
=== djustice|f is now known as djustice
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vbgunzI just enabled Maverick repos on lucid, then upgraded the linux kernel, headers, image etc to 2.6.35-22-generic. I disabled the maverick repo. This is a cheap way to get the latest patched kernel without having to compile or use mainline, correct?00:27
fbianconihi, does anybody knows if is there a way to make the system tray auto collapse after a few seconds? can't find any option like that00:41
James147fbianconi: what version?00:42
fbianconiI found it, but doesn't work00:42
fbianconite one on 10.0400:42
James147fbianconi: hmm, cant remember what the try way like in kde 4.4.2 (the one that comes with lucid)... but I never remember it auto hiding verywell...00:45
James147fbianconi: you could upgrade to kde 4.5 (its in the backport repos, see the topic for a link), they changed the systray in that version so it now pops up a menu with the extra "hidden" icons in which disapears after a few seconds of moving the mouse away... (generally the systray and notifications have been improved in 4.5)00:47
fbianconiok, i'll give it a try00:47
James147fbianconi: but unfortinatly, I cannot remember the systray auto hiding properly in previous versions00:48
James147(although you might want to note that they changed allot of the icons in the sys tray to monochrome... not sure why they chose to do that but a few people have complained)00:49
fbianconithanks James147, bye00:54
Starwatcherhi all need some help getting dvd player to work. tried dragon, vlc and kaffeine and all do the same thing. Tells me dvd is encripted and stops. I have everything libdvdcss2 and w32codecs but of no help.02:10
DustyFor some reason my sound isn't working in my browsers :(02:16
DustyIt works in System Settings when I test it though02:16
DustyNvidia chipset02:17
wardgomSorry, gotta go02:18
DustyIts' the ALC66202:18
StarwatcherThis might be to simple did you check to see if PCM is muted?02:19
DustyWhere is that?02:19
DustyNOthings muted in the mixer I don't think02:19
DustyAh, PCM was all the way down, I guess the audio test doesn't use that02:20
Dustylol yeah, that worked, wonder why it was the only one turned down02:20
Starwatcherhope that was it02:20
Starwatcherwho knows 8-)02:21
DustyWeird, thanks!02:21
Starwatcheryour welcome02:21
DustyGot WoW running in wine earlier, kinda needed sound lol02:21
DustyLoving Kubuntu so far, I have Xubuntu on my laptop too02:27
elijahIn 10.10 I was able to assign a shortcut to Dolphin (super + e) and it worked great, in 10.4 I do the same thing but the shortcut brings about no action. Any ideas?03:16
quintopiahow does one go about installing items from a particular user's ppa repos?03:38
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.03:38
quintopiathink it can be done with add-apt-repository, but I'm not sure how to convert web addresses to that prog's syntax03:40
=== tracy is now known as tracy__
* quintopia will figure it out03:42
vbgunzconnecting with the default network manager using wireless is a terrifying experience. Either it is severely broken on a fresh 10.04 usb created disk or it is excruciatingly impossible to understand it :( I enter everything right and nothing happens. where are the logs for this thing? it's just horrible :(04:10
=== root is now known as Guest72569
vbgunzmy connection last used. never. wpa/wpa2 personal, correct password, correct ssid, I even allowed the mac address onto the network from the router. this very same machine running windows XP right now connects without a problem. the network connections dialog is killing me. please tell me if their is an alternative04:13
jmichaelxvbgunz: yes, you could use nm-applet instead. also, what chipset is sued in your wireless adapter?04:19
avihayvbgunz: there are alternatives like wicd or nm-applet. but the kde network manager works fine for most04:19
vbgunzjmichaelx: not sure. this is a T400 lenovo notebook04:19
jmichaelxvbgunz: many people dislike how unintuitive the present kde network manager is04:20
vbgunzI keep putting in I have wpa/wpa2, I know the password is correct, I no joke checked it about 5 times. the ssid on the router is hidden *but* I know it's exact name. I do mac filtering on the router but I have this mac address included and it works in windows xp04:21
