
QuaxirJames147: another question, again :). How to downgrade alt+tab program switching from vista-look-a-like to it's "original"-look? (if didn't understand what I tried to explain I'll do it again)00:00
James147System settings > desktop > desktop effects (I think... on kde 4.4) System settings > desktop effects on kde 4.500:01
James147Quaxir: and isnt it on coverswitch by default? the vista look alike is the flip one :)00:02
QuaxirJames147: yeh I mean that flipflap-style which I don't like at all and want to get rid of as soon as possible :S00:03
James147Quaxir: wither way :) you should be able to change it in desktop effects00:03
James147either ^^00:04
QuaxirJames147: yarr.. works like I want it now :)00:04
* James147 loves the flexibility of kde :D00:04
Quaxirhehe :)00:05
QuaxirJames147: Is there working drivers for Logitech G19 and/or MX revolution that you'd be aware of?00:09
James147Quaxir: dont know sorry :)00:09
QuaxirJames147: ookey00:10
QuaxirJames147: Have you had problems with using Skype on linux?00:14
James147Quaxir: other then they refuse to update their client, no00:14
QuaxirJames147: hm.. I can't get my mic working with it :S00:15
James147Quaxir: think mine work when I tried, have you checked skypes settings? If I remember right there are quite a few for setting up audio00:16
QuaxirJames147: Settings>Sound Devices ?00:18
James147Quaxir: think so00:18
James147Quaxir: havnt used it in quite a while now :)00:18
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ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines00:55
archeri'd like to know if there are some working ATI drivers for kubuntu amd6400:56
archergod. midnight overther00:57
gghow do i enable memberof overlay in config dit for openldap?01:43
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Dusty_I just installed Kubuntu yesterday, it's great!02:10
Dusty_I can't seem to find the Ubuntu Software Center though, do you use something different?02:11
frogonwheelsDusty_: personally, I use aptitude :)02:12
Dusty_can I just use apt-get for that?02:13
frogonwheelsDusty_: you can try 'Package Management'02:13
frogonwheelsDusty_: should be there - it's a cli tool (open up konsole and type  aptitude)02:13
Dusty_I tried looking for the Cairo dock in the package manager02:13
Dusty_And Gimp doesn't seem to come with this ISO either so I was looking for that.02:15
Dusty_Ok, I got Aptitude up02:15
frogonwheelsDusty_: sudo aptitude install cairo-dock    (you can use it a bit like apt-get as well)02:15
frogonwheelsDusty_: ok  use / to search   /~d  to search in descriptions02:15
frogonwheelsSo:  /cairo-doc02:15
Dusty_ah ok02:16
Dusty_do you have an opinion on that aswell?  Which dock may work better?02:16
Dusty_I saw there was one called Docky also02:16
frogonwheelsDusty_: no opinion02:16
Dusty_Although, so far I like the standard Kubuntu a lot02:16
frogonwheelsDusty_: for me it does fine.02:17
Dusty_Especially with all the effects on02:17
Dusty_I was using Xubuntu for a while now02:17
frogonwheelsDusty_: I use mythbuntu on my media pc and it has ..erm openbox?  Which is fine for a media pc :)02:19
frogonwheelsno.. um xfc or something02:19
jmichaelxi thought that mythbuntu used xfce02:19
frogonwheelsWalzmyn: :)02:19
jmichaelxjust like xubuntu02:19
Dusty_I like that for my old laptop02:20
Dusty_It's really fast02:20
Walzmynxfce > Gnome02:20
jmichaelxi also like xfce better than gnome, but i do not care for xubuntu02:20
frogonwheelswell as much as I like kde, I acknowledge that it's rather heavy02:20
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Dusty_Yeah, still quick though on newer stuff.02:22
Dusty_Got gimp downloading now, thanks Frog!02:25
gg how do i enable memberof using config DIT?02:27
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viannaoi...tudo bom?02:45
masialgun irc para ubuntu?02:45
viannacomo assim irc?...desculpe sou meio novato aqui02:46
masiyo igual02:46
viannasou brasileiro , vc é de portual néh?02:47
masino, yo de España02:47
viannapertinho....alí na esquina rsr02:47
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:48
viannamuito prazr em te conhecer02:48
masibetter in inglish02:48
masiyou speak inglish02:48
viannaentendi........meu inglesh é horrível02:48
masiyou speak inglish?02:48
WalzmynI've got one of my printers set to default, but OOo always brings up the other one.02:48
viannanão...muito pouco02:48
Walzmyn!es | vianna02:49
ubottuvianna: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:49
masigrax ubottu02:50
Walzmyn<- no habla Espanol02:50
masiyo si02:50
viannasim...um pouco02:50
viannaou melhor...entendo um pouco02:50
Walzmynmasi ubottu is a bot02:50
masida wal02:51
