
=== AndrewMC is now known as SpockVulcan
seidosi can i download the source code for my video driver or my wireless nic?00:03
seidoshow too00:04
bodhi_zazenseidos: ./configure00:08
bodhi_zazensudo make install00:08
bodhi_zazenIs there a README ?00:08
seidosbodhi_zazen, no, how do i download them?  like, do i get the source code from the repositories?  or do i go to the manufacturers website?00:08
seidosbodhi_zazen, namaste :)00:09
bodhi_zazenProbably website00:09
seidoswell, let's see, for wireless, the ath5k module came with ubuntu.  ah!  i'll download that specifically.00:10
seidoser...search not download00:10
seidosit looks like my wireless driver is part of the madwifi project?00:10
seidoskind of interesting00:10
bodhi_zazenapt-get source <name_of_package>00:12
seidossudo aptitude search ath5k didn't produce any results.00:13
seidosso, if there's a package, i don't know what it is called in the repositories00:13
seidosfound this:  http://madwifi-project.org/wiki/About/ath5k00:13
seidosi'm not even so much interested in building it at present.  i'm kind of worried i'll break my system00:14
seidosi'll move my questions to -team00:16
nhandlerIf I have a (most likely defective) external hd that shows up in fdisk -l, is there anyway to force it to mount? A normal mount command simply causes the terminal to freeze up on me00:30
phillwnhandler: I would suggest http://www.usbnow.co.uk/p52/USB_2.0_IDE_&_SATA_Cable_(with_Power_Supply)/product_info.html It's rarely I need it, but has gotten 'failed' disks to at least be able to talk to the computer.00:38
nhandlerphillw: It is an external usb hd00:39
phillwI've had an external usb hd carrier fail, when I used that device the actual hard drive was fine.00:40
phillwnhandler: beg / steal / borrow an external carrier and swap your hard drive into it. Hard disks are pretty reslilient creatures, the carriers seem to fail before they do. (That's just my personal experience and why I have that device).00:42
SkippyDigitsdumb question - anybody know of a really good online guide for learning linux?00:49
SkippyDigitsmostly want the deep skinny on files and permissions and such so i dont hose my own system00:50
seidosSkippyDigits, have you looked here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/01:08
seidosi haven't used such a guide.  most of what i learned was based by need and then i used google to search01:09
seidosor opened up a man page01:09
SkippyDigitsthis is looking promising http://www.linux-tutorial.org/01:09
SkippyDigitsi am always baffled by the ownership of files and must fix my head on this issue01:10
seidosSkippyDigits, i would recommend the chown manpage01:10
seidosman pages are your friend01:10
SkippyDigitsusually man makes sense to me - but for some reason chown is my enemy01:11
SkippyDigitsi keep reading and it will become clear01:11
SkippyDigitsclouds parting chorus of angels...01:12
seidosi'll probably have to read it a few more times01:17
seidosi usually forget, then have to read it again01:17
seidosbut i guess if i use it enough...01:17
TeacherTomLHi all.  I have a question about "Group settings".  The dialog box includes a bunch of entries including "adm", "admin", "audio", "avahi" etc.  I have no idea what these mean and have not been able to find any documentation.  Does anybody have a link to share?02:19
Bizurkethat looks like a decent explanation of groups02:29
TeacherTomLThanks Bizurke02:33
TeacherTomLBizurke, Very good list.  Doesn't have everything on my lists, but at least I have an idea of what these groups are for.  Thanks again.02:37
=== Guest64899 is now known as compiledkernel
Bizurkeyeah, groups can vary by distro, or even per machine in some cases. Understanding their purpose helps you to formulate an idea of what they are for which will help.02:39
TeacherTomBizurke, Another question.  Won't I have access to all these "groups" as a regular user?  I am administrator, but I created another userid.  That userid didn't have any limitations other than entering my HOME folder.02:43
