
=== harrisonk is now known as harrisonk_away
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harrisonkstlsaint are you there?02:50
=== AndrewMC is now known as SpockVulcan
stlsaintharrisonk: sup03:00
wastoidhello, i installed ubuntu netbook edition today, it is my first attempt at linux. i cannot get the wireless to work. the system claims it is disabled and i can't seem to enable it03:30
stlsaintharrisonk: sure03:35
stlsaintwastoid: what type of card do you have?03:35
harrisonkstlsaint I think I am going to reinstall03:36
stlsaintharrisonk: alright03:36
wastoidar 5001 wireless adapter03:37
stlsaintwastoid: to see card use command: lscpi | grep Wireless03:37
stlsaintwastoid: sorry use: lspci | grep Wireless03:37
wastoidthat command didn't show me the card03:40
seidoswastoid, you can try lscpi | grep Ethernet03:40
stlsaintwastoid: well what did the command give you?03:41
stlsaintwastoid: i know that command works03:41
wastoida list of display options03:41
stlsaintwastoid: you ran it wrong mate03:42
stlsaintwastoid: please verify correct usage: lspci | grep Wireless03:42
stlsaintseidos: wireless is the issue here03:43
wastoidah, thank you. atheros ar 5001 wireless adapter..03:43
stlsaintseidos: try running both commands to better understand ;)03:43
stlsaintwastoid: please paste the entire output of card03:43
seidosstlsaint, i use Ethernet.  works for me.  didn't know Wireless worked.  i think he put the | in the wrong place (i did the same thing when i ran it with Wireless for some reason too)03:43
wastoidethernet controller: atheros communication inc. ar5001 wireless network adapter (rev 01)03:44
stlsaintwastoid: is that the output of the ethernet commadn or the wireless one?03:45
wastoidthe wireless one, shall i run the ethernet?03:46
stlsaintwastoid: no need, one sec03:47
seidoswastoid, what version of ubuntu are you running?03:47
bdoggdoes anyone know what sound engine or render (i dont know the term) that xmms uses?03:48
wastoid10.04 i think, netbook edition03:48
stlsaintwastoid: please run command: dmesg | grep Wireless03:48
wastoidcommand produces nothing..03:49
bdoggxmms...sound engine? gstreamer xine?03:50
seidoswastoid, how about ifconfig?03:50
stlsaintwastoid: please run command: dmesg | grep wlan003:50
seidosbdogg, i saw you, but i have no idea.  not even sure what a sound engine is.03:50
stlsaintbdogg: sorry mate, not sure about that03:50
seidosbdogg, especially if it has nothing to do with pulse audio or alsa03:50
bdoggumm i dont really know what the correct term is03:51
bdoggdo you guys atleast know03:51
bdoggwhy it is that xmms has great sound quality03:51
wastoid{   12.633893] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready03:51
seidosi don't even use xmms03:51
bdoggcompared to other players (rhythmbox, banshee)03:51
bdoggim a hude audiophile and i can hear the difference03:52
seidosbdogg, google is your friend.  all i can say, unfortunately.03:52
seidosbdogg, or wait around, paultag might have some words for you.03:52
seidoshe's in a meeting right now though03:52
bdoggi tried no one has ever mentioned it before03:52
bdoggwill do seidos03:52
paultagseidos, sec, I'm folding laundry, I'll pop back in a sec03:53
bdogglaundry ftw03:53
* seidos hides his metaphorical dirty laundry03:53
stlsaintwastoid: im sorry but i must go: this should get the ball rolling for ya: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=608916903:54
paultagseidos, :P03:54
paultagbdogg, so, what's up, my friend?03:54
bdoggjust wanna know some background info on xmms03:55
paultagSure, what about03:55
bdoggbecause in my opinion it has superior sound quality03:55
bdoggto other players i have used03:55
bdoggi just want to know why03:55
paultagHummm, my base reaction is to call bullshit on that03:55
bdoggwell i dunno03:55
paultagbdogg, the reason being is that they all use the same transport03:55
