
stupendousmanHi everyone !06:40
stupendousmanI would like to know if my idea on halfbakery http://bit.ly/d5GIVI was found usefull by the team for the new "getting physical" idea06:43
stupendousmanI am excited as when posting the idea, I had thought it will take a really long time to get implemented.. and I will be seeing such ideas about 5 years in the future06:46
stupendousmanwell, implementing itself might not be that difficult, I hadnt expected major OS vendors implementing such ideas as core06:47
stupendousmanso integrated into the OS06:47
stupendousmansorry, wrong link http://bit.ly/d5GlVI06:49
stupendousmanayatana seems to be a quiet place06:50
stupendo1smananybody home?09:38
stupendo1smanwhen is #ayatana most exciting and active?09:43
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klattimerstupendousman: when stuff is happening09:45
stupendousmanklattimer: and when is that?? Any place I can get notified?10:01
klattimerstupendousman: what are you after?10:02
klattimera bunch of people are in the us so it gets a little louder after 2/3pm10:03
stupendousman2/3pm what time?10:03
stupendousmanklattimer: http://bit.ly/d5GlVI is what I am excited about10:04
stupendousmanI posted the idea last year and the response made me think that OS guys wills tart thinking about it and we will have it in the next 5 years10:05
klattimerstupendousman: well, is there any code?10:05
stupendousmanbut looks like its gonna be possible much sooner10:05
klattimergmt yes10:05
stupendousmannope. no code10:05
stupendousmanhalfbakery is a brainstorming site10:05
klattimerwell, someone's gonna have to write it10:05
stupendousmannot a good coder in those matters10:06
stupendousmanWell, as you guys have been thinking in similar lines, I thought I pour in mine as well10:07
stupendousmanto be honest, I have been feeling like a kid when I saw Ubuntu guys thinking in similar lines10:11
Ciminjpatel: did you test my branch of cairo mislignments?10:49
njpatelCimi, not yet10:51
njpatelCimi, did you fix the font colour of the panel text?10:52
Ciminjpatel: already in the menuitem branch10:52
njpatelokay, so it's fixed then, thanks10:52
CimiI have only few regrets on the window decoration buttons njpatel10:54
njpatelCimi, will take a look at the fixes branch as soon as i can10:54
njpatelCimi, what regrets?10:54
Ciminjpatel: they don't look nice without the trough below10:54
Cimiso we can: 1) ship custom window buttons without the dark line around each button10:55
njpatelyeah, but the trough looks weird on the panel :/10:55
Cimior add the trough10:55
Cimichaotic: good morning dude :)10:55
njpatelCimi, I don't mind custom buttons without such a dark line, but honestly I'm not finding it horrible right now, so it's a nice-to-have10:55
chaoticCimi: hiya, good morning and how are you?10:56
Cimichaotic: better :)10:56
chaoticCimi: that's good10:57
Ciminjpatel: we want the best, we are not satisfied of something in between :)10:57
Cimichaotic: on friday I have patched unity to refine the style10:57
chaoticCimi: great10:58
Cimiand now my only doubts are for the window decoration buttons10:58
Cimichaotic: could you please speak with njpatel 2 mins in order to give him your precious opinion?10:58
chaoticCimi: sure10:58
chaoticnjpatel: hi Neil :)10:58
njpatelAbout the win decs?10:59
njpatelchaotic, hey dude10:59
Ciminjpatel: sorry, window decoration buttons10:59
chaoticnjpatel: hi10:59
njpatelchaotic, also, ChanServ is killing my auto-complete :)10:59
Cimiyeah, otto you should rename yourself in kaotic :D11:00
chaoticnjpatel: ha11:00
Ciminjpatel: could you sshot the panel with a maximized window11:02
chaoticnjpatel: are we referring to the window buttons in maxed windows - they look scaled at the moment11:02
Cimichaotic: I have fixed it on friday11:03
njpatelchaotic, I think cimi fixed that11:03
chaoticCimi: oh cool11:03
chaoticyeah - best if I can see a sshot I guess11:03
njpatelCimi, not right now, I'm debugging a crash, sorry11:05
stupendousmanwhat happens to all Ayatana stuff when gnome-shell becomes default in gnome-3.0?11:31
Cimistupendousman: I'm not the right people to answer, but I don't think it will be so difficult to integrate all the indicator stuff into the panel (or whatever)11:35
Cimithe indicator stuff is quite flexible, if you can see it's easier to integrate an indicator than a statusicon11:36
Cimiat the same time all the windicator stuff will be independent11:38
Cimiand unity is a separate shell, a different solution to gnome 3.011:39
stupendousmanthat does it .. now I am all confused11:40
Cimiconfused? :)11:40
* stupendousman settles down for some googling session11:40
Cimignome-shell is a "software like the gnome shell"11:40
stupendousmanI just heard that gnome-3.0 is gonna have gnome-shell as default, and replaces window manager and panel..11:41
Cimiindicators are a new solution to gtkstatusicon11:41
stupendousmanI come here and find there is somehting called unity11:41
hyperairCimi: i'm actually kinda interested to know what will happen to indicators really.11:41
Cimibut the window manager of gnome-shell is mutter11:41
Cimihyperair: I bet they will be integrated11:41
stupendousmanCimi: sorry for wasitng time, I am a noob.. will do more homework before I come here11:42
stupendousmanI think there should be a write up for people like me who think gnome=gnome-desktop+metactiy/compiz+gnome-panel11:42
stupendousmana dictionary perhaps11:43
Cimignome-shell is gnome-shell+mutter11:43
