
rockhopperHi, how can i add a device in my ubuntu one account?04:29
rockhopperI can't find the add this device button on one.ubuntu.com/account page04:30
AJenborockhopper, is it a phone?04:46
rockhopperNo, Its a netbook!04:47
AJenbothen you add it from the netbook it self04:47
rockhopperI already got account on ubuntu, when i login, i can't find the add this compter button04:47
rockhopperHow to do that?04:47
AJenboOpen Ubuntu one on it and login, that all you need to do.04:47
AJenboWhat version of Ubuntu do you have installed on the netbook?04:48
rockhopperUNR 10.0404:48
rockhopperI don't have a login link it the ubuntu one app04:48
AJenboSystem-settings-ubuntu one04:48
AJenbomanage account04:48
rockhopperwhen i click manage account, a webpage opens04:49
AJenbolog in to it04:50
rockhopperBut there's no add this device button in that page04:50
AJenbowell you don't need to press a add this button04:50
rockhopperYes, I've logged in04:50
AJenboSome times the login process can mess up, try rebooting and then optning the U1 client again04:51
AJenboI have had computeres where i had to do it 3 times because it failed the frist time.04:51
rockhopperok brb I'll try rebooting04:52
AJenboThe login process should be a lot better in the next version, it will be released in 20 dayes04:52
rockhopperok thanks AJenbo, i got it workind04:59
=== pedronis__ is now known as pedronis
lubuntu_userrrrHi. Why the ubuntu_one developers chose the client to depend on erlang, rather than drop such kind of dependency?10:49
ryelubuntu_userrrr, erlang is brought by couchdb which is used by desktopcouch to provide contacts and bookmarks synchronization (when servers are brought up again after the team makes sure that it won't stop a) crashing (fixed), b) working oauth at all times (fixed) c) proper SSL connection (hangs now)11:26
lubuntu_userrrrrye: 10z for the answer. Erlang is a powerful choice, but wouldn't creating simpler straight-for-the-job solution a) boost the performance as of memory and cpu usage; b) save spce on the livecd; c) make the ubuntu-one client more portable?11:31
jan____lubuntu_userrrr: a) sync is hard, reimplementing is not at all trivial b) erlang is very lightweight, we run it on android phones in CPU/RAM/Disk requirements. c) it is very portable already11:32
lubuntu_userrrrrye: I am asking such questions because I am making a research for deploying ubuntu into my company (really-really small company) and ubuntu-one seems useful since there are no privacy and trade secrets involved.11:34
jan____lubuntu_userrrr: sounds cool, if you have any questions on the CouchDB-related part, I can help11:35
duanedesignmorning all11:37
lubuntu_userrrrjan____: Since natty goals are going to be decided a few months from would it be a lie if I write that desktopcouch (=>couchdb) solution for backing up system and certain programs' settings (mainly interested in firefox and openoffice) is planned for ubuntu-one in 11.04?11:37
duanedesignlubuntu_userrrr: their are apps available now that cah do such things. I have an application Stipple which uses plugins to backup application settings to couchdb11:39
jan____lubuntu_userrrr: I can't comment on the plans of Ubuntu itself, I just work on CouchDB11:39
lubuntu_userrrrjan____: I think about recommending ubuntu_one as a real alternative for backing up non-priovate and non-trade-secrets like information and cutting down the costs for second backup company.11:39
duanedesignlubuntu_userrrr: the plugins are trivial to write. Meaning adding new applications are easy to add11:40
jan____lubuntu_userrrr: oh yeah, that sounds like a good idea11:40
duanedesignlubuntu_userrrr: https://launchpad.net/stipple <--we willl have a deb for it when couch replication gets going again11:41
lubuntu_userrrrduanedesign, jan____ : As far az i have read, ubuntu_one plugins for backup purposes are considered relative easy to write (and relatively cheap :-) ), but the support from a company that has good reputation (like Canonical or the Apache foundation for ex.) is considered a definite plus by the management.11:44
duanedesignlubuntu_userrrr: writing plugins for Stipple are easy to do.11:45