viannamasi vc é homem ou mulher?rs02:51
viannadesculpe  perguntar isso02:51
viannasumiu masi?02:53
viannasim um pouco02:53
viannafala da onde?02:54
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em brasileiro. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.02:54
viannaeu sou brasileiro e tem u irmao ai da espanha02:54
Walzmynwhy pt? why not po?02:55
masiy por que quieres ir a españa ?02:55
viannaisso aí02:55
masime aburro02:57
viannaki trolha cmplicada essa heii02:57
masirs es fr an com org net02:57
masique mas da?02:57
masihay alguien espaañol?03:00
viannameio complicadoisso aqui03:04
shade__so I installed 10.10, and quite liked the ublog plasma widget. I went back to 10.04 so i could install starcraft2 n wine, and found that the ublog widget doesnt work. obviouly there is a newer version used in 10.10, how do i install it in 10.04?03:06
maco!es | masi03:06
ubottumasi: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:06
macovianna: ola. portuges en #ubuntu-br03:11
viannaobrigado....ja achei lá.....um abraço03:12
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vinnie_has anyone here successfully got google talk to work with there mic?04:15
DaveWMis there a place in kubuntu to setup margins for screen edges,  i'd like it if applications maximized would still leave me a 2 pixel edge around the sides05:33
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phoenix_what is the default audio server in kubuntu07:53
zack`ubuntuis there anyone around that can possibly help with fortran?08:32
zack`ubuntuanyone? :(08:35
well_laid_lawnzack`ubuntu:  there is #programming08:35
zack`ubuntuthank you08:37
* elliot98 waves to all08:39
elliot98do you know where I can find irc archives?08:39
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ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/08:40
frogonwheelszackk: there's probably a newsgroup on it you could subscribe to08:51
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larsjaaaso akonadi is unusable from the start in 10.04? > renders most Kontact apps crash aswell.. anyone know a quickfix?12:10
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sabgentonhow do you disconect from an sftp /ssh share in dolfin12:28
sabgentonright clicking give no disconect option12:29
gavinlhi, there12:35
gavinlI have a C2Duo CPU board with Intel GS45 Chipset, I run Kubuntu 10.0.4, I installed plug-ins for DVD play, and did all updates, but when I try to play DVD, it just kicks me off to login screen, Is there anyone knows how to fix it?12:36
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BluesKajHowdy folks14:06
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kapoohi  I am kwaproo14:54
James147hi kapoo14:55
kapoohi James14714:55
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glaucousSince Kubuntu is going to use Pulseaudio in 10.10, I'm wondering if it is possible to bypass the pulseaudio server  (with some applications), so that only one application is allowed to use one soundcard - bypassing the resampler.15:02
glaucousLike ALSA does by default15:03
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Riddellglaucous: you can uninstall pulseaudio if you want15:14
glaucousRiddell: Yes, guess I could.15:15
v3nd3tta``yay zamolf15:16
v3nd3tta``my father worked for your isp connection to germany :D15:17
BluesKajI never found much use for PA  , it's another layer of useless processing meant for ppl with so called big sound setups15:17
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dinoh_achariegot a small proble but its quite big if takea look at it15:36
well_laid_lawn!details | please15:37
ubottuplease: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:37
dinoh_achariei installed ubuntu 10.04 after installation when i try to boot there is a error saying init too long this happened not only with ubuntu but kubuntu as well15:37
well_laid_lawndinoh_acharie:  I know nothing about that - there might be someone in #ubuntu that does15:40
dinoh_achariewell no one from ubuntu too im outta luck :( jolicloud just works fine tough15:41
well_laid_lawnwhat's jolicloud?15:41
dinoh_acharieits a cloud os for netbooks15:41
well_laid_lawnis that linux based?15:42
dinoh_acharieits part of colonical too15:42
dinoh_acharieyeah ubuntu based15:42
dinoh_acharieits the only os that u cud install just anywhere15:42
dinoh_acharieeven f#kin p1 runs it15:43
well_laid_lawnand the *ubuntus don't work on the netbook?15:43
dinoh_acharieno ubuntus dont work on my stupid p4 box15:43
well_laid_lawndiff h/ware then15:44
dinoh_achariewhich is 845 based chipset15:44
dinoh_achariepresscot as intel call is15:44
dinoh_achariecalls it15:44
