
Craigwdy2kIs there an Ubuntu equivalent package for bluez-firmware...?  I'm starting to think that this PC might benefit from it...00:47
Craigwdy2kIf not do I need to add a specific Debian Testing Repo to my /etc/apt/sources.list file in order to get the firmware loaded...?  I just tried doing a very generic Ubuntu package search for bluez & bluez-firmware is no where to be found...00:53
Craigwdy2kMy main goal is to update my HP Integrated Module with Bluetooth Wireless Technology to whatever their latest firmware release is...00:55
adam__how do I install xubuntu over gnome in Ubuntu 10.04?01:13
Dasleahjust install the xcfe4 packages01:14
Dasleahlog out, and you can change the session at the login screen at the bottom01:14
Dasleahwhich is at least what i'm doing :V01:14
adam__Dasleah: (Sorry I'm a noob) What do you mean by change the session? Do you mean it gives me an option at login?01:15
Dasleahyou'll notice at the login screen, down the bottom01:15
Dasleahit has like a bar full of options01:15
Dasleahyou'll see one with something like 'GNOME' in it01:15
Dasleahthat's a dropdown list and once you've installed xfce4, you can choose that from there01:15
adam__So I can have 2 different desktop environments installed, and switch between the two? Niiice.01:15
adam__XFCE has a right click menu right? Like fluxbox?01:16
Dasleahwell i don't know fluxbox so01:16
* Dasleah shrug01:16
Dasleaheverything should work if it's installed right01:16
adam__Well, I mean, you can right click on the desktop and it gives you the 'start' menu right there.01:17
Dasleahoh yeah, it does that01:17
adam__Right on. That's what fluxbox does. I really like fluxbux but ubuntu doesn't have a fluxbux derivative. Mint does though, but only for x86.01:18
adam__So installing xfce isn't going to screw up my gnome DE at all, right?01:19
psycho_oreosit shouldn't if its installed correctly01:19
adam__Well, I'm stalling from Synaptic package manager so it should install correctly, right?01:20
Dasleahit should01:20
Dasleahusual caveats of 'something could always go horribly wrong' apply but i haven't had any issues with it01:21
Dasleahit'd be worth getting the xfce4-goodies package as well since it's not a straight xubuntu install01:21
Dasleahadds some nice general tweaks and additions01:22
adam__I've been watching xubuntu videos on youtube and no one ever shows the fluxbox like Right Click menu - which is one of the coolest features!01:22
psycho_oreosxfce has similar feature to fluxbox on that matter but its not the exact same01:23
adam__Dasleah psycho_oreos - Thanks. I appreciate it. Any other suggestions?01:23
Dasleahnone that i can really think of01:23
adam__psycho_oreos: Do you know how fluxbox and xfce differ?01:23
Dasleahi only installed this morning myself :V01:24
psycho_oreosadam__, if you want to get rid of gnome completely, there is a link I could give which may work if you want to transition across to xfce01:24
Dasleahi wouldn't mind that link myself01:24
adam__psycho_oreos: mmmm: well, If I decide to do that, I might just reformat, but I wouldn't mind checking out that link anyway.01:24
Dasleahi'll probably keep gnome just for the rare chance something breaks eventually but you never know01:24
psycho_oreosadam__, there's a few things, fluxbox has the whole config settings available on right click whereas xfce4 doesn't, fluxbox technically lacks lots of frontend apps which allows one to make up whatever that's needed (at least from what I've experienced in archlinux) and the transparency hack on fluxbox isn't as great as for example on xfce401:25
psycho_oreoshang on lemme find that link01:25
psycho_oreosfluxbox however is lighter than xfce4 imo, it removes lots of deps because it lacks lots of frontend stuff01:28
adam__psycho_oreos - Yeah, thanks for the link. I acutally like fluxbox look better. I'm sort of sick of panels.01:30
psycho_oreosadam__, it doesn't stop you from going your own way into compiling fluxbox on ubuntu if needed be :)01:31
adam__In fact, I would be fine with gnome if I could just get a right click menu and remove my panels. Do you know how to get right click to show the full menu in gnome?01:31
psycho_oreosnope, I haven't used gnome for quite sometime, but you can do the same in xfce4, just that the aftermath of doing so would be quite nasty01:32
