
ScottKclaydoh: It was you.  If you look right before the ping, there was some release notes discussion.00:57
claydohScottK: kk thanks00:58
JontheEchidnashadeslayer: you didn't bump the package name for kdevplatform1-libs when you packaged kdevplatform 1.0.8202:46
JontheEchidnahttp://websvn.kde.org/?view=revision&revision=1178415 <- do want03:11
ScottKJontheEchidna: Bug #645705 really confused me, FYI.03:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 645705 in openshot (Ubuntu) "Sync openshot 1.2.2-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64570503:48
ScottK(look who filed it)03:48
JontheEchidnaoh yeah, there's another jonathan thomas out there03:48
JontheEchidnaI'm surprised I've only been mistaken for him once before on the internets03:49
dasKreechJontheEchidna: Sonic?03:49
JontheEchidnadasKreech: my usersname? yes03:49
dasKreechWho you've been mistaken for03:50
JontheEchidna[22:48:17] <ScottK> JontheEchidna: Bug #645705 really confused me, FYI.03:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 645705 in openshot (Ubuntu) "Sync openshot 1.2.2-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64570503:50
JontheEchidna[22:48:18] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 645705 in openshot (Ubuntu) "Sync openshot 1.2.2-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64570503:50
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: [Errno 1] _ssl.c:1325: error:1408F119:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:decryption failed or bad record mac (https://launchpad.net/bugs/645705)03:50
JontheEchidna[22:48:25] <ScottK> (look who filed it)03:50
JontheEchidna[22:48:38] <JontheEchidna> oh yeah, there's another jonathan thomas out there03:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 645705 in openshot (Ubuntu) "Sync openshot 1.2.2-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New]03:50
ScottKJontheEchidna: Could you look at kymymoney and skrooge in Debian Experimental and see if we want the updates (if I file the request, I can't approve them).03:52
JontheEchidnaskrooge seems to break feature freeze03:59
ScottKWhich would just mean I have something to approve.04:02
ScottK(if we want it)04:02
JontheEchidnaYeah, we'd want it04:04
JontheEchidnawe want kmymoney as well (packaging fix), but until both actually show up in experimental I can't use requestsync04:05
JontheEchidnaE: The versions in Debian and Ubuntu are the same already (4.5-1). Aborting.04:05
ScottKJontheEchidna: OK.  Please ping me when there's something to approve.04:05
JontheEchidnawill do04:06
ScottK(if the kymymoney one is just bugfix, then it can go straight to ubuntu-archive to do the sync)04:06
lex79Riddell: I pushed Qt to bzr, it's ftbs in ninja ppa, my connection sucks in this moment so I can't upload it. Testbuild and run ok.04:24
lucidfoxWhere can I find Qt 4.7 packages for Lucid?04:52
ScottKlucidfox: In the ~kubuntu-ppa beta PPA.04:56
ScottKNo problem.04:57
ScottKRiddell: Is it by design that there's no option to install in the first menu on the live CD?  One has to start the live session and then install.04:57
ScottKRiddell: Nevermind.  I was one screen to soon.04:58
* persia curses version control systems, erases everything, and starts over with "export", vowing to avoid svn this time10:04
RiddellKDE git opens in a week.  I'm dreading it.10:06
valorieall the projects?10:07
valorieor just as they choose to move?10:07
persiaMore likely one at a time, in a "voluntary" manner until everything is moved, for maximum transition pain (although, honestly, I'd not be surprised to see KDE make a clean-break transition at one point, based on clear direction)10:08
valorieI'm not sure what would be maximum pain, tbh10:09
persiaMy last statement comes in part from bitterness directed at all VCS.10:12
persiaThat said, I think that a group deciding to move, as a group, to a different solution is likely less painful than forcing all the developers to use two simultaneous solutions, unless one gets the interplay precisely right.10:13
persiaMind you, such "forcing" of all the developers is best done as consensus after considering all input, etc.10:13
valorieI've heard that all of KDE is moving to GIT10:16
valoriebut I hadn't heard the timing10:16
ScottKIt is.10:16
ScottKIt's getting close.10:17
valoriewe're happy in Amarok with it10:17
Sputeverybody actually using it is10:18
SputI'm quite sure all the nay sayers in the community won't admit they ever were against the move in a year or so :)10:18
Sputalso, Riddell, isn't it already open? at least amarok and konversation already are on git.kde.org10:19
valoriebut reviewboard has only been up and working for a few days10:20
Tm_TAmarok and Konversation are there acting as test subjects, so when main modules will be imported, all would be tested and smooth as possible10:23
RiddellSput: I don't know, I just hope there's a good tutorial for when I have to care10:26
SputRiddell: well, both amarok and konversation have been on git for a while now10:26
Sputand it seems to be working well :)10:26
ScottKSput: For the people that are used to using Git.10:27
SputScottK: well yes, but that's true for any other VCS :)10:28
ScottKSput: More so with Git than some others.10:28
SputI don't know how bzr performs in that department, but I'm quite sure that any DVCS is vastly superior to svn for software development10:28
