
melkorI'm curious if this 64bit xploit works for any maverick users.  http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Hole-in-Linux-kernel-provides-root-rights-1081317.html00:01
melkorI'm using the backports kernel and it still works for me.00:02
myk_robinsonI found a way to set critical battery action to "Do Nothing" in gconf-editor. But how do I get my battery level to read properly?00:05
BUGabundoFYI I'm unsubing most of ubuntu related MLs00:05
BUGabundoI didn't read most of it already00:05
BUGabundoso if anyone here was expecting a reply, ping me off list00:06
RBeckerstill not working, even after purging those packages kklimonda00:07
myk_robinsonMy laptop in Windows 7 can broadcast its own wifi signal. Can Ubuntu do this as well?00:09
RBeckerok, is there any way to like rollback changes back to a certain day? Like a Windows System Restore?00:13
duffydackRBecker, synaptic, force package version00:14
RBeckerNo GUI00:15
RBeckerduffydack: that's my problem. I updated to the beta and now I have no GUI00:20
RBeckerX/GDM isn't working00:20
duffydackwelcome to beta land00:20
RBeckerso what should I do?00:21
duffydackdid you backup anything?00:21
RBeckermy home folder00:21
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duffydackI am not an nvidia guy as I said, so I cant really give any advice.00:23
duffydackwhen upgrading to a beta, just make sure you have a complete backup... beta = could kill your cat and eat your cake00:24
RBeckercomplete backup - as in backup my whole system drive?00:24
duffydackcomplete = something you can revert to if it doesnt work.00:25
RBeckerSo basically everything00:26
RBeckerMy apps I can reinstall, but I knew the home folder was important, with all the configuration and such00:26
duffydackif its on a seperate partition,  its safe00:27
RBeckerif what is?00:27
duffydackyour home00:27
RBeckerIt's not, but I copied everything in it to my external drive00:27
duffydackso you upgraded your working stable system to a beta with no backup?00:29
RBeckerduffydack: do you think it would work if I took everything in my sources.list and changed them from maverick to lucid, updated then did upgrades00:29
RBeckerduffydack: as I said, I knew the home dir was the most important00:29
duffydacka backup to me is a complete and utter backup00:30
duffydackthe whole hd... when messing with beta00:30
duffydackwell anyway, you should always have a seperate home partition.00:31
duffydackmakes life easier for restoring/reinstalling00:31
RBeckeri gotta run, I'l bbl00:32
duffydackYou need help with nvidia.. maybe someone will be around for it later00:33
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voidmagei'm having an issue with libnotify popups - i run wine apps in a virtual desktop on another workspace, and set the wine desktop to always on top. the libnotify popups are showing up behind all the other windows when this happens. what can i do to set libnotify popups always on top?00:39
voidmageoh it's not called libnotify anymore00:45
voidmagegoing to try rephrasing this: when i have an always on top window on my second workspace, only critical notify-osd popups will appear, even on the first workspace. non-critical ones don't show up at all, even if I minimize all the windows on my first workspace.01:01
melkorRBecker: have you looked at any of your logs yet?01:06
RBeckerWhich one should I be looking at specifically01:06
melkorRBecker: you have nvidia drivers?01:07
melkorYou could start with Xorg.log01:07
RBeckerwhere's that kept?01:08
melkorAlso dmesg01:08
myk_robinsonany idea how to get sensors detected on my core i3 laptop?01:09
melkorRBecker: do you have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf file?  If you do you could save that somewhere else and see if that helps.01:10
myk_robinsonrunning sudo sensors-detect doesnt seem to find anything01:10
melkormyk_robinson: what sensors?01:10
RBeckermelkor: I erased it, then ran nvidia-xconfig01:10
myk_robinsonmelkor: any sensors. Trying to get temperature detection on all four cores, etc01:10
frugihi, im trying to install gnome-shell in my 10.10 install but i cant figure out the repo to add, ive already added ppa:ricotz/testing, but it dosent contain gnome-shell for some reason01:10
myk_robinsoni have lm-sensors installed but cant get it to "see" any data01:10
frugiis it pulled back or something?01:11
melkorRBecker: I would remove it again and see if you can get to GDM without an xorg file, possibly you'd be able to get to the desktop too.01:12
RBeckermelkor: ok01:12
melkordid you find any errors in your xorg log?01:13
RBeckerdidn't look01:13
RBeckerthere were several01:14
melkorThe one without the .0 .1 ect is the most recent.01:14
RBeckermelkor: boot messages, no display01:14
RBeckerand there is no Xorg.log melkor, just .0,.1,.2,.3,.4,.501:15
melkorWell check the most recent.  Probably they'll all have the same error since you've tried a couple times.  Do you have internet with that computer, you might want to update/upgrade.01:16
RBeckerI do have internet01:17
RBeckernothing to upgrade melkor01:17
archerofficial support?01:25
archersome official one here01:25
MathuinI downloaded 10.10 UNE and selected 'install'.  Up came a window with the name Install and the title Warning, telling me that the real thing will be out soon.  Unfortunately, my netbook's screen isn't tall enough to show the buttons at the bottom if there are any so there's no way for me to actually click on the window.  Any suggestions -- other than "buy a new computer", of course.01:30
DaekdroomMathuin, your best bet is filing a bug report on it01:32
melkorarcher you just ask a question and if somebody is supportin' then you'll get an answer, or a suggestion.01:33
TeslaTonyMathuin: You could try hitting tab to get to the buttons01:37
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MathuinTeslaTony: I can, but it's flying blind.  I am filing a bug because the white space there is really gratuitious, and there are *many* netbooks with this screen resolution so they should really think before making windows like this.01:38
MathuinOS installs are scary enough, I shouldn't have to use the Force. :-)01:39
MathuinAnd yeah, it's not just that window, it's like a bunch of other ones.  It's clear nobody tested on small screens.  Grr.  Sigh.01:49
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xscrollhas anyone installed ubuntu 10.10 beta on a ~2-year-old macbook pro? does the 3D acceleration work?03:11
xscrollwell, I guess I'll find out the hard way then03:24
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pecosusing the unr 10.10 how i get add a terminal icon to desktop apps?03:47
pecosis the unr 10.10 unity interface stable and completed...?03:49
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Spirits-Sightwhat can I do to get a program to interact with its internet server like it use to do? I am using a win program under wine, any ideas?04:46
Spirits-Sightis there something broke with the latest WINE and Ubuntu 10.10 as it does not work correct when using gnome shell and it does not seem to interact with internet program that need a socket to the internet04:54
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frybyeHi all - trying to update using    update-manager -d from lucid leaves me with a fault window saying that hundreds of packages cannot be verified for authenticity and to try later - what is that all about?05:49