adam__psycho_oreos: why would it be nasty? Do your really need a panel? Can't you just docky to show open apps? I would be ok with a panel that just had the open windows on it.01:34
psycho_oreosadam__, well like I said, xfce4 isn't completely panel independent. Although the right click menu it features has some accessibility but it doesn't provide a complete feature to that effect would one not really require panels01:35
psycho_oreosand no I haven't tried docks on xfce401:37
adam__Flux box contains a full menu Applicatoins, Places, System, file manager and other shortcuts. Its really convenient.01:37
psycho_oreosxfce4 has similar to that but won't get complete access into for example customising the time or the transparency, the window border settings, etc01:38
adam__CrunchBang is a pretty sweet distro. It used to be based on ubuntu. It uses openbox. Very nice design of the desktop them. Sweet distro that.01:39
psycho_oreosand accessing to places, file manager for example is a little awkward.. you might be able to customise it but I haven't done so01:39
adam__psycho_oreos: Mmm. Can you create shortcuts in the 'right click' menu to those things?01:40
psycho_oreosadam__, I suppose you could but don't quote me on that, I haven't really explored that far :)01:40
psycho_oreosplus I'm using an older version of xubuntu which has older version of xfce4 to begin with01:41
adam__psycho_oreos: well. I suppose I don't mind having one panel with a few button on it as long as I get a workable right click menu so that I don't have to drag my courser all the way up into the corner just to open something.01:42
adam__psycho_oreos: I'm going to try it out anyway.01:43
psycho_oreosadam__, yeah I see what you mean there, hence your dislike of panels but I personally don't mind using panels for the time being. Hence I have never bothered to making full right click menu accessibility the fluxbox lookalike effect01:43
psycho_oreosI suppose my day will come once I get a big tv with massive resolution :) but for the time being I just use mouse acceleration/sensitivity to minimise the excessive mouse moving effect01:45
adam__psycho_oreos: Should I install the Smart Package Manager Plugin for xfce4? Or should I just let Ubuntu gnome handle updates.01:45
psycho_oreosadam__, that I don't know again :) I suppose it depends on how often you will end up using xfce401:46
adam__131 MB of installations related to xfce01:47
adam__psycho_oreos: Ok. Done installing. I'm going to restart and play around. =) Thanks!01:52
Dasleahhave fun01:52
psycho_oreosadam__, enjoy :)01:53
* helpmeob1 waves at everyone! Hello. 02:03
helpmeob1Does anyone happen to know the appropriate steps to achieve total user deletion? I am currently trying to delete a user off of my laptop running xubuntu, but receive a message stating that the user is not logged off, after running the 'sudo deluser ____' command. Any ideas?02:06
adam__Well, my suggestion to anyone with a dual monitor set up is that you DON'T install xfce4 along side gnome. because now my dual monitor setup isn't working at all, and I can't figure out why.02:15
adam__Any suggestions?02:17
adam__Both of my monitors are set up in Monitor Preferences. My secondary monitor isn't getting a signal.02:18
bazhangusing xrandr?02:22
bazhangah he quit02:22
theixleIs it possible that my dsl modem/router's firewall is preventing me (in ubuntu) from printing to a windows shared printer?04:02
=== nick is now known as Guest72788
Guest72788hello. First time in this chat room. Need help with login issue:07:47
Guest72788changed language setting from english to persian07:50
Guest72788now I cannot login at all07:50
Guest72788any idea how I can recover from this?07:50
Dasleahwhat do you mean 'cannot login'07:51
Guest72788The password prompt is starting right to left07:52
Dasleahtype your password in backwards? :V07:53
Dasleahtry changing the keyboard07:53
Guest72788and when I enter the password I get: Authentication failure07:53
Guest72788I change from farsi to english but the screen does not change07:53
Guest72788it stays the same07:53
Dasleahand it still gives you the auth issue with the changed keyboard?07:54
Guest72788I assume you mean change keyboard layout. It does not change layout. it stays the same07:55
Dasleahwell the screen may not change no, but still try it anyway07:55
Guest72788that worked!07:56
Guest72788I feel a bit silly...thank you very much!07:56
