
Nekoanyone know of any progress with bug 628587 ?02:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 628587 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity 2.3.13 (oem-config) fails to create initial user (affects: 1) (heat: 234)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62858702:32
* persia looks02:40
persiaLooks to me like rcn-ee is the only person chasing that report.  If I'm understanding the bug correctly, something odd is happeng when user-setup is called.02:45
persiaCould either do additional bisection by bzr revisions from lp:ubiquity OR turn on all the debugging output and try to pinpoint the offending code that way.02:46
persiarootstock images tend to be weakly supported (if it's an issue with rootstock itself, the rootstock devs are typically happy to fix it: if it's an issue in Ubuntu, most folk are willing to review a patch, but only support debian-cd derived images)02:46
Nekopersia, indeed but right now I'm having trouble getting even a minimal image, which I then want to use to set up livecd-rootfs stuff like you suggested03:36
Nekoit's really annoying :(03:37
Nekosetting the login details is okay I guess03:37
Nekoit just adds extra steps for everyone involved03:37
persiaGiven that lucid works, you might try creating a lucid environment, and using that to run debian-cd and livecd-rootfs03:38
Nekopersia, doing that now :D03:43
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ndecogra: hi!08:41
ograhow was your release ?08:41
ndecogra: how can I know which version of MLO is put in an image?08:41
ograi guess only from the serial console08:41
ndecrelease was bad ;-) main problem is our non standard gst packages... that cause headache to install...08:42
ograsince MLO doesnt get installed as a package (we only use the binary in the boot partition)08:42
ndecadd to play with pinning...08:42
ndecwell, somehow it would be nice to track (in the manifest?) which source for uboot and MLO is used in image..08:42
ograthe manifest only holds installed packages08:43
ograthe image will always have the version that was recent in the archive when the iage was built ...08:43
ograhttps://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/x-loader-omap4/L24.9git20100901-0ubuntu1 is in the current ones and i dont expect that to change unless we add ES2.108:44
persiaWhen we do a proper release, it becomes easier to track, as the archive is frozen, and another created.08:45
ograu-boot has a bit less obvious version number https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/u-boot-linaro/2010.09~rc1.1-0ubuntu2 (we need to talk to linaro if you need that changed)08:45
persiaWell, depends.  Seems we changed it at least once since the last upstream.08:47
persia(but definitely *best* to talk to linaro: forks are to be limited)08:47
ograbut you dont know from when the upstream checkuot it08:47
ograi'm not sure the tag matters at all since they merge multiple branches08:48
persiaFar as I'm concerned, linaro is the upstream for that.08:48
persiaI know there's groups upstream from linaro, but they are outside the scope of my attention :)08:48
ogradoesnt help much if you want to know about one specific branch08:49
ograi.e. omap408:49
* ogra hopes todays image resizes again08:51
persiaAnyone know anything about tbb?  I see http://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/showthread.php?t=67133 but I'm having trouble determining if ARM support is present in the Ubuntu version.08:51
ograthere arer days where i really ponder to drop set -e from the scripts08:51
persiaPlease don't.  Better to find out when there is an issue.08:52
ograwell ...08:52
* persia has spent the majority of the past week fixing up type naming for a package that just made it work, rather than doing it right08:53
ogra(indeed i would never drop it, but it costs a day usually)08:53
persiaBetter a day here and there than a week or two for some poor sod in six months.08:53
ograespecially for such minor changes as the one that broke yesterdays image08:53
ogracolin hardcoded linking mtab to /proc/mounts in initramfs-tools/init ... which we do since day one08:54
ogra(in jasper)08:54
ograso the script died silently and just moved on without resizing08:55
persiaThat's probably just a coordination issue.  We need better means of tracking changes on surrounding packages of interest.08:55
ograwell, we have the changelog ...08:55
persiaRelying on people to contact other people isn't a good way to do it, and things change fast enough that it's not possible to read the patches anymore.08:55