paultagbdogg, so when they "load" and "play" a file, it's the same code, unless it's using a different transport with low latency, such as JACK03:56
bdoggto my music sounds clearer on xmms then on rhythmbox03:56
paultagbdogg, Unless it's an EQ setting, it's all in your head03:56
paultagbdogg, they should be using the same backend, and there is nothing that an app can do from it's place above the audio transport layer03:56
bdoggmakes alot of sense03:57
paultagbdogg, unless it's giving up some of it's time slice to another internal thread03:57
paultagbdogg, then perhaps it's playing with more of the process quantum03:57
paultagbdogg, but that should not really make a big deal, I'm not sure. How big is the gap that you hear?03:57
bdogglol you've pretty much lost me03:57
paultagbdogg, is it an offensive crackle?03:57
paultagbdogg, ( I'm an audiophile as well )03:58
paultagbdogg, what's it doing?03:58
bdoggim an audiophile, but i dont know nearly us much about sound as you do03:58
paultagI'm just coming from a programming backend03:58
paultagbdogg, what kind of audio artifacts are you getting?03:58
bdoggnone from rhythmbox or xmms03:59
bdoggjust that in xmms, bass and treble sound...i dunno... fuller?04:00
bdoggmy equalizer is off on xmms04:00
bdogg*sound fuller04:00
paultagI don't recall a default eq on rb04:00
paultagbdogg, could you do me a favor and test using `mplayer' on the command line?04:01
paultagbdogg, that is bare-bones, almost direct interface to the audio subsystem, it should be close to as perfect as the system can do04:01
bdoggand how would i do that if you dont mind04:01
paultagbdogg, sudo apt-get install mplayer-nogui04:01
paultagbdogg, then take an audio file ( use an ogg or something non-mp* )04:02
paultagbdogg, and give that a listen, compare to xmms / rb04:02
paultagbdogg, if you are super concerned about audio, you might want to look at a new audio subsystem, just FYI04:03
bdoggfor instance?04:03
paultagbdogg, JACK is really nice, and it runs with a higher priority, so it gives more time ( and less latency ) to the audio being played04:03
paultagbdogg, it's hard to setup, but it's a lot better at handling audio output, and you will loose a bit of the "crap"04:04
bdoggany tutorials i can take a crack at?04:04
paultagbdogg, but remember, the weakest point of your setup will be the headphone jack -- I use a firewire quarter inch interface04:04
paultagbdogg, that is a bit better because there is more material keeping it isolated04:04
bdoggbtw how do i use mplayer on terminal04:05
paultagwhereas the headphone jack can be really weak when it comes to power interference04:05
paultagbdogg, mplayer /home/bdogg/Music/file.ogg04:05
paultagbdogg, http://jackaudio.org/04:05
paultagbdogg, you can apt-get most of that04:05
bdoggusing the mplayer-no gui04:09
bdoggsound similar to what i hear in xmms04:10
bdoggsymbol crashes and drums sound clearer and deeper bass04:10
=== SpockVulcan is now known as AndrewMC
paultagbdogg, Well, I'm not sure what to say. I don't see anything that looks like RB Is changing the audio -- my mids sound strong and I'm using RB. I'm also using a firewire hardware interface04:12
paultagbdogg, I'm not sure. Try poking about rb, but I don't see much reason for it to do that04:12
bdoggwell under the sound menu, i have something installed called JACK control04:12
bdoggthat i have no idea where it came from04:12
bdoggummm another way to explain it to you....: xmms makes my mp3 files almost sound FLAC quality while rythmbox just sound normal04:18
paultagbdogg, sorry, that's not possible04:21
paultagbdogg, mp3 compression removes data, and it's not able to be restored04:21
paultagbdogg, the mp3 audio "cap" in quality is hard04:21
paultagbdogg, I'm thinking it might be in your head :)04:21
bdoggyeah.... i dunno, i just did a sound comparison04:21
