
spivGood morning.01:00
jbowtieGood afternoon.01:00
jbowtieLooks like my documentation patches have been reviewed. Feel like I'm making good progress.01:02
jbowtieThough I've noticed several times that a bug has been fixed but never updated.01:02
spivjkakar: I wonder if that's often because someone just fixed something they happened to notice right then, without first looking in the bug tracker?01:06
jbowtiespiv: I presume so. I've been slightly lazy and just marked them as "fix committed" with "2.2" as the milestone if I can see the fix in the 2.2 docs or help output.01:12
pooliehi there spiv, jbowtie01:13
jbowtieIt would be nice if there was some simple way to figure out which version branches a revision actually ended up in, then I could be more precise.01:14
jbowtieThat's probably a nice loggerhead feature for me to try writing sometime.01:15
spivjbowtie: we don't use "fix committed", use either "in progress" or "fix released": http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/latest/developers/bug-handling.html#bug-status01:15
jbowtiespiv: My bad, I actually did set them to "fix released".01:15
spivjbowtie: don't worry too much about setting the milestone if you're not sure when it was fixed, the main thing is to have the bug closed.01:15
jbowtiespiv: We really should get rid of that bug status though so it's not accidentally used.01:16
spivYou can always leave a comment saying "this appears to have been fixed sometime before 2.2" or whatever.01:16
spivIt's https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/16369401:17
ubot5`Launchpad bug 163694 in Launchpad Bugs "Fix Committed/Released distinction is inconsistent and unproductive (affected: 12, heat: 45)" [High,Triaged]01:17
jbowtieWell, I could, but it would be good to know in particular for documentation fixes as a fair number of them can be backported and improve the user experience (like fixes for broken links).01:18
jbowtiepoolie: Sent through my CV a couple of days ago for the BSE, it's about 6 months out of date so let me know if you need any supporting material/links.01:23
pooliejbowtie: if the "giving back" documentation could be clearer, please ask or send a patch or file a bug01:23
poolieoh great01:23
* poolie look-s01:23
pooliei don't have it from HR yet01:23
poolieprobably will today-01:23
jbowtiepoolie: No worries as long as it didn't end up in the recycle bin.  :)01:24
jbowtieWow, 3 years and no one's rolled a patch for that bug. I might be diving into the launchpad code tonight just so I stop using that bug status.01:27
poolienow that would be an impressive bug to fix01:27
poolieit's only about 10% code and 90% social01:27
pooliegetting sufficient agreement that we will indeed transition away from it01:27
pooliefeeling confident enough users will be ok with that plan01:27
pooliecommunicating it01:28
=== spiv changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: spiv | Release Manager: vila | bzr 2.2.0 is officially out| bzr-2.0.6, 2.1.3 and 2.2.1 need installers, aTdHvAaNnKcSe ! | work on bzr: http://webapps.ubuntu.com/employment/canonical_BSE/
poolieyou're the pilot this week?01:41
spivApparently! :)01:41
spivWhich is good, because I was just starting to think how nice it would be to clear out the +activereviews page...01:41
jbowtieIs there anything better than Empathy for IRC? It's annoying to connect to new rooms via the Empathy dialogs.01:45
pooliespiv that would be great01:48
pooliejbowtie, on ubuntu?01:48
pooliei use xchat for irc and pidgin for other stuff01:48
jbowtiepoolie: Yes, thanks, that's the one I couldn't remember the name of. I knew there used to be a different default IRC client but could not think of it.01:49
pooliespiv, thanks for the changelog merger, could you add it to the plugin guide?04:47
pooliewhich i think is in the bzr-alldocs project04:47
spivpoolie: good idea, but let's wait until it's had a little bit of real-world exercise first, in case it's horribly broken :)04:49
poolie:) oh i don't know, you could always list it as 'alpha'04:51