well_laid_lawnusing a pci sata card or something similar?15:44
dinoh_acharieno man15:45
well_laid_lawnI'm thinking it might be bad cd burns - did you do the md5 check on them?15:45
dinoh_acharieworks just fine in other pcs15:46
well_laid_lawnand the error is that init is taking too long?15:47
dinoh_acharieno" init too long"15:47
dinoh_acharieand that box just winks at me15:48
dinoh_achariethen ehat i call for a reboot15:48
well_laid_lawnheh - didn't know that init had a length15:48
dinoh_achariedunno what this stupid thing is upto15:48
dinoh_achariejust keeps pissin me off15:48
well_laid_lawnsounds weird15:48
dinoh_acharieyeah guess what im actually seeing it it looks wierder than it sounds15:49
BluesKajdinoh_acharie, run the alternaye-install , it'll work15:50
dinoh_acharieok bro15:50
dinoh_achariegonna do just what u said15:50
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grifo74hello i have a proble every time i want go to wine c: say directori dont exist but only in 10.04 help16:31
James147grifo74: does it exist? normally at ~/.wine/drive_c16:32
grifo74yes the directori exist but if i try go in menu the system give-me this error16:34
James147grifo74: run "winecfg" and check the drive mappings16:34
James147grifo74: otherwise try asking on #winehq   they will know more then I do :)16:35
klaxiandoes anyone know where i can find a 2.6.35-21 kernel package?  fglrx will not install on -2216:35
klaxianand i can't seem to find the old kernel builds online16:36
grifo74other question a cant share a folder16:36
James147grifo74: share a folder with that?16:36
klaxiani am running maverick16:36
klaxianwell, maverick kernal anyway16:36
James147klaxian: then you might want to ask on #ubuntu+116:36
grifo74tho apear in virtualbox i use this to test software16:37
klaxianok will do16:37
James147grifo74: ahh, do you have the version from the repos, or from the site? because the one from the repos cannot share folders as far as I knwo16:37
grifo74ok thanks i ude the repo i go try the official site16:38
Tekk_I installed kubuntu from the ppa, but now when I login with kdm it drops me into a login terminal.16:39
Tekk_using gdm works fine, and when I try to fully remove kdm in synaptic I get the following error: E: kdm: subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 116:39
Tekk_obviously it means that one of the scripts went wrong, and kdm itself got removed fine, anyway I can get rid of the kdm configuration without it?16:40
poohi anyone know where i can find sap16:40
pooChecking for SAP/R3 (librfc/saprfc.h) ...16:40
poo                                      ... NOT found, module sapr3 disabled16:40
pooGet it from http://www.sap.com/solutions/netweaver/linux/eval/index.asp16:40
FloodBotK1poo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:40
poothat links no good16:41
Tekk_anyone have any ideas, aside from just use gdm? :P16:44
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jmichaelxmany have had an issue with having to repeatedly reboot to even get kdm to come up... has that also been your experience?16:59
Tekk_jmichaelx: no17:00
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adilalpmani need help about my zte mf636 3g modem on kubuntu 10.04 lts17:01
adilalpmancan anybody help me?17:02
jmichaelxTekk_: ok, the problem i had was *largely* corrected by disabling the logo, etc., in plymouth at bootup. a line in /etc/default/grub had to be commented out17:03
jmichaelxTekk_: you might want to just leave kdm installed, but configure your system to just use gdm17:03
Tekk_jmichaelx: already have17:03
jmichaelxi wound up using gdm instead of kdm for quite a while in karmic, as well. these sorts of things are why i would never recommend kubuntu to a new linux user17:05
Tekk_while I'm here can anyone tell me how I can figure out my DNS server's IP address?17:06
Tekk_trying to set up the desktop for sshing since that's pretty much all I'll use it for now that I have the laptop :P17:06
jmichaelxTekk_: what nameservers are listed in /etc/resolv.conf?17:07
Tekk_doman ec.rr.com, search ec.rr.com, then 3 ip addresses with nameserver before them17:08
jmichaelxTekk_: i would presume that those are the DNS server IPs you are looking for, no?17:09
Tekk_jmichaelx: looks like it :P17:09
petrjoin #prolog17:16
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Tekk_ip address is static, but trying to ssh there will time out17:19
Tekk_doing ssh localhost on the machine works fine17:19
jmichaelxTekk_: are you sure that port 22 is open on the remote host?17:19
James147Tekk_: have you installed ssh? (kubuntu dosnt have the server installed by default as far as I know)17:20
Tekk_ssh is installed, not sure how to see if 20 is open17:21
