
mgunesldunn, done00:02
ldunnthanks :)00:03
ldunnhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gedit/+bug/640418 <-- Another wishlist bug, methinks01:20
ubot2Ubuntu bug 640418 in gedit (Ubuntu) "Please add support for bash highlight in gedit (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]01:20
ldunnOr, wait... gedit *does* have bash hilighting. At least, in Maverick it does ._.01:20
charlie-tcait always has. You just have to enable the plugin01:24
ldunnSee, I thought so. :?01:24
charlie-tcahilites bash scripts on my maverick01:26
ldunnyep. I'll mark it as invalid?01:28
charlie-tcawith a comment, please01:37
hggdhwho is helpdesk?02:04
ldunnLooking at bug 640212, I can't find "cliebt" anywhere in the bzr branch for lucid's package. Should I be looking somewhere other than lp:ubuntu/lucid/tsclient?02:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 640212 in tsclient (Ubuntu) "Error in Italian translation (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64021202:22
drew212ok, i'm debugging a touch pad issue, mainline kernel wont boot for me, how do i fix or what do i do now?02:39
mgunesdrew212, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingTouchpadDetection may help02:45
drizzle1i think 645691 is wishlist04:31
macobug 64569104:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 645691 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Installer started from desktop lacks an introductory page (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64569104:32
ldunnLooks like it04:32
macodrizzle1: marked05:14
* ldunn goes and applies for membership in BugSquad. :D05:29
rusiviHello everyone. I know that you do not want to see me here due to my recent poor conduct.05:43
rusiviI am here to apologize sincerely for my nonsense.05:43
rusiviThis does not represent what I am about, the Ubuntu Community, Canonical, the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, nor you as the professionals.05:43
rusiviI have a lot to learn about Ubuntu as following the CoC was very difficult and I failed on multiple fronts simultaneously.05:44
rusiviI hope that you can look past my crybaby, posturing, unprofessional conduct to move forward with the Ubuntu Community and all the Communities within it.05:45
rusiviThank you for your time and I have lot of learning to do about Linux. Thank you for your patience and understanding as you noticed, I am human too! ;)05:45
rusiviTake care and happy bug hunting!05:45
ldunnSo, I have a patch that closes bug05:46
ldunn... bug 64574005:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 645740 in qtcreator (Ubuntu) "Should depend on libqt4-script (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64574005:46
ldunnI just attach it to a comment, and that's all, yes?05:47
slayeranybody there?06:37
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devildantehey everybody :)17:52
charlie-tcaHello, devildante17:59
devildanteHI charlie-tca :)17:59
senseIs that new, that Launchpad refers to its From address as 'Helpdesk' and calls bugs 'Tickets'?18:48
charlie-tcaI have seen a couple like that, but it is not doing it for all the bugs. Is that limited to launchpad bugs only?18:52
AbhiJithi Mohan_chml18:58
Mohan_chmlheya AbhiJit18:58
bcurtiswx_sense, charlie-tca, I was wondering the exact same thing.. thought it was spam bot at first :X19:03
bcurtiswx_whens the next bugsquad meeting?19:05
charlie-tcaOctober 12, 17:00 UTC19:06
charlie-tcaAnybody know why we do not have the meeting header on all the bugsquad pages?19:07
charlie-tcaSomehow, having it on FindRightPackage, but not on the triage pages, seems wrong19:07
bcurtiswx_charlie-tca, thats why i asked, it wasn't easily findable19:07
charlie-tcaapparently, with all the help to get the pages re-written, that is no longer possible. We have two different headers in use, which is also confusing19:08
charlie-tcaSimplifying these pages is really confusing things now.19:09
bcurtiswx_charlie-tca, a good topic for the next meeting ;)19:09
bcurtiswx_first would be consistent headers... seems the most obvious thing19:09
charlie-tcaadded to agenda19:13
charlie-tcaNow if I make the meeting...19:15
bcurtiswx_haha, right..19:15
devildanteeveryone: I hate to bother you, but what's the status on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MohamedAmineILIdrissi/ReportingBugsAlternate ? Do you think it's ready or not?19:47
charlie-tcaI thought it was, myself.19:48
devildantethanks :)19:49
* devildante needs more opinions though19:49
charlie-tcaI agree19:49
charlie-tcahggdh, bcurtiswx, bdmurray : ^^^19:50
devildanteone ^ for each person :p19:50
charlie-tcaKeeps it uniform19:51
bcurtiswx_hmm, is the sound/xdriver info statement raelly true.. report it anyways, because hardware will "most likely" be different.. seems like they should recommend to check hardware to see if it matches..19:52
bdmurraykernel developers have specifically requested separate, even if duplicate, reports per person19:53
bcurtiswx_bdmurray, OK, :)19:53
* devildante looks at bcurtiswx and bcurtiswx_.... horror!19:54
charlie-tcaNormal procedure is to report a new bug for kernel, X, and audio19:54
