
=== AndrewMC is now known as SpockVulcan
MaximLevitskychristophoros: then its all right I guess00:00
christophorosill install compiz when updates finish installing right ?00:01
MaximLevitskychristophoros: you already have it00:02
MaximLevitskythat what ubuntu calls desktop effects00:02
christophoroscant see it anywhere00:02
MaximLevitskychristophoros: its because ubuntu default settings are well less that optiomal00:03
christophorosshouldnt on visual effects when i choose Extra to show me a box that says cstumize?00:03
MaximLevitskychristophoros: install simple-cssm for that00:03
christophorosand ill be able to turn desktops like a cube ?00:04
christophorosand all the other00:04
MaximLevitskysure, its all in the settings00:04
MaximLevitskythese aren't enabled I don't know why00:04
christophorosok thats nice00:04
christophorosand from where i can download dock bar ?00:05
christophorosand some gadgets ?00:05
christophorosseen some ubuntu in youtube having them00:05
MaximLevitskychristophoros: I don't know any decent doc bar to be honest00:05
MaximLevitskychristophoros: there are few, they look cool, but as you start using them, its not that good00:06
MaximLevitskyyep, I used awn00:06
ePirati isntalled ubuntu 10.10 beta, now i cant login because i have no image... i only see white screen with some messed up objects00:06
MaximLevitskyePirat: you did an update?00:07
ePiratMaximLevitsky: yes00:07
MaximLevitskyFrom what version?00:07
ePiratMaximLevitsky: 10.4 i think... it was the last big version...00:07
MaximLevitskyWhat graphical card?00:07
ePiratMaximLevitsky: i must look... somewhere i have some document about the laptop...00:09
MaximLevitskyePirat: I think its a bug in graphical drivers00:10
MaximLevitskyBtw, you do enter name/password on boot?00:11
ePiratMaximLevitsky: is there a way to downgrade without using the screen? (maybe vnc?)00:11
MaximLevitskyePirat: switch to kernel console00:11
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MaximLevitskyePirat: you didn't by a chance installed nvidia drivers from theirs site?00:13
MaximLevitskyYou didn't install nvidia drivers from their site?00:14
MaximLevitskyePirat: ok, I just remembered that update causes similiar issue with them00:15
MaximLevitskyin the kernel console, just type lspci, and see what GFX card you have00:15
MaximLevitskyThough I am very unlikely to help00:15
ePiratMaximLevitsky: wich one of the entrys is the GFX card?00:18
ralliashow do i update lucid now?00:18
MaximLevitskyIt should be neat start00:18
IdleOnerallias: you don't, wait 3 more weeks for the release00:19
ralliasIdleOne:I'm impatient00:19
ePiratMaximLevitsky: something from ATI...00:19
modulexploitedI have just updated from Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 to Ubuntu 10.10 and my headphone jack is not working... I've been reading the forums and the bugfixes but i am not able to fix this... I had the same problem on LTS also, before I upgraded00:20
ePiratMaximLevitsky: is there a way to downgrade?00:20
MaximLevitskyePirat: It won't be easy00:20
ePiratMaximLevitsky: maybe in the final release it will be fixed?00:21
MaximLevitskyePirat: Unlikely I'll say00:21
MaximLevitskyePirat: try to ask on #radeon00:21
ePiratbut ok, the impirtant things i can do with kernel console00:21
MaximLevitskyIts not something I can remotely help with I guess00:22
aljosacan't build amd drivers on maverick, any idea if there is known bug or am i just missing something on system?00:23
ePiratMaximLevitsky: how to switch back to graphik mode?00:23
aljosai'm using ati-driver-installer-10-9-x86.x86_64.run00:23
MaximLevitskyePirat: Atl+Ctrl+F700:25
MaximLevitskyePirat: also try removing compiz00:25
MaximLevitskyyou could for now just sudo mv it00:25
MaximLevitskyePirat: on login the compiz is started that used 3D to render the desktop00:26
MaximLevitskyePirat: if 3D is broken, you can just remove the compiz for now00:27
ePiratMaximLevitsky: how i do this?00:29
MaximLevitskyePirat: the easist way is to rename the compiz binary00:29
MaximLevitskysudo mv /usr/bin/compiz /usr/bin/compiz.back00:30
ePiratok... rebooting now00:32
christophoros<MaximLevitsky> a basic ubuntu question for u :P how do i install a file i downloade in tar.gz ?00:32
MaximLevitskychristophoros: what program/00:33
christophoroschristophoros@christophoros-desktop:~/Downloads$ dir00:33
christophorosthis one00:33
MaximLevitskychristophoros: why not to install this from ubuntu repostries?00:34
MaximLevitskychristophoros: as a rule of the thumb, you should always try first to install from ubuntu reportries00:34
christophorosinstalling it now hehe00:34
ePiratMaximLevitsky: doesnt worked :-( i will wait for final release and see if it will work00:35
MaximLevitskyePirat: does compiz run though?00:35
MaximLevitskyyou should switch to console00:35