jmichaelxTekk_: is the remote host possibly at your place of employment, or something similar?17:22
Tekk_jmichaelx: nope, it's my desktop, residing under this very desk :P17:22
Tekk_however, I am on a laptop on the house's wifi, would that mess with it?17:22
James147Tekk_: that shouldnt affect it17:22
jmichaelxTekk_: then what James147 is saying is probably the issue. type 'sudo apt-get install ssh'17:22
Tekk_jmichaelx: I know I have ssh17:23
Tekk_ssh localhost works on both machines, neither were installed as kubuntu17:23
James147^^ note you ned ssh installed on the mechiene your sshing to17:23
jmichaelxTekk_: you do not have open-ssh-server... type 'sudo apt-get install ssh'17:23
James147(by default kubuntu has ssh-client, not the server so computers cannot ssh into it without installing that)17:23
Tekk_not running kubuntu, making sure I have the server installed is the first thing I did :P17:24
jmichaelxTekk_: 'ssh' is a meta-package17:24
Tekk_jmichaelx: which is already the newest version on all of my computers involved17:24
James147Tekk_: try "ssh localhost" on the remote mechiene (the one you want to connect to)17:25
Tekk_James147: it works17:25
James147Tekk_: can you ping the remote mechiene?17:25
Tekk_no, times out17:26
James147that suggest a connection problem :)17:26
Tekk_James147: well yeah there's pretty obviously a connection problem :P17:27
Tekk_but where would it be, both comps have internet access17:27
prololololobut but  gay but17:27
KendyfortheStateWhat is IP of desktop?  What is ip of laptop?17:28
James147Tekk_: not entirly sure... have you enabled the firewall on either computer?17:28
Tekk_James147: not unless one starts up automatically17:29
prololololosomebody know ubunto for gays?  "ubuntu gays aditions 10.0".17:29
James147Tekk_: it shouldnt17:29
Tekk_then I'd guess no17:29
Tekk_there's a firewall on the router, but that shouldnt be affected since I'm on the same LAN :/17:29
macoprololololo: there is an lgbt interest group within the ubuntu community, but no the distro is for all17:30
prololololomaco  what?  gays is not people?  ubuntu hates gays!17:30
jmichaelxi think prololololo needs to speak to an op17:31
sandeep_anybody know how to configure GRUB from system settings in  kubuntu 10.04 LTS?17:31
macoprololololo: ubuntu is for all human beings, including the gay ones. please stop trolling17:31
James147sandeep_: as far as I know you cannot17:32
Tekk_prololololo: or at least learn to troll first, you suck17:32
jmichaelxtrolling is an art17:32
sandeep_then i need to edit it from konsole?17:32
jmichaelxa science, even17:32
prololololoTekk_   thanks for attantions17:32
James147sandeep_: "kdesudo kate /etc/default/grub" is where grubs configureation file is located17:32
prololololoprololololol is not gay17:33
James147!grub2 | sandeep_17:33
ubottusandeep_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub217:33
macoprololololo: look, this channel is for technical support questions. sexuality is irrelevant. if you want to discuss it do so elsewhere17:33
prololololomaco  ok, I have stoped.17:34
sandeep_it shows error message on system startup without a graphical screen even then its starting17:34
James147sandeep_: cannot really help without the error messages or more details about the problem17:36
hlshahhi hub, I am just starting up with Kubuntu and got an error "phonon: HDA Intel ALC262 Analog does not work". Tried reading a few posts on google but could not understand what they did to solve the problem. Please help!17:36
sandeep_why cant i change GRUB settings in a graphical environment like in open suse?17:37
James147sandeep_: becuase there is no gui for editing grub 2 in kde or kubuntu yet... opensuse have their own graphicall editing stuff17:37
James147(one of the reason i dont use suse is due to the horror of their graphical editing programs :(17:38
* James147 but is tempted to create one for kbubuntu... if he know more about grub2 :(17:39
sandeep_an os will be more user friendly only if it allows system settings editing using GUI17:39
sandeep_why people at this 21st century should bother about the terminal commands when all Os supports GUI17:40
James147sandeep_: for most things yes... grub does not normally need to be edited, so no one has really bothered to create a system settings modual for kde/kubuntu...17:40
KendyfortheStatesandeep_: sudo nano /etc/default/grub  - make your changes - sudo grub-mkconfig -o  /boot/grub/grub.cfg17:41
sandeep_whats your opinion on emulator? is Wine is the best? or any similar exists?17:41
sandeep_yaa im trying to edit in superuser mode17:42