persiaSure, but who reads all the changelogs anymore?  I used to do it, but I often can't these days, as they come too fast.08:56
ograbah, and the LED heartbeat is way to fast08:56
ograXM at least has a 1sec interval08:56
ograah, great, it is resizing again08:57
* ogra now has a hectical blinking board in front of him08:59
ograi think the frequency is 25-30ms or so08:59
ograsigh and the swap creation is really taking long09:00
ogragah, and indeed apturl doesnt work as expected :(09:28
hrwXm, panda... /me -> picocom ttyS2 to check beagleboard c309:32
hrwops.. its ttyS609:33
fguogra: hi just a question about your toshiba ac-100...you succeeded to get root access etc on it?09:38
ografgu, yes, i managed to brick it too :P09:38
fguogra: gloups...because I have just found this one: http://tosh-ac100.wetpaint.com/09:39
fgucoming from here: http://forums.computers.toshiba-europe.com/forums/thread.jspa?messageID=217864&#21786409:39
hrwac100 looks nice of photos09:41
ndecogra: about the images, is the latest (20109020) okay?09:42
fguhrw: hi, yes but regarding the test for video playback, some people are finding it too short in battery life...09:42
hrwfgu: for battery life I have my x86-64 laptop09:43
fguhrw: ;o)09:43
hrwfgu: CULV intel core2duo with 8-10h life09:44
ograndec, yes, PPA install is broken still (working on that) and swap file creation adds a few mins to the resizing process09:44
fguhrw: real 10h ??09:44
ograndec, beyond that it should be good to use09:44
hrwfgu: will test it during trip to uds-n. so far never used it for longer then 5-6h09:45
fguhrw: sounds more realistic..but that's nice already if it's a real 6h09:46
hrwbooting bbC3 is fun. local-premount starts, then nothing for long long time then oom, then normal boot09:48
hrwI really need to upgrade ;D09:48
hrw"apt-get -f -yes install", then "apt-get install aptitude", then remove all x11 related stuff09:50
ografgu, the rooting works fine ... and if you are not as silly as me to link /bins/sh to something broken, you can even boot afterwards :P09:50
ografgu, i had an ubuntu chroot running on it just fine and also a loopback vnc session to an ubuntu desktop09:51
ogra(just very slow through vnc)09:51
ograbut maverick runs fine in that setup09:51
* ogra will return the device today and see if he can get an replacement or if they send it in to toshiba09:52
hrw~curse sd slot on omap3 and its lack of any speed09:57
fguogra: good job even if the end of the story is a brick netbook...hope you will get a new one then...09:57
* ogra too :)09:58
fguogra: my previous links were droid related..so at the end not usefull for you I think..09:58
ograrageagainstthecage-arm5.bin works fine for rooting09:59
fguogra: yep, ok, I have read this one09:59
ograthen creating a passwd file with root user and making busybox suid root gets you permamnent root09:59
fguogra: well done!10:00
ograstill that doesnt get you any bootloader access though10:00
ndecogra: about the PPA install, so is done exactly? just the setup of the PPA, or do you install some packages?10:00
ograwhich is essential for changing the android params to a sane OS10:00
hrwogra: replace kernel with uboot+kernel image10:01
ograndec, there is an icon on the desktop (with the next build, i messed something up in the current one) if you click it, it is supposed to fire up software-center with the offer to enable the ppa and install10:01
ograhrw, where ?10:01
ograhrw, there is no place you can find the kernel10:01
ndecogra: thx.10:01
hrwogra: auch.. no flash partition even?10:02
ograhrw, its nvidia crap, it uses some hidden NAND to hold bootloader, kernel and initrd10:02
hrwok, no question asked then10:02
ograeven on the tegra dev boards you can only use nvflash to write them10:02
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ograbut that requires a special flash7recovery mode which was patched out in the toshiba version10:02
persia!ohmy | ogra10:03
ubot2ogra: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.10:03
ograall that bootloader can do is install update.zip files for android10:03
ograyippiee ! i managed to trigger an ohmy from persia :)10:03
ogra(or do a factory reset)10:04
persiaJust hard to get folks to cooperate when you insult their product scatalogically.10:04
ograpersia, yeah, i'm just upset by the setup10:04
ogra(funny sentence ... would make a good T-Shirt print)10:04
persiaI understand.  Even more so because it's useless to you unless it runs the OS you use, and it became even more useless in the process :(10:05
* ogra takes a coffee break10:06
hrwarm people: fpc fails to build, hedgewars also fails. both require fpc to be present. any way to solve?10:31
