
thorwilgood morning!08:51
thorwilhi dumbstupidhuman12:51
vishdarkmatter: http://mrdoob.com/projects/chromeexperiments/google_gravity/ ;)19:11
vishyea interesting idea..19:30
vishno one tell thorwil! ;)19:30
thorwilvish: hah! and now i have to ask what it is, right?19:36
vishthorwil: heh! now that you are /so/ enthusiastic .. nothing that big actually ;p19:37
vish http://mrdoob.com/projects/chromeexperiments/google_gravity/19:37
thorwilheh, cute19:38
thorwilvish: you know me, i always surprise and blast people over with outmost enthusiasm to a degree you can almost imagine a stampede of rainbow farting unicorns19:39
vishthorwil: yea, i'm often surprised that you havent had a Heart attack yet..19:40
thorwila *what* attack?19:41
vishthorwil: oops! forgot, a pacemaker attack ;)19:41
vishthorwil: i think we would do fine commenting on OMG! and fit in the crowd well ..  its all about who can be funnier there ;p19:43
thorwilif i want funny comments, i take reddit over omg any day (for questionable values of funny)19:45
vishheh yea.. OMG is more kidde stuff.. ;)19:46
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darkmattervish: hehe at the gravity link:P23:40

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