RiddellI disagree, bzr is trivial for those used to svn if you want to use it in the same way as svn (and easy if you want to use distributed stuff).  git isn't.10:29
Sputusing a DVCS "the same way as svn" is an oxymoron, in my book :)10:29
ScottKSput: But allowing people to work centralized or distributed is a great transitional model.10:29
Sputhmm, I don't see how these two concepts can match though10:30
ScottKWith bzr, you can use, essentially, svn emulation mode where you svn/bzr what you know from subversion (e.g. bzr co) or you can branch and work in a distributed manner.10:31
SputScottK: and that works with people mixing the two approaches on the same project?10:32
ScottKSput: It does.10:32
ScottKMy experience is that the major problem is that the people used to svn make huge monolithic commits that are hard to understand.10:33
ScottKBut that's inherent in that model and not really an integration problem.10:33
Sputfrom my own experience, it's especially the special features of git (mainly the staging area and the possibility to rebase/rewrite history) that I found extremely valuable, though I agree using the latter correctly requires some understanding of the concept10:35
Sputon the other hand, there's no reason to use those advanced features :)10:36
Sputwhat I find stupid is that they remapped well-known commands to do something entirely different10:36
Sputthat is just a stupid way to make it harder10:36
Riddellbzr checkout <url>; edit; bzr commit    nice and easy for svn users10:38
Riddellbzr branch <url>; edit; bzr commit; bzr push   distributed goodness10:39
Sputdoes that kind of stuff work offline?10:39
ScottKThe branch/commit does10:39
Sputso can you switch branches, commit, diff, log etc offline as well?10:39
Sputthat's important10:39
Sputit's also what makes svn unusable for me nowadays :)10:39
Riddellbzr checkout <url>; edit; bzr commit --local; bzr push    changed my mind and want to do it distributed10:39
RiddellI've been trying to get qtwebkit out of git for the last two days, still no idea what's going wrong10:41
superflyRiddell: use the bzr-git bridge ;-)10:49
agateauRiddell: do we need a "git intro for kubuntu devs" session at uds?11:01
agateauRiddell: I'd volunteer for such a session11:03
persiaI'm not sure UDS is the best forum for such a session.  Might be better to contact the classroom folk.11:04
agateaupersia: I think talking about VCS is easier when there is a drawing board, that's more difficult over irc11:06
Riddelli'd like that11:06
agateau(lunch time)11:09
persiaagateau, I'll agree to that: I just generally believe UDS to be poorly attended, and having often been a non-attendee try to encourage folks to avoid things other than spec discussion there.11:09
larsivido anyone know why there's no libqt4-opengl-dbg packages? are the symbols in a different package?11:24
Riddellin libqt4-dbg11:27
persiaRiddell, KDE bug #251866 has an updated patch against a trunk pull from 9:06 UTC11:34
ubottuKDE bug 251866 in general "KOffice does not compile on ARM" [Normal,New] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=25186611:34
Riddellpersia: great, I'll apply that11:39
larsiviRiddell: doesn't appear to help for QGLShader12:12
ScottKArgh! diff from 4:4.7.0~rc1+git20100917-0ubuntu1 to 4:4.7.0-0ubuntu1 (27.8 MiB)12:29
persiaJust pray it's N iterations of a mechanical change12:30
sheytanHey there ;)12:58
shadeslayerwhee... qt is FTBFS in ppa...12:58
sheytanIs this true that moun will replace kpk in 11.04?12:58
shadeslayersheytan: maybe ... who knows12:59
shadeslayerif JtE pushes hard enough :>12:59
sheytanshadeslayer come on, the new one is way user friendly then muon. Leave both or kpk :D12:59
shadeslayersheytan: well if thats the opinion, it wont be changed13:00
sheytanshadeslayer, but don't you agree with me? Kubuntu should be for both power users and new onse ;)13:01
* sheytan gets back to work on kubuntu webpage13:01
shadeslayersheytan: if it works the way its intended to why would we change it13:02
sheytani just heard that it will repalce kpk, but i'm disagree for this :D13:03
shadeslayersheytan: where did you hear this?13:03
Riddellthere's been no decision or even discussion so far13:04
debfxkpk is broken in double-click mode :(13:05
debfxit wants me to rename categories instead of showing the packages ^^13:06
debfxbug #64563813:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 645638 in kpackagekit (Ubuntu) "[Maverick] kpackagekit ui not working with double-click" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64563813:07
sheytandebfx report it to dantti. He was about to fix it i think, but he might  forget ;)13:11
debfxdantti_work: ↑13:11
sheytanshadeslayer, a dude on my blog commented my article about kpk with this and i want to make sure :)13:12
shadeslayeroh hmm13:13
shadeslayeraha! i found the issue13:19
shadeslayerfabo: pingly13:19
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: theres talk of muon replacing kpk in 11.04 :>13:20
RiddellScottK: I'm rejecting qt4-x11, I just received an updated appmenu patch to add to it13:20
ScottKOK.  I'll stop looking at it.  Thanks.13:21
shadeslayerRiddell: does we need 11_build_translations.diff  in qt4-X11 ?13:22
shadeslayerin this release13:22