MaximLevitskyand look at ps -e output00:35
MaximLevitskyor even better ps -e | grep compiz00:36
MaximLevitskyif it is then you did something wrong00:36
MaximLevitskyps -e shows list of all running tasks00:36
MaximLevitskyand grep is a very common tool that filters the output00:36
ePirati cant find the | ...00:37
ePiratsry but i must do now, its very LATE... (1:37 a.m)00:37
MaximLevitskyePirat: ok, I am also very tired00:38
magicianlordare you ready for maverick?00:41
magicianlordor are you ready to buy some bacon00:41
scott_inodo I need any additional packages to test multitouch such as two finger scrolling etc... in maverick?00:58
scott_inoi know they changed this completely from Utouch or whatever other pacakges were being used00:58
MaximLevitskyShotwell looks like a double surprise to me, really01:52
MaximLevitskyLooks like first photo manager that doesn't suck01:52
MaximLevitskyAnd the second reason is *CENSORED*01:53
Evil_I_AMwhats the easiest way to kill yourself without pain, must be quick too01:54
lukusMaximLevitsky, yep - even though updates work .. the counter isn't reset02:20
MaximLevitskylukus: stuff like that is what usualy makes me mad at ubuntu. go figure why something like that fails....02:21
MaximLevitskylukus: really don't know02:21
MaximLevitskyLike now in 10.10 search doesn't work in nautilus if runs as root02:22
MaximLevitskygo figure why...02:22
lukusMaximLevitsky, well - usually I don't have this kind of problem .. I guess I can't be so angry as we're in beta02:22
MaximLevitskylukus: its not really a beta anymore02:23
MaximLevitskywe got something like 17 days till release02:23
lukusi'm not sure if that's true02:23
MaximLevitskydon't expect much fixes02:23
lukusthere are a lot of updates - updates almost every couple of hours02:23
lukusI don't think yr necessarily corrrect02:24
MaximLevitskyIt usually takes few versions or few days of banging the head against the wall for a bug to be fixed...02:24
MaximLevitskyNobody is to blame BTW02:25
MaximLevitskyits just lack of testers and developers02:25
=== _TechAway_ is now known as _Techie_
psusidoes anyone else get all kinds of FUBAR characters when they hit system->help and support?03:17
psusioften followed by "sorry, !@#!%$#@%$ closed unexpectedly"?03:17
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mgunespsusi: bug #60557703:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 605577 in Ubuntu Translations "Help contents title bar shows cubes with numbers instead of a proper title" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60557703:26
mgunesplenty of dupes ;)03:35
cowbudanyone running into issues with not being able to play audio through all of your speakers? pavumeter shows sound going through them all but only the 3 front speakers on my setup are actually playing sound03:42
cowbudand I just fixed it :)03:42
lfaraoneMy maverick laptop won't resume from suspend as of an update to the latest kernel earlier today. Removing my proprietary nvidia drivers didn't fix the rpoblem, nor did reverting to the earlier kernel.04:11
lfaraoneAny ideas other than a reinstall?04:11
cowbudi'd file a bug04:22
lfaraonecowbud: I tried, but I kept on getting timeout errors on LP, and the LOSAs have not said anything in #launchpad.04:33
MTecknologyI tried doing this "ecryptfs-setup-private -u michael" and got this   Testing mount/write/umount/read...  fopen: No such file or directory  ERROR:  Could not mount private ecryptfs directory04:41
MTecknologyAny ideas what I did wrong?04:41
MTecknologyI figure it out... had an extra directory04:46
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=== SaRy is now known as S|Away
* edgy looking around05:26
ralliasUnder 10.04 i had a program installed that allowed me to scroll by wiping 2 fingers across my trackpad. However, in 10.10, the effect does not occur. How do i fix this?05:41
=== Barridus_ is now known as Barridus
JohnnyLWhen upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10 do you have to reinstall everything from scratch?06:21
mgunesJohnnyL, no06:24
JohnnyLmgunes: ok, may I ask what the process is?06:27
mgunesJohnnyL, issue "update-manager -d" and follow the instructions.06:29
mgunesmake sure you've read http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/maverick/beta06:29
mortalhello. with maverick my touchpad does not work, it is mapped 1:1 to the screen and is thus annoying. no clicking with the touchpad nor anything. the laptop is an eee 90106:32
mgunesmortal, see if https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingTouchpadDetection helps06:38
JohnnyLmgunes: thanks06:42
mgunesmortal, JohnnyL, you're welcome06:42
td123so, when is ubuntu going to add the icons back to the system menu?06:44
JohnnyLlol, i had thought you were referring to me as a 'mortal'.. having Star Trek TOS flashbacks.06:44