Cimithe shell manages the desktop and it is integrated with the window manager, mutter11:43
Cimiand integrates a panel too11:43
Ciminjpatel: is it easy to reduce the gap between buttons in the panel?11:47
Cimi(win dec)11:47
CimiI didn't have a look yet11:48
njpatelCimi, erm, probably, it's either done via padding or set-sizes11:48
Cimiok because we need to make them closer11:48
Ciminjpatel: do you mind if we include the buttons in unity instead grabbing them from the metacity theme? In that way we could reduce the black frame around each button (chaotic too)11:49
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stupendo1smanso what is the point of having two shells 1) unity 2) gnome-shell .. isnt gnome-shell almost doing the same as unity?12:45
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stupendo1smanor the other way round, I dont mind13:02
Cimistupendo1sman: gnome-shell is a gnome project, unity is an ubuntu project.13:05
Cimistupendo1sman: but, they dea with different porpouses13:05
klattimerkenvandine: can you see to it that the two branches merged in this bug are released; https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-application/+bug/56927313:05
ubot5`Launchpad bug 569273 in Application Indicators "memory leak in gnome-power-manager (affected: 59, heat: 329)" [Medium,In progress]13:05
Cimistupendo1sman: unity is a shell that works good with small and widescreen devices13:06
klattimerI think the bug can be closed for now too, and a new bug for gtk menu should be opened13:06
Cimistupendo1sman: gnome-shell doesn't13:06
stupendo1smanCimi: okie. Finally I get it. though work will be duplicated, they solve  different meta problems13:11
Cimikind of, yeah stupendo1sman13:12
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Cimididrocks: do you have a roomie for the sprint in orlando? :)15:27
klattimertedg: is there a way of "hiding" an indicator applet15:35
sensegood afternoon16:03
didrockshey Cimi :)16:03
chrisccoulsonhi klattimer16:03
chrisccoulsonwould you mind having a look at my comment here https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgnomekbd/+bug/630239/comments/16 when you get some spare minutes?16:03
ubot5`Launchpad bug 630239 in libgnomekbd (Ubuntu Maverick) "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with signal 5 in gkbd_keyboard_drawing_new_dialog() (affected: 50, heat: 242)" [Medium,Fix released]16:03
didrocksCimi: I'll be with seb128 as I arrive the week before UDS, I think16:03
sensetedg or someone else: Can you build 'indicator-application'? If so, could you give me the build commands, because I cannot get anything to build on my system except for the unmodified results of 'apt-get source indicator-application'. Everytime I run ./autogen.sh or automake and autoreconf the building fails at the generation of the Mono bindings due to a regex not matching the new_label signal place holder.16:05
Cimididrocks: ok because I need to find one, and I thought you were free (reading the wiki seb is with martin pitt iirc)16:05
didrocksCimi: really? let me have a look16:06
didrocksit's always something I look at the last minute :)16:06
Cimiyeah but I was planning it right now :)16:07
klattimerchrisccoulson: yeah sure16:10
chrisccoulsonklattimer, thanks16:10
klattimerchrisccoulson: ah, sorry it's an invalid free by the looks of things16:11
klattimerI can take a pop at it now if you like16:11
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klattimerchrisccoulson: do you have a bug report and I'll attach an updated patch16:18
klattimerI think this fixes it16:18
klattimeroh sorry, it was just on one comment16:18
chrisccoulsonklattimer, i've not created a bug report for it yet16:18
chrisccoulsonthe bug report i commented on is unrelated :)16:18
klattimerchrisccoulson: ok I have a new patch16:21
klattimercan I send you it somehow for testing?16:21
chrisccoulsonklattimer, yeah, sure16:21
klattimerI'm stuck on gnome-bluetooth atm16:21
klattimerchrisccoulson: ?16:22
klattimeremail or what?16:22
chrisccoulsonklattimer, yeah, e-mail is fine. chris.coulson@canonical.com16:23
klattimerchrisccoulson: sent16:24
klattimercan you email me back with any issues16:24
tedgsense, I think that you need directhex's branch to get things aligned right.16:47
sensetedg: OK, I'll look into that. Thanks.16:48
oskudeyay! unity is pretty awesome, thanks!17:27
oskudeis there a way to set the clock to 24h mode ?17:31
jcastroI believe there's a bug report about that somewhere17:31
ubot5`Launchpad bug 579134 in Ubuntu Translations "The date and time indicator should respect the locale setting for time format (affected: 23, heat: 132)" [High,Triaged]17:32
oskudejcastro: thanks!17:34
Cimijcastro: I need to be added to the canonical wiki, but I don't have access because I'm not an employee yet17:37
CimiI will be there from the 19th till the 30th17:37
Cimimy roomie should be DidierRoche17:38
Cimiand the size for my tshirt is M :)17:38
jcastroCimi: send all that to marianna please17:38
jcastro(just reply all to your mail)17:38
CimiI was already in contact with marianna, I was talking about the wiki17:39
vishhmm , someone get mpt online!18:00
* vish looks around.. who could physically poke mpt!18:00
Cimivish: maybe no one18:04
vishyea.. right now , no one seems around from Milbank! ;)18:04
senseMerge request to add the new AppInd API additions to indicator-application has finally been filed: <https://code.launchpad.net/~sense/indicator-application/fix-608219/+merge/36048>.19:32

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