frybyeare you folks up and about??? Here is my problem again, when doing a   update-manager -d  from lucid I end up with this a fault message listing hundreds of packages that cant be authenticated.. the thing then shuts down.. whats up?05:58
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DanaGargh, I'm trying to apt-pin stuff, and it seems to be ignoring it.  Either that, or I'm misunderstanding the way pinning works.06:47
DanaGhttp://pastebin.com/ErTZZE7Y -- preferences file06:48
DanaGhttp://pastebin.com/aMdur22Q -- apt-cache policy06:48
DanaGI'd expect to see 19000 only on Lucid.06:48
frybyeHi all - tried using   update-manager -d  from lucid to go to maverick - but all I get is a window saying that hundreds of packages cannot be authenticated - try again later - what is this all about?06:50
SwedeMiketrying doing "apt-get update" first and see if it says the same.06:51
frybyeok -but I used snaptic to update before the above..?06:52
frybyewill give your suggestion a try though... and report back within ubuntu.. see you...06:53
frybyere: when trying to do   apt-get update  in a terminal I get the following fault report:06:58
frybyeE: Lockdatei /var/lib/apt/lists/lock konnte nicht geöffnet werden - open (13: Permission denied)06:58
frybyeE: Das Listenverzeichnis kann nicht gesperrt werden06:58
frybyewhat can be done??06:58
frybyehmmm.. again - what can I do about this? Lockdatei /var/lib/apt/lists/lock konnte nicht geöffnet werden - open (13: Permission denied)07:00
ubottuA schedule of Maverick Meerkat (10.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickReleaseSchedule07:26
DanaGheh, I succeeded in hammering my 64-bit install into to a 32-bit install. =þ07:37
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ctwHi ... in Kubuntu I am making frequent use of web shortcuts. E.g., I can press ALT+F2 to open a command window and just type "gg:web search" to do a google search on "web search" ... this functionality does not seem to be set-up by default in Maverik anymore. What is the best way to restore it? Do I have to make Konqueror my default browser for this to work?08:30
archerctw: it is worse to me that konqueror and reqonk will crash with ibus ime08:32
ctwarcher: almost tried to run "gg:ibus ime", but realised this handy short-cut is no longer there ... I use it all the time and miss it dearly!08:34
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archeri have a question here08:51
vish!ask | archer08:51
ubottuarcher: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:51
archerwhy not maverick 64 turn off background LED light while in power saving08:51
archerand why  will not it respond to close lid action?08:52
archeri am on a amd unit, ferrari one 20008:52
archerbefore some upgrading, it responded to related actions08:53
archerbtw. i learned from some bbs that ubuntu maverick changed some 32 compatible commonds such as ... 1 min08:54
volodyactw: that's truly annoying, indeed. File a bug?08:55
archersome changes in http://www.phoronix.com/forums/showthread.php?t=25485&page=208:55
archercould cause ATI driver to refuse to work08:55
archerhow could i?08:56
archeri cannot find the reason and log. how could i raise a bug report??08:56
archerok. i found some update. wish it is fixed already08:57
volodyactw: in fact, this can be fixed in rekonq settings08:57
volodya'gg' is disabled by default -- which I'd say is crazy, but anyway, you can enable it back08:58
ctwvolodya: thanks!08:58
ctwvolodya: very strange ... when I enable it in rekonq, gg:test opens the google search in Firefox ...09:06
volodyactw: chromium for me.09:06
ctwvolodya: however certainly better than not having it at all09:06
volodyactw: use 'system-setting->file associations' to fix09:06
ctwvolodya: cool, thanks so much!09:06
volodyatext/html should have rekonq as first preference09:06
volodyaI am not *entirely* sure I want to have rekonq as my primary browser, but might as well give it a try09:07
archervolodya:  why09:07
volodyawell, the fact that it gives error when adding a comment to a bug in launchpad pretty much summarizes it09:08
archerheh, i think experts as you do not use launchpad09:08
volodyaI am not an expert, at least not in anything involving linux plumbing ;-)09:09
archerdont know why. but firefox is the most stable and sticky choice for me09:09
archerin both win32 and linux09:10
volodyabut if rekonq is not happy about friendly website, it's rather likely it will not be happy about my bank' and other similar beasts.09:10
volodyaI've mostly switched to chrome; except for ehm, my bank which wants firefox only.09:10
volodyaI'd be happy to switch back to a KDE browser, for the joys of kwallet and bookmarks.09:11
archerchrome ? i have no experience with it09:13
* archer needs to reboot and try his luck with ati drivers09:19
aquariusis it OK to upgrade right now?09:28
scizzo-aquarius: you mean to beta version?09:34
aquariusscizzo-, I'm already running maverick; I last upgraded last week sometime (I can't remember exactly when). Just checking if any major problems have been added since then and I should wait another day09:35
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scizzo-aquarius: the only thing I have noticed that is a problem for me is the QT libs09:46
scizzo-aquarius: since there are errors in it causing spotify to crash09:46
aquariusscizzo-, thanks!09:47
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ChaosRhello, for some reason maverick only feels like printing bold gray text now. I have a hp3650. anybody knows why and how to solve?11:04
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archerany suggestions for installing latest ATI driver?12:57
shadeslayerarcher: IIRC Ati broke compatibility with xorg 1.912:59
shadeslayeri might be wrong...12:59
shadeslayerbut thats what i saw in a blog post..12:59
archerhum. you are right . but i hope it were not13:00
archeri have some trouble here.login screen displays correctly, but when i enter the account info, a bash cli window pops out and it goes back to login interfaces#13:01
archeronly availabe message was invaild framebuffer size. and i have to startx from a complete cli console via ALT_N13:02
archerfree drivers already cause some problem here13:02
archeris there anyone here with an ATI card?13:03
Dr_WillisNot any more. :)13:05
archerwhat is not any more willis?13:05
archersupport from ATI or something?13:06
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Dr_WillisI dumped all my ati systems finally13:09
Dr_WillisNever buying ati again13:09
archerit is NOT a solution anyhow13:11
archerbtw how to dump ati settings?13:11
archerframebuffer size is not visible13:11
Dr_WillisConsole framebuffer?  or are they refering to some otehr framebuffer...13:12
archeri think it was ATI frame buffer, hardware setting13:13
Dr_Willis'framebuffer' can mean so many things13:13
archerdoes it seem hopeless for me13:14
Dr_WillisI know diddly-squat about the current state of ATI support.  - So i cant tell.13:15
archer   46.287303] [drm:drm_mode_getfb] *ERROR* invalid framebuffer id13:15
duffydacki might try the driver from amd site, released 5 days ago13:26
archerDr_Willis ? any suggestions?13:26