Riddellshadeslayer: seems to, lex already added that and got it to compile13:23
shadeslayeryeah.. thats the i issue i think13:23
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: kdevplatform-libs1 needs bumping to 2?13:25
JontheEchidnaand libsublime. I uploaded a fix for maverick but never got around to lucid13:25
JontheEchidnathe fix for lucid will be identical13:25
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: ok looking into it13:26
JontheEchidnalul: http://i.imgur.com/vWaub.jpg13:26
faboshadeslayer: pong13:26
shadeslayerfabo: oh Riddell sorted my issue :)13:27
fabok :)13:27
Riddellwell, lex did13:27
faboRiddell: any relevant changes before I upload to Debian?13:28
faboRiddell: not sure which version you have for QtWebKit, but you'll need 2.1 branch (I'm using week37)13:28
ScottKWahoo.  Comics widget fixed.13:31
Riddellfabo: why 2.1 branch?13:32
Riddellfabo: the fix for the 4.7 release was just to add back 11_build_translations.diff13:32
faboRiddell: needed for Qt WRT13:32
Riddellwhat's WRT?13:32
JontheEchidnaThe following packages have unmet dependencies:13:32
JontheEchidna  bzip2: Depends: libbz2-1.0 (= 1.0.5-4) but 1.0.5-4ubuntu1 is to be installed.13:32
JontheEchidnaarchive skew \o/13:32
faboQt Web Runtime13:32
Riddellfabo: I'm none the wiser 13:33
ScottKJontheEchidna: No, mirror lag.13:33
faboRiddell: http://gitorious.org/qt-web-runtime13:33
ScottKUpdate again in a few minutes13:33
faboRiddell: http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2010/07/19/the-qt-web-runtime-journey-begins/13:34
JontheEchidnaanybody else have planned kde4libs changes? I'll do an upload assuming this pbuilds/installs/works13:34
RiddellJontheEchidna: none here13:34
ScottKJontheEchidna: I noticed there are a few commits in the 4.5 branch that fix memory leaks.  I was considering cherrypicking them.13:35
JontheEchidnaiirc we got 2 memleak patches recently13:35
Riddellfabo: that sounds interesting but not something we need to care about for our 10.10 release13:36
ScottKRiddell: When you get a moment, I've put kdeplasma-addons in the queue and I'd appreciate it if you'd review/accept.  Among other things it fixes the comics widget (this is critical).13:38
faboRiddell: k13:38
Riddellyes, that is a vital part of Kubuntu, I'll get straight to it13:39
Riddellfabo: what I want is a qtwebkit 2.0 tar but upstream hasn't bothered to do one and I can't work out the git magic to create one13:39
Riddellagateau: this appmenu patch has no version number in it, should it?13:39
agateaumy mistake13:40
agateauRiddell: I redid it before sending it and did not add the header13:40
RiddellI can just put it in if you tell me what to add13:41
agateauRiddell: can you add it or do you want me to send you a new one?13:41
agateauRiddell: Basically my release check list says this:13:41
agateau# Generate patch13:41
agateauecho "Appmenu patch $tag" > ~/tmp/appmenu.diff13:41
agateaugit diff 4.7..appmenu >> ~/tmp/appmenu.diff13:41
agateauwhere tag is $(date +%Y%m%d)13:42
agateauFirst diff was 22Mb because I forgot to update my 4.7 branch :)13:43
agateauso I regenerated the diff but did not prepend the header13:43
faboRiddell: get make-package.py script from gitorious and use it to generate the tarball13:44
faboRiddell: we should have weekly tag now13:45
faboRiddell: git://qt.gitorious.org/qtwebkit/tools.git13:45
faboRiddell: still, I'll suggest to use 2.1 branch ;)13:49
faboRiddell: for bug fixing and performance improvements13:50
Riddellfatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly13:55
Riddellthat's what I get when trying to clone the qtwebkit git13:55
fabomaybe gitorious issue, retry later13:59
SputRiddell: I think you need to omit the qt.14:06
Sputgit clone git://gitorious.org/qtwebkit/tools.git works for me14:06
RiddellSput: tools is fine but the actualy qtwebkit repository won't checkout, people on #qtwebkit are confirming the same14:13
CIA-116[ubuntu] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20100923134942-oj9p9yq7pe7xn4o7 * debian/ (3 files in 2 dirs) Add kubuntu_77_fix_plasma_tooltip_holes.diff from upstream to work around an Xorg bug where Plasma tooltips would create holes in windows14:49
JontheEchidnabah, too good to be true. causes crashes14:52
* JontheEchidna uncommits and doesn't push14:54
shadeslayeris there a way to make irssi display notifications when someone highlights you using the KDE notification system? i found a script but it uses dcop :P14:58
JontheEchidnamake the script call kdialog --passivepopup, iirc15:12
JontheEchidnakdialog --passivepop "messagetext"15:13
JontheEchidnakdialog --passivepopup "messagetext" ;-)15:13
* shadeslayer switched to weechat15:24
* shadeslayer_ hugs fejjerai15:41
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer
shadeslayerfejjerai: works for me :P15:45
CIA-116[libqapt] jmthomas * 1178690 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/CMakeLists.txt Bump the library .so version so I don't keep getting symbol lookup errors :P (and we need to anyways since we have new methods in trunk)15:46
ari-tczewhey kubuntu masters, could you take a look on bug 645740 ?15:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 645740 in qtcreator (Ubuntu) "Should depend on libqt4-script" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64574015:50