Dasleahno problem07:57
Dasleahwe all make mistakes07:57
Guest72788i guess i expected the keyboard to go left to right when I changed layout...Now I know better07:57
Guest72788thanks again.07:57
FusionXGuys help plz! -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=157754308:13
=== freaky[t]_ is now known as freaky[t]
FusionXi recently installed xubuntu 10.4 using wubi under my windows C: drive (4 GB). Now sometimes after booting up xubuntu, the screen crashes at random times and starts blinking white stripes on half of the screen. And also when xubuntu boots up the logo appears very pixelly and looks as if it is run in safe mode and before the logo appears a quick green color flashes on the screen. My xorg.0.log --> http://pastebin.com/uAy3NS4f . I use Samsung syncmaste08:55
speezakerhi everyone :)09:08
speezakeri would need little help plz09:08
knome!ask | speezaker09:09
ubottuspeezaker: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:09
knomeFusionX, have you tested the live cd?09:09
FusionXknome : no09:09
knomeFusionX, i suggest doing that09:09
FusionXbut the earlier version of ubuntu 9.10 i had was working very well09:09
speezakeri've got this error during boot  Kernel panic - not syncing : VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0), what can i do ?09:10
speezakeri installed xubuntu, resolved an error with nvidia drivers, rebooted well and made the updates with the automtic updater (next ot the clock) and the reboot as asked by the updater and got this error09:13
=== hhlp_ is now known as hhlp
=== hhlp_ is now known as hhlp
=== slow-motion_ is now known as slow-motion
dirty-harryhi there, anyone here who knows how to activate the desktop-icon-starter-reaction in xubuntu lucid lynx; option "give visual reaction is marked"14:26
DblthunderHello everyone, I need help loading ubuntu, i tried to install to a preset partition formatted with fat 32, says I do not have a root? installed, do I need to load a file into the partition prior to loading ubuntu?14:40
Dblthunderalso I have win  7 64 in a separate partition and a swap partition of 10 gigs formated in ntfs14:42
ToStItOsWhy are updates noted as "not authenticated"?14:42
Sysi!installing | Dblthunder14:51
ubottuDblthunder: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate14:51
SysiToStItOs: what updates?14:51
ToStItOsupdates from update manager14:52
DblthunderIn setting up a dual boot I created a partition on  gigs formated in fat 32, when I tried to install i chose the option to specify partitions manually, this is when I was unable to load it to the partition because it said some root (something) was missing,15:00
Dblthunderif this is not the correct forum for this type question, please direct me to the correct forum for english, note: i have been reading for days prior to this, thanks thanks15:03
SysiDblthunder: format at least 6GB partition to ext4 and install xubuntu there15:06
Sysimount point " / "15:07
Sysiignore " 's15:07
Dblthunderthe partition is  15 gig, I should choose the ext4 option? when picking the partition?15:08
Sysiyou really should not install *buntu to fat32 partition15:08
Sysiext3 or ext415:09
Dblthunderok, I think I understand, thanks15:09
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam
DblthunderSomeone helped me earlier today on a dual win 7 Ubuntu installation, sorry I do not remember the person's name but wanted to say thanks, despite this being a tad over my head I was able to load win 7 64 and Ubuntu 64 on machine this weekend, again thanks to who every helped me earlier.16:49
TheSheepDblthunder: I think it was Sysi :)16:56
* Sysi pokes TheSheep 16:57
DblthunderWell thanks to sysi!!!16:57
ubottuWhile it is common in the computing field to consider 1kB (one kilobyte) = 1024B (1024 bytes), the correct equation, according to standard IEEE 1541, is 1kB = 1000B. On the other hand, 1KiB (one kibibyte) = 1024B  -  Same goes for all multiples18:18
ubottuk3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto18:19
Arpad2k3b works fine , but after writing dvd and ejecting the disc the pc freezes ,18:20
jarlgI'm currently running a liveCD - how do I access "Computer" (as in, I see different drives)? Is there a package I must install?18:21
Arpad2jarlg : i think you have to mount your hard drives18:32
jarlgArpad2: Manually, via the terminal+18:35