spivI was thinking of the part of http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/plugins/en/plugin-development.html#adding-your-plugin-to-the-plugins-guide that says "i.e. inclusion in the Guide implies a certain degree of this works as advertised."04:54
AfCWhat is this «works» you speak of?04:54
spivIf Eli reports that it works ok then I'll consider it to have met that hurdle.04:54
fullermdAfC: It's this low-end office suite made by Microsoft...04:55
vilahi all !07:48
vilaping losa07:48
spmheya vila07:48
vilawow, instant answer :-)07:48
vilaspm: be careful, I may ge used to it :-p07:48
vilaspm: it's about RT #4143407:49
vilaspm: aka, pulling bzr.dev in bzr-2.3, I asked for revno 5432 in the ticket, but reno 5424 will be fine too07:50
vilaspm: better stick with as much 4 as possible...07:50
spmmore 4 is good, 4 4's are better 4 us?07:51
vilaspm: yeah, but don't overdo it, reno 4444 won't be good  ;)07:51
pooliehello vila07:53
vilapoolie: hey :)07:53
spmvila: Ok, re-read about 4 times, I think I know what's needed now :-)07:53
vilaspm: :-/ How should have I better phrased that (and is this sentence correct english ?) ?07:54
spmvila: ha. no. the english etc is fine. more "switch mindset to understanding what you want"07:54
spmif you like - translating the plain request into technical "Do X, Y and Zeee"07:55
spmit's this stuff: https://wiki.canonical.com/InformationInfrastructure/OSA/PQM#BZR%20%28the%20project%29%20and%20PQM <== more or less07:55
poolievila, thanks for all the releases07:56
vilapoolie: about the flagship bugs, from the series pages (https://edge.launchpad.net/bzr/2.0/2.0.6 etc) I'd say: 2.0.6 -> bug #582656, 2.1.3 -> bug #525571 and 2.2.1 -> bug #633745 thoughts ?07:56
ubot5`Launchpad bug 582656 in Bazaar 2.1 "Compiled _dirstate_helpers causes crash with specified file commands (affected: 1, heat: 2)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58265607:56
ubot5`Launchpad bug 525571 in Launchpad Bazaar Integration "No locking when updating files in ~/.bazaar (affected: 7, heat: 51)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52557107:56
ubot5`Launchpad bug 633745 in Bazaar 2.2 "bzr+ssh to pre-1.6 server fails with AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'close' in close_ssh_proc (affected: 1, heat: 18)" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63374507:56
vilagood bot... awesome07:56
vilaabout bots, I discover http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSKRgasUEko this week-end, amazing and almost affordable (the rumour is ~3000euors, i.e. a big PC)07:58
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vilapoolie: yeah, it still took me to much time but I think we have already pushed a lot of hurdles out of the way by integrating them earlier in the workflow07:59
vilapoolie: and I didn't find obvious mistakes in releasing.txt :-)07:59
vilapoolie: I changed checknewsbug.py to use hydrazine instead of lp anonymous08:00
poolieis that better?08:01
vilapoolie: yes, notably for private bugs08:01
vilaI was able to fix the remaining typos. The script helps to identify them but not fix them. We could try some permutations but I didn't have time to play with that08:02
pooliewe should post on the blog too08:02
vilaerr, about what ?08:03
pooliethat we released08:03
vilathe releases ?08:03
pooliethough i guess the homepage aggregator shows it08:03
vilaha, before the installers are ready ?08:03
poolieand i'm not sure it's worth blogging everything08:03
vilaso, the remaining "problems" for checknesbug.py is that some bugs are still in progress... That is, we've fixed part of the bug and landed the fixes, yet, the bug can't be considered fix released...08:05
vila#583667 #598701 #601804 #566940 #82086 #219334 #375013 etc08:07
vilabug #583667 bug #598701 bug #601804 bug #566940 bug #82086 bug #219334 bug #375013 etc08:07
ubot5`Launchpad bug 583667 in Bazaar "bzr talks to edge API servers to propose merges (but not for lp: url lookups) (affected: 1, heat: 2)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58366708:08