James147sandeep_: kubuntu is mostly driven by volunteers.... if you want something done you ahve to ask the developers very nicly as they have many other things to do :) or try to code it your self17:42
James147sandeep_: there are similar things baised on wine... mostly comersial though17:43
James147sandeep_: wine is the best free version about but you can get soem front ends for it that make some things esier to install (playonlinux is one)17:43
sandeep_is Grub or lilo is better?17:44
adilalpmanits up to you :P17:44
James147KendyfortheState: why grub-mkconfig? why not just "sudo update-grub"?17:44
sandeep_how can i switch to lilo? now grub shows errors, i installed lilo now from repositry online.17:45
KendyfortheStateJames147: That's what has worked for me per the how-to.17:45
Tekk_sandeep_: by removing grub....?17:45
sandeep_no i mean can i switch to lilo? no need to remove grub17:46
James147KendyfortheState: heh, looking at the man pages, "update-grub is a stub for running grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg to generate a grub2 config file."  so I take it they are the same :)17:47
KendyfortheStateJames147: I'll try that next time... more efficient!17:47
hlshahI am just starting up with Kubuntu and got an error "phonon: HDA Intel ALC262 Analog does not work". Tried reading a few posts on google but could not understand what they did to solve the problem. I did notice two things : (1) built in mic does not work (plugged in one works) (2) only one application can sound at once (that I understand; due to pulse audio, but just an observation). Please help!17:51
sandeep_any alternate for adobe photoshop other than gimp?17:55
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KendyfortheStatesandeep_: Wine and paint.exe17:56
hlshahIs there anyone who can assist with my problem about HDA Intel ALC262?17:56
James147sandeep_: krita in koffice17:57
well_laid_lawn!intelhda | hlshah see if this helps17:58
ubottuhlshah see if this helps: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto17:58
linuxOn moving mouse over network widget, icon says "Network Management disabled". I am unable to connect, what should I do?18:02
well_laid_lawnlinux:  what does   ifconfig   return?18:04
pooyour mother18:04
James147linux: check in /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state and see if its being disabled by that :)18:04
sandeep_GRUB is showing error "invalid comand 'terminal' "18:05
yannislinux: are you using a laptop that was hibernated btw?18:07
linuxyannis: I tried the option to "sleep to disk". After I had these problems18:08
yannisI had the same problem18:08
sandeep_GRUB is showing error "invalid comand 'terminal' " please help me18:08
linuxJames147: well_laid_lawn: I am sorry but would it be fine to give instructions as to what all to check and resolve. I'm on the same system with LiveUSB18:09
James147linux: yannis: as far as I can tell its due to the network-manager getting disabled by the sleep function, and under some conditions it dosnt re enable it (can do this by shutting down and sleeping at the same time)18:09
James147linux: "kdesudo kate /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state"18:09
James147linux: and change (assuming this is the problem) "NetworkingEnabled=false" to "NetworkingEnabled=true"18:10
James147linux: (or you should be albe to safly delete that file and reset everything to the defaults)18:10
yannisThat's what I did, rm'd it18:10
James147linux: (to remove it "sudo rm /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state" should work as well)18:11
linuxJames147: I'll try. Any other resolution?18:11
James147linux: not that I know of... remember to restart knetworkmanager (and possibally network-manager) after editing the file18:12
linuxJames147: How to restart knetworkmanager?18:12
yannisservice network-manager stop18:12
James147linux: "kquitapp knetworkmanager && sleep 1 && knetworkmanager"18:13
James147yannis: rather ^^ "sudo restart network-manager"  :)18:13
yannishehe yeah :P18:13
James147(for network-manager, the first one i said for knetworkmanager)18:14
linuxAnything else?18:14
James147linux: it didnt work then?18:14
linuxwell_laid_down: James147: yannis: Thank you for your help. I hope it works :)18:15
James147linux: (not that the restarting knetworkmanager can also be done by simply logging out and abck in :D )18:15
yannisthere's no man page for kquitapp18:17
yannisdoes it just kill the app?18:17
James147yannis: --help?18:17
James147yannis: not all kde commands have man pages18:17
hlshahhi hub, am back....@ubottu : I tried, added that line with sony-assamd and rebooted. Did not work yet.18:18
James147yannis: and I dont think it just kills the app, I know it causes plasma-desktop to save its confiog before quitting18:18