jmichaelxvbgunz: can you open a terminal and enter 'lspci'... you should be able to find a line that gives info on your wireless device04:21
vbgunzanyhow when I go to connect, it keeps telling my connection is insecure ... it just doesn't know about the wpa/wpa2 and its there...04:21
avihay!info wpasupplicant04:21
ubottuwpasupplicant (source: wpasupplicant): client support for WPA and WPA2 (IEEE 802.11i). In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.9-3ubuntu3 (lucid), package size 354 kB, installed size 920 kB04:21
vbgunzavihay: I need an internet connection to get that package?04:22
vbgunzheh, chicken and egg issue here :(04:22
jmichaelxvbgunz: you already have that package. you need to look for the info i asked you to look for04:22
vbgunzlspci shows me a couple things, I cannot copy and paste over, what should I be looking at?04:22
jmichaelxvbgunz: it should be obvious which line applies to you wireless network device04:23
vbgunznetwork controller? I see no wireless, I see ethernet too04:24
avihayI'm not sure you need it. it should be installed already, or maybe it's just wicd that uses it04:24
jmichaelxvbgunz: is your wireless dapter internal, or are you maybe using a usb device?04:24
vbgunzjmichaelx: yes I believe it is internal and the radio should be on04:25
vbgunzyes the radio is on, the only way I can currently tell is when I mess with it, the network manager checks/unchecks the enable wireless menu selection04:26
jmichaelxvbgunz: i would think in that case that you should be able to determien which line in the output of 'lspci' refers to your device, but there may be cases where it is not so clear04:26
vbgunzcommincation controller, ethernet controller, Network controller, that about narrows it down i hope04:27
jmichaelxdoes it list 'ethernet controller' and 'network controller' on 2 separate lines?04:27
vbgunzethernet should be the wired connection (its not currently connected)04:28
jmichaelxthen i would likely guess that it the line that says 'network controller;04:28
vbgunzso network controller04:28
jmichaelxwhat does that line say?04:28
vbgunzjmichaelx:  intel/corporation PRO/Wireless 5100 AGN [Shiloh] Network connection04:29
vbgunzim gonna expose my routers ssid and see if I can walk through some of this04:30
macowait you're trying to connect on a hidden ssid?04:30
macothat's known not to work in the normal case. putting in the router's bssid *might* work04:31
jmichaelxvbgunz: you might also try doing a search on '5100 AGN' at the ubuntu forums04:31
vbgunz_I just exposed my routers ssid and now the network manager is picking up the correct security04:32
jmichaelxvbgunz: i agree with maco... broadcasting your ssid would probably make things a lot easier04:32
jmichaelxgood deal04:32
vbgunz_yeah but I know it letter for letter, its a name I can't get wrong04:32
jmichaelxvbgunz_: that doesn't necessarily make any difference04:32
vbgunz_one sec, gonna go through the prompts as minimilistic as possible04:32
vbgunz_just putting in the password at least I see some progress. when trying to manually enter this information. there is no ignition. seriously jump in a car without one, you'll understand my frustration04:34
vbgunz_I hope this works04:34
jmichaelxi do not get why the kde network manager is laid out the way it is.... you have make about 4  or 5 clicks just to see a list of available networks04:36
jmichaelxmaybe that is improved in kde4.5, have not checked04:37
vbgunz_I swear to absolutely everything in power and may all that I love get struck down, if you hide your ssid you might as well kiss your anus goodbye in trying to connect with the network manager. their has got to be an absolutely ugly bug here that stopped me. I went over every single detail and I already did this. I got everything right but couldn't connect :(04:37
vbgunz_btw, I am connected04:37
jmichaelxvbgunz_: you should probably just broadcast your ssid.... use wpa2, nobody is gonna bother you04:38
vbgunz_I had to show my ssid to do it... I fricking wish I had known that from the beginning04:38
vbgunz_jmichaelx: I live next to porn stars. I can't risk it04:38
vbgunz_dirty people over there04:38
jmichaelxvbgunz_: if you are using wpa2, you are not risking anything04:39
mpriceYa its pretty much impossible to crack wpa204:39