paultagbdogg, it happens a lot04:21
bdoggand to me it just sounds better in rythmbox04:22
bdoggi mean xmms04:22
bdogghow do i intall the JACK thing04:22
paultagbdogg, so use xmms, all I'm saying is that there is no technological reason for it04:22
paultagbdogg, take a look at the guides on the jack website04:23
paultagbdogg, there's a lot you can do04:23
paultagbdogg, so there are a lot of choices to make04:23
paultagOh shoot04:31
paultagwas I too mean?04:31
paultagI did not mean to be :(04:31
Mohan_chmlheya dengaku_sco05:35
dengaku_scoi got a bit of a start up prob05:35
Mohan_chmldengaku_sco, shot05:37
dengaku_scowhen i start up ubuntu, it comes up ..(how to put this) not as fancy. think safe mode. at the login screen, a message pops up in the top corner saying, and i quote ..05:39
Mohan_chmlLow resolution?05:39
dengaku_sco"Configuration defaults for GNOME Power Manager have not been installed correctly."05:40
seidosdengaku_sco, did you do anything that might have caused it?05:40
seidosnever seen that problem before05:41
Mohan_chmldengaku_sco, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-980711.html looked at that before?05:41
dengaku_scowhere once it came up with the soft greys tones and round-edged windows, it now comes up with the cold greys and sharp edges of Win 9505:41
Mohan_chmldengaku_sco, ^05:42
dengaku_sconot that thread05:43
Mohan_chmlAfter doing, executing sudo dpkg --configure -a solved the problem05:43
Mohan_chmldengaku_sco, lucid : https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+question/3890005:44
Mohan_chmlIt is cleared05:44
dengaku_scooh, and i installed Wine and Iced Tea the session before this happened, oh and FireFox Sync05:46
dengaku_sco(still reading that stuff)05:46
dengaku_scosame basic prob, but i do have my cursor and login prompt05:52
dengaku_scotho, when i login with my right password, the screen blanks for a bit. and then the login prompt reappears05:53
dengaku_scowell, i guess ill try that out. so when i get to my problem screen, i press Alt+Cnrl+1 right05:54
dengaku_scowwwell i guess ill try that out. bbl05:58
Guest16255any1 thr??06:00
Guest16255need help06:04
Guest16255how to restore grub06:04
Guest16255wiped out due to windows reinstall06:04
Mohan_chmlGuest16255, hello and no PM  when you are a guest :P06:05
seidosoh goodness.06:05
seidosnever done it, but there's a how to somewhere06:05
ubot2grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.06:05
seidoshey, cool!  smart bot.06:05
Guest16255lost grub206:05
Guest16255not grub06:05
Mohan_chmlGuest16255, get the grub restore link at top^06:05
Mohan_chmlGuest16255, using 9.04?06:06
Mohan_chmlthen it is GRUB206:07
Mohan_chmlthen look at the link from ubot206:07
Mohan_chmlit is for GRUB206:08
Guest16255thts whn u are able to boot into ubuntu06:10
Guest16255i am unable to boot into06:10
kaushalAre there freelance assignements available ?06:10
Mohan_chmlGuest16255, you have to use a Live CD06:11
Mohan_chmlthen you have to proceed06:11
Mohan_chmlGuest16255, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RestoreGrub06:12
Mohan_chmlseidos, I got a PM all of a sudden and Idk who is that :/06:12
Guest16255may be its me06:13
Mohan_chmlyep :P but still idk who you are :/06:13
Guest16255am rohith06:14
Mohan_chmlGuest16255, you are reading that link?06:15
Guest16255wlll try it out nwo06:15
Guest16255thanq so much06:16
Guest16255missing linux06:16
Mohan_chmlGuest16255, try that06:18
kaushalare there freelance assignements available ?06:30
temposskaushal, how do you mean?06:30
kaushaltemposs: basically I am well versed with offering linux solutions06:31
temposskaushal, this is not the place to ask such a question06:32
Mohan_chmlhey kaushal you can contribute to the community here. (As I told you already)06:32
temposskaushal, we offer linux solutions for free here06:32
