
kmckinneyHi everyone, does anyone know how to contact davidz (David Zeuthen). I am working on the gnome-device-manager package and I wanted to ask him a few questions.02:58
mclasenkmckinney: you'll find him on GimpNet during work hours on weekdays03:12
kmckinneymclasen: thanks!!03:15
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didrocksgood morning07:35
slomopitti: hi :) do you have a second or two for two quite trivial freeze exceptions?07:53
htorquegood morning, everybody! i have a question about the rdepends of libevolution: shouldn't they all depend on evolution too?08:21
htorqueeg., i purged evolution and evolution-indicator stayed behind because it only depends on libevolution.08:21
htorquerdepends already depending on both: evolution-couchdb, evolution-exchange, evolution-plugins-experimental, evolution-mapi08:21
glatzormorning mvo08:22
htorquerdepends depending on libevolution only: libevolution-dbgsym, tracker-miner-evolution, mail-notification-evolution, evoluion-plugins, evolution-indicator08:22
brycehglatzor, hi08:22
glatzorhello bryceh! how are you?08:23
glatzormvo, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/64293608:23
ubot2Ubuntu bug 642936 in python-apt (Debian) (and 2 other projects) "Doesn't monitor remove transactions (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Unknown,Unknown]08:23
didrockshtorque: evolution doesn't use libevolution, hence evo doesn't dep on libevolution08:23
pittiGood morning08:24
glatzormvo, could you please take a look at this python-apt bug? I attachted a patch.08:24
glatzormorning pitti08:24
didrockshey pitti08:24
pittislomo: I can have a look, yes08:24
pittiguten Morgen glatzor, wie gehts?08:25
htorquedidrocks, hm, 'apt-cache depends evolution' shows 'Depends: libevolution'?08:25
pittibonjour didrocks08:25
slomopitti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gst-plugins-good0.10/+bug/641218  and   https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/totem-plugin-arte/+bug/639760   (second one is in universe)08:25
ubot2Ubuntu bug 641218 in gst-plugins-good0.10 (Ubuntu) "Freeze Exception: Backport 0.10.24-3 and 0.10.24-4 changes from Debian (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New]08:25
didrockshtorque: sorry, I apt-cache show the other way around :)08:25
mvoglatzor: good morning! sure, I have a look now08:26
brycehglatzor, doing fine, you?08:26
glatzorbryceh, pitti, thanks. I am well, but I am in a hurry - have to get my bus! So see you!08:26
micahghtorque: not necessarily, that would usually be handled if the the package is marked automatically for install and if nothing else uses it, aptitude/apt should offer to remove08:26
didrockshtorque: so, it seems normal that they only depends on libevolution, evolution is just the gui08:26
didrockshtorque: libevolution the way to access to e-d-s08:27
micahghtorque: you can see why it was left by running: aptitude why libevolution08:28
pittislomo: done, looks fine08:31
slomopitti: thanks :)08:31
htorquemicahg, didrocks: thanks. i'm still a bit confused, why eg. evolution-plugins depends only on libevolution, while evolution-plugins-experimental depends on both. or: can evolution-indicator be used without the package evolution?08:31
didrockshtorque: this one should be an issue. But they are plugins that can be used with anjal for instance, IIRC, I set that for those depending on evolution (the gui) itself or not. I'll have a look again for Natty. evolution-indicator should work with anjal08:33
htorquedidrocks, ah, makes sense then. thanks! :)08:34
didrockshtorque: you're welcome :)08:34
didrockschrisccoulson: hey ;)10:23
chrisccoulsonhi didrocks, how are you?10:23
pittihey chrisccoulson, good morning10:35
pittichrisccoulson: had a nice weekend?10:35
chrisccoulsonhi pitti10:36
chrisccoulsonyeah, it wasn't too bad, although i spent quite a bit of time yesterday trying to get firefox to build with the test-suite enabled10:36
chrisccoulsonother than that, it was a fairly quiet weekend10:37
chrisccoulsonhow about you?10:37
chrisccoulsongrrrr @ bug 64129410:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 641294 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Error loading the runtime (/usr/lib/firefox-3.6.10/libnssutil3.so: undefined symbol: PL_ClearArenaPool) (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64129410:37