yanniscool been on this channel for some minutes and learned stuff already :)18:18
James147yannis: uses dbus to ask the app to quit18:18
James147(according to --help)18:19
James147!ubottu | hlshah18:20
ubottuhlshah: Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots18:20
hlshahI am still facing problems with "Phonon: HDA Intel ALC262 Analog" and leads to my inbuilt mic not working. any suggestions?18:20
James147hlshah: afraid I dont know much about sound problems :( to many things have changed since I last went digging around with that...18:21
linux_James147:  Thanks a lot it worked :)18:22
James147hlshah: however, #phonon might be able to better help18:22
linux_Hey James14718:22
hlshah@James147: thankyou18:23
=== linux_ is now known as Qwert
kynarionI've got a very strange problem: I suddenly can't start kde; it freezes after the world icon appears on splash.18:24
James147kynarion: can you run "startx" from a tty (after stopping kdm) and see what it says18:25
yannisI actually had the same problem today, booted a different kernel version to make it work18:25
kynarionwell, i just starts if i do that18:25
James147kynarion: hmm, could you try disabling the splash screen then?18:26
kynarionyannis: i can't remember a recent update, do you?18:26
kynarionJames147: perhaps if you tell my how ;)18:26
James147kynarion: system settings > appearence > splash screen... set it to "none"18:27
urgyenkynarion check permissions on ~./ICEauthority18:27
* James147 notices it login much quicker without a splash screen anyway :D 18:27
urgyenI had some update change the permissions on that file and the dang thing stopped working18:28
James147urgyen: doesnt taht normally stop startx from working as well? (or as that a different file?)18:28
urgyendunno, never tried startx option when I had a problem18:28
kynarionurgyen: I did that already, it was owned by root and I did a chown <myusername>18:28
James147kynarion: I take it you looked for other files owned by root as well?18:29
kynarionJames147: nope, I don't know which files could be involved18:29
* James147 notes that these files being owned by root is sometimes caused by running "sudo kate" it is advised to use "kdesudo kate" instead18:30
James147kynarion: ls -la ~/   and see if any are owned by root... although if startx works I didnt think that would be your problem18:30
James147kynarion: eitherway, did disabling the splash screen work at all?18:31
James147(or even better, "ls -la ~ | grep root")18:31
kynarionJames147: i would have to reboot to test without splash...18:32
James147kynarion: sorry, are you having problems logging in or starting kdm?18:32
kynarionJames147: well, I can login on kdm and then the splash freezes18:34
James147kynarion: so try disabling ksplash (the way I said) you shouldnt need to reboot (unless it crashes)18:34
kynarionok, please wait a minute18:35
sah4ezнарод, даров, кто работал с KiCad?18:46
Pici!ru | sah4ez18:47
ubottusah4ez: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:47
kynariondoesn't work without splash screen18:55
kynarionnow the xserver crashes (showing an error message, which I can't see, because kdm immediately appears again)18:58
kynarionJames147: I lost the code I need to show files owned by root...18:59
well_laid_lawn kynarion if you do   ctrl+alt+F1   you should see the error - alt+F7 to get back18:59
=== Drachenblut is now known as Lord_Drachenblut
kynarionno there's just the terminal login prompt19:00
kynarionagain, I CAN startx/kde from terminal (choosing the "repair"-kernel)19:02
kynarionok, no more files are owned by root.19:04
=== amgine is now known as Amgine
NinjaraIn the middle of a logged-in session I suddenly get 'permission/access denied' to my entire home folder.  It literally worked read-write seconds earlier and then stopped short, even though the entire ~/ is owned by the user and the user has rw-access to it.19:32
Ninjarai have to go root to access my user's own home-folder.  does this make any sense at all?19:32
NinjaraI've tried 'sudo chown user:user /home/user -R;chmod /home/user u+rw -R' just for the heck of it, but it really just made matters worse (can't even list the files now).19:33
=== omega_ is now known as Guest75945
QuavitorHi all I have little problem, i must install gcc on my kubuntu netbook but i have not internet connection on my netbook. On installation pendrive i have gcc packages but system requires cdrom as software source, do not want to work with pendrive. Can somebody help me how to install gcc without internet connection?19:44
AmgineNo answer Quavitor, but how are you in IRC?19:45
Quavitori have second computer with working Internet :)19:46