vbgunz_nah, im kidding about the porn stars man but you never know. I like my security like this. very effective with all the gagdets in my house. 1. hide the ssid. 2. wpa2. 3. mac filters. I am going over the list right now of devices filtered and I got 14 devices connect. the only nightmare I ever had with this router is by a Wii and this kubuntu install on the notebook :/04:41
jmichaelxhowever, if your porn star neighbors did use your WAP, i imagine that network traffic analysis could be fairly interesting :-P04:41
vbgunz_jmichaelx: haha, yup. fap2 security in the cribbo04:42
vbgunz_brb, gonna restart the router and hide the ssid. gonna see if this issue occurs again04:42
jmichaelxvbgunz_: however, you may not have much luck with hidden ssid.... with your MAC addy filtering and wpa2, you are definitely good as gold, if not gooder04:43
vbgunz_I cant disconnect atm. the wifey is working on something. anyhow, I once read an article on securing your router. pretty good read. hiding the ssid helps04:44
vbgunz_I mean give them hell. why not04:45
vbgunz_including me... damn...04:45
jmichaelxvbgunz_: it can help... but you may have no access if you use it... and frankly, with mac filtering and wpa2,  the only way into your network would be through social engineering or physical access to your machines or WAP04:46
vbgunz_ok brb, got 25 seconds04:46
=== vbgunz__ is now known as vbgunz
sobczykanyone knows why tiling doesn't work too well on multihead setup?05:15
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ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »09:48
GuiTorisi have a problem with my lucid kubuntu. If i use the TTYs and later i wanna shutdown my computer, it always says working process on the tty-s09:50
GuiToriswhy do that?09:50
GuiTorisjust because i logout from the ttys09:50
GuiToriswith the exit or with the CtrlD09:50
alvinGuiToris: It has been discussed on the kubuntu-users mailing list (https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-users/2010-April/050157.html) I don't know if someone eventually filed a bug.10:14
FlashDeluxeHi! I want to make a full backup and after that i want to make incremental backups. I have a server and two USB disks, which i want to exchange periodically. Which backuptool can do that? PS I dont want to use backuppc..11:06
vnchas anyone had any issues in 10.10 with wireless dropping and connecting frequently?11:12
well_laid_lawnvnc:  do you know there is #ubuntu+1 for 10.10 talk?11:15
vncwell_laid_lawn: i did not, i will move there and ask again, thanks11:16
well_laid_lawnnp :]11:17
=== wer is now known as qwert
=== rysiek|pl_ is now known as rysiek|pl
qwertHow to get kde latest version?13:37
bazhanghttp://kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-45 qwert13:40
werAye!! KDE alone??13:45
rysiek|plqwert: GNOME?14:05
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.514:05
dan_lI've got firefox problems.  It's slow.  Like "doesn't work" kind of slow, like "something must be wrong" slow.  Konqueror works fine.  But ffx:  slow. like connection problem slow.14:06
dan_lIt's a clean install14:06
dan_lmaybe a couple of weeks old.14:06
dan_lanyone have any thoughts?14:07
=== Aqaz_ is now known as Aqaz
akssps011Hi, I am not able to get any sound in kubuntu 10.0414:24
akssps011though I am able to hear boot in and log out tracks during respective operations14:25
akssps011Do I need to install any extra drivers ?14:25
James147akssps011: if the login/logout sound work then that suggests sound works... what applications have you tryed playing sound in?14:26
apple_catakssps011: You might have system sounds muted. Try typing the comand 'alsamixer' into command line and seeing if any of the volumes are muted or turned down14:26
akssps011James147: amarok, youtube14:28
akssps011apple_cat: http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/I2pKbCSerAcE8SBsn8YMHg?feat=directlink14:29
akssps011apple_cat: speaker seems to be ok14:29
James147akssps011: your PCM is turned down14:29
James147Hey BluesKaj14:31
akssps011James147: how to resolve it14:31
James147akssps011: in alsamixer use the right/left arrow untill its selected, then up/down arrow to change volume14:32
James147or use kmix (might need to configure ti to show the PCM chanel)14:32
akssps011James147: ah..thanks...worked :)14:34
BluesKajhi James14714:35