pittichrisccoulson: was rather quiet, too (my wife is away visiting a friend); so I went for some bicycling, house cleaning, and watching too many "Doctor House" episodes :)10:43
pittichrisccoulson: I went to a "Star Trek - Facts and Fiction" presentation on Sat evening, which was really interesting, though10:43
pittiI was surprised to learn that the Warp drive is quite a lot more realistic than I thought10:43
directhexeven the "reach warp 10 and you'll devolve into some kind of lizard" bit from Voyager?10:45
chrisccoulsonpitti - nice. is this the sort of thing you can only do when your wife is away, or is she also a star trek fan too?10:46
pittichrisccoulson: she isn't; however, I'd have gone there anwyay, she just wouldn't have joined me :)10:47
pittidirecthex: well, there's quite a bit of impact waay before you fold the universe into an infinitesimally small point :)10:47
didrockshey chrisccoulson10:48
didrockschrisccoulson: how was your week-end?10:48
pittibefore that I knew that some physicist had come up with some theories about how this could work, but back then it still needed 20 billion universe energies to do that10:49
pittibut apparently in 1999 some clever guy reduced that by a factor of 10**32 (!)10:49
pittiso it's "only" the energy of 20 suns now10:49
directhexthere's more power in dilithium than i thought!10:50
pittidirecthex: oh, this was all just from a purely theoretical standpoint, of course; no engineering at all10:50
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks, it was good thanks. how was yours?10:50
pittithey just looked at how to warp space (in the GRT sense) to create such a "warp bubble"10:50
didrockschrisccoulson: well, I was force to test maverick reinstallation. / has been corrupted and no way to fsck, even on live cd10:51
didrockschrisccoulson: so, not a very good experience10:51
chrisccoulsonouch, that's not good10:51
pittiand of course the little problem that building such a warp bubble needs something that produces negative energy; while that's physically allowed, nobody found such a thing yet10:51
didrockschrisccoulson: yeah, but at least /home was safe :)10:51
pitti(except in ridiculously small quantities using the Casimir effect)10:51
* pitti realizes he's waaay OT here, sorry10:52
didrockschrisccoulson: btw, do you have some free time for some GNOME bug?10:52
chrisccoulsondidrocks - yeah, sure10:52
didrockschrisccoulson: bug #633303 would be interesting to fix10:52
directhexmy indicator-application merge is on-topic. but it needs a tedg or bratsche, both of whom are hiding10:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 633303 in gnome-terminal (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "gnome-terminal crashed with signal 5 in _XError() when Mutter is restarted (affects: 70) (dups: 23) (heat: 244)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63330310:52
didrockschrisccoulson: people get it on unity and gnome shell, so maybe vte related10:53
chrisccoulsondidrocks - yeah, i can look at that one10:53
didrockschrisccoulson: but terminator doesn't crash (xterm does from a report)10:53
didrockschrisccoulson: thanks ;)10:53
htorquexterm doesn't for me10:53
didrockschrisccoulson: also bug #629452 if you are interested :)10:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 629452 in gnome-bluetooth (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "can not disable bluetooth in applet menu (affects: 14) (dups: 2) (heat: 72)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62945210:53
didrockschrisccoulson: I think that's enough for now. I'll try to continue on GNOME updates today10:54
chrisccoulsondidrocks - sure, i'll take a look at that one after gnome-terminal10:54
didrocksthanks chrisccoulson :)10:54
rodrigo_hmm, is seb128 out?10:57
didrocksrodrigo_: yeah, he's on vacation this week10:59
didrocksrodrigo_: hey btw10:59
rodrigo_hi didrocks10:59
didrockshow are you?10:59
rodrigo_ok, well deserved vacation I guess :)10:59
didrocksright :)10:59
rodrigo_didrocks, feeling a bit Mondayish, but fine, thanks, you?11:00