ari-tczewdebfx: as last uploader, I'm pinging you for this one. ^^15:52
CIA-116[muon] jmthomas * 1178693 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/ (12 files in 4 dirs) (log message trimmed)15:52
CIA-116Make all PackageWidget subclasses use the proxymodel filtering facilities rather15:52
CIA-116than using setPackages with a QApt::PackageList. By setting the filter before15:52
CIA-116[muon] jmthomas * 1178694 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/updater/UpdaterWindow.cpp We don't need to worry about Xapian events in the updater since it doesn't use Xapian search15:54
CIA-116[muon] jmthomas * 1178695 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/libmuon/StatusWidget.cpp This attempt at right-aligning the xapian progress bar within the status bar didn't work...15:57
CIA-116[muon] jmthomas * 1178696 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/libmuon/StatusWidget.cpp Oops, unrevert.15:58
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: halp http://gitorious.org/qzsync/qzsync/blobs/master/widget.cpp16:16
shadeslayerit doesnt load zsync :(16:16
shadeslayerand no progressbar16:17
debfxari-tczew: I've attached a better debdiff to the bug. Could you sponsor it?16:29
* apachelogger votes for code formatting16:29
ari-tczewdebfx: sure16:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: yeah im looking at how to do that in qtcreator right now :P16:31
ari-tczewdebfx: did you tested it?16:32
apacheloggershadeslayer: http://www.bikeforest.com/CAD/faq/enter_key.jpg16:32
shadeslayerapachelogger: lol16:32
apacheloggerthat is even a plaform independent feature, so you can also use that on osx and windows16:32
apacheloggersaved me a couple of times I must say16:32
debfxari-tczew: yes, it adds the necessary dependencies16:33
shadeslayerapachelogger: fixed in git .. lookie16:35
ari-tczewdebfx: hmm, very interesting. I'll upload this one after watching film. thanks!16:36
ari-tczewdebfx: also, please forward changes to Debian :)16:36
apacheloggerit is a mergery 16:37
apacheloggershadeslayer: from glimpsing at the code I woud say that your process starts but then falls into pieces because of bogus arguments16:38
apachelogger        arguments<< " "<< url->text() <<  " -A hostname=" << hostname->text() << ":" << password->text() << " -i" << fileName;16:38
apacheloggerthat most likely aint not gonna work 16:39
apacheloggerunless you ahve a hostname and password ^^16:39
apacheloggerwhat is arguments<< " "<<  supposed to be anyway?16:40
apacheloggerthe void?16:41
Riddellhow do I know what X driver I'm using?16:41
shadeslayerapachelogger: whitespace between 2 arguments16:42
shadeslayeroh wait16:42
apacheloggershadeslayer: qprocess does that16:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: just realised that16:42
apacheloggerthat is why you pass it a qstringlist16:42
apacheloggerso it can make list.join(" ")16:42
apacheloggerwell actually it will do more sophisticated things to it, but that is the basic idea ;)16:42
shadeslayerhmm this means everything in arguments is foobared16:43
shadeslayeri need to re think that part16:43
shadeslayerapachelogger: how do i pass -i filename to the QProcess ?16:44
shadeslayeras 2 seprate QSL entries?16:44
apacheloggerQStringList args; args << "-i" << filename; 16:44
shadeslayer        arguments<< url->text() << " -i" << fileName; : 16:44
apacheloggeryou need to make that arguments << "-u" << url->text() << "-i" << fileName;16:46
apacheloggerzsync  [  -u  url  ]  [ -i inputfile ] [ -o outputfile ] [ { -s | -q } ] [ -k file.zsync ] [ -A hostname=username:password ] {16:46
apachelogger       filename | url }16:46
apacheloggershadeslayer: if I understand this correctly then you should be using -o?16:47
apacheloggeror maybe both?16:47
shadeslayerIIRC no need to use -o16:47
shadeslayerit automatically creates a new file16:47
apacheloggerwell yes16:48
shadeslayerim just passing the input file16:48
apacheloggerbut from the manpage it does not sound like it would be creating the file in place of -i16:48
apacheloggerbut your app asks where to save the file16:48
shadeslayerone sec16:48
apacheloggerso you need ot use -o16:48
shadeslayerah yes.. that should really say : Choose input file16:51
apacheloggerwhat if I dont have one :P16:51
shadeslayerapachelogger: ill be putting a case for that soonish16:52
apacheloggerI think you are going at the problem the wrong way :P16:52
apachelogger-u urly apparently does not work16:53
apacheloggerno here anyway16:53
apacheloggerso you need to append the zysnc url last to the arguments16:53
shadeslayererr... isnt  it zsync args url ?16:53
shadeslayeror zsync url args16:53
apacheloggeryours is zsync url args16:53
apacheloggerit should be zsync args url16:53
apacheloggerhowever I wonder why there is a -u argument 16:54
shadeslayerIIRC ive used it both ways16:54
apacheloggershadeslayer: zsync url args surely did not work :P16:54
apacheloggeror maybe it did16:55
apacheloggerwell, depends on the internal argument parser16:55
apacheloggerper manpage only zsync args url should work16:55
sheytanis this  list of loco teams complete? http://www.kubuntu.org/community16:58
sheytani mean, can i finde more anywhere?16:58
shadeslayersheytan: loco.ubuntu.com16:58
apacheloggernot approved16:59
apacheloggerwhat is that16:59
apacheloggerdidnt pay certificaton fee of 3k? :P17:00