BizurkeDid you create the user through a graphical menu?02:44
Bizurkeeither way. Generally there is a default group assignment for a new user in order to make adding users easier for an admin. These can be added to or subtracted from. Adding from a the command line you can assign groups as you are creating the user. I'm not certain with a GUI since I haven't ever added a user that.02:45
Bizurkefor instance. The default groups for a new user on a distribution for servers would be different than that of a distribution for desktops. Server users won't need to open cd trays, or listen to audio, etc.02:46
TeacherTomBizurke, Thanks for that explination.  Works for me.02:54
TeacherTomBizurke, One more thing and I will leave you alone for the evening.  I am an old, OLD Windows user.  Is there a Linux equivalent for a .bat file?02:55
Bizurkeyeah they're called shell scripts02:55
Bizurkeand they're easy02:55
Bizurkelet me get you a link02:55
TeacherTomThanks.  I will try it out.  I have read about shell scripts.02:56
Bizurkeshell scrips, aka bash scripts02:56
BizurkeI read a good guide when I started so I'm trying to find that one02:56
TeacherTomLooking myself too.02:57
Bizurkehttp://linuxcommand.org/writing_shell_scripts.php that one looks decent02:57
Bizurkeas for an easy to use text editor on ubuntu, I suggest nano02:58
Bizurkevi is great, but it can be a real slap in the face to get started with02:58
TeacherTomBizurke, Checking out your link.02:58
TeacherTomBizurke, Thanks again.  I am going to sign off and spend some time on your link.  I hope to run into you again sometime.03:03
BizurkeI'll be here03:08
kamal_Dear team, Thanks for UBUNTU. How to use Blogilo?03:48
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as Mohan_chml
shahanMohan_chml: hello09:25
shahanAn Upgrading from 9.04 has been arranged09:27
shahanthe system has finished the downloading all the files from the internet09:27
shahanthen it was installing its files09:28
shahanbut the electricity gone09:28
duanedesignthats not good :\09:29
shahannow when the PC is starting the ubuntu is not loading09:29
shahana BLACK screen appears09:29
shahanWhat should be done now?09:29
duanedesignshahan: you were doing an upgrade, so you do not have a LiveCD?09:30
shahanya... have the live cd of 9.0409:30
duanedesignok you will need to boot from the LiveCD and recover your files09:31
duanedesignand then do a reinstall09:32
shahanduanedesign: ooooo no...09:32
shahanduanedesign: is there any other way to make it workable again? without reinstalling?09:32
duanedesignshahan: do you get anything, the grub menu? or just black screen?09:33
duanedesignif you can get to the grub screen and choose 'recovery mode'09:35
shahanduanedesign: hmm09:37
shahanduanedesign: then?09:37
shahanduanedesign: after selecting the recovery mode... then?09:38
duanedesignshahan: actually i think the grub menu have an optionfor getting to the prompt.09:41
duanedesignyou want to get to a command prompt09:41
shahanduanedesign: ya09:42
shahanduanedesign: then?09:42
duanedesignthen you have to run: ping google09:43
duanedesignping www.google.com09:43
duanedesignto see if you have a network connection09:44
duanedesignif so resume the upgrade09:44
duanedesigndpkg --configure -a09:44
duanedesignapt-get update09:44
duanedesignapt-get upgrade09:45
shahanduanedesign: ok.. tnx09:45
duanedesignthis might help^09:46
duanedesignhe talks about what to do if when pinging google you do not have network09:46
LeMoiLibHello free world! I'm new to ubuntu. I try out the IRC channel but it's not working fine for me. I'm struggling to register my nick name, NickServ after using the instruction  NickServ: (notice) Syntax: REGISTER <password> <email> telling me that my email is not valid. So I don't know what to do.14:33
geirhaLeMoiLib: Hm. I'd try asking in #freenode14:37