cwillu_at_workooo, very nice13:27
cwillu_at_workinstaller installs while you answer questions13:27
cwillu_at_workit's been "copying files" this whole time while I was doing other things, with the timezone question screen up at the same time13:28
cwillu_at_workjust finished typing in my user name13:28
cwillu_at_workas soon as you answer the partitioning questions, looks like13:29
* cwillu_at_work likes13:29
archerwell. it is something like a bug13:31
archerit should ask all questions at the beginning, and leave us13:32
bullgard4My Maverick Betacomputer shows the main »Documentation« directory under /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.35/linux-source-2.6.35/ . Ist this the default hierarchy? Looks somewhat strange.13:35
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Tweakyhi. having problem with update manager. here is the error if anyone could help http://paste.ubuntu.com/497009/14:28
archerpersonally recommand aptitude update and upgrade14:30
Tweakysudo apt-get install && upgrade?14:31
archerTweaky:  have you tride sudo aptitude update  & upgrade?14:33
archerfor me , aptitude helped to detect some dependency errors14:34
Tweakyarcher: trying14:34
archergood luck14:34
archersome day, apt-get dist-upgrade caused some unkown problem and my desktop will not return14:36
PiciThat package is coming from the xorg-edgers ppa, it may be a known issue there.14:36
archerwell,  aptitude commond detected some conflicts and suggest remove one package14:36
Tweakyits sort of frozen and not doin much on this line14:37
TweakyHit http://archive.ubuntu.com maverick-backports/universe amd64 Packages14:37
TweakyFetched 10.5kB in 2s (4,453B/s)14:37
archerand stopped?14:39
Tweakyyeah its just sitting there like that in terminal14:39
archerno idea if "aptitude" itself in cli does not have any suggestions14:43
Tweakyhm k maybe the error be fixed in future days thank you14:44
archeri mean run aptitude without parametres14:44
soeedoes the plymouth under 64bit ver is broken ?14:45
Tweakyarcher : thanks, attempting14:48
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archeri wish it prompts to exam packages. this usually help to solve problems14:51
veenenenAnyone knows what's going on with suppot for the apple magic trackpad support? The config file included in xorg.conf.d doesn't match up with the entry in the wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Multitouch/AppleMagicTrackpad. The end result being, most of the functionality is being lost by default right now.14:56
archerDr_Willis:  any suggestion for [drm:drm_mode_getfb] *ERROR* invalid framebuffer id15:01
Tweakyarcher: no luck15:07
archersorry to hear that . it is about a ppa package?15:08
Tweakyhm i have no idea :p15:08
Tweakytried in synaptic too it error there  as well15:10
archeri think synaptic load apt-get in background15:11
Tetsuo55is there some way to increase the update check?15:21
Tetsuo55is there some way to increase the interval of checking for updates?15:22
Tetsuo55as a beta-tester once per day is far too slow, many of my crash reports are getting closed for having outdated packadge15:22
PiciTetsuo55: You know you can update manually, right?15:23
Tetsuo55Pici:  i do, but its annoying to have to do that all day15:24
archerTetsuo55: but they don't release upgrade that frequently15:24
Tetsuo55from my results of checking every hour it looks like every 3-6 hours updates become available15:24
Tetsuo55but its slowing down since 2 days15:24
Tetsuo55before it was every 2-3 hours15:24
PiciTetsuo55: I suppose you could mode /etc/cron.daily/apt into /etc/cron.hourly/15:25
Tetsuo55Pici:  hey thats a good idea, thanks!15:25
archermove file ?15:27
archerbut will it automatically install /upgrade?15:28
Piciarcher: It'll do whatever he has it setup to do, /etc/cron.daily/apt just calls it daily.15:30
Tetsuo55im failing at this, i have to do it from commandline or can i do it from th egui15:32
archerit takes some time to Understand the config15:32
Tetsuo55i dont seem to have rights to move it through the gui15:33
Picisudo mv /etc/cron.daily/apt /etc/cron.hourly/15:33
Tetsuo55thank you15:33
Tetsuo55it workd15:34
Tetsuo55worked*, thanks!15:34
archerso cron = scheduled task ?15:37
Tetsuo55archer:  yes15:37
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm15:37
Tetsuo55but its better than windows's version15:38
archerhere is a wiki bot15:38
archerTetsuo55:  how is it better?15:38
Tetsuo55archer: because the scripting behind it better/easier to use15:39
archerhum. good point15:40
* duffydack wants fglrx to work in 10.1015:48
bdrung_duffydack: the ati driver doesn't serve your needs?15:55
duffydacknot well enough..15:56
bjsniderhoping that fglrx works for a change is not a good plan15:56
pp__i'm trying to install a driver for my 5650 HD card on a 64bit 10.10 maverick system.. everything i'v tried so far has given nothing but errors - wat do?16:14
Ian_cornethere isn't a working driver yet16:17
Ian_corneunless the one baked into the kernel16:17
Picipp__: Thats uncalled for.16:19
pp__dude i just uninstalled a whole life of windows yesterday, without making backup CD's. i thought ubuntu was gonna rule and now i get this! can't even game now :(16:20
archerit doesn't work for me16:20
archeryou tried official package?16:20
archerafter --buildpkg16:20
archeryou need to change some code16:20
pp__i even tried some of the older ones16:20
archerso no luck16:21
archersame to me16:21
Ian_cornepp__: why are you running the development release?16:21
pp__because i couldn't make it work on lucid either16:21
pp__so i just tried upgrading to see16:21
bjsniderthe unstable version would be better than the stable version?16:22
archerand lucid support less hardware than marverick after new setup16:22
archersure. to some degree16:22
bjsniderlinux isn't a gaming platform16:22
archerat least for hardware16:22
pp__lol all you want but im at a total loss16:22
bjsniderif you're a gamer you've got one choice16:22
pp__i know it's not a gaming platform but all i want is to play HoN. and they release a linux version16:22
archerbjsnider:  it is not the point16:22
archerthe point is we need linux16:23
archerno matter what kind of hd platform16:23
bjsniderwell, if you want to game, you probably need a modern nvidia card16:23
IdleOneThe real question is why didn't you backup16:24
archerbackup what?16:24
archernew laptop or new windows?16:24
pp__i've been crapped on day in and day out by windows16:24
bjsniderbackup? what's that? never heard of it16:24
pp__i decided enough was enough16:24
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pp__so does that mean there is no future for my 5x00 card on ubuntu ?16:26
archerpp__:  no ati Hd till now16:26
pp__till now or so far?16:26
bjsniderati has always had disastrous linux support16:26
pp__what a bummer16:27
pp__is there some sort of open source program that at least makes fullscreen video watchable?16:27
archerwhat is difference between till now and sofar?16:27
archerdefault one could, pp16:27
bjsniderall you need is a working graphics driver for fullscreen video16:28
bjsniderthe pc desktop is pretty much comparable in features and so forth with windows if you're using intel/nvidia graphics16:28
pp__well i'm guessing i have a the default driver installed right now16:30
pp__but i can't view youtube videos in full screen16:30