didrocksrodrigo_: I'm fine thanks ;) sunny, but cold11:00
didrocksrodrigo_: did you merge evolution localized welcome email in the patch, btw? (I think we should have it before Thursday to get it into maverick or dpm will cry ;))11:01
rodrigo_didrocks, working on it, dpm sent me the translations, but I need to format them in the mbox, etc11:01
rodrigo_didrocks, but yes, before Thursday they will be in11:02
rodrigo_probably today evedning or tomorrow, I'll have it done11:02
didrocksrodrigo_: great! thanks :)11:02
didrockschrisccoulson: I'll assign the indicator bug to karl11:26
baptistemmpitti: there are some interesting fixes for git packages (at least for me) from debian which could interesting to have for maverick, although the fixes are in experimental. Would it possible to have them or it is safer to pick the fixes one by one ? http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/g/git/git_1.7.2.3-1/changelog11:48
didrocksrodrigo_: interested in doing the tomboy update?12:13
rodrigo_didrocks, yes, I can do it, if you want12:14
didrocksrodrigo_: sweet! thanks :)12:15
rodrigo_didrocks, hmm, is the ~ubuntu-desktop up-to-date? I thought 1.3.3 had already been uploaded12:16
rodrigo_no, only 1.3.2 in the archive12:16
didrocksrodrigo_: yeah, only 1.3.2-1ubuntu412:16
didrocksrodrigo_: but .3 just lived one day :)12:17
rodrigo_ok, building the package, will submit as soon as everyting is ok12:21
directhexdidrocks, tomboy is broken12:26
didrocksdirecthex: even .4?12:26
didrocksrodrigo_: ^^12:26
directhexdidrocks, Bug #63613212:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 636132 in indicator-application (Ubuntu) "Tomboy does not start, indicator-application version skew (affects: 2) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63613212:27
rodrigo_didrocks, hmm, is it?12:27
rodrigo_testing now12:27
directhexonly works on upgrade systems with leftover libindicator012:27
rodrigo_didrocks, seems to work ok for me12:27
didrockstrying there using not the applet12:28
rodrigo_oh, but no text for the notes titles in the menu :(12:28
directhexrodrigo_, do you have libindicator0 installed?12:28
rodrigo_the panel applet works great12:28
rodrigo_directhex, hmm, let me check12:29
rodrigo_ii  libappindicator0                          0.2.3-0ubuntu212:29
directhexrodrigo_, that's why it works. leftover package12:29
rodrigo_so, if I remove that, it doesn'0t work?12:29
rodrigo_ugh, I've uploaded the package already :(12:30
directhexfixed (well, hacked around) in https://code.launchpad.net/~directhex/indicator-application/gapi_is_a_pile_of_shit/+merge/3596312:30
didrocksdirecthex: it works there, I've reinstalled from scratch maverick yesterday. But I have to check why I have it12:30
rodrigo_directhex, ah, dll mapping12:30
rodrigo_directhex, I had a similar problem in the u1 patch in tomboy12:31
directhexrodrigo_, dll mapping plus a major problem with the way gapi handles signals, which took the other 11 hours of yesterday's hacking12:31
rodrigo_ok, so the fix is outside tomboy, so it's ok for the tomboy ackage to be uploaded, right?12:31
rodrigo_directhex, :(12:31
didrocksdirecthex: ok, I get libindicator0 because of unity12:31
rodrigo_directhex, gapi is a bit unmaintained, hasn't seen a release for months, afaics12:31
directhexrodrigo_, yes, tomboy should be okay, it's the binding that needs updating12:31
directhexrodrigo_, indeed... trunk version doesn't cope with this scenario (multiple signals w/ the same signal handler) either12:32
didrocksdirecthex: just ping tedg about that one when he's there12:32
directhexdidrocks, he hasn't been here since i proposed the merge! i reckon he's hiding12:32
rodrigo_didrocks, merge this then please -> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/maverick/tomboy/1_3_4_release/+merge/3600212:32
didrocksdirecthex: hehe, right. Just remember me to launch the hunt then :p12:33
didrocksrodrigo_: sure, thanks!12:33
pittibaptistemm: does git have a test suite with nice coverage? or anyone else who tested the new version? For a package like git, syncing could be adequate12:33
rodrigo_didrocks, sorry, proposed it for the wrong branch, re-proposing12:34
didrockspitti: I'm just uploading GNOME 2.31.92 without opening or subscribing ubuntu-release to each bug, it's ok I guess?12:35