ubot5`Launchpad bug 598701 in Bazaar "bzr should not show internal object name in "<rev> does not exist" error (affected: 1, heat: 5)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59870108:08
ubot5`Launchpad bug 601804 in Bazaar "test failure on hardy: bzrlib.tests.test_sftp_transport.SSHVendorBadConnection.test_bad_connection_ssh (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60180408:08
ubot5`Launchpad bug 566940 in Bazaar "Reducing peak memory for commit (affected: 2, heat: 12)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56694008:08
ubot5`Launchpad bug 82086 in Bazaar "pycurl transport causes tracebacks if the server's SSL cert cannot be verified. (affected: 3, heat: 46)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8208608:08
vilathat's not so bad, but if we were able to make it pass silently we could add a regular check so further reduce the burden on the RM08:09
vilas/check so/check to/08:09
spmvila: fyi, that's been done: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/bzr08:10
vilaspm: rock and roll, release time for 2.3b1 !08:11
vilaspm: thanks !08:11
vilameh I meant bug #522637 as flagship bug for 2.0.608:13
ubot5`Launchpad bug 522637 in Launchpad Bazaar Integration "BzrCheckError: Cannot add revision(s) to repository: missing referenced chk root keys (affected: 14, heat: 68)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52263708:13
vilapoolie: hmm, what was the last bug you used for SRU ?08:14
poolievila, for 2.2.1?08:19
vilapoolie: no, I'm looking for one that has already been nominated08:20
vilapoolie: and I found bug #636930 for 2.2.1 which I will use indeed08:20
ubot5`Launchpad bug 636930 in Launchpad Bazaar Integration "Upgrading a repository fails with 'Inter1and2Helper' object has no attribute 'source_repo' (affected: 4, heat: 876)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63693008:20
vilapoolie: just added sru as an official tag08:20
pooliei don't know if it's the latest but bug 528041 is one recent one08:23
ubot5`Launchpad bug 528041 in bzr (Ubuntu Lucid) "bzr: ERROR: exceptions.AssertionError: _remember_remote_is_before((2, 1)) called, but _remember_remote_is_before((1, 6)) was called previously. (affected: 22, heat: 134)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52804108:23
vilapoolie: right, thanks, exactly the one I had in mind08:23
vilamaxb: just checking, all your work on tools/packaging/* has landed in bzr.dev right ?08:32
vilahmpf, lp:~ubuntu-branches 244840 owned branches...08:35
spivUgh, hooks.py is a bit ugly.08:36
maxbvila: Um, I think "all my work" was pretty much just a change of the branch naming scheme, but yes, it landed.08:36
spivWe're overdue for extracting a "give me the python object named by given a module name and optional dotted attr" function, I think.08:37
lifelessspiv: doesn't twisted have one of those?08:37
lifelessspiv: perhaps they could have their arms twisted to make a separate release of that, and we could depend on it08:37
vilamaxb: excellent, I just noticed that it would be good to check for $PACKAGE as we do for $UBUNTU_RELEASES, I will do that08:39
vilamaxb: hmm, well, it won't fly for update-packaging-branches :-/ There is still a '~bzr' there that won't scale for other packages (when the script *creates* the local branch)08:40
vilamaxb: you use a single shared repo for all your packaging branches whatever the package is right ? All of them in a single directory right ? (aka bzr-lucid and bzr-svn-lucid are in the same dir on your local disk)08:47
vilaGaryvdM: Hey !09:04
GaryvdMHi vila09:04
GaryvdMHi all09:04
vilaGaryvdM: would you be working on the 2.2.1 windows installers ?09:05
GaryvdMvila: Yes. I'll start maybe today, or maybe tonight.09:05
GaryvdMDepending on work.09:05
vilaGaryvdM: cool, would you mind updating http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/Releases/2.2.1 ?09:06
vilamaxb: do you know who we should/could ping to update the debian side for 2.2.1 ?09:07
fullermdvila: <http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/cvs-all/2010-September/321850.html> BTW, so we can mark that off if we're keeping track.09:08