=== rackIT is now known as rackIT_AFK
cfauco01coment va14:51
cthoma07japonais !14:51
cfauco01ou sa?14:51
cfauco01laisse moi bossetr14:52
cfauco01mince comment je faire....14:52
=== cthoma07 is now known as cthoma07_
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:52
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=== hu is now known as huardD
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huardDspeak nglish pliez14:53
=== cfauco01 is now known as kamui2
kamui2scuse mi14:53
huardDyou crim'17++ are mad14:53
kamui2you guy are dead14:54
PiciThis channel is english only, please se #ubuntu-fr or #ubuntu-fr-offtopic14:55
akssps011was that japanese ?  I thought it was japanese :D14:55
akssps011was that french ? I thought it was japanese14:55
* akssps011 confused completely14:55
BluesKajakssps011, does it matter?   :)15:08
akssps011BluesKaj: well. not much :) (both are alien to me :D )15:09
=== root is now known as Guest42992
Vardan1hi all15:21
=== Vardan1 is now known as Vardan
Vardanpeople how to change gtk theme?15:23
VardanI want that my gtk apps have the oxygen theme15:23
BluesKajVardan, in system settings/application appearance/gtk , choose the qt and in style  choose oxygen15:32
VardanBluesKaj: there are two styles QtCurve and Raleigh15:34
Vardanafter choosing QtCurve I don't see the place for choosing oxygen15:34
BluesKajVardan, style , it will be the default for all apps15:45
Vardanok, I have downloaded gtk theme, where should I put it and use?15:45
=== v3nd3tta`` is now known as v3n``afk
BluesKajvar afaik oxygen is kde not gtk15:54
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Anubishi. a very short question: how can i prevent a ftp server to start when rebooting ?16:01
Anubisi need that ftp server tu run occasionally16:02
gaudaAnubis: what does this have to do with kubuntu?16:13
=== mprice_ is now known as mprice
RelookNAhi guyz & girlz16:30
RelookNAwhat is required to have latest adobe to run smoothly?16:31
RelookNAtreaming radio is skipping16:31
RelookNA2.0ghz cpu , 1G memory16:32
BluesKajRelookNA, maybe your internet connection is the problem16:37
=== administrator is now known as Guest72633
codizzle3280Hello all... i need some help17:26
bigbearкуда я попал...17:27
codizzle3280english neone?17:28
coskunhow do i install on wine to the CD game?17:28
codizzle3280NEONE ALIVE IN HERE?17:29
codizzle3280i do not know coskun. sorry17:30
James147coskun: if you have wine installed then you should beable to click on the installer in dolphin17:37
James147!wine | coskun17:37
ubottucoskun: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu17:37
coskunthank u but i know that17:39
James147coskun: then what where you asking exactly?17:39
coskunbut On cd dont clicking17:40
coskunbecause cd read only17:40
James147coskun: sorry, not sure what you mean17:41
AqazHow to make keybord shotcut for konsole?17:55
codizzle3280I have been running ubuntu lucid for awhile now and a few days ago added the kde environment. I walked away from the computer earlier to comeback to a frozen screen. So... I did a hard reboot and bios is fine and then I get a blank screen for about 10 seconds, a few things flash very fast( cannot reAd ) and the monitor turns off. I did reboot like a billion times and once was able to get a kubuntu screen that says somehing along t17:57
James147Aqaz: to launch it? right click the kmenu > edit menu ... or run "kmenuedit" > find konsole > advanced tab18:05
terran4000_codizzle3280: at what part does it freeze? At boot? at KDM? Or after you enter your username and pasword?18:06
AqazJames147: Not to run it, ony to have it before my with two keyboard keys.. i use keyboard more over mouse18:06
James147Aqaz: inside konsole (works with any application) > alt+F3 > Configure Window Behaviour > Window Rules > new (or edit an existing rule for konsole if there is one) > set up the window properties (clicking on "detect window properties is easiest) > Prefences > check "Short Cut" and change the drop box to "Apply Initally" and set a short cut18:11
James147(will work for new konsole windows)18:11
James147s/will work/will then work/18:12
* Aqaz hehe18:12
codizzle3280terran4000_: it freezes at boot. i managed to hold shift and get the recovery mode but dont know much about commands18:12
AqazJames147: Thanks18:12