pittididrocks: yes, we'll review it from the queue12:35
didrockspitti: thanks :)12:35
didrocksrodrigo_: pushed, thanks!12:35
rodrigo_didrocks, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/maverick/tomboy/1_3_4_release/+merge/3600312:36
rodrigo_didrocks, oh, already pushed?12:36
didrocksrodrigo_: yes. I think LP will linked to the branch once scanned :)12:39
rodrigo_didrocks, ah, ok12:39
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Laneyrodrigo_: you are using the wrong version number for new upstreams you upload12:46
Laneythey should be -0ubuntu112:47
baptistemmpitti: I don't really know, I've just look at the package because I discovered some bugs while setting up a git repository with web interface12:47
didrocksright, rodrigo_ can you fix that and upload again? pitti, can you reject -1ubuntu1, please?12:53
pittididrocks: which package?12:54
pittiright, it's the only 1ubuntu1, rejecting12:54
didrockspitti: thanks :)12:55
didrocksrodrigo_: open for a new upload :)12:55
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didrockspitti: do you prefer than I update gdu or do you want to do it in experimental + sync? (or do you want me to propose a package for exp)13:09
rodrigo_Laney, hmm, what is wrong then?13:38
didrocksrodrigo_: you should use -0ubuntu1 instead of -1ubuntu113:39
rodrigo_didrocks, oh13:39
didrocksas you don't base on a debian version, apart if you merged :)13:39
rodrigo_didrocks, the previous uploads all have 1ubuntu*13:40
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didrocksrodrigo_: it's never too late to make it right ;)13:41
rodrigo_didrocks, ah, ok :)13:41
didrocksrodrigo_: more seriously, if we want to merge from debian, we have to upload with -1 or -1ubuntu113:41
didrockswhich won't be possible if you use that version13:41
didrocksam I the only one with one row despite of the setting of 2 rows of ws in metacity? (which wasn't updated for a while)13:44
Laneyrodrigo_: Yeah, you have to upload with higher version than what's in the archive already. If you use -1ubuntu1 then it's impossible to upload -1 as this is considered "lower" by dpkg13:46
rodrigo_Laney, ah, ok13:46
pittididrocks: ah, I can do that13:46
didrockspitti: thanks :)13:46
pittididrocks: ah, in fact I already looked at that a while ago13:47
pittididrocks: we don't upload to unstable since it drops all the GTK docs13:48
rodrigo_didrocks, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/maverick/tomboy/1_3_4_release/+merge/36003 <- change is there, so please merge13:48
pittididrocks: and there's nothing urgent in that; is it important to get this new versino into maverick?13:48
didrockspitti: from what I see, yes, we need --enable-gtk-doc and build it. But nothing important from what I see in it. The import change (can be launched on small screen) is already backported13:49
didrockspitti: thanks :)13:49
didrocksrodrigo_: doing, thanks!13:49
pittididrocks: no, it was completely ripped out13:49
pittididrocks: the small screen patch was reverted in 2.32 as well13:49
directhexpitti, my pending indicator-application merge is urgent for maverick, or certainly a similar merge is13:49
didrockspitti: oh really? did I misread the NEWS file?13:49
pittididrocks: yes, it was reverted after tagging the release and NEWS file13:50
pittididrocks: I suppose David noticed the broken gtk-doc stuff when he tried to make dist13:50
didrockspitti: oh ok, hence the fact I didn't saw that13:50
didrockswell, no hurry in any case13:51
didrocksrodrigo_: done, thanks :)13:57
rodrigo_didrocks, ok!13:58
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directhexit's tedg!14:18
didrockstedg: be careful, some people are hunting for you :)14:22
* tedg runs and hides14:22
didrocksdirecthex: he's there! quick! ;)14:23
directhextedg, mono binding for indicator-application is "buggered" to use the technical term14:24
tedgdirecthex, I think that's a generic term for all mono bindings :)14:24
tedgI saw the merge request.14:25
tedgDoes that make it happy-happy?14:25
directhextedg, it makes it not ftbfs, and have correct deps, and stuff... it could do with some quick testing from someone with a maverick system14:25