LeMoiLibTell them that the registration process is very blurr!!!!14:38
LeMoiLibThere seems to be many stuff starting with TeX live! What is the right package for using latex, I mean the proper TeXlive distribution package????14:46
geirhaLeMoiLib: The package named just "texlive" gives you the most common features.14:48
geirhatexlive-full will pull in everything14:48
LeMoiLibis that from the synaptic thing?14:48
geirhaLeMoiLib: Apt, yes (synaptic is one of several apt-programs)14:50
geirhaI recommend you use  Applications -> Ubuntu Software Center  to install and remove software.14:50
LeMoiLibThank you geirha. I mean it!14:59
LeMoiLibSorry, need you again! I can see any texlive icon, Doesm't it come with an integrated Editor? Should I install one? Any idea of the one available?15:02
geirhaIt doesn't come with an IDE, no. You have to pick one seperately.15:03
geirhaI myself use vim.15:03
geirhakile, texmacs, texworks, texmaker   sound like candidates.15:05
LeMoiLibcheck features.... I used TemakerX when I was wired to M$, looking for something like that. I think kile should be the best kin. Have to check the comparison at wikipedia? Great matrix there!15:08
LeMoiLibnot vim screenshot even on the home page!15:09
geirhavim is a text editor ... for any type of text; not specific to (la)tex15:09
LeMoiLibOk! Let say I want to stay with my TexMakerX can I install it manually after downloading it ? How?15:12
geirhaIt's got a Ubuntu .deb package. That's good. If you download that, you can just double-click it to install it.15:14
LeMoiLibCan kile work on my Gnome desktop seem it designe for KDE?????15:15
LeMoiLibSound Great I'll try that!15:15
geirhaYes, KDE applications run on GNOME, and GNOME applications run on KDE.15:16
LeMoiLibGreat news! I'll trust you on that, seem to know your stuff, bcz just browse on their doc and they ask specifically KDE!15:20
LeMoiLibThank again.15:20
geirhaWell you need the kde libs, but installing the package will also install those libs.15:21
LeMoiLibok. tnks15:22
=== LeMoiLib is now known as LeMoiLib_
=== LeMoiLib_ is now known as LeMoiLib
New2Ubuntuhi all15:57
New2Ubuntuneed help please15:58
hobgoblin!ask | New2Ubuntu15:58
ubot2New2Ubuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:58
New2Ubuntucan anybody help me install canon lbp printer get a dependency error with the capt package15:59
New2Ubuntuhave been strugling for month without printer15:59
dumbstupidhumandoes doing a windows 7 reinstall remove grub?16:31
ubot2grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.16:32
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=== compiledkernel is now known as Guest41946
arifovicHow to convert mp4 with ubuntu?18:27
Mohan_chmlarifovic: mp4 to...?18:30
arifovicMohan_chml: flv to mp4.18:31
arifovicwhy my internet connection is disconnected when I run rhythembox?18:34
Mohan_chmlBah..! when I google the link of applications, he left :/18:36
Mohan_chmlit could be better if he sees http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=745582 #518:36
AndrewMCarifovic: try sudo apt-get install soundconverter18:36
AndrewMCit looks like it will do the jon18:36
Mohan_chmlhey AndrewMC18:37
AndrewMChi Mohan_chml18:38
arifovicMohan_chml: sorry, my bad :)18:38
Mohan_chmlarifovic: do what AndrewMC said18:38
arifovicis it work for video file?18:39
AndrewMCarifovic: it may i dont know18:39
AndrewMCarifovic: actually i found something better18:40
AndrewMCsudo apt-get install pacpl18:40
AndrewMCthis program will do both sound and video conversions18:40
arifovici'm listening...18:40
AndrewMCarifovic: sudo apt-get install pacpl18:41
AndrewMCin terminal18:41
AndrewMCarifovic: have you done the command yet?18:43
AndrewMCbecasue i just found out this is a terminal APP not a GUI app18:44
arifovicAndrewMC: yes, but the video file can not play on my sony ericsson.18:45
AndrewMCok ill help you run it (not that hard)18:46
arifovicMohan_chml: thanks for all18:46