terran4000_codizzle3280: yikes. boot errors are never fun. Do you see any errors before it crashes?18:13
terran4000_Though if I try to understand your problem a bit more:18:14
terran4000_It goes through boot, then the screen flickers and then it's just a black screen right?18:14
James147codizzle3280: try booting without the splash screen... (reboot and hold shift to get the grub menu > press "e" to enter edit mode > remove the words "quite splash" from the line that contains it :) > then press crtl+x to boot)18:14
terran4000_codizzle3280: do what James147 said :)18:15
terran4000_though codizzle3280 ... do you happen to have an ATI HD video card?18:15
terran4000_found your problem18:15
terran4000_I have an ATI HD as well18:16
terran4000_and had basically the exact same problem18:16
terran4000_until I fixed it18:16
* James147 grumbles at ati... and nvidia18:16
codizzle3280so runlol18:16
* terran4000_ grumbles along with James14718:16
terran4000_but anywho ...18:17
terran4000_I'm not sure this will work, but we can try ... (give me a second to look up my article)18:17
codizzle3280ok...i will try and get back to you in a sec18:17
terran4000_do what James147 said, and remove the quite splash from the boot command18:18
terran4000_but add18:18
terran4000_that's ... dash dash xforcevesa18:18
terran4000_stupid font >_>18:18
terran4000_best of luck mate18:18
codizzle3280thnx a lot18:18
AqazJames147: I want to create desktop shortcut for konsole, unable to create one with what you suggested18:21
James147Aqaz: what dosent work about it?18:21
=== christian is now known as Guest82912
James147(what problems are you having...)18:21
AqazJames147: There is nothing like new to it to create a shortcut18:21
James147Aqaz: where are you corrently?18:22
AqazJames147: KDE Control Module18:22
James147Aqaz: down the side there should be a tab "Window Rules" at the bottom18:23
AqazJames147:Confiure - KDE Control Module, to be specific18:23
AqazJames147: no only Window- Specific18:24
James147Aqaz: :S bah take it you ahve kde 4.4? ... must have changed it in 4.5...18:24
AqazJames147: pardon me?18:25
James147Aqaz: try: alt+f3 (in konsole again) > avdanced > spical application settings18:25
AqazJames147: okay18:25
codizzle3280terran4000_: ok so not much happened but pretty much the same thing....18:25
codizzle3280a little longer flashing18:26
AqazJames147: Edit Window-Specific Settings  - KWin18:26
James147Aqaz: ^^ allot of the settings where moved around in kde 4.5 (lucid comes with 4.4.2, so I take it you ahve that) and I cannot rember th settings from 4.4 any more :)18:26
terran4000_codizzle3280: bullocks ...18:26
AqazJames147: Lucid still have 4.4, and 4.5 not released for kubuntu yet... backports??18:26
James147Aqaz: yup, now go to tyhe preferences tab > check shortcut18:27
terran4000_codizzle3280: oh, two things to do/try18:27
James147Aqaz: its in the backports repo, if you ahve that enabled18:27
AqazJames147: Done.. got it. Thanks././ Any problems with that now..18:27
terran4000_one, if you happen to have more than one monitor connected ... disconnect any extra's except the main of course18:27
James147Aqaz: (although the backports is unoffical18:27
terran4000_and then18:27
terran4000_boot off of a CD or something with the --xforcevesa option18:28
AqazJames147: Ya.. but i usually avoid to keep system stable18:28
AqazJames147: Any problems till now?18:28
terran4000_and edit that computers xorg.conf file to use VESA as the graphic driver18:28
James147Aqaz: then your on 4.4, lucid will never offically get 4.5, since during a release they dont do major version upgrades18:28
=== amgine is now known as Amgine
codizzle3280i was supposed to replace the quite splash with the xforcves right?18:29
terran4000_* --xforcevesa18:29
terran4000_don't eat your e's!18:29
terran4000_They are unhealthy.18:29
terran4000_but yeah, from what I learned: ATI HD + linux != happy days at first18:30
codizzle3280so as far as booting from a cd???18:30
terran4000_yeah ... unless you can get access to the root system in another way18:30
AqazJames147: What new did you find in it?18:30
James147Aqaz: not had any mojor problems with 4.5, some have had a few with kmail... not sure if they where sorted though (dont sue kmail)18:30
James147Aqaz: in kde4.5? more responsive, better orgnised system settings, better systray + notifications18:31