mortaleh, I do not have xserver-xorg-input-synaptics installed06:48
mortaland can not install because of version mismatch06:48
mortalwhen will the xorg packages be installable on i38606:51
mgunesmortal, it's hard to tell; it's usually best to just wait a while and it will get resolved07:21
mgunesyou can check https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+builds for ongoing builds07:21
spikebhow do i disable tap-to-click on my touchpad? the mouse settings app doesn't appear to have it07:32
christophoroshow can i get admin rights on sources file in etc/apt folder ?08:03
bp0gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list08:04
bp0just for editing?08:05
bp0that would do it then08:05
christophorosalright thanks alot :)08:05
christophorosam trying to install beryl08:07
christophorosand check out what i get ><08:07
UndiFineDberyl does not like you08:10
UndiFineDtry compiz instead ;)08:10
bp0everything is 403 on that server08:12
bp0anyway, i thought beryl was remerged into compiz08:12
bp0so there is no beryl08:12
bp0its called compiz fusion now according to WP08:13
UndiFineDWP ? word perfect ?08:13
bp0... but that also says the population of elephants has tripled in the last six months08:13
bp0no wikipedia08:13
UndiFineDalmost the same08:13
bp0jesus word perfect, you must be at least 30 years old08:14
UndiFineDi am08:14
bp0well then08:14
bp0that explains that08:14
UndiFineDnot old, but experianced :)08:15
bp0I just barely remember wordperfect for dos08:16
bp0early 90s or so08:16
UndiFineDdos, wordperfect, lotus 1-2-3 and dbaseIV, that's how you ran an office suite08:19
st__how can I recover my system after sudden kernel panic?08:20
ikoniast__: if the kernel has a panic, you need to reboot08:21
st__it has it constantly08:22
UndiFineDkernel version ?08:22
ikoniast__: then you need to log a bug08:23
mgunesst__, see if https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSystemCrash helps08:23
ikonia!info linux-image08:23
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)08:23
UndiFineDyeah, that one was not so good to my system either upgrade to
ikoniast__: that doesn't look like an ubuntu kernel08:24
ikoniaor at least the current one08:24
st__how can I reinstall kernel from livecd?08:46
ikoniast__: did you read the links for the ubuntu behaviour ubottu sent you ?08:46
andyccst__: if your system is so FUBARed that apt doesn't work, you probably have a bigger problem than the kernel.08:46
ikoniast__: before getting any more help - please respond08:46
ikoniast__: did you read the links I sent you on ubuntu channel behaviour by ubottu08:47
st__yes I did, but why are you harassing me?08:47
ikoniast__: I'm not, I'm asking you to respond to confirm you have read the channel rules before progressing with help as you didn't know them before08:48
Jordan_Ust__: What problem are you having with apt?08:51
st__Jordan_U, it tells about segmentation faults during dpkg-reconfigure stuff08:51
Jordan_Ust__: Could you pastebin the exact error message?08:52
st__it short: /bin/sh: line 1: 2915 segmentation fault (core dumped) /usr/bin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt08:53
ikoniasounds like your machine is in a real mess08:55
ikoniawhen doing updates, did any fail08:56
st__ikonia, no I didn't notice anything suspicious08:56
st__maybe I should just copy /bin and /lib from livecd to my machine?08:57
ikoniano no no no08:57
ikonianever do anything like that08:57
Jordan_Ust__: Could you run fsck and maybe memtest just to rule that out?08:58
st__Jordan_U, sure thing08:59
ikoniait's certainly worth checking your hardware if the kernel is panicing and your getting seg faults08:59
ikoniayour not overclocking are you ?08:59
st__ikonia, no08:59
ikoniastill worth checking your hardware out08:59
christophorosguys from http://gnome-look.org/ what do i have to have in order to install the screenlets?09:00
UndiFineDindeed, my audio was not working, loads of issues, turned out my audio card was loose09:01
UndiFineDbut connected enough to be reconised09:01
st__filesystem looks OK09:02
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=== Krishnandu is now known as UG
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vnchas anyone had any issues in 10.10 with wireless dropping and connecting frequently?11:18
bobthemilkmanI'm having some problems with this microSD card and USB adapter. Sometimes it works when I plug it in, but sometimes it doesn't.11:45
bobthemilkmanHere's a copy of dmesg from a successful and unsuccessful attempt to connect it to my system. http://pastebin.com/ED2X4YqA11:47
gnomefreakbobthemilkman: not all the info is there11:56
bobthemilkmangnomefreak: Try checking it again: http://pastebin.com/ifkxVmYK11:58
bobthemilkmanI've unplugged it into various USB ports to see if I could get it to work, but no luck.11:58