archeroh i think it is a bug16:31
pp__and my own videos lag in full screen mode when running in vlc fx.16:31
archeri tried youtube but i have to click the tab in taskbar orso to view full screen video16:31
pp__the tab in taskbar?16:32
bjsniderfullscreen flash doesn't work on linux16:33
bullgard4My Maverick Betacomputer shows the main »Documentation« directory under /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.35/linux-source-2.6.35/ . Ist this the default hierarchy? Looks somewhat strange.16:34
archeryou click fullscreen in webpage and later16:34
archeryou need to click the taskbar on the brower's tab16:35
cromagi'm trying to install 10.10 in dualboot with windows 7, but when booting the CD i get "no init found try passing....." i've seen some solutions when ubuntu IS installed, but not WHEN installing. - Ideas are welcome :) - Both HD and CDROM is sata16:35
pp__archer if you mean fullscreen the browser, then that hides the taskbar and i don't understand. if you mean fullscreen the youtube vid and click the taskar, it still doesn't work. the video just goes grey (and stays un-maximized)16:37
archeri mean full screen video16:37
klaxianfglrx will not build a DKMS module on kernel 2.6.35-22.  Where can I find the 2.6.35-21 packages to revert back?16:37
archernot full screen webbrowser16:38
pp__yes but that's exactly where my problem lies, i can't view youtube vids in fullscreen mode for some reason16:38
archerbut it seems i have to click the browsers' tab when the embedded flash turn grey16:39
archerafte click full screen16:39
archerand then full screen flash video is there16:39
pp__doesn't do the trick for me :(16:39
archeror maybe firefox?16:39
archeri did it yesterday16:40
pp__im using firefox16:40
pp__btw i got some error regard nphviewer, is it related?16:40
archerhum ???? have i made myself expressed well?16:40
pp__i don't know16:41
archeri got it too. but it seemed no harm16:41
archerlet me try16:41
klaxianplease, where can i get older kernel packages like 2.6.35-21?  -22 does not work with fglrx and now i can't boot16:41
archer1. click full screen logo in the webpage and the embedded-in flash will be grey16:41
archerklaxian:  try to rename 'etc/x11/xorg.conf16:41
archer2. at that time, click firefox tab in taskmgr and you will get full screen video16:42
klaxianarcher: yes, i know.  but i need fglrx for my setup.  please, i just need to get back to 2.6.35-21.  i do not want to troubleshoot fglrx not working16:42
klaxiani already know why16:42
Piciklaxian: Choose that kernel when you boot16:43
archerklaxian:  i have16:43
archeryes it is built with specific kernal when you install16:43
klaxianPici: like an idiot, i already removed it to save space because i thought 2.6.35-22 was working, but it's not16:43
pp__in task manager? where do i find task manager in linux16:43
klaxianso i just need to download 2.6.35-21 again, but of course it's no longer in the repositories.  is there a location that i can download it manually?16:44
archerthe running jobs container16:44
Piciklaxian: From launchpad.16:44
klaxianPici: any specific url?16:44
pp__i'm sorry, archer, i don't follow16:44
Piciklaxian: one moment.16:45
dajhornklaxian: http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-image-2.6.35-21-generic_2.6.35-21.31_i386.deb16:46
archerso it is just grey and that trick doesnt work for you, pp_16:47
Piciklaxian: what arch?16:47
klaxianPici: x6416:47
dajhornklaxian:  That mirror still has the -21 kernels posted.16:47
klaxiani think i can get it from there16:48
klaxianthanks guys!16:48
Piciklaxian: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/2.6.35-21.31/+build/195840216:48
dajhornklaxian: http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-image-2.6.35-21-generic_2.6.35-21.31_amd64.deb16:48
klaxianperfect, thanks dajhorn16:48
dajhornklaxian: Welcome, but Pici gave you a better answer.16:49
cromagrepost: i'm trying to install 10.10 in dualboot with windows 7, but when booting the CD i get "no init found try passing....." i've seen some solutions when ubuntu IS installed, but not WHEN installing. - Ideas are welcome :) - Both HD and CDROM is sata16:49
archerdoes virtualbox work as a background service as xen do in ubuntu?16:50
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer
dajhorncromag: Are you getting the 'no init found' error from the Live CD?  -- If so, then you have a bad burn.16:52
dajhorncromag: (Or you are passing a bad init= line at the boot prompt.)16:52
He4dShOti'm trying to install maverick but the live freeze on boot16:53
archerdajhorn: where is the live cd?16:53
cromagdajhorn: hmm ok, is it possible to check for bad burn, like the earlier versions ?16:53
archercromag:  check media in cdrom startup menu16:53
cromagi dont see a startup menu16:54
cromagit goes to the ubuntu with dots logo16:54
archerso there is not menu/ IT must be bad16:54
cromagnow, in 10.04 i get anther16:54
archersorry cromag. are you with a desktop verson?16:54
archeror alternative version?16:55
cromagarcher: yes.16:55
archeri remember need to press some key in desktop version. but i am using alter version16:55
archerwhat software you used for burning ?16:56
cromagimgburn for windows16:56
archerwin7 ... not working16:56
He4dShOtpress esc for startup menu16:56
archerso does imgburn in win716:56
cromagerhm ? not sure what you are telling me now16:56
archeri tried several times , win7 build-in and imgburn does not work16:56
cromagi just some weeks ago burned 10.04 with no problems16:57
archerHe4dShOt said, while booting with desktop cdrom, you need press esc to load startup menu16:57
cromagwith imgburn16:57
archercromag:  yes 10;04 it is ok16:57
cromagye, i'll try that16:57
cromagwt... that's weird stuff..16:57
archerbut 10.10 not for me16:57
cromagesc gives me the menu16:58
cromagbut does it matter at all then ? :D16:58
cromagi should try some other burning app then16:58
cromagerhm, i must have another issue now..17:00
cromagi'm thrown to the busybox shell with a mounting issue now17:00
cromagi'll find another app and get back to you.17:02
archercromag: yes it caused some issue for me,with imgburn and win7 build in17:02
cromagi just tried with 10.0417:02
cromagi get thrown to busybox to17:02
cromagwith an i/o error that it cant mount17:03
archerit promoted @invaild file ,, put orginal cd-rom blablah@17:03
cromagneed to get that checked..17:03
cromagi need to get some shopping done though17:03
archercromag: i tried ultraiso with its burn functions since it is small17:04
cromag could make some USB thingie of the other ubuntu i have maybe ?17:04
archerwhy not try yourself17:05
cromagwith cd ?17:05
Tetsuo55is it possible to configure the multi display settings to be more like windows?17:32
Tetsuo55i want to have the laptop monitor when no screen is attached, and if the screen is attached the laptop should be disabled17:32
Tetsuo55automatically, like windows17:32
volodyaTetsuo55: what video card?17:33
Tetsuo55intel intergrated thing17:37
Tetsuo55centrino2 generation17:37
Tetsuo55it has dxvaq17:37
Tetsuo55dont know the exact name17:37
volodyaoh, then it should support xrandr 1.2, and you can write a script that call 'xrandr -q' from time to time, and switches to external display when it becomes available.17:38
volodyaI don't think there's fully official solution17:38
