut yeah i just didnt uninstalled Totem because of quicktime plugin..00:03
smegzorCamFox: in nautilus I selected them all and deleted them while holding down shift.00:04
smegzorthey are all mythtv files so their loss isn't the end of the world, though I would like to un-loose them00:04
Aemaethi think i need help with my fstab, last time i touched it all sorts of craziness happened until i livecd'd up and deleted my line of text.  my fstab is currently http://paste.ubuntu.com/496145/  and the harddrive info is here: http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/2327/screenshot4kg.png00:06
jribAemaeth: so what do you think you need to add?00:06
ClanDouglasHello.. I have something I could use help with.. no matter how many browser windows I open, the notification panel shows only one object that when clicked lets me choose which to view.. how do I get it back to one object per browser window?00:06
Aemaeth i need Data which is /sda7/00:07
buzzard32thisperson did that help?00:07
jribAemaeth: yes, construct an fstab line for it.  I'll tell you if anything is wrong00:07
Leman_RussThe Lenovo Ideacentre 320 has an nVidia GeForce 310 GFX card.  Has this card had any issues with Ubuntu?00:08
Aemaethjrib, k, one sec00:08
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »00:08
ThisPersonbuzzard32; I am working on it.  This is what I was looking for.  Thanks!00:08
[R]Leman_Russ: why would it?00:09
trakinasstupid isp.... anyway...00:09
CT1Hi.  Is there a utility or command to move all files(photos) in a directory(an subdirectories) into a single directory, removing digitally identical ones and renaming unique ones when their name exists already?  I'd try 'hacking' together a quick and dirty python script, but I'm very new to python and don't want to mess things up.  Any ideas?00:09
Aemaethjrib, UUID=a3c50d78-9b94-41c6-b2d2-a9b23eb78fd1   /media/Data  ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 100:09
Aemaeththe options field and numbers after that i don't understand00:10
jribAemaeth: just use "defaults" for options and the last number should be a '2' instead of a '1'00:10
=== Greysc[a]le is now known as Greyscale
erUSULCT1: maybe better run fdup in the dirtree then move the files ?00:11
kreepertrakinas: how do i restart the sound services?00:11
trakinaskreeper: i quite dont remember. sorry. =/00:11
CamFoxsmegzor: I think you're out of luck, most likely. Check the link from ubottu perhaps00:11
Aemaethjrib, k, if i make it back, thanks00:12
kreeperok, then does anyone else know how to restart the sound services?00:12
trakinasI have an WiFi connection (ubuntu). and ordinary ethernet cable. I want to share tmy connection with and win machine (which does not have a wifi cable, nor a gigantic cable able to  reach the house's second floor. ). so.... My Ubuntu has "share internet connectio" checked. Rebooted. xp cant get ips through dhcp, nor ping (my machine) if I manually setup it00:12
trakinasany thought?00:12
saikatanyone here good with monit?00:12
CamFox!undelete | smegzor00:13
ubottusmegzor: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel00:13
trakinaskreeper: probably pulseaudio restart00:13
ClanDouglastrakinas: firewall?00:13
[R]trakinas: you need a crossover cable00:13
fordfasterrfor some reason, apt won't fetch webmin for me on ubuntu server 64 bit.00:13
trakinasClanDouglas: on windows?00:13
fordfasterrThis worked fine with a similar 32-bit install... any ideas ?00:13
erUSUL!webmin | fordfasterr it is not there00:13
ubottufordfasterr it is not there: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.00:13
ClanDouglasNo.. Ubuntu Lucid Lynx.00:13
trakinas[R]: no, I dont.00:13
[R]trakinas: if you say so00:13
trakinas[R]: I could share it with an old iBook once00:14
ClanDouglasOh.. yes.. windows..00:14
fordfasterrbut I like it !!00:14
[R]trakinas: maybe the ibook's network card was smart and your laptop's and the windows' isn't00:14
CT1erUSUL: Thanks.  Looks like half the solution already!00:14
ShwaiilQ: I've installed ubuntu first time, wirless is not working. Trying to fix it, but there's a dependency error DKMS. The computer has no internet connection, no ethernet available. What the hell is DKMS ? Any tip ? tks00:14
ShwaiilError: dependency is not satisfiable: dkms00:14
macoShwaiil: dkms is what automatically compiles drivers for the running kernel. it should be available if you use the cd as a repository, i believe00:15
llutz!info dkms00:15
ubottudkms (source: dkms): Dynamic Kernel Module Support Framework. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 68 kB, installed size 460 kB00:15
trakinas[R]: perhaps! I just wanted to test some stuff here, nothing important anyway, I could hook a wireless card on it, but I cant open because I will avoid warrant. and since this isnt my machine, I won't take the risk.00:16
ThisPersonbuzzard32; I think this will work.  Thanks.00:16
[R]trakinas: so get a hub/switch and try again00:16
[R]trakinas: that'll rule out the cable00:16
buzzard32thisperson you are welcome00:16
[R]trakinas: or just get a crossover cable00:16
trakinasfordfasterr: you could try opennms if that fit your needs00:16
trakinas[R]: I dont have any connector here, or else, if try that. thank you anyway.00:17
fordfasterras long as I have something similar to webmin, that'll do it for me.00:17
fordfasterrand it must be web based.00:17
trakinas*I'd try that.... not if...00:17
erUSUL!ebox | fordfasterr00:18
ubottufordfasterr: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox00:18
Aemaethjrib, thanks! now my porno wallpapers saved on my data drive get loaded up on boot!00:18
trakinasfordfasterr: what webmin does, exactly?00:18
erUSULfordfasterr: the webimin factpid mentions ebox00:18
jribAemaeth: great!00:18
Aemaethsurely you are a king among men00:18
dwightCan anyone help? I have a box that won't boot.00:19
fordfasterrebox, 141 mb !00:19
fordfasterromg. lol00:19
Shwaiilmaco, thanks for lookinh. "it should be available if u use the cd as a repository", on the help I see "in comonent main". This is my first time in ubuntu, or even linux. Are u refearing to the cd I downloaded from ubuntu ?!00:19
macoShwaiil: yes that one00:20
macoShwaiil: you can put it in and ubuntu will offer to use it as a repository for installing software offline00:20
Shwaiilmaco, ah ok found on the cd. but the way the cd is organized I had to keep opening folders till find it :P00:20
buzzard32dwight first figure out if it is hardware or software00:20
EvilPhoenixdwight:  we need more details than that00:20
mhall119what's a good/easy way to stream MP3s from a Linux server to multiple other computers on the same network, preferably Linux and Windows ones?00:20
Shwaiilmaco, I dont know how to make ubuntu use it as a repository, so I explored it manually :P00:21
bazhangmhall119, mpd perhaps00:21
bazhang!info mpd00:21
ubottumpd (source: mpd): Music Player Daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.15.4-1ubuntu3 (lucid), package size 174 kB, installed size 508 kB00:21
macoShwaiil: hm i thought it should pop up a thing in ubuntu... system -> administration -> software sources would also have an option for it00:21
buzzard32dwight does the power supply light up00:21
dwightbuzzard32  software. seems like it can't locate kernel.00:22
dwighterror message happens after grub00:22
buzzard32dwight so live cd boots ok then?00:22
bazhangmhall119, and a client such as sonata or the like00:22
dwightlive cd is fine00:22
dwightit's up right now00:22
buzzard32version 10.04 is what will not start?00:23
Leman_Russ[R] There are always issue possibilities with Ubuntu.  I rarely get anything running on it simply.00:23
dwightyes. 10.0400:23
[R]Leman_Russ: you're doing somethign wrong then... things always "just work" for me in ubuntu00:23
dwighttried fsck; got no errors. hope i did it correctly.00:24
mhall119bazhang: anything using a standardized protocol, or maybe itunes compatible?00:24
Leman_Russ[R] Everything?  I don't believe you.  For example, have you ever tried installing an E-MU 1616m soundcard?00:24
IdleOnemhall119: vlc can stream00:24
[R]Leman_Russ: i'ev never even heard of an e-mu00:24
mhall119IdleOne: stream in, or out?00:24
IdleOnemhall119: both00:24
buzzard32dwight maybe x is not coming up, are you getting to a command line00:24
mhall119okay, I'll look into that00:24
IdleOnemhall119: there are a few howto's out on the tubes00:25
mhall119do any of these offer remote-control? next, prev, play pause, etc?00:25
step21mhall119: there should be things that show up in itunes as a library or something, but don't remember the acronym atm00:25
IdleOnemhall119: that I don't know00:25
LoshkiLeman_Russ: my experience is similar to yours. Stuff works, more or less, but things need lots of twiddling before they work the way you want...00:25
ntr0pyit eclipse with sun java broken on ubuntu?00:25
dwightI am not getting to command line. System fails to locate a kernel00:25
tensorpuddingdwight: is it a grub error?00:26
Leman_Russ[R] well there you go then.  If you are going things like browsing on the internet and using IRC, Ubuntu is fine, but when you need to do something a little more esoteric or away from what most people use computers for, it shows cracks00:26
buzzard32dwight are there multiple os installs?00:26
[R]Leman_Russ: and a plain old regular nvidia card is "esoteric"?00:26
mhall119ntr0py: did you get the gcj version of Eclipse, or the regular one?00:26
maco[R]: or maybe you're just lucky / vigilant in your hardware purchases. not everyone is. if all hardware just worked, kernel hackers could all retire to a beach in hawaii00:26
dwightI think it is a grub error, but not sure. There's only one OS installed.00:27
callgaryHey, anybody ever run ubuntu on twin flat screens and a xfx 7600 (nvidia) card???00:27
mhall119maco: nah, there'd still be scheduler fights to win00:27
sudobashmy lexmark X5070 stopped working, I am getting errors in dmesg like usb 1-8: usbfs: interface 2 claimed by usb-storage while 'usb' sets config #1, it was usblp instead of usb_storage but I blacklisted usblp and it went to usb_storage, if I rmmod usb_storage it goes to usb_hid and if I rmmod that all USB stops00:27
macomhall119: heh thats true00:27
ntr0pymhall119: i took it from the std repos as i did with sun java on my x64 ubuntu 10.0400:27
ernestoxboxcomo integrar firefox on kde 4( kubuntu+00:27
IdleOne!es | ernestoxbox00:28
ubottuernestoxbox: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:28
bazhangernestoxbox, english here please00:28
ntr0pymhall119: i do get a segfault in com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse00:28
buzzard32dwight Try reinstalling grub00:28
Leman_Russ[R]  You are obviously not aware of the ATi issues which pop up ALL the time.00:28
[R]Leman_Russ: ati is crap00:29
[R]Leman_Russ: everyone knwos that00:29
callgaryHey, anybody ever run ubuntu on twin flat screens and a xfx 7600 (nvidia) card???00:29
dwightCan you talk me through that? I know chroot is involved, but I can't remember everything.00:29
sudobashhow does it help just bashing a manufacturer instead of trying to help the guy out00:29
maco[R]: which is irrelevant to the simple fact that < 100% of hardware is 100% perfectly supported in linux00:29
mhall119ntr0py: hmmm, looks like a problem with the xml parser, weird00:29
LoshkiLeman_Russ: In fairness, I hae to add tha the 'esoterica' issue isn't confined to Ubuntu, or even linux or even operating systems. Basically. the more obscure the task, the more less well debugged/document it will be...00:29
maco[R]: now please stop trying to tell users it is *their* fault for "doing something wrong" when a driver is just plain crap00:30
Leman_Russ[R]yes, but they are a GFX card manufacturer, and I was asking a question about another GFX card manufacturer because of possible issue.  Researching before purchase, if you will00:30
tru3fatecan anyone tell me wat messenger can video chat00:30
sudobashthe errors go from usblp to usb_storage to usbhid00:30
mhall119ntr0py: do any other Java apps run?00:30
buzzard32dwight restore grub 2 from the following link00:30
JoeSomebodycan an ati 4650 card work in ubuntu? is there a page about it somewhere?00:30
fordfasterrok, now I have ebox00:30
buzzard32dwight https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Recover%20Grub%202%20via%20LiveCD00:30
LoshkiLeman_Russ: more less -> less00:30
fordfasterr... but no way to modify or install anything...00:30
sudobashusb 1-8: usbfs: interface 2 claimed by usb-storage while 'usb' sets config #100:31
Leman_Russ<Loshiki> Oh, I agree 100%.  I am only talking about Ubuntu because this is the OS I want to use.  If I was going to be using XP, or whatever, I would be asking the same questions on some XP forum, wouldn't I.00:31
_dreamyhi does anyone knows whats wrong with amule when it starts shown numbers above 2000 sources .. and strange file names?00:31
EkipsWhat's the best way to add an IPv6 IP to an kvm tunnel interface? (I'm using sixxs tunnels and kvm) Adding it to /etc/network/interfaces as described here: http://www.sixxs.net/wiki/KVM doesn't seem to work00:31
fordfasterrI want to change samba/apache settings, etc...00:31
sudobashits like the printer doesnt have the right permissions or something00:31
EkipsNeither can I manually add an IPv6 IP to the bridge interface00:32
dwightbuzzard 32 I'll try this right now and get back to you. Thanks.00:32
callgarytru3fate: google does video chat00:32
LoshkiDoes skype do video yet?00:33
macoLoshki: yes00:33
EvilPhoenixif I need ebox to run at its basic level, provide network time sync, and i need it to manage the firewall, what do I need to install for it?00:33
Loshkimaco: thanks00:33
Exxontru3fate:  can do video chat with amsn00:33
callgarytru3fate: goto google web page and add the chat gadget00:34
ntr0pymhall119: it worked before but some ubdate seems to have broken thinks badly00:34
mhall119ntr0py: try installing libxerces2-java, maybe eclipse will use that instead of the sun packages classes00:35
callgarytru3fate: also Skype is a free download and is specifically for video chat00:35
fordfasterralso, the module status page doesn't show any of my other installed servers... strange00:36
ntr0pymhall119: i had installed 2.9.100:36
shugartwhats the best way to figure out if my ubuntu install is hung on creating the partition ?00:37
callgaryHey, anybody ever run ubuntu on twin flat screens and a xfx 7600 (nvidia) card???00:37
fordfasterrok, the wiki says to run this command: sudo apt-get install “^ebox-.*”00:38
fordfasterranother 175 mb and we'll see if I get all of the modules...00:38
JoeSomebodycan an ati 4650 card work in ubuntu? IF so is there a page about it somewhere?00:38
fordfasterrI'll be out of drive space soon... this test platform is an amd64 thin client with just 2 gigs of flash storage.00:38
ntr0pymhall119: other java apps and browser applets have no probs so far...00:39
step21mhall119: what you want is called daap sharing. rhythmbox, banshee, songbird all have it at least as a plugin and there are also server like apps like firefly media server00:39
jandtdcool so Im not a trool anymore!!!00:39
Loshkifordfasterr: Um, out-of-the-box ubuntu isn't configured to be particularly economical with drive space. You can probably cut the size back if you need to...00:40
step21Loshki: yeah, like delete openoffice00:41
ntr0pymhall119: this is what i get when i start eclipse freshly installed http://pastebin.com/cY9v1Wkg00:41
CT12 questions, how can I move all files in a directory's subdirectories  to its root, renaming files with the same name? Secondly, is it wise to have 10000+ files in a single directory on an ntfs volume?00:41
jandtdanyhow  how do I make more space on a extended partition so I can use another 50GB?00:42
Loshkifordfasterr: step21: the desktop stuff seems to be quite bulky too, if you can live without one, or with a lighter-weight one...00:42
uLinux I pressed ctrl+alt+f1 but couldnt get back to GUI00:43
CT1jandtd: Try gparted00:43
MerrittUpdates seem to have frozen setting up a new kernel. Can anyone tell me the safe way to deal with this? Just kill it and restart updates, or..? http://picpaste.com/pics/update-fail-iBPioYNV.1284845951.png Thanks!00:43
trakinasuLinux: do the same but with f700:43
uLinuxtrakinas: didnt know :P so i hit ctrl alt del or something00:43
jandtdCT1: how does one do that?00:44
step21Loshki: true.00:44
trakinasuLinux: you have different ttys on f*00:44
callgaryuse the mv command00:44
trakinas!tty | uLinux00:44
ubottuuLinux: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.00:44
dwightbuzzard32 got new error message00:44
ShwaiilQ: I on the terminal, theres sudo password for current user, but I cant input trough keyboard00:45
Loshkifordfasterr: step21: is there a lighter variant than a server install?00:45
dwighterror: couldn't read file00:45
trakinasShwaiil: yes you can. it just not displayed00:45
callgaryCT1: use the mv command > mv filename /dir/subdir/00:45
CT1jandtd: System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package manager.  Search for gparted and install it.  Are you in ubuntu?00:45
Jay-is there a program for ubuntu that is like the mac that allows me to launch apps by starting to type the name and then hitting enter?00:45
step21Loshki: probably, but not sure if that is much use to you00:46
dwightkernel panic - not syncing: VFS : Unable to mount root fs on uknown -block(0,0)00:46
Jay-i think it's called spotlight in mac os00:46
step21Jay-: yes ...00:46
jandtdCT1: yes  GParted is in stalled   just looking for the safest way to do it00:46
ntr0pyanyone has eclipse running with Sun Java on x64 Lucid?00:46
IdleOneJay-: gnome-do00:47
LoshkiI found this on google: http://lightlinux.blogspot.com/2009/02/lightweight-ubuntu-derivatives-for-old.html00:47
tensorpuddingJay-: I think you're thinking of Quicksilver, and there is, it's called Gnome-Do00:47
Jay-awesome, does it run well?00:47
IdleOneJay-: give it a try :)00:47
xanguaJay-: gnome-do. kupfer, launchy; kde desktop has it built in00:47
tensorpuddingJay-: indeed00:47
Jay-will do thanks00:47
buzzard32dwight error when grub reinstall or boot up?00:47
Jay-my mac has made me kinda lazy i guess lol00:47
shugartany reason why when I run gparted from the live CD that I get an error saying "/dev/sda1 is apparently in use by the system;"00:47
xjkxwhy does it say like "it's not possible to move to the trash, wanna delete" ? why would it not, there is space in the disk00:48
mhall119ntr0py: have you tried the 32bit java?00:48
dwightbuzzard32 error booting system after grub reinstall00:48
CT1jandtd: Although I've never had any problems with resizing/moving partitions, it's never 100% safe.  Have you backed up any important files?00:48
step21Jay-: if gnome-do is not to your liking try tracker or beagle00:49
ntr0pymhall119: not yet, it worked fine with x64 before and other apps have no problems ...00:49
buzzard32dwight so grub reinstall said succeded then00:49
trakinasJay-: those mentioned are more like QuickSilver than the other one I keep forgetting its name00:49
dwightbuzzard32 yes00:49
xjkxis there a mb limit for moving to the trash ? file was 3gb00:50
mhall119ntr0py: I see that it's running the server vm, can you tell it to use the client vm?00:50
jandtdCT1: backed up all stuff I need  neeed to know what partition to delete00:50
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows00:50
buzzard32dwight do you have the data on the partition backed up?00:50
Loshki!grub | dwight Have you poked around this stuff yet?00:50
ubottudwight Have you poked around this stuff yet?: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.00:50
jandtdCT1:I have sda10 sda11 and sda12  Im thinking sda12 should go00:50
Loshkidwight: actually, you want grub2 for 10.0400:51
ntr0pymhall119: i dont know how i can do that00:51
CT1What file system does gparted say each of those are?00:51
ShwaiilLol stabilished the wireless connection, after installing packages etc following some tips on forums and now the laptop internal mouse doesnt work, stopped working00:51
CT1jandtd:  What file system does gparted say each of those are?00:51
jandtdCT1: if I delete sda12 will it mess up my hard drive00:52
dwightbuzzard32 most of it, but I run MythTV on this thing and setting up the database it gonna be a huge PITA00:52
jandtdCT1: all are EXT200:52
CT1jandtd: it will only "mess up" that partition. Not the entire drive.  What is in that partition now?00:52
ShwaiilQ: How to put that cool effect that makes the windows "morph" when moving or something like this ? Tks00:52
tensorpuddingShwaiil: Compiz can do that00:53
CT1jandtd: is there anything listed under Mount Point column in gparted for that partition?00:53
bunny_flaskwhere do i find the start button?00:53
Shwaiiltensorpudding, this is my first ubuntu/linux run, what is compiz ?00:53
dwightI just realized that my live disk is 9.10.00:53
jandtdCT1: just some old movies and some music file (2004 stuff!!)00:53
tensorpuddingShwaiil: compiz is a graphical thing that gives you desktop effects00:54
buzzard32dwight I am not going to be able to help you further. It sounds like you are having an issue with needing a file and i do not know how you could recover it with out an os reinstall.00:54
dwightbuzzard32 I'll try again with a 10.04 disk00:54
tensorpuddingShwaiil: Download the Advanced Desktop Effects Settings program from the software center00:54
CT1jandtd: Well, if you've backed up anything you need on that partition, go ahead and delete it.00:54
Loshki!grub2 | dwight00:54
ubottudwight: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub200:54
buzzard32dwight what cd did you use before?00:55
Shwaiilafter googling it looks that I need a 3d card. this laptop comes with the intel chip :P I dont know if its enough00:55
dwightthanks for your effort buzzard3200:55
tensorpuddingShwaiil: Compiz is installed by default, but you need to download the advanced configuration widget00:55
tensorpuddingShwaiil: Your chip is probably good enough.00:55
AemaethShwaiil, when working with compiz, i find the fusion applet is also helpful00:55
tensorpuddingShwaiil: If it can run Windows 7 with Aero, it can probably run Compiz.00:55
jandtdCT1:  if I delete this partition I can add it to the extended partition?00:56
nothingspecialtensorpudding: compizconfig-settings-manager00:56
buzzard32dwight you may have used a cd with the wrong version of grub00:56
Loshkidwight: it will be easier for us to help you if you could famiiarize yourself with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2...00:56
AemaethShwaiil, and of course the additional packages00:56
CT1jandtd: do you have a live cd incase you can't boot after?  Don't panic if you can't boot.  It is easy to fix, boot with live cd and ask again.  I've run into a problem where removing a partition and moving another then resizing (well, alot of stuff) my other partitions changed number.00:56
dwightLoshki ubottu I looked at that stuff, but didn't try it initially as my error message caused me to think it was something else00:56
notworkingmy tunapie2 audio is really choppy and stips00:56
mhall119ntr0py: pass -client to the java command00:57
ramuhi, i use wireless network. how to find other computers in network?? for sharing00:57
tensorpuddingShwaiil: I think the effect name your looking for is Wobbly Windows00:57
mhall119ntr0py: but reading the manpage, it seems 64-bit java only has the Server VM00:57
jandtdCT1:  thats ok Im on a live cd now00:57
ramuhi, i use wireless network. how to find other computers in network?? for sharing00:57
nothingspecialramu: depends what they are runnining00:57
Aemaethi luv the wobbily windows00:57
ramui didnt get you00:57
buzzard32dwight what ubuntu live cd version did you try previously?00:57
CT1jandtd: Yes, I assume it's in the extended partition now right?00:58
ramuim using ubuntu 1000:58
uLinuxramu: if the other machines are using windows you need to install samba00:58
Loshkidwight: your symptoms sound to me like grub is misconfigured. It's supposed to autoconfigure itself, but sometimes it messes up.00:58
TiK_ubuntu > fedora00:58
dwightI accidentally did 9.1000:58
nothingspecialrammu: windows, linux?00:58
ramuim using linuxunbuntu00:58
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ramuother windows700:58
dwightI accidentally did 9.10 buzzard32 Loshki00:58
jandtdCT1: yes extended partition00:58
nothingspecialrammu: samba00:58
ramuthank you very much @all]00:59
ramuill try now00:59
dwightbuzzard32 Loshki I'll burn a 10.04 CD and try this again00:59
Loshkidwight: 9.10 and 10.4 are pretty close. It might work to try doing a grub2 reinstall from 9.10...00:59
CT1jandtd: Go ahead.  Best of luck!00:59
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jandtdIm glad you helping as I was clled a trool before like before?01:00
Loshkidwight: is there something special about your hardware you haven't told us about yet? A reason why the autoconfigure would fail?01:00
dwightLoshki: If that's the case, I already did the reinstall01:00
jandtdCT1: so delete sad12?01:01
buzzard32dwight the part you want to try at the link I gave you earlier is the reinstalling grub2 with the 10.04 live cd01:02
dwightLoshki: Nothing exotic. Some TV tuners, a Geforce 210... Pretty vanilla.01:02
jandtdCT1: so delete sda*12?01:02
Loshkidwight: I'm concerned that if the autoconfig already failed once, it might keep on failing, in which case you may have to do some hand-editing.01:02
CT1jandtd: If all you've told me so far is true, and I understood it all correctly, yes.01:02
Loshkidwight: so was this an upgrade? Or a from-scratch mythtv system you're trying to put together?01:03
jandtdCT1: ok will do that and let you know how it goes01:04
dwightLoshki: It's been running for 6 months. No upgrade. 10.04 clean install.01:04
=== Bridge|A is now known as Bridge|
shugartokay, I'm going crazy here, how come I can't get ubuntu 10.04.1 live CD to launch the installer ?01:04
teeparkon my wife's laptop, since upgrading to 10.4 the network manager applet has been missing from the notification area. it has a nm-applet process running but its just not showing up. has anyone seen this before / is it a known problem?01:05
Loshkidwight: so it used to boot, and suddenly now it doesn't? Do you know what changed?01:05
Bridge|shugart: should be first thing to happen once gui hits then if u choose to test ubuntu there should be a installer.sh on the desktop01:05
uLinuxteepark: did u try to reinstall the applet01:06
teeparkyeah, I just tried that then logged out of the user and back in01:06
teeparkno dice01:06
shugartBridge|: yeah, I end up have to go through the sh script on the gui, which is the first time in 5 years I've had to do it this way01:06
teeparkpackage i reinstalled was network-manager-gnome01:06
shugartBridge|: does the server edition do the same thing?01:07
Bridge|it doesnt pop-up with options test or install on boot?01:07
Loshkidwight: either way, you need to be reading this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20GRUB%20201:07
ramuhi, how to install samba?01:07
dwightLoshki: Over time, it seemed that Grub got fickle. Hardware change a bit, but nothing dramatic01:07
Bridge|never tried the server ed, just the reg ubuntu distros and netbook remix, and they always gave u option01:07
ramui have tried sudo apt-get install samba01:07
ramufor network sharing from friends01:08
Loshkidwight: did you move disks around? That can invalidate a boot config....01:08
uLinuxteepark: just a silly question.. is it starting up on boot? (startup applications01:08
uLinuxsystem > preferences > startup applications01:08
Bridge|from my understandings and i know i'll prob be barked at by saying this the only main differences is diff kernal and LAMP server all ready installed01:09
dwightLoshki: Yes, but a long time ago. Has booted since then.01:09
ramuhow to install samba for file sharing01:09
shugartBridge|: okay, yeah, I'm going to try the server ed, and just run taskel when I need to01:09
teeparkI see a networkmanager entry in the startup programs01:09
uLinuxramu: sudo apt-get install samba (from terminal)01:09
hayleyI need some help with installing some type of flash player.01:09
notworkingOK  Ive got tunapie to work except there is a chirping, crackling kinda sound OVER the song being played..something like a bad cell reception but over the song playing.. can someone help me ubuntu 10.0401:09
teeparknothing specific to the applet, but I do still have an nm-applet process running01:09
Loshkidwight: back to the 'reinstalling grub2' page for you, then....01:09
buzzard32dwight how old is the hard drive that has the linux partion on it?01:10
uLinuxteepark: maybe it's a panel bug?01:10
uLinuxtry to remove the applet from the panel01:10
uLinuxand add again01:10
teeparkthe thing is, I checked on my laptop where it works, and it's not a panel app -- it goes into the systray, and there's a systray panel app01:11
uLinuxramu: or go to Software Center, search for samba and install the first one01:11
nothingspecialramu: that should have worked, did you get an error?01:11
dwightbuzzard32 9 months to a year. Look great on SMART yesterday01:12
d1gitalHello, room.  I need to make all of the contents of my monitor mirrored (as in a mirror image).  Any ideas?01:12
teeparkomfg that did actually work though01:12
fejesis anyone familiar with networkmanager.01:12
teeparkwhatever, I can't explain it but good enough :)01:12
uLinuxramu: what is your groupname? workgroup?01:12
uLinuxlol teepark01:12
fejesI have a ridiculous problem with networkmanager not managing the wireless connection01:12
buzzard32dwight just wondering if it could be hardware but does not sound likely01:12
dwightbuzzard32 Loshki Can a system have too many kernels?01:14
uLinuxramu: open a terminal and type gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf01:15
d1gitaldwight only if they start to pop01:15
uLinuxthen you search for workgroup and put workgroup = aryan01:15
fejesIs there a way to force networkmanager to manage a connection and launch the dhcp...01:15
shugartnew error: "Error creating partition: The Deamon is being inhibited"01:15
dwightd1gital cute :)01:15
Loshkidwight: the number of kernels shouldn't matter. Most people keep one current and one previous kernel, 'just in case'. Keeping more than 2 takes up disk space but it's otherwise harmless01:16
ntr0pymhall119: strange i did reinstall libxerces2-java and tried to reboot with older kernel, couldnt load the nvidia module and rebootet again with current ubuntu kernel and now eclipse starts with no errors??!01:16
dwightthanks Loshki01:16
Loshkidwight: good luck...01:16
hayleywho do I ask questions?01:17
fejesno one here familiar with NetworkManager?01:17
nothingspecialfejes: what`s up with it?01:17
Monkey_Dustfejes: shoot01:17
dwightthanks Loshki01:17
jandtddwight: as long as you boot partition is big enough to hlod them all ;)01:17
fejesnothingspecial: It manages the wired connection, but refuses to manage the wireless connection.01:17
d1gitalHello, room.  I need to make all of the contents of my monitor mirrored (as in a mirror image).  Any ideas?01:17
fejesWireless was previously working, but has now stopped.01:17
nothingspecialfejes: continue, does it recognise it?01:18
Psychodoes anyone know if its possible to install a logitech cam on ubuntu?01:18
nothingspecialfejas: have you had a kernel update/upgrade?01:18
fejesnothingspecial: the plasma applet shows it, I can do a sudo iwlist scan, etc... but Network manager in --no-daemon mode never gets past state 2 for it.01:19
m3lvinhello, a question about nfs, is it possible to mount a share using the name of a share instead of the path? mount is the normal way, what I would like to do is, this way I could move things in the filesystem but keep the same path in remote computers without braking connections that other apps may have01:19
fejesnothingspecial: I don't believe i have in the last week.01:20
mastertogoHello! I have wubi-installed ubuntu(10.04 i believe) installed on a laptop. The login screen is alll dark colors and when i type my password in it just goes back to the login screen, with an error about the battery manager. I can get into a terminal with ctrl-alt-1. `df' shows ubuntu's drive at 100% usage. I was unable to find a specific culprit with `du -h | sort -nr | less'. Running all the commands here: http://www.absolutelytech.com/01:20
mastertogo2010/04/13/solved-unable-to-boot-due-to-gnome-power-manager-error/ does nothing. This happened after a popup said i only have 700mb left, followed by another one that said i have 0 left.01:20
FloodBot3mastertogo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:20
callgarydoes ubuntu run on twin flatscreens01:20
mastertogojesus that was longer than i thought, sorry01:20
fejesTHe incident that triggered this was running out of batteries on my laptop, and it has only worked intermittently since then01:20
callgarydoes ubuntu run on twin flatscreens???01:20
fejesClaudinux: yes01:21
fejesoh.  oops01:21
fejescallgary: yes01:21
nothingspecialfejas: and iwlist etc works? just network-manager doesn`t?01:21
fejesnothingspecial: yep.  nm-tool shows a list of scanned networks, even01:21
callgaryfejes: I have a nvidia 7600.  is it compatible01:21
DarkSnakehi? who is from russia?01:22
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fejescallgary: I don't have a list off hand, but it likely is.01:22
bazhang!ru | DarkSnake01:22
ubottuDarkSnake: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke01:22
callgaryi'll run from CD first just to see01:22
fejesgood plan01:22
Loshkimastertogo: try again with du -x | sort -rn | less.  You can't do an -rn sort because the output of du -h is not strictly numeric01:23
nothingspecialfejes: don`t know, sorry. Bug?01:23
mastertogoLoshki, thanks, i'll try that right away01:23
fejesnothingspecial: yeah.. I'm running out of ideas.  It worked well for the last 8 months.01:23
coafcvUbuntu version 10.04.1 is the LTS one that is supported to April 2013, right?01:24
notworkingOK  Ive got tunapie to work except there is a chirping, crackling kinda sound OVER the song being played..something like a bad cell reception but over the song playing.. can someone help me ubuntu 10.0401:24
bazhangcoafcv, yep01:24
jandtdcoafcv: no01:24
fejesI'm running out of ideas... reinstall, I suppose?01:24
bazhangjandtd, sure it is01:24
buzzard32coafcv yes01:25
uLinuxIs there a way to play quicktime videos without Totem+plugin?01:25
bazhanguLinux, from apple website?01:25
nothingspecialfejes: last resort - whats your wireless card01:25
jandtdbazhang: supported till 2013?01:25
uLinuxyes bazhang01:25
bazhangjandtd, for desktop yes01:26
nothingspecialfejes: oops you`ve gone, me too01:26
bazhanguLinux, you need to wget them. apple's site is unfriendly to linux01:26
buzzard32coafcv the lts version says it is the lts version when you boot it up01:26
uLinuxbazhang: yeah i know :P but wget doesnt work anymore01:26
uLinuxneither with user agent01:27
bazhanguLinux, could be the forums have a workaround let me check01:27
jandtdbazhang: have we met before?01:27
uLinuxbazhang: i tried to ask here before but everyone said it was not possible to save apple trailers on Linux01:28
bazhangjandtd, join #ubuntu-offtopic to discuss if you wish01:28
fab_anyone peak french here ?01:28
bazhanguLinux, I'll check nonetheless01:29
IdleOne!fr | fab_01:29
ubottufab_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.01:29
mwh05hey all, i've followed this tutorial: http://library.linode.com/email/exim/send-only-mta-ubuntu-10.04-lucid and am now trying to setup a Java application to send mail. Its asking for an SMTP server/port. What do?01:29
fab_ok thanks01:29
ShwaiilQ: How to move to next panel auto, when moving a window ?01:29
TiKmwh05: localhost / 25 ?01:29
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mwh05wasn't sure if I had installed everything necessary01:29
buzzard32muh05 try port 25, that it the standard smtp port01:30
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jsidhuhey ubuntu folks, ive got the latest 10.04.1 server running and Ive encountered an old bug (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hylafax/+bug/477478). Its marked as fixed way back in version 9.1 but its still showing up in 10.04.. its basically a hylafax-server hylafax-client related bug.. where can i check to see if there was a update to these packages?01:30
bazhanghttp://www.linuxjournal.com/content/tech-tip-view-apple-movie-trailers-firefox-linux uLinux though the quicktime version may have changed01:30
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sahilhow does ubuntu figure out which modules to load other than /etc/modules01:31
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brandon420jsidhu, you should just be able to sudo apt-get update && upgrade01:31
jacob_Hello guys, i wat to install ubuntu 10.04 to my laptop. i have windows installed, so i did a shrink to create a partition from windows 7, but when i'm trying to install ubuntu, ubuntu did not see the new partition it i normal?01:31
EroKaosWhat program can I use to automount flash drives?01:32
jsidhuyeah i tried that brandon420, so if apt-get upgrade doesnt show it, then there's no update?01:32
TiKjacob: not even under "manual" ?01:32
rwwjsidhu: From the look of it, it was marked as fixed last month, actually. Launchpad shows that Maverick's version was updated recently, and that Lucid's is lower than the version discussed in that bug report, so no, there hasn't been an update to Lucid to address that bug.01:33
jacob_just does\nt see it01:33
brandon420jsidhu, i wouldnt think so. they keep it pretty upto date.01:33
TiKjacob: did you create the partition with gparted and a livecd?01:33
jsidhurww: ok, how do i get the fix?01:33
jacob_now with windows 701:33
jsidhujust wait and hope they release it sometime soon?01:33
rwwjsidhu: It won't be updated in Lucid unless someone files a SRU request and it gets approved.01:34
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are  only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.01:34
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates01:34
jacob_now with windows 701:34
TiKjacob_: use gparted :P01:34
jacob_it is better?01:34
TiKfrom a livecd01:34
TiKwell its linux native01:34
jacob_ok thanks guys01:34
uLinuxbtw bazhang on Firefox if I click on http://trailers.apple.com/movies/independent/9thcompany/9thcompany-tlr1_h1080p.mov it opens the trailer with Totem Movie Player and it works great..01:35
fab_is there any channel ubuntu france svp ?01:35
bazhanguLinux, okay nice01:35
Loshki!fr | fab01:35
ubottufab: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.01:35
bazhangfab_, yes #ubuntu-fr01:35
rwwfab_: /join #ubuntu-fr01:36
buzzard32fab_ yes01:36
buzzard32fab_ list the channels, most languages are supported01:37
mwh05i don't think the smtp server was installed when I did http://library.linode.com/email/exim/send-only-mta-ubuntu-10.04-lucid01:37
kalmwhat fs / raid config would be recommended for Ubuntu with: 2x 1TB 1x 2TB 1x 1.5TB drives?01:37
sepehrI saw Tahoma looks very ugly in Lucid, anyway to have it more sharp as it is in Windows? other than all those oldie threads I read in forums, telling me nothing!01:37
WillPittengerFor some reason, Ubuntu is not letting me log in.  It accepts my password, but then the monitor goes into text moment for a second and I end up back at the login dialog.  No errors.  Just what resembles a really fast reboot.  This install is a VBox VM.01:38
WillPittengerCan someone help?01:38
WillPittengerI had just installed a bunch of packages.01:38
buzzard32mwh05 use the gui installer and the dependant parts will be included for you01:38
bazhangWillPittenger, guest additions installed?01:38
mwh05i'm going through SSH :(01:38
bazhangWillPittenger, which version of vbox01:39
fab_thanks bye01:39
WillPittenger3.2.8 r6445301:39
bazhangWillPittenger, sorry, what I meant was the one from their site, or from ubuntu repos01:40
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WillPittengerFrom their site.  The guest additions came from their CD.01:41
bazhangWillPittenger, not sure. you might try #vbox if you don't get a satisfactory answer here01:41
WillPittengerWell, I figured it was a Ubuntu issue.01:41
WillPittengerUbuntu just happens to be on a VM.01:42
TimRas anyboy ran into debootstrap warning when trying to install ubunut01:42
TimRas anyboy ran into debootstrap warning when trying to install ubuntu*01:42
mhall119step21: mt-daapd works perfectly for me, thank you01:43
Psychocan anyone help me find a ubuntu driver for a logitech webcam c250h01:43
Psychoive looked everywhere01:43
Psychoim not sure if it exists01:43
FloodBot3Psycho: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:43
ziggyfishI use to be able to remotely login to another computer using X11 remote login, however I can't find this option in ubuntu 10.04, has this been removed?01:43
JeroenzKlompzoi psycho ;-)01:44
bazhangPsycho, check the list of supported webcams, then try cheese/camorama01:44
bazhang!webcam | Psycho01:44
ubottuPsycho: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras01:44
Viking667hi there. Quick question to compile a kernel. I've just apt-got linux-source, it's left a tarball in /usr/src - do I simply extract that kernel tree? Or is there another package that holds extracted source?01:44
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step21mhall119: you're welcome01:46
* RadioListener The best balkan irc network irc.balkancafe.org visit us :) if you from balkan ;)01:47
* rww hands idoru a cookie01:47
LinuxGuy2009I'm looking for an easy way to get a base system install on an offline machine. I tried the alternate CD but it doesnt let you do it. The minimal CD needs internet to work, which obviously wont help me. Can the server CD do this?01:47
TimRas anyboy ran into debootstrap warning when trying to install ubuntu01:47
ubuntucomputer was on, has been on for the last 2 weeks, and I slightly bump it, it freezes, I reset I get grub error 15, I try looking at the HD from a live cd, and /home is empty ?01:48
ubuntuwtf is up with that ?01:48
UnknownExceptionhey everyone. does any1 play warcraft on Garena client?01:49
Viking667ouch. Sounds ugly01:49
ziggyfishubuntu, bad hardware01:49
Jordan_Uubuntu: Do you have a separate /home partition?01:49
Viking667UnknownException: hm? never played it. I'm assuming you mean WoW?01:49
ubuntuziggyfish, how can /home/myhome folder get deleted if I accidently slightly bumb it01:49
UnknownExceptionViking667, yes i mean wow. basically this is for playing Dota and not Wow. but still using Frozen Throne01:50
Jordan_Uubuntu: If you don't know, look in your /etc/fstab (or just pastebin it).01:50
UnknownExceptionViking667,  using a client called GArena which connects gamers.01:50
ziggyfishubuntu, is it on a separate hard drive?01:50
Viking667Given I don't know what "Dota" means, I'm assuming it's a mod for Wow:Frozen Throne01:50
Jordan_Uubuntu: Please be respectfull in this channel.01:50
UnknownExceptionViking667,  Dota is just a map01:50
UnknownExceptionViking667,  but it has become so popular now.01:51
Viking667heh. The good maps do that.01:51
Viking667The only thing that holds me away from WoW is the subscription... and as that's not going away any time soon (and I suppose, neither should it) I won't ever be seen on the shards01:51
LinuxGuy2009Can the server CD be used to do a base install and build it up from there?01:51
UnknownExceptionViking667, hehe. yeah. so my problem is, i got this program called Play on linux, that helped me Run the WIndows garena.exe using Wine. But through Garena i am having problem starting war3.exe. I can start war3.exe from the terminal using Wine.01:52
UnknownExceptionViking667,  i never started on Wow. and dont plan to. Its too much.01:52
Viking667Does Garena act as a server chooser for Wow?01:52
ubuntuziggyfish nope01:52
ubuntumy home folder was on the hard drive I am trying to mount01:53
UnknownExceptionViking667,  yes for all games now. CS to Wow. But just acts as a lan emulator. Not wow. But maps that u can play on local area01:53
ubuntuwell I can mount01:53
Viking667ah, okay.01:53
UnknownExceptionViking667,  it has support for a lot of games and millions of users now01:53
UnknownExceptionViking667,  millions might be an exaggeration.01:53
ubuntumaybe it was a trojan virus01:54
Viking667heh. Given WoW has millions of users, at least some of those may well be using the Galena client.01:54
step21ubuntu: if you have another computer try accessing it there and try to recover things with testdisk01:54
UnknownExceptionViking667,  They are. but mostly use Windows.01:54
bazhangUnknownException, support question in there?01:55
UnknownExceptionViking I have it working using Wine and Play On lInux. But stuck at the last step, Just need Garena now to be able to run War3.exe01:55
Viking667Ah, sorry. Garena (galena is a chemical in the periodic table, I think... used to dope transistors with)01:56
UnknownExceptionViking667,  hahahaha.. I dont think Galena is an element. But will take your word for it.01:56
Jordan_Uubuntu: I doubt it.01:56
tensorpuddingGalena is a mineral, lead sulfate I believe.01:56
Jordan_Uubuntu: Can you pastebin the output of "mount" and "sudo blkid"?01:57
Viking667ah... sounds better than my explanation01:57
UnknownExceptionthere we go. ya i remember the periodic table. never came across that.01:57
bazhangUnknownException, lets take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic please01:57
Viking667but yes, it's certainly used in transistors01:57
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=== jason is now known as Guest62491
PiliStormi can't install ubuntu on fake raid01:58
PiliStormhelp me01:59
JLaverne!hello jason01:59
tensorpudding!hi | jason_01:59
ubottujason_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!01:59
Jordan_UPiliStorm: Unless you need to dual boot with windows it's best to avoid Fake RAID?01:59
jason_hello everone01:59
Jordan_UPiliStorm: Sorry, that wasn't meant to be a question :)02:00
RandBrittainWhy is it that every time I try to make a USB stick that will boot Ubuntu using the Startup Disk Creator from inside Ubuntu, I get a "Boot Error" no matter which of my thumb drives I use?02:00
CajunTechieHey everyone, anyone know the details of adding your own software to Software Center? I hear that's going to be supported starting in October.02:00
PiliStormi dont need dual boot02:00
PiliStormonly ubuntu02:00
evilbugcould faulty ram modules ruin an install process?02:00
PiliStormi only install ubuntu02:00
tensorpuddingPiliStorm: you could always go for software raid02:00
PiliStormi dont like soft raid02:00
Guest62491good afternoon. can anyone please assist me with a question. How can I make a folder being shared in samba smb.conf so that it is writable by selected IP's similar to host allow, but read only for other IP's?02:00
Jordan_UPiliStorm: Why?02:00
PiliStormmy chipset is ich1002:01
bsmith0931does wget have a specific order it downloads in when doing a mirror of a website?02:01
RandBrittainI mean, I would think the Startup Disk utility that comes with Ubuntu would work best, but apparently not?02:01
PiliStormwhat can i do02:01
Jordan_UPiliStorm: Why don't you like Software RAID?02:01
evilbugi'm trying to install ubuntu on an older pc and the install always fails at kernel install.02:01
Viking667Software RAID uses the CPU to do some of the "heavy lifting"02:02
ubuntuJordan_U, not sure what that is going to do...02:02
tensorpuddingPiliStorm: have you read this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto02:02
PiliStormfake raid high performence02:02
bsmith0931wget ... does it mirror alphabetaically or just going down the root structure or what and in a mirror operation can i get an overall progress bar or not?02:02
Jordan_UPiliStorm: Fake RAID uses software running on the CPU just like linux Software RAID does. I actually expect Linux software RAID to be faster.02:02
Viking667... whereas Hardware RAID is entirely in the internal interface, and usually doesn't need the CPU's help02:02
PiliStormi sure hardware better than soft02:03
TwistCan anyone help me with a network card issue?02:03
Jordan_UPiliStorm: Fake RAID isn't hardware RAID.02:03
=== Guest62491 is now known as jfullernz
PiliStormis'nt hardware?02:03
Jordan_UPiliStorm: Hence the "fake". It's just code that runs in the BIOS, and only for the first few seconds of the boot process before the kernel starts.02:04
tensorpuddingPiliStorm: read the link I sent, it explains why "fake" RAID that is provided by southbridges like ICH10 is not a performance win02:04
sedulousFake raid only exists to cirvumvent Windows restrictions, I'm sure.02:04
ubuntuok so any clues as to how I can recover my missing /home folder on my hard drive that got bumped02:04
sedulous(desktop versions of Windows don't support S.W. RAID)02:04
Jordan_Uubuntu: Can you pastebin the output of "mount" and "sudo blkid"?02:04
ubuntuJordan_U, http://pastebin.ca/194386602:04
PiliStormbut windows support fake raid perfect02:05
RunningAimhello..i have installed the latest ubuntu server and i have installed gnome.first question is whether i can make the system work as a domain so windows users can connect to it...and second question is whether i can resize my hard drive which is lvm.02:05
ubuntuJordan_U, ^02:05
jfullernzgood afternoon. can anyone please assist me with a question. How can I make a folder being shared in samba smb.conf so that it is writable by selected IP's similar to host allow, but read only for other IP's?02:06
tensorpuddingPiliStorm: Unless you bought a dedicated RAID card that obviates the IDE/SATA bus, the kind that costs several hundred dollars, you're not going to get performance benefits.02:06
ubuntustill doesnt make sense why after I bump it, it fails to boot, and when I get mount in from a live cd, my home folder in /home is completely gone..02:06
Jordan_Uubuntu: Can you pastebin /media/sda1/etc/fstab ?02:06
ubuntuJordan_U, http://pastebin.ca/194387102:06
PiliStormsoft raid performence better than fake raid?02:07
hmwjfullernz: I don't know, but I'd look into user/group stuff02:07
Jordan_Uubuntu: sudo mount /dev/sda6 /media/sda1/home/02:07
Jordan_Uubuntu: After running that command you should be able to see the files from your home directory.02:08
JackStonewalljfullernz:  not exactly what you're asking for, but perhaps http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/red-hat-31/restrict-samba-access-to-only-certain-lan-ip-addresses-575345/ is a start?02:08
ubuntuJordan_U, ls02:08
PiliStormI Install two SSD AND fake raid, I need high performence02:08
PiliStormany body help me02:08
hmwPiliStorm: soft raid is the same as fake raid - for performance you need a hardware raid02:09
JLavernePiliStorm, just google it..02:09
ubuntuJordan_U, hey thanks !02:09
kaddycan anyone see my posts?02:09
JLavernekady yes02:09
kaddyahhh good. lol02:09
ubuntuJordan_U, any way of recovering this ?02:09
Jordan_Uubuntu: You're welcome.02:09
ubuntuwell, the grub on it.02:09
PiliStormI read the wiki, but I can't install ubuntu on fakeraid02:09
PiliStormi readed wiki02:09
ubuntuJordan_U, sorry, any way I can recover the grub for this fs ?02:10
PiliStormI NEED Install Ubuntu on fakeraid, but not softraid02:10
tensorpuddingPiliStorm: why do you need it on fakeraid?02:10
bazhangPiliStorm, you've been given the answer please dont repeat02:10
Jordan_Uubuntu: I'm sure grub can be recovered.02:10
PiliStormhigh performence, i belive ichr10 do something here02:11
ubuntuJordan_U, ok. The exact error I am getting is grub error 1502:11
PiliStormi belive hardware better than soft02:11
Jordan_Uubuntu: Can you run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the RESULTS.txt?02:11
bazhangPiliStorm, yes, and that's not correct. fakeraid is not hardware02:11
JLavernePiliStorm, fake raid is not hardware, thats why its called FAKE raid02:12
PiliStormi belive ichr10 do something here02:12
bazhangPiliStorm, please dont repeat02:12
SoulShadowi lul'd02:12
ubuntuJordan_U, http://pastebin.ca/194387402:13
ubuntuJordan_U, the grub that is on /dev/sdc shouldn't be there I don't think02:14
ubuntuthat hd is for storage only02:14
Kevin`can someone here please paste ubuntu's kvm/qemu ifup script?02:15
ubuntuJordan_U, I remember when I installed Ubuntu to this computer, I had to unplug all my HD's except the one I was installing to because grub would get screwed up for some reason..02:15
LxndrWebsites visited on Firefox do not give me any sound. Same websites visited in Chrome DO give me sound. How can I make firefox give me sound?02:16
Jordan_Uubuntu: Correct, that's the drive you're currently booting from. If you change the boot order to boot from sda it should boot fine.02:16
ubuntuJordan_U, ok where do I change that ?02:16
LxndrWebsites visited on Firefox do not give me any sound. Same websites visited in Chrome DO give me sound. How can I make firefox give me sound?02:17
trakinasLxndr: dont repeat yourself.02:17
snake__how can i install brother MFC 240C Drivers? It is not in the list of pre-sets, and i am having a VERY hard time.02:17
Jordan_Uubuntu: It's slightly differnet for each computer. Generally at boot you'll see a message (it may go by pretty fast) saying something like "Press F2 to enter setup".02:17
Viking667Lxndr: checked that the flash plugin is installed for Firefox?02:17
ubuntuubuntu, oh you mean in BIOS02:17
JackStonewallAnyone know of a way to force the Network Manager Applet to always force itself to disable the "Enable networking" right-click option at boot/re-wake from sleep?  I've found a klugey work-around but it doesn't survive a sleep re-wake.02:18
Jordan_Uubuntu: Yes.02:18
ubuntuJordan_U, thats not a /boot thing or something in the grub settings I should be changing ?02:18
uLinuxhow can I check the folders that an application uses?02:18
MathuinMy iPod shuffle (first edition, the pack-of-gum kind) is suddenly no longer visible to Banshee.  I can see it in 'lsusb'.  Is there a way to rebuild the database on the iPod from the command line?02:18
trakinasuLinux: if I got your question, whereis application02:18
Viking667JackStonewall: what sort of "sleep"? As in, laptop-shut-lid sleep (suspend to ram with power still running) or hibernate (state saved on hard drive, then restored to memory on powerup)02:19
LxndrViking667: The flash plug-in is installed.02:19
Jordan_Uubuntu: Nope, the only problem you currently are having is that you have an old broken grub install on sdc, and for whatever reason your BIOS has started booting sdc instead of sda.02:19
uLinuxtrakinas: it's Totem Movie player02:19
trakinascheck your pm02:19
uLinuxim trying to find it's folder02:19
ubuntuJordan_U, yes thats because sdc is Sata, and sda is ide02:19
ubuntuit wants to boot from the sata first02:19
MathuinuLinux: I have had some success in opening the package manager, selecting the package in question, and looking at the installed files in properties.02:19
JackStonewallViking, haven't tested the hibernation, but would suspect that that would clobber my solution and re-enable the networking too.02:19
ubuntuis there a way to remove the grub from sdc Jordan_U  ?02:20
RunningAimhello..i have installed the latest ubuntu server and i have installed gnome.first question is whether i can make the system work as a domain so windows users can connect to it...and second question is whether i can resize my hard drive which is lvm.02:20
snake__i need to install my printer, its a brother mfc-240c and the deb binary file didn't do anything...02:20
uLinuxMathuin: yeah man that works02:20
LxndrViking667: It's a version "9.0 r124". Is that the one I should have?02:20
MathuinuLinux: no problem, glad I could help!02:20
trakinassnake__: pastebin the errors you got.02:20
snake__trakinas, no error occured, i just can't print.02:21
uLinuxMathuin: like trakinas told me 'whereis app' also works fine02:21
trakinasi see... canr help much. kinda busy. sorry02:21
Viking667Lxndr: hm. I thought flash was up to 10 now? 10.1.x.y?02:21
MathuinuLinux: neat!  the last time I used that command -- a loooong time ago -- it wasn't as cool. :-)02:22
ubuntuJordan_U, I was thinking if I remove grub from sdc it should fix it no ?02:22
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Jordan_Uubuntu: Correct.02:22
ubuntuJordan_U, do you know what file I need to edit to fix this ?02:22
ranthifor ubuntu is xfce the lightest yet decently user friendly window manager?02:23
snake__so is there a special ubuntu room for printers?02:23
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ubuntusnake__, cups ?02:23
LxndrViking667: If you have any suggestions as to how to get from 9.0 r124 to 10, I'll take them. Whenever I go to download, I seem to get the same version.02:24
avisstumbleupon is acting out http://www.dailyacid.com/2010/09/youve-gotermail.html  http://cdn.davesdaily.com/pictures/302-fukitol.jpg    thats what they said a long time ago    http://throwourlivesawayforonehappyday.us/  and the Austin Statesman wants to publish my story, i guess it was my imagination that they had assigned to me a girlfriend for the poop you see there in my stumbleupon profiles02:24
MathuinOkay, if anyone has any ideas on fixing the iPod, let me know. :-)  AFK for a bit for domestic bliss.02:24
RandBrittainGrrr. No matter what I do, and using three different thumb drives, the startup disk creator just gives me a 'boot error.' Why is this happening?02:24
bazhangavis, ?02:24
avismy girlfriend, gone02:24
bazhangavis, offtopic for here02:25
ubuntuJordan_U, I don't have a /boot/grub/menu.lst on /media/sda102:25
ipnoidDoes anyone know if it's possible to add launchers to the right click menu?02:25
RandBrittainGoogling seemed to have suggest I needed to eject the thumb drive first, but doing that didn't help.02:26
dassoukiis there a way to make gnome toolbars smaller for netbooks02:27
ubuntuJordan_U, and I don't have a /media/sda1/boot/grub/grub.conf either02:27
Niglopdoes anybody know why when i edit /etc/bash.bashrc it changes back to what it was?02:27
Jordan_Uubuntu: The relavant code is stored in the first 466 bytes of the disk, not in any filesystem.02:27
dassoukialthough it's small, it is still really large02:27
RandBrittainWhich is annoying, because it's beginning to look as though I'm going to have to reinstall Ubuntu to get fglrx working agian.02:27
Jordan_Uubuntu: The fact that you don't have the corrosponding files is why you get the error 15.02:27
Loshkiranthi: for other options, see http://lightlinux.blogspot.com/2009/02/lightweight-ubuntu-derivatives-for-old.html02:27
Leman_RussAnyone had any luck using Ubuntu to convert from .avi to .mp4 for HTC Desire phone (Android 2.1)02:28
ubuntuso is there a way to resolve grub from a live cd ?02:28
LxndrViking667: Okay, I think I found a method to try to download version 10. (I went here: https://www.mozilla.com/en-US/plugincheck/ and it tells me where to click to upgrade). But once I click, it downloads and says "already installed!" when trying to install. Any tips on how to stop this cycle?02:28
Viking667hm. No idea, sorry.02:28
LoshkiLeman_Russ: I've never done it, but I'd try handbrake first...02:29
ubuntuJordan_U, I don't get it so that boot info script shows where grub is installed to, even though it isn't installed ?02:29
Jordan_Uubuntu: This command will zero out the code portion of the mbr, but you should be *VERY* carefull when using dd like this. A single typo could whipe your entire drive. "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc bs=446 count=1"02:29
RandBrittainIs a LiveUSB supposed to have a /boot folder on it? Would that be why mine isn't working?02:29
Leman_RussLoshiki; What is Handbrake?02:29
Jordan_Uubuntu: It is half installed, the portion stored in the mbr is still there.02:30
CajunTechieI have to second Handbrake. It's pretty awesome.02:30
CajunTechie@Jordan: It's a video encoder/recoder02:30
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LoshkiLeman_Russ: handbrake is one of those programs which converts video formats http://handbrake.fr/02:30
ubuntuJordan_U, http://pastebin.ca/194388102:30
ubuntuI just copied / pasted your command and ran it02:30
Leman_RussLoshki: Thanks, I will have a look02:31
LinuxGuy2009Can the server CD be used to install a base system?02:31
Jordan_Uubuntu: Ok, if you re-run boot info script you should no longer see grub on sdc, and the bios should skip sdc at boot.02:31
LoshkiLinuxGuy2009: Yes. And you can add a desktop to that server later on if you decide it's necessary....02:32
MathuinHandbrake has crashed on a couple of things for me, and it's not in the regular package repositories (or at least if there is one it's really old and you might as well go to nightlies) but other than that it rocks my socks.02:32
FableflameDoes the Ubuntu LiveUSB often fail? Two computers I've tried to use it on wouldn't load it.02:32
RandBrittainFableflame: I can't get the LiveUSB to work either, and I'm making it from inside Ubuntu.02:32
RandBrittainI keep getting a "boot error" when I try to boot from it.02:32
ubuntuJordan_U, you are correct it is now gone !!02:32
ubuntuJordan_U, thanks again !02:33
konobi1234Fableflame: try to set up boot for USB in BIOS02:33
Jordan_Uubuntu: You're welcome.02:33
ubuntuJordan_U, now to repair the one on /dev/sda02:33
LinuxGuy2009Loshki: Cool thats what I needed to know. Cause I tried the minimal CD and it requires a network connection and wont work on an offline machine. Will the server CD install the base directly off the CD with no requirement for a network connection so I can use my homemade repo DVD to build the system up from scratch?02:33
Jordan_Uubuntu: I don't think it needs any repair.02:33
Fableflamekonobi1234, I had THAT part set up. . .02:33
RandBrittainI've booted from USB before, so I know that isn't the issue on my end either.02:33
ubuntuok well I will try it then brb02:34
FableflameRandBrittain, same here. I got it to work once. Twice today it just froze while booting. On one computer I just got a black screen after the screen with Ubuntu and the four glowing dots, and the num lock, caps lock, and scroll lock lights were flashing.02:34
Fableflamethen on an Acer laptop, it wouldn't do anything after the four dots lit up, it just sat there02:34
Jordan_UFableflame: RandBrittain: BIOS's have a lot of odd bugs with booting from USB, if syslinux (used by Ubuntu's startup disk creator and unetbootin) doesn't work you might try installing grub2 and using its loopback feature to boot the Ubuntu iso.02:35
RandBrittainI just get a 'boot error' message and nothing else, and I've trying making the LiveUSB on three different sticks.02:35
LoshkiLinuxGuy2009: I *think* it will, but I urge you to get a 2nd opinion before you rely on this, 'cos I'm not sure...02:35
RandBrittainInstall grub2 on my computer itself? I might already have that, since I'm running lucid.02:35
Jordan_UFableflame: RandBrittain: Doing it with grub2 is unfortunately not automated (yet).02:35
LinuxGuy2009 Loshki: Ok well Im downloading it with jigdo so Ill find out soon enough. hehe thank you.02:35
uLinuxsoon i'll reinstall Ubuntu .. and my question is: if i have 2gb of ram how much swap space should I put during install?02:35
LoshkiLinuxGuy2009: best of luck02:35
jandtdoh so one ie not banned fronm here as before from ubuntu-ops?02:36
FableflameJordan_U, I was only using it to let my cousin test Ubuntu, I wasn't going to install anything on it. I was trying to "Try without installing"02:36
Jordan_UFableflame: I meant install grub2 to the USB drive.02:36
uLinuxi dont want to use 4gb for swap is just too much02:36
FableflameJordan_U, oh, no idea how to do that.02:36
jv__finally got latest lubuntu on my eeepc and is great02:36
RandBrittainJordan_U: How would I install grub2 to a USB drive, then?02:36
brandon420Movie, Give me a good one.02:36
Fableflamebrandon420, Law Abiding Citizen02:37
brandon420=/ seen it. lol.02:37
brandon420about 15 times.02:37
tensorpuddingIt's always a good idea to have as much swap as RAM02:37
hmwuLinux: if you have as much swap as you have RAM, you may suspend to disk, which wont work if you have less swap02:37
tensorpuddingbut the 2x rule is probably a waste02:37
uLinuxhmw: ohhh02:37
Jordan_URandBrittain: Fableflame: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128860402:37
Fableflamebrandon420, Book of Eli02:37
Mathuinlubuntu?  Is that the new UNR ?02:37
uLinuxhmw tensorpudding I have 2gb of ram02:37
brandon420haha, see that too. xD02:37
ZykoticK9uLinux, if you are going to use "Suspend" feature you need more swap then physical RAM (but i agree 2x is too much these days, my swap is hardly ever touched)02:38
uLinuxbut 4gb for swap isnt too much?02:38
brandon420i have access to any movie everrrmade02:38
jandtd1259 users here?02:38
ipnoidAnyone know how to add launchers to your right click menu?02:38
hmwuLinux: 4GB sounds like a waste in your case. I'd make sure, that it is a bit more than your RAM02:38
trakinasuLinux: don't need to follow the 2x memory "rule" if you have more than 1gb02:38
uLinuxso.. 3gb?02:39
jandtdcan all say hello?02:39
hmwuLinux: I'd make it 2.1GB or so02:39
Fableflamebrandon420, me too, it's called bit torrent02:39
brandon420Fableflame, called passthepopcorn.02:39
uLinuxcurrently 0 bytes of 5.6 gb lol02:39
RandBrittainAs another question, if I have 8GB of RAM, and am installing to a solid state drive, and don't plan on hibernating, can I do without any swap?02:40
adalalhi, my phone indicates that my MyDocs is a read only filesystem .. any reason?02:40
Jordan_Uhmw: Since the hybernation image is compressed you don't really need more swap than physical RAM, though having the same amount is probably a good idea.02:40
uLinuxyeah i also dont hibernate but..02:40
hmwuLinux: i wrote some ideas on how to partition my boxes on
trakinasI have 2gb and 512 of swap02:40
uLinuxill check02:40
uLinuxit's just stupid ubuntu automatic installion to use 5.6gb02:41
trakinasRandBrittain: I think you are obligated to create the swap partition02:41
trakinasuLinux: i dont do automatic since debian woody02:41
tensorpuddingif you don't have a swap partition, i think you'll get a panic if you exhaust your RAM02:41
uLinuxtrakinas: it will be the first time doing it manually im thinking of 12gb for / maybe 2gb for swap and rest for /home what do you think02:42
Jordan_Utrakinas: RandBrittain: That's not correct, the installer will allow you to install without a swap paritition. Though I'd recommend having a little swap just in case a program has a crazy memory leak (though you'll run out of swap eventually too, and the OOM killer is pretty good at killing such programs before anything else).02:43
RandBrittainI see.02:43
trakinasuLinux: depends on your use and how much space you have.02:43
hmwuLinux: sounds fine to me. 12 GB is a lot for Ubuntu.02:43
uLinuxim using +-6gb right now02:43
uLinuxfor /02:43
Jordan_Utensorpudding: What happens is that the OOM killer kicks in and starts killing processes.02:44
ipnoidAnybody know of any way to add launcher to right click menu?02:44
hmwuLinux: you can always boot the live cd or flash disk and change partition sizes, if you are unhappy.02:44
trakinasuLinux: I have 80GB and use 20 for / and 50 for /home. I have a 10gb that I usually use as my temp dvd-ripping directory02:44
uLinuxhmw: but i could get in trouble when resizing :P02:44
trakinasuLinux: 6 will be too less.02:45
GraphicHGRUB Problem: I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 as the only operating system, I need access to the GRUB menu in order to add the options pci=nomsi to the boot command list02:45
thune3ipnoid: a generic one, or for a specific file type?02:45
GraphicHAny help appreciated02:45
trakinasmine: /dev/sda3              13G  4.5G  7.4G  38% /02:45
hmwipnoid: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NautilusScriptsHowto02:45
Kevin`GraphicH: hold down shift02:45
GraphicHKevin`: triedd that no go02:45
anxiolyticI upgraded from 8.04 to 9.10 to lucid02:45
Jordan_UGraphicH: Does your keyboard work in the BIOS menus?02:46
iwobbleshi I accidentally deleted the top pannel which has system chutdown etc and applications in it is there a way to restore it ?02:46
bazhanganxiolytic, in one step?02:46
Jordan_U!panelreset | iwobbles02:46
ubottuiwobbles: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »02:46
anxiolyticI rebooted and im stuck at the login window. even after I put in the correct pw, it shows a black screen and then shows the login window again. just loops there.02:46
anxiolyticbazhang: in 2 steps02:46
GraphicHJordan_U yes it does02:46
anxiolyticbazhang: 9.10 worked fine so the issue occured between 9 -> 1002:46
Jordan_UGraphicH: And you started holding shift while it was still in POST?02:46
Anom01yJordan_U, its me ubuntu,02:46
Anom01ythanks for the help there02:47
switch10_GraphicH: it should work.  hold down shift as soon as your machine posts02:47
uLinuxi dont know..02:47
bazhanganxiolytic, lts to lts is one step you realize02:47
Jordan_UAnom01y: You're welcome.02:47
Anom01yJordan_U, I am back up and running. I was freeked out for a bit there02:47
uLinux10gb for / 2 for swap02:47
Anom01yI forgot I put my home folder on another partition02:47
GraphicHJordan_U: it does drop straight to busy box, some quirk of my hardware I always have to add the parameter pci=nomsi to the boot line listed in grub02:47
uLinuxand btw i watched some dude doing a partition for boot.. why?02:48
anxiolyticbazhang: I did it in 2 steps, I know 8.10 to 10 is 1 step, I went from 8.04 to 1002:48
uLinuxfor /boot02:48
anxiolyticbazhang: but I'm in 10 right now so that's irrelevant. I can't really downgrade02:48
iwobblesmm now all panels are gone lol, even lost the pannell at bottom of screen, ummm,02:48
hmwGraphicH: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=136635402:48
anxiolyticbazhang: it seems like others have had the same problem but no solution: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2010-April/214451.html02:48
Jordan_UGraphicH: Have you tried holding shift during boot, being sure to start holding shift while the BIOS is still in POST (or even before you hit the power button unless that makes your BIOS complain).02:48
thune3anxiolytic: sounds like X is crashing, you might login to tty and check /var/log/Xorg.0.log and other logs to see what is happening.02:49
GraphicHhmw: thats nice but I cant get ubuntu to boot until I add this line to the grub loader02:49
anxiolyticthune3: problem is when I go to a tty the screen is just black. all of them. I can go back to the login screen though02:50
isolat3sh33piwobbles, try in terminal « gnome-panel --replace »02:50
hmwGraphicH: if you boot into your hard disk, do a web search on "grub2 repair after windows" or something... you need a live cd and then you chroot into the file system02:50
hmwGraphicH: if you _cant_ boot... sorry02:50
GraphicHhmw: you dont understand, I cannot boot until I add this option02:50
hmwuhm... can you boot anything linux? live cd?02:50
hmwGraphicH: ^02:51
thune3anxiolytic: i don't know, maybe boot with "nomodeset" or "xforcevesa" boot parameters, and if you get to login then upgrade to proprietary drivers.02:51
trakinasiwobbles: control+alt t then killall gnome-panel02:51
ipnoidhmw: thanks02:51
Kevin`GraphicH: you could just boot from the install cd and change grub to have a delay02:52
hmwGraphicH: can you boot a live cd?02:52
GraphicRecursionhwm: yes but I always have trouble mounting drives -_- does not appear to be mounting the hddd automatically02:53
uLinux trakinas> uLinux: 6 will be too less.02:53
opakavicGraphicH, you please listen to hmw02:53
uLinuxfor / right02:53
Jordan_UGraphicH: Have you tried holding shift during boot, being sure to start holding shift while the BIOS is still in POST? (or you can even start holding shift before you hit the power button, unless that makes your BIOS complain).02:53
trakinasuLinux: yes.02:53
GraphicRecursionJordan_U: yes02:53
trakinasIm already using 4.5 and I don't have that much of apps installed02:54
uLinuxtrakinas: so you said 12gb is too much and 6 is too less lol..02:54
TheoryDesignshello i just installed ubuntu studio02:54
TheoryDesignsx64 edition02:54
trakinasuLinux: i didnt said 12 was too much02:54
hmwGraphicRecursion: are you GraphicH? It is normal, that your hds are not automounted from the live cd. You need to sudo mount /dev/sdwhatever /mnt   for example02:54
uLinuxtrakinas: sry it was hmw02:54
trakinasuLinux: I think it was someone else. and he/she said it is enough, not too little/much. =P02:54
Kevin`uLinux: you could always use lvm, you can resize filesystems online then02:54
uLinuxi have 1TB hdd02:55
lintinhey all02:55
hmw!hi | lintin02:55
ubottulintin: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:55
grokeni'm having trouble with vsftpd and ubuntu 10.10. when i set ssl_enable=YES and then sudo service vsftpd restart, the process dies. i can't find any info about this in the logs besides the process trying to restart02:55
GraphicRecursionhmw: alright, this has always been a problem with this machine, but before it was just easy to edit the boot image commands in grub, Ill try the live cd and mounting that drive02:55
hmwGraphicRecursion: if you need it, i can dig up the torrent for Ubuntu 9.04 - it had grub1 if i remember correctly02:56
trakinasuLinux: okay. I'd use 15 / , 1gb /swap/   rest /home/   -- anyone agree?02:56
lintinyea i just built a new crazy server/workstation, having problems burning with k3b and mounting the drive02:56
uLinuxtrakinas: no one :P02:56
Kevin`trakinas: I wouldn't personally use that layout, but it's somewhat sane02:57
uLinux2gb ram 1gb swap02:57
thune3uLinux: trakinas : with 1TB, i don't see reason to skimp on /, expecially if /tmp is there, since some applications store large things in /tmp. I'd got 20-30GB for / , if I had 1TB.02:57
GraphicRecursionhmw: I was thinking about it but Id like to use 10. Ive always had this problem with this machine, do you know what the argument pci=nomsi actually does?02:57
hmwtrakinas: uLinux: Kevin`: as stated, having a swap as large as the RAM allows for suspent-to-disk. 1GB swap is totally cool imo.02:57
lintini personally dedicate 1tb drive to ubuntu (fle server)  and another drive is raided02:57
uLinuxthune3: well i had 30gb for windows02:57
hmwGraphicRecursion: no idea... i'll do a quick web search, perhaps i find out02:58
Jordan_UuLinux: trakinas: Now that Ubuntu's installer is smart enough to allow you to preserve your /home (via manual partitioning) without having a separate partition, it doesn't make much sense to make /home separate.02:58
Kevin`use the lvm. you like the lvm02:58
akmcan any one please send me how to install ubuntu...step by step installation02:58
GraphicRecursionhmw: its always been a weird magic word for me but I gathered that it has something to do with actually powering on the disk or energy saving power options or something02:58
trakinasJordan_U: i see.02:58
lintinummmmm its easy02:59
lintinuse guided partition (whole drive)02:59
lintinthen install02:59
hmwGraphicRecursion: http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=12071002:59
lintinits gotten so easy02:59
thune3Jordan_U: you have any links about preserving /home during upgrades on a unified partition?02:59
uLinuxJordan_U: i dont know but ppl use separate partition for home because then they can change distro or reinstall02:59
Jordan_Uakm: Do you want to dual boot?02:59
akmno Jordan03:00
akmonly singe os want03:00
Name141Is it possible, from default, to install Ubuntu with min stuff for older machines? No GUI, etc?03:00
hmwthune3: I usually stop gdm from a console and make a backup tar of /home - this needs a password for root though :(03:00
hmwthune3: you could do it from a live cd03:00
Jordan_Uakm: Do you already have an Ubuntu CD? And do you know how to boot from CD?03:01
bazhang!manual | akm please read03:01
ubottuakm please read: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/03:01
akmI have ubuntu cd and knows to boot..but i dont know step by step installaion03:01
Name141Or will I have to remove everything I don't want myself?03:01
trakinasName141: i *think* there is an option on the menu03:01
bazhangakm, please look at that manual. many pictures and explanations03:02
GraphicRecursionhmw: interesting Ive wondered if there was a bios setting for this, its def something to do with the board03:02
lintinyes, very easy to install03:02
Kevin`akm: there are instructions on the screen. unless you can't see, it should be pretty easy even without seperate instructions03:02
Name141trakinas: Should I look for it during the install03:02
thune3hmw: Jordan_U indicated that an install could take place on unified /+/home without clobbering /home. I'd like more info on this.03:02
hmwakm: if your hard disk does not contain important data, just start the install from the live cd and read the instructions - it is quite self-explanatory03:02
JoeSomebodyhi, my friends canon printer has no linux drivers on the website, sol? or is there a workaround?03:02
trakinasName141: when you boot you can choose different kinds of instalation, I believe03:02
Name141trakinas: Ok, I'll turn it on and see what happens03:02
yuecaijiehow can use the commend?03:03
trakinasJoeSomebody: aptitude install cups, but look on their page first03:03
akmI have different partitions03:03
trakinas!cups | JoeSomebody03:03
ubottuJoeSomebody: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows03:03
ouyesmorning all, is there a lan chat tool?03:03
bazhanglinuxprinting.org says what about that JoeSomebody03:03
Name141trakinas: it's an old pentium 2 with 10GB hard drive.. I thought it'd be worth using for something atleast03:03
JoeSomebodythanks :)03:03
=== sedulous is now known as sedularrrrr
shugartokay, I'm really hitting the wall here, I cannot get ubuntu to partition any of my harddrives from installation03:03
tensorpuddingouyes: you can use bonjour for chatting03:03
Jordan_Ushugart: What happens when you try?03:04
trakinasName141: Id go with debian or even gentoo and custom it myself during install. but I like to suffer.03:04
trakinaskidding. I dont.03:04
Kevin`it's possible to use jabber on a lan, right?03:04
hmwshugart: what problem do you encounter exactly? any error message perhaps?03:04
shugartJordan_U: I just get a hung load, 5% on the desktop version, 33% on server03:04
shugartdid memtest, came back clean03:04
yuecaijieI can't use the dasktop03:04
trakinasKevin`: you mean as a "private im"?03:04
Name141trakinas: I liked debian 'ok'03:04
shugarttried 4 different drives03:04
Name141trakinas: but I had to hunt and search around to figure out where to get the debs03:05
shugart3 different downloads, 5 different cd-r's03:05
hmwshugart: did you check the CD integrity? get the hash sum and verify the CD03:05
uLinuxbtw.. before I reinstall Ubuntu I will delete the current partitions.. so i go to live cd .. gparted and just delete all the partitions?03:05
Kevin`shugart: is there anything in the kernel log?03:05
trakinasKevin`: we have a jabber server where I work, so I say it is possible03:05
GraphicRecursionhmw: got the live cd up but I dont think my drive is in dev03:05
hmwuLinux: if you partition manually, you can manage the partitions in the install procedure right away03:05
shugarthmw: yep, md5 is clean03:05
shugartKevin`: nope03:05
yuecaijieNO , I can't find03:05
=== sedularrrrr is now known as sedulous
Kevin`shugart: I mean, after the problem occurs03:06
hmwGraphicRecursion: try sudo fdisk -l  and sudo blkid03:06
tensorpuddingouyes: I think bonjour is listed as "People Nearby" in empathy03:06
trakinasName141: I usually do "aptitude search **** " before looking for them =P03:06
ouyestensorpudding, it is gui based or text based and where can I find its source code03:06
yuecaijieok ,I try03:06
shugartKevin`: where would I find that from the live cd ?03:06
Kevin`shugart: open a terminal and run dmesg03:06
shugartKevin`: I've got server on in it right now03:06
=== jason is now known as Guest15260
tensorpuddingouyes: bonjour is the name apple uses for the zeroconf protocol03:06
tensorpuddingouyes: empathy is the im client that comes with ubuntu desktop03:06
Kevin`shugart: alt+f2 (or 3 or 4, I forget) has a terminal03:07
GraphicRecursionhmw: fdisk list nothing and blkid lists /dev/loop0 thats all03:07
uLinuxhmw: so I delete all the partitions and then it only shows dev/sda right?03:07
kivhey is their a keyboard shortcut for ejecting the cdrom tray?03:08
tensorpuddingouyes: http://live.gnome.org/Empathy03:08
shugartKevin`: last line is "Adding 9781240k swap on /dev/mapper/server-swap_1. PRiority:-1 exnts:1 across: 9781240k "03:08
hmwuLinux: I usually do manual partitioning, create a roughly 10GB ext3 and assign the mount point "/", then I create a swap and an ext3 /home03:08
shugartKevin`: no errors or panics that I can find..03:08
GraphicRecursionhmw: I think its not seeing the hardware because the boot image is trying to use that MSI option, is there a way to modify to boot line for the live cd? I have 10.04 did not see an option for it03:08
ouyestensorpudding, I saw its in my "internet" tools  empathy  but I just need a small and lan based chat tool03:08
Kevin`shugart: that's actually strange, if you are BEFORE the partitioning step is completed03:08
tensorpuddingouyes: Bonjour is LAN-based, it requires no servers or accounts03:09
uLinuxhmw: *ext4 /home?03:09
shugartKevin`: yeah, this is the first time this has ever happened, 10.04 had no problems on an identical system, 10.04.1 has the hang03:09
hmwGraphicRecursion: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions03:09
tensorpuddingouyes: and there are other clients which support it besides empathy03:09
hmwuLinux: as you wish... ext3 is just my stupid habbit03:09
Kevin`shugart: wipe the partition table on the drive and start the installer over (unless you need something on it)03:10
Jordan_UGraphicRecursion: You need to press a key within the first 5 seconds of boot to get the boot menu on the LiveCD.03:10
GraphicRecursionhmw: seems theyved changed it in 10 though Im sure they have this option somewhere03:10
Name141trakinas: sorry, I meant the actual mirrors and places03:10
shugartKevin`: I've tried that twice. used ultimate boot disk to wipe it last time03:10
ouyestensorpudding, yes I see thank you03:11
ztI resized my partition with GParted but the computer shutdown on the "copying ..." part, is it possible to recover at least certain folders with testdisk?03:11
shugartKevin`: when I tried the desktop version, I kept getting a "device in use" type error from gparted even though /dev/sda1 was never mounted03:11
Kevin`shugart: there has to be something on it now, or it wouldn't be giving that message (indicating there are partitions, and lvm, and at least one of them formatted as swap space)03:11
trakinasName141: np. I was just mockering. sometimes my source.list has more unofficial mirrors than officials.03:11
Kevin`shugart: if it's doing the same thing, take it out of use: swapoff -a; vgchange -an03:12
shugartKevin`: " Can't deactivate volume group "server" with 2 open logical volume(s) "03:12
akmhow to install yahoo messenger 10 on ubuntu ?03:12
Kevin`shugart: check if any of them are mounted03:13
GraphicRecursionakm: get pidgin03:13
=== WillPittenger_ is now known as WillPittenger
Name141trakinas: I didn't find a place to select min or anything at all.  Just 'forward forward.. forward.. type in user.. install"03:13
bazhangakm, try pidgin as a substitute03:13
Kevin`shugart: the drive is obviously not wiped, though03:13
akm<bazhang> but it does not support video calling03:13
akmand voice calling na???03:13
trakinasName141: when you boot. you can choose what kind of boot. I think there is an option there03:14
GraphicRecursionakm: yes that is a big problem with pidgin03:14
Name141trakinas: well I was more looking to save on disk space..03:14
GraphicRecursionakm: Im not sure but theres a client called digsby it may have a linux distro03:14
trakinasif ubuntu had/have dpkg, have fun. =P03:14
shugartKevin`: fdisk -l lists an sda1 "linux" sda2 "extended" and sda3 "linux vm"03:14
mgolischwho cares? use something thats available on all major platforms, like skype if you need voice/video calls03:14
ouyestensorpudding, actually I want to find a lan chat tool under linux and it is small(based on text) and open source ,so that I can read the code and learn03:14
trakinasor dpkg-select.... cant remember its name.... only that you could select each of the packages you wanted to03:15
GraphicRecursionakm: digsby supports video chat on the popular protocols and is not a bad application to boot03:15
shugartKevin`: I can't forcibly umount /dev/sda03:15
Kevin`shugart: what's mounted right now?03:15
Name141trakinas: then use SSH / sftp or Samba03:15
synackfinhow "safe" is the ubuntu installer? (i.e. if I _don't_ want to change existing partition tables -- I have valuable data on certain non-ubunut partitions)03:16
Name141trakinas: seeing as it is 10GBs just sitting around doing nothing03:16
=== lee_ is now known as trojan_spike
mgolischsynackfin: if you dont trust it use debbootstrap and a live distribution of your choice to install ubuntu03:16
hmwsynackfin: dont use the automatic partitioning - if you do it manually, be careful and double check everything.03:17