persiahrw, fpc needs bootstrapping.  It's been done N times, but never actually works at the moment lamont tries to do it in the archive.10:33
persiaFiguring out precisely what goes wrong for lamont (when it works for other folks), and ensuring that is fixed is the trick.10:33
* persia looks up the bug report10:33
hrwis same with haskell?10:33
suihkulokkifpc bootstraps nice these days, you can ofcourse shortcut that by taking the fpc from debian10:33
persiahaskell is broken for other reasons.10:34
persiasuihkulokki, We're shortcutting, but it still doesn't work for lamont.10:34
persiahrw, For haskell, I'd recommend asking Laney in #ubuntu-motu: he's been driving that mostly.  He'd really appreciate some help testing some things (he has no arm hardware today)10:34
persiaRight, fpc is bug #6754410:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 67544 in fpc (Debian) (and 3 other projects) "Bootstrapping needed for fpc for armel (heat: 12)" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6754410:35
persiaFixing fpc would mean we get something like 20 packages that we don't have today: the trick is to get something that works for lamont: just because the rest of us can do it doesn't mean it can be uploaded.10:36
hrwpersia: need to get my bb/c3 upgraded - will take most of day probably10:39
hrwdie sd card, die10:39
persiahrw, Won't help.  Fixing it requires building it on a bbg3.0 with a buildd chroot image.10:40
persiabuildd chroot images can be downloaded from launchpad.  Getting a bbg3.0 running the config on the buildd is a bit trickier (not least because one has to have the right hardware first)10:41
hrwpersia: I prefer to do builds on local hardware before going to externals10:41
persiahrw, I understand.  I'll tell you now that if you install maverick on your bb/c3, and you download the source, and you grab the bootstrap binaries (either doko's or from Debian), you will bootstrap it successfully.10:42
persiaThe issue is only in finding out why it doesn't work on the buildd, and getting that working, and uploaded.10:42
persiaThe actual code is fine.10:43
hrwok, thx10:43
* persia has bootstrapped it twice on armel, with perfect success, and no archive results :(10:43
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cjjnjusthello anyone online12:45
persiaLots of folks.  /names will give you a list :)12:50
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rsalvetihm, seems we have images now13:10
* ogra_ac waves from a new ac10013:45
dmartogra_ac: android, or ubuntu?13:45
ogra_acdmart android, i managed to root it but bricked it yesterday13:46
persiaogra, The RMA worked?  Congratulations!13:46
ogra_acyeah, just play dumb and they feel pity for you13:46
dmartogra_ac: sounds more interesting, are there instructions somewhere?13:46
ogra_acdmart someone posted them today above, essentially you just need a terminal app and run a binary called rageinthecage or something like that  ... next term you open is rooted13:48
* ogra_ac will root this one too later today ... but this time not delete /bin/sh :P13:48
ogra_acits really embarassing13:49
ogra_acdmart, btw, ubuntu maverick chroot works fine, i also had a vnc loopback connection to a localhost chroot that worked buut wasnt of much use (to slow)13:50
ogra_acbut i had a desktop running13:50
dmartogra_ac: heh :)14:04
* dmart has had similar fun replacing /sbin/init with garbage in the past14:04
ogra_acat least i found out that the recovery mode works in two parts and that the second part requires a shell :)14:05
dmartthough not as embarrassing as hexedit /dev/tty2 <>/dev/sda >&0 2>&0 (I was having a bad day that time)14:06
* robclark discovers sudo apt-get remove maximus14:54
robclarkmakes gnome session behave much more like gnome session14:54
ografor fixing the ugly fullscreen bug ?14:54
robclarkI wonder why maximus starts for gnome desktop session?14:54
ograits easier than removing it ... you can just disable it in the gnome session14:55
ograin the session properties14:55
robclarkahh, ok.. where are session properties?14:55
ndecrobclark: system/preferences/startup applications15:01
robclarkahh.. gui even.. I was assuming some config file hidden somewhere ;-)15:01
ndecrobclark: if you prefer, there should be a config file hidden somewhere!15:04
robclarkndec: heheh.. no, it's ok..  I was just not looking for the easy solution ;-)15:04
rsalvetior at least gconf-like cmd line15:06
jo-erlendI have an IGEPv2 board. I've installed Maverick on a memory card, and it seems to boot. However, the screen goes black when X starts up. Any ideas on how to fix this?15:15