sheytanshadeslayer thanks17:01
shadeslayerapachelogger: whut? :D17:01
apacheloggerthere are locos that say not approved17:02
shadeslayerdunno :P17:02
apacheloggeralso the main site is of doubtable use IMHO17:02
shadeslayerthe indian loco is not approved as well :>17:02
apacheloggeroh wellz17:02
shadeslayeroh and something else17:02
apacheloggershadeslayer: you did not pay!!!!17:02
shadeslayermy passport was issued \o/17:02
shadeslayerwell.. its in the mail now17:02
* apachelogger got his today17:02
apacheloggerthat reminds me that I still need to ack my sponsoring17:03
shadeslayerill get mine by saturday i guess17:03
* apachelogger looks for motivation to do that17:03
shadeslayerapachelogger: you didnt ack it? :O17:03
apacheloggerI am not into commitments17:03
shadeslayerPassport will be ready on 23-09-2010 subject to all documents being in order. It will be dispatched by post on 24-09-2010 :: whee17:04
sheytanapachelogger is there a site for u1 project or maybe you have u1 tag on your blog we can link in the website?17:04
apacheloggeru1-kde is dead!17:04
apacheloggerlike a vampyr17:05
sheytanapachelogger why? :((((17:05
ulyssesapachelogger: :(17:05
shadeslayerapachelogger: dude.. zsync url args works17:05
* apachelogger goes looking for a blood sucker smiley17:05
ulyssesRule one: the Doctor lies. -> s/Doctor/apachelogger/17:05
ulyssesu1-kde shall live!17:06
apacheloggerulysses: that is a generalization of first order17:06
sheytanso i'm confused. is u1-kde still alive or not? :P17:06
shadeslayersheytan: google will force apachelogger to maintain u1-kde17:07
apacheloggerthere is no proper vampire smiley :(17:07
sheytanwell, in this case17:07
sheytani need new community project to put on the website17:08
sheytananyone? :D17:08
sheytanmuon is already there17:08
QuintasanProject Neon17:08
apacheloggerthat is what u1-kde looks like17:08
* shadeslayer slides qzsync towards sheytan17:08
Quintasanapachelogger: wtw?17:08
sheytanshadeslayer what's that?17:08
QuintasanCannot unsee.17:08
shadeslayersheytan: qt GUI for zsync :P17:09
shadeslayersheytan: http://gitorious.org/qzsync17:09
* apachelogger starts downloadings true blood17:09
ulyssessheytan: write about Project Neon!17:09
shadeslayeraye ^17:09
shadeslayersheytan: design shiny new logo as well :P17:09
sheytanok, Project Neon is there, but ofcourse it's for the new website ;)17:09
apacheloggerulysses, sheytan: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/37514517:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 375145 in Ubuntu One Client "Ubuntu One should have a KDE client" [Wishlist,Confirmed]17:09
apacheloggercomment 5617:10
Quintasanit seems that shadeslayer is getting more and more good at ordering ppl around :P17:10
shadeslayerapachelogger: you know you can directly link to comments :P17:10
apacheloggersheytan: kubuntu is the community project? :P17:10
apacheloggershadeslayer: not if rekonq renders them shit17:10
shadeslayerwhut :P17:10
* Riddell uploads jefferai's XML fix for amarok17:10
Quintasanshadeslayer: don't worry, though, it's inherited by talking with apachelogger 17:10
apacheloggeralso FTR I consider that feature of launchpad complete and utter crap since it takes things out of context17:10
shadeslayerQuintasan: i guess :P17:11
sheytanapachelogger well, it is, but i need something other then kubuntu in general :)17:11
* Quintasan goes back to doing school related stuff17:11
Quintasanshadeslayer: I will upload bindings today17:12
apacheloggersheytan: IE17:12
* apachelogger thinks IE is a nice project17:12
shadeslayerQuintasan: great.. we can break peoples installs now and blame apachelogger for not helping :P17:12
apacheloggersheytan: language-select0r17:12
sheytanapachelogger i'll put Neon ;)17:12
apacheloggerthe translation overlords17:12
shadeslayerrekonq! :D17:12
sheytanand Muon17:12
Quintasanshadeslayer: We can blame him even without that.17:13
sheytanBut well, we can ofcourse have more of them :)17:13
sheytanI'll just put two for the mockup17:13
sheytanand then talk  to ofirk if we can put more ;)17:13
QuintasanI think it's not question if we can put more17:13
sheytanQuintasan: does PN have a webpage?17:13
Quintasanit's a question HOW do we stuff more in there :P17:13
shadeslayersheytan: no.. just a lp page17:14
sheytanQuintasan i think not more then 4 ;)17:14
apacheloggerQuintasan: it is not the getting in, it is the getting out17:14
Quintasanand a empty Wiki page17:14
sheytanshadeslayer can u link?17:14
* sheytan doesn't like wiki pages at all :D17:14
Quintasansheytan: ^17:14
* apachelogger had them wiki pages back in the days17:14
* apachelogger also had them forum posts17:14
QuintasanI mean, why still apachelogger is owner?17:14
apacheloggerI think I became a greater being17:14
Quintasanapachelogger: Hand over the ownership :P17:15
apacheloggerfor I can survive without wikis or forums or irc or anything17:15
sheytanQuintasan and others what about PN as a subpage to kubuntu.org?17:15
apacheloggerQuintasan: I am the overlord17:15
sheytani think we can do that17:15
apacheloggerthat is why I have ownership17:15
Quintasandunno, we should ask Riddell first17:15
shadeslayerQuintasan: we really really need neon.kubuntu.org i think :P17:15
QuintasanRiddell: ^17:15
Riddellwhat what?17:15
apacheloggershadeslayer: you can get one until 201317:16