codizzle3280where is the xor.config file located?18:31
James147Aqaz: probally lots more I cant remember... been using it too long now :)18:31
terran4000_codizzle3280: /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:32
James147codizzle3280: /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:32
James147terran4000_: just :p18:32
terran4000_codizzle3280: be sure to edit the root systems xorg.conf file... not the boot cd's or whatnot.18:32
terran4000_James147: pwn'ed18:32
* terran4000_ does his best evil grin.18:33
phoenix_anyone experiencing high cpu usage18:34
James147phoenix_:  with what exactly?18:34
terran4000_codizzle3280: oh, I should mention this ... ATI HD + Linux + KDE + Compiz != enjoyment18:34
phoenix_James147:hello james18:34
terran4000_if you want STABLE compiz ... go with gnome18:34
Aqazphoenix: What does System Activity say? (Ctrl+Shift+Esc)18:34
James147terran4000_: why would you want compiz in kde?18:35
phoenix_James147: kde 4.5.118:35
terran4000_James147: I'm a sucker for shiney things18:35
James147phoenix_: I mean which programs are causing it? :)18:35
Aqazphoenix: Which i what i asked... Go to system Activity..18:35
James147terran4000_: but why compiz? kwin has its own effects18:35
phoenix_James147: particullarly chrome, but in general xorg takes a lot of cpu18:35
terran4000_James147: eh ... language problem then. By compiz I just meant all the pretty effects n' all.18:36
James147phoenix_: xorg does work  for other applications, try closing chrome and see how it behaves18:36
phoenix_James147:  i checked if my fan or heat sink is dirtly, it was clean18:36
Aqazphoenix: Yes.. chromium takes up almost 50%, its recommended not to use it18:36
AqazJames147: phoenix: chrome will reduce it drastically18:37
phoenix_James147: the shockwave is the reason i think18:37
phoenix_Aqaz: ya18:37
James147terran4000_: you mean compositing :) (compiz is a window manager for gnome that has lots of effects)18:37
phoenix_Aqaz: any browser with abode shockwave takes cpu18:37
James147Aqaz: it dosent here :S18:37
Aqazphoenix_: yep18:38
phoenix_James147: but its not just chrome,18:38
terran4000_James147: oh, yeah .. compositing. My apologies. I only remember the old days when compiz OR beryl where the in things. Soooo, compiz just kinda stuck with me at the word for compositing :)18:38
terran4000_flash/shockwave doesn't just take CPU power ...it hogs it like there is no tomorrow!18:38
* terran4000_ silently cheers for html518:38
* James147 wishes html5 would catch on faster18:39
phoenix_James147: just logged into windows to check , the cpu usage seems fine18:39
James147terran4000_: :D18:39
* Aqaz Yesp it will...18:39
James147phoenix_: I blame flash... flash has never worked well here :(18:39
terran4000_Flash never worked well period :-/18:40
Aqazphoenix_: Open chrome from terminal18:40
Aqazphoenix_: What does it say18:40
Aqazphoenix_: Show dmesg o/p18:40
* James147 wonders what he actually uses flash for atm... and goes to uninstall it to find out :D18:40
* Aqaz laughing18:41
codizzle32801ok so where do i place the command at in xorg.conf?18:42
Aqazphoenix_: ??18:42
phoenix_Aqaz: no output18:42
Aqazphoenix_: dmesg pastebin18:43
phoenix_Aqaz: i played some flash to test, got no message18:43
Aqazphoenix_: From where was flash installed?18:43
phoenix_Aqaz: you know google chrome comes with inbuilt flash plugin18:44
Aqazphoenix_: Is it? Whats the version?18:44
phoenix_Aqaz: i replaced the flash content plugin in firefox with gecko player. it was working fine18:44
Aqazphoenix_: 6.0.472.62??18:45
phoenix_Aqaz: ya the same18:45
phoenix_Aqaz: brb18:46
codizzle3280terran4000_: so where do i place the command in xorg.conf???18:46
terran4000_in xorg.conf ... you'll want to change:18:47
terran4000_Driver  "fglrx"18:47
terran4000_Driver  "vesa"18:47
codizzle3280terran4000_: oh ok... Thnx18:48
codizzle3280terran4000_: does it matter if i already removed the graphics card and still receiving the same problem?????18:49
terran4000_If you removed the card how are you getting video on it?18:50
* terran4000_ disinfects.18:50
terran4000_well, if it was trying to still load the fglrx driver it could have been causing the problems18:50
terran4000_try loading it up with the vesa driver18:50
terran4000_and see what happens18:50