mgolischbut its usualy ok, never destroyed anything for me03:17
anxiolyticI installed Lynx and rebooted and im stuck at the login window. even after I put in the correct pw, it shows a black screen and then shows the login window again. just loops there.03:17
shugartKevin`: I'm just seeing /dev/sda mounted after running fdisk -l03:17
Jordan_Usynackfin: It's very safe, especially if you have free space to install to so that it doesn't need to resize anything.03:17
booleor backup your data first, synackfin03:17
Kevin`shugart: fdisk -l doesn't show what's mounted, mount does03:17
synackfinboole: unfortunately it's too much data to back up :(  12TB03:17
akmhow to swap and root file during installation?03:18
synackfinmgolisch: I look into debboostrap, thanks03:18
Jordan_Uakm: Just use the automatic partitioning.03:18
trojan_spikeanxiolytic, insure its the right password that u put in.. and if u reinstall,, be sure to check the auto log in ..03:18
Niglopvisit somethingawful.com (this is the site 4chan derived from)03:18
Kevin`btw, I really wish the ubuntu installer had an option THAT WORKED to not use framebuffer03:18
hmwGraphicRecursion: hold down the shift key while booting, for the GRUB2 menu. Select the entry you want to boot and press "e" and edit the boot line (starting with linux...)03:19
anxiolytictrojan_spike: auto login should be enabled. It was in 8 before I updated03:19
anxiolytictrojan_spike: pass is definitely correct03:19
hmwKevin`: you are not allone with that wish03:19
trojan_spikeso it was after an update that u couldnt get in??03:19
synackfinmgolisch: nice, I'm reading about debbootstrap and it's exactly what I'm looking for03:20
shugartKevin`: just /dev/sr0 on /cdrom and the regular, /proc, /sys, /dev /dev/pts03:20
trojan_spikehello dannyming03:20
LicuadoraHello, ppl03:20
=== kai_62656 is now known as kracker[BDC]
Kevin`shugart: wipe the beginning of the drive (assuming it's not using gpt, it doesn't seem to be) with dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1M count=10 and press the reset button03:21
LicuadoraIs there a way to copy the whole OS with all my stuff to another HDD?03:21
shugartKevin`: wait, okay, this just got weird, I just flipped back to dmesg, and now it's finishing the ext4 partition03:21
Kevin`shugart: knowing, of course, that the intent of this is data loss03:21
hmwLicuadora: dd if=/dev/THESOURCEDISK of=/dev/theNEWdisk ... make sure partitions have the same size03:21
trojan_spikeanxiolytic, if there is an alternative linux kernel in loading.. u should us that.. then check forum about that update..03:21
Kevin`you aren't doing something silly like making a 10tb ext4 partition are you?03:22
shugartKevin`: it started up after I ran "mount -a"03:22
LicuadoraI because I want to install Ubuntu in my brother's HDD, but with a liveCD I am gonna have to upgrade once ii installed03:22
hmwLicuadora: assuming you copy individual partitions03:22
LicuadoraI He does not have internet there03:22
Licuadorahmw: Well, i am gonna use the whole HDD03:22
hmwLicuadora: you could also use "partimage" (i use the flash disk with the persistent file system and have partimage installed for such things) and copy the image file to an USB hd03:23
Licuadorapartimage, eh?03:23
Kevin`shugart: why would you run mount -a during the installer?03:23
enblocShould blkid include a trailing \r when it returns a volume label?03:23
hmwpartimage rocks03:23
uLinuxhmw: you use ext3 and i watch ext3 on videos too.. so why do i see ext4 in my /dev/sda503:23
synackfinwhat's the difference between 10.04 Desktop and 10.04 Server?03:23
Kevin`synackfin: default packages installed03:24
hmwuLinux: uhm, what?03:24
shugartKevin`: I actually didn't mean to, I fat fingered it03:24
uLinuxhmw: when you are partitionning (wathever) you should ext303:24
step21uLinux: because it's a newer version probably, so it uses ext403:24
Kevin`mount would normally show messages like this, btw03:24
Kevin`[ 1597.317468] EXT3-fs (sdc): using internal journal03:24
Kevin`[ 1597.317474] EXT3-fs (sdc): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode03:24
anxiolyticwhen I try to boot into single user mode, I get a black screen with "gibberish" on top, as if my graphics card has a problem. The hardware is fine though03:24
anxiolyticthis happened after updating from 8 to 1003:25
Kevin`another vitcim of defaulting to fb mode ^03:25
hmwuLinux: you wonder, why your freshly formatted disk hase ext4? you didnt partition manually, it seems03:26
Kevin`anxiolytic: it probably won't happen if you boot with init=/bin/sh, although you will of course have limited resources available at the start03:26
shugartKevin`: yeah, this is what I deserve for lazily coming in on a saturday night to do work03:26
LxndrWebsites visited on Firefox do not give me any sound. Same websites visited in Chrome DO give me sound. How can I make firefox give me sound? What troubleshooting can I do?03:26
omnielDoes anyone know how to fix an upside down webcam?  I have searched the forums and couldn't find a solution.03:26
GraphicRecursionahhh hmw: finally got a shell ^_^ whats the text editor in busy box? is there one?03:26
anxiolyticKevin`: alright, trying03:26
PiliStormjoin ubuntu03:26
uLinuxhmw: i installed automatically03:27
hmwGraphicRecursion: uhm, i am not good for busybox questions really. try vi, nano, pico03:27
uLinuxhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0d82mvYQjM why this guy makes a /data partition03:27
uLinuxand not for /home03:27
mgolischno idea? maybe to store data?03:27
uLinuxyeah but data is stores at /home03:27
Kevin`uLinux: because he's not you. I personally usually have a seperate /files partition (well, volume)03:27
hmwuLinux: My home has many hidden directories. I don't like programs to mess with my own data. I really want _my own "home"_ therefore i use another partition for the files, that are really mine and not just some settings from programs03:28
mgolischi do the same for data shared between all users03:28
GraphicRecursionhmw: they got nano! yeah getting the busy box shell is fine with me I just needed to make sure that option got added to the boot parameters or else my HDD gets powered off03:28
hmwuLinux: my "collection" partition is NTFS for obvious reasons, btw. (multiboot)03:28
flowbee___ais there a way to easily see all the vidoes i downloaded (other than the file system)03:29
=== Aaron5367|detach is now known as Aaron5367
uLinuxhmw: so if i wanted to install one more OS i would resize my /home to have space03:30
cloversgI would like to install ubuntu-server on a flash-drive, can anyone point me to any site that does this, specifically, would like minimal writes to the drive except for configs03:30
uLinuxbut you use your "collection"03:30
RixxyHey guys, does anybody here know much about Miro?03:31
trojan_spikeg-part / disk utility not able to resize NTFS??03:31
MerrittUpdates seem to have frozen setting up a new kernel. Can anyone tell me the safe way to deal with this? Just kill it and restart updates, or..? http://picpaste.com/pics/update-fail-iBPioYNV.1284845951.png Thanks!03:31
uLinuxso for /home is primary partition for swap is logical03:31
GraphicRecursionhmw: whats the mount command?03:32
IdleOneMerritt: how long has it been sitting?03:32
anxiolyticKevin`: init=/bin/sh gives me a black screen, no kb response03:32
mgolischtrojan_spike: gparted should be able to do it03:32
MerrittIdleOne: 14 hours now03:32
uLinuxand /home is logical?03:32
hmwGraphicRecursion: mount <device> <mount point> --- e.g.  sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt03:32
IdleOneMerritt: haha, yeah kill it03:32
trojan_spikenah,, ive tried :(03:32
MerrittIdleOne: Then apt-get update apt-get upgrade?03:32
CamusI have an NTFS usb hard drive and one particular directory will not open (Input/output error). Is there a way to retrieve the files from this directory (which appears from the ls command)03:32
IdleOneMerritt: yup.03:32
MerrittIdleOne: Thanks :)03:33
trojan_spikeMerritt, thats installing.. it might need some user input03:33
hmwGraphicRecursion: you should find a tutorial on how to repair GRUB2 - you will have to edit a file and then run update-grub to let it create the boot menu entries with your new kernel parameter03:33
Merritttrojan_spike: Can't find a window asking for anything03:33
uLinuxhmw: some ppl use logical other use primary.. im confused as hell03:33
CoronadeGood evening.03:33
uLinuxei Coronade03:33
trojan_spikekk,, then jus close and run again.. dont reboot until updates tho03:34
mgolischuLinux: logical partitions are used if you need more than 4 partitions03:34
RixxyIs it possible to add youtube subscriptions to Miro?03:34
IdleOnetrojan_spike: from the pic he posted it looks stuck at unpacking03:34
CoronadeAAArrrghhhh ok i have to re-burn Ubuntu..03:34
CoronadeDon't ask, it's embarassing why.03:34
hmwuLinux: there are only 4 primary partitions. If you never need more than that, it is ok to make all primary. But, if you then decide to add a 5th partition, you'd need to DELETE one in order to create extended partitions. Using extended partitions from the beginning is the safe approach.03:34
avisI am privately sharing with you a url that I was hoping you could look over.  I have been corresponding with the Governor of California and the Whitehouse regarding this issue.  It breaks my heart but every attorney I have ever seen has had little good to say, and was unwilling to take my case, which I find inconceivable.03:34
avisIf you were to know the anger and outrage that they caused me it manifested itself in a very twisted and disheartening way.  My spirits are well and positive my health is good but I am angry that they would turn their back on me, I'm angry that I was intimidated into destroying evidence which I actually have, it is further disheartening that after I was attacked I was treated by law enforcement like trash en route to the doctor, and It was plainl03:34
avisy apparent to me that the doctor was being bribed, no diagnosis, he didn't even want to give me medication.  It was only by the good hand of Dr. John Hoang that we were able to lasso things under control.03:34
LxndrWhen I visit a website and try to make sound in Chrome, in my Sound Preferences (under the Applications tab) I see "ALSA plug-in [chrome]". When I try the same thing in Firefox, I get a flickering entry that says "ALSA plug-in [plugin-container]". I imagine since it flickers, that means the program is TRYING to make sound, but nothing is happening. What can I do  to stop this flickering?03:34
avisI would like to ask that our communication be through email only as my mother is very sensitive and wouldn't like me speaking to you or another officer at all (again, more fuel to their fire).03:34
avisthe url is here:03:34
FloodBot3avis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:34
uLinuxflood detected03:35
hmw..."Floodbot munches"03:35
Kevin`anxiolytic: check if you are able to enter commands anyway. the console could just be poorly set up at this point03:35
MerrittHmm, cannot get lock on dpkg, but I can't find the app using it xD03:36
hmwGraphicRecursion: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub203:36
LinuxGuy2009Does wget support the use of wildcards like *i386.deb? or do I have to specify an exact file name?03:36
Coronadenero is complaining about my Ubuntu image03:36
Coronadeif you don't remember me, i'm the guy with a fake ubuntu distro on my laptop(craptop)03:37
cloversghas anyone here run ubuntu-server from a flash-drive with persistent modes?03:37
uLinuxhmw: I deleted Windows partition but then I couldn't resize /home because it was an extended partition or something03:37
hmwLinuxGuy2009: man wget - check the section --no-glob03:37
trojan_spikeCoronade, image-burn / xp CD-burner03:37
LinuxGuy2009hmw: k thank you03:37
Coronade"The entered block size does not correspond to the image lengths. The block size may be wrong.  Do you want to correct the value or ignore the problem?" Y/N?03:37
Kevin`LinuxGuy2009: you can use that if you are doing recursive downloading, but http itself doesn't support that.. it's a special use03:37
uLinuxso I'll just make primary partitions and logical partion for swap i guess03:37
LinuxGuy2009Kevin`: ok03:38
hmwuLinux: you need to resize the extended partition itself (which is stored as one of the 4 primary partisions) first, then you can resize the "logical volume"03:38
IdleOneCoronade: correct the block size03:38
mgolischor just use lvm..03:38
trojan_spikeCoronade, dout there would be an or in that sentence03:38
uLinuxhmw: check this image pls http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/8103/selection001.png03:39
hmwuLinux: an extended partition is a special "primary" partition, which is made to hold (contain) logical volumes. you probably tried to only resize the LV itself - therefore there was no space in the extended partition03:39
uLinuxthats how it is right now03:39
mgolischor use GUID disklabel and forget about all of mbr/dos disklabels limitations03:39
CoronadeI'm confused now.03:39
CoronadeType of Image: <options are "Data Mode 1" "Data Mode 2", audio03:39
hmwuLinux: as i said, first change sda203:39
anxiolyticI can't get into X. the log seems OK. I'm in a root shell using an old recovery kernel. not sure what to do..03:39
Coronadeand a check box for "raw data"03:39
Kevin`uLinux: i'd use lvm in either case, and guid for a non-windows system (windows supports it, but i'm not sure how well)03:40
uLinuxafter i delete NTFS http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/189/selection001lq.png03:41
CoronadeI can't burn this image on to a DVD+R ?03:41
uLinuxKevin`: i never did this stuff before03:42
trojan_spikeHow do i go about getting an image of my set up now,, for re-installing??03:42
uLinuxbut if I could fix it without reinstalling again would be great03:42
hmwuLinux: it is a good idea to plan ahead, when it comes to partitioning. Perhaps you want to re-do the install.03:42
jukhi, if I i put my script in /etc/init.d/, as system up, will it get `start` arg03:42
uLinuxhmw: it's better i think03:42
MerrittE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? --- anyone tell me how to figure out which app is the culprit? ps x didn't enlighten me.03:43
hmwuLinux: i hope you are not trying to change partitions while you are using them (=have booted from them)?03:43
uLinuxfirst i need to do backups03:43
hmwuLinux: thats always true.03:43
FlannelMerritt: Are you using sudo to run that command?03:43
uLinuxno hmw i took tthose screenshots using livecd03:43
chelzuLinux: resize /dev/sda5 so it's really small, then copy it out of the extended partition03:43
chelzactually, just delete swap and remake it03:43
hmwuLinux: then you should be able to achieve your goal. You cannot make the logical volume bigger than the extended partition, where it resides in. got it?03:44
MerrittFlannel: yeah03:44
Kevin`btw, the ubuntu (and probably debian) installer seems to have a bug if you tell it to format a full disk, it stalls because of the "Proceed anyway? (y,n)" message03:44
Merritter, no03:44
Merrittnot ps x03:44
Kevin`only for some disk types, of course03:44
uLinuxchelz: i hace data on sda503:44
LxndrWhen I visit a website and try to make sound in Chrome, in my Sound Preferences (under the Applications tab) I see "ALSA plug-in [chrome]". When I try the same thing in Firefox, I get a flickering entry that says "ALSA plug-in [plugin-container]". I imagine since it flickers, that means the program is TRYING to make sound, but nothing is happening. What can I do  to stop this flickering and get sound?03:44
chelzKevin`: it would be good to confirm if that's a bug or not03:45
rwwMerritt: sudo cat /var/lib/dpkg/lock should give you the PID of the process that set the lock, I think03:45
uLinuxi cant resize it03:45
Kevin`chelz: it doesn't show the message on the screen anywhere, it just hangs at "creating filesystem"03:45
chelzKevin`: sure it's not still working?03:45
Merrittrww: nope03:45
hmwuLinux: theoretically you should be able to resize, but you could copy the data to the NTFS partition perhaps?03:45
FlannelMerritt: Alright.  Some things to look for in ps aux are: update-manager, synaptic, dpkg, apt (this will cover aptitude, apt-get, etc), software (for software-center)03:45
CoronadeI might as well start working for the Ubuntu people.03:45
Kevin`chelz: it's waiting for the user to say y/n, but they can't, because it's being done by a script, not the user03:45
uLinuxhmw: I have hundreds of gb in data03:46
chelzuLinux: you see the yellow portion of the disk? that's the amount of the partition that's full of data. you can resize it to the point where the entire partition is just about yellow03:46
uLinuxno chance03:46
jasonnick jfullernz03:46
=== jason is now known as jfullernz
CoronadeI can code  for beer.03:46
synackfinwhat arguments do I need for `deboostrap` to install 10.04 Server?03:46
jfullernzlol sorry03:46
hmwuLinux: oops.03:46
Kevin`chelz: I left it for quite a while, there's no cpu or io load. same command manually gives that.03:46
hmwuLinux: i thought you were using a fresh disk, btw. Resizing will take a long time with 800GB03:46
chelzKevin`: huh, that might be a bug03:46
Coronadepheh, you think the ubuntu ppl wouldn't hire meh?03:47
uLinuxhmw: what im planning is to do backup of all the data, and then reinstall everything BUt correctly using manual partitioning03:47
rwwCoronade: I'm sure #ubuntu-offtopic would be more inclined to tell you.03:47
hmwuLinux: your sda5 is not full. you could shrink it in order to make space03:47
chelzuLinux: you can do guided partitioning, just say "use entire disk"03:47
Coronadeubuntu CD 96%03:47
chelzuLinux: you really don't have toe reinstall though, you can just copy your partitions around03:48
hmwuLinux: better do a backup and make a clean install :))03:48
uLinuxyes hmw but with a separate /home03:48
chelzuLinux: you can move your home to a new partition from your current install if you want03:49
uLinuxI have 67% of disk left03:49
MerrittFlannel: I have a line that reads: root     29389  0.0  2.4  88396 74868 ?        Ds   13:10   0:01 /usr/bin/dpkg --status-fd 38 --unpack --auto-deconfigure /var/cache/apt/archives/google-chrome-stable .. however I can't seem to kill it03:50
uLinuxthe thing IS i want those 30gb back :P03:50
uLinuxbut i see it's too complicated for me to get them backk03:50
uLinuxresize copy and stuff better to reinstall i think03:51
Coronadehey i should make _my_ irc client advertise in quit messages too!03:51
hmwuLinux: in your case i'd delete the swap, then shrink sda5 a bit and use the new space. You can access your NTFS partition from Ubuntu, so you dont _need_ a big /home03:51
Coronadeoh look, mind control! ->03:51
rwwranthi: /quit03:51
Blue1Awayhmw: there's no place like /home.  no wait that was home.03:51
=== Blue1Away is now known as Blue1
Coronadeok, verification done, less darth micro$oft more Ubuntu.03:51
uLinuxhmw: I want a BIG /home03:52
hmwuLinux: your /home should be big enough for downloading stuff of course. some 10 GB or so should suffice if you wannt to keep it small03:52
uLinuxthat's where i put all the stuff03:52
hmwuLinux: you cant access it from windows03:52
=== BalSak is now known as kieppie-mob
jukwhy my daemon in /etc/init.d isn't gets passed start argument???03:52
uLinuxdude i deleted windows03:52
uLinuxi dont want it03:52
hmwuhm. okok03:52
hmwuLinux: then you will have to copy your stuff around...03:53
chelzuLinux: boot to a livecd, backup the data you want to keep, then go a resinstall with guided partitioning using the entire disk03:53
uLinuxchelz: i dont want the automatic thing03:53
uLinuxbecause i want a separae /home get it? so i can reinstall ubuntu or change distro later03:54
haytham-medhi guys, how do i cd to a hidden directory?03:54
hmwjuk: don't let yourself get fooled by the init-v system... it is only there for backwards compatibilty and it doesnt fully work as one might expect - you cant boot into a runlevel anymore, for example.03:54
uLinuxchelz: im thinking of the future :P03:54
kieppie-mobhi guys. I'm setting up a media center on a ultra-skinny setup (& have already set one up in the past before it went up in smoke), & need to know ho I can start various systems in X on various TTY's03:54
Kevin`haytham-med: nothing special required03:54
chelzuLinux: you can resize your stuff anytime, but ok03:55
kieppie-mobso F7 is enna, f8 is moovida & f9 is xmbc03:55
Kevin`kieppie-mob: starting multiple X sessions on different ttys would be a waste of memory, why not use 'desktops' or similar03:55
kieppie-mobrunning consecutively03:55
uLinuxyes but i have 30gb of unused disk03:55
uLinuxand a big swap and if i mess around i could lose the data03:55
uLinuxcause im noob :P03:56
jukhmw: I didn't get it03:56
kieppie-mobHi Kevin; it's not so much a wast if there's no full desktop under it, & I want to do it because it's frikkin cool03:56
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hmwjuk: i was guessing. perhaps the "almost-existing" sys-v-init is not working properly. What exactly were you trying to do?03:56
haytham-medKevin`: ok thx03:57
hmwjuk: we have another boot meachanism now... i think its "kickstart"03:57
jukhmw: isn't it like all scripts under init.d getting start arg as system up?03:57
uLinuxso I will use 15GB (Primary) for / 2gb?(Logical) for swap and the rest for /home (Primary)03:57
kieppie-mobKevin: I've set up such a system in the past & it worked really well, but then the HDD busted before I could backup the config03:57
haytham-medi want to exclude hidden files from the find command, how to do that?03:58
kieppie-mobKevin: & I'm unable to locate the guide that got me there03:58
hmwuLinux: you can put everything in the extended partition, too.03:58
Kevin`kieppie-mob: I know it's possible, it's just not really a good way to do it.03:58
Kevin`kieppie-mob: anyway, if you want to start X and apps manually you can just specify a different display number, like X :1&; DISPLAY=:1 xterm03:59
uLinuxhmw: but then i dont have a separate /home03:59
MerrittInteresting. sudo kill -9 29389 .. ps aux.. 29389 still there. heh?03:59
hmwuLinux: sure you would have... like sda5 = /   sda6 = swap  sda7 = /home03:59
kieppie-mob Kevin`: thanks. where to I specify that? got a guide somewhere?04:00
Kevin`Merritt: it could be stalled in kernel code, like reading from a disk that has stopped functioning04:00
hmwuLinux: sda5 is a logical volume _within_ the extended partition (which will be sda1 in my example)04:00
hmwuLinux: you can only have one extended partition04:00
Kevin`kieppie-mob: rc.local perhaps?04:00
MerrittKevin`: It's from a failed update. Trying to kill it so I can re-run the update. :/04:00
hmwuLinux: which can contain many logical volumes04:00
kieppie-mobsweet, dude. thnx04:00
uLinuxhmw: but isnt extented partition 'bad'?04:01
Kevin`Merritt: there has to be some abnormal reason why it's stopped though, you'd be able to kill it normally04:01
=== sarah is now known as Guest97701
sebsebsebsarah: hi04:01
MerrittKevin`: The update freezing and me killing the update window isn't abnormal? =)04:01
sebsebsebGuest97701 hi04:01
hmwuLinux: nah.04:02
Kevin`Merritt: no, it's not. the freezing is probably related to whatever went wrong though.04:02
hmwuLinux: only Windows might have trouble booting from an extended.04:02
mobasherhow do configure itunes on ubuntu 9.04 ??04:02
MerrittKevin`: Mmmh. Maybe my dying hdd is finally catching up to me..04:02
sebsebsebmobasher: Itunes  doesn't really work on other OS's except for Mac OS X and Windows,  since Apple don't care about making for them04:04
ziposkmobasher: try use a native music player04:04
sebsebsebmobasher: if you really want it though, with enough RAM and such you could try a Windows virtual machine04:04
Kevin`it might work with wine, but it's really not worth it04:04
uLinuxsebsebseb: I works in Wine..04:04
sebsebsebKevin`:  it won't work properly with Wine if at all04:04
uLinuxi've seen videos04:05
sebsebsebuLinux: maybe after a load of configuring,  which would be above the average usr04:05
uLinuxand seems to work fine04:05
mobashersebsebseb=}} hmm..yea i was trying the wine but was not working just quicktime got install no itunes..04:05
uLinuxbut isnt banshee wathever04:05
uLinuxan alternative04:05
mobasherziposk=}} i was thinking of using banshee and see if that helps some how..wanted to upload some stuff on new iphon404:05
sebsebsebuLinux: for old Ipods as far as I know yes04:05
Kevin`it may be easier all-around to just enable ssh on the iphone and scp files to/from it over wifi04:06
uLinuxhmw: primary = no more than 4 partitions .. right04:06
Kevin`no more than 3 if you also have extended04:06
mobasherKevin`=}} hmmm...new on iphone..is there ssh installed iphone...or i have to download a app04:07
uLinuxhmm need to figure out what extended means lol04:07
soupdejourI have an NTFS usb hard drive and one particular directory will not open (Input/output error). Is there a way to retrieve the files from this directory?04:07
Kevin`mobasher: I think it's installed by default, or at least really easy to get. I remember it working out of the box after jailbreak etc04:08
jukhow to create upstart jobs?04:08
hmwuLinux: a long time ago, when programmers struggled to save single bytes, they designed partition tables for max 4 partitions. Some day later, they saw, that 4 partitions is not enough, so they invented a special kind of partition entry, called "extended". Such an extended partition is just a pointer to another, more modern "additional" partition table, which can hold a lot more partitions (23 i guess). So there are the old 4 primaries and 04:08
mobasherKevin`=}} lol yea jailbreak is another one i am thinking about..lol..do u know if it can be done on iphone 4 yet ?04:09
Kevin`mobasher: i'm not the one to ask, I don't have one ;)04:09
JackStonewallmobasher:  are you just trying to move files between Ubuntu and your iPhone?  Just plugging in my non-jailbroken iPhone 3GS was all I needed to do to pull that off.04:10
mobasherKevin`=}} hehee..no worries mate i'll figure it out...just get forget about MS ..keeps calling me back :)04:10
mobasherJackStonewall=}} well i can't...it's not recognizign the USB driver ..guess i'm older ubuntu 9.0404:10
eppahey, is it possible to install hardware drivers from the install CD after booting a fresh install?04:11
mobasherJackStonewall=}} just can move photos over that's it04:11
eppathe wizard finds my wireless driver automatically when I boot the CD, but the install obviously doesn't have the driver installed :)04:11
Kevin`eppa: might be, depending what kernel got installed, but all the drivers on the cd SHOULD be present on the system afaik04:11
JackStonewallmobasher:  you could always give an Ubuntu 10.04 liveCD boot a shot and see if that's any better.04:12
eppaKevin`: wireless driver doesn't work automatically from the CD boot unless I use the 'Hardware Drivers' app from the Administration menu04:12
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Kevin`eppa: most important step, find out what card+chipset it is and what driver was working04:12
mobasherJackStonewall=}} my lovely PC is old school the video drivers don't like 10.04 :)04:12
eppaKevin`: broadcom, MacBook white04:12
Kevin`eppa: it might just be something stupid like installing firmware for the driver04:12
Blue1mobasher: what chipset?04:12
Kevin`(check dmesg)04:13
eppaKevin`: OK will do04:13
mobasherit's ATI x300 card...all i can go up to is 9.04 ...04:13
uLinuxhmw: so extended partition is the best out there04:13
hmwuLinux: they are not better than primaries. just extended. :)04:13
Blue1mobasher: i had problems with an old intel 82815 chipset...04:13
Kevin`uLinux: no, gpt is. (or lvm, as a different method)04:13
uLinuxyeah but they have more advantages04:13
uLinuxup to 23 partitions04:14
Viking667Wife has a 865 - it gets 2450-ish frames per seconds.04:14
uLinux(you guess004:14
xorwhy23 Primary partitions?04:14
Viking667my Radeon 9550 gets nearly 490004:14
Viking667xorwhy: ugh.04:14
mobasherBlue1=}} it's cool man...i have no regrets...i'm happy with 9.04 as well...i get my hands dirty with some shell scripts which i like and that's about it :)04:14
=== Mr_Anderson is now known as Huey_Freeman
eppaKevin`: tell you what I'll do instead; 'Hardware Drivers' app found it on the CD, so will just hook up ethernet and run the app again and hope it downloads it :)04:14
hmwuLinux: the only "bad" thing that could happen to you is a situation, where you have created 4 primary partitions and then decide to add a 5th partition. In this case, one of the 4 primary partitions would have to be deleted and replaced by that "extended" entry in order to get more partitions.04:14
Kevin`uLinux: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GUID_Partition_Table04:14
Viking667There's a limit to how many original partitions you could have, I've no idea how EFI plays with that04:15
hmwthank you Kevin`04:15
Blue1getting this out of my nvidia card:  6164 frames in 5.0 seconds04:15
uLinuxI got it hmw (you told me that before too :p)04:15
Viking667oops - by original partitions, I mean DOS partitions (not Amiga, Mac OS X, or whatever)04:15
uLinuxso it's nicer to use extended04:15
eppaViking667: you have an Amiga partition?!04:15
Viking667just that most OSes can't boot out of an extended without a boot manager to help out04:15
uLinuxbecause i dont know if someday i will want more than 4 primary partitions04:16
Viking667eppa: I can read them, and yes. Just not on my current IDE devices.04:16
hmwuLinux: usually I use sda1 for the Ubuntu base system, sda2 will become a backup copy of sda1, sda3 is swap and /home will be sda5, but that's really a matter of taste04:16
Viking667... means I have to turn on Amiga partition support in the kernel04:16
Blue1uLinux: i have 1 windows part/1 swap part/one root part, and one /home part04:16
uLinuxhmw: why do you make backup of file system04:16
Viking667I think I have anything that has to be booted off as primary, everything else _can_ be extended.04:17
uLinuxand why there is not sda404:17
hmwuLinux: i make a separate entry in my grub menu that lets me boot into the other ("mirror") system in case i mess up my original one. I can also copy sda2 back to sda1 if i want to.04:17
Viking667hmw: hmm. rescue, huh?04:17
uLinuxhmw: but how do you make the backup?!04:18
Blue1uLinux: my sda4 is my /home part04:18
hmwuLinux: with dd04:18
Viking667I had thought of doing a specific rescue partition with something like UBCD piped to disk or grml04:18
uLinuxwhat is that04:18
hmwdiskdupe or something04:18
uLinuxthat's too leet04:18
Viking667dd is a very dangerous (but useful( tool04:18
hmwdd can clone disks or partitions04:18
krogers0001how is  everyone doing?04:18
Blue1hmw: destory disc04:18
Viking667duplicate data ?04:18
=== linguist is now known as s00lm
Viking667not sure if anyone really knows what dd stands for outside of the man page or web references04:19
Blue1hmw: you can copy /dev/zero to a partition04:19
uLinuxso hmw what do you advice me to do when installing Ubuntu04:19
hmwBlue1: i prefer to move my data to /dev/null *grin*04:19
ranthiany way to find all running programs that are using network resources?04:19
uLinuxthat primary logical stuff04:19
tuxisgay!ops NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! tuxisgay SwianX Lxndr Leemp bruenig s00lm nicoAMG rwq coderdad lord_mezry krogers0001 elkclone ranthi nd3w Alagar Stevethepirate eppa scarter4 geowany_ sidewinder tobago SirDidi mdel mede JackStonewall programmeboy lintin frobisher juxta MakX haytham-med hxtopqq kieppie-mob juk BiggFREE Destine ryaxnb Ameth avis Kravlin Drjeck [thor] kyu20 rrittenhouse skyred veebull tak11 04:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:19
* Viking667 blinks04:20
Blue1okay well that was gay04:20
Lxndrbtw, just an update: I did everything in this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6589810 and I have Firefox sound now. Might be worth keeping in mind for other sound issues.04:20
hmwuLinux: i suggest a relaxed approach. Think how much you need for what and start with the primaries. sda1, 2, 3. Make sda4 the extended partition, which then holds possible additional partitions sda5++04:20
rwqBlue1: please don't use "gay" as a pejorative.04:20
Blue1rwq: ok04:20
user_Hi, could someone help me out with my boot problems?04:20
hmw!ask | user04:20
ubottuuser: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:20
jukhow to echo in stderr04:20
mobasheruser_=}} what's the issue ?04:21
KindOnecan someone tell me if i logged in cloaked or uncloaked...04:21
rwqKindOne: you joined #ubuntu cloaked04:21
Kevin`juk: echo >&2 ?04:21
hmwjuk: http://forums13.itrc.hp.com/service/forums/questionanswer.do?admit=109447627+1284866508575+28353475&threadId=10822304:21
uLinuxhmw: i know / is primary swap is logical so how do i make /home extended04:22
lintinprop 215!04:22
lintin0ne l0ve04:22
jukKevin`: cool04:22
isolat3sh33pdammit, what's the help keyword for resetting panel?04:22
Viking667user_: you'll have to state what your problem is, I don't have any previous data from you for me to go on.04:22
bastidrazor!panels | isolat3sh33p04:23
ubottuisolat3sh33p: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »04:23
hmwuLinux: when you come to the partitioner, you create your partitions. I dont know by heart, how it looks exactly, but it is fairly simple.04:23
KindOnerwq: thanks04:23
Blue1!pastebin | blue104:23
ubottuBlue1, please see my private message04:23
isolat3sh33pbastidrazor, thanks :D04:23
hmwuLinux: btw. if your swap "is logical", your /home will be too. Both will be IN an extended partition. Just to be precise04:23
user_Hey, I've been getting this error message at boot-up: "Problem with configuration server. Usr/lib/libconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 25604:24
Blue1anyone good with scripting?  tell me why http://paste.ubuntu.com/496241/ gets a permissions error writing to the log file?04:24
openproxyRus!ops NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! openproxyRus frobisher di||itante seif_ oblu arcaos RudyValencia lord_mezry mas KindOne theixle user_ SwianX Lxndr Leemp bruenig s00lm rwq elkclone nd3w Alagar Stevethepirate eppa scarter4 sidewinder tobago SirDidi mdel mede JackStonewall programmeboy lintin juxta MakX haytham-med hxtopqq kieppie-mob juk BiggFREE Destine ryaxnb Ameth avis Kravlin04:25
openproxyRus!ops NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! flowbee___a flowbee__ luist ganja sluttyduck dinya pickett Autonomiser |Sacred| rww jenue Huey_Freeman xxiao_ moikaner hoarycripple aarcane mue__ brishu CadeSkywalker WillPittenger ripps spinningcompass MrNaz Barridus vbabiy nikolam zilla ziposk isolat3sh33p sharky ogra h-bomb ouyes zulgaban mobasher Anom01y theXpert visitor1 groken ZMR drwho loc04:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:25
* uLinux logical = extended? 04:25
ubottuThe above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.04:25
haytham-medi want to exclude hidden files from the find command, how to do that?04:25
s00lmwhy are we getting this message?04:25
tensorpuddingBlue1: pretty sure that /var/log is not user-writable04:25
Blue1tensorpudding: it is invoked via crontab as:  5 1 * * * root sh /etc/nwaynobkup/daily.sh04:25
user_Hey, I've been getting this error message at boot-up: "Problem with configuration server. Usr/lib/libconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256     . It blanks out completely when I try to log in. Could someone please help me out? Cheers04:26
tensorpuddingBlue1: it's not proper to specify a script with /bin/bash but run it with sh04:26
mobasherhow do you search for a package using apt-get ??04:26
IdleOnemobasher: apt-cache search04:26
Blue1tensorpudding: so how do I fix it?04:26
mobasherIdleOne=}} thank u sir :)04:27
tensorpuddingBlue1: use /bin/sh instead? or call it using bash04:27
hmwuLinux: no. Extended is that "pointer" to the "additional partition table". It _contains_ logical partitions. The 4 primary partitions are stored in the partition table of the MBR (Master Boot Record, that is the very first sector of your disk, which can only hold 4 "primary" partitions). An extended partition is stored somewhere in your disk and has also a table, but that can contain more. So logical is IN an extended.04:27
Blue1tensorpudding: okay I can try that.04:27
JoeSomebodyhi, in lucid, is there a way to move the min, max and close buttons back to the top right corner?04:27
mwh05hey guys, setting up exim4 on 10.04 to send mail from some local applications. I want it to authenticate through a user account so I followed this tutorial: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Exim4#SMTP Authentication but it seems to allow emails from localhost with bad credentials, so not verifying.04:27
TheoryDesignshello im running ubuntu studio 10.04 how do i restart x-server to load the video driver in konsole???04:28
hmwuLinux: you can see that on the screen shot you sent me earlier - all partitions with numbers sda5 or higher are IN the extended sda2.04:28
tensorpuddingBlue1: also i think maybe there shouldn't be a space between &> and the log, but I'm not sure04:28
hmwhttp://img228.imageshack.us/img228/8103/selection001.png - the logical partitions are drawn indented to indicate the situation.04:29
mdelJoeSomebody: just change to a different theme04:29
mdelJoeSomebody: I suggest trying one from the Bisigi project04:29
mdelI like wildshine, myself04:29
Blue1tensorpudding: I can change that too04:29
TheoryDesignshow do i restart x-server in konsole??04:30
hmwTheoryDesigns: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart04:30
jukKevin`, hmw: i wrote script `pisof` which greps $1 of ps -e | awk $1 and $4 to stderr, coz pidof sometimes not working properly04:30
JoeSomebodyok thanks04:30
uLinuxhmw: so swap and /home are logical04:31
uLinuxis primary04:31
hmwuLinux:  in that screenshot, yes.04:31
uLinuxand thats how i should install?04:31
at05gtis there a way to change the size of a partition if it still has files in it? or do i need to format and then repartition?04:31
hmwuLinux: my point is, that you should not consume all 4 primaries for data, in case you want to add more partitions later. so basically - yes.04:32
Kevin`at05gt: gparted can do that in many cases. for expanding you can use even less complex tools in many cases.04:32
=== rwq is now known as rww
hmwat05gt: you can resize with data. of course, the disk must not be in use, so you need a live cd probably.04:32
user_ Hey, I've been getting this error message at boot-up: "Problem with configuration server. Usr/lib/libconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256     . It blanks out completely when I try to log in. Could someone please help me out? Cheers04:32
Kevin`hmw: you can expand while in use04:33
uLinuxeject: unable to find or open device for: `cdrom'  but if I do eject cdrom1 it works04:33
hmwKevin`: not while they are mounted04:33
Kevin`hmw: try it04:33
at05gtwell heres the specific issue, i cant get wine to run properly, so im gonna partition off 100 gigs of my large drive and reinstall windows for the specific purpose of playing my windows based games, but the drive has 1 large partition on it so id need to resize that part and then make a new part04:33
mwh05Refined question. I'm running exim4 with saslauthd and I can send emails from a localhost application without giving it credentials. What gives?04:33
at05gtcan gparted do that?04:34
root_ninjadoe wireless cards with the RTL8187L chip require installation of a modified driver for packet injection  and to view power levels? the aircrack-ng wiki says it does however it appears to be outdated.04:34
hmwat05gt: yes04:34
at05gtok thank you04:34
TheoryDesignsthank you04:34
git__anyone here work with sheepdog?04:34
TheoryDesignsbut it that didnt load the x-server driver04:34
TheoryDesignsit just restarted the kde desktop04:34
TheoryDesignshow do i load a x-driver04:34
TheoryDesignsto config04:34
frobisherJoeSomebody:Yes there is04:35
TheoryDesignshow do i load a x-server driver to config with x-server config??04:35
hmwat05gt: check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2 - you will have to restore grub after windows install04:35
Kevin`hmw: http://pastebin.com/GexMrbez04:35
hmwKevin`: i think with LVM it is a different story04:36
Kevin`hmw: you can do it with other types of storage too, provided you can get it to become resized04:37
Blue1tensorpudding: no joy04:37
hmwKevin`: i am not using LVM, so i cant resize while mounted04:37
at05gthmw: the linux install is on a different drive from windows04:37
Kevin`i'd demonstrate with my desktop here (not using lvm) but then i'd have wasted space04:37
at05gthmw: i did that on purpose04:37
frobishergcontro-2--type string --set /apps/metacity/general/button_layout "menu:maximize,minimize04:37
hmwKevin`:  i just checked gparted, "resize" is grayed out while mounted04:37
hmwat05gt: i am not sure, windows might still kill grub, but perhaps i am mistaken in this case.04:38
uLinuxhmw: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhnLk3gviWY at 3.1004:38
at05gthmw: your guess is as good as mine lol04:38
JoeSomebodyfrobisher is it easy? got a link? :)04:38
Kevin`hmw: probably because of the type of partition. you COULD resize it in the partition table, reboot, then resize the filesystem (while it's in use) though04:38
jukKevin`, hmw: I whant use script to kill `pisof foo` and along with pid I whant it to print filenames in background, how would I do it???04:38
hmwKevin`: wow...!?04:39
frobisherIT starts gcontrol ,not gcontro04:39
Kevin`hmw: ?04:39
hmwi wasnt aware of this possibility. i always thought, it cant be done...04:39
frobisherYes <I found it in ask.04:39
hmwotoh, resizing a live file system sounds like a bad idea to me.04:39
Beagle6hello i'm having trouble getting ubuntu on beagle. can anyone help?04:39
Kevin`hmw: anyway, just serves to indicate use lvm cuz it's awesome ;)04:39
hmwindeed. another thing, i need to check out. i am a lazy programmer.04:40
at05gtso i should resize a partiton that has files on it?04:40
hmwat05gt: no, we were talking about something else: resizing, while the files are "being used" so to say.04:41
frobisherI just typyed in :how do you change the buttons from left to right in Ubuntu 10.404:41
step21at05gt: not while running from it. and even then theres always a risk04:41
hmwat05gt: you can relatively safely resize your partition, but crashes are always possible. do backup. i cant stop repeating this mantra.04:41
at05gtits a media drive only has music and videos on it04:41
at05gtmy OS is on a seperate drive04:42
jordan__quick question.. does anyone know how to denote that i want a specific program to update from a specific repository even when another repository may have newer versions?04:42
frobisherJoe Somebody: I did it before and then changed it back.04:42
at05gthow many MiB is a gig?04:43
kapcom01hello can someone help with git? thanks04:43
Beagle6Can anyone help on getting ubuntu running on beagle?04:43
at05gterr 100 gigs04:43
hmw1 MiB = 1024 x 1024 bytes.04:43
Kevin`at05gt: 1024 mib in a gib04:43
at05gtso that times 10004:43
at05gtkk ty04:43
at05gtsweet it worked04:44
at05gtyou guys rock thanks alot04:44
hmw"One is glad to be of service."04:45
CkhiKuzadIs there a configuration tweak to make the software center start downloading the next program after the current one i am downloading has downloaded, and starts to install.04:45
rwwhmw: hehe04:45
MindlessTuxany idea on how to force the ubuntu installer to use a drive its not recognizing in the installer but is at the OS level?  (want to use /dev/sda but can only install to /dev/sdg)04:45
at05gtlol bicentennial man04:45
at05gtawesome movie04:45
Viking667I'm outta here, going to watch a DVD.04:45
rwwThe Foundation series was a better book first.04:45
at05gtit was a book first?04:46
Crash1hdI have mysql running on my ubuntu box as well I have ssh setup and I connect through putty via ssh to my ubuntu without issue but I cant seem to connect to mysql on ubuntu can anyone assist me in this? as I am stumped (and I am sure its something simple)04:46
Viking667Ahhh, Asimov.04:46
at05gtahh yes the 3 laws04:46
at05gtmade mainstream by iRobot, cause nobody reads anymore04:46
CkhiKuzad!hi | TheoryDesigns04:47
ubottuTheoryDesigns: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!04:47
hmw!hi | TheoryDesigns04:47
CkhiKuzad\o/ i did that right this time!04:47
TheoryDesignsi just installed ubuntu studio04:47
TheoryDesignshow do i config x-server04:47
TheoryDesignsvia console04:47
Beagle6can anyone help on installing ubuntu?04:48
at05gt!hi | at05gt04:48
ubottuat05gt, please see my private message04:48
CkhiKuzadBeagle6, I might be able to, ask your question with the help04:48
hmw!ask | Beagle604:48
ubottuBeagle6: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:48
at05gtlol ahh i wanted to say hi to myself04:48
hmwBeagle6: what exactly do you need?04:48
Resnikwhat "editor" you guy suggest me to edit iptables with?04:48
CkhiKuzadResnik, its all your choice. those questions sometimes start holy wars.04:49
kevdogResnik: any will do -- but its tedious -- but you could use a frontend however04:49
hmwResnik: one usually writes a shell script that configures the netfilter thingy... you can use any text editor for that. nano is a nice lightweight command line editor.04:49
TheoryDesignshow do i config x-server in ubuntu studio 10.04??04:49
CkhiKuzadGedit is another editor that uses GTK, it's pretty easy to use too.04:49
Beagle6I keep trying to install ubuntu but I never get the validation message on the terminal window. I just get some weird symbols. I am sure i have set up the SD card correctly. CAn ayone think of why?04:49
nsdkhello guys04:50
TheoryDesignshello nsdk04:50
TheoryDesignshow do i config x-server in ubuntu studio 10.04??04:50
CkhiKuzad!hi | nsdk04:50
ubottunsdk: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!04:50
CkhiKuzad!repeat | TheoryDesigns04:50
ubottuTheoryDesigns: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com04:50
nsdkTheoryDesigns, I don't know.04:51
nsdkI need create a network ad-hoc04:51
hmwBeagle6: are you trying to validate for the md5 checksum of the download against your flash disk?04:51
CkhiKuzadoh, by the way Resnik, it turns out that ubottu has an !editor thing:04:51
Beagle6can anyone provide a good link to follow steps to install ubuntu?04:52
CkhiKuzad!editor | Resnik04:52
ubottuResnik: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code04:52
|Sacred|at05gt: http://tinyurl.com/373c3q804:52
|Sacred|woops, forgot I was scrolled up, my bad04:52
xangua !manual | Beagle604:52
ubottuBeagle6: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/04:52
Resnikwell, i'm familar with nano, but i wonder if theres any straightfoward way to do it :)04:52
CkhiKuzad!install | Beagle604:52
ubottuBeagle6: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate04:52
CkhiKuzadResnik, you mean like a program that modifies them?04:53
tempossTheoryDesigns, you can configure xserver by creating the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf and adding the config information that you want to it04:53
DAGr8hey can any1 help mewith this ? http://pastebin.com/8T4tmrg9  I am trying to make it 'less dirty04:53
hmwResnik: "straight forward" sounds like typing a lot of "iptables" commands into your shell *smirks*04:54
Beagle6i mean installing ubuntu on beagleboard? Any good links?04:54
Resniksorry yes, more like program that mods it.04:54
hmwResnik: Firestarter is a nice GUI app that lets you configure the firewall. Similar to WinXP's integrated FW.04:55
melvinramI've just installed ubuntu server using Parallels on my OSX machine and I'm trying to figure out how to get my OSX to recognize it as a computer on the network. anyone want to help?04:55
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Resnikthanks hmw04:56
=== sco is now known as dengaku_sco
Resnikis it gui only thingie?04:57
Kevin`melvinram: what service do you want available to osx? you probably want something like samba installed (which also does the windows name discovery for 'network computers')04:57
hmwResnik: yes. i'd suggest you simply try it out.04:57
melvinramKevin`: is that something I'd install on ubuntu or osx?04:57
Kevin`melvinram: on ubuntu04:57
Kevin`osx would already have it04:57
Resnikwell, only have terminal access to my vps, can't rly do startx can i :)04:58
hmwmelvinram: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba04:58
melvinramKevin`: okay. I'm trying to get my computer to see the apache service on it. Let me look at that page.04:58
Kevin`Resnik: you could start a vnc session if you really wanted to04:58
Jordan_U!ufw | Resnik04:58
ubottuResnik: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.04:58
frobisherJoeSomebody:did you get it changed04:58
Kevin`melvinram: if that's all you need, just enter it's ip address04:58
bobstroResnik: can you run iptables if it's VPS?04:58
Beagle6can anyone help with installing ubuntu on beagleboard?04:59
bobstroResnik: i can't do kernel-level stuff on mine.04:59
melvinramKevin`: how do I figure that out?04:59
Resnikdunno, thats what i'm tryin to figure out, and i'm kinda new to all this so.. :)04:59
Kevin`melvinram: your vmm software might list it, otherwise ifconfig eth0 in ubuntu. it's also listed whenever you log in.04:59
bobstroResnik: that was one real bummer with a vps setup. at least in my (admittedly limited) experience.05:00
WillPittengerHow do I prevent Ubuntu from starting the GUI during boot?  I figure that might help me figure out why I can't log in.05:00
Kevin`ubuntu on a beagleboard, that would be fun05:00
hmwResnik: iptables is powerful, thus a bit complicated. If you like to do some reading, you could start at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo05:00
DAGr8hey can any1 help mewith this ? http://pastebin.com/8T4tmrg9  I am trying to make it 'less dirty05:01
Kevin`WillPittenger: comment out the start on lines in /etc/init/gdm.conf. this may not be the proper way, so take what someone else says over it05:02
WillPittengerKevin`: How?  I can't reach a text editor.05:02
melvinramKevin`:  sweet. got it working05:02
Kevin`WillPittenger: select single user / recovery mode from the bootloader menu05:02
WillPittengerIt isn't providing a menu then.05:04
hmwWillPittenger: i think a bit better way is to remove gdm from runlevel2 - ...05:04
jfullernzHi. hoping someone can help me out with a samba problem. I have asked in #samba, and googled for answers but to no avail. I am trying to get smbd to use smbusers to map machine names to unix usernames, but for some reason it is just using nobody and not mapping. the outputs and configs are here http://pastebin.com/EHjpcXx805:04
ResnikI wonder, what would I need to install, to get vnc working on server?05:04
=== Huey_Freeman is now known as Maser
psycho_oreos!vnc | Resnik05:05
ubottuResnik: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX05:05
Kevin`Resnik: vnc4server or equivalent plus a desktop environment/window manager05:05
hmwWillPittenger: try sysv-rc-conf05:05
Kevin`Resnik: mentioned freenx is actually quite nice05:05
WillPittengerhmw: How?  I can't get to a command prompt.05:05
hmwWillPittenger: oh.05:05
hmwWillPittenger: you will need a live cd then, i suppose05:06
psycho_oreos!cli | WillPittenger05:06
ubottuWillPittenger: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro05:06
Kevin`WillPittenger: hold down shift or press escape to get the menu05:06
Resnikkk, lets see how far i will get05:06
JoeSomebodyfrobisher yes thanks :)05:06
hmwWillPittenger: why exactly do you need to prevend x from starting?05:06
WillPittengerhmw: So I can attempt to log in that way.05:07
WillPittengerI can't log in.05:07
WillPittengerSee my posts from an hour ago.05:07
hmwWillPittenger: you can change to a console, when the login screen is shown with CTRL+ALT+F1 and login to a shell05:07
bobstrojfullernz: not exactly sure i understand what you mean about map smbusers mapping05:08
Manuelbrsi want to register05:08
hmwManuelbrs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat#Registration05:08
WillPittengerCTRL-ALT-F1 doesn't do anything.05:08
HowardTheDucki am trying to use gwibber and it won't add facebok or twitter after i authenticate.  my list of broadcasts stays emtpy after i authenticate05:09
bobstrojfullernz: you want their machine name to map to a username on the samba server?05:09
hmwWillPittenger: that's weird. It shows the normal Gnome login screen?05:09
psycho_oreosdid you hold down Ctrl+Alt whilst pressing F1 or did you press once on those buttons each in that sequence?05:09
WillPittengerI held the keys down.05:09
jfullernzbobstro, correct, to identify the machine and map it to a unix username for allowing write permissions based on the user05:09
bobstroResnik: you want vnc on headless (VPS?) server05:10
Kevin`WillPittenger: btw, does shift (on boot) work for you, or does it just not matter now that you figured something else out05:10
hmwWillPittenger: perhaps you have a problem with the keyboard or something. Can you type in a user name? if not, you could try to un/replug the keyboard.05:10
WillPittengerHolding down shift during boot did nothing.05:10
jfullernzbobstro, from all examples and tutorials I've come across the way its set up SHOULD be working, but as the pastebin will show on the last lines, its not :(05:10
frobisherJoe Somebody:you welcome05:11
Kevin`WillPittenger: it needs to be early, before the bootloader is done (right after/during the bios stuff)05:11
WillPittengerhmw: Keyboard is fine or I wouldn't be able to talk to you.  Ubuntu is in a VBox VM.05:11
WillPittengerKevin`: I know.05:11
bobstrojfullernz: so your user exists on the samba server and you've created an smbpasswd entry for them?05:11
MerrittWell I can't figure out how to kill this updater process, so I have to assume my hard drive is really failing this time and just not reboot for now. Thanks to everyone who tried to help! :)05:11
hmwWillPittenger: that might explain, why CTRL-ALT-F1 doesnt work. Did you install SSH - perhaps you can log in remotely05:12
Kevin`WillPittenger: well, it works for me in a kvm vm, if you are feeling desperate enough to try booting it in that ;p05:12
WillPittengerNow it got it.05:12
jfullernzbobstro, yes. I'm using root, and have done smbpasswd -an root to create a null password05:12
bobstrojfullernz: ugh. don't use root! create a normal user account and give it an smbpasswd entry.05:13
bobstrojfullernz: you can give any user admin rights without futzing with root.05:13
WillPittengerKevin`: I have a prompt.  How do I log in?05:13
jfullernzbobstro, still doesnt help when its not actually doing any mapping :)05:13
bobstrojfullernz: i don't see a workgroup in your config05:13
ethana3how do I upgrade my Intel CPU with Ubuntu?05:13
Kevin`WillPittenger: what prompt do you have?05:13
Kevin`WillPittenger: you don't need to login then, just change the files05:14
hmwi often was successful with installing tightvncserver05:14
bobstrojfullernz: ok, is your problem that users aren't being distinguished, or actually that you want them to link to their machine name?05:14
WillPittengerKevin`: The point was to attempt to log in this way.05:14
bobstrojfullernz: looking at those lines is making me think you just can't log in as a specific user.05:14
bobstrojfullernz: and i don't think samba will LET you be root.05:14
Kevin`WillPittenger: so disable gdm THEN try to log in05:14
jfullernzbobstro, just changing it from root to username now to see if it makes any diff05:14
rabbitearaccess denied05:15
hmwKevin`: WillPittenger: a funny way to disable gdm (or any other script in /etc/init.d/) is chmod 000 /etc/init.d/whatever05:15
bobstrojfullernz: so sounds like the underlying problem is that you can't log in as specific users, right?05:15
jfullernzbobstro, all examples I encountered showed root as being usable05:15
Jimmy_InsomniacHi all, I'm having trouble booting up Ubuntu 10.4 - at log-in, it comes up with an error message that says "Problem with the configuration server. Usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2    Exited with status 256"  Could someone help me out? Thanks05:15
Kevin`hmw: that's so wrong :)05:15
Kevin`i've done it several times, though :/05:15
hmwKevin`: thats useful in case it is only temporary - you will get a warning at the boot screen, so you wont forget it.05:15
jfullernzbobstro, the client machines are unable to set a login name on many of them, and can only go as a guest. hence the machine name mapping05:15
WillPittengerKevin`: I don't know how to edit the file.  I never understood vi and don't know of an alternative.05:16
hmwWillPittenger: try nano05:16
bobstrojfullernz: would you be happy to get username logins working? that sounds much easier.05:16
bobstrojfullernz: what is your 'security =' setting in smb.conf?05:16
Kevin`WillPittenger: nano is nice. or just do what hmw suggested, chmod -x /etc/init.d/gdm05:16
jfullernzbobstro, its still mapping to nobody, so using a username rather than root hasnt helped05:16
bobstrojfullernz: yes, thus my last question. it matters in how it maps. are you using 'security = user'?05:17
jfullernzbobstro, security=user05:17
hmwKevin`: WillPittenger: one can edit the runlevel things with sysv-rc-conf easily.05:17
bobstrojfullernz: ok05:17
Kevin`hmw: except gdm is an upstart thingy not sysv05:17
jfullernzbobstro, I can only configure from the server end, not every client pc, so issuing login names to everyone would not be ideal05:17
Resnikok, installed xubuntu-desktop and rdesktop ... I hope i'm doing it right?05:18
bobstrojfullernz: this is for an office with active directory or somesuch?05:18
monokromeSorry for the join/part, I came in and thought Ubuntu was the right place for this question - but it's a vmware question.05:18
Jimmy_InsomniacHi all, I'm having trouble booting up Ubuntu 10.4 - at log-in, it comes up with an error message that says "Problem with the configuration server. Usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2    Exited with status 256"  Could someone help me out? Thanks05:18
Kevin`Resnik: rdesktop is a microsoft terminal services client, not a server05:18
bobstrojfullernz: you can integrate samba with AD, but it's some work... not something i've done much with.05:18
hmwKevin`: omg you are so right... in my last ubuntu version, it was still working with sysv-rc-conf, now it is already disabled. I dont like upstart. *whine*05:18
jfullernzbobstro, its for a WLAN network covering a 1km radius05:18
ryanoHi, whats the difference if any between Evolution and Evolution Mail and Calendar that come installed on Ubuntu as default?05:18
bobstrojfullernz: ok. samba won't care about network details. so there's no central user directory, just random users that can connect?05:19
Resnikur right Kevin`, my mistake05:19
bobstrojfullernz: do you want users to have guest-level access? read-only?05:19
hmwResnik: Ubuntu already comes with vinagre, which is a VNC server. I sometimes had troubles getting it to do its job. In these cases i used tightvncserver succesfully.05:19
WillPittengerKevin`, hmw: I appear to be able to log in that way.05:20
anlaryeon ubuntu 10.04 LTS i cannot access the properties window of any user. not even my own user name.05:20
bobstrojfullernz: if you just want a share, may be easiest to set up an account per machine with passwd+smbpasswd, then map using that.05:20
jfullernzbobstro, I am wanting to have a central folder share, with read only guest access to all users EXCEPT for a 2 admins being able to move files around05:20
jfullernzbobstro, an account per machine wouldnt work due to being a hotspot05:21
bobstrojfullernz: if i'm reading your log right, that's what it's doing. nobody is mapping to guest, pcguest and smbguest.05:21
Kevin`jfullernz: guest access for newer broken windows clients needs some rewriting rule, let me find it05:21
hmwjfullernz: you could create 2 different shares pointing to the same dir, one for guests/read only and one pwd protected for the admins05:21
Kevin`map to guest = Bad User05:21
bobstrojfullernz: and the account jason-desktop has useraccount + smbpasswd entry?05:21
LinuxGuy2009If I install the base system using the server CD and I boot to the command line, how do I go about mounting and browsing my USB flashdrive or hard drive  to manually install packages from them?05:22
jfullernzbobstro, umm not sure what you mean there. jason-desktop is the machine name that is connecting05:22
hmwLinuxGuy2009: try sudo fdisk -l  to see all partitions and mount it. perhaps sudo blkid is useful for you, too05:22
Kevin`someone have a !unixclitutorial ?05:22
LinuxGuy2009hmw: Cool thank you05:22
shayaknychey, could someone point me in the right direction for configuring a pptp vpn client in ubuntu to connect to a windows server?05:23
bobstrojfullernz: i think that's your problem. samba, to the best of my knowledge, is going to authenticate using USER credentials, not your machine-name. your root = setting won't make a difference UNLESS you are logging in as jason-desktop (user).05:23
hmwKevin`: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/ lots to read though05:23
jfullernzhmw, thats true. one solution anyway. although can you hide the writable one from all other users?05:23
bobstrojfullernz: at least with 'security = user'05:23
Kevin`hmw: I mean something to point users to who ask questions like LinuxGuy2009's05:23
hmwjfullernz: i dont think you can hide, but you can passwordprotect05:23
Crash1hdanyone know why /etc/init.d/mysql restart is returning something about upstart job05:23
hmwKevin`: google.com05:23
bobstrojfullernz: when you connect as shown in your log, do you have read-only access to the share?05:24
Kevin`jfullernz: you can hide shares from sets of users05:24
hmwCrash1hd: because ubuntu does not use sysv-init anymore. it is still there for compatibility reasons, though.05:24
jfullernzbobstro, yes. its currently read only due to being mapped to a guest account05:24
Crash1hdhmw, ok so how do I restart mysql now?05:24
Kevin`Crash1hd: restart mysql05:25
jfullernzKevin`, ok thats something to look at then :)05:25
Kevin`or, what you tried before, will work05:25
bobstrojfullernz: ok. well, that's what i'd expect given your config. i think what you want to do is create user accounts for your 'admin' users, then connect using those.05:25
vjrpls help me, using ubuntu 10.4 LTS of sudden laptop turned dumb for speakers, but working fine with earphones ? had checked all options under sound volume control, but of no use05:25
shayaknycanyone help with a vpn client to connect to a windows server?05:25
bobstrojfullernz: the write list is only if you're authenticated. it doesn't give write rights to everybody.05:25
Crash1hdKevin`, hmm i get unknown instance05:25
hmwvjr: you might be able to find the bad setting with alsamixer05:26
bobstrojfullernz: so the level of access you have now is ok for your non-admin users, right?05:26
Kevin`Crash1hd: is it perhaps not running?05:26
Crash1hdKevin`, nope its running05:26
Kevin`can you stop, start i?05:26
jfullernzbobstro, I realise that bobstro. thats where the user mapping is supposed to work. check this link for info http://www.comptechdoc.org/os/linux/usersguide/linux_ugsamba.html05:27
bobstrojfullernz: but what username are you using?05:27
bobstrojfullernz: you said jason-desktop was the MACHINE name.05:28
hmwKevin`: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beginners/BashScripting but thats really for the bash, not for Linux in general. A simple tutorial, that covers all important things is an oxymoron, i fear.05:28
jfullernzbobstro, please read the link I pasted. that will explain it05:28
Crash1hdKevin`, well it says mysqk start/running process 1172005:28
=== Maser is now known as Maser`
=== Maser` is now known as Maser`zZZz
WillPittengerKevin`, hmw: Now that I can login, how do I manually start the GUI?05:29
bobstrojfullernz: again, is there a jason-desktop account on the samba server?05:29
xbonesxAre there any fixes to the memenu bugs, I have such a hard time setting up facebook and getting it to stay setup05:30
Kevin`WillPittenger: start gdm. sh /etc/init.d/gdm start if you broke the script in the hacky way instead.05:30
Crash1hdKevin`, odd start and stop work just not restart05:30
hmwWillPittenger: service gdm start05:30
WillPittengerAll I did was comment out the line.05:30
hmwWillPittenger: perhaps you need sudo for that05:30
jfullernzbobstro, there does not have to BE an account with the machine name on the server.... only an account with the username you are mapping TO.05:31
WillPittengerhmw: The service one did start the GUI, but dumped me at the login prompt.05:31
hmwWillPittenger: of course. now you need CTRL-ALT-F1 again, i fear...05:31
monokromeHas anyone here had issues specifically with VMWare + Ubuntu + SoundBlaster X-Fi cards/05:32
hmwWillPittenger: wait... "Login Prompt" - console/shell or graphical?05:32
jfullernzbobstro, where in the tutorial link I pasted does it say to create a user account called the same as the machine name? I certainly did NOT see it there05:32
bobstrojfullernz: ah... there is an account. root.05:32
hmwWillPittenger: thats what it ought to do05:32
jfullernzDUH!!! I've been telling you that from the start!05:32
hmwWillPittenger: check out your VM on how to send "CTRL-ALT-F1"05:32
WillPittengerhmw: VBox uses the *right* CTRL for the host key.  I tested with the left to prevent Vbox from grabbing it.05:33
bobstrojfullernz: mine's working. just trying to help. rtfm and all that. good luck.05:33
Gintulishi, how to change partition title on the desktop, partition „/data00„ (ext4), mountpoint „/media/data00„ on the desktop tilte is „507 GB file system”, i want that this title would „data00„05:33
tmg1if i can't get gnome failsafe to load, but i can get the xterm to load and then run metacity/nautilus afterwards...what should I do to make the gnome-failsafe work?05:33
hmwWillPittenger: well... reboot and login to the shell like before, then install the ssh daemon and next time you can login from outside05:33
roddHi, I'm with my notebook and out of cds or usb devices, is there any way to install ubuntu? I just have the .iso file and I'm on win7 (I dont want to intall through WUBI)05:34
hmwrodd: i dont know really, but I have the following idea: you can use a virtual machine, these things can use iso files as CD-roms05:35
hmwrodd: probably not exactly, what you want, but you could get an ubuntu to play with at least.05:36
roddbut id like to have it installed in another partition of my hdd05:36
roddand have dual boot option05:36
hmwrodd: i know. i think you are stuck until you get a CD or Flashdisk05:36
at05gti just lost the icons next to my clock on my bar and have no idea how to get them back05:37
kreeper_how do i partition my hdd with ubuntu?05:37
hmwat05gt: right click the panel and use "add to panel"05:37
at05gtya i know that much but i cant remember which icons it was05:37
at05gtone was an envelope and the other was somethin else05:37
hmwkreeper_: the live cd installer comes with a nice partitioner (select "manual") - if your ubuntu is already up and running, install gparted05:38
xbonesxAnyone else having issues with getting gwibber to work with facebook?05:38
LinuxGuy2009Ok I did a "sudo fdisk -l" and I see my flashdrive is at /dev/sdc1. Do I need to create a folder and mount it to the folder to access the files?05:38
hmwat05gt: i always get rid of those things as fast as possible after a fresh install, so i can only help on how to _remove_ those nifty gadgets *smirks*05:39
hmwLinuxGuy2009: you have already a folder for temporary mountings - /mnt - so you could do: sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt05:39
LinuxGuy2009hmw: ok cool I didnt know that. Thank you.05:39
monokromeHmm... Using /dev/dsp - it works again05:39
monokromeinstead of alsa05:40
hmwLinuxGuy2009: you could create a folder and use that, too05:40
at05gthmw: ya ive got 3 bars running right now, one is for my open programs and workspaces, the other is a quick launch and status bar the 3rd is for my computers performance monitors05:40
LinuxGuy2009hmw: sweet05:40
WillPittengerhmw, Kevin`: I finally got the CTRL-ALT-F1 inserted.05:41
hmwheheh cool05:41
WillPittengerNow what?05:41
at05gtwelp time to go reinstall windows, if you dont see me for a few hours, bill gates is eating my soul05:41
hmwWillPittenger: i still recommend installing ssh, because its quite useful. I missed your very problem - why did you want to disable gdm in the first place?05:42
piyushmishradoes ubuntu have multitouch capability?05:42
at05gtlike for a tablet pc?05:42
hmwpiyushmishra: i think not05:42
piyushmishraany drivers/hacks writte for that?05:42
piyushmishraat05gt: yup05:42
Arafangi1npiyushmishra: Any hacks would be application specific.05:42
xanguamaverick will piyushmishra05:42
hmwpiyushmishra: not out of the box at least...05:42
WillPittengerhmw: When I log in normally, it kicks me right back out.05:42
anlaryegot disconnected, dont know if there was a response - but i am unable to access the "properties" section on users. clicking that menu option does nothing. any help?05:43
piyushmishrahmmm :( kk05:43
at05gtlinux can use NTFS correct?05:43
Arafangi1npiyushmishra: Infact, I seem to recall a multitouch version of X11... But it required brand new applications written from scratch to take advantage of that capability.05:43
Arafangi1nat05gt: Yes.05:43
hmwWillPittenger: might be the case, that something in your home folder is messed up. you could create another user or use a typical hmw approach: rename the home folder, create a new, empty one and try logging in again05:43
Arafangi1nat05gt: Read-only is reliable, read-write i think works these days... But it's had read-only for a long time.05:44
hmwWillPittenger: not the whole /home, i meant rename /home/yourname to /home/yourname.orig05:44
piyushmishraArafangi1n: hmmm05:44
Arafangi1nhmw: And copy the files from /etc/skel :)05:44
hmwWillPittenger: ^05:44
WillPittengerCopy what files from /etc/skel?05:45
Arafangi1nWillPittenger: All. :)05:45
hmwArafangi1n: theoretical question: one should be able to log in with an empty home folder, too, but with certain "drawbacks", right?05:45
Arafangi1nhmw: Oh, yes, of course.05:45
WillPittengerJust one file there.  examples.desktop.05:45
Arafangi1nhmw: You can log in without any home folder, as well. ;)05:45
Arafangi1nhmw: (Only on the command line, though - not sure how GDM would handle that...)05:46
filsufhoi ... anybody knows which eReader has been hacked?05:46
hmwArafangi1n: i was thinking gnome, i guess it should work... somehow...05:46
filsufthe android ones05:46
hmwWillPittenger: try ls -a /etc/skel05:46
filsufCruz? Sony's?05:46
piyushmishraxangua, at05gt, hmw, Arafangi1n: http://nuigroup.com/touchlib/ what about this one?05:46
Arafangi1nhmw: I don't think gnome or any of the DE's will have an issue with an empty ~/, as long as you have one.05:46
hmwArafangi1n: darn. i need to test it now.05:47
WillPittengerHow do you rename a directory from the command line?05:48
tmg1mv dirname1 dirname205:48
Arafangi1npiyushmishra: That looks to me like a middle-layer library. You'll still have to hook that up to actual hardware, and actual frontends.05:48
at05gtok i just had a brain wave, if i could figure out how to get virtual box working, i wouldnt need to reinstall a windows partition would i?05:48
piyushmishraArafangi1n: no wonder i couldnt make much sense out of it :P05:48
TiKIve tried many linux os's and ubuntu is the prettiest05:49
Arafangi1npiyushmishra: Would be extremely useful if you were to make your own multitouch surface, as well. :)05:49
at05gtonly problem is i dont have any windows install CDs, would i be able to install the recovery partition as a virtual OS?05:49
hmwArafangi1n: oh wow / i got autologged in and gnome looks fresh05:49
piyushmishraArafangi1n: I saw that in a video where some guy makes a multitouch screen from cardboard, paper , glass anda  webcam05:49
piyushmishraand a*05:50
Arafangi1nhmw: Yeah, I doubt it would've had any issues. :)05:50
chilli0Hello , I need to make a ZIP file of all of the hidden files in my home dir. But when I try it says no such file or directory.05:50
Arafangi1npiyushmishra: I saw a team who used similar material, but included a projector. Imagine a 3 meter touch screen. :)05:50
at05gtuse your whole body as a pointer05:51
Arafangi1nat05gt: No, just hands. :)05:51
hmwchilli0: open nautilus, press CTRL+H (show hidden files), select all and make a zip05:51
Arafangi1nat05gt: One problem that they found, was that they had to press quite hard :(05:51
at05gtimagine it now, a new form of computer art made WITH THE BODY05:51
Arafangi1nat05gt: Hardly new.05:51
piyushmishraArafangi1n: the one that guy in the vid made was half meter tall to let the webcam see the whole screen properly05:51
chilli0hmw, I tried, first I got an error that I didn't have the permistion , so I ran it in root. And got the error that I just said ( No such file or directory)05:52
at05gtrain on my parade why dont ya05:52
piyushmishraat05gt: lol tht was height not diagonal05:52
Arafangi1nAnyway, I must go and get busy.05:52
hmwchilli0: sounds like a typo. can you post the whole command, you used?05:52
chilli0hmw,  umm wtf? I did what you said. Can't make a type with that.05:52
hmwchilli0: just checking... you see the files in nautilus but still cant zip them?05:53
piyushmishrahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1ydSP3viDk&annotation_id=annotation_114452&feature=iv thats the vid05:54
hmwchilli0: i think i know, whats going on. There are certain files in your home, that are "dynamic" stuff. Try to select only things, you know and you really want to keep. What exactly are you trying to achieve anyways?05:54
chilli0I need to back up my whole home directory ( I have copyed all of the non-hidden stuff) and put it on my server so I don't need to run of the hard drive.05:55
xbonesxAnyone know how to get gwibber working properly for facebook accounts?05:55
Chr|sxbonesx, its kinda buggy right now05:55
uLinuxhmw: ei05:56
WillPittengerhmw: How do I set the rights for the new folder so my account can read05:56
uLinuxhmw: i did an installation test with vbox http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/5917/lucidrunningvirtualboxo.png05:56
hmwWillPittenger: sudo chown yourname:yourname /home/yourname i guess05:56
xbonesxChr|s: ya occasionally i can get it too work but it takes a lot of retries before it actually does anything05:57
LinuxGuy2009When you run "sudo dpkg -i *.deb" does it copy the packages to the systems packages cache folder first?05:57
no--namehi. using vmware workstation 7.1.0 build-261024... host os = ubuntu 10.04, guest os = ubuntu 10.04... side mouse buttons work in host but not guest... what gives?05:58
xbonesxIs their any anti-virus software for Ubuntu?05:58
kevdogxbonesx: Dont need it -- but there is some05:58
hmw!antivirus | xbonesx05:58
ubottuxbonesx: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus05:58
WillPittengerSure are a lot of files in /etc/skel.05:59
anlaryeanyone have that answer for the properties menu not working in ubuntu 10.04?05:59
xbonesxReally, there's now way for people to hack you when running Ubuntu?05:59
hmwno--name: probably the mouse driver in your VM/Guest additions...05:59
tmg1xbonesx: clamav05:59
hmwxbonesx: there are ways. hacking = breaking in is another issue than virus attacks. cracking linux is _very_ hard in general.06:00
xbonesxhmw: Why is that?06:00
xbonesxhmw: linux being hard to crack, is there a certain reason?06:00
hmwxbonesx: configure your firewall properly, use strong passwords, dont create folders in your apache's document root like /test or /mysql and such stuff06:00
ouyesIs  there any tool of downloading like flashget under windows?06:00
kevdogwhats flashget06:01
hmwxbonesx: yes, linux is a real OS. any program you download and run can only access stuff, you (as the user) have access to, which is mainly your own files, but not the system files.06:01
no--namewhy is it bad to create folders in /, hmv?06:01
cryptopsyroot@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu/Downloads# sox lol.mp3 lol2.mp3 trim 0 4006:02
cryptopsysox FAIL formats: no handler for file extension `mp3'06:02
hmwno--name: folders people (or bots) might guess sometimes provide "backdoors"... like test scripts in /test06:02
abhi_Hello friends, I was attempting to install dropbox on ubuntu. Suddenly my network coverage disappeared and the downloading of the software was interupted, now i am trying once again to install drop box from the same file, it is hanging, how to remove the previous installation traces of dropbox in order to install it properly? I am using ubuntu 10.04 on intel dual core architecture. Please help06:02
cryptopsyhelp me06:02
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents06:02
NanobotThe proliferation of antivirus software on Windows is largely a symptom of a general culture of laid-back security practices in Windows.06:02
gdbxbonesx: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privilege_separation06:02
hmwouyes: do you mean some wizard that installs adobe flash?06:02
kevdogmp3 decoder -- isnt that in the restricted package?06:03
gdbxbonesx: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principle_of_least_privilege06:03
xbonesxNanobot: lol06:03
ouyeshmw, no tools to download something fast like bittorrent06:03
WillPittengerhmw: Didn't work.06:03
Arafangi1nhmw: Keep in mind that as far as most users are concerned, their own data /is/ the most important part of the system.06:03
WillPittengerHave to return to the problem later.06:03
=== WillPittenger is now known as WLP|Away
NanobotMac OS X and Linux both use UNIX-style filesystems and security practices, and neither has any pressing need for antivirus software06:03
Arafangi1nNanobot: I would disagree. Mac OS X has had a relatively poor history there.06:04
NanobotWindows is only now starting to migrate toward some of the UNIX-style practices06:04
linuxI think I have a virus on my Lucid machine06:04
Arafangi1nNanobot: They're doing well only because they've not been a huge target.06:04
NanobotLinux isn't a huge target?06:04
Arafangi1nNanobot: Mac OS X.06:04
WLP|AwayMacs are being targeted because of their growing popularity thanks to the Mac and PC commercials.06:04
hmwNanobot: that's right. target #1 is windows _workstations_06:04
NanobotLinux powers most websites, especially some of the biggest websites out there. Linux is a major target.06:04
gdbMacs have a fantastic record from a Unix security perspective.06:04
* WLP|Away remembers the mail bug.06:05
gdbWhat hasn't had a good record is the Safari web browser.06:05
hmw!away | WLP|Away06:05
kevdogexploits for Macs at blackhat -- that came through the browser06:05
ubottuWLP|Away: You should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»06:05
kevdogand recently FLASH06:05
xbonesxI like Ubuntu better than windows anyways, initially it's a little harder to get setup and running good, but its much better in the end06:05
linuxBasically, when I get into the system processes, there is an "unknown process", well, about ten of them, eating my CPU. On top of that, there's an "sh" and a "ssh client" running that I had never seen before. Anyway to fix?06:05
Nanobotxbonesx: Have you tried to install Windows on a completely blank machine?06:05
Arafangi1ngdb: I wouldn't say fantastic.  The unix layer is good, but the fact that they don't neccessarily fix bugs for a long time, and the NextStep layer is a bit of an issue too particularly with respect to scripting the GUI applications.06:06
xbonesxya i had windows on this hdd before i partitioned and setup Ubuntu06:06
kevdoguninstall ssh client06:06
Arafangi1nxbonesx: That wasn't the question you were asked.06:06
AbhiJithi gm06:06
abhi_ Hello friends, I was attempting to install dropbox on ubuntu. Suddenly my network coverage disappeared and the downloading of the software was interupted, now i am trying once again to install drop box from the same file, it is hanging, how to remove the previous installation traces of dropbox in order to install it properly? I am using ubuntu 10.04 on intel dual core architecture. Please help06:06
kevdogor uninstall ssh06:06
NanobotInstalling Windows from scratch takes all day, and you tend to have a lot of driver issues. In my experience, Ubuntu is way easier than Windows to install on a blank machine06:06
xbonesxArafangi1n: ?06:06
Arafangi1nxbonesx: The question you were asked was if you had installed windows from scratch before - not if you'd merely had it.06:07
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:07
AbhiJiti marked some channels as favorite. where to see them in xchat?06:07
xbonesxHave i installed windows from like a fresh isntall, yes.06:07
linuxIf someone were hacking my Ubuntu machine, or it was infected with a virus, how would I know?06:07
Arafangi1nNanobot: In my experience, installing a recent version of windows isn't that bad, but the applications you use then take all day.06:07
Nanobotxbonesx: Meaning, you had a blank hard drive, and you booted from the Windows CD?06:07
xbonesxArafangi1n: I've installed windows 7 plenty of times06:08
xbonesxArafangi1n: yes06:08
hmwlinux: usually you would check your log files every now and then06:08
xbonesxArafangi1n: why is this being asked anyways?06:08
linuxhmw: how would i go about that? :)06:08
Arafangi1nxbonesx: I don't know - I wasn't asking. :)06:08
hmwlinux: check out the files in /var/log/*06:08
gdblinux: Install logwatch and check your email once a day.06:08
icarus-clinux, no practical linux virus exist as far as i know06:09
gdbno need to go digging in /var/log06:09
kreeperi just installed gparted and I dont know how to partition off the partition that i currently use for ubuntu, how do I do this?06:09
xbonesxNanobot: why do you ask?06:09
ouyeshmw, like aria206:09
Arafangi1nlinux: Keep in mind that most in the linux community distinguish between trojans, viruses, and worms.06:09
Nanobotxbonesx: I was just curious. A colleague of mine has the unfortunate responsibility of installing operating systems for every new computer we hand out (which is a lot), and installing Windows easily takes most of the day.06:09
hmwkreeper: you don't - boot off the live cd to tweak your partitions06:09
gdbNanobot: Your colleague doesn't use ghost?06:09
Nanobotxbonesx: But when he has to install Linux (specifically, Ubuntu), it takes just an hour or two.06:09
linuxto all: I wonder if unknown processes and would count as malicious software? IE, an ssh client running type as "zombie" and about ten - fifteen unknown programs using an unknown amount of memory, but all the CPU.06:09
gdbInstalling a new image takes about 15-20 minutes then.06:09
kreeperi dont currently it anymore06:09
ouyeshmw, like wget06:10
Arafangi1nNanobot: He's a fool for not using ghost.06:10
kreeperi dont have it anymore06:10
Nanobotgdb: No. I'm not sure why he isn't using ghost, but he doesn't06:10
gdblinux:  Don't worry about zombies, they're not actually running.06:10
xbonesxNanobot: oh i got it... ya you were referring to my comment about Ubuntu being a little harder to setup06:10
NanobotPresumably because each person needs different specs06:10
Nanobotxbonesx: Yeah06:10
xbonesxNanobot: ya setting up the drivers is the hardest part06:10
gdblinux: As for the rest, I dunno.06:10
AbhiJiti marked some channels as favorite. where to see them in xchat?06:10
xbonesxNanobot: everything else is a breeze06:10
AbhiJiti found it!06:11
icarus-clinux, can you identify what started those ssh clients06:11
NanobotI've only installed Windows from scratch once. I've installed Ubuntu from scratch plenty of times06:11
linuxgdb: I think I'm just going to do a fresh install. I probably don't need to, but i think i will06:11
linuxicarus-c: how so? the "top" command?06:11
Nanobot(I haven't really used Windows in several years)06:11
icarus-clinux, and those CPU hungry process06:11
AbhiJithow to see bash log?06:11
Manuelbrs    * /MSG NiCK INFO Manuelbrs06:12
anlaryeI am unable to access the properties of any user on 10.04 using the gui,06:12
kreeperhmw: can i create a partition table on my swap space, or will that cause problems?06:12
icarus-cAbhiJit, you meant bash history?  use the "history" command06:12
linuxicarus-c: i'll definitely try the method out, whatever it is06:12
AbhiJiticarus-c, ok06:12
hmwkreeper: swap space is a partition, one cannot create partition tables there06:12
icarus-clinux, top,  ps... they all tell what you want to know06:13
icarus-cAbhiJit, note that bash history is per-user06:13
AbhiJiticarus-c, yah06:13
linuxicarus-c: i guess i'd just find the ID that is using the most CPU? kill it in terminal...06:13
kreeperhmw: well can I format it?06:13
=== opensorcerer is now known as saji89
hmwkreeper: usually you can turn of swap (swapoff) without big problems (as long as you dont open insanely many programs).06:14
hmwkreeper: but i would suggest to recreate a swap later, just in case you are "powerusing" your machine again.06:15
kreeperhmw: ok thx06:15
thune3anlarye: come again?06:15