AmgineDoes the machine you're on, and your netbook, have cdrom, Quavitor?19:47
Quavitornotebooh hasn't19:47
Amgine<mmms sadly>19:47
QuavitorI have also Ubuntu with internet connection in my PC. Maybe can I use it?19:49
AmgineQuavitor: This might help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=157300319:51
Amgine(not sure, and have little or no kubuntu knowledge)19:52
QuavitorThank you I'm checking this19:52
=== ahmed is now known as Guest93068
=== Guest93068 is now known as Intifada
IntifadaOh bande de zizi y'a quelqu'un ?20:06
GamoderIntifada: /join #kubuntu-fr peut-être?20:07
=== dad is now known as Guest43546
QuavitorThank you so much Amgine but it didn't help me. I must try to ask question on forum20:20
Amgine<shrugs> Sorry I could not be of help.20:20
QuavitorI experienced that Linux community is very willing to help20:24
QuavitorAnd i'm sorry for my English - it isn't my native language20:27
rysiek|plQuavitor: which is? French or Polish?20:37
QuavitorPolish, how do you know that?20:37
rysiek|plQuavitor: zapraszam na #ubuntu-pl na przykład ;)20:37
robinrwhere are the addressboosks configured?20:59
robinrkmail has one, the addressbook another and these seem unable to communicate20:59
=== petr is now known as ussr_man
ussr_manhi all21:24
ussr_manfirefox said me that I need to install PLAGIN  AUDIO/MPEG   !!!  WHAT I SHOULD TO DO?21:25
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ussr_mancommon girls... wayk up21:26
rysiek|plif you talk like that nobody will want to help, y'know21:26
rysiek|plwhat's your native language?21:26
ussr_manrysiek|pl russian21:27
rysiek|pl!ru | ussr_man21:27
ubottuussr_man: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:27
ussr_manrysiek|pl   NO!21:27
ussr_manrysiek|pl  I like english21:27
coreyis there a media center for ubuntu that can connect to xbox such as windows media center?21:27
rysiek|plhave it your way21:27
rysiek|plcorey: XBMC maybe?21:27
rysiek|plcorey: also, VLC should be able21:27
coreyi have vlc but i dont see how to set that up21:28
ussr_manrysiek|pl  please, tell me.,..   are you from Poland?   man... be my fand, tell me answer...21:28
rysiek|plussr_man: try: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras; and restart firefox21:29
rysiek|plussr_man: and watch with namecalling next time, m'kay pumpkin? ;)21:29
ussr_manrysiek|pl   ok, thanks21:30
coreyhow can i get xbmc?21:30
rysiek|plcorey: try http://videolan.org/; I know how to stream live into the net from vlc, but have no idea about windows media center support ;)21:30
rysiek|plcorey: hummm... apt-cache search xbmc...21:30
rysiek|plwtf? no xbmc?..21:31
coreywell all i want to do is play music on my tv using the xbox connecting to my computer21:31
coreythats why i said media center because i know that works on windows, i dont need the extra features just a music box really21:31
maxi_kann ich bei mir irgendwie die wlan verbindung auf die lan karte durchschleifen, also konkret die playstation mit crossoverkabel an den rechner hängen weil die playstation nen schlechteren wlan adapter hat und in ner scheiss ecke steht?21:31
rysiek|plcorey: ah. well, VLC should serve you well21:31
rysiek|pl!de | maxi_21:31
coreycan you tell me how to stream to my xbox using vlc please?21:31
ubottumaxi_: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.21:31
maxi_fuck this is the english channel sorry21:32
rysiek|plcorey: I haven't got the slightest idea. I know it's possible, though21:32
rysiek|plmaxi_: no prob. but watch the lingo, pls ;)21:32
Riddellmaxi_: don't swear21:32
coreythanks though, now im in the right direction =D21:32
Riddellat least not in English :)21:32
rysiek|plcorey: as I said, check out their website at http://videolan.org and their wiki is extremely helpful21:33
coreyill do that now thank you =D21:33
* rysiek|pl was supposed to be watching the french Connection. bugger.21:33
maxi_any idea how to conect my ps3 using a crossover cable to my desktop pc and allow it to use the internet conection of my pc?21:34
maxi_for windows I can find tutorials, but there's no windows on my hdd^^21:35
ussr_manguys.... I just had wanted to listen to the radio ONLINE, but my firefox affered me to install plagin....  but later sayd thad I must install it myself! ...  (now I waiting) ->  "@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras; and restart firefox"21:35
BluesKajmaxi_, what device are you using for internet access?21:36
ussr_manmay be "@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras" ????!!!!  without "; and restart firefox"  command!21:36
maxi_wlan usb stick... but with a long usb cable to the window...21:37
=== SuperHark is now known as MichealH
