
=== AndrewMC is now known as SpockVulcan
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=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/8rtIi || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat || Event: Packaging Training Session - Current Session: Ubuntu Distributed Development Intro + Q&A - Instructors: james_w
james_whi everyone21:02
james_wwho's here for my session?21:02
james_wanyone know if we can turn off +m in here?21:04
mhall119woops, I don't think that was right21:08
james_wthanks, that's better21:09
james_weveryone is free to talk in here, I think a Q&A doesn't need to be split over two channels21:09
mhall119no, I don't think it is21:09
w1ngnutbetter for me too21:10
mhall119oh, ok, maybe I did do it right21:10
mhall119just saw a bunch of messages I wasn't expecting21:11
mhall119anyway, carry on21:12
james_wthanks mhall119 21:12
james_wok, let's try again21:13
james_wwho's here for the session?21:13
james_wand tell me if you know anything about the topic at all, so that I know where to begin21:13
w1ngnutjames_w: I'm here for the session. I know what I've read on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistributedDevelopment21:14
james_wthat's a good start21:15
james_ww1ngnut: is there anything in particular you would like to ask about?21:15
w1ngnutjames_w: no, just do whatever you have in mind. I have experience with development tools and vcs but never applied any of these knowledge's using ubuntu tools.21:16
james_wwell, as you will have read, UDD is an effort to bring the power of version control and advanced development tools to Ubuntu development21:18
james_wthe aim is to make Ubuntu development more efficient, easier to learn, and less frustrating21:19
james_wthat's a large undertaking, and we can't do it all at once though21:19
james_wso the focus so far has been on making it possible to use version control to do packaging work, and abstract away a lot of the tools that you used to have to learn to do packaging on Debian/Ubuntu21:20
james_wthis was mainly in the form of a tool called bzr-builddeb that is a bzr plugin that knows about packages, and provides several commands to do packaging in bzr21:20
james_wbuilt on top of this is a service that imports all of Debian and Ubuntu's source packages in to bzr21:21
james_wthis allows you to work on any package in Ubuntu using bzr, rather than exclusively the traditional tools, or whatever VCS someone decided to use for that package21:21
james_wso, if you want to patch a package, or work on a new upstream version, or just look at the code, you can start with "bzr branch lp:ubuntu/<source package>"21:22
james_we.g. bzr branch lp:ubuntu/bzr-builddeb for the bzr-builddeb package itself21:22
james_wor you can do lp:debian/*21:23
james_wand other releases are available too, e.g. lp:ubuntu/lucid/* and lp:debian/lenny/*21:23
james_w(note that lp:debian/* won't actually branch the whole of Debian)21:24
james_wthere is more documentation on how to do this at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistributedDevelopment/Documentation21:24
james_wand we would love some help in improving what is there, and providing how-tos for specific tasks21:25
james_wnow that we have all of that in place we are also starting to work on projects that build on top of it, such as recipes in Launchpad21:25
james_wa Launchpad recipe is a way of specifying how to merge some bzr branches together and building a package out of the result21:26
james_wthis can be as simple as specifying lp:ubuntu/something to build the latest in Ubuntu, but where it gets really interesting is when you merge branches together21:27
james_wfor instance you could merge the trunk branch of a project with the packaging in order to build the code that the developers of that project wrote today21:27
james_wand Launchpad allows you to schedule the builds to happen once a day, so that you can always have the latest code running on your machine21:28
james_wthis is useful for developers, but also makes it much easier for people to get involved in testing and bug reporting21:29
james_wplus, it can be useful for triagers too, as they can point to one of these and ask people to test with that, so that they can know the bug still exists in the latest code21:29
james_wthis feature is just starting to become available in Launchpad, and we don't know all of the useful things that could be done with it, so we're interested in ideas you have for what you would like to do with this21:30
james_wany questions?21:30
james_wthis is supposed to be a Q&A :-)21:38
james_wok, if no-one has any questions then I guess we'll wrap up21:45
james_wFeel free to ask me questions at other times though21:45
james_wI'm usually around on IRC during the week21:45
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/8rtIi || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat ||

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