linuxicarus-c: well, unfortunately, it's listing Xorg as the highest CPU eater - can't find any unnamed processes - and06:16
linuxicarus-c: 'ps' isn't telling me anything06:16
linuxicarus-c: i installed lubuntu, i wonder if that caused a configuration error of somekind somewhere06:16
Arafangi1nhmw: I always feel uncomfortable without a swap file. :)06:16
saji89linux, Try ps aux06:16
linuxsaji89: good it06:16
Arafangi1nhmw: Keep in mind that linux overcommits memory.06:17
xtchello people :)06:17
xtchey... can gparted resize NTFS without losing data?06:17
hmwArafangi1n: although my swap is only touched, when i use programs with memory leaks, i feel uncomfy without swap, too06:17
anlaryethune3, when i goto the users and groups listing from the administration menu. if you right click on a user name .. there is an option for "properties" clicking on that menu item doesnt do anything. nothing happens at all. no new window opens. no cursor change ... nada06:17
saji89linux, Okies.06:17
linuxsaji89: what is watchdog? lol06:18
hmwxtc: i think so. But resizing is always a critical operation, you should backup your data in any case06:18
xtcyeah, but still i wanted to ask... i don't want to have to restore unless i really have to. :)06:18
saji89linux, Was that seen in the ps aux output? A watchdog is like a timekeeper for synchronisation. :)06:18
Arafangi1nhmw: Have you ever had the OOM killer? :)06:18
hmwnever heard of OOM06:19
linuxsaji89: ahhh, yes, it was - i'm being paranoid, i guess - what should i look for?06:19
hmwArafangi1n: some daemon that kills any process if it allocates more than a MB ??06:19
saji89linux, What is the problem you're facing?06:19
Arafangi1nhmw: The default behavour of a linux system is to give each program as much memory as they ask for, even if it doesn't actually have that memory.06:19
xtcthanks :)06:20
Arafangi1nhmw: In practice, this works out well because applications don't neccessarily actually use that memory at that time, but if linux does find itself in the situation where it simply doesn't have enough memory, then it is forced to employ the Out Of Memory Killer.06:20
LinuxGuy2009Ok now Im having an issue with installing from my USB hard drive local repository that I made with "dpkg-scanpackages". The Packages.gz file was created just fine, I checked it. I did the USB hard drive mount like "/sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt". The sources.list file is empty except my entry which looks like "deb file:///mnt/Repo/ ./". What am I doing wrong? I just did this on my desktop machine here and its working with the folder on my d06:21
hersoyhello, i am using ubuntu 10.4 and using virtualbox. i am download windows server 2008 trial iso. but i cant add iso in virtualbox. error; VD: error VERR_VD_RAW_INVALID_HEADER opening image file '/home/huseyin/Genel/iso_kalıplar/win/7600.16385.090713-1255_x64fre_server_eval_en-us-GRMSXEVAL_EN_DVD.iso' (VERR_VD_RAW_INVALID_HEADER).06:21
hersoyhow can i do?06:21
linuxsaji89: basically, in the gnome system monitor, it's listing like fifteen unknown applications using an unknown amount of memory - another process called heart, something i've never heard of - and my CPU is being destroyed by power-hungry apps that have no name :(06:22
LinuxGuy2009Do I need to mount it in my home folder or something?06:22
hmwhersoy: validate your download, perhaps there was a transmission error. You could also ask in #windows, perhaps its a limitation of the windows software06:22
saji89linux, Hold on.06:22
linuxsaji89: kk06:22
Arafangi1nLinuxGuy2009: In any case, you certainly don't need to mount it for that purpose.06:22
themusicgod1i disabled everything in 'startup applications' but gnome still crashes, is there a l06:23
LinuxGuy2009Arafangi1n: I didnt know I could access a drive without mounting it first.06:23
GraphicRecursionIn Ubuntu Desktop theres a notification that pops up saying I need to install 3rd party drivers for full hardware functionality, how can I install these drivers if I'm using Ubuntu Server instead?06:23
[R]GraphicRecursion: just install them with apt-get06:23
themusicgod1anyway, linux do they not show up in ps -ax -H?06:23
GraphicRecursion[R] but what if I dont know what needs to be installed?06:24
Arafangi1nLinuxGuy2009: Oh, you can access a drive just by reading the raw bytes in /dev/whatever, but that's a bit awkward... To have those bytes formatted into a convenient file system, THAT is why you mount it.06:24
[R]GraphicRecursion: you can search with apt-cache06:24
Arafangi1nLinuxGuy2009: But your virtual machine will want the raw bytes, so don't need to mount it.06:24
GraphicRecursionawesome sauce06:24
saji89linux, Try the 'top' command.06:24
no--nameHow can I get thumbnails for videos in my file browser?06:24
LinuxGuy2009Arafangi1n: I dont have a virtual machine going. Im using my Dell Mini netbook.06:25
thune3anlarye: i'm seeing if i can find something...06:25
anlaryeok thanks thune306:25
hersoyhmw, Downloading is true06:25
hmwno--name: you should get them. If they are on a network drive, you need to tell Nautilus, that it should do thumbs there too. If it is local but not showing, youmight be lacking codecs.06:25
Arafangi1nLinuxGuy2009: I must be confusing you with hersoy.06:25
no--namehmw: is there a good codec pack for ubuntu?06:26
hmwhersoy: hmm. I don't know enough about virtual machines to be of real help in this case. :/ type the error message into google perhaps.06:26
linuxsaji89: on it06:26
linuxthemusicgod1: tryin that, too06:26
thune3anlarye: you hit "click to make changes", entered your passowrd, and the Properties button is un-greyed-out, right?06:26
saji89linux, Ok. tell me if it helps you.06:26
GraphicRecursion[R] apt-cache seems to search the avaiable packages, is there anyway I can have ubuntu server look for the 3rd party drivers I need automatically?06:26
linuxsaji89: of course :D06:26
hmwno--name: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras06:26
[R]GraphicRecursion: if it shows up in the restircted dialog... than its in the repos06:27
no--namehmw: thanks06:27
AbhiJitis there any way i can only list the currently listed 'application software' and reinstall it? i dont want automatic generat script for device driver or update etc only software e.g. gimp xchat etc06:27
AbhiJitanyone any clue?06:27
sriramomanis there any chat client that supports yahoo video+audio chat for *ubuntu?06:28
LinuxGuy2009Ah I ran dpkg-scanpackages with the wrong info. My bad06:29
hmwAbhiJit: you could use Synaptics Package Manager (System / Administration / Syn...), make it display "installed" apps (use the "status" button) and then select "reinstall"06:29
GraphicRecursion[R] Well heres the situation: I booted a live CD for desktop onto a machine that had server installed (that was to fix an unrelated problem). While using the live CD it showed the dialog saying there were resetricted drivers I could use. Obviously I dont want it to try to install those drivers while I'm using the live CD but do want to install them when Im actually logged into the OS (Ubuntu06:30
GraphicRecursionServer) installed on that machine's HDD.06:30
[R]GraphicRecursion: it says the name of the package in the dialog...06:30
hmwAbhiJit: "reinstall" to be selected for each package, right mouse button06:30
GraphicRecursion[R] awh poop I got to boot back in there, right down there names? I figured that whatever went and did the magic "finding" in desktop could be done on Server so I wouldnt have to boot into the live cd again ... cuz Im lazy, and frankly its a problem Id like to know how to solve from the command line06:31
hersoyhmw, yeah I've searched google, but I could not understand a thing06:31
AbhiJithmw, thanks. i selected all of them with ctrl A06:31
hmwhersoy: same here :(06:31
hmwhersoy: you could find a VM-related forum perhaps06:32
Trian3Hey, quick (and easy) question...  If Ubuntu freezes up on me, how do I fix it?  IOW, what's the Task Manager equivalent?06:32
aarcaneso uh..  on one of my servers, landscape broker is crashing without any relavent entries in the logs and no indication anywhere I can find as to why, then everything else from landscape is saying "the broker is crashing, so we're exiting,  bye"  and exiting.  what's wrong, and what can I try to do to fix it ?06:32
Arafangi1nTrian3: An actual freeze, or a dead application?06:32
AbhiJitTrian3, add force quit icon on your panel when some ap freezen click on that force icon button and click on that ap06:33
Trian3Arafangi1n:  This is CCSM.06:33
Arafangi1nTrian3: What's CCSM?06:33
Trian3So, yeah...  dead app (I guess)06:33
Trian3CompizConfig Settings Manager06:33
hmwTrian3: first you'd need to find the reason for the lockup. Can you still switch to a console with CTRL-ALT-F1? can you login from outside via ssh? does the num lock key change the LED on your keyboard? or is the machine _really_ frozen? check the log files in /var/log/syslog etc06:33
Trian3Ah, it seems I can.06:33
GraphicRecursionoh and thanks for the help earlier hmw06:33
saji89hersoy, It may be an eroor with the iso. MAybe its corrupt. Did you check that?06:34
hersoyopen File Roller .iso --> i see only readme.txt "This disc contains a "UDF" file system and requires an operating system06:34
hersoythat supports the ISO-13346 "UDF" file system specification."06:34
Arafangi1nTrian3: If you're using Compiz, you may find that you hit driver bugs more frequently. :(06:34
Trian3hmw: switch to console, that is.06:34
hmwTrian3: then your Ubuntu didnt freeze on you, but perhaps Gnome. Switch back to Gnome (ALT-F7) and try ALT-F1 - does the top menu get selected?06:34
AbhiJithow to backup software sources list?06:35
Arafangi1nAbhiJit: What do you mean?06:35
Arafangi1nAbhiJit: (The sources list is so trivial that people don't often bother backing it up...)06:35
icarus-chersoy, try to rename that .iso to  .udf  see what happen06:35
saji89AbhiJit, make a copy of the sources.lst file. That may be the easiest way, though I'm not sure.06:35
hmwAbhiJit: just backup the file /etc/apt/sources.list ??06:35
Arafangi1nsaji89: It's sources.lst on ubuntu? Worst file extension ever!06:36
Trian3hmw:  Yes, top menu is selected.06:36
AbhiJitArafangi1n, hmw saji89 i have so many extra ppa's added so in new install i want all that ppa's to be added.06:36
hmwTrian3: please describe, what exactly froze06:36
Arafangi1nAbhiJit: What's a ppa?06:36
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.06:36
saji89Arafangi1n, It was a typo. It is sources.list. Ty for noticing it.06:37
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots06:37
Trian3hmw:  I was playing with one of the modules in CompizConfig Settings Manager -- Freely Transformable Windows, to be exact.  When I enabled one of the features, it appeared to froze.  Mouse wouldn't do anything except move around on screen.  It's locked in a closed-hand position, but I'm unable to click on anything.06:37
saji89AbhiJit, No problem. I think the PPA information also adds is there in the sources.list file.06:37
AbhiJitsaji89, yah06:38
Arafangi1nsaji89: Good. :)  grub used to use a '.lst' extension... Took me days before I realised the mistake I had made... I thought it was 1st!06:38
linuxsaji89: well, for the first time evAr, ubuntu froze :(06:38
Arafangi1nI'd blame the graphics driver there.06:38
saji89AbhiJit, But you would have to get the GPG key for the PPA, even if you have a sources.list file.06:38
linuxsaji89: since I don't have any super-valuable files, i'll salvage what i can and just do a fresh install :D06:38
AbhiJitsaji89, ohh. how?06:39
Arafangi1nlinux: Why would that fix anything?06:39
saji89Arafangi1n, YA the GRUB stuff is what confused  me. i uesed to make changes in it.06:39
Trian3Arafangi1n:  You're probably right.  surprising, though.  It's been very stable up until now.06:39
AbhiJitsaji89, any automatic way06:39
saji89AbhiJit, I think you have to do it manully for each PPA.06:39
AbhiJitsaji89, :(06:39
hmwTrian3: i see. If you can't kill the program due to a confused mouse, you can start a terminal via keyboard - ALT-F1 and enter "xkill" - then click the window, that is frozen. Tell me, if that worked.06:39
Arafangi1nTrian3: It's the main reason why I dont' bother with compiz.06:39
hmwTrian3: ALT-F2 sorry06:39
Arafangi1nhmw: With a confused mouse?06:40
Trian3hmw:  I don't know if I can kill it.  What's the best way to try to do that?06:40
saji89AbhiJit, One way for most popular PPA will be to install Ubuntu-Tweak.06:40
Arafangi1nhmw: Sounds tricky!06:40
hmwALT-F2, "xkill", click window06:40
linuxArafangi1n: yeah, def.06:40
Steristanyone got a link to 10.10's changelog?06:40
Steristor key features at;east06:40
wrennyhey where can I find Network Manager icon in Ubuntu06:40
saji89AbhiJit, LEmme see if tehre is any workaround.06:41
Trian3Can't type anything...  I believe because the menu up above is still selected06:41
hmwi somehow bound "ALT-BACKSPACE" to xkill... but how...!?06:41
AbhiJitsaji89, ok06:41
icarus-cwrenny, you mean the icon picture file or the applet program ?06:41
Steristwrenny Administration06:41
Steristwrenny or Settings06:41
hmwwrenny: you can restart the network manager. You can start the applet with nm-applet06:41
wrennyi dont know06:42
wrennythis thing says to lick on the Network Manager icon, expand VPN Connections, and choose Configure VPN...06:42
hmwTrian3: deselect the menu with ESC06:42
saji89AbhiJit, Which Ubuntu version do you use?06:42
icarus-cwrenny, you don't know what you actually want but expect us to answer?...06:42
AbhiJitsaji89, lucid 6406:42
st__Sterist, less features, more bloat, more buzzwords, more bugs06:43
sriramomananyone with a Toshiba laptop with acpi problems, pls query me if u face errors during booting *ubuntu. I will tell u how to install acpi and get all ur laptop features running fully!06:43
* hmw imagines wrenny licking his screen *smirk*06:43
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anlaryeany luck there Thune3?06:43
wrennyso where is this icon06:43
icarus-cwrenny, normally, the NetworkManager icon (you meant applet here)  is on the gnome panel.06:43
AbhiJitsriramoman, why dont you document that ything in ubuntuforum?06:43
Trian3hmw:  Thanks.  Was trying everything (except that, of course)06:43
saji89AbhiJit, see the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list.d It seems to have a file per PPA you have added. MAybe if you take abackup of that and put it in the new system it may work.06:44
icarus-cwrenny, like other application's icon06:44
AbhiJitsaji89, will try that06:44
hmwwrenny: the nm applet shows on the top panel, somewhere on the right side usually06:44
icarus-cin the Notification Area to be precise06:44
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saji89AbhiJit, Okies.06:44
Steristst__ referring to the beta?06:44
* Arafangi1n wonders why Ubuntu persists with NM.06:44
Trian3hmw:  Not looking good.  xkill doesn't appear to do anything.06:45
icarus-cArafangi1n, you suggest a better alternative?06:45
AbhiJitArafangi1n, then waht to use?06:45
Arafangi1nTrian3: Confirmed grahpics issue. :(06:45
Arafangi1nicarus-c: wicd. :)06:45
st__Sterist, beta will not differ from final result much06:45
icarus-cArafangi1n, wicd got far less feature comparing with NM06:45
Trian3So what now?  Hard reset?06:45
hmwTrian3: usually you get an x shaped mouse cursor. in your case, the cursor might not show, but still work. "try" to aim at the frozen window and do a left click. If that wont do, i can suggest another approach.06:45
wrennymust be this up/down arrow thing on top06:45
Arafangi1nicarus-c: The features work, though...  What annoyed me with NM was I could never tell what mode it was in!06:45
hmwi liked wicd much more than NM06:46
Steristst__ what features are to be "removed"? or could you link me to somewheres i can read up06:46
AbhiJitArafangi1n, mode??06:46
icarus-cArafangi1n, well, i agree that wicd  does better on what it does.  but NM provides more features06:46
Arafangi1nAbhiJit: There are different ways in which you can configure the network, but NM blurs them together, it's confusing.06:47
Trian3hmw:  Hmmm, looks like I can interact with the application via the keyboard, so it's just the mouse that's locked up.06:47
icarus-cArafangi1n, when it comes to pick a default for EVERYONE, i still think that NM is a better choice yet06:47
icarus-cof course people could get rid of it and go wicd if they want to with ease06:47
AbhiJitArafangi1n, hmm06:47
hmwTrian3: lets kill the X server. Do you have important data not yet saved in any window?06:47
thune3anlarye: i'd asked a follow up to make sure the basics were covered. I don't see anything, since all processes are launched when users-admin is invoked. I can only guess that the users you are trying to administer from do not have "admin" group and sudo privliges.06:48
Trian3mhw:  Well, I have a few things open, but nothing unrecoverable.06:48
icarus-cTrian3, just save them first, then kill X06:48
rajmahendraCan anyone tell me how to kill a applicatin which is not responding ?06:48
anlaryethune3: i'm doing it from my username which is a sudo user06:49
Dr_Willisrajmahendra:  'xkill' in a terminal, then click on the app, or the kill, or killall commands in terminal06:49
icarus-crajmahendra, press alt-f2 ->  type "xkill"  -> click on the freezed app06:49
Arafangi1nicarus-c: It's possible that if I were to switch between differnet networks frequently - ie, as a university student toting around his laptop... I might prefer NM, I guess there isn't a clear answer. :(06:49
Trian3mhw:  I don't know how to get to them by keyboard alone.06:49
hmwTrian3: the "cool" way would to just kill the damaged process. For this you would switch to the console and use the ps command to find the PID and then use kill. The "simple" way is to brutally kill (restart) X - which can be done with ALT-SysRq(Print)-K - what shall it be?06:49
Steristanyone here use a ASUS K50 NOTEBOOK ?06:49
rajmahendraThank you06:49
Arafangi1nhmw: Or use killall, if you know the command name.06:50
Trian3I'll do easy now, and learn more about the "cool" way later.06:50
Arafangi1nhmw: That's the redneck approach, anyway.06:50
anlaryei'll be back later06:51
xibalbahey everyone, i use ubuntu as a router and i was wondering how could i port forward port 53 to a server i have in my data center?06:51
xibalbai've tried  ssh -L user@lethalnetworks.com06:51
hmwTrian3: you should learn the "cool" method soon - its not really hard and makes more sense in many situations. Ask, if you wanna try it.06:51
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hmw!hi | halvor06:52
ubottuhalvor: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!06:52
Trian3hmw:  Alright, that did the trick for now.  I'll make a note of the ps command and make sure to study up.06:52
halvordid anyone get the error message ""SIOCSIFFLAGS: unknown error 132" when trying to use wifi?06:52
Trian3Thanks for the help, good sir.06:52
hmwTrian3: i usually do: ps -A | grep WHATISEARCHFOR06:53
halvori've never had such problem so far06:53
AbhiJithalvor, he does: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131188606:53
icarus-chalvor, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131188606:53
icarus-chahaha quick google ftw06:53
halvorAbhiJit: thank you!06:53
hmwxibalba: that should be relatively easy. You could use the GUI app "Firestarter" to configure your firewall or make a script that utilizes "iptables" commands06:53
icarus-chalvor, learn to google for the error message06:54
halvoricarus-c: thank you too06:54
AbhiJithalvor, welcome06:54
halvori'll try to keep that in minf06:54
icarus-chalvor, http://www.google.com/search?q=SIOCSIFFLAGS%3A+unknown+error+13206:54
AbhiJithalvor, google with this SIOCSIFFLAGS: unknown error 132 ubuntu06:54
willis there a way to tell Ubuntu to look in a secondary location for packages (instead of just /var/cache/apt/archives/)?06:55
willi think i screwed this up.  I'm gonna exit an come b ack...06:56
willIs there a way to tell Ubuntu to look in a secondary location for packages (instead of just /var/cache/apt/archives/)?06:57
elricsfatehi all06:57
sacarlsonwill: normally packages come from the online repositories06:58
willI know.06:58
Dr_Williswill:  not that ive noticed.. why are yoy trying to do this?06:58
elricsfateAnyone up for doing a little bit of reading?06:58
elricsfateTiK: Roger06:58
icarus-cwill, maybe symbolic links06:58
willTo quickly install downloaded packages when in LiveCD environment.06:58
terminalvelocityjust installed ubuntu and somehow it has used 26GB of space and now there is none remaining to update the OS or install software.....any ideas?06:58
sacarlsonwill: would that not be a secound or 10th and up other places than /var/cache?06:58
elricsfateTiK: https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1FXQy07PLZ8ayMZXYEyic8q3zwoPyy8Je_Sx-oqkGA5I06:59
TiKelricsfate: reading what?06:59
willsacarlson: huh???06:59
TiKelricsfate: you wrote that?06:59
elricsfateTiK: Just some stuff I wrote for class06:59
hmwhow can i make a machine let me login to gnome, when i only have ssh access (and the remote desktop not yet configured)?06:59
Dr_Williswill:  on a network you could set up a machien to be the 'apt-cacher' server - it  could cache all packages for faster downloading to the rest of the lan.06:59
Arafangi1nterminalvelocity: 26GB?!?06:59
magnetronterminalvelocity: start the disk usage analyzer and see what's using all the space06:59
sacarlsonwill: you can add your own local repository that is serviced by apache06:59
elricsfateTiK: Yes. Give it a read. I also have a letter I wrote trying to convince my school to move to open source.06:59
terminalvelocitydid that06:59
terminalvelocityonly the OS07:00
thune3terminalvelocity: you sure the filesystem didn't encounter errors and get remounted read-only?07:00
elricsfateTiK: Let me get the link for that07:00
Arafangi1nterminalvelocity: Ok, what's taking up the space?07:00
TiKelricsfate: good luck i left it open ill read tomorrow07:00
icarus-celricsfate, it seems to me all your arguments doesn't tell why Linux is better than other open source Unix-like OS07:00
manuelbrs /msg nickserv register count10 j.manuelbrs@gmail.com07:00
uLinuxlol fail07:00
elricsfateTiK: roger07:00
manuelbrsre fail07:00
terminalvelocityhome 24.3GB07:01
elricsfateicarus-c: good point.07:01
terminalvelocitythune3 im using it successfully07:01
TurtleSoupI need some help (who doesn't...), I opened up 81 workspaces just for the hell of it, and my system was not very happy at all. It reverted back to 36, and now that number is static, I can't change it (also, the "preferences" window for workspaces flickers). Now none of my windows have the bars around them with the X, minimize, maximize, etc. Any ideas?07:02
terminalvelocityArafangiln ....home 24.3GB07:02
elricsfateicarus-c: This was mainly wrote to educate people who don't even know Unix or Linux exist. It may be a good idea to integrate what makes Linux better over something such as BSD or Solaris. You make a good point and I agree.07:02
icarus-celricsfate, and you should make a clear contrast between Linux & Windows by also describing the Windows side07:02
st__elricsfate, learn paragraphs first07:02
Dr_WillisTurtleSoup:  title bar vanished = compiz or metacity crashed.. alt-f2 and do 'compiz --replace'07:03
Dr_WillisTurtleSoup:  which may explain the other issues also07:03
TurtleSoupDr_Willis, thank you sir. I'll give it a try.07:03
Arafangi1nterminalvelocity: So your OS is only a few GB, then.07:03
icarus-cst__, he got paragraph. in this link https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1FXQy07PLZ8ayMZXYEyic8q3zwoPyy8Je_Sx-oqkGA5I&pli=107:03
Dr_WillisTurtleSoup:  or try 'metacity --replace'07:03
elricsfateicarus-c: Roger. In which doc. The letter or the essay?07:03
elricsfatest__: In the essay or the letter?07:03
Arafangi1nterminalvelocity: Try getting more storage space and putting your... movies on that.07:03
elricsfatest__: One is a letter and one is an essay07:03
icarus-celricsfate, the essay. i haven't read letter yet :P07:03
* Arafangi1n can't imagine using 30 space for anything other than movies or photos.07:04
Some_PersonCan anyone suggest a good app for WATCHING (not recording) over-the-air digital TV?07:04
Arafangi1nSome_Person: VLC is the standard answer, I think.07:04
Some_PersonArafangi1n: How do you change channels in VLC?07:04
terminalvelocityArafangiln:  I just installed the OS ......to 30GB of unallocated space!!!!!!!07:04
terminalvelocityno movies07:04
TurtleSoupHow new is this Alt-F2 thing to go to full-screen terminal? I haven't heard of it prior to last week.07:04
icarus-celricsfate, i haven't finish reading the letter, but after reading a few sentences it seems that you assuming Free & Open Source Software in business come with NO cost?07:04
elricsfateicarus-c: Roger. I believe the other guy was talking about my letter which is block.07:05
elricsfateicarus-c: No it has cost but it would have LESS cost than our current setup I believe07:05
Arafangi1nterminalvelocity: Paste the output of df -h to some pastebin.07:05
icarus-celricsfate,  and there is liability for FOSS in business07:05
icarus-c*liability issue07:05
tannerldanyone know how to fix the wifi of a inspiron mini with netbook ubuntu w/o internet access?07:05
elricsfateicarus-c: IMO I looked at not just my school but the whole system and saw a lot of waste.07:06
icarus-celricsfate, like.. who to blame if you Linux/FOSS system fail?07:06
DAGr8hey can any1 help mewith this ? http://pastebin.com/8T4tmrg9  I am trying to make it 'less dirty07:06
ihaydenhello every time i restart ubuntu i got this text login thing, is there a way i can get the gui login back?07:06
Arafangi1nicarus-c, elricsfate: I've found myself that having good support for your programs is easily worth a few grand.07:06
icarus-celricsfate, with proprietary software, if the system fail the boss could only take it, but not fireing people07:06
elricsfateicarus-c: Who to blame if a Windows based system fails? Microsoft? No the IT. It would be the IT either way07:06
DAGr8hey can any1 help mewith this ? http://pastebin.com/8T4tmrg9  I am trying to make it 'less dirty so I also tried this but none of them work so whats wrong ?07:06
elricsfateArafangi1n: There are quite a few companies that offer support for Linux.07:07
Blue1ihayden: try sudo service gdm restart07:07
Dr_WillisDAGr8:  at least summarize the problem to the channel.  people tend to not go to web sites to just read the actual problem.07:07
Arafangi1nelricsfate: What if you want support right now for some program that is rarely installed locally?07:07
Blue1Arafangi1n: patience is a virtue07:07
icarus-celricsfate, after all, your arguments should be backed up by data & references to make it convincing07:07
elricsfatest__ icarus-c  Arafangi1n: The letter and the course over view are old. The goal I was trying to reach was not accomplished. I just thought I would post that along with the essay (which is new) since they were related.07:08
DAGr8Dr_Willis these are 2 lines pastebin :(07:08
Arafangi1nBlue1: I just want it to work so I can get on with my work!07:08
Blue1Arafangi1n: what progamme?07:08
AbhiJitis there any way i can see the total size of the pacakge i currently have installed?07:08
Arafangi1nBlue1: THe latest one I tried to play with was...  Hmm... Gitorious.07:08
icarus-celricsfate, especially the letter,  business man needs numbers :)07:08
TurtleSoupDr_Willis:  compiz --repalace "xterm Xt error: Can't open display: %s"  and metacity --replace "Window manager error: Unable to open X display". Not sure what these mean?07:08
Dr_WillisDAGr8: so?07:08
DAGr8Dr_Willis my problem is simple Im trying to echo bt only if a directory is not empty and I wanna do this with multiple directories07:08
Arafangi1nBlue1: On Centos.07:08
Dr_WillisTurtleSoup:  sounds like something very weird crashed. it may be best to just reboot.07:09
Blue1Arafangi1n: I am not fam. with that one.07:09
elricsfateicarus-c: that was to a principal. Although I agree numbers should have been included in hindsight lol.07:09
TurtleSoupDr_Willis, I've rebooted several times. The other users on the system work fine, just the one which tried to open 81 workspaces.07:09
Dr_WillisDAGr8:  i would say check the 'advanced scripting guide' for examples.07:09
Arafangi1nBlue1: It's a complex program, made more complex by the terrible choice of platform, that being Centos.07:09
elricsfateArafangi1n: That can be a problem that applies both to windows and linux. What if you run into problems with a Windows program not commonly installed?07:09
TurtleSouprather, just that one is messed up.07:09
Dr_WillisTurtleSoup:  perhaps its time to reset your desktop settings,. you could start with the panels.07:10
Dr_Willis!resetpanel | TurtleSoup07:10
ubottuTurtleSoup: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »07:10
Arafangi1nelricsfate: Indeed, but windows programs are less likely to be "opensource".07:10
DAGr8Dr_Willis andwhere is that guide ?07:10
Blue1Arafangi1n: what does it do?07:10
ubottuAdvanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/07:10
Arafangi1nBlue1: It's basically a competitor to GitHub.07:10
Dr_WillisDAGr8:  its in the repos.. or at the tldp.org site07:10
ihaydenblue1: it didnt work it just flickered. and when i went to just restart (cntrl/alt/del) it set me back to the same thing.07:10
thune3terminalvelocity: you can use :: du -khsc * :: or :: du -khsc /home :: to check size of directories or ::  find /home -size +10M -printf "%k " -print :: to show you large files07:11
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:11
elricsfateicarus-c: I agree on the essay though. I can back that up with some more data. I actually like the essay enough I may expand on it and use it later. It was actually just a 1 pager for english comp. I am thinking about burning some copies of Ubuntu to distribute in class along with the essays .07:11
Blue1ihayden: ctrl+alt+del?  I thought you were doing this at cosole:  ctrl+alt+f107:11
elricsfateArafangi1n: I agree but I don't understand where you are going with that.07:12
Arafangi1nelricsfate: It's really hard to set up!07:12
Arafangi1nelricsfate: Ended up paying thousands for a different product.07:12
Topy44my touchscreen works out of the box on ubuntu, but needs calibrating. how can i calibrate it?07:12
TurtleSoupTopy44, is there an option under System->Monitor or the like>07:12
swiftarrowHi people!  I'm trying to control the mountpoint of an external drive.  Sometimes it mounts to LABEL, and sometimes to LABEL_ (underscore).  This is wreaking havoc with my backup system...  please help!  Thanks!07:13
elricsfateArafangi1n: Your kidding me right? Windows can be JUST as complicated and cumbersome to setup as Linux and thats not including the product costs associated with most Windows products.07:13
Topy44no (i dont run gnome btw, i run openbox/lxde)07:13
Arafangi1nelricsfate: A few hundred per computer? Pfft, that's nothing.07:13
ihaydenblue1: noo, its like a text login thing idk, but i cant get back on to my desktop07:13
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AbhiJitis there any way i can see the total size of the pacakge i currently have installed?07:14
Dr_Willisihayden:  try 'startx' after you login and see if X works..07:14
=== WLP|Away is now known as WillPittenger
Dr_Willisihayden:  if startx fails. then you have some X configuration issue going on. and thats why you are going to the console, instead of the Desktop07:14
elricsfateArafangi1n: Your also not thinking about the other perks of using Linux over Windows in a large environment such as a school.07:14
RealOptyum how do i submit a patch for a package in ubuntu ?????07:14
icarus-celricsfate, Arafangi1n: offtopic guys07:15
Dr_Willis!motu | RealOpty07:15
ubottuRealOpty: motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU07:15
Arafangi1nI gotta head off anyway.07:15
elricsfateArafangi1n: Better control over user accounts, less worry of virus's which was a MAJOR problem07:15
TurtleSoupDr_Willis, no dice. Do you know if there's a way to set the number of workspaces via terminal?07:15
elricsfateicarus-c: see ya there07:15
elricsfateArafangi1n: Roger. Goodnight. Was nice talking07:15
Arafangi1nWho's roger?07:15
Dr_WillisTurtleSoup:  its in a gconf setting somewhere.. personally i would reset all teh gnome settings by deleting the various .gnome* and .gconf* directories.. and start with a clean desktop07:15
Dr_WillisTurtleSoup:  there may be some '.compiz' directories somewhere also with settings for it.07:16
icarus-cDr_Willis, i wouldn't nuke .gnome* ...07:16
gdbArafangi1n: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voice_procedure07:16
elricsfateArafangi1n: I am military. I use "Roger" a lot. Its habit.07:16
st__elricsfate, Linux has no means of controlling user accounts07:16
Dr_WillisI tend to clean out the .gnome* dir. :) i know what i want to keep07:16
terminalvelocityran "autoclean" and reboot and now get "install problem" the config defaults for GNOME pow. mngr not correctly installed ...contact comp. admin.07:16
gdbst__: Huh?07:16
icarus-cDr_Willis, they are mostly application settings07:16
Dr_Williswhich is my torrent client settings.. thats about it..07:16
elricsfatest__: To continue the discussion head over to offtopic07:16
Arafangi1nelricsfate: Interesting. :)  I'm deaf, so I don't hear any of that stuff. :)07:16
jwfoxjrok, so I've written this startup scipt and I don't understand why it's generating 2 process id's could someone take a look and provide some insight?07:16
st__policies? AD? lol07:17
elricsfateeveryone interested for that matter head over to offtopic07:17
TurtleSoupDr_Willis, if I nuke .gnome*, uh, what do I do after that? :\07:17
gdbst__: 389 directory server?07:17
icarus-cDr_Willis, so just nuke your torrent client's config folder will do07:17
Dr_WillisTurtleSoup:  log out/back in - it should reset gnome back to the defaults.. you DO understand this will delete all your gnome settings...07:17
elricsfateArafangi1n: haha. I dig. Well if you idle here much hopefully I will see you here. I am in #nethack quite a bit to07:17
TurtleSoupDr_Willis, of course.07:17
ihaydendr_willis: it just give me a logg type thing, how will i know if it failed?07:17
TurtleSoupJust wasn't sure of any excess steps I'd be missing.07:17
st__LDAP server!=AD07:17
AbhiJitis there any way i can see the total size of the pacakge i currently have installed?07:18
Dr_WillisTurtleSoup:   the settings are  getting a bit scattered in ways these days.. but its better then it was years ago at least.07:18
Arafangi1nelricsfate: Awesome. I'm a lousy nethack player, but I do play it frequently. :)07:18
Dr_Willisihayden:  startx failed.. if you dident get to the Desktop..07:18
gdbst__: Do you know what AD is?07:18
Arafangi1nelricsfate: (Lousey because I like to have a game in one sitting...  So I tend to be relatively risky)07:18
gdbst__: It's an LDAP directory server.07:18
elricsfateArafangi1n: Freaking love nethack. I to am pretty awful. I actually just got it installed on my ben nano note with some work.07:18
Dr_WillisTurtleSoup:  i tend to use 'mc' from a console to clean out these things.   im not sure if removeing the settings while running gnome is that good an idea.07:19
elricsfateArafangi1n: I am the SAME way.07:19
gdbBah, forget it.  off-topic anyway07:19
ihaydendr_willis: i see. is there a way around this or do i have to reinstall ubuntu?07:19
TurtleSoupDr_Willis, I've dropped to a terminal.07:19
Balsaqcan someone explain how wubi works07:19
Dr_Willisihayden:  you need to figure out why your X server is crashing and fix it.. reinstalling is 'windows thinking'07:20
icarus-cihayden, is it you can't start X (GUI session) ?07:20
icarus-cihayden, screen filcker07:20
icarus-cthat's usually driver issue07:20
Dr_WillisBalsaq:  from what ive seen asked in this channel... some times it works not very well. :)07:20
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.07:20
icarus-cihayden, have you studied /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?07:20
Balsaqi installed it07:20
elricsfateBalsaq: It works alright for me07:20
Dr_WillisBalsaq:  i would reccomend a 'normal' ubuntu install over a wubi setup.07:20
Balsaqi dont understand how it works07:21
Balsaqit works good here07:21
Balsaqbut i dont get it07:21
elricsfateBalsaq: Using it on my laptop until I get everything moved over from my Windows install.07:21
Dr_WillisBalsaq:  its booting from a 'file' on the hard drive. instead of a disk partition. is the basics of it.07:21
Balsaqlooks like a dual install07:21
Balsaqbut its not?07:21
RealOptyDr_Willis, ty for info.07:21
Jordan_UBalsaq: Do you know what a loopback device is?07:21
Dr_WillisBalsaq:  thats the core of the it.07:21
gdbIt mounts your filesystem as a loopback.07:21
gdbthat's really all there is to it07:21
elricsfateBalsaq: As Dr. Willis said its similar to a dual boot but it does not have its own file system.07:21
Balsaqno Jordan_U07:21
Jordan_UBalsaq: (not in the networking sense)07:21
WillPittengerhmw: I am back.  New home folder didn't work.  I had just finished installing a bunch of new packages.  Could something have happened during that?07:21
Balsaqelricsfate, i like it so far07:21
Balsaqbut i really dont get it07:22
Balsaqdoent seem to update anymore07:22
gdbBalsaq: Everything in Unix is a file.  Even your filesystem.  In the case of a loopback, the filesystem is contained inside a file in Windows.  That file (which contains your install Ubuntu system) is mounted as a loopback.  It's not a partition on a disk, it's a Windows file.07:22
gdbBalsaq: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loop_device07:22
ihaydenicarus-c it flickers when i use the "gdm service restart command" and i cant get to the gui part of things, i wouldnt know how to do that last partt07:23
Balsaqgdb, hmm thanks, is it better than a dual partition?07:23
WillPittengerKevin`: I am back.  New home folder didn't work.  I had just finished installing a bunch of new packages.  Could something have happened during that?07:23
TurtleSoupDr_Willis, that did the trick! Thanks loads for your help, I appreciate it.07:23
gdbBalsaq: Well, it "shares space" with Windows, so I suppose in that sense it's better, but if the file is corrupted your SOL.  I don't use any sort of dual boot setups anywhere.07:24
Dr_WillisTurtleSoup:  the 'ubuntu-tweak' tool is supposed to have some sort of 'archive your settings' feature that lets you restore back to a known point. BUt ive not tried/seen the feature yet.07:24
Dr_WillisTurtleSoup:  it would be nioce if therre was some tool included in ubuntu to let you reset the 'core' settings that often cause issues07:24
icarus-cihayden, did it worked before?07:24
Balsaqgdb, what is SOL?07:25
TurtleSoupballeyne, shi* out of luck07:25
gdbBalsaq: Sh*t out of luck.07:25
TurtleSoupWrong person there. Damn tab.07:25
Balsaqwow i have a few dual booters07:25
Balsaqi am in harms way huh07:25
balleyneTurtleSoup: haha, I was actually watching that moment in the conversation anyways :)07:25
gdbBalsaq: A common use of loopback mounts is to mount an ISO image so you can access the files without burning it to a CD.07:26
elricsfateBalsaq: If you like it enought you want an actual dual boot there are guides to convert it over to such07:26
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.07:26
ihaydenicarus-c: yes, before it would restart and everything would be normal07:26
Balsaqwhen i mount an OS can i make my own loopback?07:26
Dr_WillisBalsaq:  its a feature of the OS. so yes.07:27
Dr_WillisBalsaq:  all sorts of neat loopback tricks you can do.07:27
icarus-cihayden, do you did any thing special (related) before it happens07:27
monokromeHey. If I need to migrate files from an old install from my encrypted home directory, will I be able to access the "Public" directory from in the mount on the other machine?07:27
Balsaqcos i have been doing full dual boot installs, it would be fun to try to create my own loopback instead07:27
Dr_WillisBalsaq:  i think you missunderstand what loopback is/does.. its a feature of the OS.07:28
Balsaqo isee so icant do it myself07:28
icarus-cmonokrome, you can access the whole file system07:28
Dr_WillisBalsaq:  You are missunderatand what we are saying witht eh loopback stuff..07:28
Gintulishi, how to change partition title on the desktop, partition „/data00„ (ext4), mountpoint „/media/data00„ on the desktop tilte is „507 GB file system”, i want that this title would „data00„07:28
Dr_WillisBalsaq:  you can easially 'use' the feature.. but thats not the same as 'making your own os'07:28
el_rusohelp with squirrelmail07:28
Dr_WillisGintulis:  use gparted and set its label. is how i normally do it.07:29
icarus-cGintulis, e2label07:29
Dr_WillisGintulis:  or tune2fs command.07:29
terminalvelocityI had to reinstall ubuntu lucid several times but used GParted to erase the partition each time before running install....and each time the installer froze for 20minutes at 83% (importing settings) or somthing like that and tells me upon startup that I have "install problem" and will not allow normal boot...rcovery mode only...I tried already burning a new copy of the iso but same results......HELP!07:29
icarus-cGintulis, or tune2fs07:29
monokromeicarus-c: I am asking if the Public directory in my encrypted home directory is accessible without needing to use my encryption passphrase (which I don't know)07:29
icarus-cmonokrome, NO07:29
ihaydenicarus-c: i tryed to install updated before it happened but i kept getting errors when doing so07:29
icarus-cihayden, what is your video card& driver07:30
monokromethen how can I get my passphrase?07:30
icarus-cmonokrome, you tell me..07:30
Balsaqterminalvelocity, if u stick windows in ther and use it to wipe it clean the buntu instal wil work easy07:30
gdb"Can I access encrypted data without decrypting it?"07:30
Dr_WillisWhat is with people loseing their passhrases?07:30
gdbmonokrome: Are you able to get to the data now by some method?07:30
icarus-cmonokrome, you just asked "how can i get my password for e-banking"07:30
Dr_Willispost-it-notes to the rescue.07:30
monokromegdb: I'm currently on the "old" system07:30
at05gthelp i screwed up, i reinstalled vista on another drive and no Grub doesnt come up, i get Err2Err3 and it loads vista automatically07:30
ihaydenicarus-c, as far as i know my vid card driver isnt supported? but my card is ati radeon x700 pro07:31
gdbmonokrome: Then copy the data out of the encrypted volume to something .. not encrypted.  Do your install, and copy it back.07:31
monokromeicarus-c: No I didn't, because I'm already on the system that I want the passphrase for.07:31
monokromegdb: I already did my install07:31
monokromeon a new HDD07:31
terminalvelocityBalsaq: good idea ..Ill try that.....but i thought that windows wont read or even register the ubuntu partition?07:31
icarus-cmonokrome, that means you know the passphase ?07:31
at05gtif i use a live disk and delete windows will i get grub back?07:31
jituany http expert here?07:31
monokromeicarus-c: No, because I need the encryptfs phrase not my user password.07:31
Dr_Willisat05gt:  no. if windows has overwritten the MBR then you need to write it back.07:31
Balsaqterminalvelocity, yeah but it will sure wipe it clean07:32
el_rusodoes anybody can help me with squirrelmail?07:32
gdbmonokrome: If you do not have the passphrase and you are unable to access the encrypted data, then it's lost forever.07:32
monokromegdb: I am accessing the encrypted data right now.07:32
icarus-cat05gt, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows07:32
at05gtDrWillis: if i delete windows will it boot back to Ubuntu?07:32
icarus-cat05gt, No.07:32
Balsaqterminalvelocity, I noticed windows loves to g over top of buntu...and buntu loves to overwrite windows, makes for a nice clean install07:32
gdbmonokrome: Then copy the data off of the encrypted partition while you have access to it and import it into an encrypted volume you plan to remember the passphrase for.07:32
Dr_Willisat05gt:  do you have the GRUB menu working now? if not.. deleting windows will NOT restore the old GRUB mbr.07:32
terminalvelocityBalsaq I only want to delete the UBUNTU partition07:32
monokromegdb: I need to move it to my new private directory from my old private directory07:33
at05gtno grub on boot07:33
Balsaqoh so inthe end ur gonna have 2 OS's?07:33
Dr_Willisat05gt:  then fix grub..07:33
at05gtam i screwed?07:33
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.07:33
gdbmonokrome: I guess I don't know what you're asking then.07:33
Kevin`at05gt: you have to fix grub. removing the OTHER bootloader will just mean you have nothing07:33
icarus-cat05gt, all you need to do is just follow that webpage i gave you..07:33
icarus-cat05gt, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows07:33
at05gticarus-c: reading it now07:33
monokromegdb: So, I am asking how I can get my home directory's passphrase so that I can write it down, reboot, and then use it to mount the data on the other machine.07:33
etherealiteCan anyone tell me how to get the wine clipboard sharing with the x clipboard working?07:34
icarus-cmonokrome, you don't get it... passphrase is the password used for encrypt your home directory07:34
monokromeicarus-c: I know. There's a way to get it if you're in the folder.07:34
terminalvelocityBalsaq: why would GParted be insufficient?07:34
at05gti reinstall grub on the ubuntu partition yes?07:34
monokromeUbuntu even tells you how when you first login.07:34
Balsaqterminalvelocity, i just find that if i have problems like that, i use a diffenret distro to wipe out everything and then rebuild the partitons and start all over. i do windows 1st give it the whole thing then use buntu to make its partiton, why it works best for me i dunno07:35
icarus-cmonokrome, no.  but you should have entered the passphrase on boot in order to mount it in the first place07:35
Kevin`at05gt: you don't need to completely reinstall grub, actually, just fix the mbr part. follow the instructions though.07:35
monokromeicarus-c: You don't get it.07:35
at05gtalright im going to save that page as an html doc and then open it once im in the live disk07:35
Kevin`monokrome: what mounted it07:35
at05gtas live i have no internet acces07:35
Balsaqterminalvelocity, a distro of its own flesh in blood hates to go right over its own genetics07:35
monokromeKevin`: It's a standard Ubuntu 10.04 install, and I encrypted my home directory07:35
at05gtKevin`: 10.04 is grub 2 yes?07:36
Kevin`at05gt: yes07:36
monokromeI am currently logged in to that same installation and need to write down my encryptfs passphrase in order to mount the files on another partition.07:36
at05gtalright thanks all ill let ya know if i fix it or not07:36
Kevin`monokrome: I would expect that to use the user password, but I don't know for sure. I avoid stuff like that until I understand how it works, since you need to know to recover it ;p07:36
icarus-cmonokrome, don't you know the passphrase for that partition?...07:36
monokromeKevin`: Ubuntu tells you how to get your passphrase when you first login, but I forgot what commmand it said to use.07:37
Balsaqterminalvelocity, i just did 4 windows/buntu dual installs...and this funky wubu one too07:37
Balsaqterminalvelocity, even did a cool win2000 pro / pclinicos-lxde...really cool one!07:37
icarus-cmonokrome, ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase ?07:38
gdbmonokrome: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory07:38
icarus-cmonokrome, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory07:38
gdbmonokrome: There are instructions there on recovery.07:38
xtcis there a gui tool to manage virtual hosts (+/etc/hosts entries) under ubuntu?07:38
monokromeicarus-c: That did it.07:39
monokromeI was going to try that initially, but it wont let me tab those commands07:39
Balsaqterminalvelocity, i like to run xubuntu 904 thru to wipe it all clean...then stick windows in there 1st and let the linuc distro of choice comein 2nd and use its partitoner to do the rest...works realy good for me.07:39
icarus-cmonokrome, i google  ubuntu get passphrase07:39
TiKdoes anyone know if I can turn of 1 cpu completely until I want to turn it back on?07:39
monokromeicarus-c: see my last comment07:39
Dr_WillisTiK:  Not really seen that feature in any OS other then the old 'BeOS'07:39
terminalvelocityBalsaq: thats all well and good but why then would ubuntu give me problems if i used windows to create the unall. space and then installed ubuntu successfully and only now it is giving me issues while trying to reinstall07:39
TiKDr_Willis: oh ok thanks07:40
icarus-cTiK, why would you want that actually?07:40
gdbTiK: http://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Documentation/cpu-hotplug.txt07:40
Balsaqterminalvelocity, sounds like ur usinin buntu to wipe buntu too me07:40
Dr_WillisTiK:  plus these systems with MultiCPU's are not always really multi-cpu like in the old days. so it may not even be possible07:40
gdbicarus-c: I'd guess a software licensing issue.  Only reason I can think of.07:40
Kevin`TiK: yes, you can07:40
Dr_WillisTiK:  why do you want to anyway? I doubt if you will save mich power over the system auto-power saving features.07:41
terminalvelocityBalsaq: did I mention that I have no startup disc for windows or i wouldn't be askind these questions07:41
Balsaqterminalvelocity, oh ok07:41
Kevin`TiK: whether you get any real benefit from it depends how 'off' you make it, which depends on your cpu.07:41
alainghi i've setup wireless on my server edition. It keeps losing the settings when I restart how do I save the settings so it automatically sets up a connection on bootup07:41
at05gtKevin`: last question, ill still be able to use this vista partition once grub is fixed?07:41
Balsaqterminalvelocity, wel maybe someone else can help then. sorry.07:41
LinuxGuy2009Does APTonCD have a known issue when you select a meta-package that not all of its dependencies are auto-selected when you choose that option?07:41
alaingI know i have to make chaneg to /etc/network/interfaces but not sure what needs to be changed/added07:41
Kevin`at05gt: yes. you will have to run update-grub to have it add a menu entry for windows though.07:42
Balsaqterminalvelocity, which version of windows?07:42
amanita_Is there a way to pop in an empty hdd then migrate the installed ubuntu from the other hdd to the empty?07:42
icarus-cDr_Willis, i read somewhere (maybe lesswatts.org) saying disabling a CPU core actually uses more than let them idle themselves07:42
at05gtKevin`: or should i just dump the partition and run virtual box with an old XP disk?07:42
terminalvelocityBalsaq: Vista07:42
Dr_Willisicarus-c:  yep. i wouldent be suprised.07:42
Kevin`at05gt: it's up to you, either will work07:42
Linux_LordQuestion...sometimes when i boot up my graphics goes all wonky then when i restart or login or logout it is once again all good. what could cause this?07:42
gdbI'm not sure that saving 3-4 watts is worth it.07:42
icarus-camanita_, i would boot from live cd then rsync the old install to new hdd07:43
Dr_Willisicarus-c:  i saw this artical today on power saveing also --> http://www.linuxaria.com/article/granola-power-saving-linux?lang=en07:43
at05gtKevin`: which will work better? the reason I need a windows os is cause i cant seem to get wine working to run the games i wann play07:43
Balsaqterminalvelocity, did u do vista 1st?07:43
Kevin`at05gt: bare metal will work best for games07:43
icarus-cat05gt, seriously... it is just a command or so needed to fix the boot loader..07:43
at05gticarus-c: i know im making a live disk as we speak07:44
hobbleHello, how to change xchat preferences? I don't see the links.07:44
at05gtKevin`: whats bare metal?07:44
AnAntHello, I am using 64-bit Lucid, it was working fine, then suddenly I cannot login from GDM anymore, when any user tries to login, gdm just restarts. Yet I can login from the virtual console07:44
icarus-cat05gt, if you are talking about gaming,  virtual machine wouldn't be too suitable07:44
Kevin`at05gt: not in virtualization07:44
st__AnAnt, run out of disk space?07:44
at05gtKevin`, icarus-c: so either keep the windows OS on a partition find a way to get wine working?07:44
Kevin`at05gt: yep07:45
terminalvelocityBalsaq: yes computer came with vista07:45
solanki121can anyone can tell me where header file for enable_irq(int irq) is located. In linux source code it is located in interrupt.h but i am unable to find on my pc07:45
alaingin the server edtion i want to install gnome-desktop. I did sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop. It fails and says it can't find the package07:45
at05gtKevin`: thats what i figured07:45
gdbsolanki121: I think you answered your own question. ;-)  It's in interrupt.h.07:46
AnAntst__: on the contrary, I got much free space07:46
SJrHmmmm My Ubuntu installation (kind of fresh) isn't booting. It just says /dev/sda2 clean, and then sort of hangs, if I hit ctrl+alt+del it will reboot.07:46
vbgunz__I got no answer in kubuntu about this but how do I change the theme of my gtk/gnome apps? Is there something I can install from gtk/gnome that will style my gtk/gnome widgets?07:46
Balsaqterminalvelocity, so if it was on its original vista install the nmaybe the original vista hidden recovery console is still there?07:46
solanki121gdb: i cannot fing the header file interrupt.h on my pc that's why the problem07:46
AnAntI tried logging using Failsafe Gnome & xterm, same thing, gdm just restarts07:47
Kevin`alaing: maybe you meant gnome-desktop-environment07:47
piyushmishraanyone plays age of empires 2 on ubuntu? plz tell me how did you installed it. I tried a lot of things, nothing worked really :(07:47
terminalvelocityBalsaq : I shrank windows and gave ubuntu 8GB swap and 30GB of unall. space and the ubuntu is telling me that there were install problem contact admin.07:48
Balsaqterminalvelocity, if the original vista recovery partition isstill intact you in essence have a disk, in fact even better.07:48
alaingKevin`: let me try that. sorry i'm new to the commandline so i could have it wrong07:48
terminalvelocityBalsaq: windows works fine07:48
gdbsolanki121: Well, here's the thing, and please don't take this as rude.  You've identified that the information you need is in interrupt.h in the kernel source code.  It's not on your computer so what does that imply?  Perhaps that the kernel source code isn't on your PC.  So if you correct that problem, you'll find that interrupt.h comes along with that source code.07:48
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Kevin`solanki121: the file should be in linux-headers07:48
Balsaqterminalvelocity, when u shrink c drive, what happened to the recovery partition?07:49
terminalvelocityBalsaq: nothing07:49
etherealiteHow can I get the clipboar working in wine?07:49
terminalvelocityit is untouchable07:49
Kevin`you are supposed to immediately make a backup of those recovery partitions to dvd or such07:49
Kevin`since they can get messed up07:49
icarus-cat05gt, for windows gaming, i would just stick to Windows on bare metal07:49
Kevin`and no it's not untouchable, it should be pretty easy actually07:49
alaingKevin`: tried that and it still cannot find it07:50
at05gticarus-c: its WoW, DDO, and Torchlight07:50
terminalvelocityBalsaq:  ubuntu is also 26GB immediatly after install...?!?!?!?07:50
Kevin` /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-24/include/linux/interrupt.h07:50
solanki121gdb: i need to compile a program on my pc which uses the function enable_irq, for which i need to include appropriate header file. i have included the reference for kernel source code to make it easier for you guys to answer07:50
icarus-cterminalvelocity, it is your /home that takes so much space right?07:50
piyushmishraat05gt did u try age of empires on ubuntu??07:50
at05gticarus-c: wine wont run torchlight at all and i cant get DDO or WoW to install07:50
Balsaqterminalvelocity, i must admit, when i did it, i did a clean install of windows from scratch 1st so if u did this on the original factory vista install...i havent done that07:51
icarus-cterminalvelocity, ubuntu OS itself should be just a few GBs07:51
Jesdiscipleyay, now it works07:51
Jesdisciplehi =D07:51
piyushmishraat05gt did u try playonlinux?07:51
DizzoHi I am new!07:51
solanki121kevin: thanks but i searched a lot but could not find that's why asking her07:51
piyushmishraDizzo: welcome to the club07:51
at05gtpiyushmishra: it froze my machine07:51
JesdiscipleDizzo: new to Ubuntu or IRC?07:51
DizzoTo both really07:52
Dizzo*sheepish grin*07:52
piyushmishraat05gt: :)07:52
Jesdisciplealright - double welcome then =p07:52
DizzoI was wondering whether you can tell me what OS uses the Linux 2.6 Kernel?07:52
Dizzois that a stupid q?07:52
Balsaqterminalvelocity, what version of ubuntu?07:52
alaingKevin`: my server edition is a clean install so it might not have the right settings07:52
at05gtpiyushmishra: yes there was much cursing and throwing of objects07:52
piyushmishraat05gt: I love age of empires :( too bad I cant play that on ubuntu07:52
alaingKevin`: it is connected to the net07:52
at05gtpiyushmishra: you ever played Civ?07:52
terminalvelocityicarus-c: right07:53
Dr_WillisDizzo:  most disrtos these days use 2.6.*07:53
JesdiscipleDizzo: the Linux kernel is an operating system, and many distributions or "distros" are built on top of it07:53
piyushmishraat05gt: is there any minimal installation of windows which you knw of? so that I can play age on that :P07:53
terminalvelocityBalsaq: lucid07:53
JesdiscipleUbuntu is a Linux distro07:53
at05gtpiyushmishra: XP SP207:53
jackcHey guys ever heard of jolicloud07:53
DizzoDr_Willis: Would Ubuntu 10.4 be one of those distros?07:53
Dr_Willisjackc:  yes we have. they have their own support room/areas07:53
at05gtpiyushmishra: more stable then Vista, and it uses less resources07:53
Dr_WillisDizzo:  err.. yes.07:53
Balsaqterminalvelocity, did you...1. choose the correct file system for buntu? did u check off the format box? did you use the correct mount choice?07:53
Kevin`Dizzo: very few os's use 2.4 or earlier kernel's these days07:53
piyushmishraat05gt, hmmm how do I install it parallel to ubuntu? anything like reverse wubi ?07:54
Dr_Willisjackc:  check their homepage/facebook page. I dont recall. I dident like it. :)07:54
terminalvelocityJesdisciple: thank you for those words of wisdom07:54
JesdiscipleDizzo: yes, Ubuntu is one - others are Debian, Fedora, Slackware, and the list goes on07:54
Balsaqterminalvelocity, and did u make a swap and format07:54
at05gtpiyushmishra: how many hard drives you got?07:54
DizzoOk cool!07:54
Kevin`piyushmishra: there is nothing like reverse wubi for windows. you need a seperate partition for it07:54
Dr_WillisDizzo:  i cant think of a disrto thats NOT using 2.6.*07:54
Dr_WillisDizzo:  why does this matter?07:54
piyushmishraat05gt I got two but I think the other one has crashed. ubuntu wont load it at all. m not sure07:54
at05gtpiyushmishra: you never want to install 2 OS on the same partition, they will be like 2 dogs circling in the park, very bad mojo07:55
terminalvelocityBalsaq: ext4 ...check, and mount to / ....yes07:55
DizzoDr_Willis: the reason I am asking is because I bought a Wireless N-Adapter (USB) that says it supports Linux 2.4 and 2.6, but when I inserted the Installation CD, I couldn't get it to work??07:55
Balsaqterminalvelocity, when i did it, i chose ext4 for lucid, checked off the format box, make a 2 gig swap partiton and chose / for mount07:55
DizzoAm I doing something wrong?07:55
xuekanlast night in the dream,I always felt that RedHat is better than ubuntu,I cann't help thinking about this till the morning.so weird.07:55
piyushmishraat05gt I knw and thts why I want soemthing to run age on ubuntu :(07:55
Dizzoshould I be doing something in the terminal?07:55
terminalvelocityJesdisciple: a hacker you will be......pure genius07:56
at05gtpiyushmishra: ya i cant help ya there i cant even get WoW to run on Wine lol and its supposed to be perfect together07:56
Kevin`Dizzo: you probably don't need the cd for it, there's a good chance the driver is available from ubuntu itself. however, if you do need to use the driver on the cd, you would likely have to install it from the terminal yes07:56
DizzoHow would I do that...?07:56
piyushmishraat05gt how do i do it tell me07:56
Dr_WillisDizzo:  2.4 hasent ben used in several years.07:57
Balsaqterminalvelocity, u did not mention doing a swap partition and u must make sure the grub box was checked too07:57
at05gtpiyushmishra: i dont know im sorry07:57
at05gti bid you all adieu for a few minutes while i go kick grubs butt07:57
DizzoKevin': I basically clicked on autorun.exe07:57
Dizzoand there was an error!07:57
DizzoI didn't understand07:57
Dr_WillisDizzo:  and you normally DONT use teh files from the cd.. thats windows thinking.. the drivers should be included in the disrtubutuin you install07:57
Kevin`Dizzo: .exe files are for the windows stuff07:57
DaveWMDizzo: pm me if you want,  i'm not busy,  i can guide you through a little if you want07:57
Kevin`Dizzo: what else is on the ocd07:57
piyushmishraat05gt uaaan uaaaan :'(07:57
Dr_WillisDizzo:  take the cd.. put it on a shelf.. and forget about using the stuff on it. :)07:57
icarus-cDizzo, All Linux distributions run on Linux :)07:57
terminalvelocityswap does not allow to check for format and grub works fine07:57
piyushmishraDizzo : lol07:58
vbgunz__I am using kubuntu. anybody know how I can get the human theme to take on my KDE colors?07:58
piyushmishraDizzo: almost every win app has an equal/better ubuntu version07:58
Kevin`you can run .exe files in linux using wine, but there's no point for driver files usually ;p07:58
Balsaqterminalvelocity, well i noticed i had issue w/ another linuc distro until i di format swap07:58
icarus-cDizzo, on most Linux distributions, you don't need drivers CD supplied with the hardware.  it all comes with the system07:58
alaingI'm trying to run apt-get update but everythign is failing any idea?07:59
amanita_ok, I have feh, eog, and gthumb image viewers in gnome. Whenever I switch to gthumb or feh to be the default viewers in nautilus it won't remember the settings and new pngs displayed with eog when clicking on it07:59
zirodayalaing: got an error message?07:59
amanita_Also trying to remove eog in synaptic want to remove the whole ubuntu-desktop08:00
Dr_Willisamanita_:  ubuntu-desktop is a meta-package. it wont hurt to remove it08:00
jituanybodu know about mono-xsp208:00
icarus-camanita_, right click on the image file -> properties -> Open with08:00
Dr_Willisbut nautilus should be rembering the settings..08:00
icarus-camanita_, select gthumb there08:00
Kevin`amanita_: nah, it just wants to remove the "ubuntu-desktop" package. because you no longer have all of ubuntu-desktop installed. it's fine08:00
Dr_Willisamanita_:  i just reorder the list so the one i like is on top (i think)08:00
amanita_icarus-c: I did it, but right clicking is not the way I want to view images08:01
icarus-camanita_, after you select the right open with action,  you can just double click08:01
amanita_icarus-c: won't work at all it still uses eog08:02
icarus-camanita_, how did you select application in Open With?08:02
jituamanita , click in the circle beside08:04
amanita_icarus-c: trying to translate, right click on a png -> open with -> other application -> choose feh or gthumb from the list, check the widget to remember settings for png files08:04
icarus-camanita_, make sure you have really selected the app you want (a dot in the circle)08:04
icarus-camanita_, not just make the app appear in the list nor click on the name08:04
AnAntHello, I am using 64-bit Lucid, it was working fine, then suddenly I cannot login from GDM anymore, when any user tries to login, gdm just restarts. Yet I can login from the virtual console. Also gdm restarts if I attempt to login with Failsafe Gnome session or xterm session08:05
sarah__I'm here08:05
amanita_jitu: there is no dot and circle there08:05
jituamanita, you have to click on the circle to have the dot08:06
amanita_jitu: there is a square checkbox08:06
jitur u in the open with tab?08:06
amanita_jitu: yes08:06
jituthere is a big white box08:07
amanita_jitu: whatever I choose, it uses eog08:07
jitushowing a list of apps08:07
amanita_jitu: I know.08:07
amanita_jitu: I use ubuntu linux since 6.0408:07
jituis there some circles beside the list items08:08
amanita_jitu: no circles at all08:08
jituis it lucid?08:08
swiftarrowHi everyone!!! DVD question: Is there any way to bypass the regions in DVDs?  My drive is set to region 1, and I want to watch something from region 2.  I'm thinking some software like AnyDVD...08:08
amanita_jitu: it is 10.04 fresh install08:09
icarus-camanita_, like that http://ompldr.org/vNWt6OA/Screenshot-133.png08:09
alaingziroday: yes it says Err <url> temporary failure resolving gb.archive.ubuntu.com08:09
zirodayalaing: you connected to the internet?08:09
amanita_icarus-c: my window looks totally different dude, no tabs at all and no circles or add-remove buttons :-(08:10
zirodayalaing: and have you edited your /etc/apt/sources.list lately?08:10
icarus-camanita_, are you using GNOME ...08:10
Jesdiscipleamanita_: maybe you should also post a screenshot?08:10
amanita_icarus-c: yes08:10
alaingziroday: I can ping google and my server edition is a clean installation so I've not made any changes to the source.list08:10
zirodayalaing: what version of ubuntu?08:11
alaingserver edition 10.0408:11
jituanybody know about xsp2?08:12
icarus-calaing, malfunctioning DNS server?08:12
Dr_Willisping gb.archive.ubuntu.com  --> 64 bytes from ubuntu.datahop.net ( icmp_req=3 ttl=51 time=12108:13
Dr_Willisthats... odd...08:13
alaingmy machien was workign perfectly on desktop edition08:13
icarus-calaing, so you can ping  google.com ?08:13
alaingDr_Willis: let me ping that08:13
icarus-calaing, can you   "host gb.archive.ubuntu.com"  ?08:13
Dr_Williswhats this datahop thing? some sort of round robbin/load shareing?08:13
amanita_icarus-c: my png settings http://ompldr.org/vNWt6OQ08:14
FusionXGuys help plz! -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=157754308:14
Dr_WillisFusionX:  give a summary of the issue.08:14
icarus-camanita_, you are doing  Right click -> Open With  instead of  Right click -> properties -> open with08:14
at05gtalright grubs back up and i can log in but it doesnt see the new windows OS, i need to update it now?08:15
icarus-camanita_, Properties should be the menu entry at the bottom when you right click08:15
AbhiJithow to move xchat tabs?08:15
amanita_icarus-c: *facepalm*08:15
no--nameI installed ubuntu-restricted-extras and still no thumbnails for mpgs in nautilus08:15
Kevin`at05gt: yes, run update-grub08:15
amanita_icarus-c: ok I got it.08:15
FusionXDr_Willis : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=157754308:15
Dr_WillisFusionX:  give a summary of the issue. Im not going to a forum/web page to read a problem that i may have no info on ...08:16
icarus-camanita_, you may need to do that for different image format at first08:16
amanita_icarus-c: it is highly messed up, users first see the open with menu, and there is the option to link filetypes with apps08:17
icarus-cno--name, first open a terminal and enter "totem-video-thumbnailer"08:17
alaingicarus-c: maybe my wifi connection was lost. shouldnt the connection reconnect if lost? I can ping google and ubuntu.com08:17
sburwoodI have a film that I downloaded.  If I use the headphones, it works.  Why don't the speakers work?  They normally do work08:17
jituthe is also a remember option which should work08:17
AbhiJit!sound | sburwood08:18
ubottusburwood: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.08:18
icarus-cno--name, does it show command not found  or the help message?08:18
no--nameicarus-c: yes08:18
icarus-cno--name, help message?08:18
no--nameoh sorry08:18
no--namehelp message, yeah08:18
alaingicarus-c: i can host gb.achive.ubuntu.com08:19
alaingbut i cant do sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop-environment08:19
icarus-cno--name, is the mpg video stored on local hdd ?08:19
alaingit recons it cant find  the package08:19
no--nameicarus-c: yes08:20
no--namewell, it is a vm08:20
no--namebut i have the same problem on my host08:20
sburwoodAbhiJit: ok.  That annoys me and I'm a n00b, so I hope I can accomplish the tests08:20
icarus-cno--name, now run  run "gconf-editor"08:20
AbhiJitsburwood, hmm08:21
icarus-cno--name, navigate to /desktop/gnome/thumbnailers/video@mpeg08:21
alaingok apt-get update seems to be working now to try install gnome desktop on my server edition08:21
icarus-cno--name, is  the "enabled" key set to true?08:21
icarus-cno--name, and  "command" key is /usr/bin/totem-video-thumbnailer -s %s %u %o08:22
jituabhijit r u connecting your headphone n speaker on same port?08:22
AbhiJitjitu, it was not my problem its his problem08:22
no--name"enabled" is ticked08:22
FusionXDr_Willis the display is crashing08:22
no--name"command" value is /usr/bin/totem-video-thumbnailer -s %s %u %o08:22
jitusrry, forwarded08:23
icarus-cno--name, um....  is there thumbnails for some video files?08:23
alaingeveythign seems to be installing now08:24
no--nameicarus-c: nope08:24
icarus-cno--name, can you play those video files without thumbnails?08:25
no--nameicarus-c: i can play them fine08:25
no--nameonly problem is no thumbnails in nautilus08:25
icarus-cno--name, no thumbnails even for things like image file?08:26
icarus-cno--name, can you check in Nautilus :  Edit -> Preferences -> Preview08:26
icarus-cno--name, show thumbnail is set to  Local FIles only  or  Always08:27
icarus-cno--name, if they are,  make sure you have the ~/.thumbnails directory & you have read/write permission to08:27
GhagI need a java runtime enviroment 1.5.0 or higher, anyone got one?08:27
AbhiJit!java > Ghag08:28
ubottuGhag, please see my private message08:28
icarus-cGhag, you need to install either openjdk6 or jre08:28
Ghagicarus-c any of the, uhm, done through the ubuntu package manager/08:28
jituGhag go to sun's site08:28
icarus-c(openjdk-6-jre  OR  sun-java6-jre  if i remember correctly)08:29
icarus-cGhag, yes you can install from packaage manager08:29
jituGhag: http://java.com/en/download/index.jsp08:29
Ghagso do i use the snyaptic manager or the normal updater?08:30
icarus-cjitu, why would you do that when there is ubuntu package available on the repo?08:30
icarus-cGhag, synaptic08:30
Ghagwhat would it be under?08:30
jitusun one is most updated08:31
no--name<icarus-c> no--name, no thumbnails even for things like image file?08:31
kuttan_Hello folks , am looking for a small wiki app. Requirement: should store data in users home-dir. Some  minimal app ? Suggestions - Thanks { No not Tomboy/Zim please }08:31
no--namei get thumbnails for images, but not videos08:31
icarus-cGhag, i'm not sure, not at ubuntu at the moment.08:31
icarus-cGhag, you could search08:31
jpdsDr_Willis: Datahop is a network service provider.08:32
jpdsDr_Willis: See: http://www.datahop.net08:32
GhagOkay, here icarus-c http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ZVyjUmKL08:32
Katsumi32good mourning08:33
Dr_Willisjpds:  ok. :) never heard of them08:33
no--nameicarus-c: ~/.thumbnails is drwx------08:33
no--namehaven't learnt how to read permissions yet :P08:33
jpdsDr_Willis: They're a Tier-2 network; and host gb.archive.u.c. Nice guys.08:34
icarus-cGhag, now you should have java runtime installed08:34
AbhiJithi Katsumi3208:34
Ghagicarus-c what command do i use?08:35
icarus-cGhag, java08:35
GhagFFFFFFFF, what command?08:35
GhagSudo update...?08:35
Katsumi32Ghag, what do you want to do ?08:35
GhagInstall java, here http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ZVyjUmKL08:35
Katsumi32Ghag, so you have got java installed and what the problem ?08:36
icarus-cGhag, run "java -version" command you will understand08:36
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icarus-cGhag, you have java installed08:38
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GhagIt tells me I don't08:39
icarus-cGhag, what were you trying to do that asking for java runtime 1.5+ ?08:40
leagrishello, I try to install quanta but it conflict with the kdewebdev package it is supposed to be already in. Though kdewebdev only contains docs and a readme file stating it should include quanta, (which it does not). What should I do? Install standalone quanta which rely on kde3 (universe and throw out kdewebdev (main) wich appear to miss quanta+ despite being the official supported package?08:41
Ghaghttp://img411.imageshack.us/i/123fef.png/ <---there icarus-c08:43
ZolomonI can't seem to fix my locale/encoding in weechat08:53
ZolomonI've set it to se_SV and UTF-8 everywhere but my language's special characters still render like ????, ???? and ????.08:53
AnAntHello, I am using 64-bit Lucid, it was working fine, then suddenly I cannot login from GDM anymore, when any user tries to login, gdm just restarts. Yet I can login from the virtual console. Also gdm restarts if I attempt to login with Failsafe Gnome session or xterm session. Also, running startx from the console is successful ! So it seems a gdm problem to me, anyone got a clue ?!08:54
FusionXi recently installed xubuntu 10.4 using wubi under my windows C: drive (4 GB). Now sometimes after booting up xubuntu, the screen crashes at random times and starts blinking white stripes on half of the screen. And also when xubuntu boots up the logo appears very pixelly and looks as if it is run in safe mode and before the logo appears a quick green color flashes on the screen. My xorg.0.log --> http://pastebin.com/uAy3NS4f . I use Samsung syncmaster08:54
li4why so many Floodbot?08:56
GhagDead room is dead08:57
li4fuck ubuntu.08:57
FloodBot3li4: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:57
ChrisPitzerI am running ubuntu, and am connected to a vpn.  Then I launch virtualbox, run windows in it (on my ubuntu machine) and I can't see the vpn sites from within windows... is there any way to accomplish this?08:59
ChrisPitzerit's a virtual connection, so I would think it should share the vpn connection... aparently not. :P09:00
icarus-cChrisPitzer, is it a NAT network or bridge between guest &  host09:00
ChrisPitzeri currently have it set up as bridged.09:01
ChrisPitzerbut that's changeable.09:01
greenITi have a problem and need a fast answer plz: i executed e2fsck and read the warning too late, pressed yes and now my system isn't booting anymore, what can i do?09:01
DiscoStewwhats most common scripts in use for xhat?09:01
rwwgreenIT: You ran e2fsck on a mounted filesystem?09:02
greenITrww: yes09:02
greenITrww: i know it was a very big mistake....09:02
rwwgreenIT: umm. To answer your question, "nothing".09:02
greenITrww: what? i can't recover my system?09:03
Dr_Willisboot live cd. fsck it again.. and hope.. perhaps09:03
R33D3M33Rhi all09:03
greenITgood, i try this method... i hope it works :S09:03
Dr_Willisboot live cd - see what you can access.../back it up first09:03
DiscoStewhi R33D3M33R09:04
R33D3M33Rso whats the problem with empathy? it doesn't seem to take standard irc commands?09:04
rwwgreenIT: There's a reason why the first section of the manpage says that the only correct answer to that warning is "no".09:04
Dr_WillisR33D3M33R:  its an IM client fiorst.. and an irc client second.09:04
Name141if I was to just use Ubuntu as a file server on an old computer, do I want the desktop or server disk for min install ?09:04
R33D3M33Raha: http://live.gnome.org/Empathy/FAQ#Does_Empathy_have_.2BAC8--command_functionality_.28.2BAC8-msg.2C_.2BAC8-join.2C_etc..29.3F09:06
Name141I'm assuming the desktop would install a GUI, and all that stuff that I don't really want ?09:06
AnAntName141: yup, and server doesn't install GUI09:06
R33D3M33RName141: I user alternate CD for minimal install09:06
Name141AnAnt: I don't assume it's gonna install all sorts of stuff like apache and junk I don't want too ?09:07
AnAntName141: dunno, R33D3M33R's suggestion is nice09:07
R33D3M33Rif you choose minimal install, the it installs the base system, after that you can use aptitude to install more packages09:07
Name141R33D3M33R: oh.  I didn't see that option in the regular install disk09:08
Name141R33D3M33R: It just went bam boom.. and done09:08
Name141after a few clicks and user data09:08
R33D3M33Rits only in the alternate cd09:08
R33D3M33Ryou must edit boot options09:08
R33D3M33Rpress f6 or something like that09:08
R33D3M33Rthere you can choose command line install09:08
Name141R33D3M33R: I can go ahead and use the shipped Ubuntu disk? or still need to get alternative disk ?09:09
R33D3M33Ri never tried to install command live from livecd09:10
R33D3M33Rit probably doesn't work09:10
R33D3M33Rbut live DVD has both: alternate and live installer09:10
Name141R33D3M33R: i'm assuming http://www.gtlib.gatech.edu/pub/ubuntu-releases/10.04.1/ubuntu-10.04.1-alternate-i386.iso09:11
Name141is what I want09:11
R33D3M33Ryes. if you have 64-bit processor, then you maybe want to choose the amd64 version09:12
Name141lol, I don't think a Pentium2 is a 64bit09:12
Name141anyway, it's downloading.. I'll see if it'll squeeze in some more space on the 10GB drive09:13
Name141so I can toss in files and stuff09:13
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Dr_Willisseen 2TB hd's on sale for $10909:13
Name141Yeah.. that'd be for this system.09:14
R33D3M33Rif it has processor so old, it wouldn't recognise the disk09:14
Name141Although I thought about seeing if I can put in a EIDE on that machine09:14
Name141Dr_Willis: Gateway told me I could only put in a 20GB hard drive internal ?09:14
R33D3M33Rthat is probably true09:15
Name141Dr_Willis: But yet I had a 300 GB external USB2.0 on it for months09:15
Name141with no issues09:15
R33D3M33Rbut with usb 1.1 speed :)09:15
Name141no, I put in PCI USB2.009:15
Dr_WillisName141:  i would be suprised if theres a 20gb limit on an internal ide conector.. unless its some Weird bios limitation09:15
Dr_WillisName141:  try it and see...09:15
Name141Dr_Willis: It's a Gateway Essential 45009:16
Dr_Willisfinding IDE drives is getting harder and harder. :)09:16
Name141Pheanix bios some sort09:16
wolchey there fellas, can anyone tell me how to make my pendrive bootable? as in put in a boot flag or something like that? and i am actually installing windows so i don't think unetbootin and stuff like that will be helpful09:16
Dr_WillisName141:  means very little to me. :) may be a limit.. may not be. try it and see.09:16
Dr_Williswolc:  clarify what you are doing. You want to put a windows ISO on a pendrive and boot it?09:16
Name141Dr_Willis: I can't just start buying stuff at random.. So I think I'm gonna let it be and buy a new external for this machine.09:16
Name141Dr_Willis: unless I can get my friend to hand over his 80 GB EIDE09:17
Dr_WillisName141:  buy? :) i manage to scrounge up old IDE drives all teh time.09:17
Name141then I'll try it for (almost) free09:17
Dr_Willisborrow it and see if it works09:17
wolcDr_Willis: i already put the windows iso on a usb jus need help to make it boot09:17
Dr_Williswolc:  that may not even be possible. I would ask in #windows if they know of any guides on it.09:17
Dr_Williswolc:  grub2 can boot iso files IF the OS on the iso file has 'support' for the feature09:18
Name141Dr_Willis: Maybe I should have tested my WD that was in an enclosure that was going out09:18
Dr_Williswolc:  but that dosent mean it can boot a windows iso.09:18
Name141Dr_Willis: but it's gone now09:18
amitI installed ubuntu inside windows (wubi) after reboot only windows is booting with c:\boot.ini09:18
amitinstalled ubuntu is there in d drive09:18
amithow to add ubuntu into windows boot file09:19
wolcDr_Willis:  i am trying to install it on a comp that has nothing on it, a clean hdd09:19
wolcDr_Willis: solution pls09:19
euptcis the microsoft-like drivers support in ubuntu universal or specific to different drivers?09:20
Dr_Williswolc:  ask in #windows they may know some tricks.09:22
Crash2108Is Ubuntu ever getting OS X like widgits?09:22
Crash2108Preferably Android App based?09:22
DiscoStewDr_Willis, you started with Linux, not with Windows like all others? :)09:23
Anony_MooseI have an asus eee pc 900 with ubuntu on it. whenever the fan turns on the CPU usage maxes out, thereby keeping the CPU hot and stopping the fan from going down again. Can anyone explain this?09:23
Dr_WillisCrash2108:  theres the google gizmos, and opera has widgits, and then theres a few others out there also.09:23
wolcDr_Willis: oh ok, but i am on a xubuntu only lap so thought i'd post here09:23
kakazHow do i turn on startup sound ?09:23
kakazCLI way09:23
Dr_WillisDiscoStew:  actually i started on a C64, C128, then AMIGA, then Windows95 for a short time -> then Linux09:23
R33D3M33Rok, pidgin is better :)09:23
Crash2108I just don't think Ubuntu has the best interface yet.  Some netbook distros are close...09:23
fabanyone can help me please ? i cant connect via wireless... only via ethernet09:23
DiscoStewDr_Willis, hmm with Mandrake?09:24
Dr_WillisDiscoStew:  ive used mandrake, RH, Gentoo,  Ubuntu,  and a few others.09:24
Crash2108How do decisions get made about where Ubuntu goes?09:24
robotti^Dr_Willis: I started on a C64, then PC with MS-DOS, after then Linux.09:24
kakazmove all speculations out09:24
Dr_WillisCrash2108:  Mr. ShuttleWorth Decides09:24
Crash2108Like who decides to put a useless Twitter button on the corner but not fix the broken file manager?09:24
kakazThis is support channel not discussion09:24
DiscoStewUnderstand, in '98-'99 everyone used Mandrake...09:24
alainghow do i add synapatic package manager to my gnome-desktop environment09:25
DrAllcomeHello everybody09:25
Dr_Willisalaing:  add an icon for synaptic? drag/drop it from th menus to the desktop09:25
aleksiHello, is there a way to sync ubuntuone on debian? i have ubuntu on my laptop but debian running my server09:25
alaingDr_Willis: no I cant find it in the menus09:26
Dr_Willisaleksi:  theres the #ubuntuone channel that may know - if no one in here knows.. (ive no idea how it would be done)09:26
alaingI'm running it on server edition09:26
fabhello, anyone can help me please ? i cant connect via wireless... only via ethernet09:26
Dr_Willisalaing:  system -> admin -> synaptic package manager09:26
kakazhow do i turn on startup sound effect ?09:26
Dr_Willisalaing:  or make a launcher that runs 'gksudo synaptic'09:26
DrAllcomeI have some questions regarding the new kernel update I just installed. generic 2.6.32-25.4309:26
aleksiDr_Willis, ok thanks :)09:26
Dr_Willisfab:  tell the channel your wuireless chipset. and you have tryed the system -> admin -> hardware drivers tool ?09:26
DrAllcomeI have no sound since this update.09:26
DiscoStewfab, did u enter information about your wi-fi network? like SSID, protection type etc09:26
alaingDr_Willis: its not in that menu09:27
jattI do have an external USB disk formatted as follows, what should I do to make it bootable? Although fdisk shows /dev/sdb2 is bootable it doesn't boot after adjusting the bios to use USB: http://codepad.org/o4sAD9lH09:27
alaingDr_Willis: i'll try your other suggestion later09:27
Dr_Willisalaing:  odd... it has been there for the last X releases that i can rember,.09:27
Dr_Willisalaing:  run it from terminal.. be sure its isntalled09:27
R33D3M33Rdoes anyone know how ubuntu-software-center categorizes packages?09:27
DrAllcomeMy Sound device is available via lsusb ... Bus 002 Device 004: ID 0d8c:0201 C-Media Electronics, Inc. CM650109:28
alaingok i'll try late ri. on my way out09:28
euptcwill ubuntu run virtual dub and will it work??09:28
kakazDrAllcome: ubuntu uses still pulseaudio ?09:28
DiscoStewvia wine?09:28
DrAllcomeRight ..09:28
DrAllcomekakaz: I think so ... how can I check that.09:29
kakazDrAllcome: i recommend you dont waste time with that chipset and use alsa09:29
DiscoStewavidemux is native linux software similar to virtual dub09:29
amit I installed ubuntu inside windows (wubi) after reboot only windows is booting with c:\boot.ini09:29
JesdiscipleGrr...  When I try making a desktop launcher for "bash ~/launch.sh" it doesn't do anything09:29
Philip1I'm a total newbie with Ubuntu, and Linux for that matter, can someone answer some basic questions for me?09:29
kakazDrAllcome: C-media never more...09:29
Jesdisciplebut pasting the same into terminal works correctly -_-09:29
Anony_Moose!ask > Philip109:30
ubottuPhilip1, please see my private message09:30
amitI want to modify my boot.ini file from windows installation09:30
kakazJesdisciple: its not executed / chmoded ?09:30
amitand add the ubuntu into boot option09:30
amitubuntu is already installed09:30
DrAllcomekaza: I have tried to use alsa only ... I mean with that that I have uninstalled pulseaudio but this wasn't working. Do you have a good manual link for this matter?09:30
Jesdiscipleyep, it's set as excecutable09:30
Jesdisciplekazak ^^^09:30
DiscoStewPhilip1, shoot the question, some will answer :)09:30
kakazJesdisciple: show me script / paste09:31
Philip1Ok, thanks, I didn't get the ubottu thingie....So when I boot I get to chose between 3 generics, I have googled alot, but didn't come to any conclusion.... What is an generic, and which one should I boot ubuntu with?09:31
