
=== Mike||gone is now known as mikelifeguard
=== mikelifeguard is now known as Mike||gone
nisshhhello all05:15
nisshhquick question:05:16
nisshhhow do i use my own custom icon with an indicator applet, instead of a default one?05:16
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didrocksCimi: hey14:07
Cimihi didrocks15:48
senseklattimer, jcastro: Due to the updates of today the Deluge indicator from my patch to the bug report might just be working.16:29
jcastrooh hey16:30
senseI'm not very sure, but chances have increased.16:30
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jcastroklattimer: how's things today?17:39
klattimerjcastro: good17:39
jcastrotoo busy, not busy enough?, just right?17:39
klattimerjust getting into the libindicator ->dbusmenu code and learning my way around17:39
klattimerjust right17:39
klattimermake sure you assign bugs to me though, it's easy to lose the links17:41
jcastroklattimer: right18:04
jcastroklattimer: what's up with bug 56927318:11
ubot5`Launchpad bug 569273 in Application Indicators "memory leak in gnome-power-manager (affected: 60, heat: 314)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56927318:11
klattimerjcastro: as far as I can see it's fixed18:13
klattimeri've bugged kenvandine a few times to make sure the hash table branch and others are merged and released18:13
klattimerkenvandine: have you poked it yet18:13
klattimerI just left a comment with some extra info18:15
senseklattimer, jcastro: I was wrong that Deluge is working now, but I'm convinced that today it became a lot easier to finally fix the bug.18:17
klattimersense do you have that bug?18:17
klattimerI thought you were taking it back when you got back from holiday18:18
senseklattimer: I haven't had time to spend on it.18:18
senseLet me search the bug number18:18
senseklattimer: bug #584669 is the bug requestion AppInd support for Deluge, but the real bug is bug #608219. I think that the current Deluge patch is mostly fine, I think it just doesn't work properly because of bug #608219.18:19
ubot5`Launchpad bug 584669 in deluge (Ubuntu) "indicator for deluge (affected: 7, heat: 42)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58466918:20
ubot5`Launchpad bug 608219 in Application Indicators "Submenus not added when done so with Glade (affected: 1, heat: 10)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60821918:20
sensetedg: You wrote in today's changelog of indicator-application that bug #608219 was fixed by the new release. This is not true, I accidentally used the branch I had intended to use to fix bug #608219, but removed the fix for bug #608219.18:20
sensetedg: Apologises for the inconvenience.18:21
tedgsense, Ah, okay :(18:22
tedgsense, Can't really change the changelog now -- did you reset the bug?18:22
sensetedg: not yet18:22
sensetedg: I hope to check whether an old patch I've got somwhere will fix the bug, the changes to libdbusmenu today looked promising.18:22
senseklattimer: I hope that this: <http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~sense/indicator-application/fix-608219/revision/143> will fix the issue.18:23
senseAs you can see it was a commit to a branch, but I reverted it once I noticed it had slipped into my merge request.18:24
klattimerare you going to test it?18:25
senseklattimer: I'll test it now, I've still got a patched and installed Deluge on my system, so that should be easy.18:25
klattimerk cool18:25
jcastroklattimer: ok so I guess ken left on vacation18:40
jcastroklattimer: didrocks is your man to ship the fix18:40
didrocksCimi: can you have a look at bug #617192 when you have some time? seems annoying18:41
ubot5`Launchpad bug 617192 in light-themes (Ubuntu) "[maverick-beta] Disabled menu items unreadable (affected: 21, heat: 128)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61719218:41
didrocksklattimer: whenever you want ;) (maybe tomorrow morning)18:42
klattimeryeah i'm beat actually18:42
klattimerneed to rest18:42
didrockssame here :)18:44
didrocksklattimer: just ping me tomorrow, I'll check and sponsor it18:44
didrocksthanks :)18:44
=== Mike||gone is now known as mikelifeguard
vishsense: are you on maverick? if so, do you have the lock screen menu item?18:54
vishin the indicator session..18:55
sensevish: Yes, with the short-cut shown aligned to the right.18:55
vishsense: what is the indicator-session version? i dont have it in 0.2.10-ubuntu118:56
sensevish: I have 0.2.10-ubuntu2, and I am running Unity at the moment.18:57
vishah! ok..18:57
vishsense: thx18:57
senseyou're welcome18:57
thorwilgodbyk: anything interesting happened after i left?19:21
godbykthorwil: Nope.19:22
Cimididrocks: it should be better with the new release19:31
Cimididrocks: isn't it?19:31
Cimididrocks: I found them quite readable19:31
didrocksCimi: I agree, can you state that in the bug report, please?19:49
didrocksCimi: put it as fix released and ask them to reopen if it's still the case19:49
didrocksmade the paperwork :)19:53
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Cimity didrocks, was having dinner20:09
didrocksCimi: no worry ;)20:09
CimiOT, didrocks, did someone add me to the wiki?20:10
didrocksCimi: looking20:10
=== Mike||gone is now known as mikelifeguard
vishooh! a neat little murrine bug..  switching the panel to a vertical layout, switches the text vertically but does not switch the text shadow behind it..21:17
vishlooks like Cimi missed that text.. :)21:18
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=== Guest61066 is now known as \bMike\b

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