codizzle3280ok will do....18:51
codizzle32802terran4000_: its not letting me edit18:56
administrator_hi everywone :)18:56
terran4000_codizzle3280: tell it to punch itself in the proverbial face then edit force linux to comply like the good BDSM slave it is!18:57
terran4000_Why won't it let you edit it18:57
codizzle32802it says read only18:58
terran4000_k ...18:59
administrator_so this is like a kubuntu IRC channel, or its for ubuntu too? :)18:59
terran4000_go to #ubuntu for ubuntu18:59
terran4000_codizzle3280: hmm, ok.. how did you get access to that file?19:00
codizzle32802ran live cd....filesystem/etc/x11/19:00
James147codizzle3280: make sure you edit it as root ("kdesudo kate"    or "sudo nano")19:00
terran4000_codizzle3280: I think you possibly opened the wrong file system ...19:01
terran4000_did you open the one of the hard drive or the one on the cd accidently? :)19:01
codizzle32802for sure19:02
James147codizzle3280: did you open it as root?19:02
codizzle32802have to be admin19:02
James147codizzle3280: "kdesudo kate /path/to/filesystem/etc/X11/xorg.conf"   (replacing /path/to/filesystem with the path to your mounted hdd) and edit it in the window that appears19:03
=== Aqaz is now known as Lavanya
codizzle32801terran4000_: im not doing this right.... i am booting from a ubuntu live cd.....19:11
terran4000_codizzle3280: yar19:12
terran4000_then you need to find the hard drive19:12
terran4000_then you need to mount said hard drive19:12
codizzle32801it is mounted....19:12
terran4000_open the hard drive19:13
FloodBotK1terran4000_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:13
terran4000_>_> I love you too FloodBotK1!19:13
terran4000_So ... open up that hd, and nagivate to something like: /mount/SDDA1/etc/X11/xorg.conf19:14
terran4000_well, you need to open up that file as root it seems ... not 100% sure though19:14
terran4000_I try to avoid boot cd's like the plague >_>19:14
James147terran4000_: boot cd or not, /etc/X11/xorg.conf is a system file owned by root, and only writable by root so you need root to edit it19:15
=== mren|off is now known as mren
terran4000_If you boot from a CD .. and mount a hard drive ... /mnt/myHD/etc/x11/xorg.conf won't really be owned by root.19:16
terran4000_It's not an encrypted drive19:16
James147terran4000_: but the live cds obay the filesystem premissions of the mounted disk19:17
terran4000_James147: hm I guess ... maybe I never noticed since the first thing I do when I use a boot cd is: sudo -s19:17
terran4000_oops? :)19:17
James147(premissions and ownership are in the filesystem on the disk... so any unix system that mounts them will obay the premissions)19:18
James147terran4000_: that logs you in as root... so you have root19:18
terran4000_yeah I know ... Like I said. most likely I didn't notice :)19:18
codizzle3280so how do i gain permission to access root from live cd?19:19
James147codizzle3280: "kdesudo kate /path/to/filesystem/etc/X11/xorg.conf" (replacing /path/to/filesystem with the path to your mounted hdd) and edit it in the window that appears19:19
James147kdesudo will open kate as root19:20
codizzle3280in ubuntu terminal19:20
James147codizzle3280: in ubuntu? use "gtksudo gedit ..." then (i think its gtksudo anyway... :S )19:20
James147or you can do "sudo nano /path/..." to get a command line eidtor19:21
* James147 uses vi :D19:21
phoenix_James147: the high cpu usage problem is due to hardware.19:22
codizzle3280how do i find the path to the filesystem?19:22
James147phoenix_: what hardware?19:22
James147codizzle3280: its the path to where your hdd is mounted19:23
phoenix_James147: its not actually high cpu usage, its the cpu temp, 67  degree in air conditioned room , casing fully opened19:23
phoenix_James147: today i even replaced the thermal paste19:23
phoenix_James147: when i am in bios settings the cpu fan runs around 4500 rpm19:24
phoenix_James147: i guess my processor is failing19:25
James147phoenix_: hmm, didnt think 67C would be damaging to a cpu... although if thats at idle... also what cpu do you have?19:26
phoenix_James147: intel pentium 4 ht 3.0 ghz19:27
James147phoenix_: quite old now  :)  not sure what temps they can handle19:27