kakazDrAllcome: well you need to make choice...you want repair with pulseaudio or start using alsa09:31
kakazPhilip1: first one09:31
DiscoStewPhilip1, those are kernel's u have installed09:31
DiscoStewcan boot any of them, preffered last one09:32
DiscoStewthe biggest number09:32
Jesdisciple#! /bin/bash09:32
Jesdisciplexchat &09:32
Jesdiscipleskype &09:32
Jesdiscipleempathy &09:32
FloodBot3Jesdisciple: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:32
Philip1Alright, the thing is , I tried the #11 ,but I just got black screen.... Did I do something wrong when installing, or should I have 3 kernels?09:32
Jesdiscipledidn't seem too long imo...09:32
kakazJesdisciple: well you want run all of them ?09:32
DiscoStewOn first installation you should have only one, after updates u have more09:33
Jesdiscipleyep, don't wanna click all09:33
DrAllcomekaza: What will help me making a desicion? I'm still not very good with such things and I do not know the steps I need to take. I also don't know what really is needed ... So I would greatly apprechetate having a manual or somebody helps me.09:33
whosjosewhen i try to extract a 7z file it doesn't extract it says file type unknown how is that possible?09:33
DrAllcomekaza:I also use wine, virtual box and of course would like to have this working after wards ;)09:34
R33D3M33Rwhosjose: do you have 7zip plugin installed?09:34
kakazDrAllcome: that have nothing to do with that09:34
kakazJesdisciple: give me sec09:34
gNosticwhosjose: use p7zip09:34
Jesdisciplekazak: alrighty09:34
Philip1I am currently dualbooting ubuntu with vista, is it possible for both OS to share the same "home" folder?09:35
DiscoStewNo, there are different OS Philip109:35
DrAllcomekaza: So what do you suggest?09:35
R33D3M33Rubuntu home folder contains user settings09:35
R33D3M33Rand vista just documents09:36
R33D3M33Rmaybe you could just symlink the vista my documents to ubuntu home09:36
R33D3M33Ryeah, create a link to the vista folder09:36
Philip1Hmm , i see, how would i go about doing that?09:37
kakazJesdisciple: what the script is doing for u ?09:37
DrAllcomekaza: actually I thought staying with pulseaudio would make sense as I red it is the standard audio system with gnome.09:37
kakazDrAllcome: no its just ubuntu choice :>09:38
Jesdisciplewell, it works fine when I do it in terminal... it gets all three open and running fine09:38
Jesdiscipleoops, kazak ^^^09:38
kakazwhat it is doing when you click on it09:38
DrAllcomekaza: But yes i saw some links for configuring alsa with the cm* chip but it was not working for me.09:39
Jesdisciplekazak: XChat offers the Connect button, while Skype and Empathy log in09:39
Jesdisciplekazak: it just doesn't do anything when I click it >.<09:39
DrAllcomekaza: Do you know a good link or are you able to help me out with anything?09:39
kakazdid u chmod +x on it ?09:40
Jesdisciplekazak: the GUI shows it as checked for execution in Properties > Permissions09:40
kakazdo it from cli to make sure09:40
kakazDrAllcome: what c-media chipset please09:41
DrAllcomekakaz: Bus 002 Device 004: ID 0d8c:0201 C-Media Electronics, Inc. CM650109:42
Jesdisciplekazak: done, same behavior09:42
kakazJesdisciple: paste that script please09:42
kakazDrAllcome: is that one 8 channel usb audio device ?09:43
Jesdisciplekazak: http://paste.ubuntu.com/496348/09:43
DiscoStewdid my internet go down?09:43
JesdiscipleDiscoStew: apparently not...?09:44
R33D3M33Rdoes anyone use pidgin here?09:44
DrAllcomekakaz: usb audio device ... that I know if its with 8 chanels I donno.09:44
DiscoStewyeah everything is ok... :)09:44
kakazJesdisciple: #!/bin/bash09:44
DrAllcomekakaz: Can I find that out anyhow?09:44
ciphergothI've set up a VPN in Preferences > Network Connections but I can't see how to turn it on - nm-applet is running but there's no icon in the notification area.  Any ideas?09:45
MrEntropywhen someone is VNCing into me, i get a desktop message asking to allow/disallow. how do i disable this?09:45
Jesdisciplekazak: the space killed me? lol09:45
Jesdisciplekazak: and in GUI mode but not in CLI...? weird09:45
MrEntropyiptables is clean, so this is some daemon firewall crap09:45
DrAllcomekakaz: But my guess it yes .. because I got this machine sold as a kinda Multimedia linux machine, haha  --> :(09:45
Jesdisciplekazak: no, no difference...09:46
kakazcat /proc/asound/version09:46
prince_jammysspace after #! is ok.09:46
kakazJesdisciple: ><09:46
DrAllcomekazak: sorry for sending to the wrong alias. kakaz and kazak mixup ;) ...09:46
Jesdisciplekazak: yarly09:46
thune3MrEntropy: Disable vnc or diable the confirmation message? All related settings are in System->Preferences->Remote Desktop09:48
MrEntropythune3 what about from the cli?09:48
MrEntropyi did "ufw disable" but that didn't cut it09:48
thune3MrEntropy: ufw doesn't do any dialog messages, if i understand it. The dialog is coming from your vnc server09:49
MrEntropythune3: i see. ok, i'll investigate09:50
collabraMrEntropy: that above command disabled your firewall,...ufw disable09:51
collabrajust a note09:51
xbonesxfirst things first how do i stop the #ubuntu unregistered thing when i start xchat?09:52
xbonesxand join ubuntu server??09:53
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode09:53
Guest17686I want help you are frustrating me09:53
xbonesxi have that setup and i have xchat setup too auto type the pass for nickserv but it still does it09:53
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode09:53
Guest17686how can I play .dat file in ubuntu 10.0409:54
DiscoSteweuptc, dont finger me :p09:54
Jesdisciplekazak: apparently I shouldn't have been calling bash09:56
Jesdisciplekazak: and ~ was not recognized, I had to use the fully qualified path09:57
mainrainwhats the cleanest way to count the number of a given program is running?  i can `ps ax | grep progname | grep -v grep | wc -l` but i feel like theres something better laying arround09:57
Jesdisciplekazak: I am very confused why the bash command wouldn't work...09:58
Crash2108Hello friends.09:58
Crash2108My root account has fancy colors in the CLI.  How do i get those colors in all accounts?09:58
prince_jammysCrash2108: you mean the shell prompt has colors?10:00
Crash2108Yes, paths are in red, my name is colored, etc.10:00
JesdiscipleCrash2108: try here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47062610:00
prince_jammyslook for the assignment to PS1 in that user's ~/.bashrc10:00
thune3Jesdisciple: i think you needed the fully qualified path of "bash" as well /bin/bash. Did you try that earlier?10:02
boakuni got a printer related10:03
Jesdisciplethune3: no, and that seems bizarre although not rly unlikely10:03
boakuni dont run ubuntu, buy my printer is supported in it10:03
boakunanyway to port the driver files over10:03
Dr_Willisboakun:  most printer 'drivers' are cups drivers for linux machines... they should work on most all disrtos10:03
Dr_Willisboakun:  at least those that use cups.. (which is most)10:04
Dr_Willisboakun:  so what OS are you running?10:04
boakungentoo linux10:04
Dr_Willisboakun:  check the cups packages.. theres proberly the drivers allready in there.10:04
boakunive been trying for over an hr heh10:04
thune3Jesdisciple: i'm probably wrong on that one, now that i look at it further, but you have me curious now. I just don't want to log out and log back in.10:05
mifadirhello how to disable check after 30 mount10:05
Dr_Williscups uses various .ppd files I recall for its d4rivers.. so you just need to find the proper ppd.10:05
boakunyeah i know10:05
boakuni tired the osx ppd file10:05
Jesdisciplethune3: requiring full paths seems ridiculous although I know there are odd technical difficulties involved with some apparently trivial features10:05
Dr_Willismifadir:  disable totally or change to a higher # ? 'tune2fs' can adjust the #10:05
codyc1515hi everybody :D10:05
mifadirhow to disable it totaly10:06
Dr_Willismifadir:  tune2fs can do both10:06
Dr_Willismifadir:  i dont reccomend disabling it totally10:06
Dr_Willisset # to 0 = disabled.. I recall10:06
nailorai am on lucid. i opened a txt file with gobby instead of gedit (nautlius->right click->open with). now it uses gobby for all txt files when double clicking in nautilus. how can i revert?10:07
mifadirand how can i disable just a part of cheking10:08
Dr_Willisnailora:  right click on a txt file --> PROPERTIES --> open with.  and select whaat you want.10:08
Dr_Willismifadir:  tune2fs works on a per filesystem. you can disable it on whatever filesystems you want.10:08
Dr_Willistune2fs [-c max_mounts_count]10:09
=== vbgunz__ is now known as vbgunz_
=== vbgunz_ is now known as vbgunz
thune3mifadir: periodic checking is a good idea, if you are booting 10 times a day then making the check count larger is ok, also staggering filesystem check intervals is a good idea so they don't all happen at once.10:09
nailoraDr_Willis: thats it. incredible response time!10:09
willIs there any way to get Ubuntus' built-in "Sound Recorder" to encode to mp3?10:10
Dr_Willisnailora:  people gt confused by 2 menu items that have the same name.. but do differnt but similer things..10:10
MadRobotMan! You guys must have been suffering by these nasty spambot attacks.. :)10:10
MadRobot*from* these10:10
nailoraDr_Willis: especially because "open with" has a "remember" checkbox that is broken10:10
xbonesxso i have registered my nick. and read the email and confirmed, i have set my password in the xchat auto connect utlity ---> http://i56.tinypic.com/vzisjo.png10:10
xbonesxbut i still get sent to the #ubuntu unregistered channel????10:11
icarus-cwill, yes you can. select MP3 at Record as10:11
willit's not an option.  I've installed lame...?10:11
mifadirthank a lot10:11
icarus-cwill, i don't know what exactly you need to have that option, but i installed all gstreamer plugins & ffmpeg10:11
Dr_Willisxbonesx:  the 'identify' services are a little lagged.. i get sent there also.. but can then /join #ubuntu  and part that channel10:11
Dr_Willisxbonesx:  its the lag thats the issue. it dosent happen all the time.. but it does some times for me.10:12
willicarus-c: let me try that...10:12
Dr_Willisxbonesx:  if its a big issue.. make an alias that parts that channel and joins #ubuntu10:12
v3nd3tta``maybe he should just put his account password into the server dialogue as server password?10:12
Dr_Willisv3nd3tta``:  i auto identify.. and its a lag issue with the services.10:12
xbonesxwhats the line of code to exit a channel automatically?10:12
Dr_Willisv3nd3tta``:  it happens every so often.10:12
Dr_Willisxbonesx:  /part perhaps.. check the xchat docs.10:13
Dr_Willisxbonesx:  or /close10:13
Dr_WillisI use WeeChat10:13
thune3icarus-c: you have mp3 as an option in sound recorder?10:13
icarus-cthune3, yes sir10:13
xbonesxwhat do you think is better weechat or xchat?10:13
v3nd3tta``if you put your account password into the server dialogue as the server password it will even identify before joining any chans10:13
Philip1Question; Since I installed Ubuntu from Windows, the OS hasn't been able to read my user settings for my programs. Is this cause the settings are stored in my windows registry? File manager says the harddrive with my program is of the type "fuseblk". Is this a problem?10:13
v3nd3tta``it's a option to hide that (changing host) rejoining stuff10:13
icarus-cthune3, i've got m4a,  flac, ogg, mp3, wav ,spx10:14
xbonesxv3nd3tta`: ok ill try it brb10:14
Jesdisciplexbonesx: I have both actually, altho I prefer XChat10:14
Jesdisciplexbonesx: I use WeeChat when I don't have a GUI or too little RAM, or I'm fiddling with XChat itself10:15
xbonesxv3nd3tta`: worked thank you10:15
v3nd3tta``he left before that msg, do it again :P10:15
v3nd3tta``<Jesdisciple> xbonesx: I use WeeChat when I don't have a GUI or too little RAM, or I'm fiddling with XChat itself10:15
Jesdiscipleo lol10:15
v3nd3tta``xbonesx in #freenode you can ask for a cloak hiding your real ip10:16
v3nd3tta``just ask a staffer (voiced users) there for a "cloak"10:16
xbonesxJesdisciple: kool10:16
Philip1Does anyone have an answer to my question?10:17
xbonesxv3nd3tta``: why do i want to hide my ip?10:17
xbonesxi dont have a st ip mine changes all the time10:17
thune3icarus-c: doesn't it say mp2?10:17
icarus-cthune3, nope10:17
xbonesxv3nd3tta``: ?10:17
v3nd3tta``yeah, but then someone may come and ddos your real ip, i heard of such things10:17
v3nd3tta``if you say you don't need it, just let it be10:18
v3nd3tta``it's your option/opinion xbonesx10:18
DiscoStewi tried mode +x on my nickname, but that flag mode is not supported... a little bit unbelievable10:18
xbonesxv3nd3tta``: well it make any difference if my ip is always changing?10:18
JesdisciplePhilip1: surely you don't have the same programs in Windows and Ubuntu?10:18
willxbonesx: yes?10:19
JesdisciplePhilip1: unless you're running them in Wine?10:19
Philip1Yeah, I'm trying to run them in Wine.10:19
xbonesxhahaha not will: lol i was correcting myslef from the "well"10:19
Philip1Although the exact same things occur when I run the program outside wine10:19
JesdisciplePhilip1: then yeah, you esentially are running a completely different Windows machine than before10:20
willlol...i really gotta change my nick.10:20
v3nd3tta``uhm you will join with xbonesx (~xbonesx@unaffiliated/xbonesx) and  not you real ip visible to all users10:20
ip3t3rhi.. i've a problem with a linksys wusb54gc v3 (black version) .. it can't connect to wpa+wpa2 key..! how can i do?10:20
icarus-cPhilip1, do you realize that wine itself "simulate" a windows environment?10:20
=== will is now known as eWill
icarus-cPhilip1, sure programs run inside wine would NOT read settings/registry on your other Windows install10:20
xbonesxv3nd3tta``: will i have to do that everytime i have a new ip?10:20
JesdisciplePhilip1: I'm not sure how you can run them outside Wine...10:20
v3nd3tta``it will be automatically10:21
Philip1not even if the settings arent stored in the registry, but in the program folder?10:21
DrAllcomeHello Everybody, looking for help! After kernelupgrade (generic 2.6.32-25.43) today do I have lost my sound (soundchip: USB Onboard Chip C-Media Electronics, Inc. CM6501). Would be great if anyone have  a idea or a link on howto trouble shoot this. THX10:21
micke_fican i use the backup with remastersys the ubuntu 10.04 on all my hardwares at house ? (on laptop and 3 different desktop computers )it will have some stability problems ?10:21
JesdisciplePhilip1: that's on a different partition of your hard drive, seen by Linux as a different hard drive altogether10:21
icarus-cPhilip1, it depends on the program. if it read settings from your user directory i.e. C:\Users\Blah\AppData  ,  you count tell wine to use that folder as user directory10:22
v3nd3tta``xbonesx it you connect it will say unafilliated/xbonesx  is now your hidden host (set by services.)10:22
icarus-cPhilip1, if the program stores data at the program folder, you have to run the program there10:22
Philip1Ok... I'm not sure what to do, but for example, I want to run Call of Duty 4, my profiles should be stored in the programfolder as a data file... But when I boot the game with wine, the profile data is gone10:22
xbonesxv3nd3tta``: who was i supposed to ask?10:22
icarus-cPhilip1, if the program store data in windows registry.... you may need to hack a bit to copy the same data in wine's registry10:23
DiscoStewPhilip1, its not the same CoD as on Windows, you are installing new one10:23
v3nd3tta``someone with a + (voice sign), they are from freenode staff10:23
icarus-cPhilip1, i don't know how windows/COD works in detail.  but you should need to tell wine to use the Windows' user directory10:23
icarus-cPhilip1, to do that,  run "winecfg"  go  Desktop Integration and link My Documents to the right place10:24
icarus-cPhilip1, no gurantee it would work10:24
Jesdiscipleicarus-c: Did I miss something about him copying the files over from Windows?10:24
v3nd3tta``maybe just do /msg marienz hey could you give me a unafiiliated cloak please?10:24
icarus-cJesdisciple, he wants to run COD which is installed on WIndows drive i suppose10:24
Philip1Right ...:/ , I'm quite unsure on this, but when you refer to windows drive, do you refer to a drive with the windows file system?10:25
thune3Philip1: you installed COD in wine, or are running the an executable from your windows driver?10:26
Philip1Hello? Did I disconnect?10:26
icarus-cPhilip1, yes sir.10:26
icarus-cPhilip1, i was refering to Windows file system when i say Windows drive/ Windows install10:27
Philip1Ok, thune3, i installed the COD inside the C:Windows program folder, and when I run it, i right click and select open with wine10:27
icarus-cPhilip1, it runs fine right?10:28
icarus-cjust the user settings that is bothering you?10:28
thune3Philip1: the default "windows environment" you run in is (default but changeable) ~/.wine/10:28
Philip1but the same problem occurs I think, when I run programs from my D: drive, which I think has the same file system as my C : drive10:29
DiscoStewcan he run programs installed in windows via wine?10:29
Philip1yes icarus it runs, but my profiles are gone, which are stored locally in the game folder10:29
icarus-cDiscoStew, some programs, yes10:29
DiscoStewits not same registry entries10:29
icarus-cPhilip1, sure your profile is gone and i have explained why10:29
Philip1woah this is all very confusing, probably cause im not sure how wine works10:30
nightcrowi plugged in a usb disk on key, and typed 'mount' and i see this: ltspfs on /media/dovl/usbdisk-sdb1 type fuse.ltspfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,user=dovl)10:30
nightcrowi cant see the drive anywhere10:30
thune3i imagine that if you are just running an exe, you could run it from any location. But the idea of running INSIDE your windows installation using WINE is misguided.10:30
nightcrowcan someone please tell me how to access it10:30
JesdisciplePhilip1: You seem to be thinking Wine will access your actual Windows installation10:30
icarus-cPhilip1, when you run with wine,  it takes the profile from  ~/.wine  instead of Windows drive\Users\10:30
icarus-cPhilip1, wine create a "simulated" windows environment in ~/.wine10:30
Philip1i see10:31
micke_fican i use the backup with remastersys the ubuntu 10.04 on all my hardwares at house ? (on laptop and 3 different desktop computers )it will have some stability problems ?10:31
Philip1~/.wine what does this refer to?10:31
Philip1just a virtual wine folder?10:31
icarus-cPhilip1, if you want to have your profile back. you would try  to run "winecfg" -> Desktop Integration -> then link  "My Documents" to the Windows users directory10:31
JesdisciplePhilip1: it's a l;ocation in your Linux filesystem10:31
icarus-cPhilip1, ~/.wine refers to the  /home/$USER/.wine10:31
eWillOK I installed gstreamer, and ffmpeg -- sound recorder still doen't have a "mp3" option.  Can anyone recomend a replacement for "Sound Recorder"  (preferably small) that will record directly to mp3?10:32
imanchey - I have a button on the top of my touch pad which enables / disables the touch pad. When I press it, Ubuntu displays a touchpad on/off graphical message top right of the screen, but the touch pad still works when I use the button to switch it off.  Any ideas how to get this working correctly?10:32
icarus-cPhilip1, you could open up nautilus file browser, press "ctrl-L"  enter "~/.wine"10:32
Philip1ok, icarus, do you think that would work even when the user settings are stored in the call of duty folder ( and not my documents)10:32
thune3icarus-c: Philip1: i think mixing your windows and wine environments is a bad idea and may lead to unexpected problems10:32
icarus-cPhilip1, you mean the program folder? i don't think COD works that way10:32
icarus-cit puts user profile somewhere in  C:\Users\<YOUR_USER>  on windows10:33
Philip1ok.... so I basically have to reinstall all my windows softwares?10:33
micke_fican i use the backup with remastersys the ubuntu 10.04 on all my hardwares at house ? (on laptop and 3 different desktop computers )it will have some stability problems ?10:33
Philip1well i did some googling, and found that the profile data ( with ranks and achievements) are stored in a data file inside the cod folder10:34
dirk_<FloodBot1> dirk_: Thanks! Now type /join #ubuntu to join.  Register if you don't want to do this again: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration10:34
icarus-cPhilip1, that's how Wine supposed to be used, install software in Wine environment instead of running program from Windows install directly10:34
Philip1but the profile name, and settings are stored where you refer to icarus10:34
dirk_hi, can someone help me please with a general linux question? How can i use a while loop directly in the console without an explicit bash script?10:34
JesdisciplePhilip1: yes, that's fairly typical...  we're glad to even be able to (sometimes) do that =p10:34
icarus-cPhilip1, run winecfg  -> Desktop Integration -> Link  "My Documents"  to   /your/windows/install/users/your_user_name10:34
Philip1Ok ill try that10:35
icarus-cPhilip1, you know where you Windows file system is mounted right?10:35
Jesdisciplehey =)10:35
thune3micke_fi: there seem to be some caveats: http://www.geekconnection.org/remastersys/ubuntu.html10:36
PaccezI need to resize a lot of image in one folder. I tried with: "mogrify -resize 50% *.jpg" but the resolution remain the same... Why?10:36
icarus-cdirk_, while true; do echo "like this"; done10:36
icarus-cdirk_, the console is the same as script10:36
Philip1umm how do you mean? all i know is my windows file are located in dev/sda2/media/system10:36
icarus-cdirk_, just to put  ";" where it is a new line in script10:36
Philip1icarus-c , i cant seem to browse that device in wine though :/10:37
icarus-cPhilip1, so in winecfg,  Link  My Documents to  /media/system/Users/your_user_name10:37
eWillOK I installed gstreamer, and ffmpeg -- sound recorder still doen't have a "mp3" option.  Can anyone recomend a replacement for "Sound Recorder"  (preferably small) that will record directly to mp3?10:37
icarus-cif you use Windows vista/ 710:37
icarus-cPhilip1, ^^^10:37
micke_fithune3: i am sorry. i can not understand english well. just please tell me if it is problem or not ?10:37
icarus-cPhilip1, replace Users  with Documents and Settings  if is it XP or older10:38
PaccezeWill, I don't know if it works, but you can try Jokosher, I think it suits for you10:38
icarus-ceWill, i would rather just convert whatever format made by GNOME sound recorder to mp3 in that case10:39
micke_fithune3: i will not install any driver new. so it is problem for me ?10:39
icarus-ceWill,  e.g.  ffmpeg -i  input.wav   -ab 128k output.mp3   # -ab specify bit rate10:39
Philip1meh it doesnt seem to work.... i guess i could boot windows instead when i want to play games...10:40
Philip1but i was atleast hoping program like jcreator (java editor) would work, since I thought like Ubuntu was related to sun softwares10:40
eWillI can convert.  What I really want though is to record directly into mp3.  I looked at Jokosher, and it looks like Audacity.  I doubt that would do it.10:40
Philip1but its not working either10:40
JesdisciplePhilip1: also a common solution... however you might want to look into PlayOnLinux10:40
icarus-cPhilip1, that is not the right way to fix problem.  but i agree it is a good idea to stick to Windows to play Windows game where possible10:40
icarus-cJesdisciple, the problem is about he wants his game profile back.10:41
Philip1yeah, but I guess thats not the easiest thing to do10:41
dirk_icarus-c : can you tell me please what's wrong with this:  test=1 while[ $test -le 1 ]; do uptime; done;10:41
Jesdiscipleicarus-c: o I thought he had compatibility issues once the profile got worked out10:42
thune3micke_fi: the idea is to take a fresh install, make a few changes with a single user, and then use remastersys dist. Assuming this is relatively new install, i think you may be OK. (i don't know though. I would say you *should* try it.)10:42
micke_fithune3 ok thank you :)10:42
Paccezanyone knows why the command: "mogrify -resize 50% *.jpg" won't work on my images?10:43
absencedoes anyone know what smart attribute 187 "reported uncorrectable errors" actually means? the description says number of errors that couldn't be corrected by ecc, but attribute 195 "hardware ecc recovered" and 1 "raw read error rate" has the same number10:43
guitar-maniacHey! I'm trying to mount an -iso file to wine, i installed gmountiso, but what's the destination folder? Do i have to create one somewhere?10:44
icarus-cguitar-maniac, yes. you need to create a folder to mount thing10:46
guitar-maniacicarus-c: where i shuold creta it so that i can acces the -iso file with wine?10:46
ccm1hey all10:47
ccm1have a problem with my ati 5770 sapphire card..10:47
guitar-maniacSorry about the typos10:48
novato_brhi, I'd like to know if anyone has link of tutorial how to make wireless conection between two notebooks by wireless10:48
Katsumi32hi ccm1 what the problem ? what driver do you use for yor card ?10:48
pokoko222I need to make changes to /etc/apt/sources.list but i cant, it says i am not authorized when i try to save10:49
icarus-cdirk_, i would do" TEST=1; while (( $TEST == 1 )) ; do uptime; done  "10:49
pokoko222yes but i do it in gui, how to write the thing in shell?10:50
Philip1can anyone recommend java compiler ?10:50
Philip1btw does ubuntu come with java virtual machine?10:50
collabrapokoko222: sudo pico /etc/apt/sources.list <----10:50
icarus-cguitar-maniac, you create the folder anywhere you want to mount the iso file to10:51
icarus-cguitar-maniac, for example  /mnt/iso10:51
icarus-cguitar-maniac, note that after you mount the iso,  you also need to run  "winecfg"  -> Drives -> Add  , to create a "drive" mapping to that mounted iso10:52
collabrapokoko222: pico is an editor,...10:52
pokoko222and <--- is?10:52
Katsumi32novato_br, try #backtrack-linux they shouold have many this sort of tools10:52
pokoko222collabra i want to add text and keep what is already there10:52
guitar-maniacWhere shuold i create the folder that i mount my .iso file that Wine recognizes it?10:52
pokoko222just a one line text10:52
jribguitar-maniac: put it in ~/.wine/drive_c/ somewhere10:52
collabrapokoko222: if you need to edit any config file or text file,... pico is what i use when running in a terminal10:52
pokoko222collabra ok but how to add text with it?10:52
rwwI'd probably do "watch uptime" myself.10:52
collabrapokoko222: just place the cursor where you want the text and type10:52
ccm1just installed the drivers for the hd 5770 ...a10:52
icarus-cPhilip1, ubuntu provides  Openjdk (and jre) &  sun jre/jdk10:52
JesdiscipleI just fiddled with my desktop shortcut again...   Very perplexing, I can execute it (the shortcut) in terminal and it works10:53
guitar-maniacoh ok, i'll try that, all i have to do is to mount to .iso file and then it works and i can install the software?10:53
Jesdisciplebut clicking fails10:53
jribJesdisciple: too vague10:53
jrib!appdb | guitar-maniac10:53
ubottuguitar-maniac: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help10:53
icarus-cguitar-maniac, don't forget the winecfg part10:53
DiscoStewsudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list10:53
Jesdisciplejrib: old issue10:53
Katsumi32ccm1, where from did you get your driver ?10:53
collabrapokoko222: when you are done editing type <shift> X ,... and follow directions10:53
ccm1Katsumi32,  i used the from ati10:53
jribJesdisciple: ok, but if you want help now... you need to give details10:53
collabrapokoko222: no,...10:53
Jesdisciplejrib: desktop shortcut has command "bash ~/talk.sh"10:53
collabrapokoko222: <ctrl> X10:54
ccm1from the ati site Katsumi3210:54
jribJesdisciple: still too vague.  Imagine you are me10:54
pokoko222how to open a file with it collabra?10:54
ccm1i have a radeon hd 577010:54
Katsumi32ccm1, if u have got correct catalyst the latest ver is 10.9 and it work perfect10:54
collabrapokoko222: do you know what a terminal is?10:54
Jesdisciplejrib: it works if I use "/home/user/talk.desktop"10:54
Jesdisciplejrib: just trying to understand why bash and the ~ don't work on click10:54
jribJesdisciple: are you trying to create a .desktop file?10:55
ccm110.9..yes i used that Katsumi3210:55
Katsumi32ccm1 and before u install catalyst go to hardware driovers and disable the graphic driver there10:55
icarus-cJesdisciple, do you have the "Terminal=true" key in .desktop?10:55
Jesdisciplejrib: but they do if the shortcut (not the shell script) is excuted in terminal10:55
icarus-cguitar-maniac, run winecfg,  go Drives  tab10:55
collabrapokoko222: open a terminal,.. and just type: sudo pico /etc/apt/sources.list10:55
ccm1should i unistall it10:55
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Jesdisciplejrib: yes, icarus-c: you lost me10:55
pokoko222collabra ok thanks did it10:56
collabrapokoko222: np10:56
=== administrator__ is now known as meeeeeeeeeee
jribJesdisciple: take two minutes organize your thoughts and write a one line explanation of what you are trying to accomplish.  Put relevant details in a pastebin so we can understand what you have attempted so far10:56
Katsumi32cmm1 just go to hardware drivers u see there graphic driver if its acivated disable it than install catalyst again10:56
meeeeeeeeeeeis there some program through which i dont need to open every linux based software from comand line?10:56
Katsumi32ccm1, to install catalyst just double click on the file you downloaded than auto thats all10:56
jribmeeeeeeeeeee: erm, you have a menu at the top left of your screen in your gui10:57
icarus-cJesdisciple, in your .desktop shortcut spec file, you need the key "Terminal=true"  when your Exec=  is a command line stuff10:57
guitar-maniacI got it to installation phase. It says i dont have enough space available for install..? I have over 150gb free space. Or do i have to give Wine space somehow?10:57
ccm1harware drivers cant find it..10:58
icarus-cmeeeeeeeeeee, what Desktop environment are you using?10:58
meeeeeeeeeeejrib: yea the applications button etc10:58
Klaus_Dieterhello world10:58
Jesdiscipleicarus-c: aha, it was indeed false10:58
icarus-cguitar-maniac, the "Wine space" relies in ~/.wine10:58
Katsumi32ccm1, system administration hardware drivers10:58
jribmeeeeeeeeeee: yes, that's how you run programs without using a terminal10:58
icarus-cguitar-maniac, at least by default10:58
ccm1no there??10:58
meeeeeeeeeeejrib: but i installed some program and cant find it in any menu, read about it on google and it says u need to open it thru comand line10:58
jribhello Klaus_Dieter10:58
ccm1not there10:58
Jesdiscipleicarus-c: I thot since it didn't give an option to open with gedit that would be the solution...10:58
josekillersHola a todos10:59
Jesdiscipleicarus-c, jrib, et al: thanks =)10:59
guitar-maniacyeah, evertyhign shuold be at default settings with Wine. im trying to install it at c:/Programs etc etc but says that theres not enough space for the game10:59
icarus-cJesdisciple, gedit  blah.desktop10:59
Katsumi32ccm1, did you found hardware drivers? on the top of your screen is panel go to system administration hardware drivers10:59
Jesdiscipleicarus-c: yeah, I did10:59
icarus-cJesdisciple, Nautilus file browser think it is a application shortcut so it won't let you open with some other application10:59
meeeeeeeeeee<icarus-c> meeeeeeeeeee, what Desktop environment are you using? ..... what do u mean .... m sorry for asking all these noob questions but its only my 2nd day with ubuntu (linux)11:00
Jesdiscipleicarus-c: thot it was a little odd that I had to go in the backdoor tho11:00
ccm1Katsumi32, it not there..11:00
ccm1system, administration ?11:00
icarus-cmeeeeeeeeeee, is there  "Applications | Places | System " panel on the top on the screen?11:00
Katsumi32ccm1,  yeah on the top of your screen u see bar where u have applications  places and syste11:00
Katsumi32ccm1,  see it ?11:00
icarus-cmeeeeeeeeeee, or is there a "K" icon at the bottom left11:00
jribmeeeeeeeeeee: what program?11:01
meeeeeeeeeee<icarus-c> no it has places system applications11:01
icarus-cmeeeeeeeeeee, or else11:01
pokoko222i have installed virtual box but i dont know where it is installed and how to start it?11:01
icarus-cmeeeeeeeeeee, ok you are using GNOME Desktop Environment, see System -> About GNOME11:01
meeeeeeeeeeejrib: it was some network monitor...conky also mrtg11:01
Katsumi32pokoko222, its in aplications11:01
ccm1Katsumi32, its not there.how come11:01
icarus-cmeeeeeeeeeee, what sort of programs  that you want to run which you think you must run from command line?11:02
pokoko222Katsumi32 where what section?11:02
Klaus_Dieterpokoko222: which $(virtualbox) will start it11:02
icarus-cmeeeeeeeeeee, anyway, you could run program by pressing "Alt-F2"11:02
meeeeeeeeeee<icarus-c> meeeeeeeeeee, what sort of programs  that you want to run which you think you must run from command line? ... i am not sure what you mean11:02
jrib!conky | meeeeeeeeeee11:02
Katsumi32ccm1,  go to system preferences main menu and add hardware drivers11:02
Katsumi32pokoko222, system tools11:03
icarus-cmeeeeeeeeeee, didn't you asked  <meeeeeeeeeee> is there some program through which i dont need to open every linux based software from comand line?11:03
icarus-cmeeeeeeeeeee, what "linux based software" were you refering to?11:03
greenIThi, i need fast help: i have executed e2fsck on a _mounted_ device and now i can't boot ubuntu anymore11:03
meeeeeeeeeeei wanted to install a internet speed/data monitoring software11:03
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icarus-cmeeeeeeeeeee, and the official installation instruction tells you to do stuff in command line?11:04
jribmeeeeeeeeeee: read the conky documentation on how to set it up, then you just add it to your Startup Programs11:04
pokoko222wierd it is not there11:04
icarus-cmeeeeeeeeeee, what monitoring software precisely?11:04
Katsumi32meeeeeeeeeee,  install conky11:04
Katsumi32pokoko222, type in terminal virtualbox11:04
icarus-cmeeeeeeeeeee, note there is gnome-system-monitor comes with GNOME11:05
Crash2108Cam someone explain to me why logging into SFTP as root is evil?11:05
pokoko222it says not installed but i did install it11:05
greenIThelp, i used e2fsck on a _mounted_ device and now my ubuntu doesn't boot anymore, what can i do?11:05
icarus-cmeeeeeeeeeee, Applications -> System Tool -> System Monitor11:05
Katsumi32pokoko222, mybe u have installed some other packages or part of the package from synaptic11:05
jribCrash2108: it's not evil.  But people often try to brute force the root account...11:05
meeeeeeeeeeei searched for many on ubuntu software center, also asked for suggestions on dalnet's linux channel and they suggested conky, rrdtool, mrtg .... but i cant figure out any of them plus they are not wat i am looking for, i wanted something along the lines of DU-meter11:05
icarus-cCrash2108, you mean run sftp client as root or login to root?11:05
Katsumi32pokoko222, type sudo apt-get install virtualbox11:06
pokoko222Katsumi32 yes i installed 3.2 from virtual box home site11:06
jribmeeeeeeeeeee: what does du-meter do?11:06
Crash2108I've been told that using root is evi.11:06
cyberjorgehi, how will I view captcha in elinks?11:06
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Katsumi32pokoko222, i have vbox from their web too installed it and it appered in aplications11:06
Katsumi32 pokoko222 check your systme it must be somewhere11:06
jribCrash2108: so ask the person that told you that...?  Anyway, there's no root account by default in ubuntu and it isn't necessary either11:06
greenITplz, can some1 tell me what i can do when i used e2fsck on a mounted device?11:07
meeeeeeeeeee<jrib>it is a graphical presentation of real time internet speed...it always sits on my desktop in Xp11:07
jribCrash2108: what I mean to say is the root account is locked by default11:07
jribmeeeeeeeeeee: that's conky... no?11:07
meeeeeeeeeeemay be it is...and i installed it too but cudnt find it11:07
jribmeeeeeeeeeee: type "conky documentation" in google, you'll have to read their configuration instructions11:08
skarhi, i'm on 8.10 on my netbook, if i type "apt-get dist-upgrade" it returns without any upgrades11:08
skarCalculating upgrade... Done11:08
skar0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.11:08
Katsumi32meeeeeeeeeee, type in termianl conky you will need to set conky conf file to get everything working properly11:08
skarwhat should i do to get to 10.04? at least 9.04?11:08
meeeeeeeeeeehmmm...m i justified to think may be ubuntu or any linux is not soo easy?11:08
Katsumi32meeeeeeeeeee, its different than win11:08
icarus-cskar, visit http://ubuntu.com11:08
jribmeeeeeeeeeee: "easy" depends on the person really11:09
Katsumi32bit more difficlut but youre human right ? so youre able to learn11:09
Crash2108I'vresrd that unlocking it makes you succeptible to hacking.11:09
skaricarus-c: do i have to install a fresh 10.04? no path via apt-get to 9.04 -> 9.10 -> 10.04?11:09
cyberjorgehow do you guys view captcha in command line browsers?11:09
meeeeeeeeeeeand how to open terminal?11:09
jribmeeeeeeeeeee: there's a #conky channel that can likely help you in actually configuring conky11:10
jribmeeeeeeeeeee: Accessories -> Terminal11:10
meeeeeeeeeeehere at freenode?11:10
jribmeeeeeeeeeee: yes11:10
Katsumi32meeeeeeeeeee, aplications  system tools11:10
ccm1Katsumi32, done it., its not even activated11:11
ccm1this drives in not activated?11:12
Katsumi32ccm1,  good so double click on the file window will appear after 5 sec install it auto than reboot11:12
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jrib!away > WLP|Away11:12
ubottuWLP|Away, please see my private message11:12
Katsumi32ccm1, in hardware drivers the graphic driver have to be not activated11:13
meeeeeeeeeeealso some time back i read about a software through which we can run windows based softwares rite in linux envoirement?11:13
ccm1tell me..installation of this driver failed??11:13
Katsumi32yeah meeeeeeeeeee like in vbox or wmvare etc11:13
ccm1look at file for details11:13
jribmeeeeeeeeeee: wine, but it's generally a better idea to use a native linux alternative11:13
allu2Hello, my ubuntu 10.04 just freezed (well at least the cursor) but ssh works, this is not first time and i wondered if anyone would like to see what is wrong with it, (Dmesg = http://pastebin.com/MVq8GeG8 ) and (Xorg.log = http://pastebin.com/6mS4frpv )11:13
WLP|Awayjrib: What?11:13
jribWLP|Away: please see ubottu's message11:14
WLP|AwayWhy now?11:14
meeeeeeeeeee<jrib> meeeeeeeeeee: wine, but it's generally a better idea to use a native linux alternative ... linux alternative of the windows program u mean?11:14
jribmeeeeeeeeeee: yes11:15
Jesdisciplealright, I'm back... Terminal=true didn't make a difference after all11:15
HaldHowdy folks11:15
Jesdiscipletalk.desktop: http://paste.ubuntu.com/496381/11:15
Jesdiscipletalk.sh: http://paste.ubuntu.com/496382/11:15
jribJesdisciple: take two minutes organize your thoughts and write a one line explanation of what you are trying to accomplish.  Put relevant details in a pastebin so we can understand what you have attempted so far11:15
Katsumi32Hald, only english allowed here11:15
WLP|Awayjrib: Why now?11:15
HaldKatsumi32: lol, sorry11:15
ccm1Katsumi32, this is what the log has..2010-09-19 20:13:04,998 WARNING: /sys/module/fglrx/drivers does not exist, cannot rebind fglrx driver11:15
Katsumi32:) just kidding11:15
WLP|Awayjrib: long time ago.11:16
Katsumi32ccm1,  see me on prv will try to help you11:16
neriukasdoes program go on windows vista if i witten it on win xp?11:16
Jesdisciplechanging the Exec in talk.desktop to Exec=/home/chris/talk.sh works11:16
jribJesdisciple: yes, that's what you need to do11:16
JesdiscipleI'm just curious why clicking doesn't work as it is11:16
Jesdiscipleyet executing it in terminal always works11:16
guitar-maniacHow can i give more space to my drive_c in Wine?11:16
HaldI just got my upgrade to 10.4 done and every thing seams to work like dandy. Its just one thing that bothers me. The volume controle adjust 5% when scrolling. I would like it to adjust with only 1% 'per scroll'.11:17
Jesdisciplejust a little puzzle we were titling our heads at earlier11:17
meeeeeeeeeeeok about this conky, isnt there some program which doesnt require comand line? i mean i m using this irc software and its installed just fine and showed up on applications...i need one such program for network monitoring?11:17
jribJesdisciple: ~ won't be translated by whatever gnome uses to execute Exec11:17
WLP|Awayjrib: I still don't understand the problem.11:17
Jesdisciplejrib: do you know why bash isn't recognized?11:18
WLP|AwayAll I did was use /away.11:18
DiscoStewmeeeeeeeeeee, u can put conky in prefered software, and then its loaded when system is up. dont need to open konsole11:18
jribJesdisciple: what do you mean "isn't recognized"?11:18
neriukasDoes  program go on all windows if witten on c++/c?11:18
thune3cyberjorge: if image is available, browser might allow inspection (like "I" in w3m)11:18
Jesdisciplejrib: the command does absolutely nothing when clicked11:18
jribJesdisciple: yes.11:18
meeeeeeeeeee<DiscoStew> yeah but for tht i first need to install it n thts suposed to be done from comand line and i have no idea rite now how to do tht11:18
Jesdisciplejrib: if I take bash off and leave the ~, I get an error11:19
xbonesxusing "vi" how do you execute multiple line from a txt being deleted???11:19
DiscoStewmeeeeeeeeeee, open comand line and type sudo apt-get install conky11:19
Haldneriukas: I don't think this is the right channel to ask that question but yes it should work if you got the right dlls n stuffs11:19
cyberjorgethune3: were you able to view captcha key using w3m?11:19
Jesdisciplejrib: running ./talk.desktop in terminal works just fine regardless11:19
alomparHello, when I try to enter an account on empathy I get this " The password you use to log in to your computer no longer matches that of your login keyring." I have changed my username password. What's with this keyring?11:19
neriukasthanks hald ;)11:19
jribJesdisciple: because you have no such file that is literally "~talk.sh".  The Exec line is not the same as your interactive terminal.  ~ is not special there11:19
thune3cyberjorge: let me find one...one sec11:20
tabuto83hy everybody11:20
cyberjorgethune3: thanks a lot11:20
tabuto83can someone help me with grub?11:20
Jesdisciplejrib: yes, I get that - I don't wonder about the error so much as why bash doesn't do anything11:20
Besogonneriukas, I don't think so. Many of them have been written in C++ but not all work with Win711:20
HaldAnyone know how to change gnome-volume-applets scroll adjust from 5% to 1%?11:20
Jesdisciplejrib: when it's clicked that is11:20
meeeeeeeeeee<DiscoStew> ok i did tht..n i think its installed...now wat?11:20
jribJesdisciple: do you agree that "bash arocehurcaoheuraoedhucgaoeudcaogeudc" as the Exec should not do anything?11:20
Jesdisciplejrib: it should pass gibberish to bash...11:21
neriukasi wont write programs on ubuntu with gnu compiler and i'll recompiler on win xp i want to know about programming for windows11:21
Jesdisciplejrib: bash doesn't seem to be called at all11:21
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jribJesdisciple: did you see my last question?11:21
DiscoStewmeeeeeeeeeee, ok now u need to create conkyrc file in your home dir or to copy default conky file from /etc/conky/conky.config to home directory11:22
tabuto83do someone know the options add in the Grub2 to running ubuntu in console mode?11:22
Jesdisciplejrib: yes, and I thot of a test...11:22
thune3cyberjorge: on a particular search page (kind of a mess in w3m), i could navigate to [image] (just over Refresh Image on center right side) and hit 'I' on http://techtalk.parts-express.com/search.php?f=211:22
meeeeeeeeeee<DiscoStew> meeeeeeeeeee, ok now u need to create conkyrc file in your home dir or to copy default conky file from /etc/conky/conky.config to home directory ... sorry but how to do that11:22
Besogonneriukas, What do you want to be listened here? e.g. write it in C++ yes11:22
jribJesdisciple: so what's your answer to my question?11:23
cookiemadhow do i change display managers? im using gdm but i want kdm (its already installed)11:23
DiscoStewmeeeeeeeeeee, do u use wi-fi or your internet is via ethernet card (cable)?11:23
shibinhie am a new Ubuntu user11:23
ARTSIOMHi! I have installed linux-source package. Replaced source codes on drivers/scsi/aacraid by sources downloaded from IBM site. The question now is how to build this specific driver - aacraid?11:23
shibini need some help11:23
Jesdisciplejrib: clicking a shortcut with that command (yours) should pass gibberish to bash for execution11:23
cookiemadhow do i change display managers? im using gdm but i want kdm (its already installed)11:23
tabuto83shibin, tell us more!!!11:24
meeeeeeeeeee<DiscoStew>my internet is connected to a router, and via tht router pc is connected thru ethernet11:24
xbonesxhow do you delete multiple lines form a txt document using "vi"?11:24
Jesdisciplejrib: I modified the clickable command to &> output11:24
DiscoStewmeeeeeeeeeee, ok, wait a sec now11:24
neriukasok, besogon, does programs run on windows vista or 7 if i'll compiler soft on win xp on c language?11:24
shibinam using ubuntu net book edition11:24
xbonesxrather than pressing "d" repeatedly?11:24
cyberjorgethune3: thanks, i'll try it too11:24
shibinmy display driver is not working11:24
Jesdisciplejrib: the output file is not created, so apparently the command is not being run at all11:24
shibindats the prob now.11:24
pokoko222http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/3461/screenshotvjr.png i have virtualbox installed and still when i call virtualbox from terminal i get message that it is not installed and that i need to install virtualbox-os11:25
tabuto83which netbook have u?11:25
Jesdisciplejrib: course I might be forgetting redirection syntax11:25
Jesdisciplejrib: checking now11:25
shibindell inspiron mini11:25
jribJesdisciple: run "bash raocheurcaoherchaorchaoercuh" in your terminal11:25
tabuto83and which version of linux?11:26
shibin10.04 netbook remix11:26
Jesdisciplejrib: bash: raocheurcaoherchaorchaoercuh: No such file or directory11:26
Besogonneriukas, definetly not surely11:26
Jesdisciplejrib: yes, I expect that to be output...11:26
jribJesdisciple: where exactly?11:26
Jesdisciplejrib: pardon?11:27
jribJesdisciple: where exactly do you expect to see the output?11:27
DiscoStewmeeeeeeeeeee, u still there?11:27
Jesdisciplejrib: in the redirected file, once I'm sure I have my redirection syntax correct11:27
HaldAnyone know how to change gnome-volume-applets scroll adjust from 5% to 1%?11:28
jribJesdisciple: as I said Exec is not bash11:28
DiscoStewok meeeeeeeeeee here is my conky config file, with a little change so u can run it http://paste.ubuntu.com/496388/11:28
DiscoStewmeeeeeeeeeee, open gedit and paste that code11:28
Besogonneriukas, But you can write in on Python or some other script language or Java. This languages don't depend on comilation.11:28
pokoko222why does virtualbox installation fail? http://img841.imageshack.us/img841/6430/screenshot1qn.png11:28
Jesdisciplejrib: well, when I did it without bash - that is, ~/talk.sh11:29
jribJesdisciple: yes?11:29
Jesdisciplejrib: it popped up an error dialog11:29
neriukasbesogon thanks dude :D11:29
meeeeeeeeeee<DiscoStew> ok pasted on gedit11:29
Jesdisciplejrib: with bash, I don't even see that11:29
wazokwonder if anyone could possibly help?11:29
alomparHello, I have changed my username's password and when I whant to connect an account on empathy I get this message:"The password you use to log in to your computer no longer matches that of your login keyring."11:30
DiscoStewmeeeeeeeeeee, save that file as .conkyrc (watch for dot in front of name) and save it in your /home/user_name/ folder11:30
jribJesdisciple: because it couldn't find the command "~/talk.sh".  On the other hand, the bash command runs fine.  You can check if the output goes to ~/.xsession-errors, but I'm not sure if it does.  The output will just be bash telling you there's no such file as "~/talk.sh", taking the ~ literally11:30
Katsumi32pokoko222, did you install vbox from their web?11:30
pokoko222Katsumi32 no i used apt-get11:31
meeeeeeeeeee<DiscoStew> did tht11:31
shibindisplay driver not getting in my netbook, can any one help me out?11:31
DiscoStewmeeeeeeeeeee, ok lets now execute that file via console to check is everything ok, and do u like it11:32
meeeeeeeeeeeok am ready .. tell me11:32
DiscoStewmeeeeeeeeeee, ok u are in console, just type conky -d -c /home/user_name/conky11:33
DiscoStewmeeeeeeeeeee, ok u are in console, just type conky -d -c /home/user_name/.conkyrc11:33
meeeeeeeeeee<DiscoStew> aaah how do i open console again?11:33
nailorai am looking for a simple graphical text editor (like gedit) that supports search&replace with regexen, maybe even a gedit plugin11:33
pokoko222Katsumi32 when i try to install from their web i get this http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/74/screenshot2tu.png11:33
jribJesdisciple: you can try running in a terminal: bash '~/talk.sh'  .  That's what is happening.11:33
meeeeeeeeeeeis console same as terminal?11:33
DiscoStewApplications - Accesories - Console11:33
blackstarhello everyone, anyone know how to flash a android phone under ubuntu11:35
jribnailora: http://live.gnome.org/Gedit/Plugins11:35
Katsumi32pokoko222, join #vbox11:35
meeeeeeeeeee<DiscoStew> ok it pretty much does wat i want .. shows me the download and upload rate .. but unit is bytes, can i change it to kilobytes?11:36
allu2if noone answered my question +15 mins ago can i say it again? :P11:36
DiscoStewmeeeeeeeeeee, it goes to Kb/s automatically when download/upload rate is that much11:36
Katsumi32allu2, sure11:36
allu2Hello, my ubuntu 10.04 just freezed (well at least the cursor) but ssh works, this is not first time and i wondered if anyone would like to see what is wrong with it, (Dmesg = http://pastebin.com/MVq8GeG8 ) and (Xorg.log = http://pastebin.com/6mS4frpv )11:36
* ph0n7r1c hello anyone installed beEf the xss framework11:36
meeeeeeeeeee<DiscoStew> also can i make it float? as in drag it where ever i want on desktop11:36
Phr3ak_hi there !!11:36
allu2Katsumi32, perhaps i have better luck this time :P11:36
DiscoStewmeeeeeeeeeee, no, in config file u define where it stands, alignments top_left is in this case, u can change it11:37
Chris_Jesdiscipljrib: that's very interesting behavior...  I'm somewhat surprised that, as you say, Exec is not bash11:37
* ph0n7r1c i am having problem installing it11:37
meeeeeeeeeee<DiscoStew>and is it possible to minimize it?11:37
blackstarhello everyone, anyone know how to flash a android base  phone under ubuntu ???11:37
Chris_Jesdisciploops, lost my nick11:37
DiscoStewmeeeeeeeeeee, nope... it always stands on desktop like that, u can only kill it... open terminal and type killall conky11:37
meeeeeeeeeeeand for bottom rite the command would be alignment bottom_right ?11:38
DiscoStewu defines that in .conkyrc file11:38
meeeeeeeeeeeok...and if i want it always to load with system/11:39
Katsumi32allu2, is there anything in hardware drivers to activate ?11:39
blackstarhello everyone, anyone know how to flash a android base  phone under ubuntu desktop???11:39
DiscoStewthat a little bit tricky, i will show u if u want11:39
allu2Katsumi32, ?11:39
allu2Katsumi32, what do you mean?11:39
Katsumi32system administration hardware drivers11:39
wieshkahey folks - maybe somebody has experience how to connect to unsecured wireless network automaticaly if no predefinied ssecured networks found? i am using wicd instead of network-manager11:39
allu2Katsumi32, ah nope11:40
meeeeeeeeeee<DiscoStew> yes please...also a noob question...should i make a backup copy of this .conkyrc file?11:40
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allu2Katsumi32, it's Omnibook Xe3-GF11:40
blackstarhello everyone, anyone know how to flash a android base  phone under ubuntu desktop? is there any GUI app that can help?11:40
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allu2Katsumi32, with intel graphix11:40
ccm1Katsumi32,  hey still the same11:40
DiscoStewmeeeeeeeeeee, i dont know, it depends on you, im changing it alot, so i always have a backup, if someone is not working in new code, but if you dont change conky config no need for backup11:41
wieshkaalso i have problem - how can i fully disable login (enable auto login) - i have it disabled via preferneces (GUI), but sometimes it still shows up login11:41
allu2Katsumi32, i installed 10.04 on it when 10.10 supported only vesa drivers and didn't support omnibook module out of box11:41
_ting_could anyone help to make my hdmi audio works?11:41
_ting_i am a newbie in linux so.....11:41
Katsumi32allu2, nothing in hardware drivers to activate?11:41
allu2Katsumi32, not that i remember (can't watch now)11:42
meeeeeeeeeee<DiscoStew>i think i should just in case..m very new to linux so i mite need to...but u plz tellme how to make it open with system every time11:42
v3nd3tta``_ting_ what auto driver you are running?11:42
_ting_let me check it11:42
_ting_v3nd3tta``, nvidia_current11:43
Ubuwhati need some support with Sane11:43
blackstarhello everyone, anyone know how to flash a android base  phone under ubuntu desktop? is there any GUI app that can help?11:43
DiscoStewmeeeeeeeeeee, first we need to create a conkystart file, in that file we will define conky start with a 10 second after system (sometimes gets messy if u dont do that)... Open gedit and paste this into it, call it conkystart or what ever u want http://paste.ubuntu.com/496394/11:44
v3nd3tta``but nvidia is not for audio, it's for video... what you want to do? get audio working or play around with vidoe settings _ting_ ?11:44
ccm1still the same.X Error of failed request:  BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)11:44
_ting_i wanna play a video on the tv and listen the audio also in the tv11:45
meeeeeeeeeeeshould i save it in home/username/?11:45
_ting_it was working before i updated my linux from 9.04 to 10.0411:45
* v3nd3tta`` :? *confused* what about plugging audio cable output into tv's input?11:46
meeeeeeeeeeeok did tht11:46
UbuwhatHi all. Iv'e Just bought a new scanner for our group - Unless Im going to find a way to make it work with sane they going to force DUAL BOOT11:46
_ting_v3nd3tta``, the point is that now i can find my nvdia hdmia audio in the sound audio panel11:46
_ting_v3nd3tta``, it is already connected (the cable)11:46
blackstarDiscoStew ..... do know ant app that can run under ubuntu ti flash back a android phone back to stock??11:47
nailorajrib: thx for gedit plugins11:47
v3nd3tta``and it doesn't work?11:47
jribUbuwhat: but you checked that it was well-supported in sane /before/ buying it right? :P11:47
DiscoStewblackstar, no sorry, i dont have android phone...11:47
FusionXGuys help me with this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1577035 HELP ME PLZ!11:47
v3nd3tta``do you have generally no sound or just no tv sound?11:47
_ting_no no11:47
_ting_v3nd3tta``, let me explain myself again, hhehe11:48
Ubuwhatjrib: ofcourse11:48
blackstarDiscoStew ..... tks11:48
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_ting_my english is a little bit rusty11:48
v3nd3tta``are you german? :P11:48
DiscoStewmeeeeeeeeeee, ok u need to help me a little bit on this now, im not using same graphical enviroment like you...11:48
v3nd3tta``ah no11:48
blackstaranyone knows any app that can run under ubuntu ti flash back a android phone back to stock??11:48
v3nd3tta``.es :(11:48
|Gaijin|whats the command for fixing the errors apt gives when you have uncompleted instals?11:49
_ting_hehe, no, i am spaniard. ummmm.... why do you say that i am german? i sound rude?11:49
meeeeeeeeeeeby the way discostew ... i think this conky is a bit confused...the download speed is being shown as up and upload speed is being shown as downlaod11:49
DiscoStewmeeeeeeeeeee, on top u have Preferences, click on that and find in menu Prefered Applications11:49
_ting_I was kiding ;-)11:49
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DiscoStewmeeeeeeeeeee, argh probably i didnt write it down good, it was on serbian so i quickly translated it11:49
meeeeeeeeeeeok, i m in preferred apps11:50
DiscoStewwe will edit that11:50
DiscoStewok now, in pref apps u have add click on it, call it conky start and browse to file conkystart you made11:50
JohnHeikkilaAnyone familiar with an error "md_request: i/o error. dev f40 sector 0"11:51
meeeeeeeeeee<DiscoStew> there is no 'add' in pref apps11:51
jrib!sane | Ubuwhat11:52
ubottuUbuwhat: Scanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR11:52
DiscoStewmeeeeeeeeeee, on the right side, add, edit...11:52
wazokhello, wonder if you could help, got ubuntu running of cd on a mac and i am trying to get my mac files from it, but cant seem to find them. any ideas?11:52
spantherI've tried to boot ubuntu maverick 10.10 with my live usb stick i386 image i downloaded today. It was written with Unetbootin newest version actually (485?) and while booting on my ASUS eeePC 1005p I everytime get an error: "No init found. Try passing init= bootarg." and it shows a BusyBox (initramfs) with a cursor waiting for input11:52
jrib!maverick | spanther11:53
ubottuspanther: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+111:53
spantherthx jrib11:53
meeeeeeeeeeenah..not there...also i clicked on show desktop and i cant find conky now11:53
Mike1474337im acceasij feom m mobie11:54
DiscoStewmeeeeeeeeeee, what ubuntu u have, 10.04?11:54
wazokhello, wonder if you could help, got ubuntu running of cd on a mac and i am trying to get my mac files from it, but cant seem to find them. any ideas?11:55
Mike1474337wazok hi11:55
Mike1474337say my name11:55
DiscoStewmeeeeeeeeeee, wait a sec11:56
wazokMike1474337 hi11:56
anxiolyticI have an external HD. What file system is reliable and has read/write support in OS X, Linux and Windows?11:56
Mike1474337yhe apo works fine11:56
DiscoStewmeeeeeeeeeee, sorry my fault, we dont need pref apps :(11:56
DiscoStewmeeeeeeeeeee, system->preferences->session->startup programs and there u will have add :)11:57
DiscoStewsorry for mistake11:57
rawkyhey guys, i need a gui ftp app to drag files from a mobile me account down for editing, would you recommend anything please?11:57
Mike1474337rawky ho11:57
DiscoStewanxiolytic, what windows?11:57
jribrawky: nautilus, the default file manager11:57
tensorpuddinganxiolytic: NTFS is supported in all three11:57
Mike1474337rawky hoiiiuu11:58
tensorpuddinganxiolytic: natively in Windows, and with NTFS-3g in OSX and linux11:58
rawkycheers jrib11:58
tensorpuddinganxiolytic: only available for Intel macs though11:58
anxiolyticwhat about only between os x (intel) and linux11:58
Mike1474337rawky hhgdcvvvawwr11:58
Mike1474337kallel hiiii11:59
c3lmy cron keeps sending mails to me when the scripts have run, even though ive added " >/dev/null" to the end of the line. what am I doing wrong?11:59
jouythello, does anyone know how to use upnp?12:00
tensorpuddinganxiolytic: maybe still NTFS12:00
tensorpuddinganxiolytic: there is some HFS+ support in Linux, but I don't know how good it is12:01
ccm1getting this eror when installing driver for the hd 5770 graphics card12:01
anxiolytictensorpudding: right now it's read-only for journaled hfs it seems12:01
ccm1X Error of failed request:  BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)12:01
anxiolyticI guess I can go with ext3 and use MacFUSE12:02
ccm1X Error of failed request:  BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)12:02
tensorpuddinganxiolytic: it depends on which platform you would mind less being saddled with half-assed FUSE support12:02
meeeeeeeeeeediscostew: ok m there...12:02
jouytso does anyone know how to use upnp??12:02
DiscoStewmeeeeeeeeeee, ok did u added conkystart?12:02
_ting_i am sorry, could anyone helpme?12:03
anxiolytictensorpudding: yeah. ill play around with macfuse to see how it is. thanks12:03
_ting_I am trying to make my nvidia hdmi audio working12:03
AbhiJit_ting_, ask12:03
TeclysI'm running Ubuntu 10.04 on a laptop with an ati radeon graphics card, and periodically the screen becomes ridiculously pixelated and distorted, like so: http://goo.gl/YD6G    Does anyone have any idea why this might be happening?12:03
AbhiJit!nvidia | _ting_12:03
ubottu_ting_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:03
meeeeeeeeeeediscostew: so in name i add conkystart and comand i locate to tht gedit file and wat abt comment?12:04
DiscoStewmeeeeeeeeeee, ok click on add, name put conky start, path to script is path to conkystart file we created12:04
_ting_i can find the audio card in the alsamixer but it says that this device has not any controls12:04
tensorpuddingit's kinda sad that Linux doesn't have full UFS2 support, since it's both open-source and natively supported by OSX and FreeBSD12:04
meeeeeeeeeeeok did tht12:04
DiscoStewok click on OK, thats it12:04
Scott__2I just installed Ubuntu on my laptop but now it won't pick up any wireless networks. any ideas?12:04
DiscoStewwe need just a few things more to do12:04
meeeeeeeeeeenow one more thing...where did the conky go when i click show desktop? i cant find it12:05
DiscoStewit goes sometimes like that...12:05
DiscoStewGod knows where12:05
allu2repeating my question12:05
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allu2Hello, my ubuntu 10.04 just freezed (well at least the cursor) but ssh works, this is not first time and i wondered if anyone would like to see what is wrong with it, (Dmesg = http://pastebin.com/MVq8GeG8 ) and (Xorg.log = http://pastebin.com/6mS4frpv )12:05
meeeeeeeeeeeok wat else need to b done?\12:05
DiscoStewGo in Places-Home right click on conkystart - Properties and then on tab Permissions, there check box Allow this file to be run as program12:06
ccm1getting this error..could someone help12:07
ccm1X Error of failed request:  BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)12:07
ibizatryxhi all, i'm having major issues trying to use the ubuntu software center12:07
DiscoStewccm1, im reading you, but dont know how to help you12:07
ibizatryxit never allows me to download anything12:07
ibizatryxwell install12:07
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ccm1yeah i cannot install the ati drivers..12:07
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ash4liwhat is the name of the emacs package for 10.04?12:07
jribibizatryx: does it tell you why?12:08
jribash4li: apt-cache search -n emacs12:08
toweguten tag12:09
cookiemadHi. I have no sound whatsoever on Kubuntu 10.04. Can anyone suggest anything?12:09
jrib!sound > cookiemad12:09
ubottucookiemad, please see my private message12:09
meeeeeeeeeeediscostew: done tht12:10
DiscoStewok meeeeeeeeeee now restart pc and 10 seconds after system is booted, conky should show up12:10
meeeeeeeeeeeok...thanx alot disco12:10
DiscoStewim going to eat, be back later12:10
meeeeeeeeeeeyou are great12:10
meeeeeeeeeeejust one more q b4 u go12:11
meeeeeeeeeeehow to again open conky or any other program after it disapears when i minimize it?12:11
DiscoStewit shouldnt disappear when u minimize it...12:11
actionParsnipmeeeeeeeeeee: you should have an item on your gnome bar which wil allow you to remaximise apps which are minimised12:12
meeeeeeeeeeethis is the 2nd prog to disappear, earliar this morning amsn disappeared when i click 'minimize to tray'12:12
DiscoStewfor conky u can always take code from conkystart file we created, that part conky -d -c ~/.conkyrc12:12
actionParsnipmeeeeeeeeeee: right click panel -> add item  then add the windows list item, should show your runninmg tasks12:12
meeeeeeeeeeethanx alot guys12:13
meeeeeeeeeeediscostew..do u have some website?12:13
DiscoStewmeeeeeeeeeee, nope...12:14
ash4liwhat is the difference between vi and vim editor?12:14
ph0n7r1cvi i think is command like and vim is gui12:14
meeeeeeeeeeeok...me signing out now...i think i mite just be able to get the hang of ubuntu...thanx alot guys12:14
actionParsnipash4li: http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/LinuxTutorialAdvanced_vi.html12:14
younderSigh! I kept getting fork: resource temporarily unavailable. I thought it was the kernel update.. Then it dawned on me I have bastille allow setting the max user process number  to 150!12:14
CynopeHey guys, anyone familiar with setting up a local repository?12:14
DiscoStewmeeeeeeeeeee, no prob, enjoy :)12:14
* DiscoStew not here12:14
ph0n7r1cyeah ubuntu is the boom12:15
ph0n7r1ci think is the best thing that has happen to the linux community12:15
jouytso does anyone know how to use upnp¿?¿12:15
aeon-ltdash4li, ph0n7r1c there both cli, i think vi is just simpler, has less options -- e.g. syntax highlight iirc12:15
younderSo back to /etc/security/limits.conf and set soft 200 hard 400 and lo and behold the problem went away..12:15
tensorpuddingash4li: vim is an enhanced vi12:15
aeon-ltdjouyt: universal plug and play?12:15
jouytaeon-ltd: yep12:16
jouyti want to make my laptop accesible from everywhere12:16
aeon-ltdjouyt: err, it just happens?, i'm not sure about ubuntu but i think udev handles it12:16
jouytredirecting a port from outside to my computer in every site i connect12:17
younderI should probably port bastille to ubuntu.. The current version of tools  like tripwire and bastille are set up for debian.12:17
aeon-ltdjouyt: wait please explain more, cos i don't think you mean upnp12:17
jouyti thought it was upnp,-.- ok,12:17
aeon-ltdjouyt: i think you mean vpn12:17
younderAnyone know if anyone else is working on this?12:18
aeon-ltd!vpn | jouyt12:18
ubottujouyt: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN12:18
jouytit is not vpn12:18
progre55hi guys! I tried to update the ati drivers to 10.9, but it seems I've totally screwed it up. after a reboot, lcpci shows I'm not using fglrx anymore, and the ati proprietary drivers were not activated. Tried to activate them, but getting an error saying "Sorry, installation of this driver failed". Any suggestions, please?12:18
jouyti think12:18
aeon-ltdjouyt: are you sure, cos you described routing connections through your laptop?, that could be VPN or SSH tunneling12:18
jouytwhat i want, is to always make my laptop accesible by opening a port direct from the internet to my computer12:19
jouytanywhere i am connected to12:19
aeon-ltdjouyt: you mean to control your laptop from anywhere theres internet?12:19
jouytwithout connecting to anywhere12:20
jouytaeon-ltd: yep12:20
aeon-ltd!vnc | jouyt12:20
ubottujouyt: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX12:20
jouytbut for that, the laptop must login somewhere12:20
progre55the logs say "WARNING: modinfo for module fglrx failed: ERROR: modinfo: could not find module fglrx". How do you enable it?12:20
jouytand what i want, is as i do at home, i open port 22 and accept incomming connections12:21
aeon-ltdjouyt: thats ssh12:21
Name141how do I force acpi ?  /boot/grub/grub.cfg tells me not to edit it12:21
aeon-ltd!ssh | jouyt12:21
ubottujouyt: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)12:21
actionParsnipjouyt: if you forward the ports of the services you want to connect to, to the laptop's IP (I suggest you use a static IP) then you can connect to it from anywhere using your WAN IP12:21
actionParsnipjouyt: you can see your wan IP by visiting http://www.ipchicken.com12:22
jouytif u try to do that, and port 22 isnt opened IN THE ROUTER connection will go nowhere12:22
jouytso what i want is to open port generically12:23
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jouytand redirect it to my computer12:23
AbhiJitis access ubuntu ext4 from vista is stable now? or still it causes ubuntu destruction?12:23
Name141oh it looks like I edit /etc/default/grub instead12:23
FSHeroGreetings all. Is anyone able to explain why the legacy SerialMonkey drivers for Ralink wireless cards were discontinued -- yet in Ubuntu 10.04 my rt2570 chipset card still doesn't work out of the box?12:23
Name141I'm assuming making: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" , into GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi=force" ?12:24
progre55hey guys, how to install the fglrx module?12:25
m_fulderI've been running ubuntu at my comp for a while now12:25
Name141then I guess I run update-grub ..12:25
* Name141 shrugs12:25
m_fulderbut now when I try to boot I get the error message : Error: no such device: XXXXXX-XXXX....12:25
m_fulderwhy is that? :(12:25
kpkarlprogre55: use the hardware drivers application12:25
kpkarlyou can find it in System > Administration > Hardware Drivers12:26
m_fulderthen I get the grub rescue>  line ... what should I do to boot properly??12:26
progre55kpkarl: it cannot install it.. failing with an error "Sorry, installation of this driver failed. Please have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log"12:26
aeon-ltd!enter | m_fulder12:26
ubottum_fulder: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:26
actionParsnipjouyt: you will open port 22 TCP and forward it to the IP of the laptop on port 22. This will push the connection through, the traffic would normally be dropped due to the nature of NAT12:26
progre55kpkarl: and the log shows "WARNING: modinfo for module fglrx failed: ERROR: modinfo: could not find module fglrx"12:27
kpkarlprogre55: oh, is that all it shows?12:27
jouytactionParsnip: yes, i know i can do it manually, but if u are in... for example a bar, u wont be able to do that12:27
Name141and it powers off correctly now12:27
progre55kpkarl: the hardware installation? yeah, and the log shows a bunch of ther debug stuff, and also "WARNING: /sys/module/fglrx/drivers does not exist, cannot rebind fglrx driver"12:28
PedroPTgood morning12:28
m_fulderok sry aeon-ltd... will retype again then: When I try to bootup on my ubuntu comp. I get the error message : Error: no such device: XXX-XXX... and then there's a "grub rescue>" line shown ... how do I solve this?12:28
actionParsnipjouyt: wont be able to do what? Configure the forward or access the forwarding?12:28
mmm4m5mHi all. Is there any specifics for moving /var to separate partition? Sorry for abstract question - I did read how to move /home /usr /var /tmp... but I also found in google reports that there are problems after moving /var directory12:29
Scott__2I just installed Ubuntu on my laptop but now it won't pick up any wireless networks. any ideas?12:29
kpkarlprogre55: ok, and you have the restricted repository enabled?12:29
actionParsnipScott__2: run: sudo lshw -C network   websearch for the product line to find guides12:29
progre55kpkarl: yep12:29
jouytactionParsnip: do u know logmein? I want to do something like that, but, ssh12:29
PedroPT(can't remember last time i used irc)12:29
kpkarlprogre55: then I'm not really sure what it could be. Try downloading and installing the driver from ATi's website12:30
actionParsnipjouyt: i've heard of it, you can access vnc through ssh to add security as VNC has zero security12:30
progre55kpkarl: actually everything was fine, until I decided to update the ati drivers to 10.9 and after a reboot I got this problem..12:30
progre55kpkarl: let me try to re-install it..12:30
wieshkaok - question - i have disabled pasword prompt for bootup - made auto login for my desktop user, but sometimes it still asks for login prompt, but i have to be for 100% sure, that my desktop will load with out any password prompt12:30
kpkarlprogre55: ok12:31
jouytactionParsnip: the idea is to just do ssh12:31
wieshkamaybe there is tip/trick for that ?12:31
wieshkathe reason why i need this, is that one of my PCs dont have any input devices12:31
wieshkaand some custom desktop applications runs on bootup12:31
babtuxhow can set dns on my internet connection?12:31
actionParsnipjouyt: you can launch X based apps via SSH, they wil be running on the server system be displayed on the client12:32
actionParsnipjouyt: if you run: ssh -X user@server    you can launch X based apps from the terminal (suffic the commands with an ampersand so you get console control back)12:33
actionParsnipjouyt: what sort of activities with you do on the remote system? Many apps have a web interface12:33
jouytactionParsnip: I know, but I dont want ANY x11 app12:33
RoflmaobaobaoHello for install a compilator in ubuntu 8 apt-get install build-essential ?12:34
Dr_WillisRoflmaobaobao:  yes.12:34
Roflmaobaobaoroot@189107:~# apt-get install build-essential12:34
RoflmaobaobaoReading package lists... Done12:34
RoflmaobaobaoBuilding dependency tree... Done12:34
RoflmaobaobaoE: Couldn't find package build-essential12:34
FloodBot2Roflmaobaobao: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:34
actionParsnipjouyt: then what do you need?12:34
Roflmaobaobaogive me this problem12:34
Dr_Williswieshka:  you could set the user to not have a password. so even if it ever asks . they just hit enter.12:34
actionParsnipRoflmaobaobao: run: sudo apt-get update    first12:34
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)12:35
actionParsnip!info build-essential | Roflmaobaobao12:35
ubottuRoflmaobaobao: build-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.4build1 (lucid), package size 7 kB, installed size 48 kB12:35
AbhiJitIdleOne, you there?12:35
wieshkaDr_Willis: it isnt solution - i have no input devices for that PC12:35
wieshkaso hiting enter isnt a option12:35
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jouytactionParsnip: so what i need is to make a laptop computer allways accesible on the internet wherever it is12:35
Dr_Williswieshka:  so its mouse only? or what exactly?12:35
wieshkatb solution12:35
wieshkaDr_Willis: it is with all inputs locked12:35
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wieshkamodprobe -r usbhid12:36
Dr_Williswieshka:  so whats its doing then?12:36
Scott__2actionParsnip, thanks, it did work last time i installed ubuntu so i was wondering if i'd missed something obvious12:36
nuuubhi, in a kernel update yesterday then system went down... when i turned the pc on again, updates were givin a ppa 404 error(i solved by unchecking the ppa) but now i dont have acess to ubuntu updates and 2 . when i access hardware toolkit, it says that i dont have the propietary drivers...but only that , all fields are blank...and i tried to install nvidia-current manually, i got a blank screen with a white fixed underscore in the top12:36
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »12:36
AbhiJitif i install previous version of kernel. then boot into taht kernel then remove the current latest kernel and then upgrade ubuntu. will it solve my sound problem?12:36
wieshkabasicly it runs gnome desktop and shows up my custom software12:36
actionParsnipjouyt: you can with ssh etc, you can then not store your password to improve security etc.12:36
Dr_Williswieshka:  so basically its running a video player?  or somthing..12:36
actionParsnipScott__2: what is the product line of the wifi?12:36
RoflmaobaobaoKK TY12:36
wieshkaDr_Willis: not really, but idea is very close to that12:37
Roflmaobaobao*kk ty ( sorry for caps )12:37
Scott__2actionParsnip, VT6102 [Rhine-II]12:37
Dr_Williswieshka:  check the foruims for koisk (ksoisk?) guides12:37
wieshkakiosk ?12:37
actionParsnipScott__2: thats the ethernet, not wireless12:37
Dr_Willisstand alone pc that just runs an app/advertisement/mall type thing..12:37
Scott__2actionParsnip, oh, well i can't see anything else apart from that12:38
Dr_WillisYou can set gdm to login with no pass.. and always auto-log back in on crash..12:38
AbhiJithow to install previous version of kernel?12:38
jouytactionParsnip: no i cant, for that, I had to configure my router specifically for that12:38
AbhiJitwhat is the command?12:38
Dr_Willisyou could even make some sort of cron job that reboots the pc, or restarts X if it sees yur app isent running..12:38
actionParsnipScott__2: make sure the killswitch for the wifi is set to on and reboot the PC. You can rerun the command to see if its picked up. You may also want to then run:   dmesg | less    to see if the chip was picked up during boot12:38
actionParsnipjouyt: well yeah, any connection needs configuring. The nature of nat drops any unwanted connections which is why a router acts like a firewall12:39
jouytAbhiJit: is a word or combination of words that written in a interpretator, makes somethig12:39
AbhiJitcant i install a kernel like we install aps? e.g. sudo apt-get install vlc? can i?12:39
nuuubcan i reinstall ubuntu and keep files and settings?12:40
jouytactionParsnip: thats the point, i want to configure nat automatically or comething12:40
neekersin the sshd_config file, there is a line ->  %h/.ssh/authorized_keys, what does the %h stand for?12:40
jouytnuuub: u can, but if u have ur home directory in a diferent partition, if not12:40
jribneekers: man sshd_config says  %h is replaced by the home directory of the user being authenticated12:41
neekersahh, thank you12:41
jouytnuuub: reduce one, create another partition, copy files there, and then reinstall12:41
actionParsnipjouyt: depends on the router, those remote access softwares always keep the router expecting a link so require no connection. SSH needs specially configuring. You will need to RTM to see how to let the connectivity through for SSH.12:41
kpkarlprogre55: have you had any luck reinstalling?12:41
nuuubjouyt: and what about settings?12:41
progre55kpkarl: I've found this http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/updated-drivers-everything-gone-wrong-please-help-813109/ and following the steps =)12:42
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:42
konobi1234nuuub: Best option is to have separated partition, one for /boot, /home and / (root)12:42
jouytnuuub: do u mean when installing?12:42
jouytkonobi1234: with just /home and / is enought12:42
nuuubi can save files in another disk12:42
meatbunso i am using the new ubuntu12:43
jouytactionParsnip: so what u mean, is that ssh should be always connected to a server, so that i could reverse connect?12:43
nuuubbut i will lose all my passoword settings , program definition, is all that in home directory?12:43
meatbuni have problems, using printer to pdf12:43
konobi1234jouyt: OK.. currently I have just like you say12:43
neekersjrib: thanks for showing me that man page, i didn't know it existed...12:43
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meatbuni changed it to 200%, but paper is only showing part of my page12:43
jouytnuuub: what U can do, is to cp all /home, but take care12:44
meatbunthat's bad, they changed the settings12:44
jouytnuuub: if U ecrypted it, u have to take care of knowing the password12:44
actionParsnipjouyt: ssh wont always be connected. The port 22 (or whichever port you like) needs to be forwarded from the external of your home LAN to the laptop. You can then connect to it and do as you please12:45
konobi1234Who encrypt /home folder? Is that good idea?12:45
nuuubjouyt: ok thanks12:45
nuuuband with that i keep my settings?12:45
actionParsnipkonobi1234: if you are new to the OS I don't persoanlly advise it12:45
AbhiJitno one knows12:46
babtuxhow set dns on my internet connection?12:46
actionParsnipAbhiJit: no ext4 is not accessible yet, keep an ear on www.fs-driver.org12:46
aeon-ltdbabtux: network manager, or on your router12:46
BlueEaglebabtux: You would want to edit /etc/network/interfaces and specify nameserver there iirc12:47
konobi1234actionParsnip: I'm not newbie :)12:47
nuuubthanks anyway jouyt i'll do that12:47
icarus-cactionParsnip, that thing seems dead for years12:47
colde89if I use vpn on a hosting-server, do I need there other security-applications?12:47
jouytactionParsnip: I mean, if I create a cron that tryes to connect by ssh to my server in my laptop and when I want to control my laptop I just need to login into my server and make reverse conection?12:47
actionParsnipAbhiJit: also hassle microsoft, the definition is open and available so not hard to make, funny how their proprietary and close NTFS is readable and writable by Linux but Microsoft OSes can't write or even read ext412:47
AbhiJitactionParsnip, not that12:48
actionParsnipicarus-c: it's all I know dude, I don't use windows outside of work12:48
AbhiJitactionParsnip, if i install previous version of kernel. then boot into taht kernel then remove the current latest kernel and then upgrade ubuntu. will it solve my sound problem?12:48
icarus-cactionParsnip, that is sort of marketing strategy i suppose12:48
actionParsnipkonobi1234: if you think you will benefit from it then go for it. I think it causes more headaches than its worth12:48
icarus-cand open source programmers can't bother writing ext4 driver for crappy windows12:48
Angellowhello is there anyone able to help me ?12:49
AngellowUnable to mount 210 GB Filesystem12:49
icarus-cAngellow, what file system is that12:49
actionParsnipAbhiJit: if you can find debs for the older kernel, sure why not. I'd tread VERY carefully though12:49
actionParsnip!mount | Angellow12:50
ubottuAngellow: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount12:50
AbhiJitactionParsnip, install from synaptic12:50
AbhiJitactionParsnip, installing*12:50
jouytactionParsnip: ok, I will try that12:50
babtuxBlueEagle: this is in my interfaces auto lo12:50
actionParsnipjouyt: not sure, ive never reverse connected12:50
babtuxiface lo inet loopback i want set this dns: what do i have to do?12:50
AbhiJitactionParsnip, so which one i need? now i am in process of installing that one containg word  'generic' what else i should install?12:50
Angellowis a hardisk  icarus-c   it is like D12:50
actionParsnipbabtux: loopback doesn't need DNS12:50
actionParsnipAbhiJit: yes the generic is the one you'll need12:51
icarus-cAngellow, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_system12:51
Scott__2actionParsnip, I've rebooted but still can't see any different and I don't think I can see anything in dmesg12:51
babtuxactionParsnip: i can not connetct to net with out dns12:51
actionParsnipbabtux: yes, so you aply the DNS to the interface with the connction (like eth0 or wlan0)12:51
adalalhi, is there a way to have a login on the computer that opens up to just one application instead of gnome?12:51
actionParsnipScott__2: maybe you need some boot options to get the device seen12:52
icarus-cAngellow, ext4,  fat, ntfs, zfs are examples of file system12:52
actionParsnip!bootoptions | Scott__212:52
AbhiJitactionParsnip, thank you12:52
ubottuScott__2: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions12:52
Angellowit is a partition of windows  windows is in C but it doesent dakes D12:52
babtuxactionParsnip: how do i edit this file? how set dns?12:52
icarus-cAngellow, that should be NTFS then12:52
actionParsnipbabtux: apply them in network manager12:52
AngellowIcarus is ntfs12:52
Katsumi32anyone know if there is some tool to check up usb port speed ? or test usb port ?12:53
icarus-cAngellow, you need ntfs-3g installed. then open up nautilus file browser and double click the file system on the left panel12:53
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:53
meatbuni have prob with evince. i changed scale to 200%, but the new page that comes are did not include all the contents12:54
babtuxactionParsnip: your mean is network connection?12:54
adalalis there a way to lock a user to one application?12:54
meatbunso frustrating, never had that prob. when i was using ubuntu 9.x12:54
meatbunsomething that was working no longer works12:54
babtuxactionParsnip: ?12:55
aeon-ltdadalal: i suppoe you could give them permission to only laucnh one thing in /usr/bin12:55
aeon-ltd!chmod | adalal12:55
ubottuadalal: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions12:55
actionParsnipbabtux: yes, edit the network connections then set the connection to use DHCP for address only. You can then set the servers in the sections below12:55
actionParsnipbabtux: its takes me more than 1 second to type ANYTHING dude, grow some patience12:55
aeon-ltdadalal: why?, are you trying to make a kiosk?12:55
adalalaeon-ltd: i'm trying to setup a POS system, where the vendor login just opens up the lemon POS system12:55
adalaland has access to nothing else12:55
aeon-ltdadalal: yeah you could do that12:56
adalalaeon-ltd: how?12:56
aeon-ltd!chmod | adalal12:56
enetichey.. im having some problems with my laptop. first off all the integrated wifi card will not work. its working once in a while, so i cant really figure out whats wrong. second of all, i bought a new usb wifi card of the brand "gigabyte GN-WB31N-RH". my problem with that card is that i cant get firefox to show any webpage. i can, however make a ping request in the terminal, forexample "ping www.ubuntu.com" and it will respond. so i guess i12:56
enetichave a connection to the internet, but i cant figure out whats wrong with it.. i have never experienced this before..12:56
FloodBot2enetic: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:56
zaidaus!chmod | zaidaus12:56
ubottuzaidaus, please see my private message12:56
icarus-cAngellow, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21700912:56