jarlgArpad2: In f.ex. gnome, you can see unmounted drives under nautilus' "Computer"-tab.18:35
Sysithunar doesn't have that18:38
Sysiyou could try adding mount plugin to panel18:38
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount18:38
jarlgOkay. thanks :)18:41
Anom01yyou there ? I run Nautilus in Xubuntu, however, to prevent it from taking over your desktop you have to run it18:41
Anom01ylike this18:42
Anom01ynautilus --no-desktop18:42
Anom01yI also renamed my /usr/bin/nautilus to /usr/bin/nautilus218:42
Anom01ynautilus2 --no-desktop18:42
Anom01y(sudo mv /usr/bin/nautilus /usr/bin/nautilus2)18:42
Anom01ybecuase it conflicts with the xfce desktop18:42
Anom01yand likes to run in the background ect.18:43
Anom01yI found this method prevents it from doing that18:43
Anom01yits way better than thunar18:44
Anom01yand you can get plugins also for it that resize pictures, and send-to menu option18:44
FusionXCan anyone help me with this problem? --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1577543 HELP ME PLEASE!18:47
jarlgAnom0ly;: thanks :)18:49
* Itsrelative waves at everyone! 'ello.19:05
Name141does Xubuntu have a min CD also ?20:33
knomeno, the minimal cd is not "branded" at all20:34
knomesince it doesn't install gnome, xfce or kde, it's the same for all.20:34
Name141OK. So getting the minCD, I would be able to select if I even wanted a GUI, etc?20:34
Name141Without loads of packages coming along20:35
knomeName141, yes, you'll be able to select whatever you want, including xfce.20:35
Name141knome: Would that be best if I just want to use the machine as a file server?  Or is it possible to remove all the extra junk from a desktop ISO install ?20:36
Name141(ssh and samba)20:36
knomeName141, if you're willing to use some time to installing only the bare stuff you need, minimal is probably better. remind you, there's also ubuntu server20:36
Name141True.  But wouldn't that install extra stuff also? Like apache, etc?20:37
knomei think you can select whether you want to install apache in the installation of server, but i'm not sure. then again, you could just remove that as well20:38
knome#ubuntu-server knows better about that :)20:38
lightahi guys, having an issue with my grub. /boot/grub/menu/lst doesn't affect it :(20:45
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub220:45
knomelighta, besides, even if you were using grub 1, it should be /boot/grub/menu.lst20:46
lightaoh right I just write it badly20:47
lightaok I saw good config was in cfg but first line was : DO NOT EDIT..20:48
lightaok thx knome found all infos, now need edit20:50
freaky[t]hi all. how can i update xubuntu to the current beta?21:07
CalmDownKidderHey :) - anyone got the time/inclination to help a newb out please?21:11
knome!ask | CalmDownKidder21:11
ubottuCalmDownKidder: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:11
knomefreaky[t], 'sudo update-manager -d', iirc, but please remember it's not supported/suggested for production machines yet21:11
freaky[t]thank you21:12
CalmDownKidderFair enough - I've just put xubuntu on a Toshiba 1800-354S - the Toshiba website says the native resolution is 1024x768, but on xubuntu I can only seem to get 800x600 max - is there a way to show the full 1024x768 res?21:13
CalmDownKidderI tried "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg", but this didn't seem to sort it21:15
[Nord]Hi, a probably easy question for most of you: Where can I access the computer's HDD with Xubuntu Live CD?23:25
Dasleah[Nord], let's try some google-fu http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-250165.html23:36
Dasleahthe process should be the same for any Live CD23:36
[Nord]thanks, What I found was for Ubuntu, and mostly with clicking icons not existing here23:38
Dasleahwell Xubuntu is just Ubuntu with a different front end23:38
Dasleahif you can find a command-line way to do it, it should work fine23:39
Dasleahbut yeah, just start randomly clicking is always a good start :V23:39
[Nord]can I damage the ntfs file system with trying to mount it?23:44
[Nord]yeah, success \o/23:46
Dasleahyou shouldn't be able to /damage/ it just by mounting, but after that you can certainly dick with it23:47
Dasleahusual caveats of 'something could always go horribly wrong' apply of course23:47
[Nord]thanks for the help23:57
Dasleahno prob23:57

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