armin76replace with omap4 :D15:24
hrwfirst they have to appear on market15:25
jo-erlendheh. I think the hardware is quite sufficient for my needs, but it would be nice if I could see what I'm doing. :)15:26
robclarkjo-erlend: anything suspicious in /var/log/Xorg.0.log?15:26
ograjo-erlend, i think the linaro folks have such HW, though i'm not sure they use actual maverick images on them15:26
jo-erlendrobclark, you're smart, you are! I'll have a look.15:27
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jo-erlendrobclark, indeed, it does. Perhaps you could have a look and see if you get any good ideas?15:31
robclarkjo-erlend: can you pastebin?15:31
jo-erlendrobclark, http://pastebin.com/6hAjUwCW15:33
* robclark looks15:33
jo-erlendit looks to me like it doesn't detect any screens.15:33
robclarkhmm, no framebuffers?15:34
robclarkls /dev/fb*15:34
jo-erlendI have no way of doing that, since I haven't got either network or screens to see what the results are.15:34
robclarkconsolefb would still work with no fb device files.. but x wouldn't15:34
robclarkoh... doh15:34
jo-erlendperhaps I can deactivate X in order to get a console and then see what ls /dev/fb* gives me? How do I do that?15:35
robclarkadd the word "text" to your bootargs15:35
rsalvetiweird thing is that it seems you don't have any fb device15:35
rsalvetiare you able to get anything before X starts?15:36
jo-erlendrobclark, in what file do I do that?15:36
ograboot.scr or in u-boot prompt15:36
jo-erlendrsalveti, well.. First the screen is completely white, then it becomes a psychedelic mess of colours, and then it goes black.15:36
ograsounds like my touchbook15:37
jo-erlendogra, I don't get any prompt, and I have no boot.scr file. The install guide told me to remove all files except uImage.15:38
ograyou should have an u-boot ptrompt on the serial console15:38
jo-erlendI have no serial console :(15:39
rsalvetino network, no screen and no console :-)15:39
jo-erlendright. :)15:39
ograthats bad indeed15:39
rsalvetibut you can change it at your sd card15:39
jo-erlendchange what?15:39
rsalvetibut to debug it properly you should at least have access to the serial console15:40
jo-erlendI have no such file.15:40
ograyou had it initially, right ?15:45
ogra(since you said you had to delete everything)15:45
ograwhat howto were you following btw ?15:45
jo-erlendogra, http://labs.igep.es/index.php/How_to_get_the_Ubuntu_distribution#Ubuntu_10.10_.28Maverick_Meerkat_BETA.2915:45
jo-erlendyes, I think I had it initially.15:45
jo-erlendI can give it another go and skip deleting those files.15:46
ograwhy do they call it boot,ini ?15:46
jo-erlendI have no idea.15:46
ograboot.ini is whats boor.scr on all other omap systems15:46
rlameirojackd doesnt start on maverick, it hangs in there i thing crashing, how do i collect data of it runnig to give it to bug hunters?15:47
ograso you want to edit the boot.source file and re-run the mkimage command15:47
ograbut given that you have no output at all, adding "text" to the bootargs wont get you much further i fear15:47
jo-erlendoh, ok. Thanks.15:47
ograrlameiro, best is to have network and run "ubuntu-bug jackd"15:48
ograthat will collect all info15:48
rlameiroyea , but i will want to collect some more data before that, is it possible?15:49
ograthen you need gdb i guess15:49
rlameirowill it run jackd to see what is going?15:49
ograit will collect a defined set of logs and info thats defined in the jackd package15:49
rlameiroi want to give maximum info possible15:49
ografi you run a graphical session, apport should come up and collect a crashdump15:50
ogranon graphically you can take a look in /var/crash ... that might have a coredump file for the crash, but be careful, it contains your RAM content (might have passowrds etc)15:51
rlameiroproblem is that it doesnt crash, it hangs, i do a ps and the process is active15:51
ograwell, then gdb and capture a backtrace15:51
rlameirolol, i can tell my pass :D 12345615:51
jo-erlendogra, it might be imagination, but the colorful screen seemed to stay longer. The screen still went black though.15:51
rlameiroso i run gdb <COMMAND>15:51
rlameiroogra thanks15:52
rsalvetiogra: jo-erlend: I guess by removing the uInitrd the sd card will not be resized15:58
jo-erlendrsalveti, what does that mean?15:58
rsalvetifrom the pre-installed image15:58
rlameirolol gdb crashed my board15:58
ograrsalveti, well, by following these instructions the image will also stay completely unconfigured15:58
ograit wont run oem-config ever15:59