aeon-ltdadalal: remove all permissions of all executables except the one you need with chmod12:56
babtuxactionParsnip: what write search domain and dhcp client id?12:57
actionParsnipenetic: if you run: sudo lshw -C network   you should see the wireless chip, you can websearch for guides using the product line12:57
adalalaeon-ltd: ok.. thanks12:57
babtuxactionParsnip: is important fill them?12:57
aeon-ltdadalal: not sure if theres a shorter method though12:57
actionParsnipbabtux: you dont need those, just the DNS servers need populating as you wish12:57
adalalaeon-ltd: thanks12:57
babtuxactionParsnip: if want set 2 dns what do i have to do?12:57
aeon-ltdbabtux: why would you ever need 2?12:58
actionParsnipbabtux: put a comman in between. E.g:,
ShapeshifterHi. Has this hole been fixed in linux-server http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Hole-in-Linux-kernel-provides-root-rights-1081317.html I asked in #ubuntu-server but there's no answer. Does anyone know where I could look up the version history/change log of this package?12:58
aeon-ltdlolcat: hi12:58
actionParsnipaeon-ltd: I use two, i always run a local DNS to cache DNS resolutions, makes the web a touch faster :)12:58
Katsumi32lolcat, hi12:59
lolcatI lost my network icon, is there any way to connect to a nwtwork?12:59
actionParsniplolcat: if you have networks configured then its not really needed, you just wont get notifid of whats going on12:59
actionParsniplolcat: if you press ALT+F2, type: nm-applet   and press enter, it should re-appear13:00
aeon-ltdactionParsnip: oh ok, like a SQUID server13:00
actionParsnipaeon-ltd: dnsmasq13:00
aeon-ltdactionParsnip: offtopic, but do you use a pc as a router?13:01
lolcatactionParsnip: thanks13:01
svchostHi. I want to upload Java app into D900i using samsutools (samsungjava-ppp) but it lasts very long (40 KB - over 15 minutes). How to speed up PPP transfer in Ubuntu?13:01
eneticactionParsnip, thank you.. i got a response. it seems that it is connected to the internet. i got the ip but forexample when i try to access my router from the laptop, it wont do.. no. i use a netgear router.13:01
actionParsnipaeon-ltd: tell dnsmasq to listen on then add as a DNS server, makes resolutions take 0ms rather than 30ms.Makes your system not query web DNS every time13:01
babtuxactionParsnip: i have a problem with my resolution  i installed graphic driver but cant change my resolution why?13:01
aeon-ltdactionParsnip: k13:02
ikoniasvchost: you can't, your using a java app contact the app owner13:02
actionParsnipaeon-ltd: no, i put a local dns on every system, makes things sweeter, couple it with chromiums pre-dns fetching and you got greased lightning13:02
actionParsnipbabtux: ask the channel13:02
c3lcan du produce a colored output depending on type of file, like ls?13:02
svchostikonia: i though it depends of Ubuntu config files (ppp-related) but i will ask app's producer ;)13:02
ikoniasvchost: no13:03
actionParsnipenetic: can you ping ?13:03
ikoniac3l: no13:03
spid3rxx its not ip adresse13:03
spid3rxxi guess13:03
eneticactionParsnip, yes. is responding13:03
incorrectwow thunderbird seg faults if i don't have nscd running13:04
AbhiJitactionParsnip, i installed the previous kernel and my all sound problems solved magi cally. but problems is now in update it is not showint the next kernal update to be installed. shoud i wait some time or what else?13:04
neekersif you are trying to setup ssh from 2 remote machines that have the same user logged in, do you use the same file on the server for both users? => cat id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys13:04
c3likonia: that not nice, is du the most used tool to display file and folder sizes, or is there any other more used tool for that, that gives a more readable output?13:04
actionParsnipenetic: ok in network manager change the interface to use DHCP for address only then set the DNS server to:,    save the new setting and reconnect. The web should now be ok13:04
eneticactionParsnip, and when i access my router from this computer, i can see the laptop connected to the router..13:04
babtux i have a problem with my resolution i installed graphic driver but cant change my resolution now resolution is 1280*1024 when i change to 1920*1080 not ser correctly why?13:05
actionParsnipAbhiJit: i'd log a bug with the newer kernel then13:05
ikoniac3l: du is exceptioanlly readable13:05
Dr_Willisc3l:  thers dozens of tools that can do it.  Depends on what you want.13:05
AbhiJitactionParsnip, no no13:05
coyote_join help13:05
AbhiJitactionParsnip, i mean in sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade there it is not showing any update it tell me that my system  is up to date13:05
Dr_Willisc3l:  http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20100916141430352/DiskUsageAnalyzers.html13:06
GhagI need help, I'm trying to play a game and it tells me I need " Sun JVM...'13:06
neekersfor instance, if both remote users are nick, do you cat both public keys to /home/nick/.ssh/authorized_keys?13:06
c3lDr_Willis: coloring files according to type (folder, symlink etc..)13:06
ikoniaGhag: install sun jvm13:06
Dr_WillisGhag:  instgall the sun JVM/JRE from the partners repository.13:06
Dr_Willis!java | Ghag13:06
ubottuGhag: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.13:06
spid3rxxi have boot ubuntu on my flash memory13:06
AbhiJit!info kernel13:06
ubottuPackage kernel does not exist in lucid13:06
Dr_WillisGhag:  what game requires the sun jvm? the icedtea jvm works for all ive tried.13:06
ikoniaAbhiJit: what is the issue ?13:07
actionParsnipAbhiJit: weird, oh well. If its working then who cares :) :)13:07
spid3rxxya  i need info13:07
actionParsnip!info linux-image | AbhiJit13:07
ubottuAbhiJit: linux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)13:07
AbhiJitactionParsnip, yah thas true13:07
geirhaneekers: You can have as many public keys listed in .ssh/autorized keys as you want. One key per line.13:07
GhagDr_Willis, minecraft does, hear of minecraft?13:07
spid3rxxwhen i can13:07
Dr_WillisGhag:  nope. never heard of it13:07
babtuxi have a problem with my resolution i installed graphic driver but cant change my resolution now resolution is 1280*1024 when i change to 1920*1080 not ser correctly why?13:07
spid3rxxfounde all key13:07
neekersone key per line, thank you13:07
GhagThere Dr_WIllis13:07
Dr_WillisFreeCol is about the only java game iplay13:07
GhagScroll down in it13:07
AbhiJitikonia, i just installed previous version of linux kernle i.e. #23 and removedd the latest one i.e. #24 but now i in update it dont show any update for kernels.13:07
FloodBot2Ghag: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:07
spid3rxxall security key13:08
AbhiJitikonia, actionParsnip should i again just manualy install the latest kernal #25?13:08
AbhiJitoh i mean #2413:08
ikoniaAbhiJit: I'd check to make sure it's not still installed13:08
AbhiJitikonia, yah i removed the latest kernel with ubuntu tweak13:08
AbhiJitand its not installed. i restarted the pc13:09
ikoniaAbhiJit: ahhh ubuntu tweak = your system is no longer supported13:09
actionParsnipAbhiJit: i'd see what autoupdates brings down13:09
AbhiJitikonia, :)13:09
ikoniaAbhiJit: why you felt the need to use ubuntu tweek when the supported package manager tools are there I don't know13:09
Dr_WillisGhag:  Install the SUN Java JRE from the 'partners' repository.13:09
AbhiJitikonia, i just read on some blog that tweak is easy gui to do day to day ubutnu things13:09
Dr_WillisGhag:  tahts what you do.13:09
ikoniaAbhiJit: you read wrong13:09
incorrectikonia, because ubuntu tweak is much slicker13:09
AbhiJitactionParsnip, should i manual again now install altest kernel?13:10
ikoniaAbhiJit: can you use synaptic ?13:10
ikoniaincorrect: nonsense13:10
AbhiJitikonia, yes i can13:10
GhagUhh, how to get the repository?13:10
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »13:10
actionParsnipAbhiJit: your call dude13:10
ikoniaAbhiJit: ok - so why did you need to use unsupported software to remove a software package13:10
AbhiJitactionParsnip, means?13:10
AbhiJitikonia, dunno. i felt if fancy and good13:10
babtuxhow solve this error? could not set the configuration for crtc 43413:10
ikoniaAbhiJit: well, your system is now unsupportible13:10
spid3rxxand  i need  help on vpnc13:11
AbhiJitikonia, so what you suggest now? should i uninstall ubuntu tweak?13:11
GhagDr_Willis, you lost me, what do i do?13:11
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »13:11
Dr_WillisGhag:  run that command the bot gave for the !partner repository,13:11
GhagWhich was?13:11
ikoniaAbhiJit: too late, you don't know what it's changed, how and why, your system is now in an unsupportable state13:11
incorrectikonia, compare and contrast, tweak gets me more control over components, it allows me a quick ui to apt-get clean, fast way to remove cruft from my system, err ubuntu software centre, well i haven't found chrome on there yet13:11
AbhiJitikonia, so reinstall is the only solution?13:11
Dr_Willis!partner | Ghag  (got no history buffer on your irc client??13:12
ubottuGhag  (got no history buffer on your irc client??: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »13:12
AbhiJitikonia, i mean reinstall os13:12
eneticactionParsnip, i did what you said, but still, its not working. i set the primary dns to and the secondary to the network card shows a speed of 54 Mbit/s.13:12
ikoniaincorrect: it also changes things in an unknown manner, accesses unofficial repos that can cause software instability13:12
Dr_Willis!java | Ghag13:12
ubottuGhag: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.13:12
ikoniaAbhiJit: up to you13:12
GhagDr_Willis, I have no idea what you mean for me to put into terminal13:12
konobi12348.8.8.8 google DNS :D13:12
* Ghag points gun at head.13:12
AbhiJitikonia, i want my system to be supportable. what to do?13:12
Dr_WillisGhag:  the command the bot said between the  << and  >> things13:12
incorrectikonia, and it says, with a lovely warning don't do that unless you know what you are doing13:12
ikoniaAbhiJit: up to you13:12
AbhiJitikonia, :(13:13
ikoniaincorrect: depends if people heed that13:13
GhagDr_Willis nothing happened13:13
incorrectikonia, you act like it didn't tell them, i am sure i can get my system into a funny state via the software centre too13:13
meatbun!help | meatbun13:13
ubottumeatbun, please see my private message13:13
Dr_WillisGhag:  it added the repiository...13:13
ikoniaincorrect: doubtful13:14
incorrectah let me see now, change graphics drivers package, that is in the standard list13:14
spid3rxxya i found it13:14
c3likonia: du is okay, if id find a way do display all non-hidden files and 1 directories, as 'du --max-depth=1 -a' but this also shows dotted files, do you know how I can hide these? manpage doesnt tell me. --exclude=.* doesent work either (nor prepending .* with a /)13:14
Dr_WillisGhag:  how sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade, and install teh sun java JRE like the !java factoid said.13:14
incorrecttaking out my graphics card now without a warning of a 'don't do this'13:14
Dr_Willissudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc)13:14
Dr_Willis │              | partner" »13:14
Dr_Willisdoh - wrong paste. :)13:14
FloodBot2Dr_Willis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:14
meatbun!sound | meatbun13:14
ubottumeatbun, please see my private message13:14
Dr_Willissudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre13:14
ikoniac3l: exclude does work13:14
actionParsnipenetic: if you run:   dig www.google.com     do you get resolution?13:15
GhagWell thanks13:15
glassresistorso myself and afew people i work with keep having the same problem with lucid(i think they are all server ed) logging us out of Xorg after 20mins or something like that of idle time13:15
c3likonia: weird, so is there a way to show everything in depth=1 except dotfiles?13:15
GhagThanks guys13:15
actionParsnipkonobi1234: google dns is just easy to remember, way easier than the opendns ones13:16
mrandI have installed 10.10 on a old test laptop... it boots to the background/wallpaper, but nothing more - no menu bar or anything is fired off.  Ideas?13:16
glassresistoranyone know how to change that fearture13:16
AbhiJitmrand, ask in #ubuntu+113:16
Dr_Willismrand:  ask in #ubuntu+1  and tell them yur video card13:16
mrand*slapsforhead*  thanks13:16
eneticactionParsnip, yea, i got an answer after 56 mSec..13:16
spid3rxxdr_willis how long you are using ubuntu13:17
Dr_Willisspid3rxx:  since breezy badger.. i think.13:17
spid3rxxi see you pro13:17
AbhiJitikonia, do you mean that using synaptic to remove kernel whould have not caused this problem? so that i wll use synpatic in next time13:17
sniperjo_where would the best place be to ask about WiFi ?13:17
spid3rxxno serouciilly13:17
spid3rxxi n hier13:17
ubottuUbuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger) was the third release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 13, 2007. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.13:17
AbhiJitsniperjo_, which os you are using?13:17
Dr_Williswhat was befor breezy.. :) i may of been using  it befor that..13:18
sniperjo_AbhiJit:  Ubuntu, but its more technical hardware stuff13:18
actionParsnipenetic: ok so you have DNS resolution and an IP, can you view the router config page in your browser? Can you get system updates?13:18
spid3rxxzhy love use it13:18
spid3rxxwhy love use it13:18
AbhiJitsniperjo_, first ask here if its not related to ubuntu then you ask in ##hardware13:18
jribDr_Willis: warty, hoary, breezy, dapper the alphabetical :)13:18
spid3rxxwhy love use it13:18
AbhiJitikonia, i am asking your suggestion13:18
Dr_WillisOk.. hmm.. i rcall using warty.. also..13:18
ubottuUbuntu 4.10 (Warty Warthog) was the first release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30, 2006. See !eol for more details.13:18
eneticactionParsnip, no. i cant access the router or the system updates.. it wont connect.13:19
wildc4rdafternoon all13:19
AbhiJitnow what wrong i have dont that he is not answering?13:19
c3lis port 3132 an ok port to listen to with my ssh server?13:20
Katsumi32AbhiJit, whats the problem ?13:21
aeon-ltdc3l: err not anymore13:21
actionParsnipenetic: hmm, not sure then. Maybe someone else can pitch in. At least you have DNS resolution. If you run: sudo apt-get update    does it hit the servers?13:21
c3laeon-ltd: would you mind explaining some more?13:22
AbhiJitKatsumi32, i removed kernel with ubuntu twek and it creates some problems. so is it like that if i used synaptic then this problem is not arise?13:22
spid3rxxby the  do i need divice or drivers toi install on ubuntu13:22
spid3rxxfor wifi13:22
Katsumi32AbhiJit, why did you remove kernel ?13:22
coolroot--i got a problem regarding to my broadcom sta wireless driver...i can see my driver but it's not been activated...when i tried to click activate.. i got error13:22
coolroot--http://paste.ubuntu.com/496442/ thank you13:22
aeon-ltdc3l: you just told everyone the port your listening on, your ip address could be found out soon enough, and in a few minutes you could be expecting brute force attacks on ssh13:22
AbhiJitKatsumi32, thats a long story. in short its this - no sound card detected13:23
yangpeng_i am doing something about preseeding, can somebody help me?13:23
Katsumi32AbhiJit, everytime u want to remove something thats not needed tun sudo apt-get remove instaed going to synaptic and just removing things13:23
actionParsnipAbhiJit: ubuntu-tweak is not an official canonical app (its not in the repos) so any action it takes is unsuportable. If you remove them using synaptic then it is fine. Why you are using ubuntu-tweak for that aqction is beyond my cmoprehension13:23
spid3rxxuse back track for brute force attake13:23
jribc3l: not like it's that difficult to just scan your ports to see where you have ssh listening if someone wanted to attack you in particular13:23
Katsumi32also AbhiJit installl Bleachbit its like cc in windows will help you clean ubuntu13:23
spid3rxxhe is the best security live cd13:23
AbhiJitactionParsnip, :'(13:23
spid3rxxandthe best hacking cd13:23
aeon-ltdjrib: it justs saves time for attackers13:24
AbhiJitKatsumi32, hmm13:24
spid3rxxbetter than ubuntu13:24
c3laeon-ltd: haahah oopsie, thats stupid, luckily im not using it, just asking, if its a commonly scanned port or of alot of other tools are using it, I need to find a port that my friends windows box doesnt block13:24
incorrect_weird all my usb devices turn off from time to time13:24
spid3rxx i tell you this is the  truth13:24
actionParsnipspid3rxx: BSD is more secure13:24
jribspid3rxx: k13:24
spid3rxxnothing is back track13:25
coolroot--http://paste.ubuntu.com/496442/ thank you13:25
spid3rxxno back track13:25
spid3rxxis more secure13:25
jribspid3rxx: let's try to stay on the topic of ubuntu support13:25
actionParsnipspid3rxx: look at the security track record of BSD13:25
coolroot--i got a problem regarding to my broadcom sta wireless driver...i can see my driver but it's not been activated...when i tried to click activate.. i got error http://paste.ubuntu.com/496442/ thank you13:25
spid3rxxtheris evry thing into13:25
c3ljrib: thats true, I just want to avoid becoming a constant victim to attacks due to choosing a bad port13:25
aeon-ltdc3l: any port is fine, windows, if they've got a firewall, blocks imcoming connections (except those allowed) by default. so its really their problem not something you can change without going to there machine13:26
yangpeng_preceeding when installing ubuntu, someone can help me?13:26
spid3rxxeven you vvan ;akeserver on it13:26
spid3rxxeven you can makeserver on it13:26
c3laeon-ltd: its his bussines computer, quite restricted =/13:26
Katsumi32yangpeng_, whats the problem ?13:26
=== biggimat is now known as Matic`Makovec
spid3rxxtry back track13:26
spid3rxxis the best13:26
neriukasnubuntu ;)13:27
actionParsnipspid3rxx: backtrack is oftopic here13:27
aeon-ltdc3l: it probably has 443, for messenging and https open, and obviously 80 for http13:27
eneticactionParsnip, it is, at first, but it stops loading after a while..13:27
coolroot--hey why are u talkin some shit portscanning activities here? this aint a portscanner h4x0r channel...mind to go to other channels?13:27
spid3rxxi have use ubuntu13:27
Katsumi32spid3rxx, what do you want to track back ?13:27
actionParsnipenetic: strange, maybe there is some extra config needed for your wireless chip13:27
spid3rxxi jest toking13:28
spid3rxxi ; user  of ubuntu too13:28
eneticactionParsnip, i guess... but thank you very much anyways !13:28
bazhangspid3rxx, wrong channel13:28
c3laeon-ltd: wouldnt it be bad to use a port thats used by http, like 80 or 8080, or ftps 21. or is that ok? with security in mind13:28
coolroot--h4x0r wannabes ei? callin urself a h4x0r usin those shit done apps made by someone else........learn to code and call urself an elite! rather depending on others made tools! geez.....get a life!13:28
aeon-ltdc3l: yeah, your gonna have to open a port on there side to gain access13:29
c3laeon-ltd: awh, well thanks alot for clarifying!13:30
neriukasWho know nubuntu?13:32
jimcooncat I'm interested in the gtk-server provided by gtk-server.org. I don't see where it's in ubuntu. Googling "ubuntu gtk-server" leads me nowhere. Perhaps there's some quality issue why it's not packaged. Any ideas how I find out?13:32
neriukasi have nubuntu 8.12 :D13:33
OerHeksjimcooncat, never heard of gtk server, i do know xserver.13:33
c3lneriukas: the project seems dead?13:33
misc--are there any twitter clients that work any more? (needs to support oauth)13:33
neriukasc3l yes it dead but you can download nubuntu from torrent it still alive13:34
actionParsnipmisc--: omgubuntu seems to know them all13:34
MohammadAGKthWeeteur or something :P13:34
misc--what is omgubuntu?13:34
c3lneriukas: I wouldnt recommend using a distro thats no longer in development, im sure there are some other, alive, distros out there with what you want13:35
AbhiJitmisc--, its blog dedicated to ubuntu. type /j #omg!ubuntu to join their channel13:35
aeon-ltdneriukas: uhh, you could just get ubuntu server and install whatever nubuntu had13:36
misc--AbhiJit: wow you are right, all the information that I needed right there. Thanks13:36
AbhiJitmisc--, yah13:37
allu2Hello, my ubuntu 10.04 just freezed (well at least the cursor) but ssh works, this is not first time and i wondered if anyone would like to see what is wrong with it, (Dmesg = http://pastebin.com/MVq8GeG8 ) and (Xorg.log = http://pastebin.com/6mS4frpv )13:37
neriukasaeon-ltd system requiremnts for ubuntu server?13:37
aeon-ltdneriukas: very low, not sure of specifics, but pentium 3 800mhz, 32-64mb of ram iirc13:38
misc--allu2: maybe X just froze... have you tried restarting gdm from ssh? sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart13:38
Dr_Willismisc--:  most of the clients have updated to support that. from what i read at the 'omgubuntu' web site13:38
_ting_i need help13:39
Dr_Willis!details | _ting_13:39
ubottu_ting_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:39
allu2misc--, i'll try, but question is why it froze? and as this is not the first time it get's annoying13:39
misc--oh it's actually a site.. I thought they were mocking me heh13:39
_ting_could anyone help me? how can i run drivers windows from the console ?13:39
Dr_Willis_ting_:  clarify what you mean.13:39
_ting_because my screen now it is very very small i cannt acces to the menu13:40
weez^Dr_Willis i got a problem regarding to my broadcom sta wireless driver...i can see my driver but it's not been activated...when i tried to click activate.. i got error http://paste.ubuntu.com/496442/ thank you13:40
misc--allu2: may be it's the screensaver or something along those lines that's causing it... I've seen a few cases recently where that's happened13:40
_ting_I need to access to system->hardware drivers13:40
=== lucy is now known as Guest43929
_ting_but through out the terminal13:40
Dr_Willisweez^:  for my one laptop that used STA - i ended up just installing the drivers via apt-get..13:40
allu2misc--, it freezez randomly by any random act i do, sometime it runs for days and sometimes just few minutes13:40
Dr_Willis_ting_:  the binary for that menu item is 'jockey-gtk'13:40
allu2this time i opened places tab on panle and noticed input froze13:41
BE88hallo thare ..13:41
BE88i need to recover deleted files in Amarok ubuntu 10.0413:41
henry_(Hi all - my first time on IRC curious to see how it all works)13:41
Guest43929go away13:41
allu2hi henry_13:41
spydonhenry_, hi13:41
BE88the Amarok delete all my music some how13:41
weez^Dr_Willis so i need to reinstall my broadcom reps? uninstall from my sypnatics? then try to  install it back thru apt-get in terminal?13:41
misc--allu2: can you push ctrl-alt-f1 to get to a console, when it freezes? I guess it's not a complete freeze because you can still ssh in to it13:41
Guest43929hi hennry13:42
BE88help need my music back ;(13:42
allu2misc--, doesn't work, no input from keyboard or mouse(touchpad) nor external (usb mouse) is accpeted13:42
Dr_Willisweez^:  on one box. the sta drivers dident even work for me.  I dont have that laptop any more. so havent used them in a few months.13:42
allu2misc--, nothing happens, clock ticks on the panel and i can ssh on it13:42
Dr_Willisweez^:  You could just try installing them via the command line. and not use the hardqaredrivers tool13:42
allu2misc--, just input it frozen13:42
Guest43929Dr willis13:43
c3lhenry_: hi there, this channel is relativly bussy, if you got a question, just ask it, if you just want to talk, #ubuntu-offtopic is then the challen :)13:43
coyote#/join <ubuntu-fr>13:43
misc--allu2: Ah right I see. Hmmmm I'm not sure about that one then :/13:43
henry_ok thanks - just really having a look, thanks thou!!13:43
SerafeimHow can I open a pdf porfolio in ubuntu?13:43
misc--allu2: to verify that it really is just the input, you could maybe enable remote desktop (system -> preferences -> remote desktop) and then see if you can vnc to it when it freezes again13:44
Guest43929hi henry13:44
allu2misc--, if i press powerbutton it promps out the shutdown options but well i can't press them :P13:44
Serafeimplease help me!13:44
=== spanther_ is now known as spanther
allu2misc--, so X is running13:45
Dr_Willis!details | Serafeim13:45
ubottuSerafeim: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:45
amanita_Hi, is there any solution to send text message from Ekiga to my Skype buddy?13:45
weez^Dr_Willis my wireless is working but thanx to xbonesx help yesterday....but when i try to use aircrack seems my wireless can't be detected...wew13:45
Serafeimok sorry13:45
Dr_Willisweez^:  i dont use aircrack. so no idea. I think that tool only works with some cards/drivers13:45
spantheryay 10.10 works awesome on my ASUS eeePC 1005p :)13:45
ikoniaweez^: why do you want to use aircrack if your wirless network is working13:45
ikoniaspanther: #ubuntu+1 for 10.10 discussion13:46
misc--allu2: I'm thiking... but I can't think of anything to try...13:46
allu2ikonia, he wants to uses neigbours ultra fast 100mb/s connection? :P13:46
spantherikonia, i don't want to discuss about it ;)13:46
ikoniaallu2: please don't suggest things that aren't true unless you know they are13:46
ikoniaspanther: then please don't make pointless statements about it13:46
allu2ikonia, sorry, for having humor :S13:47
ikoniaallu2: no problem13:47
spantherikonia, the point is, others now know about it too. was not pointless :)13:47
weez^ikonia: i got wifi connections around me....i can't afford to have one...so might help to access others.... :(13:47
ikoniaweez^: that is illegal and we will not discuss/support it in this channel13:47
ikoniaspanther: ok - I'll make it clear, Please don't talk about ubuntu 10.10 in this channel, #ubuntu+1 only13:48
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=== xxx is now known as Guest79209
Guest79209ok this looks like irc13:48
ikoniaGuest79209: it is, welcome13:48
weez^ikonia: yup! sorry13:48
c3lspanther: this is a support channel, people ask questions and people who know the answer helps. for geleral talk about ubuntu or anything else, go to #ubuntu-offtopic13:48
Guest79209ok I gonna change channel too13:48
Guest79209just wanted to test irssi13:48
spantherc3l, ok :)13:48
misc--why can't people talk about ubuntu 10.10?13:49
SerafeimI have a pdf file that is a portfolio. That means than a single pdf file contains many pdf documents (for example my pdf portfolio has 130 pdf documents). When I open this portfolio with the evince programme I get this messange: For the best experience, open this PDF portfolio in Acrobat 9 or Adobe Reader 9, or later. I downloaded the Acrobat Reader and everything was ok. I could read the pdf documents. I am wondering if is out there an13:49
c3lmisc--: they can, in #uvuntu+113:49
misc--ahh.. it's because it's not out yet13:49
c3lmisc--: this channel is for support with the current stable release13:49
misc--ah ok fair enough13:50
c3l(including older, but still alive versions, as 9.10 for example)13:50
misc--allu2: maybe this might help: http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1478787 but... 105 pages of stuff to read13:51
amanita_Hi, is there any way to send text message from Ekiga to my buddy who is on Skype?13:52
=== iWiki is now known as iSheep
DexterFafter an upgrade from 9.04 over 9.10 to 10.04 there are a lot of network timeouts while browsing13:55
DexterFis there a known issue?13:55
Pelomorning folks13:55
=== iSheep is now known as iFDH
soreauDexterF: Does it happen on a 10.04 live session? If not, its likely caused through the upgrading somehow (as opposed to clean install)13:57
Serafeimsame problem with DexterF. Using ubuntu 10.04 64-bit version13:57
PeloI nedd to play switcheroo with a couple of hdds, 80 gig from a linux machine and 12 gig from an xp machine, I don' T mind reintalling the xp machine but I'd like to just copy the stuff over from the linux one , any tool for that,   got another comp to do the actual work13:57
UbuwhatLooking for SANE support.13:57
c3lDexterF: quite a lot of users experience trouble when upgrading between versions. I would personally recommend to do a clean install for each new version, just keeping a backup of /home and maybe your installed packages13:57
soreauPelo: you need more space for windoze?13:58
allu2misc--, thanks but there is 105 pages with no answer i'm afraid :(13:58
Pelosoreau, more space for  itune 10 and related content13:58
zepek_14which is the remastersys package on Ubuntu 10.04 ? (remaster is the remastersys ? )13:58
UbuwhatJust bought a new scanner - and for some reason it won't budge - although it supposed to work 'good' with SANE13:58
soreauPelo: maybe try #windoze then13:58
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Pelosoreau , the linux machine is only a client machine anyway , no need for the extra space13:58
misc--allu2: that's no good :/13:58
allu2misc--, yeah :(13:59
Pelosoreau, no , this is a linux issue,  need to move a CLI system from one hdd to another whithout reinstaling13:59
allu2misc--, and i need to use that laptop in 45min test in IT in 2 weeks :S can't imagine it freeze in middle!13:59
soreauPelo: try #linux13:59
PeloUbuwhat, there is a #sane channel13:59
misc--allu2: oohhh that definitely wouldn't be good13:59
allu2misc--, yeah :S14:00
UbuwhatPelo, thank you. will try it14:00
allu2misc--, indeed :(14:00
misc--allu2: what version of ubuntu are you using?14:00
llutzPelo: linux systems can be moved/copied easily with rsync14:00
allu2misc--, 10.0414:01
karjucomo instalar captcha en jodownlader14:01
misc--oh right. Well, was going to say to upgrade, but there goes that...14:01
karjucomo estan amigos14:01
RaptorsDoes anyone know if the new flash player plugin supports hardware acceleration?14:01
Pelollutz, that might be an idea,  never thought of using rsync for this particular job14:01
llutzPelo: you have to reinstall grub after that and adjust /etc/fstab to new UUIDS14:01
llutzPelo: you also can use "cp -ax" or tar14:01
Pelollua, fstab I knew about, hope it'S not grub 214:02
Pelollutz, -ax ?14:02
DexterFc3l: not an option, not my machine14:02
llutzPelo: you don't want /sys /dev  being copied, so -x (man cp)14:03
flexyI have  a lucid server, it fails to start zoneminder at boot. Manually starting it with /etc/init.d/zoneminder start works... how to get it to run at boot?14:05
Pelollutz, can i    cp -ax  /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdd1 &14:05
Pelowil that work ?14:05
u|coreallu2: ive seen that error not so long ago here on a local machine, and it ended up being a heating issue with the motherboard northbridge chipset. so make shure your system is cooled enough (14:05
llutzPelo: no, you have to mount it and copy then14:06
flexyPelo: copy it from and to mount points, not device names14:06
flexywhat ever it is... :)14:06
PeloI guess I'll jsut have to prepare thepartitions beforhand,  ok thanks guys14:07
llutzPelo: mount new hdd to /media/new "sudo cp -ax / /media/new"14:07
zepek_14how to install remastersys on ubuntu 10.04? is the remaster package is the application which i want ?14:07
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility14:07
bu2bu2Pelo, late to the conversation but just make sure the system you are copying is not in use14:08
bazhangzepek_14, has to be installed from 3rd party sources14:08
zepek_14bazhang: what you mena with 3rd?14:08
zepek_14bazhang: i have to install the deb package ?14:08
Pelobu2bu2, I was planning to put the two drives in a 3rd computer to do the job from14:08
bazhangzepek_14, non-ubuntu sources14:08
zepek_14bazhang: it is not on software center ?14:08
bazhangzepek_14, nope14:08
xbonesxcan we get back track support considering it based on ubuntu?14:08
bazhangxbonesx, no14:09
zepek_14bazhang: what is remaster package ?14:09
bazhangxbonesx, #backtrack-linux14:09
bazhangzepek_14, ubuntu customization kit to remaster iso's14:09
flexyzoneminder not starting at boot? why?14:09
actionParsnipxbonesx: no, just like ubuntu doesnt get support in debian channels. backtrack has its own channel #backtrack-linux14:09
zepek_14bazhang: hmm ok. thank you!14:09
actionParsnipxbonesx: backtrack is based on ubuntu, however it isn't ubuntu. It's backtrack14:10
dennisnI just installed beta 10.10, i think successfully ... but when i boot it up, after i login (graphically), i don't get a desktop14:11
dennisn(just the wallpaper, and a mouse cursor :s)14:11
Katsumi32the whole backtrack is useless ubuntu is better u can install everything u have got in backtrack. in general backtrack is based on interpid so very old14:11
bazhangdennisn, #ubuntu+1 for that14:11
bazhangKatsumi32, and offtopic here14:11
xbonesxactionParsnip: makes sense...14:12
Katsumi32bazhang, i know it14:12
bazhangKatsumi32, so why talk about it14:12
Katsumi32cuz someone was asking about 5 times14:12
bazhangKatsumi32, offtopic chat in #ubuntu-offtopic14:12
xbonesxKatsumi32: are their specific repositories for back-track?14:13
Katsumi32xbonesx, yes14:13
bazhangxbonesx, #backtrack-linux please14:13
Pelothanks you all14:13
allu2u|core, it's a laptop but that might be the case as indeed it seems to freeze when it's on my bed14:14
ksbalajimy command growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/dvd/ ubuntuxxx.10.4.xxx.iso failed -what  parameters to use with growisofs ?? for burning a live cd from ubuntuxxx.iso file?14:15
actionParsnip!burning | ksbalaji14:15
ubottuksbalaji: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto14:15
zztwhat is x chat?14:16
ksbalajiactionParsnip, I have a crashed ubuntu running. I can only use commands. k3b does not start.14:16
Mkaysizzt: Xchat is IRC applicaltion.14:16
MohammadAGAn IRC client, http://xchat.org14:16
zzti am from china14:16
actionParsnipksbalaji: the link will show the cli method also14:17
Ubuwhatni answer in the #sane channel - hope i can find some basic halp in this channel. just brought a new scanner (epson 2500) , and I'm trying to figure out how to make it work with ubuntu.14:17
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egsome!scanner | Ubuwhat14:18
ubottuUbuwhat: Scanning software: simple-scan (GNOME), Gwenview (KDE), Xsane. For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR14:18
fyksenIm looking for some ubuntu/linux posters.. Any idea where I can get anything like that?14:19
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actionParsnipUbuwhat: you may need the iscan packages, available online. Why didnt you check compatibility before purchasing14:19
actionParsnip!ot | fyksen14:19
ubottufyksen: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:19
fyksenAhh, okey sry14:19
morbidwarhi, it is posible to make an archive that includes the date?? ex: tar -cvf documents$DATA.tar /home/user/Documents? i need to create archives every night and i want them to go automaticly using contab14:19
xbonesxwhen typing 'sudo -s' what does the '-s' mean?14:19
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UbuwhatactionParsnip, I did. sane mentioned "good" support for this model14:20
actionParsnipxbonesx: if you use -s you can ruin home ownerships as -s user the users profile rather than roots14:21
actionParsnipUbuwhat: cool, lets see what we can find14:21
Seveasmorbidwar, yes it is14:21
xbonesxactionParsnip: i thought thats what 'sudo su' is for???14:21
Seveasmorbidwar, tar zcvf documents_$(date +%Y-%m-%d_:%M:%S).tar.gz /home/user/Documents14:22
actionParsnipUbuwhat: is it an Epson GT-2500 ?14:22
Seveasmorbidwar, tar zcvf documents_$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S).tar.gz /home/user/Documents14:22
UbuwhatactionParsnip, yes it is14:22
actionParsnipxbonesx: sudo su   isnt advised, sudo -i   is to be used to avoid issues14:22
Seveasstupid xchat stripped %H :)14:22
actionParsnipUbuwhat: please dont truncate product names, it makes searches harder and less accurate14:23
xbonesxwhats 'su' for then cuz thats what ive been using to get super user14:23
actionParsnipUbuwhat: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man5/sane-epkowa.5.html14:24
Seveasxbonesx, su can only be executed as root or with sudo. It allows the superuser to become someone else. sudo is a more generic way of doing this, usable by non-root users too14:24
Seveasxbonesx, sudo su makes you execute su as root, a fairly pointless action :)14:24
Seveassudo -i is enough14:24
actionParsnipUbuwhat: http://avasys.jp/eng/linux_driver/test_result.php   use the debs there, may help14:25
quiescensthat's not true, su can be run by anyone, just that it requires the password of the user you're trying to su to14:25
xbonesxso use 'sudo -s' when i want super user control then???14:25
Seveasquiescens, eh, point taken :)14:25
Seveasxbonesx, no, sudo -i14:25
xbonesxwhats "-i" mean?14:25
UbuwhatactionParsnip, tahnk you. will give it a try.14:25
xbonesxand "0s"14:25
SeveasThe -i (simulate initial login) option runs the shell specified in the passwd(5) entry of the target user as a login shell.14:26
duffydackinteractive, i think14:26
duffydackor that^14:26
Seveasread the manpage for all details14:26
xbonesxSeveas: manpage???14:26
rafaelsoaresbrhello, how to install mysql workbench (or similar)?14:27
UbuwhatactionParsnip, do you know how to access SANE  backend interface?14:27
Seveasyou want to do commandline things as root and don't even know what manpages are? tsk tsk...14:27
Seveasxbonesx, on the commandline, type this: man sudo14:27
morbidwarSeveas: Thank you14:27
actionParsnipUbuwhat: no idea dude. I've only encountered 1 scanner in my life and the iscan made it work (was also an epson)14:27
xbonesxthe mac video editing software i think called "isight" can you get something like that for ubuntu?14:29
dirty-harry hi there, anyone here who knows how to activate the desktop-icon-starter-reaction in xubuntu lucid lynx; option "give visual reaction is marked"14:30
rafaelsoaresbrisn't there any mysql modelling tool in repositories?14:31
Seveasrafaelsoaresbr, what do you mean with a mysql modeling tool?14:31
sandkinghow can i change gdm?14:32
sandkingi installed unity and have some issues and want to get rid of it14:32
ryaxnbhey can i have a wii14:32
xbonesxactionParsnip: are their any downsides to using "-i"?14:32
Seveassandking, gdm2setup14:32
kuttan_hi , is there any way / app to clean *deadlinks* in gnome desktop menu ?14:32
xbonesxactionParsnip: any loss of privs?14:32
Seveasryaxnb, www.nintendo.com :P14:32
ryaxnbSeveas, :/14:33
Seveaskuttan_, rightclick on the menu, select edit menu14:33
ryaxnbi already have one anyway14:33
ryaxnbi do like wiis.14:33
Seveas!ot | ryaxnb14:33
ubotturyaxnb: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:33
jimcooncat I'm interested in the gtk-server provided by gtk-server.org. I don't see where it's in ubuntu. Googling "ubuntu gtk-server" leads me nowhere. Perhaps there's some quality issue why it's not packaged. Any ideas how I find out?14:33
actionParsnipxbonesx: it uses roots config so will be fairly bare but you wont garbage you users files to make then owned by root14:33
dennisn(i solved my no-desktop-display problem by apt-get removing compiz-core and libdecoration0. :b)14:33
kuttan_Seveas, that one way, but any app like gconf-cleaner ? thanks for responding by the way14:33
ryaxnboh dear, im not in offtopic :(14:34
xbonesxactionParsnip: ahh... i get it, "su" sets for command and set the beginning directory to my /home/username/14:34
noamsmlGnome power manager seems to warn me the battery is critically low whenever I disconnect the AC (even if it's full). Is there any way to disable that completely?14:34
sandkingSeveas: thx14:34
xbonesxactionParsnip: i know a lot of execution lines have "4" in front of them what does that do?14:35
noamsmlNvm, found it. I just had to disable use_time_for_policy14:35
Seveaskuttan_, not that I know of14:36
kuttan_Seveas, thanks dude14:36
xbonesxactionParsnip: i meant "$"14:36
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kkalhow can I make a bootable winxp usb installer from ubuntu?14:37
actionParsnipxbonesx: $ is the user prompt14:37
kkalunetbootin and usb-creator didnt work14:37
v3nd3tta``kkal for what do you need a winxp usb installer?14:37
jimcooncatxbonesx: That means you can run it as a regular user. # is used to show that you run it as root14:37
zepek_14which is the sunJava package on Ubuntu 10.04 ?14:37
v3nd3tta``you mean14:37
kkalv3nd3tta``: just need to create a dualboot system14:38
v3nd3tta``boot from usb a liveubuntu ?14:38
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ZykoticK9zepek_14, you need to add the "partner" repository to get "Sun" java stuff14:38
v3nd3tta``or win xp live14:38
kkalv3nd3tta``: I want to install winxp with a usb drive. But I want to make the usb drive in ubuntu14:38
v3nd3tta``legally you cannot install win xp per usb or anything else than the official cd's or dvd's kkal14:39
actionParsnipkkal: http://liliputing.com/2008/04/install-windows-xp-on-mini-note-usb.html14:39
zepek_14ZykoticK9:  ok. tahnk you i will do it.14:39
actionParsnipv3nd3tta``: i think the destination is usb, which is fine14:39
kkalv3nd3tta``: then why are they letting me have licensed isos from dreamspark?14:39
v3nd3tta``idk? maybe it's MICROSOFT :P? kkal14:40
v3nd3tta``they never make sense :D14:40
kkalits always a pain in the ass getting windows on a netbook14:40
kkaland its also a pain in the ass getting things to work once thats happened too14:41
ZykoticK9!ot | kkal14:41
ubottukkal: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:41
kkalokay. on-topic: is there a tool for ubuntu for creating a bootable winxp usb installers?14:42
actionParsnipkkal: unetbootin may support it14:42
kkalactionParsnip: tried it, but it doesnt have an option for winxp14:43
jimcooncatkkal: there is http://unattended.sourceforge.net/ to do it with netbooting. The servers (TFTP, DHCP, etc) can be installed on Ubuntu14:43
histokkal: not that i've seen.  you need to look at the bartpe stuff maybe.14:43
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kkaljimcooncat: thats not a road I want to go down :D14:43
actionParsnipkkal: all i can find are windows systems putting xp on usb. you could use grub2 to boot the iso14:44
mestarHey Ubuntu. I have  a problem and I am wondering if there is any way I can fix it. Basically for whatever reason my memory stick has turned Read Only. I cant delete any files from it no matter what I do, I even tried formatting it from gparted (No important data on there at the moment). Anyone got any suggestions how I can format this USB stick?14:44
histokkal: check out bartpe its a bootable live windows cd/dvd14:44
histokkal: i've seen people put it on usb.14:44
MohammadAGis (gedit:11462): GdkPixbuf-WARNING **: Cannot open pixbuf loader module file '/usr/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache': No such file or directory normal while upgrading to maverick?14:44
kkalhisto: am checking that right now.14:45
ToStItOsWhy are updates noted as not authenticated?14:45
actionParsnipmestar: unmount the partition and the stick will be a simple block device. if yuo look into mount options you can mount it readable and the format wont be necessary14:45
kkalactionParsnip: using grub2 to boot an iso, now thats a novel idea14:45
listerdlMestar - try maybe putting the drive into a windows and re-format to NTFS?14:45
MohammadAGToStItOs, Could be a missing GPG, run apt-get update and see if it corrects it14:45
actionParsnipkkal: its one of the things grub legacy cant do :)14:45
mestarListerdl, not sure how to do that from windows14:46
ToStItOsMohammadAG, but they are safe right?14:46
mestarand actionParsnip, what do you mean>14:46
listerdlmestar - simply lug it in and right click - format - that might be an idea - otherwise sorry not too sure....(I did that before and it worked)14:46
PewZjoin #ubuntu-offtopic14:47
ToStItOsMuhammadAG the updates are safe?14:47
mestarHmm listerdl, I will try it14:47
MohammadAGToStItOs, yeah14:48
septimusHello all, looking for some help with my 10.04 install.14:49
morbidwarseptimus: what's the problem?14:49
actionParsnipmestar: you can specify mount options to mount the partition as writable if you use mount correctly14:50
septimusEverything is working well, but I'm trying to recompile the kernel for fun..14:50
septimusIs there a way I can specify CFLAGS to do so (like Gentoo?)14:50
estathe72is here  some italian __14:51
mestaractionParsnip, thanks14:52
mestarDone it fully =D14:52
BluesKaj'morning folks14:54
aeon-ltdtime relative greeting14:55
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ehcahhello. if I have 2 DL380 G4's in my rack. The first is production, the second is test. My production box is starting to give me trouble. Can I remove the 2 mirrored drives from production and reboot the test box to become production? Would the only problem become the MAC address of my original product eth0 NIC?14:55
ehcahSorry if this is stupid.14:56
jvargasi have serious problems with Ubuntu 10.04 with latests updates. The system CRASHES after some minutes using it, it seems to be a kernel PANIC, but logs doesn't show anything before it happened.14:56
xbonesxwhats a good desktop video recording software for ubuntu, for making like tutorials and stuff?14:56
septimus_mgolisch...sorry mate, I'm new to this IRC thing, did you get my question?14:56
jvargasanyone head of such problem lastly ?14:56
BluesKajaeon-ltd, we're pretty tolerant here but political correctness isn't necessary :)14:56
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actionParsnipxbonesx: recordmydesktop maybe14:57
septimus_jvargas, the kernel should not panic...generic kernel has it disabled. I compiled my kernel last night14:57
septimus_took about 6 bloody hours14:57
xbonesxactionParsnip: is the in the reg repositories?14:58
jvargasseptimus_: so, what is going on when caps an num lock flashes and screen and everything gets halted?14:58
actionParsnip!info recordmydesktop14:58
ubotturecordmydesktop (source: recordmydesktop): Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop session. In component universe, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 54 kB, installed size 152 kB14:58
pokoko222i have a file from windows for the MAC C Times font, and i want to install it in openoffice writer in ubuntu, how to do it?14:59
septimus_jvargas: Did you try the failsafe kernel at startup? Hit shift after the POST screen for GRUB options.14:59
listrophyI'm trying to automate the unintended install of rabbitmq-server via linode stackscripts, but I stops half-way because rabbitmq-server puts up a whiptail dialog. how would I get that dialog dismissed from within a script?15:00
jvargaswhy my CAPS and NUM lock flashes intermitently and the system halts anfer some minutes using it (10.04) ?15:00
ertpressopokoko222: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts15:00
septimus_I am a Linux n00b, perhaps somebody else can provide a more accurate diagnosis?15:00
jvargasseptimus_: what kind of options should I specify there?15:00
actionParsnipjvargas: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=121638615:00
actionParsnipjvargas: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/37267115:01
EltuI have some problems15:01
ubottueltu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:02
jvargasactionParsnip: "it means the kernel has crashed". ok, but how can I dig into the real problem behind?15:02
aeon-ltdBluesKaj: lol, i was just filling in the time15:02
actionParsnipjvargas: read dmesg and the kernel log15:02
listrophyi've tried (to no avail) stuff like: echo "" | aptitude -y install rabbitmq-server15:02
septimus_jvargas: Just select the appropriate kernel image at boot (failsafe). You should find many options when you hit shift15:03
EltuWhenever I plug in my new mouse, I cannot click anything, not with the mouse NOR with the touchpad. I have to plug out the mouse and restart the os for the touchpad to work again. Why does not the mouse work, and how can I fix this?15:03
BSODOfThePastis it true15:03
BSODOfThePastthat linux gives you eyecancer?15:03
BlueEagleEltu: Does it work if you have the mouse plugged in when booting?15:04
totemhow to install virtualbox on ubuntu 10.04? it's hard to do?15:04
septimus_Folks, anybody know where to find the make.conf file?? I am trying to compile my slimmed down kernel with optimized CFLAGS. {Similar to Gentoo}15:04
EltuI do not know, I will try.15:04
BluesKajBSODOfThePast  do you have a relavent question about ubuntu ?15:04
BSODOfThePaston /g/ they said linux can give you eyecancer15:04
BSODOfThePastis that true?15:04
Rickardo1Panic.. My linux machine don´t start.. mount all filesystem can not be mounted15:04
actionParsnipRickardo1: boot to liveCD and fsck your partitions15:05
BlueEagle!ot| BSODOfThePast15:05
ubottuBSODOfThePast: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:05
BSODOfThePastlol sorry15:05
BSODOfThePast. /troll15:05
BluesKajBSODOfThePast, how could you even consider asking such a question and expect an answer to it ..if you want to troll go elsewhere pls.15:07
listrophyduring an aptitude install of rabbitmq-server, it presents a full-screen blue background dialog (via whiptail). How can I – from a script – dismiss it by virtually hitting "return"?15:08
TrXukHi all, quick question, running an 8.10 derivative and due to needed hardware support i've upgraded linux-image packages to 2.6.3x, however, remote netboot clients now cannot mount NFS, saying NFS Over TCP is not available from the host. Could someone point me in the right direction? nfsd.ko and nfs.ko modules are both loaded from the /lib/modules/2.6.3x directory15:09
EltuBlueEagle: I tried to have it plugged in when booting. It works just at the beginning - however, as soon as I open a folder/app, both the mouse and touchpad becomes completely unresponsible.15:09
septimus_Is there another channel where I can ask kernel specific questions?15:09
BluesKaj!patience | listrophy15:09
ubottulistrophy: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com15:09
ibrahim-kasemI have downloaded the package files only for an application, where can I fine the files now please?15:09
neekersok, dumb question, i just changed my ssh over to using keys and i'm still having to login with my user name and rsa passphrase, i thought having keys would allow you to not have to do that in putty?15:10
septimus_Eltu: Some laptops have additional binaries you can install. Check the repos15:10
jvargasactionParsnip: I already read dmesg and syslog, there is nothing there, except a APT Daemon requesting shutdown several minutes before.15:10
listrophyBluesKaj: just trying to refine my phrasing.15:10
actionParsnipjvargas: does the bug give you any clues?15:11
Eltuseptimus_: What kind of binaries?15:11
TrXukneekers: If your RSA private key is protected by a passphrase, you will need to type that to 'unlock' the RSA key before ssh can use it15:11
RPG-MasterI'm getting this error when I go to mount my external HDD: "Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:mount: according to mtab, /dev/sdb1 is already mounted on /mount failed"15:11
geoffmccneekers: use pagent15:11
RPG-MasterHelp D:15:11
BlueEagleEltu: Ok. I want you to `ls -l /dev/input/by-path/*|grep mouse` and post the output to !pastebin15:11
gentoodHi, I just installed ubuntu 10.04 lts and it won't turn off, why?15:11
BluesKajquite a technical question , listrophy ...not many questions about rabbitmq server here, never seen even one in fact.15:12
BlueEaglegentood: "Won't turn off" as in hangs when shutting down or as in doesn't perform the ACPI-call to turn it off?15:12
geoffmccneekers: when u import key into program it will ask you for password. but as long as u dont close program key will remain in there free to connect without entering password15:12
TrXukneekers: there is a way to cache the RSA key password on your system, so that it is available to putty while you are logged in, as geoffmcc  has just pointed out, it's called pagent15:12
gentoodBlueEagle,  When I click shut down, it kills all the processes and then get's stuck...15:12
listrophyBluesKaj: technically it's not about rabbitmq, it's about including a whiptail dialog into the install process15:13
gentoodBlueEagle,  Probably...15:13
neekersTrXuk and geoffmcc: thanks, looking at pageant right now, will i need to do something similar for my macbook pro or will i just be able to use the mac's terminal window?15:14
BluesKajlistrophy, whiptail dialog ? :)15:14
EltuBlueEagle: I cannot do that15:14
BlueEagleEltu: What can you not do?15:14
listrophyBluesKaj: basically ncurses saying "here's a warning about upgrading" even though I'm installing on a clean box. *facepalm15:14
EltuWhen I have the mouse connected, and run the command you gave me above, I so get some information - but I cannot copy it anywhere since neither my mouse nor touchpad works15:15
Eltu*do get15:15
CenoNodehey guys15:15
CenoNodeis it just me, or the latest firefox update left it unstartable?15:15
BluesKajlistrophy, does the install stall or hang at that point , can you proceed ?15:16
BlueEagleEltu: If you add >filename.txt after the command (including the >) then the output will be written to that file.15:16
greenITdoes any1 know how it works to mount a directory with "ecryptfs"?15:16
jvargasactionParsnip: nothing, it happens randomly when using the system. I disabled acpi already, nothing in log files. how could I diagnose more?15:16
Iuliahello everybody! I have a question please. Does anybody here has the Creative Sound blaster X-Fi XtremeGamer sound card? Works well on 10.04 ? Thanks15:16
listrophyBluesKaj: the install hangs at that point, because it's some background process that's running the setup script for the whole computer15:17
CenoNodeIulia: tried ubuntu forums? google?15:17
IuliaI am on canary islands, idk if that is the reason but dosen't shows up nothing15:17
Iuliaony a web in spanish and useless15:17
actionParsnipjvargas: not sure, i'd contribute to taht but though15:18
actionParsnipIulia: they can be a pain to get nice15:18
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IuliaSorry actionParsnip, idk what you mean15:18
CenoNodeIulia: lol there's no spanish version of the internet, but searching from google.es will show you more results in spanish15:18
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actionParsnipIulia: they can be painful to get nice, lots of hairpulling and swearing15:19
CenoNodetry the international version (you can switch in the bottom right of the google homepage) or even try www.google.com/linux15:19
ydyhello every body,yesterday  I install  the xubuntu 10.4 into my computer, but it can't sound15:19
ydywhat could i do ?15:19
ydyis there who can give me  a  solution15:19
Iuliayou had sound before, ydy?15:20
BlueEagleydy: Well we would have to figure out which sound card you have first. Try the command `lspci -grep|Audio` in a terminal please.15:20
hrrrmmmgoogle.com/ncr is the correct URL15:20
hrrrmmmNo Country Redirect15:20
BlueEagleydy: Make that `lspci |grep Audio` :)15:20
actionParsnipIulia: there are guides around. This may also help15:20
actionParsnip!sound | Iulia15:20
ydyno,i have never use the xubuntu before ,it is the first time15:20
ubottuIulia: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.15:20
ydythanks Iulia15:21
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ydythanks ubottu15:21
CenoNodebut really, I'm the only one having problems launching firefox after the last update?15:21
TrXukHi all, quick question, running an 8.10 derivative and due to needed hardware support i've upgraded linux-image packages to 2.6.3x, however, remote netboot clients now cannot mount NFS, saying NFS Over TCP is not available from the host. Could someone point me in the right direction? nfsd.ko and nfs.ko modules are both loaded from the /lib/modules/2.6.3x director15:21
IuliaNo, I had a Sound Blaster before, and older model, now I just got that xfi gamer , so I was asking to know if someone has it, I checked the ALSA web.15:21
Iuliaydy, you tryed to see if the sound is enabled, and no "mute" enabled?  (I know sounds silly but it happened to me in¡my 1st day with Linux years ago, lol)15:22
xanguaTrXuk: 1. this channel is only for ubuntu support 2. 8.10 is no longer supported15:22
v3nd3tta``someone got a script to enable wifi stick on a default ubuntu install without starting x?15:23
jk_TrXuk, when you changed the kernel, did you rebuild all the modules? many of them are quite sensitive to kernel changes and I don't think any will work with a mismatched kernel version...15:23
TrXukxangua: How useful, putting redtape around a collective people's open source knowledge can only end badly :P15:23
v3nd3tta``i mean a init.d srcipt maybe15:23
EltuBlueEagle: Ok, I got it - here is the pastebin link: http://pastebin.com/jf0vDgPK15:24
TrXukjk_: yes all modules are rebuilt.15:24
TrXukThanks anyway all, i'll ask in a more generic kernel channel15:24
xanguaCenoNode: what update¿ 3.6.10¿ never had any problems with normal updates; or are you using a beta version¿15:25
puweihi all, is there any command ,can let me ,send a message to one local net windows pc15:25
BluesKajTrXuk, most 8.10 users are discovering the benefits of the new LTS namely Lucid 10.0415:25
CenoNodexangua: I've running 3.6.9. firefox just dies quietly, even running it from the terminal gives no messages15:26
puweiand pop a message window for thant winxp user?15:26
CenoNodeI can try updating again if there's a newer version15:26
TrXukBluesKaj: I run 10.04/Gentoo/RHEL in a number of places, this is an appliance I am messing with and so cannot update, was really just asking a generic kernel upgrade/NFS issue to see if anyone had come accros it back in the day when they were running 8.1015:26
TrXukBut thanks :)15:26
BluesKajTrXuk, ok :)15:27
BlueEagleEltu: Very good. Now I would like to know what syslog sais when you plug in the device.15:27
jk_CenoNode, 3.6.10 came out in the last couple of days and is in the Lucid repositories. I got it via automatic update and have had no problems at all, but 3.6.9 was also problem free for me.15:27
CenoNodejk_: I'm updating right now, let's see if it fixes the issue15:28
BlueEagleEltu: `tail -f /var/log/messages>syslog.txt` and plug the mouse in and back out TWO TIMES. Press CTRL+C and reboot. Then copy/paste to pastebin.15:29
CenoNodeThis firefox thing is happening on both my netbook and my laptop on 10.04, I really thought this would be a common issue15:29
xanguaCenoNode: or maybe an addon you installed in both¿15:30
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sriniwhat does mean dump option in fstab?15:31
BluesKajCenoNode, a major FF update came down the pipe during my updates a few days ago , it might fix your issue \15:31
pwhPlease, how do I stop X from trying to load?  I've changed /etc/init.d/rc-sysinit and set default runlevel to 3.  Basically I've restored 10.04 to another PC, without NVIDIA card and need to re-do x, but it keeps trying to load x...I think.  And just cycling the load attemp every 3 seconds.15:31
v3nd3tta``BluesKaj you know how to auto-embed wifi on a desktop ubuntu install? i want wifi starting without X, that's the biggest matter15:32
foobar_How can I forward my connection to another machine (where I can login via ssh) which will then give me access to unrestricted internet?15:34
TrXukYou can use SSH to setup a SOCKS proxy to the machine you are sshing too...15:35
TrXukssh -D 5555 username@ip.address.of.ssh.server15:35
BluesKajv3nd3tta``, I understand your issue , wallet asks for the pw in order to connect each session , it's a pita ,but I haven't bothered trying find the workaround even for X15:35
v3nd3tta``uhm no15:36
timoteihi all15:36
TrXukonce you log into that SSH session, any browser you point at proxy 'localhost, port 5555' will automatically proxy down the SSH tunnel and out via the SSH server's connection15:36
puweihello becouse i'm not native english speaking , so plese don't mind my sentece15:36
v3nd3tta``it's automatically connected when i start x BluesKaj15:36
puweihi all, is there any command ,can let me ,send a message to one local net windows pc15:36
timoteiI have an ubunu vps. Ive installed bind9 to make a domain point to the vps. but it doesn't work www.domain.com but only domain.com15:36
timoteiany clues?15:36
titusgHi I'm trying to install 10.04 on a laptop and the boot screen hangs before any options are presented -- just an icon of keyboard=person at bottom of screen15:36
puweiand pop a message window for thant winxp user?15:36
timoteipuwei: that's old15:36
timoteipuwei: starting win xp sp2, the messaging stuff is disabled :)15:36
TrXuktimotei: could you paste your bind domain.com configuration?15:37
timoteiTrXuk: one sec15:37
TrXuktimotei: on pastebin and link, don't just dump the whole thhing here15:37
titusgpressing any key just gives a beep15:37
timoteiof course :P15:37
BluesKajv3nd3tta``, ok are you on gnome when X is started?15:37
puweithank you timotei15:37
timoteipuwei: yw15:37
mindlesstuxis there anyway to force the installer to use a hard drive it is not recognizing?  the drive works perfectly fine via anything else15:37
v3nd3tta``yeah, it's my homeserver but a desktop installation which doesn't start wifi when no x ist started15:38
BluesKajv3nd3tta``, lemme rephrase , when you startx is gnome your desktop?15:38
leyusI just installed ubuntu for a very first time15:39
leyusand i'm lost15:40
TrXuksounds like you need GPS rather than ubuntu :P15:40
leyusi've seen that15:40
leyus:D I got GPS but it didn't helped15:40
leyusim trying to connect to my wireless network15:40
vadi01leyus: whats the wireless model?15:40
leyusI've done as they adviced me15:40
titusganyone know how to solve problem of being stuck on first screen of install?15:40
BluesKajv3nd3tta``,  I'm tryng figure out why it's not in the startup, before any desktop is launched , diff NMs for diff desktops , might have something to do with it so consequently wifi doesn't connect until the desktop is15:40
ethereticI'm plagued with iowait paralysing my system/cpu, especially when firefox/oolite/amule are running. using iotop, I get the error "CONFIG_TASK_DELAY_ACCT not enabled in kernel, cannot determine SWAPIN and IO %", making the cause hard to analyse. Is it a hdparm issue? Enlightened minds, please respond. :-15:41
leyusBroadcom corporation BCM4401-B0 100 Base - TX (rev 02)15:41
timoteiTrXuk: http://pastebin.com/CGqgZydL15:41
_Trullogot a problem with a raid5 setup.. I get this errormsg: WARNING: The partition is misaligned by 48128 bytes. This may result in very poor performance. Repartitioning is suggested.15:41
v3nd3tta``yeah BluesKaj exactly that issue...15:41
_Trulloanyone got a clue how to fix this?15:41
leyusit doesn't show any wifi networks15:41
leyusanyone have any idea why i don't have any wireless networks avaible?15:42
histoleyus: what kind of wireless card do you have?15:42
leyusBroadcom corporation BCM4401-B0 100 Base - TX (rev 02)15:42
leyusBroadcom corporation BCM4401-B0 100 Base - TX (rev 02)15:43
histoleyus: because you need the firmware15:43
histoleyus: System > admin > hardware drivers15:43
vadi01leyus: its there.15:43
BluesKajv3nd3tta``, there's workaround but it's time consuming andthat's to avoid using NM at all, actionParsnip knows a lot about /etc/network/interfaces set up for wifi .15:43
TrXuktimotei: You definatley don't need the www. zone you 'added later'15:43
vadi01leyus: juct click on hardware drivers15:43
sriniwhat does mean dump option in fstab?15:43
timoteiTrXuk: ok15:43
histo!broadcom | leyus15:43
ubottuleyus: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx15:43
vadi01leyus: and it will be detected automatically as a 3rd party driver15:43
TrXuktimotei: as that would define www.www.l2-arora.com15:44
actionParsnipv3nd3tta``: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/15:44
titusghuh, restarting for the nth time got me past that screen -- must have a dodgy cd drive15:44
leyusno propprietary drivers are in use on this system15:44
leyusalso wifi card seems to be installed just fine15:44
TrXuktimotei: are you sure lookups are definatley hitting your DNS server, and not being handled by your registrar etc?15:44
histoleyus: hold up let me check something15:44
weez^wat's the latest linux-image?15:45
listrophysimple question: where are the .deb files and/or apt-get cache stored?15:45
histoleyus: i'm pretty sure the 440x is ethernet not wireless15:45
timoteiTrXuk: I don't know much stuff about this. Where should I check?15:45
ikonia!info linux-image15:45
timoteiTrXuk: the registrat told me: add a 'virtual/nonexistent'nameserver name, and assign those ips15:45
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)15:45
WXZhey ubuntu15:47
HabsHey, is there a way to make native Ubuntu games run in a window rather than running in full screen if there is no in game setting to do so?15:47
WXZcan you display two diff. workspaces if you have dual monitors?15:47
timoteiTrXuk: how can I check?15:47
TrXuktimotei: you can use whois to see which nameservers your domain is pointing at15:49
Eltu16:29:18 <BlueEagle> Eltu: `tail -f /var/log/messages>syslog.txt` and plug the mouse in and back out TWO TIMES. Press CTRL+C and reboot. Then copy/paste to pastebin.15:49
EltuOk, I did that. I have a /var/log/messages file - should I copy that entire content to pastebin?15:49
TrXukwhois <domain name>15:50
BlueEagleEltu: No, I do not want the entire /var/log/messages file. I want the file syslog.txt that the above command should have produced.15:51
timoteiTrXuk: hmm, In the registrat cp, I've set 2 nameservers, but here in ubuntu configured just one. might that me the problem?15:51
weez^sudo apt-get install linux-image- <- -- is this the right command?15:51
EltuWhere is this syslog.txt file, BlueEagle?15:51
BlueEagleEltu: It is in the directory from where you invoked the command.15:51
* etheretic lugs in a huge sign reading "IOWAIT GURU PLEASE RESPOND!!!"15:51
TrXukor 'dig ns domain-name.com' on linux will query the DNS system for that domain name's NS (nameserver records)15:51
jan__hello guys, where I can change brightness applet settings?15:52
TrXuktimotei: how long ago did you set up the domain and point your CP to your nameservers IP?15:52
EltuIn other words, it's /var/log/syslog ?15:52
timoteiTrXuk: that was... 1 or 2 days ago.15:52
timoteiTrXuk: right now, removed the second ns. and let the only one15:52
weez^i want to update my kernel... is this the right command ? sudo apt-get install linux-image-
BlueEagleEltu: I do not know where you were when you executed the command and plugged/unplugged the mouse. I am assuming your home directory though.15:53
ikoniaweez^: just sudo apt-get upgrade will update all existing packages15:53
EltuOhh, I see now, BlueEagle - pasting pastebin now15:53
TrXukdid you have to give the CP the IP address for the nameserver?15:53
ikoniaweez^: if there are updates available the package manager will offer them to you15:53
timoteiTrXuk: yes15:53
lubun2weez^, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:53
v3nd3tta``weez^ if you want a general update, so sudo apt-get update15:53
jan__some one?15:53
v3nd3tta``lubun2 why even dist-upgrade? update is enough15:53
timoteiTrXuk: the cp says: Please insert the nameservers that your webhosting company provided you. If you wish to create your own nameservers, insert them at the following fields and click 'Continue'. At the next page you will be asked to insert the nameservers IPs15:54
lubun2v3nd3tta``, update only updates the index file15:54
timoteiTrXuk: so, i've created my 'own nameserver, and inserted the ip15:54
TrXuktimotei: is the nameserver on the same IP as your webserver? IE, the IP listed in the DNS zone?15:55
EltuBlueEagle: Here is the log: http://pastebin.com/qBu69s8S15:55
timoteiTrXuk: well, the IP is the one of the vps's15:56
lubun2v3nd3tta``, you update to refresh what's new and then dist-upgrade to upgrade15:56
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TrXukyou can manually test wether your DNS server is reponding correctly by sending a query directly to it from linux15:58
v3nd3tta``BluseKaj i don't find anything usable at that site...15:58
TrXukie 'dig A www.arora-l2.com @IP.ADDR.OF.YOUR.DNS.SERVER;15:58
TrXuk*without the ; at the end15:58
histoTrXuk: dig15:59
timotei ok, I'll try15:59
histoTrXuk: sry thought you were asking don't mind me15:59
TrXukhisto: sorry, forgot to put name at the beginning of the line :P16:00
neriukasi'm trying install microsoft visual c++ 2008 :D it's downlloading but it had one bug :D i corrected it :D16:00
timoteineriukas: what bug?16:00
v3nd3tta``timotei it's microsoft so forget it :P16:01
timoteithe vps doesn't have dig16:01
timoteiand apt-get install dig doesn't work16:01
timoteiTrXuk: ^16:01
histotimotei: dig should be installed16:01
TrXuktimotei: I have just run a DNS report against l2-arora.com, it seems the control panel settings you have entered are fine... the problem lies with your DNS server not responding to ANY queries16:01
timoteiTrXuk: ops16:01
neriukasthen i install it couldn't make copy of $shtdwn$ i did copy myself and installation was start :D16:01
timoteiTrXuk: I've just followed a... tutorial16:01
TrXuktimotei: This could be because 1. Bind 9 isnt running 2. You have a firewall blocking UDP port 5316:01
timoteiTrXuk: yesterday it worked:-?16:02
timoteione sec16:02
daniel_b_hi! i installed and configured openvpn. Everything is fine except autostarting the server in daemon mode "/etc/init.d/openvpn start" fails.16:02
daniel_b_ * Starting virtual private network daemon(s)...                                 *   Autostarting VPN 'server'                                           [fail]16:02
TrXuktimotei: 3. your VPS provider is blocking UDP port 5316:02
TrXuktimotei: Thats now working, what have you changed :)??16:02
timoteiit works16:02
timoteiI started bind16:02
FloodBot2timotei: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:02
neriukasso i'm waiting to install files are downloading now :D16:03
timoteiFloodBot2: I'm not flooding ;)16:03
ethereticrepost: I'm plagued with iowait paralysing my system/cpu, especially when firefox/oolite/amule are running. using iotop, I get the error "CONFIG_TASK_DELAY_ACCT not enabled in kernel, cannot determine SWAPIN and IO %", making the cause hard to analyse. Is it a hdparm issue? Enlightened minds, please respond. :-)16:03
TrXuktimotei: That explains why your DNS server was not responding ;)16:03
TrXuktimotei: www.l2-arora.com is now replying with the correct IP address16:03
timoteibut something is weird. I've added the www stuff, then restarted it. I didn't indented to stop it:D16:03
EltuBlueEagle: What do you get out of those log files? (sorry if you are busy, I'll wait. ;))16:03
timoteiTrXuk: ok. thansk:D16:03
BlueEagleEltu: Sorry man. I'm lost as to what may cause this. I do see several USB disconnect events when you plug it in the first time, but I am not sure how to proceed troubleshooting this.16:03
timoteiTrXuk: do you know how I can make bind run at machine start?16:04
EltuIt works with some other usb mice, so I guess I'll just buy a new mouse16:04
Eltu(and throw away the one I just bought :( )16:04
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=== snaptu is now known as ibrahim-kasem
bt4hello :)16:05
|Gaijin|is there a reason why cairo is lagging alot?16:05
ibrahim-kasembt4: hello16:05
bodwickis it just me or any of you had hardware issues when using 2.4.32-24 from repo?16:05
xbonesxI burned my copy of 10.04 to dvd and now i cant access the cd for synaptic package manager, how can i make synaptic look inside of the dvd for packages?16:05
BlueEagleEltu: You may try to `cat /dev/input/by-path/pci-0000:00:1d.1-usb-0:1:1.0-event-mouse` and move the mouse around and see if it produces any output (ie. it is not the input that is broken but the way the input is handled)16:05
_Trulloxbones, it's in the config file16:06
xbonesx_Trullo: where would the synaptic package managers config file be?16:06
EltuBlueEagle: I tried using the mouse on other computers, too. I tried it on a windows computer - everything worked. I tried it on another Ubuntu computer - got the exact same problem.16:06
TrXuktimotei: you'll want to look at update-rc.d16:06
neriukasi had beed installed to wine dev c++ and pulles c compilers :D all works16:07
BlueEagleEltu: Well it is a "Gaming mouse 1600" and google doesn't have much info on those.16:07
_Trullodon't remember, but it's where you add packages you want to update, looking for dvd is in there, just remove the line16:07
TrXuk'man update-rc.d' for the help pages16:07
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TrXuktimotei: for future reference, this site reports on where your DNS is going wrong: http://www.intodns.com/16:07
_Trulloxbonesx, /etc/sources.list16:07
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drecutei'm installing ubuntu via a usb stock16:08
drecutei'm installing ubuntu via a usb stick16:08
drecuteafter the first screen, i get this: ubuntu unable to find a medium containing a live file system16:08
drecuteany ideas please16:08
puweihow can i ban other LAN computer  ping my pc?16:08
drecuteubuntu version is 10.0416:08
timotei21TrXuk: did you said anything? my iRc crashed16:08
TrXukTrXuk: timotei: for future reference, this site reports on where your DNS is going wrong: http://www.intodns.com/16:09
xbonesx_Trullo: ty16:09
fordfasterrmy system gives this error: http://pastebin.com/LXebjHJS when I try to enable users and groups.16:09
TrXuktimotei21: and you need to look at update-rc.d for your startup needs16:09
drecuteanybody pls16:09
puweior fake than computer ,when they scan the all LAN ,i want my computer don't reply it16:09
timotei21TrXuk: ok. Thank you so much ;)16:09
listrophysolution to my issue re unattended install of rabbitmq-server: DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install rabbitmq-server16:10
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puweior fake that computer ,when they scan the all LAN ,i want my computer don't reply it16:10
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alainghow do i add synapatic package manager to my gnome-desktop environment16:11
TrXukpuwei: you can set up a firewall (such as IPTables) to drop inbound ICMP echo requests (ping requests).16:11
alaingfor my server edition?16:11
xbonesx_Trullo: doesnt exist?16:11
KageHow do I change my default sound card?16:11
puweiTrXuk    great idear thank you16:11
TrXukpuwei: but if someone is on the same physical network as you (such as an office network/home network all on the same network switch) people will always be able to see if your host is there due to ARP traffic16:11
xbonesx_Trullo: did you mean, '/etc/apt/sources.list' ???16:12
BluesKajv3nd3tta``, check this site for shell scripting , http://bash.cyberciti.biz/guide/Main_Page16:12
_Trulloxbonesx, it's in /etc/apt/sources.list16:12
xbonesxok lol16:12
_Trullohad to google and took first hit from 2002 apparently16:12
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=== Metallica is now known as ibrahim-kasem
xbonesxhas anyone in got flashfxp to work, or have a recommended FTP program???16:12
v3nd3tta``Chapter 1: What is a Linux? ahahaha16:12
puweino problem, they just nobe, even don't know ARP  :)16:12
v3nd3tta``uhm xbonesx16:12
theorosif i install 10.10 beta, will any fixes between now and the public release be brought into effect as part of an update? since there's a freeze now on basically everything, i would suspect this is the case. i am happy to do a fresh reinstall when the actual public release is made, if this would have any beneficial effect16:12
v3nd3tta``every flebrowser should do that16:13
drecutei am seeing after the first screen: ubuntu unable to find a medium containing a live file system16:13
simion314hi, i can't connect to festival server from localhost, i get this message"  ASUS.local not in access list  " here is my etc/hosts http://pastebin.com/0QRnLFt7  strange is i comented the ASUS there but festival it still sees it as ASUS16:13
alaingwith my server edition how do I setup my network connection(wifi) so it connects on bootup and rreconnects if the conneciton is lost.16:14
jan__guys where I can found the gnome applet brightness configuration16:14
conb123 Anyone else having trouble with fglrx in 2.6.32-24? I get this when trying to install http://pastebin.com/vu7AFMB9 this is my make.log http://pastebin.com/fnMVvdh216:14
drecuteafter the first screen, i get this: ubuntu unable to find a medium containing a live file system16:15
drecutefirst installation16:15
ikoniadrecute: you are not installing from a CD ?16:16
EltuBlueEagle: kept testing some things, I noticed some interesting stuff. First off - when everything hangs, if I press the little red button that is present on the mouse (which I have no idea what it does) - it unfreezes for a while, for some reason.16:18
EltuSecond, I noticed my mouse sensitivity was set to 0 in the mouse options dialog16:18
EltuI tried to increase it a little, and it seems to have had a positive effect16:18
geoffmcc2 computers A & B, both w/ ssh. Router forwards ssh port to Computer A. Is it safe to assume only way to reach Computer B from internet is threw A?16:18
alaingwith my server edition how do I setup my network connection(wifi) so it connects on bootup and rreconnects if the connection is lost.16:19
ikoniageoffmcc: depends on your router configuration16:20
TrXukgeoffmcc: providing you have NAT/Stateful firewalling on your router, pretty much yes16:20
ikoniaaarcane: why are you using server edition if you want desktop wirless functionality ?16:20
drecuteafter the first screen of installing ubuntu from a USB syick, i get this: ubuntu unable to find a medium containing a live file system16:20
BlueEagleEltu: This is not a wireless mouse, is it?16:20
ikoniadrecute: are you not installing from a CD ?16:20
aarcaneikonia, I'm not?16:20
EltuBlueEagle: no, it is a wired mouse.16:20
EltuOh, now I see16:20
ikoniaaarcane: you said you where using server edition16:20
ikoniaaarcane: ahhh sorry, not you16:21
BlueEagleEltu: The "little red button" could it be a sensitivit adjuster?16:21
EltuI checked on the internet, and apparently the little red button switches DPI16:21
ikoniaalaing: I suggest you use the desktop version of ubuntu to make wirless networking simple16:21
ikoniaaarcane: apologies16:21
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aarcaneikonia, aah, no problem :)16:21
geoffmccTrXuk: ok, thank you16:21
BlueEagleEltu: Try staring xev from a terminal emulator and move the mouse into the white window. There press the DPI-adjuster and see which events it throws out. Then it is just a matter of finding out where these events are caught and do something useful with them.16:22
EltuTerminal *emulator*?16:22
SomelauwIs there a cool command which tells me about my processor, clock speed and whatever?16:23
BlueEagleEltu: That is any terminal window in X (ie. do not press CTRL+ALT+F1 and use one of those terminals.16:23
Roastedis there any way to stop video tearing? Been 5 years on hoping for a fix. Ru nning nvidia - still got it with vsync changed and compiz off.16:23
ikoniaSomelauw: cat /proc/cpuinfo16:23
aarcaneSomelauw, cat /proc/cpuinfo16:23
aarcaneikonia, jynx16:23
Gneaon irc, it is never a jynx :)16:24
Guest94655How difficult is it to set up my server to work as a DNS intermediary, allowing my to forward any requests directly routed to me to a new DNS, and then allow me to make exceptions?16:24
=== Guest94655 is now known as StSapphire
ikoniaGuest94655: why would you want to do that ?16:24
ikoniaStSapphire: it would be more sensible to just use your IPS's dns servers16:25
ikoniaISP's even16:25
EltuBlueEagle: Ah.16:25
GneaGuest37232: extremely16:25
StSapphireikonia: It's a bit of an obscure use, but I've got a DS game that attempts to connect to Nintendo's servers. I'm writing a program on my server to emulate theirs, allowing people to point their DNS to my server and then interact with my code instead of Nintendo's.16:25
Roastedis there any way to stop video tearing? Been 5 years on hoping for a fix. Ru nning nvidia - still got it with vsync changed and compiz off.16:25
aarcaneStSapphire, it's simple to have absolute control over your own domain, or to have pure proxy with no local data, but mixing your own data + default data for a single domain is difficult.16:25
ikoniaStSapphire: just setup a local hostfile route for that16:26
ikoniaStSapphire: using a dns solution for that is a massive overkill16:26
GneaRoasted: video tearing?16:26
=== Guest71758 is now known as deep
ethereticDoes anyone know how to resolve IOWAIT issues?16:26
StSapphireikonia: hostfile would redirect anyone directing their DNS requests to my server to the correct IP?16:27
ikoniaetheretic: can depend on many reasons16:27
aarcaneRoasted, I have no video tearing with nvidia graphics, try turning on vdpau and forcing vsync at every level ylou can (including exporting it in the environment variables)16:27
carmelaraga ce qualcuno che mi puo aiutare per un dilemma sul mio pc16:27
=== ibrahim is now known as ibrahim-kasem
ikoniaStSapphire: that's their dns that does that, you can only control your own dns16:27
Roastedaarcane, where is the vdpau setting at?16:27
aarcaneikonia, actually, a hosts file doesn't work because the DS can't have a hosts file16:27
StSapphireikonia: For the solution to work, I have to be able to set the DNS on a Nintendo DS device to point to my server.16:27
aarcaneRoasted, I've given you enough to google a solution.16:27
ikoniaaarcane: no, but the dns server it's using (your server) can map with a host file16:27
ethereticikonia: I know - been searching web b4 coming here. No hitssoutions applied.16:27
aarcaneikonia, true16:27
Roastedaarcane, wow. I thought this was a support channel? are you serious?16:27
GneaRoasted: no need for that.16:28
TrXukdoes anyone remember the default NFS version for 8.10?16:28
RoastedGnea, need for what?16:28
aarcaneRoasted, there's a freaking wiki page that tells you exactly what you need to know, I'm not going to go read you the wiki page over IRC.16:28
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines16:28
Roastedaarcane, thanks for your help. I'll wait for someone else to chime in.16:28
RoastedGnea, please bring that to aarcane's attention.16:28
Roastedthank you!16:28
GneaRoasted: I'm sure he saw it.16:28
andybedoes anyone use ati graficcard16:28
Roastedlet's hope.16:29
Gnealet's hope you're beyond it.16:29
Avaszdoes xubuntu really run faster than ubuntu in old pcs?16:29
Roastedlooks like somebody out there should be taking a quick scan over their own advice16:29
StSapphireikonia: So, if I have my local machine's host file to except for 2-3 domain names which instead are routed to localhost, then if someone points their DNS to my IP, and makes a call, my machine will resolve that for them properly?16:29
KageHow do I change my default sound card?16:29
Haldanyone know if/how I can remove the first partition on sda and add it to '/' and '/home' partition?16:29
GneaAvasz: a bit, but opengeo might do a bit better on 486's16:30
andybeAvasz: need less memory, but faster ist the wrong word.16:30
aarcaneikonia, StSapphire add a hosts file on the ROUTER, and dnsmasq, if properly configured, can use it to override individual entries, IE for the DS game.16:30
StSapphireaarcane: And that will work for people outside of my router pointing to my IP?16:30
ethereticikonia: could it have something to do with the kernel lacking support for iotop requirements?16:30
ryanjamiesonHey all - I've got an issue with my sound - Ubuntu is using the intel module by default when it should be using the VIA module.  How do I change it?16:31
Avaszandybe, what about in pc with 600 MHz and 300 mb ram.. what do you recommend? ubuntu or xubuntu?16:31
Out`Of`ControlHi, What is the bext VM with python/apache support?16:31
Dr_WillisAvasz:  perhaps Lubuntu16:31
GneaAvasz: sorry, opengeu - http://opengeu.intilinux.com16:31
ryanjamiesonAvasz, xubuntu all the way16:31
GneaAvasz: it's not official, but it's there16:31
aarcaneStSapphire, no, it'll work for you to test, and anyone else wanting to use your private server will have to install similar hacks.  However, if you could just push whatever information you wanted into global DNS, there would be a whole host of other issues.16:31
ryanjamiesonAvasz, but with those specs, you might as well just forget a gui16:31
ryanjamiesonunless you went with fluxbox16:32
AvaszGnea, ok tks. I will take a look.16:32
Avaszryanjamieson, why? is it so bad?16:32
Out`Of`ControlOr i need to ask in other channel?16:32
Gnearyanjamieson: those aren't horrible specs, even E17 wouldn't have a problem on it16:33
ryanjamiesonAvasz, you just don't have a lot of horsepower. Xfce is light, but there's always a lower limit.16:33
drecuteikonia: i dont know why the computer refused to boot from cd16:33
aarcaneStSapphire, for people outside your network to be able to use it, you have to configure port forwarding for all the relavent ports to your server (or run the server on your router -- bad idea) and publish the information people need to find it.16:33
joeyeyemsg h auth joeyeye agrajag116:33
drecuteso i had to use unetbootin16:33
