
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
ejathi .. may i know what the differ between root device : instance vs ebs ?09:20
progre55hi guys10:05
progre55how do you change the availabitily-zone settings?10:05
progre55for instance, if I want to increase the amount of RAM in the type m1.small10:05
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smoserprogre55, they're in the UI13:49
progre55smoser: yep, found it, thanks =)13:50
progre55forgot to get back here and say I'd found it =)13:50
progre55smoser: dont you by any chance know how to install sun-java6-jdk from the repos silently, without user interaction?13:51
smoseryeah. actually.13:52
progre55cause it asks if I'm willing to accept the user agreement..13:52
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 634102 in cloud-init "t1.micro EC2 instances hang on reboot" [High,Fix committed]13:52
_mup_Bug #634102: t1.micro EC2 instances hang on reboot <server-mrs> <verification-done> <cloud-init (Ubuntu):Fix Released by smoser> <cloud-init (Ubuntu Lucid):Fix Committed> <cloud-init (Ubuntu Maverick):Fix Released by smoser> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/634102>13:52
_mup_Bug #634102: t1.micro EC2 instances hang on reboot <server-mrs> <verification-done> <cloud-init (Ubuntu):Fix Released by smoser> <cloud-init (Ubuntu Lucid):Fix Committed> <cloud-init (Ubuntu Maverick):Fix Released by smoser> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/634102>13:52
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 634102 in cloud-init "t1.micro EC2 instances hang on reboot" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63410213:52
_mup_Bug #634102: t1.micro EC2 instances hang on reboot <server-mrs> <verification-done> <cloud-init (Ubuntu):Fix Released by smoser> <cloud-init (Ubuntu Lucid):Fix Committed> <cloud-init (Ubuntu Maverick):Fix Released by smoser> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/634102>13:52
_mup_Bug #634102: t1.micro EC2 instances hang on reboot <server-mrs> <verification-done> <cloud-init (Ubuntu):Fix Released by smoser> <cloud-init (Ubuntu Lucid):Fix Committed> <cloud-init (Ubuntu Maverick):Fix Released by smoser> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/634102>13:52
smoser(i wouldn't know if it weren't for that bug)13:52
progre55hmm.. what's that? )13:52
smoseroh. wait. wrong bug.13:53
_mup_Bug #634487: t1.micro instance hangs when installing sun java <ec2-images> <review-request> <linux (Ubuntu):New> <linux-ec2 (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <openjdk-6 (Ubuntu):New> <sun-java6 (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/634487>13:54
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 634487 in linux-ec2 "t1.micro instance hangs when installing sun java" [Medium,Confirmed]13:54
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 634487 in linux-ec2 "t1.micro instance hangs when installing sun java" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63448713:54
_mup_Bug #634487: t1.micro instance hangs when installing sun java <ec2-images> <review-request> <linux (Ubuntu):New> <linux-ec2 (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <openjdk-6 (Ubuntu):New> <sun-java6 (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/634487>13:54
_mup_Bug #634487: t1.micro instance hangs when installing sun java <ec2-images> <review-request> <linux (Ubuntu):New> <linux-ec2 (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <openjdk-6 (Ubuntu):New> <sun-java6 (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/634487>13:54
_mup_Bug #634487: t1.micro instance hangs when installing sun java <ec2-images> <review-request> <linux (Ubuntu):New> <linux-ec2 (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <openjdk-6 (Ubuntu):New> <sun-java6 (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/634487>13:54
progre55well, I'm not installing it in a micro.. I just want to have a user-data (scirpt) that silently installs the sun-java13:54
smoserbut that bug tells you how.13:55
progre55but when installing java, it needs user interaction, to accept the certificate13:55
smoserread it13:55
progre55oh, okay, thanks13:55
progre55let me have a look13:55
smoserin general, you can always do something like this to see:13:55
smoserapt-get install debconf-utils13:55
smoserdebconf-get-selections > pre.txt13:55
smoserapt-get install <your-package>13:56
smoser# answer prompts13:56
smoserdebconf-get-selections > post.txt13:56
smoserdiff -u pre.txt post.txt13:56
progre55well, actually here is what goes there: http://paste.ubuntu.com/496972/14:02
progre55smoser: thanks14:04
progre55smoser: can I just put those options in a file, and then just say "debconf-set-selections file"?14:05
smoseryou can, yes.14:06
smoseralso, cloud-config has support for debconf-set-selections14:07
progre55what's cloud-config? let me try to run it )14:07
smoseryou can pass something like that as a user data14:08
smoserand it will handle having that stuff set up on first boot14:08
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progre55aha, I see14:09
progre55smoser: is it possible to bundle an image from a running instance?15:01
progre55actually, I think I've seen that somewhere in the uec documentations..15:01
smoserwell, that is euca-bundle-vol15:02
smosergenerally, i really dont like that (the 'un-booting' thing)15:02
smoserbut... it should generally work.15:02
progre55smoser: how to find out if a CPU is VT compatible?15:35
progre55oh, thanks15:36
progre55I want to set up a machine for cc AND nc.. and I have one separate machine for nc15:38