directhextedg, i uploaded a test package to my ppa, but haven't had time to set up a VM14:26
tedgdirecthex, Hmm, okay.  Tomboy has worked correctly on my Maverick system...14:26
directhextedg, purge libappindicator014:26
tedgdirecthex, No, that might break things ;)14:27
directhextedg, it'd certainly break tomboy14:27
chrisccoulsonright, gnome-terminal crasher is fixed \o/14:40
chrisccoulsonwill upload in a second, and then send the patch upstream14:40
didrockschrisccoulson: awesome \o/14:41
* didrocks hugs chrisccoulson14:41
didrockschrisccoulson: what was it?14:42
* chrisccoulson hugs didrocks14:42
chrisccoulsondidrocks - it was just passing the XID of the destroyed window to XChangeProperty14:43
chrisccoulsonit's a 1 line fix :)14:43
didrockshehe, I bet gnome-terminal didn't like it! :)14:43
didrockspitti: can you reject g-c-c please? I didn't see there is a release too14:58
pittididrocks: what? no bribe or tip?14:58
didrockspitti: :p thanks! ;)14:59
didrockspitti: will tip you with some beer at UDS :)15:00
pittigood deal!15:00
* pitti hugs didrocks15:00
* didrocks hugs pitti back15:01
directhexi thought dholbach was the one people hugged15:02
* nessita notices that every time she reads this channel people is huging eachother15:03
chrisccoulsondirecthex, yeah, but he's not in here :)15:04
chrisccoulsonnessita, this channel is full of love15:04
directhexnessita, FOSS developers are very loving15:04
nessitachrisccoulson: hey, the channel of love is #pyar! do not steal that from us15:05
nessitadirecthex: better love than hate :-)15:05
chrisccoulsonnessita, #pyar doesn't speak my language though ;)15:07
nessitachrisccoulson: september is the bets tiome of the year to start speaking spanish!15:07
bratscheAnyone here know anything about the transition effects that are built into evince?  Is there some way to enable them?15:18
pittibratsche: I thought they'd be specified in a PDF itself?15:21
pittibratsche: ISTR playing with them in latex-beamer15:21
bratscheMaybe you're right.. it kind of looked like it's used for page-changing animations, which is what I wanted.15:22
bratscheOh I think you're right.15:23
chrisccoulsondidrocks - any other issues you want me to take a look at?15:33
didrockschrisccoulson: sure, looking at the bug list (I think nobody new from this morning, but in any case)15:34
ogradidrocks, btw, did you implement the error message if people try to run unity on non-gl HW ?15:38
didrocksogra: just did it this week-end15:38
didrocksogra: I'll just change .dmrc as well, it will be better for cases like live-cd where there is no passwd15:39
didrocksand you can't choose your session15:39
ogradmrc ? to what ?15:39
didrocksogra: to tell "gnome" is the default session then15:39
ogracant you just use the default system session15:40
ograoh, indeed, thats a prob on x86 without GL15:40
didrocksogra: well, the default will be une on the une live15:40
* ogra thinks to ARMish15:40
ograon our images its une-efl15:40
didrockslike, you have a nvidia card15:40
didrocksyou start ubuntu-netbook15:40
didrocks(on the live cd)15:40
didrocksyou get into the session, error message15:41
didrocksbut then, you have ubuntu with no password and you can't change the session :)15:41
didrockshence the fix I should do to .dmrc15:41
ograi'm just not so happy about the fact that we trash the users default session in our images in case he wanted to just try unity15:41
didrocksogra: better than nothing… if you want to do better :)15:41
ograsince he will now get back to gnome instead of the efl stuff15:41
ograwe should look for a proper solution for this at UDS15:42
didrocksogra: if you want to implement it, you can check if there is efl in the image15:42
ograit should be set by the -default-settings packages but in a proper way15:42
didrocksI'm already in a hurry, looking for important bug for the team and updating GNOME + unity team bug triage and uploads15:43
ograworst case with an alternative or so15:43
didrocks+ some unity fixes I'm writing too15:43
ograyeah, lets keep the discussion for UDS, i dont want to hold you up15:43
ografor maverick its fine15:43
didrocksyeah :)15:43
* ogra has to fight with automatic PPA enablement in his images ... also time consuming15:44