ryanjamiesonWell, give it a whirl. :) It's only an install.  You can switch later.16:33
Gneaconsider the fact that even windows 98 and XP ran on such specs at one point16:33
Avaszryanjamieson, yes you are correct. It stucks many times.16:33
ryanjamiesonGnea, true16:33
AvaszGnea, yes. I have two harddisk.. one with xp sp1.16:33
GneaI mean, heh, are you going to let those OS's trump Ubuntu? :)16:34
ryanjamiesonGnea, but we were more patient then, too. ;)16:34
Avaszno way16:34
JamaKrisNeed help mounting a usb external ntfs hdd w/ 3 partitions on ubuntu ... it says not authorized when i plug up to laptop16:34
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drecuteikonia: which copied the files properly. But during installation i'm getting: ubuntu unable to find a medium containing a live file system16:34
Gnearyanjamieson: that patience requires renewal ;)16:34
alaingikonia i have installed the gnome-desktop on my server edition16:34
JamaKriscan someone help me16:34
aarcaneAvasz, if ubuntu doesn't run well enough, a graphics card would take alot of the load of a gui off the CPU.  failing that, ubuntu is fast and light even on a 200mhz system I have running16:34
aarcaneAvasz, s/ubuntu/debian/.16:35
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE16:35
StSapphireaarcane: Well, my server is on a dmz, so all ports are forwarded. It essentially boils down to the fact that the average age of my users will be around 13 - it's easy to show them how to change the DNS server on their DS. Not so easy to show them how to modify their own server to work just on their system16:35
xbonesxis the contents of the live cd's '/etc/apt/sources.list' file the same as the installed version of ubuntu 10.04???16:35
Avaszaarcane, you are running ubuntu in 200 mhz system?16:35
aarcaneAvasz, no, debian.  it was a typo.16:35
StSapphireSo while running my own DNS daemon might be overkill, I imagine it would be the simplest solution for myself and my users.16:36
aarcaneStSapphire, I'd suggest using dnsmasq with a hosts file then, as bind is quite a bit more...  work.16:36
xbonesxI need to know cuz i somehow deleted the contents of my '/etc/apt/sources.list' file... :(16:36
StSapphireaarcane: Okay, I'll take a look at that, thanks :)16:37
alaingwith my server edition how do I setup my network connection(wifi) so it connects on bootup and rreconnects if the connection is lost.16:39
actionParsnipxbonesx: http://pastebin.com/naVFmWCY16:40
ubottuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems16:40
=== bob____ is now known as hera
madjoehi! is there any application that would work only when I right-click on any image and give me an option to convert/resize those images?16:40
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions16:40
SeaOrificeMy laptop uses  Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Desktop Edition and I have these questions : 1) I had seen an application which on every keystroke displays ascii value of it and some more information about it . I need to know its name 2) I am doubtful about the version i am using , my processor is 64 bit but gnome system manager displays only 2.96gb than 4gb of mine16:41
=== hera is now known as Guest92538
aarcanealaing, I know a few not-very-ubuntu options, if noone in #ubuntu-server can help you, I'd be willing to tip you off to my uncosher methods.16:41
actionParsnipSeaOrifice: xev for number 116:41
BSODOfThePastDid Canonical fixed random freezes yet in 10.04?16:41
BSODOfThePastit has to do with the latest kernel i think16:41
actionParsnipSeaOrifice: uname -a   wil show the arch of the Ubuntu16:41
zhionofjulianany body know how to get free cd ubuntu?16:41
actionParsnipSeaOrifice: i686 = 32bit, x86_64 = 64bit16:41
actionParsnipzhionofjulian: look into shippit16:42
IdleOne!info nautilus-image-converter16:42
ubottunautilus-image-converter (source: nautilus-image-converter): nautilus extension to mass resize or rotate images. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.0-2ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 28 kB, installed size 332 kB16:42
=== sharp is now known as Guest25857
hoarehi guys. I am having problems with VIM on Ubuntu. I press "i" to get in INSERT MODE. however when I press lets say up-arrow I get "A" on the new line ....16:42
aarcaneSeaOrifice, you can either use 64 bit ununtu, or you can install a "pae" kernel, if you run aptitude search pae you'll find the right kernel16:42
=== Guest25857 is now known as sharperguy
zhionofjulianubuntu said that i have too many request16:42
zhionofjuliani only get 3 cd before16:42
IdleOnezhionofjulian: download and burn your own16:43
hoare^ I've a vim problem16:43
SeaOrificegot it actionParsnip , thanks16:43
aarcanehoare, which flavor of vim did you install ?16:43
zhionofjulianbut i need the last version of ubuntu16:43
SeaOrificeaarcane: I would prefer changing to 64bit one, :)16:43
Dr_Willishoare:  install the vim-full package..16:43
hoareDr_Willis: ok16:43
neriukasi686=32 intel x86-64 = 32/64 bit intell amd16:43
Dr_Willishoare:  or 'vim' instead of the vim-tiny thats teh default16:43
hoarehmm there is no vim-full in my repos16:43
xbonesxcan anyone confirm whether the contents of the '/etc/apt/sources.list' on the LIVE CD is the same as the fresh installed '/etc/apt/sources.list' file???16:44
aarcaneSeaOrifice, well, that's easy.  back up your install (tar, dd, scp, etc.), then download, burn, install the 64 bit ISO, and then restore such stuff as your home directory and use the logs to determine which packages to reinstal.16:44
Dr_Willishoare:  the default is a limited version of vim. install the otehr bigger versions - whatever its called16:44
hoareDr_Willis: I see16:44
alainghow do i add synapatic package manager to my gnome-desktop environment16:44
hoareDr_Willis: it is okay now. thx!16:45
Gneahoare: apt-cache search vim16:45
Dr_Willisalaing:  sudo apt-get install synaptic16:45
Dr_Willisalaing:  it should be in the system-> admin  menus16:45
collabraxbonesx: http://pastebin.com/naVFmWCY16:45
alaingDr_Willis: i'll try that now16:45
mandricwhere can i get a package of supervisor?16:45
alaingi dont think its install16:45
Dr_Willisalaing:  then install it and see16:45
mandricit's not available via aptitude16:45
alaingbrb just going to try it16:45
zhionofjulianhow to install ym oin ubuntu??16:45
JamaKrisNeed help mounting a usb external ntfs hdd w/ 3 partitions on ubuntu ... it says not authorized when i plug up to laptop but shows my drive in disk utility just will not mount to desktop please help.. important files need to accdess16:45
zhionofjulianplease help me16:45
Dr_Willis!im | zhionofjulian16:45
ubottuzhionofjulian: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete16:45
jonkrihey everyone. i'm on windows trying to install ubuntu. i have no cd/dvd drive, only a usb stick. i used these instructions [ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick ] and unetbootin. when booting i get an error saying "ubuntu boot halts at no init found. try passing init= bootarg". i have also tried preparing the usb stick on fedora, and with liveusb creater. anyone got any advice for me?16:46
Dr_WillisJamaKris:  mount it as root.. or install/run ntfs-config as root. and it should let the users mount/access them.16:46
zhionofjuliani want install like gyachi but i always failed16:46
=== d3xter is now known as eliteSchaf
xbonesxcollabra: have you added repositories to yours?16:46
saji89zhionofjulian, What is this ym oin?16:46
zhionofjuliani dont know how to add repository16:47
saji89zhionofjulian, What is this and gyachi?16:47
jonkrioh, i'm trying to install 10.10 beta16:47
xanguazhionofjulian: sudo add-apt-repository "ppa's name"16:47
xangua!maverick | jonkri16:47
ubottujonkri: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+116:47
egsome!10.10 | jonkri16:47
collabraxbonesx: actually that is a re-post of actionParsnip,... you would have to ask him16:47
collabraxbonesx: re-post,... from actionParsnip,.. scroll up.16:48
zhionofjulianxangua: can you give me tutorial?16:48
sanjoypls some1 help me16:48
egsome!help | sanjoy16:48
ubottusanjoy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:48
JamaKrisdr willis how do i mount as root16:48
xbonesxcollabra: i totally missed his message...16:49
sanjoymy browser both chorme n mozila r craushing16:49
xander_sanjoy what do you need help with16:49
xanguazhionofjulian: i just did it :S you can also conect to yahoo with empathy, pidgin, kopete if you are using kde, etc16:49
egsomesanjoy, What exactly happen ?16:49
xander_crashing when upon launch16:49
xbonesxactionParsnip: have you added repositories to that file???16:49
zhionofjulianyeach i know... but i want to join room on ym16:49
Dr_WillisJamaKris:  sudo mount /dev/DEVICENAME /media/location     -t ntfs-3g  or 'sudo ntfs-3g /dev/devicename /media/Locatiion' Or just install/run the ntfs-config tool and check teh box's to allow users to mount16:49
sanjoyi start my browser bt after couple of minute it suddenly closed without any notice16:50
Dr_Willis!ntfs | JamaKris16:50
ubottuJamaKris: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE16:50
actionParsnipxbonesx: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list     or you can use the ppa line from the repo in software sources16:50
sanjoyit is happening again n again though i restart ed my pc16:50
alaingDr_Willis: thansk synaptic16:50
zhionofjuliani have many problem with my vga-card16:51
Somelauwikonia, aarcane: thanks16:51
zhionofjulianany body help me?16:51
egsomesanjoy, I mean, How that happen ?, For example `crash happen when i open youtube or any site have flash` and so on ..16:51
zhionofjulian iam using NVIDIA Geforce mx 40016:51
egsome!ask | zhionofjulian16:51
ubottuzhionofjulian: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:51
alaingwith my server edition how do I setup my network connection(wifi) so it connects on bootup and rreconnects if the connection is lost.16:51
Dr_Williszhionofjulian:  that meebo web site can get to many of those IM chat places also16:51
xander_i gotta admit it were my browser i would just delete the .mozillia folder and start over but seeing how its also chrome it leaves to wonder16:51
zhionofjulianafter i insatall my vga the rsolusion of screen only 640x48016:52
sanjoyjust anything.... i start browser n it loads home page "google"16:52
pkhamreWill I loose data on my raid if I rebuild my raid with mdadm?16:52
sanjoythen after some minute it closed suddenly16:52
JamaKrisdr_willis is ntfs-config  installed on ubuntu maverick16:52
alaingwhat netowrk packages does the desktop edition use16:52
zhionofjulianso i can not get 1024x768 resolusion16:52
egsomesanjoy, That happen with Firefox and Chrome ?, Did you build them or installed from repos. ?16:52
Poseidon_lp_22Alguien que quiera ganar unos dolares sin mucho esfuerzo ? requisito estar en Estados Unidos!16:53
sanjoyinstalled from repos16:53
BlueEagle!es| Poseidon_lp_2216:53
ubottuPoseidon_lp_22: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:53
xander_im thinking of a extinsion they both have that maybe causing them both to crash (though it's a stretch)16:53
Dr_WillisJamaKris:  i said install/run it.. :) its not installed by default16:53
shcherbak  /away16:53
Dr_Willis!info ntfs-config16:53
ubottuntfs-config (source: ntfs-config): Enable/disable write support for any NTFS devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-3ubuntu5 (lucid), package size 87 kB, installed size 844 kB16:53
zhionofjulianubottu: thank for advice16:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:53
JamaKrisok... im new to this .. so how do you install and run it16:54
Dr_WillisJamaKris:  use the package manager, then run it from the terminal. gksudo ntfs-config16:54
shcherbakhow do i scroll in screen?16:54
Dr_WillisJamaKris:  odd that its not asking for your users password when accessing the ntfs parittions from the places/computer menu..16:55
Dr_WillisJamaKris:  i thought that was the default bahavior16:55
sanjoyhelow :|16:56
JamaKrisno its not asking for pass16:56
madjoesanjoy: hell low16:56
xbonesxactionParsnip: do you have to run like a 'chmod' line on the file to get it too work?16:56
Dr_Williszhionofjulian:  you really should be asking questions in the channel. not in Priv. messages16:56
sammyI have a vfat volume that mounts automagically in ubuntu, and I'd like to set the uid and gid and umask for the mount. I found docs that pointed me to gconf, but those entries seem to be depreciated? at least, the ones I added aren't being recognized. how do I define the mount options for automagically mounted hal volumes?16:57
HabsHello, I'm running out of HD space on my Ubuntu 10.04 partitioned with Wubi, and I'm a complete Ubuntu Noob. How would go about editing the size of my Ubuntu partition?16:57
zhionofjuliandr_willis ok16:57
Dr_Willissammy:  if its an internal drive. you could just make a fstab entry for it.. actually you could make one for it if its external also.16:57
sammyHabs: gparted works well.16:57
Dr_WillisI dont think gparted can resize a 'wubi' install16:58
=== Out_Cold is now known as Guest76867
sammyDr_Willis: I know, there's fstab, but hal is mounting the volume, and I should be able to tell hal who to mount the drive as16:58
collabraxbonesx: you need to be root....something like this: sudo pico /etc/apt/sources.list      ........ then cut and paste16:58
actionParsnipxbonesx: no, the file is a simple text file, not to be made executable16:59
Dr_Willissammy:   thers been so many changes to hal and so on.. and they keep getting replaced.. Im not even sure HAL is used in 10.04 any more16:59
ubottuHal is in the process of being depreciated.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Halsectomy and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_abstraction_layer for more info.16:59
collabraxbonesx: <ctrl> X   <------ to save and exit16:59
Dr_Willissammy:  i forget what the replacement to hal is called.. udev perhaps?16:59
sammyDr_Willis: does wubi only create installs within the windows partition? in that case, he'd have to use something to resize the image file that's getting mounted16:59
Dr_Willissammy:  i dont use wubi.. but i think thats how it works..16:59
=== Guest76867 is now known as Out_Cold_
StSapphireIs there a way to see if my computer's bluetooth receiver is turned on?17:00
=== purvesh_ is now known as purvesh
xbonesxcollabra: im familiar with "vi" been using that so that is what i used and it worked17:00
sammyDr_Willis: udev, yeah, maybe udev is doing the mounting. I'll dig a bit deeper. I know I can set a fstab entry for the volume, but I wanted to do it the RightWay, if there was one. seems like other people should be running into vfat volumes being automagicallyl mounted with only a single user's ownership.17:00
=== zz_sailerboy is now known as sailerboy
collabraxbonesx: right on.... :)17:00
Habssammy, I have gparted and I'm looking at it right now, and I have one "unallocated" with no label, one "/dev/sda1" with a label of "SYSTEM_DRV", one "/dev/sda2" label "Windows7_OS" and one "/dev/sda3" label "Lenovo_Recovery".17:01
HabsI'm guessing System_DRV is the one I want to rezise?17:01
SOUSпомогите советом17:01
sanjoymy browser is closing suddenly after i start da browser ... its happening non stop....... not for many pages i load or for im loading big page or downloading file........... it just happening without any reason........ pls help17:01
sammyHabs: sorry, I misspoke. wubi doesn't mess with your partition table by default, it creates a giant image file in your windows partition, and mounts that image as a volume17:01
shcherbakHabs Start from formating sda217:02
shcherbakHabs best you can do17:02
sammyHabs: you'll have to resize that image file, and the partition within it. I think there are some docs about how to do that, lemme look17:02
Habs@sammy, oh. Thanks ahead of time.17:02
JamaKristhank you dr_willis its working now17:02
amen51hi all, i am having a network problem, I was wondering anybody has a fix17:03
xander_sammy you think he should D/L a iso of gparted and use that17:03
collabra!ru | SOUS17:03
ubottuSOUS: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:03
actionParsnipamen51: details please17:03
amen51after upgrading to lucid, there seems to be occasional drops in connection when connecting to wireless networks17:03
zhionofjulianhow to change myu resolution screen on my vga carad(nvidia-geforce mx400)17:04
amen51also, after, the connection drops usually it is not going to come back unless I do a hard boot17:04
amen51this also happens sometimes after suspend17:04
amen51(there seems to be bugs reported about this behavior and people seem to be holding network-manager responsible17:05
juliohmOpenOffice Impress Fullscreen mode has a bug when compiz is active. The bars still there. Anyone solve this problem?17:05
amen51 i haven't found any solutions/fixes yet17:05
xander_amen51 i had that problem for so long drove me insane there's a fix in one of the launch reports but dont remember how17:05
actionParsnipamen51: when it drops, run: dmesg | tail    it will give clues17:05
FusionXi recently installed xubuntu 10.4 using wubi under my windows C: drive (4 GB). Now sometimes after booting up xubuntu, the screen crashes at random times and starts blinking white stripes on half of the screen. And also when xubuntu boots up the logo appears very pixelly and looks as if it is run in safe mode and before the logo appears a quick green color flashes on the screen. My xorg.0.log -->17:05
FusionXhttp://pastebin.com/uAy3NS4f . I use Samsung syncmaster 794mg monitor and my driver is intel 82845G. I use 1152x864 resolution while my monitor supports upto 1280x1024 resolution. Help me Please!17:05
FusionXedit : I tested on all resolutions and it seems that the display is crashing on all of the resolutions17:05
FloodBot2FusionX: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:06
ibrahim-kasem!cn | linziyan17:06
ubottulinziyan: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk17:06
FusionXsorry ooops17:06
sammyHabs: looks like your best bet is to either migrate your wubi install to a full install (with its own partition(s) on the hard drive) or break off your /home (if its large enough to make a difference) into a separate virtual disk with more space, freeing up the space in your root partition.17:06
amen51xander_, i would appreciate if you could direct me to it somehow17:06
IRNBR00Hello all!17:06
rajiv_nairIRNBR00: hi17:06
sanjoymy browser is closing suddenly after i start da browser ... its happening non stop....... not for many pages i load or for im loading big page or downloading file........... it just happening without any reason........ pls help17:06
sanjoymy browser is closing suddenly after i start da browser ... its happening non stop....... not for many pages i load or for im loading big page or downloading file........... it just happening without any reason........ pls help17:06
FloodBot2sanjoy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:06
xander_hang on let me see if i can google it17:06
amen51actionParsnip, it says wlan0 disocciated by choice or something like that17:06
amen51it keeps droping and reconnecting17:06
actionParsnipamen51: what wireless chip is it?17:07
amen51(and eventually gives up)17:07
sanjoyi cant run my browser17:07
shcherbaksanjoy: what browser17:07
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk17:07
amen51intel i guess17:07
Dulak!cn | linziyan17:07
ubottulinziyan: please see above17:07
amen51let me check17:07
amen51(it is a thinkpad t400 laptop)17:07
sanjoychrome n firefox17:07
ksbalajiHello after 1 month, I am on a 10.4 ubuntu livecd! - still have to reinstall17:07
linziyanthen  i  speak  english...17:07
linziyanthat's  ok?17:07
amen51Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 5100 AGN [Shiloh] Network Connection17:07
ksbalajinow, If I reinstall, would the home folder  remain intact in the system partition?17:07
collabralinziyan: sure :)17:08
IRNBR00Just managed to get my MSI X410 working with Ubuntu the wireless card was a pain in the ass17:08
shcherbaksanjoy: try to start them from terminal and see output, then google err if any17:08
Screwhello for all17:08
linziyanis  there  anyone who knows  about fcitx   input  ways?17:08
Habssammy... Hm. How would I go about migrating my wubi to a full install with real partitions?17:08
sammyHabs: check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide - there's instructions on how to migrate your wubi install to a real install, and also instructions to break off your /home into a new virtual disk.17:08
HabsSammy, thanks a lot.17:09
xander_try this one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/374847and this one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/295414  its a network manage problem17:09
IRNBR00Can any one please link me to a tutorial or explain to me how to completely remove windows 7? i want to fully commit to ubuntu17:09
sammyHabs: also check http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9822151&postcount=6 which has instructions on how to do what it looks like you want to do - creating a larger image and copying everything over17:09
linziyanyes   fcitx   ,  you  know about it?17:09
FusionXMy display is crashing alot of times randomly in Xubuntu (installed with wubi) details at --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1577543 HELP ME PLEASE!17:09
pagorehi all! :)17:10
Ubuwhatpagore, hi you!17:10
ScrewIs there anyone who has HP pavilion dv6 2010 and worked its mic?17:10
collabralinziyan: no,... i was seeing if the bot knew anything about it17:10
pagorecould someone tell me if it is illegal to download a website via wget? :)17:10
xander_IRNBR00 easy put in ubuntu disk follow instructions choose guided install using full whole disk option17:10
linziyancollabra:  ok  fine....17:10
NOMADICUSHello.  I am using Ubuntu 10.04 and I am wondering how to boot in verbose mode.  What settings do I have to change to make that happen?17:10
ksbalajidoes a clean install in a partition leave the /home folder intact please?17:11
arosen1How do I get sun-java6-jdk   from apt ?17:11
linziyancollabra:  it's  a  chinese  input  method....17:11
IRNBR00i dont have a disk drive i have the MSI X410 netbook :P is there anyway to do it via USB ETC.?17:11
UbuwhatDid anyone here had encounter difficulty installing scanners that supposed to be supported by SANE?17:11
sammyfor anyone following along, Dr_Willis was right. udev rules will help me mount my vfat usb drive with proper permissions to be available for all users.17:11
sammyIRNBR00: do you mean can you install ubuntu with a usb drive?17:11
collabralinziyan: ok. I have to admit i dont know17:12
actionParsnip!java | arosen117:12
ubottuarosen1: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.17:12
xander_yes you can install from USB17:12
sammy!usb | IRNBR0017:12
ubottuIRNBR00: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:12
IRNBR00sammy: i dont have a cd drive and im wanting to switch completely to ubuntu and remove windows 717:12
FusionXguys please help me with the problem i mentioned above ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i've been trying since yesterday and got no help yet.17:12
collabralinziyan: have you tried one of the asian ubuntu channels,...?17:13
preecheri see the ubunto 10.10 beta is avail--can i install that as a upgrade without having to do the whole iso burn and reinstall thing17:13
xbonesxactionParsnip: i tried to use "vi" to put the text into that file and i saved using ":wq!" but it created a file called 'sources.list.save' ???17:13
sammyIRNBR00: it's as easy as putting the cd image on the usb key and booting from it.17:13
linziyancollabra:  it  will  be the same  ,i think17:13
sammy!upgrade preecher17:13
grkbloodhow do i burn avchds with ubuntu karmic without buying nero? is there a way to give udf 2.5 support to k3b?17:13
linziyancollabra:  so  i    enter here  directly....17:14
preechersammy   thanks---17:14
drecutei'm also trying to install via usb17:14
collabralinziyan: they would know alot more about chinese input methods than we.17:14
xbonesxIRNBR00: i believe there are tutorials out their to boot the live cd from a usb drive...17:14
IRNBR00sammy slight problem is i have just got ubuntu working with the  X410 and was wondering if i can keep my settings17:14
xbonesxIRNBR00: i dont think anything you do in the live cd will save... :(17:14
Ubuwhatcan't make my Epson GT-2500 work with SANE.17:15
actionParsnipxbonesx: use: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list   add the text, press CTRL+X, Press Y, Press ENTER   soooo much easier17:15
ralyonMy system is locking up on boot as of 3 days ago, last messages are regaurding CIFS not connecting and modem-manager although there is no modem on my machine. I am booted into a pxe image and have my local drive mounted and I have looked through the dmesg, messages, syslog and Xorg.0.log, but I'm not finding anything that seems to be helping. Can someone help me find the errors I need to search for to get this fixed?17:15
IRNBR00right ill give it a go the now17:15
IRNBR00see what happens17:15
actionParsnipUbuwhat: did the iscan packages not make it fly?17:15
xbonesxactionParsnip: should there be a file called 'sources.list.save' in that DIR?17:15
xander_fusionx im no xorg expert and not much experince with wubi but when i was trying to get current ati driver to work a couple of time i just removed xorg.conf and let it reconfigure its self (but thats not a fix just a guess)17:15
linziyancollabra:   to  tell  the  truth, i  just   a  try  that  if  one  of  chinese experts  is  here....17:16
preecherit tells me upgrade not found17:16
FusionXxander_ ok i will try, but can u explain me how to do it? pm?17:16
UbuwhatactionParsnip, nay.17:16
FusionXstep by step17:16
collabraahh,... =)17:16
actionParsnipxbonesx: I have one but sources.list is the one used17:16
grkbloodhow do i burn avchds with ubuntu karmic without buying nero? is there a way to give udf 2.5 support to k3b?17:16
UbuwhatactionParsnip, although I installed virtual box with the supplied Driver and it worked17:17
fedora_newbwhy is it that webpages are displayed different in linux firefox than windows firefox? Shouldn't they be the same?17:17
xbonesxactionParsnip: is the content of the sources.list.save file the same as the sources.list???17:17
EvilPhoenixfedora_newb:  no they shouldnt.  its the same as asking why something shows up different in internet explorer than it does in firefox17:17
arosen1actionParsnip: how do I enable the universe repo? It says that in 9.04+ they are enabled by default though I still don't see that java package ?17:18
UbuwhatactionParsnip, now i know that the scanner is functioning. yet can't make it work the way I want it.17:18
melrockzHow to install IOS image (file.bin) via TFTP from Ubuntu to a Cisco 2600 router?17:18
EvilPhoenixfedora_newb:  some pages are configured for certain operating systems...17:18
collabraxbonesx: that's there because you edited the sources.list, i think. it saved the original as sources.list.save17:18
fedora_newbEvilPhoenix, are they not the same build?17:18
xander_i would goto etc/X11/  find xorg.conf delete it but like i said thats not a fix just a guess it allowed me to get back to X so icould try agian17:18
EvilPhoenixfedora_newb:  and part of the version response for HTTP things is your OS.17:18
EvilPhoenixfedora_newb:  read up17:18
xbonesxcollabra: so just delete it?17:18
fedora_newbRight on...17:18
actionParsniparosen1: its in the partner repo http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-install-sun-java-runtime-environment-jre-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html17:18
greencupanyone here can help me on a security issue?17:18
collabraxbonesx: yeah if you want. it won't be used by the system17:18
xbonesxcollabra: ok17:19
xbonesxcollabra: TY17:19
collabraxbonesx: np17:19
ralyonMy system is locking up on boot as of 3 days ago, last messages are regaurding CIFS not connecting and modem-manager although there is no modem on my machine. I am booted into a pxe image and have my local drive mounted and I have looked through the dmesg, messages, syslog and Xorg.0.log, but I'm not finding anything that seems to be helping. Can someone help me find the errors I need to search for to get this fixed?17:19
arosen1actionParsnip: that webpage is down for me :(17:19
xbonesxactionParsnip: TY to you too17:19
bt4collabara ok17:19
arosen1actionParsnip: nvm i think i can get it fromt he cache17:20
actionParsniparosen1: http://beeznest.wordpress.com/2010/04/23/howto-install-suns-java-on-ubuntu-lucid-lynx-10-04/17:20
actionParsnipxbonesx: see how much better support you get in ubuntu then backtrack17:20
melrockzhow to launch tftpd? tftpd doesn't seem to work...17:20
xander_oooo ooo security issue what is it17:20
xbonesxanyone in hear a fan of rap music even a little bit17:20
actionParsnip!ot | xbonesx17:20
ubottuxbonesx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:20
xbonesxactionParsnip: for sure did you see me get kicked lol17:20
collabracollabra's ok bt4.... thanks for asking.17:20
=== luckytux_ is now known as Out_Cold_
Dulak!cn | linziyan17:21
ubottulinziyan: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk17:21
xander_greencup whats the issue ?17:21
CitricAcidGreetings everyone. I have some questions for you all that you may find nooby... lol. I'm brand new to Ubuntu, and I have installed it INSIDE windows using Wubi. I want to make a dual boot system with windows, but whenever I begin to install ubuntu I'm not greeted with the simple slider that I see in all those tutorial videos. I have to do it manually, or erase the disk.17:21
melrockzHow to install IOS image (file.bin) via TFTP from Ubuntu to a Cisco 2600 router? Urgent...17:22
actionParsnipmelrockz: tftp is the same in any OS as it is a defacto standard17:22
greencupxander: i have to (assignment!) break into a server17:22
greencupim trying brute force attacks right now and i know ports 22 and 21 are open and unsecured, i have a user in the server but no password (thats the challenge!)17:22
greencupi discovered how to get in with a limited account but i cant do anything with it17:22
greencupi read about configuring ssh while youre inside to not-ask for password, but i think thats only valid in the current account17:22
FloodBot2greencup: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:22
frexHello, I installed libapache-asp-perl, I could not find any example configuration file under /etc/apache2/conf.d17:23
greencup*sorry for the flood17:23
frexwhere is it exactly?17:23
shcherbaklinziyan, hi hao17:23
linziyanshcherbak:  你好17:23
ralyonMy system is locking up on boot as of 3 days ago, last messages are regaurding CIFS not connecting and modem-manager although there is no modem on my machine. I am booted into a pxe image and have my local drive mounted and I have looked through the dmesg, messages, syslog and Xorg.0.log, but I'm not finding anything that seems to be helping. Can someone help me find the errors I need to search for to get this fixed?17:23
shcherbaklinziyan, do you think it is possible to learn chinese on irc?17:24
weez^is there any other way to get bitchx? i can't find it in my repos :(17:24
shcherbakwhois lnziyan17:24
linziyanshcherbak:you  mean?17:24
linziyanwhois shcherbak17:25
collabrashcherbak: dont know,... he's trying to get help with chinese input methods17:25
xander_greencup dont take this the wrong way but 1: this assignment break into a server doesnt sound legit 2: are you trying to learn pentesting ?17:25
=== rajiv_ is now known as rajiv_nair
u456503hi all, there is a channel for kernel build ?17:25
CitricAcidWhenever I attempt to resize my windows partition, it says "Partition may be corrupted use Chkdsk to fix corruption problems then try again" Whenever I use Chkdsk I see a black window for a split second, then it disappears.... Help.17:26
xander_i used to have a vunerable machine set in vmware to break into that worked good for me as a learning tool17:26
collabrau456503: have you tried listing the channels?17:26
shcherbaklinziyan, wonder...17:27
collabrau456503: i believe there is,.. not sure what the name is, though.17:27
anevanyone have issues booting live ubuntu 10.10 beta ?17:27
anevi get failure to mount /dev/loop errors.17:27
greencupxander: hahahaha i know i doesnt sound legit, but i swear it is; we got a two week security course and thats my final assignment17:28
UbuwhatactionParsnip, I tried to install one of them I scanner  *.deb file but i got an "Dependency is not satisfiable: libltdl3 (>= 1.5.2-2)" error17:28
Herman_SnerdI've got a question regarding networking...I've been experiencing long delays in retrieving web pages and I'm thinking it might either be OS related or drivers.  I'm running a dual-boot setup and the Win-Blows side doesn't seem to have the same problems.17:28
Herman_Snerd Not sure where to look in the networking settings to get any answers.  I am running proprietary drivers on this HP laptop.17:28
Herman_SnerdHowever, I did go to speed-test .net and tried to run the download speed test and got this,"Test Status: Failed - Opening"17:28
Herman_SnerdI thought that might give a clue.  Can anyone help?17:28
FloodBot2Herman_Snerd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:28
Dr_Willisweez^:  why do you even wanty BitchX. weechat and irssi are better clients17:28
actionParsnipUbuwhat: then you will need to find a deb to satisfy that dep17:29
greencupxander: owner of the site (also teacher) told me to not try sql injection cause site's mysql is not working17:29
drecutecan somebody help: unable to find a medium containing a live file system17:29
David-SDXhey guys17:29
drecutewhile installing ubuntu from usb disk for the first time17:29
David-SDXanyone ever install itunes?17:29
Dr_Willis!itunes | David-SDX17:29
ubottuDavid-SDX: itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee17:29
xander_if it were me i would would be using BT4, and have you ran it with metasploit best out there i used this morning to hack into my oldest daughters computer17:29
David-SDXive been trying to add music to my ipod17:30
xander_just for record its on my network17:30
greencupyou can use amarok17:30
David-SDXto sync music to my ipod?17:30
Blue1David-SDX: guadeque http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=17417:30
greencupxander: i have amarok in another computer right now, but i just downloaded it; i know it can do lots of things but im not familiarized with them17:31
David-SDXk thanks17:31
David-SDXbrb guys ima try this out17:31
=== saji89_ is now known as Guest11599
collabrahttp://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download  <-----drecute17:31
xander_try to use metasploit it has some nice sql attacks my virtual server has intenional sql issues and it finds them in a few minutes and spawns a sessio17:31
Blue1David-SDX: guayadeque will be in next release (10.10) of ubuntu17:31
=== Guest11599 is now known as opensorcerer
Scottie1Help please?17:31
Dr_Willis!details | Scottie117:32
ubottuScottie1: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:32
MaletorHow can I join two different LANS?17:32
Scottie1I've burned Ubuntu desktop to about seven different CDs, and none of them will install. I've downloaded from two different PCs, from three separate downloads. I'm trying to install on a Toshiba Satellite L355D-S782517:32
Dr_WillisScottie1:  make a bootable flash drive from the iso files perhaps?17:33
ubottubitchx (also known as ircii-pana) was dropped from Debian and subsequently Ubuntu (see: http://dy.fi/afb). Consider using irssi or weechat instead.17:33
Scottie1All of the trials work fine, but when I go to install, I always get an error (at different parts of the download) saying that my harddisk is bad...but it's hard to believe that they're all bad17:33
Dr_WillisScottie1:  do the cd's work on other machines?17:33
greencupxander: sql attacks are not an option, ssh and ftp are my best shot17:33
actionParsnipScottie1: did you MD5 test the ISO files you downloaded?17:33
Scottie1Dr_Willis: I tried, once with an external hd, and again with a regular flash, and the first time it straight up told me I couldn't boot from an hd, and when I tried to boot from my stick, it said I had nothing bootable inserted.17:33
greencupxander: my thought was, brute force! i kind of know the guy so i tried a generic dictionary and one i made, but its not working17:33
Dr_WillisScottie1:  how did you make the bootable flash drive?17:34
sriramomanany guys here with toshiba laptops with ubuntu difficulty?17:34
Scottie1Dr_Willis: I don't have the opportunity to find out, because I can't erase the other machines...they aren't mine17:34
JSGI'm trying to find a Linux equal to OCR a PDF file like ABBY on Windows.17:34
Dr_Willissriramoman:  my Toshiba X505 works 100% in ubuntu.17:34
fedora_newblol...firefox in wine is faster than stock firefox...who would have guessed that one17:34
Scottie1actionParsnip: I have no idea what that means.17:34
actionParsnip!md5 | Scottie117:35
ubottuScottie1: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:35
bibiiHi ppl!17:35
Scottie1Dr_Willis: I followed the instructions on the website, and even told it to make it a bootable startup whatever17:35
Dr_WillisScottie1:  you could install to your extranal flash drive/usb as a test also.. but do  check the md5's first17:35
Scottie1sriramoman: girl, but yes.17:35
wieshkahow can i remove ssh session timeout (for inactivity)17:35
actionParsnipScottie1: you have downloaded a very sensitive lump of data over a very unreliable network, didnt you think to check the data was good before using it?17:35
Dr_WillisScottie1:  also the PenDrivelinux web site has some alteantive tools for making a bootable flash drive.17:35
Herman_Snerdsriramoman,  I've had similar problems though the optical drive I was trying to use was bad.  But no other boot options worked on the Toshiba I was trying to resurrect.17:35
Scottie1actionParsnip: ...what?17:35
actionParsnipwieshka: there may be a setting in /etc/ssh/sshd_config17:35
Dr_WillisScottie1:  an addational test is to try virtualbox and see if it can install from the iso to a virutal machine.17:35
Scottie1actionParsnip: if I knew what that meant, I would. But, again, I don't.17:36
wieshkaactionParsnip: witch one ? :D logingracetime is for login timeout17:36
sriramomanScottie1: toshiba works 100% for u?17:36
frexHello, I installed libapache-asp-perl, I could not find any example configuration file under /etc/apache2/conf.d17:36
actionParsnipScottie1: the ISO you downloaded has traversed the internet and can get damaged in transit. MD5 lets you check the data is good BEFORE you use it so you know any errors you see are not caused by garbled data17:36
Scottie1Dr_Willis: I'm very grateful.17:36
wieshkahow can i specifie for session ?17:36
frexthis is not for apache2?17:36
Scottie1sriramoman: absolutely not.17:36
actionParsnipScottie1: read the factoid ubottu gave too, it explains how to check the data17:36
sriramomanScottie1: if u have acpi problems in the toshiba, i am here to guide u:)17:37
Scottie1:actionParsnip: In the process. I'm grateful, I'm just not sure what you're talking about.17:37
Herman_Snerdsriramoman, I had to wipe the HDD and create a pair of partitions and make one of them a bootable from a working install of ubuntu.17:37
Scottie1sriramoman: acpi?17:37
FusionXHow can i recreate and reconfigure xorg.conf in xubuntu 10.04?17:37
HabsAlright, so I read the links, and from my understanding I just have to make a new partition with GParted, then download wubi-move-to-patition, then run "sudo sh wubi-move-to-partition <current Ubuntu partition here> <Swap (?) goes here>"?17:38
sriramomanScottie1: what, in ur ubuntu, does NOT work in the toshiba laptop17:38
actionParsnipScottie1: data can be damaged in transit, especially data as sensitive as an OS install media, so you need to check it is ok before continuing17:38
Dr_WillisHabs:  you proberly want to make a swap partition also.17:38
Scottie1sriramoman: I cannot get the disks to actually install. They let me trial run, but not install.17:38
=== luckytux_ is now known as Out_Cold_
Scottie1actionParsnip: I'm reading the text, but I don't understand it. I've never liked coding.17:38
mdskyHey guys17:39
HabsDr_Willis: So what exactly is a swap partition?17:39
sriramomanScottie1: what errs turn up?17:39
actionParsnipScottie1: its not coding at all, if you use windows you right click the iso and click "send to md5sum" after install a program, how is that programming??17:39
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info17:39
sriramomanbibii: hi!17:39
Dr_WillisHabs:  its what linux uses instead of a swap file. like windows uses.. see above17:39
Scottie1sriramoman: the messages are different, but it always results in "this is caused by a faulty harddisk"17:39
NOMADICUSI can't seem to find an explaniation on how to boot in verbose mode.  Will someone please explain it to me?17:40
Scottie1actionParsnip: that isn't what the text says17:40
Scottie1actionParsnip: and I'm in the Ubuntu trial right now, not Windows17:40
collabraScottie1: have you tried installing on different machine,.... maybe it's your harddrive17:40
sriramomanScottie1: i would recommend u to go for a manual partition setup. there, resize the existing partitions to desired size. Then, install it on a custom sized partition as per ur needs17:41
bibiiWhat to do?17:41
Scottie1collabra: I don't have another machine that I can lose data from, so no17:41
HabsDr_Willis, so how would I go about making this swap partition then? And I've read about http://lubi.sourceforge.net/lvpm.html , can I use that instead?17:41
Scottie1sriramoman: partitions aren't my thing either. I want a full install.17:41
Dr_Willis!trash | cannonfodder17:41
ubottucannonfodder: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash17:41
sriramomanScottie1: an important preliminary question:: Are u installing from the ext-hdd to the SAME hdd?17:41
cannonfodderwhy do they keep hiding the trash btw?17:41
mdskyYou can create a file on a existing partition and use it as swap - so you don't have to deal with partitions.17:41
sriramomancannonfodder: trash:/// does the trick17:41
bibiiизвините за мой англйский17:41
Scottie1sriramoman: ..what?17:41
collabra!ru | bibii17:42
ubottubibii: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:42
bibiisorry for my Flyer17:42
Dr_WillisScottie1:  you do a full/normal isntall via parittions...17:42
drecuteok guys17:42
Scottie1Dr_Willis: I don't know what that means.17:42
sriramomanScottie1: if u try to install from a source external hard disk to the same external hard disk as destination, its bound to create errors!17:42
drecutei have at the prompt initramfs17:42
HabsSorry, I'm a bit of a newb at this, but what does the "Swap" file/partition do, and why do we need one?17:43
ubuntui have a kernel problem17:43
drecutefrom here i can enter commands17:43
Scottie1sriramoman: I really have no idea what you're talking about.17:43
drecuteis it possible to install using the commands17:43
Dr_WillisScottie1:  you may want to read up on some pc/disk fundamentals then.   You normally reparittion your hard drive and isntall ubuntu to one of the partitions. Unless you are using the WUBI method to install INSIDE windwos.17:43
ubuntuhow I'm join to ircubuntu esp17:43
actionParsnipScottie1: if you reboot to the cd, when the stickman shows press spacebar and select "Check CD for defects"17:43
JSGI'm trying to find a Linux equal to OCR a PDF file like ABBY on Windows. I installed gocr but it don't do pdf files.17:43
Scottie1Dr_Willis: but I want FULL Ubuntu...I don't want other partitions17:43
mdsky@Habs: ubottu> swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info17:43
sriramomanScottie1: are u installing from an optical medium(CD/DVD), as source medium of ubuntu?17:43
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:44
actionParsnipHabs: its like the pagefile in windows, although linux doesnt fill your ram with stuff on boot17:44
Scottie1actionParsnip: Will do. Thank you.17:44
Dr_WillisScottie1:  you are backwards.. a FULL install DOES use partitions..17:44
Dr_WillisScottie1:  is this machine to be Ubuntu Only? or windows on it also?17:44
Scottie1sriramoman: I've tried several different CDs, an ext hard drive, and a usb17:44
sriramomanHabs: u may use 220% size as ur RAM for swap17:44
Scottie1Dr_Willis: Then I just purely don't understand.17:44
HabsOh, I see. But I think I've confused myself with my own directions... >.<17:44
Dr_WillisScottie1:  yep. You dont understand..  but we are here to help17:44
collabra!es | ubuntu17:45
ubottuubuntu: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:45
sriramomanScottie1: does the live environment work or does it stop at boot stage!17:45
Scottie1Dr_Willis: My machine wouldn't let me log on, so I Ubuntu'd over it, and erased my windows. Now it has nothing on it.17:45
grkbloodhow do i get udf 2.50 support in cdrecord?17:45
Redhandwell, it worked Feisty Fawn for the win! or against the win' as the case may be17:45
Scottie1sriramoman: I don't know what 'live environment' is17:45
bjaanesHaving some problems with Rythmbox iPhone. Synced and copied stuff over yesterday - worked just fine. Connecting and trying to copy over a song; Error while getting peer-to-peer dbus connection: The name :1.210 was not provided by any .service files. Tried to delete .gconf/apps/rythmbox - didnt help. Any ideas?17:45
Dr_WillisScottie1:  so basically you start the isntaller and tell it to use the 'whole' disk ?17:45
Scottie1Dr_Willis: It asks what I want. I tell it to erase and use the whole disk.17:45
sriramomanScottie1: does the live cd boot in?17:45
Dr_WillisScottie1:  and that automatically PARTIONS the hard disk for you.17:46
Scottie1sriramoman: The installation starts. Always. It gets to 20 something, 30 something...I've gotten up to 40 something percent. Then it "corrupts"17:46
bibiii nice your are!!!17:46
Dr_WillisScottie1:  since you dont want windows. that makes things simpiler.17:46
HabsSo, going back to the beginning, Wubi doesn't use partitions, it uses a file, right? So can I just change the size of that file for more HD space? :S17:46
collabraScottie1: is this a CD or a USB Drive?17:46
sriramomanScottie1: another tip: install it onto some other external hard disk.17:46
Scottie1Dr_Willis: Okay...sorry I made that so difficult. And no, I don't want Windows. I just want my Ubuntu to work. I've used like 7 disks already.17:46
Dr_WillisScottie1:  where is your .iso files you used at now? this PC? eternal hd? another pc?17:47
Scottie1collabra: I've tried both.17:47
Scottie1sriramoman: I don't know what that means.17:47
Scottie1Dr_Willis: One on my mom's, one on my friends. None on this one because every time I use it, I have to use Ubuntu trial, so nothing saves.17:48
collabraScottie1: I think it's time to buy a hard drive.17:48
Dr_WillisScottie1:  If you have an exteranal usb hard drive, or even a pen/flash drive. You can tell the installer to install to that exteranal device.17:48
Scottie1collabra: I'm not buying a new hard drive.17:48
Dr_WillisScottie1:  you may want to go to one or more of the other machines and download a MD5 sum tool to check the iso files.17:48
Scottie1Dr_Willis: When I tried to tell the ISO to use the hard drive as a boot option, it wouldn't let me. It said that I would not be able to boot from it.17:48
sriramomanScottie1: plug in an external hard disk before starting ubuntu from cd. then start ur ubuntu installation cd. then choose the external disk as the destination for installing the OS. Afterward, boot it from there. u just need a single partition on the external drive, no need of an entire huge drive itself17:49
Dr_WillisScottie1:  Hard drives are the weakest part of a PC these days. they can die and get errors at any time.17:49
sriramomanDr_Willis: thats why we have raid:P17:49
Scottie1sriramoman: what you're telling me to do is what I've already done, I think17:49
Scottie1Dr_Willis: Well buying one really isn't an option17:49
xbonesxactionParsnip: none of the stuff in this file are showing up in my repositories anymore, i copied the contents from my live cd '/etc/apt/sources.list17:50
Dr_WillisScottie1:  check the md5 of the iso files on the other machines. try the Pendrivelinux web site. their 'pendrive generator' tool can also verify the ISO i think.17:50
sriramomanScottie1: i am asking u to choose the external drive as Destination and NOT source, for the ubuntu-installation17:50
collabraScottie1: yup,... at ANY time,.... I had to replace a two week old hard drive once.17:50
Dr_WillisScottie1:  you can even isntall to a 8gb flash drive if yu have one. :) as a test.17:50
Scottie1collabra: that still doesn't help me. I'm not buying a new drive.17:50
aknagiHi guys. I'm installing my OS, and I have two 320GB disks, but gparted shows them as 298.09 GiB17:50
wolfbikerhey guys, i'm getting a connection problem with emesene, it's called Errno 11017:50
aknagianyone know why?17:50
Scottie1Dr_Willis: I have one. I tried. My computer refused to boot from it.17:50
wolfbikerwhat should i do?17:50
Dr_Willisaknagi:  marketing terms. and 5% reserved by ext2/3/417:50
sriramomanaknagi: thats coz of GB to GiB units conversion17:50
collabraScottie1: then partition your drive only to 30 percent17:50
xbonesxactionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=YvhNcmcd17:51
aknagiThanks Dr_Willis17:51
Scottie1collabra: I don't understand partitioning or why I need to do it.17:51
Dr_WillisScottie1:  its possible your hard drive has a bad spot near the middle.17:51
bibiiwho likes to foul out Boys?17:51
Dr_WillisScottie1:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disk_partitioning17:51
collabraScottie1: obviously you have some bad sectors,.. I might recomend spinrite17:51
actionParsnipxbonesx: looks line17:51
=== root is now known as Guest77895
MaMoUsPidgin keep Crashing, Ubuntu 10.04 please help me17:51
xbonesxactionParsnip: looks (fine)*?17:52
fantihello! apt-get doesn't find sun's java6-jdk package after installation from scratch. do i need to add 'nonfree' packages to sources.list or something like that?17:52
actionParsnipxbonesx: yes, the sources file17:52
bjaanesHaving a somewhat wierd issue. Ubuntu asks for root password when installing stuff from ubuntu software center instead of password for the user logged in (which btw has sudo rights). So installing from command line works just fine. But when Ubuntu need root privileges it asks for root password instead of the user sudo. Whats up with that?17:52
Scottie1Dr_Willis: Could you just tell me straight up what to do? Because stuff like this is meaningless to me.17:52
collabraScottie1: not much you can do about bad sectors on a harddrive17:52
Dr_WillisScottie1:  as a dirty work around. they are suggesting you use the 'custome' partioning feature of the installer and make a single parittion at the front of the hard drive of about 20gb or so,17:52
Scottie1collabra: Dude, okay, I appreciate the effort, but you aren't helping me.17:53
Redhandhmmm... any old ubuntu distro chatrooms on here./list isn't working for me17:53
Dr_WillisScottie1:  not really. you need to know the basic terms befor  anything we say makes sence..17:53
actionParsnipScottie1: you could research some and learn a little, it will help you GREATLY17:53
Scottie1Dr_Willis: But, like, I don't know what the sectors mean17:53
rasecay  algen17:53
sailerboyhey, im using supybot, and one of the plugins needs flat as a database17:53
sailerboybut i cant find it in apt17:53
sailerboyhttp://pastebin.com/K7m5mdqC is the specific error17:53
MaMoUspidgin Keep Crashing , Segmentation fault, Ubuntu 10.04 help me please17:53
collabraScottie1: i apologize.... it's wasn't my intent...17:53
Dr_WillisScottie1:  in short you can try custome partioning layout, and make a 20 gb partiion at the start for '/' and  a 512mb for 'swap' then see if itnstalls.17:53
rasecde cchile17:53
Scottie1Dr_Willis: I understand most of what you're saying. It is just meaningless to me because I don't know how to apply it.17:53
Dr_WillisScottie1:  but really You SHOULD be checking the cd's for errors also.17:53
Scottie1collabra: I appreciate it, I do, but you aren't explaining anything you say so it's just frustrating me17:54
sriramomanaknagi: i can give u the calculation how u get 298. its pure mathematics and not any sector reservation/crap17:54
Scottie1Dr_Willis: I didn't know. I don't know how to do any of this. I was just trying to save my stupid computer.17:54
fedora_newbanyone know if you can get like a collapse for gedit?17:54
Dr_WillisScottie1:  i guess you learn then.17:54
Dr_WillisScottie1:  theres proberly videos on youtube of them doing Ubuntu installs also.17:54
Dr_WillisScottie1:  its not to hard to parittion the hard drive with the installer.17:54
Redhandknowing is half the battle, learning is the other half =)17:54
Scottie1Dr_Willis: I'm pulling up the installer right now.17:55
collabraScottie1: bad sectors would frustrate me also.... but there are workarounds,... like what Dr_Willis is suggesting17:55
Dr_WillisScottie1:  because the HD has some bad sectors.. that thing could die at any time..  i would be saving up some $$.17:55
mdskyWhat to use as virtual machine software? Should be stable and fast and have a gui. :) I found these three: VirtualBOX OSE? Qemulator? FAUmachine? Are there other/better ones?17:55
bibiiubuntu 10.04 - the best distro!17:55
Scottie1Dr_Willis: Which option am I supposed to choose, regarding the install17:56
Dr_WillisScottie1:  custome layout17:56
Scottie1Okay, I'm there.17:56
RedhandI assume that wont work on a 400mhz celeron bibii rotflmao (192 megs of ram)17:56
Dr_WillisScottie1:  i dont have the isntaller memoruised.. so you will need to think about what you are doing.17:56
Dr_WillisScottie1:  you basically want to make 2 partitions  first one , ext4, mount point of17:56
MaMoUsPidgin Keep Crashing, Segmentation fault17:56
Dr_WillisScottie1:  you basically want to make 2 partitions  first one , ext4, mount point of  '/'    perhaps 20gb in size.17:56
collabraScottie1: how big is your harddrive currently?17:57
FusionXHow can i recreate and reconfigure xorg.conf in xubuntu 10.04?17:57
Dr_WillisScottie1:  then make a second one. perhaps 1 gb in size. type is 'swap'17:57
Scottie1Dr_Willis: There's already two there. sda1 and sda517:57
Scottie1Dr_Willis: 1 is an ext4 and 5 is a swap17:57
Dr_WillisScottie1:  so delete them.  thats what the auto partioning tool setup.17:57
swiftarrowFusionX: the xorg is auto configured in 10.04, afaik17:57
Scottie1collabra: 250g17:57
Dr_WillisScottie1:  you want basically the same thing, only smaller...17:57
sriramoman1Scottie1: ensure ur swap is 220% as big as ur RAM17:57
swiftarrowFusionX: it doesn't use a xorg.conf, it re-configures every boot17:58
maedoxFusionX, not sure what you want, but you can just delete xorg.conf.17:58
Scottie1Dr_Willis: Okay, now it just says 'free space'17:58
Dr_Willissriramoman1:  220% ? where did that come from.17:58
collabrasriramoman1: i've neve used more than 120 percent myself17:58
Dr_WillisScottie1:  so make a new primary partition, type ext4. mount point /17:58
* swiftarrow things Dr_Willis is awesome for doing this17:58
Dr_WillisScottie1:  make it.. 20gb.17:59
Scottie1Dr_Willis: I click 'new partition table' and nothing happens17:59
Dr_WillisScottie1:  not a new table.. a new partitiion17:59
maedoxsriramoman1, I have 6 GB RAM and no swap space. no way I'm making one 220 % of RAM :P17:59
FusionXswiftarrow : my display is crashing randomly and i want to know if there's a way to auto reconfigure the whole display configuration. details -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1577543 - can u help me?17:59
sriramoman1Dr_Willis: 100% for RAM overflow as such, 100% in case of suspend-to-disk. and 2x10% for safety17:59
Dr_Willissriramoman1:  rather useless for all of my machines...17:59
Scottie1Dr_Willis: I only have the option to make a new table17:59
collabrasriramoman1: these machines these days have so much ram, I don't belive i've ever even used my swap17:59
swiftarrowFusionX: if you have an xorg.conf, delete it, and reboot.  That will re-configure it automatically17:59
Scottie1Dr_Willis: Scratch that. I had the wrong thing highlighted.17:59
bibii<Redhand>I think it is, but not in full force!17:59
FusionXswiftarrow no i don't17:59
actionParsnipswiftarrow: renaming is less destructive17:59
Dr_WillisScottie1:  I said you have to think. :) heh18:00
sriramoman1Dr_Willis: one swap can be used by all ur machines18:00
swiftarrowFusionX: otherwise, look at your graphics drivers, some cards don't behave very nicely18:00
ameri need help regarding changing mouse pointers in ubuntu me 10.0418:00
swiftarrowFusionX, whats your graphics card?18:00
* sriramoman1 runs 9 VM's on his laptop and thus requires 220% sized swap as his 6GB RAM18:00
Dr_WillisScottie1:  so a parimary parittion of about 20gb, ext4, mount point /18:00
FusionXswiftarrow i didn't had this problem on ubuntu 9.10, intel 82845G18:00
swiftarrowamer there's many ways to do it.  For starters, go to System > Preferences > Appearace18:01
swiftarrowand customize the theme18:01
sriramoman1Scottie1: ensure to check the format18:01
collabratalk about a learning curve,...18:01
Redhandhmmm... seriously? well.. I may have to try installing 10.4 then after I learn the basics of ubuntu.. so far 7.04 is treating me quite nicely18:01
actionParsnipamer: right click desktop -> change wallpaper, leftmost tab, click install then select the archive containing the pointer theme, it will be offered to be enabled too :)18:01
aruljohnhi any one tell me where keylogger software wil store after download18:01
Redhandfirst day granted18:01
Scottie1sriramoman1: Format?18:01
swiftarrowFusionX: then I'd suspect the newer drivers for the intel chipset are the problem...18:01
Scottie1Dr_Willis: Done.18:02
Scottie1Dr_Willis: Wait, wait. Beg or end?18:02
Dr_WillisScottie1:  the thing should allready 'format' the ext4 if needed.. you have also made the swap parittion yet? how much ram do you have?18:02
wolfbiker_hey guys, I keep getting a connection problem with Emesene, it's called Errno 110, how should i fix this?18:02
Dr_WillisScottie1:  may as well use the beginning. :)18:02
FusionXswiftarrow it's the same driver from the last ubuntu 9.1018:02
swiftarrowI've had that problem with the 845 before, and it was solved by going back to an older driver... but that was in 9.-418:02
sailerboyhey, im getting this error No suitable databases were found.  Suitable databases include flat.18:02
ameri am using ubuntu sabily os. in that there are special cursors, with arabic script, its not workingo n desktop, but working when a program window is open.18:02
sailerboybut i cant find flat in ap18:02
Scottie1Dr_Willis: 3g ram, 250g hd18:02
swiftarrowFusionX: are you sure?  kernel version is also the same?18:02
Redhandmy next project is my little 233mhz laptop though I believe it has 64 megs of ram bwahaha18:03
Scottie1Dr_Willis: All I've made is the first. Can you repeat the other, please?18:03
Dr_WillisScottie1:  so a 1gb swap is proberly plenty. You could make 3gb if you wanted.18:03
FusionXswiftarrow yes i'm sure18:03
swiftarrowFusionX: well... this n00b has run out of guesses :)18:03
sriramoman1Scottie1: when u edit details of ur "/" partition, ensure that u tick the "Format" check box18:03
Dr_WillisScottie1:  afer making the /. make a swap partition perhaps 2gb in size.  its not super critical.18:03
Scottie1Dr_Willis: On the one I just made, or in the free space?18:03
collabrafree space18:03
Dr_WillisScottie1:  its a different partiion.. so its in the free space of course..18:04
Dr_WillisScottie1:  You are making different 'partitions' :) logical eh?18:04
Scottie1Dr_Willis: I assumed, but I wanted to be sure. Logical? Beg or end? Mount point?18:04
razasshi all, is there any tutorial or documentation on making a very bare bones ubuntu desktop install? Simply it just needs to run FireFox18:04
Dr_WillisScottie1:  may as well make it primary,. and again.. the beginning18:04
Scottie1Dr_Willis: Primary or logical18:04
Dr_WillisScottie1:  you can have 4 primary parittions total. You are going to perhaps use 3 for this setup.18:05
Scottie1Dr_Willis: Alright, done.18:05
swiftarrowrazass: If I were you I'd try a different distro... something like tiny Linux, if all you want is firefox18:05
sriramoman1razass: delete all unrequired packages ;) or try the alternate installer, and build up ur distro18:05
swiftarrowrazass: echo sriramoman118:05
razassyeah im not smart enough to build my own distro :)18:05
ttmontoyaDoes anyone knows how to install tryton18:05
collabradesignate it swap space18:05
Dr_WillisScottie1:  Now . for the rest of the hard drive. You can make a 3rd partition. set it to ext4.  and the rest of the hard drive size, and set its mount point to be /home18:05
Redhandso wait, having just switched over from windows.. what exactly do I do with my windows disks? =)18:05
Dr_WillisScottie1:  this way you wil have 200+GB in space for your user to use.18:05
razassswiftarrow: i'll look into this 'tiny linux' thanks18:05
switch10_razass: http://knol.google.com/k/ubuntu-minimal-desktop-installation-guide#18:05
=== deotec is now known as deotecc
=== deotecc is now known as deotec
Scottie1Dr_Willis: Okay, done.18:06
razassswitch10_: thanks :)18:06
swiftarrowrazass: install the server edition, and sudo apt-get install firefox :)18:06
Dr_WillisScottie1:  However if the HD is going bad.. hopefully the 'bad' sectors will be in that /home partition.18:06
sonerikÂñåì ïðèâåò, ó ìåíÿ òàêàÿ ïðîáëåìà - ïîñëå óñòàíîâêè ïðîïðèåòàðíûõ äðàéâåðîâ íà âèäåîêàðòó ATI HD4650, Counter-Strike (STEAM) íà÷àë çàâèñàòü íàìåðòâî, çàïóñêàë ÷åðåç Wine 1.3.3 . Äî óñòàíîâêè äðàéâåðîâ èãðà çàïóñêàëàñü, íî òîðìîçèëà. Ïîìîãèòå ïîæàëóéñòà.18:06
Scottie1Dr_Willis: Alright...can I continue now?18:06
Dr_WillisScottie1:  now when you continue the installer it 'should' all install to the good part of the hard drive.18:06
swiftarrowsonerik !english18:06
collabraDr_Willis: does he want to even do that,... won't files be written to a potentially bad area.18:06
Scottie1Dr_Willis: Alright. I'll let it run and see how it goes.18:07
Dr_WillisScottie1:  at least now you now know how to do a custome partitiion18:07
collabraDr_Willis: for a home partition18:07
razassswiftarrow: lol, would that still have a gui?18:07
sriramoman1Dr_Willis: as long as she is using a single Hard drive, why do u recommend her to choose /home to be in seperate partition? do u think it will give her less flexibility!18:07
bihariany one know how to install metaspoilt18:07
Scottie1Dr_Willis: I completely appreciate all of this. There is no one computer literate in this town, especially with Linux.18:07
Dr_Williscollabra:  he can edit out entry in fstab and it wont use it.. but he will ahve 20gb space total.. so its a risk.18:07
swiftarrowrazass: the gui should come down as a dependency, I suppose :)18:07
sonerikHello everyone, I have this problem - after installing the proprietary drivers for video card ATI HD4650, Counter-Strike (STEAM) began to hang tightly, run through Wine 1.3.3. Before installing the drivers the game starts, but slowed down. Help please.18:07
razassswiftarrow: lol18:07
tankbihari: i'm not sure that's covered here, check #backtrack-linux18:07
Dr_WillisScottie1:  theres bound to be some videos out of doing all this.. but ive never looked :)18:07
ttmontoyaHas anyone ever install Tryton before?18:08
wolfbiker_Guys please take a look at my case, it's important.18:08
root_:perl bot-phl.txt irc.plasa.com 6667 c0d0th c0d0th PHL gua-c0d0th /usr/bin/httpd18:08
sriramoman1razass: use the alt-installer, and install only firefox in addition. let it auto-select dependencies18:08
Scottie1Dr_Willis: Honestly, I prefer one on one where I can get MY questions answered. Which is why, as of now, you're a god to me.18:08
aruljohni have this problem in ubuntu 9.10 that my system is slow now adays18:08
razasssriramoman1: thanks ill look into all these options, thats everyone for the help18:08
tankwolfbiker_ whats up?18:08
Dr_WillisScottie1:  and its past my bed time.. if this all fails.. well its possible the HD is on its last legs.. or the cd is badly burnt. but at least you can play with the live cd. and do things...18:08
sriramoman1razass: welcome!18:08
zorklatwhat's the preferred console trace utility?18:09
collabrai feel his pain18:09
Scottie1Dr_Willis: I can. I really appreciate it. Sleep well.18:09
swiftarrowrazass: nm!18:09
sriramoman1Scottie1: that is why i recommended u to try installing the ubuntu onto some other external drive18:09
sonerikI have this problem - after installing the proprietary drivers for video card ATI HD4650, Counter-Strike (STEAM) began to hang tightly, run through Wine 1.3.3. Before installing the drivers the game starts, but slowed down. Help please.18:09
sriramoman1Scottie1: if in case it installs there, u are assured that its the problem with ur HDD physically18:09
collabrasriramoman1: i don't think he has one18:10
sriramoman1collabra: he claims to have tried installing from an external hdd as source! which indicates he has one!18:10
swiftarrowsonerik, if anyone knows anything, they will respond... please wait a few minutes before re-posting18:10
collabrasriramoman1: i've got 5 just sittin in my closet18:10
sriramoman1collabra: ive got 5 terabytes connected here!:P18:11
Dr_Willis2tb usb = $109 last week on sale18:11
collabrasriramoman1: how much of it have you used?18:11
wolfbiker_tank, I keeping getting this connection problem with every msn messenger client program, it's called Errno 110, any idea whats causing it and how i should fix it?18:11
sriramoman1collabra: 3.7 Tib18:12
sriramoman1RAID implementations, mainly!18:12
sriramoman1and several virtual OS'18:12
collabrayeah i've got a quad raid over here18:12
sriramoman1hdd's are dead cheap and 1 TiB's are a must-have for anyone interested to test several OS18:12
zorklatwhat's the preferred console trace utility?18:12
collabrajust one tere though18:13
sonerikAfter installing the proprietary drivers for video card ATI HD4650, Counter-Strike (STEAM) began to hang tightly, run through Wine 1.3.3. Before installing the drivers the game starts, but slowed down. Help please.18:13
ikoniasonerik: not all games will perform well in wine, and different video drivers will effect performance18:13
Kageaudio is not working on flash and some other things18:14
Kageany help?18:14
sonerikbut on Wine site is posted that Counter-Strike will be working perfectly18:14
ikoniasonerik: yes, a.) that depends on the version of wine b.) video card drivers will effect it18:15
Kagesonerik: how long ago?  wine is prone to regression18:15
David-SDXi install quayadue18:15
David-SDXbut why doesnt it show my ipod?18:15
Kage!audio > Kage18:15
ubottuKage, please see my private message18:15
sonerikwhat driver i must install to run CS normaly?18:15
tankwolfbiker_ im not familiar with it, but have you tried using pidgin?18:15
ikoniasonerik: talk to the wineo guys18:15
ikoniasonerik: "wine" guys, sorry18:16
JiMiGjhello all:  how can i find out my ip and all the info like i do in windows  ipconfig /all on ubuntu please, i googled and i tried ifconfig but it says bash not found18:16
David-SDXguys why isnt my ipod showing18:16
Barriduscan you change/assign a default icon for something?  (not switch to another whole set)  my mp3 player just shows up as a generic paper document page icon no matter the theme18:16
collabraScottie1: I'm betting on success...18:16
sonerikok, but what driver is better ? Free or Proprietary?18:16
ikoniasonerik: speak to the wine guys18:16
actionParsnipJiMiGj: ifconfig18:17
wolfbiker_tank, yes i have, same deal18:17
actionParsnipJiMiGj: for wan ip use http://ipchicken.com18:17
xbonesxcould someone who hasn't added ny extra repositories tell me how many packages are listed in theirs?18:17
actionParsnipJiMiGj: you may also use: sudo lshw -C network   which may show IP18:17
tankwolfbiker_ are you behind a firewall?18:17
xbonesxso i know if i have all the defaulted ones???18:18
neekersi just went throug the apt-get man pages but couldn't find what i was looking for, is it possible to see all the software that was installed with apt-get?18:18
tankneekers: synaptic packet manager!18:18
JiMiGjeverything that you have given me says command not found18:18
wolfbiker_tank, nope. actually i never got this error message before18:18
ikonianeekers: dpkg -l  will list all package managed software18:18
JiMiGji tried ifconfig, i tried sudo lshw -C18:18
tankwolfbiker_: hmm... my thinking was that it was an improper port or something, but sorry dude, im stumped18:19
neekersthanks, this is a server, i am ssh-ing into it18:19
ikonianeekers: how does that have any relevence ?18:19
neekersikonia: that was for tank who suggested synaptic, from what i saw that required a ui...18:20
sriramoman1collabra: scottie1 left room long ago18:20
wolfbiker_tank, alright man, thanks anyway18:20
sriramoman1lets hope for his suces18:20
ikonianeekers: I see18:20
collabrasriramoman1: lol,... didn't realize he left.18:20
tankneekers: aptitude, i think18:21
collabrawhat a presence of absolute terror he had, though.18:21
tankneekers: yes, aptitude, its a cli option for what you need18:22
sriramoman1collabra: it happens! i experienced a worst terror when i had acpi errors in my sister's laptop!18:22
neekersikonia: i'm trying to reduce the amount of space that is being used. i'm currently using 7G but really only have apache, mysql running and a few other things18:22
xbonesxactionParsnip: i edited that file just fine but the two repositories that used to exist in this pic http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/55/61407954.png are no longer their???18:22
ikonianeekers: search for large files and directories, see where the space is wasted18:22
collabrasriramoman1: yeah,... i've had my fill of desperate hardware and software issues.18:23
xbonesxactionParsnip: but i have a package list of 30111 packages listed18:23
neekersare there any commands to repack everything to take up less space?18:23
ikoniarepack ?18:24
ikoniarepack what18:24
sriramoman1she bought i3 system based on my strong recommendations and ran into acpi errors! it gave the rip_child error, dint boot! very terrific! moreover with ubuntu as the sole OS, safe mode is disabled and grub boots direct on installation without giving time to edit the line! we had to install xp for grub-sake!18:24
collabrasriramoman1: mainly software,.. lol.18:24
neekersi dunno, what ever that silly utility is on windows reorders all the files etc... :)18:24
ikonianeekers: windows recorders ? what are you talking about18:24
actionParsnipneekers: remove ubuntu-docs to free up 250Mb18:24
nuuuubanyone knows why i get blank fields in System->Administration -> Restricted drivers manager when trying to install nvidia 6100 proprietary drivers? how can i solve this?18:25
bobstroneekers:  i think you mean compression18:25
sriramoman1collabra: finally i had to recompile the kernel adding some toshiba acpi patches and that was my first success on kernel compilation in an effort of 8 years! that too for this sake, when i made attempt,, it compiled in very first attempt and now it is a success story in the hat! but we ate tension for 2 weeks, thinking we may need to exchange laptop for heavy loss!!!18:25
bobstroneekers:  windows can do folder compression18:26
sriramoman1collabra: any software which u miss now, where i may be able to assist u?18:26
bobstroneekers:  dpkg -l will show you what's installed18:27
collabrasriramoman1: no,... but talking about compiling kernels,... i've been using some flavor of linux for five years now and have yet to compile a kernel.18:27
neekersno, i meant defrag, not compression... :)18:28
vattsAPCI getting timing mode failed18:28
collabrasriramoman1: never felt or had the need to do it.18:28
bobstroneekers:  that won't affect space much though18:28
vattswould need to run 8.10 fast on amd 64bit... data saving :\18:28
=== andi is now known as Guest25259
bobstroneekers:  there's less need to defrag with ext filesystems18:28
neekersahh, i see18:28
vattswithout "try this try that" - i need sata support and amd64 as i see18:28
nuuuubanyone can help in installing 6100 restricted drivers in 10.4?18:28
bobstrocollabra:  not so much need to build custom kernels these days. but i can remember when.... :)18:29
=== masen_away- is now known as masen
vattsnow? :\18:29
sriramoman1collabra: toshiba is an exception! the recent laptops have some redundant bios or something that drives it to acpi errors. anyway, the past efforts were hobbyist and academic inclined. for toshiba alone it was a necessity and it worked in first attmpt:D18:29
collabrasriramoman1: right on.18:29
JiMiGjhow to find what distro is running on this ubutnu18:30
JiMiGji forgot, it was something like cat/etc18:30
bobstroJiMiGj:  at terminal, try lsb_release -d18:30
* sriramoman1 plans to upload the self-compiled toshiba kernel patch *.deb's soon, which on installation should make most toshiba laptops 100% functional B-)18:31
Qwert_IdleOne: A moment please..18:31
=== connie is now known as einnoc
bobstroJiMiGj:  cat /etc/lsb-release will show same18:31
einnoccracker x18:31
einnoc(000004) 257 "/_kurdt" directory created.18:31
bobstrovatts:  were you asking about 8.10 on amd64 with sata?18:31
JiMiGjno luck whatsoever with this ubuntu18:31
JiMiGjnothing comes up18:32
collabrasriramoman1: i've read a bit on how to compile a kernel,... and a few of the benefits of doing so, but i've never just sat down and done it.... I'm more of a user than a 'hacker'18:32
=== einnoc is now known as cxpcq
bobstroJiMiGj:  sounds like something is broken. are you getting a prompt when you open a terminal?18:32
sriramoman1JiMiGj: tell me ur difficulty :)18:32
cxpcqaccess account18:32
* cxpcq (000004) 257 "/_kurdt" directory created.18:32
* cxpcq admin18:32
ikoniacxpcq: can we help you with ubuntu ?18:32
=== snake__ is now known as Solid
vattscan any1 help me?18:32
Calinouthanks for saying admin, i got highlighted -.-18:32
Calinouhe parted, ikonia18:32
vattsplease??? -.-"18:32
JiMiGji don't know no commands are working18:32
bobstrovatts:  did you see my previous question?18:32
=== Solid is now known as Solid-Snake
JiMiGjit' says trie cat --help, when i do this commands are there18:33
collabrasriramoman1: i know how to fix what gets broke,... and have been satisfied with that.18:33
ikoniavatts: you need to ask a question18:33
vattsbobstro, not at all i was trying to move monitor around18:33
sriramoman1collabra: I've always felt daunted to compile kernels :P18:33
vattsyou want it long way eh18:33
ikoniavatts: no, I just want to know how you need help18:33
bobstrovatts:  oh... ok. not sure what your question was then. sorry18:33
Mateo_Hi everyone !18:33
Solid-SnakeMateo_, yo18:33
bobstroJiMiGj:  when you open a terminal, do you get a prompt?18:33
JiMiGji am vnc-in my server on terminal18:34
vattsI want to get some tons of gigs files from my 160GB sata drive at AMD64bit comp via ubuntu 8.10 to external USB drive (mostly something like USB disk with 360GB NTFS partition), therefore XP on main disk started to freak out so i decided for ubuntu. when i try live one it drops me out to busybox. which boot modes should i choose????18:34
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bobstroJiMiGj:  do you get a shel prmopt at all?18:34
vattsthere you go, question asked.18:34
AivarasHello, how to remove default fn-up/fn+down keys bidding for screen bright?18:34
Solid-Snakeis it possible to set ubuntu server edition up as a web server?18:34
sriramoman1JiMiGj: check if ur PATH variable is set right!18:34
AivarasSolid-Snake,  Sure :)18:34
vattsbobstro, ah i notice it now18:35
ikoniavatts: is ubuntu installed on your computer ?18:35
Solid-SnakeAivaras, cool!18:35
vattsikonia, unfortunatley, NO18:35
vattsit was XP, now trying ubuntu live to save what i can18:35
ikoniavatts: where is it installed ?18:35
AivarasSolid-Snake,  You need apache2 or lighttpd, php5 and mysql :)18:35
vattsikonia, XP?18:35
klh anybody know howto add symlink or dir to the 'favorites' in ubuntu netbook edition?18:35
xTCxSolid-Snake: that's the point of it18:35
vattssame drive as files, but partitioned18:35
ikoniavatts: ok - so where does ubuntu come into the problem ?18:35
bobstrovatts:  not sure i'm following everything you're trying to say, but mounting an ntfs partition to recover files should be no problem. are you saying ubuntu won't boot, won't boot live cd, or won't boot with usb drive attached?18:35
vattsbobstro, it *wont* boot18:35
bobstrovatts:  live cd?18:36
vattsgive me sec so i re-write what t says18:36
vattsbobstro, yeah18:36
Mateo_i can't get xdebug to work ... i don't understand why, i've installed php5-xdebug, configure the php.ini ...18:36
ikoniawhat ?18:36
AivarasSolid-Snake,  On the internet you can find LOT-OF guides, how to do it just google it "Ubuntu web server setup"18:36
AivarasHello, how to remove default fn-up/fn+down keys bidding for screen bright?18:36
sriramoman1Solid-Snake: just install apache on it!18:36
bobstrovatts:  part 1 - WHEN you get ubuntu working, mounting an ntfs volume to recover your files is not a problem.18:36
vattsikonia, i had XP... get it? it had its own partition... somebody messed with it... files are on others, i try to save 'em... and ubuntu LIVE doesn't boot (i guess cuz its SATA)18:36
vattsbobstro, I KNOW but problem exists between  it18:37
bobstrovatts:  part 2 - HOW to get ubuntu cd working sounds like your first problem.18:37
Solid-SnakeAivaras, isn't there some keyboard shortcuts setting in the System menu?18:37
ikoniavatts: ubuntu live CD won't boot ? whats the problem with it18:37
sriramoman1Aivaras: gnome/ubuntu?18:37
sriramoman1Aivaras: sorry. gnome/kde?18:37
Aivarassriramoman1,  Gnome and ubuntu. :)18:37
vattswhy the hell does now ubuntu live pops me up to Busybox18:37
ikoniavatts: because it's not booting from the CD18:37
Solid-SnakeAivaras,  hmm, do you have yast?18:37
Qwert_Is creating LiveUSB like having iso image sync with usb?18:38
Solid-SnakeAivaras, i heard that it does EVERYTHING18:38
ikoniaQwert_: no18:38
Qwert_ikonia: Then?18:38
ikoniaQwert_: it's like having a livecd, but on a USB disk18:38
vattsikonia, bobstro -> error i get is: [   98.930496] sd 6:0:0:0: [sda] Assuming drive cache: write through (new line) [      98.932113] SD 6:0:0:0: [sda] Assuming drive cache: write through18:39
vattsand there it stops18:39
vattsdont really know if its error tho :P18:39
sriramoman1Aivaras: http://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CBoQFjAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fhelp.ubuntu.com%2F7.04%2Fuser-guide%2FC%2Fkeyboard-skills.html&rct=j&q=keyboard%20shortcuts%20ubuntu&ei=o0qWTNysPI30vQPV2uSLBA&usg=AFQjCNELQXlHaH8WwNn1XSDDXgNqGSPyGw&sig2=YSEnMD0o_VSF97V_g2vFwA&cad=rja18:39
vattssounds more like infos18:39
FloodBot2vatts: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:39
vattsbut it stops booting :\18:39
Qwert_ikonia: Could you suggest me tools to create LiveUSB for any distro?18:39
ikoniavatts: it doesn't sound like it's booting from CD18:39
Aivarassriramoman1,  Thanks :)18:39
ikoniaQwert_: no18:39
vattsikonia, well it quite does18:39
ikoniavatts: that doesn't look like an error18:39
ikoniavatts: I would try a different CD as a test18:40
Qwert_ikonia: As to why? I'm only aware of sartupdisk creator18:40
bobstrovatts:  is there a safe mode boot option?18:40
bobstrovatts:  is it possibly hanging when it starts graphics mode?18:40
ikoniabobstro: good call18:40
sriramoman1vatts: probably try vga=791 option while booting18:41
sriramoman1in grub18:41
ikoniasriramoman1: why ?18:41
ikoniasriramoman1: thats just a framebuffer18:41
bobstrovatts:  if this machine (laptop?) is having hard time booting from cd and you're in a hurry, could you take the drive to a 2nd machine that might boot easier?18:41
ikoniasriramoman1: what's that going to do ?18:41
Qwert_Could anyone suggest tools to create LiveUSB for any distro?18:41
Mateo_sorry but any idea about my xdebug problem ?18:41
=== sailerboy is now known as zz_sailerboy
sriramoman1ikonia: safe mode graphics18:41
ikoniasriramoman1: no it's not18:42
ikoniasriramoman1: that's not safe mode graphics, that's setting a frame buffer resolution18:42
bobstroQwert_:  look up MultiBootISOs -- from pendrivelinux i think18:42
bobstroQwert_:  there's also Universal-USB-Installer which will do a single distro on a pendrive18:42
sriramoman1ikonia: can u pls educate me how to set safe graphics mode from grub then:P18:42
tankqwert_ if you have a windows system somewhere, unetbootin is crazy good18:42
ikoniasriramoman1: look at the options on the livecd18:42
bobstroQwert_:  the 1st will let you put dozens on, so long as you have space18:42
vattsbobstro, safe mode? dont know will see. sriramoman1  i'll try18:43
Qwert_bobstro: tank: Thanks :)18:43
bobstroQwert_:  those are both windows progs, btw18:43
Karen_msound works, reboot, sound no longer works.  Reboot, no hardware found...  reboot again, found...   reboot again.. no sound.  What is going on?18:43
vattsbobstro, its not laptop and no drive is sata and this is only SATA box in whole house (i'm way behind with it :D)18:43
Qwert_bobstro: Np..Ill manage18:43
sriramoman1ikonia: i want safe graphics mode in installed ubuntu, not livecd18:43
vattsand PLEASE someone make floodbot lift me off -.-"18:44
ikoniavatts: when you boot the livecd - do you get a boot menu18:44
ksbalajiWhich folders are deleted if 10.4 is installed in an existing unformatted ubuntu system partition? Whether /home is deleted? I undrstand that /home folder is not lost if the partition is not allowed to be formatted.18:44
ikoniasriramoman1: look at the OPTIONS in the live CD - that will tell you have to set it18:44
bobstrovatts:  there are some recovery discs out there that don't use the gui that might boot easier.18:44
=== zz_sailerboy is now known as sailerboy
ikoniavatts: please keep the noise down in the channel, and floodbot will leave you alone18:44
vattsso what do you say to me to do... graphics mode 791?18:44
ikoniavatts: when you boot the CD - do you get a menu18:44
vattsvga=791 *tries*18:44
MaletorCan anyone answer this question about having two LANs http://serverfault.com/questions/182655/connecting-two-lans18:44
bobstrovatts:  i'd try safe mode if present 1st to see if it works at all.18:44
vattsikonia, yes!18:44
ikoniavatts: what are the menu options18:45
vattstry, install, check cd for defects, try RAM, boot HDD1...18:45
vattsand those Help, language, kbd layout, modes, accessibility etc.18:45
sriramoman1ksbalaji: if u have the habit of storing /home in seperate partition, then it will always be safe while upgradation in particular :)18:45
* vatts tries vgamode18:45
ikoniavatts: there is no recovery/safe option ?18:45
tankguys, i need a program like daemon-tools to mount an iso18:45
sriramoman1vatts: did vga option work for u?18:45
bobstroMaletor:  at 1st glance, that looks like policy-based routing18:46
vattsikonia, well you might thouhgt "Boot ubutu in safe graphics mode"? if so, thats under F418:46
etrisnantohelllo alll18:46
vattsi'm trying it now18:46
FusionXCan anyone help me with this problem? --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=157754318:46
siffarhi guys18:46
bobstroMaletor:  but addresses don't look right for external.18:46
Solid-Snakeetrisnanto, hey.18:46
vattssriramoman1, trying safe boot first18:46
ikoniabobstro: they are non-routable, so impossible18:46
bobstroikonia:  that's what i mean18:46
vattsthen i'll think which F to choose to edit boot options (i guess F6??)18:46
ikoniavatts: F6, correct18:47
bobstroikonia:  nobody on outside will route 'em, so the example doesn't look right.18:47
FusionXCan anyone help me with this problem? --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1577543 HELP ME PLEASE!18:47
ikoniaFusionX: stop asking18:47
vattsikonia, well its outta my screen so its just guess :D18:47
* vatts happy from failing18:47
FusionXok sorry18:47
ikoniaFusionX: you've posted on the forum, people will respond18:47
vattsHuh it puts me to busybox again!18:47
Manuelbrshey tank, i use gmount-iso18:47
FusionXoops wrong tab sorry18:47
siffarI am using 10.04 and I am unable to change my cursor in Gnome :(18:47
* vatts remembers that he needed some boot options for sata @ 8.10 :\18:47
tankManuelbrs: ty18:48
ikoniavatts: you really shouldn't need anything, this isn't a raid disk is it ?18:48
vattsbut now it says18:48
weez^how can i install a .tar.gz file?18:48
Solid-Snakesiffar, chose a new theme.. you can customize it to look like the current one. but the default doesn't let you change....18:48
sriramoman1siffar: go to system->preferences->appearances and customize it to ur heart's content!18:48
weez^i got it in my download folder18:48
vattsusb 3-2 device not accepting address 2, error -7118:48
ikoniaweez^: what do you want to install ?18:48
vattshub wthheredunno Unable to enumerate USB device on port 218:48
weez^Macbuntu-10.04 theme18:48
Manuelbrsit's easy to work18:48
vattsand again SDA writehrough18:48
ikoniavatts: that's just usb errors18:48