vilafullermd: yup09:09
GaryvdMvila: pkg-bazaar-maint@lists.alioth.debian.org09:11
* GaryvdM trying to find out who the members are09:11
GaryvdMI know offhand jelmer is one.09:11
vilaGaryvdM: hmm, does this mean we should start my a *mail* there ?09:12
GaryvdMvila: I think so09:14
vilafullermd: updated09:15
vilaGaryvdM: k09:15
GaryvdMvila: 2.2.1 should have shown up on this page in the watch column: http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=pkg-bazaar-maint@lists.alioth.debian.org09:15
GaryvdMI'm not sure why it has not, maybe update delay...09:16
* vila blinks09:17
vilathere is a lot of numbers to grasp here...09:17
vilaare even09:17
vilaor does 'is' apply to 'a lot' ...09:18
maxbvila: But all the ~bzr PPA packaging branches should be in ~bzr anyway, no, so no problem?09:18
vilaapplies... here we go typo fest !09:18
vilamaxb: !09:18
maxbvila: Personally, I created my packaging branches before I encountered tools/packaging/, and so haven't really found a use for those scripts yet09:19
vilamaxb: sounds right indeed, worth a comment09:19
vilamaxb: no problem with that, but since I'm starting from scratch (removing my old crufty attempts), I may as well make it easy for the next RM09:20
maxbvila: http://packages.qa.debian.org/b/bzr.html says jelmer usually does Debian09:20
vilajelmer. jelmer, wake up, wake up :-D09:20
vilamaxb: thanks for the pointer09:21
vilahaaa, larstiq and jonhf are there too09:22
vilaso, if I read that correctly they want 2.1.3 and 2.2.1 first,09:22
vilathen 2.3b1 will enter the game... or will they wait for 2.3.0 ?09:23
spivlifeless: twisted does have something along those lines, but it's pretty easy to do, and we already have the code for it really, just not in an especially reusable spot09:23
vilamaxb, GaryvdM: Anyway, it means I should forward announcements for 2.1.3 and 2.2.1 to pkg-bazaar-maint@lists.alioth.debian.org, right ?09:23
spivlifeless: which leads to e.g. hooks.py doing _LazyObjectGetter(...).get_obj(), which is obviously not lazy at all09:24
spivAlso, the relevant code in _LazyObjectGetter doesn't appear to have direct unit tests, and it ought to.09:24
vilaspiv: +1 :-D09:26
maxbvila: hmm. You could ask that list if they want release announcements. They may not, having other ways, like DEHS, to be advised of new upstream releases09:27
vilamaxb: Ok, I'll do that09:27
maxbThey may not even want 2.1.3 - the debian freeze is in effect09:27
maxbthe freeze exception rules are basically "critical bugs only"09:29
vilamaxb: ok, no critical ones for 2.1.3 (I think the 2.0 critical ones were part of 2.1.2)09:32
vilamaxb: mail sent09:33
=== bigjools is now known as bigjools-afk
=== vila changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: spiv | Release Manager: vila | bzr 2.2.0 is officially out| bzr-2.0.6, 2.1.3, 2.2.1 and 2.3b1 need installers, aTdHvAaNnKcSe ! | work on bzr: http://webapps.ubuntu.com/employment/canonical_BSE/
vilaDo someone remember the trick to change 'Affects' from bzr (Ubuntu) the source package to our bzr ?12:53
deryckvila, hi.  unfortunately, you can't.  It's bug 80902.13:00
ubot5`Launchpad bug 80902 in Launchpad Bugs "Can't target bug report from project to distribution, or vice versa (affected: 7, heat: 67)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8090213:00
fullermdvila: EWRONGMAILSUBJECT?   8-}13:06
viladeryck: grumble, I'm sure spiv or someone had a workaround some months ago13:07
bialixvila: Indeed, wrong13:07
fullermdI blame that 'emacs' thing, personally.  I think it screws up your typing   :p13:11
vilafullermd: hehe, gnus, blame gnus ;-)13:14
vilalosas are magicians... they fixed the review team for lp:bzr/2.3 even before I could report the problem...13:16
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=== Urisnha is now known as Ursinha
jamGaryvdM: you around?15:00
GaryvdMHi jam.15:00
jamdid someone start the ec2 instance for you?15:01
jamI logged on and it was already running15:01
jammaybe we just forgot to shut it down again?15:01