rsalvetia really ugly hack :-)15:59
ograthese instructions are quite a mess15:59
jo-erlendany computer shop should have what I need for a serial connection to the board, right?15:59
rsalvetiwhat kind of connector do you have at your board? is it similar to the beagle one?16:00
ograjo-erlend, USB to serial adapter ... and probably a gender changer for the sub-d port or a null modem cable16:01
hrwigep uses icd10 connector16:01
* ogra has no idea how the IEGP2 looks like wrt serial16:01
hrwsame as bb16:01
ograwhich BB :P16:01
hrwthe only existing for customers one16:01
ograXM just has a sub-d socket :)=16:02
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hrwogra: xM still is you-can-dream device rather16:02
ogranah, they are on sale16:02
ograbig backlog, but they sell them16:02
ograyou should know !16:02
* hrw waits for personal pandaboard anyway16:03
ograi know some of your colleagues have A2's16:03
hrwogra: infrastructure team has some toys, yes16:03
hrwogra: I work on cross compiler packages so no linaro hw for me16:03
ograand they were ordered in a std. way afaik16:03
ogramean !16:04
hrwanyway before uds-n I should have panda @home for any experiments16:04
jo-erlendogra, do you think I might have better results with another monitor?16:11
ograi dont even know how well the kernel supports IEGP2 at all16:11
ograespecially the framebuffer code16:11
ograwe dont have such boards in the team so nobody tested it ... and the configuration tool on the image expects a display so you end up with a pretty much messed up image following the howto16:12
rsalvetiI'd recommend you to try linaro's kernel16:13
rsalvetimaybe you have a better result16:13
ograthough i think they are using them mainly with a minimal image for development16:13
ograthey might not care about graphics there16:13
ograhey lag_16:13
ograhad a safe flight ?16:14
rsalvetibut if it works, it should at least show something at his monitor16:14
lag_Hey orga16:14
lag_Yeah, 23hrs ...16:14
rsalvetilag_: out, taiwan?16:14
prpplaguersalveti: looks like gnome-power-manager has an issue with my netbook16:15
rsalvetiprpplague: hey, so did you try to disable it?16:16
lagHas anyone managed to get ftrace working on the Panda yet?16:16
rsalvetihas anyone tried?16:16
lagI think so16:16
lagmpoirier was working on it last I heard16:16
rsalvetiwell, don't think mpoirier got his panda already16:17
lagI think he was working on omap generally omap/omap416:18
lagIf it works on OMAP it should work on OMAP416:18
rlameirolp #64362616:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 643626 in jackd-defaults (Ubuntu) "Jackd doesnt start on ARM Beagle board clone IGEPv2 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64362616:19
prpplaguersalveti: yea, just turned it off so that it doesn't autoload on startup16:20
prpplaguersalveti: works fine after that16:20
prpplaguersalveti: i'll start debugging the issue this week16:20
rlameiropersia: lp #643626 , does it need more info ?16:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 643626 in jackd-defaults (Ubuntu) "Jackd doesnt start on ARM Beagle board clone IGEPv2 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64362616:25
rsalvetiprpplague: cool, please file a bug for it when you have time16:27
rsalvetijust to let people know that we have issues with your hardware16:27
hrw~curse omap3sd16:29
rlameirompoirier: Persia told me that you are into audio in ARM16:30
mpoirierrlameiro: yes, that is correct.16:30
rsalvetihrw: haha, giving apt-get update/upgrade is *painful* on on it16:30
rlameirompoirier: waht is your board?16:30
hrwrsalveti: 6-7h so far16:30
mpoirierI will get an 8 layer panda16:30
rlameirompoirier: lucky.... i have a IGEPv216:31
hrwrsalveti: when it will finish this 4GB SD will be /boot only - rest on usb pata harddrive16:31
rlameirohaving some problems with audio on it16:31
mpoirierrlameiro: did you get it from amitk ?16:31
rlameirompoirier: lp #643626  and #64246516:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 643626 in jackd-defaults (Ubuntu) "Jackd doesnt start on ARM Beagle board clone IGEPv2 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64362616:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 642465 in puredata (Ubuntu) "Puredata outputs Very bad sound when using ALSA backend (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64246516:32
mpoirierrlameiro: again, did you get the board from amitk ?16:32
rlameirompoirier: amitk? I bought it from the builders - ISSE16:32
mpoirierrlameiro: ok.16:32
rlameirowhat is amitk?16:33
* amitk looks up16:33