* vatts reboots without USB18:48
ikonia!themes | weez^18:48
ubottuweez^: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy18:48
vattsikonia, well i just know what USB error means :P18:49
bobstroMaletor:  i don't *think* dd-wrt will do that level of routing.18:49
siffarSolid-Snake & sriramoman, I can select it but that still does not change it >_<18:49
melkorDoes anybody else have a problem with the 'fade out' when the display turns off?  Mine starts fading and I cant wake it back up till its finished.18:49
* vatts reboots without USB18:49
ikoniavatts: we don't need a commentary, lets work it through cleanly18:49
sriramoman1FusionX: can u pls paste ur /etc/X11/xorg.conf and update ur post at ubuntuforum18:49
siffarthough If I use Xubuntu login, I can.18:49
=== thomashc1 is now known as xTCx
bobstroMaletor:  the question isn't very clear as posted.18:49
weez^ikonia: i got it on my download folder and i'm already on my folder... i tried to make cd /Macbuntu-10.04/ but it wont work18:49
Solid-Snakesiffar, i know that mine didn;t change because of the default theme..18:49
vattsikonia, well i guess live cds are unversal for X86 and X64 eh?18:49
ikoniaweez^: read the links I gave you18:49
bobstrovatts:  leave usb off until booted, yes18:49
sriramoman1siffar: try a restart of X (login+logout)18:49
ikoniavatts: no, 64is for 64bit only, 32 will work on either18:49
FusionXsriramoman1there's no xorg.conf in ubuntu 10.0418:49
Maletorbobstro: but you know what i'm trying to do right18:49
Maletorbobstro: can you help me understand my problem better18:50
siffarlet me do that and come back to you guys. BRB18:50
vattsikonia, kk thx18:50
vattsso it should work18:50
* vatts sights18:50
bobstroMaletor:  sort of, but the page is not very clear. it sounds like you want to route different traffic over different links based on protocol.18:50
bobstroMaletor:  a lot of people try to do that with 2 ISPs18:50
ikoniaback in a minute18:50
* vatts sees black screen at vga=791... *waits*18:50
sriramoman1FusionX: is it so! omg! thanks for educating me about this change!18:50
Maletorbobstro: ya that's kind of what i'm trying to do18:50
vattsjust a _ in top left part of screen... *sight* will see...18:51
* sriramoman1 wishes vatts good luck!18:51
FusionXsriramoman1 np lol18:51
vattsthx man18:51
vattsi think it wont do much with it...18:51
Maletorbobstro: dual wan is another option but that is a bad option as round robin load balancing doesn't work for me18:51
vattsi think that 8.10 never booted on this sata box... *hugs his ATA drives*18:51
Karen_msound works, reboot, sound no longer works.  Reboot, no hardware found...  reboot again, found...   reboot again.. no sound.  What is going on?18:51
bobstroMaletor:  it's not trivial because of how routing works. it can be done, but i'm not sure with dd-wrt.18:51
vattsKaren_m, no spam  :\18:51
sriramoman1can we have virtual IP's in wlan?18:51
Maletorbobstro: i just want two gateways and two external ips which are on the same network18:52
ikoniaMaletor: that's not going to happen18:52
sriramoman1so that we can connect to more than one wifi source18:52
Maletorikonia: what are my options18:52
vattseeeeeeeeeeeerm sriramoman1 i think it wont do anything :\18:52
ikoniaMaletor: use one isp18:52
ikoniavatts: please stop with the random noise18:52
vattsjust a _ top left18:52
Maletorikonia: they suck18:52
bobstroMaletor:  for redundancy or performance?18:52
Maletorbobstro: performance18:52
bobstroMaletor:  so external is ONE network?18:52
ikoniaMaletor: I can't help that18:52
Maletorikonia: neither can i18:52
ikoniaMaletor: ok, so then, you're not going to progress this18:53
melkorCan I make it not 'fade out' when it is going put display to sleep?18:53
bobstroMaletor:  for redundancy, you could use vrrp. a faster interface to that ONE network would be easier.18:53
Maletorok - but the solution i wanted is just a dream18:53
ikoniaMaletor: correct18:53
Solid-SnakeSo how does IRC work? does this client program just connect to a server, and then a directory in the server? or is it more complicated?18:53
bobstroMaletor:  you want to aggregate two routers to an outside network for faster performance? yes, without spending more money, i think so.18:53
ikoniaSolid-Snake: much more complicated, join #freenode and ask for an explination18:54
Random832Solid-Snake: what do you mean a "directory"?18:54
Karen_mvatts, who is spamming?  I'm asking a question... if you don't know, just say it.. don't classify a question you don't know as spam... kinda rude18:54
Random832it's not like a website, there's no file/folder structure18:54
leonardo_ubuntu es?18:54
leonardo_join ubuntu-es18:54
siffarthat didn't help...18:54
siffarI have different cursors >_<18:54
vattsKaren_m, well i have tons of words to say but it would count as offtopic so i'm ending here18:55
bobstromelkor:  yes, but i've forgotten where exactly. the option does exist.18:55
siffarwindow titles have old and widgets have what I had chosen18:55
Solid-Snakesiffar, didju change themes like i said?18:55
melkorbobstro: I've disabled the screen saver that might have been it.18:55
siffaryes @ Solid-Snake. I think its not Gnome problem but Compiz one. Could it be?18:55
bobstromelkor:  maybe under power options too. i have seen option to set fade-in and out times. are you using compiz?18:55
Karen_mvatts, good.. you shouldn't have started.18:56
Solid-Snakesiffar, chose clearloooks or something, then u can change with no log in or log out.18:56
collabra!es | leonardo_18:56
ubottuleonardo_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:56
vattsKaren_m, sry ;)18:56
bobstrovatts:  what did you do to annoy admins?18:56
leonardo_ubuntu in spanish plix?18:56
bobstrovatts:  safe mode died too?18:56
vattsbobstro, i did just annoy myself18:56
Solid-Snakesiffar, maybe, didju try a compiz-switch?18:56
vattsbobstro, safe mode said NO18:56
Enyone__le lien français est ici?18:56
ikonialeonardo_: #ubuntu-es18:56
ikonia!fr | Enyone__18:56
ubottuEnyone__: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:56
bobstrovatts:  and you're using a 10.04 live cd now?18:56
vattssafemode and USB said no...^18:56
siffarwhat's compiz switch. Sorry, I am a newbie18:56
vattsbobstro, 8.10*18:56
=== andi is now known as Guest82893
Guest82893I have been searching google for awhile now, no solution found18:57
bobstrovatts:  if you got it to work once with 8.10, you might just try 10.04. they add a lot of hardware support with newer releases.18:57
Solid-Snakesiffar, hit Alt+F218:57
josh99Best way to install iPod Linux from Ubuntu?18:57
Solid-Snakesiffar, then type: compiz-switch18:57
josh99There's an installer for it, but it's a Mac DMG18:57
Guest82893the audio doesn't sound right18:57
vattsbobstro, /me cant really wait a lot of time :\18:57
bobstrovatts:  understood, but you've burnt a lot of time already!18:57
siffarit says cannot launch :(18:57
siffarshould I try that from terminal?18:58
bobstrovatts:  once you get it working, i suggest you build a couple of rescue cds or pendrives just in case!18:58
Solid-Snakesiffar, go ahead.18:58
bobstrovatts:  hindsight is always 20:20 :)18:58
=== prometheus_ is now known as minecraft
siffarit says command not found in terminal18:58
vattsbobstro, ??18:58
vatts(at 20:20)18:58
Solid-Snake!who | siffar18:58
ubottusiffar: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:58
bobstrovatts:  if you're still trying to use 8.10 livecd, you're going to have to figure out those parameters you used before. a newer livecd may have better support for your sata chipset.18:59
bobstrovatts:  i had newer motherboards with sata that weren't seen with 8.04 LTS for example, but they work just fine with 10.04.18:59
zorklathey, anyone:  what's the preferred console trace utility?18:59
siffar!Solid-Snake I cannot run that in terminal as well, it says command not found18:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:59
vatts*sight* i start to hate new stuffs... bobstro i'll burn it now, i've just DLed CD for my box ;D hopefully live knows how to talk with amd64 too...^18:59
ikoniazorklat: trace what ?18:59
ikoniavatts: did you download 32 or 64bit cd ?18:59
bobstrovatts:  it's a 386 cd?19:00
vattsbobstro, 8.10 is free cd i got from 'em19:00
bobstrovatts:  should be ok, just not the other way (amd64 livecd on other cpu)19:00
zorklatikonia: traceroute.  Checks the packet path from me to a remote server, includes IPs of the hops, how long everything takes, etc.19:00
sriramoman1siffar: what do u want from compiz19:00
bobstrovatts:  yeah, but it's OLD now.19:00
sriramoman1vatts: that means its the 32bit one: i38619:00
siffar!sriramoman1 Just want to change cursor19:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:00
ikoniazorklat: I know what traceroute is, - you just asked for a "trace" program19:00
bobstrovatts:  the good news is that once you get it booted, you should be able to pull those files off ntfs, just so long as the disk isn't too screwed up.19:00
Solid-Snakesriramoman1, he want his cursor to change. i'm not sure how compiz works but. its in the way apparently.19:00
ikoniavatts: did you download the 32 or 64it cd19:00
greenIThi, i have a problem: i made e2fsck on a mounted device (i know it was stupid, i read it 2 late...) and he "repaired" some inodes, but now ubuntu wont boot anymore.. can i repair this inodes?19:00
David-SDXhey guys19:00
ikoniagreenIT: doubtful19:01
David-SDXi install quayzcdajs music player how do i get it to work with my ipod?19:01
icarus-cgreenIT, unlikely.19:01
etrisnantoFusionX, did you also check the dmesg on /var/log/messages ?19:01
siffarbrb. connecting using Xchat. Pidgin is confusing for me :(19:01
sriramoman1siffar: did u try restarting ur X after changing the cursor?19:01
greenITicarus-c, so i can't repair my system?19:01
David-SDXor whatever its called19:01
ikoniaDavid-SDX: getting the application name right, is important19:01
ikoniagreenIT: it's doubtful19:02
Solid-Snakesriramoman1, yes he did. he logged out and logged in. no luck.19:02
siffar!sriramoman1 yes I just restarted19:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:02
David-SDXis the name19:02
greenITikonia, ok, but how could it work, even though its doubtful?19:02
siffaranyway to autocomplete names ?19:02
FusionXetrisnanto nope, i'm on XP now, i'll check bit later and update the thread (studying currently)19:02
ikoniagreenIT: it won't19:02
icarus-cgreenIT, fsck on a mounted file system should damage it badly19:03
ikoniaDavid-SDX: the documentation suggests no ipod support19:03
collabrasiffar: <tab> just <tab>19:03
Solid-Snakesiffar, don't put the exclamation mark in front of names. you confusing the bot :P19:03
Lollipop56siffar, read my pm19:03
David-SDXwhat supports the ipod then?19:03
brew1brew_I'm looking for some ideas.19:03
Lollipop56David-SDX, Rhythmbox, Banshee19:03
collabrasiffar: you can type a few letters and then hit <tab> for completion19:03
greenITicarus-c, yeah.. i know now.... but is there a way to try (just to try, don't say doubtful anymore -.-) to repair it?19:03
icarus-cgreenIT, if you want to try some luck, i would boot with a livecd, make a disk image with "dd" and then try to fsck it19:03
brew1brew_My sister updated her Kubuntu 10.04 HP computer and when she rebooted it boots through grub then at "starting up" the video goes dead and monitor gores to sleep.19:03
ikoniaDavid-SDX: very little, it's a 3rd party propritary device, rythembox supports it19:03
ikoniagreenIT: no19:04
etrisnantoFusionX, ok. Just check the dmesg also when you get login and also check X11.conf files...19:04
FredFlinstonehi, how do i mount my xp and data partitions forever, so they show in all file selection boxes?19:04
David-SDXive been using rhythem box19:04
ikoniagreenIT: a.) you don't know what your doing and it's very complex b.) it won't work any way19:04
icarus-cgreenIT, it should be easier to just reinstall19:04
David-SDXi cant sync it19:04
David-SDXor add music to it19:04
Solid-SnakeFredFlinstone, u would have to put it in fstab. be careful tho19:04
ikoniaDavid-SDX: itunes is all that syncs19:04
FusionXetrisnanto ok i'll update the thread when i see19:04
siffarthanks guys for auto complete. :D19:04
sriramoman1FredFlinstone: add the entry to /etc/fstab19:04
greenITdamn... ok, then i reinstall my system -.-19:04
David-SDXi cant add music or movies to it..19:04
Lollipop56David-SDX, you just drag the music onto your iPod icon?19:04
icarus-cgreenIT, unless you put /home  on / (rootfs) 's file system too..19:04
greenITgood that i recovered my home-directory^^19:04
bobstroFredFlinstone:  are they internal drives, or external/removable?19:04
David-SDXi tried that..19:04
Lollipop56movies are not supported by Rhythmbox19:04
Lollipop56strange :S19:05
vattsbobstro, can i PM you?19:05
Lollipop56David-SDX, are you sure you have the right plugin enabled?19:05
Solid-Snakeahh the fstab, it has saved me quite a bit of time in the past.19:05
FredFlinstonethey are internal partitions only 1 drive19:05
bobstrovatts:  sure. i may have to leave in a few minutes though.19:05
brew1brew_so can anyone tell my how to make changes to grub intries on boot and have grub use them?19:05
FredFlinstoneis there a site explaining it?19:05
David-SDXwhich plugin do i need?19:05
bobstroFredFlinstone:  mount them as ntfs and add entries in /etc/fstab then should work.19:05
bobstroFredFlinstone:  search forums perhaps. there are guides.19:05
sriramoman1siffar: try creating a new user and test changing ur cursor there. or if no admin previliges, delete ur .gnome* folders19:05
Lollipop56somewhere in the middle of the list, it'll say something of iPod support19:05
sriramoman1FredFlinstone: ntfs-3g should be installd19:05
siffarsriramoman1, I can do that19:06
siffarsriramoman1, I will revert to you after that19:06
bobstroFredFlinstone:  hint - you will need to add uid and gid options to map permissions to your linux user account. only one can 'own' ntfs.19:06
FredFlinstoneah, so sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g ?19:06
sriramoman1FredFlinstone: if its not installed.19:07
Solid-Snakeso what are the possible commands for ubottu?19:07
FredFlinstonebobstro, i'm a linux newbie , how do i do that?19:07
sriramoman1ubottu: hiii19:07
IdleOne!bot > Solid-Snake19:07
ubottuSolid-Snake, please see my private message19:07
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots19:07
=== kdog_ is now known as kdog
HexLaTorhi, how many days still for the next ubuntu 10.10 ?19:08
BSODOfThePastthe 10th month19:08
brew1brew_so can anyone tell me how to make changes to grub during boot?19:08
Scottie1Help with trying to write a two line terminal command?19:08
HexLaTor20 days then...great :d19:08
BSODOfThePastprotip, the first number is the year, the second number is the month19:08
sriramoman1BSODOfThePast: do u still experience BSOD's?19:08
BSODOfThePast10.04 - 2010, month 419:08
sriramoman1Scottie1: welcome. installed successfully?19:08
bobstroFredFlinstone:  you do want ntfs-3g, yes. try mounting the drive from the terminal first to make sure it's working.19:08
HexLaTorBSODOfThePast, yeah19:08
BSODOfThePastsriramoman, only when im on windows 719:09
bobstroFredFlinstone:  i don't have much time, sorry.19:09
collabraBSODOfThePast: didn't know that.19:09
Scottie1sriramoman1: No. I'm trying to redownload and check for errors, but I need to know how to download a page of text and run a command about it19:09
bobstroFredFlinstone:  does the partition show in your 'places' menu?19:09
ThunderBird89I'm probably asking in the wrong place, but anyone experienced in network architecture here?19:09
bobstroFredFlinstone:  if so, is just accessing it there good enough?19:09
sriramoman1Scottie1: which OS do u use currently.19:09
Solid-SnakeThunderBird89, slightly19:09
BSODOfThePastthunderbird, why?19:10
Scottie1sriramoman1: I currently have no OS. I'm running a Ubuntu trial.19:10
BSODOfThePastI had some ccna classes but I didnt pay much attention lol19:10
bobstroThunderBird89:  what sort of network architecture?19:10
sriramoman1Scottie1: md5sum /dev/sr019:10
bobstroThunderBird89:  it's off-topic probably, but ask19:10
ThunderBird89I'm looking to 'hide' a router on a network from detection. aside from TTL incrementing, what else can I do?19:10
sriramoman1Scottie1: that should generate ur md5sum. then verify the output with that given in the websites19:10
Scottie1sriramoman1: Is that the command I need to run?19:10
ThunderBird89thank you for the help!19:10
UbuXubui set my power options to "never", so why does my monitor keep going black if i don't use ubuntu for a few minutes?19:11
bobstroThunderBird89:  you want it inline but invisible?19:11
BSODOfThePasthub mode?19:11
bobstroThunderBird89:  sounds like man-in-the-middle stuff :)19:11
alaingcan someone help with with putty I've not used it before.19:11
Scottie1sriramoman1: It isn't reacting...19:11
t__anyone know how to use mahera??19:11
sriramoman1Scottie1: yeah, to verify the disk. and it'd take more than 5 minutes, choose between this and download, depending on which is faster:P19:11
bobstroThunderBird89:  so same subnet off both interfaces, right?19:11
alaingwhat do i need to enable on my server edtion 10.04 ?19:11
ThunderBird89that's the idea, yes. A Wireless router to make my connection wireless. no shady business, just want to get rid of the cable, and the admins officially forbit WLAN19:11
icarus-cUbuXubu, you have screensaver enabled?19:12
Scottie1sriramoman1: Well, what I found on the site isn't a download file...it's just a page with text...so I saved it...but I'm not sure how to activate it19:12
UbuXubui will look icarus-c19:12
bobstroThunderBird89:  bypassing policy *is* shady business... maybe a firing offense or get you in trouble at school.19:12
BSODOfThePastLol, cant you just hide the SSID19:12
sriramoman1Scottie1: it would give u a dumb terminal till the checksum is verified19:12
Scottie1sriramoman1: Yeah, no response.19:12
BSODOfThePastor do i miss something19:12
Solid-Snakei love shady buisness, its so fun.19:12
bobstroThunderBird89:  that said, have it spoof your computer's mac address on the "inside" network.19:12
sriramoman1Scottie1: let it finish checking. till then it WILL be a dumb terminal. thats the silent nature of *nix. they never make noise!19:13
bobstroThunderBird89:  you don't WANT it to route from outside. you want NAT on inside addresses to appear as if coming from outside interface, which can have mac address of your internal (allowed) computer.19:13
ThunderBird89BSOD, Snake: done, but I'm thinking there are some probes running on the network that might detect it. or is this a long shot?19:13
Scottie1sriramoman1: I'm really confused. Is that why it isn't responding?19:13
maedoxalaing, apt-get install openssh-server19:13
bobstroThunderBird89:  is this at school by any chance?19:13
alaingthanks maedox I'll install that now19:13
ThunderBird89a dormitory, but yes19:13
Solid-Snakewhat is a lighter interface? XFCE4 or LXDE19:13
bobstroThunderBird89:  we did this at my sons' dorm. :)19:13
sriramoman1Scottie1: patiently wait for the command to complete executing. it will take minimum 5 minutes. till then it would look as though its not responding19:14
Random832Solid-Snake: fluxbox19:14
bobstroThunderBird89:  most wireless routers can do this.19:14
Solid-SnakeRandom832, i meant of the two.19:14
Scottie1sriramoman1: My bad. Is it going to mess with it if I typed in the space below it?19:14
ThunderBird89I can disable the beacons, and MAC-spoofing is a given since they enforce computer registration with a MAC lockdown19:14
Solid-SnakeRandom832, thx anyway.19:14
sriramoman1Scottie1: no. nothing will happen19:14
Random832lol i was just joking around19:14
ThunderBird89I was thinking of incrementing the TTL by one to hide its presence from a trace, and possibly something else19:15
ThunderBird89if needed19:15
Solid-SnakeRandom832, yeah i hate fluxbox19:15
sriramoman1Scottie1: as long as u have not typed any key-combinations19:15
Random832supposedly lxde was created in response to xfce being too 'heavy'19:15
bobstroThunderBird89:  that is a different issue then. the mac lockdown will be on the wired side. you can hide your ssid etc, but you are still detectable if they come a-hunting. be sure doing this won't get you kicked out of the dorm.19:15
Scottie1sriramoman1: Alright. Thank you. This the time installer made it further, but then crashed out again, giving me crap about my harddisk.19:15
alaingmaedox: ok done what do i need to do next?19:15
Scottie1sriramoman1: I retyped the code you gave me..19:15
cconstantine_Hey guys, is it possible to use the query engine to do something like: 'SELECT SomeColumn from SomeModel where ...'  and not get full model objects?19:15
bobstroThunderBird89:  use GOOD security on the wireless side.19:15
UbuXubuicarus-c, there is nothing under screen savewr in lucid that says it is actually on..it was set to blank and :computer is idle after 2 hours" ?19:15
ThunderBird89given, I'm going to enforce MAC-screening and WPA-pass19:15
bobstroThunderBird89:  i work this sort of thing from the other side. it's usually a firing offense, or gets you in deep trouble at school, depending on policy.19:16
sriramoman1Scottie1: run the "code", wait for it to run and return u to the command prompt.19:16
icarus-cUbuXubu, what about "Activate screensaver when computer is idle"19:16
bobstroThunderBird89:  use WPA2, but yes, that's good.19:16
UbuXubuicarus-c, how to i set it so the screen just stays on forever19:16
mdskyGoodbye @ all19:16
sriramoman1Scottie1: what is the title of ur downloaded ubuntu.19:16
Scottie1sriramoman1: Alright...waiting19:16
maedoxalaing, input the server hostname or ip address in putty and click connect.19:16
UbuXubuicarus-c, no the activate was NOT checked19:17
nuuubmy nvidia 6100 is not detected though i installed nvidia-current...anyone knows how to solve this?19:17
maedoxunless you have some firewall in front of it, then you need to open port 22/tcp first.19:17
ThunderBird89I probably would, that's why I want to hide it if I can. they probably won't come with a sniffer, but I'm worried about a network probe19:17
Scottie1sriramoman1: Uhm...like, the number? Well, on the desktop it says "Ubuntu 10.04 1 LTS"19:17
Solid-Snakewhat is a network in simple terms?19:17
bobstroThunderBird89:  if you're using NAT on the router, the only thing they'll see on the wired side is that address, using the mac you set. don't broadcast ssid and it helps.19:17
FredFlinstonehow do i run nautils as root?19:17
sriramoman1Scottie1: and is it the 32-bit version or the 64bit one19:17
maedoxFredFlinstone, gksudo nautilus19:17
Solid-SnakeFredFlinstone, terminal then sudo nautilus19:17
Lollipop56FredFlinstone, gksudo nautilus19:17
UbuXubuicarus-c, i want the computer to never consider itself idle and to never use the screen saver and i do not see any setting to do that19:17
icarus-cUbuXubu, 1. uncheck "Activate screensaver when computer is idle" ; 2.  in Power Management Preferences -> AC / battery -> Put display to sleep when inactive for:  never19:18
Solid-SnakeLollipop56, what is gksudo19:18
bobstroThunderBird89:  use NAT and you're ok on the wired side (mostly). be aware though, they can probably still figure things out if they really want to. if this is a big risk, is it worth it?19:18
UbuXubuicarus-c, that was already done19:18
maedox!gksudo | Solid-Snake19:18
ubottuSolid-Snake: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)19:18
bobstroThunderBird89:  get a 3g/4g wireless plan and don't use their network!19:18
Lollipop56there you go Solid-Snake19:18
alaingmaedox: i have win7 64bit that does use a firewall19:18
josh99Okay, I've installed iPodLinux, but seemingly not PodZilla.19:18
icarus-cSolid-Snake, gksudo is sudo for GTK+ application (GUI)19:18
UbuXubuicarus-c, yet if i do nothing the screen goes black19:18
Scottie1sriramoman1: 32, sorry.19:18
ThunderBird89bobstro: if it's that hard, it might not be, actually...19:18
Solid-Snakethx [list of names]19:18
maedoxalaing, only the server is affected by the firewall, you win7 firewall might ask you to confirm that putty is allowed to make outbound connections though.19:19
sriramoman1Scottie1: paste the output of the command, once it is done. i will tell u if the md5sum is correct19:19
stealthxhey.. this is the support irc right?19:19
bobstroThunderBird89:  it's not really hard. the wired side is easy, and wireless setup just takes some thought and testing. but that doesn't mean you're *safe*.19:19
Scottie1sriramoman1: Still no response.19:19
bobstroThunderBird89:  i can recommend dd-wrt on linksys hardware.19:19
sriramoman1Scottie1: pls wait for it to complete.19:19
Scottie1stealthx: Yerp.19:19
ThunderBird89bobstro: that's what I'm worried about. I offered them the router to use as an AP, but they said that 'WLAN is not supported, so no way'19:20
Scottie1sriramoman1: I am. I'm going to try to do it via USB again.19:20
alaingmaedox how do i check the server?19:20
ThunderBird89incidentally, that's what I have: Linksys WRT54G with dd-wrt19:20
alaingi do have gnomedesktop setup on my severedition19:20
UbuXubuicarus-c, there is no NEVER choice for screen saver in lucid, i had already done what you suggested.19:20
alaingi do have gnomedesktop setup on my server edition19:20
sriramoman1Scottie1: since u are RUNNING the cd which u are installing from, md5sum may take more time to compute19:20
bobstroThunderBird89:  it's not really hard. the wireless router probably does it by default, except for the mac spoofing. that will be in options.19:20
sriramoman1Scottie1: are u running it from livecd right now or liveusb?19:21
maedoxalaing, run ufw status in a terminal on the server19:21
stealthxi have an old gateway chipset, i installed ubuntu... and after a random amount of time the screen turns white with colored bars all over19:21
Scottie1sriramoman1: I'm not touching it til it responds. I'm running the trial from a cd. Once I check the code, I'm going to put the NEW download on a usb.19:21
icarus-cUbuXubu, do you have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf?19:21
bobstroThunderBird89:  using nat, everything will appear to be from the router interface, which you set to use the mac address of your 'authorized' computer.19:21
ThunderBird89bobstro: yes, I have thet set up. so you're saying they're only going to see it if they know what they're looking for if I NAT19:21
FredFlinstonei tried auto-configure in ntfs config, i still cannot see the drives when i say try import pics to picasa from xp19:21
stealthxi am useing an old ati xpress 200... which i suspect is the culpret19:22
bobstroThunderBird89:  more likely, they'll spot your wireless, even if the ssid is hidden.19:22
Scottie1sriramoman1: ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ md5sum /dev/sr019:22
Scottie19a95ed6f6ec38fb58c446dba1add6a08  /dev/sr019:22
FredFlinstonethe folders exist in my media folder19:22
alaingmaedox: Status :inactive19:22
ThunderBird89stealthx: ATI under Ubuntu? bad bummer, I've had my share of problems with that...19:22
alaingport 22 by default?19:22
sriramoman1Scottie1: CD is perfect!19:22
maedoxalaing, alright, then all connections are allowed.19:22
bobstroThunderBird89:  it should be difficult for them to detect you on the wired side, but i wouldn't say it's impossible. be careful what you open up on the wired side though. if you leave ports open, they may be able to detect it's a router rather than a computer.19:22
ThunderBird89bobstro: using a simple laptop, or they need dedicated hardware for that?19:23
Scottie1sriramoman1: Okay, so the NEW download is good, or the thing I'm running is good?19:23
bobstroThunderBird89:  test all this. set up locally first and run some scans.19:23
ThunderBird89I mean wireless detection19:23
sriramoman1Scottie1: the thing u are runnign is itself good! :P19:23
Scottie1sriramoman1: Then why did the install fail?19:23
bobstroThunderBird89:  if you leave ports open, they can often detect what hardware is using tools like nmap.19:23
icarus-cUbuXubu, try  "grep -i time /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/*"   see does it produces any message19:23
bobstroThunderBird89:  but that's a bit of extra work, so perhaps not. but some security products might find you out.19:23
aruljohnwhat is the code used to download thru terminal19:23
sriramoman1Scottie1: do u have an external hard drive19:24
ThunderBird89bobstro: huh, I'll look into port-scanners, thanks19:24
bobstroThunderBird89:  you will be a 'rogue ap', the bane of security professionals.19:24
Scottie1sriramoman1: Yes'sir.19:24
alaingits connected19:24
maedoxaruljohn, wget URL19:24
vadi2Hi... why would root ever have OpenOffice opened when I never opened it? http://ubuntuone.com/p/GhZ/19:24
sriramoman1Scottie1: plug it in.19:24
bobstroThunderBird89:  set up a machine on the 'outside' (wired) port and use nmap with the -O (os detection) option and see what it shows.19:24
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Scottie1sriramoman1: Must it be an ext hd? Or can I use my 8gig usb? (the usb is more handy, but I can go get my hd if needed)19:25
alaingmaedox: thanks its working now.19:25
ThunderBird89bobstro: I try to keep my ap secured, I've had some problems like this before when I 'administered' our school network in place of our incompetent CS-teacher :D19:25
domjohnsonJust installed a Yamaha WF192XG sound card to use an old midi keyboard, and I get the "Ubuntu Is Running in Low Graphics Mode" error19:25
stealthxhi... i have an old gateway chipset, i installed ubuntu... and after a random amount of time the screen turns white with colored bars all over19:25
maedoxalaing, great :)19:25
Solid-SnakeIs there an application for reading .app files? (Mac Executables.)19:25
ThunderBird89I'll get right on this, thank you very much for your help!19:25
aruljohnmaedox: thanks19:25
sriramoman1Scottie1: since more space is intended, hard disk is recommended. and dont flip ur cd out now!!19:25
Scottie1Okay, Let me go get my hd. Brb!19:25
sriramoman1Scottie1: JUST plug in the hard disk, if u have it. withOUT reboot.19:26
stealthxcan anyone help me please?19:26
vattsikonia, http://vattz.vatts.operaunite.com/paste/?id=21&pass=ikScLdKmzYa8&act=show19:26
vattsread my story...19:26
FredFlinstonedo i have to drag everything over to the ext 4 drive or what? heo do i fix these file dialog boxes, to show "xp" and "data" volumes as well as "file system"?19:26
Solid-Snakestealthx, maybe so.19:26
FredFlinstoneon reboot the drives are on my desktop19:26
neekerscan someone point me to a script that will email me when my disk get nearly full please19:26
alaingI'm having trouble remote desktop to my server. I setup Remote desktop on it. from my windows 7 machien I try and remote using tightvnc. It shows me like the first top line and then after a while I get ReadExact:SocketIPv4 error while readying.19:26
neekersnot sure what i'm looking for19:26
neekersa bash script?19:27
alaingcould it be because my server wifi is weak?19:27
FredFlinstoneyet they don't  show up19:27
stealthxi need help with my ubuntu machine: i have an old gateway chipset, i installed ubuntu... and after a random amount of time the screen turns white with colored bars all over19:27
vattsstealthx, GFX maybe epic fail19:27
Solid-Snakeneekers, seems advanced, try googling bash emailing19:27
stealthxi have an old ati xpress 20019:27
yg_stealthx, motherboard failure?19:27
stealthxwhich i suspect is the problem19:28
icarus-cvadi2, don't run openoffice with root..19:28
vadi2icarus-c: I -never- did.19:28
neekersSolid-Snake: well, the emailing part i understand, it's the determing when the disk is near full that i dont19:28
stealthxyg_: maybe19:28
vadi2icarus-c: just tried to open a ppt document and got this error.19:28
stealthxits an older gateway board19:28
icarus-cvadi2, are you trying to open it as root or ordinary user..19:28
yg_stealthx, tried other OS?19:28
icarus-cvadi2, coz apparently openoffice thinks that you are root19:28
vadi2icarus-c: ordinary user, from ordinary user nautilus19:29
stealthxxp sometimes reboots19:29
vadi2icarus-c: I don't think so. It's saying root has already opened something.19:29
Solid-Snakeneekers, your gonna have to figure out some type of variable like $var_name19:29
=== macode|afk is now known as macode
yg_sounds like hardware19:29
hmwneekers: a quick web search showed this: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/mac-osx-unix-get-an-alert-when-my-disk-is-full/19:29
FredFlinstonecan i fix these file dialog boxes, to show "xp" and "data" volumes as well as "file system"?19:29
Solid-Snakeneekers, it must be a variable somewhere.19:29
Scottie1sriramoman1: HD Plugged and turned on. :)19:29
stealthxim just trying to see if there are any ways to hold it for as long as possible19:29
neekershmw: thank you19:29
icarus-cvadi2, run command "ps aux|grep office" should tell you who is running open office19:30
sriramoman1Scottie1: great. now start the installer. ping me when u reach the partition stage19:30
aruljohnhow to schedule automatic shutdown interminal19:30
xenomorp1ho bisogno di aiuto19:30
Scottie1sriramoman1: The installer that's on my desktop?19:30
xenomorp1non riesco a collegarmi a internet con flux box!19:30
sriramoman1aruljohn: shutdown -h 17:00 &19:30
sriramoman1Scottie1: yeah19:30
ahrii'm looking for the wbsd (winbond) driver for my toshiba laptop's SD card slot, any ideas where to find it?19:30
cage_raphelhello guys.. is there any actibe internet security software for Ubuntu 10.4. i already have clamwin installed but it does not give real time protection.. i am looking for a security softare which can provide real time protection.19:30
hmwaruljohn: the shutdown command can do it19:30
vadi2icarus-c: root is running some kind of a headless openoffice server ("soffice -headless -nologo -nofirststartwizard -accept=socket,host=,port=8100;urp")19:31
vadi2icarus-c: and I never started it19:31
aruljohnsriramoman1: tx19:31
stealthxi think its a driver problem however19:31
Solid-Snakeis there a program for me typing on algebraic equations, and it solving them (notice i said equations NOT expressions)19:31
Scottie1sriramoman1: I'm there.19:31
sriramoman1Scottie1: reached partitioning?19:31
Scottie1sriramoman1: It's telling me I have mounted partitions. Do I want to unmount them?19:31
sriramoman1select manual partition19:31
stealthxafter all, ati drivers for linux suck19:31
yg_then why the XP random reboot?19:32
thedude42anyone else having that issue?  ATI/fglrx related19:32
Solid-Snakeopen source preferrably.19:32
sriramoman1Scottie1: before that. do u have unpartitioned freespace in the hdd?19:32
stealthxi updated the driver in xp and it seems to be working better now19:32
Scottie1The external is clean, and it's 80 gig.19:32
stealthxbut that is still debatable19:32
stealthxas my applications still crash constantly19:33
sriramoman1Scottie1: great. then create a 30gig partition there, ext4, tick format, and mount point as "/"19:33
sriramoman1Scottie1: also create 2gig swap there19:33
Scottie1sriramoman1: First, though, am I going to have to have this external to use my computer? Because it isn't mine.19:33
sriramoman1Scottie1: this is mainly to test if it installs well there. if it does, wipe it off and return it back, get a new internal hdd19:34
stealthxscottie1: are u trying to boot off a external drive?19:35
aruljohnsriramoman1: can u help me more thn see my pm19:35
ComradeHaz`Hi all, is there a way to see what specific sudo commands I have been allowed to execute?19:35
sriramoman1aruljohn: pm?19:35
Solid-Snakeis there petebyte hdds yet?19:35
sriramoman1Solid-Snake: nope19:35
Scottie1stealthx: Right now I'm just trying to get this to work. I've used 7 cds, 1 ext hd, and 1 usb, and none of the installs will go through.19:35
ActionParsnipComradeHaz`: history | grep sudo19:35
drecutemount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /root -o force19:35
drecuteplease what does the -3g mean19:36
ActionParsnipSolid-Snake: you could make a raid array of one19:36
=== alaing_ is now known as alaing
thedude42Solid-Snake: I've only seen petabyte netapp shelves, that's the closest thing you can just buy.... it's a bunch of disks19:36
Solid-Snakesriramoman1, i guess we have along way til 1024 TB19:36
aruljohnsriramoman1: private mesaage19:36
drecuteanyone pls19:36
sriramoman1Scottie1: visualize that it will install well in the external hd, it WILL work!19:36
WebDawgjaunty isnt LTS?19:36
stealthxscottie1: what happens when the install fails19:36
ActionParsnipdrecute: ntfs-3g is the filesystem type19:36
FredFlinstonein windows its caled dialog boxes, and they are not seeing anything except ext419:36
josh99WebDawg: Nope, that's Lucid and Hardy.19:36
sriramoman1Solid-Snake: lets combine clouds to get them soon!19:36
sriramoman1aruljohn: dint get any pm!19:36
FredFlinstonein a package i do file , import, and don't see them19:36
thedude42drecute: the -3g is part of the name ntfs-3g19:36
Solid-Snakesriramoman1, what is clouds?19:37
ActionParsnipWebDawg: no, hardy and lucid are. Jaunty dies next month19:37
josh99Anyone know where I can get PodZilla? Or, better yet, an installer I can run from Ubuntu for it?19:37
FredFlinstoneyet they are mounted19:37
WebDawgSays that the security updates will not occur anymore?19:37
thedude42drecute: the more meaningful question you may be asking is, what is ntfs-3g?19:37
josh99I found some breed of installer, but it only installed the boot loader... UserLand. Apple OS is the only option19:37
NullProphecyHi all. How can i force GDM to use fluxbox for a particular user (ie. regardless of what they pick from 'session')?19:37
ActionParsnipWebDawg: yes, support will be dropped19:37
WebDawgDoes the community take up support or?19:37
sriramoman1Solid-Snake: cloud computing. many guys offering free space. like GMailFS did the trick, lets try a ggood one thru python to get 1024 space on cloud!19:37
NullProphecyI have a feeling it's something to do with the XSession file?19:37
drecutethedude42: i know it's a fs type19:37
stealthxscottie1: what happens when the install fails?19:37
sriramoman1Scottie1: whats ur advancement.19:38
drecutei have ubuntu on a usb19:38
Scottie1sriramoman1: both done. Next?19:38
drecuteand i want to install19:38
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Scottie1stealthx: It tells me my harddisk is bad19:38
drecutebut it is giving me initramfs19:38
Solid-Snakesriramoman1, seems insecure...19:38
ActionParsnipWebDawg: the OS will still be supporeted in forums etc if people choose but there will be no updates on the official repos19:38
thedude42drecute: well, NTFS is the sftype, but the ntfs-3g part is just the name of the kernel driver implementation you're using in that command to mount the volume19:38
drecuteso i guess maybe i should mount the usb first to root19:38
neekersok, this is way off topic, but freaking cool... :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iANRO3I30nM19:38
WebDawgWell that sucks.19:38
stealthxscottie1: did u try a fsck?19:38
sriramoman1Scottie1: keep pressing next. finish it!19:39
Scottie1stealthx: I don't know what that is.19:39
Crash1hdHow do I allow a space in a dir in a shell script? IE if my path is /home/crash1hd/Documents/My Projects/...19:39
Solid-Snake!spam | neekers19:39
* sriramoman1 wishes Scottie1 great luck!19:39
Scottie1sriramoman1: Leave the rest as 'free space'?19:39
ActionParsnipWebDawg: can't support all the old releases forevwer dude.19:39
FredFlinstonei tried auto-configure in ntfs config, i still cannot see the drives when i say try import pics to picasa from xp19:39
sriramoman1Scottie1: yeah. free space19:39
ActionParsnipWebDawg: the OS will stilll run and function. Just no more updates19:39
drecutethedude42: but i hope there's no threat then19:39
stealthxScottie1:lol... theres ur problem...19:39
thedude42NullProphecy: in a traditional Linux environment that's where I would expect it, but Ubuntu's environment is not exactly traditional anymore19:39
hmwCrash1hd: either escape the space with a \ or use quotes:   ls my\ file\ with\ spaces   or  ls "my file..."  - also use tab completion! type: ls my<tab>19:39
Scottie1sealthx: If you aren't going to help, please don't taunt.19:40
neekersSolid-Snake; sorry man to bother you, but it wasnt spam19:40
drecutethedude42: it should work right?19:40
FredFlinstonedoes anyone have an idea for me?19:40
thedude42drecute: my undrstanding is that you want to use ntfs-3g as it is the most reliable and in active development, but my information could be dated19:40
NullProphecyhmw: yeah. I had to hack around just to change the gdm backdrop and icon. I'd liove to just use straight debian, but can't :(19:40
ActionParsnipFredFlinstone: are they usb or internal?19:40
Solid-Snakeneekers, srry19:40
Scottie1sriramoman1: Problem. "Input/output error during read on /dev/sda" within like the first two seconds of installation19:40
sriramoman1Scottie1: listen to my guideline. i assure u full help till u attempt on ur ext hd.19:40
FredFlinstoneall one drive19:40
Solid-Snakeneekers, u said off-topic so i figured it was spam.19:40
stealthxfirst us a usb... and go to "system->adminiatration->make startup disk" in the ubuntu live cd19:40
thedude42NullProphecy: yes, you are crossing in to one of the many areas where Ubuntu deviates from Debian19:40
drecutei have the latest ubuntu19:40
hmwNullProphecy: i think, you told it to the wrong person19:41
NullProphecythedude42: oops - that was to you, now hmw - clicked the wrong name :P19:41
ActionParsnipFredFlinstone: if you run: sudo fdisk -l ,do you see the partitions?19:41
Lollipop56FredFlinstone, read my pm19:41
sriramoman1Scottie1: sda is ur internal hdd right!19:41
Redhandanyone know of any archives of updates to unsupported distro's?19:41
Scottie1sriramoman1: I don't know?19:41
stealthxscottie1: first us a usb... and go to "system->adminiatration->make startup disk" in the ubuntu live cd19:41
drecuteso i guess it should be using the latest kernel19:41
rethusi have a php.ini in /etc/php5/cli/php.ini and in /etc/php5/apache2/.php.ini. Which one should i use?19:41
inf_pzHi, I'm trying to install Citrix client on Ubuntu, downloaded all the different files, .tar.gz  -  .rpm  -  .dep, but I dont know how to install it, can anyone help? :)19:41
ActionParsnip!eol | Redhand19:41
ubottuRedhand: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades19:41
rethusi use apache, have adjust the cli/php.ini, and this takes also efect on apache.19:41
rethusmeans i have added xydebug19:41
drecuteuname -a shows kernel 2.619:41
Solid-Snakeis there a free version of redhat?19:41
hmwrethus: this is just a guess... the ini file fpr cli sounds like it is for the cli (this is the shell) and the other is for the web server19:41
sriramoman1Scottie1: start it again from the installer on ur desktop. NOTE the letter of each physical drive19:42
Scottie1sriramoman1: I don't understand.19:42
FredFlinstoneActionParsnip, they r there19:42
Lollipop56Solid-Snake, yeah, Fedora19:42
sriramoman1Scottie1: i mean it would be"/dev/sda" for one hard disk, "/dev/sdb" for external hard disk and so on19:42
thedude42NullProphecy: in the past I've dug around and modified the scripts that GDM hooks call in order to customize things, but that was in Fedora.... however I wouldn't be surprised if Ubuntu did something similar since these things could be more related to the version of Gnome that Ubuntu uses over Debian19:42
Redhandhehe, I'd love to update ubottu, first I must update the entire computer. I'm running a computer that should have been trashed long ago19:42
stealthxsriramoman1: ur making it too complicated...19:42
ActionParsnipFredFlinstone: then you can mount them19:42
NullProphecythedude42: cool - I'll check that out19:42
Scottie1sriramoman1: both my hd and my ext hd showed up in the partitioning..19:43
rethushmw: if i do php -m i see xdebug twice... onece above, and once my own inserted.19:43
FredFlinstonei tried auto-configure in ntfs config, i still cannot see the drives when i say try import pics to picasa from xp19:43
rethuswhere does the dynamic modules loaded?19:43
FredFlinstoneyet they are mounted19:43
Scottie1stealthx: It won't let me select my usb as a disk. It's an option, but it won't let me move forward.19:43
sriramoman1Scottie1: wait. i will link u a screenshot. that will help u better19:43
u456503_I found it https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList19:43
Scottie1sriramoman1: I told it to ignore, and it continued..19:43
stealthxfirst plug in a usb and boot from cd... and go to "system->adminiatration->make startup disk" in the ubuntu live cd19:43
viennais there a bootwait option for ubuntu 10 to let the fstab wait until i entered the crypto password at boot?19:44
Scottie1stealthx: I've done that.19:44
ActionParsnipFredFlinstone: if you run: mount ,you can see how and where they are mounted and access the data19:44
vattsMe burned 10.04, me tried, me workey, ikonia :D19:44
* vatts happy19:44
sriramoman1Scottie1: great! anyways, since it showed "I/O error", I suspect ur internal hd is gone.. coz such errors typically show up in scratched cd's19:45
vattssriramoman1, ^^19:45
sriramoman1vatts: congrats!19:45
Scottie1sriramoman1: Well, then I'm fucked.19:45
stealthxScottie1: i had that problem too, all i had to do was first click the iso selection, then the drive...19:45
IdleOne!language | Scottie119:45
ubottuScottie1: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:45
vattssriramoman1, well thx :D19:45
stealthxits a really stuped thing that happend to me19:45
Scottie1stealthx: I have it selected, though.19:45
Scottie1IdleOne: Sorry.19:45
* vatts happy, byebye ;)19:45
FredFlinstoneits not this pc, i probably am toast19:46
Scottie1ubottu: My bad.19:46
sriramoman1Scottie1: keep hope. tell me if the installation succeeds on ext19:46
stealthxyeah... but you have to click it in that order...19:46
stealthxits pretty dumb though19:46
JamUnixa question: I deleted my old Launchpad GPG key to sign the Code of Conduct in 2005 and add a new last night ..... should remove the code of conduct and strong (with the old key )???? and sign again with the new key that newly added launchpad19:46
FredFlinstonei'll have to set up irc on that or give up for now19:46
sriramoman1vatts: can u pls temme in pvt msg what u did to correct ur problem19:46
stealthxscottie1: yeah... but you have to click it in that order... its pretty dumb though19:47
ActionParsnipJamUnix: i'd ask in #launchpad19:47
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Crash1hdhmm odd cause I am trying to run the automysqlbackup.sh file I downloaded and i set the conf file path and in the conf file I set the path where to save (it makes all the folders the first time through, but when I go to run it again it comes up ambiguous redirect19:47
NullProphecythedude42: woah. the gdm Xsession script is a *mess*19:47
Scottie1stealthx: it won't let me.19:47
JamUnixActionParsnip,  ok19:47
stealthxscottie1: it wont let u click it?19:47
Scottie1stealthx: It won't let me continue.19:48
sriramoman1Scottie1: i recommend u to proceed in cd itself, knowing that ur md5sum matched19:48
sriramoman1Scottie1: proceed installation after ignores onto ur external hd the way i suggeste19:48
Scottie1sriramoman1: Hm?19:48
stealthxscottie1: are u in the live cd?19:48
sriramoman1Scottie1: ***suggested19:48
Crash1hdhmw, hmm odd cause I am trying to run the automysqlbackup.sh file I downloaded and i set the conf file path and in the conf file I set the path where to save (it makes all the folders the first time through, but when I go to run it again it comes up ambiguous redirect19:48
Scottie1stealthx: Yes, it's the only way I can get into my computer.19:48
stealthxwe can do a dick check from there19:48
vattssriramoman1,  <vatts> Me burned 10.04, me tried, me workey19:49
vattsme burned ubuntu 10.04!19:49
Scottie1sriramoman1: I'm proceeding in your way. I'm just also trying to do this. I need it to work on my internal hd.19:49
vattsthen boot... normal ;P19:49
FloodBot2vatts: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:49
hmwCrash1hd: are you perhaps using .. in the path where a soft link is involved?19:49
Crash1hdhmw, no19:49
jonathonHi. Having network issues. I switched to a new router and now am unable to recieve IP address via DHCP. I can use the old router and get IP address. Why won't my Ubuntu (10.04) desktop communicate with the new router? I even put a different NIC in, same result.19:49
stealthxscottie1:goto applications->accessories->teminal19:49
Scottie1sriramoman1: I'm at 60. My highest yet. Work your magic on my internal?19:50
stealthxthen type fsck19:50
ActionParsnipjonathon: try a different port on the router if its wired.19:50
sriramoman1Scottie1: let this install on ext first!19:50
Crash1hdhmw, this is what is in the path -->  BACKUPDIR="/home/crash1hd/Documents/My Projects/My Webs/backups/mysql/Darkprince"19:50
Scottie1sriramoman1: Alright, alright.19:50
Scottie1stealthx: Can we put this on hold for now?19:51
ActionParsnipjonathon: make sure the connected lights show up as normal19:51
jonathonNot sure what you mean, different port for dhclient?19:51
stealthxscottie1: sure...19:51
drecutei'm in initramfs prompt, what command can i run to restrat ubuntu installation from the usb19:51
ActionParsnipjonathon: a different port on the router to plug the cable into19:51
Scottie1stealthx: Sorry. I know it's an inconvenience. =/19:51
alaingis there a good tutorials to learn comand line?19:51
icerootdrecute: ctrl + alt + del  or init619:51
stealthxscottie1: its ok... im a nice person19:51
iceroot!bash | alaing19:51
ubottualaing: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal19:52
imanchey guys - how come my keyboard stops working on a particular program, every now and again19:52
ActionParsnipalaing: just using it teaches much. Use it instead of the gui and you'll pick it up in no time :)19:52
thedude42imanc: because something else might steal focus19:52
drecuteiceroot: that will reboot the system19:52
imancsometimes I can't type an address inot the chrome location bar, and just now I find I can't type into a terminal window19:52
Solid-Snakei hate paperback books, my linux book is falling apart...19:52
WillWork4FooIs this the right place to ask questions about Maverick Meerkat? Or is there a beta discussion channel for that?19:52
thedude42imanc: java apps do this to me a lot19:52
imancthedude42: I try clicking back to the window19:52
sriramoman1Scottie1: after that ask someone in some forums, "how to find bad sectors in hard disk". we can then partition the hard disk such that the bad region of the hard disk is avoided in the partitioning:)19:52
jonathonConnected lights are on, I can connect my laptop using the same Cat5 cable that is plugged into the desktop. I plug it back into desktop and nothing. I've reset everything numerous times to clear any bad routes.19:52
icerootdrecute: and you asked about restart19:52
ActionParsnipimanc: when it stops, wait for it to start again then run: dmesg | tail ,it may give clues19:52
Scottie1sriramoman1: And that will make the install work on my internal?19:53
drecuteiceroot: i just mounted the usb to /dev/sda119:53
ActionParsnipjonathon: if you set static ip does it work? Do other systems get dhcp ok?19:53
drecuteiceroot: do i need to reboot?19:53
sriramoman1Scottie1: yeah. coz we are avoiding those bad parts of the internal19:53
sriramoman1Scottie1: btw. how much % complete19:53
icerootdrecute: rbeoot for what? what you want to do?19:53
alaingI'm startign to see why peopel use putty over other vnc clients19:53
Scottie1sriramoman1: 79. Definitely loving you right now.19:53
ActionParsnipalaing: putty isn't a vnc client19:53
drecutei just mounted the usb where i have ubuntu19:53
alaingno but its a way to communicate with the server19:54
Crash1hdhmw, ok using ../ twice works :) thanks19:54
sriramoman1Scottie1: have a firm vision, it matters! www.thesecret.tv19:54
drecutei'm in the initramfs prompt because ubuntu installation couldn't progress19:54
alaingi like the vnc for the gui but if its quicker to just pass some commands then so be it19:54
jonathonStatic does not work, the Mac on the same switch works fine. I thought it may be a speed issue since the Ubuntu desktop is gigabit and so is the switch on the back of the new router. I connected the two directly, but still nothing. Currently I am connected to the new router using the old router in19:54
Solid-SnakeAny hardback linux book recomendations?19:54
jonathonCurrently I am connected to the old router which is connected to the new router on a different subnet.19:55
alainghow do i stop gnome-desktop on server edition?19:55
Scottie1sriramoman1: 8719:55
sriramoman1jeand: bonsoir, monseiur19:55
jvargashi, i will try to update my BIOS, how can I find which chipset am i Using?19:55
alaingcan i turn it on when i need to?19:55
ralliasSolid-Snake: Hardcover? I dunno. I would recommend Linux Bible 2010 edition, but thats paperback19:55
sriramoman1Scottie1: whats shown up on status msg, is it fetching packages or something?19:55
aeon-ltdalaing: you mean just gnome-desktop, or Xorg in general?19:56
jeandbonsoir srimoman19:56
Scottie1sriramoman1: Language packs.19:56
jonathonAnyone hear of an Airlink 300n not working with Ubuntu?19:56
Solid-Snakerallias, i'll check it out anyway..19:56
sriramoman1Scottie1: that means the installation is practically done!19:56
alaingwtf is Xorg19:56
Scottie1sriramoman1: Yay!19:56
ralliasjonathon: what os arch do you have? X86 or amd64?19:56
sriramoman1Scottie1: are u on a laptop?19:56
ralliasjonathon: nope19:56
Scottie1sriramoman1: What is super thrilled with you and has two thumbs? This girl! Yes, I'm on a laptop.19:56
ralliasjonathon: try doing a full system upgrade19:57
Tim2009alaing: wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xorg19:57
alaingI wondered if i could boot to command line and only turn on the gui if and whe ni need to19:57
ralliasalaing: thats called ubuntu server with the x-server and some liteweight windowing environment19:58
sriramoman1Scottie1: press f1 or f2 or whatever ur laptop recommends, and boot from the external usb drive after installation. and inform me if ur ext hd boots well! B-)19:58
Scottie1It will give me an option to boot to external? Or just usb?19:58
alaingyes i'm runnign server edtion19:58
oraclealaing, the server edition and you run gui? (:19:59
alaingi did apt-get gnome-desktop-environment19:59
ralliasoracle: kinda defeats the purpose, don't ya know19:59
oraclei know19:59
Scottie1Off to test!19:59
sriramoman1Scottie1: my hp laptop gives me to boot from the ext hd i want. but dell and toshiba allows only usb.19:59
drecuteunable to find a medium containing a live file system19:59
drecutei'm stuck19:59
oraclealaing, you might as well do the opposite19:59
u456503_thanks, I found the info, there is a channel: #ubuntu-kernel19:59
drecutewhat do i do?19:59
u456503_thanks, I found the info, there is a channel: #ubuntu-kernel19:59
oracledrecute, what are you running19:59
NullProphecyhmm. I am *totall* confused by the mess that is gdm in ubuntu#19:59
ralliassriamoman1: well plug it in via usb19:59
drecuteubuntu 10.0419:59
alaingoracle why?20:00
drecutefrom usb stick20:00
jonathonLooks like there is a kernel update waiting, installing it now. This is one of the strangest problems I have come across, it just will not talk to the Airlink, but everything else does.20:00
ertpresso!ask | drecute20:00
ubottudrecute: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:00
oracledrecute, how ya install it?20:00
oraclealaing, suityourself20:00
ralliasjonathon: hardware that is your internet access has full access to the internet, so it can **** itself up.20:00
drecuteoracle: from unetbootin20:00
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alaingso how do i turn off the gui and just boot to commandline as before and the nonly turn it on whe ni need it20:01
sriramoman1where do i find the sourcecode of ubottu?20:01
Solid-Snakei love opensource.20:01
sriramoman1Solid-Snake: great!20:01
Solid-SnakeOn the other hand, my school HATES it.20:02
sriramoman1same here:(20:02
Solid-Snakedee, yo20:02
jonathonI get that but I've tried two NICs in the same desktop both don't work. So that means it is likely a software issue in Ubuntu. But it works with the Linksys router so it is not broken completely.20:03
deeAfter a new installation of Xubuntu 10.04 I have no sound in PulseAudio. OSS works just fine in Audacious e.g. Any idea how I can get PulseAudio/Alsa to work?20:03
jeandqui parle en francais ici20:03
sriramoman1jeand: moi!20:03
Solid-Snake!fr | jeand20:03
ubottujeand: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:03
drecutei have a ubuntu cd which i made into an iso and used unetbootin to copy it into a usb. when i inserted the usb and tried to boot from it, i get this message from the initramfs prompt: unable to find a medium containing a live filesystem20:04
sriramoman1yaaravudu inge tamil la pesuvangla!20:04
ActionParsnipdrecute: did the iso md5 test as ok?20:04
Solid-SnakeJe suis Le Roi Lion20:04
jonathonThanks rallias, brb. Kernel update.20:04
deedrecute: and it's a Live-CD no Alternate-CD? Afaik does Unetbootin only works with Live-CDs.20:05
Solid-Snakei compile the linux kernel just for fun sometimes.20:05
sriramoman1drecute: i recommend u to use the usb-creator instead of unetbootin. i have never got unetbootin workin right!20:05
deedrecute: Further did you try usb-creator as alternative20:05
* sriramoman1 shake hands with Solid-Snake20:05
deeah, me is to slow.20:05
drecutedee: yea it is live20:06
Solid-Snakesriramoman1, lol, how'd you do that?20:06
PacaneHi, I'm looking for an IRC/MSN Client that would run in SSH, does anyone know one? :)20:06
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drecutedee: ok let me try20:06
Tim2009Latest Ubuntu 10.04 update broke my Oracle VirtualBox.  Get the "failed to open a session for the virtual machine" for all of my virtual machines. The Details box gives the message "Callee RC: NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG (0x80070057)".  Have re-installed both from the repository and the main Oracle site with same results. Anyone already solve this?20:06
ActionParsnipdrecute: did you md5 test the resulting iso before transferring it?20:07
Solid-Snakebye all20:07
deepacane: Hm, bitlbee maybe?20:07
ActionParsnipTim2009: ask in #vbox too20:07
drecuteActionParsnip: no20:07
ActionParsnipdrecute: don't you think you should have, make sure it was consistant??20:08
kevdogPacane: I'm sure you can tunnel any connection, however there are other encryption protocols you can run with pidgin for example20:08
drecuteActionParsnip: i used mkisofs20:08
ActionParsnipdrecute: doesn't matter, should still md5 test20:08
Pacanekevdog: Well the advantage I had with SSH, was that I connect to MSN or IRC, without installing any software20:09
alainghow do you login as root20:09
Lollipop56you don't20:09
ActionParsnipdrecute: so you know the image you took is complete and consistant. Bad image will make a bad install experience20:09
deealaing: normally you don't.20:09
deeuse "sudo" if you need to.20:09
ActionParsnip!noroot | alaing20:09
ubottualaing: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.20:09
kevdogSSH however needs a key on receiving end.20:09
alaingi know but i need to delete a folder thats owned by root20:09
Lollipop56alaing, do gksudo nautilus20:10
Muscovyalaing: You shouldn't ever do a normal login. If you want, you can use sudo su -.20:10
deealaing: so do "sudo rm ..."20:10
ActionParsnipalaing: then use: sudo rm -r folder20:10
deebut be carefull!20:10
Lollipop56then go the directory and delete it20:10
aeon-ltdalaing: sudo rm -r "path to folder"20:10
alaingthank you20:10
ActionParsnipalaing: or: gksudo nautilus ,and delete using a gui20:10
alaingmuch appreciate everyone20:10
Lollipop56like I said yeah20:10
ActionParsnipalaing: the sooner you forget root the better :)20:10
deeNoone any idea about my sound problem?20:11
ActionParsnip!sound | dee20:11
ubottudee: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.20:11
samba_qualcuno di voi usa thuderbird ?20:12
ActionParsnipdee: also run: alsamixer ,in terminal and check levels are cranked and unmuted20:12
samba_all'ultimo aggiornamento non vedo più la posta!20:12
deeubottu: Sound plays just fine with OSS, only PulseAudio does not seem to work. I restartet the soundserver two times already. alsamixer says the volume is up, the panel plugin too.20:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:12
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:12
deeActionParsnip: See my answer to the bot. ;) alsamixer says everything is okay.20:13
ActionParsnipdee: could try the ppa to get latest alsa20:13
a1fadee: intel audio?20:13
pepoEnter text here...20:13
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:14
a1fai had to get the latest alsa drivers to get my intel audio card to work20:14
hathadarI just installed ubuntu desktop 10.04 on a laptop.  The onboard keyboard and mouse will work for a minute after boot and then go dead.  Also my wireless wont connect to my home network or display any SSIDs.20:14
ActionParsnipDee: https://launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/unstable20:14
a1faand then it was spitting sounds out of integreated speaker20:14
alaingok busy trying to install lampp. I download and extract and ran the script (like I've done many times). but mysql will not start any ideas?20:14
ubottuIf you have been banned it is probably because you have not gone along with what is acceptable !behaviour. If you're not sure what acceptable !behaviour is please see !Etiquette and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines - If you think the ban was a mistake, please join #ubuntu-ops20:14
alainghow do i check which services are running20:15
ActionParsnipalaing: trt the boot options: i8024.reset and/or i8024.nomux=1 and/or irqpoll20:15
deea1fa: Yes, it's an Intel card. I will think about the unstable driver ...20:15
theixleHey guys, I've got to send in my defective g1. Where can I find the rc33 (or whatever it was) that came on the g1 so they don't try to claim I voided my warranty by rooting and installing custom mods.20:15
ActionParsnipalaing: ps -ef | less ,will show services20:15
ActionParsnip!ot | theixle20:16
ubottutheixle: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:16
theixleOh crap, I joined the wrong channel!20:16
theixlesorry :p20:16
theixleForgot I had ubuntu set as the default channel. Sorry.20:16
ActionParsnipDee: its stable. No idea why the ppa is labelled so.20:16
Dice-Mansalut jeand20:17
Dice-Manici c'est le chan anglophone20:17
alaingActionParsnip: boot options?20:17
ActionParsnipalaing: those 3 boot options are great at fixing on board keyboard/mouse20:17
Dice-Manjeand, va sur #ubuntu-fr20:17
Lollipop56Dice-Man, parlez-vous français? :P20:18
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alaingActionParsnip: nothing wrong with my keyboard/mouse20:18
ActionParsnipalaing: apply them in /etc/default/grub and run: sudo update-grub ,to apply the change20:18
ActionParsnipGuess my wires are mixed20:18
deeActionParsnip: okay, I will take a look. thx.20:18
rapageI'm on xterm I want to load the gui now please;..... i set the resolution I want20:18
drecuteActionParsnip: i'm not sure there's a version for windows20:19
rapageI had all gthes eproblem sow aht's the command to load x windwo20:19
ActionParsniphathadar: see the boot options above for your kb + mouse issue20:19
rapageI'm on xterm I want to load the gui now please;..... i set the resolution I want20:19
ActionParsnip!md5 | drecute20:19
ubottudrecute: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:19
pepohow can i elude the ban?20:19
drecuteand i couldn't get a mirror to download it for cygwin20:19
ActionParsnipdrecute: tells you how in windows and even mac20:19
alaingwhy would mysql not start if i did sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start its not runnign as a service.20:19
drecuteActionParsnip: i mean usb-creator20:19
ActionParsnipdrecute: there's an easy 1-2-3 creator on pendrivelinux20:20
rapageI'm on xterm I want to load the gui now please;..... i set the resolution I want20:20
rapageI'm on xterm I want to load the gui now please;..... i set the resolution I want20:20
OerHeks!repeat | rapage20:20
ubotturapage: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com20:20
hathadarActionParsnip: I did not see the boot options you mentioned.  That may have been before I joined.20:20
ActionParsnipdrecute: its a universal app for most linuxes20:20
Alex_the_Lionhelp me with wifi issues20:21
ActionParsniphathadar: i824.reset i824.nomux=1 irqpoll20:21
pepoActionParsnip help me20:21
Alex_the_Lionproblem: NetworkManager icon spin but not connect20:21
mehokcan anyone help me i have a fresh install of ubuntu 10.x and there is no sound everything is plugged in and working as far as harware20:21
ActionParsniphathadar: great at fixing lappy mouses and keyboards20:21
hathadarActionParsnip: and what where do I put those/do with them?20:21
drecuteActionParsnip: so what do i do?20:21
ActionParsnippepo: sup20:21
pepohow c4n i elude this chat ban?20:21
drecutei can't find any for cygwin20:21
OerHekspepo join #freenode20:21
ActionParsniphathadar: in /etc/default/grub in the quotes with quiet splash, save the new file then run: sudo update-grub20:22
pepono i cAN'T ENTER20:22
ActionParsnipdrecute: go to the pendrivelinux site and download the app20:22
rapageI'm on xterm I want to load the gui to load applications with mouise20:22
drecutehere https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent?20:22
ActionParsnippepo: i'd ask in #freenode for a revoke20:22
ActionParsnippepo: can you not see why you got banned20:23
pepomm i don'tknow20:23
Name141Does anyone know everything to remove to turn Ubuntu in to only a file server?20:23
ActionParsnippepo: spamming the channel and using caps unnecessarily20:23
Name141Without Gnome, firefox, etc20:23
pepothis is the reason?20:23
alaingok busy trying to install lampp. I download and extract and ran the script (like I've done many times). but mysql will not start . its not running as a service any ideas?any ideas?20:23
ActionParsnippepo: from what I can see from your attitude yes20:23
aclienWhere can I get some help with some command line magic (piping with parallel)? Because that's not Ubuntu specific.20:23
pepoi try to connet with a proxy20:24
mehokanyone for my sound issue20:24
ActionParsnipName141: if you remove xorg it will strip a tonne of the OS out20:24
pepobut i didn't solve20:24
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ryenmehok: What is your problem?20:24
UbuntuNoobhey im running lucid on an intel 855 chipset laptop and for some reason on occasion i will get a black screen and some text which will end with checking battery state... and nothing will happen pas that and i have to do a hard shutdown. how can i avoid this screen?20:24
Name141and he quits20:25
pepovisit squat forum search on google20:25
euptc my Rhythmbox is not getting thumbnail images from at least Jamendo anyone here have the same problem?20:25
rapageI'm on xterm I want to load the gui to load applications with mouise20:25
hathadarHow do I open a write protected file as a super user for editing when using the file browser?20:25
kevdogive got to upgrade from intrepid but I'm just too damn lazy20:25
UbuntuNoobalso it usually happens when trying to watch a video. earlier i was trying to watch a video on the new ipod touch and it happened20:25
OerHekshathadar, alt F2 gksudo nautilus20:25
mehokryen i have everythign plugged in and there is no sound20:26
ryenmehok: Check the speaker icon in the bottom right of your screen.20:26
ryenmehok: Sometimes in your ouput, your card or device is not selected.20:26
ryenmehok: Output*20:26
mehokit is actually ryen20:27
Lollipop56any mods on here?20:28
jonathonStill unable to connect to an Airlink router. Can connect to a linksys just fine. Network setup is as such. Ubuntu PC -> Linksys Router (192.168.4.x) -> Airlink Router (192.168.3.x) -> Internet. If I connect to the switch on the Airlink I get no connection, no DHCP offers no communication if set to static. If I connect to the subnet on the Linksys router I connect just fine. I have added a NIC to the Ubuntu desktop and they bot20:28
jonathonh are unable to connect to the Airlink router.20:28
ryenmehok: When audio are you trying to play from?20:28
mehokok now it works as if by magic20:28
ryenmehok: What* -- firefox, google chrome.20:28
xbonesxcould someone verify how packages are listed in synaptic package manager with the ubuntu default repositories???20:28
xbonesxhow many*20:28
Scottie1Anyone know how to section off bad quadrants of my hd so I can install ubuntu directly?20:29
kevdogmods are everywhere20:29
Lollipop56I need to talk to a mod20:30
neekersok, my disk capacity script and cron job is finished, thanks for your help! :)20:30
kevdogneed to get "unbanned?20:30
Lollipop56no lol20:30
kevdogjust pm one and wait20:30
mgolischScottie1: but i doubt the installer actualy supports that, youd have to mkfs manualy suplying the bad blocks to leave out, but if your hdd is screwed id srsly just get a new one20:30
Lollipop56I don't see any20:30
Scottie1mgolisch: that isn't an option20:31
rapageI'm on xterm I want to load the gui to load applications with mouise20:31
Name141maybe I should use https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD ?20:31
rapageI'm on xterm I want to load the gui to load applications with mouise20:31
ralliasis there any way to change a password of a different user on ubuntu?20:32
rapageis someone reading my postg20:32
rapageIbeen trying to contact20:32
mgolischScottie1: if you cant get a new disk run badblocks and mkfs manualy then have the installer use that filesystem without reformating20:32
Scottie1mgolisch: I'm not sure what any of that means. Could you break it further?20:32
hawodiAm thinking of installing ubuntu on in a small office of 20 people. Is there a way to do centralized update?20:32
jonathonrallias: passwd20:32
Ubunturificos[Linux 2.6.32-25-generic i686] distro[Ubuntu "lucid" 10.04] cpu[1 x Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 2.00GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 2.00GHz] mem[Physical: 994.3MB, 60.5% free] disk[Total: 107.2GB, 24.0% free] video[Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller] sound[ICH4 - Intel ICH6]20:34
FlannelUbunturific: Hi.  Welcome to #ubuntu.  Did you have a question we could help you with?20:34
bobstrohawodi:  you can point the 20 machines to a local repository cache -- use something like apt-cacher for this.20:35
bobstrohawodi:  if you want to control exactly what gets updated, that may take more work. it will speed up local installs on the 20 though.20:35
bobstrohawodi:  or updates, rather.20:35
hathadarI am still not able to use my onboard keyboard & touchpad on my new ubuntu install.  I have tried modifying the grub file boot options with "i824.reset i824.nomux=1 irqpoll" without success.20:37
hawodibobstro: thanks so much for that info. Any info to links on how I can control what get updated? Thanks again20:38
guntbertLollipop56: if you have an issue with #ubuntu to solve please join #ubuntu-ops to talk about it20:39
mgolischScottie1: you might also just try installing manualy and then run a fsck with the bad block option later to mark all bad sectors to be not used for allocation20:39
mgolischScottie1: aehm i mean doing a normal install and then afterwards mark the bad blocks with fsck20:39
Lollipop56guntbert, lemme pm u?20:39
hawodibobstro: I just looked at the syanptic manager and I can't see anywhere to set the download to a local repo.20:39
bobstrohawodi:  i don't know how to control specific updates that get made available to the local machines, sorry. apt-cacher keeps any packages that get downloaded for other machines to use, so it speeds things up. i'm sure it *can* be done, but i don't know any specifics.20:39
mgolischScottie1: the default install doesnt install that much data it might go through without hitting any bad blocks20:40
guntbertLollipop56: keep it in the channel please - I'm not an op20:40
bobstrohawodi:  you install apt-cacher on the 'server' machine. then you modify the apt config on the 20 machines to point to it as a proxy.20:40
Lollipop56ah k20:40
Lollipop56nvm then20:40
avi_Hey guys, so I've written this cool app in PyGTK and Glade. How can I package this up and distribute it?20:41
bobstrohawodi:  this looks like a good starting point - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Apt-Cacher-Server20:42
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bobstrohawodi:  i used the 'Use as a proxy to APT' option with good success20:43
tiger_rawrrthere was a free download manager i used before that was java powerd and sorted all my downlaoad accounts as well like rapidshare megaupload and fileplanet i forgot what it was called20:43
tiger_rawrrcan anyone refresh my mind20:43
Saturn2888I need to downgrade my version of iptables. Can I just do apt-get remove iptables and then apt-get install iptables because somehow my version isn't the one in the repo?20:43
Saturn2888I can't use apt-get. I'm clueless on how to downgrade20:44
jvargashow can I see te log of a kernel panic?20:44
jvargasMy screen is blocked and num/caps lock are blinking20:45
hawodibobstro: Is the apt-config from the command line? I saw it in the commandline20:45
nothingspecialSaturn: hav3 you cahanged your sources list?20:45
Saturn2888nothingspecial: that's what someone else said. It's exactly the same as another machine which does not have this issue20:45
blinki am looking for an audio program which allows me to cut parts from music files ".mp3" based. i am looking for something like CoolEdit. btw, I've tried all programs on the Ubuntu Software center and none of them does the required job.20:45
rapageI'm on xterm I want to load the gui to load applications with mouise20:45
bobstrohawodi:  the server-side setup is all command line, yes.20:45
hathadarI am attempting to connect to my home wireless router.  All security is off.  The SSID shows as 100% strength yet I cannot connect.  ubuntu will attempt for a minute and then give up.  What can I try?20:45
Splazer123I'm new and having trouble. I'm trying to run Ubuntu Netbook and I've installed it but it says keeps saying it will boot up in 5 seconds and after five seconds it just restarts. Hel?20:45
nothingspecialSaturn: so, have you or not?20:46
hawodibobstro: I meant the client side20:46
drecutewhen using the usb-creator at pendrivelinux, what is the preferred perssistence value20:47
Saturn2888nothingspecial: I had, but a long time ago. I modified it and the person who I was talking to said they switched to a different version of iptables, the one in Ubuntu instead of whatever they were using. The one he pointed me to was iptables_1.4.4-2ubuntu2_i386.deb20:47
IrredAndroidblink: audacity?20:47
avi_anyone know how to get Thunderbird to use OSD-Notify instead of it's usual cross-platform custom notification system?20:47
Saturn2888nothingspecial: oops, not the  _i386.deb20:47
rapageI'm on xterm I want to load the gui to load applications with mouise20:47
bobstrohawodi:  not sure if it's in the gui. let me look. i just edited the file, then copied it around via scp.20:47
hawodibobstro: thanks. Am reading the link you sent.20:48
blinkIrredAndroid: I've tried it before and it didn't work. lemme install it again and give it a try. thanks.20:48
rapageI'm on xterm I want to load the gui to load applications with mouise20:48
Saturn2888nothingspecial: http://pastie.org/private/vaidxkymwzajsn7wc5wdxw20:48
jonathonhathadar: are you using a linux driver for your wireless card or ndiswrapper20:49
bobstrohawodi:  this looks helpful too - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=98108520:49
picard1400hey guys...20:49
AlAmilarrapage: what do you mean? You want to run gnome?20:49
picard1400im trying to basically setup ssh putty into my ubuntu machine.. but when i log out of ssh the session is still goin?20:50
hathadarjonathon: this is a fresh install so whatever comes by default.20:50
picard1400so like i use putty. putty into ubuntu.. do my stuff. then log out of putty )close out..20:50
picard1400when i log back into putty my sesion comes back ? how do i set that up?20:50
hathadarpicard1400: are you closing the putty window or are you typing in the exit command?20:50
Cypeqhi ^_^20:50
picard1400closing the putty window20:50
picard1400like getting out putty20:50
jonathonhathadar: Try setting up a key on your router20:51
Cypeqshould I install ubuntu 10 or 9 .., ?20:51
picard1400then later coming back to putty and when i reconnect to the server.. have that session stiill goin?20:51
blinkIrredAndroid: how can i save applied changes? it only allows me to save project which is .aud based format.20:51
nothingspecialsaturn: Nothing looks wrong with your sources. I got to go in a minute. http://pastie.org/private/vaidxkymwzajsn7wc5wdxw20:51
cicinaoh, the background of new ubuntu is.... the developers must have a lot of THC !20:51
diogo_79i have ubuntu 10.04 install how can i make this computer part of active directory domain?20:51
Saturn2888nothingspecial: I think I fixed it: apt-get install iptables=1.4.4-2ubuntu2. Didn't know that was possible. Thanks though :)20:51
hathadarjonathon: for troubleshooting purposes would'nt having an open network be the best option?20:51
cicinagood bye ;)20:51
jonathonhathadar: Also delete the stored password before trying to reconnect. Applications -> Accessories -> Password and Encryption keys20:52
OerHeks!resetpanels > OerHeks20:53
ubottuOerHeks, please see my private message20:53
jonathonhathadar: Correct, but having a key will show you they're communicating when you are prompted for a key, just something to try20:53
nothingspecialSaturn: glad you fixed it :)20:53
Cypeqi want to install ubuntu preferably Xubuntu version for c++ developing how much HDD space 4 system files do I need and which version should i install 10 or 9 or what ?20:54
jonathonhathadar: What kind of router, what kind of wireless card?20:54
wrennycan someone tell me the command to remove resolvconf package20:54
hathadarLinksys router.  Aetheros wireless device.20:54
picard1400is there something i need to seutp to do this?20:54
hathadarjonathon.  What kind of security feature am I looking for on my router?  WEP?20:54
guntbertpicard1400: you want to keep your session even when you close putty?20:55
picard1400yes.. exactly20:55
picard1400so when i log back into putty it goes into that session (like when downloading large files .. eg... i dont want to keep putty open20:55
guntbertpicard1400: screen is what you want20:55
guntbert!screen | picard140020:55
ubottupicard1400: Screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen20:55
tiger_rawrranyone know a free download manager that handles premium logins for rapidshare and megaupload20:55
rapageyes I want to load gnome20:56
rawkyhi all, i noticed that sometimes if i run a program from terminal like gedit and i close the terminal it closes gedit too. As gedit isn't on the apps menu i don't know how else to run it. How can i and still close my terminal window please?20:56
mgolischtiger_rawrr: jdownloader?20:56
jonathonhathadar: I'd use WPA because it is more secure. Use WEP if your driver doesn't support WPA (e.g. I had a PCI card using ndiswrapper and WPA was not supported w/o supplicant. It was easier to get a better card.)20:56
rapageyes I want to load gnome20:56
tiger_rawrrjdownloader is the one i was looking for20:57
AlAmilarrapage: so leave xterm, and in console type "gnome-session"20:57
Cypeqi want to install ubuntu preferably Xubuntu version for c++ developing how much HDD space 4 system files do I need and which version should i install 10 or 9 or what ?20:57
Cypeqis this question too hard ?20:57
Cable|Danceguys, i'm working on ubuntu on the X10, but i'm getting the grey screen with the black X cursor, what could it be? missing a driver or something?20:57
guntbertrawky: it should be in applications/accessories20:57
rawkyyou're right guntbert, my bad. do all apps install to the apps menu?20:58
rapageis xterm a terminal mode20:58
jonathonCypeq: install the latest version, it will need 2GB disk space20:59
AlAmilarrapage: Ah true, sorry try typing it there20:59
guntbertrawky: many do, browse those menues :-)20:59
Cypeqjonathon: big thx ^_^20:59
wrennyI get an error when trying ot connect to VPN in Ubuntu,  OpenVPN failed because of invalid VPN secrets, how can i solve this20:59
=== Cable|Dance is now known as Cablekevin
=== v3nd3tta is now known as v3nd3tta``
sje46hey, when I boot my computer, I get an error before the login screen.  (process: 341): GLib-WARNING** getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0).  Which is apparently a very generic error.  I got out of it by pressing escape, I think21:01
sje46but I have no idea how to start X21:01
mgolischdid you trash your passwd file?21:02
sje46also. when I go to /media, it has two things on it..Cruzer and U3, the two that are created whe I put my flash drive in.  But my flash drive isn't in21:02
sje46but it was in when I "shutdown -r" my computer21:02
sje46I can't go into the windows file system either21:03
sje46it says I don't have permission21:03
sje46but when I do "sudo cd" it says cd not found21:03
Geffloni noted that updates are not working for some.21:03
sje46mgolisch: I did not touch any password files21:03
calum_Hi folks.  Does anyone know the specifics of enabling wireless radio on the Samsung N150 netbook?  Driver and everything seems fine, but it looks like I need to turn the radio on somehow...21:03
Gefflonwhen I start synaptic from the command line, I get libevt: some symbol not found21:03
Gefflonwhen I start apt-get, I get an immediate core dump21:03
Gefflonhow do I get out of this situation?21:03
=== AlAmilar_ is now known as AlAmilar
sje46so anyways...how do I start X, first of all?21:04
Gefflonah, sorry, not libevt but libept21:04
sje46what is causing this weird pwuid error?21:04
sje46mgolisch: startx doesn't work21:04
mgolischsje46: it cant resolve the the uid 0 to a username, id asume your /etc/passwd is broken or non existant or so21:05
sje46mgolisch: it says exec: 3: /usr/bin/X not found21:05
sje46mgolisch: but I can still got on21:05
sje46I signed in and gave my password21:05
CablekevinCan anyone kick me off with the weird grey screen?21:06
guntbert!details | Cablekevin21:07
ubottuCablekevin: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:07
mgolischsje46: hm something must be screwed up21:07
sje46mgolisch: yeah, haha, youc a say that21:08
mgolischsje46: what did you do for that to happen?21:08
mgolischsje46: did you uninstall something recently?21:08
Tupladif I simply want to allow every computer on the network to access my shared folders (they're windows computers) what do I have to edit in smb.conf ? this thing is driving me insane.21:08
sje46mgolisch: I didn't uninstall anything to my knowledge21:08
sje46mgolisch: I was in screen, and I did "shutdown -r 1", and I had my flash drive in21:09
DempfTotal noob here. Anyone know why Compiz causes the Youtube slider bar to lag? Is there a workaround?21:09
mgolischDempf: dont use compiz? :)21:10
DempfIt's so shiny though!21:10
mgolischsje46: if you reboot again is it still messed up?21:10
sje46mgolisch: I've rebooted a few times21:11
Ubunturificnautilus smb://"IP ADDRESS of Share Computer"21:11
gimlep_p0i add a repo to sources.list file. after that i write on terminal sudo aptitude update. but now the remastersys package is not on the synaptic . what sould i do now ?21:12
Gefflonhow can I get a working apt-get again?21:12
Gefflonit just segfaults.21:12
mgolischgimlep_p0: its probably not in the repo you added? did aptitude spit out any errors?21:12
CablekevinOk, i'm on a SE X10, and i'm trying to get UBUNTU working on that thing, all was going well, but with X11 now, i've got a black/white/grey screen with a BLACK X cursor, but i'm supposed to see a login screen or something.21:12
xbonesxi know this is for ubuntu but i just had to tell people that a group of hackers attacked RIAA supposedly on behalf of piratebay hahahahah21:13
mgolischGefflon: what did you do to cause that?21:14
Cablekevinxbonesx haha thats great!21:14
gimlep_p0mgolisch: no errors.21:14
ironfoot495Hi I'm having a problem with mysql and php coming back and saying Access denied for user 'www-data'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /var/www/public_html/register.php on line 5921:14
ironfoot495can I get some help with this?21:15
madfoxxbonesx so? Its only major if they succeed, failed attacking attempts happen all the time21:15
gimlep_p0mgolisch: it is on the repo. i add it manually. it has to work on ubuntu 10.04 because it is the repo link for lucid. it writes on official site.21:15
guntbert!ot | xbonesx madfox Cablekevin21:15
ubottuxbonesx madfox Cablekevin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:15
mgolischwhat site?21:15
xbonesxmadfox: goto the RIAA website21:15
xbonesxno more talk in here21:16
xbonesxgoto #ubuntu-offtopic21:16
bobstroxbonesx:  you started it!21:16
guntbertbobstro: drop it21:16