maxi_where my computer and my ps3 are, not even my cellphone is working....21:37
coreyseems that only windows encoders can stream to xbox =( but i did find how to stream to other stuff using vlc so thanks might use it with something else21:37
maxi_upstairs I can conect directly to my wlan with the ps3... but I want to conect from the basement :)21:38
coreyi have another question if anyone has time to help me21:39
coreyi was wondering how to mount my other windows partition inside kubuntu, i have 3 operating systems and only 1 shows up in kubuntu21:39
BluesKajmaxi_,, so you use a cellphone type usb adapter stick for internet ?21:39
maxi_no, wlan usb-stick with a long usb cable to the window ;-)21:40
rysiek|plussr_man: don't worry about the "; and restart firefox" - no such command, it'll be ignored ;)21:41
rysiek|plussr_man: wait until the sudo apt-get(...) finishes and restart firefox21:41
maxi_on my computer it's working fine like this, but the playstations wlan adapter is internal :)21:41
BluesKajmaxi_, what's the window got todo with it . i'm asking about your internet connection?21:41
ussr_man40% now21:41
maxi_nothing, just explaining why I can use the interneal wlan from the ps3...21:42
BluesKajnm maxi_ , if Idon't know how you're conncting I can't help ...sorry21:43
maxi_I'm conecting with a wlan usb stick from my computer...21:43
maxi_this conection I want to use on my ps3 conected to my computer with a LAN crossover cable21:44
BluesKajwlan usb stick from my computer to what, maxi_ , a router , a local wifi network hotspot , WIMAX ...?21:47
BluesKajcellphone network ?21:48
* BluesKaj shrugs ... don't have time this today anyway , other things to do ...maybe someone else can help maxi_ , I have to leave.21:50
maxi_no, to my router upstairs^^ but that doesnt matter at all... I need the wireles-lan conection of my computer to be used by my playstation, conected with a crossover cable to my computer....21:51
philipp__Hey kann mir jemand helfen MCE zu installieren22:03
=== philipp__ is now known as DeagelPro
DeagelProHey kann mir jemand helfen MCE zu installieren22:05
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.22:05
vbgunzIs there anyway to get an official ubuntu kernel greater than 2.6.32 that isn't mainline without patches? Other than compiling I am not seeing a ppa of the latest stable kernels e.g., 2.6.35 with ubuntu patches. Am I right?22:08
macovbgunz: run 10.1022:08
zack`ubuntuim on a lenovo laptop with switchable graphics .. in windows, when I'm not gaming, I can use my onboard video to increase battery life and it keeps my computer from getting so hot .. however, in ubuntu, it runs my video card at all times and not my onboard .. is there any way to switch GPUs in ubuntu?22:10
vbgunzmaco: I was tempted but would rather not. I would just like the latest stable kernel in 10.04 without compiling and with ubuntu patches in place. There is no ppa for this?22:10
ussr_mandoes not wark22:10
vbgunzussr_man: you have keyboard torrets I hope22:11
ussr_mantorrets ????  what a fucking torrets ???22:11
Torchvbgunz: you could just download the debs for the 10.10 kernel. not sure what the dependencies are though.22:12
IdleOne!language | ussr_man22:12
ubottuussr_man: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:12
Torchvbgunz: you would lose the auto-updating, obviously, without a proper repo set.22:12
ussr_man!language | IdleOne22:12
ubottuIdleOne: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:12
vbgunzTorch: I can try *but* quick question, why would I lose autoupdating if I only download the debs?22:14
Torchvbgunz: because there is no way to notify your system there's an update if you hand-install debs22:14
macovbgunz: no22:15
macovbgunz: but 10.10 is very close to release. 3 weeks and its in final freeze22:15
vbgunzmaco: yeah, 2.6.33 has TRIM for ssd. I've seen my SSD go from 230MB a sec to 150. I really don't want to hammer this SSD for another 3 weeks as I got this drop in just less than 3 weeks of usage.22:17
macovbgunz: its safe to upgrade now.... like i said its in final freeze. not much will be changing22:17
vbgunzmaco I hear you, damn I wish though kernels with patches had a ppa. If I keep seeing a drop on performance I'll do it22:21
Waleedhello all22:24
=== jesus is now known as Guest51453
WaleedI had a problem when updating my kubuntu and now I cannot login to the desktop, it tells me no vaild session22:25
=== niels_ is now known as nielsbusch
WaleedI had a problem when updating my kubuntu and now I cannot login to the desktop, it tells me no vaild session23:28
James147Waleed: do you have a wired connection?23:31

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