mpoirieramitk works with me on the linaro side.16:33
ograamitk, you are selling boards  ?!?16:33
amitkogra: had to supplement my income :-p16:33
mpoirierhe and I had a run-in with and IGEPv2 board a couple of months ago.16:34
rlameiroamitk: website???16:34
rsalvetihrw: yep, at my devel board I'm using an usb disk16:34
rlameirono, i tought amitk had a shop :D16:34
rlameiroi know linaro16:34
mpoirierrlameiro: i'm not surprised sound isn't great on IGEPv2.16:34
rlameirompoirier: well, the codec isn nothing special, but i cant use my edirol ua4fx  also16:35
rlameiroI dont know but it doesnt work16:35
rlameiroaudio is the same that the beagle, the twl 403016:36
* rsalveti lunch16:36
mpoirierrlameiro: I know - it should work, until you find different setting in the board file or some place else...16:36
rlameiroi am thinking on making a custom audio board for it using the TI bus /12S16:36
mpoirierrlameiro: I currently have the same problem with a Gumstix overo.16:37
mpoirierrlameiro: related to display.16:37
rlameiroi never wanted to use the onboard audio codec , its too noisy, but if jack isnt starting i dont know if it will be of help, also plugin my edirol usb interface doesnt work either, it is detected but cant play anything, not even with aplay...16:39
mpoirierrlameiro: not cool.16:40
rlameirompoirier: i am feeling like a devil's advocate, 2 days runnig ubuntu on my board 2 bugs posted16:41
rlameiroand I didnt posted the edirol issue yet...16:42
mpoirierrlameiro: that is normal.16:42
mpoirierwe haven't worked much with the IGEPv2 board.16:42
rlameirowell, but it seems to be a nice board16:42
mpoirierrlameiro: no doubt, no doubt friend.16:43
rlameiro512/512 MB, 720 Mhz etc16:43
mpoirierrlameiro: i know.16:43
rlameirowifi bluetooth and stuff16:43
rlameiroI prefer it way more to the beagle... and after buying it, the beagle XM came out....16:44
rlameirobut anyway since igepv2 come from spain, its cheaper for me here in Portugal16:44
hrwanyway it works16:45
mpoirierrlameiro: file the bugs you find - our agenda may permit to address them.16:45
hrwI remember playing with igep during platform sprint when we had one with SD not working under linux (working in uboot)16:45
rlameirompoirier: do you have igepv2 at canonical?16:45
mpoirierwe have a few but again, ran in some SD card trouble with them.16:46
mpoirierrlameiro: back then I didn't have the time to address them.16:46
rlameiroahh ok16:46
mpoirierGetting the boads aren't the problem - time to work on them is.16:47
rlameirowell have to go to work16:47
rlameirocya latter everyone16:47
furibondoxI've a problem with udev... it seems that udev doesn't read my custom rules16:48
mpoirierrlameiro: thanks for your comment and feedback on the IGEPv2.16:48
furibondoxI'm using ubuntu lucid16:48
furibondoxthe rules are correct and worked fine in jaunty16:49
furibondoxmy concern is that during the init, the mount -o move /dev should be responsable of this behavior... once I am into the rootfs (after run-init) all devices are copied into the rootfs and the udev has already took effect but I'm not sure if it read the rules again or not (but seems not)16:51
furibondoxagain, if I manually run "udevadm control --reload-rules", my custom rules are not processed16:53
furibondoxany idea?16:53
ogra_acwhere do you put them ?16:54
furibondoxin /etc/udev/rules.d/16:54
ogra_acthat should work16:55
furibondoxogra_ac: just another question... if you want I can send you my rootstock script with 2 little mods16:55
ogra_acfile a bug, attach the patch16:56
ogra_aci'm not doing much on rootstock atm16:56
furibondoxI've never submit a bug for ubuntu, where should I do it?16:56
ogra_acso are you using update-initramfs now  ?16:57
ogra_ac(for bugs see /topic ;) )16:57
furibondoxwell... now I'm using the same initrd as the ubuntu but w/o update-initramfs16:57
ogra_aci'm not sure, but it might copy the rules into teh initramfs16:58
furibondoxI simply copied it from the one present after the rootstock (used with the beagle kernel) and then I modified it a little to fit our needings16:58
furibondoxbut is almost the same16:58
furibondoxexcept little hw configuration16:59
ogra_acdid you compare with an unmodified one ?16:59
furibondoxis the almost the same16:59
ogra_acand that doesnt read your rules either ?16:59
furibondoxI've not the original initrd now so I can't try to do it17:00
furibondoxI will try to set the rules in the initrd17:00
furibondoxnow I must go...17:00
furibondoxsee you tomorrow17:00
furibondoxciao ;)17:01
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ogra_acoh my18:58
