
alouriegood morning07:57
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer
saintdanbertI'm trying to get suspend-to-ram (SLEEP) or suspend-to-disk or both working on my Lenovo Thinkpad X61-tablet laptop.23:28
saintdanbertThe box "crashes" when I try.  I'm looking for "how to debug" ideas.23:29
saintdanbertCan anyone here steer me in a useful direction?23:29
saintdanbertYes, I'm new to the *-buntu community so I welcome productive steerage(sic) to another23:30
saintdanbertIRC.  I've already scanned the ubuntuforum pages without success.23:30
charlie-tcaoops, missed the two minute timer again...23:33

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