ograande we dont have the final HW yet ... which means new bootloader and kernel right before release day15:44
didrocksbratsche: did you have some time to look at bug #551809 ?15:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 551809 in gtk+2.0 (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV (affects: 276) (dups: 62) (heat: 1079)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55180915:46
didrockschrisccoulson: interested in looking at it? ^ (I think bratsche didn't have the time to get a look there)15:52
didrockschrisccoulson: there is also bug #187823 if is on again… not sure if you want to have a look at cairo :)15:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 187823 in libcairo-perl (Ubuntu Hardy) (and 2 other projects) "ftbfs (1 failed test) with current cairo version (heat: 6)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18782315:53
chrisccoulsondidrocks, yeah, i can take a look at the g-s-d crasher15:54
didrockschrisccoulson: thanks :)15:55
didrockschrisccoulson: seems to be gtk from the bug report15:55
bratschedidrocks: I didn't get anywhere useful with it, and today I have to start on an MT demo for next week.16:00
didrocksbratsche: sure, can you just ensure chrisccoulson have all the element you investigate?16:01
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rodrigo_kenvandine, hey did you tweet that led zeppelin link from rhythmbox?16:05
kenvandinerodrigo_, yup :)16:05
kenvandinerodrigo_, i just fixed that...16:05
rodrigo_kenvandine, cool! :D16:05
kenvandinesomeone had renamed the vbox in the glade file16:05
* kenvandine will propose a branch in a few16:05
rodrigo_kenvandine, fixed in the rb plugin?16:05
kenvandinerodrigo_, yes16:06
kenvandineit was working a couple weeks ago...16:06
rodrigo_kenvandine, ah, ok16:06
rodrigo_kenvandine, yes16:06
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kenvandinerodrigo_, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store/u1msurl-gwibber/+merge/3602716:18
kenvandineif you want to review it16:18
rodrigo_kenvandine, yesm reviewing it16:18
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, i can still reproduce the notification bug, i've emailed you SS and steps to reproduce.  No rush by any means. :)16:28
kenvandinebcurtiswx_, ok, thx!16:31
kenvandinei'll look at it in a bit16:31
bcurtiswx_kenvandine, np16:32
mptmvo, bug 643566 doesn't happen for me in my main installation, just in the fresh installation16:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 643566 in software-center (Ubuntu) ""Reinstall Previous Purchases" does nothing after signing in (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64356616:40
mptmvo, anything you want me to do to help debug it?16:40
mvompt: hmm, hmm, let me look at the code, but that looks like a issue with ubuntu-sso-client, could you try the buildin one?16:52
mvompt: is there more output, or just those lines?16:52
mvompt: could you run with "--debug" and paste the output?16:52
mptmvo, really a sign-in problem even though it says it's signed in successfully?16:54
mptmvo, there was no more output16:54
mvompt: well, that is a guess at this point, but the only error is dbus related16:55
mvompt: maybe --debug will help?16:55
mvompt: it might be that ubuntu-sso-client does not return the token to s-c after the login for some reason, so while u-sso-l is in, s-c is not16:56
mvompt: but again, just a guess at this point16:56
mptok, I'll try both, bbiab16:56
mvompt: thanks!16:56
mptmvo, it's not a sign-in problem, it's a navigation problem17:25
mptThe menu item works only if the "Get Software" branch is already expanded17:25
mptWhen it's collapsed, it just blinks17:25
mvoand is not added?17:25
mptIt is added, if you expand it17:25
mvomany thanks for finding this one17:26
mvoso if expanded its fine and added17:26
mvoif unexpanded its not added, even if you expand later?17:26
mptIt is added17:26
mvoaha, but not selected?17:26
mvogreat, please put that into the bug17:26
mvoI target it17:26
mptbug 643566 updated17:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 643566 in software-center (Ubuntu) ""Reinstall Previous Purchases" apparently does nothing if "Get Software" is collapsed (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64356617:29