bcurtiswx_haha, with the underscore, means im on my laptop19:54
bcurtiswx_without it is my desktop at home19:54
bdmurraymeeting log seems to indicate proceed with rolling out ReportingBugs alternate19:55
devildanteyeah, saw that...19:55
bcurtiswx_yeah, i feel bad having to miss meetings.  Life kinda does that to ya.. i can now that I've taken my written qualifier19:55
devildanteI missed it too  :(19:56
devildantebut that was pure forgetting :p19:56
charlie-tcathen it should be done ;-)19:56
charlie-tcaThanks, bdmurray19:56
bcurtiswx_i think a couple things could be done for meetings.  A) reminder e-mail to the list a day or two before  B) Meeting minutes sent to the list19:56
devildantebcurtiswx_, that is awesome :)19:57
charlie-tcawe can't even make the meetings half the time19:57
bcurtiswx_unless they are and my filters are _really_ strong19:57
devildanteand yay! charlie-tca :)19:57
devildanteso do I just put the text in help.ubuntu.com or is there a procedure?19:57
bcurtiswx_well just like all team meetings, a chair is assigned.. maybe we could assign a minutes taker at the beginning of every meeting19:57
charlie-tcawell, I give up19:58
bcurtiswx_charlie-tca, is in a revolving door probably19:58
charlie-tcafingers seem to be faster than the brain, today19:59
* devildante wants answers NOW or he'll explode19:59
charlie-tcayes, replace all the text with the new text19:59
devildantegreat! :)19:59
bcurtiswx_yeah, i think we can revert if something goes HORRIBLY wrong19:59
devildanteof course, it's a wiki after all :p20:00
charlie-tcaand in comments on the edit page, just put your name and that it is a complete re-write20:00
devildante'kay :)20:00
* devildante also has to upload the new screenshots20:02
bcurtiswx_bdmurray, would it be worth getting mootbot/meetbit (whichever it is) so chair can be minutes "taker" as well?20:02
bdmurraytaht sounds like a good idea to me20:04
charlie-tcaIs the "helpdesk" and "Ticket created" thing for bug control notices only?20:04
* bcurtiswx_ goes and finds out how to get mootbot in here20:04
* charlie-tca is being nuts by it now20:04
bcurtiswx_well what is the meeting bot...20:05
charlie-tcawe use moot-bot in #ubuntu-quality for the meeting log20:06
devildantehm, charlie-tca, I have problems... I don't have rights to upload screenshots :(20:06
charlie-tcasure you do, as attachments20:06
devildante"You are not allowed to attach a file to this page."20:06
charlie-tcawait. That is the community help wiki. It could be.20:06
devildanteso I have to have special privileges?20:07
charlie-tcaget hold of #ubuntu-doc and ask them how to do it20:07
devildante'kay, but not now, I'm gonna do homework :)20:08
bcurtiswx_whats homework?20:10
hggdhdevildante: I would say it is ready. Go for it :-)20:10
charlie-tcaschool assignments20:11
bcurtiswx_well, i'll try to get a meeting bot in here.  not sure what one tho20:11
bcurtiswx_maco where'd we get the one for #ubuntu-us-dc ?20:14
macobcurtiswx_: ping alanbell about mootbot20:15
bcurtiswx_maco, will do, thx20:16
bcurtiswx_hi AlanBell20:24
bcurtiswx_bdmurray, did we have discussions ever about having meetings in #ubuntu-meeting ?20:25
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Sep 23 19:23:52 2010 UTC.  The chair is AlanBell. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell.20:25
meetingologyUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.20:25
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Sep 23 19:23:57 2010 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell . (v 0.1.4)20:25
meetingologyMinutes:        http://mootbot.libertus.co.uk/ubuntu-bugs/2010/ubuntu-bugs.2010-09-23-19.23.moin.txt20:25
bcurtiswx_AlanBell, much thanks ^_^20:25
AlanBellok, so meetingology is here, it is much like mootbot from #ubuntu-meetings20:25
AlanBellinstead of being written in TCL as an eggdrop bot it is python supybot, which is nice20:26
bcurtiswx_AlanBell, is it the same commands, as in I can use the wiki commands and they'll work20:26
AlanBellit should have all the commands of mootbot, plus a few extras20:26
AlanBelland there may be bugs20:26
bcurtiswx_AlanBell, OK, is there documentation?20:26
AlanBellworking on that!20:27
strycoreHi there20:27
AlanBellfor the commands you can do [topic] or #topic, both syntaxes are recognised20:27
strycoreI'm trying to gather information on a bug , and try to see what is causing it20:28
strycoreand if I have enough info, I can report it20:28
bcurtiswx_only during meetings.. like mootbot.. good :)20:28
strycoreI'm experiencing strange mouse behavior in almost every fullscreen games20:29
AlanBellcode is at lp:~ubuntu-bots/ubuntu-bots/meetingology20:29
strycoreI think it may be related to the Xorg 1.9 update20:29
AlanBellbcurtiswx_: the #help command is actually a debian invention, it is used in meetings as a call for help or volunteers. Bit odd IMHO.20:29
bcurtiswx_eek, that is unconventional20:30
bcurtiswx_i would assume #help meant I could get a list of commands20:30
AlanBellso would I20:30
AlanBellmeetingology: commands20:30
meetingologyAlanBell: Error: "commands" is not a valid command.20:30
strycoreOk no , I've found it, it's unclutter20:31