temposskaushal, anything else is unacceptable in this forum06:33
kaushaltemposs: sure06:33
kaushaltemposs: i would like to contribute06:34
kaushalhow do i start with ?06:34
temposskaushal, then stay connected to this chatroom and wait for someone to come and ask a question06:34
Mohan_chmlkaushal, I already told you to what to do06:34
tempossif you know the answer, then you may answer it06:34
seidoskaushal, you could try fixing these in the meantime:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu06:34
seidosnight all06:34
Crash417any 1 thr11:02
Crash417any1 thr11:02
Crash417need help urgently11:02
Crash417why is this room dead11:05
duanedesignmorning all11:37
Silver_Fox_Hello =)11:45
duanedesignhello Silver_Fox_12:02
Silver_Fox_Hello duanedesign  :)12:04
Silver_Fox_How are you doing ?12:04
arnotixe_hi all in a recent update the cups-pdf package was suggested removed. What's the alternative to cups-pdf?15:16
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer
DiegoTchi guys16:55
Mohan_chmlheya DiegoTc16:56
DiegoTcho Mohan_chml  AbhiJit16:57
Mohan_chmlDiegoTc: Long time no see.. Hows life??16:57
DiegoTchere getting ready for the dev academy :D16:57
dengaku_scoi dont know if u remember me from last night, but i had the GNOME Power Manager problem at login17:07
Mohan_chmldengaku_sco: I do remember17:07
Mohan_chmland what happened?17:07
dengaku_scoi pressed Alt+Cnrl+1, and put in the code u gave me. and noth9ing happend17:08
Mohan_chmlI had never got a problem like that and let me look around for your problem17:09
dengaku_scoill try it again and take notes on what happens if i missed something17:10
dengaku_sconothing happened17:23
dengaku_scopressed Alt+Cntl+F1, logedin, got a "scott@ubuntu:"$" line, put in the code, got a "[sudo] password" line, put my password. then, got another "scott@ubuntu:"$" line. nothing else.17:28
Mohan_chmldengaku_sco: http://www.absolutelytech.com/2010/04/13/solved-unable-to-boot-due-to-gnome-power-manager-error/17:28
Mohan_chmlhave a look at that^17:29
Mohan_chmldengaku_sco: is that the error displayed in the link I gave?17:29
Mohan_chmlif so, try that. or report here17:30
dengaku_scoyes that is it exactly17:30
Mohan_chmlokay and I have found another link with stories about this too http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=132640917:31
Mohan_chmldengaku_sco: try those links and good luck =]17:32
dengaku_scothank you so much17:32
Mohan_chmlyw (:17:32
hobgoblinif your error is down to lack of space - running the apt-get clean command more than once will not accomplish anything17:34
Mohan_chmlheya hobgoblin =]17:34
hobgoblinhi Mohan_chml17:35
* Mohan_chml yawns17:35
hobgoblindengaku_sco: a df -h will tell you more - look for the line with mounte on / and see what it says about Use%17:37
dengaku_scoum..barely understood that17:39
hobgoblincan you get into the system?17:40
dengaku_scointo ubuntu? (im in Vista right now)17:40
hobgoblinubuntu - so can you get in with the recovery mode - that is from the ubuntu boot menu - second option17:41
dengaku_scoi can do that17:41
hobgoblindengaku_sco: ok - so do that - then when you get the root menu choose root terminal and enter df -h17:42
hobgoblinyou'll get a list - look for the line that includes / under the Mounted on column - in that line what is the number that is under the Use% column17:43
hobgoblinthat will tell you how full your root drive is17:43
hobgoblinmine is 26% used /dev/sda6              18G  4.2G   13G  26% /17:44
hobgoblinand I have 13Gb available17:44
hobgoblinbut if your issue is not actually to do with lack of space that is all a waste of time - I don't have a log of what your issue is :)17:44
dengaku_scook, wrote all that down17:45
shahanApacer 2GB pen drive is not formatting17:46
shahanUbuntu 10.0417:47
hobgoblinhow bizarre17:52
=== AbhiJit is now known as Guest78010
=== AbhiJit_ is now known as AbhiJit