gnomefreakbobthemilkman: you on 10.04?11:59
bobthemilkmanThat site seems to be the exact thing I have... I'm gonna try that.12:01
bobthemilkmanThe USB adapter worked before, so it's probably a problem with the new kernel (or options changed in the compilation of the new one).12:05
g0bl1nhi, I want to sync my new _empty_ rhythmbox library with my iPod. That is, I want to transfer from the iPod to the rhythmbox library. Does Rhythmbox provide this ? The syncing it is proposing me, it to _erase_ the iPod (probably since the library is empty in the laptop)12:06
bobthemilkmanI did the edits in /etc/modprobe.d/ and then did sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-(latest(-generic12:06
gnomefreakbobthemilkman: im not sure but looks like the device is the issue. it looks similar to the problem i had with broken usb stick12:14
bobthemilkmanI lost my previous mircoSD card, so I haven't used the device in a while.  The microSD card itself works fine on my other machine.12:14
bobthemilkmanI guess I'll try rebooting to see if that fixes it (it did last time o.O)12:14
gnomefreakg0bl1n: i havent tried on 10.10 yet. ive been meaning to just havent found the time to find out12:15
g0bl1ngnomefreak, my question is, does rhythmbox sync both ways ?12:15
gnomefreakg0bl1n: havent tried it but i would think it does12:16
g0bl1ngnomefreak, the preview window, shows a before/after sync. And the after sync shows me an empty iPod :-/12:17
gnomefreakg0bl1n: im not seeing it12:19
gnomefreaki guess it doesnt12:19
g0bl1ngnomefreak, for me to see the  sync preview again, had to delete the /home/.../.local/rhythmbox/sync/ipod_file12:19
g0bl1nthen, connect the iPod, and press the Sync button12:20
g0bl1nbut I'll drag all the files into the library and see what happens :-)12:20
vbgunzI only downloaded the linux-headers, image, etc to 2.6.35-22 (from maverick repo and mainline) and both kernels have a serious problem hibernating12:21
gnomefreakvbgunz: using Lucid?12:22
vbgunzYes, I am on Lucid, both maverick patched kernel and the mainline kernel of 2.6.35 have problems hibernating12:22
gnomefreakvbgunz: Lucid should have the maverick kernel in its archives12:23
gnomefreakwe dont support using 10.10 kernel on Lucid for good reasons12:24
vbgunzI needed a kernel greater than or equal to 2.6.33 for TRIM support. it really helps. my ext4 fs partition increased in read by 60MB12:24
vbgunzbut I just noticed this behavior with both available kernels12:24
vbgunzI searched and it seemed fedora users are running into it too with this version12:25
gnomefreakvbgunz: than upgrade or build it yourself, but doing what you are you can expect a lot of problems12:25
vbgunzI can wait for maverick but I just want to know if this is a known problem or if it isn't even on the radar12:25
bobthemilkmanOkay, well, I just plugged it into my other computer and did sshfs /mnt/network, and it's just as good, I suppse.12:31
vbgunzif it's any consolation, the 2.6.36rc4 kernel doesn't have hibernation problems on lucid.12:47
Votanhi, do I understand that correctly, the greyed out options inside the update-manager are the updates that require me to do a partial upgrade to get ?13:34
Votanok, if I keep updating normally, without the partial upgrade, will they eventually be updated ?13:39
Votanaight, so installing 10.10 now, and keeping it updated without partial upgrade to avoid major problems is ok, as when 10.10 is officiall released they all update to the actualy version number meant for release ? :)13:41
bazhangVotan, yeppers13:41
bazhangyou will be there ahead of the latecomers :)13:41
Votangreat, happy that I understood it :>13:41
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kthhello does anyone have successfully running an ati hd5000 series card with fglrx 10.9 and 10.10 x64 ? - with fglrx 10.8 there was an issue due to the xorg version14:36
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer
leejongwookWhat does Ubuntu 10.10 come out ? in 10 days ?17:04
leejongwookOh it says 19 >_<17:05
leejongwookBye :)17:05
=== Technovi1ing is now known as Technoviking
st__can someone explain why ubuntu cannot play youtube after install... in 2011?17:22
charlie-tcadid you install flash?17:32
st__i checked a box in installer labeled about flash and restricted stuff, but without effect17:34
st__firefox just shows the panel that a plugin is required, and offers to install it, but fails and redirects to adobe page...17:34
nemodamn you ubuntu17:41
nemofor multiple reasons17:41
nemo1) launchpad erroring on submission as it loves to do without any way to hit back and see the form you just typed in17:41
nemo2) ubuntu setting chrome as my default browser even though I ran update-alternatives w/ x-www-browser of firefox, this means that my form saving plugin was not active when using the bug reporter17:42