GaryvdMI'm here, but I've not yet started due to work.15:01
GaryvdMjam: I did not ask anyone other than you.15:01
jamGaryvdM: I was worried you'd say that15:01
GaryvdMI saw that it was up.15:02
jamI'm updating the pyqt now15:02
GaryvdMjam: Thanks15:02
jamyou only need the new PyQT for 2.6, right?15:03
jamany idea when we can use the latest again?15:03
GaryvdMjam: When they fix a bug. I'll find the url for the bug for you.15:03
jamSeems weird that the older one would have 4.6 and then we went to 4.7, but now downgrading all the way to 4.515:04
GaryvdMqbzr bug: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/qbzr/+bug/63250115:05
ubot5`Launchpad bug 632501 in QBzr "[win32] Subwindows only paint after a keyboard/mouse event. (affected: 1, heat: 10)" [Critical,Confirmed]15:05
jamvila: enjoying the multi-release management?15:05
jam /thank for not making me do it :)15:05
GaryvdMjam: qt bug: http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-1272115:05
vilajam: hehe, yeah, not so many typos so far :)15:05
vilajam: you greatly deserved a break ;)15:06
GaryvdMjam: Good question. - What pyqt versions do you have?15:06
* GaryvdM checks what versions I've got.15:06
jamGaryvdM: I seem to have the source for 4.5.4, but no installer. I probably deleted it a while back to save space15:07
vilajam: did you see https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr/integration/+merge/36012 ?15:08
vilajam: aren't you amazed about all those bugs I just fixed by updating NEWS....15:08
jamvila: :)15:09
jamthat is what, all of 2.2 into 2.3 ?15:09
vilajam: aaaah, just understood, that's all the bug that I fixed but merged locally in my integration branch...15:09
vilajam: that's the first time I use it for proposal on lp, so it probably freaks out a bit15:09
jamvila: right, its all the bugs that have been associated with your integration branch over time15:10
jampoolie had a comment a while back that it is misleading15:10
jamsince he re-uses 'doc' and 'trivial' a lot15:10
vilaok, thanks15:10
jamGaryvdM: PyQt is installed, let me know if you need anything else15:11
vilajam: I was vaguely worried but I know my merge was clean so I suspected lp rather than bzr or me :)15:11
jamGaryvdM: are you going to use the old build script for the old releases? (2.0, etc)15:11
jamvila: I thought it could have been all the --fixes tags in 2.2 merging into 2.3, but as you say, that should include more code changes, and you only have NEWS changes15:12
jama lot of bug typos, though :)15:12
vilajam: yeah, but collected from 2.[012], there should be only *new* typos from now on ;)15:13
jamI thought I caught the 2.2 ones. but I intentionally didn't run the 'find bugs' script on anything else15:13
vilajam: I also shake a lot of series and milestones on lp, so keep an eye open for errors (Thanks in advance ;)15:13
jambtw, I'm not particularly happy with the workflow of pushing up things to the review queue that isn't meant to be reviewed. How do you feel?15:14
jam(like prepare-2.3b1)15:14
jam(I like knowing something is going on, but 3-emails telling me "ignore this, it is just housekeeping" bothers me)15:14
jamthough if LP doesn't start letting me email back, I may stop reviewing via email15:14
vilawell, I thought that for the lp:/bzr/2.[0123] it was worth using mps so I don't have to tell people: hey, heads-up, seen that ?15:15
GaryvdMHi vila15:15
vilaGaryvdM: hey !15:15
jamvila: I would like to get 1 email, the problem is that it is 3-515:16
GaryvdMjam: Thanks15:16
jamand it is in the "hey you really need to look at this" folder15:16
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vilajam: you file a bug on lp for that ?15:16
jamvila: for not being able to send email, yes15:16
vilajam: asking for the same aggregation that the bugs do ?15:16
jamwith some response from rockstar telling me it was a foundations bug, and nothing from them15:16
GaryvdMjam: Yes - as far as I'm aware, the Ian's scripts don't work for older than 2.2, so yes.15:16
vilajam: no to get a single mail instead of 315:16
vilajam: :-/15:17