apachelogger2020 tops17:16
shadeslayerslow sysadmins? :D17:16
apacheloggertotally reminds me on the snails form http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uzumaki17:17
sheytani can make a mockup, ofirk the code and we're home ;)17:17
QuintasanRiddell: or tell shadeslayer who he should be bugging and he will get it done in no time17:17
shadeslayerlemme at em17:17
* shadeslayer will poke neon rods all over sysadmins17:18
RiddellQuintasan: what's the question?17:18
* apachelogger puts a nice pink hat on shadeslayer so he'll be more successful17:18
* sheytan still needs to use google translator ;/17:18
QuintasanRiddell: shadeslayer thought that we should have neon.kubuntu.org17:18
shadeslayerstill do ^17:18
Quintasanapachelogger claims that we can't get one until 201317:18
Riddellwhy not just use a page on kubuntu.org and wiki pages?17:19
QuintasanExacly my point :P17:19
* apachelogger thinks shadeslayer just wants to post nakkid pictures of Quintasan on nko anyway17:19
* Quintasan takes banhammer out17:19
* Quintasan hits apachelogger17:19
ulyssesQuintasan: that won't be enough:(17:20
apacheloggerit makes more sense if you use a whip17:20
ulysseswe must seal apachelogger into the Pandorica!17:20
neversfeldesomeone already working on this amarok scanning bug?17:21
* Quintasan puts some concrete boots on apachelogger 17:21
shadeslayerQuintasan: i guess kubuntu.org/neon then? which points to a wiki page17:21
apacheloggerwhat is an amarok scannign bug?17:21
* shadeslayer doesnt like wiki theme tbh17:21
neversfeldeapachelogger: Jeff mentions it on the amarok packager list17:21
apacheloggerI havent read mails in a week or so17:22
Quintasanshadeslayer: dunno, just mention it on community projects with link to wiki17:22
Quintasanand we are done17:22
neversfeldeapachelogger: the fix is here http://tinyurl.com/35kxvcn17:23
apacheloggerthe only good thing about the you bun too wiki is that every launchpad us0r also got wiki access17:23
QuintasanI think Jono wanted me to inform him when we are ready so he can spread the word17:23
apacheloggerneversfelde: Riddell is upping that he said17:23
neversfeldeapachelogger: great, I'll backport it to the lucid package, if he does not17:23
Quintasanshadeslayer: seriosly, dunno, let's get this working first17:24
shadeslayeryeah ... thats more important :P17:24
Quintasanand then worry about fame and/or broken systems17:24
apacheloggerQuintasan: if you like being abused for other people's PR17:24
shadeslayerQuintasan: we still need to make a entry file for KDM17:24
* apachelogger likes being abused on any occasion17:24
shadeslayerand put it in the meta package17:24
* Quintasan takes out a whip17:24
Quintasanthat won't be effective17:24
shadeslayerapachelogger: get your ruby skilz and package us a neonmake script :>17:25
Quintasanvuvuzela time!17:25
apacheloggershadeslayer: then it wont be no metapackage no more, will it?17:25
apacheloggershadeslayer: there is a neonmake script17:25
* Quintasan hits apachelogger with vuvuzela17:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: itll work with our packaging?17:25
Quintasanshadeslayer: why on earth do we want neonmake script?17:26
apacheloggerthere is also a kdm file17:26
shadeslayerQuintasan: easier to compile stuff with it17:26
apacheloggerthere is all sorts of stuff17:26
ulyssesBefore I forget again, we have begin to write the monthly report: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/TeamReports17:26
apacheloggerif you cared to look17:26
Quintasanshadeslayer: what do we want to compile with it?17:26
shadeslayerQuintasan: dude!!!17:26
apacheloggerulysses: I did nothing17:26
apachelogger(I think)17:26
apacheloggerthough I think I tought that something is note worthy17:26
shadeslayerQuintasan: like if someone wants a app from kde-apps.org compiled with neon packages17:26
apacheloggerbut that was sometime early on this month17:27
* ulysses writes to the wiki that apachelogger did nothing17:27
Quintasanapachelogger: it's not like it is any different from what you usually do :P17:27
apacheloggerand I was afraid I would forget17:27
apacheloggerand indeed I forgot17:27
apacheloggerhow fitting17:27
shadeslayerulysses: lol The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.17:27
apacheloggerQuintasan: I still do more than nixternal though :P17:27
ulyssesshadeslayer: works for me ;)17:27
shadeslayerworks now :P17:27
QuintasanIsn't nixternal a member of like over 9000 teams?17:27
apacheloggershadeslayer: *only*17:27
apacheloggerQuintasan: so are other people17:28
Quintasan"We love Harald"?17:28
ulyssesDo we?17:28
apacheloggerI do not17:28
QuintasanIsn't that some sort of apachelogger's fanclub on LP?17:29
QuintasanI think apachelogger does the most work there17:29
ulyssesfounded by little emo girls?17:29
apacheloggermy GSOC stuff arrived17:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: only now?17:29
apacheloggerand fedex only now informed me17:29
apacheloggerI find this funny17:30
apacheloggerI get a mail *after* it was delivered17:30
apacheloggernot before or anything17:30
Quintasan>Harald Sitter's Groupies17:30
apacheloggerUPS rulez!17:30
shadeslayerlag? 17:30
Quintasanhey, wtf, why am I a member?17:30
apacheloggershadeslayer: no no, was delivered today17:30