bcurtiswx_meetingology: help20:31
meetingologybcurtiswx_: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.20:31
bcurtiswx_hmm, maybe want to supress those to PM ?20:31
AlanBelloh, another trick it does, if it has rights to change /topic then it will do so as the meeting progresses, then put back the original topic at the end20:31
AlanBellit is a standard supybot, the theory is that the meetings plugin will be added to the loco bots so the regular channel bot just grows meeting facilities20:32
AlanBellyou can have multiple chairs20:32
bcurtiswx_maybe a neat feature would be (if it had channel privileges) would me to +m the room for meetings and voice the chair20:34
bcurtiswx_(if thats how they wanted it run)20:34
bcurtiswx_eh, maybe that overly complicating things20:35
bcurtiswx_AlanBell, but nonetheless, thanks for allowing us to use meetingology20:36
bcurtiswx_AlanBell, where are meeting logs put?20:37
bcurtiswx_ahh, wait.. nvm20:37
AlanBellsorry, got called away again20:38
AlanBellyeah, meeting logs are put on the server that sits on my bookshelf20:38
vishbcurtiswx_: iirc, it was because there was a conflicting meeting at that time on -meeting, the meetings are held in the channel itself20:38
bcurtiswx_vish, that would be a good reason.  thx :)20:39
AlanBellit will also do votes with a list of authorised voters20:39
hggdhyes, that was the reason20:39
bcurtiswx_if no list present, i would assume all are allowed to vote20:39
AlanBellso you can do #voters vish bcurtiswx_ AlanBell20:39
bcurtiswx_ahh, Ok20:39
AlanBellto just have a council vote or whatever20:39
AlanBellthen #voters everyone to reset20:39
bcurtiswx_with tab complete, that will be easy20:40
AlanBellthe code as I mentioned is in launchpad, and I would really welcome people joining in. I know at the moment there is a test framework which hasn't been updated and fails20:41
AlanBelland documentation needs writing, but we have https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NorthCarolinaTeam/Mootbot-UKHowTo as a starting point20:42
bcurtiswx_AlanBell, noted :)20:42
bcurtiswx_I guess I'll chair next meeting if I can remember about it20:45
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bcurtiswx_bdmurray, would it be cool to add the next meeting time in the /topic ?20:51
kamusinhey devildante !20:54
njinhello fellows, i've a dislessic friend and I'm asking you if someone knows an apps that can read (talking) scanned book. Thanks in advance.21:01
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bcurtiswx_bdmurray, apparently i was having connection issues, sorry if you got back to me21:01
=== bdmurray changed the topic of #ubuntu-bugs to: Ubuntu BugSquad - next meeting 12 Oct | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/ | Want to report a bug? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs | User support (not related to triage) is in #ubuntu
bcurtiswx_bdmurray, muchas gracias.21:03
bcurtiswx_i was gonna say I could do it, but i forgot i don't have chanop :P21:04
charlie-tcanjin: screenreader doesn't do that?21:06
njincharlie-tca: i tve tried orca, but don't read images21:06
charlie-tcahmm, that's true21:07
njinI'm going to ask at orca's site if they can implement this feature, Thanks again.21:10
charlie-tcasure. the only other thing I can think of is an app to convert the scanned image to text21:11
charlie-tcaCan you change the scanner app to give you text instead of an image?21:12
bcurtiswx_there's a cool Object Recognition program that can convert words in images to text21:13
bcurtiswx_the name slips my mind, but i've used it successfully21:15
AlanBellgocr I think21:39
AlanBell!info gocr21:39
ubot2AlanBell: gocr (source: gocr): A command line OCR. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.46-2.1 (lucid), package size 198 kB, installed size 488 kB21:39
devildantehi kamusin :)22:34
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devildantecharlie-tca: there is only 1 guy in #ubuntu-docs, how am I supposed to find help? :p22:35
charlie-tcano "s"22:36
devildanteah, sorry :p22:36
charlie-tcano problem22:36
charlie-tcaI did that too22:36
devildanteit's weird that there is someone in -docs though :p22:36
devildantehey kamusin :)22:37
charlie-tcamaybe waiting for people to ask where everyone is?22:37
charlie-tcaThere should be more than one person there22:41
devildanteon -doc or -docs?22:42
charlie-tcaI can't remember who is the head guy, maybe mdke22:42
devildantethere *is* more than one person there, in fact, there are plenty of people22:43
charlie-tcaI think mdke is the guy that can give you access to upload the images22:43
devildanteI was talking about -docs :p22:43
devildanteoh well22:43
charlie-tcaI don't know why anyone is in -docs22:43
kamusinwe should have the superpowers to do it, thought22:46
devildanteyes; we're in the mighty BugControl team!22:46
charlie-tcaI think the doc team takes precedent for the help wiki22:48
devildanteargh :p22:48
kamusinlife is hard devildante.. you have to be pacient22:49
devildanteheh :)22:49
hggdhtempus fugit...22:50
kamusinbtw, I have a nice present for kill your time (pm)22:50

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