nemo(hm, that or the bug reporter ignored that x-www-browser...)17:42
charlie-tcanemo: just hit F5 in firefox to reload the page17:42
nemook. I assume I can repost in chrome too17:42
charlie-tcaI don't know chrome17:43
nemome either :)17:43
nemoI just had it on here for testing17:43
nemoI use FF4 as my main browser these days.17:43
nemoI'd typed a reasonable amount in that bug, wasn't looking forward to typing it again17:44
nemolaunchpad is overloaded these days I guess?17:44
charlie-tcasometimes just hitting the back arrow works, too17:46
charlie-tcaeven if it wants to "resend", it brings the form back sometimes17:46
nemodidn't this time17:49
nemosent me to the unmodified title17:49
nemoI wanted to test that update-alternatives was working17:50
nemoso I decided to make a URL shortcut17:50
st__and it still doesn't work with IE817:50
nemoah. nautilus froze for a long time, but it eventually opened correctly17:51
nemost__: wait. what doesn't work in IE8 and why would we care? :)17:51
Ian_cornestill no sun java package..17:51
st__damned launchpad of course17:51
MaximLevitskyNot only ubuntu doesn't include eclipse-cdt for some reason, but now a version downloaded using its built-in update doesn't work17:55
MaximLevitskyI also see that gnome-power manager is broken17:56
MaximLevitskyAnd it  now reports time in hr:min17:56
MaximLevitskyand 'About ubuntu' shows garbage in menus17:57
MaximLevitskyDidn't report the above yet17:57
charlie-tcathe 'About ubuntu' garbage is reported. It is a bug in yelp translations18:06
charlie-tcaAs far as IE8 not working correctly, that is really a microsoft bug. They refuse to use standards.18:07
MaximLevitskyOne other thing that I really hate is new widget theme. Nothing personal, but its first time that happens to me. I really can't get used to it18:08
MaximLevitskyWhy can't you have a package for each ubuntu version, so I could revert back to 10.0418:08
MaximLevitskyI probably end up installing the package manually from 10.0418:09
MaximLevitskyI really somewhat regret the update, but then what we have 17 days till release.18:10
magicianlordIs everyone enjoying 10.10?18:21
st__that PoS had kernel panic today and I had to put it off18:22
MaximLevitskynot me yet18:22
magicianlordWhat caused the panic?18:22
MaximLevitskyBtw, the xrand applet once again shows 'Unknown' on my monitor18:23
st__magicianlord, some glibc version conflict18:23
nemosay. it used to be that when something screwed up in 10.04 I could killall pulseaudio18:24
nemoand it would respawn if an app needed it18:24
MaximLevitskynemo: look at /etc/pulse/client.conf18:24
nemonow, this laptop is new to ubuntu, but if I killall pulseaudio in 10.10 on this laptop, everything in gnome freezes up and uses 100% of CPU until I restart X18:24
nemothat cannot be ideal behaviour18:24
MaximLevitskynemo: don't know how to fix this18:25
nemoalso, it froze up and used 100% of CPU when I set the audio hardware profile in preferences to an input one (I know, makes no sense, but I was just trying to get things working)18:25
nemoMaximLevitsky: it might be related to sound not playing at all, I guess... but somehow feels more like pulseaudio's fault18:25
nemoMaximLevitsky: does killing pulse lock up gnome for you too?18:26
magicianlordIs it a good idea to install kernel26-headers, or not, to reduce updated file size?18:50
zniavregood evening18:58
zniavrei just loose one indicator-applet18:58
zniavrelike everybody ?   :o)18:58
bullgard4"Sometimes" Audacious does not play an Ogg-Vorbis-[Xiph.Org-libVorbis-I-20090709].  ONly if I restarted Audacious. I cannot yet define "sometimes" more precisely. --  Is this a known bug?19:01
st__bah screw it19:01
bullgard4"Sometimes" Audacious does not play an Ogg-Vorbis-[Xiph.Org-libVorbis-I-20090709] file.  Only if I restart Audacious. I cannot yet define "sometimes" more precisely. --  Is this a known bug?19:02
bullgard4zniavre: What do you mean by "loose"?19:06
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zniavrebullgard4, after one update and then logout the messagind applet is not displayed anymore19:12
bullgard4zniavre: Do you mean indicator-applet or indicator-applet-session? --   This is serious. Try to purge it and re-install it.19:18
MaximLevitskyAlso gnome-power-manager, shows time in hr:min format19:19
nemoMaximLevitsky: as opposed to...19:20
MaximLevitsky2 hours 30 minutes19:20
MaximLevitskyI used to see it like this;19:28
MaximLevitskyLaptop battery 1 hour 50 minutes left19:28
MaximLevitskynow its Laptop battery 1:50 left19:29
MaximLevitskythis is yet another regression19:29
jiohdianyone notice 10.10 beta is a bit sluggish or am I doing something wrong?19:30
bullgard4jiohdi: No, quite the opposite.19:45
skalkaHi, I've upgrade today to maverick beta19:46