duanedesignlubuntu_userrrr: not that writing an application to take advantage of Ubuntu One and Couch are hard11:46
lubuntu_userrrrduanedesign: I am definitely going to propose "Striple" integration as a good alternative.11:47
jan____lubuntu_userrrr: sounds sensible11:47
duanedesignlubuntu_userrrr: I know Ubuntu has plans for an addition to maverick called OneConf. At the moment though the only concrete plans are syncing list of installed applications. I think at this UDS they might be discussing further additions11:48
lubuntu_userrrrduanedesign, jan____ : What is your opinion - are there any possible benefits from ubuntu_one besides the backing up of contacts, documents, system and programs' settings?11:51
kklimondait doesn't brew coffee if that's what you are asking :/11:51
kklimondagood morning11:52
duanedesignlubuntu_userrrr: the integration with the Ubuntu desktop, I think, is a big plus U1 has that other soltions dont.11:52
jan____yeah, I really wish it'd brew coffee11:52
kklimondaduanedesign:any idea who is responsible for the OneConf?11:52
lubuntu_userrrrIf U1 brew coffee and made cakes, I would have married her :-D11:52
duanedesignkklimonda: [d]idrocks is who I have been corresponding with on that project11:53
kklimondaok, I'll ping him when i have time. thanks.11:54
lubuntu_userrrrduanedesign: jan____ : 10x for the answers.11:54
=== BlackZ_ is now known as BlackZ
j0nrhi all. I am displaying some info from a mysql db by querying and echo'ing it into some html. What I intend to do, server side, is use html2fpdf to convert he html page into a downloadable pdf. The way I thought I could tackle this is by wget'ing the html page to get the html code. My problem is that I have a password protection on the pages, so unless I have logged in I just wget the 'you need to log in page'13:13
duanedesignhello j0nr13:16
j0nrhello duanedesign13:18
duanedesigntheir are --user and --password options for wget13:19
duanedesignj0nr: so maybe something like: wget --http-user=vivek --http-password=Secrete http://website.com13:21
j0nrduanedesign: hmm ill try13:22
ryej0nr, that will work only if it is HTTP authorization, if you have some session-based auth then you will need to look at the cookie you've got (e.g. by using firebug) and then supply it as --header "Cookie:  ..." value13:27
j0nrrye: that is what I have, a session based simple php script13:55
j0nramlooking at just creating a temp file of the output of the php function, so it generates html for the browser and writes it to file, which I can then process13:56
j0nrI seem to be going wrong somewhere with my HEREDOC syntax: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/264855/13:58
j0nroh bugger...I'm sorry I've been posting in the wrong channel!14:02
* popey thought this14:02
ryej0nr, :)14:02
* rye has just read the original question14:05
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=== zyga is now known as zyga-gone
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duanedesignoff for a bit, everyone have a great afternoon18:28
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
j0nrI bought some music in the ubuntuone music store. it is in my rythymbox library, but where is it on my hard drive? Its not in my ubuntuone folder22:31
kklimondaj0nr: $HOME/.ubuntuone afair22:31
j0nrwhy .ubuntuone not just ubuntuone22:32
duffydackthats one feature I can live without..it should be in your designated music folder, complete with artist/album name from id tags,22:32
duffydackbut thats just me.22:33
kklimondaduffydack: it's impossible to do that right now22:33
=== jefferai is now known as fejjerai
duffydackthats fair enough.. just wish it wasnt so .hidden though.22:33
kklimondawhat I'd like to be able to do is edit music metadata without U1 deciding I have removed file. Or maybe it's rename?22:34
ryeduffydack, basically it is UDF and since all UDF have to be at the same place everywhere to be synced without hacks it was created as a hidden folder to let you disable that UDF if you don't need that on some of your machines22:35
=== zyga-gone is now known as zyga

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