Tetsuo55the windows intel driver has all this stuff built in17:40
Tetsuo55and my laptop (dell e6400) has hardware buttons to control it17:40
volodyawell, that's linux, what do you want.17:41
volodyafwiw, on e6410, all Fn-* combinations not only don't have the desired effect, but even produce wrong characters.17:41
manlymatt83Howdy all.  Anyone here running 10.10 in favor of 10.04?18:04
ChogyDani am18:04
Dulakgot it running on one machine, my others are still running 10.0418:05
Ian_cornemostly everyone is18:05
IdleOnemostly everyone in this channel18:06
manlymatt83From what I understand from the documentation, if I install 10.10 beta, I can easily upgrade to 10.10 release in October, right?18:06
hackeronhey, every time I run easy_install, I see this: http://pastebin.com/wzEUsxgR - any ideas how to resolve?18:06
IdleOnemanlymatt83: if you keep up to date, yes you will have the final release18:07
manlymatt83Also, right now I'm running 9.04 on my Thinkpad T42 with 2 GB RAM.  It runs fine, but I want newer software so I want to upgrade to 10.04... but that isn't working (the splash screen hangs, it's related to this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/572279).  But some have mentioned that 10.10 fixes that issue.  Are there any huge differences between 9.04 and 10.10 that would affect my general use of the machine, or perhaps cause T418:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 572279 in linux (Ubuntu) "getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0) (dup-of: 532984)" [Undecided,Triaged]18:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 532984 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 10.04 Alpha 3 won't boot on HP Compaq Pentium 4; displays an irrelevant Glib warning on the console" [Undecided,Invalid]18:07
DaekdroomIt annoys me how they keep removing the scroll bar from gnome terminal..18:07
IdleOnemanlymatt83: if 9.04 is working fine for you. I would stick with it until 10.10 is released then do a clean install18:09
IdleOne20 more days or so18:10
Dulakmanlymatt83: nobody can definitively say one way or the other, the only way to know for sure is to try it.  Boot the livecd, if everything looks ok try the install out.18:10
IdleOnemanlymatt83: you have a separate /home?18:10
manlymatt83IdleOne: Yes, I do.18:10
Dulakmanlymatt83: if you put /home onto it's own partition you can go back and forth pretty easily if there is an issue18:11
IdleOneok. well then try the live cd and test, if that works try installing18:11
manlymatt83IdleOne: Are there any negative reasons for not waiting the 20 days other than that things might be unstable for 20 days?  When I upgrade, I'll have exactly what everyone else has on release day right?18:11
IdleOnemanlymatt83: in the next month 10.10 is liable to break 100 times and not boot at all18:12
IdleOneit could work perfectly18:12
manlymatt83okay, thanks!18:12
hackeronI tried to file a bug for maverick, but couldn't see anyway to do it, so filed here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-setuptools/+bug/64372118:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 643721 in python-setuptools (Ubuntu) "pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: distribute==0.6.10" [Undecided,New]18:12
Dulakabout the only thing that would be negative is the update downloads, they get kinda crazy in the last 2 weeks running up to a release, then the servers crawl to a halt for a few days as the 'stable only' guys upgrade or reinstall18:12
Dulakwell besides the breakage thing anyways18:13
IdleOneDulak: that is why it so important that we all !torrent at release time :)18:14
DulakIdleOne: yup, I keep it running for at least the first week after a release.18:14
IdleOnesame here18:14
DulakI think i got to like a 50 ratio on 10.04 in that week18:15
IdleOneI do it because I figure it is the least i can do help out Ubuntu18:16
IdleOne/Canonical for helping provide such an awesome distro18:16
topylia-ha! you can "clear application data" and restore sanity, it's just not very discoverable18:22
* IdleOne clears topyli data and restore sanity18:24
topylithanks IdleOne18:24
IdleOneI feel a little better now but a sense of loss is present :(18:24
* IdleOne imports topyli data 18:24
IdleOnemuch better18:24
topylialso, why am i telling all this in this channel? my windows are as confused as i am18:25
IdleOnesanity is over rated anyway18:25
topyliit is18:25
IdleOneI don't know why you told it all in here but could of been worse18:25
topylioh absolutely18:26
manlymatt83so I burned the 10.10 iso to a jump drive, and then restarted, and I got an error: "invalid keyword in configuration file", and then it just hangs :)18:26
sidnei_apw, any news on #524281? im still seeying the dreaded load balancing ticks on a fully up-to-date maverick18:26
=== sidnei_ is now known as sidnei
duffydackso Rubbish Bin is back to Wastebacket.. hmmm18:39
nlawsonhello i was directed here by Ubuntu-us-oh18:50
nlawsoni am trying to download ubuntu 10.10 beta18:50
nlawsonand the only link to it that i can find is broken18:50
Picinlawson: On which page?18:51
nlawsonPICI ... yes ... im working on an open source project18:51
nlawsonthat link is brooooken18:51
nlawsonand i cant find anything else that would make sense to download at this point18:52
Picinlawson: Its working here.18:52
nlawsonit didnt work in Internet Explorer18:52
nlawsoni just tried it in firefox and its downloading now18:53
nlawsonis that strange?18:53
PiciNothing in IE strikes me as strange anymore.18:53
nlawsonit might interest you to know that i am newly hired at a public media company18:53
nlawsonto transition their entire operation over to open source solutions18:54
nlawsonit could be a really interesting situation18:54
nlawsonim actively looking for information and relationships that could prove mutually beneficial18:55
ochosianyone on xubuntu maverick in here?19:09
ChogyDananyone use multiple workspaces?  does the switcher show the proper number of columns?19:17
ochosii assume you mean in ubuntu (i'm on xubuntu)19:18
ChogyDanochosi: aye, gnome19:18
PiciChogyDan: I didn't have an issue last time I looked.19:18
ochosiChogyDan: k, sry then. but may i ask you something? could you check one of the gnome-games, e.g. mahjongg, if there's a pause and a highscore icon present?19:19
ochosithis bug prevails in xubuntu and i want to know whether ubuntu has the same issue19:19
ChogyDanochosi: there is a pause button, though the graphic looks broken.  I can see the scores under the Game menu, but there doesn't seem to be a main button19:20
ochosiChogyDan: okeydokey, thx for the heads-up. in this case i'll fix the bug in the xubuntu-icon theme19:21
ChogyDanfwiw, my workspace switcher only uses a single row, thus squeezing in lot's of columns19:23
bullgard4My Maverick Betacomputer shows the main »Documentation« directory under /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.35/linux-source-2.6.35/ . Ist this the default hierarchy? Looks somewhat strange.19:32
xzenomehi, I have a really odd issue with ubuntu19:33
xzenomemaverick that is19:33
xzenomethe display does not update and the sound gets stuck in a loop if I do not constantly either move the mouse or tap/hold a key19:34
xzenomecan anyone help me at least work out enough of what's going on so that I can report a bug19:34