progre55kvm-ok says "INFO: your CPU supports KVM extentions \n INFO: /dev/kvm does not exits \n HINT: sudo modprobe kvm_intel \n KVM acceleration can NOT be used". Can it be used as a node?15:39
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smoserprogre55, you have kvm installed there ?15:40
smoserkvm should modprobe that for you15:40
smoseri think15:40
progre55let me modprobe15:40
smoserif you hvae qemu-kvm installed (which is a dependency of eucalyptus-nc) it will add an init script that will modprobe it for you15:41
smoserso that won't be an issue. this should work for you15:41
progre55oh, it says it's been disableb by bios15:41
progre55let me see what I can find in bios =)15:41
progre55I'm getting "FATAL: Error inserting kvm_intel (/lib/modules/2.6.32-24-server/kernel/arch/x86/kvm/kvm-intel.ko): Operation not supported" when I modprobe..15:46
progre55oh, it still says "kvm: disabled by bios"15:47
=== mathiaz_ is now known as mathiaz
smoserprogre55, so you booted into bios and poked around ?16:40
progre55smoser: I cant find the KVM switch in the bios..16:43
progre55and now trying to update my bios..16:43
progre55cause some say that the old bios doesnt have the switch, although it supports KVM16:43
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progre55smoser: finally =)17:13
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progre55now I'm setting it up as cc, nc, walrus, and etc )17:13
progre55well, all the 4 =)17:14
progre55smoser: and hope I dont have to re-install my separate nc node, right? It will just detect the nc, I hope17:14
smoseri do not think that the clc will detect the node controller17:18
smoserbut on install of the nc, (from CD) it will see the CLC and ask you if you want to register it17:18
progre55smoser: but my nc is already installed.. and I'm reinstalling the clc17:19
progre55will I have to re-install the node controller as well?17:19
smoseri dont know. you can definitely go through registration again.17:20
smoser(euca_conf --register-node)17:20
progre55sure, I'll try that17:21
progre55smoser: so btw, is there a way to bundle a running instance?17:25
smoserI answered above: well, that is euca-bundle-vol, generally, i really dont like that (the 'un-booting' thing)17:25
progre55oh I see17:28
progre55smoser: is it okay to give 3 cpu cores to an instance? I mean, to a type18:00
progre55or should it better be an even number of cores?18:00
smoseri really have no idea what would happen.18:00
smoserif libvirt would even allow it18:00
progre55well, I have 6 nodes available =)18:00
progre55I mean, cores18:00
progre55and wanted to distribute them equally among 2 instances =)18:01
progre55smoser: well, arright man, thanks a lot for all the support18:19
progre55my workday is over now =)18:19
smoseryou can over commit your nodes18:19
smoseron the node controllers18:20
smoserin /etc/eucalyptus/eucalyptus.conf18:20
smoserman eucalyptus.conf18:20
smoserthat setting has to be modified on cores and then 'sudo restart eucalyptus-nc' and it should show up (eventually) in euca-describe-availability-zones verbose18:20
smoserie, if you set MAX_CORES=16, it will pretend that that is a 16 way machine18:21
progre55aha, I see18:22
progre55let me try to set it before I leave )18:22
progre55smoser: btw, will the running instances be terminated if I restart eucalyptus-nc?18:24
smoseri *think* no18:24
progre55well, let me try )18:25
=== sidnei_ is now known as sidnei
progre55yep, works18:32
progre55but the instances were broken.. maybe because they were "pending" but not "running" when I restarted the node controllers =)18:32
progre55well, I'm off now18:32
progre55smoser: thanks for all the help again ) take care18:32
kim0howdy folks .. in the mood to answer some forum questions ? :) check those out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1575971 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=157039619:04
mathiazsmoser: hi!19:51
mathiazsmoser: I've just noticed that tags can be used when starting instances from AWS console19:51
mathiazsmoser: is that something new?19:52
mathiazsmoser: are they available from cloud-init?19:52
smoserit depends what you mean by tags19:52
smoseris new today19:52
smoserseriously, though, the console ? mathiaz... we have command line tools :)19:53
mathiazsmoser: indeed - that's what I saw today *in* the AWS console :)19:54
mathiazsmoser: I'm just using a different tool ;)19:54
smoserwhat support would you tihnk would be in cloud-init ?19:54
mathiazsmoser: can the tags be accessed?19:57
mathiazsmoser: for example to put the ssh_key_id in the tag?19:57
smoseri dont know if the tags can be accessed.19:58
smoseri dont knwo why you'd want the ssh_key_id in the tag19:58
smosermathiaz, note, there were 4 features released today: http://aws.typepad.com/aws/2010/09/new-amazon-ec2-features-resource-tagging-idempotency-filtering.html20:01
CharlieSuAre there any official UEC imanges that are EBS backed instead of the instance store?21:44
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dialtonehi, it used to be possible to see the user-data script output in /var/log/syslog before cloud-init22:28
dialtonehow can I re-enable that behavior again with cloud-init enabled?22:28
dialtonefrom a quick glance it should be possible to obtain that by having the runcmd key in the user-data22:29
dialtonesince it says that the output will appear on console output22:30
dialtoneuhm, that output in that case appears in ec2-get-console-output22:55
dialtonealthough it's only the last X lines22:55
dialtoneagh... cloud-init is frustrating :(23:54

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