
UndiFineDlast cup of coffee00:05
UndiFineDneed to get up at 7 am00:05
UndiFineDI can't let go :p00:17
UndiFineDso many goodies to do00:17
MuscovyUndiFineD... are you still here?00:33
UndiFineDtackling email00:34
UndiFineDok I am done for today00:55
UndiFineDmisses came downstairs, "are you coming?"00:56
MuscovyI'm going to go do some screenshot harvesting.03:14
MuscovyAre we standardizing usernames in screenshots?03:23
=== aprilg1 is now known as aprilg
aprilgI saw a lot of commits with comments about referral to self04:38
aprilgI'll go over all the text this week and make sure everything is consistent, clean it up a bit04:38
aprilgI also don't agree with the use of the 'first person' in creating content for an application04:38
MuscovyMorning/evening April.04:44
MuscovyI'm just about to push a bunch of updated screenshots.04:45
aprilgthat sounds good Muscovy. by the way, have we decided on where the screenshots are to be saved? there was a bug about that I think04:46
MuscovyAt the present I'm using the current location, but I figured I'd link the report in the commit.04:47
MuscovyI don't think there's a final one yet.04:47
aprilgI'll be pushing a few edits in a bit04:53
aprilglemme know if you're done pushing the screenshots04:54
MuscovyOk, it won't be long.04:54
aprilgby the way, I removed the networks-connect folder. everything else covered there was already discussed in the Networks topic04:54
Muscovyaprilg: I've just pushed, should show up any second now.05:01
aprilg1thanks Muscovy05:02
aprilg1got disconnected again :-|05:02
MuscovyI'm heading off now, good night.05:02
=== aprilg1 is now known as aprilg
aprilgUndiFineD I'm trying to move your translations and the screenshots for Network-connect back to Networks05:18
UndiFineDgood morning06:40
UndiFineDonly 40 mins late06:41
UndiFineDaprilg1, I see you succeeded ? :)06:42
aprilg1UndiFineD yep. I think everything's there :)06:43
=== aprilg1 is now known as aprilg
UndiFineDthen I have only got openoffice left for today06:44
UndiFineDfor the current standing translations06:44
UndiFineDoh hey, where has the bus gone ?08:05
=== aprilg1 is now known as aprilg
UndiFineDthis is getting better and better09:35
ayortanoSo long!14:17
ayortanoI've been busy, but now I can help14:18
miloBingAnyone can help? I have this error when to run the ubuntu-tour.py14:20
miloBingNo value set for `/desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_color_scheme'14:20
SilaslemiloBing: I think thats an known bug.14:21
miloBingSilasle, is that bug aborting the ubuntu-tour.py to run?14:22
SilasleCan you try to change one of the colors in the appearance window?14:23
miloBingThe appearance window is default color.14:24
SilasleBut try to change something :P14:24
SilasleI just want to know if that's the problem.14:25
SilaslemiloBing: Is it running for you?14:26
miloBingI am searching the color setting...14:27
SilasleBut is it running without changing anything?14:28
miloBingit isn't running at all...  :(14:29
miloBingi have this error: Warning: Could not change directory to file, unexpected errors may occur14:29
SilasleHmm, no i dont know what that is14:30
SilasleCan you try "python ubuntu-tour.py  debug" ?14:30
UndiFineDhello :)14:31
miloBingGLib-ERROR **: The thread system is not yet initialized.14:31
UndiFineDmiloBing, the color_scheme you can ignore14:32
miloBingUndiFineD, ok14:32
UndiFineDit is a referal to a potential file in ~/.gconf/desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_color_scheme14:32
UndiFineDwhich most people do not have14:33
miloBingWhat is that gtk_color_scheme for?14:33
UndiFineDcustom things14:33
SilasleThe problem is in "os.chdir(os.path.split(repr(__file__))[0][1:])"14:33
UndiFineDdid you pull the latest ?14:34
miloBingI pulled this yesterday14:35
UndiFineDwe did a fix yesterday and I have a nearly full page of commits today14:36
miloBingSilasle, what is that problem telling?14:36
SilasleI dont know, but the error message comes from this row.14:36
miloBingI pull the latest first. See if the error persist.14:38
UndiFineDrevision 148 :)14:39
SilaslemiloBing: Result?14:46
miloBingI am still in pulling the latest one. Might take a little while.14:49
SilasleSlow network connection? :P14:51
miloBingI guess so :)14:51
UndiFineDtotal is only 13 mb14:52
SilasleHow would it be to have the next forward button on  the html page as on this screenshot? style="width:300px;"15:09