xzenomethis is a critical bug for me, makes the system barely usable.19:35
xzenomeoh, and it's obviously a regression on lucid, no problems there.19:35
ChogyDanxzenome: have you tried a different kernel?19:36
xzenomeyes and no. Yes, in that since upgrading to Maverick I have received a kernel update or two through the repos. That said, this seems to have got worse over the past week to 2 weeks (problem existed in the boot up process from the start, but only now have I noticed it on the desktop).19:38
xzenomeDo you recommend that I try a different kernel, if so, how?19:38
ChogyDanxzenome: hold shift at startup to get the grub menu19:38
xzenomeok. I'll try that now.19:39
xzenome@ChogyDan, that has solved the problems both in desktop mode and during boot up, where do I go from here?19:45
xzenomenow at 2.6.32-24-generic19:45
ChogyDanxzenome: what was the broken kernel?19:46
xzenomeIt seems like it was the was 2.6.35-x19:46
xzenomeI only have 2.6.32-x and 2.6.35-x installed19:46
ChogyDanxzenome: you can file a bug against linux with: `ubuntu-bug -p linux`             I think that is correct19:47
xzenome@ChogyDan: I got most of the way through the process with ubuntu-bug and then it said this is not a valid ubuntu package19:50
xzenomeyeah, haven't seen that one before...19:51
xzenomeIs it possible to report manually without ubuntu-bug? or have they disabled that in lp19:51
ChogyDanxzenome: so you answered a couple of multiple choice questions first?19:52
ChogyDanxzenome: try again with just: `ubuntu-bug linux`19:52
ChogyDanxzenome: and you may want to do this while running the kernel, I'm not sure19:53
xzenomesame issue19:54
xzenomeI reckon it's because I'm not running the actual kernel...19:54
xzenometime for another reboot I suppose!19:54
ChogyDanxzenome: can you post your question in ubuntu-bugs?  I don't really know19:54
xzenomethanks for your help19:54
PiciWhat does apt-cache policy linux say? Is this package actually coming from Ubuntu or are you using the mainline ppa19:55
Picioh well.19:55
MarkusTDoes the Ubuntu One music store work for you? I'm trying to access it with maverick, but I can't get past the "connecting" screen. Since I can't find a bug report, I guess it's only a problem for me? How do I debug the music store integration?20:25
ovy will ubuntu 10.10 32bit dvd support GeForce FX5500 right from the box?20:32
Some_PersonI get this when I try to install something with apt-get: N: Option 'APT::Acquire::Translation' is deprecated. Please use 'Acquire::Languages' instead, see 'man 5 apt.conf' for details.20:53
pietro10What's the best way to get packages like the older Visual C++ runtimes on the wine that comes from Synaptic? winetricks? Some third party repo?20:58
thechitow(nautilus:27670): Unique-DBus-WARNING **: Error while sending message: No such interface `org.gtk.UniqueApp' on object at path /Factory21:08
thechitowCan anyone help me get my nautilus fixed?21:08
thechitowI get a DBus-Warning21:08
DinkDid you just run an update ?21:10
Dinkthechitow, If so reboot and try again21:10
thechitowDink, thanks ill get back to you in a second21:11
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots21:11
Dink!bug 63770421:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 637704 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "nautilus not starting" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63770421:11
coreycan anyone help me with meerkat 10.10?21:20
coreycan anyone see me? im new to irc21:21
Ian_corneWe can see you21:21
coreyoh ok thanks21:21
DinkNo I can't see you but I can read what you typed.21:21
Ian_cornePlease state your specific question21:21
coreycan't contact kded then kwin crashes21:21
Ian_corneDink: don't have the video plugin of irssi yet? :p21:22
coreyactually kwin crashes at start up and a few times during working on the system21:22
coreybut cant contact kded at all21:22
DinkIan_corne, lol knew I forgot something. ;)21:22
coreyanyone have any idea what i can do21:23
Dinkcorey, sorry can't help. Don't use kde. Might want to poke around in launchpad for bugs regarding kded/kwin.21:24
coreyyeah i tried that and i tried the forums i cant get help anywhere21:24
pietro10What's the best way to get packages like the older Visual C++ runtimes on the wine that comes from Synaptic? winetricks? Some third party repo?21:31
philsfdid the nautilus default view change recently to display files sorted by last change, instead of alphabetically?21:33
duffydackpietro10, winetricks is cool.21:41
duffydackpietro10,  with that I can install ms fonts without installing them system side which makes chrome look ugly (it only honours font settings when those ms fonts arent installed)21:42
pietro10ok then21:43
pietro10winetricks it is21:43
duffydackalso great for installing steam.21:43
pb_fanboyis anyone here is able to run maverick in full screen mode inside virtual box?21:46
pietro10fixme:ole:DllRegisterServer stub wine: Unhandled page fault on write access to 0xc4e3f086 at address 0x7bc4716a (thread 0009), starting debugger...21:46
pietro10oh well21:46
* iConfused is trying to get the compiz headtracking plugin working21:46
duffydackI once fought with that.. I gave in.21:46
xcyclistAnybody know of a known problem on 10.10 with FF where some socket oriented things perhaps stop working after the first time?21:46
pietro10duffydack: I was primarily interested in seeing if a particular piece of software in wine would not bypass my screen magnifier like it did on windows21:47
pietro10I've noticed that compiz forces opengl apps to behave nicely with its screen magnifier, but ZoomText doesn't :(21:47
pietro10(I write portable software so running win, mac, linux is essential to me =P )21:48
coreycan anyone help me with mounting a partition inside kubuntu21:48
iConfusedI want this plugin to work >.<21:49
iConfusedAnd is it true that I can make a deb if I use checkinstall?21:49
iConfusedAlright. Let's see what I can do. (I've gotta compile OpenCV, too. Might as well make debs if I can. Plus, it fits in better with the package manager that way)21:52
Andre_Gondimmy gwibber don't delivery the post to identi.ca..21:57
* pb_fanboy is trying this http://www.unixmen.com/linux-tutorials/1157-install-guest-addition-in-ubuntu-1010-maverick-meerkat-fix22:01
duffydackwill that work with non-ose, or will that work by default when the time comes...22:03
pecoshow can i add a terminal icon on unr 10.10 using unity ? please give short path22:07
duffydackrun it and right click it, keep i launcher22:07
duffydackkeep in*22:07
pecosthank duffydack i will try in a while22:09
pecosduffydack i can't find the way to run terminal no icon no alt+f2 how can i find it22:12
duffydackapplications in panel22:12
duffydackone of the monochrome icons in the panel, like files and folders22:13
pecosand is this my issue i dont have it... now i will try to install some meta package to install it this unr 10.10 coming from very early alpha release updated every day to send bug issue22:14
ovywill ubuntu 10.10 32bit dvd support GeForce FX5500 right from the box?22:15
pecoson top bar i have only the Ubuntu logo and notify on right22:15
duffydackpecos, its in there.. I used it today22:15
duffydackpecos, does ctrl alt T work?22:16
pecosit works22:16
