
Schwaganyone know how to change my default color depth from 16 to 24? its making my games screwy05:24
Schwagi cant even find my xorg.conf file o.O05:29
chroweany know how to install edubuntu on an existing system with all it's packages. I know I can use the meta packages to install the applications but I don't see a full list of everythings14:55
chrowedoes the edubuntu-desktop package install everything that comes with edubuntu?15:01
highvoltagechrowe: yep, it does indeed15:11
chrowehighvoltage: it does not mention packages like Gnome Nanny or Pessulus though15:12
highvoltagehttp://edubuntu.org/download provides a quick overview of meta-packages available15:12
* highvoltage checks15:12
highvoltage$ apt-cache rdepends nanny15:12
highvoltageReverse Depends:15:12
highvoltage  edubuntu-desktop15:12
highvoltagechrowe: it does on maverick, we didn't have nanny in lucid yet15:13
chrowehighvoltage: ah, yes, I was looking at lucid15:14
chrowehighvoltage: so http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/edubuntu-desktop is everything that is in the current edubuntu distro?16:09
highvoltagechrowe: it should be16:18
Ahmuck-Srhey hey18:49
Ahmuck-Srgot a question for you guru's18:50
Ahmuck-Srhave AD for authentication, and lot's of netbooks.  user get's netbook, enters user/pass and then it authenticates with AD, then creates home directory on netbook.  possible?18:50
Ahmuck-Srneed customized menu, not default.  know where to find UNR menu defualts, not for just the logged in user?18:51
highvoltageAhmuck-Sr: first one is possible, there's an ldap-auth-client package that mostly sets that up, I've only used it once though19:03
highvoltagecustom menus on netbook, I *think* the edubuntu menueditor will work for that too19:04

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