miloBingCan ubuntu-tour run on 9.10?15:11
SilasleIt can but you need to change something15:11
Silaslechange "required = float("10.04")" to "required = float("9.10")"15:11
SilasleIt's in ubuntu-tour.py15:12
miloBingSilasle, thanks15:12
SilasleBut what about the button?15:12
miloBingI have this error: GLib-ERROR **: The thread system is not yet initialized.15:14
miloBingAborted (core dumped)15:14
SilasleIn 9.10?15:14
SilasleMaybe that's to old :D15:15
SilasleI hated Karmic koala15:16
SilasleWas the most buggy i remember15:17
miloBingI goto figure this out :(15:18
miloBingOtherwise I can't run ubuntu-tour15:19
SilasleAre you using karmic?15:20
miloBingYeah. I am using karmic15:20
UndiFineDmaverick here15:28
miloBingI think it is something related to GLIB15:28
SilasleLucid here15:28
MuscovyWe could probably save a little bit of space by using CSS to only show portions of images.17:09
MuscovyFor example, using the top panel screenshot for the notification area one, and telling it to only show the last 200 px or so.17:10
UndiFineDmy little dutch screenshots take up 5 mb, i think it would be better if someone could edit them19:37
UndiFineDI am "BAD" at graphics19:38
MuscovyI can do that.19:40
MuscovyAlso, I'm just uploading a live CD with updated themes and ubuntu_tour as the liveuser.19:41
MuscovyI figured it would make screenshot taking easy.19:41
UndiFineDthey are in Images/screenshots/nl_NL19:42
UndiFineDwell, what really makes making shots eassier is a VM19:43
UndiFineDmany shots I cannot make without it19:43
UndiFineDI have virtual box19:44
UndiFineDbut it preforms poorly on my i386 xeon19:44
MuscovyOh, UndiFineD, for future reference, we're using the user ubuntu_tour for screenshots.19:44
UndiFineDwith out VT'd19:44
UndiFineDyeah i read your mail, but had already made the shots19:45
UndiFineDVT'd is the processor support for VM's19:45
UndiFineDwhy is man diff so cryptic19:51
dtiguedid the networking section get yanked?20:36
UndiFineDone of them, yes20:40
dtiguei'm not seeing any kind of networking other than email/browser/ubuntuone/chat21:38
OmegaWhat did you have in mind?21:40
Muscovydtigue: There were two topics that were almost identical.21:41
Muscovyaprilg said she combined them.21:42
UndiFineDbut one had vpn, and is dropped21:42
MuscovyWe can add that in, then.21:42
=== UndiFineD changed the topic of #ubuntu-tour to: The Ubuntu Tour Project! | http://ubuntutour.org | http://openetherpad.org/GUNcK2dx75?| Join https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-tour | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTour/Todo#List
dtiguethe part i was talking about was the networking section that included how to do wireless and stuff like that...i'm not seeing it any where, let me pull again to make sure i'm up to date21:44
UndiFineDrevision 15821:45
UndiFineDeating mushroom soup21:50
MuscovyI've added that section to the tour (needed a tour.info file).21:54
UndiFineDhmm, that also goes for simple scan21:54
aprilgdtigue the topics with VPN are under the networks folder22:36
aprilgI mean networks section of the tour22:38
dtigueaprilg, thanks....is there anything else that needs to be done that has not been started yet22:38
aprilgdtigue I'm not really sure.22:38
aprilgI'm still in the process of checking if there are things that are incomplete22:39
aprilgalmost all the topics have been started on, but there are some that still lack a few things22:39
MuscovyAnything you can think of that fits "If it common" and "does it need explaining". :D22:39
dtigueok well, if you come across anything that is incomplete let me know i'll try to get it done over the course of the night22:39
MuscovyYeah, a few like Firefox and Nautilus need expanding.22:39
dtigueok i'll check em out and see what i can do22:40
aprilgopen office as well :)22:41
aprilgalso the section on running windows apps. wine I think ?22:42
MuscovyI think for office we might be best to refer to OO's documentation, and just say OO exists.22:42
aprilgya, I think that's a good idea22:42
MuscovyWe could make a tour and a half on OO itself.22:42
aprilgwe'll just update that open office page.22:44
aprilganyway, I'm off to get some sleep22:44
aprilgI'll see you guys in a few hours22:44
aprilg:) bye!22:44

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