shadeslayerQuintasan: you didnt know about that? look at the members :>17:30
apacheloggershipped on 2117:30
shadeslayer39 Active members :P17:31
shadeslayerall of them K/Ubuntu Members :P17:31
apacheloggerI must be loved17:31
ulysses39 cultist17:31
* apachelogger takes a note to tell his therapist about that17:31
* apachelogger as too much stuff in his inbox and closes the browser again17:32
Quintasanno, seriously, I have homework to do and I'm losing time on browsing through apacheloggers fans17:32
shadeslayerapachelogger: browser = rekonq? :D17:32
apacheloggerI am not using that dirtbag no moar17:33
apacheloggermade me depressed17:33
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://rekonq.kde.org/ :P17:33
apacheloggernow it could not use capacity I recon17:34
apacheloggergotta love the level of integration17:34
apacheloggerthat is one spooky game right htere17:35
ari-tczewdebfx: your change provides following warnings in buildlog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/499228/ is ot okay?17:36
sheytanbanana banana banana juice :D17:40
sheytanok, this is the old community page http://i.imgur.com/DX35A.jpg17:41
sheytanand here's the new one http://i.imgur.com/huvtv.jpg : D17:41
shadeslayersheytan: s/productive/production17:42
sheytanshadeslayer my english isn't perfect :P17:42
shadeslayersheytan: nobody has perfect english... apart from the Queen i suppose :P17:43
sheytanyep :D17:43
sheytananyway, how's the design/17:43
shadeslayersheytan: looks ok to me.. you need more projects :P17:44
sheytanshadeslayer as you can  see i don't have space in  the mock, so they'll be added to the 'true' page :D17:45
shadeslayerhehe :D17:45
nixternalapachelogger: dust does more than I do17:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://pastebin.com/XhqN90UD : still doesnt work i think17:50
apacheloggernixternal: but we do not love dust as much as we love our nixternal :)17:53
apacheloggershadeslayer: you broke it17:53
shadeslayerwhats wrong?17:54
apacheloggershadeslayer: if I were you I would first try to get stuff working without -i :P17:54
shadeslayeroh :P17:54
shadeslayerapachelogger: works without -i17:55
shadeslayerneed to put -o to save the file somewhere and see if its actually downloaded17:56
shadeslayerdoesnt work now -.-17:57
shadeslayerand progressBar() is foobared17:57
shadeslayerim sleeping.. terrible headache... cya everyone17:59
smarterJontheEchidna: hey (sorry for being a bit MIA, college just started, no laptop until today, etc), when apt is already running and you try to install something with qapt-batch, it doesn't complain, download the package, and acts like the installation succeeded when it didn't18:14
smarteralso, when trying to install codecs with amarok, qapt-batch with something like ' Couldn't find package "" ', ps aux says the command line is "/usr/bin/qapt-batch --install  libavcodec-extra-52 libmp3lame0", note the extra space, which apparently isn't ignored18:15
shadeslayersmarter: iirc that is fixed18:16
smarternot on the version present in maverick it seems18:16
* smarter hasn't installed the svn version on his laptop yet18:17
shadeslayersmarter: https://edge.launchpad.net/bugs/64494718:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 644947 in kubuntu-notification-helper (Ubuntu) "Install of additional packages (e.g. for rekonq) fails via notification helper" [Undecided,Fix released]18:17
smarteroh, cool18:18
smarterJontheEchidna: I'll try to work on that tomorrow/this week-end18:18
JontheEchidnasmarter: same deal here with college ;-)18:20
JontheEchidnasmarter: ' Couldn't find package "" ' was a QStringList in kubuntu-notification-helper with an empty QString in it18:20
JontheEchidnaupdating should fix18:20
JontheEchidnabtw, you should check out the latest batch of muon commits18:21
smarterwill do18:21
smartermaybe I'll hack on qapt/muon during my "Introduction to OOP" class in Java :p18:21
JontheEchidnaI have an "Intro to C++" class. Apparently we don't get to OOP until the end of the semester18:22
JontheEchidnaso it's all just procedural crap18:22
smarterconfuse your professors by using templates :P18:22
JontheEchidnaI did use an std::list when they wanted me to write a program that would take user input for 5 numbers and average them18:24
JontheEchidnaI used it to make it so that the user could average as many numbers as they wanted :P18:24
JontheEchidnathey went "you're using advanced data structures in your program. What C++ background do you have?"18:25
smarterI didn't know linked list were advanced :p18:27
debfxari-tczew: yes, they probably just don't haven an SONAME18:27
debfxnot sure why dpkg-shlibdeps displays the same warning 4 times 18:27
ari-tczewdebfx: uploaded18:27
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: if I am correct progressBar() will only be called once when the QProcess starts18:27
debfxari-tczew: thanks18:27
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: and if it was called multiple times it would create a new progress bar each time it was called18:27
JontheEchidnaIt would be better to make a pointer to a QPlainTextEdit as a member variable inside the header, then initialize it in the class constructor, then hook it up to update the text using signals and slots18:29