Mohan_chmlarifovic: its all Andrew and not me =]18:46
arifovicMohan_chml: i know but you first. :)18:47
arifovicAndrewMC: my sony ericsson just support mp4 with acc audio codec.18:48
AndrewMCarifovic: ok18:49
hobgoblinavidemux might also be worth a shot18:49
arifovicAndrewMC: I've tried with Irriverter, openshot, pitivi, Avidemux. but all did not work for me.18:51
AndrewMCarifovic: is pacpl installed?18:52
Mohan_chmlheya hobgoblin18:52
hobgoblinhi Mohan_chml18:52
Mohan_chmlyou tried avidemux before??18:53
arifovicAndrewMC: yes.18:53
arifovicMohan_chml: yes, why?18:54
AndrewMCarifovic: ok would you like me to help you with the conversion?18:54
Mohan_chmlarifovic: I was asking him (:18:54
arifovicAndrewMC: Yeah, thanks before..18:55
AndrewMCarifovic: open terminal18:55
arifovicAndrewMC: and..18:56
AndrewMCcs /path/to/file18:56
AndrewMCcd /path/to/file18:56
AndrewMCfor me that is /home/andrew/Music/file18:56
ubot2You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:57
AndrewMCeverything is case sensitive18:57
arifovicAndrewMC: ok, and then..18:58
AndrewMChit enter after you have done cd /path18:58
arifovicAndrewMC: and then18:59
AndrewMCarifovic: hold on a sec18:59
AndrewMCarifovic: try pacpl --to <format>19:02
AndrewMCarifovic: tell me if it gives any errors19:03
arifovicAndrewMC: Can you give me example?19:04
AndrewMCarifovic: ok well try something else type "cd" inter terminal (without quots19:05
arifovicAndrewMC: I mean about pacpl --to <format>19:06
AndrewMClet me do it myself then i will tell you how :)19:07
arifovicAndrewMC: :-)19:08
AndrewMCarifovic: ok figured it out19:09
AndrewMCclose terminal then reopen it19:09
AndrewMCwhat format do you want the file converted too19:11
arifovicAndrewMC: It seems I do not really master the command line. Enough to just here. Thank you very much for your help. :)19:11
AndrewMCwhat format do you want it to be in?19:12
arifovicfrom flv to mp4.19:12
AndrewMCpacpl --to mp4 /path/to/file19:13
AndrewMCdo that in terminal pointing to the music/video file19:13
AndrewMCCaSe SeNsItIvE19:13
AndrewMCand you can use tab to auto complete19:13
AndrewMCfor me its pacpl --to mp4 /home/andrew/Music/Track1.mp319:15
arifovicAndrewMC: Converting:  [japan.flv] -> [mp4] encode failed with exit status: 25619:16
AndrewMCarifovic: try it again19:17
arifovicAndrewMC: Converting:  [japan.flv] -> [mp4] encode failed with exit status: 25619:19
arifovicAndrewMC: Total files converted: 0, failed: 119:20
AndrewMCarifovic: im sorry i dont know what else to so :(19:21
arifovicAndrewMC: It's ok. np. :)19:22
AndrewMCi was looking around at the forums and it apprears to be a bug :/19:23
arifovicAndrewMC: Firefox vs Chrome?19:25
AndrewMC!best | arifovic19:25
ubot2arifovic: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:25
arifovicAndrewMC: Ok, Thanks..19:28
AndrewMCthat bestbot actually works really well19:29
AndrewMCarifovic: again im sorry i coudlnt help you with your issue :(19:30
arifovicAndrewMC: np. :)19:32
AndrewMCok :)19:32
AndrewMCsomeone more knowledgeable then I may come around at some point19:34
arifovicwhy my internet connection is lost while running rhytembox?19:50
doghawkI need some help setting up a shared directory on a network21:12
doghawkI'm running Ubuntu Server with Samba installed21:12
doghawkhow do I create a "SharedDocs" directory and make it accessible to all users on a network (everyone else is using Windows or Mac)21:12
shredder12doghawk, right-click the folder you want to share and select the option "share folder". This should help https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/internet/C/networking-shares.html21:16
doghawkI'm running Ubuntu Server (command line only, no GUI)21:16
shredder12doghawk, I haven't tried it but I think it should be accessible from windows & mac systems21:16
shredder12doghawk, oh I missed that21:17
ishijoehi, i can't start evilwm from gdm any help!!!23:09

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