jcrawfordhey guys is there anyway to make a script run when I connect to a VPN21:17
Gefflonmgolisch: nothing21:17
jcrawfordusing the Gnome VPN built in stuff?21:17
BitEncrypthow do i change the mouse setting to one click21:17
GefflonI just noticed today that updates weren't working21:17
xbonesxbobstro: come to the #ubuntu-offtopic21:17
Gefflonand synaptics doesn't start because of a missing symbol in libept21:17
Gefflonand apt-get just dumps core without any useful backtrace21:17
guntbert!enter | Gefflon21:17
ubottuGefflon: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:17
JrGongI have tried to det gdm to autologin and to boot directly into an XMBC session, it's borked, I get a black screen with mouse and when I ssh in I can kill xbmc or restart gdm and it just cycles, anyone know where the config files lie for gdm in 10.04?21:18
GefflonI just noticed today that updates weren't working and synaptics doesn't start because of a missing symbol in libept and apt-get just dumps core without any useful backtrace21:18
imanchey - anyway to solve this problem: [32995.471628] npviewer.bin[19668]: segfault at 0 ip 00000000f623b741 sp 00000000ff9b3f20 error 4 in libflashplayer.so[f5e9c000+b2c000]21:18
guntbertGefflon: did you try with aptitude too?21:18
lui_ /msg [1]WaReZ-33 XDCC SEND #1121:18
OerHeks!ops : lui_21:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:19
IdleOne!warez | lui_21:19
ubottului_: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o21:19
guntbertlui: don't!!21:19
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »21:19
guntbert!it | Paulhunter21:19
ubottuPaulhunter: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:19
mgolischGefflon: you can try erasing the package index files in /var/apt/cache/ and then apt-get update again21:19
mgolischGefflon: /var/cache/apt/21:20
BitEncrypthow do i change the mouse to the one click setting21:20
GefflonI haven't tried aptitude yet, no. but apt-get just dumps core immediately. I have removed *.bin from /var/cache/apt.21:21
mgolischGefflon: hm maybe some stuff it depends on is broken then21:21
brishuhowdy folks, I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to find out what drivers you are using? I tried the 'Hardware Drivers" program, but it just told me taht "No proprietary drivers are being used."21:21
Gefflonmgolisch: what's the easiest way to reinstall apt-get?21:22
IdleOneBitEncrypt: System > Prefs > Mouse > Accesibilty > Simulate secondary click.21:22
KipMacyis there some way to open links in a browser from 'pterm' ? or... can someone tell me how to use the font pterm uses, in gnome-terminal ?21:22
JrGongbrishu  lsmod tells you what kernel modules are loaded, not sure if that will help21:22
picard1400hey guys im having problems with screen i cant seem to when i exit out of it..21:22
picard1400like i exit out of putty. when log back in.. how do i get back into my screen session?21:23
gimlep_p0ubuntu writes me that remastersys package cannot beautenticated. but i will install the package anyway. what that means ?L21:23
KipMacypicard1400: screen -r21:23
picard1400i can do screen -r to see the sessions and hte #'s but how do i get ack into that sesion21:23
KipMacypicard1400: i just type "screen -rad"21:23
SorayaHI guys i use apt-get clean and now APTonCD have no packages fot me to create a updates cd21:23
KipMacypicard1400: screen -r 23409240239 , with 23409240239 being the number21:23
brishuthank you JrGong, it might help.21:24
guntbertpicard1400: screen -r will do - but please read man screen21:24
picard1400gotchya (; thanks21:24
picard1400how do i scroll between screens?21:25
picard1400so like i have 2 open21:25
Sorayahow can i restore apt so i can have all packages when using aptoncd21:25
geirhapicard1400: ctrl+a+n and ctrl+a+p  or ctrl+a+<digit>21:25
KipMacypicard1400: read the man page, i just keep hitting control+a spacebar forever21:25
Sorayai use sudo apt-get clean and now i have no packages when using aptonsc21:26
magoohi can someone help me with updating my graphics drivers?21:26
Judecan anyone help with wireless? ubuntu hibernated when battery ran out, now wlan cant be activated thru wireless switch21:26
geirhapicard1400: You can also open a second terminal and run screen -x to have the screen attached to several terminals simultaniously21:26
Sorayamagoo, is it a propietary driver21:27
magoono its not21:27
Dice-ManLollipop56, bonjour !21:27
picard1400but installing screen -x uising that with putty dont i need to setup something else21:27
mgolischGefflon: hm dunno maybe see what it depends on and download all those packages manualy and renstall using dpkg21:27
picard1400like i would not mind having DWM.. that would be sweet... but im not sure how to get X into putty21:27
Sorayaok share some info about card21:27
magooits a intel on a laptop21:27
SpudsterIs there any way to echo the output of a command to a file AND the terminal?  I know that #command > file.txt will append, and #command >> file.txt will create the new file, but how do I >> and output to the screen?21:27
ertuhey, how would i move my screen output using driver or software?21:27
geirhapicard1400: Sounds like you want freenx instead21:28
mgolischSpudster: yeah use the tee command echo foobar|tee /tmp/somefile21:28
Sorayaand what seems to be wrong ?21:28
Spudstermgolisch: Thanks!  I'll give it a try21:28
guntbertpicard1400: install an X server on your windows machine and tell putty to "forward X"21:28
tiger_rawrrhow do i get jdownloader trough terminal21:28
Sorayai dindt need any driver on mi laptop for video21:28
magoowell im tryin to use various programs thats uses better graphics21:28
picard1400ok so the question becomes which is better.. that route.. or just doing multpile screen sessions?21:29
magoolike when i try to install imvu it starts off well and then takes a huge dump21:29
Gefflonmgolisch: can you please tell me how to find a particular package and how to reinstall that using dpkg?21:29
Sorayai see21:29
mgolischGefflon: id download the packages using packages.ubuntu.com21:30
guntbertpicard1400: depends on what you want to do - try both and compare21:30
stealthxdoes pendrive linux actually work with ubuntu iso?21:30
sizzlefiretiger_rawrr you need to add the jdownloader PPA first21:30
stealthxcause it's failing to boot up on my pc21:30
_newbie_ant30, wenas :d21:30
ikoniastealthx: ask the guys who maintain pendrive linux21:30
JudeCan anyone help, my wifi card will not turn on after hibernation?21:31
Sorayacheck ur compiz configurations and see if u can use some of the effects21:31
NullProphecyin my xorg.conf, I've changed my inputdevices to use /dev/input/mousex instead of /dev/input/mice, as I have a mouse and a touchscreen. Problem is, I get 'ghosting' whereby the pointer will alternate very quickly between where the touchscreen driver says the mouse is (correct), and X thinks the mouse is (when it autodetects the touchscreen). Any ideas?21:31
magooive tried goin to the intel site and running the update utility but that doesnt seem to work21:31
mgolischJude: try reloading the kernel module21:31
Gefflonmgolisch: how do I tell if i need amd64 or i386?21:31
ant30_newbie_ ?=21:31
mgolischJude: sudo modprobe -r modulename && sudo modprobe modulename21:31
Sorayabecause a windows driver wont work here21:31
_newbie_ant30, hablas españoL ??21:31
magooi dont understand what u mean, im a noob to linux/ubuntu21:31
mgolischGefflon: did you install the 32 or 64bit version?21:31
Gefflonmgolisch: and how do I reinstall foo.deb using dpkg?21:31
Jude@mgolisch what would modulename be?21:32
ikoniaGefflon: what exactly do you want to install21:32
ikoniaGefflon: please be exact21:32
Gefflonmgolisch: sorry, don't remember, too long ago. is there something in etc that tells me?21:32
sizzlefireI am attempting to setup a VPN with pptpd, and I am able to connect to it and use internal resources on my network but not access the internet through it, can anyone tell me what setting I might need to change?21:32
imanchey - anyway to solve this problem: [32995.471628] npviewer.bin[19668]: segfault at 0 ip 00000000f623b741 sp 00000000ff9b3f20 error 4 in libflashplayer.so[f5e9c000+b2c000]21:32
Gefflonmgolisch: let's say I download http://gulus.usherbrooke.ca/pub/distro/ubuntu/pool/main/a/apt/apt_0.7.25.3ubuntu7_amd64.deb, how do I reinstall it using dpkg?21:32
mgolischGefflon: if you dont know try file $(which bash) or so21:32
mgolischGefflon: it should tell if its a 64bit or 32bit binary21:32
magooi have no idea what to do21:32
Sorayadid u run update manager21:32
jcrawfordhmm anyone have experience with this: You can have scripts run automatically as a connection (e.g. VPN) is brought up and down by placing them in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d and /etc/ppp/ip-down.d21:33
jcrawfordi put name-up and name-down scripts in those directories and made them executable but they do not seem to run21:33
Gefflonmgolisch: file(1): good idea.21:33
magoodo i need to?21:33
mgolischJude: no idea i dont know what your wlan card is21:33
ikoniaGefflon: please be exact, a.) what do you want to install b.) why are you not using the ubuntu tools21:33
jcrawfordvery basic just setting then unsetting env vars21:33
guntbert!who | magoo21:33
ubottumagoo: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:33
Sorayalets star there21:33
Name141is there a channel specific for the Ubuntu Min disk ?21:33
Gefflonikonia: because apt-get just coredumps.21:33
guntbertName141: no21:33
Judemgolisch: would it be the device name? it is listed as bcmwl5 in ndiswrapper21:33
Gefflonikonia: no useful backtrace. I already deleted the *.bin in the cache dir21:33
mgolischikonia: he wants to reinstall apt21:33
ikoniaGefflon: ok - that's a serious issue, using dpkg isn't th eanswer21:33
picard1400ok i am still having problem switching between X.. i have two screens 1376 and 1308... i want to quickly switch between them.. i tried crtl + a + n nothing happend?21:33
picard1400not X between screens21:34
Gefflonikonia: what is the answer?21:34
mgolischJude: oh so the kernelmodule is ndiswrapper21:34
wolteri can't recieve files over bluetooth :S21:34
wolteri can't recieve files over bluetooth :S21:34
guntbertGefflon: did you try aptitude in the meantime?21:34
Sorayamagoo, did u just install ubuntu ?21:34
ikoniaGefflon: resolve the issue, has this ever worked, or did it stop working21:34
guntbert!u | Soraya21:34
ubottuSoraya: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.21:34
magooyes i did (soraya)21:34
FusionXis anyone here good with display related problems, if so can u please help me with -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1577035 .21:35
Judemgolisch: how would i reboot ndiswrapper?21:35
jcrawfordmagoo, just start typing the persons name and hit the "tab" key, it will auto complete, generally names come first when you are addressing someone :)21:35
Sorayaok,so update buddy21:35
Gefflonikonia: suddeny stopped working. the update manager icon just went to a red stop sign, and neither apt-get nor synaptics start. synaptics has missing symbols in libept, apt-get just coredumps.21:35
guntbert!here | FusionX21:35
ubottuFusionX: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com21:35
mgolischJude: just try sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper && sudo modprobe ndiswrapper and see if your wlan lives again21:36
ikoniaGefflon: ok - so what's changed21:36
Sorayathey most be about 230 updates if u just fresh install it21:36
Judemgolisch: ok thx in advance, will switch to ubuntu now and give it a try21:36
magoook brb21:37
NullProphecydoes ubuntu 10.04 actually pay any attention to /etc/X11/xorg.conf??21:37
Sorayais there a way to refresh apt packages list so i can use aptoncd21:37
Sorayai have nothing when using aptoncd because i use sudo apt-get clean21:37
mgolischGefflon: does the dpkg lofile in /var/log show anything? maybe it tells what went wrong21:38
Sorayaand now no packages display,i want to refresh package database21:38
jcrawfordanyone have any idea?21:38
mgolischSoraya: apt-get update21:38
mgolischSoraya: or what do you mean? ah you want to download all the debs again?21:39
AHemlocksLieI'm guessing I shouldn't ask about Kubuntu in this channel? #kubuntu's all afk, apparently21:39
nordinhello guys, I installed ubuntu 7.10 on an old pentium III laptop. But I removed Compiz, cause it made my system run ver very slow. Now I have the problem my windows are without the windows manager (I don't have minimize/maximize button etc...). How can I get it back without Compiz installed?21:39
Gefflonguntbert: aptitude: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libept.so.0: undefined symbol: _ZN16pkgAcquireStatus7FetchedEmm21:39
jrib!7.10 | nordin21:39
ubottunordin: Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.21:39
magooso do u think that'll fix my problem?21:39
CamFox_AHemlocksLie: Just try it :-)21:39
Sorayamgolisch, nothing using apt-get update21:39
mgolischSoraya: then what you want is not updating the package database21:40
Gefflonikonia: i never ran anything but the automatic updates; sometimes installed additional packages; I didn't track what changed with them.21:40
nordinhello guys, I installed ubuntu on an old pentium III laptop. But I removed Compiz, cause it made my system run ver very slow. Now I have the problem my windows are without the windows manager (I don't have minimize/maximize button etc...). How can I get it back without Compiz installed?21:40
aeon-ltdnordin: alt-f2, then type "metacity --replace" then enter21:40
aeon-ltdnordin: btw you should really update21:40
guntbertGefflon: sorry then, it was worth a try, you must have messed up your system :-(21:40
nordinaeon-ltd, thnx my friend.21:40
aeon-ltdnordin: it worked?21:40
nordinaeon-ltd, I'm working on it.21:40
Sorayamgolisch, what do i need then ?21:40
ikoniaGefflon: any external repos ?21:41
Sorayarestar computer will fix it ?21:41
AHemlocksLieokay, well, I'm trying to get Kubuntu installed on my Dell Inspiron 1100 laptop. I put Kubuntu 10.4 on my flash drive, and everything works just fine during boot until it finishes loading. When it's loading, the everything shows up great, all the icons individually show up, the hard drive, tools, desktop-looking icon, then the K (I assume for KDE). Once that's done, though, the mouse stays, but the rest of the screen goes black. I can still mo21:41
Gefflonmgolisch: the file is 0 bytes. btw, I just noted that "ll" also core dumps, "ls -l" works. !?21:41
mgolischSoraya: apt-get install -d packagename , -d causes apt to just download the package21:41
Gefflonguntbert: well, not actively, but I agree that it's messed up :)21:41
Sorayawhat i want is to kind of save updates so far using APTonCD21:42
NOMADICUSWhat is the terminal command in gnome to hide and the gnome panel?21:42
Gefflonikonia: /etc/apt/sources.list only contains ubuntu servers.21:42
AHemlocksLieover to no avail. If I hit ctrl+alt+Del, the shutdown/reboot/logoff screen comes up just fine, but the rest is still black. When I hit shutdown, a box came up asking about quitting about 5 things, all something like "TTY: login", so the video still works to a degree, just not entirely. Anyone have any idea what could be the issue?21:42
ikoniaGefflon: unstable/proposed repos ?21:42
nordinaeon-ltd, it worked from the terminal, can I get it permanently. I'll update it soon.21:43
Gefflonikonia: no21:43
aeon-ltdnordin: it should be set permanently anyways21:43
Gefflonperhaps we can come back to my original question: dpkg still seems to work, how can I reinstall apt?21:43
guntbertGefflon: in all honesty: I never saw a system doing that to itself - there was always the human factor...  - so please try to remember what happened/what you did21:43
ikoniaGefflon: what does the stack trace suggest is the issue ?21:43
nordinaeon-ltd, ok, I see it :)21:43
ikoniaGefflon: download apt from the web repos', do dpkg -i $filename21:43
nordinaeon-ltd, thank you very much my friend21:44
Gefflonikonia: (gdb) bt21:44
Gefflon#0  0x0011a562 in ?? () from /lib/ld-linux.so.221:44
Gefflon#1  0x001131d1 in ?? () from /lib/ld-linux.so.221:44
Gefflon#2  0x00124207 in ?? () from /lib/ld-linux.so.221:44
Gefflon#3  0x00110c6d in ?? () from /lib/ld-linux.so.221:44
FloodBot2Gefflon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:44
Gefflon#4  0x00110857 in ?? () from /lib/ld-linux.so.221:44
aeon-ltdnordin: also if your looking at squeezing the most out of a pentium 3, i reccommend a ligher window manager like openbox21:44
ceejIs there a way to make your ubuntu install into an iso to install onto other machines ?21:44
aeon-ltdnordin: your welcome21:44
hosokaHello all, when watching video via YouTube and suddenly choose for wide screen, the movie freezes and the sound continuous as normal.21:44
jribceej: remastersys?21:44
jcrawfordhmm anyone have experience with this: You can have scripts run automatically as a connection (e.g. VPN) is brought up and down by placing them in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d and /etc/ppp/ip-down.d21:44
hosokaI am using Totemplayer by default.21:44
jcrawfordi put name-up and name-down scripts in those directories and made them executable but they do not seem to run21:44
jcrawfordvery basic just setting then unsetting env vars21:45
ceejjrib: thanks, I'll check it out21:45
jcrawfordbut i need to get them to run on connection so that i can set proxy stuff21:45
nordinI really appreciate your help aeon-ltd. I like the gnome of ubuntu 7.1021:45
guntbert!pastebin | Gefflon21:45
ubottuGefflon: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:45
aeon-ltdnordin: ok, to each his/her own i guess, and i respect that21:45
sassiestonhi does somebody know a thumbnail viewer that only loads the thumbnails of the pictures that are onscreen?21:46
CamFox_AHemlocksLie: Do you know if the laptop has the latest BIOS?21:46
AHemlocksLieI haven't the faintest clue, would that matter a great deal?21:47
hosokadoes anyone use Totemplayer on YouTube ?21:47
wrennyI get an error when trying ot connect to VPN in Ubuntu,  OpenVPN failed because of invalid VPN secrets, how can i solve this21:47
aeon-ltdhosoka: no but whats wrong with flash?21:47
guntbert!anyone | hosoka21:47
CamFox_AHemlocksLie: Page here mentions it: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptopsDell21:47
ubottuhosoka: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:47
CamFox_AHemlocksLie: bit I'm guessing a bit21:47
hosokaI am using the latest flash and with Totem the video freezes choosing for wide screen while the sound keeps on playing.21:47
AHemlocksLiecamfox_ okay, I'll try that as soon as it wants to load... I'm in Windows using my 3g phone as a tether, but it absolutely refuses to load anything for some reason, but that's another matter21:48
=== Viper is now known as Out`Of`Control
AHemlocksLiewhich raises the question of how IRC is working, but count your blessings, I guess21:49
r007!ubuntu server21:49
Cwatson09I have a question about Installing Ubuntu on my desktop system?21:49
Gefflonikonia: after reinstalling apt and gsynaptics, apt-get and synaptisc now work again. thanks for the help!21:49
aeon-ltd!ask | Cwatson0921:50
ubottuCwatson09: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:50
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server21:50
Lollipop56check my pm Cwatson0921:50
Gefflonguntbert: the only users on the system only know how to agree to the automatic update requests and install packages, I'm the backup admin...21:50
r007anybody know the server channel?21:50
r007oops nvm21:51
jcrawfordr007, why not try #ubuntu-server21:51
picard1400hey guys..21:51
picard1400so anything i can do?21:51
picard1400i cannot swtich between screens21:51
wii4didaI want share with you a free sketchpad program that I have written http://code.google.com/p/ardesia/; I hope that it will included in ubuntu21:51
guntbertGefflon: strange -- but in the meantime you got it solved as I saw .-)21:51
NOMADICUSI'm not sure.21:51
jrib!ot | wii4dida21:51
ubottuwii4dida: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:51
hosokadoes anyone has the same fault that when playing video halfway with Totem going for wide screen the movie stops but sounds goes further21:52
guntbertNOMADICUS: wrong window?21:52
Gefflonguntbert: yes, but the automatic update wants to update apt, so let's see what happens ;)21:52
mmm4m5mHi. What is "ls" column "size" for directories? I did copy one directory tree and I see differences there.21:52
jcrawfordsomeone has to know how to get these to work :(21:52
guntbertr007: it #ubuntu-server :-)21:52
mgolischhosoka: no idea, i allways use mplayer21:52
wii4didasorry, bye21:53
NOMADICUSguntbert: Oops. Wonder how come things were wierd.21:53
Guest89389hi, what would be a good size for / partition (user documents will not be going there)?21:53
mgolischGuest89389: 10 -20gb?21:53
hosokamgolisch: does mplayer lets you watch the movie in the middle when then sets for the full screen ? It does not freeze ?21:53
Guest89389ok thanks21:53
CamFox_Guest89389: It depends, but go bigger rather than smaller. HD storage is pretty cheap. 20GB min I would say21:54
Guest8938920 approaches windows :), but yeah, plenty of disk space21:54
randomOfAmberif I use hibernate, would it be fine to put my laptop in it's case + my backpack and not worry about overheating?21:55
incandenzarandomOfAmber: yes, hibernate is the same as it being turned off21:55
randomOfAmberincandenza: thanks!21:55
guntbertrandomOfAmber: yes, but mind you it still uses/needs power so you battery must provide it21:56
randomOfAmberwith hibernate?21:56
mgolischit doesnt21:56
mgolischits tuned off21:56
guntbertrandomOfAmber: sorry, I misread21:56
mgolischhibernate != standby21:56
randomOfAmberI want it to save the session, but not overheat when I put it in my laptop21:56
jcrawfordis anyone even seeing my messages? never takes this long without someone acknowledging the questions :)21:56
Guest89389hibernate it is then21:56
guntbertjconlon: we hear you21:56
aeon-ltd!patience | jcrawford21:56
ubottujcrawford: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com21:56
randomOfAmberok cool, thanks all21:57
incandenzawell, it wouldn't hibernate in standby/suspend, either.  but definitely not in hibernate21:57
incandenzaer, I mean, it wouldn't overheat21:57
aeon-ltdguntbert: lawl tab fail21:57
guntbertaeon-ltd: :)21:57
jcrawfordaeon-ltd, i found a how-to but it does not seem to run the scripts :(21:57
hosokaWanna stick with the totemplayer, but the movies always freezes when during the movie choosing for the fullscreen.21:57
Guest89389i think a bit of heat might be good for mine - too cold outside21:57
mmm4m5mGuest89389: my used space for / is 2.5GB and for /home is 2.5GB (most personal things are not inside home)21:57
aeon-ltdjcrawford: please explain it all to the channelw ith the right context21:57
Guest89389mmm4m5m: wow what a range from 2.5 to 2021:58
Guest89389i'll just give it 1021:58
mmm4m5mGuest89389: not partition(s) size, I told - used size21:58
mmm4m5mGuest89389: used space21:58
incandenzaif you do a big upgrade, like from one major release to another, it can use a few extra gigs quickly21:58
CamFox_Guest89389: I just checked and my install is 5GB total, so my 20GB estimate is probably a little high21:58
incandenzaand if you run out of space it will be a pain21:58
r007anyone know if its possible to mount a dynamic .vdi image?21:59
histoGuest89389: 10gb is plenty for root.  If not you can expand it later.21:59
xbonesxis their a program equivalent to the macs isight video editing software???21:59
Guest89389incandenza: how many more GB would be used during an upgrade?21:59
Guest89389histo: that would, indeed be a pain21:59
histoincandenza: I would ask the vmware or virutalbox channel but you should be able to mount it with loopback21:59
xbonesxwould someone tell me how many packages they have listed in synaptic package manager PLEASE22:00
histoGuest89389: nto really that hard.22:00
jcrawfordi wish to have a script run when a vpn connection is made and when it is dropped.  I have put the scripts name-up and name-down in the respective directories /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ and /etc/ppp/ip-down.d/ but they do not seem to work, in the up script I just have export http_proxy="something" and in the down script i have export http_proxy=""22:00
histoGuest89389: all your personal settings and files are in /home22:00
histoGuest89389: / is just for your programs.22:00
jcrawfordafter I connect I run export | grep _proxy but do not see the env vars change22:00
IdleOneGuest12849: with a 10GB / you will be more then fine unless you install everything under the sun.22:00
jcrawfordI have also set the scripts to be +x22:00
Guest89389xbonesx: 3023022:00
jcrawford-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root   76 2010-09-19 16:32 name-vpn22:01
xbonesxfresh install amount?22:01
Guest89389IdleOne: ok good. thanks all.22:01
xbonesxGuest89389: fresh install amount?22:01
jcrawfordany thoughts?22:01
Guest89389xbonesx: live cd22:01
xbonesxsweet then my config file for it is good22:01
r007histo Ill try loopback ty22:02
LucidGuyApache2.2 quesiton:  I have AuthType basic enabled with a directory/site that is secured via mod_ssl.  Is the login credentials secure also? or just the content?22:02
mgolischjcrawford: how is that going to do anything? export works only for childprocesses of that shell..22:02
jcrawfordmgolisch, ok so then how can i make it work globally?22:02
xbonesxanyone know of a video editing software that has almost same effects as the macpro editing software????22:02
jcrawfordthe script is run by Gnome so it should not be for a specific shell'22:02
r007lucidguy basic auth is not secure22:03
LucidGuyr007, even if its used in a site that is ssl secure?22:03
xbonesxjcrawford: you have to right a script that would respond to the connect and disconnect atributes22:03
r007lucidguy its still sent plain text as it will go over http not https22:04
VarazirIs there a fix so you can PXE boot 10.04.1 LTS ?22:04
xbonesxjcrawford: find the file that is executed from having a connectino be made and add in a command line to execute the script22:04
IdleOne!it | dante_22:04
ubottudante_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:04
dante_mi scrivete il canale per il supporto ad ubuntu? perfavore!22:04
diffredHi! Ubuntu 9.04 (cannot update), trying to open an rm file (video) with totem. The image works fine but there's no sound. The error:  http://pastebin.com/aFzZYDpJ22:04
LucidGuyr007, how can I secure that?22:04
Ana_westhi, i have problem to use webcam in Ubuntu MSN22:04
lazyPowerHaving an interesting qualm on Ubuntu 10.04 x64, the mouse will randomly stop responding, and shortly there after, the keyboard fails too. restarting X seems to work, when i can get that far before the keyboard fails. Its been verified as non hardware, as i pulled the hardware and tested it on a Fedora machine. after six hours it was still working like a charm, yet no go on ubuntu. it just randomly fails after an hour or so, sometimes a22:05
mgolischjcrawford: how do you start the vpn? and what programs do you want those settings to use?22:05
r007lucidguy you cant secure basic auth you would need to use an authentication method over https22:05
IdleOnedante_: scrivi /join #ubuntu-it22:05
hosokaAna_west: try to use amsn22:05
ertuhey, how do i move my screen output using driver or software?22:05
jcrawfordi am using Network Manager to start the script22:05
lazyPowernothing helpful in my logs, no ideas coming from google, no screensaver action, or power management interruptions.22:06
LucidGuyr007, not even authType Digest?22:06
xbonesxjcrawford: i really don't know i was just using what sounded like common sense to me... :S22:06
jcrawfordaccording to the docs it has a dispacther that executes the scripts under /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ and ip-down.d/22:06
jcrawfordstates it on that page22:06
jcrawfordbut maybe i am doing something wrong by using export maybe i should use another method of setting the env var?22:07
LucidGuyr007, so I would have to code some kind of login page.22:07
WernisHow can i change the picture in my log in screen ?22:08
lazyPowerWernis: in the About Me option under system->preferences22:08
Gefflonguntbert: ok, updated, rebooted, still works22:08
VarazirHmm I get the error shown under Gotchas  ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto ) , is there a way around that ?22:08
jcrawfordmgolisch, any ideas?22:08
mgolischjcrawford: is this for cmdline programs only you start manualy from a terminal?22:09
WernislazyPower no not the little avatar i meant the splash thing, the background and all ? the BiiiG picture ?:)22:09
mgolischjcrawford: you could have it write that to a file you source in your .bashrc then22:09
mgolischjcrawford: it still wont change the env of any program started using the menu22:09
WernislazyPower but thanks haha im actually changing my avatar right now :D22:09
xbonesx!seen Guest8938922:09
KindOnexbonesx, Guest89389 is still in #ubuntu.22:09
ubottuI have no seen command22:09
QuaxirDoes anyone have an idea what to do when Kubuntu won't let me into login screen, it jamms to that "Kubuntu" and few circles below it :S22:09
serapophisWernis, ubuntu tweak has an option for that22:10
xbonesxGuest89389: whats the two repositories in this pic on your live cd22:10
jcrawfordhmmm yea you're right because I also have the proxy set in the Network Proxy GUI, though I am sure I could have the script change that value in a file right?22:10
=== pooky- is now known as pooky
r007lucidguy yep you would unless somebody else knows of any other option22:10
jcrawfordbasically I want the proxies to be used when on VPN but not when off VPN because when off the VPN the proxies do not resolve22:10
Wernisserapophis :) thanks problem solved :P it is in ubuntu tweak !22:11
jcrawfordand it screws my internet up when I am not on the VPN because it is trying to connect through the unreachable proxy22:11
xbonesxGuest89389: http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/6531/94593475.png22:11
LucidGuyr007, sounds like a hell of allot more work.22:11
Guest89389xbonesx: hold on22:12
xbonesxGuest89389: ok TY22:12
akashi have loaded vlc but sound is coming but not picture22:12
Guest89389xbonesx: oh, i "kinda of" forgot this was a mint cd..22:12
xbonesxGuest89389: whats that mean?22:13
Guest89389it has many entries there22:13
Guest89389mint is another distribution based on ubuntu22:13
xbonesxI just need to know the ones that are present after a normal ubuntu 10.04 desktop version install....22:13
NOMADICUSI am trying to make a hotkey to hide and unhide my pannels using keyboard shortcuts, and/or making a script and an icon for the desktop.  I am having difficulty finding the command that will manipulate the gnome-panel. Any suggestions?22:13
mgolischjcrawford: yeah if this is for apps started from a terminal only it should be failry easy, just source some file in your .bashrc and have the vpn script write that export foo=bar stuff in that file, when you open a new terminal after that it should have that env var22:14
billurhttp://www.geekconnection.org/remastersys/ubuntu.html here writes that for lucid we have to write deb http://www.geekconnection.org/remastersys/repository karmic/ but i think the last workd has to be lucid ? right ?22:14
Guest89389is it normal for a newly formated ext4 partition show some space as in used in gparted?22:14
jcrawfordmgolisch, any idea where the Network Proxy GUI writes those values as I will have to have the script change that as well, will probably use Python for this :)22:15
Sia--billur, doesn't matter22:15
billurSia--: but i use it now with karmic. and my system is craz now :(22:15
mgolischjcrawford: it writes some stuff in gconf22:15
r007lucidguy on doing a bit of reading it appears the https hanshake should happen before the basic authentication are passed so I suppose I was wrong :D22:15
Heretic121I need some help with my SiS integrated graphics card. I'm using Ubuntu 9.1022:15
=== Guest-ru is now known as sfw
Heretic121can anyone help out?22:16
Heretic121Hey wbc22:16
wbcHeretic121: what do you need with_22:16
dzeremisHello my friends. I'm Džeremis (Lithuanian), Jeremy in English. (I'm from one of these Lithuanian immigrant descendant households.)22:16
Sia--billur, maybe the package is crap!?22:16
SolarisBoyid like upgrame vim to 7.3 can someone lend some advice on the safest procedure?22:16
Heretic121If I don't load X into safe mode22:16
wbcits goes apeshit?22:16
Heretic121if I do X apparently can't find my display22:16
Heretic121yeah, that'd be an apt description22:17
dzeremisI have a question. I installed iTunes for Ubuntu using Wine and a tutorial online. It runs with a script but I want to create a shortcut. For the life of me, I cannot figure out how to do this, as in the terminal, the path to the file exists, and in the GUI, it does not.22:17
sfwDoes anyone know how does kernel module loading in Ubuntu work? Is it any different from Gentoo? This is NOT a troll question or something. For example I try to switch cpu into ondemand mode and it explicitly requires I modprobe "powernow-k8". How does Ubuntu handle this?22:17
billurSia--: before 5 days ago i use it. it was working but this time another computer it is not working..22:17
dzeremisCan you help? Theoretically, this should be a piece of cake.22:17
wbcso, what error msg do you get Heretic121 ?22:17
Sia--dzeremis, sveikas use #ubuntu-lt22:17
billurSia--: i have to do my system as a live cd...22:17
Heretic121I'll go dig it up, hang on22:17
r007lucidguy you could always sniff the packet to make sure22:17
dzeremisSveikas, Sia!22:18
Sia--billur, why not usb live system ius much better?!22:18
wbcHeretic121: alright, hurry up cause im going to watch 'punch-drunk love' soon22:18
Heretic121(WW) Falling back to old probe method for sis22:18
Heretic121(--) Assigning device section with no busID to primary device22:18
Heretic121(EE) No devices detected.22:18
SolarisBoyis there anyone that can help with upgrading vim to 7.3? im on lucid 7.2 is in repos22:18
Sia--Heretic121, use pastebin22:18
SolarisBoyi have a deb install22:18
Heretic121sorry Sia--22:18
dzeremisWell, the thing is that the ~/.wine/... works in the terminal but -doesn't exist- in the GUI file manager.22:19
Sia--SolarisBoy, let me know what is the difference?22:19
billurno i need a live cd. bacause i use tih s cd on many computers. many of this computer are not support to open ( boot) from usb :(22:19
SolarisBoyincremental history22:19
billur Sia--: no i need a live cd. bacause i use tih s cd on many computers. many of this computer are not support to open ( boot) from usb :(22:19
euptcI installed zoneminder and i dont have a damn icon do I have to do that manually too?22:19
SolarisBoyand many other things as well22:19
mgolischjcrawford: it sets the systemwide proxystuff in system/http-proxy system/proxy in gconf22:19
Sia--billur, i know better way to doing that wiat!22:20
mgolischjcrawford: no idea what it sets if you dont hit the apply systemwide button in the proxy config gui22:20
billurSia--: ok i am waiting for you...22:20
dzeremisHi guys. Sorry, something went wrong and burned my IRC client. Was anything said about my computer problem while I was away?22:20
billurSia--:  but i research many times. there is no another application like remastersys.22:20
sfwdzermis, sorry, no.22:21
Heretic121anyone got any ideas on my problem about the sis graphics card? :)22:21
SolarisBoyPersistent undo and undo for reload , Blowfish encryption, encryption of the swap file , Conceal text , Lua interface , Python 3 interface22:22
SolarisBoyare the most notable new additions from 7.322:22
=== Greyscale is now known as Greysc[a]le
SolarisBoySia--: is that good enough for some assistance sir? =)22:22
* dzeremis is really confused.22:23
=== Out_Cold is now known as Guest18697
Sia--billur, i know this way and work fine http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/22145/how-to-create-your-own-customized-ubuntu-live-cd/22:23
Sia--dzeremis, why?!22:24
jcrawfordmgolisch, yea they seem like xml files and even have schema files you can use for creating new ones, when i looked in my default gconf all that is in there is my proxy stuff, so I am guessing i can use python to search the file for the proxy entries, remove them or add them as appropriate, but then i am sure i will need to do something else to make Gnome re-read those files as it does when you apply system wide22:24
SolarisBoyshould i just backup my vim .files remove it with apt and make/compile install is what im asking... or would that not be the best way...possibly a ppa? not sure for ubuntu22:25
* dzeremis --> I'm trying to access a program that works if I point my terminal to it but DOES NOT EXIST according to the GUI file manager.22:25
* dzeremis might have missed something said.22:25
Sia--dzeremis, which program?22:26
Random832dzeremis: files that start with "." are hidden by default in the gui file manager22:26
Random832they're hidden by default in ls, too22:26
d6chungHi, this is the first time I've seen this: in attempting to boot a live CD (10.04, in particular), it doesn't log me in. Switching to virtual consoles, I see "authentication failure" repeating... anyone knows what's going on?22:26
=== ahmed is now known as Guest21339
theboxfactoryGood Afternoon. Anyone around to help a relative newbie with a 10.04 question please?22:26
Sia--SolarisBoy, did you try getdeb.net or ..etc? to install the new version?22:27
dzeremisRandom832 --> All I want to do is set up a shortcut under Applications --> Wine --> Programs. Can you help me do this? I've tried all I know how to do so far.22:27
Sia--! ask | theboxfactory22:27
ubottutheboxfactory: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:27
billurSia--: thank you but i need my .home folder too :(22:27
SolarisBoyno i haven't tried any of that, i was looking for advice on it if possible,, all i've done so far is try running upgrades to no avail. also just checking on the vim site for any clue22:28
billurSia--:  i can not understand why it is not working. i did the same settings w,ith others...22:28
SolarisBoyill check getdebmaybe they have it22:28
Sia--that is very simple just include it in22:28
theboxfactoryubottu: Thanks.22:28
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)22:28
_newbie_someone available for configure the xorg.conf ? please?22:28
billurSia--:  anyway thank you. i will try everything again until it will work.22:28
billurSia--:  i need it tooo much.. :(22:28
jcrawfordnice: http://library.gnome.org/admin/system-admin-guide/stable/gconf-8.html.en#gconf-1022:28
Heretic121Anyone free to help me with my SiS mirage/Xorg problem?22:28
Sia--billur, but if the home is bigger that 700MB then forget CD22:28
d6chunghttp://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1321574 <-- This is my problem, exactly but that thread doesn't seem to be resolved.22:28
mgolischjcrawford: iam sure there is a python module for gconf there quite sme gnome apps written in python22:29
mgolischjcrawford: probably bette than fidling with theraw xml files22:29
d6chungEr, minus the custom live CD. I'm using an official live CD.22:29
SolarisBoynope not on getdeb either22:29
dzeremisI hate to beg but somebody please help!22:29
billur) Sia--: it can be also dvd. it is not problem.22:29
billur) Sia--:  the main problem is remastersys fuk.d my system :(22:29
quantdzeremis: what's up?22:29
SolarisBoyi did some pretty extensive searching (in my eyes) just seems we aren't at 7.3 yet22:29
billur) Sia--: i did this system 2 weeks.. about..22:29
Sia--then cp -r ~/YOU22:30
jcrawfordmgolisch, good point22:30
=== DoubleString is now known as ZNC_DoubleString
SolarisBoyi do wonder _removing_ vim and compiling it is a viable option?22:30
theboxfactoryOK. I am running the Gnome desktop 10.04. I did an update this morning that required a reboot. After reboot. I  seemed to have lost the controls on the top right of the menubar. Logout/restart menu, Social media menu etc,etc. Any ideas?22:30
root_hey um i just upgraded to ubuntu 922:30
mgolischjcrawford: or call gconftool-2 which can set values too so you wuldnt need python at all22:30
root_9.10 and i cant run for more than 3 minuets without locking up22:30
xbonesxroot_: time to upgrade again lol22:30
Sia--SolarisBoy, dont remove vim just remove ~/.vim or .vimrc22:30
root_how can i revert back to 922:31
dzeremisquant: Thanks for responding! I'm trying to get to ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/iTunes/iTunes.exe to be accessible through the Ubuntu file manager. I can only get to it via terminal at wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/iTunes/iTunes.exe22:31
Sia--! downgrade | root_22:31
ubotturoot_: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.22:31
root_i dont care i have windows on a nother partition22:31
root_i just need to downgrade22:31
xbonesxroot_: save data and do a fresh install of 10.04 its better22:32
SolarisBoySia--: what if i am trying mainly to preserve (what is preservable and compatible) from my scripts,plugins,dictionaries etc22:32
quantdzeremis: what do you mean by "trying to get to ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/iTunes/iTunes.exe to be accessible through the Ubuntu file manager"?22:32
Sia--dzeremis, itunes work with sp3, wine ...22:32
root_i cant run 10.0422:32
dzeremisquant: It's hidden in the File Manager. All I'm trying to do is create a shortcut to put under Applications but I'm having trouble doing even that. I can't access it through the file manager, only the terminal. What to do??22:32
root_cant even boot live cd22:32
root_of it22:32
xbonesxroot_: why not?22:32
SolarisBoyso your saying move .vim* somewhere dont remove the deb install and make/install the latest and everything else should get taken care of?22:32
=== jezz is now known as Guest53566
diffredHi! Ubuntu 9.04 (cannot update), trying to open an rm file (video) with totem. The image works fine but there's no sound. The error:  http://pastebin.com/aFzZYDpJ22:32
=== Guest53566 is now known as Jezza
root_ i just get the blinking underscore22:32
dzeremisSia --> I use wine. But I have to go to the terminal to do it. I can't get an icon set up for it anywhere!22:33
SolarisBoydzeremis: i vaguely remember a way to make wine shortcuts22:33
Sia--dzeremis, itunes doesn't work with vim22:33
quantdzeremis: I don't see why it would be hidden, but press CTRL+H in the file manager22:33
dzeremisLet me try. BRB, guys.22:33
SolarisBoyor maybe thats CrossOver Linux...22:33
root_just ell me how i can downgrade22:34
Sia--! downgrade | root_22:34
root_i if breaks my ubuntu install big deal22:34
root_i dont care if it breaks ubuntu install or not22:34
dzeremisSia --> I'm not sure what VIM is. Visual Interface Manager? Using Wine, the iTunes program works.22:34
SolarisBoy i think that was a typo22:34
_newbie_how to configure Xorg.conf , please ?22:35
root_im on root right now waiting for you to tell me22:35
SolarisBoyvim is a text editor & no way related to itunes22:35
Sia--_newbie_, create it first :)22:35
root_ether you tell me or im gonna switch back to windows22:35
quantroot_: bye22:35
root_take a shit will ya22:35
_newbie_Sia--, how,please ?22:35
quantdamn, we lost one, or did we?22:35
dzeremisSolarisBoy --> I can get to ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files but CTRL+H doesn't make the iTunes folder show up.22:36
Sia--root_, backup your home and have fun22:36
Sia--_newbie_, can you use ubuntu wiki?22:36
dzeremisYep, but s/he just wasn't into the spirit of Linux: common courtesy.22:36
Sia--! xorg | _newbie_22:36
ubottu_newbie_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution22:36
SolarisBoyor the other spirit of linux22:36
SolarisBoyfixing the issue!!22:36
_newbie_./dir Xorg.conf /ect/X11/22:37
_newbie_I have Sis graphics, I need to configure22:37
dzeremisSolarisBoy/Sia-- >> Is this inability to get to the iTunes folder simply permanent? Do I have to type in the command in terminal every time.22:37
SolarisBoywhere is the itunes folder?22:37
dzeremisSolarisBoy --> Mais oui. Yes, indeed. Linux is about working together. Personally I enjoy the challenge of fixing things.22:37
Sia--i'm not using ubutnu but just search in ubuntu wiki, if they still using xorg.conf or hal ..etc _newbie_22:37
quantdzeremis: you can make a shortcut for that command and place it in the launch bar22:38
_newbie_! create Xorg22:38
SolarisBoyquant: true22:38
dzeremisquant --> That would be magnificent! How do I do this?22:38
dzeremisThat's all I'm looking for. Just an icon I can put in the launch bar.22:38
=== [KxM] is now known as ||LIn3r0||
=== ||LIn3r0|| is now known as xDDDD
SolarisBoysometimes some applications dont notice the .files unless you explicitly type the .file in as well...22:38
Sia--_newbie_, dexconf22:39
quantdzeremis, right click the bar, choose add custom application and follow the menu22:39
Sia--_newbie_,  sudo dexconf22:39
dzeremisquant: let me try this.22:39
SolarisBoyim in a vim dungeon called 7.2.x =(22:39
=== Greysc[a]le is now known as Greyscale
quantdzeremis, first choose the add to panel option22:39
dzeremisquant --> Thanks for saying that. I was about to ask.22:40
* SolarisBoy wants persistent undo! =(22:40
_newbie_Sia--, thanks. ;)22:40
* SolarisBoy wimpers22:40
* dzeremis seconds that.22:40
Sia--SolarisBoy, undo in vim22:40
dzeremisquant: You know, I think I actually tried this once before. But let me retry.22:40
SolarisBoyin 7.322:40
the_ehey guys, my professor requires us to use Fedora in his Linux admin class. I just installed it (using the option to shrink the current partition) but for some reason I don't get any Grub option to boot back into my Ubuntu partion. I know this isn't Fedora support, but I figure if anyone could help it's much faster than waiting for message board support22:41
SolarisBoy Ability to undo and redo on file reload. Super useful at times22:41
* SolarisBoy wants an encryted swap file22:41
CamFox_!grub | the_e22:41
ubottuthe_e: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.22:41
CamFox_the_e: Check the restore Grub page22:42
the_ethank you22:42
SolarisBoyi could setup a vm to test it out i guess but thats so much time22:42
the_eby the by, Ubuntu is far better ;-)22:42
Heretic121Sia--, can you help with a sis mirage/xorg problem, please?22:42
Sia--SolarisBoy, u:22:42
SolarisBoyi can't afford to break vim my laptop or desktop is the problem22:42
Sia--SolarisBoy, is vim installed or just a light version with ubuntu22:43
Sia--# apt-get install vim22:43
SolarisBoyits installed forsure22:43
SolarisBoySia--: its installed22:43
Sia--ok undo :u22:43
SolarisBoybut it isn't persisting reloads22:44
dzeremisquant et al.: Hi again! All right, I tried setting up a shortcut for the command "wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/iTunes/iTunes.exe" and had no luck. Could the CAPS have any bearing on it?22:44
SolarisBoyone second...22:44
* dzeremis keeps trying without luck.22:44
quantdzeremis, what was the error? what did you get?22:44
dzeremisquant: I got no error message at all. I clicked the shortcut and nothing loaded at all. I tried elimating the wine command just to see what would happen and got an error message saying it could not execute it.22:45
SolarisBoynope just tested,, doesn't persist reload22:45
mgolischtry using a shellscript instead and shortcut to that script22:45
Sia--SolarisBoy, :u mean pressing ESC to visualmode and press U22:46
quantdzeremis, make sure tha paths, caps etc. are correct22:46
dzeremisquant: iTunes works just fine executed by terminal but not by Ubuntu.22:46
Flamesmanhow can I run a program on bash22:46
Flamesmanwithout it22:46
CamFox_the_e: Having said that, you may lose the ability to boot in to Fedora if you just restore Grub. I don't know if that matters (I guess it does)22:46
Flamesmantaking control22:46
Flamesmanover the bash?22:46
dzeremisquant: let me try different combinations. BRB.22:46
=== xDDDD is now known as [KxM]
FloodBot2Flamesman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:46
SolarisBoysame deal 'Already at oldest change'22:46
quantdzeremis, don't try different combos, try the right one :)22:46
SolarisBoyhrmm wait, let me see something22:46
Sia--SolarisBoy, that is mean you saved the doc's before and quited vim22:47
switch10_ctrl X has stopped working for me in nano.22:47
Sia--then doesn22:47
trismSia--: the new version of vim is supposed to have a feature that saves your undo history between sessions22:47
FlamesmanHow can i run something on bash without it taking control over it? i need to start something remotely on SSH22:47
Sia--trism, hmm22:47
SolarisBoythis i am explaining22:48
SolarisBoyPERISTENT redo22:48
Gotenksswitch10_ ctrlX doesn't do anything in nano22:48
SolarisBoynot simple redo22:48
* Sia-- recommending #vim to SolarisBoy 22:48
switch10_Gotenks: it closes it.22:48
Gotenksoh right...22:48
SolarisBoythey recommended me here =)22:48
* dzeremis is operating off URL: http://www.ehow.com/how_5197743_download-itunes-linux-ubuntu.html22:48
CamFox_Flamesman: not sure I undersatn you, but try following the command with '&'22:48
SolarisBoyno worries though,, ill build out a vm22:49
Sia--SolarisBoy, not true22:49
SolarisBoynot today22:49
switch10_Gotenks: yeah you would use it often..22:49
=== Guilherme is now known as Guest66899
mgolischdzeremis: so it works if you start it from a terminal?22:49
CamFox_Flamesman: Like <command> &22:49
Heretic121afk, attempting to reconfigure my xorg config after stopping gdm22:49
SolarisBoythis isn't something i woke up and decided today =) been on it for ~ 2 weeks22:49
d6chungRebooting fixed my live CD issue...22:49
SolarisBoyjust hovering around a plan to upgrade really,, before i go do something silly22:50
Flamesmanill try22:50
dzeremis/me tried caps exactly as at above link. No luck. I tried using no caps. Didn't work. I eliminated the \ from "22:50
dzeremiswine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/iTunes/iTunes.exe http://www.ehow.com/how_5197743_download-itunes-linux-ubuntu.html22:50
diogo_79what applications are using in ubuntu to join a machine to a windows domain????22:50
Guest66899Brazil ???22:50
dzeremismgolisch: Hi! Yes, it ALWAYS works in the Terminal without a second's hesitation.22:50
mgolischdzeremis: put the command in a shellscript22:50
mgolischdzeremis: and have the starter start the shelscript22:51
dzeremismgolisch: Is this the same thing as creating an Application Launcher22:51
=== Guest66899 is now known as Wolv
dzeremismgolisch: In other words, how do I create a shellscript?22:51
ubuntudoes ubuntu have a way to overwrite every single bit on a  partition?  (including the filesystem data like the MFT)22:51
synackfinhow do I tell if I have ubuntu 10.04 Desktop or 10.04 Server?22:52
WolvNeed help22:52
Wolvmy webcam22:52
GotenksAnyone figured out how to run the most current FGLRX to Maverick 10.10?22:52
Wolvim 10.0422:52
nerxgasi'm not unregged, why am i here?22:52
CamFox_!ask | Wolv22:53
ubottuWolv: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:53
nerxgasi'm trying to find something like SAGE ACT! for linux, anyone have any ideas22:53
* dzeremis doesn't know how to create a shellscript. I'm new to Linux, but with the proper attitude.22:53
synackfinanyone, is there a simple way to tell if I have ubuntu 10.04 Desktop or 10.04 Server?22:53
=== Wolv is now known as Guile
ubuntuI know I could use "dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sdXX"  but that won't overwrite the MFT.22:53
SoulShadowanyone use a program to minimize mail to systray?22:54
SolarisBoythats strange for some reason im in the channel but can't talk22:54
SoulShadowsince evolution wants the whole program open just to get mail22:54
* dzeremis : Please... Prašau... Bitte... S'il vous plaît... Por favor... etc.22:54
dzeremismgolisch: still there?22:54
SolarisBoybut i was saying :help persistent-undo is in 7.3 ubuntu is at 7.2 Sia--22:55
switch10_dzeremis: put commands into a text file, save with a .sh extension, chmod u+x file.sh22:55
ubuntuCan anyone see this text?  I'm used to talking from a different IRC client, and I wasn't sent to ubuntu-unregged....?22:55
mgolischubuntu: yeah we see you22:55
CamFox_ubuntu: 10-422:55
diffredHi! Ubuntu 9.04 (cannot update), trying to open an rm file (video) with totem. The image works fine but there's no sound. The error:  http://pastebin.com/aFzZYDpJ .22:56
dzeremisswitch10: Hi! Um... okay, wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/iTunes/iTunes.exe . Then what?22:56
kneauxdzeremis, that should do it, although unless you're determined to use the itunes store through itunes i'd suggest just going with rhythmbox22:57
SolarisBoySia--: i see the room but can't talk,, thanks for the help that feature is not in 7.222:57
SolarisBoyill figure it out22:57
* dzeremis will try that as best he can22:57
jonathonnerxgas: Have you heard of Sugar CRM?22:57
nerxgasJonathanD, no, i'll look into it22:57
switch10_dzeremis: that is your shell script?22:57
Sia--SolarisBoy, then use the new version compile it package it ..etc22:57
dzeremiskneaux: Cool handle! No, I will never use the iTunes Store.22:57
nerxgasJonathanD, it appears there may be web based alternatives like Joomla22:58
SolarisBoylol thanks alot sir.22:58
dzeremisswitch10: This is what I put into text editor:22:58
kneauxdzeremis, so why itunes?22:58
conb123Hiya, I was just having a lot of trouble with my graphics, I had to revert back to 2.6.32-21 from 2.6.32-24. I also had to remove the linux-image-2.6.32-24 package entirely since dkms would not install fglrx with it installed. Does this mean I will not be notified by update manager when 2.6.32-25 is released?22:58
dzeremisswitch10: I understood to save this as a .sh then chmod u+x myfile.sh22:58
jonathonnerxgas: Look for Sugar CRM community edition22:58
_Zappy__Hello ! When I move my windows around in Ubuntu, the screen updates VERY SLOWLY ! I just installed the latest ati radeon HD 5xxx (10.9) to make sure the driver is up to date, but still I have the same problem. Any hints what is happening ? Any settings I need to change ?22:59
conb123_Zappy_: Try aticonfig --initial then reboot22:59
_Zappy__aticonfig is a command ?22:59
jonathonnerxgas: Sugar is web based I think. Haven't set it up yet but I found it when looking to replace ACT at our company.23:00
=== kdog_ is now known as kdog
nerxgasJonathanD, cool thanks :)23:00
JoshDreamlandTrying to add a Windows printer. All the how-tos with screenshots are woefully outdated. The computer is reachable at smb://sheila-pc/. A folder smb://sheila-pc/print$/ exists, containing several other folders. Ubuntu can't do anything with any of it.23:00
conb123_Zappy__: If the command tells you it didn't find a xorg.conf and made one then you might be in luck otherwise you might have to revert your kernel like I did23:01
_Zappy__conb123, 'aticonfig just gives me a whole slew of text' .... doesn't seem to do much23:01
Gotenksthe newest fglrx is screwed with xorg 1.923:01
conb123_Zappy__: Pastebin the text23:01
dzeremiskneaux: What programs would you suggest? I'm just trying to get my iPod disconnected from the iTunes on a Windows Vista machine. I thought I might need iTunes under Ubuntu.23:01
SolarisBoydzeremis: 10.04 support i* products23:02
dzeremisSolarisBoy: Arg! Please specify what to do. I'm not sure how to get to those.23:02
SolarisBoydzeremis: upgrade to 10.0423:02
BitEncrypttotem can stream from shoutcast23:03
conb123_Zappy__: You got that pastebin?23:03
conb123Take that as a no23:03
SolarisBoyit works out of box,, you would just need to plug in the device and it will mount and be accessible/syncable with apps like ryhthmbox which are native to ubuntu install23:03
dzeremisSolarisBoy: According to About Ubuntu, I am using 10.04. I installed only a few days ago.23:03
SolarisBoylsb_release -a23:03
SolarisBoywill say what level your at,, if you are,, try this,, plug in the ipod23:04
Exxon! paste | conb12323:04
ubottuconb123: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:04
SolarisBoyi believe ryhthmbox just opens up a new folder for the ipod and you can get to your music like that23:04
conb123Exxon: Yeah, I know, I was asking _Zappy__ to paste some text for me23:04
coventryIt'd be kind of cool to wrap the bot in something which used the information content of the game itself to transmit stack trace info or the like on the bot's failure.  If you don't care about getting your ass kicked, you could communicate a lot of information through the fleet assignments...23:05
ekim__how do I setup the webcam on a dell mini 12 (1210) with ubuntu 10.04?23:05
* dzeremis needs to know how to get to support i* products for 10.0423:05
ekim__It is not setup by default install.23:05
coventryOops, wrong forum, sorry.23:05
SolarisBoydzeremis: its built in afaik23:05
mikebeechamguys, where is Software Source in Meerkat?23:05
icerootmikebeecham: #ubuntu+123:05
switch10_ekim__: sudo apt-get install cheese23:05
mikebeechamiceroot, thanks...I wondered where it had gone23:06
_Zappy__conb123, Sorry ... by accident closed Xchat :(23:06
SolarisBoydzeremis: nothing should need to be done,,just swap out itunes for rhythmbox23:06
conb123_Zappy__:No problem, you got the paste?23:06
_Zappy__conb123, I'm getting: aticonfig: Writing to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' failed. Permission denied.23:06
RBeckerAny ideas?23:06
RBeckerHey guys, I updated from 10.04 to the 10.10 beta and now GDM/X won't start23:06
conb123_Zappy__: Sorry should have mentioned you need to sudo that, so the command is sudo aticonfig --initial -f23:06
SolarisBoy_Zappy__: need to be root to right there23:07
dzeremisOkay. Is RythmnBox at all compatible with iTunes? i.e., if I plug it into my Windows computer?23:07
SolarisBoydzeremis: RythmnBox is an application23:07
* dzeremis interestingly, the command wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/iTunes/iTunes.exe no longer works. It says there is no such file in /home/jeremy23:07
_Zappy__conb123, Much better :) We reboot now and try23:07
_Zappy__We = Will23:07
_Zappy__See you in a bit23:08
conb123_Zappy__: Good luck23:08
SolarisBoydzeremis: iTunes doesn't really work on ubuntu afaik23:08
dzeremisI'm running RhythmBox. My question is where I will be able to get to all my music under iTunes control, i.e., under Windows, I could not access the music files on the iPod directly.23:08
mgolischdzeremis: you didnt escape the blank/space23:08
RBeckerSolarisBoy: it doesn'.23:08
SolarisBoywhat are you looking to do?23:08
dzeremismgolisch: What do I do?23:08
mgolischdzeremis: youd have to put a backslash infront of the space23:08
RBeckerHey guys, I updated from 10.04 to the 10.10 beta and now GDM/X won't start.  Any ideas?23:08
SolarisBoyim trying to explain you dont need itunes, you need to only try using rhytmbox23:08
mgolischlike Program\ Files23:08
dzeremisI am looking to manage my iPod under Ubuntu and preferably be able to see it under iTunes under Windows.23:09
dzeremisOkay, I will work on using RhythmBox.23:09
SoulShadow#ubuntu+1 RBecker23:09
SolarisBoydzeremis: yes23:09
RBeckerthanks SoulShadow23:09
Exxondzeremis: IPod sucks :)23:09
SolarisBoythats ok,, rhythmbox similar to itunes only plays music files,, so long as those files are playable by itunes,, should be no issues23:09
conb123So, sorry to repeat myself, but I had to remove 2.6.32-24 to revert back to 2.6.32-21 to fix my graphics with fglrx, does anyone know if this will stop me from being notified by update-manager about 2.6.32-25+?23:09
_Zappy__conb123, Still as slow :(23:09
SoulShadowget something that actually plays music23:09
=== wrenny is now known as wrennyy
=== wrennyy is now known as wrenny
SolarisBoyi use mocp =)23:10
=== prof_away is now known as Prof_BiG_BanG
dzeremismgolisch: Just for curiousityś sake, could you write the command directly? I'm not having any luck.23:10
SoulShadowi have a sansa fuze23:10
_Zappy__conb123, Should I try the 32 bit driver ?23:10
conb123_Zappy__: Hmm looks like you might be in the same boat as me then, I have a 5750, give me a sec I'll write you up some instructions23:10
=== Quantum_Ion is now known as Obie
* Gotenks had a sansa once, I formatted it to ext3 and that was the end of it, couldn't even use it as a storage device23:10
_Zappy__How do you actually uninstall a graphic driver ?23:10
=== Obie is now known as Obie_Quatro
mgolischdzeremis: why do you want itunes at all? i doubt itunes in wine will be able to put musik onto your ipod23:11
mgolischdzeremis: why dont you use rhythmbox?23:11
_Zappy__Thanks conb12323:11
thomasfustonAloha i got a short (possible stupid) question, i done a basic cli install of ubuntu 10.04 i want now install pekwm, done it but after i try to start pekwm, it tells me "cannot open Display" your DISPLAY variable is set to:23:11
dzeremismgolisch: All right, at this point, can I uninstall iTunes. I installed it using Wine, but Wine has no reference to it.23:11
quant_Zappy__, simple way is to go to hardware drivers option under administration23:11
Obie_Quatromgolisch, individual should go with RythmBox23:11
switch10_dzeremis: mgolisch there is no usb support in wine so you will never be able to do it that way23:11
dzeremismgolisch: http://www.ehow.com/how_5197743_download-itunes-linux-ubuntu.html23:11
Obie_QuatroI doubt Apple will make iTunes for GNU/Linux23:11
dzeremisswitch10: That's insane. I didn't know that.23:11
dzeremisCan I delete this thing?23:11
kneauxwhen you set your keyboard preferences, what file contains the definitions for the keyboard layouts you use?23:12
_Zappy__Thanks quant !23:12
quant_Zappy__, np23:12
* clarkk wonders if ppa.launchpad.net is down?23:12
switch10_dzeremis: rhythmbox works great for syncing music on apple devices23:12
quantclarkk, it is for me23:12
conb123_Zappy__: This should work http://pastebin.com/maiHbnAB think the new kernel screwed with fglrx for us 5xxx series owners23:12
SolarisBoyswitch10_: certainly does23:12
Obie_QuatroApple is quirky anyway23:13
clarkkquant: is for me from several locations too23:13
ekim__switch10_:  it installed okay but how do I get it to show me on the screen before I take pic?  It just shows a black background.23:13
_Zappy__quant, That's weird ! It tells me no proprietary drivers are in use in this system , and it gives me an empty list23:13
quant_Zappy__, then you're using the open source driver23:13
conb123_Zappy__: Try my link http://pastebin.com/maiHbnAB23:13
tjubalubais there some nice util for sending wake-on-lan messages on linux?23:13
Obie_QuatroWould you rather run Mac OS X or Ubuntu Linux ?23:13
dzeremisswitch10: I'll do it. I want to rid my computer of iTunes. Do I simply delete ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/iTunes?23:13
MaximLevitskytjubaluba: wakeonlan and etherwake23:14
JoshDreamlandNow the printer won't take any username or password23:14
Obie_Quatroubuntu me too23:14
tjubalubaMaximLevitsky, thanx man23:14
dadawgI need some tips with using iwconfig23:14
Obie_QuatroUbuntu or Linux is just fun to play with and configure23:14
dadawgi can connect fine using gnome gui but i would like to be able to use console23:14
SolarisBoydzeremis: you can try removing it with wine,, but its not really "installed" on your system23:14
SolarisBoyits just placed in directories for wine to call on23:15
thomasfustoni done a cli install, installed pekwm, wanted to start em, but now i get the answer "can not open display!, Your DISPLAY variable currently is set to:"23:15
SolarisBoyso removing (rm) it i dont believe will do harm accept leave a stale entry in the wine menu23:15
dzeremisSolarisBoy: Is is even worth going through the directories to delete?23:15
quantdzeremis, applications -> wine -> uninstall wine programs23:15
SolarisBoydzeremis: not really23:15
dzeremisquant / SolarisBoy: Okay, got it23:15
Obie_Quatroyour brain cells increase when you use Linux because you are trying to figure out how to install programs and compile programs and eventually you learn some programming along the way23:15
=== Prof_BiG_BanG is now known as prof_away
dadawgis there a way to adapt the settings from network manager into iwconfig23:16
SolarisBoyObie_Quatro: you mainly learn logic of systems using linux =)23:16
Obie_Quatroits kinda like a puzzle23:16
SolarisBoyof where to look when,,, and thats portable across most OS23:16
Obie_QuatroSolarisBoy, right and you dabble into programming shell scripts, c programming and java23:16
ratdogNew Peak for this channel is 1 set on 19/09/201023:17
SolarisBoyright because the lot of it is open and easy for you to read23:17
synackfinthe grub.deb post-install is trying to write to my MBR - how do I avoid it from doing so?23:17
sje46hey, is there an offtopic ubuntu or linux channel?23:17
JoshDreamlandWhy does this networked printer refuse to take the authentication of ANY user on that computer?23:17
SolarisBoyubuntu-offtopic exists no?23:17
Obie_QuatroSolarisBoy, If I didn't have Linux I would have never really wanted to learn programming and how to compile code at all23:17
ratdogNew Peak for this channel is 1345 set on 19/09/201023:17
ratdogNew Peak for this channel is 1346 set on 19/09/201023:17
sje46thanks SolarisBoy23:18
SolarisBoymy father taught me solaris luckily =)23:18
heretic121I've tried stopping gdm and then reconfiguring but it failed23:18
Obie_QuatroSolarisBoy, and you applied your solaris skills to Linux right ?23:18
dadawganyone an expert on the subject of iwconfig?23:18
SolarisBoyofcourse i found ubuntu later and loved it23:18
ratdogim on 10.10, tried to install ATi driver, now i can only login on text mode...23:18
SolarisBoyObie_Quatro: in general23:18
BLUEPOSTITHi, anyone can confirm that ppa.launchpad.net is down ? Can't apt-update this afternoon23:19
ratdogNew Peak for this channel is 1347 set on 19/09/201023:19
quantBLUEPOSTIT, yes23:19
SolarisBoyUnix and Linux have a lot of similarities anyway so the switchover was simple23:19
ratdogim on 10.10, tried to install ATi driver, now i can only login on text mode...23:19
BLUEPOSTIT@quant Any clue when it will be back?23:19
dzeremisThanks for the help, everybody.23:19
quantBLUEPOSTIT, nope :)23:19
Obie_QuatroSolarisBoy, I noticed if you are teaching computer science install Ubuntu Linux in the classroom and the kids seem to learn more and their problem solving skills goes up23:20
SolarisBoyObie_Quatro: indeed23:20
thomasfustonanyone know what this means "can not open your display! Your DISPLAY variable currently set to:..." this trown to me if i try to start a wm23:20
mgolischthomasfuston: it means display is set wrong23:20
SolarisBoyit means the display set in your profile is not right23:20
SolarisBoydisplay = screen23:20
thomasfustonSolarisBoy: lol...23:21
ratdoganyone, 10.10, tried to install ATi driver, now i can only login on text mode...23:21
RBecker#ubuntu+1 ratdog23:21
thomasfustonmgolisch: but in what way, xorg? there is no xorg avail at the moment clean cli install23:21
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RBeckergo there instead23:21
mgolischthomasfuston: how do you expect to start wm without x11?23:21
SolarisBoywhat version of vim is  10.10 on?23:22
SolarisBoymgolisch: not happening23:22
mgolischSolarisBoy: packages.ubuntu.com23:22
FlannelSolarisBoy: #ubuntu+1 would be the place to ask that.  But looks like 7.2.33023:22
heretic121can anyone help with my sis mirage/xorg problem?23:23
SolarisBoywhos feet do i have to rub down at canonical to get 7.3?23:23
SolarisBoyi give great massages23:23
* SolarisBoy wink wink23:23
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FlannelSolarisBoy: #ubuntu+1 is the place to go to ask all about it, not here.23:23
dzeremisBye for now to everybody. Best wishes for a great week.23:24
SolarisBoyFlannel: i want it on 10.04 i was just wondering what was up and coming23:24
alkamidhello, I need help with running a .jnlp file on 10.0423:25
alkamidI have sun-java6 installed23:25
alkamidand I'm trying to run it with "Sun Java 6 Web Start"23:26
Cuervohello, has anyone here managed to from Evan's debugger on ubuntu, and have it work correctly?23:26
Cuervoit always freezes when I try to open a program with it23:26
dadawgis there a way to save the current wireless settings and have them load at startup or part of .profile for example?23:26
theboxfactoryI am running the Gnome desktop 10.04. I did an update this morning that required a reboot. After reboot. I  seemed to have lost the controls on the top right of the menubar. Logout/restart menu, Social media menu etc,etc. Any ideas?23:27
emet1337 people23:27
mgolischdadawg: in networkmanager? it should do that automaticaly23:27
emetcause I came in23:27
dadawgmgolisch: networkmanager has saved it, but i want to be able to load it up from the console23:27
ralliasI downloaded a login theme from the gnome art site. How do i apply it?23:27
ratdogapt-get remove fglrx23:28
ratdogreverts to the open sorce driver23:28
Exxonalkamid: http://rickucker.blogspot.com/2010/05/using-jnlp-files-in-ubuntu-1004.html23:29
flyguywhat is the bestest netbook?23:30
flyguyfor ubuntu too23:30
flyguyand one that and cryptology23:30
Exxon!enter | flyguy23:30
ubottuflyguy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:30
flyguyhow come?23:31
flyguyoh, how come?\23:31
Flannelflyguy: Using the enter key as punctuation causes unnecessary scrolling.23:31
flyguyand that is bad, because?23:31
incogso im running ubuntu on a netbook and suddenly i can no longer see video when i play any format video, i still get the audio23:31
Flannelflyguy: Because this channel is busy already.  There's no need to make things move faster than they already do.23:31
flyguyincognito, what netbook do you have, buddy?23:31
incogmsi u13023:32
=== ubuntu is now known as basys
flyguyincog, oh kewl, when did you get it?23:32
incoga few months ago23:32
flyguyincog, do you have the latest vidoe drivesr?23:32
incogjust updated today and video is broken23:32
basysI just installed ncurses-hexedit from the Software Center.  How do I run it?23:32
alkamidExxon, thanks but I have actually the non-free sun-java623:32
incogand ubuntu-restricted-extras is already the newest version23:33
incogno errors in x server logs23:33
basys"ncurses" doesn't work, and there is no new icon in "Applications"23:33
quantincog: administration -> hardware drivers and uninstall drivers and see if it helps, then revert to the last good proprietary version if needed23:33
alkamidExxon, the command given on the blog (sudo update-alternatives --config javaws) gives the following output: There is only one alternative in link group javaws: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/javaws . Nothing to configure.23:33
=== Greysc[a]le is now known as Greyscale
heretic121can anyone help with my sis mirage/xorg problem?23:35
edbianheretic121, Your sister has a problem with mirage?23:35
basyscan anyone recommend a hex editor that will allow me access to a partition?  I want to overwrite the MFT.23:35
heretic121lol no edbian23:35
heretic121SiS Mirage is a graphics23:35
heretic121*graphics card23:36
heretic121which comes integrated with my laptop23:36
incogno proprietary drivers used on this system, it thumbnails the videos fine23:37
edbianheretic121, What's the problem?23:37
edbianbrutal_chaos, hi23:37
xbonesxis there a release of camtasia for ubuntu???23:37
brutal_chaosxbonesx: I don't think so, there are alternatives23:37
brutal_chaosreally good ones, let me look it up for you, one sec.23:37
Lancelotquick question. I heard there was a package for ubuntu that let it use windows drivers for the wireless adapter23:37
Lancelotwhat is it?23:37
thecdggserieshow to use twitterdeck on kubutnu?23:38
turtle_(hopefully) quick question, is there any easy way of updating intltool? need a newer version to config the compiz extras apparently23:38
friendlystrangerHow can I find out what a command executes? Forexample if I type python how do I find out what it actually executes?23:38
heretic121edbian, xorg apparently can't find any display devices23:38
edbianLancelot, ndiswrapper23:38
mgolischheretic121: did you google? i remember the drivers for those are realy bad, consider buying a diffeent laptop or dont use x1123:38
brutal_chaosLancelot: ndis23:38
Lancelotthanks edbian23:38
edbianheretic121, Does lspci see the card?23:38
Lancelotand brutal_chaos23:38
heretic121edbian, yup23:38
heli0sIn normal circumstances when you grep it takes out that line only23:38
soreauturtle_: Which version of ubuntu are you using?23:38
heli0sis there anyway to take out that line and those above/below it23:38
heretic121mgolisch, I have googled and I'm aware that the card sucks with Ubuntu23:39
edbianheretic121, Does lscpi -k list a driver or any kernel modules for the card?23:39
xbonesxbrutal_chaos: how did this kid use it??? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgIQhP7ZYHI23:39
soreauturtle_: It is not likely you need a newer version then.23:39
brutal_chaosxbonesx: KRecordMyDesktop supposedly works, I can't find the tool I am thinking of right now. If i see you around when i remember it, i'll msg you. Goold luck with that one though!23:39
synackfinhow do I tell if I'm running ubuntu 10.04 Desktop or 10.04 Server?23:39
heretic121hmm... I don't see any modules listed for it23:39
turtle_'checking for intltool >= 0.35.0... ./configure: line 11466: intltool-update: command not found23:39
turtle_ found23:39
turtle_configure: error: Your intltool is too old.  You need intltool 0.35.0 or later.23:39
FloodBot1turtle_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:39
edbiansynackfin, Do you have a graphical interface?23:39
synackfinedbian: I used debootstrap23:39
Flannelsynackfin: Depends on what features of each you're looking for.  (There's no significant difference between the two, just different packages installed)23:40
edbiansynackfin, To install?  I'm talking about.  When you turn on the computer and log in.  Is it graphical or command line only?23:40
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brutal_chaosxbonesx: Did you follow the video?23:40
Flannelsynackfin: uname -a, are you running the server kernel, or the generic kernel?23:40
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brutal_chaosxbonesx: The caster describes exactly how to get it23:41
xbonesxnot camtasia tho23:41
synackfinedbian/Flannel: I just ran `debootstrap --variant=buildd --arch amd64 lucid /mnt/ubuntu http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/` and chroot'd into /mnt/ubuntu23:41
xbonesxhe said he used camtasia23:41
youtuxhi, can somebody tell me if mathtex works?23:41
incogso yeah, video files of all formats thumbnail and play audio but i get no video at all, this worked fine before i updated today23:41
koshariany apps to print part of the screen to printer rather than save as screenshot?23:41
edbianheretic121, If you search the card name in synaptic do any packages show up that offer drivers for it?23:41
xbonesxroughly 2:0623:41
edbiansynackfin, What does uname -a look like?  It should list the kernel type23:42
Flannelsynackfin: Why do you want to know, ultimately?  Are you following a guide that only claims to work on server or desktop? or what?23:42
WinstonSmithkoshari, ALT + Printscreen23:42
basysHexedit is supposed to have a "-d" (disk) option, but "man hexedit" does not mention it.  source:  http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man1/hexeditor.1.html23:42
ukubuntuI have a q, If I want my ubuntu machine upstairs and a screen and keyboard downstais, is there a cheap way to to extend my mouse keyboad and monitor without puttin in a computer downstairs? I could use a fanless viglen, but this is too under powered. Are the cheap kvm extenders? I am small time on technical ability to you guys but willing to learn if pointed to refernce material :D Thanks23:42
synackfinFlannel: the 10.04 server has 5 years LTS, the 10.04 desktop has 3 years LTS23:42
koshariWinstonSmith: that copys to desktop, i want to send it streight to printer23:43
xbonesxis it possible to use crack for software ran from wine?23:43
smallfoot-basys, then file a bug that documentaiton needs be updated23:43
brutal_chaosxbonesx: He recorded the video and audio with gtk recorder, but put the effects, etc with camtasia23:43
Flannelsynackfin: That's correct.  But it's a bit more complicated than that.  It's just that "server" packages are supported for five years, and ones that haven't been designated as "server" are only supported for three.23:43
popeyukubuntu: get a very long USB cable?23:43
popeyukubuntu: and a usb hub23:43
friendlystrangerAnyway to find out what exactly gets executed when I typed Python2.5?23:43
xbonesxbrutal_chaos: right but how did he use camtasia23:43
hmwfriendlystranger: which <commandname> tells you23:44
Flannelsynackfin: So, in four years, you might find that some packages you use (even on a "server" install) aren't being updated anymore23:44
popeyfriendlystranger: type 'which Python2.5'23:44
ukubuntuheheh, popey, does it extend 10m?23:44
friendlystrangerah thanks guys23:44
popeyukubuntu: yup23:44
quantfriendlystranger, execute top after executing Pythong? or type ps -e23:44
brutal_chaosxbonesx: probably on a windows box.23:44
popeyukubuntu: maplin sell them I think23:44
ukubuntuKewl, does that do vid too?23:44
* dzeremis has a quick question: Does there exist such a program for Ubuntu that will audit your MP3 collection, using some online matching service, to see if your MP3 collection is correctly labeled and/or label them consistently? I'm trying to save myself from having to do all of that work manually, a nightmarish chore.23:44
synackfinFlannel: I see, so there's just one "lucid" install, and only packages are either "server" or "desktop" ?23:44
brutal_chaosor possibly through wine: http://www.winehq.org/23:44
popeyukubuntu: sadly not, you might be able to get very long VGA cables at maplin though too, if not, CPC Farnell23:44
xbonesxbrutal_chaos: :( no big deal23:44
Flannelsynackfin: Not even "either" but yeah.  Some packages have a longer support (5 years) than others.23:45
xbonesxbrutal_chaos: whats some alt. for camtasia???23:45
friendlystrangerHow can I find out what a symbolic links point to?23:45
dzeremisDoes anybody know of a program that will "fix" your music collection for you (i.e., labels)?23:45
ukubuntuThank you I will look into it very losely. Thank you for your time you are a truly valuable resource :)23:45
dzeremisPretty please...23:45
popeyukubuntu: no problem, also we have a uk channel #ubuntu-uk23:45
brutal_chaosxbonesx: http://cinelerra.org/23:45
koshariukubuntu your going to have issues with both usb cables longer than 3 meters as well as video, which effectively KVM uses, i would suggest a small forntend and remote desktop in23:45
Jantireso is this where all the hackers hang out?23:46
popeykoshari: i have 10M usb cable here :)23:46
quantJantire, no23:46
edbianJantire, ha ha ha.  NO23:46
brutal_chaosxbonesx: native linux video editing suite. it's the good stuff.23:46
ukubuntu;) thanks popey, noted23:46
Sgeo|EmpathyHi all23:46
synackfinFlannel: by the way, how do I install dialog? I tried apt-get install dialog, and it errors "Package dialog is not available, but is referred to by another package"23:46
LjLdzeremis: yes, look for "musicbrainz". they have both a program that tries to do matching using your ID3 tags (the labels) and filenames, called "Picard", and a service that does so-called "audio-fingerprinting", i.e. actually tries to recognize the song - the latter is available for instance in Amarok. Picard and Amarok are available in the Ubuntu repos.23:46
joesincan someone help with x11 forwarding from ubuntu to xp putty please23:46
heretic121edbian, I can't find anything23:46
youtuxwhy doesn't mathtex work?23:46
Sgeo|EmpathyNow that I have an Ubuntu Live USB, can I start from that USB without X?23:46
Sgeo|EmpathyThen activate X later?23:46
SolarisBoydzeremis: i thnk eztag was the name of one23:46
kosharipopey i have a usb extender for a bt dongle, but its still the case that long usb cables are troublesome23:47
edbianheretic121, Mmmm, it's possible the card simply isn't supported.  Try googling.  Other than that I don't know! :(23:47
dzeremisLjL and SolarisBoy : Thank you very much. Now where do I go to find these programs? Google or some software manager w/i Ubuntu?23:47
brutal_chaosxbonesx: HTH, i need to get going. Good Luck! Btw, if you like tinkering with linux and getting hardcaore into learning how it all meshes together, look into Gentoo linux. However, it is basically for experts, or those willing to spend a weekend glued to their monitor.23:47
friendlystrangerHow do I get information about a symbolic link?23:47
LjLdzeremis: they're in the repos, it means you can install them from Synaptic or another standard Ubuntu package manager.23:47
Flannelsynackfin: 'dialog' is in universe, you likely don't have all of the official repositories (if any) configured right now.23:47
LjL!software > dzeremis    (dzeremis, see the private message from ubottu)23:47
Sgeo|EmpathyAnd which is the better ddrescue?23:47
incogoh i found out my problem, looks like ubuntu cant handle plying video if im using dual monitors23:48
incogi have to switch to mirror mode, which is mega low rez23:48
incogfor videos to display23:48
brutal_chaosxbonesx: I'll be idling on freenode, pm me if you need help23:48
synackfinFlannel: where do I get the list?23:48
mgolischincog: tried a different player?23:48
LjLdzeremis: doing "apt-cache rdepends libtunepimp5" (tunepimp being the Musicbrainz library that does tagging), i see that also "kid3-qt", a tagger, uses it. perhaps it's lighter than Amarok to install, since Amarok is a KDE program and will bring all the KDE libraries23:49
joesincan someone help with x11 forwarding from ubuntu openssh to xp putty please23:49
xbonesxbrutal_chaos: hey thanks man23:49
turtle_so why would it say I need to update my intltool when trying to config the compiz extras?23:49
Arafangi1nincog: Also try playing the video on the other screen. Only one of the screens might be video capable, depending on how crappy the drivers are.23:49
soreauturtle_: Can you pastebin the output?23:49
turtle_sure give us a mo23:50
=== km is now known as Guest86585
* Sgeo|Empathy sighs23:50
incogalready tried everything, it will only play in mirror mode on either screen23:50
dzeremisLjL : I'm experimenting with Synaptic Package Manager. It found Picard. I'll see what happens and keep trying23:50
koshariincog its more likely your video cards limitation, i can play video in dual acreen fine with compiz enabled23:50
Flannelsynackfin: http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/  You want all four of the "branches" (don't need the source versions) and "updates" and "security" for updates (again, not the sources).23:50
Guest86585maym problem  chciałbym zainstallować  aitines  pod ubuntu23:51
Arafangi1nkoshari: I doubt that...  More precisely, graphics card.  He's probably played videos perfectly fine on it before in windows.23:51
Flannelsynackfin: Mmm, hold on.  That seems to be giving me issues.23:51
Arafangi1nkoshari: More precisely, graphics driver, rather.23:51
koshariArafangi1n could be either, iam guessing a mx2 card would struggle to do that23:52
Flannelsynackfin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/496729/  that goes into your /etc/apt/sources.list23:52
Guest86585plis code unix23:53
turtle_soreau : http://pastebin.org/96718423:53
heretic121edbian, I've tried googling but got nowhere fast, I'll try again. Thanks for you help anyway23:53
edbianheretic121, Good luck!23:54
stevesI am having a problem with assembling a set of raid drives on a system. Is there someone here who has some experience with mdadm?23:54
heretic121thank you :)23:54
youtuxhi, can someone help me with my problem?23:54
quantyoutux, perhaps23:54
youtuxquant, can you download mathtex?23:55
quantyoutux, what do you mean by "download mathtex"?23:55
synackfinFlannel: I copied your sources, but it still gives me an error when trying to apt-get install dialog23:55
youtuxquant, i mean sudo aptitude install mathtex23:55
quantyoutux,  PPA's were down a while back23:56
Flannelsynackfin: after you did that, do `sudo apt-get update`, then try and install23:57
jeff_ranger1how do you change routers on ubuntu23:57
synackfinFlannel: ah, now it works23:57
soreauturtle_: I appears you don't have intltool installed at all. What is the output of apt-get install intltool?23:57
synackfinFlannel: what package do I need that "hints" what package I should install whenever I type a command that's not in my path?23:57
youtuxquant, doh23:58
stevesI have two raid drives that were on a system that failed badly.  So I am moving them over to a different system to get the drives back online.23:58
Flannelsynackfin: command-not-found23:58
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stevesWhen I try and assemble them I get an error stateing that sdb1 is busy _and_ that the there isn't a supperblock.  Does anyone know how to add drives to a system?23:59
turtle_soreau: from what i was readin on the net i thought it came pre-installed, its installed now ill try again23:59

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