JontheEchidnasmarter: so basically now all PackageWidget subclasses declare their own filters across all available packages. It doesn't incur a performance hit for Update/Review since getting a list of pointers is cheap, and most of the pain that ManagerWidget has is due to sorting18:31
smarterokay, great!18:32
smarterdid you try typedef'ing QLatin1String to workaround QVariant creating QString?18:33
JontheEchidnaI haven't tried that, no18:33
smarterI'll look into it18:33
JontheEchidnaFor the xapian update progress bar, we're using the dbus interface that the updater exposes, but I think it's busted since it never sends a 100% and/or finished signal :/18:34
JontheEchidnameans I'll have to break out the python and fix upstream'18:34
JontheEchidnas bugs :P18:34
JontheEchidnafor us it means that the progress bar won't go away after the xapian update is done18:35
smarterI saw your commits, but I don't know when the xapian index is updated18:35
JontheEchidnamuon tells libqapt to check if the xapian index is outdated after a cache refresh/installation18:35
JontheEchidnaif it needs updating, it tells libqapt to tell the qaptworker to update it, and it uses the dbus interface to communicate between muon -> update-apt-xapian-indexs18:36
smarterit shouldn't be too hard to make qapt-batch check if dpkg is already running before trying anything, no?18:37
smarterand getting the fix into Maverick18:37
JontheEchidnaif dpkg is running the worker should throw a LockError, no?18:38
smarterwell, when I tested it today it didn't seem to do so18:38
* JontheEchidna tests by installing something with debconf18:39
JontheEchidnaseems to work with installing aiccu with apt-get, but it hangs on obtaining authorization if another program is using qaptworker18:42
JontheEchidna(where work == throw lock error)18:42
JontheEchidnaI'm wondering if qapt-batch shouldn't just use libqapt, even at the cost of 14 MiB ram.18:43
smarternot here, it tries(and says it succeeded) installing stuff when aptitude full-upgrade is downloading packages18:43
JontheEchidnadpkg isn't running when packages are downloading18:44
smarterbut /var/lib/dpkg/lock is present18:44
JontheEchidnasomehow the qapt-worker is obtaining the lock18:44
JontheEchidna/var/lib/dpkg/lock is always present18:45
smarteroh right18:45
smarterhow is that even possible? :p18:45
JontheEchidnamust be something about the contents of the lock that determines locked-ness?18:45
smarterE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)18:46
smarterthat's what apt-get and aptitude say when downloading package18:46
JontheEchidnaah, the locking application must open the file in such a way so that other programs can't18:47
JontheEchidna...which reminds me. Synaptic locks the package system even when not committing changes.18:47
JontheEchidnaperhaps we (and aptitude, apparently) should do the same so that other apps don't change things underneath us18:47
smarterthat would be safe, yes18:48
JontheEchidnathough iirc the Ubuntu Software Center can actually detect these changes somehow...18:48
JontheEchidnahmm, or maybe not18:50
smartersudo fuser /var/lib/dpkg/lock doesn't change when qapt-batch is running and ignoring the lock18:50
JontheEchidnaah, I'm seeing the ignoring, too18:53
JontheEchidnait only seems to respect the lock when /var/lib/dpkg/lock is locked *and* dpkg is running, or something18:54
smarterit happened when downloading18:54
neversfeldeis launchpad offline?19:17
JontheEchidnaiirc there was a scheduled outage for code hosting19:18
neversfeldeRiddell: are you going to upload amarok with the new patch for Lucid?19:19
CIA-116[libqapt] jmthomas * 1178722 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/worker/ (worker.cpp worker.h) Herp derp. I can't tell the difference between bool and int. :/19:19
Riddellneversfelde: if you could upload amarok with the patch to lucid that would be great20:58
CIA-116[muon] jmthomas * 1178750 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/ (2 files in 2 dirs) (log message trimmed)21:19
CIA-116Workaround to prevent a crash that happened because the backend was being21:19
CIA-116reloaded twice. (Once in ManagerWidget, once in ReviewWidget) A PackageWidget21:19
mgraesslinlately we get many crashreports from Maverick with a crash in the driver. Is there anything we could do to get the users to *not* report those?21:41
sheytanhttp://madsheytan.blogspot.com/2010/09/wiesci-z-prac-nad-strona-kubuntu.html take a look at some mockups :D22:03
Mamarokneversfelde: thanks for the Amarok package, but did you see the alert on the packagers list for this patch? -> http://gitweb.kde.org/amarok/amarok.git/commitdiff_plain/79d86829294ac54132c01153660e70e30c15c378?hp=fd2a40d970c57fa2102e95de1a60c59e3789263822:34
RiddellMamarok: he did but maybe he's gone away, I can do tham22:40
MamarokRiddell: that would be nice indeed22:41
RiddellMamarok: uploaded22:44
debfxMamarok: that commit is a bit broken23:01
debfxit checks data[i].unicode() < 20 && data[i].unicode() != 9 && ...23:01
debfxoh wait that's actually correct23:02
Riddelldebfx: see jefferai's post on kde-packager for the details23:05
debfxRiddell: I haven't got a mail about that issue23:08
debfxthe kde-packager archive also doesn't show one23:09
danttiRiddell: hey :) sheytan suggested Apper as a new name, what do you think? :D23:18

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