vbgunzmy sda disk keeps defaulting to the noop scheduler. I've tried all I could and I have no idea witw is happening. I tried 'echo cfq | sudo tee /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler' and I change it. I cat the file and get 'noop deadline [cfq]' ... I even update grub at /etc/default/grub.cfg and add elevator=cfq, run a sudo update-grub and all is good. **but** when I reboot, sda defaults back to noop... this is driving me nuts :|19:28
phoenix_James147: mine is the fastest fan exported by intel that is bundled with cpu19:28
phoenix_James147: 47 is the moderate and above are marked red by intel19:29
phoenix_James147: what is your cpu?19:30
James147phoenix_: :S running at 30-40C here at idle19:30
James147phoenix_: amd athlon 61 X2 4200+19:31
James14764 ^^19:31
James147(2.2 ghz)19:31
phoenix_James147: what can you tell about amd, is it good?19:32
James147phoenix_: not had any problems... but will be going for an intel i7 when I can offord one :)19:32
=== Lavanya is now known as Azaq
James147miheer: hi ...19:33
miheeri have a problem regarding connectiong to internet via wifi19:34
miheercan anyone here to solve it19:34
James147!details | miheer19:34
ubottumiheer: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:34
phoenix_James147: bye james. going to sleep19:34
James147phoenix_: night19:35
phoenix_James147: good night19:35
miheeri dont know, but i am not able to set up a new connection with my router19:35
miheeriam a new bee19:35
vbgunzI think I solved it19:35
vbgunzI gotta reboot to make sure19:35
=== Azaq is now known as Qwert
miheerwell, first how to connect??19:36
miheerask me the queries, i would give the relevant answer19:36
James147miheer: try installing wicd, it handels wifi better then knetworkmanager sometimes... otherwise we need more datils on hwat you are trying to do and why its not working19:36
miheerwell, if i have installed a wrong driver of wireless connection, would it be possible that i am not able to connect because of that??19:37
miheerand also when i am switching off the knob of my wifi(in my computer), the system crashes19:38
Amaruhallo jemand hier der deutsch kann ?19:40
miheeri am working on kubuntu 10.04, not able to connect to my wifi router(i dont know how to connect..!!)19:40
jemandjau icke19:40
Amaruhihi berliner wa19:40
Amarudu ich hab nen paar fragen die mir google nicht sagen kann19:41
jemanddie hab ich sicher auch ;-)19:41
Amarualso ich nutz jetzt wieder kubuntu habs jetzt 4 jahre nicht benutzt19:41
miheerhello... anyone there..:(19:42
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.19:42
Amarufrüher gabs mal beryl oder compitz19:42
Amaruöhh ok thx19:42
miheer\HELP NEEDED19:45
amgineKmail crashed. Now none of the suite will boot. <grumbles>20:01
=== amgine is now known as Amgine
dastaggHi, I need some help with kubuntu 10.10 beta. I am running for the first time and running it on a S10-3t touch tablet.20:16
James147dastagg: see #ubuntu+1 for maverick support, also just ask what you want to know :)20:17
dastaggI went to add a virtual keyboard using the add widgets but I have added 3 Virtual keyboards by mistake. How do I remove the two duplicate widgets?20:17
Fleckhey - i have set up openvpn with network manager - but when i connect to vpn - my internet goes away20:26
Fleck(i don't whant to use gateway trough vpn)20:26
WaleedI cannot login to my kubuntu desktop after updating, there are no valid session, how can I restore it20:35
BluesKajWaleed, do you have grub menu ?20:39
Waleedit boots and I can enter my password then it freezes20:40
BluesKajWaleed, ok hold down the shift key after choosing the OS20:40
WaleedBluesKaj: i can choose the os and it loads to the password screen20:42
BluesKajhave you tried a different kernel , Waleed ?20:43
Waleedyes I did20:43
Waleedall do the same20:43
WaleedI think the plasma desktop has been removed20:44
BluesKajWaleed, ok try ctrl+alt+f1 , sudo service kdm start20:46
ScottyKdoes apt-get upgrade also update the kernel, or is that a seperate command?20:47
BluesKaj  ScottyK yes, id a kernel is available20:48
ScottyKBluesKaj - thanks.20:48
WaleedBluesKaj: when can I press these keys20:50
BluesKajat the login page20:50
Waleednothing happens20:51
BluesKajok Waleed , now startx20:51
BluesKajif nothing happens , sudo aptitude install plasma-desktop20:52
Waleeddo I have to have lan connection20:54
BluesKajiinternet connection , yes20:54
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