
=== olinuxx_ is now known as olinuxx
jefimenkois anyone here using 10.10 beta yet?22:21
vladajefimenko, yes22:21
jefimenkodo you know if it uses module-jack-sink/module-jack-source for pulseaudio integration?22:22
jefimenkoi'm using them in 10.04 and it's kinda unstable :(22:22
jefimenkopulseaudio randomly crashes all the tim22:22
vladajefimenko, happens here too22:24
jefimenkoaw ok22:24
vladanot sure if more or less often then in 10.04 though22:24
jefimenkohow often does it happen to you in 10.10?22:24
jefimenkoi can't play music in rhythmbox for more than 30 minutes without pulseaudio crashing22:25
rlameirotry to run it on  a no -rt kernel22:28
jefimenkoand when i want to do audio work, i should just reboot into the -rt kernel i assume?22:29
rlameirojefimenko: you should always do that22:30
rlameiroif not, at least for enviromental reasons :D22:30
rlameiroRT kernel uses more power :D22:30
jefimenkoi didn't know how much more power though22:31
rlameirome neither22:31
jefimenkoit might be 500mW less for all we know22:32
jefimenkoon my system22:32

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