GaryvdMjam: I've never run the old scripts, so I might ask for some help.15:17
GaryvdMjam: But 2.2.1 will be priority.15:17
vilaGaryvdM: +1 for 2.2.1 :)15:17
vilaGaryvdM: +0.8 for 2.3b1 so bialix can test it :-p15:18
jamto be fair, it was probably the end of the week15:19
jambut I don't know the name of a person on foundations so I can bug them15:19
jamI guess I could go look :)15:19
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GaryvdMjam: I think that there was no pyqt 4.6 binary for python 2.6, and that's why we have to go back to 4.5 :-(15:20
jamGaryvdM: right, probably not one for 2.615:21
jamI have it for 2.515:21
jam(well, we have it installed on desolation)15:21
jambut yeah, I remember there being version issues against various python releases15:21
jamI really wish the riverbank guys would keep old installers around15:22
jamvila: I haven't looked through any other changes, but I'll note that sometimes a bug # gets put in NEWS because of a partial fix, which shouldn't actually mark the bug Fix Released entirely. Did you check any of that?15:30
jamor did you just mark them all released?15:30
vilajam: indeed, that's the problem I mentioned to poolie this morning (mine),15:31
jamvila: k. I did a lot of that triage in the 2.2.0 release15:31
jamsome of which is "we should try to have more focused bugs"15:31
vilajam: no I didn't mark them fix released so they still show up in check-newsbugs.py output but this outlines a problem15:31
jamvila: why did you add the global "fix_released = False" check?15:32
vilaI think the rule should be: if you can't mark the bug fix released, crete a new one, more focused and mention it in NEWS and in the bug it partially addresses15:32
jamare you saying "if any task says that fix is released, that is good enough" ?15:32
jamand the comment is about cross-version issues ?15:32
jam(2.0 says, In Progress, but 2.1 says Fix Released ?)15:33
jamif you really want to do that, I think the check needs to come after the loop15:33
jamsince otherwise 2.0 will say "hey not in sync" but 2.2 won't if 2.0 says fixed15:33
vilaI think it was... a different case ;)15:34
vilalet me try to find it back15:34
vilaoh, but regarding the problem above, there is still the problem that a bug may be re-opened...15:35
jamvila: sure15:36
jamalso, why did you assign me to bug #343218?15:36
ubot5`Launchpad bug 343218 in Gentoo Overlay for Bazaar "export could take unmodified files from wt rather than repository (affected: 0, heat: 10)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34321815:36
vilaoh right, so the case is that if you don't summarize fix_released, the script whines as long as it finds *one* task still not fixed released and I was encountering too many false positives15:36
jamI did do the work to make it better about grabbing content all-at-once15:36
jamvila: I understand your point about summarizing, my point is that there is still an ordering issue15:37
jamif 2.0 is Fix Released, but 2.2 isn't, then you'll get nothing, but if 2.2 is Fix Released, and 2.0 isn't, you'll get nothing15:37
jamsorry, last form, you'll get chatter15:37
jambecause it will see the 2.0 status before it sees the 2.2 status15:37
vilain addition there are bugs where we just can't set the status (when the task is against bzr (Ubuntu) for example)15:38
vilaso it's not perfect, but the idea is that the RM will have already a good overview of what bugs have been fixed and which ones are in progress,15:39
vilathe script helps to track *progress* while fixing NEWS15:40
jamvila: I can tell you when I was an RM, I didn't have a great handle on the 50 bugs that were all fixed :)15:40
vilaI was tempted to add a blacklist for the bug still in progress while fixed...15:40
hallyni'm apparently not doing 'merge' right.  if i want to do a merge such that histroy is maintained, does 'merge -rRN-1..Rn ~/origtree' not suffice?15:40
vilawell, I mean having seen the bug page at least once :)15:40
jamhallyn: you're doing a cherrypick, which we won't remember history (because you are explicitly asking us to *omit* history by specifying a start rev)15:41