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mvothanks mpt17:30
tremoluxmvo: I have a fix for bug 643566, I'll upload a branch17:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 643566 in software-center (Ubuntu) ""Reinstall Previous Purchases" apparently does nothing if "Get Software" is collapsed (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64356617:47
mvotremolux: sweet, thanks!17:53
tremoluxmvo: sure thing!17:53
vishtremolux: wasnt there a bug/plan to redirect the "get more themes online" in the appearance window to direct to SC ?18:01
tremoluxvish: hmm, if there was I was not aware of it  :-/18:02
tremoluxvish: ok, if you find the bug or run across info plz send to me if you don't mind18:02
tremoluxvish: meanwhile I'll poke around  ;)18:03
vishtremolux: sure.. will do :)18:03
tremoluxvish: thx18:04
devildantehey guys :)18:05
tremoluxdevildante: hey!18:05
devildantehi tremolux18:06
devildantempt is not here? on a monday? I call laziness :p18:06
tremoluxdevildante: haha, nah, he was actually here until just a few minutes ago18:07
tremoluxdevildante: he may be back, not sure where he went18:07
devildanteokay :)18:07
tremoluxand with that, I have to run to an appt myself, see everyone a little later18:08
* tremolux waves18:08
senseaquarius: Is Guake really the full width of the screen on Unity for you? I don't have any troubles with it.18:10
aquariussense, see http://ubuntuone.com/p/Gqa/ -- xchat is maximised on the first screen, and twitter is maximised on the second18:12
aquariusas you can see, guake is sticking out into the second screen18:12
senseaquarius: Ah, I see. That seems to be related to dual-monitor setups, but it's still annoying, especially since drop-down terminals and dual-monitor setups are both things often used by power users. I'll triage the bug report.18:13
senseAlthough this is actually two bugs in one report.18:14
aquariusyeah, it is, but I figured that if there was some magic way that an app is supposed to know about the unity launcher, then someone would change the bug to be "guake ignores settings for left-hand docks"18:14
aquariuswould be interesting to see what happens if you have a panel docked to the left side of your screen on a dual monitor setup and then run guake18:15
senseI have to say though that the development of Guake does seem quite inactive. The TERM env variable bug has been lingering around for way too long already.18:16
aquariusman, the TERM bug is really, really annoying18:16
aquariusnot sure there are any alternative more-developed dropdown terminals18:18
aquariusand I'm aware that they're purely a poweruser tool :)18:18
didrockschrisccoulson: btw, from your gnome-terminal fix, why didn't it crash before when switching from metacity to compiz or restarting the WM?18:19
senseIt is such a great thing! I'm more addicted to F12 these days than to F5. ;)18:20
senseaquarius: Bug report upstream already: <http://guake.org/ticket/194>. Nine months old though. The latest commit that wasn't from Transifex was 7 weeks old. :S18:21
aquariussense, so it's basically orphaned upstream :(18:23
senseI'm afraid it is slowly dying. :(18:23
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chrisccoulsondidrocks - if there is a WM already running, then a different code path is taken18:26
chrisccoulsonso, if you switch WM or restart, it takes a code path which doesn't crash18:26
didrockschrisccoulson: oh ok, so if I crashed compiz, and respawn it, it would have crashed as well?18:26
chrisccoulson(although, theoretically it could still crash, if the new WM hasn't really started)18:27
chrisccoulsondidrocks, yeah, i'd expect it to crash then too18:27
didrockschrisccoulson: thanks for the info ;)18:27
didrocksyeah, understood18:27
chrisccoulsoncool. i've committed it upstream now as well18:27
didrocksgreat ;)18:31
devildantemvo: ping18:34
and471devildante, I think he is at dinner18:35
didrockspitti: it seems that cheese and gees are leftover from the acceptance queue. I'll push libgnomekbd and vala as well in a bit18:51
didrockssession restart18:51
didrocksok, pushed. GNOME updates mostly done \o/18:59
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