bullgard4jiohdi: My 10.10 Beta feels faster reacting and faster booting. I did not make any objective measurements though.19:46
skalkaI've a little problem, envelope is missing from indicator-applet, anyone knows how to solve this issue?19:46
jiohdiI had 10.4 upgraded to 10.10 beta and it seems a bit slower... especially in the program start ups... but I am also using unity on an atom processor19:47
bullgard4skalka: Did you try to purge indicator-applet and re-install it?19:49
skalkaI've reinstalled without purging19:49
skalkai can try, anyway i correctly see volume and other icons19:49
skalkait asks me to remove also ubuntu-desktop, can i go?19:51
bullgard4No, I would not do that.19:52
skalkaso?  I think this is the error (process:3477): libindicator-WARNING **: No watchers, service timing out.19:53
skalka** (process:3477): WARNING **: Shutting down service!19:53
skalkai get this if i do /usr/lib/indicator-messages/indicator-messages-service19:54
=== S|Away is now known as SaRy
MaximLevitskyBUGabundo: its seems that for me gnome-power-manager is total mess19:58
BUGabundoI have no sound at all19:58
MaximLevitskyI already filled like 4 bugs for it19:58
* BUGabundo tries mute/unmute19:58
MaximLevitskychange that to total wreck19:58
Mike1_Is there a fglrx Version which runs under Maverick?20:02
BUGabundono idea20:02
BUGabundobut the one there is on my other laptop worked OOTB20:02
BUGabundook, I'm the most stupid person alive.20:06
BUGabundocomplained I had no sound, 'cause I had the headphones plugged in :(a20:06
MaximLevitskyindicator-messages-service now doesn't work20:08
BUGabundoMaximLevitsky: reinstall time?20:08
MaximLevitskyIt recent update that killed it20:08
BUGabundothen revert20:09
MaximLevitskyindeed it updated yestarday20:10
* nemo has been trying for hours to submit a bug to launchpad20:11
nemoI'm astounded ubuntu is still able to get useful bug reporting from users20:11
bullgard4nemo: I gave up last weekend.20:12
MaximLevitskyaha, it has dirty tricks of ?no-redirect thing20:13
MaximLevitskyOne day, one day somebody will create a better distro, then ubuntu will regret it....20:13
Tetsuo55nemo:  bullgard4 wierd, ive already reported a few today20:13
nemoI wonder if this is related to the "emergency server maintenance" that they supposedly had 5 hours ago20:14
nemoTetsuo55: I've tried resubmitting a few dozen times now20:14
nemoTetsuo55: happened to me last week too. completely different browser and network.20:14
nemojust kept resubmitting and resubmitting until it fiiiiinally went through20:15
bullgard4Tetsuo55: Lucky you.20:15
Tetsuo55wow, ive never had that20:15
Tetsuo55i submit 2-6 per day20:15
Tetsuo55but, only apport ones20:15
Tetsuo55i dont create any by hand20:15
bullgard4Neiter me20:15
nemoTetsuo55: both were submitted from apport20:15
nemodoesn't matter20:15
nemothe error is on the server in the bug creation20:16
nemoat least charlie-tca pointed out I could safely refresh20:16
nemoto resubmit20:16
nemofor the first one I was repasting the text from gedit, over and over20:16
Tetsuo55are they big?20:17
Tetsuo55the one i submitted just now was like 500mb20:17
Tetsuo55worked fine20:17
nemounlikely to be that large - don't know exactly the size of the attachments, but whatever apport normally collects20:17
nemoTetsuo55: anyway, isn't about uploading20:17
nemoyou just get:20:17
bullgard4Tetsuo55: In what part of the world do you live?20:17
Tetsuo55europe, netherlands20:18
nemoTimeout erro  Sorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad.  We've recorded what happened, and we'll fix it as soon as possible. Apologies for the inconvenience.  Trying again in a couple of minutes might work. (Error ID: OOPS-DEADBEEF)20:18
nemoit doesn't though20:18
* nemo pats ubottu on the head20:18
nemoTetsuo55: might be an overloaded US server perhaps20:19
bullgard4nemo: Exactly the same message that I was receiving over and over.20:19
nemoTetsuo55: what's the IP for bugs.launchpad.net for you?20:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 636158 in Launchpad Bugs "BugTask:+index times out with many bug tasks/nominations (eg. Bug #1)" [High,Triaged]20:20
nemoTetsuo55: same server. so you're just getting lucky20:20
nemoTetsuo55: I'm on ridiculously good broadband here, so that is not the issue.20:21
nemo(like, download an ubuntu CD in under a minute good)20:21
Tetsuo55i have a crappy wireless connection20:21
nemolooks like launchpad isn't scaling20:22
nemoI wonder what ValidPersonCache is20:22
nemoperhaps Tetsuo55 is getting through because this is account related20:22
* lorenzocabrini envies speeds like ubuntu in under a minute...20:22
Tetsuo55another successfull bug report as we talked20:23
nemolorenzocabrini: funny how I still have this mental conception of bandwidth as precious20:23