jambzr merge -r Rn will work15:41
GaryvdMhallyn: So the history of the branch that you merge into is maintained, so i15:42
GaryvdMAh - sorry - please ignore that.15:42
hallynjam: and that merge will still only take the last commit?15:42
vilajam: right, so the comment points to bug #416732, without the summary, it pops up15:42
hallynGaryvdM: thanks though :)15:42
ubot5`Launchpad bug 416732 in Bazaar 2.0 "check reports "Missing inventory {('TREE_ROOT'..." for trivial non-rich-root branch (affected: 3, heat: 0)" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41673215:42
hallynjam: ok, thanks, i'll try that again.  i forget why i started specifying ranges15:43
vilajam: may be the solution is to recognize a config variable whose value is a list of black-listed bugs :)15:44
jamvila: I think hard-coding it into the script is appropriate for a script sitting in bzr's source tree15:45
jamvila: also, I'm not sure why we can't change the Invalid to Fix Released on that particular bug15:46
Glenjaminhallyn: "bzr merge -r Rn" will give you all revisions up to n which you don't have, which might be subtly different15:47
vilajam: we can, but my comment will become obsolete15:47
* vila ducks15:47
jamvila: note that Invalid should probably be considered a "I don't care about this bug anymore" similar to Fix Released. ...15:48
hallynGlenjamin: yeah, that's not safe for me15:48
jamthough why would we be fixing an invalid bug15:48
vilajam: Added this discussion on the mp, feel free to review and vote now ;-P15:50
* vila back to release tasks15:50
Glenjaminhallyn: i'm not sure you can directly do what you're after then15:53
jamvila: I did vote already15:53
jamhallyn: if you really want to reject all other changes, you can do "bzr merge -r N-1; bzr revert .; bzr commit -m "reject old changes"; bzr merge -r N; bzr commit -m "bring in the new change"15:54
jamnote that the '.' is significant, since it reverts the file content, without reverting the pending merge15:54
Glenjamincan I pull changes from one tree's shelf to another, or is apply/merge --unci going to be simpler?15:55
Glenjaminjam: i was under the impression that revert doesn't forget merges unless you explicitly tell it to?15:55
Glenjamini'm fairly sure i've done revert --no-backup and still had the merges pending.15:56
hallynjam: Glenjamin: ok, thanks.  I guess I'll just keep adding my own commit msgs for nwo15:56
vilajam: weird, damn lp should DWIM-refresh :)15:56
vilajam: thanks !15:57
jamGlenjamin: 'bzr revert' with no arguments reverts everything, including pending merges, etc15:57
jamGlenjamin: you can copy the shelf around and it should work (as long as you are still in the same shared repo)15:58
jamhowever, --uncommitted is probably more straightforward15:58
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Glenjaminjam: revert with no args, or revert with no path?16:06
jamGlenjamin: no path (no positional arguments, as opposed to -- style "options")16:06
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Glenjaminis there a concept similar to looms/shelf where I can move changesets around branches. Basically bugfixes that I dont want a full branch for.16:09
jamGlenjamin: why not a full branch?16:12
jam(with no tree in a shared repo, branches should be very cheap)16:12
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Glenjamini do have a tree16:15
Glenjaminoh right, treeless branch16:15
Glenjaminas patch storage16:15
Glenjaminthat'd work16:15
Glenjaminhrm, I don't think that'll work actually - how do i get the changeset into the treeless branch?16:28
Glenjamini suppose i can uncommit actually16:28
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GaryvdMPreliminary build of 2.2.1: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4494367/bzr-2.2.1~a-setup.exe18:15
GaryvdMBut https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/tortoisebzr/+bug/641557 still not fixed :-(18:15
ubot5`Launchpad bug 641557 in TortoiseBZR "error while trying to run command via context menu (affected: 2, heat: 12)" [Critical,Fix committed]18:15