ogra_acthe android browser refuses to open https links with selfsigned certs18:59
GrueMasterYes, this is known.19:01
GrueMasterogra_ac: Use opra for android.19:01
ogra_acthats unusable19:01
ogra_aci have it installed19:02
ogra_acopera is just painful to read19:07
ogra_acit renders awfully19:08
* ogra_ac wishes there ws afirefox build19:08
ogra_acor chromium19:10
GrueMasterHey, hostname has returned to oem-config.  Nice.19:29
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slangasekGrueMaster: u-boot-linaro made it over the weekend - how does it look on omap4?20:29
rsalvetislangasek: working fine at our current daily image20:29
rsalvetileds are now working20:29
rsalvetino other issues until now20:30
GrueMasterI booted today's image.  Serial console shows U-boot 2010.09-rc1 (Sep 18 2010 - 11:15:35) for u-boot.20:30
GrueMasterLooks good.  And I have blinking lights next to the SD slot.  :D20:30
ogra_acis there a chance that we can make it blink a little slower ?20:31
slangasekrsalveti, GrueMaster: awesome to hear, thanks20:31
rsalvetiogra_ac: heartbeat? need to check the code20:32
* ogra_ac would prefer once a second20:32
rsalvetidepends on the cpu load currently20:32
ogra_achigher load means faster ?20:32
rsalvetithat's why heartbeat20:33
ogra_acthen we need to improve the userspace !20:33
rsalvetiogra_ac: playing with android?20:36
rsalvetior using ubuntu already?20:36
GrueMasterSo, is the heartbeat tied to actual cpu load or all load?  Don't need excessive flutter waiting on SD I/O.20:37
rsalvetidon't remember the code, but it should be cpu load20:37
ogra_acrsalveti, i bricked the device on sun. so i'm a bit more careful now :)20:38
rsalvetihahah, got it :-)20:38
ogra_ac(with teh replacement)20:38
ogra_acluckily the guys at the discounter where they sell it are totally clueless so it was easy to get a replacement20:39
rsalvetihehe, cool20:39
GrueMasterslangasek: Was that u-boot omap4 only?20:50
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GrueMasterYea.  My XM is finally working again (so far).  3rd time trying a fresh daily image today.  Currently finishing oem-config stage.21:09
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devilhornswoot ! :)21:09
GrueMasterAnd...it crashed.21:11
devilhornsmust be because I said something, sorry ;)21:11
GrueMasterIt's possessed.21:12
ogra_ackill the daemons21:13
slangasekGrueMaster: there's an omap3 as well, but you guys aren't using that yet21:13
ogra_acslangasek, yeah, i havent switched over yet21:14
slangasekGrueMaster: you're welcome to test it, however: u-boot-linaro-omap3-beagle21:14
ogra_acwill do so next time i touch debian-cd21:14
devilhornsogra_ac, real quick ... any hardware news for me ?21:14
ogra_acdevilhorns, ask davidm ?21:14
ogra_ache has it21:14
GrueMasterslangasek: Ok, now I know why XM was reporting a different version.  Thanks.21:15
devilhornsogra_ac, haven't seen him on yet today, but I'll ask when I see him, thanks :)21:15
ogra_acGruemaster; which Xm version did you have ?21:15
ogra_acyou might need to boot with mem="%&M21:16
GrueMasterExtra flaky goodness.21:16
ogra_aci'd love to know why the kbd always does that21:16
GrueMasterActually, it was running fine before Friday's power glitch.21:16
GrueMasterOddly enough, it is behind two surge protected power strips.21:17
ogra_acwait for the a221:18
GrueMasterI spent all day Friday trying to get Beta to reinstall.21:18
ogra_acp8 is really not worth to invest much time into it21:18
GrueMasterI may have hosed my microSD cards or something.21:18
ogra_aci know david is on it21:18
GrueMasterI do what I can with what I have.21:18
GrueMasterYea, he mentioned it this morning.21:19
ogra_acsure but the hw is known to be flaky21:19
rsalvetiyep, you shouldn't waste too much time on your xM21:20
rsalvetiI always get some weird results with mine21:20
rsalvetieven with mem=265M21:20
GrueMasterAs I said, I haven't had issues until Friday.21:21
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GrueMasterWell, it is now official.  I can not get audio out of the default apps on any of our armel platforms in Maverick.23:26
GrueMasterI can at least get speaker-test to work on beagle with some massaging in alsamixer, but no gui apps.23:26
GrueMasterAnd now dove is down.23:26
GrueMasterAnd not a peep from my panda ES2 8L.23:27
dcordesGrueMaster: No good :( Unfortunately I don't have the working alsa yet else I could test23:27
dcordesI'm running 19th preinstalled23:27
GrueMasterI'm running today's (20100920).  Devices are visible, but nothing works.23:28
dcordesMaybe some pulseaudio thing ?23:29