nemolorenzocabrini: back from dialup and BBS days20:23
nemoI hate to download files again, keep large caches, delete only when I run out of space...20:23
lorenzocabrininemo: yes, I remember the good old bbs days.20:23
nemorather than just bits running over a wire, costing a tiny tiny amount of electricity, is almost like I'm thinking of it as... gas or something :)20:24
nemolorenzocabrini: ansi art! :)20:24
Tetsuo55i hope we get the new 64bit flash player soon20:24
lorenzocabriniI think that people from a certain generation will always see bandwidth that way.20:24
nemoTetsuo55: tired of installing it by hand?20:24
Tetsuo55i just use whatever was on apt-get, it crashes like 30 times a day20:25
Tetsuo55its no biggy, its mostly ad's that crash20:25
lorenzocabrininemo: hm.. definately plymouth could do with some ascii art animation... ;-)20:25
lorenzocabriniubuntu wants to be friendly to old people, I'll be 40 next year, and that feels very old to me and I grew up with ascii art.20:26
dastaggHi All. I am running Kubuntu 10.10 beta, Workspace Type Netbook on a S10-3t touch tablet. This is my first time with KDE. I used the Add Widgets panel to add a Virtual Keyboard.20:26
nemolorenzocabrini: I still playe Trade Wars - just in my screen session20:27
nemolorenzocabrini: and w/ the telnet connection wrapped to output UTF-8 :)20:27
nemooh, and nethack of course, just w/ nethack wrapped to output UTF-8 chars for a bunch of dungeon monsters20:27
lorenzocabrinicool, I still play games like Elite thanks to Vice...20:27
dastaggMaybe the touch went goofy but now I have 3 icons to launch a keyboard at the bottom of the screen. How do I get rid of the extra 2?20:28
lorenzocabrininot a network game of course, but just to show you that I stopped aging mentally many years ago20:28
nemolorenzocabrini: tried minecraft yet?20:30
nemolorenzocabrini: aaactually. play hedgewars :)20:30
nemolorenzocabrini: I'm biased to that last one since I work on it :)20:30
lorenzocabrininemo: cool! going to give a try.20:31
nemolorenzocabrini: I can't play you right now20:32
nemobut I can answer UI questions :)20:32
nemolorenzocabrini: also, if you want to try the dev version, I have copy and paste instructions for ubuntu20:32
lorenzocabrininemo: i'd love to try dev versions but I am allergic to yank-n-put.. ;)20:33
nemolorenzocabrini: meh. I'll link you anyway20:34
nemojust in case20:34
* nemo digs up the link20:34
nemolorenzocabrini: http://hedgewars.org/node/2215#comment-1504920:35
lorenzocabrininemo: cool, going for it.20:35
* lorenzocabrini might have found another distraction for a while...20:36
nemois quite addictive20:36
nemoand we're always adding new modes and weps20:36
nemothings I want to add to .14 still20:36
nemoa submarine20:36
nemoa "use as many weapons in a turn as you want" mode20:36
nemoa "reset weapons at end of each turn" mode20:37
lorenzocabrinicool, you guys looking for contribs?20:37
nemolorenzocabrini: only downside is you can only play dev version w/ devs - but you can usually find people on weekends20:37
nemolorenzocabrini: sure, we accept patches20:37
killer999messaging menu disappeared after a update 5 minutes back...Any way to bring it back?20:38
lorenzocabrinicool, because sometimes i cannot quite resist...20:38
nemothat's the fun of FOSS20:39
lorenzocabrininemo: :)20:39
nemolorenzocabrini: no guarantees of course. some people have an addiction to way-overpowered apocalyptic weapons20:39
nemothose don't get in20:39
nemoone dude who was a big fan of those made an apocalypse fork, but he never really did anything with it20:40
lorenzocabrininemo: that shouldn't be a problem, I prefer weapons that you have to master...20:40
* nemo tries submitting again for the 20th+ time20:41
nemoaaaand another error20:41
om26eris the Ctrl+Alt+L in the session menu intended? anyone?20:44
Ian_corneah just noticed it20:44
Ian_corneit looks nice :)20:44
om26erIan_corne, did it really look good ?20:47
Mike1trying to build the fglrx under Maverick20:48
Mike1the one from the repo fails20:48
Ian_corneom26er: It does for me, but I have screen space to spare..20:48
Mike1make.log tells me20:48
Ian_corneReminds me of a normal menu20:48
Ian_cornewith the shortcuts next to it20:48
Ian_cornein any program20:48
Ian_cornewhy should that menu be any different?20:49
Mike1Error: Kernel includes at /lib/modules/2.6.35-22-generic/build/include do not match current kernel.20:49
om26ercuz no other indicator shows any short key20:49
Mike1they are versioned as "" instead of "2.6.35-22-generic"20:49
Mike1damn fglrx -_-21:17
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sjefen6My 256mb ram ubuntu-server install upgraded fine from 10.04 to 10.1021:30
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h4fis there a way to switch from 32 to 64 bit without uninstalling ?23:10
nemoTekno_: huh. really?23:17