git__can one export a repository based on time?18:21
GaryvdMgit__: I think the term we would use it to export a tree: bzr export -r date:2006-08-14,17:10:1418:25
GaryvdMor bzr export -r date:yesterday18:25
GaryvdMsee bzr help revisionspec18:25
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GaryvdMnote that export is for exporting an archive (e.g. .tar) of a tree. If you want to work with the files, you should rather bzr branch FROM TO -r date:...18:27
GaryvdMgit__ ^18:27
git__thanks GaryvdM !18:28
GaryvdMit's a Pleasure.18:28
git__seems like bzr is not able to handle filenames : and ? in Windows18:51
git__i did a "bzr clone bzr://"18:51
jelmervila: hi18:55
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luke-jrgit__: rather, Windows isn't able to handle them19:04
git__what to do in this situation?  Have a pre-script to convert : and ? to _ ?19:06
luke-jrjust don't create files with those names?19:07
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awilkinsOk.... working off an SVN branch. The person doing branches is an idiot and has made a branch where the first revision consists of all the files being deleted and replaced simultaneously. This does not merge well. Any suggestions for fixing (or at least merging cleanly)?20:47
jelmerawilkins: not really, even svn itself would have issues with that I think20:52
awilkinsjelmer, Hrmmph. I have to get this merged somehow20:52
awilkinsOr at least recommend how to do it to someone if I am to remain sane.20:53
awilkins1816 content conflicts just trying the vanilla way :-(20:53
awilkinsI suppose a kind of rewrite omitting the "evil revision" and applying the changesets as patch/revisions would work...20:54
jelmerawilkins: you should be able to revert his changes... but I guess that's not really what you're looking for?20:54
awilkinsjelmer, there are about a hundred big revisions after this one20:54
awilkinsIf I revert it, won't I just get the same content conflicts?20:55
awilkinsI'm trying git in desperation :-)20:55
awilkinsThat shouldn't be fooled by the files being "deleted" and then "added" hopefully20:55
awilkinsSince if they are unchanged they will be the same objects20:55
jelmergit might be able to deal with it better since it works with content rather than files20:55
awilkinsAt least I may be able to get a merge pushed from it and then go back to working with Bazaar... or I may defect (I need to understand git better)20:57
awilkinsThis project itself is supposed to be a version controlled object database, alas, the guy writing it doesn't really understand version control20:57
awilkinsI was thinking of trying to superimpose the git object model on top of it (it's in a K/V store rather than a RDBMS)20:58
awilkinsAdding git tree/commit/blob objects to the mixture, construct an "index" of live objects by walking the tree objects20:58
GaryvdMAnother TDD question: If I need to test a bit of code that changes a state tracker, should I assert on the state after the change, or should I assert on the output of whatever uses the state22:17
GaryvdMAh - Let me get an actual example..22:17
GaryvdMIn this test: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~garyvdm/qbzr/log_refactor/annotate/head%3A/lib/tests/test_loggraphprovider.py#L22622:20
lifelessGaryvdM: you can assert on the state, or on the behaviour22:20
lifelessor on both22:20
lifelessdepending on what layer you want to test.22:20
GaryvdMIn the above test, You can see I have a state, which I change in the middle of the test with state.collapse_expand_rev22:21
GaryvdMI need to write some more tests for state.collapse_expand_rev.22:22
GaryvdMSo do I call state.collapse_expand_rev, and assert on the fields of state?22:22
GaryvdMI guess that is the layer that I want to test.22:22
GaryvdMbut I the data structure of state is not important.22:23
GaryvdMOk - I think I'll check the fields of state, and the results of it filter, but not a full compute_graph_lines22:25
GaryvdMThanks lifeless22:25
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