duffydackeither way, its accessible from the panel on the left, with the applications icon..22:16
pecosok i found right click on icon and i can keep to launchers22:18
duffydacksame with removing any22:18
duffydackright click22:19
pecosduffy i suppose i have something to install like in ubuntu what is the meta package to installl --reinstall in ubuntu is ubuntu-desktop here what is the name?22:19
pecosdpkg -l | grep -i unity geve me simple unity is enougth to achieve/reload  the standard interface ?22:22
duffydackunity, afaik22:23
duffydackits a metapackage22:23
pecosi'm trying sudo apt-get --reinstall install unity, there is some place to view a standard unity screenshot or i must run a virtual pc to see it...?22:23
duffydackinstall before --reinstall.22:24
duffydackwhy do you need to see a standard unity install?22:24
iConfusedHehehe, I'm close to getting this working, methinks22:25
duffydackIm actually installing it in a vm, as we speak.22:26
pecosbecause my unr 10.10 is upgraded starting a month after the 10.04 and in ubuntu i discover sometimes running the meta package it install some additional/added packages thet don't come with standard updates/upgrades22:26
duffydackany upgrade should include the metapackage, which should upgrade22:28
duffydackinstall and remove apps.22:28
duffydackmy maverick 'real' install does..22:28
pecosfor example i add terminal just like you tell me but i have not in any app group and i cannot find any custom applications icon22:29
duffydackthe bottom of the panel?22:30
duffydackthere should be mono icons22:30
duffydackfiles and folders, application, trash22:31
pecoson the right i have not the term icon on the grouped icon i have: web, music, photos.. , games, email, office, files& .. and get new app so where my term icon claim to be ?22:31
pecosi have only a top panel...22:33
RBeckerHey guys, I updated from 10.04 to 10.10 beta, and GDM/X won't work.  When it boots it  gets stuck on Ubuntu 10.10 with the 4 dots, and I can drop to a terminal but I have no GUI.  I have NVIDIA graphics22:33
duffydackpecos, only top panel?  no left hand side dock?22:34
pecosyes i have top and left hands panel but not with added terminal icon22:35
pecosduffy ok my bad a was not click on keep on launchers22:36
pecosnow i have the terminal icon22:36
pecosduffy last question what is the ourpouse of search on top toolbar ?22:37
duffydackto search for files/folders/apps22:38
duffydackthis daily live netbook iso installed but isnt logging in.... meh22:39
RBeckerhey there duffydack22:39
RBeckerI'm still stuck at the same point I was at yesterday22:39
duffydackwhich is22:40
RBeckerno GDM/X, only a tty22:40
pecosduffy so if i type gnome-terminal i can get result? what are the names i can search can you give me a name search sample to test if it works22:40
RBeckerand a stuck boot  screen22:40
duffydackpecos, search is on top panel ?22:40
bjsniderRBecker, get to a console22:41
duffydackpecos, its not for me.. its when I run one of the mono icons.. get to search for apps etc..22:41
pecosi click on mono and i have desktop with gruoped apps and what i can search in the search field need a sample to understand22:42
pecosnew unity interface made me like a newbye22:43
pecosthere are some online good demo or video about unity?22:45
WubbbiGuys I have a problem. My internet connection is extrem slow, when I am on powersave. I found an issue in pm-powersave.log "cat: /sys/class/net/wlan0/device/enable: No such file or directory" ... but I dont have a wlan0 interface. But I am connected wih Wlan atm. how to solve?22:45
duffydackpecos,  I have it on a usb stick, i`ll reboot to live..22:46
pecosWubbbi please check network-manager top right icon there is any wlan defined ?22:49
Wubbbipecos: yes and I'm connected atm. I'm not on Powersave, so I can use it with normal speed. But when I'm in PS, I only have like 3.2kb/s xD22:51
RBeckerHey guys, I updated from 10.04 to 10.10 beta, and GDM/X won't work.  When it boots it  gets stuck on Ubuntu 10.10 with the 4 dots, and I can drop to a terminal but I have no GUI.  I have NVIDIA graphics22:52
ovyRBecker, same with me22:52
bp0pastbin your xorg.0.log somewhere22:54
RBeckerbp0: ok22:56
aBaldrichSorry to interrupt, I have a quick question: My HD has 1 large ext4 partition. If I run the 10.10 liveCD, will it let me re-partition my disk and set an independent /home partition?22:56
RBeckergive me a couple of mins22:56
RBeckeraBaldrich: it should22:56
aBaldrichthanks :)22:56
DulakaBaldrich: yes when you install it should give you a partition list that'll let you rework your partitions however you like22:57
pecosRBecker https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-nv/+question/12582022:57
RBeckerpecos: that's not my problem22:58
pecosRBecker: sorry22:59
RBeckerit's k23:00
RBeckerbp0: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/pPTyJtGj23:00
RBeckergdm is running, and I confirmed it because there's two gdm-binary's in htop, but no X anything23:01
pecosbp0: try https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-nv/+question/12582023:01
duffydackpecos, heres is a default unity from a daily live yesterday23:01
tormodRBecker, do you have the proprietary Nvidia driver installed?23:02
RBeckerI believe so, how would i check?23:02
pecosThanks duffy is pretty like like mine...23:03
tormodthe old one got broken with xserver 1.9, I don't know if a new one is out23:03
RBeckerI have version 256 installed23:03
RBeckerthe latest nvidia one23:03
pecosstill not understand well how to use the "search" field... in unity23:04
duffydackpecos, there is no search in mine23:06
Milos_SDis there a documentation of Ubuntu's Sound Indicator API? We gonna try to make a support for MPD.23:06
duffydackpecos, only when I select the mono launchers, files/folders, applications23:06
Milos_SDif it is even possible to  do that without changing mpd code ...23:06
duffydackpecos, then its just matter of typing anything,  'ter' shows gnome terminal.23:06
pecosplease click on top left icon... you will get the search top panel search field23:07
pecosubuntu icon23:07
duffydackI get the fancy menu23:08
duffydackweb, graphics etc23:08
RBeckerbp0: did you see my pastebin?23:08
bp0do you have more than one gfx card?23:09
pecossame like me bur i have a top panel search field...?23:09
bp0like an onboard one and a card23:09
RBeckerbp0, no, just onboard23:09
duffydackpecos, screenshot?23:09
bp0did you install the nvidia drivers from nvidia or through ubuntu's hardware drivers thing23:10
pecosi will try23:10
RBeckerbp0: When Ubuntu was working, I used restricted drivers, but now I used drivers from nVIDIA's website23:11
pecosprint screen don't grab any screenshot23:11
RBeckerI removed nvidia-96 and nvidia-173 or whatever it was23:11
duffydackpecos, plain desktop will do23:11
duffydackor just run gnome-screenshot --interactive23:12
pecosok plain do but i want try to send the "other" screenshoot  i will try23:13
bp0RBecker, using 32-bit ubuntu?23:13
RBeckerbp0: yes23:14
bjsniderRBecker, how are we supposed to troubleshoot when you used a completely unsupported method of installing the nvidia driver?23:15
RBeckerwell what should I be doing?23:15
WubbbiSo guys what to do now? I'm connected via wifi atm but I dont have a wlan0 interface. How to get one?23:15
pecosok duffy i will try to post on a website23:15