nemobut. I guess I don't see why you'd risk it23:18
charlie-tcanemo: really23:18
nemocharlie-tca: why the need to uninstall, why not overwrite?23:19
charlie-tcaEven reinstalling 32bit with the same /home can cause issues, since 64bit configuration files will not always work in 32bit installs23:19
charlie-tcaI wouldn't uninstall, I would do a fresh installation with the 32bit image23:20
Jordan_Ucharlie-tca: Configuration files are almost always (if not always) text based, and almost all (if not all) applications should need no 64 bit specific preferences. So using a "32 bit" /home with a 64 bit system should be fine.23:30
charlie-tcaIt failed when I tried it. I could be wrong, but removing the configuration files from /home made it work for me.23:31
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nemoso. using apport is pretty much broken23:41
nemoI mean for filing initial bugs23:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 637854 in Launchpad Bugs "DistributionSourcePackage:+filebug with lots of apport attachments times out" [High,Triaged]23:44
nemolaunchpad needs a big "report a bug" link23:45
nemoI always hunt around looking for that23:45
nemofinally find the ubuntu bug reporting page, but the "report a bug" link leads to a bunch of tedious text of things that don't actually work right now23:47
charlie-tcago here, right side - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/23:48
nemo"reporting bugs at launchpad.net"23:48
nemofound and bookmarked23:48
charlie-tcaif you open it in a new tab, it doesn't lose the main page23:48
nemothat wasn't the problem, problem was finding the dang form23:48
charlie-tcaI just right-click "report a bug" and open it in a new tab23:49
nemothey don't make it easy23:49
nemoI choose "report a bug" and it went to a bunch of instructions23:49
Jordan_Unemo: It's intentional to encourage use of apport (AFAIK). I don't like it either as I often file bug reports where I know the apport info isn't usefull (like when I attatch a patch to fix said bug).23:49
nemoJordan_U: and even less use when apport is completely nonfunctional23:49
nemoI tried submitting that bug about... 300 times?23:49
nemobefore aborting23:49
* yofel notes that the instructions contain instructions on how to report a bug without apport...23:50
nemoyofel: yes. I did say that, didn't I23:50
charlie-tcaThat's why I use the bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ page. The "Report a bug" on it goes right to the bug reporting form23:50
nemoyofel: just have to read through 'em to find it :)23:50
charlie-tcaskips all that help wiki stuff23:50
nemobig File a Bug button23:50
nemothat's what I was trying to find :-p23:50
nemomodern interfaces FTW23:50
charlie-tcaapport is preferred. It helps answer all the "we need you to attach" questions23:51
nemocharlie-tca: sure. aaaaand, since it has been broken for over a week now23:51
nemoand presumably they are trying to still get feedback from users23:51
charlie-tcaThat's why we have ways to file direct bugs23:52
nemoperhaps the direct link should be at the top of the page23:52
yofelIMHO the "File a bug" link on launchpad.net/ubuntu is obivous enough, as it's on the top and red23:52
nemoyou know, just for now23:52
nemoyofel: yeah. that's the one I clicked on23:52
nemoand then read through to find the real link23:52
nemohm. actually has been broken for almost 2 weeks now23:52
nemoReported by Robert Collins on 2010-09-1423:53
charlie-tcahmm, maybe I am slipping on filing bugs again then. I did not know that.23:54
yofelI know that the current process is inconvenient, but we had a reason to put it there too, and is it really asking too much that you spend 2 minutes on reading the instructions?23:54
yofeland I reported 2 bugs fine last week, no large attachements though23:54
nemoyofel: ... my point is. your average user just knows the system is failing. maybe they manage to find the page for bug reporting.23:54
nemoyofel: at that point, a note on the current situation could be helpful23:54
nemoand a link to what process they should use instead23:55
nemoyofel: the first time I tried, resubmitting several dozen times it eventually worked23:55
nemoyofel: this time, I tried resubmitting for hours without success, and finally decided I was probably doing a denial of service attack against launchpad23:55
yofelright, but not every apport report will contain large attachments, and I haven't yet seen enough complaints about this yet that changing the wiki would be justified IMHO. Sure, it's a problem, but apport probably works fine in >90% of reports.23:57
nemoso far it has failed in 100% of my reports :)23:58
nemoone sound bug23:58
nemoone kernel bug23:58
yofeloh yeah, those fall under the large attachment case :/23:59

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