ehcahHello. Does anyone know if the ubuntu canada repositories are down?19:04
ehcahI can not do any updates or installs from terminal?19:05
TheAberrantHi all - got a Linode server setup with Ubuntu 10.4, and trying to secure it.  Changed SSH a bit, but also set up OpenVPN and got connected to the server with my Win7 desktop.  Now I'm trying to figure out how to make sure I'm connecting via the VPN tunnel, and then how to block external SSH access with iptables19:39
TheAberrantI've tried looking at Netstat -r, but can't really tell what I'm seeing there...19:40
dengaku_scoim back again20:11
Mohan_chmlwb dengaku_sco20:11
dengaku_scoand the sudo apt-get clean line worked20:11
Mohan_chmldengaku_sco: cool :)20:11
dengaku_scoit was that i have a pretty full drive20:12
hobgoblinif it worked then I would suggest you look into that then - it WILL happen again otherwise :)20:12
Mohan_chmlyeah! remember what you did to clear errors in future as hobgoblin said20:12
dengaku_scobeen doing that all day. deleting here, deleting there20:13
hobgoblinmight be worth looking into some partition resizing ;)20:13
dengaku_scowell the whole point of trying Ubuntu out is to see if it will be worth reformatting my comp toUbuntu20:14
hobgoblinaaah - wubi is it?20:16
hobgoblinthen now you know how big to make the / partition when you install with a normal install then :)20:17
hobgoblinbigger than it is now lol20:18
dengaku_scoah! gotcha20:18
hobgoblinif you have a seperate /home then I'd go for 9Gb or so - but I like to make sure :)20:19
dengaku_scosounds good. i like to play safe20:20
dengaku_scoand being as Unbuntu and Linux seem like learning a new counrty, ill want to play it safe20:21
hobgoblinprobably a good idea :)20:24
=== zkriesse is now known as zkriesse_away
WrathZAhey guys, I'm trying to diagnose a X freeze issue but I can't find my xconfig, it's not in /etc/X1121:47
Mohan_chmlWrathZA: you are using 10.10?21:52
Mohan_chmlWrathZA: and you must be looking for xorg.conf21:53
ibuclawWrathZA, what type of graphics card?21:54
ibuclawxorg.conf is deprecated :x21:54
WrathZAhi guys, sorry. looking though the logs...21:55
WrathZAibuclaw: intel onboard21:56
WrathZA00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)21:56
WrathZAX freezes after 30 seconds, but the box is still up. I can SSH in21:57
WrathZAMohan: how would I know what exact version I'm using21:57
WrathZAI did a "apt-get upgrade" so I assume the latest?21:58
ibuclawcat /etc/issue21:58
WrathZAUbuntu 10.04.1 LTS21:58
ibuclawyeah, we can assume latest then. :-)21:59
Mohan_chmlhey ibuclaw =]22:00
ibuclawthere are already several bugs open regarding 82945G/GZ chips22:00
ibuclawmostly to do with having Compiz enabled22:00
WrathZAok, that's a start22:00
WrathZAhow do I disable Compiz?22:00
WrathZAibuclaw, you're a jedi, I killed compiz (sudo killall compiz) and it works (so far)22:04
ibuclawWrathZA, system->preferences->appearance22:06
ibuclawunder 'Visual Effects', select 'Disabled'22:07
ibuclawproblem seems to still be the case in the upstream kernel drivers too22:07
ibuclawso you'll have to do the same if you upgrade to Maverick at the end of the month. :322:08
WrathZAwow, I'm a happy man. 3 days of pain and a lot of learning (the good part) and finally a fellow south african has the answer.22:09
WrathZAI have another question though :)22:10
WrathZAduring all my debugging, I found a process called 'backend' locking one of my cores @ 100%22:12
WrathZAsearched synaptic for the name to uninstall it, but there are lots of packages, how do I know which one it is so I can uninstall it?22:12
WrathZAok, don't worry about it, I gtg anyways22:15
WrathZAthanks for the help, I apprecaite it.22:15
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=== zkriesse_away is now known as zkriesse

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