bp0RBecker, you have to use the unsupported method in the beta anyway because of a bug in the nvidia drivers that ubuntu passes out23:16
bp0so you might as well reinstall the 260 drivers anyway23:16
RBeckerso how do I fix this?23:16
bp0well try this...23:16
bjsniderbp0, what bug is that?23:17
bp0RBecker, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/JP5WsGP423:17
bp0the text rendering using the 256 drivers that ubuntu gives out is very slow23:18
bp0so scrolling windows is about 1fps23:18
RBeckerI'll try that right now bp023:18
bp0in xchat for example23:18
bjsnideroh, right. that is ubuntu's fault i guess23:18
RBeckerand I didn't install the 256 through restricted drivers, I did that yesterday through NVIDIA's website23:19
bjsniderubuntu builds all of the shared libs and hte kernel module now i suppose23:19
bp0nobody was passing blame, just saying that ubuntu's packages nvidia drivers have the bug23:19
bp0apparently there was some change in x that actually caused it, nvidia released a new fix, ubuntu hasnt packaged it yet23:20
bp0thats all23:20
bjsniderwhere are your references to all of that?23:20
bp0so you've got to use the direct from nvidia 260 drivers23:20
pecosduffyduck: http://www.elart.it/Schermata.png23:20
bp0which are beta,23:20
bp0the readme that comes with the 260 drivers23:21
pecosduffydack: http://www.elart.it/Schermata.png23:22
duffydackpecos, you are missing some23:22
bp0@ bjsnider23:22
duffydackpecos, see my screenshot..23:22
duffydackpecos, I get that menu also, and you can search fine, but I also have other icons in the dock on the left...23:23
duffydackpecos, then again, maybe an update has removed them since yesterday,., I dont know.23:23
RBeckerbp0: I get an error trying to install the drivers23:24
bjsniderbp0, i was unaware that nvidia had released an updated driver. i will get it into the x-updates ppa asap. until then, please stop telling people to nuke their xorg/mesa system by installing the .run files. those files are not compatible with ubuntu since lucid23:25
pecosduffydack: i update/upgrade right now23:25
RBeckerbjsnider: do you think I should have the x-udpdates ppa in my sources.list so hopefully I can become fixed, or can you suggest something without the .run files, like you said?23:26
bjsniderRBecker, anyone who's used the .run files is in a bad situation and there is no proven way to get out of it (other than a wipe/reload)23:27
RBeckerso basically I'm screwed and have to reinstall ubuntu?23:27
bp0I've got those drivers running in ubuntu 10.10 beta23:28
bjsniderthose files have for years overwritten linux files which is why madriva came up with a way to package them safer (which we use)23:28
bp0the 260 nvidia drivers23:28
bp0RBecker, what is the error?23:29
pecosduffydack: i'm suppose i have something missing in my env, if after updates i can't get icons like yours, i will try to add a new user to compare with the old one might be i will get the standard icons23:29
bjsniderbp0, btw, the issue with the slow antialiased text had nothing to do with the way ubuntu packages the blob. it was an nvidia issue. that's why nvidia fixed it.23:29
duffydackpecos, grab a daily live, put to usb and boot..as good a comparison as you will get23:30
pecosduffydack:  sure i will do, many thanks for your support23:31
bp0i didnt say it was... jesus.. i said there was an issue with a change in X, and that nvidia released a fixed beta driver, version 260, but ubuntu was still giving out 25623:31
bp0i never said it was ubuntu's problem, just that if you wanted it fixed you needed the 260 drivers23:31
bp0that you couldn't get from ubuntu23:31
duffydackpecos, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/daily-live/current/23:31
pecosduffydack: i use zsync every days many thanks23:32
duffydackzsync is an amazing tool23:33
RBeckerERROR: An NVIDIA kernel module 'nvidia' appears to be already loaded in your kernel.  This may be because it is in use (for example, by the X server), but may also happen if your kernel was configured without support for module unloading.  Please be sure you have exited X before attempting to update your driver.  If you have exited X, know that your kernel supports module unloading, and still receive this message, then an error may have occured that h23:33
pecosduffydack:  and i keep spread torrent with all beta and stable from 5 pc23:33
duffydackyou must have wicked internet then...23:33
pecosdifferent lan23:34
pecostop launchpad ubuntu contributors here ;-)23:34
pecosduffydack: all my friends have that i have ssh access (firewalled) have btlaunchmany active at startup with ubuntu iso23:37
pecosduffydack: and they are aware of it...23:38
plovsi! i am running 10.10 beta, and have a hang at "Checking bettery state" anybody know how to get past this?, i can't even get to grub23:38
bp0RBecker, did you stop gdm?23:39
RBeckerbp0: Yes, service gdm stop23:39
bp0stopping gdm should have stopped x23:40
RBeckerwhat's X's stop command?23:41
plovsanybody know how i can boot into init 1? i can't get into grub23:41
traskmindIs there a way I can use Claws Mail instead of Evolution in the Messaging Menu?23:41
plovsRBecker: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop23:42
RBeckeryou don23:42
RBeckerdon't need to include the sudo, I'm logged in as root23:42
bp0service gdm stop == /etc/init.d/gdm stop23:43
RBeckerit's telling me to use service23:43
RBeckerinstead of invoking /etc/init.d scripts23:43
RBeckergdm is stopped23:44
bp0lsmod | grep nvidia23:44
RBeckernvidia 10207522 4, appgart 32011 1 nvidia23:45
bp0ps x | grep bin/X23:47
RBeckerroot@RYAN-DESKTOP:~# ps x | grep /bin/X23:47
RBecker 3380 pts/0    S+     0:00 grep --color=auto /bin/X23:47
RBecker(I'm SSHed)23:47
bp0lspci -v | grep nvidia23:48
RBeckerroot@RYAN-DESKTOP:~# lspci -v | grep nvidia23:49
RBecker        Kernel driver in use: nvidia23:49
RBecker        Kernel modules: nvidia, nouveau, nvidiafb23:49
bp0ok try: rmmod nvidia23:49
RBeckerERROR: Module nvidia is in use23:49
bp0ok try: rmmod -f nvidia23:49
soeedoes the plymouth works under 64 bit v?23:49
RBeckerroot@RYAN-DESKTOP:~# rmmod -f nvidia23:50
RBeckerERROR: Removing 'nvidia': Resource temporarily unavailable23:50
RBeckeris there a way to stop GDM from running on boot?23:51
RBeckerlike mv it out of /etc/init,d?23:52
bp0gdm and x are not running, the reason you cant remove nvidia, i think, is because appgart is using it23:52
RBeckershould I kill it?23:53
bp0well i dont know if you can, but sure try23:53
bp0rmmod appgart23:53
bp0rmmod nvidia23:53
RBeckerERROR: Module appgart does not exist in /proc/modules23:53
RBeckerit's agpgart23:54
RBeckerI typed it in wrong23:54
RBeckerERROR: Module agpgart is in use by nvidia23:54
RBeckershould I -f it?23:54
RBeckerERROR: Removing 'agpgart': Resource temporarily unavailable23:54
bp0ok, then blacklist nvidia and nouveau and restart23:55
bp0gdm shouldn't start23:55
RBeckerhow do I blacklist23:55
bp0at the top add:23:57
bp0blacklist nouveau23:57
bp0blacklist nvidia23:57
RBeckerI did that23:57
RBeckerrebooting now23:57
bp0once you're back in, you should remove the blacklist nvidia line and then try the installer again23:58
RBeckerok, I gotta reboot this machine real quick, Xandros decided to act up23:59
RBeckerI shall return23:59

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