GrueMasterNo.  speaker-test can bypass it and go directly to hw.23:29
dcordesWell if that is the only thing that works ...23:30
* dcordes shrugs23:30
dcordesHow come all the gnome-panel applets are fixed now and what is the correct way to change this ?23:31
dcordesCouldn't find settings in  ~23:31
persiaCould you give more context?23:31
persiaGrueMaster, What did you need to do in alsamixer to get the beagle to work?  Is this different from what you had to do before?23:32
GrueMasterOn beagle, in alsamixer, I had to unmute DAC2 Analog and crank it to 100, Crank Headset to 100, and unmute HeadsetL Mixer Audio L2 & HeadsetR Mixer Audio R2.23:34
GrueMasterThat will at least get speaker-test to work (that's the cli speaker-test with -c 2 -t wav options).23:35
persiaThat's enough :)23:36
persiampoirier, Did you have a chance to look at the beagleboard kernel-side config?  Which amps are turned on there?  Which have sensible volumes?23:36
mpoirierpersia: not haven't yet - I'm currently setting up my board.23:37
mpoirierpersia: I got sound going though using the scripts.23:37
persiaOh.  My apologies.  I thought you'd had a working beagle for some time.23:37
mpoirierpersia: i have a working beagle indeed.  Just received my panda today.23:38
mpoirierpersia: I'm on panda now.23:38
persiaAh, and you don't easily have both wired to audio.  I can understand that :)  Anyway, figured that with GrueMaster having just gotten audio to work post-fiddling would be a handy time to get it to work pre-fiddling kernel-side.23:39
persiaGrueMaster, Have you tried USB audio also?  Are you able to reproduce rlamiero's report?23:42
mpoirierpersia: I'll address panda first.23:42
GrueMasterI don't have any usb-audio devices.23:42
persiampoirier, OK.23:42
persiaGrueMaster, Aha.  Then no, and because you can't.  Thanks for trying :)23:42
GrueMasterOh, wait.  I bought a converter several years ago for hooking up to a record player.  Let me find it.23:43
mpoirierpersia: where's the u-boot git tree we are using for the omap4 image ?23:43
* persia has no idea23:43
persiaI *think* we're using the linaro uboot package.23:43
GrueMastermpoirier: it is the linaro u-boot.  slangasek would know.23:44
persiaI don't know where the upstream git tree lives.  Note that there is at least one Ubuntu-specific patch against upstream applied, so you may want to examine the source package.23:44
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jo-erlendis there any difference between distros in hardware support for omap3 devices like IGEPv2?23:45
mpoirierjo-erlend: we haven't had a chance to really fit ubuntu to the IGEPv2 board.23:46
jo-erlendso I've been told.23:47
mpoirierjo-erlend: there's always stuff in the board specific file that needs to be adjusted.23:47
jo-erlendboard spesific file?23:48
jo-erlendI'm new to these ARM-stuff. :)23:48
mpoirierjo-erlend: each board is different - same processor but different mapping of devices.23:48
persiajo-erlend, the kernels differ between distributions, meaning that the specific handling of various devices tends to differ slightly.  Everyone tries to feed upstream, but it may take more or less time in some places or other.23:48
persiaUserspace should have nearly precisely the same level of hardware support everywhere.23:49
jo-erlendok, so I might be able to get it working by simply replacing the kernel with one from another distro?23:49
persiaIf you're a kernel person, please use Ubuntu, hack the kernel to work for you, and report how the kernel needs changing.23:49
persiaPotentially, although we (obviously) can't support someone else's kernel.23:49
persiaNote that there are at least 2 omap kernels in Ubuntu, so you get to try both before you go somewhere else :)23:50
persiaIf you aren't a kernel person, you ought be able to use Ubuntu userspace with some other kernels, but you do need to have some specific configuration options set: you may end up recompiling if the folks who produce your kernel don't set those.23:51
* ogra_ac would recommend trying the linaro kernel23:51
jo-erlendThanks. There is a wiki page about running ubuntu on the igep. This tells me that someone there must have been successful. That's encouraging, I think.23:51
persiaWhy would you expect it to be better than the mainline kernel?23:51
slangasekmpoirier, GrueMaster: git://git.linaro.org/boot/u-boot-linaro-stable.git23:51
ogra_acbecause linaro uses iegp2 for development23:52
mpoirierfantastic slangasek - thanks.23:52
ogra_acwhile we dont have a single of these boards23:52
dcordesis ac nvidia smartbook ?23:57

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